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Exam Part 1

Questions :1-200

What are predominant linkages in glycogen between glucose units?

Alpha 1,4 Alpha 1,6 Beta 1,3 Beta 1,4 Beta 1,6

In fermentation, the final electron acceptor is

Water Oxygen Carbon dioxide An organic compound An inorganic compound

Which of the following primary teeth is MOST likely to have an oblique ridge?
Maxillary canine Maxillary first molar Maxillary second molar Mandibular first molar Mandibular second molar

Each of the following structures is found in the infratemporal fossae EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION? Lingual nerve Medial pterygoid muscle Inferior alveolar nerve Pterygopalatine ganglion Pterygoid venous plexus

Each of the following cranial nerves is associated with the cavernous sinus EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION? Facial Abducens Trochlear Trigeminal Oculomotor

Calcium dipicolinate is present in large amounts in

Spores Flagella Mesosomes Ribosomes Mitochondria

When compared to the primary mandibular first moral, the primary mandibular second molar normally exhibits a GREATER number of which of the following? Oblique ridges Roots Cusps Cervical ridges Transverse ridges

Which of the following describes the movement of glycine molecules in an electric field at a pH of 6.06 (the isoelectric pH for glycine)? The glycine molecules will Not move Move to the anode Move to the cathode Move to both anode and cathode

Zinc is an essential component of which of the following?

Pepsin Amaylase Hexokinase Adenylate cyclase Carbonic anhydrase

Which of the following cancers typically arises in teenagers and young adults?
Wilms tumor Angiosarcoma Ewings sarcoma Multiple myeloma Chronic lymphocytic leukemia

Each of the following muscles usually appears in the floor of the posterior triangle EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION? Sternohyoid Medius scalene Splenius capitis Levator scapulae Anterior belly of omohyoid

In an ideal intercuspal relation, the mesiofacial cusp of the maxillary first molar opposes which morphologic entity of the mandiubular first molar? Central fossa Lingual groove Distofacial groove Mesiofacial groove

Three days ago, a patient received her third immunization with tetanus toxoid. What class of antibodies specific for tetanus toxoid would one expect to find in her serum?
Similar concentrations of IgM and IgG High concentrations of both IgM and IgD Low concentrations of IgM; high concentration of IgE Low concentration of IgM; high concentration of IgG High concentration of IgM; low concentration of IgG

Facilitated diffusion DIFFERS from active transport in that net transport by facilitated diffusion
Has a transport maximum Uses ATP as an energy source Requires a concentration gradient Occurs as an endergonic (positive process


Mucosa of the anterior two-thirds of the tongue develops primarily from

Rathkes pouch Tuberculum impar Foregut endoderm Hypobranchial eminence Lateral lingual swellings

Each of the following statements regarding aldosterone is correct EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION? Is a mineralocorticoid Increases Na uptake from the kidneys Production is stimulated by angiotensin II Is produced in the zona fasciculata of the adrenal cortex

Interstitial pulmonary inflammation is MOST characteristic of

Viral pneumonia Bacterial pneumonia Lung abscess Bronchial asthma Bronchopneumonia

The occlusal outline of a mandibular first molar is similar to a

Circle Square Hexagon Pentagon Rhomboid

Which of the following statements is correct with respect to mastication of food?

Food is masticated primarily in a border movement Food is masticated primarily in lateral contacting movement An ideal occlusion is a requisite for masticatory efficiency Proper incisor contact is a requisite for masticatory efficiency Indigestion is generally related to inadequate mastication of food

Human papillomaviruses 16 and 18 are strongly correlated with the appearance of

Genital warts Plantar warts Cutaneous warts Uterine cancer Cervical cancer

The sensory receptors serving the stretch reflex are classified as

Nociceptors Chemoreceptors Proprioceptors Exteroceptors

Which of the following muscles participates in flexion at the gleno-humeral and the humero-ulnar joints? Deltoid Brachialis Biceps brachii Triceps brachii Coracobrachiallis

During fetal development, blood is shunted from the pulmonary artery to the aortic arch by means of the
Foramen ovale Sinus venosus Ductus venosus Ductus arteriosus Foramen secundum

Which of the following factors MOST influences the lingual concavity of the maxillary anterior teeth and groove direction of the posterior teeth? Anterior guidance Angle of the eminence Curve of the occlusion Sideshift of the mandible (Bennett movement) Direction of movement of the rotating condyle

Rough pneumococci grown in the presence of DNA from dead smooth pneumococci develop capsules. This is an example of bacterial Mutation Dominance Conjugation Transduction Transformation

Which of the following base pairs promotes helix stabilization in DNA but does NOT do so in RNA?

