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INT. MATTS ROOM-NIGHT We see a painting of the moon. Goes to shots of different paintings around the room. (They are dark in nature) MATT is sitting at his desk paint something. We see that it is a painting of him sitting alone (wherever we decide). He looks at it in a sad way, as if something is missing. He throws the paint brush at his paint jar which hits it and knocks it over, making a loud noise. DAD enters the room angrily. DAD What the hell was that? MATT (Frantically picking up paint jar) Im sorry my paint jar fell over DAD I work ALL day and the least I could ask for is a little sleep without you making noise with your stupidMATT Im sorry! ok! Im sorry. DAD (Even more pissed) Dont cut me off! Dad hits him in the face and then knocks all the painting supplies off his desk. DAD Clean it up...and go to bed. The dad walks out of the room. Matt slides down his wall, looking defeated. He looks over at his clock which reads 3:00 a.m Matt sighs. (CONTINUED)



His attention is then caught by a piece of blue chalk that is lying near the knocked over paint brushes. He gets on his knees and crawls over to it, picking it up. He looks at it strangely. MATT (Whispers) Whered you come from... Matt sits back on the wall and marks it. The mark momentarily glows. Seeing it out of the corner of his eye, he marks it again. It glows again. Matt then gets up and kneels in front of the wall. He draws a line, which momentarily glows. He then keeps drawing until he drew a large square. The square glows, and then the chalk lines turn to cracks in the wall. He then pushes in the square and it comes off, revealing a dark passage, big enough for him to crawl through. He looks back, hears his dad snoring, and then gets up into the passage. He then places the piece of wall that fell off back in place. He starts crawling through the passage, not seeming to care where it will take him. Eventually he reaches a dead end, he draws another square with the chalk. Sure enough, it glows, then the lines turn to cracks. He pushes it off, revealing a room. There is a girl in the room getting dressed. She turns to see him and screams. She picks up something heavy from her dresser and throws it at him. She keeps picking up things to throw at him.


CONTINUED: DAWN How did you get in my room!!?!??!?! MATT Wait! Wait! Listen to me! DAWN picks up a lamp and runs to hit him with it. DAWN Get out of here!!!!! MATT Okay, okay, okay! Matt runs back to the passage, climbs in, and starts crawling away. DAWN Wait! MATT (stops) Yeah!? DAWN (calmer) Where are you going? MATT Away from the lamp! DAWN (looking confused) did you even get here? are you? MATT Can I show you without risk of death. Holds his hand out to her. DAWN (hesitates) This is crazy She takes his hand, and he leads her into the passage. They are crawling through the passage. They get out at the other end into Matts room. When she gets there, she looks around at his paintings.






MATT I dont know what happened, I found this piece of chalk, and when I drew on the wall with it, it opened up that. Matt holds up the piece of chalk to her. Dawn slowly takes the chalk from him. DAWN And this...lead to my room? MATT I guess. Dawn looks down at the wall, then goes and kneels in front of the wall, next to the opening of the passage. She turns and looks back at him. DAWN (smiles) Lets see what else it can do. She draws another door with the chalk and opens it up, revealing another passage. She then crawls into it, and then looks back. DAWN (smiles) Cmon! Matt laughs to himself and then follows her into the passage. They reach a dead end, and then Dawn looks back. DAWN Lets see whats on the other side. Dawn draws a door, before she can push it open, it bursts open and water comes rushing through. They find themselves in the ocean near the beach, getting bombarded by waves. They are laughing and trying to get to shore fast. DAWN (over the sound of the waves) OH MY GOD! (CONTINUED)

CONTINUED: They get up to the beach laughing.


