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Determining the maximum possible solids loadings to the settling tank.

If a settling tank sized on the basis of hydraulic overflow rate is such that the solid loading exceeds this value, then the unit must be sized on the basis of the allowable solids loading. The method for obtaining these data consists essentially of batch type settling tests using samples of various concentrations. A family of curves similar to that shown in Figure 16-5 will be obtained. The slope of the straight line portion of the curve representing the design ss loading is the settling rate for suspension. It is important to note that the settling rate varies with solids concentration. The remaining curves are used to evaluate the thickening characteristics of the suspension under study. Analysis of this information in accordance with the techniques established by dick will result in a predicted underflow or sludge concentration at a particular overflow rate. FACTORS AFFECTING DESIGN SCACLE-UP The range of scale-up factors reflects the influence of flow variation, wind, and temperature gradients as well as differences in tank shape and inlet-outlet structure design. The hydraulic overflow rate generally varies from 0.5 to 0.65 of the settling rate of the particles or suspension to be removed. For final settling tanks, where conservative design is important since the quality of the final effluent is involved, the factor should never be greater than 0.5 based on peak 24-h flow. Design detention time is generally from 3 to 4 times the detention determined from laboratory tests. TANK SIZE : - IN large size tanks [over 30 m (100 ft) length or dinameter], the effect of wind on the surface by causing mixing, not only at the waste-water surface but also well below the surface. The tendency to build large sedimentation basins is based on the economics of scale. However, the operating problems created in the larger tanks ultimately may result in far greater costs and prove un-economical. FLOW VARIATION This is a very important consideration in regard to municipal wastewater treatment plant designs. Its impact on design depends on whether it is a long or short term consideration. A long term or gradual increase can be taken into account in the design stages so its effect can be anticipated. Without any equalization, all settling tanks are subject to the wide short-term variation in flow that occur, especially in the smaller plants. Usually, it is safe to use the maximum 24-h flow for sizing settling tanks, however, if hourly variation are great and serious deterioration are great and serious deterioration of effluent quality could lead to unacceptable final effluent quality as far as ss are concerned, such variations should be taken into account by using an overflow rate lower than would be used normally. The slight extra cost for an increased size final settling basin provides a most worthwhile safety factor to insure a proper quality final effluent even under abnormal conditions.

Another type of short term variation results from a constant speed pump cycling on and off and causing pulsating turbulence in the classification zone. Turbulence in the clarification zone of a sedimentation tank is also a cause of reduced sedimentation efficiency. INLET DESIGN Next to the importance of proper sizing of a settling tank, especially the final one, is proper inlet design. The inlet to a sedimentation basin must be an effective arrangement to achieve horizontal and vertical distribution of the incoming flow across the entire cross-sectional flow-through area, while minimizing short circuiting and turbulence factors. Inlet velocities should be kept as low as possible. Ingersoll and Rohlich indicate that inlet conditions have a more important effect on basin performance that those at the outlet. Inadequate design of inlets, especially in circular settling basins, has been an important cause of poor performance involving short-circuiting and erratic solids movement. Inlets for circular or peripheral. The central of center feed mode consists of bringing the influent to the center of the basin through a conduit buried under the floor or suspended from the tank mechanism access or support bridge. To provide for conventional mechanical surface skimming, settling tanks greater than approximately 15m (50 ft) diameter are fed by a buried conduit. The inlet well (or feedwell) requires careful design to insure dissipation of the inlet energy and uniform distribution of the outflow into the clarification area. The kinetic energy of the inflow must be converted to small-scale eddies that dissipate rapidly. Many secondary inlet well sizings are too small in diameter to insure adequate operation when inlet well flow increases as a result of higher recirculation. With 100 percent recirculation, circular tank inlet wells should not be less than 20 percent of the tank diameter and have a depth of 55 to 65 percent of the SWD. The maximum inlet velocity to a center inlet well should not exceed 1 m/s (3 fps.) the outflow velocity should not exceed approximately 0.08 m/s (15 ft/min.) In recent years there have been several manufacturers promoting peripheral-feed settling tanks (figure 16-6). Influent in the peripheral feed unit is distributed through orifices located in an influent raceway on the entire periphery of the settling tank. Properly designed units have functioned well. Inlet design in rectangular units normally consists of baffled inlet ports. Small ports dissipate energy much quicker. The incoming flow should be distributed uniformly over the basin crosssection so as to avoid density currents along the bottom. Inlet ports normally are sized for velocities in the range of 0.08 to 0.16 m/s (15 to 30 ft/min). Baffles extend from a point several

