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T # Headaches and Migraine -------------------------------------------- 4-7 # Ear--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8-9 # Sinusitis------------------------------------------------------------------- 10-11 # Throat----------------------------------------------------------------------- 12-14 # Thyroid----------------------------------------------------------------------- 15-16 # Polyps-------------------------------------------------------------------------17-19 MALE # sexual disorders, Men---------------------------------------------------- 20-21 # impotence or erectile dysfunction------------------------------------ 22-23 # Prostate---------------------------------------------------------------------- 24-25 # Syphilis----------------------------------------------------------------------- 26-27 # Gonorrhea------------------------------------------------------------------ 28-30 FEMALE # Menstruation (PMS)----------------------------------------------------- 31-32 # Menopause---------------------------------------------------------------- 33-34 # sexual disorders, Women---------------------------------------------- 35-36 # Breast nodules------------------------------------------------------------ 37-38 # Avoid Abortion----------------------------------------------------------- 39-40 # Pregnancy and Childbirth---------------------------------------------- 41-43 # Children or babies------------------------------------------------------- 44-46 RESPIRATION # Influenza------------------------------------------------------------------- 47-48 # Cough. Pertussis------------------------------------------------------- 49-52
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# Bronchitis--------------------------------------------------------------- 53-55 # Asthma------------------------------------------------------------------ 56-59 DIGESTIVE SYSTEM # Anorexia---------------------------------------------------------------- 60-61 # Bulimia------------------------------------------------------------------ 62 # Constipation----------------------------------------------------------- 63-66 # Diarrhea----------------------------------------------------------------- 67-71 # Gallstones--------------------------------------------------------------- 72-74 # Liver------------------------------------------------------------------------ 75 # Tympanitis----------------------------------------------------------- 76 # Hemorrhoids--------------------------------------------------------------- 77-79 # Stomach------------------------------------------------------------------ 80-83 NERVOUS SYSTEM # Depression--------------------------------------------------------------- 84-85 # Anxiety------------------------------------------------------------------------ 86 # Memory------------------------------------------------------------------- 87-89 # Insomnia and the Dream----------------------------------------------- 90-91 # Alcoholism------------------------------------------------------------------ 92-94 # Epilepsy---------------------------------------------------------------------- 95-96 # Seizures-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 97 # Nervous System---------------------------------------------------------- 98-100 GENERAL # Fever------------------------------------------------------------------------ 101-103 # Infections-------------------------------------------------------------------- 104-106
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# Inflammation---------------------------------------------------------- 107-110 # Pain---------------------------------------------------------------------- 111-113 # Anemia------------------------------------------------------------------ 114-115 # Slimming---------------------------------------------------------------- 116-117 # Cancer-------------------------------------------------------------------- 118-120 CIRCULATORY SYSTEM # Hypertension----------------------------------------------------------- 121-123 # Heart----------------------------------------------------------------------- 124-126 # Varicose veins----------------------------------------------------------- 127-128 URINARY SYSTEM # Kidney--------------------------------------------------------------------- 129-131 # Kidney Stones----------------------------------------------------------- 132-133 # Uric acid or gout--------------------------------------------------------134-135 SKELETAL SYSTEM # Rheumatism------------------------------------------------------------- 136-139 # Bones--------------------------------------------------------------------- 140-141 DERMATOLOGY # Skin------------------------------------------------------------------------ 142-143 # Psoriasis------------------------------------------------------------------ 144-145 # Herpes-------------------------------------------------------------------- 146-147 # Acne----------------------------------------------------------------------- 148-149 # Ulcers--------------------------------------------------------------------- 150-151 # Cysts---------------------------------------------------------------------- 152-153
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Homeopathic remedies according to the characteristic pain Belladonna, Ferrum metallicum, Glonoine, Lac caninum, Lachesis mutus, Lycopodium clavatum, Natrum mur, Pulsatilla, Silicea. Page | 4 Headache accompanied by gastric disturbances: Antimonium tart, Bryonia Alba, Calcarea carb, Carbo veg, Ipecacuanha, Lycopodium clavatum, Nux vomica, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Sanguinaria canadensis, Sulfur. Headache blowing the nose: Aurum metallicum, Belladonna, Hepar sulfur, Nitric acid, Pulsatilla, and Sulfur. Headache when it suppresses the secretion of a cold: Belladonna, Calcarea carb, Lachesis mutus, Nux vomica, Pulsatilia. Frontal headache for chronic sinusitis: Arsenicum album, Kali bichromicum, Sanguinaria canadensis, Silicea, Thuja occidentalis. Headache associated with eye strain, Kali carb, Lycopodium clavatum, Natrum mur, Phosphorus, Ruta graveolens, Silicea. Headache in students: Calcarea carb, Calcarea phos, Natrum Muriaticum, Phosphoric acid Pulsatilia, Zinc metallicum. Headache aggravated by mental effort: Calcarea phos. Headache during cough: Belladonna, Bryonia Alba, Calcarea carb, Nat mur, Phosphorus, Pulsatilia, Spongia Tosta, Sulfur. After exposure to a draft: Belladonna, Calcarea carb, Calcarea phos, China offcinas, Hepar sulph, Nux vomica, Sulfur. After cooling: Belladonna, Bryonia alba, Chamomilla vulgaris, Dulcamara, Hepar sulfur, Magnesia phos, Nux vomica, Phosphorus, Silica. Headache after being in a very hot: Antimonium crud, Apis mellifica, Belladonna, Bryonia alba, Carbo veg, Glonoine, Ipecacuanha, Lachesis mutus, Lycopodium clavatum, Natrum mur, Sepia officinalis, Sulph, Thuja occidentalis. Headache after sun exposure: Aconitum napellus, Antimonium crud, Belladonna, Bryonia alba, Gelsemium sempervirens, Glonoine mutus Lachesis, Natrum carb, Natrum mur Pulsatilia. Headache after a sadness: Aurum metallicum, Ignatia amara, Phosphoric acid, Phosphorus, Pulsatilia, Staphysagria. After anger or humiliation: Bryonia alba, Chamomilla vulgaris, Nat mur, Staphysagria. After the haircut: Belladonna, Sepia officinalis.

Iris versicolor (+++) Is one of the most important drugs for migraines or hemicrneas, usually of hepatic origin, and almost always in the right half of the head or forehead, it is always preceded and accompanied by cloudy or blurry vision, with nausea and vomiting of bile, acid, mucous, severe Page | 5 burning throughout the gastrointestinal tract and drooling ... Sanguinaria (+++) Is one of the most important drugs (with Iris versicolor) or hemicrneas of intense headaches, occurring periodically every 7 days, start the morning, and will wax and wane in intensity with the sun starting at occipital region and extends upward and forward to the whole head, looking in the right temple and right eye or eyes, there is a sense of lightning in the occiput, and burst to the head as if he eyes would protrude from their sockets; not tolerate light, noise, odors or the slightest shock or movement or bending, and relieved by sleep or lie perfectly still in the dark or by pressing the head against a pillow or with their hands or after vomiting or walking on air or expelling flatus or belching. It is accompanied by pounding on their heads, food or bilious vomiting, hot flashes, flushing limited to the cheeks (burning) and temporal veins distended, with intense burning sensation on the tongue. Migraines are observed preferably at menopause and hepatic failure, or during fever. Severe dizziness, worse when moving fast or turning the head, look upward, rising from a chair or stooping; in cold weather and at menopause, with nausea, headache, blurred vision, ringing in the ears or fainting. Fasting Headache, worse if you do not eat right away. Guarana (+++) The main indication for migraine Guarana is caused by abuse of tea, coffee or alcohol, or by errors in diet or depression. Lac caninum (+ +) Headaches passing alternately from side to side of the head. Headaches or hemicrneas aside one day, another day in the other, worse from noise and talking, better standing still, by application of cold water and go outdoors (but worse afterwards). Headaches in female students. Pain over eyes, worse sewing and wearing eye upward. Lancinating pain, zigzag, from forehead to occiput right. Cedron (+++) Head feeling bloated. Periodic headaches. Daily headache, always at the same time, especially at noon. Headache of a temple to the other, through the eyes. Headache on alternate days for 11 hours. Migraines every other day, within 10 hours. Headache worse at night and outdoors.

Melilotus (+++) The head is the main site of action of Melilotus, manifesting with severe congestive headaches, often accompanied by dizziness, fainting, nausea, throbbing sensation and pop in the carotids and vessels of the brain ( as if they would burst and produced there an injury), with very red or purple face and bloodshot eyes, culminating in a nosebleed or onset of Page | 6 menstruation which greatly improves the pain. The headaches, which can be regular (every one to four weeks) and appear especially in winter, are aggravated by movement or by thinking, and improves when lying or profuse urination. Headache with vomiting, retching, cold hands and feet and see black spots ... Magnesia mur (+++) Migraines or recurrent headaches, every 30 to 40 days, with painful pressure in the forehead and around eyes, as if the temples were crowded with bursting sensation, and that requires the patient to squeeze his head strongly hands because it enhances the strong pressure or head or bed shelter or heat, is aggravated by movement and the open air, dizzy and thirsty. Canadian Menispermum (+ +) Severe headache or migraine, as if to blow her head, with pressure from the inside out, and that extends all along the back, at night, with sensation of fullness, yawning and stretching, better walking outdoors. Thea (+ +) Migraines ( "produces most of the headaches" (Boericke)), especially during menstruation. Occipital Neuralgia with excruciating pain, tearing, and that goes to the front, or extends to the right shoulder like an electric shock, better local heat. Each heartbeat is felt in the vertex. Sensitive scalp, worse in vertex, can hardly comb. Carduus marianus Headaches with bilious vomiting, headaches, hemicrneas. Chionanthus virginica (+ +) Is useful in various types of headaches or migraines, menstrual cramps, bilious. Periodic bilious headaches. "Taken for several weeks in drops (tincture), often short migraine habit" (Boericke). Frontal headache over eyes. Feeling sore head and bruised. Feeling that his head will explode every time he moves, laughs or coughs. Headache worse by laughing, coughing, walking, moving, after sleeping, bending and shaking, better lying still and pressure. Warm Front. Cold sweat on the forehead, after vomiting or defecating. Morgan (+ +) Congestive headaches, with red face, worse from heat, storms, travel and the setbacks, and tomorrow, on the forehead, vertex and occiput, with vertigo. Migraines week or the beginning of menstruation.

Psorinum (+ +) Hemicrneas Headaches or periodic, starting from one side, usually on the left eye, extending across, with nausea, diarrhea and dizziness, preceded by black spots or rings before eyes or blurred vision or blindness; are aggravated by the slightest breath of air and a headache better shelter and eating. Page | 7 Pounding or throbbing headache, which occurs every 7, 14 or 21 days, or getting worse on waking in the morning, cold air or local cold, coughing, mental strain or time changes, and always hungry before or during the headache, better shelter the head or eating. Headaches eruptions appear or suppressed menses (better by epistaxis); Coffea cruda Migraines; hemicrneas, as if a nail stuck in the wall, worse in open air, with vomiting. As if you break the brain into pieces. Conium (+++) Headache and heaviness in the morning on waking, as if his head were too full and would burst. Stitches in chronic headaches. Hemicrneas. Migraines. Headache worse walking in open air or constipation. Numbness and cold on one side of the head. Lac vaccinun defloratum Chronic constipation (+++) with unbearable headaches and chronic migraines. Constipation meets neither the purges, and a result can only be achieved with enemas, the stools are dry and hard, and come out with great effort (which often are ineffective or reversal of the stool), hurting the year with output enough blood, screaming and making the patient may alternate with diarrhea is not uncommon to have chills when defecating. Cyclamen europoeum (+++) Migraine with flashes in vision, worse on the left side by the movement and the open air and then vomits improvement. Blows to the brain when bending, on the temples.

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Calcarea carb (+ +) Catarrh and inflammation of the Eustachian tube, with hearing loss. Hearing loss during menstruation or working with water. Mastoiditis. Otitis media and interna, with purulent discharge, thick, fetid, bloody, yellowish suppressed. Earache: in wet weather, Page | 8 with swallowing; extended inward. Humid eruptions, scaly, rash retroauricular moist eczema, below the ears. Dry your ears. Noises in the ears, like flapping, hissing, bells, roaring, singing, as if swallowing something crushed. Pulsation in ears. Polyps. Mercurius sol (+++) Mercurial odor is offensive, fetid: breath, sweat, feces, nasal secretions and ear, sputum, urine, etc.. (+ +) Earache burning, pressing or stitching, worse at night and the alue of the bed, sometimes with cold feeling, as if ice in my ear. Feeling as if cold water out of the ears, which occurs suddenly and intermittently, with violent itching of the intervals. Otitis media. Suppuration of the middle ear. Perforated eardrum. Descaraa discharge or the ears: purulent (with sores and abrasions, or fungus in the ear), or greenish, yellowish, greenish yellow, bloody, excoriating, offensive, with pain. Download cerumen. Disorders suppression of discharges from the ear. Chamomilla (+++) Sensitive ears and ears open air and wind. Otitis media with otalgia, stooping stitches, the boy puts his hand to his ear. It is one of the most important remedies for earache (in children if produced by cold and has redness on her cheek. Pulsatilla is like in this respect, but to be effective must be a mentally Chamomilla). Noise in the ear or water jet, buzzing. Feeling of fullness in the ears. Hypersensitive hearing, especially when they, not tolerate the music. Purulent discharge watery. Belladonna (+ +) Otalgia of all kinds, especially the right side, or facial pain extending down his neck. Drainage from the ears. Hypersensitive to noise, or hearing impairment or deafness, as if a skin Freezing of ears. Pulsations. Noises in the ears, roaring, buzzing, doorbells. Silica (+ +) Otorreas acute or chronic, cheesy, thick, purulent, fetid, yellowish or watery, bloody. Suppuration of the middle ear. Catarrh, inflammation and itching of the eustachian tube. Sensation of plugged ear. Earache terebrantes, throbbing, or blows from the inside out. Itching in the ear, worse when swallowing. Crusty eruptions behind the ears. Thin and copious cerumen. Noises in the ears, like roaring or singing or fluttering of birds. Hearing loss worse at full moon, and the human voice, for catarrh of the horn; post-measles. Hypersensitivity to the thumping sounds. Causticum (+ +) Rash behind the ears: damp cold. Cerumen greatly increased. Catarrh of the Eustachian tube. Discharge from the ear: offensive, bloody or purulent. Red ears, itching, burning. Otitis media. Earache: bursting with feeling, pressing, outward, or behind the ear stitches behind the ear, tearing. Clogged ear sensation.

Noises in the ears, with vertigo, ringing, squeaking, rustling, ringing, roaring, singing, like clicks, to turn his head, jingling; whistles. Each sound, or voice, echoing in his ears, with hearing loss. Pulsatilla (+ +) Catarrh and inflammation of the Eustachian tube, with hearing loss. Hearing loss after taking cold or after measles or scarlet fever. Page | 9 Purulent discharge from the ear, yellow or greenish yellow, thick, non-irritating, usually after measles or scarlet fever or as a sequel to another disease or in acute otitis. Auricular meatus red, itching in the ear. Otitis media, especially in children; clogged ear sensation. Earache rightmost worse at night, better by cold applications, pressing outwards, as if something pressed out, by taking fro, blowing in a warm room; are tearing or stitching, and madden. Keystrokes night in the ears. Hey rings, roars or exhaust noises synchronous with the pulse. Cerumen black, hardened. Dulcamara (+) Ringing in the ears, continuous, with hearing loss. Cracking swallowing. Sudden deafness in his right ear by taking cold, worse at night with noise. Right ear discharge fetid, watery, yellow or greenish yellow, with deafness, with intolerable itching in the ears. Blood coming out of ears. Cerumen black, dry and hardened. Otalgia. Crusty eruptions on the ears. Sounds like thunder, roars, whistles, bells. Lachesis (+) Pain in the ears, on the right, better lying on it. Earache with sore throat, worse when swallowing. Ears cold (during fever), sensitive to wind. Dryness in the ear. Cerumen sparse, dry, or hard, pale, or white. Noises of all kinds (buzzes, squeaks, growls, sounds of drum). Blockage of the Eustachian tube. The patient gets every time a finger in the ear; coughs scratching the ear canal. Hypersensitive to noise, it can affect teeth. Hearing loss. Bleeding out the ears. Excoriation and scaling behind the ears. Graphites (+ +) Points on the ears. The eardrums are coated with white or capillaries are distended. Hearing loss, but best heard amid sounds or traveling in a vehicle. Noises in the ears: ringing, bells, blowing, roaring (at night), clicks (after each burp), cracks or thunder. Cracking when eating or moving the jaw (in the morning in bed) and sneezing. Violent noises in the ears at night.

Kali Bichromicum Pain around the eye socket and cheekbone, thick mucus, sticky, sticky, greenish yellow discharge. Page | 10 Mercurius sol Greenish yellow secretion that irritates the nostrils, the smell is foul, aggravation by heat and light. Earache. Appears after exposure to damp cold. Hydrastis Heaviness in the forehead, often to the left, which is aggravated in the morning. Secretions thick, sticky, stringy, yellow, streaked with blood. Nasal obstruction, discharge into the throat. Pulsatilla Yellow discharge that is irritating, especially in the morning, evening nasal obstruction, loss of smell. Is aggravated by heat. Pulsatilla (should be avoided in case of otitis). Hepar sulfur Sinusitis superinfected, thick secretions, pus, pain aggravated by cold. Silica Superinfected sinusitis, persistent, with recurrence in autumn and spring, in a fatigued person who needs to sleep, whose discomfort decreased with the heat. Pyrogen Sinusitis superinfected, very offensive. Kali iodatum Pain in the bridge of the nose, aggravated by cold. Bryonia alba Frontal pain relieved by intense pressure, aggravated by movement, nasal dryness, thirst (the person drink large quantities of cold water), respiratory distress. Mezereum Burning pain in the bones of the face, which radiates into the nose. Lachesis mutus Pain in the forehead and left temple, worse when you stop the flow mucoid. Other homeopathic remedies and other features of sinusitis Silica () Acute or chronic sinusitis, frontal, with pains in the middle of the forehead and the root of the nose with purulent nasal discharge and postnasal, yellowish or greenish, fetid, thick, sometimes bloody and often soft, non-irritating. Acute maxillary sinusitis or chronic pains that are aggravated by local or general cold and relieved by warmth, with a runny nose. Headache in the forehead by frontal sinusitis, with chronic coryza. Eucalyptus globulus () Chronic nasal catarrh, purulent, fetid. Watery coryza with obstruction. Frontal and ethmoid sinusitis. Hydrastis () Frontal or maxillary sinusitis subacute. Face pale yellowish or white, with a look tired. Erysipelas of the face. Canker sores on the lips.

Kali Bichromicum Frontal headache with sinusitis, which runs from the root of the nose, especially the left eyebrow. () A foul odor from the nose. Chronic frontal sinus with a sensation of obstruction above. Violent stitches in the right side of nose blowing. Nasal polyps. Pain in nasal bones and at its Page | 11 junction with the cartilage. Esponjilla () The main site of action of sponges is on the mucosa of the upper airways, especially in the nasal mucosa. Blocked nose, stuffy, with frequent sneezing. Coryza acute sinusitis and headache. Nasal catarrh thick, white, worse on the left. Sore throat, nasal obstruction. Severe acute coryza, sometimes feverish, with flu-like pains in the limbs, dull headaches and lightheadedness. Acute and chronic sinusitis, frontal and maxillary (the drug produces an improvement of symptoms with mild nasal discharge). Allergic rhinitis and atrophic. Coryza hay. Ozena, Epistaxis. Penicillinum () Toothache sharp against a background of dull pain in the teeth, especially incisors and upper right canine, with extension of the right maxillary sinus pain, which is inflamed and infected (sinusitis of dental origin). Petasites officinalis () Pain in the sinuses, frontal sinusitis. Scolopendra () Acute sinusitis with frontal pain very much alive (burst burning and radiating in all directions), sometimes with redness and burning eyes cos. The pain is so intense at times that the patient is afraid to lose my mind.

Belladonna () Belladonna finds its main indication in acute abrupt onset and violent, often inflammatory (especially brain, lung, liver and throat) and generally febrile, which always present a series of objective signs that cast doubt: face bright red, bright eyes, dilated pupils, throbbing and Page | 12 superficial artery dilatation throughout, especially in the carotids, and tachycardia with a pulse full and hard. And in general is: a) Local Heat violent, radiating intensely, just bring your hand to feel it; b) Redness red hot, on; c) Burning, objective and subjective, like fire; d) pulsation or throbbing; e) Swelling; e) Major pain. () Acute inflammation of the throat, especially right, and the tonsils, with irritation, burning, redness large (throat, tonsils and uvula) and intense sensation of dryness and tightness with swallowing, pains of all kinds especially in speaking and swallowing liquids, and swelling, with widespread pain in the ear. Foreign body sensation, with hawking. Constant tendency to swallow. Spasms of esophagus. It chokes at bedtime. Sore throat by cold air. Red spots on the neck. Aesculus hippocastanum () Purple-red or bluish red shade of the affected parts (throat, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, ulcers, etc.).. () The mucous membranes (mouth, throat and rectum) are swollen, hot, and dry and feels like raw. () Pharynx distended and tortuous veins, varicose. Throat feels hot, hot, dry, raw, with a tendency to swallow swallowing often and stitches that extend to the ear. Throat and tonsils, purple or dark red, swollen, worse on the left, with sensation of fullness; sensitive to inspired air. Atrophic and follicular pharyngitis. Chronically sore throat. Ailanthus glandulosa () Very swollen throat and pharynx, red-dark purple, with prominent tonsils with deep ulcerations that exude a foul-smelling discharge scanty, with intense pain that prevent him from swallowing (or hurt the ears when swallowing), or dry, rough, sore, swollen and tender neck, with lymphadenopathy. Cryptic tonsillitis. Hyoscyamus () Throat dry and hot, with prickling. Uvula elongated. Constriction in the throat, seizure, with inability to swallow liquids; worse when they heard water running. The food out through the nose. Swallowing difficult or impossible, worst of liquids. Argentum metallicum () Sore throat, worse when you cough, swallow, breathe or yawning. He swallowed hard foods. Accumulation of mucus thick, gelatinous, slimy and gray morning with profuse expectoration easy; chronic pharyngitis with painful swelling of the throat, cervical lymphadenopathy and stiff neck. Tension in the jaws, especially the right side, worse when yawning. Kali carb () Throat hurt, with lancinating pain on swallowing. Difficulty swallowing. Difficult swallowing

caused by inertia of the esophageal muscles. It sticks in the esophagus (food very slowly down the esophagus and small food particles enter the windpipe). Abundant accumulation of mucus in mouth and throat. Dysphagia, globus sensation with mucus in throat. Gurgling. Dryness in the back of your throat. Tingling and sore throat by taking cold, like a thorn in the throat, stitches to take cold, by uncovering the neck. Page | 13 Frequent desire to swallow, but could not be choked by swallowing, the food flows back, narrow esophagus. Lachesis () Throat and tonsils, purple, dark red, elongated uvula. Foreign body sensation in the throat, not relieved by swallowing. Sensation of breadcrumbs on the throat, the better hawking. Feeling of lump in throat, painful, worse sleeping, with constant tendency to swallow. Dryness in the throat, often extended to the ears, nose and chest, worse on awakening or at night. Swelling with redness, burning and excoriating pain, worse on swallowing; in the throat or in the left tonsil. The food is detained in the throat, pain in the root of the tongue. Choking, drowning, with feeling of constriction, as if you pinched and strangled him. Swallowing is impossible to swallow in a vacuum or liquids, especially hot, the best pass solids. Tendency to sleep afterwards hawk. Sore throat or tonsillitis or diphtheria, worse on the left or from left to right, radiating to the ear on swallowing, with dark purple throat, worse swallowing liquids in vacuum or hot (better tolerates solids) or after sleep or day, or lying, or by touching or heat in general, with prostration is provided with the appearance of the throat. He swallowed hard, especially pungent foods, liquids, saliva and sweets. Accumulation of large amount of mucus in the throat, painful cough. Chronic sore throat and old, with very sticky mucus. Sore throat, alternating with nasal obstruction, when he speaks. Sore throat, foul smelling, very acute suppuration and pain on swallowing. Spasms of esophagus at night. It has a feeling of constriction in the neck outside. Can not bear the slightest touch on the neck, not even clothes, is drowned; always bare neck. Goiter left. Varicosities. Hepar sulfur () Sore throat as if a splinter, a bone, an internal tumor. Hawking, with difficulty speaking and swallowing. Sore throat on cooling, as a thorn in swallowing, extending to the ear while yawning or turning the head. Pulsations in the throat. Bn throat violent oppression, fear and suffocation. Impaired swallowing or almost impossible without great effort. Dry throat. Inflammation, hypertrophy, and suppuration of tonsils. Tonsillar cellulitis. Abscesses in the neck. Worse for uncovering the neck. Angina with threatening suppuration. Artemisia vulgaris () Throat sensitive, as raw, with dryness and burning, hawking. Constant tendency to clear the throat by hawking and coughing. Dry painful, worse when swallowing. Need to swallow excess mucus. Pharyngitis. Baptisia tinctoria () Throat dark red sores, inflammation with little or no pain, I completely disagree with the appearance of the throat. Pharynx red shade with small ulcers, very painful and putrid odor. You can only swallow liquids, by constriction or contraction in the esophagus, the least solid food gags him, or swallowing solids with great difficulty. Feeling of constriction in the throat, which induces frequent swallowing efforts. Tonsils and soft palate of deep red.

Baryta mur () Uvula elongated. Varicose veins tonsils and throat. Recurrent tonsillitis, but in Spring and Autumn, by taking cold. Tonsils suppurating just take cold. Pain in the right side of the throat (Lycopodium). Induration of the tonsils with hypertrophy. Page | 14 Wyethia () Pharyngitis or nasopharyngitis subacute or chronic, with bloating, burning, dryness and itching in the throat and nares, with constant desire to swallow saliva to relieve dryness, itching, or throat, and dysphagia, with little or no secretion . Feel the elongated uvula. Sensation of heat down the esophagus, worse when you eat. He wakes up with a sharp pain in the right amygdala, with painful lymphadenopathy in the neck. Alumen () Tendency tonsils every time he takes cold, with hypertrophy and induration of tonsils. Swellings and ulcerations of the throat, with pain, burning, dryness and constriction. Uvula elongated. Varicosities in the pharynx. Difficulty swallowing solids and even liquids by paralysis or spasm of the esophagus.

Iodum (+++) Hypertrophy and induration of glandular tissues, particularly thyroid, breast, testicles, ovaries, salivary glands, liver, pancreas, tonsils, adenoids and lymph nodes (especially cervical, mesenteric, axillary and inguinal). Lymphadenopathy in rosaries. For il contrary, there may be Page | 15 atrophy of breasts (with nodules and tenderness), testes and ovaries. (+++) Uvula swollen and elongated. Sore throat, worse when not swallowing, with sensation of burning and scraping. Constrictive sensation and dysphagia. It is the main drug of exophthalmic goiter, and mental symptoms, general and local, almost entirely, is a faithful copy of the symptoms of the disease. It is also an important drug of the simple goiter, especially when it hurts (more during menstruation) or hard. Sensation of constriction in the thyroid or goiter. Adenopathy in the neck, hard node, as in beads. Ulcers in the throat, lymphadenopathy. The neck is swollen to speak. Thyroidinum (+++) Slimming, paradoxical or obese (P). "A state of swelling and obesity may be considered a key symptom of Thyroidinum" (Clarke). Myxedema, cretinism, or any condition by an underactive thyroid, hypothyroidism after acute illness, with weakness, easy fatigue, weak pulse, tendency to faint, palpitations, cold hands and feet, hypotension, chills and sensitivity to cold, sometimes fall hair (use to the 1st X, 3 times per day (Boericke)). Thinning in children or in general, although it has a good appetite. Anemia. Children arrested in their growth. Bromine (+++) Stony induration and swelling (without coming to suppuration, tuberculosis or not), and lymph glands, especially on the left side of the body (parotid, submandibular, testis, ovary, thyroid, breast, spleen). Hipofisina At the 2000 meeting, 2 times per week, would act as a general endocrine regulator. It has been used, associated with other hormones (ovary, thyroid, etc..) At the 6th, 2 times per week, dysmenorrhea and premenstrual syndrome as well as enuresis. Parathyroidinum (Parathyroid Hormone) According Tetau and Bergeret (see volume 1, page 117) has been used to 200 C at problems of osteoarthritis, stones and tetany; in all syndromes eipoparatiroidismo frustrated with latent tetany and signs of neuromuscular hyperexcitability, also used the 200th, one to three weekly doses associated, as appropriate, to Thyroid 200th or 200th or Liver Ovary 200th. In a compilation, symptoms of hyperparathyroidism OAJulian groups that make up a clinical picture that can serve as a guide to homeopathic prescribing hormone. Calcarea iodata (+ +) And lymph node glandular disorders, with thinning. Lymphadenopathy. Glandular hypertrophy: thyroid, breast, uterus, lymph. Crotalus cascavella (+++) Sensation of dust or foreign bodies in the throat constriction, tingling and burning. Difictiltad swallow with liquids and solids, or can not. Constricting pain in the thyroid, as if a

thread tied around the neck. Sensation of constriction in the goiter. Widespread pain in the esophagus to the stomach. Spongia Tosta (+ +) Hypertrophy and induration of glands and glands, especially testicles, ovaries, thyroid, tonsils, etc. Page | 16 Thioproperazine (+) Endocrine disorders of the pituitary (amenorrhea, galactorrhea, false pregnancy), of the adrenal (hipefuncin bark) thyroid (hypothyroidism with weight gain). Sarothamnus scoparius (+) Hypertrophy of the thyroid, thyroid congestion hot flashes, thinning, clammy hands and disturbed sleep. Basedow. Aurum Sulphuratum (+) Tonsillitis with elongated uvula. Foreign body sensation in the throat. Suppuration of tonsils. Swallowed hard. Tonsils swollen. Syphilitic sores in the throat. Hypertrophy of the thyroid. Morgan (+) Hypertrophy of the thyroid. Adenitis in the neck. Throat dry and hot, raw, grainy. Recurrent tonsillitis. Caseous deposits in the tonsils. Pharyngitis. He splutters with ease. Foreign body sensation.

P olyps

Sanguinarium nitricum (+++) Nasal polyps, probably is most useful to Sanguinaria, especially when in acute situations, the polyps are swollen or full, determining a total obstruction of the nose, accompanied by heavy mucus or watery discharge, pains hot or raw in the mucosa, with frequent sneezing and Page | 17 copious watering. Sensation in the nostrils as if he had eaten horseradish. Hypertrophied turbinates in the beginning. Sanguinaria (+++) Nasal polyps, with a tendency to bleed. (+ +) Uterine polyps that bleed easily. (+++) Aphonia. Edema of glottis. Laryngeal polyps. Teucrium Marum (+++) Is one of the most important drugs of nasal polyps, especially the back of the nose, nasal obstruction on the worst side is lying and the warmth of the bed and time, and with a huge red granite below the right nostril near the wall, it hurts and burns when touched, with a constant tendency to blow by the feeling of having a large lump in the nose. Frequent sneezing, even without coryza, with violent tingling, especially at the root of the nose, itching or tingling or constant, worse on the right, with tears in his right eye. Nasal obstruction is worse on the right and does not improve or sneezing or by blowing. Ozena with green or yellow discharge, thick and fetid, with atrophy of the nasal mucosa. Anosmia. Outdoor fluent coryza, worse in damp weather. (+ +) Isterinos polyps, vaginal polyp like a pear, which protrudes from the vulva. Thuya (+ +) Feeling of swelling in the ear, with hearing loss. Noises in the ears like boiling water or roaring, or crackling when swallowing saliva. Polyp soft ear, pale red, which bleed easily when touched. (+ +) Condylomata, warts or cauliflower excrescences on vulva and vagina. Vulval ulceration, itching and burning. Recto-vaginal fistula. Vagina very sensitive to pain during intercourse, preventing it from doing so. Swelling and soreness of the labia. Uterine polyps. Prolapsed uterus. (+) Polyps on the vocal cords. Hoarseness in the morning or when reading. Conium (+++) Is one of the remedies of the indurations, infiltration and stricture or stenosis. It has been used extensively and cancerous lymph glands, especially in scirrhous and epitheliomas, with large lymph nodes. Atrophy of glands. Polyps. (+ +) Nasal polyps fibrous, hard and elastic. Hyperosmia. Nasal dryness. (+++) Induration and hypertrophy of ovaries and uterus, with lancinating pain, trauma, induration of the cervix with burning and stinging pains. Prolapsed uterus with heaviness and pain. Uterine fibroid. Uterine polyps. Anteversion of the uterus. Carbo animalis (+++) Suppurations benign to malignant conditions change. Polyps hard. Spongy growths and ulcers.

Cadmium Sulphuratum (+) Ozena. Nasal polyps. "No remedy I have been most useful in cases of ozena and polyps" (Clarke). Nasal obstruction. Nose asleep. Erysipelas. Caries of nasal bones. Nostrils ulcerated. Brown spots on the nose and cheeks. Calcarea carb Page | 18 (+ +) Calculation and bladder polyps. Cystitis. Retention of urine. Bladder spasm. Uterus It has been used to 200th in the fibroid and uterine polyps, one to three times a week. Lemna minor (+++) The nose is the point of maximum Lemna action. Mucopurulent rhinitis with crusting and putrid odor from the nose. Ozena; atrophic rhinitis. Anosmia. Chronic coryza, with frequent colds and bouts of excessive sneezing, and runny, with swelling of the nasal mucosa or hypertrophied turbinates, with (or without) polyps, which, in very humid and rainy weather, swell and block the nose completely. It is one of the most important drugs in this problem, and occurs in very low powers (3rd X) or tincture (Cooper was a drop and hoped). Phosphorus (+ +) Red nose, swollen and painful to touch, worse in the back, bright and shiny, especially in the plant. Nasal polyps that bleed easily. Dry scabs, green and hard inside the nose. Excoriation or ulceration of the nostrils. Protruding hemorrhoids that bleed easily (up to flatus), excoriating pain when sitting or lying down. Chronic hemorrhoids. Anal fissure and fistula. Rectal polyps. Taeniasis, ascariasis. Silica (+) Is a drug very deep tissue alterations: in cancer and scirrhous, exostosis, in fractures that consolidate very slowly, osteomalacia, polyps, fibroids; indurations. It is a drug of sycosis and syphilis. Lymphadenopathy. Psorinum (+++) Hay fever or spasmodic coryza. Claire says: "Psorinum has cured more cases of hay fever in my practice than any other remedy. "Appears regularly each year on the same day the same month, asthma history, or eczematous psoric. The patient should be treated the previous winter to eradicate the diathesis and prevent summer attack" (Allen). Nasal polyps. Anosmia. Coryza chronic nasal obstruction by returning to form scabs after removal and postnasal discharge that wakes you at night. Formica Rufa (+ +) Has a marked influence the formation of polyps. Hekla lava (+ +) Facial neuralgia by dental caries or extraction of a decayed tooth, with local infection. Maxillary sinus polyp grows, distorting the face, compressing the eyeballs upward, blocking the nostrils and extending to the mouth, preventing him from breathing and chewing: with epistaxis and headache. Hypertrophy of the jaw. Mercurius biiodatus (+) Nasal polyps in the left side. Scaly eruption in the nostrils. Morgan (+ +) Vulvo vaginal itching. Menorrhagia and metrorrhagia, for polyps and uterine fibroids. Flow

corrosive, foul, brown, green or yellow. Oophorinum (Excerpt from Ovary) It is used in conditions following the removal of the ovaries, in Sos disorders of menopause (including skin disorders such as acne rosacea and prurigo) and ovarian cysts, usually "in the lower triturations" (Clarke). Bergeret says that is useful in fibroids (to 6th), uterine polyps and Page | 19 sterility (2 to 3 times per week). It seems to be a key symptom improvement during or just after menstruation. Kali Bichromicum (+++) Anosmia. A foul odor from the nose. Chronic frontal sinus with a sensation of obstruction above. Violent stitches in the right side of nose blowing. Nasal polyps. Pains in bones LaSala and at its junction with the cartilage. Kali bromatum (+) Spasmodic Stricture of the anus. Diarrhea with blood. Rectal polyps. Hemorrhoids are very painful with black stools. Anal fissure. Belladonna (+++) Displacement of the uterus prolapse and induration. Vagina dry. Oophoritis, metritis. Uterine polyps. Bufo (+ +) Ovaries hypertrophied, with burning and stinging pains. Ovarian cysts. Menses frequent and copious, clots and blood out of date. Watery discharge, bloody, irritating, very offensive. Breast cancer, open, painful blisters and very fetid discharge; epithelioma; scirrhous. The milk comes out mixed with blood. Uterine cancer. Tumors and polyps of the uterus.

