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Multiplication on your finger Multiplication by 2 Multiplication by 3

2x1=2 , 2x2=4 , 3x3=9 etc

, 2x3=6


3x1=3 ,


Multiplication from 6x6 until 10x10

*To do this, you must already remembering multiplication until 5


The finger down shows tens (jari yang tertutup menunjukkan angka puluhan) Jumlah jari yang tertutup ada 6= 60

Another example:

Multiply the open finger in the left with right (kalikan jari yang terbuka sebelah kiri dengan jari di sebelah kanan 3x1=3 Kemudian tambahkan


Try this: 7 x 7 = .. 8 x 9 = 6 x 9 = ..

9 x 7 = ..

7 x 6 =

8 x 8 =

Multiplication by 9

The open finger after the finger down shows once (jari terbuka setelah jari yang tertutup menunjukkan angka satuan) The open finger before the fingers down shows tens (jari terbuka setelah jari yang tertutup menunjukkan angka puluhan)

Can you continue?

= ..

can you continue?

= ..

= ..

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