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Media Promotion People

Director general:

Beatrice Chiriac
Director executiv

Botoani - leagn al culturii i istoriei romneti i universale


Alexandra Patriche
Asistent manager

Emilia T\tar
Director crea]ie & DTP:

Dana Florea
Traducere `n limba englez\:

Oana T\tar

Mariana Haberstoch

Bogdan Ghi]\


Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani


Muzeul Jude]ean de Istorie Boto[ani Direc]ia pentru Cultur\, Culte [i Patrimoniu Cultural Na]ional a jude]ului Boto[ani Centrul de Informare Turistic\ din cadrul Bibliotecii Jude]ene "Mihai Eminescu" Boto[ani

BOARDMEDIA Foto coperta I: BOARDMEDIA Dana F orea Concep]ie grafic\ Dana Fllorea

Adresa redac] e : Adresa redac]iieii: Str. Iriceanu Ion nr. 6, Bl. 154, Sc. 2, etaj 7, Ap. 93, sector 4, Bucure[ti Tel/Fax: 021 636 62 93 e-mail:

rin pozi]ia geografic\, jude]ul Boto[ani se afl\ la grani]a estic\ a Romniei [i a Uniunii Europene, nvecinndu-se cu Ucraina [i Republica Moldova [i reprezentnd unul dintre cei mai importan]i poli istorici [i culturali, un adev\rat leag\n al culturii romne[ti [i universale. Istoria a[ez\rii Boto[ani ncepe din vremuri ndep\rtate, fiind men]ionat\ pentru prima dat\ n Foto: Mihai }buleac, Pre[edinte al Consiliului Jude]ean Boto[ani documente n anul 1439 (''Letopise]ul }\rii Moldovei'' - Botosani - cradle of Romanian Grigore Ureche). Totu[i, nceputul s\u de via]\ dateaz\ and universal culture and history cu mult naintea atest\rii documentare. De atunci [i pn\ n prezent, Boto[ani a cunoscut diverse stadii de dezvoltare economic\ [i social\ [i a fost cunoscut pe plan na]ional [i interna]ional prin personalit\]le sale. Jude]ul Boto[ani este locul n care s-a n\scut Mihai Em nescu Emiinescu, poet, prozator [i jurnalist romn, supranumit [i ''luceaf\rul poeziei romne[ti'', unul dintre cei mai importan]i poe]i na]ionali [i universali. De asemenea, Boto[ani a dat universalit\]i culturale [i istorice - pe George Enescu George Enescu , unul dintre cei mai importan]i compozitori [i muzicieni de talie mondial\, cel care a ridicat folclorul [i muzica la nivelul valorilor muzicii universale, precum [i pe Nicolae Iorga, istoric, critic literar, documentarist, dramaturg, poet, enciclopedist, memorialist, ministru, parlamentar, prim-ministru, profesor universitar [i academician romn, despre care s-a afirmat c\ a jucat pentru cultura romneasc\, n primele decenii ale secolului XX, "rolul lui Voltaire". n perioada interbelic\, Boto[ani f\cea parte din jude]ele Moldovei de Sus, fiind a[ezat pe vechiul drum care, de la Suceava, mergea spre vadul Prutului la {tef\ne[ti [i de aici ajungea prin B\l] la Soroca, pe Nistru. Fiind situat ntre jude]ul Dorohoi, jude]ul B\l], Suceava [i Baia, era unul dintre cele mai dezvoltate ]inuturi, din punct de vedere economic [i social. Jude]ul Boto[ani prezint\ un poten]al turistic prin rezerva]iile naturale de pe cuprinsul Stnca {tef\ne[t s\u: Stnca-{tef\ne[tii - o rezerva]ie geologic\ [i floristic\; p\durea Ciornohal - rezerva]ie forestier\; Vorona - rezerva]ie floristic\ [i faunistic\; p\durea Tudora Tudora cu rezerva]ia de tisa - specie rar\ pentru ]ara f\getu secu ar noastr\ (lemn de esen]\ foarte tare); f\getull secullar Stuhoasa, comuna Suhar\u; arini[ul de la Horl\ceni (rezerva]ie forestier\), comuna {endriceni; rezerva]ia Turb\r a Dersca floristic\ Turb\riia Dersca.

ISSN 1584 - 5303

From a geographic point of view, Botosani County is located at the eastern border of Romania and the European Union, neighbouring Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova and representing one of the most important historic and cultural poles, a true cradle of Romanian and universal culture. The history of the settlement begins a long time ago, being mentioned for the first time in documents in 1439 (''The Chronicles of Moldavia'' - Grigore Ureche). Still, its real existence began long before the documentary certification. Since then, Botosani has seen various stages of economic and social development becoming famous at national and international level for its important personalities. Botosani County is the birthplace of Mihai Eminescu, a Romanian poet, prose writer and journalist, also called the ''morning star of Romanian poetry'', one of the most important national and universal poets. Moreover, Botosani gave other personalities to the cultural and historic universality: George Enescu, one of the most important composers and musicians in the world, the one who raised folklore and Romanian music at the level of universal music, as well as Nicolae Iorga, a Romanian historian, literary critic, documentalist, playwright, poet, encyclopaedist, memorialist, minister, member of Parliament, prime-minister, university professor and academician, being compared to Voltaire for the role he played in the Romanian culture in the first decades of the XXth century. In the inter-war period, Botosani was part of the region of Upper Moldavia, being located on the old road that left Suceava, crossed the ford of Prut River in Stefanesti and reached Soroca, on Nistru River, through Balt. Being situated between Dorohoi County, Balt County, Suceava and Baia, it was one of the most developed counties, from an economic and social point of view. Botosani County has a high tourist potential through its S natural reservations: Stanca-Stefanesti - a geological and flower reservation; Ciornohal forest - a forest reservation; Vorona - a flora and fauna reservation; Tudora forest with the yew tree reservation - a rare species for our country (very hard wood); the ancient beech tree forest Stuhoasa, Suharau Commune; the alder tree forest from Horlaceni (forest reservation), Sendriceni Commune; the flower reservation Dersca Peat Bog.

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

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Harta judeului Botoani


There are many religious edifices in Botosani County, out of which we can mention: "Saint Nicholas" Church Popaut - Botosani, built by the ruler Stephen the Great in 1496; "Saint Nicholas" Princely Church Dorohoi, built by Stephen the Great in 1495, in Moldavian style; Cosula Monastery, situated in the homonymous locality, built during the time of Petru Rares by the treasurer Matias Cosulvei (1532), a place that still preserves very valuable original frescoes (mural painting), made in 1537-1681; the Armenian Church in Botosani (1535); "Saint George" Church Botosani, built by Lady Elena Rares, the wife of ruler Petru Rares, dating from 1551; Uspenia Church, built in 1552 by Lady Elena, the interior painting being completely restored after the revolution; Agafton Monastery - Curtesti, dating from the XVIth century; Vorona Convent, the most important of its C kind in the county; "The Birth of Saint John the Baptist" Roman-Catholic Church Botosani, built in the middle of the XIXth century, in Neo-Gothic style; the Lippovan Church in Botosani, the present edifice of the church being raised on the spot of an old wooden chapel dating from 1853; Gorovei Monastery, Vaculesti Commune (1742); "Saint Ilie" Church Botosani, dating from 1778, when it was the church of the Furriers' Guild, famous in the crafting field in Botosani. Also representative to Botosani County are the memorial houses ''Mihai Eminescu", ''George Enescu", ''Nicolae Iorga", the museums ''George Enescu", ''Octav Onicescu", the County Museum. In Botosani County there are also other edifices with remarkable architectural value, from among which we can mention: Antipa House, end of the XIXth century; Bolfosu House, the beginning of the XIXth century; Silion House, dating from around 1900; the edifice of the Town Hall, built at the end of the XVIIIth century in Eclectic style with German influences; the building of the Philharmonic, also called Ventura House; "Mihai Eminescu" County Library, also known as "Moscovici House". The Old Centre of the City of Botosani has the oldest architecture in the city, grouping a large number of commercial buildings dating from the XVIIXVIIIth centuries. We invite you to know the places, the people, their accomplishments and projects and to fill your hearts with the spirit of Botosani!

n jude]ul Boto[ani exist\ numeroase edificii religioase, dintre care amintim numai cteva: Biserica "Sf. Nicolae", Pop\u] - Boto[ani , ctitorie a B ser ca Domneasc\ "Sf. domnitorului {tefan cel Mare [i Sfnt din 1496; Biiseriica Domneasc\ "Sf. N co ae" Doroho Niicollae" - Dorohoii, ctitorie a lui {tefan cel Mare din anul 1495, construit\ n stil moldovenesc; M\n\stirea Co[ula din localitatea cu acela[i nume, construit\ n timpul domniei lui Petru Rare[ de c\tre vistiernicul Matia[ Co[ulvei (1532), l\ca[ care mai p\streaz\ fresce originale de mare valoare B ser ca armeneasc\ (pictura mural\), realizate ntre anii 1537-1681; Biiseriica armeneasc\ Boto[ani (1535); Biserica "Sf. Gheorghe" - Boto[ani, ctitorie a Doamnei Elena Rare[, so]ia domnitorului Petru Rare[, datnd din anul 1551; Biserica Uspen a Boto[an Uspeniia - Boto[anii, ctitorie din anul 1552 a Doamnei Elena, avnd pictura M\n\st rea Agafton interioar\ ref\cut\ complet `n anii de dup\ revolu]ie; M\n\stiirea Agafton Curte[ti din secolul XVI; M\n\stirea Vorona (m\n\stirea de c\lug\ri]e), cea mai important\ m\n\stire din jude]; Biserica Romano - Catolic\ "Na[terea Sf. Ioan Botez\toru " Boto[an Sf. Ioan Botez\torull"- Boto[anii, construit\ la mijlocul sec. XIX, `n manier\ B ser ca L poveneasc\ Boto[an neogotic\; Biiseriica Liipoveneasc\ - Boto[anii, actuala cl\dire a bisericii fiind n\l]at\ pe locul unei vechi capele din lemn `n anul 1853; M\n\stirea Gorovei - Comuna V\cule[ti (1742); Biserica "Sf. Ilie" - Boto[ani, care [i are nceputurile `n anul 1778 ca biseric\ a Breslei Bl\narilor, de renume `n lumea me[te[ugarilor boto[\neni. De asemenea, reprezentative pentru jude]ul Boto[ani sunt [i casele memoriale ''Mihai Eminescu", ''George Enescu", ''Nicolae Iorga", muzeele ''George Enescu", ''Octav Onicescu", Muzeul Jude]ean Jude]ean. n jude]ul Boto[ani exist\ numeroase alte construc]ii cu valoare Casa Ant pa arhitectonic\ deosebit\, printre care men]ion\m: Casa Antiipa, sfr[itul sec XIX; Casa Bolfosu, nceputul sec. XIX; Casa Silion, ce dateaz\ din jurul anului 1900; cl\direa Prim\riei construit\ la sfr[itul secolului XVIII `n stil eclectic de c \d rea F armon c influen]\ german\; cll\diirea Fiillarmoniiciiii, denumit\ [i Casa Ventura; B b oteca Jude]ean\ "M ha Em nescu" Biiblliioteca Jude]ean\ "Miihaii Emiinescu", cunoscut\ [i sub numele de "Casa Moscovici". Centrul Vechi al Municipiului Boto[ani este partea cea mai veche a ora[ului din punct de vedere arhitectonic, care grupeaz\ un num\r mare de cl\diri cu destina]ie comercial\ datnd din secolele XVII - XVIII. V\ invit\m s\ cunoa[te]i oamenii, locurile, realiz\rile [i proiectele noastre [i s\ v\ umple]i sufletele de spiritul Boto[aniului!
Mihai }buleac Pre[edintele Consiliului Jude]ean Boto[ani

Mihai }buleac President of Botosani County Council

1. Foto: Vedere panoram\ a localit\]ii Agafton 2. Foto: Complexul m\n\stiresc Vorona 3. Foto: Centrul vechi al municipiului Boto[ani 3

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Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

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Consiliul Judeean Botoani

Text: Andrei BUZATU - Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

Proiecte cu finanare extern

Proiecte finan]ate din fonduri de pre-aderare
1. "Centrul de informare turistic\ [i cooperare transfrontalier\" - proiect finan]at prin Programul PHARE CBC 2004-2006/016-942, Prioritatea I - Promovarea dezvolt\rii socio-economice locale, M\sura 1.1 - Extinderea [i consolidarea sectorului turistic - Linia bugetar\: B 220202. Obiectivul general al proiectului a fost intensificarea cooper\rii transfrontaliere n domeniul turismului, cu impact asupra calit\]ii vie]ii oamenilor din zona de grani]\ dintre jude]ul Boto[ani [i regiunea Cern\u]i - Ucraina, componente ale Euroregiunii Prutul de Sus. Proiectul s-a ncadrat n obiectivul general al Programului de Vecin\tate Romnia - Ucraina 2004 - 2006, adic\ o mai bun\ cunoa[tere a comunit\]ilor locale din regiunile eligibile, avnd ca efect o promovare corespunz\toare a turismului de o parte [i de alta a grani]ei. Prin aceast\ abordare, proiectul [i-a propus s\ aduc\ o contribu]ie nsemnat\ n dezvoltarea economico-social\ durabil\ n zona de grani]\ [i s\ duc\ la o mai bun\ cunoa[tere a poten]ialului turistic de care dispune fiecare parte. Angajarea Botosani County Council comunit\]ilor locale n ac]iuni de cooperare transfrontalier\, instruire n marketing, managementul turistic, turismul durabil, ecologic [i cultural, diseminarea informa]iilor cu caracter turistic c\tre operatorii din domeniu turistic, popula]ie, grupuri ]int\, autorit\]i locale (promovarea turismului n jude]ul Boto[ani prin tip\rirea de bro[uri, pliante, inscrip]ionare CD-uri de c\tre o firm\ autorizat\; mass-media; internet - crearea unei pagini web) au reprezentat activit\]i n cadrul proiectului amintit. Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani prin Direc]ia Programe, Integrare European\ a fost solicitant al finan]\rii nerambursabile pentru acest proiect, lider al unui parteneriat de cooperare transfrontalier\ al\turi de Biblioteca jude]ean\ "Mihai Eminescu" Boto[ani [i Asocia]ia lucr\torilor din domeniul turistic al regiunii Cern\u]i "Bucovina Turistic\" (Cern\u]i, Ucraina). Crearea [i dotarea "Centrului de informare turistic\" (cu mobilier, imprimant\ multifunc]ional\, computer, telefon [i fax, aparat fotodigital), precum [i crearea unei pagini web de promovare a centrului [i a turismului din cele dou\ regiuni ( au reprezentat dou\ dintre obiectivele esen]iale ale proiectului, prin intermediul c\rora au putut fi sus]inute [i celelalte activit\]i ale proiectului. n cadrul Centrului [i desf\[oar\ activitatea doi operatori specializa]i n domeniul turismului [i al marketingului turistic. ~n acela[i timp, ac]iunea de cunoa[tere [i apropiere a comunit\]ilor locale din regiunile eligibile a grani]ei a fost cu att mai benefic\ n situa]ia n care noua frontier\ a Uniunii Europene s-a extins [i la aceast\ zon\ de grani]\, iar acest lucru nu trebuie s\ fie perceput de popula]ia din zon\ ca o barier\ n calea leg\turilor existente [i a cooper\rii la nivel local.

2. "Together for quality social services" RO2005/017-537.01.01.15, project financed through the Vicinity Programme Romania-Moldavia 2004-2006, PHARE CBC 2005. As part of this project, the County Council requested non-refundable financing and was the leader of a partnership that included the District Council Soroca (Republic of Moldavia), the Local Council of Leorda Commune (Romania) and the County Union of the Pensioners from Botosani (Romania) as associates. The general objective of the project was the improvement of the access to integrated community services of social assistance for elderly persons and people with disabilities from Botosani County (Romania) and Soroca District (Moldova), with a direct impact on the equalisation of chances for inclusion into the community. Some of the project's activities were the following: - The creation and development of a cross-border network of information and communication - The training of the human resources from the two facilities - The elaboration of the Feasibility Study necessary for the investment "Pavilion for accomodation and recovery of the beneficiaries in CIAS Leorda" - Works for the modernization, repair, endowment and rehabilitation of the locations from CIAS Leorda - The creation of the specific instruments for the dissemination of the information. The results of the project's implementation were: - 28 persons trained - social-psychological-legal assistance to 150 elderly and disabled people - 1 information and communication network for the elaboration of the "Guide for granting social assistance services" - 1 Feasibility Study for the objective "Pavilion for accomodation and recovery of the beneficiaries of CIAS Leorda" - 1 Social assistance and care centre (Leorda-Romania) rehabilitated, modernized and equipped - Materials for the promotion of the social integration of elderly and disabled people - The creation of a model of good practice in the field of complex/integrated social intervention. 3. "Cross-border collaboration for the management of the middle stream of b Prut River" - project financed by PHARE CBC Programme, through the Vicinity Programme Romania - Moldova 2004 - 2006. Botosani County Council, as applicant for non-refundable financing, concluded a partnership with Falesti District Council (Republic of Moldova). The aim of the project was the improvement of the joint efforts for the appropriate management of the cross-border waters, the development of human resources and the accomplishment of preparatory activities for larger projects with a strong cross-border impact in the field. The general objective of the project was the intensification of economic and social cooperation, with a direct impact on the life quality of the population from the border area between Botosani County and the districts of Moldova, included in the Euro-region Prutul de Sus. The improvement of cross-border integration between the border regions, through the establisment of a solid basis for economic development, was considered in the Vicinity Programme Romania - Moldova 2004 - 2006 as the main pillar for the future development of sustainable cooperation. Consequently, the project encouraged the development of cross-border contacts and of local and regional cooperation, mainly as regards the management of Prut River, the main source for the accomplishment of the economic activities, as well as for the existence of the population from both sides of the border.

Projects with external financing Projects financed from pre-accesion funds a 1. "The Tourist Information and Cross-Border Cooperation Centre" - project B financed through PHARE Programme CBC 2004-2006/016-942, I Priority Promotion of the local socio-economic development, Measure 1.1 Extension and consolidation of the tourist sector - Budget line: B 220202. The general objective of the project was the intensification of cross-border cooperation in the field of tourism, with an impact on the life quality of the people from the border area of Botosani County and Cernauti Region Ukraine, components of the Euro-region Prutul de Sus. The project is part of the general objective of the Vicinity Programme Romania - Ukraine 2004 - 2006, which aims at a better knowledge of the local communities from the eligible regions, leading to an adequate promotion of tourism on both sides of the border. Through this approach, the project aims at bringing a significant contribution to the sustainable social-economic development in the border area and leads to a better knowledge of the tourist potential of each region. The engagement of the local communities in activities of cross-border cooperation, training in marketing, tourist management, sustainable ecologic and cultural tourism, the dissemination of tourist information to the tourism operators, to the population, target groups, local authorities (the promotion of tourism in Botosani County through the printing of brochures, leaflets, CDs; mass-media; Internet - creation of a web page) were included in the above mentioned project. Botosani County Council, through the "Programmes for European Integration" Department, requested non-refundable financing for this project, as leader of a crossborder cooperation partnership alongside "Mihai Eminescu" County Library Botosani and the Association of workers in the tourist field in Cernauti Region "Tourist Bucovina" (Cernauti, Ukraine). The establishment and endowment of the Tourist Information Centre (with furniture, a multifunctional printer, computer, telephone and fax, digital camera), as well as the creation of a web page for the promotion of the tourist centre in the two regions ( were two of the essential objectives of the project, which supported the other activities. Two specialized operators in the field of tourism and tourist marketing also carry out their activity inside the Centre. At the same time, the activity of knowing and bringing together the local communities from the eligible regions was all the more beneficial as the new frontier of the European Union was extended to this area, and this fact should not be perceived by its population as an obstacle in the way of the existing connections and of cooperation at local level.

2. "mpreun\ pentru servicii sociale de calitate" RO2005/017-537.01.01.15, proiect finan]at n cadrul Programului de Vecin\tate Romnia-Moldova 20042006, PHARE CBC 2005. n cadrul acestui proiect, Consiliul Jude]ean a fost solicitant al finan]\rii nerambursabile [i lider al unui parteneriat din care au mai f\cut parte Consiliul Raional Soroca (Republica Moldova), Consiliul Local al comunei Leorda (Romnia) [i Sindicatul Jude]ean al Pensionarilor Boto[ani (Romnia) n calitate de asocia]i. Obiectivul general al proiectului a fost mbun\t\]irea accesului la servicii comunitare integrate de asisten]\ social\ a grupurilor defavorizate reprezentate de persoane vrstnice [i cu dizabilit\]i din jude]ul Boto[ani (Romnia) [i din Raionul Soroca (Moldova), cu impact direct asupra egaliz\rii [anselor de includere n comunitate. Printre activit\]ile proiectului s-au num\rat: - Formarea [i dezvoltarea unei re]ele transfrontaliere de informare [i comunicare - Instruirea resurselor umane din cele 2 entit\]i vizate; - Studiu de Fezabilitate necesar investi]iei "Pavilion de recuperare [i cazare a beneficiarilor din CIAS Leorda"; - Lucr\ri de modernizare, reparare, dotare [i reabilitare a loca]iilor din CIAS Leorda; - Crearea instrumentelor specifice pentru multiplicarea [i diseminarea informa]iilor; Rezultatele implement\rii acestui proiect au fost: - 28 persoane instruite; - asisten]\ socio-psiho-juridic\ pentru 150 persoane vrstnice [i cu dizabilit\]i; - 1 re]ea de informare [i comunicare pentru elaborare "Ghid de acordare a serviciilor de asisten]\ social\"; - 1 Studiu de Fezabilitate pentru obiectivul "Pavilion de recuperare [i cazare beneficiari ai CIAS Leorda"; - 1 Centru de ngrijire [i asisten]\ social\ (Leorda-Romnia) reabilitat, modernizat [i dotat; - Materiale informative [i de promovare a integr\rii sociale a persoanelor vrstnice [i cu dizabilit\]i; - Crearea unui model de bun\ practic\ de interven]ie social\ complex\/integrat\. 3. "Colaborare transfrontalier\ pentru gospod\rirea cursului mijlociu al apelor rului Prut" - proiect finan]at n cadrul Programului PHARE CBC, prin Programul de Vecin\tate Romnia - Moldova 2004 - 2006. Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani, n calitate de solicitant de finan]are nerambursabil\, a realizat un parteneriat cu Consiliul Raional F\le[ti (Republica Moldova). Scopul proiectului a fost acela de a mbun\t\]i managementul comun privind gospod\rirea judicioas\ a apelor transfrontaliere, dezvoltarea resurselor umane [i realizarea unor activit\]i ce preg\tesc proiecte mai mari cu un impact transfrontalier puternic `n domeniu. Obiectivul general al proiectului a constat n intensificarea cooper\rii economice [i sociale, cu impact direct asupra calit\]ii vie]ii popula]iei, `n zona de grani]\ dintre jude]ul Boto[ani [i raioanele din Moldova, componente ale Euroregiunii Prutul de Sus. mbun\t\]irea integr\rii transfrontaliere dintre regiunile de grani]\, prin edificarea unor baze solide pentru dezvoltarea economic\, a fost considerat\ de c\tre Programul de Vecin\tate Romnia - Moldova 2004 - 2006 ca fiind pilonul principal al dezvolt\rii viitoare a rela]iilor de cooperare durabile. Prin urmare, proiectul a ncurajat dezvoltarea contactelor transfrontaliere [i cooper\rii la nivel local [i regional, n principal n domeniul gospod\ririi apelor rului Prut, sursa principal\ a realiz\rii activit\]ilor economice, precum [i pentru via]a popula]iei de o parte [i de alta a grani]ei.

Foto: Arhiva Consiliului Jude]ean Boto[ani - Activitate `n cadrul proiectului "~mpreun\ pentru servicii sociale de calitate", sus]inut\ la Boto[ani

1. Foto: BOARDMEDIA - Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani 2. Foto: Arhiva Consiliului Jude]ean Boto[ani - Biblioteca Jude]ean\ "Mihai Eminescu"

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Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

>> 11

4. The project called "Roads without frontiers for a united Europe" took place in the geographical area of Romania - Botosani County and Ukraine - Cernauti Region - Herta District, being one of the general objectives of the Vicinity Programme Romania - Ukraine, PHARE CBC 2004-2006, 2 Priority - Development of the integrated systems of cross-border infrastructure, Measure 2.1 Development of cross-border transport infrastructure. The applicant for this project was Botosani County Council (Romania), in partnership with Herta District Council (Ukraine), having as associates the Local Councils of Ibanesti, Cristinesti and Pomarla (Romania). Considering the location of Botosani County, in the north-eastern extremity of Romania, it borders Ukraine to the north (through Racovat passing point) and the Republic of Moldova to the east (through Stanca customs), the project aiming at the reactivation of the ''road network" which connected the two counties (Herta and Dorohoi) that belonged to the Highland. The simplified passing point from Racovat, established in 1985, represents the ''bridge" between the two countries, facilitating the collaboration and cooperation between the communities that live on both sides of the border. The project aimed at the creation of a joint system for the management of the transport infrastructure by establishing and developing a cross-border network (target group) of communication and information, which would be useful for the establishment of a database necessary for the elaboration of an Action Plan for the joint management of the integrated infrastructure. Moreover, the project also aimed at the rehabilitation of 15 km of the county road 291D+DJ298, that crosses the territories of the communes associated in the project: Ibanesti, Cristinesti and Pomarla (Romania), extending the road by 6 km up to the town of Herta (Ukraine), and thus revigorating the traffic on the route Dorohoi (Romania) - Herta - Cernauti (Ukraine), this being the shortest connection between the frontier point Racovat (Romania - Ukraine) and Stanca customs (Romania - Moldova). The implementation of this activity has led to a higher level of visibility regarding the intervention of the European Union in the area, as well as to a higher level of awareness of the population regarding the necessity to correlate and integrately develop the future programmes dedicated to this field of mutural interest. 5. "The informatization of the community system for emergency situations in Botosani County" (RO 2006/018- BT 418), project financed by the PHARE 2006 Programme. Botosani County Council applied for financing, having as partners 77 Local Councils of cities, towns and communes, the County Inspectorate for Emergency Situations being an associate. The project had a total budget of 87,500 Euro, out of which: - 86.4% (75,600 Euro) - Contracting Authority (PHARE funds) - 13.6% - Botosani County Council (350 Euro) and 77 Local Councils (150 Euro each) The goal of the project was to strengthen the operational capacity of the local public administrations in Botosani County as regards the modernization of the volunteering services for emergency situations, existing at the level of the local communities.

