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Crossing the Event Horizon

Presented by Nassim Haramein

Part 1: The Untold Physics

Chapter 2: Finite systems in relationship with Infinity

How do we explain finite boundaries and infinity?

Nassim explains in the video, that as we move to advanced geometry we can start to
explain *finite boundaries and the infinity of space in our 3rd dimension reality. Working
with two opposite systems can sometimes be difficult to explain. However, this is where
we start to look for patterns and relationships that complement each other.

Since material objects need to have a finite boundary to exist in space, and the infinity of
space needs to have the finite boundaries of matter to even become visible, they form
complementary relationships in all dimensions as the systems balance each other.

Resolving the Dimensional Conundrum:

Even as a small child, Nassim could see the relationships between boundaries and space,
which involve patterns and interactions. Resistance to the material that was being taught
was a natural reaction, as children have a natural order in their thinking processes. If
educational materials are not properly prepared, a child will either notice it and react with
questions, or turn off their minds to any material that they just don’t understand, therefore
failing the course.

How can a dot in any dimension just not exist?

• In Dimension 0, the dot has an outer circle, which forms a boundary, no matter
how small it appears in the visible spectrum, therefore it does exist.
• In Dimension 1, the series of dots that will form a line also have their outer circle
as a boundary and the inside of the circle is the mass, no matter how small they
appear to be, therefore they also exist.
• In Dimension 2, the dots form the lines that form the square and become the outer
boundary, otherwise you would not see the square, and therefore they exist.

* Words in italics appear in the Glossary at the end of the document 1

• In 3-D more lines are added to make a cube, therefore, volume can be measured
within the cube.
• However, in the other dimensions the dot is a circle with a boundary, and once off
the paper, it would become a sphere and have mass.

To further define this teaching, the following charts were presented.

In the Dimension 2 chart shown above, the circle is the outer boundary of a finite system.
The mass of a structure inside the finite boundary is represented by an equilateral triangle
due to the flat surface.

However in Dimension 3 space the circle becomes a sphere as the boundary between the
finite and infinite space and the equilateral triangle becomes a tetrahedron as the
structure within the boundary. (The tetrahedron has an equilateral triangle as the base
with three matching equilateral triangles as the sides) The tetrahedron is the smallest
geometrical division of a structure that is possible within a sphere.

If you look at the figure in the next chart, you will also notice that a second tetrahedron
has been added upside down, which represents the oldest symbol of ancient cultures,

* Words in italics appear in the Glossary at the end of the document 2

know as the “Star of David”. Along with being the smallest division within the sphere
the tetrahedron is also the smallest of the platonic solids. By adding the second
pyramidal structure, this tetrahedron then creates the polarization of opposites to
establish the relationship and balance in a finite system.

Fractals into infinity

The next chart shows that by adding more equilateral triangles to the original tetrahedron,
the pattern will repeat to infinity within the boundaries of the structure. The repetition of
geometric shapes in nature begins to show us the interrelationships of inner and outer
space. As you look at the chart imagine adding another layer of triangles and then
another until you could not make them any smaller.

The study of fractals which repeat to infinity will lead us to the ultimate understanding of
reality, where the inner and outer are finally observed as one synchronistic fabric of
reality. In studying the nature of a finite and infinite system, the answers will elude you
until you find the internal motivating forces, and understand their relation to the external

* Words in italics appear in the Glossary at the end of the document 3

This chart shows six more equilateral triangles that were added and if you were to put
spheres around those six, then add six smaller ones with spheres, the computer could
zoom in and add smaller and smaller ones until they were invisible. This means that
there are infinite structures within the space of the sphere; however you will never exceed
the original boundaries of the sphere. This exercise is just an example of any structure of
mass in our reality and is replicated in nature with our cells, trees, plants, shorelines etc.

3-D showing volume and mass

By adding a few more lines to the original tetrahedron, the next chart will show the 3-D
geometric shapes of the sphere for the outer boundary with the original tetrahedron and
then by connecting the outer edges with six more lines the cube is formed. The entire
graphic has been created from just 27 lines which show the volume and mass of 3-D.

* Words in italics appear in the Glossary at the end of the document 4

The interaction between space and structure is formed due to space being the infinity
outside of the sphere, which cannot be defined, nor observed without the boundaries of
the shapes and matter in the finite structure within the sphere. Therefore, geometry forms
the boundaries to define space and mass. If you did not have the space, the geometric
forms would not be visible and this is what forms a complementary relationship.

Interrelationships are a Key

In unifying energy, matter, and forces, interrelationships are an important key. The
underlying problem with physics has been the method of study and identification, which
is the foundation of all present scientific studies. Observation methods have only focused
on behavior and external movement for validation of a theory.

Nassim’s course teaches you to understand the impact of the external forces on the
internal forces to understand the unifying hyper-synchronicity where matter, energy,
space and time move into a “no-resistance” mode of infinite potential. You will also
need to understand the impact of the external forces on the internal forces to understand
the unifying hyper-synchronicity where matter, energy, space and time move into a “no-
resistance” mode of infinite potential.