Sexual disorders in men

Agnus castus () The pathology of Agnus is focused primarily on sexuality (see 19). It is indicated especially in cases of premature senility, premature, sexual abuse (masturbation, frequent nocturnal ejaculation or loss of prostatic fluid), with melancholia, apathy (see 3), self-deprecation. Former Page | 20 sinners or young people who have abused their power sexual impotence and sexual organs with cold and relaxed (see 19). Single people with nervous debility. In ancient times was used to repress sexual desire, hence its name. () Complete impotence, there are very incomplete erections or with sexual desires absent or greatly reduced, penis and testicles with cold and flaccid, penis small, cold, relaxed. Especially in chronic or recurrent gonorrhea (see 5). Phosphorus () Sexuality in the mental sphere of Phosphorus is often a predominant feature and outstanding, ranging from persistent and often obsessive sexual thoughts and mental symptoms from sexual excesses, even obscenity, lewdness, obscene acts of self-accusations of who was guilty and insane erotica manifested especially exbibicionismos or immodesty, he has no shame, he wants to be naked (but in his delirium) or display her body or do not care. () Increased sexual desire, excessive, violent, coming to assume the characteristics of a true sexual mania; satyriasis, with a constant overwhelming desire to perform intercourse. Facil sexual excitability. Erections are intense at night and morning, strong, violent and even painful. Incomplete erections during intercourse or absent. Impotence due to excessive excitation or masturbation. Cumshot weak or too fast, early. Nocturnal emissions. Pain in the testicles and thickening of the spermatic cord. Hydrocele. Kalium bromatum () Mental symptoms associated with the sexual sphere are important in Kali Bromatum. There are erotic or lewd fantasies, nymphomania or satyriasis, lack of moral sense. Frequent sexual thoughts. () Excessive sexual desires, violent, with constant erections at night. Progressive decrease in sexual desire to impotence, with melancholy and memory loss. Effects of sexual excesses (repeated intercourse or wet dreams): impotence, depression, intellectual lethargy, back pain and motor inco-ordination with a staggering gait and great weakness. Spermatorrhoea. Painful erection gonorrhea. Onosmodium () Sexual weakness. Constant sexual excitement, followed by a decrease or loss of sexual desire, with very weak erections and ejaculate too fast. Psychic impotence. Penis cold, especially the glans. Nocturnal emissions. Absence of orgasm. Staphisagria () Ideas sexual obsessions. Sexual neurasthenia, impotence. Nymphomania. Lust. Mental consequences of sexual excess or masturbation, apathy, indifference, depression, weakened memory, etc.. Always thinking of themes or sexual pleasures. () For the tendency to excessive masturbation and its consequences, both physical and mental (see 5), in both sexes. For the consequences of sexual excess, including irregular or abnormal sexual appetites.

Manifestations and Genito-Urinary Sex. Hyperesthesia of genital organs. Obsessive sexual excitation and inhibition reserve. Sexual rejection. Masturbation. Pollakiuria psicosomatica
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Impotence or erectile dysfunction dysfunction

Caladium (+++) Male sexual organs are at the center of action of Caladium. Impotence: no sexual desires, even violent, without erection, or no desires, no ejaculation or orgasm during intercourse, or Page | 22 too fast. Absence of penile erection with relaxed yet energized (Calc.C., Sel.). Incomplete or painful erections, without desire. Erections when half-awake, disappear when fully awake. Impotence with mental depression. Impotence after gonorrhea. The genitals appear larger and relaxed, limp, cold, sweaty, thick skin of the scrotum. Itching and itching with scaly rashes on the scrotum, you wake up at night. Glande red and dry. Foreskin retracted, worse after sex. In espermatorreas and ejaculations at night with full relaxation of the sexual organs. Ejaculations are no dreams without dreams or sexual themes. Agnus castus (+++) Complete impotence, there are very incomplete erections or with sexual desires absent or greatly reduced, with penis and testicles cold and flaccid, penis small, cold, relaxed. Especially in chronic or recurrent gonorrhea (see 5). Lycopodium (+++) The male genitals are one of the major areas of action of Lycopodium, and the digestive and urinary tracts. Sexual disorders: there is an aversion to sex with boy penis, cool and relaxed, erections are incomplete or absent, especially during intercourse. Impotence chronic long- standing and is one of the most important drugs of this problem, with diminished or absent sexual desire (or increased, but without erection), with wrinkled or genitals relaxed; in young people, by sex pxcesos, or elderly with strong desires and imperfect erections. Nuphar luteum (+++) Is one of the major drugs male sexual impotence, with total absence of erections and sexual desire, despite the erotic fantasies that fill your imagination with retracted penis and scrotum relaxed. Spermatorrhoea or losses senlinales sleeping or urinating or defecating, with total absence of erections, weakness and pallor. Punctures in the testes, which extend to the tip of the penis. Pubic hair loss. Selenium (+++) Impotence with erotic thoughts and no erections, sexual desire without erections or erections without desire, sometimes violent. Incomplete erections during intercourse, with rapid ejaculation and orgasm very long. Semen odorless watery. Spermatorrhoea when bowel movements or leaking semen, especially sleeping. Cumshots for nurturing touch, or unconscious or without erection. With wet dreams nocturnal emissions without erection. Priapism, with testicles pulled up. Weakness (especially lumbar) and irritability after intercourse.

Baryta (+) Decreased sexual desire. Impotence, penis boy, cool, relaxed, incomplete erection and premature ejaculation. Impotence premature. Falling asleep during intercourse. Erection of single morning before rising. Kalium Phosphoricum Page | 23 (+ +) Intense sexual desires with priapism morning. Impotence, without desires, with painful nocturnal emissions without erection. Great prostration after coitus, with low vision. Cankers phagedenic. Balanitis. Staphisagria (+ +) Ideas sexual obsessions. Sexual neurasthenia, impotence. Nymphomania. Lust. Mental consequences of sexual excess or masturbation, apathy, indifference, depression, weakened memory, etc.. Always thinking of themes or sexual pleasures.


Sabal serrulata (+++) Is one of the most important drugs in prostate hypertrophy according to some authors, "is wonderful, even if cancer" (Grimmer). It has been called the "homeopathic catheter and can be avoided in many cases surgery for this problem it has been generally used in mother tincture, Page | 24 giving 5 or 10 to 30 drops at a time, one to three times per day some weeks or months, or the 3rd X, 3rd C (often better) or the 1,000 th or 10M. (Grimmer, Dixon, as the latter should not be used below the 1,000 th.) In elderly patients with prostatic hypertrophy and difficult urination, can keep well for years. Loss of prostatic fluid. Increased sexual desire and orgasm. Hot Testicles. Feel very thick semen comes out slowly, with local warmth. Feel very drawing the testicles upwards, almost painfully. Cold genitals. Testes atrophied or reduced in size (may increase). Backache worse after intercourse, in prostate. Digitalis (+++) Nephritis post-scarlatinal with anasarca and pulmonary edema. Chronic nephritis with edema and bradycardia. Throbbing pain in the neck of the bladder during efforts to urinate. Feeling of fullness in the bladder even after urination. Dysuria with constant urge to urinate, worse at night, with tenesmus, urgency violent, ineffective, leaving little urine, hot, hot. As if the urethra were contracted; weak stream. Great desire to urinate after spending a few drops, dripping with simultaneous desire to defecate. Urine: thick, turbid, yellow brown, black; acre, with brick dust sediment; with albumin. Uremia. Involuntary urination. Enuresis. It is one of the most important drugs for prostate hypertrophy (with Puls., Con and Bar_C.) Senile, with acute urinary retention or leakage. Cystitis. Conium (+++) Discharge of prostatic fluid during stool or any emotion or erotic thoughts or are with a woman with itching in the foreskin. Swelling and induration of the testis, progressive, in a coup. Painful ejaculation. Cutting from the testicle to the root of the penis, pressing, tearing. Hypertrophy and induration of the prostate, with feeling of weight on the perineum. Orchitis. Medorrhinum (+++) Enlarged prostate weak stream. Suppressed gonorrhea prostatitis. Nocturnal emissions followed by great weakness semen watery with no clothes stiff or too thick you can barely get out, or opaque white threads. Intense and frequent erections day and night, or impotence, no erections. Condylomata on glans and foreskin. The testis and epididymis are hard after gonorrhea and swollen; orchitis suppression of gonorrhea, epididymitis. Prostate In the prostate adenoma, its primary indication, this drug has been used with excellent results (Bergeret and Ttau) with the 6th C., 3 weekly doses was observed in one to two months a significant clinical improvement and normalization of urinary stream and of wetting. In prostatitis, the 200th use. Pulsatilla Interrupted urination (+++) and dashes in prostatic hypertrophy, with cutting to each trickle out. Urgency. Acute retention of urine and painful, in newborns or by taking cold, or children every time they cold or after childbirth or prostate hypertrophy, with involuntary dribbling and a feeling of fullness in the bladder. Burning at the urethral meatus during and after urination.

Urinary incontinence, involuntary urination at night (enuresis), coughing or sneezing, sitting, walking, to flatus, if you hold the desire to urinate and in pregnancy. After urinating, spasmodic pain in the bladder. Hematuria; the end of urination; sediment bloody red mucous. Dark urine. Enlarged prostate prostatitis, pressing pain in the prostate after urination. Baryta Disease (+++) old when they start Denero changes, cardiovascular and cerebral, with enlarged Page | 25 prostate, testicular induration, sensitivity to cold, bromidrosis feet, weak and weary, must sit or rest on something. Men with rigid mask. Mannish women. Selenium (+++) Prostatic hypertrophy in the elderly, induration, pain when urinating. Hydrocele. Gonorrhea with yellowish discharge. Itching of the scrotum. Fall of pubic hair. Thuya Sale (+++) blood from the urethra after urination. Enlarged prostate. Urine yellow or wine- colored, bloody, watery, copious and glucose (diabetes); very persistent foam. Itching in the urethra voluptuous tingling in the navicular fossa. Urethral discharge blennorrhagic acute or chronic marillenta, greenish or yellow-green, copious, purulent or watery paste with the urethral meatus and swelling in the morning and urethral meatus. Staphisagria (+ +) Output of prostatic fluid, especially when moving hard stools. Prostatic hypertrophy in the elderly. Prostatitis; sometimes suppressed gonorrhea. Prostate Pain, worse walking. Hydrangea arborescens (+ +) Urinary symptoms are the most important and characteristic. Discomfort and pain in kidney region, usually a kidney stone or gravel or small stones, with bloody urine. Renal colic. Urine sediment with abundant white amorphous salts. Acute low back pain, especially on the left. Urine takes to get out. Frequent urethral burning desires. Diabetes. It is one of the most important remedies for prostate hypertrophy. "For years you can keep it and save a prostate operation (Grimmer) (the dye). Kali Bichromicum (+ +) Lack of sexual desire in people heavy. Stitches in the prostate, walking, should be stopped. Itching on the hairy parts of the genitalia, with small pustulitas. Constrictive pain in the root of the penis, in the morning on waking. Itching in the glans. Cankers deep in penis and foreskin. Gonorrhea with copious stringy or jelly. Fabiana imbricata (+ +) Hyperuricemia. Urine scalding. Urinary stones. Urethritis, urinary frequency. Violent burning pains and urinary urgency after urination. Acute and chronic cystitis gravel, with mucus and pus. Urinary disorders in subacute or chronic gonorrhea. Prostatitis. Enlarged prostate. You use the tincture or fluid extract in doses of 1 to 20 drops. Ferrum Picric (+ +) Pain in the urethra. Frequent urination at night, with fullness and pressure in the rectum. Burning in the neck of the bladder and penis. Retention of urine. Albuminuria. Senile prostatic hypertrophy: is one of the most important medicines, even if cancer; give 3 C.; often controls its growth, as it has a specific action on the gland.

Mercurius (+++) Tissue destructive tendency to suppuration and ulceration. Antisyphilitic is the "type" of Hahnemann and, as Boericke, is especially useful in secondary syphilis, where the 2nd X "will do an amazing job" with its effectiveness. Mercurius purulent Page | 26 secretions are green or greenish yellow and streaked with blood, especially on mucous membranes. Mercurius cor (+++) Is one of the main drugs of primary syphilis. Mercurius auratus (+) Syphilis of the nasal bones, or suppurative osteitis of the nasal bones or facial or ozena with fetid nasal discharge and pain worse at night. Nitric acid (+++) Is one of the main drugs of syphilis patients and very mercurializados sycosis. Syphilinum (+++) Indicating Syphilinum arises, though the similarity is not very clear, when the well selected remedy fails to relieve or permanently cure the sick Syphilitic with a personal or hereditary syphilis, in any morbid event that evolves over a field syphilitic acquired or inherited. In patients who have had a syphilitic chancre locally and as a result, have suffered skin disorders or throat during anios, are almost always benefit from this remedy at the beginning of treatment, unless some other remedy is clearly indicated (Allen). In children with congenital syphilis showing signs of disease. In children or babies underdeveloped, shrunken and wrinkled or old lspecto. Hard chancres (+++) in or glans penis, with raised edges and base lardaceous with inguinal lymphadenopathy. In primary syphilis, some authors give Syphilinum 1000th meetings nightly dose, an increase of blight in the first two weeks, and then decreases until it disappears, then no secondary lesions were observed. Phagedenic Cankers spread quickly. Swelling and induration of the spermatic cords and testicles, sometimes with excruciating pains in the cords, or with swollen testicle and scrotum and painful. Kali iodatum (+++) Is one of the most important drugs for syphilis at any stage. Stillingia (+ +) Syphilis, especially related to bone pain or pcristicos alive, sharp, lancinating, worse on movement and humidity, especially localized in the tibia, bones of the skull, jaw, vertebrae, and so on.; And neuralgia of origin syphilitic (trigeminal, sciatic, head, etc.).. Exostoses. Bone cavities. Aurum mur natronatum + +) Syphilis. In syphilitic very mercurializados. It is one of the most important drugs in anti- syphilitic antenatal prophylaxis (Hering). Anantherum Muriaticum (+ +) Cankers on penis and urethral meatus. Syphilis. Arsenic iodatum (+) Syphilis: can be curative in all stages and forms of syphilis, especially the secondary.

Aurum arsenicicum Useful especially in cancer, epithelioma, indurations and bone decay, and in tertiary syphilis. Edema. Aurum metallicum (+ +) In syphilis patients and very mercurializados. Page | 27 Aurum mur (+) Old syphilitic thinning. Very useful in chronic effects of syphilis and gonorrhea, when present simultaneously syeotic warts and syphilitic ulcers (Kent). Children under color of old (Hering). Badiaga (+) Child Syphilis with large generalized lymphadenopathy. Syphilis in general. General paralysis. Calotropis (+) Syphilis; anemia in syphilis cure ulcers and standardizes the general breakdown. Corydalis Clinical experience has shown its effectiveness in syphilis, especially in primary and secondary lesions in cankers, nodules syphilitic ulceration of the mucous membranes and scalp with hair loss, and gum with nighttime pain. Guaco (+ +) Syphilis. Cancer. Hepar sulfur (+ +) Syphilitic chancre. In ancient syphilis have been treated with massive doses of mercury and mercury still potentized.

Medorrhinum (+++) For the constitutional effects of gonorrhea badly treated and removed, in female chronic conditions (oophoritis, salpingitis, cysts, fibroids, etc..) Dating from gonorrheal infection, when there is a history or hereditary gonorrhea; in women with heavy flow, purulent or not, since her Page | 28 marriage, in children pale, emaciated, very small in size, arrested in their growth and mentally handicapped, with parents who have had gonorrhea. In all these cases, Medorrhinum is indicated when the best selected remedy fails to relieve or permanently improve. (+++) Download urethral gonorrhea, acute or chronic, profuse, purulent or yellowish, with sore and agglutination urethra meatus. (+++) Enlarged prostate weak stream. Suppressed gonorrhea prostatitis. (+ +) The Medorrhinum rheumatism, gonorrhea usually resulted in a suppressed, has well defined characteristics: they are aggravated with the first movements and better when the movements are continuing, are worst during storms, day and from cold and moisture. Armoracea sativa (+++) Gonorrhea acute, burning, dysuria, pain, cutting (1st & 2nd C), chronic and abandoned. "It's the most useful remedy if used early in gonorrhea" (Leonard). Cutting and burning in glans before, during and after urination. Nephritis, albuminuria. Impotence. Cannabis sativa Gonorrhea acute (+++) in his first term. "It is the remedy par excellence with which to start the treatment of gonorrhea" (Nash). Cinnabaris Gonorrhea (+++) chronic green or yellow discharge. Induration of testes. Mercurius (+ +) Green urethral discharge (over night), yellow, green or yellow, thick, gonorrheal. Urethral gonorrhea with sharp pains. Phimosis. Inflammation of the urethral meatus. Burning urethra during intercourse. Clematis erecta (+ +) Recently suppressed gonorrhea disorders (rheumatism, orchitis, urethral stricture, etc.).. Gonorrhea acute purulent discharge. (+++) Orchitis, far right, with drawing pains, worse at night and from warmth of bed; by suppression of gonorrhea. Agnus castus (+++) Complete impotence, there are very incomplete erections or with sexual desires absent or greatly reduced, with penis and testicles cold and flaccid, penis small, cold, relaxed. Especially in chronic or recurrent gonorrhea. (+ +) Effects of repeated gonorrhea or suppressed (Allen). (+ +) Blennorrhagic chronic urethral discharge, yellowish.

Natrum sulph (+ +) Is one of the main drugs of sycosis, and believed that the constitution Grauvogl Hydrogen is the most propitious ground for gonorrhea infection, or in which it is more harmful (Allen). Slowly recovers from any illness (Allen). (+ +) Gonorrhea with greenish yellow or greenish discharge, painless, dense, chronic Page | 29 suppressed. Itching of the scrotum and penis (or itchy rashes) with burning after scratching, itching perineum. Increased sexual desire, in the evening. Pulsatilla (+ +) Stricture, urethral contraction or bleeding after gonorrhea. Gonorrhea acute urethral pain burning, cutting or piercing during and after urination, with thick yellow-green discharge. (+ +) Corditis epididymitis and orchitis, and acute right or left by removal of a gonorrhea or metastasis or as a complication of mumps or bruising. Rhododendron (+++) Inflammation of the testicles, especially the right, chronic or not, by suppression of gonorrhea. Sabina (+ +) Gonorrhea. Burning pain in the glans. Cartilage swelling on the dorsum of the penis, ENFORMA nut. Itching Condylomata male genitals, the penis, burning, itchy and painful on the glans and foreskin. Glande very red. Foreskin pain, with difficulty in retracting. Kali Bichromicum (+ +) Lack of sexual desire in people heavy. Stitches in the prostate, walking, should be stopped. Itching on the hairy parts of the genitalia, with small pustulitas. Constrictive pain in the root of the penis, in the morning on waking. Itching in the glans. Cankers deep in penis and foreskin. Gonorrhea with copious stringy or jelly. Nat mur (+ +) Chronic Gonorrhea, with white or milky. Stitches in the bladder as urine and urethral burning. Caladium (+++) Incomplete or painful erections, without desire. Erections when half-awake, disappear when fully awake. Impotence with mental depression. Impotence after gonorrhea. Nitric acid (+ +) Flow acrid, excoriating, brown or green, bloody, or sticky or watery, fetid clothes stained brown or yellow spots or leaves with black borders. Gonorrheal flow. Calcarea carb (+ +) Urethral stricture. Enlarged prostate removed prostatic fluid. Urine bloody, albuminous; dark, milky, foul-smelling, strong, acrid. Chronic gonorrhea. (+ +) Other general issues: Anemia; post-haemorrhagic disorders loss of vital fluids. Cancer; Encefaloma; leukemia. Dwarfism. Suppressed gonorrhea.

Convallaria (+ +) Gonorrhea in its first stage, or chronic, with yellow purulent or mucopurulent discharge. Gonorrheal rheumatism. Tender, swollen, indurated. Induration and burning in the prostate. Redness and acrid moisture between her thighs and testicles. Cubeba Page | 30 (+ +) Urethral discharge dark red or greenish yellow, thick, with frequent obstruction; gonorrhea. Gonorrhea acute and chronic mucous or purulent discharge profuse thick yellow or green, glutinous, which hardens the clothes, with burning pain on urination and urinary frequency. Urethritis. Lac caninum Flow (+++) vulvar itching acrid, excoriating. Swelling of the left lip, gonorrhea.

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

Colocynthis Severe pain, spasmodic. Patient agitated and angry. The pains are relieved when lying down with knees bent. Veratrum album Page | 31 Violent colicky pain associated with diarrhea and vomiting. Patient ice, covered with cold sweat, often agitated, talkative. Exaggerated sexual arousal before menstruation. Viburnum opulus Dolores as heaviness in the region of ios ovaries, associated with pain in the lower back that radiates down the thighs. Agitated patient. The pain is most intense just before menstruation. Pulsatilla Dolores moody, often as heavy. Short and delayed menses, intermittent. Chills before menstruation. Patient sad, crying a lot and seeks solace. Sepia officinalis Periods of low abundance, usually delayed, which may be extended with little bleeding and blackish. Pain associated with a feeling of heaviness that radiates to your lower back. Patient depressed and irritable, especially with those close, sometimes prey to a mania for order before menstruation. The pain is relieved with exercise or movement. Cimicifuga racemosa More intense pain is the more abundant the flow. Radiating down the thighs and calm down when the woman is folded in two. They are associated with pain in her left breast and lumbar heaviness. In some cases, cramps, muscle twitching, restlessness and anxiety. Other homeopathic remedies for menstruation Aletris farinosa (+++) Frequent and profuse menses, with labor pains. Passive haemorrhages, with large clots, black. O amenorrhea or scanty menstruation and far between. Belladonna (+++) Menses copious, bright red mixed with dark clots, fluid containing blood clots, or pale, warm like melted wax, painful, frequent or late, offensive; suppressed. Premenstrual fatigue, cramping, anorexia, and blurred vision. During menstruation: cramps, yawning, chills, anxiety, thirst, burning, cramp-like pains in the back and arms, night sweats, chest. Borax (+++) Menses early, too heavy, very painful, with pinzantes pain or cramping, nausea and gastralgia extended to the lower back. Membranous menses (dysmenorrhea membranous). Flow transparent albuminous, like boiled starch or egg white, acrid, excoriating, burning, sticky, especially between the two periods, in mid-or post-menstrual cycle, heavy, warm, giving the sensation of hot water that seeps through thighs. Bloated feeling in the clitoris with needles. Vulvar itching, eczema of vulva.

Bovista (+++) Menses frequent and copious, or late, sparse and short, the blood flows only at night (day nothing), with pain bearing down. Metrorrhagia mild intermenstrual. Menses every two weeks, dark and clotted. Premenstrual or postmenstrual flow, transparent or white, albuminous, pungent, sticky, greenish-worst walking and night, leaves green stains on clothing. Pubis pain Page | 32 during menstruation. Carbo animalis (+++) Menses frequent and prolonged; offensive; black. Flow burning, worse walking, which stains clothes yellow. Menstruation leaves only tomorrow. Metrorrhagia. Ipecac (+++) Menses too early and copious (with fainting) of bright red blood, clotted, thick blood. During menstruation, pain radiating from the navel to the uterus, nausea and vomiting. After menstruation, weakness out of proportion to the amount of blood lost. Dolores bearing down towards the genitals and anus. Lac caninum (+++) Menses scanty, with great irritability on the first day, sometimes nauseous paroxysmal pain, or pain in the left ovary or lumbar region pains better bending backwards. Menses early, heavy, coming out in spurts, bright red, sticky or stringy, or until membranous. Flow only during the day, worse standing or walking, bloody, white or yellowish. Severe and constant pain in right ovary, the better from menstruation, pain in left ovary, which crosses the hypogastric, the pains extend to the thighs or alternate sides. Magnesia carb (+++) Menses late, scanty, short, bloody, thick, dark or black as tar and it is difficult to clean; with cutting or delivery, back pain, weakness and chills. Menstruation flows much more or only at night, lying down or sleep and goes off when walking or when the stomach hurts. General aggravation during menstruation, headaches, fainting. White mucus and corrosive. Phytolacca Frequent and copious Menstruacioncs (+++) with serious, painful and intense lacrimation, dysmenorrhea membranous, with erosion or ulceration of the neck. Thick and irritating. Imminent abortion. Constant sensation as if menses come. Metrorrhagia. Lumpy breasts hard and painful.

Lachesis mutus psychic manifestations appeared in menopause: pathological jealousy, incoherent talkativeness, fear, anxiety dreams. Anxious and sad in the morning. Restlessness at night, Page | 33 insomnia. Cerebral arousal: logorrhea, hyperactivity and hiperideacin. Amylenum nitrosum Intense (+++) rush of blood to the head and face, feeling that blood is going to jump through the skin with heat and redness. Flares on the head, followed by sweats, menopause. Heat, redness and throbbing in the head, which feels burst. (+ +) Flushes of heat that part of the face, epigastric or any body part, often followed by hot sweats and heavy, followed by great prostration, especially at menopause. "In women sensitive, nervous, plethoric, during or after menopause (Allen). Cimicifuga (+++) Feeling as if a cloud, thick, heavy black was over her, wrapping his head, so that everything is dark and confused, sad, especially during menopause. Sumbul (+++) Heart from nervous disorders, cardiac neurosis, * special in hysterical or nervous persons. Hysterical nervous palpitations in menopause or in the worse from the slightest excitement or paying attention. Sanguinaria Migraines are observed (+++) preferably at menopause and hepatic failure, or during fever. Severe dizziness, worse when moving fast or turning the head, look upward, rising from a chair or stooping; in cold weather and at menopause, with nausea, headache, blurred vision, ringing in the ears or fainting. (+ +) Disorders of menopause, especially hot flashes with circumscribed redness of the cheeks, smelling and corrosive flow, burning palms of hands and soles of feet that drive to uncover all in bed with swollen and painful breasts; "If they fail or Sulfur Lachesis" (Allen); Sepia (+++) Flushes or hot flashes after noon or night, coming up, as if splashed with hot water sweats alternating with chills; appear spontaneously or at the least effort. When the heats up is uncovered, but after sweating it top because it feels cold. By this symptom, so characteristic, simultaneously with their mentality, Sepia has often been pointed at menopause, which is one of the most loyal and important medicines. Hair falls a lot; at menopause. Jaborandi (+ +) Tufaro heat with sweating in the menopause, with red face, red ears and neck warm in the face and pounding on the temporal arteries, followed immediately by a profuse perspiration, which begins on face and head and extends throughout the body, usually with marked sialorrhea. Valerian (+++) Hysteria at menopause. Psorinum (+ +) Waves of heat rise, worse in the evening, as if splashed with hot water. Menopause.

Sensations of heat. Disorders of menopause with hot flushes in the face, flow, dysmenorrhea and metrorrhagia. Mancinella (+ +) Depressive states in puberty and menopause, with heightened sexuality (Hering). Thalamus (+) Female frigidity. Disorders of the menopause with hot flushes and flushing, worse at night. Hyperthyroidism in menopause, with swelling at the base of the neck. Hypothalamus Baldness in women, especially in menopause, with thinning hair at the edge of the scalp. Glonoinum Disorders of menopause. Sunstroke. Eucalyptus globulus Sudden waves of heat through the menopause, with palpitation and flatulence. Murex purpurea People melancholy, especially at menopause.

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Sexual disorders in women

Lilium tigrinum () There is a marked sexual excitement, and should bring into play all his will to suppress the ideas and desires that haunt, and this is achieved especially by keeping busy. Their sexuality is manifested in states of nymphomania, lust and frequent coarse language. Aggravation sexual Page | 35 excesses. () Female genital organs are the maximum scope of Lilium tigrinum. Sexual desires are increased and often end up in involuntary orgasms, better still occupied. Murex purpurea () The wide spectrum of Murex is in the female genitalia. There is a violent sexual excitement, which it appears or is enhanced markedly by the lightest touch on the vulva or vagina, burning with sexual desire; nymphomania; must cross your thighs to calm down, sometimes the excitement is almost maniacal. Sabina () Sexual desire greatly increased, almost insatiable, violent and may reach nymphomania. Stitches or a knife deep into the vagina and uterus to umbilicus. Intermenstrual metrorrhagia is often accompanied by sexual excitement. Onosmodium () Complete absence of sexual desire in women, sexual desire is destroyed there is no orgasm, aversion to intercourse. Vulvar itching, worse from scratching and flow. Constant feeling that menstruation is coming. Staphisagria () Ideas sexual obsessions. Sexual neurasthenia, impotence. Nymphomania. Lust. Mental consequences of sexual excess or masturbation, apathy, indifference, depression, weakened memory, etc.. Always thinking of themes or sexual pleasures. () For the tendency to excessive masturbation and its consequences, both physical and mental (see 5), in both sexes. For the consequences of sexual excess, including irregular or abnormal sexual appetites. Manifestations and Genito-Urinary Sex. Hyperesthesia of genital organs. Obsessive sexual excitation and inhibition reserve. Sexual rejection. Masturbation. Pollakiuria psychosomatic. Cantharis () Voluptuous itching in the vulva and vagina. Exaggerated sexual desire in women. Obsessive nymphomania. Puerperal metritis. Flow by masturbation corrosive. Membranous dysmenorrhoea. Vaginismus. Tendency to abortion. Cannabis sativa () Threatened abortion with gonorrhea, or very frequent intercourse. Sterile sexual excitement. Profuse menstruation. Abortion with seizures. Flow in girls. Phosphorus () Sexuality in the mental sphere of Phosphorus is often a predominant feature and outstanding, ranging from persistent and often obsessive sexual thoughts and mental symptoms from sexual excesses, even obscenity, lewdness, obscene acts of self-accusations of who was guilty and insane erotica manifested especially exbibicionismos or immodesty, he has no shame, he wants to be naked (but in his delirium) or display her body or do not care. Nymphomania, especially premenstrual.

() or violent sexual desire increased in women. Nymphomania. Aurum Iodatum () In women, increased sexual desire. Induration of the ovaries, uterus and cervix. Oophoritis, metritis. Thick, yellow. Menses copious, late, deleted. Uterine prolapse. Sterility. Sabal serrulata () Intense sexual desire in women. Sharp or stinging pain in the ovaries, radiating upwards or downwards. Kalium bromatum Infertility in women by excessive sexual desires. Aversion to intercourse, lack of orgasm. Uterine fibroid. Subinvolution puerperal.

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Breast lumps
Conium (+++) Glandular hypertrophy and indurations or tissue or lymph node, rock hard, especially for trauma, bruises, bumps or falls, with itching and stitching, or painless, testicles, breasts, ovaries, Page | 37 cervix, salivary gland , lymph nodes, etc.. In lymphatic vessels, like a rosary. Enlarged lymph glands and cold and hard. It is one of the drugs of induration, infiltration and stricture or stenosis. It has been used extensively and cancerous lymph glands, especially in scirrhous and epitheliomas, with large lymph nodes. Atrophy of glands. Polyps. (+++) Induration and hypertrophy of ovaries and uterus, with lancinating pain, trauma, induration of the cervix with burning and stinging pains. Prolapsed uterus with heaviness and pain. Uterine fibroid. Uterine polyps. Anteversion of the uterus. Menses: irregular; deleted, slim with clots are broken by taking cold or putting hands in cold water, late, scanty, short. Before menstruation: vulvar itching and swollen breasts, hard, painful to every step, heavy. During menstruation: swollen breast, uterine cramps and feeling of bearing down. Next: acid flow, creamy, rich. Flow acrid, burning, corrosive, foul, milky, ten days after menstruation. Vulvar and vaginal itching. Inflammation of the sinuses with stitches. Breasts soft and relaxed, flaccid, with hard nodules and tender (Phyt.). Tumors or lumps in the breast following contusions. Phytolacca (+++) Lumpy breasts hard and painful. Breast tumors livid or purple color and very clear (again the right). Breast hard as stones, wood, painful and swollen and very sensitive, with drainage imminent when the baby suckles, there is intense pain radiating from the nipple to the body. Breast abscess is fistuliza, leaving sanious fetid pus, fistula is not closed. Abscess in old scars of the breast. Acute mastitis. Nipples sensitive, excoriated or shaved, with the characteristic radiation of pain. Breast cancer. Agalactia, or milk becomes stringy and tasteless. Ulcers in the breasts. (+) Induration of glands (salivary, mammary, etc.); nodules. Malignancy scirrhus. Slimming, weight loss (especially with the dye from the berries of Phytolacca). Syphilis. Iodum (+++) Hypertrophy and induration of glandular tissues, particularly thyroid, breast, testicles, ovaries, salivary glands, liver, pancreas, tonsils, adenoids and lymph nodes (especially cervical, mesenteric, axillary and inguinal). Lymphadenopathy in rosaries. Conversely, there may be atrophy of breasts (with nodules and tenderness), testes and ovaries. (+ +) Breasts weigh as if to fall, flaccid and atrophied, with severe pain during menses, atrophy of nipples. Nodules as nuts, hard, with black tips on breasts, especially if they are stunted, bluish-red nodules. Hyperaesthesia breast. Galactorrhea, watery milk, or milk suppression.

Scrophularia nodosa (+ +) Metritis to repeat, with painful hemorrhoids. Irritation, pain and vaginal burning, itching. "It is very useful in the removal of breast lumps" (Boericke), chronic, hard and hardly painful. Silica (+ +) Drainage and swelling Breast old scars. Abscesses in breasts and nipples, with fistulous Page | 38 openings. Induration in the breast, especially on the left. Hard nodules, especially in the right breast. Breast cancer. Breast pain when baby nurses, cutting or stabbing. Stitches in and behind the left breast, and burning pain in the nipple. Nipple retraction is like a funnel. Cracks in the nipple that is excoriated or ulcerated, with burning pains. Axillary adenopathies hard. Lapis albus (+ +) And sharp burning pains in the breast and uterus (the onset of menses). Breast nodules poorly demarcated, elastic consistency and punctures the jump. Medorrhinum (+ +) Painless nodules in the left breast. Bleeding nipples. Sterility. Large left ovary. Nitric acid (+ +) Hard nodules in the breasts. Atrophy of breasts. Phosphorus (+) Hard and painful nodules in the breasts. Inflammation of the sinuses, erysipelas with burning pains. Arsenic iodatum (+) Breast lump, tender and painful to touch, with nipple retraction (after Conium).

Sabina (+++) Threatened abortion (possibly more important is the remedy or, at least in my experience, it emerges, its symptoms, the most frequently indicated, especially in the third month), with the pains and metrorrhagia characteristic and the aggravation of the latter by Page | 39 heat and the slightest movement, must remain perfectly still to avoid or reduce the loss. You can get to eliminate the tendency to abortion. Cinnamomum (+++) Menses early, abundant and long, bright red blood, with downward pressure sensation (Sepia). Repeated small hemorrhages in pregnancy and puerperium, appearing for the least effort or a false step. Chronic metrorrhagia. Postpartum metrorrhagia liquid blood and pale. Chronic flow. Toxoplama gondii (+ +) Tendency to abortions, particularly in the first trimester spontaneous and repetition. Secale cornutum (+++) Secale is also an important drug of threatened abortion, especially in the third month or until the 5th or 6th month of gestation, with prolonged pain, like labor, burning, or of bearing down, and bleeding persistent black blood clots mixed with black liquid that is aggravated by the slightest movement, accompanied by a general cooling with heat intolerance and to be covered. Caulophyllum (+++) The preventive par excellence, not only the disorders just mentioned in childbirth, but also preterm delivery. The indication is to take a daily dose of Caulophyllum 3rd or 6th or 12th or 30th for a month before the expected date of delivery, and are thus very normal births, little painful, easy, normal or short term ... Threatened abortion from uterine inertia or sluggishness; tendency to abortion uterine contraction weak. Sepia (+++) Tendency to abortion or premature labor, the fifth to seventh month. Thuya (+ +) Tendency to abortion at the end of the third month of pregnancy, bearing down pains in the uterus and red blood with clots. During pregnancy, the fetus moves so violently that awakens the mother. Trillium pendulum (+++) Uterine bleeding caused by a threatened abortion (especially in the third month), or before or during or after childbirth, or menopause or movements or uterine fibroids. Viburnum prunifolium (+ +) Tendency to abortion by uterine atony, babies born at eight months and die within weeks. Aletris farinosa Heaviness (+++) hypogastrium; prolapsed uterus with right groin pain, infertility, habitual tendency to abortion caused problems all in a real weakness of the uterine muscle. Aurum metallicum (+) Tendencies to provoke abortions (mental symptoms, according to Kent).

Coffea cruda (+ +) Very severe pains in threatened abortion or childbirth, excessive pain after. Labor pains irregular Crocus sativus (+++) Threatened abortion or postpartum bleeding with blood characteristic. Menses suppressed, with movements in the womb. In pregnant women, very violent movements in the Page | 40 fetus. Eupatorium purpureum (+ +) Threatened abortion. Habitual abortion in the third or fourth month. Labor pains ineffective. Ipecac Threatened abortion (+++) with nausea and stomach pains from left to right, from fright. Stitches from navel to uterus. Phytolacca (+++) Menses frequent and copious with serious, painful and intense lacrimation, dysmenorrhea membranous, with erosion or ulceration of the neck. Thick and irritating. Imminent abortion. Constant sensation as if menses come. Plumbum (+ +) Feels that there is enough room in the uterus to the fetus, the uterus can not expand; threatened abortion. Tendency to abortion. Pulsatilla (+++) Tendency to abortion from uterine atony.