Blood from the cephalic vein drains into which of the following veins?
Basilic Brachiocephalic Axillary Internal thoracic Superior vena cava

The junction between the tooth surface and the crevicular epithelium is composed of which of the following? Cementoid Tight junction Intermediate filaments Basal lamina-like structure Interstitial crevicular fluid

If the anticodon on transfer RNA is 5 ACG 3 then which of the following is its corresponding codon on messenger-RNA? 5 CGT 3 5 CGU 3 5 TGC 3 5 UAG 3 5 UGC 3

On the crown of the primary maxillary first molar, the mesial surface normally
Is larger than the distal surface of the same tooth Exhibits a concave lingual outline Is wider occlusocervically than buccolingually Exhibits a straight cervical line Is wider buccolingually at the occlusal table than at the cervical third

Staphylococcus aureus MOST commonly causes

Skin infections Septicemia Sore throat Chronic infections Exogenous infections

Each of the following is characteristic of herpes zoster EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? Unilateral Usually involves 1-3 dermatomes Occurs repeatedly in immunocompetent patients Only occurs in an individual having a latent VZV infection More common in individuals who are immunocompromised

Which of the following describes the contact relationship between a maxillary central incisor and a maxillary lateral incisor? Contact is offset to the lingual Contact is centered incisocervically Lingual embrassure is larger than the facial embrassure Incisal embrassure is the largest of all the embrasures

Which of the following shows a relative INCREASE as the dental pulp ages?
Number of fibroblasts Number of odontoblasts Number of blood vessels Size of the pulp chamber Amount of fibrous connective tissue

The rapid emergence of new strains of human immunodeficiency virus is primarily the result of
The frequent genomic recombination between human immunodeficiency virus and other retroviruses Frequent errors in the translation of viral proteins The lack of immune response to the viral envelope glycoprotein Frequent errors introduced by viral reverse transcriptase The imprecision of protein cleavage by viral protease

Mesial and distal pulp horns are more likely to be found in which of the following teeth?
Maxillary central incisors Mandibular central incisors Mandibular canines Maxillary first premolars Mandibular first premolars

The major sensory nerve to the parietal pericardium branches from which of the following nerves?
Vagus Musculophrenic Intercostal Phrenic Internal thoracic

Which of the following muscles is MOST concerned in quiet respiration?

Rhomboid Diaphragm Subclavius Sacrospinalis Pectoralis major

Before swallowing can be initialized, afferent information must be received

From muscle spindles, indicating the consistency of a soft bolus of food In a lesser amount from nociceptors indicating a soft bolus of food From mucosal mechanoreceptors, indicating the consistency of a soft bolus of food From pharyngeal taste receptors, indicating the consistency of a soft bolus of food

When the mandible moves to the right, the mesiolingual cusp of the maxillary right first molar passes through which groove of the mandibular right first molar? Mesiomarginal Distofacial Mesiofacial Lingual Central

The antigenic component of which of the following vaccines is a capsular antigen?

Influenza Poliovirus Hepatitis B Haemophilus influenza

Coupled respiration requires each of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCPETION?
ADP Oxygen Carbon dioxide Electron donor Inorganic phosphate

As the severity of periodontal disease progresses, there is an increase in plasma cells that produce which of the following? sIgA IgD IgE IgG IgM

Which of the following is a complication of cirrhosis?

Splenic atrophy Hepatic angioma formation Obstruction of portal circulation Increased plasma protein formation Decreased central venous pressure

Which of the following is produced when a mutation occurs in an enzyme controlling a signal pathway involved in cell growth processes? Epigene Antigene Oncogene Monogene Transgene

DNA that is complementary to mRNA can be made using which of the following?
A plasmid DNA ligase A retrovirus RNA polymerase Reverse transcriptase

Which of the following groups of organs is retroperitoneal?

Pancrease, transverse colon, and descending colon Pancrease, stomach, and ovary Kidney, transverse colon, and ovary Ureter, gallbladder, and transverse colon Kidney, adrenal, and rectum

Each of the following derives from a pharyngeal pouch EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION?
Thymus Parathyroid Parotid gland Auditory tube Palatine tonsil

49 Missing

50.Which of the following is caused by vitamin D deficiency in adults?

Rickets Myxedema Acromegaly Osteomalacia Osteitis fibrosa cystica

In unilateral balanced occlusion, contact between lower buccal cusps and upper buccal cusps, along with simultanwous contact between lower lingual cusps and upper lingual cusps, will MOST likely occur in which of the following types of mandibular movements?

Laterotrusive Mediotrusive Straight retrusive Straight protrusive

The buccal mucosa typically has which of the following epithelia?

Simple columnar Pseudostratified columnar Non-keratinzed, stratified squamous Parakeratinized, stratified squamous Orthokeratinized, stratified squamous

The apex of the horizontal plane Gothic-arch tracing represents which of the following positions?
Maximum opening Centric relation Lateral protrusive Rest position

Which of the following streptococcal virulence factors acts as a superantigen, mediating a variety of cytokine-induced effects that can result in life-threatening disease? Pyrogenic exotoxin Hyaluronidase Streptokinase Streptolysin O

Preganglionic parasympathitic fibers that synapse in the pterygopalatine ganglion travel in which of the following nerves? Maxillary Lesser palatine Lesser petrosal Greater palatine Greater petrosal

Initiation of calcification for the mandibular central incisor normally occurs at

3-4 months of age 1 year of age 2-3 years of age 4-5 years of age 6-7 years of age

Each of the following viruses is potentially capable of causing cell transformation EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION? Retrovirus Herpesvirus Picornavirus Hepatitis B virus Human papillomavirus

Of the primary maxillary teeth, the cervical ridge would stand out MOST prominently as a distinct entity on which surface of which molar?
Molar Surface

First First Second Second Second

Distofacial Mesiofacial Distofacial Mesiolingual Distolingual

IL-1 is primarily produced by which of the following?