The project's activities aimed at: a. The creation of a database referring to the management of cross-border waters and the development of the perspective regarding future cooperation in this field. The project envisaged the development of the common implementation structure, through the accomplishment of a collaboration network, outside the partnership, between the local public administrations from the two areas, as the problem of managing the waters of Prut River is of interest to all the districts that border Botosani County, namely Briceni, Edinet, Riscani, Glodeni and Falesti, which have plans for the management of the river but with no correlation and cross-border integration for this purpose. The development of cross-border collaboration envisaged also the elaboration of an Action Plan for the joint management and support of the infrastructure regarding the management of Prut River. b. The development of pilot activities for the preparation of large projects with significant cross-border impact. The waters of Prut River and its tributaries, as well as the ground waters from its meadow represent the main drinking water source of the local communities on both sides of the border between the two states. The water management in the area envisages both the protection of the purity of these water sources, as well as the supply of drinking water to the local communities through the most adequate engineering techniques. The aspects regarding the protection of the environment, namely the preservation of the aquatic biodiversity and also of the fauna and flora from the proximity of this water stream are tightly connected to the use of Prut River as a drinking water source. The project also considered the collection of the additional water flow from floods in order to reduce the unfavourable effects on the land situated in the proximity of this river, materialized in damages for the biodiversity and the human settlements, as well as the elaboration, as a model of good practice, of a Feasibility Study regarding the water supply of the localities from Botosani County. The Feasibility Study, as well as the similar approaches on the other side of the border will represent the basis of complex works for the water supply system, with a direct impact on the life quality of the population and a significant crossborder impact in the near future. c. A higher level of awareness of the local population from the two areas regarding public participation in the efficient management of the waters of Prut River, by paying attention to the multiplication and extension of the project's effects and through the dissemination of its results to the local communities from the two cross-border areas. The results of the project are the following: - documentation and contracts for the acquisition of services; - 200 leaflets for the dissemination of the project's objectives and activities; - 4 cooperation agreements between the District Council of Falesti and member organizations of the information and communication networks from Briceni, Edinet, Rascani, Glodeni districts, as an extended partnership, for the accomplishment of the project's goal; - 1 comparative study of cooperation in the management of Prut River; - a common Action Plan for the joint management of Prut River and for the support of the infrastructure; - decisions of the public administrations in the project area regarding the approval of the joint plan for cooperation; - 1 Feasibility Study for the supply of the City of Botosani with water from Prut River in a regional system; - 800 brochures for the presentation of cross-border collaboration in the project area, distributed to the interested factors.
Foto: Arhiva Consiliului Jude]ean Boto[ani - Imagine rul Prut aferent\ proiectului "Colaborare transfrontalier\ pentru gospod\rirea cursului mijlociu al apelor rului Prut"

Activit\]ile proiectului au vizat: a. Crearea unei baze de date referitoare la managementul actual n gospod\rirea judicioas\ a apelor transfrontaliere [i dezvoltarea perspectivei privind cooperarea viitoare n acest domeniu. Proiectul a avut n vedere dezvoltarea structurii comune de implementare, prin realizarea unei re]ele de colaborare, n afara parteneriatului, ntre administra]iile publice locale din cele dou\ zone transfrontaliere, deoarece problema managementului apelor rului Prut intereseaz\ toate raioanele de grani]\ cu jude]ul Boto[ani, respectiv Briceni, Edinet, R[cani, Glodeni [i F\le[ti, care au [i n prezent planuri de gospod\rire a acestor ape, f\r\ a exista o corelare [i o integrare transfrontalier\ n acest sens. Dezvoltarea colabor\rii transfrontaliere a avut n vedere, de asemenea, realizarea unui plan de ac]iune pentru managementul comun [i sus]inerea infrastructurii privind gospod\rirea apelor rului Prut. b. Dezvoltarea unor activit\]i pilot pentru preg\tirea unor proiecte mai mari cu impact transfrontalier puternic. Apele rului Prut, ale afluen]ilor acestuia, precum [i apele subterane din lunca acestui ru sunt principala surs\ de alimentare cu ap\ potabil\ a comunit\]ilor locale de o parte [i de alta a grani]ei dintre cele dou\ state. Managementul apei n acest areal cuprinde att un aspect de protec]ie a purit\]ii acestor surse de ap\, ct [i asigurarea prin cele mai adecvate tehnici inginere[ti a aliment\rii cu ap\ potabil\ a comunit\]ilor locale. Problematica legat\ de protec]ia mediului, respectiv conservarea biodiversit\]ii subacvatice [i din imediata apropiere a acestui curs de ap\ este strns legat\ de utilizarea Prutului ca surs\ de ap\ potabil\. Proiectul a avut n vedere [i preluarea debitului de ap\ suplimentar existent n momentul inunda]iilor pentru diminuarea efectelor nefavorabile asupra terenurilor din apropierea acestui ru, materializate n daune att pentru biodiversitate, ct [i pentru gospod\riile din apropierea cursului de ap\, precum [i realizarea, ca un model de bun\ practic\, a unui studiu de fezabilitate privind alimentarea cu ap\ a unor localit\]i din jude]ul Boto[ani. Studiul de fezabilitate realizat prin proiect, precum [i abord\rile similare de cealalt\ parte de grani]\ vor constitui baza realiz\rii unor lucr\ri complexe de alimentare cu ap\, cu un impact direct asupra calit\]ii vie]ii [i impact transfrontalier puternic n viitorul apropiat. c. Cre[terea gradului de con[tientizare n rndul popula]iei locale din cele dou\ zone transfrontaliere asupra particip\rii publice n gospod\rirea eficient\ a apelor rului Prut, prin acordarea unei aten]ii deosebite multiplic\rii [i extinderii efectelor proiectului [i prin diseminarea rezultatelor sale comunit\]ilor locale din cele dou\ zone transfrontaliere. Rezultatele proiectului au fost urm\toarele: - documenta]ii [i contracte pentru achizi]ie servicii; - 200 buc. leaflet-uri pentru diseminarea obiectivelor [i activit\]ilor proiectului; - 4 acorduri de cooperare `ntre Consiliul raional F\le[ti cu organiza]ii membre ale re]elei de informare [i comunicare din raioanele Briceni, Edinet, R`[cani, Glodeni, ca parteneriat extins, pentru realizarea scopului proiectului; - 1 Studiu comparativ de cooperare n managementul apelor rului Prut; - Plan de ac]iune comun pentru managementul comun [i sus]inerea infrastructurii privind gospod\rirea apelor rului Prut; - Hot\rri ale administra]iilor publice din zona proiectului de aprobare a planului comun de cooperare; - 1 Studiu de fezabilitate pentru alimentarea cu ap\ din rul Prut a municipiului Boto[ani `n sistem regional; - 800 buc. bro[uri de prezentare a colabor\rii transfrontaliere din zona proiectului distribuite la factorii interesa]i.

4. Proiectul intitulat "Drumuri f\r\ frontiere pentru o Europ\ unit\" s-a desf\[urat n aria geografic\ Romnia - jude]ul Boto[ani [i Ucraina - Regiunea Cern\u]i Raionul Her]a, nscriindu-se ca obiectiv general n cadrul Programului de Vecin\tate Romnia - Ucraina, PHARE CBC 2004-2006, Prioritatea 2 Dezvoltarea sistemelor integrate de infrastructur\ transfrontalier\, M\sura 2.1 Dezvoltarea infrastructurii transfrontaliere de transport [i de grani]\. Solicitantul acestui proiect a fost Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani (Romnia), n parteneriat cu Consiliul Raional Her]a (Ucraina), avnd ca asocia]i: Consiliile Locale Ib\ne[ti, Cristine[ti [i Pomrla (Romnia). Avnd n vedere pozi]ia jude]ului Boto[ani, situat n extremitatea nord-estic\ a Romniei, acesta are grani]\ la nord cu Ucraina (prin punctul de trecere Racov\]) [i la est cu Republica Moldova (prin punctul vamal Stnca), proiectul propunndu-[i reactivarea ''re]elei de drumuri" care, n istorie, legau 2 ]inuturi (Her]a [i Dorohoi) ce apar]ineau }\rii de Sus. Punctul de trecere simplificat de la Racov\], nfiin]at `n anul 1985, constituie ''puntea de suflet" dintre popula]ia celor dou\ ]\ri, facilitnd p\strarea leg\turilor de colaborare [i cooperare dintre comunit\]ile care tr\iesc de o parte [i de alta a frontierei Romnia-Ucraina. Proiectul [i-a propus crearea unui sistem de management comun al infrastructurii de transport [i de grani]\ prin formarea [i dezvoltarea unei re]ele transfrontaliere (grup ]int\) de comunicare [i informare, care s\ realizeze o baz\ de date necesar\ stabilirii unui Plan de ac]iune pentru managementul comun al infrastructurii integrate. De asemenea, proiectul [i-a propus reabilitarea a 15 km din drumul jude]ean 291D+DJ298, care str\bate teritoriul comunelor asociate `n proiect: Ib\ne[ti, Cristine[ti [i Pomrla (Romnia), [i se continu\ cu 6 km pn\ n ora[ul Her]a (Ucraina), revigornd circula]ia pe traseul Dorohoi (Romnia) - Her]a - Cern\u]i (Ucraina), fiind cea mai scurt\ leg\tur\ dintre punctul de frontier\ Racov\] (Romnia - Ucraina) [i punctul vamal Stnca (Romnia - Moldova). Implementarea acestei ac]iuni a dus la cre[terea gradului de vizibilitate privind interven]ia Uniunii Europene n zon\, precum [i a gradului de con[tientizare n rndul popula]iei asupra necesit\]ii corel\rii [i dezvolt\rii integrate a urm\toarelor programe dedicate acestui domeniu de interes comun. 5. "Informatizarea sistemului comunitar pentru situa]ii de urgen]\ din jude]ul Boto[ani" (RO 2006/018- BT 418), proiect finan]at n cadrul Programului PHARE 2006. Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani a fost solicitant al finan]\rii [i a avut ca parteneri 77 de Consilii Locale de municipii, ora[e [i comune, Inspectoratul Jude]ean pentru Situa]ii de Urgen]\ avnd calitatea de asociat. Proiectul a avut un buget total n valoare de 87.500 euro, din care: - 86,4% (75.600 euro) - Autoritatea Contractant\ (fonduri PHARE) - 13,6% - Consiliul Jude]ean (350 euro) [i 77 Consilii Locale partenere (150 euro fiecare) Scopul proiectului a fost consolidarea capacit\]ii opera]ionale a administra]iilor publice locale din jude]ul Boto[ani, n procesul de modernizare a serviciilor de voluntariat pentru situa]ii de urgen]\, eficientizarea activit\]ii serviciilor voluntare pentru situa]ii de urgen]\, existente la nivelul comunit\]ilor locale, prin dotarea acestora.

1. Foto: Arhiva Consiliului Jude]ean Boto[ani - Activitate `n cadrul proiectului "Drumuri f\r\ frontiere pentru o Europ\ unit\", desf\[urat\ la Boto[ani 2. Foto: Arhiva Consiliului Jude]ean Boto[ani - Vizita de lucru desf\[urat\ `n cadrul proiectului "Drumuri f\r\ frontiere pentru o Europ\ unit\", desf\[urat\ la Herta (Regiunea Cern\u]i, Ucraina)

12 <<

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

>> 13

1. Foto: Arhiva Consiliului Jude]ean Boto[ani

2. "Modernizare DJ 291 B Lozna-Dersca-Mih\ileni, km 7+900-20+750" este un D M 2 proiect n curs de implementare, fiind finan]at n cadrul Programului Opera]ional Regional 2007-2013, Axa prioritar\ 2 - mbun\t\]irea infrastructurii de transport regionale [i locale, Domeniul major de interven]ie 2.1 - "Reabilitarea [i modernizarea re]elei de drumuri jude]ene, str\zi urbane - inclusiv construc]ia/ reabilitarea [oselelor de centur\". Proiectul vizeaz\ reabilitarea [i modernizarea unui tronson din drumul jude]ean men]ionat n titlu, n vederea mbun\t\]irii accesibilit\]ii regiunii nord-est [i dinspre celelalte regiuni, dar [i a cre[terii gradului de mobilitate a popula]iei, bunurilor [i serviciilor, avnd ca rezultat stimularea dezvolt\rii economice durabile a regiunii. Terenurile ocupate de traseul acestui drum sunt n inventarul bunurilor publice ale Consiliului Jude]ean Boto[ani, ele aflndu-se n folosin]a domeniului public. Lucr\rile au ca scop aducerea structurilor rutiere la parametrii tehnici corespunz\tori categoriei drumului, asigurarea scurgerii apelor pluviale n condi]ii optime, consolidarea zonelor cu alunec\ri de teren, tratarea n mod special a travers\rii localit\]ilor, cu prevederea de m\suri de siguran]\ a traficului rutier. n ceea ce prive[te rezultatele estimate, precum [i impactul implement\rii, acest proiect [i-a propus reabilitarea a peste 12 km de drum jude]ean, refacerea [i/sau modernizarea a 22 pode]e transversale, ac]iuni ce vor conduce la reducerea gradului de poluare n zon\, reducerea costurilor privind transportul de persoane [i m\rfuri [i la fluidizarea traficului.

Grupul ]int\ a fost constituit de 77 persoane, angajate n cadrul a 77 prim\rii din jude], cu responsabilit\]i n domeniul situa]iilor de urgen]\, [i 3 persoane din cadrul Inspectoratului Jude]ean pentru Situa]ii de Urgen]\ Boto[ani. Proiectul "Informatizarea sistemului comunitar pentru situa]ii de urgen]\ din jude]ul Boto[ani" a avut ca beneficiari voluntarii din cadrul serviciilor comunale pentru situa]ii de urgen]\ din jude]ul Boto[ani [i cele 77 prim\rii partenere din jude], a c\ror dotare s-a mbun\t\]it [i ai c\ror reprezentan]i au fost instrui]i. De rezultatele proiectului beneficiaz\, n mod indirect, reprezentan]ii comunit\]ilor locale din cele 77 unit\]i teritorial-administrative, c\rora li se ofer\ servicii publice mai eficiente Obiectivul general al proiectului a fost reprezentat de implementarea reformei administra]iei publice n general [i a serviciilor publice n particular, prin dezvoltarea serviciilor publice pentru situa]ii de urgen]\, gestionate la nivel local. Printre obiectivele specifice ale proiectului s-au num\rat: a. modernizarea [i dezvoltarea capacit\]ii administra]iei locale din jude]ul Boto[ani de a gestiona eficient serviciul pentru situa]ii de urgen]\ prin: - Dotarea cu echipamente IT (management, comunicare, gestionare a situa]iilor de urgen]\) - Cre[terea gradului de calificare a personalului de la nivelul colectivit\]ilor locale, prin instruire n domeniul utiliz\rii computerului - Actualizarea cuno[tin]elor n domeniul situa]iilor de urgen]\ b. promovarea parteneriatului [i a cooper\rii dintre autorit\]ile locale [i al]i actori responsabili de managementul serviciului pentru situa]ii de urgen]\ [i diseminarea rezultatelor proiectului Implementarea proiectului men]ionat mai sus a avut ca rezultate un num\r de 77 persoane instruite, dotarea cu echipamente IT a serviciilor locale pentru situa]ii de urgen]\, 2 ac]iuni de promovare n mass-media organizate la lansarea [i la nchiderea proiectului, crearea unei re]ele informale ntre persoanele implicate [i a unor rela]ii inter-institu]ionale ntre Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani, Consiliile locale partenere de proiect [i Inspectoratul Jude]ean pentru Situa]ii de Urgen]\.

Proiecte de investi]ii

Proiecte finan]ate din Fonduri Structurale

1. "Modernizare Drum DJ 294 Mih\l\[eni - DN 24C, km 22+100 - 29+160" este un proiect n curs de derulare, fiind finan]at prin Programul Opera]ional Regional 2007-2013, Axa prioritar\ 2 - mbun\t\]irea infrastructurii de transport regionale [i locale, Domeniul major de interven]ie 2.1 - "Reabilitarea [i modernizarea re]elei de drumuri jude]ene, str\zi urbane - inclusiv construc]ia / reabilitarea [oselelor de centur\". Obiectivul general al proiectului este reprezentat de mbun\t\]irea infrastructurii regionale [i locale [i a condi]iilor de transport pentru bunuri [i persoane n regiunea nord-est, c\tre [i dinspre celelalte regiuni, [i a mobilit\]ii popula]iei, bunurilor [i serviciilor n vederea stimul\rii dezvolt\rii economice durabile a regiunii, precum [i a mbun\t\]irii calit\]ii mediului [i prosperit\]ii popula]iei deservite. DJ 294 leag\ localitatea Mih\l\[eni [i DN 24C, fiind situat n partea estic\ a jude]ului Boto[ani. Sectorul de drum ce urmeaz\ a fi reabilitat este cuprins ntre km 22+100 29+160 [i are o lungime de 7,06 km [i se intersecteaz\ cu DN 24C. Lucr\rile au ca scop aducerea structurilor rutiere la parametrii tehnici corespunz\tori categoriei drumului, asigurarea scurgerii apelor pluviale n condi]ii optime, consolidarea zonelor cu alunec\ri de teren, tratarea n mod special a travers\rii localit\]ilor, cu prevederea de m\suri de siguran]\ a traficului rutier. Suprafa]a ocupat\ de DJ 294 se afl\ n extravilanul localit\]ii Mih\l\[eni, n inventarul bunurilor publice al Consiliului Jude]ean Boto[ani. Rezultatele prev\zute a fi ob]inute prin implementarea proiectului sunt: - Ob]inerea Studiului de Fezabilitate [i a Proiectului Tehnic - Semnarea contractului de execu]ie a lucr\rilor - Execu]ia lucr\rii [i mbun\t\]irea infrastructurii rutiere din jude]ul Boto[ani cu respectarea condi]iilor cantitative [i calitative, conform proiectului tehnic [i caietului de sarcini - Informarea publicului larg cu privire la mbun\t\]irea infrastructurii rutiere din jude]ul Boto[ani. 14 <<

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

The target group was represented by 77 persons, employed in 77 town halls, with responsibilities in the field of emergency situations, and 3 persons from the County Inspectorate for Emergency Situations Botosani. The beneficiaries of the project "Informatization of the community system for emergency situations in Botosani County" were the volunteers from the local departments for emergency situations in Botosani County and the 77 partner town halls from the county, through the improvement of the endowments and the training of their representatives. The indirect beneficiaries of the project's results are the local communities from the 77 administrative-territorial units, who will have more efficient public services. The general objective of the project was the implementation of the reform of public administration in general and of public services in particular, through the development of public departments for emergency situations, managed at local level. From among the specific objectives of the project we can mention: a. the modernization and development of the capacity of the local administration in Botosani County to efficiently manage the emergency situations through: - the endowment with IT equipment (management, communication, control of the emergency situations) - a higher qualification level for the staff through training in the field of computer use - the updating of the know-how in the field of emergency situations b. the promotion of cooperation between the local authorities and other factors responsible for the management of the emergency situations and the dissemination of the project's results. The implementation of the above mentioned project resulted in 77 trained persons, endowment with IT equipment of the local departments for emergency situations, 2 promotion activities organized at the start and completion of the project, the creation of an informal network between the people involved and also the creation of inter-institutional relations between Botosani County Council, the Local Councils partners in the project and the County Inspectorate for Emergency Situations. Projects financed from Structural Funds 1. "Modernization of the road DJ 294 Mihalaseni - DN 24C, km 22+100 29+160" is an on-going project, financed through the Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013, Priority Axis 2 - Improvement of the regional and local transport infrastructure, Main intervention field 2.1 - "Rehabilitation and modernization of the network of county roads, urban streets - including the construction / rehabilitation of the belt roads" The general objective of the project is the improvement of the regional and local infrastructure, of the transport conditions for goods and people in the North-East Region, to and from the other regions, and of the mobility of people, goods and services in order to stimulate the sustainable economic development of the region, as well as the improvement of the quality of the environment and of the prosperity of the served population. The county road DJ 294 connects Mihalaseni locality to the national road DN 24C, being situated in the eastern part of Botosani County. The road section which will be rehabilitated is included between km 22+100 - 29+160 and has a length of 7.06 km, crossing the national road DN 24C. The purpose of the works is to bring the road structures to the technical parameters adequate for the road category, the provision of appropriate conditions for the drainage of storm water, the consolidation of the areas with risk of land slides, special measures for the crossing of localities, with safety measures for road traffic. The surface occupied by the county road DJ 294 is located outside the borders of Mihalaseni locality, property of Botosani County Council. The results expected to be accomplished through the implementation of the project are: - the elaboration of the Feasibility Study and of the Technical Project - the signing of the works contract - the execution of the works and the improvement of the road infrastructure in Botosani County, complying with the quantitative and qualitative conditions, according to the technical project and tender dossier - the information of the public regarding the improvement of the road infrastructure in Botosani County.

1. Reabilitarea unor trasee de drumuri jude]ene mbun\t\]irea [i dezvoltarea infrastructurii de transport sunt priorit\]i ale Planului Na]ional de Dezvoltare, care prezint\ sectorul transportului regional ca fiind unul din sectoarele principale pentru dezvoltarea social-economic\ n Romnia. ~n ultimii ani, mai multe drumuri au fost afectate att n ce prive[te starea suprafe]ei, ct [i n structur\, ele necesitnd lucr\ri de modernizare, reabilitare a drumurilor jude]ene, ceea ce ar conduce la o cre[tere a traficului rutier, corelat cu cre[terea general\ din economie. Astfel, se impun mbun\t\]iri ale drumurilor jude]ene pentru a ]ine pasul cu cre[terea traficului, pentru a permite transporturi mai ieftine, n condi]ii de siguran]\ [i confort, conform normelor europene [i, binen]eles, pentru dezvoltarea tuturor ramurilor economice ale zonei. n anul 2008 s-au reabilitat [i modernizat un num\r de 8 drumuri jude]ene, respectiv: - "Modernizare DJ 292, Brosc\u]i - Corl\]eni, km 6+220 - 14+100" - "Modernizare DJ 291D, Loturi Enescu - Ib\ne[ti, km 4+900 - 13+000" - "Modernizare DJ 282, H\ne[ti - Vl\sine[ti, km 118+650 - 124+455" - "Modernizare DJ 208H, DN 29 - Corni - Sarafine[ti, km 0+000 - 12+600" - "Modernizare DJ 294A, DN 24C - Mitoc, km 9+900 - 14+550" - "Modernizare DJ 294, Gulioaia - Strahotin - Dngeni, km 5+500 - 12+500" - "Modernizare DJ 294B, Dobrceni - P\dureni (DJ 294), km 13+010 - 18+610" - "Modernizare DJ 296B, Ungureni (DN 29) - Plopenii Mari - Borze[ti - Mndre[ti - C\lug\reni - C\lug\renii Mari (DJ 296), km 0+000 - 12+900". n decembrie 2007, Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani a depus spre finan]are, prin Programul Opera]ional Regional 2007-2013, 9 proiecte pentru reabilitarea [i modernizarea urm\toarelor trasee de drumuri jude]ene: - Modernizare DJ 291B Lozna - Dersca - Mih\ileni, km 7+900 - 20+750 . Valoare = 35.875.893 lei - "Modernizare DJ 208H P\dureni - Co[ula - Buda (E 58), km 34+150 - 39+150". Valoare = 13.295.326 lei - "Modernizare DJ 207N, Boto[ani - Curte[ti - Criste[ti - DN 28B, km 0+900 13+900". Valoare = 31.726.659 lei - "Modernizare DJ 291D, Cristine[ti (DN 29F) - Suhar\u - Oroftiana, km 18+000 - 31+000". Valoare = 35.577.154 lei - "Modernizare DJ 282H, C\l\ra[i - Libertatea - DN 24C, km 6+540 - 11+540". Valoare = 5.510.240 lei - "Modernizare DJ 293A, Vii[oara - Cuza Vod\, km 7+000 - 11+550". Valoare = 11.703.209 lei - "Modernizare DJ 294, Mih\l\[eni - DN 24C, km 22+100 - 29+160". Valoare = 17.394.685 lei.

2. "Modernization of the county road DJ 291 B Lozna-Dersca-Mihaileni, km D M 7+900-20+750" is an on-going project, financed through the Regional 2 Operational Programme 2007-2013, Priority Axis 2 - Improvement of the regional and local transport infrastructure, Main intervention field 2.1 "Rehabilitation and modernization of the network of county roads, urban streets - including the construction / rehabilitation of the belt roads". The project envisages the rehabilitation and modernization of a section of the above mentioned county road, in order to improve the accessibility of the North-East Region, and also in order to increase the mobility of the population, goods and services, resulting in the stimulation of the sustainable economic development of the region. The lands that will be crossed by this road are in the property of Botosani County Council, being part of the public domain. The purpose of the works is to bring the road structures to the technical parameters adequate for the road category, the provision of appropriate conditions for the drainage of storm water, the consolidation of the areas with land slides, special measures for the crossing of localities, with safety measures for road traffic. Regarding the estimated results, as well as the impact of the implementation, the project envisages the rehabilitation of over 12 km of county roads, the restoration and / or modernization of 22 bridges, activities which will lead to the reduction of pollution in the area, the reduction of the cost of transport for people and goods and the fluidization of traffic. Investment projects 1. Rehabilitation of county roads The improvement and development of the transport infrastructure are the priorities of the National Development Plan, which presents the sector of regional transport as one of the main sectors for social-economic development in Romania. Recently, many roads have been affected, requiring modernization and rehabilitation works, which will lead to the increase of road traffic, correlated with general economic growth. Thus, the improvement of the county roads is necessary in order to keep up with the increasing traffic, in order to allow cheaper transportation, in conditions of safety and comfort, according to the European norms and for the development of all economic branches in the area. In 2008, 8 county roads were rehabilitated and modernized: - "Modernization of DJ 292, Broscauti - Corlateni, km 6+220 - 14+100" - "Modernization of DJ 291D, Loturi Enescu - Ibanesti, km 4+900 13+000" - "Modernization of DJ 282, Hanesti - Vlasinesti, km 118+650 - 124+455" - "Modernization of DJ 208H, DN 29 - Corni - Sarafinesti, km 0+000 12+600" - "Modernization of DJ 294A, DN 24C - Mitoc, km 9+900 - 14+550" - "Modernization of DJ 294, Gulioaia - Strahotin - Dingeni, km 5+500 12+500" - "Modernization of DJ 294B, Dobarceni - Padureni (DJ 294), km 13+010 18+610" - "Modernization of DJ 296B, Ungureni (DN 29) - Plopenii Mari - Borzesti Mandresti - Calugareni - Calugarenii Mari (DJ 296), km 0+000 - 12+900". In December 2007, Botosani County Council submitted for financing through the Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013, 9 projects for the rehabilitation and modernization of the following sections of county roads: - "Modernization of DJ 291B Lozna - Dersca - Mihaileni, km 7+900 20+750". Value = 35,875,893 lei - "Modernization of DJ 208H Padureni - Cosula - Buda (E 58), km 34+150 - 39+150". Value = 13,295,326 lei - "Modernization of DJ 207N, Botosani - Curtesti - Cristesti - DN 28B, km 0+900 - 13+900". Value = 31,726,659 lei - "Modernization of DJ 291D, Cristinesti (DN 29F) - Suharau - Oroftiana, km 18+000 - 31+000". Value = 35,577,154 lei - "Modernization of DJ 282H, Calarasi - Libertatea - DN 24C, km 6+540 11+540". Value = 5,510,240 lei - "Modernization of DJ 293A, Viisoara - Cuza Voda, km 7+000 - 11+550". Value = 11,703,209 lei - "Modernization of DJ 294, Mihalaseni - DN 24C, km 22+100 - 29+160". Value = 17,394,685 lei.

