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ADVERB Adverb is given in connetion with predicate Place : preposition + noun at school My son left his book at school

His motorcycle is kept at the police station We are waiting my relative at the airport You can find the information on page 25 She has got acne on he face Adverb of time preposition + noun At night noon midnight hour Group 1a start English class at 9.15 The erruption was at noon No one would go out at mid night in the remote village in+ containment I have pain in my stomach Adverb of manner: adjective + ly with + noun

The surgeon performed the surgery carefully with care Never do your work with anger The customer filled the form in a hurry He answered with a gesture The insruction was given in brief Adverb of frequency : always, often, usually, sometimes, rarely, hardly ever, never once, twice, three times I always come for the seminar They often go to bed hungry Sometimes I come late I sometimes come late I come late sometimes

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