Neutrophils Macrophages Plasma cells T-helper cells T-suppressor cells

During endodontic therapy, one will usually find two pulp canals in which of the following?
Mandibular canine Distofacial root of a maxillary molar Distal root of a mandibular first molar Mesial root of a mandibular first molar Lingual root of a maxillary first molar

Which of the following statements BEST applies to saliva?

Phosphate is the main pH buffer Supplies sialate for additional mucins Main source of enzymes for protein digestion Supplies calcium and phosphate for remineralization Undersaturated with respect to hydroxyapatite at neutral pH

Smooth muscle contains each of the following muscle proteins EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION? Actin Myosin Troponin Tropomyosin

Cell bodies of neurons mediating proprioception from the periodontal lifament of the maxillary first molar lie in the Semilunar ganglion Motor nucleus of V Spinal nucleus of V Chief sensory nucleus of V Mesencephalic nucleus of V

Which of the following can be used to distinguish the palatine tonsil from the pharyngeal tonsil on the histologic level? General shape of the tonsil Number of lymphatic nodules Type of epithelium associated with it Type of lymphocytes present Presence or absence of Hassalls corpuscles

The movement in the upper compartment of the temporomandibular joint is rotation and translation. The movement in the lower compartment is translation.

Both statements are TRUE Both statements are FALSE The first statement is TRUE, and the second is FALSE The first statement is FALSE, and the second is TRUE

As blood flows through the periodontal membrane, tremendous pressures occur in response to forceful occlusion. Blood flow is temporarily reduced, but platelets do not aggregate because of the presence of

Ca ADP Thrombin Thromboxane A2 Prostacyclin (PgI2)

Which of the following parts of the hypophysis is the site of oxytocin release?
Pars nervosa Infundibulum Pars distalis Pars tuberalis Pars intermedia

The non-working condyle performs which of the following movements?

Straight forward Forward and downward Downward, forward, and lateral Downward, backward, and medial Downward, forward, and medial

Which of the following substances is the predominant source of ATP at MODERATE levels (for greater than 60 minutes) of activity? Amino acids Fatty acids Carbohydrates Proteins

Which of the following promotes the release of bile from the gallbladder?
Gasrin Secretin Galla Bombesin Cholecystokinin

Which of the following teeth represents the one MOST likely to present with three roots?
Mandibular central incisor Mandibular second premolar Mandibular canine Maxillary first premolar Maxillary second premolar

Which of the following chemical agents is approved as an immersion sterilant?

Iodophors Ethyl alcohol Glutaraldehydes Synthetic phenolics Sodium hypochlorite

Granulation tissue is comprised of each of the following components EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION? Fibroblasts Plasma cells Capillary buds Endothelial cells Newly formed collagen

Following eruption and initial occlusal contact in the oral cavity, a tooth will continue to erupt in order to compensate for occlusal wear. In response to this continuous eruption, which of the following is deposited at the apex of the root?

Primary dentin Secondary dentin Reparative dentin Cellular cementum Acellular cementum

Which of the following would produce the greatest DECREASE in resistance in a single artery 2 mm long and with a radius of 1.2 mm? A halving in length A doubling in length An increase in radius by a factor of 2 A decrease in blood viscosity by a factor of 2

Which of the following BEST describes a centric holding cusp of a mandibular left second molar?
It is the distofacial cusp and occludes in the embrassure between maxillary first and second molars It is the distofacial cusp and occludes in the central fossa of a maxillary second molar It is the distolingual cusp and occludes in the embrassure between maxillary first and second molars It is the distolingual cusp and occludes in the central fossa of a maxillary second molar

Oral streptococci are usually

Gamma-hemolytic Alpha-hemolytic Beta-hemolytic Non-hemolytic

The cell membrane is LEAST permeable to which of the following substances?

O2 CO2 H2O Sodium Ethanol

Which of the following types of dentin is the MOST highly mineralized?

Carious Predentin Intertubular Interglobular Intra(peri)tubular

Each of the following can be found in the dental pulp EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION?
Nerve tissue Blood vessels Cementoblasts Lymph vessels

According to the Spaulding Classification System for contaminated items and srufaces, semi-critical items should be reprocessed by Exposure to ethylene oxide A spray-wipe-spray technique Immersion in a tuberculocidal disinfectant Washing with a chlorhexidine fluconate disinfectant Heat stabilization if the material is heat stable

In the contractile cycle, the dissociation of the actomyosin complex results MOST immediately from ATP hydrolysis Release of ATP hydrolysis products ATP replacing ADP on the myosin heads Tilting of the myosin heads (crossbridges)

Which of the following represents the consequence of the fact that DNA strans are complementary?
Hairpin loop structures can be generated They will always have identical sequences Separated strands are able to reassociate They cannot get back together once separated

Which of the following predominates in steroid producing cells?

