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Assignment 1

Group: MCA Group I th Due on: 10 April 2012 Sl. No. 1. Problem Write a program to plot a line having an arbitrary slope using the DDA algorithm. Write a program to implement the symmetric DDA algorithm. Write a program to extend Bresenhams algorithm to generate lines with any slope, taking symmetry between quadrants into account. Write a program to implement Bresenhams integer line drawing algorithm. Write a program to modify Bresenhams line drawing algorithm to plot pixels with varying intensities as a function Write a program to implement a polyline function to display a set of straight lines connecting a list of input points. Write a program to implement a polygon function to display a polygon formed by a list of input points. Write a program to revise the mid-point circle algorithm so that geometric magnitudes are maintained. Write a program to draw a pie-chart from a set of data given. Topic: Lines, Circles and Ellipses rd Date: 3 April 2012 Page # Source File(s) Remarks




5. 6. 7.




Write a program to implement the mid-point ellipse algorithm by starting from the point (rx, 0), where rx is the major radius.

Note: 1) Programs should be written in TURBO C only. 2) Programs should be well indented and documented. 3) A sample output must be provided for each program. 4) All test cases must be taken into consideration for all the programs. 5) Each program must execute continuously till the user enters a specific value to terminate. 6) Each of the programs should be sufficiently modular. 7) The use of the header file graphics.h is prohibited.

Lab. Instructor


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