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- "Modernizare DJ 208H, DN 28B (E 58) - Cop\l\u - Cerbu - Drac[ani - DJ 297, km 39+150 - 46+850". Valoare = 19.601.494 lei - Modernizare traseu regional Dorohoi - Racov\], tronsonul Ib\ne[ti - Cristine[ti Baranca - Fundu Her]ii - Racov\], L = 15 km. Valoare = 21.692.441 lei Prin realizarea acestor proiecte se va contribui la mbun\t\]irea infrastructurii regionale [i locale [i a condi]iilor de transport pentru bunuri [i persoane att n interiorul zonelor studiate, ct [i nspre [i dinspre zonele n studiu, dar [i la mbun\t\]irea calit\]ii mediului [i prosperitatea popula]iei deservite. Modernizarea lor va avea un impact important [i va contribui la atingerea urm\toarelor obiective specifice: mbun\t\]irea accesibilit\]ii zonelor sau regiunilor periferice; reducerea costurilor de transport explicite [i implicite; reducerea polu\rii mediului n zon\ prin reducerea noxelor [i a zgomotului; cre[terea vitezei de transport [i implicit reducerea timpului afectat transportului de m\rfuri [i de c\l\tori [i a consumului de carburant; realizarea unui confort sporit pentru participan]ii la trafic; condi]iile de rulare corespunz\toare [i reducerea uzurii mijloacelor de transport; sporirea siguran]ei circula]iei [i reducerea num\rului de accidente de circula]ie; nfiin]area de noi firme n localit\]ile de pe traseele drumurilor; crearea de locuri de munc\ n firmele nou nfiin]ate; dezvoltarea local\ [i n special a poten]ialului turistic local prin reabilitarea [i modernizarea leg\turilor directe de transport. De asemenea, se va facilita accesul la obiectivele aflate n patrimonial cultural, incluse n circuite turistice cum ar fi: M\n\stirea Vorona - cea mai important\ m\n\stire din jude] aflat\ la 15 km sud-est de Boto[ani, ale c\rei nceputuri dateaz\ din jurul anului 1600; Schitul Frumu[ica (sau Bal[), din satul Store[ti; M\n\stirea Co[ula construit\ n timpul domniei lui Petru Rare[ de c\tre vistiernicul Matias Co[ulvei (1532), care mai p\streaz\ fresce originale de mare valoare (pictur\ mural\) realizate ntre anii 1537-1681; M\n\stirea Cozancea; M\n\stirea Agafton Curte[ti (la 4 km sud-vest de Boto[ani), datnd din secolul XVI, care reprezint\ o adev\rat\ atrac]ie pentru turi[ti. Realizarea acestor proiecte va conduce la cre[terea gradului de atractivitate al zonei din punctul de vedere al investitorilor, la valorificarea poten]ialului turistic [i cultural, precum [i la crearea unei mai bune leg\turi ntre re]elele de transport jude]ean [i re]elele na]ionale. Proiectele se vor desf\[ura n perioada 2009-2013, valoarea total\ a acestora solicitat\ prin Program Opera]ional Regional 2007-2013 fiind de 191.377.101 lei. 2. Sistem integrat de management al de[eurilor n jude]ul Boto[ani Proiect finan]at prin POS Mediu, axa prioritar\ 2 - Dezvoltarea sistemelor de management integrat al de[eurilor [i reabilitarea siturilor contaminate istoric. Strategia - Construirea unui depozit jude]ean conform; - nchiderea spa]iilor de depozitare din mediul rural [i din ora[ele mici - 16 iulie 2009, a depozitelor din mediul urban - conform calendarului de nchidere [i ecologizare a zonelor; - Extinderea sistemului de colectare a de[eurilor de tip municipal: 100% n mediul urban [i 80% n mediul rural; - Implementarea unui sistem de colectare selectiv\ a de[eurilor la nivel jude]ean; - Realizarea infrastructurii pentru colectarea de[eurilor de ambalaje; - Realizarea sistemului pentru transferarea/transportul de[eurilor menajere la depozitul jude]ean. Op]iuni Criterii de selectare a op]iunilor: costuri, impact asupra mediului, criterii tehnice, conformitate, riscuri de implementare. - Sistem pentru colectarea de[eurilor: aplicarea unui sistem unitar n tot jude]ul; organizarea colect\rii selective a de[eurilor, a transportului/transferului la depozitul jude]ean pe 5 zone geografice, `n func]ie de pozi]ia sta]iilor de transfer (zona 1 Dorohoi, zona 2 S\veni, zona 3 {tef\ne[ti, zona 4 Fl\mnzi, zona 5 f\r\ sta]ie de transfer); colectarea la punct fix cu platforme de colectare a de[eurilor, norm\ tehnic\ - 120 loc/container (urban) [i 90 loc/container (rural) [i 500 loc/platform\ (urban [i rural); eurocontainere metalice de 1,1 mc;

- "Modernization of DJ 208H, DN 28B (E 58) - Copalau - Cerbu - Dracsani - DJ 297, km 39+150 - 46+850". Value = 19,601,494 lei - "Modernization of the regional route Dorohoi - Racovat, Ibanesti Cristinesti - Baranca - Fundu Hertii - Racovat section, L= 15 km. Value = 21,692,441 lei The accomplishment of these projects will contribute to the improvement of the regional and local infrastructure, of the conditions of transport for goods and people both inside the studied areas and also to and from these areas, but also to the improvement of the environmental quality and prosperity of the served population. The modernization will have a significant impact and will contribute to the accomplishment of the following specific objectives: improvement of the accessibility of the peripheric areas; the reduction of transport costs; the reduction of pollution in the area through the reduction of air and phonic pollution; the possibility to increase the speed and implicitly reduce the time allocated to the transportation of merchandise and people and also a lower consumption of fuel; the provision of an increased comfort for the participants in traffic; adequate circulation conditions and a lower degree of wear and tear of the vehicles; higher level of safety and less accidents; the establishment of new companies in the localities traversed by the roads; the creation of jobs in the new companies; local development and especially the development of the local tourist potential through the rehabilitation and modernization of the direct transport connections. The project will also facilitate the access to the sights of the cultural patrimony, included in the tourist circuits, such as: Vorona Monastery - the most important monastery in the county, located at 15 km south-east of Botosani, raised in 1600; Frumusica (or Bals) Hermitage, from Storesti village; Cosula Monastery - built during the reign of Petru Rares by the treasurer Matias Cosulvei (1532), still preserving original frescoes of great value (mural painting) accomplished in 1537-1681; Cozancea Monastery; Agafton Monastery - Curtesti (4 km south-west of Botosani), dating from the XVIth century, representing a true sight for tourists. The accomplishment of these projects will increase the attractiveness of the area from the point of view of investors, will turn to account the tourist and cultural potential, leading also to the creation of a good connection between the county and national transport lines. The projects will be accomplished between 2009 and 2013, their total value (requested through the Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013) being 191,377,101 lei. 2. Integrated waste management system in Botosani County Project financed through SOP Environment, Priority Axis 2 - Development of the integrated waste management systems and rehabilitation of the contaminated sites. Strategy - Construction of a county storage facility; - Closing of the landfills in the rural environment and in the small towns 16 July 2009, and also of the landfills in the urban environment - according to the ecologization calendar of the areas; - Extension of the collection system of municipal waste: 100% in the urban environment and 80% in the rural environment; - Implementation of a selective system for the collection of waste at county level; - Construction of the infrastructure for the collection of packages; - Implementation of a system for the transfer/transport of domestic waste to the county storage facility. Options Selection criteria for the options: costs, environmental impact, technical criteria, implementation risks. - System for the collection of waste: - The application of a unitary system throughout the county; - The organization of the selective collection of waste, of transport/transfer to the county storage facility from 5 geographical areas, according to the position of the transfer units (area 1 Dorohoi, area 2 Saveni, area 3 Stefanesti, area 4 Flamanzi, area 5 no transfer unit); - The collection of waste in a fixed point with waste collection platforms, technical norm - 120 inhab/container (urban), 90 inhab/container (rural) and 500 inhab/platform (urban and rural); - Metallic euro-containers with a capacity of 1.1 m3;

1. Foto: Arhiva Consiliului Jude]ean Boto[ani

- Sistem pentru colectarea de[eurilor din ambalaje: zonele urbane - puncte de colectare 1/500 loc, cu cte 6 containere pentru colectare selectiv\ (hrtie, plastic+metal, sticl\); zonele rurale - puncte de colectare 1/500 loc pentru plastic+metal, sticl\; - Logistic\ - transfer [i transport: 4 sta]ii de transfer la: S\veni, {tef\ne[ti, Fl\mnzi, Dorohoi - extindere, fiecare avnd personal propriu, cntar [i zon\ pentru depozitarea de[eurilor electrice [i electronice, a celor voluminoase [i a celor periculoase; - Transportul de la sta]iile de transfer la depozitul final se va face n 2 schimburi, cu camioane cu remorc\ cu 3 osii, fiecare cu 2 containere de 25 mc, asigurnd transportul a max. 20 tone/curs\; - Depozit jude]ean conform: dup\ compara]ia tehnic\ a op]iunilor St\uceni [i Un]eni, s-a considerat c\ loca]ia adecvat\ va fi n comuna St\uceni; - nchiderea depozitelor [i gropilor neconforme: Procedur\ combinat\ cu nchiderea conform HG nr. 349/2005 a celor dou\ depozite din municipiul Boto[ani [i municipiul Dorohoi [i nchiderea simplificat\, conform Ordin nr. 1274/2005, a spa]iilor de depozitare din mediul rural [i din ora[ele mici. Suportabilitatea Gestionarea de[eurilor genereaz\ venituri prin perceperea de taxe de la produc\torii de de[euri. Conform principiului ''poluatorul pl\te[te'', principiu adoptat n legisla]ia UE [i n cea romneasc\, aceste venituri vor trebui s\ acopere costurile viitoare pe termen lung aferente serviciului de gestionare a de[eurilor, n afara celor acoperite prin fonduri UE. Costurile pentru gestionarea de[eurilor se consider\ a fi suportabile dac\ sunt mai mici de 1,5% din venitul pe gospod\rie. Cadrul institu]ional - nfiin]are A.D.I. ''ECOPROCES BOTO{ANI''; - nfiin]are Unitate de Implementare Proiect n cadrul A.D.I.; - ncheiere contracte de delegare de gestiune a serviciilor; - Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani este beneficiarul [i co-finan]atorul proiectului din partea Romniei; - Contractele de delegare a gestiunii se vor ncheia de c\tre A.D.I./Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani/Consilii Locale n func]ie de activit\]ile de salubrizare care fac obiectul contractelor de delegare; - Toate bunurile nou create ca urmare a investi]iilor viitoare care deservesc dou\ sau mai multe unit\]i administrativ-teritoriale vor fi bunuri ale jude]ului Boto[ani; - Depozitul ecologic jude]ean se va nregistra n categoria bunurilor publice ale jude]ului Boto[ani, gestionarea activit\]ii fiind realizat\ prin delegarea gestiunii serviciului de c\tre Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani unui operator licen]iat. Termene [i valoare investi]ii - Master planul a fost aprobat de c\tre Ministerul Mediului [i Dezvolt\rii Durabile la 12.08.2008 [i de c\tre Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani prin H.C.J. nr. 101/30.09.2008; - Termen estimat de finalizare a Studiului de fezabilitate, conform Asisten]ei tehnice: 30.03.2009; - Termen estimat finalizare aplica]ie, conform Asisten]ei Tehnice: 29.06.2009. - Valoarea total\ a investi]iilor ce urmeaz\ a fi ntreprinse n cadrul acestui proiect se ridic\ la 32.250.210 Euro.

- System for the collection of packages: - Urban areas - collection points 1/500 inhab, with 6 containers for selective collection (paper, plastic+metal, glass); - Rural areas - collection points 1/500 inhab for plastic+metal, glass; - Logistics - transfer and transport: - 4 transfer units in: Saveni, Stefanesti, Flamanzi, Dorohoi - extension, each with its own staff, scale and area for the storage of electric and electronic waste, of large and dangerous waste; - Transport from the transfer units to the final storage facility will be made in 2 shifts, in trucks with trailers, each with 2 containers of 25 m3, ensuring the transport of max. 20 tons/trip; - County storage facility: After the technical comparison of the two options Stauceni and Unteni, the former was chosen as the adequate location; - Closing of the inadequate landfills: Procedure combined with the closing, according to the Government Decision no. 349/2005, of the two storage facilities in the City of Botosani and the City of Dorohoi and the simplified closing of the landfills from the rural environment and small towns, according to Order no. 1274/2005. Affordability The waste management activity generates income through the charging of fees to the waste producers. According to the ''polluter pays'' principle adopted in the European and Romanian legislation, these incomes will have to cover the future waste management costs on the long-term, besides the ones covered through EU funds. The costs for waste management are considered affordable if they are lower than 1.5% of the household income. Institutional framework - Establishment of I.D.A. ''ECOPROCES BOTOSANI''; - Establishment of the Project Implementation Unit as part of I.D.A.; - Conclusion of service delegation contracts; - Botosani County Council is the beneficiary and co-financer of the project on behalf of Romania; - The delegation contracts will be concluded by I.D.A./Botosani County Council/Local Councils depending on the sanitation activities that represent the object of the delegation contracts; - All the new assets, results of the future investments, which will serve two or more administrative-territorial units will be in the property of Botosani County; - The county ecologic storage facility will also be part of the public domain of Botosani County, the management of the activity being accomplished through the delegation of the service by Botosani County Council to a licensed operator. Deadlines and value of investment - The Master Plan has been approved by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development on 12.08.2008 and by Botosani County Council through the Decision of the County Council no. 101/30.09.2008; - Deadline estimated for the completion of the Feasibility Study, according to the Technical Assistance: 30.03.2009; - Deadline estimated for the completion of the application, according to the Technical Assistance: 29.06.2009. - Total value of the project's investments: 32,250,210 Euro.

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Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

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Foto: Calea Na]ional\ `n intersec]ie cu str. Cuza Vod\, `n centru Monumentul Eroilor

Boto[ani reprezint\ n arealul romnesc unul dintre ]inuturile care [i-au marcat evolu]ia prin amprentele valorice deosebite att n plan cultural-spiritual, ct [i n plan socio-economic. Repere geografice [i turistice
Municipiul Boto[ani, re[edin]a jude]ului cu acela[i nume, este situat n nord-estul Romniei, n zona de contact dintre regiunea dealurilor nalte de pe stnga v\ii Siretului n vest [i cea a dealurilor joase ale Cmpiei Moldovei ce se ntinde c\tre est. Teritoriul ora[ului propriu-zis are o suprafa]\ de 4132 ha [i un caracter u[or alungit pe direc]ia nord-sud. Altitudinea medie a ora[ului este de 163 metri, nedep\[ind dect excep]ional 200 metri, n partea vestic\. Caracteristic acestei regiuni este relieful de dealuri joase sau cmpii deluroase. Vegeta]ia natural\ a zonei de est a municipiului Boto[ani este caracteristic\ zonei de silvostep\, fiind format\ n special din terenuri agricole [i paji[ti seculare ce ocup\ locul fostelor p\duri. n nord-vest se ntind p\duri de gorun, terenuri agricole [i paji[ti stepizate, iar n sud-vest f\gete de deal [i p\duri amestecate de fag [i gorun. n rest, vegeta]ia natural\ este caracteristic\ solurilor de p\dure, cu fne]e [i islazuri pe care cresc ierburi perene. Culturile tradi]ionale constau din: gru, secar\, orz, porumb, cartofi, sfecl\ de zah\r, floarea-soarelui. Livezile ocup\ suprafe]e relativ mici [i predomin\ prunul [i vi[inul, cire[ul [i p\rul, gutuiul [i nucul. Boto[ani Fauna este format\ din c\prioar\, iepuri, vulpi. Boto[ani este situat la intersec]ia drumurilor na]ionale 29B (Trgu Frumos-Dorohoi) [i 29 (Suceava-S\veni), implicit pe traseul drumului european E58, ce leag\ grani]a de nord-vest a ]\rii, Halmeu, cu cea de est, nord-est, Sculeni. Astfel, ora[ul a fost din cele mai vechi timpuri o punte de leg\tur\ ntre Romnia [i zona Bucovinei [i a Basarabiei de nord, [i, de asemenea, cu Ucraina, Polonia [i Rusia. Din punct de vedere turistic, de aici se poate ajunge cu u[urin]\ la m\n\stirile din zona Bucovinei (Vorone], Moldovi]a, Sucevi]a, Putna), ct [i la cele din jude], cum ar fi Vorona sau cele nem]ene [i ie[ene. De asemenea, se poate ajunge u[or la Lacul de acumulare Stnca-Coste[ti, cel mai mare lac de acumulare din ]ar\, situat pe Prut, la grani]a cu Republica Moldova. Autostrada A4, care va face leg\tura dintre Ia[i [i Trgu Mure[, se va situa la 70 km distan]\. Leg\tura de la Boto[ani la traseul tronsonului Ia[i-Trgu Frumos-Trgu Neam] se va face pe E58. n municipiu exist\ 4 autog\ri care asigur\ curse zilnice c\tre alte ora[e din ]ar\ [i c\tre majoritatea localit\]ilor din jude].

The fauna is represented by deer, rabbits and foxes. Botosani is situated at the junction of the national roads 29B (Targu FrumosDorohoi) and 29 (Suceava-Saveni), implicitly on the route of the European road E58, which connects the north-western border of the country, Halmeu, with the north-eastern border, Sculeni. Thus, the city has been since ancient times a brigde between Romania, Bucovina and northern Basarabia, and Ukraine, Poland and Russia. From a tourist point of view, the tourists can easily reach the monasteries from Bucovina (Voronet, Moldovita, Sucevita, Putna), as well as the county's monasteries, such as Vorona or the monasteries from Neamt and Iasi counties. Access can also be made to the largest water storage dam in the country Stanca-Costesti, situated on Prut River, at the border with the Republic of Moldova. Highway A4, which will connect Iasi and Targu Mures, will be situated at a distance of 70 km. The connection of Botosani to the route Iasi-Targu Frumos-Targu Neamt will be made on E58. The city has 4 bus terminals which provide transportation to other cities in the country and to most of the county's localities.

Botosani is one of the Romanian counties that have marked their evolution through valuable elements, both at a cultural-spiritual level, as well as at a social-economic level. Geographical and tourist marks The City of Botosani, the residence of the homonymous county, is situated in the north-east of Romania, in the contact area between the tall hills located on the left side of Siret Valley to the west and the low hills of the Moldavian Plain, which spreads towards the east. The city's territory has a surface of 4,132 hectares and a slightly elongated shape from north to south. The city is situated at an average altitude of 163 meters, occasionally exceeding 200 meters in the western part. Characteristic of this region is the relief with low hills or hilly plains. The natural vegetation of the eastern area of the City of Botosani is specific to the forest steppe area, consisting of agriculatural lands and ancient grasslands which have taken the place of the former forests. Hornbeam forests spread towards the north-west, as well as agricultural lands and grasslands, and to the south-west beech forests and mixed forests of beech trees and hornbeam. Apart from that, the natural vegetation is characteristic to the forest soils, with hayfields and commons with evergreen grass. The traditional crops are represented by: wheat, rye, barley, corn, potatoes, beet, sun-flower etc. The orchards occupy small surfaces, dominated by plum trees, cherry trees, pear trees, quince trees and nut trees.

1. Foto: Bulervardul pietonal - str. Unirii 2. Foto: Parcul ''Mihai Eminescu''

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Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

>> 19

Repere istorice [i economice

Valori culturale, spirituale [i arhitecturale

Cu o via]\ cultural\ foarte bogat\, municipiul Boto[ani a dat de-a lungul anilor mari personalit\]i ale [tiin]ei [i culturii, care [i-au nscris numele n patrimoniul cultural romnesc [i universal. Nume ca Mihai Eminescu, Nicolae Iorga sau Octav Onicescu sunt repere majore n domenii diverse, multe dintre ele ]innd deja de universalitate. Dintre edificiile culturale de referin]\ din municipiul Boto[ani amintim: Casa CiomacCantemir (monument istoric construit la nceputul sec. al XIX-lea, sediul Funda]iei "{tefan Luchian" Boto[ani); Casa memorial\ "Nicolae Iorga" (organizat\ ntr-una din casele n care a copil\rit marele istoric Nicolae Iorga); Muzeul Jude]ean - sec]ia de istorie [i arheologie (fosta Prefectur\ a Jude]ului Boto[ani, monument de arhitectur\ de la nceputul sec. al XX-lea,); Teatrul "Mihai Eminescu" (construit n anul 1914, distrus par]ial n timpul bombardamentelor din anul 1944 [i ref\cut n anul 1958); Biblioteca Jude]ean\ "Mihai Eminescu" (fosta filial\ din Boto[ani a B\ncii Na]ionale, P monument de arhitectur\ datnd de la sfr[itul sec. al XIX-lea); S.C. Nord-Proiect (g\zduit\ `n "Casa Moscovici", o adev\rat\ bijuterie arhitectonic\, construit\ la sfr[itul secolului al XIX-lea, mbinnd ntr-o sintez\ armonioas\ elemente ale arhitecturii franceze cu cele germane). O valoare arhitectural\ de necontestat au cteva l\ca[uri de cult: Biserica Uspenia - ctitorie a Elenei Despot Doamna `n anul 1552, unde a fost botezat Mihai Eminescu; Biserica "Sf. Gheorghe" - avnd acela[i ctitor, datnd din anul anterior; Biserica "Sf. Nicolae" Pop\u]i - ctitorie a domnitorului {tefan cel Mare [i Sfnt din anul 1496, precum [i zona de trg a ora[ului, renumit\ pentru valoarea arhitectural\ a centrului istoric, declarat rezerva]ie arhitectural\. Ca zon\ de agrement men]ion\m parcul ''Mihai Eminescu'', amenajat `n 1869, n care se mai p\streaz\ c]iva arbori contemporani cu marele poet na]ional, care a poposit aici de mai multe ori, mai ales `n ultima parte a vie]ii sale. ~n parc exist\ un mic lac artificial [i un chio[c unde, `n trecut, fanfara militar\ i delecta pe boto[\neni la sfr[it de s\pt\mn\. Muncipiul Boto[ani este prin trecutul s\u [i prin vestigiile pe care le mai p\streaz\ nc\ unul dintre cele mai nsemnate ora[e ale ]\rii. Scurta prezentare pe care am f\cut-o Boto[anilor n rndurile de mai sus se dore[te a fi o invita]ie la cunoa[terea acestuia prin lectura revistei pe care o ave]i n fa]\ [i sper\m printr-o vizit\ pe care o ve]i face ct mai curnd aici.