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum Rough endoplasmic reticulum Golgi apparatus Phagosomes Nucleolus

The spacing between anterior teeth in the primary dentition is MOST frequently caused by
Thumb-sucking Tongue thrusting Transseptal gingival fibers The growth of the dental arches The pressure form succedaeous teeth

Each of the following types of cells is phagocytic EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION?
Monocyte Histiocyte Neutrophil Macrophage Lymphocyte

Which of the following is MOST likely to promote depolymerization of extracellular matrix?

Corisone Collagenase Chymotrypsin Hyaluronidase

In the intercuspal position, which of the following anterior teeth has the potential of contacting both anterior and posterior antagonists? Maxillary lateral incisor Mandibular lateral incisor Maxillary canine Mandibular canine

In the oral region, the lingual artery usually is found between the
Lingual and hypoglossal nerves Mylohyoid and geniohyoid muscles Hyoglossus and genioglossus muscles Sublingual duct and hypoglossal nerve Oral mucous membrane and the anterior belly of the digastric muscle

Each of the following is a type of inflammatory exudate EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCPETION? Suppurative Fibrous Purulent Fibrinous Pseudomembranous

A substance alters the rate of an enzymatic reaction by binding to the enzyme at a site other than the active site. The substance described is a (an) Uncoupler Covalent modifier Allosteric inhibitor Competitive inhibitor Post-translational modifier

On a maxillary first molar, the occlusal outline contains two obtuse and two acute angles. The acute line angles are Mesiolingual and distolingual Mesiofacial and distiolingual Mesiolingual and distofacial Mesiofacial and distofacial Distofacial and distolingual

When T-cells from patients who have chronic periodontal disease react with certain plaque bacterial antigens, they produce each of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION? Immunoglobulin IL-2 TNF-B IFN-y

During which of the following would blood flow to the coronary arteries be GREATEST in a resting individual Isovolumic contraction Ventricular ejection Atrial contraction Ventricular relaxation

Atropine prevents the secretion of saliva resulting from stimulation of the chorda tympani because it
Denatures the salivary gland proteins Prevents the action of acetylcholine on the secreting cells Prevents release of acetylcholine by sympathetic postganglionic fibers Prevents release of acetylcholine in autonomic ganglia

If the point of a needle enters the parotid gland during an inferior alveolar injection and solution is deposited in the gland, the MOST likely result is Paralysis of the buccinator muscle Paralysis of the temporalis muscle Paresthesia of the lingual nerve Paralysis of temporal tympani A hematoma of the pterygoid venous plexus

Which of the following promotes edema?

Increased blood proteins Increased sodium excretion Decreased lymphatic drainage Decreased venule blood pressure Increased plasma osmotic pressure

Which of the following BEST describes the primary ionic movement during the depolarization phase of a nerve action potential?
Potassium ions moving from inside to outside the membrane Potassium ions moving into the fiber from interstitial fluid Large organic-negative ions moving from inside the fiber to outside the fiber Sodium ions moving from inside the membrane to outside the membrane Sodium ions moving from outside the membrane to inside the membrane

A mature ovum is expelled from which of the following?

Corpus luteum Corpus albicans Graafian follicles Corpus hemorrhagicum

Which of the following is the characteristic immunoglobulin present in human external secretions (i.e. saliva, tears, intestinal juice)? Monomeric IgE Monomeric IgA Polymeric IgG4 Polymeric IgA Secretory IgD

Which of the following is the cellular organelle that contains many types of hydorlytic enzymes?
Lysosome Centrosome Mitochondrion Golgi apparatus Endoplasmic reticulum

Ordinarily, a 6 year old child would have which of the following teeth clinically visible?
All primary teeth only All primary teeth and permanent first molars Primary posterior teeth, permanent first molars, and central incisors Primary canines, permanent first molars, and permanent mandibular incisors

Which of the following is the lobe of the cerebral hemisphere that lies in the middle cranial fossa?
Frontal Temporal Occipital Parietal

In an ideal intercuspal position, the distoincisal aspect of a mandibular central incisor opposes which structure of which maxillary incisor? Lingual fossa of a lateral Mesial marginal ridge of a lateral Distal marginal ridge of a central Mesial marginal ridge of a central Lingual fossa of a central

Virulence of the pneumococcus is associated with its

Pyrogenic exotoxin C-reactive protein Content of nucleoprotein Production of streptolysin Capsular polysaccharide

Which of the following statements BEST describes hydroxyapatite in enamel?