They walk to the sand (or wherever) and then lay onto the floor looking up at the night sky, panting. DAWN (laughs) This is crazy man. Matt laughs. Dawn turns her head to look at him. DAWN So whats your name. MATT Im matt. Turns and looks at her. MATT What about you? Dawn turns back to looking at the sky. DAWN Im Dawn. Matt looks back up at the sky. MATT (To himself) Dawn.. DAWN So, youre quite the artist Matt. MATT Artist? DAWN I saw the paintings in your room, those are yours? MATT (laughs) Yeah, theyre mine. DAWN Theyre good, theyre kinda...dark though. Turns her head to look at him again. (CONTINUED)



MATT Yeah...I guess its just how I express myself. DAWN Express what? MATT (sighs) Ever since my mom passed away, my dad...hes had issues. Dawn gets a sympathetic/sad look on her face. MATT He drinks a lot, and, he just makes life so hard to deal with. DAWN So your paintings, are a way of...expressing what you feel. MATT (nods) Getting it out, so it doesnt eat away at me. DAWN Matt, theres ways to be happy, even when nothing good happens, even when things are bad. Just...the simple things, feeling the breeze of the cool air, the birds singing in the morning, the sound of the waves crashing on the rocks... She looks up again. taking in the beauty of the moon...being there with a friend. Matt smiles momentarily. MATT We should head back, the sun will rise soon. INT. MATT ROOM-DAWN Matt walks out of the passage into his room. Dawn is sitting in the passage about to go back to her room.




DAWN (Smiles) Tommorow, lets meet tommorow? MATT (smiles) Yeah, lets do that. Dawn seals the opening to the door and leaves. Matt then throws the chalk onto his desk and gets in bed. Shot of moon painting. INT. MATT ROOM-MORNING Shot of sun painting in his room. Matt wakes up and gets out of bed. He sees the chalk on his desk, then goes over to the wall and tries drawing a door, nothing happens. INT. MATTS ROOM-NIGHT Shot of moon painting. Matt is sitting on his bed, waiting for it to turn to 3 a.m. It turns 3, then he quickly opens up the door, and climbs through the passage to the Dawns room. She is asleep, but when he opens the door, she wakes up, and slowly gets out of bed. DAWN (sleepily) it wasnt just a dream. MATT (Laughs) I was worrying about the same thing. DAWN (smiles-teasingly So what adventure are we going on this time?




MATT Lets find out. Hands her the chalk. She draws the door. Cuts to them coming out on the other side, they are in a forest. DAWN (looking around) Wow...its beautiful. She smiles. Matt smiles. MONTAGE This is the montage of the different places they go and the consecutive nights, as they get closer and closer. Towards the end of the montage. EXT. WHEREVER WE DECIDE-DAWN They come in from from the passage to (whatever spot we decide) DAWN Hey, whaddya know. MATT You know this place DAWN Yeah, I used to come here as a kid, just to...get out, think, and watch the sunrise. They both sit down staring of into the distance. Matt is drawing random lines on the ground next to him like something is on his mind, a piece of the chalk breaks off, but he leaves it there. Dawn looks at him.




DAWN Everything ok Matt? MATT Yeah, its just, I feel different. DAWN How so MATT Like...everything is going to be okay. DAWN Theres a word for that, its called hapiness. Matt looks at her and smiles. Dawn looks back into the distance. DAWN Hey look, the sun is rising. Matt looks towards the sun rise. He then looks at her, then looks down. She looks at him He slowly looks back up at her. Slowly lean closer, and then they kiss, for like 5 ish seconds. Camera pans around them as they kiss, like it does in this video :47 Except they kiss more romantically, not so passionately as the video. After about 5 seconds, they slowly pull apart. She smiles, then he smiles. She then puts her head on his shoulder. INT. MATT ROOM-MORNING Matt crawls back into his room, and then sits against the wall, obviously very happy. He is smiling. (CONTINUED)