Pregnancy and childbirth

During pregnancy Homeopathy, which offers the advantage of not involve any toxic risk to the fetus, can easily alleviate many common minor ailments such as nausea, fatigue, leg pain, hemorrhoids, Page | 41 constipation, etc.. Examples include Collinsonia canadensis, Aesculus hippocastanum or Lachesis mutus to soothe hemorrhoids, or Colchicum autumnale, one of many possible remedies for nausea, which is prescribed as smell or just think of food causes nausea, if the slightest movement of and if the patient worsens gets cravings for different foods that turn into aversion as the smell. Facilitating labor Proper treatment of a woman during pregnancy may allow delivery confront calmly. From the viewpoint of homeopathy, ideally in a defensive manner prescribed a specific remedy for the patient, "similimum", shortly before delivery, during delivery, if necessary, and after delivery. - "False labor" contractions are ineffective to dilate the cervix, which is rigid. The patient feels weak and thirsty. Caulophyllum thalictroides. - "False labor" accompanied by chills and severe muscle weakness nervous. The patient does not feel thirsty, your face is purple. Gelsemiumsempervirens - Extremely intense pain in the back, accompanied by cramps in the calves, desire to defecate and urinate and sometimes fainting. The patient is very irritable. Nux Vomica - Back pain that radiates to the buttocks. The patient needs to pressure on the back, has the feeling that your body is hollow. Frequent belching. Kalicarbonicum - Remedy nonspecific, sometimes indicated as a preventive at the start of labor to support the delivery or muscular effort to facilitate the removal and foster a good recovery afterwards. Arnica montana - Facilitates labor when there rheumatic pains (especially in the hips and left breast) in late pregnancy or during (as contractions. It is recommended if contractions accompanied by cramps, chills, nervous or intense excitement, with irregular dilatation the cervix. Cimicifuga racemosa Postpartum and breastfeeding Homeopathy can accompany the young mother during the postpartum stage, sometimes delicate, help her overcome postpartum depression (transient depression that often occurs in the period following the birth of the baby) or if not reset or pregnancy or childbirth. As for breastfeeding, numerous remedies promote the secretion of milk (Lac caninum, Urtica urens, Zinoim metallicum), while some others may try various incidents such as cracks in the nipple (Graphites, for example) or painful rise milk. Caulophyllum (+++) The large area of activity is the female genital organs, and especially so during childbirth, when the pains are irregular, when general exhaustion and stop when they are too painful, making the long and exhausting labor. The opening of the cervix is rigid and does not dilate during labor, there is a total uterine atony. The labor pains are spasmodic, paroxysmal, irregular, interrupted or weak, and come to an end, or are short and ineffective, often

appearing in English and lower limbs. False labor pains, erratic is stomach pains during childbirth. Hemorrhage. False pregnancy. It is also the preventive par excellence, not only the disorders just mentioned in childbirth, but also preterm delivery. The indication is to take a daily dose of Caulophyllum 3rd or 6th or 12th or 30th for a month before the expected date of delivery, and are thus very normal births, little painful, easy, normal or short duration. It is also Page | 42 very useful in the flow of small, when copious and debilitating. Retained placenta weak with exhaustion and pain. Chamomilla (+++) Burning pains in the vagina. Uterine pain of anger, paroxysmal. Bearing down pain in the uterus. Uterine cramping, after a fit of anger or premenstrual or during menstruation. As labor pains during menstruation. Excessive labor pains, spasmodic, that the much altered, or false, rigidity of the cervix during labor, uterine contraction in an hourglass, the fetus goes up instead of down. Cinnamomum (+++) Bleeding bright red blood and clear, that appears or is exacerbated by any physical effort or movement. Epistaxis, and meno metrorrhagia, melena, bleeding postpartum or pregnancy or uterine cancer. Coffea cruda (+ +) Very severe pains in threatened abortion or childbirth, excessive pain after. Labor pains irregular, ineffective and intolerable (see 2), cease, with verve and complaints. Equisetum Bladder pain (+++) as distension or fullness, after urinating pressive. Dysuria in women, especially during pregnancy and after childbirth, with extreme urgency and frequent urination, severe pain immediately following the end of urination, urine drops. Cutting and burning in urethra when urinating and after. Gelsemium (+++) False labor pains that run up and back. Labor pains sharp, very annoying and ineffective, which can be felt throughout the body. No pain in childbirth, with widely dilated orifice of the neck and complete lethargy. Spasmodic labor pains, weak, with great discomfort, go up the back. Nervous chills, with chattering teeth, the onset of labor. With every pain, the fetus seems to rise instead of fall. Threatened abortion by sudden emotions depressants or scares. During pregnancy: uterine violent pains, headache, double vision, drowsiness, dimness of vision, dizziness, and bradycardia, cramps in the belly and legs, seizures, albuminuria. Seizures during labor and puerperium. Lycopodium (+ +) Chronic constipation, from puberty or since the last birth, with ineffectual urging and hard stools, small enough (if you think there is something in the rectum), difficult to pass because the urge to defecate is followed by a painful contraction of the anus or rectum (feces and receding), or during bowel prolapses. Constipation in pregnancy. Millefolium (+++) Is one of the main drugs on bleeding, they are painless, without fever, without anguish, liquid blood bright red, shiny, that appear in any body or any body opening, which can be spontaneous or traumatic origin, or in wounds, surgical or not, bleeding profusely, especially after a fall. Hemorrhages appear after muscular exertion or lifting weights or after the abolition

of menstruation after abortion or childbirth (may be a preventative). All patients with bleeding tendency or Lachesis Millefolium should receive preoperatively (Vannier) or antepartum or before extracting a tooth. Belladonna (+++) Spasmodic contraction of the cervix during labor, especially first-years; contraction Page | 43 hourglass uterus, retained placenta with bleeding; wrongs. Abortion. False labor pains or ceasing; very weak. Calcarea fluorica (+ +) Since during pregnancy, favors an easy delivery. Nux Vomica (+ +) The birth pangs will cause fainting or urgent desire to defecate, pain of childbirth, false or inefficient, with the feeling that you must move your bowels or urinating. Entuertos very violent and prolonged. Sepia (+++) Tendency to abortion or premature labor, the fifth to seventh month. Trillium pendulum (+++) Uterine bleeding caused by a threatened abortion (especially in the third month), or before or during or after childbirth, or menopause or movements or uterine fibroids. Calendula (+++) Marigold is truly homeopathic antiseptic. In vulvo-vaginal injuries caused spontaneous or during birth. Indicated after cesarean in ruptures of the perineum during childbirth. Viburnum prunifolium (+ +) Labor pains weak, irregular and ineffective, or no progress despite having severe pain. Arnica Genital area very sore after childbirth prevents postpartum hemorrhage and puerperal complications. At menopause pain, extreme weakness, hot head, cold body and bruising to the child, contact. Aconitum (+++) His thoughts revolve around death, "his death," the senses, predicts the time it will happen, there is real fear of dying, especially during pregnancy and childbirth. Amylenum nitrosum (+) In the epileptic seizure or still in status epilepticus, one inhalation to feel the aura can stop or mitigate the attack. Tetanus. Puerperal convulsions just finished the game. Bellis perennis (+ +) Great tired, in need of lying. Extreme fatigue after a great physical overwork, or after masturbation or childbirth. Borax Labor pains that go up, with frequent belching. False labor, decrease of the fetal head. Breast pain breastfeeding opposite: pain in left to suck on the right, and vice versa.

Children Diseases
For Vomiting Repeated vomiting (associated with diarrhea). Magnesia Carbon 7 CH 3 or 4 times a day. Vomiting after drinking milk cynapium Aethusa 5CH (usually by artificial feeding). Page | 44 Vomiting for Senna acetonemia 5CH 5 gra in bottle every half hour until improvement. Vomiting for excess food (white tongue) Antimonium Crudum 7 CH Vomiting abrupt or not associated with cough and tongue clean. 5CH Ipecac. Homeopathy for children teething Dolores gums, irritability: Chamomilla 9CH 5 Major 2 or 3 times day Please acute fever sweats, dry mouth abruptly, flushed with thirst Aconitun Napellus 9CH 5 Major 3 v / d. If there is sweat from the beginning: Belladonna 9CHn 5 Major 3 v / d. Homeopathy for fever in children: No known cause. Brusca, no thirst, relief with cold water handkerchief in front Apis 15CH Mellifica 5 gra 2 or 3 v / d. If fever is progressive until you reach a certain temperature, with thirst, goes with physical movement: Bryonia 9CH 5 gra 2 or 3 v / d. If it falls with movement and is aggravated by humidity and thirst Rhus Toxicodendron 9CH 5 Major 2 or 3 v / d. Homeopathy for colds and colds in children: dryness and burning of mucous membranes as in acute fever and fever. Obstruction of nose serum syringe into one nostril after another under pressure. If not enough serum Sambuccus Nigra 5CH nostril in 5 large bottle of water a drink every 10 to 15 min. If the obstruction is at night and wakes up crying Arum triphyllum 5 CH like its predecessor. And transparent heel runny nose and upper lip, first airing room and Allium Cepa 9CH 5 Major in several drinks bottle every hour. Kalium thick yellow mucus Bichromicum 7CH every 2 hours. General Prevention of microbes. Oscillococcinum a tube of blood from the bottle and taken in two batches. Pyrogen defenses stimulating 9CH 5 Major in bibi 2 v / d. Otitis: In addition to fever Belladonna 9CH more Oscillococcinun. If fever is not high Ferrum Phosphoricum 7 CH 5 Major every 2 hours until they improve. If there is cold, exhaustion alternating with agitation Arsenicum Album 7CH 5 gra every 2 hours until they improve. If there is pain behind the ear Capsicum 7CH 5 Major 4 v / d. Otitis with purulent discharge Pyrogenium 9CH 5 Major 3 v / d. If the otitis is worsened at night Mercurius Solubilis 7CH 5 gra every 2 hours or Arsenicum Album 7CH.

As an analgesic in these cases Chamomilla 9CH 5 Major 2 or 3 v / convalescent d.En finally Sulfur Iodatum 9CH 5 Major 2 v / d. In these cases never give Hepar Sulfur or high dilution and to allow the abscess to mature to the Interior. Bronchitis Pyrogen fever Drug 9CH more. If acute bronchitis is cough, constant, aggravated by movement Page | 45 and worse in hot environment Bryonia 7CH 5 Major 4 v / d. If the cough is productive with expectoration of foul-smelling yellow green, is worse at night Mercurius Solubilis 7CH 5 Major 4 v / d. In cases of bronchial mucous congestion 7CH Ferrum Phosphoricum Tonsillitis. First Belladonna 9CH 5gra 3 v / d. If dark red mucosa and painful swallowing with irritation to the ear Phytolacca 7CH 5 Major 4 v / d. If there are white dots, then Mercurius Solubilis stuffy language 7CH 5 Major 4 v / d. If there are lakes Mercurius blancogrisceas cyanatus 7CH (same dose) supported by Streptococcinum 15CH 5gran 1 v / d. Homeopathy by constipation, diarrhea and cramps in children - Constipation during lactation to the maternal womb. Alumina, Apis mellifica, Bryonia alba - Constipation in the newborn. (According as it has been the birth) Crocus sativus, Nux vomica, Opium, Zinc metallicum, Sulfur, Veratrum album - Constipation rebel. Hard stools, need effort to oust him. Evacuation accompanied by cold sweats: Veratrum album - The child does not evacuate unless it is alone, hiding, refuses to go to the toilet: Ambra grisea - The child feels repulsed by their droppings: Natrum carb - Diarrhea associated with some milk intolerance: Aethusa cynapium - Diarrhea with burning and pain in the anus often occurs in breastfed children: Arundo mauritanica - Diarrhea with green stool, after eating sugar, because of anxiety or emotion: Argentum - Diarrhea after some food poisoning: Arsenicum album. - Painless diarrhea associated with intense thirst: Bismuth - Diarrhea or constipation with expelling of undigested food: Calcarea carb - Frequent diarrhea, involuntary, yellow and viscous, cadaverous smell, followed by a burning sensation in the anus: Carbo veg - Diarrhea hot, yellow-green (that looks like scrambled eggs), offensive and irritating the anus, accompanied by colic. Appears during dentition, after anger or after cooling, the children are very sensitive to pain: Chamomilla vulgaris - Evacuations frothy, yellow, painless, undigested food. Worse at night and immediately after meals. They appear often during the summer after eating fruit or drinking milk. Diarrhea followed by intense weakness. The stools, though soft, are

expelled with difficulty. Intense thirst: China officinalis - Colic belly after nursing, Magnesia Carbon 7CH night twice a day (associated with diarrhea) - Colic newborn. The child is folded into two: Colocynthis - Colic newborn. The child has pain in the belly: Cuprum metallicum Seawater therapy for children: Quinton Isotonic.

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Influenzinum (+++) This nosode flu, according to some authors, should be the drug most commonly used in chronic diseases in homeopathy at the incidence of the disease and the aftermath, sometimes Page | 47 unapparent or very late, which leaves currently being prepared in France (0. A. Julian) virus from a crop of two kinds of viruses (3 parts of viruses and virus-Asian European), the Pasteur Institute prepared especially for this purpose. There is also a Spanish Influenzinum (Pierre Schmidt) and other "1918" (Nelson, London). The clinical pathogenesis (and another does not exist) is: Eupatorium perfoliatum (+++) Is, without doubt, the drug most widely used and most important avian influenza, but also indicated other processes feverish, as in intermittent fever or malaria, measles, on dengue typhus , bilious fevers, etc.. Influenza are present in the characteristic pains, with great prostration, sore throat and cough, with very sore larynx and thorax; intense coryza and pronounced thirst, with vomiting to drink cough hurts the head and thorax, which must hold hands with (Bry). Oscillococcinum (+ +) Influenza, "at the beginning or as a preventive as well as in convalescence" (C. Schmidt). Since early, is effective, giving a dose of the 200th C (which is the only power that this drug is used) every 2 or 3 hours (Julian), on acute problems. Chills, fever, great decay, generalized pain and headache. Eucalyptus globulus (+++) Avian and sequels (and even as a prophylactic). Typhoid fever with high temperature, very offensive discharge and tachycardia; given in tincture in doses of 1 to 20 drops, the odor disappears and recovery is faster. "If I were limited to a single drug in the treatment of typhoid, would choose the latter" (Hale). Gelsemium (+++) In influenza, along with Eupatorium perfoliatum, the most appropriate medication with severe chills going up and down the back, great heaviness in the limbs, tremors, weakness, terrible occipital headache, dizziness and lack of thirst (in Eupatorium is marked thirst and pains as if broken bones). Disorders (stingrays, fever, fatigue) from the flu weeks earlier. It is also extremely useful in the prophylaxis of influenza. Natrum sal (+ +) Is one of the best medicines asthenic effects of flu (Boericke). Post-infectious asthenia, with indolence and drowsiness after infectious conditions (especially influenza), especially if bone or periosteal pain. To learn more homotoxicology remedies (homeopathy 2nd generation) takes into account the following remedies:

Homotoxicology flu: Gripp-Heel (ga), Aconitum-Homaccord (ga), Bryaconeel (c) Engystol ca), Echinacea comp. forte (a), Traumeel (GCAP), Viburcol (sup), Euphorbium comp. (G.A) Euphorbium comp.-Nasal Drops (neb.nasal)
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Cough: Types
Cough, barking: Aconitum napellus, Belladonna, Coccus cacti, Drosera rotundifolia, Hepar sulfur, Rumex crispus, Spongia Tosta. Cough accompanied by vomiting: Antimonium tart, Bryonia alba, Drosera rotundifolia, Ignatia Page | 49 Amara, Ipecacuanha, Kali bichromicum. Cough worsened by cold air: Arsenicum album, Causticum, Hepar sulph, Hyoscyamus niger, Phosphorus, Rumex crispus. Cough worse in warm room: Allium cepa, Apis mellifica, Bryonia alba, Coccus cacti, Drosera rotundifolia, Kali sulph, Lycopodium clavatum, Pulsatilla, Senega, Spong toast. Cough on lying: Arsenicum album, Drosera rotundifolia, Hyoscyamus niger, Pulsatilla. Painful cough - The person's head must be tightened. Alba Bryonia, Nux vomica, Sulfur. - The person must squeeze the sides: Arnica montana, Bryonia alba, Drosera rotundifolia, Phosphorus. - The person must be tightened throat: Aconitum napellus, Allium cepa, Belladonna, Drosera rotundifolia, Hepar sulfur, Phosphorus. Productive cough (with phlegm) - It fails to cough up: tartaricum Antimonium, Arsenicum album, Bryonia alba, Belladonna, Calcarea carb Causticum Chamomilla vulgaris, Drosera rotundifolia, amara Ignatia, Ipecac, Sepia officinalis, Spongia Tosta. - Cough-pitched: Arsenicum album, Drosera rotundifolia, Hepar sulph, Lachesis mutus. - Cough Ronca: Aconitum napellus, Allium cepa, Belladonna, Carbo veg, Causticum, Drosera rotundifolia, Hepar sulph, Kali bichromicum. - Accompanied by Nausea: Antimonium tart, Ipecac, Pulsatilla. - During fever: Arsenicum album, Bryonia Alba, Calcarea carb, Carbo veg, China officinalis, Drosera rotundifolia, Dulcamara, Kali carbon / cum, Lycopodium clavatum, Pulsatilla, Silicea, Spongia Tosta, Sulfur. Dry Cough: - Dry night, productive day: Aconitum napellus, Bryonia alba, Conium, Hepar sulph, Hyoscyamus niger, Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla. - In bed at night: Belladonna, Carbo veg, Hyoscyamus niger, Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla, Sepia officinalis.

Drosera (+++) Is, perhaps, the principal remedy for whooping cough (pertussis). Already noted Hahnemann in his Materia Medica Pura: "A single dose of 30th hundredth power (of Drosera) is sufficient to completely cure the whooping cough epidemic. Healing takes place from 7 to 8 days. Never give a second dose after the first, because it can not only prevent the good effect of Page | 50 the above, but even be detrimental. " "It's the most safe and effective" (Tyler Kent), she gave a single dose of the 30th or 200th, if there was some coughing, repeated after 15 days. The cough of pertussis (whooping cough) of Drosera is a dry cough, desgarrarte, deep, barking, hoarse, spasmodic, tormenting, which occurs in violent paroxysms or fits of fifths that occur so quickly that you hardly get time to return breathing (Hydrocianic Acid.) and are of such intensity that is required to hold your stomach or chest with his hands, accompanied by nausea, retching, vomiting of food or mucus streaked with blood slightly, blue or red face, and often , epistaxis, protruding eyes, pouring sweats and anxiety. The child is very restless between the accesses. The cough is worse after midnight, at 2 hours, warmth, lying, talking, drinking, and sing, laugh and mourn. Constant cough, flickering, jerky, whooping cough or not, children, starting just his head touches the pillow. Nocturnal cough in young tuberculous deep, with purulent sputum or hemoptysis often suppress coughing. Asthmatic cough. Cough with seizures. Dry cough at night, after measles. Cough: dry throat, as from dust from drinking or eating, for excitement, from foreign body sensation in the larynx, for tickling or laryngeal or tracheal irritation, for reading aloud by cigarette smoke, lying evening and night, during fever, during or after measles talking; suffocating, exhausting; nice; nervous. Asma speaking, worse sitting, better walking, with contraction of the throat with every word she takes. Severe bronchitis. Efforts to cough, a cough, ending in gagging and vomiting. Aconitum (+) Cough cold, dry air, barking, croupy, hoarse, dry, during fever or tingling or irritation of the airways, worse at midnight. Hemoptysis of bright red blood. Antimonium tart (+) Cough with ral, spasmodic, choking, at 3 am or 4 a.m. or 23 hours or 22 to 1 am, by the lower intake of food or hot drinks, forcing him to sit up in bed (Con., Puls., Phos.) (supported by another person for his great weakness) with nausea and vomiting, belching better, with very little or no expectoration. Belladonna (+ +) Laryngeal pain when coughing, swallowing, touching (drowning), to breathe, to move. Laryngitis. Laryngismus stridulus. Racking cough, violent, exhausting, paroxysmal, night, spasmodically after noon and night, dry, barking, hoarse, hollow, persistent, for foreign body sensation or smoke in the larynx or laryngeal irritation or tingling; breathing deep, ending with

a sneeze. Coqueluque, with epistaxis and involuntary urination. Acalypha indicates (+++) Cough dry, hard, more violent at night, followed by hemoptysis, red blood with clots in the morning and dark in the afternoon or evening. Chest dullness on percussion, constant and severe pain. Incipient tuberculosis. Page | 51 Allium cepa (+++) Persistent cough by breathing in cold, tingling, laryngeal, worse in a warm room, laryngeal pain is sharp, especially when coughing, it seems that it would burst or rupture the larynx or feels like a rake I scraped up, which leads him to lash out from beginning to cough. Tickling laryngeal hoarseness. Sensation of constriction in the epiglottis. Pertussis. Oppression of breathing. Arsenic iodatum (+++) Dry cough, hoarse with feeling of hurt in the larynx, which is sore. Asthma, especially from 23 to 2 am; needs to sit. Chronic pneumonia, not cured, with abundant expectoration, purulent, yellowish or greenish. Chronic bronchitis with shortness of breath and difficult expectoration. Bronchopneumonia postgripal. Exudative pleurisy, empyema. Arsenicum album (+) Cough in the evening in bed, or night, at 3 am, worse cold air, walking outdoors, the cool or cold drinks, hot drinks better, worse after drinking and lying down at night must sit start to cough. Moist cough during fever, exhausting, by tickling laryngeal sensation with sulfur vapor. Calcarea carb Cough: morning, evening or night, cold air, or cold and wet, for cooling, by the bathroom, for laryngeal constriction or tingling; by eating, during fever; after measles, by motion, by touching the piano, hoarse cough, loose after midnight. Pertussis. Dry cough at night, loose in the morning, before midnight. Coughing: Copious, offensive, purulent, yellow, acid taste, sweetish, putrid or salty, bloody, gray, greenish mucus. Corallium rubrum (+++) Violent cough, spasmodic, paroxysmal whooping cough, choking, barking, looking red coral, preceded by choking and vomiting followed by abundant mucus and exhaustion. It is one of the most important of the cough medicines, with a particular characteristic: the shortcuts are very violent and happen very quickly (Dros.), beginning the following when the former is about to end, how to link short coughing between yes cough is a real gun. Pertussis with epistaxis. Whistling inspiration (fifth). Cough caused because inspired air feels cold. Laryngismus stridulus. Dyspnea. Cough eat. Cold feeling in the respiratory tree to inspire. Yellowish expectoration, cold. Bryonia Pain in the trachea, coughing. Hoarseness. Desire to breathe deeply. Dyspnea worse when moving. The pain in general, and the stitches in the chest in particular, was breathtaking.

Breathing rough, rough, sighing. Cough: deep breathing room or get into a hot dry during fever, as if from the stomach, should grab the chest with both hands from irritation in the epigastrium, for talking or smoking, eating or drinking (with vomiting ); as having smoke in the larynx; loose in the morning, painful, as if to blow the head and thorax; spasmodic. Sulphurosum acid Page | 52 (+++) Persistent cough, that is choking with abundant expectoration of watery mucus. Dyspnea with frequent deep breaths and involuntary. Feeling of extreme tightness in the chest. Respiratory air pollution, or dust or smoke, especially in emphysema and asthma, especially in people (adults or children) who live in places or cities with heavy pollution. W. Gutman, who suggested this medication for the effects of pollution in the production and aggravation of this disorder (British Hom. JI 1969, p. 2.) Advises starting with the 30th C and then, if necessary, using higher powers, and even uses it as a preventative, on days with increased pollution in the atmosphere. Calcarea phos (+ +) By tickling cough, with dry throat and hoarseness, with yellowish expectoration, worse in morning, with stitches in the chest. Coughing during teething, 6 to 18 hours. Breathing frequent, short, difficult, or sighing. The child loses his breath when they stand. Constriction in the chest with dyspnoea, in the evening, better in bed. Pain through left base. Burning sensation in the chest, down into the throat.

Acute bronchitis

Aconitum napellus: If the cough is dry, painful, barking at a person without thirst. Bryonia alba: if the cough is dry, painful, the person has pressed the sides and intense thirst. Drosera rotundifolia if the cough is in fits, coqueluchoide type, ie similar to whooping cough, aggravated by the heat, the person presses the base of the chest. Cuprum metallicum: If the cough is spasmodic coqueluchoide with constriction of the chest, relieved by a drink of cold water. Rumex crispus: If the cough is dry to the slightest inhalation of fresh air. Ipecacuanha: If the cough is coqueluchoide with nausea and breathing difficulties. Goldenseal: If sticky sputum, thick, viscous, yellowish. Senega: if the expectoration is difficult, especially in older people. Antimonium tart (coarse moist rales throughout the lung). Calcarea sulphurica: if the expectoration is abundant. Kali sulph: if the sputum is yellow-green discharge, sinusitis.

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Bryonia alba Catarrh in the chest congestion. Sensation of constriction in the chest with edema. Bronchitis, pneumonia, particularly right, pleuropneumonia, pleurisy, especially rheumatic pains in the chest ...: cough; during chills, during inspiration, worse movement, sneezing and breathing deeply, better lying on painful side and pressure. Pain in the chest, better by pressure of the hand on the sides during coughing, to inspire, to laugh, moving, taking deep breaths, in and behind the sternum, coughing. Burning pain in my right side shear to inspire or move. Ferrum Phosphoricum (+++) First stage of all inflammatory acute febrile or not, respiratory tract: rhinitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy. Bronchitis in children. Hoarseness: singers or speakers, overuse of voice, pain, dryness, burning and irritation in larynx; greenish mucus coughed up into chunks. "It is the first major remedy for the stitches in the side of the chest (over the right) that are breathtaking, with dyspnea and cough" (Boericke); worse by coughing and deep inspiration. Cough: dry, spasmodic, painful, agonizing touching larynx, worse in open air, lying and night, from tickling in larynx or trachea, with the sound of mucus in the chest. Eupatorium perfoliatum (+ +) Hoarseness in the morning on rising, with tenderness and warmth in the trachea and bronchi, coughing worse. Great oppression, with pain on deep breath and chest sounds. Dyspnea, dry cough, sweating and anxious expression (it scares dyspnea) should lie almost seated. Cough in the evening, that shakes, with red face and watery, by taking cold, hoarse,

rough, scraping sensation in the bronchi, to seize the chest with hands that produces pain in the chest cough, especially intercostal (which did not improve with pressure, as is the case with Bryonia), from tickling in chest, worse from 2 to 4 hours, lying on his back, best kneeling with his head resting on the pillow or hands. Chronic loose cough at night. Cough preceding or following measles, for intermittent fever suppressed. Page | 54 Chest pain, especially retrosternal with sternal oppression, as if you pressed the heart or the deceased had little space; worse if deep breath or twisting the body to either side. You can not lie on the left side. Pain deep in the left chest and right shoulder. Phosphorus (+++) The respiratory system is another major action points of Phosphorus. Laryngeal constriction. Laryngeal irritation, worse by cold air and speaking. Laryngeal pain worse from pressure, touching or talking. Tickling in larynx outdoors. Feeling of something velvety, fluffy, like cotton, in the larynx. Acute or chronic laryngitis. Acute and chronic bronchitis. Pulmonary congestion. Lung abscess. It is one of the leading drugs in pneumonia (mostly right) and pulmonary tuberculosis. Heat in the chest, which rises. Yellow spots on the chest. Drosera (+++) Severe bronchitis. Efforts to cough, a cough, ending in gagging and vomiting. Coughing: alternately hard and soft, mucosal, yellowish, grayish, greenish, purulent, salty or bitter, the swallows, hemoptysis, bright red blood with clots or blackish. Pulmonary tuberculosis. Dulcamara Tickling (+++) laryngeal cough. Tracheitis with little cough and thick green sputum. Influenza. Bronchitis in children, in cold air and moist, fetid night sweats. Asthma worse in wet weather and cold, dyspnea, cough and noise, and copious expectoration. Cough and cold wet weather or getting wet or weather changes; must cough to expectorate a lot, especially in children and the elderly. Cough dry, rough, hoarse, or loose, with copious mucous expectoration. Cough, barking or panting as whooping cough, worse with each breath deeply. Prunus virginiana (+ +) Chronic bronchitis with persistent cough acquired in winter, and worse at night when lying down, especially in elderly patients with heart or hiposistolia (see 4). Asthma or spasmodic cough, with wheezing in trachea and bronchi. Post flu cough. Antimonium iodatum (+ +) Its main activity are the respiratory organs. Asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, subacute and chronic, for colds that have fallen from the head, with the characteristic of frequent attacks of coughing up frothy white or yellow thick mucus. Asclepias tuberosa (+++) Acute and chronic bronchitis, capillary bronchitis in children. Cough dry, hard, tearing, causing pain in the head and abdomen, worse at night and in the morning, caused by irritation of the larynx or bronchi, with little expectoration, and dyspnea, with constriction of the throat.

Painful breathing, especially in the left lung base. Asthma, worse after eating, smoking a bit worse, in paroxysms. Antimonium tart (+) Capillary bronchitis (giving a dose 1000th., Generally, is saving) and bronchopneumonia in infants: the child can not suck and every attempt ends with screams, better sitting upright. In all Page | 55 acute respiratory diseases, if there are characteristics above: bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, pleuropneumonia, flu or other origin, pulmonary edema, pulmonary atelectasis, pulmonary hepatization postneumona (if Sulph. Does not act, is one of the best remedies). Right-sided pneumonia, and jaundice (Allen). Emphysema.

Phosphorus (+++) The respiratory system is another major action points of Phosphorus. Shortness of breath or asthma with cough, worse after eating, lying on the left side or walk fast. Page | 56 Wheezing, noisy; stridulus at night to sleep, shallow (chest motionless). Constriction in the chest, as from a band or bandage, worse when coughing, coughing in the sternum. Tightness in the chest after walking. Acute chest pain worse by coughing, by pressure, lying on the left and when he stood up in bed, better by heat, and lying on the right side. Aralia racemosa (+++) The respiratory tree is the maximum point of Aralia action, with time of particularly well defined. Dry cough in fits that come before midnight or 23 hours, either immediately lying down (worse lying down) or more commonly after the first sleep or short sleep (Burnett). Asthma at bedtime at night or after the first sleep, preferably before midnight or 23 hours, with tingling laryngeal Sit down and coughing violently, the inspiration is more noisy and difficult to expiration, wheezing, with sense of impending suffocation and dyspnoea rapidly increasing. It seems more affected the right lung, but when lying on left side, feels worse that lung and freer the right. On the exhale the air, retrosternal burning pain. Constriction in the chest, feels like a foreign body in the throat. At the end of the attack, get hot and salty phlegm. Sambucus nigra (+++) Laryngitis, tracheitis, false croup, hoarseness. The patient, usually a child, suddenly wakes up around midnight or later, with severe shortness of breath or smothering, crying or screaming, intense general concern and hands, with cyanosis of the face and limbs, can not breathe the air or be lying with his head down, making you feel (which makes it better temporarily) or jumps out of bed, the accesses are common and continue until 4 am (worse at 3) with cough, nasal obstruction and sweats facial. Asthma in children, sleep with dyspnea. Sulfur (+ +) Dyspnea worse in the evening or night, better outdoors, you need to open doors and windows there is a strong need for outdoors, oppression often with a feeling of something heavy on his chest, with anxiety, need deep breath, and feeling of weakness in the chest (worse to speak up or lying on your side at night). The dyspnoea is worse in a room when you walk, after talking or carrying arms back, can not lie. Asthma eruptions. Ammoniacum Bronchial affections (+++) in elderly chronic or subacute, worse in cold weather, with great accumulation of mucopurulent secretions, hard and heavy, difficult expectoration (gives strength and helps expectorate) and cough, with rattling in the chest, often accompanied of nasal flaring and dyspnea. Asthma. Antimonium iodatum (+ +) Its main activity are the respiratory organs. Asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, subacute and

chronic colds that have dropped by from the head, with the characteristic of frequent attacks of coughing up frothy white or yellow thick mucus. Silica (+ +) Asthma, by repeated vaccinations. Dyspnea, like dust, worse before a storm or lying on his back, stooping, running or coughing, do some manual work or when walking quickly. Sighing Page | 57 respiration, deep, or panting. Tuberculinum "Follow Psorinum as a constitutional remedy in hay fever and asthma (Allen). When Tuberculinum fails, it is often Syphilinum advantage, producing a reaction. Asclepias tuberosa (+++) Acute and chronic bronchitis, capillary bronchitis in children. Cough dry, hard, tearing, causing pain in the head and abdomen, worse at night and in the morning, caused by irritation of the larynx or bronchi, with little expectoration, and dyspnea, with constriction of the throat. Painful breathing, especially in the left lung base. Asthma, worse after eating, smoking a bit worse, in paroxysms. Sharp stabbing pain in the left base, extending to the right side and left shoulder. Sharp chest pain, worse on movement of arms, a deep breath or stooping, bending forward better. Pleuritis, pleurisy (Bryonia), especially left base. Blatta orientalis (+++) Asthma, especially in stout people, especially associated with bronchitis. Severe coughing with dyspnea. The dyspnoea is worse at night and lying down and better for expectoration. Attacks worse in rainy weather. Impending suffocation by a large accumulation of mucus. Tuberculosis much mucopurulent sputum. Carbo veg (+++) Is very suitable for people who have never fully recovered from the effects of some previous illness, which could range from measles, scarlet fever or whooping cough (especially asthma) to a drunk, an old wound, a Typhoid (Allen, Guernsey) or exposure to hot and humid air. Dulcamara Tickling (+++) laryngeal cough. Tracheitis with little cough and thick green sputum. Influenza. Bronchitis in children, in cold air and moist, fetid night sweats. Asthma worse in wet weather and cold, dyspnea, cough and noise, and copious expectoration. Cough and cold wet weather or getting wet or weather changes; must cough to expectorate a lot, especially in children and the elderly. Cough dry, rough, hoarse, or loose, with copious mucous expectoration. Kali Bichromicum (+++) Dyspnea or bouts of asthma to wake up at 2 hours, or after intercourse, or waking, worse lying down. Feeling of ulceration in the larynx. Hoarseness in the evening. Hoarse, harsh, nasal. Mucus in the larynx, with hawking. Croup Diphtheria spread to the windpipe, hoarse cough,

metallic, with expectoration of thick mucus or molds fibroelastic of morning on waking, with dyspnea better lying down. Kali sulph (+++) Hoarseness from cold, fatigue talking. Asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough, etc.., With yellowish or greenish mucous expectoration, or profuse watery, easily removed, Page | 58 worse in a warm room or atmosphere. Lobelia inflata (+++) Tickling in the larynx, with frequent attacks of short cough. Spasmodic Asthma, worse from cold air or hot food. Dyspnea worse in the evening and night in the cold air, climbing stairs, after exertion, lying down, motion, with every pain (and seems to neutralize) and fast walking with cough or foreign body sensation in the throat; more on inspiration, with gastric symptoms, sometimes with a presentiment of death, with constriction in the chest, or tingling in the bottom of the sternum, to breathe deeply. Asthma hysterical. Medorrhinum Asthma (+++) damp cold, especially in children, better at the lake, during the attack, asks to be outdone, and dyspnoea is relieved only acostodo on his stomach or on her face and sticking his tongue "( Allen) or on the knees and elbows, or knees and support the chest on a chair or bed. Dyspnea was aggravated by the slightest exertion or lying on the left side and expiration (can not exhale the inspired air) feels obstructed larynx. Natrum sulph (+++) Asthma appears or worsens with every change of weather when you take wet or cold, especially in children, worse from 4 to 5 am, and rattling in the chest, worse on the seafront . Dyspnea, especially in wet weather, in children with cough, strain, walking, from flatulence, with a desire to breathe deeply, especially in time eluvioso. And dry cough with tickling sensation in the trachea to be very raw, worse at night, with feeling of emptiness and chest pains, relieved by sitting and holding his chest with both hands, with pain in his left arm, cough with expectoration thick, greenish, sticky. Asthma with hay fever. Antimonium tart (+) Shortness of breath, worse lying down (the child breathe better sitting upright), better coughing, can not lie down or just on the right side. Asthma worse at night, at 3 am, with coughing, mucus in the trachea, coughing and better sitting with head on the table. Cough with ral, spasmodic, choking, at 3 am or 4 a.m. or 23 hours or 22 to 1 am, by the lower intake of food or hot drinks, forcing him to sit up in bed (Con., Puls., Phos.) (supported by another person for his great weakness) with nausea and vomiting, belching better, with very little or no expectoration. Asphyxia Neonatorum pale (Camph.): the child is born pale, not breathing, gasping. It relieves the death agonies (Tarent.). Capillary bronchitis (giving a dose 1000th., Generally, is saving) and bronchopneumonia in infants: the child can not suck and every attempt ends with screams, better sitting upright. In all acute respiratory diseases, if there are

characteristics above: bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, pleuropneumonia, flu or other origin, pulmonary edema, pulmonary atelectasis, pulmonary hepatization postneumona (if Sulph. Does not act, is one of the best remedies). Right-sided pneumonia, and jaundice (Allen). Arsenicum album Page | 59 (+) Asthma with the mental picture classic, worse at night, after midnight, especially at 2 to 3 am, in old, suppressed eruptions. Dyspnoea, worse at night, in bed at midnight or, worse, after midnight, especially at 2 am, which is the prime time aggravation. It is impossible to breathe deeply and can not lie because it aggravates their dyspnea, and after straining, climbing, walking or turning around in bed or warm clothes or by talking or laughing, coughing, sweating and feeling as if dyspnea was caused by dust or smoke, better sitting up and leaning forward. Wheezing at night when lying down. Allium sativum (+ +) Bronchial catarrh with difficult expectoration, gelatinous. Bronchiectasis with fetid expectoration, cough from smoking, which causes foul breath (Chapters). Rales constant bronchi. Asthma. Coughing after eating or outdoors. Hemoptysis. Pulmonary tuberculosis: cough and sputum production decreases, the temperature becomes normal, weight gain and sleep becomes regular "(Boericke). Arsenic iodatum (+++) Dry cough, hoarse with feeling of hurt in the larynx, which is sore. Asthma, especially from 23 to 2 am; needs to sit. Chronic pneumonia, not cured, with abundant expectoration, purulent, yellowish or greenish. Chronic bronchitis with shortness of breath and difficult expectoration. Bronchopneumonia postgripal. Exudative pleurisy. Pulmonary tuberculosis with profuse mucopurulent sputum and hoarse cough. It is one of the best medicines at the beginning, even better after Sulfur. Lachesis Asthma attacks, with a desire to have the doors and windows open, better to be leaning forward, sometimes with vomiting and sweats. "The least thing that comes close to the mouth or nose interferes with breathing" (and will cause choking or suffocation) "needs to be shielded, but slowly and at a distance" (Allen).