Has a nonpolar surface Has 10 ions in each unit cell Contains no ion substitutions Has a higher solubility than fluorapatite Has a solubility that decreases as the pH decreases

Which of the following epithelial types is normally associated with the internal lining of the majority of the tubular gastrointestinal tract? Simple columnar Simple cuboidal Simple squamous Stratified cuboidal Stratified squamous

Prior to surgery, an anxious patient has a higher systolic blood pressure than previously noted. Which of the following represents the MOST likely reason? Cardiac shock Anaphylactic shock Atrial fibrillation Ventricular fibrillation Decreased arterial compliance

Which of the following skin lesions is generally considered precancerous? Psoriasis Verruca vulgaris Intradermal nevus Actinic keratosis Seborrheic keratosis

Which of the following is a branching, filamentous, microorganism that is a normal inhabitant of the gingival crevice and tonsillar crypts? Aspergillus niger Actinomyces naeslundii Penicillium notatum Trichophyton mentagrophytes Lactobacillus casei

Glucose can be made from each of the following substances EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION? Lactate Acetyl CoA Glycerol Pyruvate Fructose

In an ideal intercuspal position, the distolingual cusp of a maxillary first molar opposes the
Central fossa of the mandibular first molar Lingual sulcus of the mandibular first molar Mesial fossa of the mandibular second molar Mesial marginal ridge of the mandibular second molar Facial embrasure between the mandibular first and second molars

Which of the following oral tissues contains the LEAST collagen?

Bone Dentin Mucosa Enamel Cementum

Each of the following statements describes a contributor to the initiation of mineralization of bone EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION?
Holes or pores in collagen fibers Release of matrix vesicles by osteoblasts Release of acid phosphatase by osteocytes trapped in lacunae Alkaline phasphatase activity in osteoblasts and matrix vesicles Degredation of matrix pyrophosphate to release an inorganic phosphate group

Increased pulmonary ventilation observed at high altitudes results directly from the effect of hypoxia on the Carotid body Aortic sinus Hypothalamus Carotid sinus Respiratory center

Juxtamedular and cortical nephrons differ primarily in

Filtration fraction Location of macula densa Length of proximal tubule Length of distal convulted tubule Length of the thin segment of the loop of Henle

Which of the following represents the primary function of sIgA?

Aggregates microorganisms and prevents colonization Activates complement in secretory fluids Promotes phagocytosis by monocytes Activates mast cells Activates NK cels

Which of the following BEST describes the occlusal outline of a maxillary first molar from an occlusal view? Ovoid Square Rectangle Pentagonal Rhomboidal

The nasopalatine nerve reaches mucosa in the oral cavity via which of the following foramina?
Incisive Infraorbital Lesser palatine Greater palatine Pterygopalatine

Which of the following represents the total number of teeth in the permanent dentition that normally possess a cingulum? 4 6 8 12 16

Cellular tropism by viruses is dependent on which of the following?

Host cell DNA homology to viral DNA Temperature of host cell incubation Gamma-interferon production Cell surface receptors Viral enzyme synthesis

Which of the following is an allosteric effector of an ezymatic reaction?

Competitive inhibitor Noncompetitive inhibitor Substance that binds to the substrate Substance affecting enzymatic activity by binding to the active site Substance affecting enzymatic activity by binding to non-active sites

Odontoblasts secrete the organic components of the dentin matrix. The fibrous matrix is MOSTLY
Keratin Reticular fibers Type 1 collagen Type II and III colagen Reabsorbed as the dentin matures

Which of the following BEST describes the normal root of the mandibular canine, in cross section at the CEJ Circular, symmetrical Triangular, symmetrical Ovoid, symmetrical Ovoid, but wider mesiodistally at the lingual Ovoid, but wider mesiodistally at the labial

Collagen degredation that is observed in chronic periodontal disease can result directly from the action of collagenase enzymes of oral microbial origin. Such enzymes have been demonstrated as component systems of Porphyromonas species Lepthothrix buccalis Entamoeba gingivalis Enterococcus faecalis Veillonella species

Hormones that exert their effects through the activation of second messengers are
Lipophilic Usually water soluble peptide/protien hormones Initially bound to cytoplasmic hormone receptors Secreted by ovaries, testes, adrenal cortex, and placenta

Which of the following exhibits phagocytic activity in the central nervous system?
Ependymal cell Microglial cell Oligodendrocyte Fibrous astrocyte Protoplamsic astrocyte

Each of the following coenzymes is a component of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION? NAD Biotin Coenzyme A Thiamine pyrophasphate

Identify the anterior tooth that MOST frequently exhibits a bifurcated root and identify the positions of the roots.
Tooth Root Position

Maxillary lateral incisor Maxillary lateral incisor Maxillary canine Mandibular canine

mesial and distal Facial and lingual

Facial and lingual Facial and lingual

Which of the following ligaments is MOST often damaged in an inferior alveolar nerve block?
Lateral Capsular Stylohyoid Stylomandibular Sphenomandibular

Which of the following enzymes seals nicks in DNA?

Exonuclease Endonuclease Ligase DNA polymerase RNA polymerase

Which of the following teeth is the LEAST likely tooth to have a bifurcation of the root?
Mandibular canine Mandibular central incisor Maxillary central incisor Mandibular lateral incisor Maxillary second premolar

Hepatitis C virus infection is MOST often transmitted through

Sexual contact Oral secretions Blood transfusions The fecal-oral route Respiratory droplets

Neurofibromatosis type I is characterized by which of the following conditions?

