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GUERRILLAS EX. JP: WN Ae HM PIN i | Forewiird by Robert K. Brown Hy) Also by Bob Newman: Marine Special Warfare and Elile Umit Tactics ‘Wildemess Wayfinding: How to Survive in the Wilderness as You Travel ‘The Ultimate Outdoorsman (video): Critical Skills for Traveling, Surviving, and Enjoying Your Time in the Wilderness Guerriflas in the Mist: — ——. A Battlefield Guide to Clandestine Warfare by Bob Newman Introduction... - cipttharseeniia il | © The Home-Grown Guerrilla... 2.0. ..., 5 Copyright @ 1997 by Bob Newman 2 + The Jowel of the Caribbeas ISBN 0-87364-944-3 Cuba, 1983 and 1956-1950... 2 wh Printed in the United States of Amarica ; ; 3+ Guerrilla Leadership oon ee ma cieie ejnsen eo Published by Paladin Press, a division of 4 > The Guerrilla and His Explosives 00,000, 0..00000--22-.-43 Paladin Enterprises, Inc., P.O. Box 1307, § + Guerrilla Warfare Wisdom: Boulder, Colorado 80306, USA. Stratewy, Operatioaal Act, aad Battlefield Taetios 0000.00.88 (303) 443-7250 6+ The Peasant’s Sun Serna nae eT rnet dee Direct inquiries andar orders to the above address. B+: Gueseilla Blalierattsncses fur aieesctllaatiniemaet coal & + Mines and Booby Traps... 00... Sinise Ti ctharaiah alata PALADIN, PALADIN PRESS, and the “horss head” design 9 + Ambushes.... 0... .- Pee bene eran mize Se are trademarks belonging to Paladin Enterprises and 10+ Prisoner [ncerrogation, Exploitation, and Indoctrination... 139 registered in United States Patent and Trademark Office. 1+ Outthinking the Countergnertilla Foner... 006.0000 004 151 All rights reserved. Excepl for use ina review, no aR ce Saeeerend + pocion of ths bok may be reprodcesa in any form Guerrilla Tuntel Syetems 0.2 oe ec eee WOE ‘without the express written permission af the publisher. 18 + Tato the Streets: Guerrilla Tactics in Built Up Areas. 0 ec = 2.2. 189 Neither the author nor the publisher assumes 14 + Under Cover of Darkness: any responsibility for the use or misuse of The N al Soletiog information contained in this book. Inde: Visit our Web site at This book was written for clite-unir military personnel and students of military history. It was nor intended for use by any- one whose aim or wish is to overthrow rhe United States gov- ernment or any other government by force or any other means, nor was it intended for use as a demolitions manual. Conspiring, planning, or awempring to overthrow the U.S. government by force or other violent means, and the illegal use or misuse of explosives or booby traps, are serious cnmes with harsh punish- ment far those convicted. The author, publisher, and distribu. rors.of this book disclaim any responsibility for the use or misuse of any information presented herein. This took ix for academic seedy only, As T write this, 1 am an my ta yet anorher rebellion against tyranny, this ane in long-suffering Albania, once the most xenophobic of hard-core Communist nations. After completing the Albania mission, I will head sourh to the Dark Continent to report on the troubles in Zaire. Thoughts af these, my mast recent rebellions, as well as dozens of others I have seen, have caused me te consider the role of the guerrilla in the birth of countless nations—including America—as well as in the liberation of innumerable peoples. fom oppressive governments, military juntas, and tin-pot dictators. Sill, mast guerrilla-ted rebellions tail miserably. So the questions that anyone whe has an interest in rebellions (or expects to be involved in one} must ask arc, why de they fail and how can a guerrilla movement succeed? The answers to these questions are the whole paint of this remarkable book, which is the first truly practical, hard-hitting manual on how to establish, equip, train, and successfully employ a guerrilla unit. Make no mistake about it, Gaerriltas in the Misr is the “bible” of guerrilla warfare. 1 first became associated with Gunnery Sergeant Bob Newman, USMC (Retired), when he wrote his first article for Soldier of Furtune back in 1991, shortly afier his return from the Persian Gulf War, where he served with a highly decarated Marine

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