Lobelia inflata () Anorexia. Frequent regurgitation, sour and hot, with sense of constriction in the epigastrium. Heartburn. Frequent hiccups and violent. Lightheadedness, weakness and an indescribable Page | 60 feeling in epigastrium vl, excessive use of tea or snuff. Gastric disorders with excessive nausea and vomiting. Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy with sialorrhea. Marmoreck () Progressive thinning with or without fever hits, but always accompanied by anorexia and constipation. Tuberculosis at the beginning. () Anorexia absolute. China () The most important feature of China is its etiologic indication, in disorders of consequence, or from, large or prolonged losses of animal fluids, especially bleeding in people before and now weakened by robust these downloads depletion, and also by excessive and prolonged lactation, diarrhea, sweating, oozing, wet dreams, and so on. Anemia after bleeding. Niccolum () Anorexia. Intense thirst. Violent hiccough, painful, worse at night. Sensation of gastric emptying, hunger, fullness after eating. Belching acid and bitter. Nausea in morning. Gastric pressure, belching better. Ferrum () Canine hunger, alternating with anorexia. Satiety easy. Insatiable thirst or absent. Belching or spitting up after eating, spitting mouthfuls of food without nausea, emptying the stomach, and this is repeated every time you eat. Eupatorium perfoliatum () Anorexia of drinkers. Chelidonium () Anorexia. Gastralgia improving after lunch, eating, belching, lying left side, legs drawn up and taking hot milk, and is aggravated by pressure and movement. The stomach does not tolerate anything except boiling liquid. Bilious vomiting with headache. Asarum europoeum () Nausea in fits or constant (Ipecac), worse after eating, with clean tongue, nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. Horrible sensation of pressure in the epigastrium when you wake in the morning, in alcohol or after a night when you drank a lot. Anorexia, nausea until given food. Belching tasteless, or putrid, or acids, with regurgitation. Burning. Vomiting with great anguish and effort, with chills. Sanguinaria () Anorexia. Sensation of gastric emptying after eating with aversion to food, such as laziness or

fainting. Senna () Anorexia. Sed. Belching or regurgitation watery and offensive. Disgust, nausea with vomiting tendency. Feeling of emptiness or languor in the stomach immediately after eating. Nausea and vomiting with aromatic odor of breath, or acetonemico. Page | 61 Cantharis () Thirst with aversion to water and any drink. Anorexia with repugnance to any food. Heartburn. Gastralgia burning. Aletris farinosa () Anorexia, with aversion to food and indigestion easy with gastric heaviness. Obstinate vomiting of pregnancy. Nausea, better by drinking coffee. Ferrum Phosphoricum () Great physical and mental prostration. Aversion to physical effort. In young people with varicose veins. In elderly. In frail children with anorexia, numbness, loss of strength and weight. Great emaciation. Seizure with fever in teething. Fluoric acid () Great appetite, always hungry, or anorexia. Satiety. Sed.Calcarea phos () Anorexia before or during menstruation. Excessive appetite with weight loss. Vomiting for ice cream. Nausea after smoking or drinking coffee. Sensation of stomach hanging. Sensation of emptiness in the epigastrium. Flatulence eructation gastric acids. Acidity, heartburn. Elemuy () Anorexia. Thirst eat large amounts of water. Nausea and vomiting foamy yellow or greenish, bitter, hot foods or by eating plenty of fluids.

Cina Hunger (+++) exaggerated, voracious, insatiable (bulimia), even very soon after eating or vomiting once or unusual times or before or during an intermittent fever or before the chill. Ravenous hunger with great emaciation. Hunger at night in children. Alterna anorexia bulimia. Page | 62 Hyoscyamus Bulimia (+++) with violent thirst, but can not swallow, with aversion to water. Iodum (+++) Its great feature is the extraordinary and progressive weight loss that occurs in the patient, and can reach the stagnation or atrophy, almost to a skeleton, especially in children and the elderly, and, paradoxically, in open contrast to an inordinate appetite, excessive, continuous, real bulimia, which makes it even hunger is through eating and despite which, increasingly thinner, never satisfied. Often the thinning is accompanied by very weak and faint when climbing stairs. Cachectic states with profound weakness and great emaciation. Magnesia mur (+ +) Thirst and frequent violent headaches on awakening. Poor appetite (with bad taste), or bulimia, not knowing what he wants. Muriatic acid (+ +) All foods have a sweetish taste. Bulimia and excessive thirst. Oleander (+ +) Bulimia (come in a hurry), with diarrhea, or anorexia. Thirst for cold drinks, or no thirst. Nausea, with salivation. Vomiting food or greenish yellow, followed by bulimia, thirst, and great weakness. Opium (+) Anorexia or bulimia attacks with loss of appetite and aversion to all food. Burning thirst. Digestion slow and weak. Nausea, retching and vomiting, sometimes with violent gastralgias. Petroleum (+ +) Thirst. Bulimia, with early satiety. Ravenous hunger immediately after defecation. Hunger at night, get up to eat. Staphisagria (+) Voracity, bulimia, yet having finished eating. Ribonucleic acid (+ +) Canine hunger, bulimia, or inappetence. Nausea and vomiting. Ferrum sulph Bulimia can not be satisfied, or anorexia. Belching with heartburn, vomiting.


Alumen (+++) Constipation (constipation) of the most serious, has no desire for many days there is no ability or strength to move or are inefficient and violent desires, when he succeeds, the stools Page | 63 are hard as rocks, and black beads (Opium, Plumbum), and even after you leave, you feel full rectum. Eliminates large masses of clots (in typhoid). Intolerable pains in the rectum after a bowel movement, with bleeding and pain escirro.Hemorroides. Pruritus ani. Diarrhea exhausting. Ammonium mur (+++) Constipation (constipation) stubborn, extreme, with much flatus. Hard stool (or covered with mucus), very difficult to pass, it succeeds only at great effort and leaving crumbling into small pieces, in the margin of the anus. No two stools are alike in color (Puls). Burning pain in anus after stool during and even loose stools. Painful piles with burning and stinging after a bowel movement, which takes hours, worse after a suppressed flow. Anal bleeding (Lach.) and diarrhea (Bov., Verat..) During menstruation. Alternate constipation (constipation) with green mucous stools. Opium (+++) Constipation (constipation) by intestinal sluggishness and mainly by total inactivity or inertia of the rectum, sometimes with long-standing large accumulation of feces; has no desire to evacuate, and feces, which are like scybalous motions, hard, round, black, can only be removed with an enema, as there is no power to expel a rectal muscles, efforts made with the abdominal muscles only manage to poke the stool, soon recede. There may be spasmodic retention of feces in the intestine. One of the most important drugs in constipation (constipation), especially in young women of good character and stout, in the poisoning. Involuntary stools, encopresis, especially after a fright, with black and fetid feces from paralysis of the sphincter. Causticum (+++) Constipation (constipation) and stool difficult and ineffective efforts, and can more easily move only when standing. Anal excoriation it needs to be scratching the anus raw, to itching, then moisture is anal. Anal condylomas. Pain in the anus and rectum, while walking. Pain: burning after stool, cutting, pressing. Excoriation from walking between the buttocks. Pain in the perineum anal pain when sitting; stitches. Hemorrhoids large, congested, hard, worse when touched or walk or think about them. Involuntarily soiling; flatus. Noisy flatus, offensive. Stools: greasy, bloody, hard, knotty, white. Graphites (+++) "Constipation (constipation) usually with scanty menses" (Clarke) or deleted. There may be other times, large weight loss, most marked in the affected parts.

Phosphorum (+++) Constipation (constipation) and stool very characteristic long, thin, hard and very dry, whitish and evacuated with great efforts, such as a dog. Inactivity of rectum. Constipation (constipation) and alternating diarrhea in old people. Platina Page | 64 (+ +) Constipation (constipation) more pronounced when traveling, or migrants, or lead poisoning, or a sedentary lifestyle, or during menstruation and pregnancy, long-standing, very stubborn, with frequent ineffectual urging, violent when Nux V. fails. The stools are small, hard, as if burnt, and seem to adhere to the anus and rectum as soft clay. Plumbum (+++) Constipation (constipation) intense, chronic, rectal weakness or paralysis, with continual and ineffective urging to stool, with stool hard, black, sheep pellets or feces that sometimes, they gather in large masses ( or fecal boluses) the candidate with an intense and very painful spasmodic constriction in anus during bowel movements, which may persist one or two hours. Feeling as if anus were withdrawn or pulled violently. Constipation (constipation) in pregnancy, in children, while alternating diarrhea and constipation; when Platina fails. Sometimes prolonged diarrhea, with stools yellow, watery, bloody, very offensive; with colic. Anal prolapse. Anal fissure. Rathania (+++) The rectum is the major center of action Rathania. Constipation (constipation) with hard stools that are expelled with great effort (or efforts are ineffective) with anal stricture, with protruding hemorrhoids with bowel movements, followed by burning pain (like fire), sharp or pointed edges or splinters or needles, that extend to several hours later, as if rectum full of glass splinters, even sometimes with loose stools. Anal fissure (it's possibly the most important and medicine indicated) with excruciating pain while and after bowel movements, especially if the stools are hard (they do mourn or cry) stabbing, lingering for hours (see above) , with a sense of anal stricture precedes, accompanies and follows defecation and anal with hot feeling the pains are much worse when sitting, and improve somewhat with cold or warm sitz baths. Kali carb (+ +) Constipation (constipation), often every 2 days. Constipation (constipation) before and during menstruation. Constipation (constipation) pain stabbing an hour or two before, with inadequate stool, rectal inactivity. Constipation: stool in thick masses, very bulky, large scybalous motions that hamper the evacuation. Intestinal obstruction and rectal inactivity, lack of peristalsis; wishes evacuate unsuccessful. Need to wait 1 to 2 hours before evacuating. Lac Vaccinum defloratum (+++) Constipation (constipation), chronic headaches and chronic migraines intolerable. Constipation (constipation) meets neither the purges, and a result can only be achieved with enemas, the stools are dry and hard, and come out with great effort (which often are

ineffective or reversal of the stool), hurting the year with enough blood out, shouting and doing the patient may alternate with diarrhea is not uncommon to have chills when defecating. Magnesia carb (+++) Constipation after an intense emotion or prolonged mental work, wanting inefficient and low stool, or just remove gases, stools dry, hard, into pieces. Page | 65 Magnesia mur (+++) Together with the liver, the rectum is the main action of Magnesia mur. Constipation with hard, dry stools, scanty, large, knotty, like sheep faeces, or pellets are expelled with difficulty, and crumble or fragment on the edge of the anus, sometimes whitish (in jaundice). Constipation of infants during dentition. Constipation with ineffectual urging constant. Sometimes diarrhea with discharge jet. Stool gray, greenish, with debris or mucosanguinolentas yellowish. Nitric acid (+++) The rectum and anus are very important centers of drug action. Constipation alternating with diarrhea, stool, hard and dry, are very difficult to expel, or desires are ineffective, or expulsion is insufficient, or left with the feeling that there's feces in the rectum, painful constipation. Spasmodic constriction of the anus while defecating and after. Nux Vomica (+++) The rectum is one of the major sites of drug action. Constipation (constipation) with constant desire, pressing and ineffective to move the belly, morning after rising; moves with great difficulty, but small quantities, with the feeling's not done yet and that power will never completely empty his rectum for abuse of laxatives or purgatives, by a sedentary lifestyle, excess mental work during pregnancy and can toggle constipation (constipation) with diarrhea. The stools are dry, hard, big or little, streaked with blood. Diarrhea morning, overeating the night before, by drinking or by drinking water or cold air currents or by purging. Constipation (constipation) anal spasmodic and painful, especially in constipation. Desire to move your bowels when urinating and during the colic pain in the belly any urgent desire to produce bowel movements. Internal hemorrhoids are very painful to prick, burn and itch, worse at night or walking, better by cold water piles congested, large, bleeding, in drinkers. Disorders removal of hemorrhoids. Antimonium tart (+ +) Constipation (constipation) alternating with diarrhea. Diarrhea in pneumonia, smallpox and other eruptive worse from suppressed eruption. Diarrhea in drinkers. Cholera: diarrhea, vomiting, watery, cadaverous smell, with involuntary stools. For Nash, is what comes closest to a specific cholera, "nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, prostration, cold sweats, stupor or sleepiness. Calcarea carb (+ +) Constipation (constipation), with hard stools, or first hard and then soft, large, knotty, undigested; clear, black, bloody, like clay dried, gray paste.

Lachesis (+ +) Constipation (constipation) obstinate, with hard stool, difficult, rare and adhering feces or with ineffectual urging, with intense constriction anal painful (as if anything could happen), worse after stool. Constipation alternating with diarrhea, with feeling of pressure in the rectum. Lycopodium Page | 66 (+ +) Constipation (constipation) chronic, from puberty or since the last birth, with ineffectual urging and hard stools, small enough (if you think there is something in the rectum), difficult to pass because the urge to defecate is followed by a painful contraction of the anus or rectum (feces and receding), or during bowel prolapses. Constipation in pregnancy, in children, away from home or on vacation, alternating with diarrhea. Hard stool in the first part of the deposition, followed by loose stool or fluid. Diarrhea from milk and fruit or vegetables; in pregnancy.

Podophyllum Diarrhea (+++) copious and exhausting (it is, perhaps, the principal remedy of diarrhea in general), especially in the early morning or 4 driving out of bed, or before noon or night; bilious, Page | 67 in children, especially in hot weather or teething, for cider or drinking water (sometimes immediately) after eating, from eating fruit and milk; worse by movement, often painless. The diarrhea is preceded by rumbling or gurgling and violent cramps that make it bend, and is followed by tenesmus and extreme weakness and prostration, with empty feeling in the stomach and rectum and, frequently, rectal prolapse (more in children). The stool is very rich, fetid or putrid, yellow, aqueous jet expelled, or pure or mucosanguinolentas blood or blood-streaked, green, with remains undigested, or putty-colored or white as milk or chyle, or pieces of chalk or black as tar. Diarrhea alternating with headache or constipation (constipation) with hard, dry stools, changing. Mercurius (+++) Is one of the most important medicines for diarrhea, especially when it appears or is exacerbated by cold air in the evening or night, preceded by malaise, faintness and cramps, accompanied and followed by violent tenesmus with constant and frequent desire to move the stomach even after having done so, urgent, and with violent cutting colic, with nausea, belching, heat or cold sweats in the face, chills, fatigue and tremors, with rectal pain and burning in anus after defecation, or rectal prolapse or hemorrhoids. Diarrhea in children. There may be constipation (constipation) and stool hard, knotty and adherent, difficult to expel. The stool is mucus ( "Mercury is rarely indicated if there is diarrhea mucus" [Guernsey]) or mucosanguinolentas or greenish mucous, excorianes; streaked with blood, like scrambled eggs, foaming, black or green, clear, white as bilious or yellow or milk, soft or watery, frequent, or melt, or as pellets ram of a sour smell. Chamomilla (+++) Diarrhea in children during dentition; by anger by taking cold, with cramps, worse at night. Stools: scrambled eggs and spinach, green, hot, frequent watery green or green mucus, corrosive, smelling of rotten eggs. Constipation (constipation). Very painful anal fissure, ulceration in the rectum, perianal excoriation. Internal hemorrhoids. Flatus. Veratrum album (+++) Constipation (constipation), chronic inactivity and desires rectal inefficient, with large and hard stools, or as round black scybalous motions, which ejects with excessive effort, with cold sweats and excessive exhaustion. Constipation in babies, or pain in children. It is one of the three major Asian cholera remedies (perhaps most important), and prevail in Cuprum and cramping and cold Camphor in Veratrum album there is a predominance of diarrhea and sweating, diarrhea is very abundant worse at night, with watery stools like rice water, preceded

by cramping stomach pains and cramps violent (and at times in a row) and always followed by extreme weakness, with violent vomiting and diarrhea simultaneously, with the inevitable cold sweats in forehead. Diarrhea: Autumn, during the rigors (or chills and diarrhea), eating or drinking, for the slightest movement, for fruit, after a fright, in hot weather before or during menstruation, for pears with vegetables. The stools are bilious or greenish or chopped spinach, Page | 68 or black, bloody, brown, very heavy and gushing out; mucous or watery liquid, with burning in anus while defecating and after. Involuntary stools to pass gas. Diarrhea in tuberculosis. Diarrhea flared sweats on the forehead and fainting or tgotamiento terrible chills. Croton Tiglium (+++) The predominant action of Croton Tiglium is on the intestines and disposal, and is manifested by a sudden diarrhea with feces expelled with force, in a single stream, like a shot, with much flatus, followed by great prostration , which is produced or aggravated by eating, drinking, for any move, worse in summer fruit and sweets, to take the chest, better coffee, this is colicky diarrhea before stool, constant and sudden urgency and stool predominantly green, yellow, yellow-green, watery, fetid, frequent, undigested. The stools are like a faucet. Diarrhea with tenesmus, intense nausea, sometimes vomiting, weakness and hypersalivation. Toxicosis or infantile diarrhea in children, nausea and excessive yellow or green stools; seems like every deposition would "dry up" the child. Burning and itching in anus, painful. Taeniasis and tapeworm. Sulfur (+++) Painless diarrhea, urgent, after midnight or early morning, waking him with great urgency at 5 am and take it out of bed very quickly with sudden urgency, it being sometimes wishes after a bowel movement, and tenesmus. Diarrhea in children during dentition; by taking cold, for beer, milk; suppressed eruptions; in pregnancy, in sepsis, sleeping, eating sugar, worse standing. The stools are pasty, liquid or soft tomorrow, greenish yellow or green, frothy, mucous acid or foul-smelling or putrid or rotten eggs, or undigested, yellow or almost black, sometimes greasy. Diarrhea in children, greenish or mucosanguinolenta, screaming and crying, sometimes preceded by colic before every evacuation. Asiatic cholera. Alternating diarrhea and constipation (constipation). Dulcamara (+++) Autumnal diarrhea, acute or chronic, for taking cold or cold wet or cold weather changes from hot to cold or after standing in a field or wet floor, or when days are warm and cold nights, in children, during dentition, after eating, especially food cold, in the refrigerator or people who work with ice, by sudden withdrawal of a rash, always preceded by periumbilical pain and bowel sounds disappear after defecating. Stools watery yellowish liquid, bloody, changing, mucous greenish or yellowish alternately smell sour or acid, corrosive, brown, white. Watery diarrhea at night with cramps in summer and on cold days. Involuntary stools. Bloody diarrhea, acute or chronic anal itching and rectal prolapse. Diarrhea aeguida of great

prostration, or fainting. Diarrhea alternating with eruptions and rheumatism. Aloe (+++) Diarrhea with the features already expressed in a stream, with plenty of flatulence, yellow or bloody feces in large pieces gelatinous, transparent, for anger, beer, fruit, worse in summer, standing or walking, then eating or drinking. Constipation (constipation). Hemorrhoids Page | 69 blue, packages such as grapes, hot, painful (not tolerate the slightest touch), bleeding, worse during menstruation, better by cold applications with intense anal itching and burning that prevent sleep. Bovista (+++) Diarrhea before and during menstruation. Tendency to diarrhea, especially in the morning and afternoon, followed by tenesmus and burning. Stool first hard, then liquid. Stools hard and compact, constipation (constipation). Itching in the rectum and anus. Ineffectual urging. Perineum pains to rectum. Chronic diarrhea in the elderly. Colchicum (+++) With autumnal diarrhea, fecal violent pains and jelly-like, transparent liquid come out first, but when cooled are like jelly, putrid stools, dark, mucososanguinolentas; white with lots of particles desmnuzadas, white mucus , or as small scratches; membanosas, watery, going out with violent anal spasm. Diarrhea during teething; in hot weather; for leaving the scheme; worse by movement, painless, bilious. Phosphoric acid (+++) Acute or chronic diarrhea, profuse, watery, whitish, painless, odorless and without exhaustion or weakness later, albeit heavy, worse morning and evening, after acidic foods, changes of time, cold food or drink, to take cold in summer, during dentition, after dinner, by excitement, from fright or punishment; in typhoid, for the fruit (especially acidic), for bananas, in hot weather, for oranges; by pastry; in schoolgirls. The stools are unwittingly passing flatus or sleeping or moving; fecal and urine incontinence simultaneously, as if the anus is opened, the feces go out alone when he turns or moves the child. The stool, as well as white, can be white or grayish white or greenish white yellowish bright yellow, green, clear, watery yellowish gushing, as if to empty. Constipation (constipation) and stool hard and difficult. Abundant flatus odor of garlic. Hemorrhoids during stool, with intense pain when sitting. Tenesmus after stool. Tearing, burning and itching in the rectum. Pricking perianal itching. As with diarrhea, worse if it is deleted. Gratiola officinalis (+++) Without doubt, the Center Gratiola action is in the rectum and large intestine. Summer diarrhea in children, especially if they have drunk a lot of cold water. Stools watery, yellowish, greenish, foamy (Mag.Carb.) Expulsadias strongly in a stream, without pain, burning and irritation followed by anal and great exhaustion, sometimes with painful hemorrhoids output. Diarrhea with cold feeling in the abdomen, and cramped. Asiatic cholera.

Mucous diarrhea at night, with tenesmus. Inefficient urgent desire to defecate. Constipation (constipation), with hard stool, scanty, difficult to expel. Stool passes out without realizing it. Natrum carb (+++) Diarrhea from milk. Diarrhea with very urgent and imperative wishes, with yellowish Page | 70 feces, containing a yellow substance like pulp orange with specks of blood mucosanguinolentas; explosive, gushing, noisy, followed by tenesmus, burning and pain in the rectum and anus, and great weakness . Constipation with hard stool, like a lamb, difficult to pass. Taeniasis. Itching and tingling in the anus. Nux Vomica (+++) The rectum is one of the major sites of drug action. Diarrhea morning, overeating the night before, by drinking or by drinking water or cold air currents or by purging. Colocynthis (+++) "Diarrhea and vomiting are more a result of the great pain of a gastric or intestinal disorder (Kent)." No remedy produces cramps so severe as this, and no remedy the cure so quickly "(Nash). Dolores belly like electrical shocks that go to the anus. colic in children, which is relieved by lying on your belly, and when change position, screaming in pain again. Feeling of emptiness in his belly. Pain in the groin hernia. Calcarea carb (+ +) Diarrhea in children during dentition, after milk, by taking cold, after eating, in emaciated people, for effort, for fruit, in summer, in typhoid, with liquid stool, watery, white like chalk or milk coagulated; greenish frothy, copious, frequent, of a sour smell. Anorectal fistula. Calcarea phos (+ +) Diarrhea in children, schoolgirls, worse dentition, from vexation, for fruit or cider, cold drinks, on ice cream. Stools green, slimy, hot, very offensive, frothy, explosive, gurgling, with fetid flatus and tenesmus. Hard stool with blood, depression. Hemorrhoids that bleed during or after defecation, and go out with pain, anal itching and moisture. Calcarea sulphurica (+ +) Purulent diarrhea with blood. Intestinal ulcers. Painless perianal abscesses in cases of fistula. Painless diarrhea, incontinence, in children, sugar or time changes, worse after eating. Rectal itching anal moisture. Rectal prolapse. Constipation (constipation) with fever and dyspnea. Antimonium tart (+ +) Constipation (constipation) alternating with diarrhea. Diarrhea in pneumonia, smallpox and other eruptive worse from suppressed eruption. Diarrhea in drinkers. Cholera: diarrhea, vomiting, watery, cadaverous smell, with involuntary stools. For Nash, is what comes closest to a specific cholera, "nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, prostration, cold sweats, stupor or sleepiness.

Benzoic acid (+ +) Diarrhea in children, worse dentition, with feces offensive or putrid odor of urine, white and watery (like soap water), foamy, irritating, heavy, go through diapers. Stitches and constricted feeling in the rectum. Tingling anal. Bismuth Page | 71 (+ +) Diarrhea with liquid stools, abundant, painless, very irritating and cadaverous odor. Sudden onset of cholera infantum, when vomiting predominate, with pallor, dark circles, hot sweats and hot body. Summer intestinal disorders in children. Dolores pinzantes the diaphragmatic region, extending transversely, worse walking. Diarrhea colorless with great thirst, polyuria, and vomiting. Sounds of gas in the stomach, which is very sensitive to touch. Borax (+ +) Diarrhea in children below the year with loose stools, yellow, offensive, worse in summer and from the teeth. Pale stool, green or brown, watery, with cries before and during defecation. Anal stricture. Itching and contraction in the anus and rectum. Diarrhea with punctures and borgorigmos in the womb. Diarrhea preceded by cramps in the infant, his mouth for canker sore. Diarrhea caused by smoking. Argentum (+) Diarrhea from drinking water, barely making (liquids, literally, "going through it"; toxicosis), for excitement or anticipation of an event before or unusual or very distressing (test, assembly, etc.). (see 2), for sugar or candies, for fright, mental exhaustion, explosive diarrhea, noisy. Stools green, like chopped spinach into small pieces, or turn green after his time in diapers, watery at night, brown, offensive, with flatus.

Chelidonium (+++) The main focus of action of Chelidonium is the liver. Stitches in the liver extended to the back, especially the lower and inner angle of right scapula. Pains in the liver extended to the Page | 72 back or down, better after eating. Biliary colic by gallstones. Cholesterinum (+++) Especially in conditions of left lobe of the liver and "what's between this, the pylorus and the pancreas" (Burnett gave it to the 3rd X). Dilated gallbladder. "It's almost a liver-specific gallstone colic, eases discomfort immediately" (Swan) (give it to the 200th, 1,000 th or higher). Liver failure. Difficult digestion with heaviness and headache. Tendency to constipation. Gallstones. Jaundice. Burning pain on the right side, grabs his hand while walking. The remedy is often useful in liver cancer, especially if there is hypertrophy. Elemuy (+++) Liver enlarged, congested. Gallbladder very sensitive to palpation, the lower pressure and still breathing. Biliary colic. Gallstones, especially cholesterol stones. Bile retention syndrome obstruction of the bile duct with jaundice, dark urine acholia intense. Acute catarrhal or chronic cholecystitis. Acute and chronic catarrhal Angiocolitis. Liver Congestion. Colon bacillus infection of the gallbladder bilious fever. Fel Tauri Gallstones. Bile duct obstruction. Jaundice. Vesicular atony delayed evacuation (to 6th). Gall spasmodic (to 1,000 th). Kali Bichromicum Pressure, heaviness and stitches in the hepatic region. Gallstone (can dissolve stones). Fatty degeneration of the liver. Stitches in region of spleen, extended to the lumbar region, worse from motion and pressure. Lycopodium (+++) Or liver pains in the hypochondria, especially the right, worse eating to satiety, stooping, walking and lying on the right or touch or feel the liver, spread to the back and the tip of right shoulder blade. Violent by gallstones biliary colic, a sharp pain cut off breathing. Pain in hypochondria, worse after midday, breathe deeply, the inspiration, by shaking, coughing or after dancing. Heaviness in the right upper quadrant, can not lie on that side. Gallstone The crushing of a gallstone has been used in the gallstones, in very low powers, as the most important drug in treating this condition, administering prolongadarnente. According Ttau Bergeret and the best power is the 6th day through, trying to expel kids estimates the 1,000 th, 2 times per week, to treat biliary gallstone field. In the 200th hypercholesterolaemia. Berberis (+ +) Colic liver, stitches that come suddenly and immediately are very intense, paroxysmal,

worse from motion and pressure, you are breathtaking. Pains in the vesicular region or in the left lobe of the liver, under the false left ribs, near the white line. Gallstone colic. Colic followed by jaundice, with putty-colored stools. Berberis promotes the flow of bile. Stitches in the vesicular region, worse from pressure, extended the stomach. Chronic cholecystitis with constipation and yellow complexion. Stitching pain in region of liver and gallbladder, which Page | 73 jumps to the left shoulder. Liver. Natrum sulph (+++) Right upper quadrant pain in the liver that occur or become worse lying on left side (cutting pain, or drawing), to breathe, when touched or palpated, by shaking, walking or after mental work , lying on the right side. Biliary colic by gallstones. Hepatitis acute and chronic pain and liver hypertrophy. Can not bear tight clothing in the womb. Calcarea carb (+ +) For gallstone biliary colic; stitches in right hypochondrium, worse after stooping or defecation. Nux Vomica (+ +) Is very sensitive to the laundry in the stomach and hypochondria, especially when the abdomen, especially in the epigastrium, is distended with flatulence and bloating worse after eating. Feeling as if the entire contents of the stomach would fall; must walk with care, heaviness, bloating, fullness, heat and burning in his belly. Stitches in the liver, worse from slightest touch or movement. Enlarged liver, swollen, indurated. Hepatitis. Gallstone; biliary colic, jaundice. Carduus marianus (+++) Pressing pain in the liver, less traveling. Biliary colic. Gallstone with large liver. Set a good bile flow, able to cure the tendency to form gallstones.

Acute Gallbladder pain

Violent abdominal pain that radiates in successive waves, occurs after an intense suppressed annoyance. If pain improvement in flexion when the person bends in half and under the effect of intense pressure and heat, and is aggravated when the body is extended: Colocynthis 6CH and 7CH 3 pellets every hour. Very severe spasmodic abdominal pain, radiating, which appears in fits and disappears very suddenly. Pain relieved by heat and intense pressure on the painful area: Magnesia phos 6CH and 7CH, 3 pellets every hour. Intolerable abdominal pain, which occurs after an emotional or violent anger. The patient did not tolerate the pain is restless, impatient and very irritable. Pain relieved by local application of heat: Chamomilla vulgaris 9CH, 3 pellets every hour.

Abdominal pain that requires the patient to remain motionless, bent over, lying on his right side. Pain relieved by immobility and intense pressure on the painful area, is aggravated by the slightest movement, Bryonia alba 6CH, or 7CH, 3 pellets every hour.
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Carduus Marianus (+++) The scope of Carduus Marianus focuses primarily on the liver. There is a passive congestion, a plethora of portal venous system. Right upper quadrant fullness in need of inspiration. Pain in the liver, twitching or throbbing, worse from pressure and lying on the left Page | 75 side lay stress on the right side. Chelidonium (+++) The main focus of action of Chelidonium is the liver. Stitches in the liver extended to the back, especially the lower and inner angle of right scapula. Pains in the liver extended to the back or down, better after eating. Biliary colic by gallstones. Hypertrophy (perpendicular) and hepatic congestion, with fullness and tenderness. Liver swollen, hard, painful. Acute and chronic hepatitis .. Magnesia mur Induration and enlargement of the liver, with burning pains and pressing cue made worse when walking. Hepatine Also called Hepatine, has been used in very prolonged hepatitis virus, giving the medication proximate the 6th, 3 times per week, resulting in 3 or 4 weeks normalize bilirubin, improve erythrocyte, to remove the pigments and bile salts erina and halt the increase in blood transaminase. Digitalis (+++) The liver is one of the main centers of action of Digitalis. Liver sore and hard, congested, sensitive to pressure. Liver in cardiac hypertrophy. Tables obstructive bile duct, with large liver pain, jaundice, slow pulse and feces discolored.

Tympanitis - Bloating
Carbo vegetabalis (+++) Was distended belly after eating, as if about to burst. There is an enormous flatulence, especially in hypochondria, with feeling of fullness, better loosen clothing. One of the most flatulent remedies of the Materia Medica, along with Lycopodium and China. There are noises Page | 76 in the stomach, relieved by removing flatus. Flatus are endless, hot, moist, offensive, may occur especially during diarrhea, and its emission is extremely relieved. Pain in the womb, by taking cold, after eating, during fever, lying on his side, after defecating (or better), better by passing flatus and the heat spread to the legs or whole leg, especially the left. The pain is burning or cramping. Liver sore. Pain in the spleen. Tension in the womb. Ulcers in the stomach. Inguinal hernia, strangulated. Lycopodium (+++) The excessive flatulence in the stomach is an inescapable feature of Lycopodium would almost say there is a strong gas accumulation especially in the umbilicus and in hypochondria, his stomach bloated, distended and large amounts of noise and rumbling; flatulence worsens or appears 16 to 20 hours after eating and before or after a bowel movement or tight clothing, and improves gas eliminating either flatus or belching (temporarily). Bloat; incarcerated flatus. The abdomen seems to be in a constant ferment. Cramp-like pain in the diaphragm to bend. China Huge (+++) flatulent distension of the stomach, worse after eating (especially fruit) and drink, much bloat, flatulence and bloating blocked, state not relieved by passing flatus. Can not bear tight clothing. Pain in the belly before removing the flatus or during chills or take cold better bending double and worse after eating. Natrum sulph (+++) The belly is one of the major fields of action Natr.Sulph. especially regarding the flatulence and liver. Excessive abdominal flatulence with cramping and diarrhea, obstructed or incarcerated, with difficulty in the elimination of flatus, with rumbling and movements in the womb, which is tender, with pain in the flanks (plus the right), pressing, and by majora massage and pressure. Pains of all sorts in the belly, that awakened (by lying sideways). Argentum (+) Great flatulence in the stomach, incarcerated or obstructed, worse after eating (Lye., Nux_V.) Morning upon awakening, with the abdomen distended and tympanic and intolerance of tight clothing. "One of the most flatulent drugs" (Kent). Feeling of emptiness and weakness in the womb. Dolores at midnight and before stool. Pain in hypochondria and diarrhea.


Aesculus hippocastanum (+++) The rectum is the principal site of action of Aesculus. Pain in the rectum, as if full of small sticks or needles, burning, warmth, heaviness, fullness, dryness and itching. The fullness and Page | 77 other discomforts are worse after a bowel movement and often accompanied by prolapse with dull pain in the back. Burning anus with chills up and down the back (Boericke). Rectal pain begins an hour after a bowel movement, continuing for 2 to 6 hours (Aloe, Sulfur). Hemorrhoids (one of the most important remedies), internal or external, purple, with a sore back, chronic, large, bleeding slightly (and that makes it better), with pain, worse while walking, sitting or standing; better kneeling or local heat, and usually accompanied by throbbing pain sacro- lumbar; in pregnancy and menopause. Fissure and anal stricture. Plethora (+++) venous passive venous congestion, especially in the portal system and haemorrhoids. Varicose veins and varicose veins, visible veins, bluish and distended. Muriatic acid (+++) Difficulty passing stool, feces very small. Diarrhea with abundant stools, dark or bleeding, leaving involantariamente on urination or delete a fart, or moving, can not urinate without moving the belly at the same time, the patient thinks he is going to come out a fart, but simultaneously urine. Ano very sensitive, anal burning and pain, better by heat or hot baths. Hemorrhoids that protrude like a bunch of grapes, blue, very sensitive and painful to the slightest touch (with violent stitches), hot, bleeding, not tolerate, or contact of toilet paper, that suddenly appear in children, in pregnancy, leaving after urinating or defecating, after diarrhea or walking. The anus is very sensitive even without hemorrhoids, and worse during menstruation. Aloe Socotrina (+++)'m Rectal symptoms that usually determine its indication. The stools, though they are solid, especially at the depart involuntarily flatus, or urination at night in bed. Hemorrhoids blue, packages such as grapes, hot, painful (not tolerate the slightest touch), bleeding, worse during menstruation, better by cold applications with intense anal itching and burning that prevent sleep. Paeonia (+++) The rectum is the large scope of Paeonia. Anal itching, scratching. The anus appears swollen. Hemorrhoids very congested, bulky, very painful; cleaned after defecation causes him intense pain. Intolerable pain in the anus before and after defecation, anal with constant moisture and offensive. Piles with perianal ulceracianes secreting very painful and the pain is burning, stabbing or as chips, are separated by pain buttocks. Anal fissure or fistula, with pain persisting long after defecation, anal moisture. Sudden diarrhea, pasty, with faint feeling in the stomach and burning anal then chilled.