Multiple mucosal neuromas Perioral melanotic freckles Medullary carcinoma of thyroid Development of visceral carcinoma Multiple pigmented macules of the skin

Each of the following structures increases the surface area of the small intestine EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? Villi Rugae Microvilli Brush border Circular folds

Which of the following represents the slight incisocervical concavity on the labial crown surface of the canines that is found in the incisal third, just mesial to the labial ridge? Mesial fossa Mesiolingual fissa Mesial marginal ridge Mesiolabial line angle Mesiolabial developmental depression

Submucosal glands are usually located in the

Fundus of stomach Duodenum Appendix Jejunum Colon

Which of the following is an endogenous fungus that is capable of producing an opportunistic infection? Candida Rhizopus Blastomyces Aspergillus Cryptococcus

Which of the following pathogens is the single MOST common cause of sexually transmitted disease in the U.S.? Treponema pallidum Haemophilus ducrey Chlamydia trachomatis Herpes simplex virus Human immunodeficiency virus

Which of the following is the pathway that results in the formation of glucose in the liver from lactate produced in muscle? Cori cycle Glycolysis Citric acid cycle Pentose phosphate pathway

Which of the following represents the primary function of cementum?

Attach Sharpeys fibers Protect the root from caries Repair traumatic injuries of the root Supply nutrition to the periodontal ligament Aintain the width of the periodontal ligament

Compared to a maxillary second premolar, a maxillary first premolar has

Two roots, on facial and one lingual Three developmental grooves One root containing two root canals A shorter central groove Two roots, one mesial and one distal

A 9-year-old boy has tinea capitis. If he is receiving appropriate therapy then he is MOST likely being treated with an Anti-viral agent Anti-mycotic agent Anti-bacterial agent Anti-parasitic agent

A pronounced developmental groove is usually present on a marginal ridge of which of the following teeth? Maxillary canine Maxillary first premolar Mandibular second premolar Mandibular first molar Maxillary second molar

MOST cases of choriocarcinoma are discovered by the appearance of a rising titer in blood or urine of which of the following? Acid phosphatase Alpha-fetoprotein Alkaline phasphatase Carcinoembryonic antigen Human chorionic gonadotropin

Glucose reabsorption in the nephron is usually completed in which of the following?

Distal tubule Loop of Henle Collecting duct Proximal tubule

Which of the following represents the number and the location of cusps on the Ytype mandibular second premolar? No lingual and on facial One lingual and one facial One lingual and two facial Two lingual and one facial Two lingual and two facial

Which of the following primary teeth is usually bilaterally symmetrical when viewed facially and incisally?
Mandibular central incisor Maxillary central incisor Maxillary lateral incisor Mandibular lateral incisor Mandibular canine

Pernicious anemia is characteirzed by each of the following symptoms EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION? Easy fatigability Atrophic glossitis Peripheral neuropathy Atrophy of the gastric mucosa Microcytic hypochromic red blood cells

Which of the following nerves pierces the thyrohyoid membrane?

Inferior laryngeal Recurrent laryngeal External branch of the superior laryngeal Internal branch of the superior laryngeal Pharyngeal branch of the vagus

Each of the following conditions involves changes in numbers of cells in an organ or tissue EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION? Aplasia Hyperplasia Hypoplasia Metaplasia

The marginal ridges are more prominent on the lingual surface of which of the following incisors?
Maxillary central Mandibular central Maxillary lateral Mandibular lateral

Which of the following directly catalyzes urea formation in a cell?

Urease Uricase Arginase Glutaminase

Atretic follicles are characteristic of which of the following?

Integument of scalp Thyroid Pituitary Lymph gland Ovary

Which of the following conditions is a significant risk factor for the development of hepatocellular carcinoma? Cholestasis Portal hypertension Cholelithiasis Reyes syndrome Hepatitis C

Where is the lingual height of contour located on a mandibular first premolar?

Occlusal third Junction of the occlusal and middle thirds Middle third Junction of the middle and cervical thirds Cervical third

Cigarette smoking has been etiologically linked to each of the following cancers EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION? Lung Colon Oral cavity Esophagus Urinary bladder

Which of the following teeth has the greatest cervico-occlusal crown height?
Maxillary first premolar Mandibular second premolar Maxillary first molar Mandibular second molar Maxillary second molar

The oblique ridge of the maxillary molars extends between which two cusps?
Mesiofacial and distofacial Mesiolingual and distolingual Mesiolingual and distofacial Mesiofacial and meiolingual Mesiofacial and distolingual

A practitioner administers a 90:10 nitrous oxideoxygen mixture to a patient, causing respiratory depression. Which of the following conditions is likely to result? Metabolic acidosis Respiratory acidosis Metabolic alkalosis Respiratory alkalosis

Test item #s 161-172 refer to the following testlet

A 23 year-old female presents with complaints of difficulty in opening her mouth and a low-grade fever of several days duration. The medical histroy indicates a recent positive PPD skin test, and the patient is taking rifampin (Rifadin). The extra-oral exam shows diffuse swelling at the angle of the right mandible and lateral neck. Oral exam shows gingival swelling and erythema around partially erupted Tooth #32.

