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Perso & INT. EMBASSY - HALLWAY ~ DAY WWecue S Guar | torrie and Towe reach the elevator just ae connie turns 208 We & Norrie ve contact with Lowe ~- then the doors close ‘and she disappears inside. Fuck. They lost her.-+ Lowe spots a stairwell door nearby but TWO ND SECURITY GUARDS intercept ~~ ho are you gentlemen with? LOWE connie Sanders. peat, ‘The Security Guard reaches into his pocket: - aeeckiny GD Bere. She dropped this. Off Lowe. ++ t PREE ¥ polseo "EMBASY Ho { re be 418 Sides - ‘Embassy Guard #2’ EXT. INDIAN EMBASSY - DAY EMBASSY GUARD #2 approaches T-Bag, who has handcuffed himself to a metal gate. Take it somewhere else pal... T-BAG I've got rights -- this is America. Pinger OT D> vou'ze on GEE, friend. America’s on the other end of that sidewalk. For your sake, I hope you brought a key for those... T-Bag casually throws a look over in the direction of Linc, Mahone and Self. Willing them to hurry up -~ fs BRARK. T-BAG 2 tell you friend, my beef’s not with you. I’ve tried calling my Congressmen -~ sending letters to the United Nations. Gans aun > I don’t care -- T-RAG Hell I've even called every Patel in the phone book -- no one wants to hear the facts. Speaking of which... did you know elephants eat almost 500 pounds of food per day! And their dung can be processed into parchment, That’s recycling. Guarn #> You'ze in the heap of that friend. The cops are coming... T-BAG it’s an abomination. why below the chimp, the elephant has the closest DNA sequence to that of a human being. +. <@usiss¥ Guanp_#—> I don’t think that's true, Z Vracs Guard #1 returns, giving a nod to Guard #2. EGERSEY_GUARD_—¢CONT'D) You're looking at an off duty cop. My buddy's cotiing.-- T-BAG Finally eending someone out to talk to me? ves. Everything has been worked out. Please don’t go anywhere. As TeBay sees a COP CAR putting up out front -~

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