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"Ravens." I said to the her.

One thing could only describe the emotion of uncertainty in the sky looming and calling before me. Ravens cawing in the distance. But Ravens were beautiful and she could not understand. I left that morning into the cold mountains. Crunching dirt and souls into the earth. Pushing down my resentment of myself with fervor, I followed the ravens for years. I saw where they lived, where they traveled, where they dreamed. I dreamed with them. The raven... darkness, beauty, confusion. Ravens were all there ever was for one so pathetic. Annoying, disgusting, ugly. I threw my fist at them, and they paid no attention. Ravens were like anyone else. I was their monster, haunting them, threatening them... calling to them. Everyone and everything is someones or something else's villain. "Villains" I spoke, enlightened too late. They were much wiser than I, because they paid no attention to their monster, their villain, while I followed mine with unrivaled obsession. Letting it destroy my life.

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