His dad then comes in the room, he is holding a bottle of some hard alchoholic drink, obviously drunk. DAD Where the hell have you been? Matt looks up surprised I have been looking for you all god damn morning, what you think you just gonna sneak out, is that what teens do these day, does it make you feel cool, rebellious? Matt gets up. MATT Dad I was just taking a walk. DAD Dont give me that crap, is this how you thank your mom, for everything she did for you, to go running around at night acting like an animal. Matt doesnt reply HUH? IS that how you repay her, is that how you repay me! Look at me when I speak to you! He hits his face hard. MATT No! Its not, I was taking a goddamn walk! His dad hits him again even harder. DAD Dont speak that way to me. He turns away to leave and accidently steps on part of the chalk. He looks down at it, and then crushes it with his foot. DAD Keep your god damn art crap off my floor. He walks out of the room. Matt looks shocked for a second and then goes tot he floor to gather the chalk dust. (CONTINUED)



As he tries to gather the dust, it just keeps slipping through his fingers. He frantically tries gathering it, then smearing it on the wall. After finally smearing it in the same of a door, nothing happens. EXT. MATTS HOUSE-NIGHT-RAINING Matt is coming into his house out of the rain, carrying a box full of chalk that he obviously just bought from the store. He frantically goes to his room, at 3 am, and tries to draw a door with the store bought chalk, but still nothing happens. He slides against his wall, puts his head in his arms, and cries. MONTAGE This is montage of the following nights of -Him waiting at three a.m. for something to happen -Trying the chalk -Seeing his painting and working on finishing his painting of him sitting alone. He finishes his painting and it is now of him and the girl sitting together at the place where they kissed. Shots of him and his dad fighting. Shot of him in his room, he is so pissed that he knocks over all his painting stuff and starts tearing paintings off his wall. One of the paintings floats down in front of him, and it is the painting of him and her. He looks at it. DAWN (V.O) Matt, there are other ways to be happy, even when nothing good happens, even when things are bad.


He then looks out his window and sees the moon, and then smiles a little. INT. MATT ROOM-MORNING-TWO WEEKS LATER Matt walks out into the family room. His dad and his dads sister and husband from London are there. DAD Hey Matt, Ross and Beth were just showing me their vacation photos they took here, come take a look. Matt sleepily walks over and looks at the photos they are showing on their camera. He non-chalantly watches as they scroll through them. They pass one that catches his attention. MATT Hey wait, can you go back? They go two back. ROSS This one? MATT No one forward Ross goes one forward, and it is the photo of the place where he and Dawn kissed. MATT Where is that BETH Oh that is the ___________ MATT Is that closeby BETH Oh yeah, its just _______, Shouldnt you know, you live here. MATT Excuse me...I have to.. get something from the store.

13. Matt walks hurringly out of his house, and then runs to his car. EXT. PLACE WHERE MATT AND DAWN KISSED-DAY Matt runs to the place where they kissed, sure enough, it was it. He looks around, sighs, and just sits down. He then lays down onto his back, and closes his eys. DAWN (V.O) Just...the simple things, feeling the breeze of the cool air, the birds singing in the morning, the sound of the waves crashing onto the rocks...being there with a friend As he hears this in his head, we see the breeze blow his hair, we hear the birds singing, and hear the waves crashing onto the beach. Matt smiles. He opens his eyes, and Dawn is bending over him DAWN Hello sleepy head. Matt looks shocked. Dawn offers him her hand. He takes it and stands up. DAWN You forgot something. She holds up the piece of chalk that he left there. Matt is still in shock. DAWN I went back to get it...but, I found something better. She smiles. He slowly starts to smile, he hesitates, then they immidiately start kissing. Camera pans around. For like 3 seconds. (CONTINUED)



They then hug each other tightly. As her head is over his shoulder she smiles, and so does he. Dawn looks up, and lets go of him DAWN Look, the sun is out. Matt looks up. She looks back at him. DAWN (smiles) Lets make the most of the day. MATT (smiles) Agreed. He extends his hand and she grabs it, they then walk off. last shot is of camera panning up to the sun. Then crossfade to the painting of the sun in his room. FADE TO BLACK

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