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Example Design Data Two boreholes are carried out at this bridge location, BH-1 near pier and BH-2 near abutment.Top layers of BH-1 and BH-2 consist of boulder mixed with gravel and pebble in depth of 0.6m and 1.10m respectively followed by weathered,fine to medium grained

SPAN ARRANGEMENT SKEW ANGLE TYPE OF SUPERSTRUCTURE EFFECTIVE LINEAR WATERWAY (W) DISCHARGE (Q) HIGH FLOOD LEVEL (HFL) LOWEST BED LEVEL (LBL) SILT FACTOR (Ksf) TOP OF BOREHOLE BH-1 ROCK LEVEL(ABUTMENT) Calculation Refer cl.110.1.3 & cl. of IRC:5,1998 dsm = 1.34*(Db2/Ksf)(1/3) Mean scour depth Db = 1.3*Q/W Where Mean scour depth Max scour depth at abt. Max scour level(abutment) = Founding Level(abutment) = = = dsm 1.27*dsm HFL - 1.27*dsm 280.052-1.2

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1x11.25 0 degree RCC solid slab 10.45 m 3 60 m /s 284.333 m 281.387 m 3.5 279.846 m 277.346 m

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3.371 m 4.281 m 280.052 m 278.852 m

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