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| Internet Lies





First Image: This picture shows the execution of the Kurdish atheist activist Husayn
Khudhri for charges of apostasy and opposition of the Iranian regime. He was
executed according to the inhumane Sharia law of Iran that doesnt respect the
freedom of belief or human rights. This picture in particular was published in many
Arabic and Islamic forums, saying that it shows the execution of a Sunni hero as
they claim, in a clear lie and misinformation. What is even worse is that some forums
added its own touch on the image, criticizing the hanging, while -at the same timethey support the terrorism of El Qaida and Hamas and the killing of thousands of
civilians in cold blood.
Important update: Because the blog seeks nothing but the truth, we discovered after a
lot of research that this picture doesnt belong to an atheist activist or a Sunni hero
after all. It actually shows a killer named Hossein Kavoosifar. This person killed a
prominent judge, a police officer and a bystander in a string of robberies and
attacks. This is their hero who they want to turn into a Sunni hero at any cost! He is
just a psycho killer smiling after killing innocent people. This also shows what kind
of role models those extremists have. Do you they have the courage to admit they

were wrong or they will continue to lie like they did before? Full story here: Smirking
murderer is led to the gallows as children join crowds at public executions in Iran




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Second Image: An American solider carries the body of a little injured girl, who was a
victim in a suicide attack by terrorists. Its obvious that the solider is really touched
by the injury of the little kid, in a scene that shows the human side of the American
soldiers, who are demonized on a daily basis in our Arab media. So, how did Arabs
publish this picture in their forums? It was under titles like An American solider kills
a little boy and then carries his body and cry!! And under that title they publish a
mythical story that only an insane person would believe, in an attempt to cover the
human side of the American soldiers, a side that some people in Arab world do the
impossible to make sure it doesnt reach to the ordinary Arab person.
Here is the real and true story as I found it on the site of the Photographer who toke the
picture:Major Mark Bieger found this little girl after the car bomb that attacked our guys while kids
were crowding around. The soldiers here have been angry and sad for two days. They are angry
because the terrorists could just as easily have waited a block or two and attacked the patrol away from
the kids. Instead, the suicide bomber drove his car and hit the Stryker when about twenty children were
jumping up and down and waving at the soldiers. Major Bieger, I had seen him help rescue some of our
guys a week earlier during another big attack, took some of our soldiers and rushed this little girl to our
hospital. He wanted her to have American surgeons and not to go to the Iraqi hospital. She didnt make
it. I snapped this picture when Major Bieger ran to take her away. He kept stopping to talk with her and
hug her.




Third Image: A picture of a solider with his upper body out of the frame, stepping on a poor little girl chest in a very
cruel and brutal scene. The picture is clearly from an Arab country. How was it published in Arabic forums? It was
published under titles such as An Israeli soldier steps on a Palestinian girl and nobody ever questioned the credibility
of the image, especially that its known to everyone that the Israel army doesnt use AK47 (like the one appearing in
the image). Everyone who tried to say the picture is fake was either banned or kicked out, and even people who
brought the real story, its a Syrian solider during the last events, and even if we give up that he is actually Syrian, the
picture still looks staged.

: )92 (
Edit (October 29): As I said before, this picture looks like a staged photo. My concerns were confirmed
by a visitor who gave us a photo proves this happened during an act in Bahrain.

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Fourth Image: This picture was taken at
Halabjda Massacre which was committed by
Saddam Hussein against the Kurdish people. Its
being published on many Arab sites as a picture
from Gaza. Another lie to create more hatred
and antisemitism


Fifth Image: The fake image of these two images spread widely on Arabic websites
and forums, where they published it as a picture of an American soldier who killed
the father and raped the sister of this little boy, and then forced him to take a
picture with him holding that sign. The real image wasnt spread in the same rate
because we live in an anti-truth environment, where people always fight the truth,
unless its serves their interest. Most Arabic sites removed the real image as soon as
it was uploaded on them, in order to keep the hate alive.
The text in the real image says: L.Cpl. Boudreaux saved my Dad then he rescued my
sister! And we can see the text reflection on the face of the boy who is happily
smiling along with the brave solider next to him. People who faked the second image
should be ashamed of themselves, because people like L.Cpl. Boudreaux deserve all
the respect for helping this kid and his family.

L.Cpl. Boudreaux himself said the sign was saying Welcome Marines when the
picture was taken, and this bring the possibility that both pictures are fake, but the
people who made the one on the left had evil goals, while the one on the right
wasnt far from the real one, because they both -thanking the Marines or welcoming
them- showing the gratitude of Iraqi people toward the U.S. Forces.



Sixth Image: This picture was tweeted by someone
working for the UN during the latest Israeli
operations in Gaza. The picture was published as if
it was recent and from that day, even though it was
an old picture from the year 2006. And even that old image integrity was questioned
by some people who claimed it wasnt the victim of an Israeli airstrike, but an
accident. Using such an old image for the purpose of inciting more hatred, and by a
UN official, is disgusting and despicable.

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