Rifampin (Rifadin) is effective in treating active tuberculosis because it targets which of the following pathways? Mitosis Replication Translation Transcription mRNA splicing

This patients internal temperature is monitored by central thermoreceptors located in the

Medulla Cerebellum Hypothalamus Anterior ituitary Posterior pituitary

MOST plasma cells that form in the cervical lymph nodes will be found in which of the following areas?
Paracortex Lymph nodules Medullary cords Germinal centers Trabecular sinuses

Which of the following histopathologic findings will characterize lymph node involvement with mycobacterium tuberculosis in the lateral neck?
Fibrosis and scarring of the lymph node cortex Hyperplasia of the cortex and presence of ReedSternberg cells Granulomas with multinucleate giant cells and caseation necrosis Hyperplasia of the cortex and a focally dense infiltrate of neutrophils

Swelling at the angle of the mandible and the lateral neck MOST likely resulted from deflection of exudates by which of the following structures? Sublingual gland Mylohyoid muscle Hyoglossus muscle Buccopharyngeal fascia Pterygomandibular raphe

Each of the following muscles is constrained in function due to the patients condition EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? Digastric Mylohyoid Geniohyoid Medial pterygoid Lateral pterygoid

This patients gingival swelling will elicit sensations of pain that will travel via which of the following?
Chorda tympani Buccal branch of the facial nerve Glossopharyngeal nerve Buccal nerve Temporal branch of the facial nerve

The tissue swelling associated with inflammation in this patient is due to which of the following factors?
Vasodilating kinins Increased blood pressure Increased serum osmolarity Decreased capillary permeability

If Tooth #32 is infected, then the infection will typically spread to each of the following fascial spaces EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION? Parotid Temporal Masseteric Buccopharyngeal

Lymphatic fluid from the area of infected Tooth #32 will drain INITIALLY to which of the following nodes?

A radiograph of Tooth #32 shows two wellformed roots. When sectioning this tooth to separate the roots and simplify extraction, which of the following BEST describes how the cut should be made?
Bucco-lingually through the crown and furcation Bucco-lingually through the pulp horns Mesio-distally through the crown and furcation Mesio-distally through the crown at the level of the CEJ

Prior to extracting Tooth #32, surgery is done to exopse the entire crown of the tooth. Which of the following should the dentist expect to see?
The buccal-lingual dimension of the crown is greater than the mesial-distal dimension The mesial-distal dimension of the crown is greater that the buccal-lingual dimension The buccal-lingual and mesial-distal dimensions of the crown are the same The crown of Tooth #32 is smaller than the crown of Tooth #1

Test item #s 173-181 refer to the following testlet

A 7-year-old male with a histroy of asthma presents for an emergency appointment. He suffered a fall in which he struck his anterior maxilla, lacerating his lips. Oral examination reveals bleeding from the gingival sulcus around the maxillary central incisors, and these teeth are mobile. The maxillary lateral incisors are mobile but do not exhibit bleeding. During the intial exam, the patient demonstrates acut dyspnea.

During the intitial oral examination, the dentist suspects onset of an acut asthmatic attack. Each of the following is a common manifestation of an asthmatic attack EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION? Airway edema Bronchospasm Decreased surfactant Increased mucous secretion Increased airway resistance

Which of the following immunoglobulin classes is MOST active in this patients respiratory difficulties? IgD IgA IgE IgM IgG

Treatment of this patients respiratory symptoms requires activation of which of the following pathways? Cholinergic nicotinic Cholinergic muscarinic Adrenergic Alpha-1 Adrenergic Beta-1 Adrenergic Beta-2

The immediate consequences of this patients respiratory difficulty include each of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION? Hypoxia Tachycardia Hypercapnia Acute respiratory acidosis Increased renal bicarbonate production

Each of the following statements regarding the pathogenesis of this patients respiratory difficulty is correct EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION?
Multinucleated giant cells phagocytize extrinsic antigens Protaglandin D elicits bronchoconstriction and vasodilation Chemotactic factors recruit and activate eosinophils and neutrophils Platelet activating factor aggregates platelets and induces hisamine release Leukotrienes C4, D4, and E4 cause prolonged bronchoconstriction and mucin secretion

Laceration of the patients lips resulted in bleeding from which of the following arteries?
Nasopalatine Nasal branches of the facial Labial branches of the facial Buccal branch of the maxillary Incisive branches of the infraorbital

If there is a fracture of the maxillary bone adjacent to the traumatized central incisors, then nociception terminates centrally within which of the following? Trigeminal ganglion Spinal tract of V Spinal subnucleus oralis of V Spinal subnucleus caudalis of V Main (chief) sensory nucleus of V

On a panoramic radiograph of this patient, the dentist will expect to see each of the following features EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION?
Primary maxillary lateral incisors with partially resorbed roots Partially erupted maxillary central incisors with incomplete root closure at the apex Partially erupted mandibular lateral incisors with incomplete root closure at the apex Fully erupted mandibular central incisors with complete root formation and closure at the apex Fully erupted mandibular first molars with incomplete root formation and non-closure at the apex

A radiograph of the maxillary central incisors reveals a small, calcified radiopaque mass between the roots of Teeth #8 and #9. Which of the following is the MOST likely reason for this mass?