Cultural, spiritual and architectural values With a very intense cultural life, the City of Botosani has given many important figures in the fields of science and culture in the course of time, writing their names in the Romanian and universal cultural patrimony. Names like Mihai Eminescu, Nicolae Iorga or Octav Onicescu are major landmarks in various fields, many of them already universal. From among the most important cultural edifices in the City of Botosani we can mention: Ciomac - Cantemir House (a historical monument built at the beginning of the XIXth century, today the headquarters of "Stefan Luchian" Foundation in Botosani); the Memorial House "Nicolae Iorga" (organized in one of the houses rented by the family of the great historian Nicolae Iorga); the County Museum - history and archaeology section (the former Prefect's office of Botosani County, an architectural monument from the beginning of the XXth century,); "Mihai Eminescu" Theatre (built in 1914, partially destroyed during the bombings of 1944 and restored in 1958); the "Mihai Eminescu" County Library (former branch of the National Bank in Botosani, an architectural monument dating from the end of the XIXth P century, S.C. Nord-Proiect (housed by "Moscovici House", is a true architectural jewel, built at the end of the XIXth century, combining the elements of French and German architecture in an harmonious synthesis). An irrefutable architectural value is possessed by a few places of prayer: Uspenia Church - raised by Lady Elena Despot in 1552, where Mihai Eminescu was baptised; "Saint George" Church built by the same person, dating from the previous year; "Saint Nicholas" Church Popauti - built by the ruler Stephen the Great in 1496, as well as the town's market area, famous for the architectural value of the historic centre, declared architectural reservation. As leisure areas we can mention ''Mihai Eminescu'' Park, established in 1869, still sheltering a few trees contemporary with the great national poet, who came here several times, especially in the last part of his life. In the park there is also a small artificial lake and a gazebo where the military band used to delight the locals in the weekends. The City of Botosani is one of the most significant cities in the country through its history and the vestiges it still preserves. The short presentation we have made in these lines wishes to be an invitation to a deeper knowledge of the city through the pages of this magazine and we hope also through a visit to these magical places.
1. Foto: Teatrul de Stat ''Mihai Eminescu'' 2. Foto: Parcul Mihai Eminescu 3. Foto: Compania de mitraliere a maiorului Grigore Ignat `n atac - monument din Pia]a 1 Decembrie 4. Foto: detaliu cl\dire veche din centrul istoric 2

Historic and economic marks The name ''Botosani'' has been the concern of many researchers historians, geographers, linguists - their opinions being separated into two directions: either it derives from a noun (bota, bots = slip, botase = traditional peasant's sandals), or from a name (Botas, Botos or Botus). As there was no definite conclusion, we prefer the one written by Nicolae Iorga, who noted that ''Botosani means the market town of Botas. Botas is a name that has to be put next to Bontas, with Motas, Crasnas and Hasnas. The suffix -as is added to some names in order to create a new name.'' The name Botosani comes, thus, from Botas, an opinion shared by Artur Gorovei in ''The Monograph of the City of Botosani'', published in 1926: ''The truth - he writes - is that Botosani draws its name from Botas, who must have had some role in these parts.'' Botosani was probably established in the XIVth century, but it was documentary certified in 1439, as it is mentioned by the chronicler Grigore Ureche in the ''Chronicle of Moldavia'' on 28 November: "in 6947 (1439), november 28, the Tartars came and plundered and burned everything up to Botosani and also Botoseni market town". The market town was established in one of the stops of the freight caravans that crossed the commercial route which connected the Baltic Sea with the Black Sea, opened at the beginning of the XIVth century. Initially used as a stop for the freight caravans, the settlement became a place where the goods were exchanged on fixed dates, known by merchants from the most distant areas. The market town was established at the crossroads of these routes. Around it, the first inns were built, and then the first dwellings, leading to the creation of the town. The market town, generator of large income, drew the attention of the country's rulers. Thus, Petru Rares gives the town to his wife, Lady Elena Despot, as a ''princely prerogative''. The statute of princely town is emphasised by the first seal of Botosani, with an engraving of a peacock with a scattered tail. Botosani still preserves the underground structure of a market town, with arched cellars, which have sheltered the town's goods for hundreds of years, being used also as a place of refuge for the population during the repeated invasions. For a long time, the town had preserved its character of important commercial centre. The first manufactures appeared in the XIXth century, and the factories in the second half of the last century. The first factories established in town were the Beer Factory Hascal Berariu (1865), the Kvass and ink factory and the Clothing factory (1896). New factories emerged after 1900 : the Furniture factory Leon Schvartz, the Shirts factories ''Floridas'' and ''Hercules'', the Toy factory ''Teddy'' and the Candle factory ''Iacovloff'' - the largest of its kind from eastern Europe. In order to respond to the needs of the entrepreneurs, the first loan institution came to life in 1862, and the branch of the Agricultural Bank was established in 1894. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry was established in Botosani in 1868, in a monumental edifice, awarded by the banker Berisch Moscowicz. As an industrial centre, Botosani stood out after 1949, with the establishment of the Textile Factory Moldavia, and especially in the eighth decade of the last century, when a large industrial platform was created, including, amongst others, the Low Voltage Electric Equipment Enterprise (Electrocontact), the Spare Parts and Machinery for Light Industry Enterprise (IUPS), the Wood Industrialization Enterprise, the Mechanical Enterprise, the Glass Electric Insulators Factory and the Bolt Factory. The City of Botosani contributes with 70% of the county's GDP, although its population represents only 25% of the county's population (119,132 inhabitants in 2005).
1. Foto: Consiliul Jude]ean - `n fundal 2. Foto: Sala Polivalent\

Urbanonimul ''Boto[ani'' a preocupat numero[i cercet\tori - istorici, geografi, lingvi[ti -, p\rerile acestora mergnd n dou\ direc]ii: fie c\ deriv\ dintr-un substantiv comun (bot\, bot[ = buta[, bot[e = opinci), fie dintr-un nume de persoan\ (Bot\[, Boto[ sau Botu[). ntruct nicio ipotez\ nu s-a impus definitiv, prefer\m s\ ne-o nsu[im pe cea formulat\ de Nicolae Iorga, care nota faptul c\ ''Boto[anii nseamn\ trgul lui Bot\[. Bot\[ e un nume care trebuie pus al\turi de Bont\[, cu Mot\[, Crasn\[, cu Hasn\[. Sufixul -\[ se ad\uga la unele nume de oameni pentru a face nume nou\.''' Numele de Boto[ani vine, deci de la Bot\[, p\rere pe care o mp\rt\[e[te [i Artur Gorovei n ''Monografia Ora[ului Boto[ani'', publicat\ n anul 1926: ''Adev\rul noteaz\ el - este c\ Boto[anii [i trage numele de la Bot\[, care din timpurile cele mai vechi va fi avut vreun rost prin meleagurile acestea.'' Boto[ani a luat fiin]\ probabil n sec. al XIV-lea, dar atestarea sa documentar\ este consemnat\ de abia n anul 1439, dup\ cum noteaz\ cronicarul Grigore Ureche n ''Letopise]ul }\rii Moldovei'' la 28 noiembrie: ''la anul 6947 (1439), noiembrie 28, au venitu ttarii [i au pr\datu [i arsu pn la Boto[ani [i au arsu [i trgu Boto[eni". Trgul a luat fiin]\ pe unul din locurile de popas al caravanelor de m\rfuri care str\b\teau marele drum comercial ce lega Marea Baltic\ de Marea Neagr\, deschis la nceputul sec. al XIV-lea. Ini]ial punct de popas al caravanelor de m\rfuri, a[ezarea a devenit n scurt timp loc de schimb de m\rfuri la date fixe, cunoscut de negustorii din cele mai ndep\rtate locuri. La r\scrucea drumurilor ce se ntlneau aici, a luat fiin]\ iarmarocul. Al\turi au fost amenajate primele hanuri, apoi au fost construite primele locuin]e, nchegndu-se astfel ora[ul. Trgul, aduc\tor de mari venituri, a atras asupra-i aten]ia domnitorilor ]\rii. Astfel, Petru Rare[ l d\ruie[te so]iei sale, Elena Despot Doamna, ca ''apanaj domnesc''. Statutul de ora[ domnesc este pus n eviden]\ de prima pecete a Boto[anilor, pe care este gravat un p\un cu coada r\sfirat\. Boto[anii p\streaz\ o structur\ subteran\ de trg, cu pivni]e boltite suprapuse, ce au ad\postit timp de sute de ani m\rfurile trgului, constituind [i locul de refugiu al popula]iei n timpul repetatelor invazii. Mult\ vreme ora[ul [i-a p\strat caracterul de important centru comercial. n sec. XIX apar primele manufacturi, iar din a doua jum\tate a acestui secol industria de fabric\. Primele fabrici, nfiin]ate n ora[, au fost Fabrica de bere Hascal Berariu (1865), Fabrica de cvas [i cerneal\ [i Fabrica de confec]ii, bonet\rie [i tricouri (1896). Dup\ 1900, li se al\tur\, Fabrica de mobil\ Leon Schvartz, Fabricile de c\m\[i ''Floridas'' [i ''Hercules'', Fabrica de Juc\rii ''Teddy'' [i Fabrica de lumn\ri ''Iacovloff'' - cea mai mare de acest fel din r\s\ritul Europei. Pentru a r\spunde nevoilor ntreprinz\torilor, n anul 1862 ia fiin]\ aici prima institu]ie de credit, iar n anul 1894 o filial\ a B\ncii Agricole. n anul 1868 ia fiin]\ la Boto[ani Camera de Comer] [i Industrie, care va fi instalat\ ntr-o monumental\ cl\dire, cedat\ n acest scop de bancherul Berisch Moscowicz. Ca centru industrial, Boto[anii s-au afirmat dup\ anul 1949, cnd se pun bazele ntreprinderii Textile Moldova, [i mai ales n deceniul al optulea al secolului trecut, cnd se creeaz\ o mare platform\ industrial\ pe care s-au construit, ntre altele, ntreprinderea de Aparataj Electric de Joas\ Tensiune (Electrocontact), ntreprinderea pentru Utilaje [i Piese de Schimb pentru Industria U[oar\ (IUPS), ntreprinderea de Industrializarea Lemnului, ntreprinderea Mecanic\, Fabrica de Izolatori Electrici din Sticl\ [i Fabrica de [uruburi. Municipiul Boto[ani realizeaz\ n momentul de fa]\ 70% din PIB-ul jude]ului, de[i popula]ia acestuia reprezint\ doar 25% din popula]ia jude]ului (119.132 locuitori, n anul 2005).

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Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

>> 21


Foto: Arhiva Prim\riei Dorohoi

Foto: Vedere aerian\ asupra municipiului Dorohoi

Situat n nordul Regiunii de Dezvoltare Nord-Est, n extremitatea de nord-est a Romniei, la grani]a cu Ucraina (la nord) [i Republica Moldova (la est), pe cursul rului Jijia, municipiul Dorohoi este al doilea municipiu ca m\rime din jude]ul Boto[ani.


After 1968, after the country's administrative-territorial reorganization, Dorohoi remained a town of Botosani County, and on 24 November 1994 it became a city. Until 1989, the town had an industrial character, dominated by the glass and porcelain industry, the car industry, the textile industry and the food industry. Companies with mixed or private capital were established in Dorohoi after 1990, 1,400 economic agents being registered in the city today, out of which 53 with foreign capital. Many important figures have connected their destinies to this place. Thus, great personalities of Romanian science, culture and art were born, lived or worked in Dorohoi: our great musician George Enescu, Spiru Haret, Pastorel Teodoreanu, Ion Pillat, Dimitrie Pompeiu. The city has a vast cultural-historic patrimony: ''Saint Nicholas'' Church (built by Stephen the Great - 1495), the ''Birth of Virgin Mary'' Church (built of oak logs on a stone foundation in the time of the voivode Constantin Moruzi), the ''Assumption of the Virgin'' Cathedral, many edifices with architectural and patrimonial value. The City of Dorohoi has two museums which shelter very valuable exhibits: ''George Enescu'' Museum, which recreates the atmoshpere from the house of the great composer and the Sciences of Nature Museum, which shelters collections from this field (the most remarkable is the collection of exotic birds and fish and the modern art galleries - decorative art of glass and porcelain). The city also has a municipal cultural centre and a library, a municipal hospital, pre-university education institutions: ''Grigore Ghica National College'', ''Queen Mary'' High-school, ''Saint John Jacob'' Seminary, a children's club, with one of the most appreciated folk music ensembles in the country - Mugurelul Band (25 years of activity), 8 schools, 8 kindergartens, a municipal stadium, 9 sports complexes, 3 gyms. The City of Dorohoi is worth visiting for the tourist sights that would make any locality proud. From among them we can mention: ''Saint Nicholas'' Princely Church, ''The Birth of Virgin Mary'' wooden church - Vargolici, ''The Assumption of the Virgin'' Cathedral, ''George Enescu'' Museum, the Sciences of Nature Museum. Every year, cultural-artistic manifestations are organized for the celebration of the important figures from Dorohoi: the National Music Festival ''Martisor Dorohoian'', ''Mugurelul'' Festival, the Days of the City, exhibitions and literary-artistic contests. A contribution to the development of Dorohoi was brought, in the course of approx. 400 years, by the Jewish community, from the activities of the blacksmiths and coopers guilds to the activities of doctors and dentists, which led to the creation of 38 synagogues, each serving a guild. In order to mark this aspect, a place in the centre of the city bears the name of the rabbi who led one of the most prosperous Jewish communities in the country for 40 years. We are talking about the inauguration of the "Rabin Pinhas Wasserman" Square and of the Jewish Museum in Moldavia. Regarding the future, the City of Dorohoi gives great importance to the sustainable social-economic development and to a higher living standard for its inhabitants while preserving the local traditions and the historic and cultural patrimony. In order to accomplish this goal, a series of development projects are either ongoing or in the phase of document elaboration, projects that envisage the rehabilitation, extension and modernization of the town infrastructure (water, sewerage, natural gas, electric energy), the protection of the environment (implementation of an integrated waste management system in Dorohoi area), the development of social services and the granting of the right to a dwelling, the development of the educational infrastructure, the preservation of the edifices with patrimonial value, the development of tourism (the capitalization of the potential offered by the natural setting, the preservation of traditions and customs, and of the local cultural and historic patrimony).
1. Foto: Catedrala "Adormirea Maicii Domnului" 2. Foto: Bisericu]a de lemn "Na[terea Maicii Domnului" 3. Foto: Dorohoi - zona central\

Din 1968, n urma reorganiz\rii administrativ-teritoriale a Romniei, Dorohoiul a r\mas ora[ n cadrul jude]ului Boto[ani, iar n data de 24 noiembrie 1994 a fost ridicat la rangul de municipiu. Pn\ n anul 1989, economia ora[ului avea un caracter industrial, predominante fiind industria sticl\riei [i por]elanului, industria constructoare de ma[ini, industria textil\ [i industria alimentar\. Dup\ anul 1990 s-au nfiiin]at n Dorohoi societ\]i comerciale cu capital mixt sau privat, n prezent n municipiu fiind nregistra]i un num\r de 1400 agen]i economici, din care 53 agen]i economici cu participare str\in\. Numeroase personalit\]i [i-au legat destinele de acest ora[. Astfel, n Dorohoi s-au n\scut, au tr\it sau au activat personalit\]i de seam\ ale [tiin]ei, culturii [i artei romne[ti: marele nostru muzician George Enescu, Spiru Haret, P\storel Teodoreanu, Ion Pillat, Dimitrie Pompeiu. Municipiul dispune de un bogat patrimoniu cultural-istoric: Biserica ''Sf. Nicolae'' (ctitorie a lui {tefan cel Mare - 1495), Biserica ''Na[terea Maicii Domnului'' (construit\ din brne de stejar pe temelie de piatr\ n zilele lui Constantin Moruzi Voevod), Catedrala ''Adormirea Maicii Domnului'', numeroase cl\diri cu valoare arhitectural\ [i de patrimoniu. n municipiul Dorohoi func]ioneaz\ dou\ muzee ce g\zduiesc exponate de o deosebit\ valoare: Muzeul ''George Enescu'', care recompune atmosfera crea]iei marelui compozitor, [i Muzeul de {tiin]ele Naturii, care ad\poste[te colec]ii de [tiin]e ale naturii (se remarc\ colec]ia de p\s\ri [i pe[ti exotici [i galeriile de art\ modern\ - art\ decorativ\ de sticl\ [i por]elan). De asemenea, n municipiu func]ioneaz\ o cas\ municipal\ de cultur\ [i o bibliotec\, un spital municipal, unit\]i de nv\]mnt preuniversitar: ''Colegiul Na]ional Grigore Ghica'', Grupul [colar ''Regina Maria'', Seminarul Teologic ''Sfntul Ioan Iacob'', un club al copiilor [i elevilor unde activeaz\ una dintre cele mai apreciate forma]ii de muzic\ popular\ din ]ar\ - Orchestra Mugurelul (25 de ani de activitate), 8 [coli, 8 gr\dini]e, un stadion municipal, 9 baze sportive, 3 s\li de sport. Municipiul Dorohoi merit\ s\ fie vizitat pentru obiectivele turistice cu care s-ar mndri orice localitate. Dintre acestea amintim: Biserica Domneasc\ ''Sf. Nicolae'', Bisericu]a de lemn ''Na[terea Maicii Domnului'' - Vrgolici, Catedrala ''Adormirea Maicii Domnului'', Muzeul ''George Enescu'', Muzeul de {tiin]ele Naturii. Anual se organizeaz\ manifest\ri culturale pentru evocarea personalit\]ilor de seam\ de pe meleagurile Dorohoiului, manifest\ri cultural-artistice: Festivalul Na]ional de Muzic\ U[oar\ ''M\r]i[or Dorohoian'', Festivalul ''Mugurelul'', Zilele Municipiului, expozi]ii [i concursuri literar-artistice. O contribu]ie la dezvoltarea Dorohoiului [i-a adus-o, de-a lungul celor aproximativ 400 de ani de prezen]\, [i comunitatea evreilor, prin presta]iile breslelor de la fierari [i dogari pn\ la medici [i denti[ti, bresle care au f\cut posibil\ func]ionarea a 38 de sinagogi, fiecare deservind cte o breasl\. Pentru a marca acest lucru, un loc din centrul municipiului poart\ numele rabinului care a p\storit timp de 40 de ani una din cele mai prospere ob[ti evreie[ti din aceast\ ]ar\. Este vorba de inaugurarea, n cadrul unei festivit\]i, a pia]etei "Rabin Pinhas Wasserman" [i a Muzeului existen]ei evreilor n Moldova. ~n ceea ce prive[te viitorul, municipiul Dorohoi acord\ o mare importan]\ dezvolt\rii socio-economice durabile a localit\]ii [i cre[terii calit\]ii vie]ii locuitorilor s\i n condi]iile p\str\rii tradi]iilor locale [i conserv\rii patrimoniului istoric [i cultural. Pentru aceasta se afl\ n derulare sau n curs de elaborare a documenta]iilor o serie de proiecte de dezvoltare care au n vedere reabilitarea, extinderea [i modernizarea infrastructurii tehnico-edilitare (ap\, canalizare, gaze naturale, energie electric\), protejarea calit\]ii factorilor de mediu (implementarea unui sistem integrat de management al de[eurilor n zona Dorohoi), dezvoltarea serviciilor sociale [i asigurarea dreptului la o locuin]\ decent\, dezvoltarea infrastructurii [colare, conservarea cl\dirilor cu valoare de patrimoniu, dezvoltarea turismului (valorificarea poten]ialului oferit de cadrul natural, p\strarea tradi]iilor [i obiceiurilor, patrimoniul istoric [i cultural local).

opula]ia municipiului este de 31.267 locuitori. Distan]a fa]\ de re[edin]a jude]ului, municipiul Boto[ani, este de 36 km, iar fa]\ de capitala Romniei, Bucure[ti, este de 493 km. Municipiul Dorohoi a mplinit recent 600 de ani de la prima atestare documentar\ cunoscut\, care dateaz\ din 6 oct. 1407, cnd domnitorul Moldovei, Alexandru cel Bun, ncheie la Liov un tratat cu Vladislav Iagello, regele Poloniei, tratat care este semnat [i de boierul Mihail Dorohoianul. Referitor la originea numelui localit\]ii, sunt vehiculate mai multe variante, dar n Enciclopedia Romn\ g\sim urm\toarea explica]ie: Numele lui (al Dorohoiului), de origine slav\, nseamn\ ''drag", poate de la ntemeitorul a[ez\rii. De-a lungul timpului, Dorohoiul [i-a scris propria istorie, cnd zbuciumat\, cnd lini[tit\, dar mereu ancorat\ n dimensiunile corespunz\toare vremurilor. La 8 octombrie 1408, Dorohoiul este men]ionat ca punct vamal pentru negustorii care exportau cai la Cameni]a. n secolul al XV-lea, ora[ul devine centrul administrativ al Moldovei de nord. n 1509 este pr\dat de poloni, iar n 1510 [i 1513 de t\tari. Ref\cut n 1568, Dorohoiul devine re[edin]a vornicului }\rii de Sus pn\ n 1778, timp de 210 ani. n urma reformei administrative moderne din timpul lui Cuza, Dorohoiul a fost transformat n jude], cuprinznd la acea vreme 6 pl\[i, trei comune urbane [i 64 comune rurale. Cre[te num\rul hanurilor cu cele necesare pentru dormit [i hran\, al atelierelor de reparat harna[amente [i mijloace de transport, pentru potcovit caii etc. Datorit\ pozi]ion\rii pe traseul principalelor rute de comer] ce asigurau leg\tura cu nordul Europei, s-a nregistrat o intensificare a schimburilor economice, ceea ce a condus la cre[terea importan]ei acestuia. Astfel, n secolele XVII [i XVIII, Dorohoiul apare ca un nod de comunica]ie de la care plecau [i `n care se intersectau numeroase drumuri din ]ar\. Documentele Moldovei men]ioneaz\ acum [i "drumul cel mare al Dorohoiului". Dezvoltarea a continuat [i n sec. XIX [i XX, fapt datorat [i personalit\]ilor care i reprezentau interesele. ~n 1857, Dorohoiul este reprezentat la [edin]a divanului ad-hoc al Moldovei de Mihail Kog\lniceanu, care prezint\ dolean]ele romnilor din aceast\ parte a ]\rii. Un impuls puternic pentru economia ora[ului `l reprezint\ construirea c\ilor ferate Leorda - Dorohoi n 1888 [i Ia[i - Dorohoi n 1896. n 1923 ora[ul este alimentat cu energie electric\ furnizat\ de uzina proprie, iar n 1962 localitatea beneficiaz\ [i de alimentare cu ap\ potabil\, pn\ n acel moment apa fiind adus\ cu sacalele. Dup\ reorganizarea administrativ\ din anul 1950, Dorohoiul a devenit re[edin]\ a raionului cu acela[i nume din cadrul regiunii Boto[ani, iar din anul 1952, tot re[edin]\ de raion, dar n cadrul regiunii Suceava.

Situated in the north of the North-East Development Region, in the north-eastern part of Romania, bordering Ukraine (to the north) and the Republic of Moldova (to the east), on the stream of Jijia River, the City of Dorohoi is second as size in Botosani County. The city has a population of 31,267 inhabitants. It is located at a distance of 36 km from the county residence, the City of Botosani, and 493 km from Romania's capital, Bucharest. The City of Dorohoi has recently celebrated 600 years since the first documentary certification, which dates from 6 October 1407, when the ruler of Moldavia, Alexander the Kind, concluded a treaty in Liov with Vladislav Iagello, the King of Poland, a treaty signed also by the landowner Mihail Dorohoianul. Referring to the origin of the name, several variants circulated, but we find the following explanation in the Romanian Encyclopaedia: Its name (Dorohoi), of Slavonic origin, means ''dear", perhaps after the founder of the settlement. In the course of time, Dorohoi has written its own history, sometimes tumultous, sometimes peaceful, but always connected to the realities of the respective periods. On 8 October 1408, Dorohoi was mentioned as a customs point for the merchants who exported horses to Camenita. In the XVth century, the town became the administrative centre of northern Moldavia. In 1509 it was plundered by the Polish and in 1510 and 1513 by the Tartars. Restored in 1568, Dorohoi becomes the residence of the magistrate of the Highland in 1778, maintaining this statute for 210 years. Following the modern administrative reform in the time of Cuza, Dorohoi became a county, comprising at that time 6 small rural districts, three urban communes and 64 rural communes. More inns appear, with the necessary endowments for rest and nourishment, as well as workshops for the repair of harnesses and of means of transport, workshops for horse shoeing etc. Due to its location on the route of the main commercial roads which provided the connection with the north of Europe, the volume of economic exchange increased, which led to a higher prestige for the town. Thus, in the XVII-XVIIIth centuries, Dorohoi appeared as a communication hub, being crossed by many roads. The documents also mention the "large road of Dorohoi". The development continued in the XIXth and XXth centuries, due to the people who represented its interests. In 1857, Dorohoi was represented at the meeting of Moldavia's council by Mihail Kogalniceanu, who presented the grievances of the Romanians from this part of the country. A powerful impulse for the town's economy was represented by the construction of Leorda - Dorohoi railway in 1888 and Iasi - Dorohoi railway in 1896. In 1923 the town is supplied with electric power from its own plant, and in 1962 the locality also benefits from a water supply system (until then the water had been carried with casks). After the administrative reorganization in 1950, Dorohoi became residence of the homonymous district in Botosani region and in 1952, district residence again, but this time in Suceava region.