Phosphorus (+++) Is one of the most important drugs for ulcerative colitis, which often seems to be setting in people with the characteristics of Phosphorus. Lost feces or involuntarily to move after a fright or sleeping, the anus remains completely open or only has the sensation. It has an urge to move your bowels apeinas lying on the left side. While anal bleeding bowel movements. Page | 78 Tenesmus after stool. Protruding hemorrhoids that bleed easily (up to flatus), excoriating pain when sitting or lying down. Chronic hemorrhoids. Anal fissure and fistula. Nux Vomica (+++) Internal hemorrhoids are very painful to prick, burn and itch, worse at night or walking, better by cold water piles congested, large, bleeding, in drinkers. Disorders removal of hemorrhoids. Sulfur (+++) Burning in the anus before, during and after defecation. Chronic hemorrhoids, large, external or internal, that are aggravated or out over night, drink beer, by touching, standing or walking, and disappear when lying down, bleeding. Removal of hemorrhoids disorders: colic, palpitations, back pain, lung congestion. Feeling of fullness or gurgling in rectum. Burning pains in anus and rectum: at night during diarrhea, the flatus, sitting, when you move the belly and beyond. Pressing pain out worse during bowel movements. Stitches in the rectum at night and when lying down or sitting. Rathania (+++) The rectum is the major center of action Rathania. Constipation with hard stools that are expelled with great effort (or efforts are ineffective) with anal stricture, with protruding hemorrhoids with bowel movements, followed by burning pain (like fire), sharp or pointed edges or splinters or punctures, which extend until several hours later, as if rectum full of glass splinters, even sometimes with loose stools. Anal fissure (it's possibly the most important and medicine indicated) with excruciating pain while and after bowel movements, especially if the stools are hard (they do mourn or cry) Sepia Constant sensation of a foreign body in the rectum, as a heavy ball or plug or ball placed between the pubis and coccyx, which causes outward pressure, and not relieved by defecation, feeling that the rectum is always full or are always feces. Rectal prolapse during bowel movements or urination difficult. Protruding piles and defecation when walking; bleeding, worse when walking. Erosion between the buttocks. Perianal condylomata. Silica (+ +) Hemorrhoids are very painful, making prolapse on defecation, but it is difficult to re-enter; suppurative; ulcerated. Humidity anal. Tension in the rectum. Intestinal parasites: tapeworm, pinworm, ascariasis. Anal or anorectal fistula: is probably the principal remedy, especially when it closes its external orifice, which has the indurated; occurs and an abscess, that opens by the

action of the drug, making disposal and reaching to purulent induration periorificial disappear; fistula alternating with chest symptoms. Anal fissure. Causticum Hemorrhoids (+++) large, congested, hard, worse when touched or walk or think about them. Involuntarily soiling; flatus. Noisy flatus, offensive. Stools: greasy, bloody, hard, knotty, white. Page | 79 Collinsonia (+++) Portal and pelvic venous congestion, resulting hemorrhoids, menstrual cramps and constipation, especially in women. Ignatia amara (+) Internal hemorrhoids worse after delivery, ulcerated. Stitches in hemorrhoids during cough. Hemorrhoids that improve walking. Ficus religiosa (+++) Its main action is haemorrhages, where their effect is almost magical and in many cases, instantaneous: in hematemesis, hematuria, and meno metrorrhagia, hemoptysis, bleeding hemorrhoids, stools mixed with blood (dysenteric) epistaxis. The blood is bright red, and medication is given in drops (1 to 5) of the tincture every 3 to 4 hours, or an X through 3 Even success has been used locally by applying very bloody wound. Graphites Burning anal fissures, hemorrhoids, with pain worse when sitting or take a long step, as if he nailed a knife, or after stool; bleed. Rectal prolapse easy, even without a desire to defecate, as if rectum was paralyzed dl. Sore anus wiping. Anal pain while pinching or after bowel movements, burning in cracks or crevices. Kali carb Protrusion of hemorrhoids and relaxation during the evacuation, stabbing, burning, also during urination, after first removing blood and white mucus. Inflammation, puncture, hurt and tingling, as ascarid in piles. Haemorrhoidal pustules, painful, bloody, stabbing pain. Hemorrhoids worse by coughing, better with a cold bath and on horseback. Stitches in the anus by coughing. Lycopodium (+ +) Piles that out (even by loose stools), burn and painful to touch or sit better in a warm bath. Rectal bleeding but only go loose stools. Sensation of rectal fullness, even after bowel movements. Lachesis (+ +) Piles blue, protruding (worse at stool), bleeding, strangled, with stitches in the rectum up every time you laugh, cough or sneeze, with pains in sacrum; with cutting, burning, pulsating or hammering in the rectum, worse sitting. Hemorrhoids especially with scanty menses or in menopause. Humidity anal during menstruation.

Antimonium crud (+++) The stomach is the center of the pathogenesis of Antimonium Crudum. Belching with like and smell of food, and constant wind, up and down for years. Gastric or indigestion from eating much (binge) or what should not (see 9 and 12) for a cold bath, heat, sour wine to take; worse Page | 80 very hot, cold and 22 hours, with disgust Nausea, retching, vomiting, fullness, and aversion to food, gastric catarrh, stomach cramps, with feeling of having eaten too much. Gouty metastasis in the stomach, often abrupt, or alternation of rheumatic disorders and gastric (improve joints and worsen the stomach or intestine, or vice versa). Constant nausea and vomiting, which relieved him, exhausted him, the thought of food or smell, it causes nausea and vomiting. Nausea from eating bread or sour wine. Measles or vomiting after drinking sour wine. Empty feeling not relieved by eating. Babies that return some just take breast milk or bottle, and refuse to re-take, with irritability. No appetite. Sed at night. Regurgitation sugary. Digestion old easily altered. Iris versicolor (+++) heartburn, as if fire, which spread to the mouth, all gastric contents seems to turn into vinegar. No appetite. Belching tasteless. Nausea. Crisis gler vomiting of mucus, slimy and stringy. Vomiting acids, bile (with headache), bloodshot, watery and sugary. Vomiting of sour milk in children, vomiting common in babies. "The most effective remedy for vomiting and important in all classes" (Kitchen). Gastralgia before breakfast and drinking water. Cancer of pylorus acids with vomiting and great prostration. (+ +) Is noteworthy as acid or sour in vomiting, watery and very acidic or sour, the sweat smell strongly of vinegar, and all the individual smells sour, all in the stomach becomes like vinegar. Hydrastis canadensis (+++) Empty feeling, faintness or languor, which may be widespread, but particularly in the stomach, and is constant and not relieved by eating; accompanies most of the symptoms of Hydrastis. (+++) Is one of the most important drugs in cancer ( "It's been more cases of cancer cured with this drug than with any other" (Clarke), stomach, liver ... Bismuth (+++) Action Center Bismuth is characteristic of the stomach. Gastralgias that go towards the spine, pressing, like a stone on a point, or burning, better bending backward; pains like cramps, spasmodic, with heartburn and heartburn. Fluid immediately vomits just drinking, even just a sip (Phosphorus, Arsenic, Cadmium, Bryonia), vomits the water just reaches the stomach retains solid food the most. Vomiting of food in huge quantities, sometimes at intervals of several days, and it does when the stomach is full, eat several days and then vomits. Vomiting with severe pain, terrible, compulsive and nausea after laparotomy. Sometimes

vomiting coincide with liquid stool, offensive, cadaverous, with great prostration, flatulence, white tongue and hot skin. Nausea after meals. Gastritis. Belching noisy and foul, cadaverous smell sometimes even without eating or drinking water, unpleasant sensation in the epigastric hollow eructations warmly food eaten 24 hours earlier. Slow digestion with belching foul. The improvement Page | 81 stomach drinking cold water. Sensation of stomach hanging. Gastric cancer. Ornithogallum (+++) The large center Ornithogallum action is the stomach, but even more specifically, the pylorus and duodenum. Distension of the stomach and abdomen with frequent and intense belching foul and need to loosen clothing; with painful languor in the stomach and lower chest that is up all night with the feeling that the legs slip or slide on bed. Gastralgias worse at night or cold drinks or food (better for hot drinks). Phosphorus (+++) The stomach is one of the top sites Phospborus action. Violent thirst, insatiable increasingly large quantities of cold drinks or ice, which are vomited as soon as warm in the stomach. Hunger at night, during fever, with headache. Devouring appetite ravenous hunger worse at night or right after you finish eating, you should eat often, because otherwise it collapses, with thinning. Gurgling in stomach after drinking. Belching and, above all, spitting water, food or bile puffs, after eating and at night. Heartburn. Nausea by putting hands in warm water or hot drinks in a warm room, better drinking ice water. Vomiting at any time: tomorrow night, after dinner, post-operative, with diarrhea simultaneously. (+++) Intense sense of emptiness or languor: the head, stomach (nausea) and not by eating, in the abdomen (worse after stool, with burning in the back between the shoulders); in the chest. Nux Vomica (+++) Your stomach is one of its weaknesses. He's hungry, but without appetite satiety. Stomach distended and sensitive to pressure after eating (better sitting still), with sensation of heaviness worst one hour after eating, with heartburn, belching, and regurgitation, fullness, indigestion drug abuse, mental strain, after drinking coffee, eating fatty or heavy meal, or lots of food, with the desire to provoke nausea and vomiting, feel that would be better if he got sick, and better when you vomit. Tight clothing bothers in pit, the better to loosen it (need to). Sensation of a stone in the stomach, one to two hours and eat. Bitter or sour belching, morning or after eating. Arcades on hawking. Nausea in the morning, in bed, constant, faintness and chills after lunch or dinner, when the stomach hurts, during menstruation, when you smoke and then, in pregnancy, when you sweat, with dizziness of the sea. Hiccups. Violent vomiting, spontaneous or induced, that some relief, bilious, bitter, food, fatty, black, foul, after a fit of anger by ripping the throat mucus, during intoxication, during pregnancy, with palpitations. Gastritis. Gastralgias: Morning, after eating or during a fever, and cramps two to three hours

after eating, causing a bowel movement wishes, better warm drinks and warmth of the bed. Epigastric pain when coughing. Peptic ulcer disease. Dyspeptic old. Black vomit blood clots. Robinia (+++) The stomach is the site of maximum Robinia action, highlighting the symptoms caused by a marked gastric hyperacidity, a result of hyperacidity, especially at night when lying down, with Page | 82 sour eructation, acid regurgitation, severe vomiting, watery and strongly acidic acidity him up into the mouth, and gives you shivers and sour taste. Heartburn or heartburn that worsen or appear for eating fatty, cabbage, turnips, etc.., And radiate to the back between the shoulder blades. Vomiting of mucus, sometimes tinged with blood or greenish. Nausea sitting. Gastralgias very intense day and night. Kalium carb (+++) Everything feels in the stomach, in the epigastrium: fear, anxiety, scares, shocks, bad news, sudden noises. And worse is hypersensitive to noise. Intolerance of human voice. (+) Want acids, sweets, sugar. Aversion to bread, black bread, meat. Lack of appetite, aversion to food. Intense thirst. Bulimia. The black bread he produces bloating. (+ +) Gastric distension, as if about to burst. Wholeness, even by a bite. Belching improve it. Belching and acid regurgitation. Burning stomach rising, with spasmodic contraction. Feeling as if stomach were cut into pieces. Constant feeling of having a full stomach of water rolling on moving. Pressure, heaviness in postprandial stomach. Feeling of lump in stomach the size of a fist. Throbbing behind the stomach at the navel. Upset stomach especially after soup or coffee with milk, poor digestion of black bread. Dyspepsia in the elderly. Worst ice water. Anxiety in stomach. Stomach cramps, renewed every time you eat or drink. Ignatia amara (+ +) Lack of appetite and satiety. Hunger is not calm nervous eating. Hunger and nausea at the same time. Thirst during chill. Holds heavy foods and losing consciousness Livanos. Empty stomach that improves with a deep breath and sighs. Empty feeling in epigastrium or weakness. Sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. Empty feeling at 2 a.m. not relieved by eating. Belching improving it. Sour eructation. Feeling weak stomach, as if hanging. Indigestion after grief. Heaviness and distended stomach. Regurgitation of food or bitter material. Hiccups by smoking. Nausea with agitation and anxiety. Vomiting food night, bilious, mucous. Newspapers in stomach cramps that disturb sleep and are aggravated by pressure on the affected area. Dull pain in epigastrium and stitches. Cold or burning sensation in my stomach. The empty stomach does not improve eating. Euphorbium (+ +) Great hunger, stomach feeling empty and relaxed hanging in the womb. Thirst for cold drinks. It burns like fire in the stomach and abdomen. Gastritis. Gastralgia as beaten. Spasmodic constriction in the stomach.

Cactus grandiflorus (+ +) Total lack of appetite, stomach rejects everything. Weight and discomfort in the stomach after eating. Nausea all day. Rising acidity in the mouth. Vomiting. Hematemesis copious. Gastroenteritis. Elaps corallinus Page | 83 (+ +) Ice cold feeling inside. It tolerates cold things. Fruits and iced drinks are cold as ice or in the stomach and produce a cold sensation in the chest. Violent thirst. Feeling cold as ice in the stomach and chest, worse after drinking (Ars., Ver_A.), Especially cold drinks or by eating fruit. Weight in stomach after eating, with nausea. Anacardium (+) The Anacardium dyspepsia, the gastralgias, nausea, vomiting and empty feeling better eating and during digestion. Slow or poor digestion with fullness and bloating. Nux vomica is worse two or three hours after eating and better when gastric digestion is over, in Anacardium is exactly the opposite: newly listed pains to tenninar gastric digestion when the stomach is empty, and last till next meal. Nash thinks there are many cases of dyspeptic Anacardium as Nux vomica, and uses the 200th power. as the most effective. Nausea and gastric emptying in the morning. My stomach hurts when empty; gastralgia Pressing after eating, sharp breath. Swallow hard put food and drinks.

Sepia Depression, Apathy, apathy, indifference to everything and everyone. Even in their neighborhood or their own occupations, for no apparent reason. Sad and pessimistic, prone to Page | 84 tears, anxious solitude and isolation. Extreme fatigue of psychological origin. Naja (+ +) Depressed, sad, anxious, melancholy, brooding constantly over imaginary errors and misfortunes, sadness and indecision, as if everything had been done wrongly, although clearly see what should have done and could not help not to. These thoughts that wander through his mind, led him to have sudden suicidal urges. Kalium Bromatum (+++) Have paroxysmal bouts of crying, uncontrollable, involuntary or very easy to accompany a deep melancholic depression, often related to religious ideas or issues (religious melancholia) or a lack of moral feeling. Zizia (+) Nervous excitement alternating laughter and tears, or joy and depression. Depression followed by joy. Irritable, depressed, indifferent, come to tears. Quiet, with much suffering and sadness apparent. Thoughts of suicide. Phenobarbitalum (+++) Mental depression, or indifference, alternating with excitability, then fatigue. The patient, especially children, is mahumorado and is isolated, especially before the rash appears, wants to be alone. Hypothalamus (+ +) Depression, physical or mental exhaustion. Extremely tender and soft. Weep for trifles. Alternating smiles and tears. It easily discouraged. Great indecision that leads to a lack of will. Mental fatigue, with ideas that can not be grasped by shifting. Intellectual retardation. Natrum Muriaticum Fundamental remedy the tubercular diathesis, is indicated for the biotype that tends to demineralization and thin, despite a good appetite, with depressive tendencies. Murex purpurea (+ +) Sadness, depression and discouragement, worse before menses or, if any fluid, when it decreases, and better when the flow increases. Great sadness at dusk, with aversion to talk. Anxious, apprehensive. People melancholy, especially at menopause. Ustilago Major depression is very sad, cries often, can not bear to see or speak to anyone.

Sarracenia Great Depression, anxiety about everything. Apathy alternating with intellectual activity. Depression with frontal headache. Complains.
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Aconitum () Terrible anxiety, especially at night, and it accompanies the most trivial of Aconitum disorder, during the chills, fever or pain or headaches. Delirium anxious night. Anxiety with fear. Page | 86 Spongia Tosta () Anxiety, especially after midnight when I was waking nightmares, waking breathless, with great anguish, anxious expression, fainting with fear and, worse lying inside, better when sitting up in bed and the air free Calcarea carb () A good number of fears and anxieties afflict: fear of death (worse at night) and starve; people to observe or even notice their confusion or their condition or mental state to diseases, any contagious or epidemic, tuberculosis and heart disease or have an incurable disease, with great anxiety about his health. Digitalis Anxiety: Morning, evening (in bed), after midnight, on waking, because of their occupation or business, flatus, for the future, for the rest, after eating, before menses, anxiety hypochondriac, with mania for reading medical books. Anxiety accompanies: with feelings of guilt or anxious expression or cold sweats (especially frontal), with boredom of life. Restlessness in bed, takes many turns, worse before and during menses. Excitation: at dusk or at night in bed, premenstrual during the chills, shaking. () Great anxiety, guilt. Feel remorse. Extreme anxiety, especially in the evening or night, with a tendency to mourn and a great fear of the future. Anxiety at night with sadness and insomnia. Psorinum () Has anxiety about his health. There is a sharp discouragement and pessimism which makes it look all black, and makes you think I failed in everything you undertake, making life intolerable for others and the same Nux Vomica () Anxiety: Morning, evening (in bed), after midnight, on waking, because of their occupation or business, flatus, for the future, for the rest, after eating, before menses, anxiety hypochondriac , with a mania for reading medical books. Anxiety accompanies: with feelings of guilt or anxious expression or cold sweats (especially frontal), with boredom of life. Restlessness in bed, takes many turns, worse before and during menses. Excitation: at dusk or at night in bed, premenstrual during the chills, shaking. Kalium arsenicosum () Great restlessness with anxiety, takes many turns in bed. Marked anxiety, fear. Cenchris contortrix () Anxiety, feels that is going to die suddenly; presentiment of impending death. Anxiety in bed or after midnight. Physical and mental restlessness.

Baryta () Poor or very poor memory: forgetting what is going to do or what you just either do or say just this to say. He forgets the words most familiar. The child can not learn because their memory is poor and not allowed to keep or remember anything, forget the recommendations Page | 87 and reprimands. The adult forgets the topography of the neighborhood where he lives lost even on streets that are well known. The old man has forgotten everything, even the very names and unusual words. Senile dementia. Kali bromatum () There is an obvious intellectual deficits especially located in the area of memory. Memory loss. You forget how to speak, we should say the word before you can say it, has lost the mechanism of expression of the word, there is an inability to speak (aphasia with amnesia). Memory is limited to dates and words, his writing is unintelligible by omission of words or parts of words, or by repeating words or wrong in its location. He is wrong in places or talking use inappropriate words or the opposite (eg, cold-heat). Is absent, distracted, or domed, with difficulty in thinking and understanding (especially if you have wet dreams). Medorrhinum () Is forgetful, memory is very poor; forgets his own name, and try to remember but can not remember names, common words and, above all, the initial letter of words has to ask the name of your best friend . Loses the thread of the conversation, because he forgets what he just said or what they will say he can not finish the sentence when speaking. Mercurius () Memory weak, weak, for names, persons or places, forget what you just read, what he said or what was said, or where it goes. Has a deficit of ideation, focuses heavily, especially for writing or numeracy (is unable to load), is forgetful, absent, dazed and even confused, especially after eating, and not know where you get lost in well-known streets or not recognize their relatives or their own home. It has errors when speaking (misplaced words), reading, calculating or when speaking of places or locations. Phosphoric acid () His memory is limited to the facts of the day, for what you have read, for words, forget the words when speaking, or after sexual excesses or elderly; family by not remember names. He speaks slowly in a garbled, incoherent or monosyllabic. Conium () There is Conium progressive mental deterioration, evidenced by its inability to mental activity, to sustain an effort or intellectual work (which fatigue) and also a physicist, is indolent, they lack will, slow way of being act (in movement) and think. Slowness in old age. Apathetic, has no interest in anything, indifferent, especially walking outdoors and during fever. This

confusing, it costs to fix the attention or understand what he hears or reads. Your senses are obtuse. Has difficulty learning. His memory is diminished, especially for dates, can not express themselves correctly. Feeling tired brain. Glonoinum () Confusion as if intoxicated by night on waking; walking outdoors. Forgetfulness. Can not Page | 88 remember which side of the street you live, you can not find her house is lost even in well- known streets, because it does not recognize, he is confused: the streets (and more familiar things), we are rare, strange, and The way home seemed very long, can not say where she is or where he was. Do not know who is the same, or recognize anyone, not even their closest relatives, rejects his wife and children. Anacardium () Brusca memory loss, especially in old and after a burnout on a long and painful brain work. The patient is very upset and concerned about his lack of memory, because this confused and unable to meet their occupations, everything seems to be a dream or something unreal (Med). "You forget everything, and to be aware of that, you lose your appetite" (Guernsey). Forgetful, especially tomorrow. Insufficient memory for names, for the words and what they just read or think, does not hold nothing better in the afternoon. Helleborus Niger () The slow or diminished intellect is manifested in the impairment of memory, which is deficient: forget what you heard or read or said, or what is to say, and also the words. Sepia () His memory is poor, poor, the aggravating and mental effort, for all that, you have an aversion to mental work and can not decide, is undecided. You can get to mental confusion, especially before menses, after eating, mental effort, when you speak and when he awoke, relieved after mourn. It is slow, even to speak, but can also talk fast. As absent. Syphilinum () His memory is poor, can not remember the names of people who frequent or persons therein, or dates, or titles of books they have read or own, or place names and streets of a city that knows well. Almost total inability to concentrate his thoughts. Children who can not concentrate, with great difficulty in learning, especially those of arithmetic or mathematics. He is wrong in the calculations. Calcarea phos () Use the wrong words to write, or repeat the same word twice. Poor memory: do not remember what I just did. Cocculus () You need to read a passage several times to get to understand it. Stunning worse by reading or thinking. Poor memory. That very slowly leads to indolence, and fails to finish anything he starts. Indecision.

Argentum () Intellectually, he has difficulty in thinking and understanding, especially in children. His memory is poor, for the words to say what you will. He forgets the words when speaking, and it aggravated the mental efforts. Acute or chronic illness by unusual or prolonged mental effort (Allen). Page | 89 Colibacillinum () Loss of memory, especially of recent events. Can not remember what you just read or hear

It is used by many homeopathic remedies for insomnia. These may include: - Insomnia because it provides a tense situation: Gelsemium sempervirens - Insomnia from exhaustion in a very active individual: Nux Vomica Page | 90 - Patient outdated that it can not get up in the morning due to his excesses: Lachesis mutus - The patient is invariably exactly at two o'clock in the morning: Arsenicum album "The patient wakes up at five in the morning and can not go back to sleep: Sulfur - The patient feels well early in the morning but would go back to sleep at ten o'clock in the morning: Natrum mur. The following table indicates some remedies that, if the symptoms are, occasional insomnia can be treated by a well-defined cause: - Coffea cruda: Joy over - Gelsemium sempervirens, Ignatia amara, Natrum mur: Great sadness sudden - Chamomilla vulgaris, Colocynthis, Nux vomica: Cholera. - Calcarea carb Colocynthis, Ignatia amara, Staphysagria: Vexation - Staphysagria: Dispute - Aconitum napellus, Bryonia Alba, Cocculus indicus, amara Ignatia, Pulsatilla, Rhus tox, Veratrum album: Fear, fear. - Cocculus indicus: Lack of sleep (sleep, sick care, etc.).. - Ambra grisea: lively conversation - Nux vomica: Abuse of alcohol Sleep disturbances in children Sleep disorders reflect a constitutional problem, particularly when they appear at birth or an acquired problem, for which there is necessarily a causal factor which should discover in order to choose the appropriate remedy. Sometimes when the child confuses night and day from birth and feels good during the day and longer at night, you can treat it with a single dose of Luesinum. Moreover, we need to distinguish between insomnia at bedtime (the child will not go to bed) and insomnia characterized by waking up at midnight or at dawn, whatever its cause (night terror , nightmares, fear of the dark, etc.).. The table below indicates some remedies prescribed in case of insomnia for children Homeopathy for sleep disorders in children - The child refuses to go to sleep for being agitated. Medorrhinum - He wakes up at midnight. Arsenicum album, Kali carbonlcum - The child has insomnia because it alters its environment, including changes in the location of furniture or objects. Vipera berus - The child gets up at night and entertain at home alone. Cactus grandiflorus - The child suffers from insomnia when sleeping away from home: Capsicum annuum.

Here we note another of the dozens of homeopathic remedies for sleep disorders: Opium (+++) Dream lethargic or comatose, with severe snoring or rattling breathing, deep sleep during chills and fever, which does not rest; worse between seizures. Coma vigil; incomplete dream, can not awaken. Sleepy, but you can not sleep. Falling asleep during the fever. Restless sleep Page | 91 with anxious dreams. Insomnia with great hyperacusis, the ticking of the clock or any noise, even minimal (up to the crowing of a rooster) keep you awake with anxious concern, takes many turns in bed. Strong shaking sleeping or carphology (see 9). Weird Dreams, pleasant, erotic. Carcinosim (+++) Sleep disturbed, restless. Takes to fall asleep at great flow of ideas is awake nearly all night, insomnia (Foubister). He wakes up with shivering. Sounds exciting. The child sleeps in a characteristic position, knee-chest or Mohammedan prayer (Medorrhinum). They also sleep on your back, arms overhead (Pulsatilla). Borax (+ +) Dream day, insomnia at night. Tendency to sleep much. Sleep disturbed by cramps and diarrhea. He wakes up very early and can not go back to sleep by heat in the head and many ideas. Night terrors in children with convulsive movements of the hands. Carboneum hydrogenisatum (+ +) Long and very deep sleep, interrupted by cramps in the jaws and toes. Pulsatilla (+ +) Dreams anxious, worse lying on left side or after a mortification ... pleasant drowsiness or sleep at night after noon overwhelming. Sleeplessness before midnight to 2 or after until dawn, coughing, eating very late and in abundance, excitement, fear, for headaches or congestion of the head, by itching, by shaking, by pains in the limbs, by palpitations, for discomfort, shocks or surprises in the States ... Magnesia carb (+ +) Sleep is not rest; is more tired when you get up to at bedtime. Violent yawning. Daytime sleepiness. Insomnia from flatulence or discomfort in the wisdom tooth. Can not sleep after 2 or 3. Anxious dreams: he speaks, screams, and jumps. He dreams of fire, thieves, feuds, mishaps, money, pleasure, death, floods, etc.

Ethylicum (+++) Craving for alcohol, alcohol abuse and there is a progressive intolerance to alcohol. Aversion to meat. Page | 92 (+) Exophthalmos (eye big drinker) with subictericia conjunctival conjunctival vessel dilation, glossy look of drunkenness or tender and tearful of chronic alcoholism. Alveolar pyorrhea (of which alcohol would be the most common cause). Esophageal cancer, which only exists in almost alcoholic. (+ +) Gastric ulcer. Burning epigastric by alcohol and acid. Hematemesis. Cardiomegaly of ethyl with exertional dyspnea, myocardial alcoholic, to rebel heart tonic, reducible to suspend alcohol. Complete arrhythmia. Spiritus Quercus glandium Eagerness (+++) of alcoholic beverages. It is used as one of the most important drugs for alcoholism, to eliminate the desire for alcohol, for this purpose, Burnett, who first glimpsed this indication by the effects of this substance was the tincture, 10 drops in water three times a day for several months. Antidote to the effects of alcohol intoxication with crying easily, severe dizziness, unsteady gait, flushed face and very foul breath. Anal fistula in alcoholics. Strophanthus hispidus (+ +) In alcohol can cause nausea and aversion to alcohol, eliminating the defect (7 drops of the tincture 3 times per day [Boericke]). (+++) The main scope of Strophanthus is the heart and circulatory tree. Weakness or heart failure, with tendency to edema or anasarca. It is indicated in alcoholics or intoxicated by the temples of snuff when they occur in heart failure. Vivid perception of cardiac activity, with chest pressure and anxiety. Nux Vomica (+ +) Is one of the most important medicines in the dipsomania, accompanied by hypochondria, irritability or forgetfulness, during or after pregnancy. In the intoxication: brutality, insults, jealousy, sadness, desire to commit suicide or hitting, sexual arousal, insomnia. Delirium tremens, hypersensitivity, unconsciousness, or insomnia. Alcoholic dementia. (+++) Acute or chronic effects of poison or drugs of all kinds, including drug or excessive amounts of coffee, snuff and alcohol, including wine. (+++) Desire for alcoholic beverages, beer, brandy, whiskey, fat, spicy foods or spicy Sulfuric adicum (+++) Great desire for alcoholic beverages, cognac, liqueurs, etc.. It is one of the most important medicines, both in acute alcoholism and chronic. Vices disorders drinkers, when Nux Vomica has outlived its usefulness.

According to Hering, the desire for alcohol, managing disappears for 15 to 30 days, 3 times per day, 10 to 15 drops of a mixture of one part of sulfuric acid in three parts of alcohol, basing the limitation on the presence of vomiting or morning fasting, with severe gastric and esophageal heartburn and acid belching, hiccups, and sometimes painful hemorrhoids. But it is also very useful medication energized, and drunkenness, with confusion, dizziness, irritability, with Page | 93 vertigo while sitting, which improves the outdoors. Violent (+++) heartburn, belching and regurgitation with highly acidic, which go up into the esophagus and mouth and give you shivers, especially caused by alcohol or any alcoholic beverage you drink, water or another, it causes cold in the stomach if it is mixed with some alcohol. Hypo intense, especially in alcoholics. Hemorrhoids in alcoholics. Asarum Europoeum Nausea (+++) in fits or constant (Ipecac), worse after eating, with clean tongue, nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. Horrible feeling of pressure in the epigastrium when you wake in the morning, alcoholic or after a night when you drank a lot. Anorexia, nausea until given food. Alcoholism; "is a popular choice for drinkers in Russia" (Allen). Syphilinum (+++) Desire for alcoholic beverages in any form. Inherited tendency to alcoholism. Sulfur (+ +) Dipsomania, chronic alcoholism, especially when they are reformed, but steadily returning to relapse into vice, and hide to drink. Delirium tremens. Apomorphinum Halbert Apomorphinum 3rd cured with X a desperate case of an Opium Eater alcoholism, with constant nausea, constipation, insomnia, severe headache, sharp and great emaciation neurotic symptoms. Crotalus horridus Indicated in constitutions (+++) very lifeless, weak, adynamic, pimicas, hemorrhagic; zimoticas diseases or fevers, septicaemic toxemic, pimicas, hemorrhagic, yellow fever, malaria, diphtheria, chronic alcoholism. Ranunculus sceleratus (+) Alcoholism with liver disorders, with geographic tongue and feeling of impending diarrhea. Secale cornutum (+) Bleed black blood, stringy, which comes out continually, with great prostration, the elderly, alcoholics, young women and weakened, by the slightest touch. Insomnia drug addicts and alcoholics. Kali bromatum (+) Vomiting: with intense thirst in alcoholics after a drinking binge. Pneumonia in alcoholics.

Lupulus Mental indolence. Delusion of alcoholics. Opium Pneumonia in the elderly, children and alcoholics. Pains in the sides of the chest during inspiration. Constriction or heat and burning in the chest. Passiflora (+) Alcoholism. Morphinomania or other addictions. Avena sativa (+) Insomnia, especially in alcoholics. Coca (+ +) Dyspnea in athletes, smokers and alcoholics. Dyspnea worse ascend strain, and at night, for asthma, emphysema or alcoholism.

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Bufo (+++) Is one of the major drugs of epilepsy. "No medicine I was more useful in the treatment of this disease" (Clarke). Page | 95 Preceding the attack, the patient is more irritable, mydriasis, with a motion as if licked, and rubbed his nose. Moments before the attack, the eyes are directed upwards and left wide open the mouth, cries out, members stiffen up, put his thumbs inside the other fingers flexed and contractures, first right and then to the left. Arum dracunculus (+++) Epilepsy especially in children and infants: seizures preceded by excitability or irritability and squealing; an attack after the other, in salute; without aura, especially the right side, with the left side paralyzed, or of one side, with paralysis of the other, his head thrown back with shaking .. (+ +) Epilepsy with irregular menses or bad ... Cicuta virosa (+++) Is a major drugs seizure tables and epilepsy. The convulsions are very violent and preceded seconds before starting, by a cry and typical aura in the solar plexus, a violent spasm of the diaphragm in the form of a sharp epigastric shock. Kali bromatum (+++) Epilepsy. Seizure after a fit of anger, for excitement, from fright, before and during menstruation. Calcarea Arsenicosa (+ +) Epilepsy or without valvular heart disease by cardiac injury. Attacks of convulsions, worse at night, preceded by waves of blood and cephalic congestion, hoarseness, pain in the left upper limb or hand, and chest pain, tightness and palpitations. It has cured some of the most stubborn cases of epilepsy. Petit mal epilepsy. Cuprum aceticum (+ +) Epilepsy, when the aura starts on her knees and goes up to the hypogastric, losing consciousness at that moment, with fall, convulsions and foaming mouth. Korea periodically worse after a fright or by motion, better lying down. Curare (+ +) Epilepsy with loss of consciousness, followed by drowsiness for several hours or mental disturbance. Silica (+ +) Disorders that occur or become worse during the new moon and full moon, especially epilepsy and somnambulism. "Most symptoms occur Silicea new moon" (Tyler).

Ribonucleic acid (+ +) According Jenaer shares with A.D.N. the general characteristics of psycho stimulant and libido, and its important therapeutic action in senescence, cancer and epilepsy, to the extent that Jenaer considers both, as stated above, must be administered simultaneously but alternately, by the identity of their clinical indications. Page | 96 Argentum metallicum (+ +) Feeling of shocks or shock, especially when falling asleep or sleeping (awaken), almost stuttering, ranging from head to toe. Epilepsy. Kali mur (+) Principal drug of epilepsy, especially when it's straight to the suppression of eczema or other rashes. Veratrum album (+) Epileptic attacks, preceded by anguish and despair. Convulsive movements; cramps. Seizures in children.

Belladonna () Convulsions, especially in children with high fever during the teething, during menstruation Page | 97 and the puerperium, for excitement, for bright objects or vexatious or to see water worse by light and when touched; predominant side right or on one side, preceded by a strange aura, as if a mouse was running through the skin, starting at the arm to fall, sometimes backwards, with paralysis. Korea. Tetanus, wounds on the soles of feet and toes. Cuprum Metallicum () The main area in which centralizes the action of Cuprum is in muscle activity, which is manifested in two ways: through seizures or contracture, cramps or spasms of violence, which appear and disappear abruptly. Seizures have characteristics that allow for easy identification. Seizures in meningitis, cholera, whooping cough, scarlet fever, etc.. Nux Vomica () The known spasmogenic action of Nux Vomica is reflected both in the smooth muscles, often as antiperistalsis (esophagus, stomach, intestines, uterus, bladder, rectum, etc..) (See Individuals) and in the striated and, in the latter as cramps or contractions, or spasms as electric shocks, or chorea. But especially where convulsions or tetanus is most important. Seizures especially right side, appearing after a fit of anger, by bending the head backwards for any excitement or emotion .. Agaricus muscarius () Excessive involuntary muscle activity in the most various ways: shaking, trembling, jumpiness, myoclonus, tremor, choreic movements. All this hyperactivity ceases during sleep. Epileptic seizures suppressed eruptions or milk, or excitement or fright, with fall, every 7 days; worst post-coital, better by vomiting. Body convulsed as electrified. Catalepsy. Korea, pretormentas worse. Hyoscyamus () Seizure-in children, from fright or intestinal parasites, after eating, the child vomits, cries out suddenly and lose consciousness. Seizures worse at night or sleeping or eating or after shocks,,, Lyssinum () Seizures triggered by flashes of direct or reflected light in bright objects on the surface of water or a mirror, or just by thinking about any kind of liquid or water view, by anger, by the slightest contact or the slightest air flow, strain, from fright

Nervous System
Ignatia amara () Is a drug specially adapted to nervous temperaments, especially in women of very sensitive, Page | 98 easily excitable, gentle disposition, sweet, affectionate, quick to perceive and perform; sentimental. "Temperament finely sensitive, delicate feelings" (Allen). "Ignatia is applicable only in healing and seizures and acute conditions" (Hahnemann). () Great heaviness of head. Nervous headache, pressing, especially on the forehead, with vomiting, which improves or worsens when bending. Nux Vomica () Basically is a person of an exaggerated sensitivity to factors of all kinds, from the outside (atmospheric [see 24], toxic [see 23], sensory, etc..) Or from inside (emotional [see 4], kinesthetic, etc.).. It is hypersensitive to light, to music (it worse) to noise (sometimes it's really painful sensitivity), the slightest noise, even at the steps or voices to pain at the slightest touch, to smell, worse if they are strong (come to produce unconsciousness or fainting), the smell of snuff, flowers (which can cause dizziness), and naphtha, which also cause dizziness. The hypersensitivity is enhanced after eating and before and during menstruation. It is also emotionally very sensitive ... Passiflora () The large display is in insomnia, regardless of their tires, especially from nervous excitement, worry, overwork, mental or alcohol excesses, or dentition, with agitation and fatigue. The prescription useful in the adult is 60 drops of tincture at bedtime and, if necessary, repeat half hour later. In the child, insomnia or excitation dentition 5 to 10 drops every 15 minutes until he falls asleep. () Convulsions in nervous children, during dentition or of parasitic origin Plumbum () Is one of the great remedies of MS, especially localized in the arteries, internal organs and central nervous system, especially in the spinal cord. Multiple sclerosis, multiple sclerosis. Sclerosis of the posterior spinal cord. Zinc () Plays the table in the brain or nervous exhaustion, neurasthenia old, following an extended studies or overwork by excessive mental activity, repeated vigils or social evenings or poisoning. There is a difficulty or a slowness in understanding and responding. Phosphoric acid () In the mental sphere, the effects of these insults are manifested by a profound general weakness or nervous exhaustion followed, in the physical plane, for a weakness which extends to sexual function. The mental weakness is expressed, initially, through indifference or apathy or disinterest in everything that happens around him, by the usual things of life, their occupations, especially in the morning upon awakening, increased considerably in fever cases during the chills and fever.

