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Good morning, ladies and gentleman. First let me introduce us in our group. My name is Annisa Auliararaq, and this is Dani Natanael. Now, We will presentate about how to make the special milkcoffe.

Ingredients : Coffe (2 sachet), milk, sugat, water, Astor stick snack.. Material : tablespoon and teaspoon, 2 glass for coffe, pan, stove, other glass

Steps : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Put the water into the pan and put it on the stove. Turn the stove and boil the water Prepare for the ingredient and material. Cut the coffee sachet and pour it into the glass Pour the milk (in powder form) into the glass. Dont forget to add the sugar After the water boiled, pour the water to the glass Stir the until all ingredients mixed and spreaded Serve it.

This all our presentation about how to make special coffe. All judges, We please you to enjoy our drinks. And we hopi its delicious. And forgive us if theres some mistakes in our presentation. Thanks for your attention and see you.....

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