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Advertorial Prim\ria municipiului Dorohoi

Advertorial Prim\ria municipiului Dorohoi

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Foto: Arhiva Prim\riei Bucecea


Foto: Arhiva Prim\riei Darabani

Considered the most northern town in the country, Darabani, is located, from a geographical point of view, on the northern side of the Moldavian Plain, in a hilly area with a maximum altitude of 264 m, being traversed by Prut River and Podriga Brook. This town, with its approximately 12,000 inhabitants, is the third as size in Botosani County (after the cities of Botosani and Dorohoi), comprising the following villages: Bajura, Esanca and Lismanita. The material traces discovered during the archaeological diggings (e.g. silex axes and pottery from Cucuteni) certify the continuous habitation of the area since ancient times. The first name of the locality was Cabiceni, and the present name, Darabani, was documentary certified in 1546. This name is connected to the name of the soldiers who protected the borders - ''darabanii mariei sale'' (His Majesty's foot soldiers). Having fertile soils, Darabani locality has always been involved in agricultural activities, being also favoured by its location at the junction of commercial roads. The town's evolution was favoured by the provisions of the Peace of Adrianopolis (1829), according to which the agricultural property was established here, represented by the estate of 11,000 hectares that belonged to the landowner Theodor C. Bals, an enlightened mind for his time, although a political Conservative. Three very important things are connected to his name: the establishment of Darabani market town in 1837; the construction of a unique church in the area according to the plans of ''Saint Sofia'' Church from Constantinople, still functioning today as a place of prayer for the inhabitants of Darabani; the establishment of the first state school in a village in Moldavia. As tourist sights we can identify ''Saint Nicholas'' Church (situated in the centre of the town, very similar to the one from Curtea de Arges) and the ''Town library'', both built during the time of the landowner Bals. The ancient oak trees from Teioasa Forest, planted by Stephen the Great after the battles against the Tartars, are also an important sight. We should also mention that the fountain and the benches decorated with flowers from the centre of town are unique in Romania. At present, the town's economy is based on agriculture and animal breeding, the light industry (the textile factory, the footwear factory and the knitting workshops, the food industry - three meat processing companies and two milk processing companies) being also present. The town of Darabani is the only urban centre on a radius of over 35 km, having major importance in the area through its institutions: the Town Hospital, with 75 beds, Darabani High-school, the Law Court, the Public prosecutor's office, a branch of the Romanian Commercial Bank, the Fiscal Office etc. Due to this, and also to the fact that Darabani is located on one of the access roads to Radauti Prut, where a new frontier point to the Republic of Moldova is being established, it has become necessary to elaborate programmes for the development of the infrastructure in the town of Darabani, in order to cope with the influx of vehicles and people. For this purpose, Darabani Town Hall envisages the accomplishment of three projects for the modernization of the main roads, which totalize 13,754 m, in order to improve the road infrastructure. At the moment, Darabani Town Hall has completed the Feasibility Studies for the three projects and now it is looking for financing sources in order start implementing them.
1. Foto: Sediul Prim\riei ora[ului Darabani 2. Foto: Muzeul Pr. Dr. Acad. Leon D\n\il\ 3. Foto: Alee parc Mihai Eminescu - bustul poetului 2

ocalitatea Bucecea este situat\ n partea de nord-est a ]\rii, la 19 km de Boto[ani, la 30 km de ora[ul Suceava [i 25 km de aeroportul Salcea. Cu o suprafa]\ de 4685 ha [i 5243 locuitori, ora[ul Bucecea este str\b\tut de DN 29C, ce asigur\ leg\tura cu Republica Ucraina ]inutul Cern\u]ului, pe la vama Siret, situat\ la aproximativ 40 km distan]\. Pe lng\ localitatea de re[edin]\ - Bucecea, ora[ul mai are dou\ localit\]i componente, [i anume: Bohoghina [i C\line[ti. A[ezarea a fost ntemeiat\ `n secolul al XV-lea, n timpul domniei voievodului {tefan cel Mare. Se spune c\ Bucecea [i-ar trage numele de la un vechi boier de origine polon\ cu numele de Buczaschi, care a ntemeiat mai multe sate, printre care [i cel care poart\ numele de Bucecea, data de 15 aprilie 1569 fiind considerat\, practic, ca fiind cea de atestare a localit\]ii din punct de vedere istoric. n anul 1828, pe lng\ satul Bucecea, deja existent, ia fiin]\ [i trgul Bucecea, satul Bucecea r\mnnd n partea de N-E a trgului nou creat. n anul 1845, ia fiin]\ comuna Bucecea, care a apar]inut de jude]ul Boto[ani, apoi de Raionul Boto[ani - Regiunea Suceava, iar de la ultima mp\r]ire administrativ-teritorial\ din anul 1968, comuna Bucecea apar]ine de jude]ul Boto[ani. n anul 2004, comuna Bucecea a fost declarat\ ora[. Bucecea Re]elele de drumuri existente pe raza ora[ului Bucecea sunt ntr-o stare bun\. Tradi]iile ora[ului Bucecea arat\ c\ locuitorii acestuia, din cele mai vechi timpuri, au avut ca ndeletnicire de baz\ agricultura. Perspectiva agriculturii n ora[ este privatizarea prin realizarea de ferme vegetale [i zootehnice, precum [i ob]inerea unor produse ecologice pentru a putea contribui la relansarea economic\ na]ional\, conform standardelor europene. Blocurile cu cele 720 apartamente, precum [i un mare num\r de locuin]e particulare beneficiaz\ de nc\lzire central\, alimentare la re]eaua de ap\ potabil\ [i canalizare, re]eaua de gaz metan, servicii telefonice printr-o central\ digital\ Ericsson [i TV prin cablu. Asisten]a medical\ este asigurat\ de un dispensar cu sta]ionar pentru copii, dispunnd de cabinete de consulta]ii pentru adul]i [i copii, precum [i de un cabinet stomatologic. Dispensarul veterinar din ora[ asigur\ ntreaga gam\ de tratamente [i vaccin\ri pentru efectivele de animale. Pe raza ora[ului func]ioneaz\ trei gr\dini]e [i un c\min de copii cu program prelungit, patru [coli primare, o [coal\ gimnazial\, un grup [colar industrial cu liceu [i [coal\ profesional\, un centru cultural, o bibliotec\ public\ [i o bibliotec\ [colar\. Valorificarea [i promovarea crea]iilor autentice de cert\ valoare artistic\ a dansului [i cntecului popular moldovenesc [i ndeosebi a fondului tradi]ional autentic sunt readuse n circuitul viu de Ansamblul popular ''Ciob\na[ul'', ce activeaz\ n cadrul Centrului Cultural Bucecea. Aceast\ institu]ie este dotat\ cu sal\ de spectacole de 300 de locuri, un studio de nregistr\ri audio, camere, birouri [i alte nc\peri ce asigur\ condi]ii deosebite pentru buna desf\[urare a tuturor activit\]ilor culturale. Monumentele istorice sunt reprezentate de Biserica ''Sf. Nicolae'', construit\ n 1815, [i conacul Miclescu din satul C\line[ti, construit n 1820. n vara anului 2004 s-au nceput s\p\turile arheologice la locul denumit ''Biserica Pustie'', l\ca[ ce dateaz\ din secolul XV, unde au fost g\site pietre de cimitir, c\r\mizi [i ziduri de la fostul amplasament al bisericii satului Vlce[ti [i 5 monede din perioada domniei lui {tefan cel Mare. Cele mai importante proiecte `n derulare din ora[ul Bucecea: Construc]ie {coal\ de Arte [i Meserii (reabilit\ri [i dot\ri investi]ionale la Grupul {colar Bucecea) proiect `n valoare de 4.800.000 euro, Reabilitare str\zi pe o distan]\ de 5,75 km, Extindere re]ele de canalizare [i Sta]ie de epurare, Extindere re]ea de ap\ `n Bucecea 5 km [i Bohoghina 1,5 km.

Bucecea locality is situated in the north-eastern part of the country, at 19 km from Botosani, 30 km from Suceava and 25 km from Salcea Airport. With a surface of 4,685 hectares and 5,243 inhabitants, the town of Bucecea is traversed by the national road DN 29C, which represents the connection to Ukraine - Cernauti County, through Siret customs, situated at a distance of approximately 40 km. Apart from the residence - Bucecea, the town has two other adjoining localities: Bohoghina and Calinesti. The settlement was established in the XVth century, during the reign of voivode Stephen the Great. It is said that the name of the locality comes from an old Polish landlord named Buczaschi, who founded several villages, one of them being Bucecea, the date of 15 April 1569 being considered as the date when the locality was certified from a historical point of view. Bucecea market town was established in 1828, Bucecea village remaining in the north-eastern part of the newly created settlement. Bucecea Commune was founded in 1845, belonging first to Botosani County, then to Botosani District - Suceava Region, and since the last administrative-territorial distribution (1968), Bucecea Commune has been part of Botosani County. In 2004, Bucecea Commune was declared a town. The existing roads in the town of Bucecea are in a good condition. The town's traditions show that its inhabitants have worked in agriculture since antiquity. The current perspectives of the town in this field are represented by the privatisation of the old farms and their transformation into vegetal and zootechnic farms, as well as the cultivation of ecological products in order to contribute to the recovery of the national economy according to European standards. The blocks with 720 apartments, as well as a great number of individual dwellings have central heating, connections to the drinking water and sewerage networks, gas network, digital telephone services provided by Ericsson and cable TV. Medical assistance is provided by a clinic for adults and children, which also offers dental care. The veterinary clinic provides the entire range of treataments and vaccines for animals. The town has three kindergartens and a day care institution for children, four primary schools, a secondary school, an industrial vocational school, a cultural centre, a public library and a school library. The capitalization and promotion of the genuine creations of certain artistic value in the fields of dancing, Moldavian folk songs and especially of the traditional objects are integrated in the tourist circuit by the Folk Ensemble ''Ciobanasul'', which activates inside Bucecea Cultural Centre. This institution has an auditorium with 300 seats, a recording studio, rooms, offices and other spaces that provide adequate conditions for the performance of the cultural activities. The historic monuments are represented by ''Saint Nicholas'' Church, built in 1815, and Miclescu Manor from Calinesti village, built in 1820. In the summer of 2004 the archaeological diggings began in the place called ''The Deserted Church'', a place dating from the XVth century, discovering tomb stones, bricks and walls from the former location of the church of Valcesti village and 5 coins from the time of Stephen the Great. The most important on-going projects in the town of Bucecea: the construction of a vocational school (rehabilitation and endowments for Bucecea Vocational School), a project with a value of 4,800,000 Euro, the rehabilitation of streets on a distance of 5.75 km, extension of the sewerage network and the construction of a wastewater treatment station, extension of the water supply network in Bucecea (5 km) and Bohoghina (1.5 km).

1. Foto: Prim\ria ora[ului Bucecea 2. Foto: Grup {colar Bucecea

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Advertorial Prim\ria Bucecea

onsiderat cel mai nordic ora[ al ]\rii, Darabani, din punct de vedere geografic, este a[ezat pe rama nalt\, nordic\, a cmpiei Moldovei, `ntr-o zon\ deluroas\ cu altitudinea maxim\ de 264 m, fiind str\b\tut de rul Prut [i prul Podriga. Aceast\ urbe, cu cei aproximativ 12.000 locuitori ai s\i, se situeaz\ pe locul al treilea ca m\rime din jude]ul Boto[ani (dup\ municipiile Boto[ani [i Dorohoi), avnd `n componen]a sa satele Bajura, E[anca [i Li[m\ni]a. Urmele materiale descoperite arheologic (de ex: topoare de silex [i ceramic\ cucutenian\) atest\ locuirea zonei din cele mai `ndep\rtate vremuri, precum [i o continuitate nentrerupt\ pn\ `n prezent. Prima denumire a localit\]ii a fost C\biceni, iar denumirea actual\, Darabani, este atestat\ documentar n anul 1546. Toponimul are leg\tur\ cu denumirea osta[ilor din corpul de paz\ a grani]ei - ''d\r\banii m\riei sale''. Avnd soluri fertile, localitatea Darabani a desf\[urat dintotdeauna activit\]i agricole, avantaje cunoscnd [i datorit\ pozi]ion\rii sale la ntret\ierea, ct [i de-a lungul unor drumuri comerciale. Evolu]ia Darabanilor a fost favorizat\ de prevederile p\cii de la Adrianopol din 1829, concret aici constituindu-se proprietatea agricol\ prin mo[ia de aproape 11.000 ha a boierului Theodor C. Bal[, boier luminat al timpului s\u, de[i conservator politic. De numele acestuia se leag\ trei lucruri foarte importante la Darabani: ntemeierea trgului Darabani n 1837; construirea unei biserici unice n zon\ dup\ planurile bisericii ''Sf. Sofia'' din Constantinopol, care sluje[te [i ast\zi ca l\ca[ de cult locuitorilor ora[ului Darabani; nfiin]area primei [coli s\te[ti, de stat, din Moldova. Ca atrac]ii turistice putem identifica Biserica ''Sfntul Nicolae'' (situat\ n centrul ora[ului, foarte asem\n\toare cu cea de la Curtea de Arge[) [i ''Biblioteca or\[eneasc\'', ambele construite n timpul boierului Bal[. Stejarii seculari din p\durea Teioasa, s\di]i de {tefan cel Mare n urma luptelor cu t\tarii, reprezint\, de asemenea, un punct important de atrac]ie. De men]ionat este [i faptul c\ fntna [i b\ncile ornate cu flori din centrul ora[ului sunt unicat n Romnia. n prezent, economia ora[ului se bazeaz\ pe agricultur\ [i cre[terea animalelor, industria u[oar\ prin fabrica de confec]ii, cea de nc\l]\minte [i atelierele de tricotaje, industria alimentar\ prin cele trei societ\]i de prelucrare a c\rnii [i cele dou\ de prelucrare a laptelui. Ora[ul Darabani este unicul centru urban pe o raz\ de peste 35 km avnd o importan]\ major\ n zon\ prin institu]iile pe care le g\zduie[te, respectiv Spitalul or\[enesc cu un num\r de 75 de paturi, Grupul [colar Darabani, Judec\toria, Parchetul de pe lng\ Judec\toria Darabani, BCR, Circa fiscal\ etc. Din aceste motive, ad\ugnd faptul c\ Darabaniul se afl\ la mic\ distan]\ [i pe una din arterele de acces c\tre R\d\u]i Prut, unde se afl\ n lucru un viitor punct de trecere al frontierei de stat c\tre Republica Moldova, este necesar\ lansarea unor programe de dezvoltare a infrastructurii n ora[ul Darabani, pentru a face fa]\ traficului auto [i de persoane. n acest sens, Prim\ria ora[ului Darabani [i-a propus pentru mbun\t\]irea infrastructurii rutiere realizarea a trei proiecte de modernizare a principalelor artere rutiere ale ora[ului, artere ce nsumeaz\ o lungime de 13.754 de metri. Momentan, Prim\ria ora[ului Darabani a finalizat studiile de fezabilitate pentru cele trei proiecte [i este `n c\utare de surse de finan]are pentru demararea lor.

Advertorial Prim\ria Darabani

Foto: Arhiva Prim\riei S\veni
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Foto: Arhiva Prim\riei Fl\m`nzi



A reference name, a symbol of the spirit of justice of the Romanian peasant, the town of Flamanzi is situated in the southern part of Botosani County, on the middle stream of Miletin River, in a hilly area. The relief is mostly represented by plains, with small floodable areas, the land being included in the third fertility zone. As strategic position, the locality is situated lengthways the European road E58, considered the main road that connects Botosani County to the counties in the south and especially to Iasi, Bacau, Vaslui and Neamt counties. The locality spreads on a surface of over 10,000 hectares, which comprises both the agricultural lands (with crops of wheat, technical plants, oil-bearing plants, valleys, pastures and commons), and also over 1,700 hectares of forest. As number of inhabitants, the town of Flaminzi is considered the third locality in the county, with more than 12,000 inhabitants, living in the town of Flaminzi, and also in the adjoining villages, Chitoveni and Prisacani. Flaminzi locality has a vast history, being documentary certified in the XVIth century, but archaeological vestiges where found on its territory that prove the existence of settlements in the area since the primitive and ancient times. Still, Flaminzi became famous both in the country and abroad as the place where the great Peasant Rebelion emerged in 1907, becoming the symbol of the thirst for justice of the Romanian peasant. Documents about this event can be found in the mini-exhibition of the Local Council, and especially in the museum in Botosani and the State Archives in Botosani and Iasi, as well as at Al. I. Cuza University in Iasi. Due to its geo-strategic importance (it is situated at an equal distance between Botosani and Harlau and on the main road that communicates with the other counties), and most of all to its historic significance, the former commune became a town in 2004, comprising the former villages Flaminzi, N. Balcescu and Poiana, and the nowadays villages Chitoveni and Prisacani. From among the most important tourist sights of the locality we can mention: the Memorial Monument 1907, "Saint Nicholas" wooden church (1657) - Prisacani and the Monument of the Heroes of the War of Independence. As local representative events we can mention: "The Romanian Round Dance from Flaminzi" (August) and the Festival of winter customs and traditions (in December). The industry is represented by the light industry, small factories and workshops, such as the textile factory, a furniture factory and two workshops, a milk processing factory, a slaughter-house, tailoring workshops, a flour-mill and several corn mills, a transport company, stores that sell construction materials, food and non-food products etc., units that have drawn a large number of human resources from the locality. Through the General Urban Plan, the establishment of an industrial area was approved, an area where the Romanian and foreign investors could benefit from certain facilties as access roads, running water, electricity etc., as the locality has raw materials like wood, agricultural and animal products, as well as other raw materials that can form the basis for the establishment of production units, e.g. companies that would use wool, wood, stone, milk and meat. A very important role will also be played by the traditional industries, such as: pottery, the manufacture of handcraft objects, the manufacture of objects from osier willow and straw etc.
1. Foto: Biserica de lemn "Sf. Nicolae" 2. Foto: Monument Comemorativ 1907 3. Foto: Monumentul Eroilor din R\zboiul pentru Independen]\ 4. Foto: Serb\rile ora[ului Fl\m`nzi 4

n partea central-estic\ a jude]ului Boto[ani se afl\ ora[ul S\veni, la 35 km de municipiul Boto[ani [i la 25 km de rul Prut. ~n componen]a sa intr\ localit\]ile Petricani, Chi[c\reni, Bozieni, Bodeasa [i Sat-Nou. A[ezarea sa deloc ntmpl\toare, la intersec]ia unor vechi artere de circula]ie, respectiv drumul ce leag\ localit\]ile de pa Valea Ba[eului [i cel ce leag\ Boto[anii de Valea Prutului, a favorizat de-a lungul timpului aspira]iile sale la statutul citadin n zona de nord-est a Moldovei. Localitatea S\veni este atestat\ ca sat `ntr-un document datnd din anul 1546, din vremea ultimului an al domniei voievodului moldovean Petru Rare[. n anul 1818, prin hrisovul domnesc al lui Scarlat Vod\, localitatea prime[te statutul de trg, cu 12 iarmaroace anual. Trgul S\venilor a fost centrul Plasei Ba[eu, iar din 1950 comuna a devenit centru de raion, pentru ca n anul 1968 s\ fie declarat\ ora[. Principalele obiective turistice prezente n ora[ul S\veni sunt: Biserica ''Sf. Gheorghe'', construit\ n anul 1804-1805, Biserica ''Sf. Nicolae'' ridicat\ n anul 1880, prezentnd o interesant\ mbinare arhitectonic\ ntre stilurile bizantin [i gotic, [i Muzeul de Istorie [i Arheologie. F\r\ a ne asuma paternitatea asupra unor nume sonore n arta [i cultura romneasc\, totu[i avem n fruntea oamenilor de valoare pe academicianul Mihai Ciuc\, originar din S\veni, savant de renume mondial, [i ne mai mndrim [i cu faptul c\ apar]inem acestui spa]iu binecuvntat al Boto[anilor lui Eminescu, Creang\, Sadoveanu, Iorga, Enescu, Luchian sau Pillat. Ora[ul dispune de o bibliotec\ cu peste 10.000 de volume, un cinematograf cu 310 locuri [i o Cas\ de cultur\. n ora[ul S\veni [i au sediul peste 130 societ\]i comerciale, majoritatea avnd ca principal obiect de activitate comer]ul, dar [i produc]ia privat\: lactate, confec]ii, mor\rit, panifica]ie, prese de ulei, ateliere de tmpl\rie, croitorie, construc]ii metalice, mobil\. Ora[ul are o re]ea de 58,7 km drumuri, din care 12,6 km sunt asfalta]i. Pentru instruirea [i educarea copiilor exist\ numai n ora[ un num\r de 4 gr\dini]e, o [coal\ cu clasele I-VIII [i un grup [colar de nivel liceal care are ca patron spiritual pe academicianul Dr. Mihai Ciuc\. Asisten]a sanitar\ este asigurat\ de un spital, o policlinic\ cu cabinete de interne, dermatologie, stomatologie, pediatrie [i laboratoare de analize, dar [i o institu]ie de ocrotire social\ pentru persoanele de vrsta a III-a. Se poate spune, f\r\ riscul de a gre[i, c\ n prezent localitatea are o alur\ urban\, gra]ie faptului c\ s-au dezvoltat n mod fericit iluminatul stradal [i asfaltarea principalelor dou\ artere de circula]ie ca pietonal din strada 1 Decembrie - mndria s\vinenilor. Administra]ia local\ are `n derulare mai multe proiecte, cum ar fi: reabilitarea [i construirea {colii de Arte [i Meserii, Grupul [colar ''Dr. Mihai Ciuc\''; reabilitarea Cinematografului ''Patria'' [i amenajarea acestuia pentru a putea func]iona [i drept Cas\ de Cultur\; reabilitarea bibliotecii or\[ene[ti; reabilitarea str\zilor Ghe. Asachi, M. Sadoveanu, M. Kog\lniceanu, Slt. Filipescu, T. Vladimirescu, Avram Iancu, Dobrogeanu Gherea; reabilitarea corpului A [i extinderea corpului B de la Unitatea de Asisten]\ Medico-Social\; amenajarea parcului principal al ora[ului S\veni; construirea de locuin]e sociale pentru cet\]enii de etnie rrom\; construirea unei gr\dini]e noi.

In the central-eastern part of Botosani County we find the town of Saveni, at a distance of 35 km from the City of Botosani and 25 km from Prut River. From an administrative point of view it comprises the localities Petricani, Chiscareni, Bozieni, Bodeasa and Sat-Nou. Its location, at the junction of old roads (the road that connects the localities on Baseului Valley and the one that connects Botosani to Prut Valley) has facilitated the aspirations of the locality to the rank of town in the north-east of Moldavia. Saveni locality was certified as village in a document dating from 1546, the last year of the reign of the Moldavian ruler Petru Rares. In 1818, through the princely document of Scarlat Voda, the locality received the statute of market town, with 12 yearly fairs. Saveni market town was the centre of Baseu small rural district, and in 1950 the commune became the centre of a district and it was finally declared a town in 1968. The main tourist sights in the town of Saveni are: ''Saint George'' Church, built in 1804-1805, ''Saint Nicholas'' Church, raised in 1880, presenting an interesting architectural combination between the Byzantine and Gothic styles, and the History and Archaeology Museum. Without assuming paternity over some remarkable names in the Romanian art and culture, we pride ourselves with the academician Mihai Ciuca, born in Saveni, a famous scientist, and also with the fact that we belong to the blessed space of Eminescu, Creanga, Sadoveanu, Iorga, Enescu, Luchian or Pillat. The town also has a library with over 10,000 volumes, a cinema with 310 seats and a Community Centre. Over 130 companies function is Saveni, most of them involved in trade, but also private production: dairy products, textiles, bakery, oil presses, carpentry and tailoring workshops, metallic construction, furniture. The town has a road network with a length of 58.7 km, out of which 12.6 km are paved. As education institutions the town has 4 kindergartens, a school and a vocational school named after the academician Dr. Mihai Ciuca. Medical assistance is provided by a hospital, a clinic (with a general section, dermatology, dental care, pediatrics and analysis laboratories), as well as a social protection institution for elderly people. Thus, we can state, without mistaking, that at present the locality has an urban character, due to the implementation of street lighting and to the paving of the two main pedestrian roads on 1 Decembrie Street - the pride of the locals. The town's administration has begun several projects, such as: rehabilitation and construction of the Arts and Crafts School, the Vocational School ''Dr. Mihai Ciuca''; rehabilitation of ''Patria'' Cinema and its refurbishment in order to function also as a Community Centre; the rehabilitation of the town library; the rehabilitation of Ghe. Asachi, M. Sadoveanu, M. Kogalniceanu, Slt. Filipescu, T. Vladimirescu, Avram Iancu, Dobrogeanu Gherea streets; the rehabilitation of the main building and extension of the secondary building of the Medical-Social Assistance Unit; the refurbishment of the town's park; the construction of social dwellings for the citizens of Rrom ethny; the construction of a new kindergarten.
1. Foto: Biserica ''Sf. Nicolae'' 2. Foto: Prim\ria S\veni 3. Foto: Biserica ''Sf Gheorghe'' 4. Foto: Monumentul Eroilor

ume de referin]\, simbol al spiritului de dreptate al ]\ranului romn, ora[ul Fl\m`nzi este situat n partea de sud a jude]ului Boto[ani, pe cursul mijlociu al rului Miletin, ntr-o zon\ colinar\. Forma de relief predominant\ este [esul, cu mici zone inundabile, terenul fiind inclus n zona a treia de fertilitate. Ca pozi]ie strategic\, localitatea este a[ezat\ de-a lungul drumului european E58, considerat principala arter\ rutier\ care leag\ jude]ul Boto[ani de jude]ele din sud [i mai ales de jude]ele Ia[i, Bac\u, Vaslui [i Neam]. Localitatea se ntinde pe o suprafa]\ de peste 10.000 ha, n care sunt cuprinse att terenurile agricole pe care se cultiv\ cereale, plante tehnice, oleaginoase, vii, p\[uni [i ima[uri, ct [i peste 1.700 ha de p\dure. Ca num\r de locuitori, ora[ul Fl\m`nzi este considerat a fi a treia localitate din jude] avnd peste 12.000 de locuitori, dispu[i att n ora[ul Fl\m`nzi, ct [i n satele apar]in\toare, Chi]oveni [i Prisacani. Localitatea Fl\m`nzi are o istorie bogat\, fiind atestat\ documentar nc\ din secolul XVI, dar pe teritoriul ei s-au g\sit vestigii arheologice care dovedesc a[ez\ri `n zon\ nc\ din epoca primitiv\ [i antic\. Totu[i, Fl\m`nzi s-a f\cut cunoscut\ att n ]ar\, ct [i n str\in\tate ca fiind locul de unde a izbucnit Marea R\scoal\ }\r\neasc\ din anul 1907, devenind simbolul setei de dreptate a ]\ranului romn. Documente ale acestui eveniment se g\sesc att n miniexpozi]ia din cadrul consiliului local, ct mai ales la muzeul din Boto[ani [i Arhivele Statului din Boto[ani [i Ia[i, precum [i la Universitatea Al. I. Cuza din Ia[i. Datorit\ importan]ei geostrategice (fiind situat la egal\ distan]\ de ora[ele Boto[ani [i Hrl\u [i pe principala arter\ de comunica]ie cu celelalte jude]e), ct mai ales istorice, fosta comun\ a devenit ora[ n anul 2004 [i este compus din fostele sate Fl\m`nzi, N. B\lcescu [i Poiana, iar ca sate apar]in\toare au r\mas Chi]oveni [i Prisacani. Dintre obiectivele turistice remarcabile ale localit\]ii men]ion\m: Monumentul Comemorativ 1907, Biserica din lemn "Sf. Nicolae" (1657) - Pris\cani [i Monumentul Eroilor din R\zboiul pentru Independen]\. Ca evenimente locale reprezentative amintim: Festivalul "Hora de la Fl\m`nzi" (luna august) [i Festivalul de datini [i obiceiuri de iarn\ (luna decembrie). Industria este reprezentat\ de mica industrie, de mici fabrici [i ateliere, de exemplu o fabric\ de confec]ii, o fabric\ de mobil\ [i dou\ ateliere de mobil\, o fabric\ de prelucrare a laptelui, un abator, ateliere de croitorie, moar\ de gru [i mai multe mori de porumb [i uleierni]e, o societate de transport, magazine de valorificare material de construc]ie, alimentare [i nealimentare etc., unit\]i care n mare m\sur\ au absorbit un mare num\r de for]\ de munc\ din localitate. Prin Planul Urbanistic General s-a aprobat nfiin]area unei zone industriale, zon\ n care investitorii romni [i str\ini s\ beneficieze de anumite facilit\]i ca drum de acces, ap\ curent\, electricitate etc., deoarece localitatea dispune de materii prime ca lemn, produse agricole [i animaliere, alte materiale care pot constitui materia prim\ n vederea nfiin]\rii de societ\]i comerciale de produc]ie, de exemplu societ\]i care s\ valorifice lna, materialul lemnos, piatra, laptele [i carnea [i, nu n ultimul rnd, se va pune baza pe industrii tradi]ionale ca: ol\ritul, confec]ionarea obiectelor de artizanat, confec]ionarea de obiecte din r\chit\ [i paie etc.