Rhododendron () Always very upset and nervous before a storm breaks out, when atmospheric pressure is very low and very high power, with great fear during storms, especially thunder and lightning. Sumbul () Heart disorders of nervous origin, cardiac neurosis, especially in hysterical or nervous Page | 99 persons. Hysterical nervous palpitations in menopause or in the worse from the slightest excitement or paying attention. Feeling as if the heart beat softly, as if submerged in water, with a feeling of faintness and fainting heart. False anginal pain, pain, numbness and heaviness of the upper left to the toes. The heart is pounding, worse after exertion or during digestion, sometimes irregular, fast or slow times. Alumina () Tendency to muscle paralysis or paresis (especially rectum, bladder and members) in connection with a serious chronic condition, and central nervous system disorders exteriorized in walking difficulties (see 40) and tremor (worst if you're hungry) or convulsive movements. Lachesis () Intolerance of constriction and the slightest contact with tight clothing, rather loose: especially in the neck (more so in the front), epigastrium, abdomen, chest, etc.., Gives him a big "upset and puts nervous "(Allen). Conium () Paralytic weakness and rising gradually increasing, beginning in the legs, sometimes preceded seizures with tremors and dizziness. Great prostration of the nervous system and muscle. Muscle paralysis without spasms. Paralysis and paresis. Paralysis of spinal origin due to injuries in the column, especially lumbar (and bad effects in general) or diphtheria. Seizure in the elderly. Curare () Probably because of muscle paralysis action on nerve endings, with preservation of sensation and consciousness, with diminished or abolished reflexes (is his keynote). Paralysis: painless, nervous weakness, traumatic loss of body fluids, by exhausting diseases enpor. Vasomotor nerve paralysis. Pseudohipertrofica paralysis (a case cured with the 200th [Clarke]). Paralysis of respiratory muscles. Progressive Tabes. Paralysis diabetes. Hysterical paralysis. Asafoetida () "People very nervous, very sensitive to pain, full of hysteria ... Asarum europoeum () Nervous, anxious, excitable, with exaltation of the senses (sensory erethism) or gloomy, with a nervous hypersensitivity, which causes only the scratch, scratch scratch or clothing or linen or silk fabrics or the rustle of a paper , or just thinking about it, find it unbearable, intolerable, it produces an unpleasant shudder preventing pervasive thinking and acting. Can not bear the slightest touch of a cloth or tissue. Hypersensitive to the slightest noise. Ambra grisea () Exhausted nervous hypersensitivity, any event or something unusual or just unusual alters it (can not breathe, pulse very upset, amenorrhoea). It is very sensitive to music: makes mourn and increases their suffering (cough, dyspnea, palpitations, hot flashes at the head, shaking, back pain, etc.)..

Camphor bromate () Is useful (and is its leading symptom) in the nervous hyperexcitability. Amylenum nitrosum () Flushes of heat that part of the face, epigastric or any body part, often followed by hot sweats and heavy, followed by great prostration, especially at menopause. "In women Page | 100 sensitive, nervous, plethoric, during or after menopause (Allen). Scutellaria () Fear of some calamity. It is a nervous sedative, especially in dyeing and low power (Bocricke); in night terrors that leave him frightened when he awoke, fidgets with the need to walk, in the excitement in children during dentition, in nervous debility postgripal (Burnett ), in the depression of the vital forces and nerve after prolonged illness, mental or physical effort excessive or prolonged, in delirium tremens, in hysteria and insomnia. Aranearum material () Excitement and nervous agitation in febrile states, the muscular power is increased, it can not stay in bed, dancing and jumping all night for the room (Clarke). Far nervous eroticism periodic headaches. The prescription medication has produced "a joyful feeling and state of calm, followed by a tendency to sleep, the most delicious tranquility, similar to the action of opium, which is not followed by ill effects" (Clarke). Avena sativa () Nervous exhaustion. Sexual weakness. It is a good tonic in debility after exhausting diseases. Lack of general tone with insomnia. In the intellectual burnout in nursing, in hypotensive. Borax () Child exceedingly nervous, irritable, loud. Moody, alternately laughing and crying. Vehement oath, denies. Moschus () Presents the classic picture of the old hysteria, nervous excitability accompanied with spitting, snarling, with alternating tears and uncontrollable laughter, or is very feisty, is angry over nothing, crying, angry or violent anger; is dry mouth, with cyanotic lips, face deadly pale, staring eyes and fell into unconsciousness usually transient. Aconitum () Is irritable, violent, with great nervous excitement. Disorders caused by anger, anxiety and fright. Violent delirium

HEAT OR COOL IN THE MOUTH Predominantly chills cough: Aconitum napellus, Arsenicum album, Belladonna, Calcarea carb, Chamomilla vulgaris, Cocculus indicus, Ignatia amara, Merc sol, Nux vomica, Rhus tox, Sulfur. Page | 101 Cold legs: Sepia officinalis, Stramonium. Burning Feet (the patient must cough discovered feet): Calcarea carb, Chamomilla vulgaris, Puisatila, Sanguinaria canadensis, Sulfur. Head hot and cold body: Aconitum napellus, Arnica montana, Arsenicum album, China officinalis, Gelsemium sempervirens, Hyoscyamus niger, Nux vomica, stramonium, Sulfur. Hot head and cold extremities: Arnica montana, Aurum metallicum, Belladonna, Ferrum metallicum, Stramonium. Head hot and cold feet: Arnica montana, Arsenicum album, Belladonna, Cactus grandiflorus, Calcarea carb, Ferrum metallicum, Gelsemium sempervirens, Ipecacuanha, Natrum carb, Sepia officinalis, Sulfur. The patient shivers when drinking: Beliadonna, Capsicum annuum, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Nux vomica. Worse from heat of the room: Apis mellifica, Opium, Puisatila. Coats or unsheltered during fever Desire to uncover: Aconitum napellus, Apis mellifica, Arnica montana, Arsenicum album, Bryonia alba, China officinalis, Coffea cruda, Euphrasia officinalis, Ferrum Metallicum, Hepar sulfur, amara Ignatia, Lachesis mutus, Natrum mur, Opium, Phosphorus, Puisatila, Sulfur . Aversion to uncovering: Argentum, Belladonna, Calcarea carb, Camphor officinalis, Gelsemium sempervirens, Hepar sulph, Merc sol, Nux vomica, Puisatila, Rhus tox, Sambucus niger, Silica, Stramonium, Tuberculinum. The patient shivers when bleak: Apis mellifica, Arnica montana, Belladonna, Calcarea carb, China officinalis, Nux vomica, Pyrogen, Rhus tox, Sepia officinalis, Tuberculinum. LIQUOR SIGNS IN THE MOUTH Increased appetite: China officinalis, Gina maritime Phosphorus. Severe stomach: Arsenicum album, Bryonia alba, Chamomilla vulgaris, Cocculus indicus, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Natrum mur, Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla, Sepia officinalis. Abdominal pain: Antimonium crud, Arsenicum album, Capsicum annuum, Carbo veg, Chamomiila vulgaris, Maritime Cina, Ignatia amara, Nux vomica, Rhus tox, Sulfur. Vomiting: Antimonium crud, Antimonium tart, Arsenicum album, Bryonia alba, Chamomilla vulgaris, Cina sea, Cocculus indicus, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Ferrum phos, Ipecacuanha, Lycopodium clavatum, Natrum mur, Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla, Stramonium, Veratrum album.

SED IN THE MOUTH No thirst: Antimonium tart Apis mellifica, Calcarea carb, Capsicum annuum, Carbo veg, sea Cina, Drosera rotundifoiia, Ferrum Metallicum, Gelsemium sempervirens, Ignatia Amara, Ipecacuanha, Pulsatilla, Sabadilla, Sambucus niger, Sulfur. Page | 102 Intense thirst: Aconitum napellus, Arsenicum album, Belladonna, Bryonia alba, China officinalis, Cocculus indicus, Eupatorium perioliatum, Ferrum phos, Nat mur, Phosphorus, Stramonium, Sulfur, Veratrum album. Unquenchable thirst: Arsenicum album, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Phosphorus. The patient drinks a lot, at long intervals: Bryonia alba. The patient drinks a lot and continued: Aconitum napellus, Belladonna, Bryonia alba, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Natrum mur. The sick baby small amounts at a time: Arsenicum album, Belladonna, Chamomilla vulgaris, Lycopodium clavatum, Sulfur. TREND TO UPSET WITH COLD SWEAT Carbo veg, Veratrum album. Perspiration during fever Absent ( "dry mouth"): Apis mellifica, Arsenicum album, Belladonna, Bryonia alba, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Gelsemium sempervirens, Hyoscyamus niger, Ipecacuanha, Nux moschata, Phosphorus, Sulfur. Abundant Beiiadonna, Capsicum annuum, Ipecacuanha, Mercurius sol, Mezereum, Nux vomica, Phosphorus, Podophyllum peltatum, Pulsatilla, Pyrogen, Sulfur, Tuberculinum. OTHER CONDITIONS FOR THE FEVER The patient is delirious with the fever: Apis mellifica, Arsenicum album, Belladonna, Bryonia alba, Hyoscyamus niger, Nat mur, Opium, Pulsatilla, Stramonium. The patient sleeps during fever: Apis mellifica, Arnica montana, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Gelsemium sempervirens, Lachesis mutus, Lycopodium clavatum, Natrum mur, Opium, Phosphorus, Podophyllum peltatum, Pulsatilla. The patient sighs during fever: Arnica montana, Cocculus indicus, Ignatia Amara, Ipecacuanha, Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla. The patient is talkative during fever: Coffea cruda, Gelsemium sempervirens, Lachesis mutus, Podophyllum peltatum, Stramonium, Tuberculinum. The patient sings during fever: Belladonna, Opium, Stramonium, Veratrum album.

During dentition: Aconitum napellus, Belladonna, Chamomilla vulgaris, Ferrum phos, Gelsemium sempervirens, Phytolacca decandra, Rheum palmatum, Sil. During the influenza (flu): Aconitum napellus, Arnica montana, Bryonia alba, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Gelsemium sempervirens, Nux vomica, Rhus tox. During gastroenteritis: Arsenicum album, Bryonia alba, Ipecacuanha, Nux vomica. During measles: Aconitum napellus, Apis mellifica, Arnica montana, Arsenicum album, Belladonna, Bryonia alba, Carbo veg, Chamomilla vulgaris, China officinalis, Gelsemium sempervirens, Pulsatilla, Rhus tox. During varicella: Cantharis vesicatoria, Mezereum, Rhus tox. During a particularly hot summer: Arsenicum album, Belladonna, Bryonia alba, Carbo veg, Gelsemium sempervirens, Lachesis mutus, Pulsatilla. All these products are often taken to 5 or 7 CH, five granules every hour until symptoms improve. The better spacing will take.

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A've outlined other remedies of homeopathy with specific characteristics for certain infections (septicemia, urinary tract infections, diphtheria, infections typical of women, feverish infectious disease influenza, paronychia, acute infectious mononucleosis, infectious hepatitis, etc.. Page | 104 For any infection, see your homeopath or health care professional to treat your specific case. For more information about any of these remedies click its name. Echinacea () Key indications, apart from certain infectious diseases and febrile (see 27), is in sepsis, and toxemia septicopiohemias with adynamic states (see 6). Snakebites, insect bites, insect bites, and their effects. Lymphangitis with lymphadenopathy. Recurrent abscesses or boils (10 drops of tincture, 4 times per day) ( "there is no cure case") (Ramey). In abscesses seems to be a mature and stop, without forming pus. Suppurative process in general, superficial or internal organs. Anthrax red-blue and intense pain. Gangrene. Injuries torn (use the local dressings tincture, 25 drops in a glass of boiled water). Tendency to malignancy in acute and subacute. () Chills or cold flashes going up the back, with nausea. Typhoid. Scarlet fever. Puerperal fever. Septic fevers. Septicemia. Malaria. Sweats in the upper body. Pyrogen () One of the major drugs for sepsis, severe septicopiohemias pyaemia and, of puerperal or surgical origin, or disorders ptomaine or sewer gas poisoning or injury by dissection, in diphtheria or typhoid or serious tify ways any infectious disease. "When drugs fail to elect either relieve or permanently improve (Allen). Aftermath of previous septic ending in abscesses. When relapses occur in the course of an infectious disease after a transient improvement, and despite the best chosen remedies. When these serious paintings are accompanied by the following characteristics (see 5, 6, 7 and 15). Terebinthina () The urinary system is the most important field of Terebinthina action. Back pain or burning or twitching kidney with renal inflammation or acute nephritis with albuminuria and hematuria predominant, with little casts, usually straight to infectious diseases (scarlet fever, diphtheria, typhoid, etc.). Or pregnancy. Cystitis with frequent urination (especially at night). Crataegus () Fatigue heart in severe infections such as typhoid (cardiac collapse). Diphterinum () Is very useful as a prophylactic (vaccination or diphtheria) which, moreover, was proved scientifically and objectively by Chavannon in 1930, getting a negative result with the Schick dose Diphterinum 1000th-8000th. The same obtained in 1941 in England, Peterson and Boyd, with Diphterinum 15a and 100a. In patients with weak or exhausted vitality and, therefore, are extremely susceptible to the diphtheritic infection.

Arnica () Stuporous state (in feverish infectious, typhoid or traumatic origin) that may lead to unconsciousness, especially during fever or stand up from lying down, often with incontinence of faeces and urine, is absent, absorbed, sitting without moving. Medorrhinum Page | 105 () For the constitutional effects of gonorrhea badly treated and removed, in female chronic conditions (oophoritis, salpingitis, cysts, fibroids, etc..) Dating of a gonorrheal infection, when there is a history or hereditary gonorrhea Serum anguillae () Is the kidney the field of fundamental action of eel serum. Most frequently, it presents a picture of acute nephritis parenchymatous subito type "from cold" especially, or too toxic or infectious, or an acute attack of evolution in chronic nephritis, with acute onset of marked albuminuria, oliguria or anuria, hematuria and casts, with a quick installation without hypertension and edema (or very few), with impending uremia. Penicillinum () The key indication is for disorders arising from a contagious disease treated by penicillin or another antibiotic of fungal origin (see other Generals and Particulars). Rajania subsamarata () High fever, from 39.5 or 40th or 41st and, with great exhaustion and other symptoms (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 19 and 20). Eruptive diseases, infectious septicemia. Magnetis Polus australis () Pulse and tingling in the fingertips; felons. It is possibly the main drug of one embodied in the big toe, as well as pain and infection. Clarke pointed out, always in first term and the 2000th, based in the pathogenesis of Hahnemann: "Pain in one of the big toe when walking, as if one had been embedded in the flesh to grow, with much pain just touches . Anthracinum () Septic-pyaemia, septic infections, burning pains too great prostration. Wound sepsis of suspicious origin or anatomical dissection or suspected insect bites, fast gear with lymphangitis (Lach., Pyr.) Secretions and fetid. Septic fever, with rapid prostration, weak pulse barely palpable, delirium, fainting, feeling die. Elemuy () Colon bacillus infection of the gallbladder; bilious fever. Liver failure with chronic constipation and subictericia. Eucalyptus globulus () Chronic nephritis, renal sclerosis. Acute nephritis after scarlet fever, measles, influenza and other infectious diseases, with albuminuria, hyaline casts: hematuria, oliguria and dark urine with urea decreased. Pyelonephritis

Carcinosim () If there is a history of serious infectious diseases very early in infancy or in early infancy. () Diffuse lymphadenopathy with fever. In acute infectious mononucleosis, can be very useful, since in the 200th, 3 times per day, usually "almost specific" (Foubister) as well as in the aftermath. Page | 106 Chlorpromazine () Infectious hepatitis with jaundice and the whole blood picture of obstructive jaundice by bile thrombi; with anorexia, nausea, vomiting, listlessness and fever. Pai, in India, this drug routinely used in 21 cases of hepatitis, the 30th, three times a day the first 4 days, 2 times per day and the next 4, with rapid improvement in all cases, and normalization of appetite in 24 to 48 hours. Maintains its use in cases of this disease with few symptoms counselors. Gallstones.

Belladonna () Belladonna finds its main indication in acute, sudden onset and violent, often inflammatory (especially brain, lung, liver and throat) and generally febrile, which always present a series of Page | 107 objective signs that cast doubt: face bright red, bright eyes, dilated pupils, throbbing and superficial artery dilation throughout, especially in the carotid arteries, and tachycardia with a pulse full and hard. () Catarrhal inflammation of the eyes from cold, with very red conjunctiva, worse from heat. () Acute inflammation of the throat, especially on the right, and tonsils, with irritation, burning, redness large (throat, tonsils and uvula) and intense sensation of dryness and tightness with swallowing, pains of all kinds especially in speaking and swallowing liquids, and swelling, with pain extended to the ear. Foreign body sensation, with hawking. Ferrum Phosphoricum () Its main use is in all disorders or congested hyperaemic that are accompanied by pain, heat, redness, swelling, tachycardia, ie, in inflammation and acute febrile disturbances in the beginning, in its early stages, especially before you see any discharge or drainage, especially in respiratory catarrhal. In these cases, appears to be midway between Aconite and Belladonna intensity and heaviness or numbness of Gelsemium. () First stage of all inflammatory acute febrile or not, respiratory tract: rhinitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy. Bronchitis in children. Hoarseness: singers or speakers, overuse of voice, pain, dryness, burning and irritation in larynx; greenish mucus coughed up into chunks. "It is the first major remedy for the stitches in the side of the chest (over the right) that are breathtaking, with dyspnea and cough" (Boericke); Kali Muriaticum () Is one of the remedies of Schssler whose specific indication is inflammation of mucous and serous in their second or subacute stage, ie, once the acute stage. The secretions or mucous discharges are white, thick, fibrinous, viscous, and plastic serosal exudates are white or grayish, and the membrane. Sulfuric Kali () According to Schussler, is the drug of the third stage of inflammation (first or acute Ferrum Phosphoricum; of the second or subacute is Kali Muriaticum) or state of decline, manifested in the skin (see 26) by a profuse epidermal desquamation, and mucosal secretions intense yellow or greenish yellow, abundant, slightly thick, sticky and irritating little or nothing and often intermittent. Aconitum () Violent acute inflammatory disorders, usually fever, sudden onset or early in the first stage, when there is still no location, and accompanied by fear of death, with intense restlessness and anxiety.

Mercurius sol () Bone pain, worse at night, softening of bones, bone decay and inflammation of bone and periosteum, periosteal thickening. Pain, swelling, induration, swelling and suppuration of lymph nodes, especially head, neck, armpits and English. () Swelling of submaxillary glands. Swelling and inflammation of the parotid glands, especially Page | 108 the right, with punctures. One of the main drugs of mumps. Swelling of the sublingual and submandibular salivary glands. () Swelling of the throat especially at night, with shooting pains, or burning excoriating that appear or are aggravated by swallowing (especially in vacuum), at night, cold air or talking, the pains extending to the ear at paridas and submandibular and cervical nodes, usually with marked dry throat and drooling. One of the main drugs for acute tonsillitis, which often accompany lymphadenopathy in the neck, painful or burning. Swollen glands; suppuration; lymphadenopathy as knots. Suppuration of tonsils. Mercurius biiodatus () Inflammation and swelling of the left tonsil, which sometimes goes from left to right, with dark red colouration of the throat and columns, with worse pain when swallowing hot beverages or empty, with cold feeling in the pharynx, with lymphadenopathy marked. Cantharis () In developing inflammatory and destructive surprisingly fast, reaching rapidly to death or gangrene of the affected part (Merc.Corr., Ars.A.). The intensity and speed of action of Cantharis is accompanied by burning, burning, which occurs in all inflammations and heal this medicine (lung, pleura, brain, bone, intestines, rectum, anus, kidney, bladder, ovaries, pericardium, skin, etc..) and characteristic urinary symptoms. "If there are urgent and frequent urination, accompanied by cutting, burning, or are not so frequent and sharp, burning pain accompanying micturition Cantharis is almost always the remedy for any pain or inflammation coexisting" (Nash). Rhododendron () Swelling of the testicles, especially the right, chronic or not, by suppression of gonorrhea, epididymitis, and inflammation of the spermatic cords, with swelling and pain. Acute inflammation of the joints, swelling, redness and pain, jumping from joint to joint, since the weather changes and becomes poor, with particularly intense pain at night, at rest and stormy weather, and better from motion ; with abundant voids, which reduce the pain stop. Sulfur () Burning sensation or burning everywhere and most of accompanying symptoms, especially pain, discharge, swelling, rashes, etc.. Petroleum () Chilblains (one of the principal remedies) with pain and itching, especially on the hands, fingers, feet (with cracking and severe inflammation

Euphrasia It is indicated in all kinds of inflammations of the eye, acute catarrhal or gouty or rheumatic origin; simple conjunctivitis, granular or pustular, keratitis, iritis, keratitis postoperative or traumatic iritis, keratitis Pustular with intense photophobia, sometimes recurrent, blepharitis; Meibomianitis. Page | 109 Ignatia amara () Palate inflamed, feeling that what goes through an area down-hearted and warm. Stitches in throat extending to the ear when swallowing. Inflammation. Hypertrophy and induration of tonsils with small ulcers. Dificiiltad swallowing fluids. Apis mellifica () In acute inflammations, pink, extremely sensitive to the slightest contact with pinching and burning, worse from heat, better from cold, with fever without thirst. () Acute or chronic inflammations of the different tissues of the eye, especially in children, with sharp pain and burning, worse from heat or warm room. Arnica Montana () Or bleeding in the tissues of the skin or through the holes, bruises, ecchymosis. Venous stasis, varicose veins. Inflammation of blood vessels. Thrombosis. Calcarea Carbonica () Catarrh and inflammation of the Eustachian tube, with hearing loss.

Among the general antihomotoxic homeopathic medicines for infections most important are: - Echinacea compositum: Stimulation of the body's own defenses in case of fever and inflammation, encephalitis after vaccination, influenza, tonsillitis, boils, abscesses, boils, focal toxicosis, gingivitis, stomatitis, sinusitis, etc, etc. Page | 110 - Arnica-Heel: In sepsis imminent and prostration. - Lymphomyosot: predisposition to infectious diseases. - Galium-Heel: To stimulate the nonspecific defense mechanisms, especially in case of chronic diseases. - Belladonna-Homaccord: localized inflammations, eg tonsillitis, boils, anthrax (multiple boils). - Mercurius-Heel: boil, anthrax and other oozing, for example also in Peritonsillar tissue. - Gripp-Heel: Avian flu and infections and increase the body's own defenses in case of febrile infectious diseases. - Aconitum-Homaccord: influenza and catarrhal processes (especially in the early stages). - Engystol: Activate nonspecific defense systems, especially in cases of influenza and febrile infections of unclear origin (also in viral illnesses). Principal drug of viral diseases. - Traumeel: post-traumatic and postoperative edema, soft tissue edema, inflammatory and degenerative processes associated with different organs and tissues, particularly of the locomotor and ligaments. On the other hand it must be borne in mind that towards infectious diseases that must be treated with homeopathy is the specific disease and not just the consequence. For example, in eruptions caused by an infectious disease is treated (measles or rubella, for example) and not the eruption.

Euphorbium (+++) Terrible burning pains, burning, as if a red-hot charcoal or coals were on or within the affected parties, internal or external, especially in cancer, carbuncle or erysipelas (when Anthracinum Arsenic or not improve). Burning pains in the bones. It is one of the best remedies Page | 111 to relieve cancer pain. Pressing pains, tearing or piercing, worse at rest, better by motion. Belladonna (+++) Symptoms such as fever, sweating, twitching, seizures, etc.., And especially the pain, appear and disappear abruptly. "It's one of the most painful remedies, and their pain is usually pounding, throbbing, terebrantes, burning, cutting, pinching, pressing, as if scraping, stabbing or tearing, aggravated by the pounding, movements, cough, light , touch and cold. They come in short fits, paroxysmal, and accompanied by redness of face and eyes. Berberis vulgaris (+++) Berberis pains are stinging, burning, lancinating, in jerks, tearing pinzantes and constantly changing place, with radiation in all directions and at any distance, even far from the place of origin that usually is the back especially the lumbar region). The pain can strike up or down. The pains are aggravated by standing or active exercise or movement, and enhance the outdoors. Wandering pains. Manganum (+++) Bone pains, the bones are very sensitive to touch (more on the lower limbs), with red, raised spots on the skin, very painful. Inflammation of bones and joints with pain worst intolerable cold night and movement. Touching any part of body, mind feels extremely sore, and ulcerated. Periostitis with suppuration and necrosis. Deep bone pain, worse walking. Periarticular skin suppuration. Gouty or rheumatic pains, erratic, diagonally. Growing pains. Verbascum (+++) Facial neuralgia (one of the most important drugs), especially caused or aggravated by temperature changes, left or right, which occurs mainly at 9 pm or 9 to 16 hours (reaching the maximum at noon and then gradually decreases until it disappears at 16 hours), the pains are paroxysmal, drawing or pressing or as if you squeezed with pliers, and is worse in bed, lying down, by air currents, cold air and stormy weather, the general movement of the jaw, chewing, under pressure, sneezing, talking, playing and waking, with lacrimation and, sometimes, coryza, extending to the malar bone. Pain in the temporomandibular jaw joint. (+ +) Tearing, darting, stinging (and bones), nerve, high intensity, which are down; numbness almost all pains. Formica rufa (+ +) Wandering rheumatic pains, which appear abruptly, with stirring. Pains worse from motion, better by pressure, with right predominance. Burning pains, worse from washing in cold water. Cutting pains. Dolores going from left to right or vice versa. Rhododendron (+ +) Pains, neuralgic or rheumatic have very distinctive patterns. Generally they are tearing, erratic, often with local sensation of numbness, and they are aggravated by disturbance of the atmosphere saromtricas, especially before and during storms or sudden changes in weather, cold wet and rest, and improve after storms, in dry and stable weather, moving or walking and

local heat. The pains come from the inside out. Capsicum (+++) Painful swelling of the mastoid, worse by touch (very sensitive) marrow cavities and suppuration in the mastoid and petrous temnporal. One of the main remedies for acute mastoiditis; tearing. Page | 112 Cantharis (+++) Burning pains, burning, sharp, raw, excoriated, aches, internal and external tearing and stinging from the outside in, pinching in inner parts. Stitches. (+++) Acute nephritis. Kidney pains during an urgency to urinate, burning, sharp, paroxysmal, tearing, spread to the urethra and penis, better pressure on the glans, with tearing pain in the coccyx. Colocynthis (+++) Severe pains, neuralgic, shooting, cutting, cramping, stabbing, tearing, burning, pressing, extremely violent, intermittent, with great agitation, anxiety and cries, which usually appear after an anger, indignation and mortification, more frequent on the left and always aggravated by extension and relieved by pressure, bending, hard pressure or by movement or local heat. When the pain reaches sufficient intensity, are nausea and vomiting or fainting. These types of pain are similar to those of Magnesia Phosphorica, Colocynthis contains salt in considerable quantity. Gnaphalium (+++) Gnaphalium The main indication is in sciatica, especially the right side, with severe pain as sharp or arrows, alternating with local numbness or are replaced by him, ranging from the right hip, his face posterior limb to the foot, worse lying down and moving; better sitting on a chair and flexing the thigh on the abdomen. The going gets very tiring. Chelidonium (+++) The main focus of action of Chelidonium is the liver. Stitches in the liver extended to the back, especially the lower and inner angle of right scapula. Pains in the liver extended to the back or down, better after eating. Biliary colic by gallstones. Magnesia phos (+++) Intense neuralgic pains, very sharp, which follow the course of the affected nerve and appear suddenly, like lightning that comes and goes, quickly changing, that appear in paroxysms that make cry, which can be all types of sensation, predominantly as cramps, but never hot, or are aggravated by the slightest cold and the slightest contact and improved heat and hot applications and pressure, dominated on the right side of the body, generally agree or alternating with a feeling of constriction with great prostration and sometimes with profuse sweating. Arsenicum album Dolores (+++) burning, burning: the affected parts burn like fire, like they were hot coals, with the curious peculiarity that improve with local or general heat. Homeopathy for pain according to specific procedures Gradually appears and disappears suddenly: Argentum metallicum Argentum, Puisatila.

Gradually appears and disappears suddenly: Belladonna, Hypericum perforatum, Lachesis mutus, Puisatila. Appears and disappears suddenly: Argentum, Belladonna, Kali bichromicum, Nitric acid, decandra Phytolacca, Rhus tox. Throbbing pain: Belladonna, China officinalis. Page | 113 Burning pain: Apis mellifica, Arsenicum album, Bryonia alba, Cantharis vesicatoria, Capsicum annuum, Causticum, Phosphorus, Spongia Tosta, Sulfur. Changing pain, wandering: Kali bichromicum Pulsatilla. Sharp pain, like pricking: Apis mellifica, Bryonia alba, Kali carb. Splinter sensation: Agaricus muscarius, Argentum, Hepar sulfur, Nitric acid, Silica. Contusion or bruise: Arnica montana, China officinalis, Eupatorium peroliatum, Rhus tox, Ruta graveolens. Hypersensitivity to pain: Chamomilla vulgaris, amara Ignatia, Lachesis mutus, Nux vomica, Phosphorus, Sepia officinalis, Silica, Staphysagria.

China (+++) The most important feature of China is its etiological indication, in disorders of consequence, or from, or prolonged losses of animal fluids, especially bleeding in people before and now weakened by robust these downloads strenuous as well as by excessive and prolonged Page | 114 lactation, diarrhea, sweating, oozing, wet dreams, and so on. Anemia after hemorrhage. Leukemia. (+++) Tendency to bleeding from body orifices, with ringing in the ears, fainting, general cold, dimming vision and, sometimes, seizures. It is also one of the best hemostatic. Ferrum metallicum (+++) Entire circulatory system, especially with regard to blood flow, blood vessels and blood composition itself are altered. Bleeding in very weak or anemic. Anemia with extreme pallor or discoloration of the mucous membranes, face and lips, that reddens easily, quickly and intensely by milder stimuli (pain, emotion or effort), with appearance of false plethora. Anemia in young people with circulatory disorders mentioned above. Anemia of any origin, bleeding or nutritional deficiencies or illness, stressful, syphilis or cancer. Pernicious anemia. Hemophilia. Venous murmurs. Vulnerable Plaque by anemia. Ferrum Phosphoricum (+ +) Anemia: given the 3 X, increases hemoglobin (Boericke). Helonias (+++) The female genitals are the main scope of Helonias. Menses too frequent and abundant, excessive, weak women by blood loss and anemia, the blood is dark, clotted, foul-smelling. Graphites (+) Anemia. Hemorrhage. Irregularities in blood distribution. Disorders loss of vital fluids. Pulsations in all arteries with each movement. Edema; after a severe rash. Fainting. Kali arsenicosum (+++) Great weakness, can not sit up in bed, any loud noise or sudden she produces whole body tremors. Tendency to fainting. Anemia. Lack of vital heat. Bone marrow It is indicated, the 200th (power regulator) in anemias. Trinitrotoluenum (+ +) The toxic action of trinitrotoluene on causes red blood cells, in principle, a change in hemoglobin makes the red cells lose much of their oxygen-carrying capacity to the cells, which enter by anoxemia anoxia observed corresponding symptoms: extreme fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness, fainting, palpitations, cramps, cyanosis, and so on. The destruction of red blood cells causes anemia and a straight jaundice that resulting from cell destruction. In later stages of intoxication, you get to aplastic anemia and toxic jaundice, or by the action on bone

marrow and liver cells, shows and therapeutic indications in severe anemia and hemolytic jaundice with the picture described above. Chininum arsenicosum (+ +) Deep prostration with pale and anxious. Chininum Arsenicosum has simultaneously weakness, exhaustion and anemia in China and prostration, agitation and anxiety of Arsenic. Page | 115 Posthemorrhagic disorders. Desire to lie down. It has been used as a general tonic, often with marked and rapid effects. Chininum sulphuricum (+ +) Quick anemia with low hemoglobin, polynuclear leukocytosis. Aluminum phos (+ +) Anemia. Thinning. Lack of vital heat. Great weakness in the morning on waking strain; diarrheal walking, during menstruation; paralytic weakness. Great exhaustion. Feeling of extreme lassitude, want to lie. Arsenic Sulphuratum (+ +) Anemia. Physical cravings. Laxity and lack of reaction. Thinning. Elderly much diminished. Weakness: Morning, during menstruation, after exertion or eating or defecating, by sweating, by climbing stairs, walking outdoors. Children who are slow to learn to walk. Calcarea carb (+ +) Other general issues: Anemia; posthemorrhagic disorders loss of vital fluids Carcinosin (+++) Carcinosin is particularly advantageous if there is a history of hereditary cancer and family (especially if multiple cases), tuberculosis, diabetes and pernicious anemia, or a combination of two or more of them.

Obesity - Slimming
Thyroidinum (+++) Slimming, paradoxical or obese (P). "A state of swelling and obesity may be considered a key symptom of Thyroidinum" (Clarke). Page | 116 Ammonium mur (+++) Especially useful in obesity in which the body is big and fat, with great accumulation of fat in the abdomen and lower limbs, especially legs are thin. Calcarea carb (+++) The usual constitutional type is the blond boy, plump, or fat, flabby musculature, soft, red-faced or pale and sickly, who sweats a lot and easily, and also cold easily, with his head large fontanelles and cranial sutures with taking longer than they should be in closed r; with bulging belly and legs twisted, but sometimes there may be thinning. Tendency to obesity in children and teens and also adults. "Fat Girls and plethoric, that grow too quickly" (Allen). "Textiles in quantity and poor quality. Nutritional and digestive disorders: overeating, obesity, diarrhea. Dyspeptic disorders due to phenomena of fermentation. Fucus vesiculosus (+ +) One of its main indications are in obesity. Usually used in dyeing or very low power. Chavanon as indicated at a dose of tincture of 10 drops daily. Hypothalamus (+) Retention aqueous female-type obesity. According Bergeret and Ttau, giving the 1000 meetings, once or twice a week in obesity with bulimia, or if there 200th bulimia. Hypothyroidism, with decreased basal metabolism. Pulsatilla (+ +) Women with a tendency to obesity, with scanty menses and prolonged. Allium sativum (+ +) Especially useful in eaters, especially meat, drink little and select their meals, with a tendency to obesity. Dyspeptic. Antimonium crud (+ +) Suitable especially in the extremes of life: children and elderly. Children or young people prone to obesity, irritable, unable to tolerate being touched or looked at. Calotropis (+) Obesity as weight loss, muscle strength repurchased. Anterior pituitary lobe It is used as an endocrine regulator, the 200th, when gonadal dysfunction, or obesity as a mobilizer of fat. Graphites Endocrine, Metabolic Psychic: Decreased activity, laziness, indecision, indifference, hipermotividad, obesity, feeling cold, anemia, slowing metabolism. Cortisone (+) A tendency to obesity or corpulence, with a round face, with fluid retention. Slowness of mind and body.

Kalium bromatum (+) Especially useful for individuals prone to obesity in children, in nervous women. Kalium carb "For old with edema disease and paralysis ..., with a tendency to obesity" (Allen). Thuya occidentalis Page | 117 (+) Thinning and rapid exhaustion, or obesity, especially in hips and thighs. Senega (+) Especially useful in plethoric persons, flaccid, which tend to obesity. Fat, chubby children. In elderly.

Carcinosin (+++) Carcinosin is particularly advantageous if there is a history of hereditary cancer and family Page | 118 (especially if multiple cases), tuberculosis, diabetes and pernicious anemia, or a combination of two or more of them. We also have a history of serious infectious diseases very early in infancy or in early infancy. In children with a history of insomnia. Especially useful in children as a constitutional remedy (Foubister). Solvey in our country has used it, with very encouraging results in cancer and metastasis even in terminal situations or as palliative, gives powers 30, 200 and 1000, sometimes daily. Hydrastis canadensis (+++) Is one of the most important drugs in cancer ( "It's been more cases of cancer cured with this drug than with any other" (Clarke), stomach, liver, breast, skin, etc.. Scirrhus. Cancers Hard, adherent, with mottled skin ulcerate before, and with cutting as the main symptom, with profound weakness and significant weight loss. Cancer cachexia. It is also important in the precancerous state with indefinite general ill health, without obvious tumor, with physical and mental depression, weight loss, fatigue, pale straw or of] a skin, hypotension, gastrointestinal atony with constipation. Conium Needle-like stitches in the breasts. Induration of the right breast, painful to touch; induration following an abscess. Painless small tumors near the nipples. Tumors or nodules in the breast following contusions. Breast cancer; hard as stone, with intense pain and heaviness in the breast, the tumor is fixed, is attached to the deep planes. Cancer of lips ulcerated; by the pressure of the pipe. Cancer in the cheek. Carbo animalis (+++) Is the remedy for tumors that are transformed, ulcerate and take a malignant progression. It is one of the principal remedies for cancer (lacrimal glands, nose, face, lips, tongue, pharynx, stomach, testis, uterus, breast), and a great palliative pains. And lymph glands (armpit, English, breasts, testes, salivary glands) are swollen, enlarged, hardened as rocks (scirrhous). - Cancer of the uterus: it feels like burning coals in the cervix, with fetid discharge, burning, bloody, and pain radiating to the thighs. - Breast cancer. indurated axillary nodes. Induration of breasts, with burning pains, worse on the right. Induration of the nipples. Scirrhinum Cancer Nosode Scirrhous (+) Tumors or breast cancer.