Distodens Mesiodens Talon cusp Dens in dente Peg lateral incisor

Test item #s 182-195 refer to the following testlet

A 15-year-old male presents for emergency card. He is non-compliant with his type I diabetes refimen, and he suffered a fall while having an insulin reaction. He struck his chin and lacerated his tongue. Upon opening, his mandible deviates to the left. A panoramic radiograph reveals a fracture of the left condylar neck.

Before examining this patient, the dentist notes that the standard medical emergency kit contains an ampule of glucagon. For which of the following reasons would glucagon be used?

Acts as a source of glucose for the hypoglycemic patient Promotes glycogen formation in the hyperflycemic patient Promotes glycogenolysis in the hypoglycemic patient Stimulates secretion of insulin in the hyperglycemic patient

The patients insulin reaction represented a sudden fal in blood glucose because he had taken his normal insulin dose but did not eat breakfast. Each of the following is a clincal manifestation of hypoglycemia EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION?

Coma Dizziness Confusion Convulsion Hyperventilation

Which of the following glucose transporters was responsible for the patients insulin reaction?

Which of the following cells found in the pancreas is responsible for secreting insulin?
Alpha Beta Delta Acinar Centroacinar

Each of the following is a likely long-term complication of poorly controlled type I diabetes mellitus EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCPETION? Pancreatic carcinoma Hyaline arteriolosclerosis Proliferative retinopathy Nodular glomerulosclerosis Peripheral symmetric neuropathy

Sudden onset of a seizure in this patient would MOST likely be due to which of the following?
Hypoxia Ketoacidosis Hyponatremia Hypoglycemia Hyperglycemia

The patients tongue laceration will likely damage taste buds found on?
Filiform papilla Fungiform papilla Circumvallate papilla Ventrum of the tongue

Pain impulses from the patients fractured mandible are carried by which of the following nerves?
Lingual Inferior alveolar Auriculotemporal Zygomaticotemporal Nerve to lateral pterygoid

Each of the following events will occur during fracture repair EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION? Blood clot forms Bridging callus forms Periosteal callus forms New endochondral bone forms New osteons grow across the callus

The deviation of the patients mandible is MOST likely due to lack of function of which of the following muscles? Left medial pterygoid Right medial pterygoid Masseter Left lateral pterygoid Right lateral pterygoid

Monosynaptic jaw closing reflexes might be disrupted in which of the following areas?
Locus coenurus Globus pallidus Motor nucleus of V Mesencephalic nucleus of V Motor nucleus of VII

Muscular contractions might result in displacement of the left condyle. Into which of the following areas will the condyle MOST likely be displace? Oral cavity Maxillary sinus Temporal fossa Middle ear cavity Infratemporal fossa

With the fracture of the left condyle, the condylar head remains in the mandibular fossa due to which of the following ligaments? Periodontal Otomandibular Stylomandibular Sphenomandibular Temporomandibular

Clinical examination revelas that the lingual cusp on Tooth #5 is broken off. This is MOST likely due to wich of the following mandibular movements during trauma? Left mesiotrusive Right mesiotrusive Protrusive Left laterotrusive Right laterotrusive

Test item #s 196-200 refer to the following testlet

The dentist is called in to assist in the postmortam identifaction of an unknown person. Parts of a cadaver are presented, including portion of the skull with bones, teeth, and intact soft tissue.

Upon viewing the cadaver, the dentist suddenly feels faint, and experiences vasodepressor syncope. This finding might be assonciated with each of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION?

Pallor Diaphoresis Decreased heart rate Decreased cerevral blood flow Increased systmeic blood pressure

Examination of the right side of the cadavers skull reveals a fracture running through the petrotympanic fissure. Which of the following structures is MOST likely affected by such a fracture?

Chorda tympani Auriculotemporal nerve Mandibular branch of V Middle meningeal artery Accessory meningeal artery

Examination of a remnant of the cranial base exhibits a fracture of the cribiform plate. Damage to this area typically results in which of the following conditions? Tunnel vision Loss of sense of taste Loss of sense of smell Damage to optic chiasm Damage to speech areas

Examination of a portion of the left mandible shows a torn piece of muscle attached on the medial side near the angle of the mandible. This is which of the following muscles? Buccal Masseter Temporalis Medial pterygoid Inferior head of the pterygoid

One piece of examined soft tissue contains obvious glandular tissue. Histological examination reveals that it is composed of purely serous acini. This is MOST likely which of the following glands?

Buccal Parotid Sublingual Submandibular Posterior palatal

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