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Ethical Issue Analysis: Blood Diamond Analysis Tammy Hanna Virginia Commonwealth University

EDLP 705 Spring, 2012

ETHICAL ISSUE ANALYSIS As a revolution unfolds creating war within a country [like Sierra Leone in the 1990s], the setting is ripe for a crop of ethical issues, casting both light and darkness, to emerge. The movie Blood Diamond (2006) generates examples of ethical principles, provides character responses ranging from those considered to represent unhealthy monsters to those exemplifying elements of character, and finally allows several ethical implications to be drawn. When examining the ethical principles that emerge during the movie, several ethical perspectives can be ascribed to the actions of the characters. The concepts of utilitarianism, a

distorted view of communitarianism, and altruism surface during the movie. While none of these perspectives exist in their purist forms, some of the disadvantages or advantages of the perspectives become the driving force for the behaviors and decisions of characters or sects of the citizenry. Utilitarian principles support the idea that decisions must be based on what will benefit the largest number of people. In their attempts to quell the rebellion led by the Revolutionary United Front (RUF), the Sierra Leone government believed it was acting in the best interest of the vast majority of citizens. When the RUF savagely tore through villages kidnapping young boys to become child soldiers, the villagers fled leaving all possessions and semblance of a normal life. Groups like the World Food Programme sprang into action acting with utilitarian compassion, setting up refugee camps with some one million migrants. Meanwhile, the government attempted to provide protection combatting RUF militants even when they were certain to lose their own lives doing so. While there were certainly corrupt factions of the Sierra Leone (and actually any) government, there were also undoubtedly overarching common goals to prevent the RUF from terrorizing citizens, from mining and selling diamonds illegally, and from

ETHICAL ISSUE ANALYSIS kidnapping and brainwashing child soldiers. Protecting the greatest number of citizens was evident with the larger government troop presence in the cities than in local villages. Principles of communitarianism are present, albeit in a distorted manner, when examining the leadership of the RUF. In examining the disadvantages of communitarianism, all of these detriments are present with the RUF. They are especially ruthless and unethical in their brainwashing of child soldiers. The children are too young, inexperienced, and sheltered to

realize that the loss of their personal rights and freedoms is being masked by the artificial respect the RUF commands through violence and intimidation. Young boys are told that they are now part of a community that will get them the respect they deserve. The leaders brainwash the boys with sentiments such as, We will take care of you. Your parents are weak. You are promoted to the rank of captain [because of courage displayed when Dia, the son of the main character Solomon, killed someone while he was blindfolded and unaware of his actions]. The evangelistic zeal of the RUF fills the void left by the unsolicited absence of family for these young boys. There is so much darkness present in the leadership of the RUF that the positive attributes associated with communitarianistic tenets are hampered. Finally, altruistic principles manifest through the portrayal of Maddy Bowens character, a reporter attempting to reveal the truth regarding the atrocities of mining and selling blood diamonds. In its purest form, the tenets of altruism seek to do the right, moral thing no matter the personal cost. Putting others above self reflects the paramount tenet of altruism. When asked to place herself in a precarious situation to aid Solomon, she responds, With a whole country at war, why should I help this one person[3 second pause as she reflects on what she just said]I cant believe I just said that. Knowing she was placing herself in harms way, Maddy still acts in the best interest of her fellow man because she knows this is the right thing to do. While

ETHICAL ISSUE ANALYSIS altruism in its purest form is often difficult to follow, a culture guided by beliefs of generosity, respect, and the Golden Rule empowers citizens to live freely while pursuing both common and self-interests. Parker Palmer (pp. 42-45 as cited in Johnson, 2012) generates a list of unhealthy motivations that leaders to which often succumb which he refers to as internal enemies or

monsters. These six descriptors are all exhibited in Blood Diamond (2006) in some form. Danny Archer, the ex-mercenary main character, displays insecurity when his relationships are all examined for the benefits they provide for his own selfish needs. He even states, Im using him [Solomon], you [Maddy] are using me; thats how it works. Both the RUF leaders and Colonel Coetzee [Archers mentor and boss] display battleground mentality with their continuous use of military jargon and militaristic approaches to advancing their causes. The Van de Kaap family and corporation operate with functional atheism when they monopolize the diamond industry by controlling the availability of the limited natural resource. They operate at whatever cost necessary to control the empire on a global scale believing they are the only ones who should disburse inventory. Fear dominates in the chaos the RUF creates in villages and cities as they operate outside of the boundaries of the laws and moral guidelines. Their mantra is Shed their blood; they teach the child soldiers to chant Kill the babies as they train them to kill without conscious. The Van de Kaap Corporation denies death in two forms: they refuse to acknowledge their responsibility in creating the blood diamond trade by limiting resources and they refuse to acknowledge that their archaic monopoly of the diamond industry needs to be examined. Finally, the RUF represents all that is evil in leaders in all of their actions and atrocities against fellow citizens. They may have initially taken up arms against a corrupt government with admirable