Kalium arsenicosum (+) Cancer is an important drug, especially those located in the skin, tongue, anus and uterus, with bloody discharge and very offensive. Kreosotum (+ +) Stomach cancer. Hardness in the epigastrium, worse in the pylorus, with tenderness. Aurum mur (+) Cancer lips. Indurated lips, swollen and burning. Painful swelling of the submandibular gland. (+) Language indurated as leather (after glossitis), dry, red, excoriated, with warts. Tongue cancer. Salivation with metallic taste. Clematis erecta (+) Swelling and induration of the breasts, and very hard painful lump. Breast cancer, epithelioma. Uterine cancer. Menses early. Euphorbium (+++) Terrible burning pains, burning, as if a red-hot charcoal or coals were on or within the affected parties, internal or external, especially in cancer, carbuncle or erysipelas (when Anthracinum Arsenic or not improve). Burning pains in the bones. It is one of the best remedies to relieve cancer pain. Pressing pains, tearing or piercing, worse at rest, better by motion. DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid In cancer and any loss of substance and alteration of fine fabrics (severe hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, major burns, ulcers, atonic, etc.).. In cancer, Jenaer, about 27 cases, gets 5 very good results, 9 good, in leukemia, in 7 cases, 1 very good result and 2 good. Aurum arsenicicum (+) Is a useful remedy in cancer of the uterus. Secale cornutum - Gastritis. Gangrene or cancer of the stomach. - Uterine Cancer Cholesterinum The remedy is often useful in liver cancer, especially if there is hypertrophy. Hekla lava Tumor hard and painful to the touch under the wing of the nose. Difficult or slow dentition in children with rickets. Abscess gums in the tooth root. Thuya occidentalis (+++) Morbid manifestation sycosis visible feature is an overproduction tisural that appears on the skin and some mucous in the form of warts, condylomata, excrescences and polyps (see Special Requests), and, eventually, tumors, cancer , hamatodes lupus or fungus, and lipomas (Burnett: for him, Thuya was "the medicine"). Precancerous States.

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Other Homeopathic remedies as Banerji Ruta graveolens Routine, Ruda active component, is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and also reduce oxidative damage in experimental models with rodents. In addition, Ruda is also known to protect DNA against breaking their strings and for preventing mutagenesis. Page | 120 Calcium phosphate Calcium phosphate activates phospholipase, which cleaves the phosphatidyl inositol diphosphate, a molecule surrounded by a membrane that activates protein kinase C

Crataegus (+++) Is a heart drug par excellence. "Hawthorn is the most positive approach to a cardiac tonic that I know" (Clarke). Excites moderately the myocardium, but obviously very prolonged use Page | 121 may decrease heart tone and weaken their action, but has no cumulative action is a toxic or infarction, as Digitalis. Is given in doses of 5 to 15 drops of tincture, one to four times per day to achieve results. Myocarditis. Hypertension. Sedative in cardiac nervous. Decompensated heart with edema or anasarca members. Precordial pain, angina pectoris, pain and cramps, with anguish. Tabacum (+++) Violent palpitation, worse lying on left side at night with tightness in the chest and limbs cold, better lying on right side (away). Iron bar feeling strong and pressing transversely between a breast and another, followed by a sensation of lump cardiac arrest and heart, that it ripped right away, except one beat four. Pulse rapid and full; or small, intermittent and very slow or weak, irregular, almost imperceptible. Chest pain radiating from the center of the sternum. Acute Dilatation of the heart caused by physical exertion or a violent shock. With palpitations, chest tightness and pain between the shoulders. According to Boger and Cartier, is the most homeopathic remedy most often indicated in angina pectoris with coronary atherosclerosis and arterial hipertensn the pain radiates from the center of the breastbone to the left hand, and accompanied by violent palpitation, nausea terrible , marked pallor, cold sweats and cold limbs, and terrible fear of dying. Veratrum viride (+++) The key symptom of this drug is congestion which, when matched with nausea and vomiting is one of its primary indications in a wide variety of cases. In hypertension, acute cerebral hemorrhage with violent and sudden, severe headache, head hot and heavy, bloodshot eyes, red face livid,dilated pupils, ringing in the ears, pounding in the neck arteries throughout the body, violent palpitations and turned hard. The drug is particularly useful for people plethoric, sanguine. Viscum album (+) High blood pressure with albuminuria. Hypotension, with apathy, Frilair, dizziness, slow and weak pulse. Aurum mur (+) Hypertension of nervous origin. Arteriosclerosis Baryta (+ +) Violent beating worse at night, lying on the left or thinking about them. Pounding in the head. Aneurysms. Hypertension, vasoconstriction, pulse full and hard. Cardiac symptoms from suppressed foot sweats.

Baryta mur (+++) Hypertension and vascular degeneration, arteriosclerosis (with Bar.C., one of the best drugs) and diseases of the brain origin with high systolic pressure and comparatively low diastolic pressure, cardiac symptoms and accompanying brain. Aneurysms. Cholesterinum Page | 122 (+ +) Tendency to hypertension. Arteriosclerosis. Atheroma. "In heart failure, if other remedies fail and is not otherwise indicated, give Cholesterinum 30th - 200th (Foubister). Glonoinum (+++) Great tendency to sudden and violent irregularities from the circulation, manifested by sudden surges of blood congestion or climbing, especially to the chest (heart) and the head or alternatively one or the other site (as if all blood from the body out there), and that the patient perceives as pop sensations or expansion (the Nitroglycerin is a powerful explosive), Tufaro heat up and beats the whole body to the tip of the fingers. Objectively, there are considerable dilated veins and arteries and pounding in the head, neck and heart. It seems that blood vessels would burst; are hard, tortuous, tense, non-depressed, and the face is very red. The drug acts both pathogenetic and from the therapeutic point of view, so fast and violent, like a true sangria. Hypertensive crisis.In hypertension, especially in older people. Impending stroke. Posterior pituitary lobe (+) Throbbing headaches in relation to arterial hypertension, worse by heat, in a closed room or end the day. The patient "feels his heart" (Iberis). Hypertension with throbbing sensation as blows to the temporal and carotid arteries. Peucedanum graveolens (+ +) Hypertension with renal failure and oliguria, especially if symptoms of angina and spasmodic gastric disorders (H. Voisin). Serun anguillae (+ +) Hypertension, usually of renal origin. Spartium scoparium (+ +) Sparteine sulfate, an alkaloid of Spartium Scop., A decrease of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, slowing pulse and a diuretic. Hence the use of tincture of Spartium, in 2 or 3 daily doses of 10 to 20 drops each and prolonged for months or years) as an adjunct to constitutional remedy when it fails and required a significant decrease of arterial hypertension. Similarly use in the angina pectoris (whether hypertension. Strontium carb Hypertension (+++) with circulatory erethism (manifested through violent pulsations in the arteries) and congestion of the head, the result of rush of blood to the head and that is manifested by a red face and hot beats (worse by any effort), and throbbing headache (worse

in the evening and head down) or tensive, as if the scalp was tight or the head expands from the inside out, sometimes with dizziness and nausea. This picture, indicative of a hypertensive crisis with a picture of impending stroke, is fundamental and paradoxical feature improved heat in all its forms, local and general, and for much shelter or warmth of the sun or hot baths immersion or by putting hands in warm water, but instead is aggravated by cold air, any air flow Page | 123 in the head (not allowed), or uncovering or efforts. Arteriosclerosis. Strontium iodatum (+ +) High blood pressure with stroke, with arterioesclorosis, but their conditions are exacerbated by heat, by the presence of the element iodine (as opposed to Strontium carb). Artery The general indication is in hypertension and in every condition of the arteries: atherosclerosis (and aging), arteritis, myocardial infarction (used more Coronary Artery), atheroma, etc.. And shall prescribe the 200th. In lower limb arteritis may be used Femoral Artery 200th.

Digitalinum () The site of action more important is the heart Digitalinum. In severe heart disease or where there is intense tachycardia (sinus or ventricular origin) or severe bradycardia (by inhibition atrioventricular), irregular pulse (bigeminy, extrasystoles banal, arrhythmia franca), hypotension, devoicing of heart sounds and chest pain. The electrocardiographic changes of intoxication (and uitilizables, therefore, to compare with the present heart disease) are extremely slow pulse or with extremely rapid, T wave flattening and decline in the 3-lead ST (Vandeprote). Marked sensation as if heart would stop if the patient moves. Indicated in the overloaded heart, forced. Feeling of anxiety with trembling and chest as if to stop the evening sitting. Points to each pulsation. Precordial palpitations with jabs while walking. Violent palpitations and pains, worse lying on left side. Tumultuous and irregular heart action. Pulse small, almost imperceptible, with strong heart action, pounding. Digitalis () The main focus of action of Digitalis is the heart. All heart disease, if the characteristic symptoms are present (especially the pulse [see 9]) can be positively affected by this drug. Sensation as if the heart had stopped beating or not to stop abruptly, dogfish to make a move, needing to hold your breath. Violent heartbeat, but not very fast. Hiposistolia and asystole, heart weakened, with great diminution of their forces, even without valvular lesions. The minor muscular exertion difficult and laborious and makes intermittent cardiac work, especially vigorous shake and your arms up, and lying on the left side. Generalized edema, anasarca great, with cold extremities, and cyanotic and faint feeling chest. Angina pectoris. Sudden violent throbbing rhythm altered sensation of imminent death with terror and anxiety, worse from least motion, with pain throughout the left upper limb, with tingling to the fingers, very sharp point every 15 minutes. Anxiety chest pain and palpitations, but sometimes without any apparent reason. Strong heartbeat, palpitations violent, audible, constrictive retrosternal pain. Palpitations: for penalties; ascending; by movements, especially of the arms from emotion; strain, with anxiety; stationary with roll over in bed. Valvular ventricular dilatation, with great dyspnoea and anasarca. Cardiac hypertrophy. Heart murmurs. Mitral regurgitation. Rheumatic heart with irregular pulse. Cyanotic children with fainting by the slightest change of position, vomiting and very slow. Cyanosis in the chest. Hydropericardium. Endocarditis, myocarditis, pericarditis. Cactus grandiflorus () The basic scope of Cactus is centered on the heart. Practically can act with benefit in all kinds of heart disease, both organic and functional, when present with severe pain, constricting, chest, feeling as if his heart out or grabbed or squeezed tight, and loosen tight or alternatively by a hand or iron grip that prevents their normal movements, as if bound, as if it had no place to beat. Angina pectoris with pain radiating to claw left upper limb to the tips of the fingers, with numbness of left upper limb and stinging pain in his little finger. Corazon smoking (one treatment par excellence). Endocarditis, pericarditis. Cardiac hypertrophy, heart forced young abusers in sports. Valvular lesions; murmurs: aortic and mitral insufficiency, cardiac hypertrophy and dilatation, aneurysm of the heart and great arteries. Rheumatic heart disease. Weak heart in arteriosclerosis. Cactus in heart disease often coexist typical chest pain, dyspnea

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and oppression characteristic (see 25), the left upper limb numbness, edema of the left hand and palpitations. Violent palpitation, continuous, worse at night, lying in the left side, efforts, emotions, unrequited love, before or during menstruation, by climbing stairs, walking or mental strain, with epistaxis. Dyspnea, pain and palpitations are worse and can not lie on the left side. Cardiac neurosis. Hypotension, weak pulse. Page | 125 () The most characteristic symptom of Cactus is the feeling of constriction, which is usually a contraction pathophysiological basis of circular smooth muscle. This constriction may feel like a band or belt, for a string or as a hand or claw of iron, and is manifested, among other organs, throat, chest, heart, abdomen, bladder, vagina, and rectum, often caused or aggravated by the slightest touch. Cereus bonplandii () The heart is the primary site of action of Cereus. Cardiac symptoms are worse lying on left side. Smarting chest to back. Transfixiante pain, like an arrow through the left pectoralis major muscle and chest, can not breathe, and accompanied by a feeling of heaviness at the heart. Convulsive precordial pains at night at bedtime. Sensation of a large rock placed in the precordial region and immediately feels as if it would break there. Irritable heart. Heart diseases. Corazon forced. Cardiac hypertrophy. Endocarditis. Crataegus () Is a cardiac drug par excellence. "Hawthorn is the most positive approach to a cardiac tonic that I know" (Clarke). Excites moderately the myocardium, but obviously very prolonged use could reduce heart tone and weaken their action, but has no action or is a cumulative toxic infarction, as Digitalis. Is given in doses of 5 to 15 drops of tincture, one to four times per day to achieve results. Wright Hubbard recommends 2 drops of water, twice a day, especially "when there is more pathology than vitality, which may begin with the case better than high power, but then follow this". Anschutz presents 43 cases of heart disease of any kind, fully recovered with tincture of Crataegus, which improves the tone heart and appetite, producing great sense of well being and quiet, the best dose is 10 to 15 drops after meals (as Otherwise, you can cause nausea), 3 times per day for a month, stay one to two weeks and take another month, so about 3 months, then, will continue only if there is chest pain or dyspnea. It is useful at the start of consecutive cardiac damage rheumatism. Iberis () The heart is the site of action of Iberis maxima, with a very characteristic sensation of being aware of the activity of your heart. Erethism heart. Palpitations visible across the chest, appearing for the least effort (or laughing or coughing) or by walking or climbing stairs, and improve sitting still, it is accompanied by vertigo, breathlessness, hot and red face, red eyes, headache, with tickling and numbness starting in the fingers of the left hand, which extends to the whole arm, with dull pain in it. Interrupted or intermittent pulse every third beat, or double clicks, or first weak and small, then full and strong. Intense pain at the base of the heart with dull pain and heaviness in the left upper limb, and tingling and numbness in the fingertips. Sense of weight and chest pressure, with sharp pain from front to back, or pass through the heart of night in bed, worse lying on left side, but not better in any position. Dolores as if needles pierced into the ventricles, which prick each contraction. Cardiac hypertrophy. In the heart full of pulse full and rapid, with erethism heart.

Fullness cardiac and thoracic, dyspnea, cardiac pressing or stabbing pains, palpitations and full and rapid pulse. Bradycardia. Cardiopatia post flu. Kalmia latifolia () The heart is the most important field of action of Kalmia. In cardiopathies that appear after an alternating with rheumatism or. Page | 126 Rheumatic endocarditis (or not) with consequent cardiac hypertrophy and valvular disease, with blows, with paroxysms of anxiety chest. Acute pericarditis, myocarditis. Aortic narrowness. Palpitations: worse tomorrow, with anxiety worse by efforts (even mentally), lying on the left side or sitting leaning forward, better sitting upright or lying on his back, are tumultuous and violent, with sensation of dyspnea and desmavo or during the right facial neuralgia: sometimes with pressure from the epigastrium to the heart, with violent throbbing as if his heart would burst, and feels up in the throat. Chest pain, particularly rheumatic and erratic, ranging from the left upper limb to the hand. Angina pectoris. Stabbing pain from the heart to the left shoulder blade, with pounding. Faint or weak pulse, irregular and slow, or too slow (35 to 40 beats per minute), with pale face and cold extremities, and sometimes the 3rd

Varicose Veins
Aesculus hippocastanum (Horse Chestnut) Plethora (+++) venous passive venous congestion, especially in the portal system and haemorrhoids. Varicose veins and varicose veins, visible veins, bluish and distended.
Page | 127 Hamamelis virginiana (+++) Its fundamental action center are the vein walls, the structure changed so that the leads or the rupture of the veins, resulting in bleeding, or its expansion, congestion or inflammation. Are passive hemorrhages, venous blood, black, abundant, which coagulates with difficulty and that comes from any body opening, even small blood losses produce a disproportionate prostration row. Vicarious hemorrhages, especially suppressed menses. Dilation of the veins resulting in varicose veins (which is one of the main drugs), varicose veins, varicose ulcers and passive venous congestion of skin and mucous membranes. Varicose veins are dilated sensitive and painful, hard, knotty, blue, with thin skin. Varices in pregnancy. Phlebitis with pinching. Copious secretions or discharges that do the same effect severe hemorrhages. Ill effects of blood loss. (+ +) The parties concerned (varicose veins, phlebitis, congestion, joints, muscles, etc.). Are sore as if bruised, with tenderness on pressure. Calcarea fluorica (+++) Its large display is primarily in conditions of elastic fibers, connective tissue and bone tissue as a medicine. Disorders relaxation of elastic fibers, especially in the skin, tissue and vessel varicose veins (perhaps is the best remedy tissue because it can restore the contractility of the elastic fibers of the vessels), hemorrhoids, enlarged veins, aneurysms, prolapses , ptosis and transport of organs; dislocations easier. Vipera (+++) Dilated or varicose veins and inflamed (phlebitis acute) with intolerable pains that worsen the affected limb hanging down, with a sense of rupture or disintegration that compels him to have the limb (or leg) high, can not tolerate contact or pressure, with skin marbled with livid spots or ecchymotic; leg cramps. Ferrum metallicum (+++) Local congestions and inflammations with throbbing or pounding. There is a relaxation of the muscle layers of blood vessels (producing strains), and venous (especially in the head, face and feet) causing varicose veins, and arteries, with increased blood pressure, weakened walls rupture and consecutive bleeding in any sector of the body (nose, lungs, uterus, etc..), with the disruption caused by any loss of vital fluids. Fluoric acid (+ +) Long-standing varicose veins, especially in the legs. Nevus flat, in children (right temple). Varicose ulcers, better by cold. Aneurysms capillaries. Varicose veins predominate in the lower limbs are painful, worse from heat. Pulsatilla (+++) Venous congestion of the limbs, hands red or cyanotic, dilated veins in their hands. Varicose veins of lower limbs, especially legs and feet, bluish, swollen, inflamed, with sharp lancinating or pinching, hot to the touch, with itching and burning of skin, which is often

reddish or violet or marbled. Phlebitis, especially women, with chills without fever (even in a warm room) or fever with no thirst. Painful varicose veins and phlebitis in pregnancy, pains are ameliorated by local cold. Chilblains swollen and painful, localized especially in the hands, itching aggravated by warmth and the evening in the fingers, toes (purple) and toes, and ears, as if frozen, the pains and itching do mourn. Cold feet by mental efforts. Carbo veg (+ +) Carbo veg is extremely useful (Tyler) in some cases blue varicose veins and ulcers in the lower limbs and legs, especially during pregnancy. Ulceration of the lower limbs, especially legs, black base and blue areola, burning, fetid, variegated and are aggravated by heat. Morgan (+++) Its most prominent feature, its key symptom is congestion, skin, mucous membranes or internal organs. People looking rosy. General blood congestion and especially the brain. Hypertension. Slow movement. Venous congestion with hemorrhoids and varicose veins. Venous stasis in the legs and feet. Varicose ulcers. Phlebitis. Zinc (+ +) Veins in the external genitalia, varicose veins in the legs, worse during pregnancy. (+) Passive congestion: kidney, lung and liver. Hemorrhage of dark blood does not clot. Varicose veins that stick and burn. Phlebitis. Lymphangitis. Nat mur (+ +) Eruptions: crusty, moist, watery, herpes, especially in febrile processes; overheating; itchy. Herpes Circinate; herpes zoster. Sudamen. Boils. Warts. Varices. Arsenicum album (+) Veins in the legs, which burn like fire, at night, local heat better. Cyanosis of the nails during chills. Senile diabetic gangrene. Berberis vulgaris Varices in English. Alumen Frozen feet. Bleeding varices. Chilblains. Bellis perennis Varicose veins are very painful.

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Cantharis (+++) Inflammatory processes of development in remarkably rapid and destructive, coming rapidly to death or gangrene of the affected part (Merc.Corr., Ars.A.). The intensity and speed Page | 129 of action of Cantharis is accompanied by burning, burning, which occurs in all inflammations and heal this medicine (lung, pleura, brain, bone, intestines, rectum, anus, kidney, bladder, ovaries, pericardium, skin, etc..) and characteristic urinary symptoms (see 28). "If there are urgent and frequent urination, accompanied by cutting, burning, or are not so frequent and sharp, burning pain accompanying micturition Cantharis is almost always the remedy for any pain or inflammation coexisting" (Nash). Acute nephritis. Kidney pains during an urgency to urinate, burning, sharp, paroxysmal, tearing, spread to the urethra and penis, better pressure on the glans, with tearing pain in the coccyx. Renal colic, kidney stones. Violent tenesmus of the bladder, with urgent urination, urgency constant (with suppressed menstruation), ineffective, painful, better sitting, standing and walking worse, have to hurry or urine escapes. Pain in the bladder to begin urination or after they spent a few drops, less drinking, spread to the kidneys, burning pains before, during and after urination. Sharp, burning pains in the neck of the bladder, while urinating, extended into the urethra. Pain in the urethra, cutting or burning, atrocious, (as if urinating razor blades), with urging to urinate before, during or after urination, pain in meatus. Dysuria Painful, drop by drop, of blood or urine dances agonizing pain and screaming bends, as if molten lead pee. Painful retention of urine with spasmodic pain in the urethra. Urethral stricture, organic or spasmodic drops urination, dysuria, involuntary dribbling, worse during menstruation. Bloody urethral discharge. Gonorrhea. Acute cystitis, urethritis. Weak stream and forked. Cloudy urine coming out, dark red, bloody sediment, flocculent, pus, red, slimy. Urine burning worse PMS. Hematuria. Oliguria, urinary frequency, all accompanied by sexual erethism extremely distressing. High sensitivity of the bladder on palpation. She wets the vomit. Eupatorium purpureum (+++) Cutting pain, or dull and deep, in the kidneys. Urolithiasis. Chronic nephritis. Anuria. Intense burning in the bladder and urethra, worse when urinating. Severe pain, sharp or pressing, in the bladder to urinate, with chronic irritation. Bladder discomfort during a violent cold. Feeling of fullness in the bladder after urination. Chronic cystitis, cystitis in women, vesical catarrh, ulceration. Dysuria in pregnancy, travel or cold. Bedwetting. Urine of a drop or weak stream, and often with great effort, with ineffectual urging or painful. Urine scanty, frequent, albumin and mucus; milky. Diabetes insipidus. Diabetes. Arenillas. Sarasaparilla (+++) Urinary symptoms are the most important of Sarsaparilla, and in all cases, if any other symptoms is associated with or is concomitant with the characteristic urinary box, that fact is a

strong indication of their prescription. Intense pain in the kidneys, worse on the right, coming down the ureter cutting in the ureter, renal colic right (often the right medicine) are often white gravel in the sediment of urine, small stones or expelled . Cystitis with intolerable pain, terrible in the bladder and urethra, just after urinating, and violent tenesmus that cry out to the sick, with frequent ineffectual desire to urinate, and urinary frequency by exposure to cold and Page | 130 moisture. The bladder is distended, painful and sensitive, and urine can hardly get out when sitting (only passed drop by drop), but stand out freely. Dysuria Painful child who cries and screams before and during urination or, sometimes, at the end, or when you have a painful urge to urinate, there are plenty of sand in the diaper and urine. Dark urine (like lime water), poor, viscose filaments or flakes with a sediment of sand and white or yellowish or white clouds. Bladder stones. Urine leaves without feeling, no feeling in the urethra. Starting in the urethra when urinating; gases out of the urethra. Sale to finish urinating blood with pain relief after. Enuresis day and night, worse from drinking beer. Purulent urethral discharge. Pain in the urethral meatus of women. Solidago (+++) Sensitivity to pressure pain in the kidneys or both costolumbares angles. Or kidney back pain radiating to the abdomen, bladder and lower limbs, better lying and abundant urination. Difficult and scanty urine, or dark reddish brown, with thick sediment, calcium phosphate or triple phosphate, with mucus and epithelial cells, albuminuria and haematuria, urine clear and fetid; urates. Chronic nephritis. Hydronephrosis. Urolithiasis. Renal failure with liver failure. Medorrhinum (+++) Severe renal colic, sharp pains in the ureters and kidneys, which improve after urinating, "with the feeling to pass calculations and a great desire to eat ice" (Allen). Nocturnal enuresis: nightly eliminates enormous amounts of urine, dark and ammonia; from overuse, or play a lot, or extreme heat or cold, is one of the most important remedies for enuresis, especially when well selected remedy fails or is history of gonorrhea in the parents. Vesico painful rectal tenesmus when urinating. Strong-smelling urine, covered with a thick, greasy film. Diabetes. Download urethral gonorrhea, acute or chronic, profuse, purulent or yellowish, with sore and agglutination urethra meatus. "Drop the military." Weak stream of urine with cross-cutting pain at the root of the penis to get the first drops. Magnesia phos (+ +) Stitches and pain in the kidneys, more on the left. Kidney stones or bladder gravel. Retention of urine nervous or hysterical when he begins to urinate, violent pressure in the bladder as if it would burst and excessive desires, but can only urinate sitting and leaning backwards. Involuntary urination when walking, coughing or sneezing, and night. Urine clear with white sediment, turbid after standing. Bloody urine, or there is a discharge of blood after a painful urination. Burning while urinating and after. Incisive pains in the urethral meatus.

Ocimum canum (+++) Renal colic, usually right, with violent vomiting (except Cantharis with much less intensity, is the only medication that has this concomitance of symptoms) and appear every fifteen minutes, screaming and moaning, wringing hands and himself. Urine thick, cloudy, purulent, with white sediment, red urine, bloody, with sediments above, mydriasis, foaming mouth, Page | 131 sometimes tongue biting, trismus, sardonic laugh or convulsive breathing or rattling with violent spasms and tonic clonic jerks, of all muscles of face and limbs, with the thumbs flexed within the fist, with fall, especially backwards, and intense cold throughout the body, as if dead, sometimes with slow pulse and priapism. Pareira brava (+++) The highlight of the drug is in the tree tract. Intense left renal colic, and that comes down the ureter. But his biggest problem is a severe acute dysuria usually appears between 3 and 6 am (improving day), with constant desire to urinate every fifteen minutes, and should make violent efforts to urinate, with violent pains in the bladder they do cry, forcing him to kneel, leaning forward and leaning his forehead on the floor, and in this position, after 10 to 20 minutes of hard work and sweat, urine starts leaking out and interrupting, with sharp burning pains and tearing in the glans. The position can also be supported, as well as the knees, hands. Painful acute retention of urine in prostatic hypertrophy. Dribbling of urine after urination. Terebinthina (+++) The urinary system is the most important scope of Terebinthina. Back pain or burning or twitching kidney, kidney inflammation or acute nephritis with albuminuria and hematuria predominant, with little casts, usually straight to infectious diseases (scarlet fever, diphtheria, typhoid, etc.). Or pregnancy. Cystitis with frequent urination (especially at night), sometimes drop by drop, with burning, sharp pains in the bladder that improve walking and they are aggravated by rest, with intense urgency. In the nephritis and cystitis, the urine has more individual characteristics: it is very dark or black, turbid with sediment like coffee grounds, scarce and smelling violets. Apis Mellifica (+++) Edema of all kinds, located (as if filled with water) or generalized (often from renal or cardiac origin), with a waxy, pale pink, semi-transparent, and leaving a trace of the pressure. Zinc (+ +) Stitches and pain in the kidneys, more on the left. Kidney stones or bladder gravel. Retention of urine nervous or hysterical when he begins to urinate, violent pressure in the bladder as if it would burst and excessive desires, but can only urinate sitting and leaning backwards. Involuntary urination when walking, coughing or sneezing, and night. Urine clear with white sediment, turbid after standing. Bloody urine, or there is a discharge of blood after a painful urination. Burning while urinating and after. Incisive pains in the urethral meatus.

Kidney stones
Berberis () The central action of Berberis is fundamental uirinario tree. It is the most important drug in renal colic, and their use has become almost routine in these episodes, but the reason is that the symptoms leading to their prescription in almost all cases. Especially left renal colic (Clarke Page | 132 says, right), usually by stones, with pains of all kinds (cutting, deggarrantes, shooting, stabbing, throbbing, burning. Calcarea renalis or calculus renalis () Frequent urination, with urgent desire. It is perhaps the most important remedy in renal stones, to prevent the formation of new load or remove them (Berberis) and must be administered for long periods at low powers (to 6th once a day). Cantharis () Renal colic, kidney stones. Violent tenesmus of the bladder, with urgent urination, urgency constant (with suppressed menstruation), ineffective, painful, better sitting, standing and walking worse, have to hurry or urine escapes. Magnesia phos () Stitches and pain in the kidneys, but on the left. Kidney stones or bladder gravel. Retention of urine nervous or hysterical when he begins to urinate, violent pressure in the bladder as if it would burst and excessive desires, but can only urinate sitting and leaning backwards. Involuntary urination when walking, coughing or sneezing, and night. Lycopodium () Renal colic usually kidney stones and the presence of recurrent renal colic with stone, is always a strong presumption that the patient's constitutional remedy Lycopodium, which usually is confirmed with the overall picture and mental health. Kidney pain from 16 to 20 hours. Renal or lumbar pain that occurs before every time he goes to urinate, and ceases when urine comes out, disappearing completely after. The predominant renal colic on the right side, down the ureters and is cutting or stabbing, in the sediment of the urine is an abundance of reddish gravel, brick dust, or small calculator, or reddish yellow crystals, the sediment not adherent. Polyuria clear urine copious night, little by day, dark, with a greasy film, with blood, frothy, milky, turbid and fetid. Pareira Brava () Left kidney Colico intense, and that comes down the ureter. But his biggest problem is a severe acute dysuria usually appears between 3 and 6 am (improving day), with constant desire to urinate every fifteen minutes, and should make violent efforts to urinate, with violent pains in the bladder they do cry, forced to kneel leaning forward and leaning his forehead on the floor, and in this position, after 10 to 20 minutes and great effort and sweat, urine starts leaking out and interrupted with sharp burning pains and tearing in the glans. The position can also be supported, in addition to the knees, hands. Painful acute retention of urine in prostatic

hypertrophy. Dribbling of urine after urination. Physalia () Renal stones, especially in asthenic women with kidney pains worse from motion, abundant and acidic urine, and urinary frequency. Nocturnal enuresis, worse from cold humid, with abundant urination and acid. Women can not hold their urine. Page | 133 Thlaspi bursa pastoris () Kidney stones, urinary frequency and hematuria with dark, clotted blood, and sometimes, with pain in the spermatic cord (worse by shaking or walking). Download plenty of sand. Burning urination and strong smelling. Polyuria with frequency, with sediment red brick dust. Albuminuria of pregnancy. Retention of urine in the postpartum period, with dribbling. Dysuria in older people with the drip. Chronic cystitis. Urethritis, urine comes out in spurts. Medorrhinum () Severe renal colic, sharp pains in the ureters and kidneys, which improve after urination, "with the feeling that pass load and with a great desire to eat ice" (Allen). Nocturnal enuresis: nightly eliminates enormous amounts of urine, dark and ammonia; from overuse, or play a lot, or extreme heat or cold, is one of the most important remedies for enuresis, especially when well selected remedy fails or is history of gonorrhea in the parents. Benzoicum aciudm () The most important feature of Benzoic acid, which accompanies a concomitant symptom curing processes with this drug, is a pungent urine, dark or dark brown, smelling strongly urinous or horse urine, disgusting, very strong, or putrid, offensive, or aromatic or changing, with gravel or toslatos; with sediment mucous, purulent, white or red. The smell pervades the room and it permeates clothes. Kidney or bladder stones. Eupatorium purpureum () Cutting, or dull and deep, in the kidneys. Urolithiasis. Chronic nephritis. Anuria. Intense burning in the bladder and urethra, worse when urinating. Calcarea carb () Lithotripsy; gravel; Colico nephritic, may accelerate the decline and the expulsion of the calculation (in the 200th. Or 1000A.). Calcarea phos () Urinary stones to prevent stone formation.

Uric acid
Benzoic acid (+++) Nodules in the joints that creak from motion. Tophi and gouty concretions. Gouty deposits in the wrists and metacarpal swelling of the elbows. Fingers swollen with stitches. Red spots on the fingers. Itching in the palms. Ganglion of the wrist and toe bunions are often cured Page | 134 with Benzoic Acidum (Clarke). Felon. (+++) Gout. Concretions, nodules, gouty tophi and affecting all the joints, especially knees, wrists, hands, fingers and toes, with tearing, stinging, redness and swelling of joints, worse at night, with cracks by the slightest movement. The pain on the left and then right. Hyperuricemia. Alternation of cardiac symptoms and urine in gout. (+) Wine aggravates their urinary symptoms, gout and rheumatism. Calcarea sulphurica (+) Stiffness in the fingers. Gouty joints. Acute and chronic rheumatism. Coxalgia. Cramps in calves. Suppurating wounds. Burning and itching on the soles of the feet. Varices. Legs sensitive little swollen feet. Colchicum (+++) Acute or chronic rheumatism, gout especially in members from right to left; erratic and pains that are aggravated by movement and by cold and relieved by moist heat occurs mainly in autumn spring or summer and in hot weather, or when days are still hot and the cold nights. Acute flares in chronic rheumatism. Hyperuricemia. Urtica ureas (+++) Acute gout attacks, which recur every year at the same time, often accompanied by urticaria. Burnett, who was the introducer of this drug in the Materia Medica, as indicated in the attacks in the form of tincture, 5 drops in a glass of warm water every two or three hours, getting quick relief with heavy downloads of urate in the urine, which was becoming dark. Rheumatic pains in arms and ankles, worse on the right. Pain in right deltoid, you can not put the sack on his right arm, worse lying on it or moving it, feels bruised muscles can not lift or stretch your right arm pain, then the pain goes to the doll right, and then the arm, wrist and finger of the left side. Arthritic nodes in the joints of the fingers. Red and itchy blisters on hands and fingers. Rheumatism urticaria simultaneous or alternating. Rheumatic and gouty pains hyperuricaemic with an acid urine with excess urates and whose body gives off a smell urinous, the pains are worse in wet weather or snow and washing. Rheumatic pain in both ankles. Formica Rufa (+++) Gouty or rheumatic pains, rheumatic old general or local, internal or external. Nodosities periarticular. Guaiacum Swollen, stiff, painful (local heat and aggravated by the slightest movement), who can not tolerate the pressure and heat. Pain and swelling in the bones, or bone softening and suppuration. Caries and conditions spongy bone (tibia and tarsus mostly), who can not tolerate even the slightest contact. Exostoses. Drop. Articular gouty nodes. It promotes the spontaneous opening of abscesses, gout (tophi) or not, much to the relief of pain. In syphilitic rheumatism. Kalmia latifolia (+++) Especially useful in neuralgic pains, rheumatism or gout, coming as a sequel of heart

disease. The neuralgic pains are like lightning, lightning, and suddenly changing place, by the slightest movement, and are of great weakness flared and twitching; neuralgia extend from top to bottom or from the root to the tip of the member, and are accompanied or followed by numbness of the affected part. Lightning pains of tabes. Neuralgia from suppressed eruption at the site of the eruption. Severe rheumatic pains, suddenly changing place, going from one joint Page | 135 to another with a tendency to go up and down, and root to the tip of the member; with joint hot, red and swollen. Manganum (+++) Bone pains, the bones are very sensitive to touch (more on the lower limbs), with red, raised spots on the skin, very painful. Inflammation of bones and joints with pain worst intolerable cold night and movement. Touching any part of body, mind feels extremely sore, and ulcerated. Periostitis with suppuration and necrosis. Deep bone pain, worse walking. Periarticular skin suppuration. Gouty or rheumatic pains, erratic, diagonally. Growing pains. Phytolacca (+++) Gouty rheumatism, bone pains worse at night, warmth of bed and moving. Pinus sylvestrus (+ +) Reamatsmo gout in the joints of hands and feet, especially the fingers, stiffness and cramps. Weakness in legs and ankles, especially in children with lower limb slender ankles that twist easily. Stiff and sore knees. Pain in the shins. Cramps in the calves when stretched at night in bed. Pain at night between the 1st and 2nd phalanx of right big toe, applying best hand. Acidum Uricum GENERAL 1 - (+) in hyperuricemia. SPECIAL 2 - (+) for urate stones. 3 Gout, rheumatic gout. Lipomas 4. Eczema hyperuricaemic and gout. Ammonium Phosphoricum (+ +) Nudosidaades nodules or in the joints of the fingers and back of hands, or hyperuricaemic gout. Heaviness in limbs, a staggering gait.

