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Lab Report Acceleration vs.


Purpose: to determine the relationship between acceleration and Force. The depent variables is the acceleration , and independent is the Force. The mass was 1.05 which we kept constant.

Apparatus: Track start, pulley, weight, string, computer,cart.

Procedure: - set up the start pulley. -The dependant variables is the acceleration, and independent is the Force. The mass was 1.104 which we kept constant. -made the weight or force the weight it was supposed to be on the Start pulley. -Using the computer we measured the acceleration. -Did that multiple times and noticed each time we put more weight on the force the acceleration sped up. -then we recorded the data.


Evaluation of the data: We graphed the data and it was pretty linear. The relationship between the variables is that the more force the faster you accelerate. We took the highest vertical and times it by 1/.858 it was less, so it is negligible. (see attached paper) Conclusion: We found the relation between acceleration and force is great. The more force the more acceleration. The y-intercept was 0.01087 m/s^2/N . That tells us the acceleration sped up at a rate of 0.01087.( as long as the mass is kept at constant) I expected this to happen because the pull of the weight obviously is going to make the cart speed up.

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