Instead of looking at a black hole as collapsing matter, this course will help you to
understand the interrelationships of the forces as they move to a state of synchronization
that is perfect stasis (repose), or “zero-point” energy. As we cross the event horizon this
will lead us into the understanding of a full unified field theory.

Since another one of the current problems in physics is singularity, the course addresses
dynamic stasis (repose) or the “zero point” state of energy found in all singularity
instances and is commonly referred to as “the void” or “black holes.” This information

* Words in italics appear in the Glossary at the end of the document 5

must be covered in depth, rather than ignored as all of the current string theories that are
being developed to reach a unified field theory ignore singularity or just wrap around it.

Whereas, the fractal geometry math and structure allows us to describe infinite potential
within a finite boundary taking us to the singularity or “zero-point” that resides within all
structure. This is very important because if every cell and every atom has a “zero point
black hole” at the center that means that your human structure also has infinite potential.
The math and equations that have been developed match the theory and validate the
findings. Therefore, the study of fractals will also become a key to this new Unified
Field Theory in the future.

Another aspect of the important points to understand which explains the information that
created this theory is that it is incorrect science and procedure to postulate a specific
theory as an idealized concept and then proceed to extract from observations the patterns
of evidence that substantiate the theory. You can always find a match to theory if you
leave out enough evidence and tolerate a wide margin of error.

The real purpose of science is to verify reality, not to prove theory, which in the coming
chapters will be validated. All the steps taken by Nassim in this development have been
checked and verified by colleagues that understand the math and equations of the final

1. How do we explain boundaries between a finite system and infinity?
A. A boundary contains a structure of mass within it _______
B. There is no relationship between mass and space _______

2. A relationship that is necessary to balance a finite and infinite system of

__________True _________False

3. What makes a dot in any dimension exist?

A. A boundary______________
B. Volume ____________

4. What is the smallest division within a sphere and also the smallest platonic
A. A square
B. A tetrahedron

5. Will fractal geometry help prove the Unified Field Theory?

______________Yes ___________No

6. Why will fractals lead us to a unified field theory that works?

* Words in italics appear in the Glossary at the end of the document 6

A. They repeat to infinity ___________
B. They define a structure __________


Finite: Having bounds, limited, impermanent

Infinity: Having no boundaries or limits, unlimited in spatial extent.

Dimension: 1.a measure of spatial extent, esp. width, height, or length. 2. Extent:
magnitude, size, scope. 3. Math: any of the least number of independent coordinates
required to specify a point in space., or, the range of any of these coordinates. 4. Physics:
A physical property, often mass, length, time, or a combination thereof, regarded as a
fundamental measure or as one of a set of fundamental measures of a physical quantity:
Velocity has the dimensions of length divided by time.

Interactions: To act on each other.

Equilateral: Of, relating to, equal distances situated at or on the side.

Tetrahedron: A polyhedron with four faces. Four-faced.

Platonic: Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Plato or his philosophy.

Polarization: 1. the production or condition of polarity, as, a. the uniform and non-
random elliptical, circular, or linear variation of a wave characteristic, esp. of vibrational
orientation, in light of other radiation. b. Physics and Chemistry, the partial or complete
separation of positive and negative charge in a nuclear, atomic, molecular or chemical
system. 2. a concentration, as of groups, forces or interests, about two conflicting or
contrasting positions., ei., finite and infinite systems.

Synchronistic: 1. Events occurring at the same time. 2. Simultaneous occurrences, actions

or activities, said to be “in sync”, of one mind. moving or operating at the same rate,
identical periods and phases of motion.

Complementary: Supplying mutual needs or lacks, producing effects in concert,

differently from those produced separately.

Hyper-synchronicity: Over, above, beyond the normal synchronization. Excessive;


Stasis: A condition of balance among various forces; motionless.

Void: Containing no matter; empty

* Words in italics appear in the Glossary at the end of the document 7

Black holes: A small celestial body with an intense gravitational field that is believed to
be a collapsed star. (current theory)

Zero point: The irreducible minimum energy possessed by a substance at absolute zero
temperature. (This was this original meaning in Webster’s dictionary- a better
description is found ad the word zero as an adjective)

Zero: adj. 1. of, relating to, or being a zero 2. having no magnitude or quantity, 3. absent,
lacking: esp: having no modified inflectional form.

Postulate: 1. to make claim for, demand. 2. to assume the truth or reality of with no
proof, esp. to do so as a basis of an argument. 3. to assume as a premise or axiom; takes
for granted. ____n. 1. something assumed without proof as being self-evident or
generally accepted, esp. when used as a basis for an argument. 2. A fundamental element;
basic principle. 3. Math, An axiom. 4. A requirement; prerequisite.

* Words in italics appear in the Glossary at the end of the document 8

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