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Potential Risks

Measure to control risk


Filming on rooftop with music equipment; drums, guitar, microphone and microphone stand.

The drum kit was very heavy and could therefore propose a danger to the person carrying the equipment as the ma y injure themselves or drop the equipment.

To deal with this risk we plan to separate the drum kit into smaller, more manageable sizes and take each drum component up to the rooftop where we are filming separately.


Filming on the rooftop


Filming using equipment with long cables


Filming outside in the car park

The long cables attached to the microphone and guitars could have been a risk as someone may have tripped over them and fell over or the cables may have become tangled which would require time in order to untangle them. There is a possibility that people may be driving their cars or parking them and someone may get in the way

We plan to tape down and place the cables behind objects so that they are less of a risk.

We will ask a senior member of staff for a certain time period in order to use the car park without the described risks.

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