inches below the water surface to appoint 150 to 300 mm (6 to 12 in) below the inlet point. Baffle width is usually 150 to 300 mm wider than inlet port or the full width of the basin. WEIR AND LAUNDER MAINTENANCE:- The growth of algae in the influent launders and on the weirs is a continuing problem in a temperate zone. One method of eliminating this problem is to design weirs and launders so that they are covered and not exposed to direct sunlight. While this will not completely eliminate the problem, it will reduce the magnitude of algal growth and subsequent maintenance time. DENSITY CURRENTS Short-circuiting can occur in either circular or rectangular basins if the incoming flow has a higher temperature than the mass of liquid in the basin. This is usually evidenced by violent boiling to the surface of masses of liquid with entrained solids. This can occur when the temperature suddenly increases 1 to 2C with light floc-culant-type solids. In rectangular basins the warmer liquid can move as a layer rapidly over the top of the colder liquid to the outlet. The only control over such density effects is to insure that any temperature changes are slow, say, not over I1 to 2C over a period of the least an hour. If the incoming water is colder than the bottom, especially in a rectangular basin at a high velocity, and thus prevent settling out of the solids. Density currents, similar to those caused by cold water coming into a basin full of warmer water, can be caused by a suspension of solid such as activated sludge mixed liquor that behave similarly to a liquid of higher density. Apparently, the mixed liquor is such an intimate suspension of flocculent Class III solid that it acts as a liquid of greater density than water. Such currents will be especially stable and persistent if the incoming velocity is very low, and thus the turbulence very weak. Density currents interfere with sedimentation and sludge removal. In the design of final settling tanks, attempts should be made to minimize the effect of density currents on final tank performance. In the design of final settling tanks of the circular centerfeed type, Anderson found that placement of the peripheral effluent weir two-thirds to three-fourths of the radical distance from the center produced a reasonably arrangement. 13 In the design of rectangular final tanks, Gould proposed the removal of settled sludge in the direction of the density current and the removal of clarified effluent at the influent end of the basin.14 The amount of short circuiting is dependent on the shape of the basin and the location and type of inlet and outlet arrangements. Typical flow patterns in a center feed settling basin are shown in figure 16-7. Tracer studies have shown that the long bottom eddy or density current produced short circuiting and establish strong secondary currents in the reverse direction of the bottom eddy current. The effect of the density current can be minimized by baffling and outlet structure placement. Stable density flows can be prevented from persisting by distributing the incoming flow over the entire depth at the inlet to a rectangular basin, and producing and small-scale turbulence by multiple ports at the inlet baffle wall. Vertically slotted inlet walls extending down to the top of the scraper arms are effective in preventing stable flows in circular basins. Such

designing are commonly used for inlet wells in Europe Figure 16-7b illustrate the use of baffling and multiple effluent weirs to counteract the density current. The effluent structure in this particular case does, however, make mechanical removal of floating material impossible. A compromise between the two extremes shown in figure 16-7a and b is shown in figure 17-7c. This design will accommodate provisions for skimming the water surface. BASIN DEPTH The basin depth, per se, has no influence on liquid solids separation in settling basins. However, the design engineer must consider and provide proper depth for storage of settling solids, prevention of scour along basin bottom caused by high forward velocity of flow caused by excessive reduction in area, and preventing updrafts at effluent takeoff points from picking up solids that otherwise sold remain on the basin bottom. However, excessive depth is not desirable as long as retention of settled solids will cause anaerobic condition. Also, density currents appear to occur more readily in deep, rectangular tanks. OUTLET DESIGN The overflow or effluent takeoff weir system should be so designed that the clarified liquid can be removed from the basin without causing localized high velocity up-drafts. Such up-drafts may cause previously settled solids to be drawn up and discharged with the effluent. As discussed under short circuiting a multiplicity of weirs will be of benefit in counteracting a density current, particularly when handling Class III type solids. For conventional, circular basins, all that is needed is a peripheral weir and basin depth that increases with the diameter. The side water depth should not be under 2.4 m (8 ft.) for a primary settling tank or 3.3 m(10 ft.) for a secondary or final tank. These should increase to 4 and 4.6 m, respectively (12 and 14 ft.) for basin diameters of 100 ft. In a settling basin using surface skimmers, a baffle is placed on the inlet side of the outlet structure to trap the floating material. Anderson, presenting result of test on removal of suspended solids in circular final tanks handling activated sludge, states: for effluent weirs located away from the upturn of the density current, the overflow rate should not exceed 20 000 gpd,ft (250 m3/m d) of weir, and for weirs located within the upturn zone, the rate should not exceed 15 000 gpd/ft (190 m3/m d) of weir. 13 Solids loading for secondary sedimentation tanks has been discussed by Dick 15 and Eckenfelder and OConnor.16 Some regulations set limits of weir loading, as, for example, the Ten States Standards17 with a suggested limit of 190 m3/ m d (15000 gpd/sq ft) for secondary settling tanks. This has led to use of a so-called inboard annular launder which is supported on cantilever struts from the basin wall. Such a costly launder design can rarely be justified unless the basin depth must be relatively shallow for some reason.

Small rectangular basins usually require only a launder at the end wall of the basin. However, larger basins should have two or more lateral launders across the basin, located toward the end to prevent a localized updraft of high velocity along the end wall. Solids-contact or upflow basins, which are usually circular, have radial launders.

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