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Jennifer Reynolds & Breanne Pratt Mrs.

Coffeys 5th grade class Lesson on Shortcut By Donald Crews Grade: 5th Time: 20-30 minutes Materials: Shortcut by Donald Cruise Post it chart paper Story map worksheet Standard: RL.5.5. Explain how a series of chapters, scenes, or stanzas fits together to provide the overall structure of a particular story, drama, or poem. SL.5.1. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-onone, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, building on others ideas and expressing their own clearly. Objectives: The students will listen as the teacher reads aloud, stopping to make predictions, connections, and wonderings. The students will create a story map using details from the text. Lesson Sequences: 1. Interactive Read Aloud Before Reading: Start off by letting the class examine the front of the story and allow time for discussion and predictions Good afternoon Mrs. Coffeys class, today we are going to read a story to you called Shortcut by Donald Cruise. We want to read this story to you because we think it has sequenced events in it! Now, by looking at the cover or maybe just by looking at the name can you make any predictions about what may happen in the story? Allow time for discussion and predictions.

During reading Stop at page.5- Discuss why they think they should have taken the road- allow time for discussion and more predictions Stop at page.10- ask What do you think they are going to do and why ? Pages. 17-22 (blank pages)-discuss possible outcomes- what do you think is going to happen After reading Let the students discuss their thoughts and opinions with a neighbor about the story Discuss: What was your favorite part?, Did your predictions come true? 2. Mini-Lesson 1. 2. Lesson Introduction/ Anticipatory Set (Engagement) Boys and girls can I have someone sum up Shortcut by Donald Cruise for me? Yes! Great Job! State Objectives and Purpose Today we are going to make a story map using details from the text. Story maps are important because they make it easy to organize all the information from the text. Teach and Model Students Ms. Reynolds and I are going to show you have to story map first. There are five parts to a story map, setting, characters, problem, events, and solution. Have a story map ready to be filled out on the post it chart paper. Pass out the story map worksheet. Boys and girls please fill out your own the story map as we write it on the chart. The setting of Shortcut by Donald Cruise is the train tracks. Write train tracks on the chart. The characters are the children in the story. Write children next to characters. Guided Practice There is a big problem in this story. Can someone please tell me the problem in the story? Correct! The children need to get off the tracks safely and away from the freight train. Write this on the chart next to problem. Lets now discuss the events that lead up to the solution of the story. First the children decide to take the short cut home. Write this down on the chart. Who can tell me what happens next? Correct the children hear the train coming towards them. Write this on the chart. The train then starts to get closer and the children start to run. Write this down.






What happens next? Yes! The children jump off the tracks. Ill write this down. Boys and girls jumping off the tracks was the solution to the childrens problem. I will write this next to solution on the chart. After they jump off the tracks the train passes, everyone is fine, and they go home. This is the final event. Write, they go home on the chart. Boys and girls our story map is now complete. We wrote down the setting, characters, problem, events, and solution. Independent Practice/ Assessment Boys and girls you can use story maps with every story. It is as easy way to organize all of the details of the story. If you have a story map you can use it with your own books for independent reading. There will be extra copies of the story map work sheet that you can fill out during your independent reading. Closure: Boys and girls what did we learn today? Why was it important? How will this improve your reading and writing skills? How will you know the lesson has been successful? We will know the lesson has been successful if the students can fill out the story map with the independent reading books.

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