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Advertorial Prim\ria Fl\m`nzi Advertorial Prim\ria S\veni

Foto: Arhiva Prim\riei {tef\ne[ti
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Foto: Arhiva Prim\riei Tudora


Situated in the south-western part of Botosani County, at the foot of Dealul Mare Massif, at a distance of 35 km from the City of Botosani, Tudora Commune doesn't comprise any other adjoining localities. The territory of Tudora Commune has been permanently inhabited since ancient times (the Palaeolithic). The village was documentary certified on 6 January 1395, being part of the estate of the landowner Sendrea, who was one of the important counsellors of Stephen the Great. Referring to Tudora village and especially to Lady Tudora, in 1927, an old monk from Neamtului Monastery, a scholar and connoisseur of Slavonic and Greek languages, translated a recording from a Slavonic breviary with approximately the following content: ''On the left side of Siret River between Cornisori and Liteni - there lies the house of Radu and Tudora, a trustworthy servant of Stephen the Great, who rested there on his way between Suceava and Harlau; but Radu died in the war on Valea Alba and Tudora remained a widow with four children. The voivode then took care of Tudora and the children, who were now seven instead of four". Tudora locality, which celebrated six centuries of existence in 2000, is represented by the Citadel on Ocup Hill (situated on one of the natural entrenchments of the old village) and the Yew tree reservation from the heart of the ancient forest. Still, the traveller cannot pass by without noticing the imposing church spire from the centre of the village, made of stone and brick by the landowner Cantacuzino Pascanu, right next to the gate of his house, as a place of prayer for his family, but especially for the villagers, being consecrated in 1846. The style is different from the one of the other Moldavian churches and it has nothing in common neither to the Byzantine, nor to the Roman styles. In ancient times, several wooden churches existed in Tudora, being destroyed one after the other, a monument being now raised on the place of the ''Holy Table'', in the memory of the unkown heroes that died in the war of 1916 - 1918. Next to the church from the centre of the village, towards the east there rises the landowner's mansion, still preserved until today. In 1842 the landowner ordered the construction of a thick stone wall to surround the courtyard. The stone taken from the banks of Plesu Brook was transported by the poor peasants, slaves whipped by the landowner's people. That is why, the wall that leads to the church arouses the admiration of the tourists but at the same time it reminds the locals of the times when their grandfathers and great grandfathers were exploited and whipped senseless. Tudora locality is an important folk centre, with Dacian-Roman traditions and customs. Throughout the years, the dance ensembles from Tudora have become famous in the country and abroad. Dances like ''Batuta de la Tudora'', ''Rata'', ''Caraselul'', ''Ciobanasul'' and in the past ''Chindia'', ''Boghii'', ''Baraboiul'' have brought fame to the village. Especially since 1933, when ''Costache Mihalache Poteras'' Community Centre was established, the dance ensemble led by Gheorghe Vasiliu, Lucica Astefanoaie and prof. Vasile Vasiliu has obtained many triumphs. The traditional ensembles, like the horse's dance, the goat's dance, the bear's dance, have triumphed at both national and international level. At present, in Tudora Commune there are three schools, a community centre (built in 1972 and modernized in 2000, with a performance hall with 300 seats and a library with 25,456 volumes together with the school library).

ra[ul {tef\ne[ti se afl\ `n estul Cmpiei Jijiei Superioare, `n apropiere de confluen]a rului Ba[eu cu Prutul, pe malul lacului de acumulare Stnca-Coste[ti. Situat ntr-un areal locuit nc\ din neolitic, ora[ul {tef\ne[ti cunoa[te o istorie ntins\ de-a lungul a [ase veacuri, care l impune ca un centru de tradi]ie al comer]ului [i al vie]ii economice de pe valea Prutului, ca o vatr\ a culturii [i a civiliza]iei moldovene[ti. Localitatea {tef\ne[ti este men]ionat\ documentar pentru prima dat\ `n 1435 sub numele de Gura Ba[eului, `ntr-un document emis de domnul {tefan II. ~n 1476 este men]ionat deja ca trg, iar `n lucrarea ''Descriptio Moldaviae'' a lui Dimitrie Cantemir apare ca oppida notabiliara. ~n secolele XV-XVI a[ezarea este pr\dat\ de t\tari `n mai multe rnduri, apoi atacat\ [i de o[tile polone. Pn\ `n 1968 localitatea s-a numit {tef\ne[ti-Trg. Localitatea {tef\ne[ti a fost declarat\ ora[ `n anul 2004, iar `n prezent are aproximativ 5800 locuitori [i patru localit\]i `n subordine administrativ\: B\diu]i, Bobule[ti, Stnca, {tef\ne[ti-Sat. Dintre obiectivele turistice de referin]\ ale ora[ului amintim: Muzeul ''{tefan Luchian" (singurul din ]ar\ destinat pictorului {tefan Luchian, dar din p\cate a fost nchis, iar exponatele au fost depozitate n magaziile Muzeului Jude]ean de Istorie din municipiul Boto[ani), Nodul Hidrotehnic Stnca-Coste[ti, Rezerva]ia natural\ ''Emil Racovi]\" [i Parcul C dendrologic {tef\ne[ti, Biserica ''Cuvioasa Paraschiva" (construit\ `n anul 1640 [i considerat\ de c\tre V. Dr\gu] "cel mai vechi monument religios din Moldova adaptat unor func]ii cu caracter defensiv"). Referitor la Biserica ''Cuvioasa Paraschiva'', cel mai important monument istoric din aceast\ a[ezare, exist\ dou\ opinii: prima, cea sus]inut\ de tradi]ia local\, este aceea c\ l\ca[ul de cult ar fi o ctitorie a lui {tefan cel Mare sau a lui {tef\ni]\ Voievod, iar cea de-a doua, sus]inut\ de c\tre speciali[ti, pe baza caracteristicilor arhitectonice actuale ale construc]iei, afirm\ c\ l\ca[ul dateaz\ din sec. al XVII-lea. Cealalt\ atrac]ie a zonei, Lacul de acumulare Stnca-Coste[ti, este amplasat\ pe rul Prut, la grani]a dintre Romnia [i C Republica Moldova. Lucr\rile au fost executate n perioada 1973 - 1979, iar punerea `n func]iune a barajului a nceput n luna decembrie a anului 1977. Proiectarea [i execu]ia barajului Stnca-Coste[ti s-au f\cut n comun de c\tre cele dou\ state vecine, Romnia [i Republica Moldova (pe atunci, parte a U.R.S.S.) Leg\turile cu zona lacului de acumulare Stnca-Coste[ti sunt asigurate prin [osele asfaltate, DN 24 C Ia[i-{tef\ne[ti [i DN 29D Boto[ani-{tef\ne[ti. Lacul de acumulare, amenajat pe valea { Prutului prin ridicarea barajului de la Stnca-{tef\ne[ti, reprezint\ cea mai ntins\ suprafa]\ de luciu de ap\ din bazinul acestui ru. Stnca {tef\ne[ti este o rezerva]ie cu un caracter complex, geologic [i floristic, situat\ la nord-est de ora[ul {tef\ne[ti, jude]ul Boto[ani. Stnca apare ca un ''pinten'' calcaros format din depozite de luturi loessoide cuaternare, cu o nal]ime maxim\ de 101 m, cunoscut sub numele de ''Casa Doamnei''. Acest recif carstic ad\poste[te pe coastele stncoase o plant\ termofil\ foarte rar\ - Schivereokia podolica. Pentru aceast\ specie, aici este limita vestic\ a arealului s\u mondial. Avifauna din perimetrul lacului de acumulare este constituit\ din 178 de specii de p\s\ri, lacul de acumulare Stnca-{tef\ne[ti fiind un important cartier de iernare a p\s\rilor n bazinul romnesc al Prutului. Revolu]ia din 1989 antreneaz\ schimb\ri profunde n toate sferele de activitate ale localit\]ii, revigorndu-se via]a economic\, social\ [i cultural\: se deschide punctul vamal Stnca-Coste[ti, se liberalizeaz\ comer]ul, apar primele manifest\ri culturale cu caracter interna]ional: ''Podul de flori'', Festivalul ''Florile Prutului''.

The town of Stefanesti is located in the east of Superior Jijia Plain, close to the confluence between Baseu and Prut Rivers, on the bank of Stanca-Costesti water storage basin. Situated in an area that has been inhabited since the Neolithic, the town of Stefanesti has a history of over six centuries, which presents it as a traditional centre of trade and economic activity on the valley of Prut River, as a centre of culture and Moldavian civilization. Stefanesti locality was documentary certified for the first time in 1435 as Gura Baseului, in a document issued by the ruler Stephen II. In 1476 it was already mentioned as market town, and in the work ''Descriptio Moldaviae'' written by Dimitrie Cantemir it appears as oppida notabiliara. In the XV-XVIth centuries, the settlement was plundered by Tartars on several occasions, then attacked by the Polish armies. Until 1968 the locality was called Stefanesti-Targ. Stefanesti locality was declared a town in 2004, today having approximately 5,800 inhabitants and four localities in its administration: Badiuti, Bobulesti, Stanca, Stefanesti-Sat. From among the most important tourist sights in town we can mention: ''Stefan Luchian" Museum (the only museum in the country dedicated to the painter Stefan Luchian, which was unfortunately closed, the exhibits being preserved in the storehouses of the County History Museum in t C the City of Botosani), the Hydro-technical Hub Stanca-Costesti, ''Emil Racovita" Natural Reservation, Stefanesti Dendrologic Park and ''The Pious Paraschiva" Church (raised in 1640 and considered by V. Dragut as "the oldest religious monument with defensive functions in Moldavia".) Referring to this church, the most important historic monument of this settlement, there are two opinions: the first, supported by local tradition, is that the place of prayer was built by Stephen the Great or his son, and the second opinion, supported by the experts on the basis of the nowadays architectural characteristics, claims that the church dates from the XVIIth century. The other sight in the area, Stanca-Costesti water storage basin, is located on Prut River, at the border between Romania and the Republic of Moldova. The works were performed between 1973 and 1979, and the operation of the dam began in December 1977. The design and execution of Stanca-Costesti dam were made jointly by the two neighbouring states, Romania and the Republic of Moldova (at the time part of the U.S.S.R.). Stanca-Costesti water storage basin can be accessed on paved roads, the national road DN 24 C Iasi-Stefanesti and the national road DN 29D Botosani-Stefanesti. The lake, created on the valley of Prut River S through the construction of the dam from Stanca-Stefanesti, represents the largest water surface in this river basin. Stanca Stefanesti is a complex geological and flower reservation, situated north-east of the town of Stefanesti, Botosani County. Stanca appears as a lime ''ram'' consisting of deposits of Quaternary loess, with a maximum altitude of 101 m, known as the ''Lady's House''. This karst reef shelters on its rocky ridges a very rare termophile plant Schivereokia podolica. For this species, this area is the western limit of its worldwide habitat. The fauna around the lake is represented by 178 species of birds, the lake being an important wintering place for birds in the Romanian basin of Prut River. The Revolution of 1989 generated significant changes in all spheres of activity in this locality, leading to the recovery of the economic, social and cultural life: Stanca-Costesti customs was opened again, trade was liberalized and the first international cultural manifestations appeared: ''The Bridge with Flowers'', ''The Flowers of Prut'' Festivals.
1. Foto: Barajul Stnca-Coste[ti 2. Foto: Biserica "Cuvioasa Parascheva" 3. Foto: Plaj\ la lac acumulare Stnca-Coste[ti 4. Foto: Parc dendrologic 3 4

ituat\ n partea de sud-vest a jude]ului Boto[ani, la poalele Masivului Dealul Mare, la 35 km distan]\ fa]\ de municipiul Boto[ani, comuna Tudora este format\ dintr-o singur\ localitate care i d\ [i numele: Tudora. Teritoriul comunei Tudora prezint\ urme de via]\ omeneasc\ nc\ din cele mai vechi timpuri, din paleolitic, teritoriul satului Tudora fiind o permanent\ vatr\ de locuire, locuitorii nep\r\sind-o niciodat\. Satul este atestat documentar nc\ de la 6 ianuarie 1395, f\cnd parte din proprietatea boierului Sendrea, care era unul dintre sfetnicii de seam\ ai voievodului {tefan. Legat de satul Tudora [i mai ales de Doamna Tudora, n anul 1927, un b\trn c\lug\r de la M\n\stirea Neam]ului, c\rturar [i bun cunosc\tor al limbii slavone [i grece[ti, a tradus o nsemnare dintr-un ceaslov slavonesc aproximativ cu urm\torul cuprins: ''Pe partea stng\ a Siretului - cam ntre Corni[ori [i Liteni - se afl\ curtea lui Radu [i a Tudorei, om de ncredere al sl\vitului {tefan Voivod, care la ducere [i ntoarcere de la Suceava la Hrl\u g\sea loc de poposire [i hodin\; dar Radu moare n r\zboiul de la Valea Alb\ [i Tudora r\mne v\dan\ cu patru copii.'' Sl\vitul Domn tot trecea [i poposea pe la Tudora avnd grij\ de ei, care din mila lui Dumnezeu s-au nmul]it de la patru la [apte. Despre localitatea Tudora, care n 2000 [i-a aniversat cele [ase veacuri de existen]\, ne vorbesc Cet\]uia de pe Dealul Ocup (situat\ pe una din fortifica]iile naturale ale satului str\vechi) [i Rezerva]ia de tisa din inima b\trnilor codri. Ochiul trec\torului `ns\ nu poate trece f\r\ a observa turla bisericii impun\toare din centrul satului, construit\ din piatr\ [i c\r\mid\ de c\tre boierul Cantacuzino Pa[canu, chiar lng\ poarta cur]ii sale, ca l\ca[ de nchinare pentru familia sa, dar mai ales pentru s\teni, fiind sfin]it\ n anul 1846. Stilul este deosebit de al celorlalte biserici moldovene[ti [i nu are nimic comun nici cu stilul bizantin, nici cu cel roman. ~n vremuri `ndep\rtate, `n Tudora au existat mai multe biserici de lemn care s-au distrus una dup\ alta, pe locul unde a fost ''Sfnta Mas\'' fiind ridicat, ntre timp, un monument n memoria eroilor necunoscuti c\zu]i n r\zboiul din 1916 1918. Lng\ biserica din centrul satului, spre r\s\rit se afl\ conacul boierului, care se p\streaz\ [i ast\zi. ~n 1842 boierul poruncea construirea unui zid gros de piatr\ care s\ nconjoare curtea. Piatra scoas\ din malul prului Ple[u a fost transportat\ pe palmele bie]ilor ]\rani, transforma]i n slugi biciu]i de c\tre oamenii boierului arenda[. De aceea, zidul care urc\ spre biseric\, la o prim\ vedere, treze[te n ochii oric\rui privitor uimirea, dar n ochii localnicilor aminte[te de vremurile cnd bunicii [i str\bunicii lor erau pu[i la munc\ silnic\ [i biciui]i pn\ la snge. Localitatea Tudora este o important\ vatr\ folcloric\, cu datini [i obiceiuri de origine daco-roman\. De-a lungul anilor, forma]iile de dansuri ale tudorenilor au fost cunoscute n ]ar\ [i peste hotare. Dansuri ca ''B\tuta de la Tudora'', ''Ra]a'', ''C\r\[elul'', ''Ciob\na[ul'' [i mai demult ''Chindia'', ''Boghii'', ''Baraboiul'' au dus faima satului. n mod deosebit ncepnd cu anul 1933, odat\ cu nfiin]area C\minului Cultural ''Costache Mihalache Potera['', forma]ia de dansuri sub conducerea unor sufleti[ti precum nv. Gheorghe Vasiliu, nv. Lucica A[tef\noaie, prof. Vasile Vasiliu au ob]inut multe succese. Forma]iile de datini [i obiceiuri, cum ar fi jocul c\iu]ilor, caprei, dansului la urs (ursar), c\ld\rarilor, au triumfat pe plan na]ional [i interna]ional. n prezent, n comuna Tudora func]ioneaz\ trei [coli, un c\min cultural (construit n 1972 [i modernizat n anul 2000, care posed\ o sal\ de spectacole cu 300 locuri [i bibliotec\ cu 25.456 de volume mpreun\ cu biblioteca [colii).

1. Foto: Monumentul eroului necunoscut 2. Foto: P\durea Tudora - prim\vara 3. Foto: Rezerva]ia de tis\ Tudora - iarna 4. Foto: Dansuri populare tradi]ionale din zona Tudora - forma]ie b\rb\teasc\

Advertorial Prim\ria Tudora

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omuna Hude[ti se afl\ `n nordul jude]ului Boto[ani, ntre municipiul Dorohoi (la 25 km distan]\) [i ora[ul Darabani (la 12 km distan]\), pe malul drept al rului Prut. Localitatea este cunoscut\ n documentele istorice nc\ din secolul al IV-lea sub numele de Hudin]i, cnd satele erau pozi]ionate astfel fa]\ de actualele sate. Resursele naturale sunt `n leg\tur\ cu diversitatea vegeta]iei [i a terenurilor, fiind propice Hudesti sem\narea tuturor culturilor n aceast\ comun\; aici exist\, de asemenea, 504 ha luciu ap\, precum [i importante cantit\]i de nisip cuar]os de calitate superioar\, nisip ce n prezent este exploatat. Majoritatea popula]iei se ocup\ cu agricultura, cultivndu-se cu prec\dere porumbul, grul, floarea-soarelui, sfecla de zah\r, cartoful, iar animalele care se cresc `n zon\ sunt bovinele, cabalinele, porcinele [i ovinele, precum [i p\s\ri de curte. Subsolul comunei, care este bogat n nisip cuar]os, unul din cele mai bune din Europa, este exploatat de c\tre o companie privat\. Drumurile din comun\ au o lungime de 169 km, din care 15,8 km sunt moderniza]i. Re]eaua de alimentare cu ap\ potabil\ este n lungime de 4,5 km [i sunt aprobate documenta]iile [i studiile pentru nc\ 4 km alimentare cu ap\ potabil\ [i 8,5 km pentru canalizare. n domeniul nv\]\mntului, n comuna Hude[ti func]ioneaz\ 6 unit\]i [colare [i 6 unit\]i pre[colare. Ca foruri de cultur\ amintim cele 3 c\mine culturale, biblioteca comunal\ [i cele 5 biblioteci [colare. n domeniul s\n\t\]ii, n comuna Hude[ti func]ioneaz\ 3 cabinete medicale umane, un centru de ngrijire medical\ Speran]a (Bethezda) [i un cabinet medical veterinar. ~n seria obiectivelor turistice se cuvin a fi amintite: Biserica [i conacul ''Buldur L\]escu'', Cetatea Medieval\, Lunca Prutului. Biserica Mlen\u]i [i Parcul Dendrologic (Conacul Franc).

Foto: Arhiva Prim\riei Pomrla


Foto: Prim\ria Hude[ti

Located in the south-western part of Botosani County, at a distance of 22 km from the City of Botosani, Vorona Commune was documentary certified on 7 January 1403. As administrative unit, Vorona is the largest commune in Botosani County, with more than 8,500 inhabitants, grouped in six large villages (Vorona, Vorona Mare, Vorona Teodoru, Joldesti, Icuseni, Poiana), having Vorona Monastery as spiritual centre, a monastic settlement with a deep resonance in the conscience of the inhabitants. Raluca Iurascu, the mother of Mihai Eminescu, the genius of our national poetry, was born in Joldesti and lived there until 1846, also Saint Onufrie lived in Voronei Forest, his relics being placed at Voronei Hermitage, and Teoctist, the Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church concluded his apprenticeship at Vorona Monastery. Vorona is also the place where the one who united the Romanian principalities, Alexandru Ioan Cuza, gave one of his righteous judgements, the proof being ''Cuza's oak'' located close to Vorona Monastery. Tradition still brings thousands of believers to Vorona Monastery today. A fair is also organized here, every Tuesday, since ancient times. The desire to turn to account the folk traditions and customs led to the establishment of the folk festival ''The Forest f Celebrations'' (which reached its XXXVth edition), the contest-festival for children and young people ''Legacy of ancient times'' (which reached its XXVth edition), the religious painting camp ''A brush for faith'', the manifestations organized every year (when the ''Days of Eminescu'' are celebrated) by the folk ensemble ''Codruletul'' (with an activity of over 30 years). The fame of locality which preserves its traditions and customs has compelled the local administration to prepare a strategy for sustainable development, which (besides other development directions) would emphasise the valuation of the local traditions in the promotion of cultural, religious and leisure tourism, as well as agrotourism. Thus, Vorona could become a true agro-tourist centre, with real perspectives of European development.
1. Foto: Arhiva Prim\riei Vorona - M\n\stirea Vorona 2. Foto: BOARDMEDIA - instantaneu de la Festivalul "Mo[tenite din B\trni" 3. Foto: BOARDMEDIA - Prim\ria Vorona 2

Advertorial Prim\ria Hude[ti

Hudesti Commune is located in the north of Botosani County, between the City of Dorohoi (at a distance of 25 km) and the town of Darabani (at a distance of 12 km), on the right bank of Prut River. The locality was mentioned in the historic documents since the IVth century as Hudinsi, when the villages had the same location. The natural resources are represented by the diversity of the vegetation and lands, being favourable to agriculture; here, there are also 504 hectares of water, as well as important quantities of quartz sand of superior quality, which is exploited at present. The majority of the population is involved in agriculture, the main crops being corn, wheat, sun-flower, beats, potatoes, and animal breeding includes cattle, horses, pigs, sheep as well as birds. The subsoil, rich in quartz sand, one of the finest in Europe, is exploited by a private company. The commune's roads have a length of 169 km, 15.8 km being modernized. The drinking water supply network has a length of 4.5 km and the documents and studies for another 4 km for water supply and 8.5 km for sewerage have also been approved. In the field of education there are 6 schools and 6 pre-school education institutions in Hudesti Commune. As cultural centres, we can mention the 3 community centres, the communal library and 5 school libraries. In the field of medical assistance, Hudesti Commune has 3 clinics, a medical care centre Speranta (Bethezda) and a veterinary clinic. From among the tourist sights we can mention: ''Buldur Latescu'' church and manor, the Medieval Citadel, the Meadow of Prut River, Mlenauti Church and the Dendrologic Park (Franc Manor).

[ezat\ `n partea de sud-vest a jude]ului Boto[ani, la 22 km de municipiul Boto[ani, comuna Vorona a fost atestat\ istoric din 7 ianuarie 1403. Ca unitate administrativ\, Vorona este cea mai mare comun\ din jude]ul Boto[ani, cu peste 8500 de locuitori, grupa]i n [ase sate mari (Vorona, Vorona Mare, Vorona Teodoru, Jolde[ti, Icu[eni, Poiana), avnd ca centru spiritual m\n\stirea Vorona, a[ezare monahal\ cu rezonan]\ profund\ n con[tiin]a tuturor voronenilor. ~n Jolde[ti s-a n\scut [i a locuit, pn\ n 1846, Raluca Iura[cu, mama lui Mihai Eminescu, geniul na]ional al poeziei noastre, `n codrii Voronei a tr\it Sfntul Onufrie, ale c\rui moa[te se afl\ la Sih\stria Voronei, iar la m\n\stirea Vorona [i-a f\cut ucenicia [i vrednicul de pomenire P.F. Teoctist, Patriarhul Bisericii Ortodoxe Romne. La Vorona a s\vr[it domnitorul Unirii, Alexandru Ioan Cuza, una dintre judec\]ile sale drepte, m\rturie stnd ''stejarul lui Cuza'' din apropierea M\n\stirii Vorona. Tradi]ia hramului M\n\stirii Vorona adun\ [i n prezent mii de credincio[i. Tot aici se organizeaz\, s\pt\mnal, din timpuri imemoriale pn\ n prezent, n ziua de mar]i, un trg (iarmaroc). Din dorin]a de a valorifica datinile, obiceiurile [i tradi]iile populare s-au n\scut: festivalul folcloric ''Serb\rile P\durii'' (ajuns la a XXXV-a edi]ie), festivalul concurs de interpretare a cntecului popular pentru copii [i tineri ''Mo[tenite din b\trni'' (ajuns la edi]ia a XXV-a), tab\ra de pictur\ religioas\ ''Un penel pentru credin]\'', manifest\rile organizate anual (n cadrul ''Zilelor Eminescu'') de c\tre ansamblul folcloric ''Codrule]ul'' (cu o activitate de peste 30 de ani). Renumele de localitate n care se p\streaz\ tradi]iile [i obiceiurile locale a obligat administra]ia local\ la elaborarea unei strategii de dezvoltare durabil\ n care al\turi de alte direc]ii de dezvoltare, un accent deosebit s\ se pun\ pe valorificarea tradi]iilor n promovarea turismului cultural, a turismului religios [i de agrement, a agroturismului. Astfel, Vorona poate deveni un adev\rat centru agroturistic, cu reale perspective de dezvoltare european\. Advertorial Prim\ria Vorona

Foto: Arhiva Prim\riei Frumu[ica
n partea de sud a jude]ului Boto[ani, pe E58, la 34 km fa]\ de municipiul Boto[ani, la 3 km fa]\ de ora[ul Fl\mnzi, la 15 km de ora[ul Hrl\u [i 92 km de Ia[i se afl\ comuna Frumu[ica. Format\ din 6 sate - Frumu[ica, Store[ti, {endreni, Vl\deni-Deal, R\deni, Boscoteni, localitatea are 6390 locuitori [i se Frumusica `ntinde pe 8622 ha, din care 40 ha iazuri. Activit\]ile economice principale ale localnicilor sunt `n domeniul comer]ului, prest\ri servicii, turism, cultivarea plantelor, cre[terea animalelor, prelucrarea lemnului, pomicultur\, viticultur\, produc]ie rachiuri [i vinuri naturale. Dintre obiectivele turistice reprezentative men]ion\m: Schitul Bal[; Cimitirul Uria[ilor; Masa tlharilor; Dealul Holm - 520 m (despre care se spune c\ ar fi cea mai mare altitudine din jude]ul Boto[ani, iar `n zilele senine de pe deal se poate vedea Ceahl\ul); }uica de R\deni (dublu distilat\, `n curs de omologare la OSIM); amenaj\rile piscicole (de peste 40 ha); Muzeul parohial Store[ti. Schitul Bal[ a fost nfiin]at de boierul Grigore Bal[ n 1776, dar n acela[i an i s-a dat foc, fiind la grani]a dintre mo[ii, ceea ce a creat conflicte. Biserica actual\ a fost construit\ de Lasc\r Sturza [i Evghenia Ursachi n 1819, dar n 1870 a fost nchis\ de boierul Mavrocordat. Redeschis\ n 1945, cnd crescuse [i un cire[ n altar, biserica a fost nchis\ din nou de comuni[ti n 1959. n anul eliber\rii de comunism, 1990, biserica [i schitul au avut parte de o ngrijire adecvat\ unui l\ca[ de cult, iar enoria[ii au nceput s-o frecventeze din ce n ce mai des. n prezent schitul este locuit de cinci c\lug\ri.
2 3


