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hy am I here? My purpose is to love God by showing love to other people, sharing insights that God has given me. And I want to learn from other people, to continue growing and becoming a better person. ometimes I think becoming a better person is about becoming more pure and selfless in my motives and actions. But maybe becoming better is more about becoming stronger, someone more capable of surviving in the day of evil (Ephesians 6:13), the time of great adversity that God had spoken to me about.

my life, possibly two people, whom nearly the entire rest of the world, so it would seem, is of the opinion I should have nothing whatsoever to do with. (And of course there are some valid reasons that I need to take into consideration.) But, is the world necessarily right, just because it seems to be united in its opinion?


f I continue giving into my intense need for approval, keep trying to please all the people all the time, I dont believe that will serve me well. It isnt a strength now and will beome even less so in the future. was thinking about someone about whom people said Why doesnt he get it? You would think that a person might at least consider that, if their perceptions and point of view are different from those of the entire rest of the world, then maybe it isnt the rest of the world thats wrong.

was thinking about another person I know, someone who blatantly makes decisions based almost entirely on how he predicts the overall level of anger and disapproval in his surrounding environment will be affected. I asked this person, but, what do YOU really want? Doesnt that figure into the equation at all?


till, I realized that my own way of making decisions tends to much the same, just weighing out the disapproval potential. imagine myself as a strong person, saying to the world, in words and by my choices, I appreciate your concern and your opinions, but I have my reasons for the choices I make. I will explain if I choose to, but I dont have to. I dont have to justify...

o I wonder about that particular quality. I suppose, in its most extreme form, it gets called psychosis. But, in a more balanced form, it is the quality I am needing to develop in myself. There is someone in

believe in that imaginary person. She exists. Somewhere inside me, she exists!

RoseDQ (December13, 2008)

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