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Ma numesc Jaggers si sunt avocat in Londra. Din punctul meu de vedere am o viata normala.

Multi imi spun ca sunt foarte noroc ca am o asa meserie pentru ca cast ig foarte multi bani. Intr-o mare masura este adevarat dar sunt si zile, multe, in care adorm imediat ce ajung acasa. Am alte zile cand am doar cateva procese s i acelea foarte usoare. O zi din viata mea incepe dimineata cand ma trezesc si ma pregatesc sa plec la serviciu. Niciodata nu mananc micul dejun acasa, ci merg la un restaurant unde p atron este un foarte bun prieten de al meu. Dupa ce mananc, pe la ora 9:00 ajung la serviciu unde incep sa rezolv cazuri. Nu cred ca ar fi bine sa explic cum de curge un proces, deoarece ar fi foarte complicat si v-ati enerva repede, asa cum fac si eu. Intr-un final, dupa ce termin cu procesele, in jurul ore 17:00, merg la acelasi restaurant sa iau cina. Dupa aceea merg acasa, unde incep din nou sa rezolv anumite procese, care sunt usoare si in final, pe la ora 00:00, adorm.

My name is Jaggers and a lawyer in London. From my point of view we have a norma l life. Many tell me they are very lucky to have such a job for earning lots of money. In a largely true but there are days, many fall asleep once you get home. I have other days when I just a few processes and those very light. A day in my life begin in the morning when I wake up and I prepare to go to work . I never eat breakfast at home, but go to a restaurant where the owner is a ver y good friend of mine. After eating, I arrive at work which begins to solve case s. I do not think it would be good to explain how a process flows, it would be v ery complicated and you get angry quickly, as I do. Finally, after I finish with the processes, go to the same restaurant to have dinner. Then go home, where ag ain begin to solve some processes, which are light and finally,sleep.

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