ETHICAL ISSUE ANALYSIS intentions, but the lust for power soon allowed evil to guide their decisions. Thus, all six monsters surface in some form or another. Craig Johnsons (pp. 79-90, 2012) positive leadership qualities he calls elements of character also exist. Archer has a change in ethical behavior as the movie progresses. He begins to see Solomon as a man, a fellow human being, and not just as someone who can be of some benefit to Archer personally. Archer exhibits courage when he does the right thing of helping

Solomon seek his son at the risk of the safety of both men. Archer allows a delay in their journey to retrieve the enigmatic pink diamond in order for Solomon to sneak up on the enemy encampment under the protection of darkness to see if his son abides with the RUF. Archer also demonstrates compassion when he gives up his own spot on the small escaping biplane to allow Solomon and his son a chance to flee with the stone. Solomon exhibits many positive characteristics as a father determined to save his son and unify his family. He demonstrates courage by pursuing family members regardless of the personal sacrifice required. He willingly fights physically, lies [portraying himself as a cameraman], and steals [buries the large pink diamond he discovers] in order to reunite his family. Yet even though he must operate in these areas where he would normally not, he still places a high value on honesty when he criticizes Archer for lying: You will say anything. Solomon is still a man of integrity. His compassion exudes when the convoy Solomon is in approaches a recently bombed car. Risking personal safety because he sees the tears in a mothers eyes, he races over to the woman to take her injured son from her arms to run him to the safety of the convoy van. Even war and atrocity does not rob Solomon of character. As well, Maddy exemplifies many positive leadership attributes with her speech and actions. She displays courage when she risks personal safety by diverting a guards attention so

ETHICAL ISSUE ANALYSIS Archer can steal survival supplies needed to take Solomon to retrieve the pink diamond. Her integrity remains unwavering when she ensures that what she says publically reflects how she acts privately. When Archer tells her, People [in Africa] kill each otherits a way of life. Its always been that way. She responds, So you can just accept that? Whats right about it? Her

very presence in a war-torn country risking life and limb proves her belief that exposing the truth about what drives the conflict [the quest for diamonds which ultimately fund the weapons needed by the RUF] is rooted in the fundamental belief that she can change the situation. Her compassion for Solomon and other refugees is obvious in her photographs and the stories she sends back to the US for publication. Her strong sense of justice becomes even more apparent in the risks she is willing to take to unveil the harsh truths behind how the diamonds are mined, exported, and controlled on the world market. In all, Maddy exemplifies many of the positive qualities that were absent from the leadership in Sierra Leone at the time. Finally, several ethical implications can be drawn after viewing Blood Diamond (2006). First of all, it was easy to see how the harshness of living conditions and the personal feelings that one cannot control the situation can quickly demoralize a society. The quest for personal power becomes the logic by which situations are judged; the ethical ramifications are often ignored all together. Secondly, leaders who operate under the guidance of darkness are quick to justify their actions claiming that they are acting on behalf of those unable to make their own decisions. In reality, their own personal, selfish interests guide their decisions. Finally, a lack of morals and values respecting life and liberty [like those present in the RUF camps] progresses to chaos and unethical actions. Only through the courage of ethical men and women navigated by integrity, compassion, and optimism do countries such as Sierra Leone in the 1990s have their best chance of recovery and prosperity.


Johnson. C.E. (2012). Meeting the ethical challenges of leadership: Casting light or shadow. Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications. Zwick, E. and Others (Producers). (2006). Blood diamond [Motion picture]. United States: Warner Brothers Studio.


Blood Diamond Movie Synopsis Set in 1990s Sierra Leone, Blood Diamond is the story of Danny Archer (Leonardo DiCaprio), an ex-mercenary from Zimbabwe, and Solomon Vandy (Djimon Hounsou), a Mende fisherman. Both men are African, but their histories and their circumstances are as different as any can be until their fates become joined in a common quest to recover a rare pink diamond, the kind of stone that can transform a life...or end it. Solomon, who has been taken from his family and forced to work in the diamond fields, finds the extraordinary gem and hides it at great risk, knowing if he is discovered, he will be killed instantly. But he also knows the diamond could not only provide the means to save his wife and daughters from a life as refugees but also help rescue his son, Dia, from an even worse fate as a child soldier. Archer, who has made his living trading diamonds for arms, learns of Solomon's hidden stone while in prison for smuggling. He knows a diamond like this is a oncein-a-lifetime find--valuable enough to be his ticket out of Africa and away from the cycle of violence and corruption in which he has been a willing player.

ETHICAL ISSUE ANALYSIS Enter Maddy Bowen (Jennifer Connelly), an idealistic American journalist who is in Sierra Leone to uncover the truth behind conflict diamonds, exposing the complicity of diamond industry leaders who have chosen profits over principles. Maddy seeks out Archer as a source for her article, but soon finds it is he who needs her even more. With Maddy's help, Archer and Solomon embark on a dangerous trek through rebel territory. Archer needs Solomon to find and recover the valuable pink diamond, but Solomon seeks something far more precious...his son.

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