Rhus tox (+++) The great general feature of Rhus Tox, is formed by a very special form of their pain (and even other disturbances), which are commonly rheumatic worsen at the start of movement (after standing still or at rest, to get out of bed, sitting, etc.), but are improving as the Page | 136 movement continues, and then there are more moving or while moving, or moving the affected part. (+++) Pains in the limbs, rheumatism, made worse when you start moving and relieved by movement, especially when walking and is continuing or by local heat, general or bed. Rheumatic pains after taking cold or in cold or wet. Acute or chronic rheumatism. Joint pain the same methods, (tearing pain in tendons and ligaments, periarticular. Pain in the upper limbs, teor on the left (with cardiac symptoms) at night in stormy weather or to grab something, better by motion. Pain in the shoulders, as if dislocated, on cooling or wet weather, better from motion, walking and local heat. Ledum palustre (+++) Is one of the main drugs for rheumatism and especially gout, both acute and chronic. Pains are sticking, tearing, throbbing, settling in the joints, especially in small (see 26), which have around your painful nodules or tophi and crack on motion. The pain suddenly change places, jumping rapidly from one joint to another and always from the bottom up, and in the same or in subsequent attacks, usually starting in the feet, getting worse at night, motion and the warmth of bed (it is intolerable, and is revealed or leaves) or local, to improve the local cold for a cold bath or putting your feet and legs in cold water or felada, although the joints, pale and swollen, are cold to the touch (but not subjectively). Phytolacca (+++) Neuralgic pains, rheumatism and bone, which appear and disappear suddenly, like an electric shock, radiating throughout the body and abruptly changing place, worse in damp weather, motion and night. Dolores periosteal living, burning, worse at night and wet weather, forcing the patient to move, without relief. Dolores ostecopos. Pain in the tendon insertion. Rheumatism and periosteal fibrous tissue. Rheumatic gout, bone pains worse at night, warmth of bed and moving. Rhododendron (+ +) Neuralgic or rheumatic pains in the limbs, drawing or tearing, especially in the upper right particularly worse at rest, at night and windy, cold and damp before the storms or to touch, improving the movement and walking, the pains seem to feel in the periosteum or bone, or the insertion of the tendons. Acute inflammation of the joints, swelling, redness and pain, jumping from joint to joint, since the weather changes and becomes poor, with particularly intense pain at night, at rest and stormy weather, and better from motion ; with abundant voids, which reduce the pain stop. Chronic rheumatism which particularly affects the small joints and ligaments. Pain in the wrists in the fingers, on your thighs, relieved by stretching the limb, and turning from side to side, or walking; in the knees and legs, better walking, on foot, in the heel and in the toes. Salicylicum Acidum (+++) Acute articular rheumatism attacking one or more joints, particularly the left side, with great swelling, heat and redness of joints, severe pain exacerbated by the slightest motion and

touch the joint or by any shake, worst night, get up after sleeping an hour, with high fever, excessive sweating acrid smell, followed by a miliary eruption, tachycardia with pulse, full, soft, often caused by a cold, sometimes local dry heat relieves pain . Rheumatoid arthritis in menopause. Rheumatism from suppressed foot sweats. Silica (+++) Chronic rheumatism, worse from cold and new moon. Pain in the limbs: after sex, better Page | 137 by heat and humidity on the shoulders to take cold in the bones of the fingers, nail, ulcerative at the tips of the fingers, especially index . Constricting pain in the knee. Soreness in the feet when walking, the tips are painful. Joint stiffness in hips, knees and ankles. Contracture of the flexor muscles of the hands, with great pain to move the fingers. Syphilinum (+++) Pains in the limbs, and growth. Gradual stiffness of all joints. Rheumatic pains, especially in long bones, as if they saw; nochce worse, the better the heat of the stove. Palms and soles sleeping with pinchacitos as pinpricks. Rheumatism of the shoulder joint or the deltoid insertion, worse raising arm laterally if you want to lift it above the horizontal, the arm drops sharply. Very painful arthritis, swelling, redness and intense heat. Hard nodules rheumatic muscles. Sciatica, worse at night. Abrotanum (+++) Rheumatism, when there is much pain and still no bloating, diarrhea or disappear suppressed hemorrhoids, cardiac metastases. Rheumatism especially in the upper limbs, wrists and ankles. Actaea spicata (+++) Is a prominently rheumatic drug, especially of small joints, wrists, ankles and fingers (especially the right index finger) and feet in the right arm and wrist, the wrist is swollen and red. The joints swell by less fatigue. The pains are tearing or drawing and are aggravated by touch or movement. Formica Rufa (+++) Rheumatism appears suddenly, with preferential localization joint, especially on the right side, with concern, although the movement needs to move him the pain worse, better by pressure, friction, and after midnight, with sweats, who did not improve; erratic pains. Gouty pains or rheumatic rheumatic old general or local, internal or external. Nodosities periarticular. Feeling as if the muscles were stretched and were torn from their attachments. Stiffness and contraction joints. Calcarea phos (+++) Rheumatism worse in cold weather or exposure to cold, better in the spring, is back in autumn, flying pains from getting wet in the rain. Aching thighs in wet, cold weather. Stitches in small spots on the buttocks. Rheumatic pains in upper limbs worse in cold weather, first left, then right. Knee pain going from left to right, worse walking. Arthritic finger nodes. He slept the legs, buttocks and belly, worse sitting (can not rise from his chair), traveling and night. Causticum (+++) Pains in the limbs, rheumatism, relieved by warmth of bed and they are aggravated by air and from the slightest exertion or when starting to move; erratic. Joint pain, especially right upper limb. Pains in shoulders, elbows, fingers, hip, thighs and knees in the open air on the feet and soles, better by warmth of bed. Soreness in the thighs and legs in the morning in bed, and

between the thighs. Sciatica. Lacticum acid (+ +) Is an important drug for rheumatic fever or chronic rheumatism, swelling, stiffness, tenderness and joint pains that are aggravated by movement (Bryony) and jump from one joint to another, especially when it coincides with diabetes . Page | 138 Cocculus (+++) Hot Arthritic swelling of the hands. Painless paralysis of limbs. Painless paralysis of lower limbs cold. The knees are loosened by weakness, worse walking, unsteady gait, seems to fall to one side feels useless legs. Hemiplegia. Tabes. Pain: in the thighs, knees, can not rest in any position, worse on motion. Knee is swollen and sore, with cracks when moving. Acute articular rheumatism. Colchicum (+++) Acute or chronic rheumatism, gout especially in members from right to left; erratic and pains that are aggravated by movement and by cold and relieved by moist heat occurs mainly in autumn spring or summer and in hot weather, or when days are still hot and the cold nights. Acute flares in chronic rheumatism. Hyperuricemia. At the beginning of acute rheumatism, before being fully extended. Rheumatic attacks that begin and end suddenly. Rheumatic pains in the joints that are stiff, hot, very painful, red and swollen, especially in small joints. Tearing in warm weather, stinging cold. Ferrum mur (+++) Weakness in the limbs with a tendency to lie. Sudden cramps day. Acute rheumatism of right shoulder joint, with tearing pains that prevent any movement or Lift up the arm, worse at night, he does get out of bed and walking slowly, improving pain, pain extended to the collarbone, arm and elbow. Fluoric acid (+ +) Pain in right shoulder joint with stiffness, for rheumatism, the pain spreads to the fingers, like turning air downward. Rheumatic pains blennorrhagica home in shoulders and arms, in the right arm. Cimicifuga (+++) Rheumatic pains in muscles of neck and back, with violent pains stiffness, tension and spasmodic contractions, worse on the left, the head is directed backward, not turning it. Pain in the back, worse bending forward. Stiff neck from cold air, even shaking hands. Tenderness of the spinous processes of the first three thoracic vertebrae and cervical spine, worse fatigue, typing, playing piano, sewing, knitting, etc.., The slightest pressure causes a sharp pain and even vomiting. Kalmia latifolia (+++) Rheumatic pains in the limbs, acute or chronic joint or muscle, particularly in arms and lower legs and ankles, jumping abruptly from one joint to another and go from the root to the tip of the limb; Hot, red and swollen, the pains are usually lancinating, and aggravated by movement, in the first part of the night and at noon (following the curve of the sun rising and falling over), and improve eating; accompanying or alternating with numbness local, often with heart complications. Caulophyllum Rheumatic (+++) in the limbs, especially in women, especially located in the small joints (Actaea

Spic., Sticta) and the short muscles. Drawing pains, intermittent, paroxysmal, on wrists, fingers, thighs, knees, ankles, feet and toes. Rheumatic pains in the joints of the fingers, erratic, changing place every few minutes, with marked stiffness. Joint pain cutting to close the hands. Cracking joints when walking or turning around. Rheumatism in menopause.
Page | 139

Calcarea phos () Being the main constituent bony, their fundamental action is manifested at the level of the bones. Very slow or delayed formation of callus in the fracture bone ends, helping accelerate its formation, and may be prescribed preventively from the time of fracture. Exostoses, Page | 140 osteophytes, bone diseases. Spina bifida. Hypertrophied epiphysis. Rickets: cranial bones thin and fragile; fontanelles and sutures that remain open for long, or that closed and reopened, with teething late or complicated, curved bones. Thin or brittle bones, soft (osteomalacia). The bones are affected along the sutures and, especially, in the symphysis. But it also is evident in poor nutrition, even in the old, to be an effective restorative and invigorating after acute illnesses. () Girls at puberty, they grow rapidly, with growing pains, tendency to soften the bones or the spine to curve. () Chronic hydrocephalus, large head, separate bones (Grauvogl Calcarca Phosphorica considered as the most important remedy, and gave it as a preventative during pregnancy for women who already had children had hydrocephalus). Argentum metallicum () Its great feature is pathological order: special way affects all cartilage. It is indicated in diseases of cartilage, hypertrophy especially in the joints (which includes cartilage, bone and ligaments), costal cartilage, eyelids, nose, ears, eustachian tube, ete. In necrosis of cartilage. In surgery of the nasal septum. Injuries and infiltrated and indurated tissue, cartilaginous consistency. Aurum metallicum () Caries of nasal bones and swelling, with pain in the nose at night, pain in nasal bones terebrante night; nose sore to touch, especially in the nasal bone and right in; inside ulcerative pain, worse on the right side . Calcarea carb () Even his bones may be soft, not very consistent (rickets) and fragile, and their fractures heal very slowly. () You feel the cold deep, bone, and has strong tendency to take cold. () The characteristic of Calcarea Carbonica hand is a hand "no bones": soft, cold and wet (Tyler) or frog hand. Cinnabaris () Pressing pains in the bones of the skull, nose or members with hypersensitivity to the slightest touch (Hep.S.) Eupatorium perfoliatum () One of the two main characteristics of this drug is that it presents severe bone pain, acute and violent, worse from slightest movement, better at rest (Bry), feels like broken bones, broken, and are sensitive and painful by the lower pressure, especially in the back, head, chest and limbs, especially in the wrists, which feels as if dislocated. You can almost lying down, by the feeling that every bone is beaten or bruised, in desperation, moans and cries. Generally, these pains are connected with the flu or malaria. Pains come and go fast. Fluoric acid () Affections of the bones, especially of long bones, better from cold (Silica by warmth). Caries

and necrosis seas, especially in long bones, in psoric or syphilitic patients or abuse of mercury, with expulsion of kidnappings and irritating secretion of pus, and excoriarte fetid periodic aggravations and improvements, with nighttime pain and great prostration. Trend fractures not consolidated. Guaiacum Page | 141 () The extremities, both in their muscles and in their joints and bones, are the main center of action of Guaiacum (see 4). Rheumatic pains in upper limbs, worse on the iquierda. Sharp points on the shoulder and right thumb. Weakness in arms. Manganum () Pain in the bones, the bones are very sensitive to touch (but in the lower limbs), with red, raised spots on the skin, very painful. Inflammation of bones and joints with intolerable pain worse from cold night, and movement. Touching any part of body, mind feels extremely sore, and ulcerated. Periostitis with suppuration and necrosis. Deep bone pain, worse walking.

Psorinum () Logically, the most prominent manifestations of morbid Psorinum are those of the skin. It's a dirty-looking skin (as if never washed), cracking (especially in winter), dry, dormant, which rarely transpires, rough or greasy (as bathed in oil), unhealthy, with tendency to suppuration, Page | 142 and an abnormal tendency to have all kinds of eruptions, which occur mainly in winter, disappearing in summer, and altering with headache, cough or asthma. The eruptions are usually itchy, worse heat of bed and bleeding from scratching, worse from washing or overheating; papules, vesicles, crusts, pustules, dirty, dry or wet with secretions intolerable smell of carrion, acne, eczema , herpes, hives, scabies, psoriasis (more in winter). Tendency to have lice. Sulfur () The skin is one of the main fields of action of Sulfur. Skin is dirty, rough, unhealthy, dry, chapped, cracked especially in winter or by washing, with burning or stinging, worse by scratching, with brown or yellow spots. There is a tendency to unusual outbreaks of all kinds, usually itchy. Itching may be with or without rash, sometimes in plaques that bleed after scratching, it's burning, burning or tingling or tickling or voluptuous, worse at night, warmth of bed or to keep warm or walking outdoors or in areas that sweat, by scratching (sore afterwards, and bleeding) and wash or wool clothing, must scratch until the skin is raw. Sarna. Eruptions: crusty foul, with corrosive discharge, eczema, foul, pustular, red, vesicles, urticaria. Varicella, Leprosy. Erysipelas. Chafing at the folds. Thuya () The skin has a dirty, greasy, slimy, brownish or yellowish spots in various places, scattered. Condylomata rapidly growing, bleeding, wet, like a fan, that ooze and burn. Excrescence fleshy, soft, wet, wide, pedunculated, horny, foul, in cauliflower. Warts (Thuya is, perhaps, the first drug that is intended for a patient with warts, and is likely to be prescribed, and the start of treatment or at some other time): frayed or jagged, large or small, wet , bleeding, or pedunculated tubular or flat, brown or red, smelling of stale cheese or brine, and sometimes stabbing pain, or black, soft tissue or corneas, suppurating. Angiomas. Smallpox, chickenpox. Rashes that appear only on covered parts and burn vigorously after scratching. Generalized psoriasis. Leprosy. Sycosis barbae. Herpes zoster. Lycopodium () Skin yellow, wrinkled, dry, chapped trend. Chronic urticaria. Painful rashes. Large red spots. Liver spots. Abundant freckles. Eruptions with thick crusts, wrinkled, yellow brown, moist, purulent, and deep cracks. Recurrent boils. Chafing wet skin of children. Intertrigo with bleeding surfaces. Nevus. Vascular tumors. Psoriasis. Warts. Painful corns. Phlebitis. Gangrene brown. Eczema. Acne. Calcarea carb () Skin: rough, flaccid, flabby, cold, with cracks after washing and in winter, pale, with red spots with white spots with dark edges, which become blue. Jaundice. Eruptions: burning, crusty, dry or wet, white or yellowish with white or glutinosa (Graph.), corrosive or yellow, copper, dry, eczema, herpes, itching, scaly and bran; phagadenic; granites with greenish crusts; psoriasis ; pustules, red rashes, scabies, tubers, nodules and induration, urticaria, vesicles, itching, worse

in winter. Erysipelas. Phytolacca () Cold, wrinkled, dry, gray color. Eruptions and syphilitic ulcers, secondary and tertiary punched-out ulcers, lardaceous base, watery, fetid pus, and painful. Cancerous ulcers. Warts. Corns. Lupus. Urticaria, Scabies. Pityriasis. Psoriasis. Lipomas. Indolent tumors ooze. Pain and induration at old scars. Itching begins in feet and hands, and extends to the whole body, worse Page | 143 from warmth of bed and scratching. Chrysarobinum () Is a drug with predominant action on the skin. It has been successfully used in low power herpes circinata, psoriasis, herpes tonsurans and rosacea. Vesicular or scaly lesions with foul- smelling discharge with pus and scabs under which become confluent, forming one big scab. Violent itching in the ears, thighs and legs. Hydrocotyle asiatica () The skin is the largest organ of Hydrocotyle action, especially in the form of a tendency to induration, infiltration, and exfoliation. Nearly circular spots, with raised edges and scaly. Red spots with white scales. Erythema with intense itching. Acne rosacea. Ichthyosis. Psoriasis. Lupus. Eselerodermia. Dermatosis crusted with great flaking. Leprosy. Gangrene after amputation. Acne. Kali Arsenicosum () The skin is the most important field of action of this drug. Erysipelas. Acne with pustules worse during menses. Chronic eruptions, dry, scaly, intensely itching, itching is worse at night, warmth of bed, undressing, walking and cold air outbreaks, with fissures in the folds of the elbow and popliteal fossa; blisters , crusty, scaly, moist. Chronic Eczema and dry. Herpes zoster, especially on the right, the common cold. Psoriasis intensely itchy (one of the most important drugs). Generalized urticaria. Blisters with oozing, crusty. Lichen. Skin cancer, epitheliomas. Jaundice. Manganum () Chafing, cracks or rashes (psoriasis, eczema) and itching in the joint creases. Burning all the skin in the evening and on rising from bed. The skin takes to heal, any injuries tend to ulcerate. Berberis aquifolium () The center of action is the skin, chronic diseases, psoriasis. Skin with pimples or bumps, dry, rough, scaly. Acne. Eczema dry. Sulphuratum Arsenicum rubrum () Psoriasis (successful cases with the 2nd X crushing), eczema, forunculos, acne. Itching. Pellagra.

Petroleum (+++) In the skin are the most characteristic symptoms of Petroleum. Cracks or fissures in the skin (dry, thick, rough, dirty-looking), deep and bleeding, that occur or become worse in winter or cold weather, and located mainly in the hands and fingers, holes Page | 144 and creases cutaneous and mucosal articular . Eruptions tend to recur or worsen each winter or cold weather and relieved by heat or summer; crusty, pus-filled pimples; dry or humid bleed after scratching, eczema, abrasions, herpes, with drainage; herpes zoster, itching, papular, phagadenic, psoriasis, pustules, suppurative, urticaria, vesicular, with small blisters, itching, burning and always wet, and always worse by cold and winter. Suppressed eruptions, followed by a download (diarrhea, discharge, coryza). Brown or yellow spots. Itching in the elderly. Unhealthy skin; slow to heal wounds or ulcerated. Boils. Painful ulcers, deep and raised edges. Bedsores. Warts. Chilblains (see 29). Itching without rash, scratches to be raw, local cold after scratching, or burning. Psorinum (+++) The eruptions are usually itchy, worse heat of bed and bleeding from scratching, worse from washing or overheating; papules, vesicles, crusts, pustules, dirty, dry or wet with secretions from scent intolerable carrion, acne, eczema, herpes, hives, scabies, psoriasis (more in winter). Tendency to have lice. Extremadmnente intense itching, no rash yet, not relieved by scratching, worse when in heat, even more, by the warmth of bed and after bathing, ends up in desperation and have to scratch until they bleed or until the skin is raw. Berberis aquifolium (+ +) Its central action is the skin, chronic diseases, psoriasis. Skin with pimples or bumps, dry, rough, scaly. Acne. Eczema dry. Calcarea carb (+ +) Skin: rough, flaccid, flabby, chapped, cold cracked after washing and in winter, pale, with red spots with white spots with dark edges, which become blue. Jaundice. Eruptions: burning, crusty, dry or wet, white or yellowish with white or glutinosa (Graph.), corrosive or yellow, copper, dry, eczema, herpes, itching, scaly and bran; phagadenic; granites with greenish crusts; psoriasis ; pustules, red rashes, scabies, tubers, nodules and induration, urticaria, vesicles, itching, worse in winter. Erysipelas. Freckles. Excrescences, condylomata. Ulcers: bleeding, scabby; deep; of indurated, painless. Warts: fleshy, hard, cornea; hollow, red, round, pulsating, with the smell of rancid cheese. Wens. Goose bumps. Scalds in children. Calcarea sulphurica (+ +) Herpetic eruptions. Abscesses. Cuts, wounds, blows, etc.., Ill-looking, with purulent discharge with a slow cure. Burn that supueran chilblains. Purulent exudates on the skin. Boils or pimples, boils, yellow crusts. Smallpox in the stage of suppuration. Indolent ulcers of the lower limbs. Psoriasis. Urticaria. Dry eczema in children. Lead-gray skin. Hydrocotyle asiatica (+ +) The skin is the largest organ of Hydrocotyle action, especially in the form of a tendency to induration, infiltration, and exfoliation. Nearly circular spots, with raised edges and scaly. Red

spots with white scales. Erythema with intense itching. Acne rosacea. Ichthyosis. Psoriasis. Lupus. Eselerodermia. Dermatosis crusted with great flaking. Leprosy. Gangrene after amputation. Acne. Radium bromatum (+ +) Psoriasis. Eczema. Nevus. Itching all over at night, sometimes with burning. Papules. Corns. Page | 145 Acne. Eczematous dermatitis, followed by ulceration and necrosis (exposure); epithelioma. Warts. Torpid ulcers. Psoriasis of the penis eczema. Ichtyolum (+ +) Itching in different sites of the body, worse from heat and scratching, better by hot water or cold. Urticaria. Ichthyosis. Psoriasis. Erysipelas. Rosacea. Eczema. Pruritus of pregnancy. Abscesitos Collection. Kali arsenicosum (+ +) The skin is the most important field of action of this drug. Erysipelas. Acne with pustules worse during menses. Chronic eruptions, dry, scaly, intensely itching, itching is worse at night, warmth of bed, undressing, walking and cold air outbreaks, with fissures in the folds of the elbow and popliteal fossa; blisters , crusty, scaly, moist. Chronic Eczema and dry. Herpes zoster, especially on the right, the common cold. Psoriasis intensely itchy (one of the most important drugs). Generalized urticaria. Blisters with oozing, crusty. Lichen. Skin cancer, epitheliomas. Jaundice. Manganum (+ +) Chafing, cracks or rashes (psoriasis, eczema) and itching in the joint creases. Burning all the skin in the evening and on rising from bed. The skin takes to heal, any injuries tend to ulcerate. Voluptuous itching, better scratching; in the tibia and popliteal fossa. Chronic ulcers, deep blue or purple edged with Ugudos pains worse at night, usually near a joint. Itching with raised patches of red and very painful periarticular. Chronic eczema. Pityriasis. Erythema nodosum. Itching in sites that transpire; worse by sweating. Ammonium carb (+) Body red with crimson spots, as if he had scarlet fever, rash scaly, red, after scratching. Erysipelas in old with cerebral symptoms. Psoriasis. Leprosy. Eczema in folds of the extremities, anus and genitals. Arsenic iodatum (+) Eczema that secretes a watery fluid and hot, with comenzn to wash. Skin cold with internal heat. Chronic skin diseases. Psoriasis. Ichthyosis. Marked exfoliation of skin in large scales. Eczema of the beard, watery discharge, itching worse at washing. Pustular acne. Sulphuratum Arsenicum rubrum (+) Psoriasis (successful cases with the 2nd X crushing), eczema, boils, acne. Itching. Pellagra.

Ranunculus bulbosus Herpetic eruptions with small blisters, deep, transparent, dark blue, size of a pinhead, oval patches grouped as a coin girl intolerable fiery itching (which can not stand the slightest touch) Page | 146 and that, when opened, exudes a dark yellow liquid, and cover with a crust then cornea; common herpes, herpes zoster: ophthalmic, chest and abdomen. Eczema hon indurations corneas. Corrosive ulcers, with sharp edges, itching and burning, bleeding. Arsenicum album Rashes of all kinds, for cooling or other causes: blackened, burning, carbuncles, dry, scaly, pustular, scaly, vesicular (vesicles or bluish black, covered with blood; whitish). Ichthyosis. Eczema. Psoriasis (is the drug of choice). Urticaria. Lupus; epitheliomas. Sarna. Smallpox. Measles. Scarlet fever. Petechiae. Herpes zoster. Anthrax. Ulcerations, black and blue, black base, bleeding worse at the edges, burning at the edges, which are elevated and indurated, tender and fluffy, with corrosive discharge and putrid, and red areola. Cancerous ulcers, syphilitic sores. Senile gangrene. Calcarea carb Eruptions: vesicles on the prepuce, scrotum herpes. Inflammation of the glans and foreskin. Induration of testes. Hydrocele. Pain in the spermatic cord and testicles, burning in the scrotum. Rhus tox Herpes common with the typical vesicles, especially in the lips, head, eyelids and foreskin. Eczema in the hairy parts. Urticaria appears with cold air, or getting wet or being in moist after scratching and Spring; with chills, fever and sweats, or coincides with rheumatism or pain with modalities characteristics. Crusty eruptions and wet. Petechiae. Pustules. Vesicular erysipelas. Sudamen. Chafing. Nodules and indurations. Croton tiglium Eruptions, itching, followed by burning pain, the patient can not scratch very hard because the skin is very sensitive, but maybe a soft mnuy scratching. The eruptions are vesico pustules that secrete a burning yellow liquid and then dried into scabs, mainly located in the genitals, face and scalp. Redness with confluent vesicles, secreting, itching, burning and itching. Vesicular erysipelas with intense itching. Generalized eczema itch violently. Very painful shingles. Graphites Eruptions on the foreskin and penis (herpes newspaper), itching and rash on scrotum wet slimy, vesicles on the prepuce. Scrotum brilliant. Edema of the genitalia. Left hydrocele, in children, with herpes. Herpes circinate hard to the touch and wrinkled, or eczema, intense itching in the crease of the

elbow. Mercurius Genital herpes. Grazing on glans and foreskin, and between genitals and thighs. Dolorimietito walking in the foreskin. Ulceration: the penis, bleeding, hard, or cheesy lardaceous base and raised edges, in the glans and foreskin, syphilitic chancre. Testicles: cold, hard and swollen, bright red scrotum, and drawing pains, itching and tingling. Genital copious sweating, worse when walking. Condylomata. Yellow skin dirty, rough and dry. Jaundice. Eruptions: bleeding, swelling, itching worse at night and from warmth. Herpes zoster. Syphilitic eruptions, coppery spots, round and shiny. Varicella, smallpox, erysipelas, burning rashes, pustules, urticaria, ecchymosis (blue or black spots), gangrene. Violent and voluptuous itching all over, worse at night and from warmth of bed; lapiel with burning after scratching. Mezereum Pains of various kinds, with or shaking chills and sensitivity to cold air. Neuralgia. Burning pain biting. Burning neuralgic pains after a herpes zoster. Ulceration with a thick crust, yellow or white, with thick yellow pus underneath, with burning pain or excoriating; vesicles surrounded by fire and burning as intensely itchy, surrounded in turn each of a bright red areola, the ulcers are painful and bleed when take off your clothes. Carboneum oxygenisatum Herpes zoster vesicles along the nerves, especially in the face, left trigeminal branches. Pemphigus with large and small vesicles. Purple spots. Carboneum Sulphuratum Herpes on the backs of hands. Causticum Eruption behind the ears: wet, cold. Cerumen greatly increased. Catarrh of the Eustachian tube. Secretions of the ear, offensive, bloody or purulent. Red ears, itching, burning. Otitis media. Chrysarobinum It is a drug with predominant action on the skin. It has been successfully used in low power herpes circinata, psoriasis, herpes tonsurans and rosacea. Vesicular or scaly lesions with foul- smelling discharge with pus and scabs under which become confluent, forming one big scab. Violent itching in the ears, thighs and legs. Conium Itching, rashes, ulcers on the face; herpes on cheeks; granites. And exfoliates dry lips with blisters and ulcers. Herpes burning in the hands and forearms.

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Psorinum () Logically, the most prominent manifestations of morbid Psorinum are those of the skin. It's a dirty-looking skin (as if never washed), cracking (especially in winter), dry, dormant, which Page | 148 rarely transpires, rough or greasy (as bathed in oil), unhealthy, with tendency to suppuration, and an abnormal tendency to have all kinds of eruptions, which occur mainly in winter, disappearing in summer, and altering with headache, cough or asthma. The eruptions are usually itchy, worse heat of bed and bleeding from scratching, worse from washing or overheating; papules, vesicles, crusts, pustules, dirty, dry or wet with secretions intolerable smell of carrion, acne, eczema , herpes, hives, scabies, psoriasis (more in winter). Psorinum (Nosode) Lack of reaction. Chronic skin diseases like acne, eczema, seborrhea and itching. () Eruptions on the face, acne, especially frontal simple or rosacea, worse during menstruation, for coffee, fats, sweets, or meat, when the well selected remedy fails or improvement or little, foul-smelling crusts, eczema. Chafing secreting vesicles and ulceration or sores at the corners. Yellow vesicles painful to touch, in the red edge of the lower lip herpes. Kalium bromatum Acne facial, especially in adolescents or young fat or corpulent; simple, indurated or rosacea, with bluish red pustules, "leaving hideous scars" Acne simple, indurated or rosacea, with bluish red pustules, "leaving ugly scars" (Allen). It is one of the most important drugs in acne: "I know of a remedy so useful in acne as Kali bromatum 30th" (Clarke). Hydrocotyle asiatica () The skin is the most important organ of action of Hydrocotyle, especially in the form of a tendency to induration, infiltration and exfoliation. Nearly circular spots, with raised edges and scaly. Red spots with white scales. Erythema with intense itching. Acne rosacea. Sulfur iodatum () Cara dry, warm and yellowish. Herpes on the lips. Erythema on the upper lip with yellow pustules, painful, which are converted rapidly in dry scabs. Erythema on the chin. Sycosis barbae (one of the important medicines). Acne on face and back. Kalium arsenicosum () The skin is the most important field of action of this drug. Erysipelas. Acne with pustules worse during menses. Chronic eruptions, dry, scaly, intensely itching, itching is worse at night, warmth of bed, undressing, walking and cold air, eruptions, fissures in the folds of the elbow and popliteal fossa; blisters , crusty, scaly, wet. Chronic Eczema and dry. Herpes zoster, especially on the right: common cold. Psoriasis intensely itchy (one of the most important drugs). Generalized urticaria. Vesicles oozing, crusty. Lichen. Skin Cancer, epitheliomas. Jaundice.

Silica Tendency to chronic suppurative or repeat offenders of the mucous membranes of the eye ORL
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Mercurius sol (+++) Tissue destructive tendency to suppuration and ulceration. Antisyphilitic is the "type" of Hahnemann and, as Boericke, is especially useful in secondary syphilis, where the 2nd X "will do an amazing job" with its effectiveness. Mercurius purulent Page | 150 secretions are green or greenish yellow and streaked with blood, especially on mucous membranes. (+++) Ulcerations in the mouth: lardaceous base, burning, offensive, painful, small, syphilitic, yellow at the orifice of the salivary glands, gums, palate, the veil, in the language, syphilitic. (+++) Ulcerations: in the penis, bleeding, hard, or cheesy lardaceous base, and (+++) Ulcerations on the skin: bleeding, burning (more on the edges), crusty, deep, bloody or purulent discharge with raised edges, in the glans and foreskin, syphilitic chancre. Mercurius cor (+++) The throat is a major area of activity of Mercurius cor. Is intensely sore throat, painful, red and so swollen shadow which impedes breathing, with feeling of constriction and suffocation, swallowing very painful, even for liquids, when trying to swallow even a drop, to make the effort, there esophageal spasm, retching and vomiting are burning pains in the throat and esophagus, as if I had them raw, and they are aggravated by the slightest external pressure or contact. Tonsils swollen and covered with sores, with cutting pains. Ulcerations in the throat, which spread rapidly. The pain may spread to the ears. There is a huge swelling of glands in the neck and submandibular, and neck it. Uvula elongated, swollen, dark red. Burning in the esophagus. Ulcers on the uvula. Anthracinum (+++) Lesions usually carbuncle, sores and abscesses, have five major characteristics: a) horrible burning pains, quenzantes b) black (sometimes blue), c) make a scab, d) pus is horribly foul, and e) are generally very indurated. Atropinum (+ +) Or hypochlorhydria Gastric Hyperacidity, heartburn. Stomach chronic conditions including ulcers, with great food paroxysmal pain and vomiting immediately after eating or hot drinks; better after vomiting. Epigastrium very sensitive, with swelling in the region pyloric pyloric tumor. Peritonitis. Diseases of the Pancreas. Calendula (+ +) Ulceration recent or old: irritated, inflamed, painful, bruised, with no tendency to heal with excessive purulent discharge. Varicose ulcers. Warts and ulcerated tumors, cancer (complementary to Cadmium). Geranium maculatum (+ +) With profuse secretion catarrhal gastritis, ulcer trend. Gastric ulcer, hematemesis, decreases vomiting (give it in tincture). Muriatic acid (+++) Black base deep ulcerations or vesicles or pustules in the language. The mouth is full of deep ulcers. Canker. Foul breath. Hard nodules on the tongue epithelioma. Buccal mucosa red, tender, raw, with white spots. Stomatitis malignant lymphadenopathy

Sulfur (+ +) Acute keratitis or corneal ulcers that are worse at night, burning or stabbing pains or like sand, with lacrimation, photophobia, eyelid edema, redness and blurred vision, worse in reading. Acute iritis is worse at night, with adhesions and hypopyon, with miosis. Acute blepharitis. Burning or stinging eye pain (such as glass particles) or like sand, worse after Page | 151 midnight, or breakfast, or maver eyes, by sunlight, with dryness, worse from washing. Recurrent styes. Oscillococcinum (+++) Varicose leg ulcers, old ones, which do not improve with the remedy. Give a daily dose for 5 to 6 weeks often contributes significantly to the healing. Jaundice. Syphilinum (+ +) Ulcerations (mouth, nose, genital and skin), with gray base. Carbo animalis (+++) Is the remedy for tumors that are transformed, ulcerate and take a malignant progression. It is one of the principal remedies for cancer (lacrimal glands, nose, face, lips, tongue, pharynx, stomach, testis, uterus, breast), and a great palliative pains. And lymph glands (armpit, English, breasts, testes, salivary glands) are swollen, enlarged, hardened as rocks (scirrhous), and the skin overlying takes a violet purple, with lancinating, cutting, burning and great prostration. This skin becomes ulcerated or fistulizarse; indurated ulcers and fistulas, torpid, edged violet, with bloody discharge, burning, ichor, offensive. Suppuration benign to malignant conditions change. Polyps hard. Gums. Spongy growths and ulcers. Carbo veg (+ +) Ulcers in the lower limbs, especially legs, black base and blue areola, burning, fetid, variegated and are aggravated by heat. Euphrasia (+++) Corneal ulcers. Opaque spots on the cornea, sometimes bluish, due to injuries. Chemosis.

Thuya (+++) Cyst on the wrist. Coloration mottled or marbled in the extremities, browning on the back of the hands and inner thighs. Page | 152 Baryta (+ +) Lipomas, especially in neck and back, is one of the best drugs for this disorder. Cysts. Sarcomas. Warts. (+ +) Cysts in the axilla. Pain in the axillary nodes that are swollen. Bovista (+++) Premenstrual or postmenstrual flow, transparent or white, albuminous, pungent, sticky, greenish-worst walking and night, leaves green stains on clothing. Pubis pain during menstruation. Ovarian cyst. Voluptuous sensation in the genitals. Bufo (+ +) Ovaries hypertrophied, with burning and stinging pains. Ovarian cysts. Menses frequent and copious, clots and blood out of date. Watery discharge, bloody, irritating, very offensive. Breast cancer, open, painful blisters and very fetid discharge; epithelioma; scirrhous. The milk comes out mixed with blood. Uterine cancer. Tumors and polyps of the uterus. Ulceration of the cervix. Calcarea fluorica (+ +) Ulceration of the cornea with a hard edge. Blurred vision by straining the eyes. Palpebral cysts. Colocynthis (+ +) Stitches cramps or pains in the ovaries (worse on left) and uterus, and pressed through a hoop. Ovarian cysts terebrantes sharp pains, better by bending or flexing the thigh, walks leaning forward, pressing the area. Metritis. Metrorrhagia. Suppressed menstruation with cramping pains, for anger, disgust or anger, better bending. Apis mellifica (+) The right ovary is mainly concerned with tumors, cysts, or edema or hypertrophy and induration; oophoritis, with burning pain or pinching, cutting, worse after intercourse or during the abortion, before and during menstruation, when you start walking or lifting the arms and the warmth of the bed, lying on the pain or the local cold, with heavy, extended to the thighs or ribs, or the right breast ( "As if he had sympathy between ovaries and lungs" [ Hering]). Ferrum iodatum (+ +) Right ovarian cyst. Constant feeling of bearing down, as if to get something feels like pushing something up when sitting, you can touch the cervix. Uterine prolapse. Graphites (+) Tissue swelling with induration and punctures; gland swelling and induration. Cystic tumors, cysts in general, sebaceous cysts, wens. Tumors and cancer. Scar tissue can absorb, keloid scars.

Histaminum (+++) Muscle aches and joint pain. Sciatic pain that seems to draw a path of the nerve. Synovial cyst on the back of a hand. Medorrhinum (+++) For the constitutional effects of gonorrhea badly treated and removed, in female chronic Page | 153 conditions (oophoritis, salpingitis, cysts, fibroids, etc..) Dating from gonorrheal infection, when there is a history or hereditary gonorrhea. Syphilinum (+ +) Tendency to ovarian tumors or cysts, sometimes large. Tendency to abortion. Oophorinum (Ovarian Extract) It is used in conditions following the removal of the ovaries, menopausal disorders (including skin disorders such as acne rosacea and prurigo) and ovarian cysts, usually "in the lower triturations" (Clarke). Bergeret says that is useful in fibroids (to 6th), uterine polyps and sterility (2 to 3 times per week). It seems to be a key symptom improvement during or just after menstruation. Silica (+ +) Cysts in the vagina. Piosalpinx; hydrosalpinx. Sterility. Tendency to abortions. Intense vulvar itching, worse during menstruation, with ulceration, with burning and rashes on the inner thighs. Suppuration and swelling Breast old scars. (+++) Synovial cyst in the back of the hand or wrist. Tingling in the fingers. Bunions, cysts, carbuncles. Staphisagria (+ +) Styes that preferentially settle in the upper lid; is especially useful when a nodule or induration after a stye. Recurrent tarsal tumors or nodules on the eyelids. Cysts in the eyelids. Polyps in the conjunctiva. (+) Salivary duct cysts. (+) Unhealthy skin that oozes easily. Boils often. Ulceration with gnawing or burning pain and itching. Wens and cysts are opened after Staphisagria 200th. Pedunculated warts, bleeding, dry or moist. Sticta pulmonaria (+) Synovial cyst of the wrist.

Homeo Therapeutics By Vijnovsky

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Homeopathic Therapeutics By Vijnovsky

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