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Founder: Stelana

Manual by Detelina Monova, Multidimensional Energy Master/ Teacher

Artemis Ray
Artemis is the giver of life. She takes care of all of Nature and mankind. She makes the grass grow, gives color to trees and plantlife, and blesses nature with beauty and birth. She also presides over weddings and marriages. (Rich Greek women make sacrifices to the daughter of Zeus and Leto, Artemis, so that she presides over weddings and marriages.). Goddess Artemis, with an onions and a quiver behind shoulders, with a spear of the hunter in hands, cheerfully hunts in shady woods and the fields filled in by the sun. The noisy crowd of nymphs accompanies her. Majestic, in short, hunts woman appearal, reaching only up to knees, enabling her to run and move efficiently on the woody slopes of mountains. Nymphs hasten to please and be with Artemis. The cheerful laughter, shouts, leave rack of out dogs are far distributed in mountains, and loudly mountain echo answers them. When the goddess went hunting, she and the nymphs would rest in acred Delphi when they tired. Under divine sounds gold kifhara Apollo drives round dances with muses and nymphs. For all to see there is Artemis dancing in a circle with everyone. Here the best of the nymphs and muses resting in the green arbors, breathing the cool air with Artemis Use the instead of on endocrine system, under its influence there Is a normalization of a hormonal background and a metabolism, the leather of a body is tightened, excess weight leaves. The session lasts from 30 till 40 minutes, there are tactile sensations, Improvement occurs stage by stage on all physical and Power body. After attunements it is possible to help another, or use this energy for self attunement.

Preparation for Attunement

You will need 30 50 minutes for this attunement. The energy will increase during this time. Do not be alarmed by this. Sit or lay down somewhere where you will not be disturbed and have some quiet time to yourself for the attunement. You can observe any changes in your body, in hands, legs, and head. It can be warm, heat, fluctuations around of a body, color visions, touches of invisible essences. Everyone receives various sensations during the process for energy. 99% people test all these sensations.

Everyone who accepts this attunement will be attuned to their highest good and gets a fine gift. Take this time to be alone where you will not be disturbed during attunement, or there, where to you will not disturbed.

Clear reason and address to the Higher Self: I ask my Higher Self to attune me on Artemis Ray energy which has been sent to me from (your teachers name). Then mentally repeat: "I accept attunement in Artemis Ray from (teachers name) NOW ". The stream of energy from the attunement will go where it needs to go within each individual. Upon termination of attunement do not forget to thank the Light Forces and your Guardian angel.

You can use this energy for self treatment. You can perform self treatments daily to clear your mind. Call the name Artemis Ray and the energy will begin to flow. It is not necessary to concentrate on preservation of a stream of energy, it will flow freely, only relax and enjoy energy. Upon termination of a session of self-treatment thank the Light Forces and everyone who helps you.

Healing on Distance
Clear your mind and call energy. Visualize the patient or write the name on a palm of your hand, connect palms together. The stream of energy begins. Your intention is the important thing. The energy will go where it is needed. After a session do not forget to thank the Light Forces and everyone who helps you.

Transfer of Attunement
After you are attuned you may attune others and provide healing energy. For example: "I ask that my Higher Self, that (persons name) has been attuned on energy Artemis Ray in ... (Hours) (date) in (location). Attunement will begin during designated time.

Lineage: Stelana, Detelina Monova, You

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