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English Civilization Presentation of Research Project The Two Noble Kinsmen (Doi veri de stirpe aleas) By William Shakespeare

in collaboration with John Fletcher Translated by George Volceanov In Complete Works by the eminent professor Leon D. Levichi there are 37 plays in the Shakespeare canon, published since 1982. In addition to this, in 1986 was added a new play attribuited to Shakespeare called The Two Noble Kinsmen (kinsmen = rude), which was written in collaboration with John Fletcher. At the same time a piece of another play, Sir Thomas More, was considered to belong to the great writer. The Two Noble Kinsmen was published for the first time in 1634, th 18 later after Shakespeare death, but previously was played in theatres in 1613. Shakespeare also collaborated with Fletcher for writing the historical play called Henry the Eighth in 1612. The Two Noble Kinsmen is based on the subject of another great writer, Geoffrey Chaucer with his play The Canterbury Tales. Just like another Shakespeare play Two Young Men of Verona, the play presents a dark debate on friendship betrayed in love. Finally, in one way, the play represents the further action of A Midsummer Night Dream, both have placed the action in Athens, during the time of legendary mythological hero Theseus. Central theme of the play is painful act of growing up, from teenage friendship to the experience of falling in love and marriage. The play is divided into five acts, with prologue and epilogue. In first act there are described weddings preparations of Theseus with Hippolyta. Theseus is begged by three widowed queens, whose kings have been killed in a military expedition against Thebes, they just wanted to bury them according to tradition.

During this battle, two brave cousins Palamon and Arcite, are wounded and taken prisoners. They are nephews of Creon, the king of Thebes. In the second act, being in jail in Athens, both of them will see beautiful Emilia, Hippolyta sister, from their jail window, and fall in love with her. After this they will forget their vows for better or worse and will become enemies to death. Meanwhile, Arcite is called by Theseus and released by this and asked to leave the town. But this doesnt want to lose the opportunity to be with Emilia, and disguised as ordinary man, win sport competition from the court, and get a job besides her. In the same time, the jailers daughter is falling in love with Palamon and will help him to escape. In the third act, by accident, the two cousins meet in the forest around the city, and agree to end their dispute by fighting one against each other. But Theseus find them fighting, and since this was prohibited by law, send them to death. After that, changed his mind, and settled a new battle between the two cousins, in a month, and the winner with get Emilias hand, and the looser will die. In the fourth act, the jailers daughter is getting insanity, and her father together with the wooer and a doctor are trying to get her well. In the same time, Emilia is confused in her decision which one she will save, shes aware that her decision will hurt one of the cousins. In the last act, the battle is won by Arcite, and Palamon with his followers are send to death, but in the last minute, the execution is cancelled, because the Arcite felt from his horse, and is dying. With his last powers he is blessing Palamon to get married with Emilia. According with Ann Thomson, this story, foolish and tragic in the same time, becomes an opportunity for meditation on the implications of love, friendship and human destiny.

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