In the southern part of Botosani County, on E58, at a distance of 34 km from the City of Botosani, 3 km from the town of Flamanzi, 15 km from the town of Harlau and 92 km from Iasi we find Frumusica Commune. Comprising 6 villages - Frumusica, Storesti, Sendreni, Vladeni-Deal, Radeni, Boscoteni, the locality has 6,390 inhabitants, spreading on a surface of 8,622 hectares, out of which 40 hectares of ponds. The main economic activities of the locals are in the field of trade, services, tourism, farming, animal breeding, wood processing, fruit growing, wine growing, production of brandy and natural wines. From among the representative tourist sights we can mention: Bals Hermitage; the Giants' Cemetery; the Thieves' Table; Holm Hill - 520 m (which is said to be the highest point in Botosani County, and in clear days one can see Ceahlau Mountain from the top of the hill); the plum brandy from Radeni (doubly distilled, pending homologation by OSIM); the fish farms (over 40 hectares); the Parochial Museum Storesti. Bals Hermitage was established by the landowner Grigore Bals in 1776, but it was burned down in the same year, as it was located at the border between two estates, which created conflicts. The present church was built by Lascar Sturza and Evghenia Ursachi in 1819, but it was closed in 1870 by the landowner Mavrocordat. Opened again in 1945, when a cherry tree had also grown in the altar, the church was closed again by the Communists in 1959. When the Communist regime ended in 1990, the church and the hermitage enjoyed the care they deserved and the believers began to go there more frequently. At present, the hermitage is inhabited by five monks.
1. Foto: Hanul R\deni 2. Foto: Cl\dire administrativ\ Vinia Radeni 3. Foto: Cl\dire peste Crama R\deni

omuna Mitoc este a[ezat\ n nord-estul jude]ului Boto[ani, pe malul rului Prut, pe DN 24C [i DJ 294A, la 80 km distan]\ de municipiul Boto[ani [i 35 km de ora[ul S\veni. Localitatea este alc\tuit\ din dou\ sate - Mitoc, re[edin]a de comun\, [i Horia. Comuna Mitoc beneficiaz\ de condi]ii optime de dezvoltare a agriculturii. n comun\ func]ioneaz\ o serie de agen]i economici, dup\ cum urmeaz\: de produc]ie (mica industrie - o pres\ de ulei, 3 mori de porumb, 4 mori cu cioc\nele pentru foraje, o brut\rie); de comer] (22 unit\]i); de prest\ri servicii (n domeniul agricol - o societate de mecanizare a agriculturii). Comuna Mitoc este nfr\]it\ din anul 1990 cu localitatea Mallac din Fran]a. Pe teritoriul administrativ Mitoc exist\ cteva monumente istorice, apar]innd domeniului public al comunei, dup\ cum urmeaz\: placa comemorativ\ n amintirea ]\ranilor uci[i n R\scoala din anul 1907, aflat\ n satul Mitoc, monument cu valoare memorial\; o a[ezare din paleolitic, descoperit\ pe teritoriul localit\]ii Mitoc (Izvorul satului) - sit arheologic; o a[ezare din paleolitic, descoperit\ pe teritoriul localit\]ii Mitoc (Malul Galben) - sit arheologic. Dintre obiectivele turistice ale zonei putem identifica, pe lng\ siturile arheologice deja amintite, pescuitul sportiv de pe rul Prut [i Rezerva]ia Natural\ ''Emil Racovi]\'', aflat\ n Lunca Prutului. La nivelul comunei Mitoc, nv\]\mntul este organizat n sistem pre[colar (2 gr\dini]e), primar [i gimnazial (clasele I-VIII - 2 [coli), iar ca unit\]i culturale, func]ioneaz\ un c\min cultural, un muzeu [i o bibliotec\ public\. Pe raza comunei Mitoc exist\ dou\ biserici ortodoxe (Biserica ''Sf Nicolae'' - Mitoc [i Biserica ''Sf Vasile'' - Horia). Ca proiecte de investi]ii, administra]ia local\ are `n vedere: extinderea re]elei de canalizare [i realizarea unei sta]ii de tratare [i epurare a apei `n comuna Mitoc; asfaltarea drumului jude]ean Avrameni-Mitoc [i pietruirea drumului comunal din Mitoc de 17 km [i Horia de 6 km; extinderea re]elei electrice n satul Horia cu 3 km [i n satul Mitoc cu 2 km, n vederea racord\rii gospod\riilor neelectrificate; construirea unui c\min cultural `n satul Horia; repara]ii capitale la c\minul cultural Mitoc; repara]ii capitale la sediul prim\riei; repara]ii capitale la {coala Horia; nfiin]area unui centru de colectare, prelucrare a laptelui de vac\ [i oaie; `nfiin]area unui microabator; dotarea prim\riei [i a [colilor cu tehnic\ de calcul.

Mitoc Commune is located in the north-east of Botosani County, on the bank of Prut River, on the national road DN 24C and the county road DJ 294A, at a distance of 80 km from the City of Botosani and 35 km from the town of Saveni. The locality comprises two villages - Mitoc, the commune residence and Horia. Mitoc Commune has optimal conditions for the development of agriculture. Several economic agents carry out their activities there: production (the light industry - an oil press, 3 corn mills, 4 hammer swing mills for fodder, a bakery); trade (22 units); services (in the agricultural field - a mechanization company). Mitoc Commune has been collaborating from a cultural point of view with Mallac locality in France since 1990. The administrative territory of Mitoc comprises a few historic monuments, belonging to the public domain, like: the memorial plaque in the honour of the peasants killed in the Rebelion of 1907; a settlement from the Palaeolithic, discovered on the territory of Mitoc locality (Izvorul satului) - an archaeological site; a settlement from the Palaeolithic, discovered on the territory of Mitoc locality (Malul Galben) - an archaeological site. From among the tourist sights in the area we can identify, besides the above mentioned archaeological sites, sports fishing on Prut River, ''Emil Racovita'' Natural Reservation and the Meadow of Prut River. In Mitoc Commune, education is represented by 2 kindergartens, 2 schools (primary and secondary education), and as cultural units we can mention a community centre, a museum and a public library. On the territory of Mitoc Commune there are two Orthodox churches (''Saint Nicholas'' Church - Mitoc and ''Saint Vasile'' Church - Horia). As investment projects, the local administration envisages: the extension of the sewerage network and the construction of a water treatment plant in Mitoc Commune; the pavement of the county road AvrameniMitoc as well as of the communal road in Mitoc with a length of 17 km and in Horia with a length of 6 km; the extension of the electric network in Horia village by 3 km and in Mitoc village by 2 km, in order to connect the remaining households; the construction of a community centre in Horia village; the refurbishment of the community centre in Mitoc; the refurbishment of the Town Hall; the refurbishment of Horia School; the establishment of a collection and processing centre of cow and sheep milk; the establishment of a small slaughter house; the endowment of the Town Hall and of the schools with IT equipment.
1. Foto: Zon\ de pescuit din comuna Mitoc - pe rul Prut 2. Foto: Imagine general\ din comuna Mitoc


Advertorial Prim\ria Frumu[ica

Advertorial Prim\ria Mitoc

>> 31


Foto: Arhiva Prim\riei Ib\ne[ti

[ezat\ n partea de vest a jude]ului Boto[ani, comuna Br\e[ti se afl\ la o distan]\ de 20 km de re[edin]a de jude], iar cel mai apropiat ora[ 2 este Dorohoi, la o distan]\ de aproximativ 10 km, cu care are cele mai Braesti strnse leg\turi economice. Localitatea a fost men]ionat\ prima dat\ n timpul lui {tefan Voievod (1442-1447), domn al }\rii Moldovei, [i era constituit\ din mai multe sate: Br\e[ti, Poiana, Priste[ti Popeni [i Vlcele. Toate aceste a[ez\ri figurau ca sate de sine st\t\toare nainte de ultima mp\r]ire administrativ-teritorial\ din decembrie 1968, dup\ care comuna [i-a simplificat num\rul satelor la numai trei, ce figureaz\ [i ast\zi: satul Poiana, satul Br\e[ti [i satul Popeni. Dup\ anul 1968 satului Br\e[ti i se al\tur\ o mic\ a[ezare cu 28 de case denumit\ Vlcele, situat\ n sudul satului Br\e[ti. Cnd spunem Br\e[ti asociem imediat numele cu Biserica "Adormirea", ce poart\ chiar hramul Adormirii Maicii Domnului [i care a fost construit\ n anul 1745, pe cheltuiala lui Miron Gorovei. Biserica a fost reparat\ n anul 1880 de neamul Spire[tilor, dup\ cum spune inscrip]ia pus\ cu aceast\ ocazie deasupra u[ii la intrarea n naos. Catapeteasma este f\cut\ din lemn de tei nc\ de la construirea bisericii. De-a lungul timpului, acest l\ca[ de cult a mai fost reparat, iar `n perioada 1968-1972 i s-au f\cut repara]ii de restaurare sub directa ndrumare [i sprijinul nalt Prea Sfin]itului Mitropolit Iustin, Mitropolitul Moldovei [i Sucevei. Biserica "Adormirea", prin vechimea ei, constituie o poboab\ a satului [i un monument de art\ printre bisericile moldovene. Locuin]ele locuitorilor sunt cele specifice zonei depresiunii Jijia - Bahlui. Tipul cl\dirilor de locuit este cel rural cu dou\ sau trei camere, cu o tind\ desp\r]itoare, cu prisp\, unele avnd [i cerdac. Ornamenta]iile caselor sunt cele din lemn traforat la corni[e [i coame, cu acoperi[uri din tabl\, stuf, carton asfaltat, [indril\, ]igl\. Portul tradi]ional al acestor locuitori este format din opinci `n picioare, pantaloni de suman (dimie), sumanul tot din dimie sau cojoace, pe cap c\ciuli de miel.
1. Foto: Biserica "Adormirea" 2. Foto: Vedere panoramic\ asupra comunei Br\e[ti 3. Foto: Prim\ria comunei Br\e[ti

Advertorial Prim\ria Br\e[ti

Located in the western part of Botosani County, Braesti Commune is situated at a distance of 20 km from the county residence, and the closest town is Dorohoi, at a distance of approximately 10 km, strongly connected to it from an economic point of view. The locality was mentioned for the first time during the time of Stephen the Great (1442-1447), ruler of Moldavia, and comprised several villages: Braesti, Poiana, Pristesti Popeni and Vilcele. All these settlements had been independent before the last administrative-territorial distribution in December 1968, after which the commune reduced the number of its adjoining villages, which it comprises today: Poiana, Braesti and Popeni villages. After 1968, a small settlement with 28 houses called Vilcele, situated in the south of Braesti village was also included. When we say Braesti we associate the name to the "Assumption" Church, dedicated to the Virgin Mary and raised in 1745, with the financial support of Miron Gorovei. The church was restored in 1880 by Spirestilor family, according to the inscription placed above the access door to the narthex. The altar screen was made of linden tree wood when the church was built. In the course of time, several repair works have been performed on this edifice, and in 1968-1972 it was restored under the direct guidance and with the support of Iustin, the Bishop of Moldavia and Suceava. Due to its age, the "Assumption" Church, is considered the jewel of the village and an art monument among the Moldavian churches. The dwellings of the inhabitants are typical of the depression area of Jijia - Bahlui: rural type with two or three rooms, with a porch, some with a verandah. The houses are decorated with sculpted wood at the corner ridges, with roofs made of metallic sheet, reed, asphaltic roofing board, shingle or tiles. The traditional costumes of the inhabitants consists of peasant sandals, rough homespun trousers, long peasant coats and lamb fur caps.

[ezat\ n N-V jude]ului Boto[ani, la aproximativ 55 km de municipiul Boto[ani, comuna Ib\ne[ti, din punct de vedere administrativ-teritorial, cuprinde dou\ sate - Ib\ne[ti [i Dumbr\vi]a. S\p\turile arheologice efectuate n anii 1957-1958 n mai multe puncte din teritoriul comunei Ib\ne[ti au scos la iveal\ urme de locuire din paleoliticul superior [i Ibanesti pn\ n perioada feudalismului dezvoltat. Prima men]iune documentar\ a satului Ib\ne[ti este din 1607, iar satul Dumbr\vi]a a luat fiin]\ dup\ Primul R\zboi Mondial, cnd fo[tilor combatan]i sau urma[ilor acestora li s-a atribuit din Ob[tea Ib\ne[ti-Cristine[ti cte un lot de teren agricol. n general, cadrul geografic destul de variat al comunei este favorabil dezvolt\rii principalelor activit\]i economice, oferind resurse naturale ca materiale de construc]ie, surse acvifere, ce pot fi valorificate local. Reprezentativ este dealul M\gura, cu o altitudine de 385 m, fiind cel mai `nalt din nordul jude]ului Boto[ani. Microclimatul de p\dure este favorabil, relieful de coline [i platourile sunt pretabile pentru agricultur\, solurile cernoziomice sunt fertile [i, `n plus, exist\ posibilitatea de dezvoltare a unor iazuri. Ocupa]ia de baz\ a locuitorilor comunei o reprezint\ agricultura. {i totu[i, n ultimii ani s-au dezvoltat: o fabrica de adezivi pentru gresie, faian]\ [i o fabric\ de prelucrare a laptelui. De asemenea, s-au men]inut o serie de activit\]i de prest\ri servicii, comer], confec]ii tricotaje, croitorie, cojoc\rie, construc]ii, mor\rit, activit\]i de produc]ie: prelucrarea semin]elor de floarea-soarelui, brut\rii. Din cauza lipsei utilajelor [i a resurselor financiare r\mne `n continuare neexploatat\ cariera de piatr\. Ca obiective turistice de interes putem men]iona siturile arheologice: Cetatea M\gurei (cetate [i a[ezare sec. VI-VII `.Hr., Hallstatt, sec. XVI-XVII), Dealul Crucii (a[ez\ri din paleolitic, cultura Cucuteni, Horodi[tea), S\li[te (a[ez\ri sec. XIV-XVI [i necropola sec. XII-XIII), Mocirla (a[ezare din paleoliticul superior), Dealul Muchiosu (a[ezare sec. XVII-XVIII), La Rupturi (a[ez\ri sec. IV-V [i XVII-XVIII). ~n comun\ au fost ridicate patru monumente nchinate eroilor comunei din cele Dou\ R\zboaie Mondiale [i r\scula]ilor din 1907.
1. Foto: Prim\ria Ib\ne[ti 2. Foto: Monument al Eroilor din Ib\ne[ti

Advertorial Prim\ria Ib\ne[ti


Located in the north-western part of Botosani County, at approximately 55 km from the City of Botosani, Ibanesti Commune comprises two villages from an administrative-territorial point of view - Ibanesti and Dumbravita. The archaeological diggings made in 1957-1958 in several locations on the commune's territory revealed traces of habitation from the superior Palaeolithic until the feudal age. The first documentary certification of Ibanesti village was made in 1607, and Dumbravita village was formed after World War I, when a plot of land was awarded to the veterans or their successors in Ibanesti-Cristinesti community. In general, the varied geographical setting is favourable for the development of the main economic activities, offering natural resources as construction materials, acquiferous sources, which can be used at local level. Magura Hill is representative, with an altitude of 385 m, being the tallest hill in the north of Botosani County. The forest micro-climate is favourable, the relief with hills and plateaus can be used for agriculture, the chernozem soils are fertile and there is also the possibility to turn to account a few ponds. The basic occupation of the commune's inhabitants is agriculture, but recently the industrial activities also took shape: a factory of adhesives for slate and faience and a milk processing factory. The services sector is also present with activities in the following fields: trade, knitwear, tailoring, furrier's trade, constructions, miller's trade etc. The production activities comprise the processing of sun-flower seeds and the production of bread in bakeries. The stone quarry is still unexploited because of the lack of equipment and financial resources. As tourist sights we can mention the archaeological sites: Magurei Citadel (dating from the VI-VIIth centuries B.C., Hallstatt, XVI-XVIIth centuries), The Cross Hill (settlements from the Palaeolithic, Cucuteni Culture, Horodistea), Saliste (settlements from the XIV-XVIth centuries and the necropolis dating from the XII-XIIIth centuries), Mocirla (a settlement dating from the superior Palaeolithic), Muchiosu Hill (settlement from the XVII-XVIIIth centuries), La Rupturi (settlements from the IV-Vth centuries and XVII-XVIIIth centuries). Four monuments were raised in the commune, dedicated to the heroes of the two world wars and to the participants in the rebelion of 1907.


Foto: Arhiva Prim\riei Suhar\u

Foto: Arhiva Prim\riei Pomrla

omuna Suhar\u este situat\ n amplasamentul teritorial administrativ al jude]ului Boto[ani, cu urm\toarele vecin\t\]i: la nord - Comuna Hude[ti, la est - Comuna George Enescu, la sud - Comuna Cristine[ti, la vest - grani]a cu Ucraina. Localit\]ile componente ale comunei Suhar\u sunt: Suhar\u, Li[na, Smrdan, Oroftiana, Plevna, Izvoare. Satul Suhar\u este situat n centrul administrativ al Suharau comunei, satele Li[na, Smrdan, Izvoare sunt situate n partea de est, satul Oroftiana n partea de vest la grani]a cu Ucraina, iar satul Plevna la 1 km de satul Suhar\u, spre est. Pe teritoriul comunei Suhar\u func]ioneaz\: {coala general\ cu clasele I - VIII nr. 1 Suhar\u; {coala general\ cu clasele I - VIII nr. 2 Suhar\u; {coala general\ cu clasele I - IV Suhar\u; {coala general\ cu clasele I - VIII Li[na; {coala general\ cu clasele I VIII Sf. Andrei Smrdan; {coala general\ cu clasele I - VIII nr. 1 Oroftiana; {coala general\ cu clasele I - IV nr. 2 Oroftiana; {coala general\ cu clasele I - IV Plevna; Biblioteca comunal\; Postul de poli]ie Suhar\u; Unitatea de Asisten]\ Medico-Social\ Suhar\u. Dintre l\ca[urile de cult reprezentative ale zonei amintim: Biserica ortodox\ ''Sf Nicolae'' (cu parohii n satele Suhar\u, Suhar\u II) [i Biserica ''Sfin]ii Apostoli Petru [i Pavel'' din Li[na. C\ile de comunica]ii de pe teritoriul comunei Suhar\u sunt reprezentate de: DN 29 A; DC 82, drumuri de exploatare agricol\ [i uli]e. Specificul comunei Suhar\u este agricol - cultivarea terenului [i cre[terea animalelor, dar se mai desf\[oar\ activit\]i de exploatare a pe[telui din iazul Suhar\u, a lemnului din p\durile existente pe teritoriul comunei [i a nisipului [i pietri[ului din balastierele de pe rul Prut. ~n p\durea Suhar\u exist\ ''F\getul Secular Stuhoasa", care poate fi exploatat ca zon\ turistic\. Tot ca recomandare turistic\ men]ion\m posibilitatea desf\[ur\rii pescuitului sportiv pe rul Prut. Administra]ia local\ are `n vedere mai multe proiecte de dezvoltare, cum ar fi: modernizarea drumurilor; reabilitarea pode]elor n satele Suhar\u II, Li[na, Smrdan [i Izvoare; amenajarea spa]iilor verzi; m\rirea parcului Suhar\u; construirea unui C\min Cultural [i a unei s\li de sport.

Suharau Commune is situated on the administrative territory of Botosani County, neighbouring the following localities: to the north Hudesti Commune, to the east - George Enescu Commune, to the south - Cristinesti Commune, to the west - the border with Ukraine. The commune comprises the following localities: Suharau, Lisna, Smardan, Oroftiana, Plevna, Izvoare. Suharau village is situated in the administrative centre of the commune, while Lisna, Smardan and Izvoare villages are located in the eastern part, Oroftiana village in the western part at the border with Ukraine, and Plevna village at 1 km from Suharau village, towards the east. Suharau Commune is very involved in education, fact proven by the large number of schools: No. 1 primary and secondary school Suharau; No. 2 primary and secondary school Suharau; Suharau primary school; Lisna primary and secondary school; Saint Andrei primary and secondary school Smardan; No. 1 primary and secondary school Oroftiana; No. 2 primary school Oroftiana; Plevna primary school; the Communal Library; Suharau Police Station; the Medical-Social Assistance Unit Suharau. From among the most representative places of prayer we can mention: ''Saint Nicholas'' Orthodox Church (with parishes in Suharau and Suharau II villages) and the ''Holy Apostles Peter and Paul'' Church from Lisna. The main roads that cross the commune are the national road DN 29 A; the communal road DC 82, as well as roads used in the agricultural activity. The main occupation of the inhabitants of Suharau Commune is agriculture - crops and animal breeding, as well as fishing in Suharau Pond, the exploitation of wood from the existing forests and of sand and gravel on the banks of Prut River. ''The Ancient Beech Tree Forest Stuhoasa", can be turned to account as tourist area. Also as tourist recommendation we can mention the possibility of sports fishing on Prut River. The local administration has several development projects, such as: the modernization of roads; the rehabilitation of bridges in Suharau II, Lisna, Smardan and Izvoare villages; the arrangement of the green spaces; the enlargement of Suharau Park; the construction of a Community Centre and a gym.
1. Foto: Prim\ria Suhar\u 2. [i 3. Foto: Parcul comunal Suhar\u

omuna Pomrla este a[ezat\ n nord-vestul jude]ului Boto[ani, ntr-un ]inut deluros, [i este alc\tuit\ din trei sate: Pomrla - re[edin]a de comun\ (atestat documentar n anul 1420), Racov\] [i Hulube[ti. Satul Racov\] este grani]a de stat cu Republica Ucraina [i, al\turi de Pomarla localitatea ucrainian\ Diakivti, a fost declarat\ punct de trecere simplificat\ a frontierei de stat comune, dndu-se astfel posibilitatea locuitorilor jude]ului s\ stabileasc\ [i s\ l\rgeasc\ contactele directe cu locuitorii din zona de frontier\ a Ucrainei. Agricultura este ocupa]ia de baz\ a locuitorilor comunei, dar aici `[i desf\[oar\ activitatea [i firme de mini-produc]ie (prese de ulei, mori de porumb, mori cu cioc\nele, gater, ateliere de tmpl\rie, rot\rie, construc]ii etc.). Lungimea drumurilor publice este de 89 km, toate drumurile fiind pietruite [i de p\mnt. Lungimea re]elei de alimentare cu ap\ este de 10 km, iar lungimea re]elei de canalizare este de 10 km. n comuna Pomrla func]ioneaz\ ''Complexul de servicii pentru copilul aflat `n dificultate'', dou\ case rurale de tip familial [i un modul de tip familial. La nivelul comunei exist\ urm\toarele unit\]i [colare: Liceul Teoretic ''Anastasie Ba[ot\'' (cu clasele I-XII), `mpreun\ cu {coala de Arte [i Meserii (cl. IX-X), trei [coli cu clasele I-IV [i cinci gr\dini]e cu program normal. Comuna Pomrla dispune [i de un patrimoniu cultural [i turistic, concretizat `n urm\toarele obiective, aflate pe lista monumentelor istorice: ansamblul bisericii ''Duminica Tuturor Sfin]ilor''; ''zid incint\''; fostul Liceu internat Ba[ot\. Consiliul local sprijin\ activitatea sportiv\ `ntr-un cadru oficial, sub egida Asocia]iei Sportive ''Nord Star'' Pomrla, ct [i alte ac]iuni privind sportul de mas\, acestea constnd `n competi]ii intercomunale, ct [i interjude]ene. O component\ foarte important\ din activit\]ile consiliului local este asigurarea colabor\rii cu diverse ONG-uri din str\in\tate. Este important de men]ionat aportul substan]ial a dou\ ONG-uri din Italia, care desf\[oar\ activit\]i [i ac]iuni de peste 10 ani `n comun\. Cu sprijinul financiar al acestora, `n parteneriat cu consiliul local `n comun\, s-au edificat dou\ construc]ii, respectiv o gr\dini]\ [i un centru social.
1. Foto: Vedere general\ - Pomrla 2. Foto: Liceul Teoretic "Anastasie Ba[ot\"

Pomarla Commune is situated in the north-west of Botosani County, in a hilly region, comprising three villages: Pomarla - the commune residence (documentary certified in 1420), Racovat and Hulubesti. Racovat village is the state border with Ukraine and, together with the Ukrainian locality Diakivti, was declared crossing point of the common frontier, thus giving the inhabitants of the two localities the possibility to establish direct contacts with each other. Agriculture is the basic occupation of the commune's inhabitants, small production units being encountered here as well (oil presses, corn mills, beater mills, frame saws, carpentry workshops, wheelwright's trade, constructions etc.). The public roads have a length of 89 km, some paved. The water supply system has a length of 10 km, same as the sewerage network. A child support centre also exists in the commune, as well as two family centres. The following education institutions exist in the commune: ''Anastasie Basota'' High-school (including primary and secondary education), and a Vocational School, three elementary schools and five kindergartens. Pomarla Commune has a cultural and tourist patrimony, materialized in the following sights, included on the list of historic monuments: the church ensemble ''All Saints' Sunday''; ''a precinct wall''; the former boarding-school Basota. The Local s Council officially supports the sporting activity, under the care of the ''Nord Star'' Sports Association Pomarla, represented by competitions between communes and also between counties. A very important part of the activity of the Local Council is to ensure the collaboration with various NGOs from abroad (a very significant contribution was brought by two NGOs from Italy, which have been present in the commune for over 10 years). With their financial support, in partnership with the Local Council, two institutions were built: a kindergarten and a social centre.

32 <<
2 3

Advertorial Prim\ria Suh\r\u

Advertorial Prim\ria Pomrla

>> 33

Personaliti botonene
Text: Ionel BEJENARU - Muzeul Jude]ean Boto[ani

''Geniul este individul care se abstrage de la via]a zilnic\ [i-[i tr\ie[te existen]a simbolic\" (George C\linescu, 1939)

Mihai Eminescu
ihai Eminescu (15 ianuarie 1850, Boto[ani - 15 iunie 1889, Important figures from Botosani Bucure[ti). Poetul Na]ional, ''Luceaf\rul Poeziei Romne[ti''. A fost al 7-lea copil al lui Gheorghe Eminovici [i Raluca Iura[cu, na[ fiindu-i la botez chiar bunicul dup\ mam\, stolnicul Vasile Iura[cu, a[a cum reiese din mitrica de la Biserica Uspenia din Boto[ani, unde a fost botezat. Ascenden]a p\rin]ilor este dat\ de vechi familii r\z\[e[ti, din C\line[tii lui Cuparencu - tat\l [i din Jolde[tii Voronei - mama. Din Boto[anii natali, la 1856, copilul Mihai ia drumul Ipote[tilor [i, ca o desc\tu[are, copil\ria petrecut\ aici i relev\ noi orizonturi, l atrage, nct ar fi n stare s\ fac\ orice pentru a nu o pierde. Universul copil\riei poetului nseamn\ contactul cu lumea, cu cei de-o vrst\, cu copiii p\lma[ilor din sat, cu cei maturi, c\tre care se apleac\ gr\bit n a le cunoa[te tainele, cu prima iubit\, cu stng\cie fireasc\, n fond o idil\ plin\ de candoare, cu natura, mereu natura, v\zut\ ca o chemare, obsedant\ chemare. Timpul adolescen]ei este pentru Mihai Eminescu [i timpul crea]iei, demarat cu poema a doua ''La mormntul lui Aron Pumnul'', din florilegiul literar ''L\cr\mioarele nv\]\ceilor gimnazie[ti din Cern\u]i la mormntul prea iubitului lor profesoriu Arune Pumnul r\p\usat ntr-a 12/24 ianuarie 1866''. Copist pentru scurt timp, n 1864, la Tribunalul Boto[ani, con]opist la Comitetul permanent al Consiliului jude]ean de Boto[ani, cu fire[tile, previzibilele sale ntreruperi de studii, cu atrac]ia c\tre teatru - sufleur n trupe vestite ale epocii: Tardini - Vl\dicescu, Iorgu Caragiali, Pascaly (perioada 1864 - 1866), spune adio teatrului [i trupei Pascaly, tot la Boto[ani, n 1869. Semnele bolii, vizibile din 1883, mereu n agravare, l aduc pe poet din nou [i pentru ultima dat\ la Boto[ani, fiind g\zduit de buna sa sor\ Harieta, chiria[\ ntr-o ponosit\ c\su]\ din Mahalaua Sf. Nicolae (aprilie 1887 - aprilie 1888). La 15 iunie 1889 nceta din via]\, la Bucure[ti.

C\ era la Boto[ani, pe marea scen\, c\ era la casa tat\lui, la Cracalia - unde sus]inea cte o serat\ muzical\, ca aceea despre care a scris ''Steaua'' (Dorohoi, 9 iunie 1902), Enescu fiind acompaniat de Elena Calc\ntraur, c\ era la Sala ''Erard'' din Paris, unde la 4 februarie 1907 sus]inea primul s\u recital de violin\, cu lucr\ri de Haendel, Bach, Wieniawski, Saint-Saens, n fa]a unui numeros auditoriu, cu multe rechem\ri la ramp\, c\ era la New York, la Chi[in\u, la Boto[ani [i Dorohoi, c\ era colind\tor al spitalelor, pline de suferinzi, din anii R\zboiului Rentregirii, m\iestria sa nentrecut\ irumpea ntr-o muzic\ dumnezeiesc de frumoas\. Unic\. ''Poema romn\'', ''Rapsodiile'', ''Sonata a III-a pentru vioar\ [i pian'', opera ''Oedip'', ''Suita s\teasc\'' [i toate celelalte sunt culmi ale crea]iei enesciene, ale unei extrem de rodnice crea]ii, ale unei crea]ii perfecte.

No matter where he was, either in Botosani, on the great stage, or in his father's house in Cracalia - where he enchanted the audience (accompanied by Elena Calcantraur) with a musical soire, as the one mentioned in ''The Star'' newspaper (Dorohoi, 9 June 1902), either he was at ''Erard'' Hall in Paris, where he held his first violin recital on 4 February 1907, with works of Haendel, Bach, Wieniawski, Saint-Saens, in front of a large audience, with many encores, or in New York, Chisinau, Botosani or Dorohoi, going from hospital to hospital and visiting the soldiers wounded in the Reunification War, his unsurpassed art burst out in a godlike, unique music. ''The Romanian Poem'', ''The Rhapsodies'', ''The III sonata for violin and piano'', ''Oedip'', ''The rustic suite'' and all his other famous works are peaks of his fruitful, almost perfect creation.

Nicolae Iorga
icolae Iorga (5/6 iunie 1871, Boto[ani - 27 noiembrie 1940, Strejnic). Istoric. Fiu al avocatului Nicu Iorga [i al Zulniei, Nicolae Iorga, r\mne orfan de tat\, la vrsta de cinci ani, mamei, Zulnia, revenindu-i marele efort, material mai ales, al cre[terii celor doi copii, Nicolae [i George. Anii s\i de studii ncep, practic, acas\, la cinci ani citind deja totul din biblioteca familiei, n majoritate c\r]i n limba francez\, lucru firesc dat fiind c\ mama era o excelent\ traduc\toare ([i scriitoare). Nicolae Iorga consemna, de altfel: ''Am nv\]at multe lucruri pentru care nu eu mi-am ostenit mintea. Am ajuns a n]elege [i a vorbi u[or limbi pentru c\ ei le-au vorbit, am g\sit n mine, pentru idei, un fir nnodat de dn[ii, pe care n-aveam dect s\-l duc nainte''. {i l-a dus. La Boto[ani, urmeaz\ studiile primare la {coala de B\ie]i ''Marchian'', gimnaziale [i liceale, par]ial, la Liceul ''A.T. Laurian'', cu binecunoscu]i profesori ai nv\]\mntului boto[\nean - G. Costin Velea, Ionescu, Costachi Severin, Tokarski, G. Gr. B\leanu, Lupa[cu, Victor Fleury (''Victor conte de Fleury''), M\rgineanu, Nicolescu, Georgian; este eliminat din liceu, la sfr[itul clasei a V-a, pentru refuzul de a mai saluta odat\ un distins profesor [i, cum o spune, era la mijloc ''mndria fireasc\ a adolescentului''; continu\ liceul, ca intern, la Ia[i, cu al]i profesori - Al. Su]u, Al. Brandia, Xenofon Gheorghiu, Lucescu, Dr\ghici, {old\nescu, Al. Philippide; bacalaureat n 1888; studii universitare, facultatea de Litere a Universit\]ii din Ia[i, cu profesorii Andrei Vizanti, Aron Densu[ianu, N. Ionescu, {tefan Vrgolici, Petru R\[canu, A.D. Xenopol; examenul de licen]\ n 1889, cu ''magna cum laudae''; burs\ de studii, n str\in\tate - n 1890; doctoratul n Germania.

Nicolae Iorga Nicolae Iorga (born on 5/6 June 1871 in Botosani - deceased on 27 November 1940 in Strejnic) - historian. Son of the lawyer Nicu Iorga and of Zulnia, Nicolae Iorga became fatherless at the age of five, the effort of raising the two children, Nicolae and George, being bore by his mother, Zulnia. He began to study at home, at five having read every book in the family's bookcase, most of them in French, which was natural since his mother was an excellent interpreter (and writer). As a matter of fact, Nicolae Iorga wrote: ''I have learned many things without tiring out my mind. I have come to understand and easily speak languages because they spoke them, I have found in myself a thread tied by them for my ideas, my only task being to carry it forward''. And he did. In Botosani, he attended the Boys' School ''Marchian'' for his primary education, then ''A.T. Laurian'' High-school for his secondary and high-school education, where he was taught by the famous teachers from Botosani - G. Costin Velea, Ionescu, Costachi Severin, Tokarski, G. Gr. Baleanu, Lupascu, Victor Fleury (''Victor, count of Fleury''), Margineanu, Nicolescu, Georgian; he is expelled from highschool at the end of the fifth grade for his refusal to salute an eminent professor because of ''teenage pride''; he continues high-school as an intern in Iasi, with other teachers - Al. Sutu, Al. Brandia, Xenofon Gheorghiu, Lucescu, Draghici, Soldanescu, Al. Philippide; he graduated high-school in 1888 and went to the Faculty of Letters at the University in Iasi, with the professors Andrei Vizanti, Aron Densusianu, N. Ionescu, Stefan Vargolici, Petru Rascanu, A.D. Xenopol; he graduated in 1889 ''magna cum laudae''; he received a scholarship abroad in 1890 and took his doctor's degree in Germany.
1. Foto: Mihai Eminescu 2. Foto: George Enescu 3. Foto: Nicolae Iorga

George Enescu
eorge Enescu (7/19 august 1881, Liveni - Vrnav - 5 mai 1955, Paris). Muzician, ''Luceaf\rul muzicii romne[ti''. Satul s\u natal, Liveni - Vrnav, este un sat aproape uitat al fostului jude] Dorohoi [i al ]\rii, unde i-a fost sortit lui George Enescu s\ se nasc\, fiind al 8lea copil [i singurul care a tr\it al Mariei [i al lui Costache Enescu. Livenii natali [i Cracalia (cnd p\rin]ii se mutaser\ aici, Enescu avea trei ani) sunt, totodat\, [i locurile copil\riei sale. Unde sunt ele? O spune chiar George Enescu: ''Mai ales, nu ncerca]i s\ afla]i toate acestea ntr-un atlas. Cel mult, ve]i g\si, ntre Siret [i Prut - doi afluen]i ai Dun\rii: Ia[i [i Dorohoi; Liveni - Vrnav [i Cracalia apar]in ns\ amintirilor mele''. Impresii din copil\rie? {i mai consemna Enescu: ''De Moldova m\ simt legat prin toate fibrele mele .( ) La Liveni m\ ntorc printre oameni [i lucruri a c\ror vedere pune polen pe amintire''. Drumul lui Enescu, firul destinului, este mai degrab\ o chestiune de l\untricitate, trecut prin anii copil\riei, ai studiilor sale str\lucite, ai primelor succese muzicale, urmate de multe, multe altele. Cum geniul nu cunoa[te limite, Tudor Arghezi intuie[te: ''Precocit\]ile speciale ale muzicii fac dintr-un copil de patru ani un magistru [i-l ridic\ n furia vie]ii.'' La rndu-i, reputatul ziarist Scipione B\descu, cel care conducea cea mai important\ gazet\ boto[\nean\ a vremii, ''Curierul Romn'', dedic\ ''genialului copil artist'' un num\r special, de s\rb\toare. 34 << 34 <<

''The genius is the individual who relinquishes the routine of everyday life and lives his symbolical existence" (George Calinescu, 1939) Mihai Eminescu Mihai Eminescu (born on 15 January 1850 in Botosani - deceased on 15 June 1889 in Bucharest) - our National Poet, ''The Morning Star of Romanian Poetry''. He was the seventh child of Gheorghe Eminovici and Raluca Iurascu, his god-father being his grandfather from his mother's side, the high steward Vasile Iurascu, as it appeares on the inscription from Uspenia Church in Botosani, where he was baptised. His parents come from a long line of freeholder's families - Calinestii lui Cuparencu - the father and Joldestii Voronei - the mother. From the native land of Botosani, in 1856, Mihai left for Ipotesti and, as an unfettering, the childhood he spent there opens new horizons for the child, attracts him to the extent that he would do anything to preserve it. The poet's childhood meant contact with the world, with the peasants' children, with the grown people, desiring to know their secrets, with his first love, filled with natural clumsiness, actually a romance full of candour, contact with nature, the ubiquitous nature, seen as an obsessive calling. The teenage years represented to Mihai Eminescu the beginning of his creation, his first poem being ''La mormntul lui Aron Pumnul'' ("At the tomb of Aron Pumnul") included as the second poem in the literary anthology called ''The tears of the pupils from Cernauti at the tomb of their beloved teacher Arune Pumnul, deceased on 12/24 January 1866''. A copyist for a short time, in 1864, at the Law Court from Botosani, a clerk at the Permanent Committee of Botosani County Council, frequently dropping out of school, drawn by the theatre - prompter in famous troups like: Tardini - Vladicescu, Iorgu Caragiali, Pascaly (1864 - 1866), he leaves the artistic world and Pascaly troupe in Botosani, in 1869. The signs of illness, visible since 1883, always worsening, brought the poet for the last time to Botosani, being housed by his kind sister Harieta, tenant in a cottage in Saint Nicholas Suburb (April 1887 - April 1888). On 15 June 1889 he died in Bucharest.

George Enescu George Enescu (born on 7/19 August 1881 in Liveni - Varnav deceased on 5 May 1955 in Paris) - musician, ''The Morning Star of Romanian Music''. His native village, Liveni - Varnav, is a forsaken village in the former Dorohoi County, where George Enescu was meant to be born, as the eigth child (and the only one who survived) of Maria and Costache Enescu. The native village of Liveni as well as Cracalia (his parents moved there when Enescu was three) represent his childhood universe. Where are they? George Enescu explains: ''Do not try to find all this in an atlas. At most, you will find Iasi and Dorohoi between Siret and Prut - two tributaries of the Danube; Liveni - Varnav and Cracalia belong to my memories''. Childhood impressions? Enescu also wrote: ''I feel connected to Moldavia through every fibre of my being ( ) In Liveni I feel like I'm returning amongst people, the sight of whom scatters pollen on my memories''. Enescu's journey through life, the path of his destiny, is mostly an inner experience, passing through the childhood years, the years of his brilliant studies, of his first musical successes, followed by many, many others. As his genius knows no boundaries, Tudor Arghezi infers: ''The special precocities of music transform a four-year child into a master and lift him up in life's rage.''' At his turn, the famous journalist Scipione Badescu, the one who led the most important newspaper of that time, ''The Romanian Courier'', dedicated a special, celebration issue to the ''brilliant child artist''.

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

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tefan Luchian

tefan Luchian (1 februarie 1868, {tef\ne[ti, Boto[ani - 28 iunie 1916, Bucure[ti). ''Pictorul florilor''. N\scut ntr-un vechi sat r\z\[esc, {tefan Luchian este fiul lui Dimitrie, maior, apropiat al lui Cuza Vod\ [i al Elenei, n\scut\ Kiriacescu, de loc din Ialomi]a. Plecat de mic, din {tef\ne[ti, n Capital\, {tefan Luchian r\mne orfan de tat\, la 9 ani. Studii primare la [coala din Mahalaua Tabacu; Colegiul Sf. Sava, Belle-Arte (dir. Theodor Aman); Mnchen - 1889, Paris - 1891; revine n ]ar\ `n 1893. A excelat n pictura florilor, la cotele unei m\iestrii inegalabile, florile fiind pentru Luchian un miraculos univers, locul ideal pentru o promenad\ a sufletului, absolut vital\. A pictat ns\ [i remarcabile portrete, inspirate de personaje ale unei lumi umile, nv\luite de c\ldura sufletului s\u, ntr-o ardere continu\, ntr-o ardere artistic\ [i uman\ intens\, de excep]ie. Dramatic, dezolant, Luchian nu murise nc\, dar ncepea s\ fie uitat, Tudor Arghezi scriind n 1915: ''~[i mai aduce cineva aminte de Luchian? El face n art\ ct o provincie nou\. Slav\ romneasc\, geniu romnesc.''
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{tefan Luchian Stefan Luchian (born on 1 February 1868 in Stefanesti, Botosani deceased on 28 June 1916 in Bucharest) - ''The Painter of Flowers''. Born in an old freeholder's village, Stefan Luchian is the son of Dimitrie, a major, close to Cuza Voda and Elena, born Kiriacescu, in Ialomita. Leaving Stefanesti to go to the Capital, Stefan Luchian became fatherless at the age of nine. He attended the primary school in Tabacu Suburb; Saint Sava College, Belle-Arte (headmaster Theodor Aman); Mnich - 1889, Paris - 1891; he returns to the country - 1893. He excelled in the painting of flowers, reaching a level of unrivalled skill, the flowers representing a miraculous universe to Luchian, the ideal place for a vital promenade of the soul. He also painted remarkable portraits, inspired by the characters of a humble world, wrapped in the warmth of his soul, in an intense and continuous interior burning for the artistic and human condition. Dramatic, distressing, Luchian had not died yet but he was beginning to be forgotten, Tudor Arghezi writing in 1915: ''Does anyone remember Luchian? His artistic talent equals the establishment of a new province. Romanian glory, Romanian genius''.

Alte mari personaliti botonene

Other important figures from Botosani

Constantin Gane (27 mart. 1885, Boto[ani - 12 apr. 1962, Bucure[ti), scriitor, istoric; Grigore Alexandru Ghica (27 aug. 1804, Boto[ani - 24 aug. 1857, Me-Fran]a), ultimul Domn al Moldovei, unionist; Lucien Goldman (20 iul. 1913, Boto[ani - 2 oct. 1970, Paris), sociolog; Alexandru Graur (9 iulie 1900, Boto[ani - 1988, Bucure[ti), lingvist; Ilie Iacob (1913, Cr\iniceni - 1960, Israel), Sfntul Cuvios Ioan de la Neam] - Hozevitul; Iacob Iacobovici (18 nov. 1879, Coste[ti, com. R\chi]i - 29 oct. 1959, Bucure[ti), medic, ctitor al [colii romne[ti de chirurgie din Transilvania; Dimitrie Iov (22 mart. 1888, Stahna-Uriceni - 1959), scriitor publicist; Ion Istrati (19 ian. 1921, Alba, com. Hude[ti - 25 ian. 1977, Ia[i), scriitor; Nicolae Leon (15/28 apr. 1862, Boto[ani - 4 oct. 1931, Bucure[ti), biolog, parazitolog, fratele lui Grigore Antipa; Petru Manoliu (28 iun. 1903, Mih\ileni - 29 ian. 1976, Bucure[ti), scriitor; I.D. Marin (3 ian. 1912, Stnce[ti 7 oct. 1986, Stnce[ti), profesor, eminescolog; Ioan Missir (1890, New York - 5 dec. 1945, Boto[ani), scriitor; Dimitrie Mur\ra[u (26 nov. 1896, Boto[ani - 19 oct. 1984, Bucure[ti), istoric literar, eminescolog, profesor; Ioan N\dejde (18 dec. 1854, Tecuci 29 dec. 1928, Bucure[ti), publicist, om politic; Sofia N\dejde (14 sept. 1856, Boto[ani - 11 iun. 1946, Bucure[ti), scriitor, om politic; Eugen D. Neculau (29 dec. 1900, Ungureni - 20 oct. 1974, Ia[i), sociolog, fondatorul Universit\]ii Populare din Ungureni, prima Universitate Popular\ S\teasc\ din Romnia - 1927; Dimitrie Negreanu (25 oct. 1858, Boto[ani - 30 apr. 1908, Bucure[ti), fizician; Elena Niculi]\ Voronca (15 mai 1862, Brlad - 1939), folclorist; Octav Onicescu (20 aug. 1892, Boto[ani - 18 aug. 1983, Bucure[ti), matematician; Ioan I. Pl\cin]eanu (14 febr. 1893, Dorohoi - 14 dec. 1960, Bucure[ti), fizician; Dimitrie Pompeiu (22 sept./4 oct. 1873, Brosc\u]i - 7 oct. 1954, Bucure[ti), matematician; Elie Radu (1853, Boto[ani - 10 oct. 1931, Bucure[ti), inginer constructor, profesor universitar; Henric Sanielevici (15 sept. 1875, Boto[ani 19 febr. 1951, Bucure[ti), critic, istoric literar, estetician, biolog; Ion Sn Giorgiu (20 nov. 1893, Boto[ani - 1950), poet, publicist, profesor universitar, germanist; Elena D.O.Sevastos (16 mai 1864, Cucor\ni - 18 mart. 1929, Chi[in\u), scriitoare, folclorist\; Mihail Sevastos (8 aug. 1892, Boto[ani - 24 sept. 1967, Bucure[ti), scriitor, publicist; Romulus Sevastos (21 sept. 1867, Costine[ti - 1926, Ia[i), geolog; Emil Severin (18 febr. 1869, Hu[i - 4 dec. 1932, Bucure[ti), chimist; Ion Simionescu (10 iul. 1873, Fntnele, jud. Bac\u - 1944), geolog, profesor universitar; Mihail Sorbul (16/29 oct. 1885, Boto[ani - 20 dec. 1966, Bucure[ti), dramaturg; Ieronim {erbu (1 dec. 1911, Boto[ani - 8 dec. 1972, Bucure[ti), scriitor; Petru {u[ter (15 mai 1896, Coste[ti, com. R\chi]i - 1 oct. 1954, Ia[i), biolog; George T\utu (14 iulie 1873, Boto[ani - 8 aug. 1885, Trgu Frumos), poet; P\storel Teodoreanu (30 iul. 1894, Dorohoi - 15 mart. 1964, Bucure[ti), scriitor; Emanoil C. Teodorescu (10 mai 1866, C\line[ti, com. Bucecea - 26 apr. 1949, Bucure[ti), biolog; Petru Remus Troteanu (16 mai 1885, Stnce[ti - 1957), pictor, profesor universitar; George Udriski (28 oct. 1867, F\lticeni - 24 dec. 1958, Bucure[ti), medic veterinar, profesor universitar; Lucian Valea (4 martie 1924, {an], Bistri]a N\s\ud - 4 apr. 1992, Bistri]a), scriitor, publicist; Alexandru Vi]ianu (4 sept. 1891, S\veni - 5 ian. 1985, Bucure[ti), poet; Gheorghe Zapan (8 mart. 1897, Dorohoi - 20 iul. 1977, Bucure[ti), psiholog; Panait Zosin (27 iun./9 iul. 1873, Gorb\ne[ti - 1942, Ia[i), medic, scriitor.
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Constantin Gane (27 March 1885, Botosani - 12 April 1962, Bucharest) - writer, historian; Grigore Alexandru Ghica (27 August 1804, Botosani - 24 August 1857, Me-France) - the last ruler of Moldavia, unionist; Lucien Goldman (20 July 1913, Botosani - 2 October 1970, Paris) sociologist; Alexandru Graur (9 July 1900, Botosani - 1988, Bucharest) - linguist; Ilie Iacob (1913, Crainiceni - 1960, Israel) - the Holy Pious Ioan from Neamt - Hozeva Cave; Iacob Iacobovici (18 November 1879, Costesti, Rachiti Commune - 29 October 1959, Bucharest) - doctor, founder of the Romanian surgery school in Transylvania; Dimitrie Iov (22 March 1888, Stahna-Uriceni - 1959) - writer, publicist; Ion Istrati (19 January 1921, Alba, Hudesti Commune - 25 January 1977, Iasi) writer; Nicolae Leon (15/28 April 1862, Botosani - 4 October 1931, Bucharest) - biologist, parasitologist, the brother of Grigore Antipa; Petru Manoliu (28 June 1903, Mihaileni - 29 January 1976, Bucharest) - writer; I.D. Marin (3 January 1912, Stancesti - 7 October 1986, Stancesti) - professor, involved in the study of Eminescu's work; Ioan Missir (1890, New York - 5 December 1945, Botosani) - writer; Dimitrie Murarasu (26 November 1896, Botosani - 19 October 1984, Bucharest) - literary historian, involved in the study of Eminescu's work, professor; Ioan Nadejde (18 December 1854, Tecuci - 29 December 1928, Bucharest) - publicist, political figure; Sofia Nadejde (14 September 1856, Botosani - 11 June 1946, Bucharest) - writer, political figure; Eugen D. Neculau (29 December 1900, Ungureni - 20 October 1974, Iasi) - sociologist, founder of the Folk University in Ungureni, the first Folk University in Romania - 1927; Dimitrie Negreanu (25 October 1858, Botosani - 30 April 1908, Bucharest) - physicist; Elena Niculita Voronca (15 May 1862, Barlad - 1939) - folklorist; Octav Onicescu (20 August 1892, Botosani - 18 August 1983, Bucharest) - mathematician; Ioan I. Placinteanu (14 February 1893, Dorohoi - 14 December 1960, Bucharest) - physicist; Dimitrie Pompeiu (22 September/4 October 1873, Broscauti - 7 October 1954, Bucharest) - mathematician; Elie Radu (1853, Botosani - 10 October 1931, Bucharest) - civil engineer, university professor; Henric Sanielevici (15 September 1875, Botosani - 19 February 1951, Bucharest) - critic, literary historian, aesthetician, biologist; Ion San Giorgiu (20 November 1893, Botosani - 1950) - poet, publicist, university professor, Germanist; Elena D.O.Sevastos (16 May 1864, Cucorani - 18 March 1929, Chisinau) - writer, folklorist; Mihail Sevastos (8 August 1892, Botosani - 24 September 1967, Bucharest) writer, publicist; Romulus Sevastos (21 September 1867, Costinesti 1926, Iasi) - geologist; Emil Severin (18 February 1869, Husi - 4 December 1932, Bucharest) - chemist; Ion Simionescu (10 July 1873, Fantanele, Bacau County - 1944) - geologist, university professor; Mihail Sorbul (16/29 October 1885, Botosani - 20 December 1966, Bucharest) - playwright; Ieronim Serbu (1 December 1911, Botosani 8 December 1972, Bucharest) - writer; Petru Suster (15 May 1896, Costesti, Rachiti Commune - 1 October 1954, Iasi), biologist; George Tautu (14 July 1873, Botosani - 8 August 1885, Targu Frumos) - poet; Pastorel Teodoreanu (30 July 1894, Dorohoi - 15 March 1964, Bucharest) - writer; Emanoil C. Teodorescu (10 May 1866, Calinesti, Bucecea Commune - 26 April 1949, Bucharest) - biologist; Petru Remus Troteanu (16 May 1885, Stancesti - 1957) - painter, univesity professor; George Udriski (28 October 1867, Falticeni - 24 December 1958, Bucharest) - veterinary doctor, university professor; Lucian Valea (4 March 1924, Sant, Bistrita Nasaud - 4 April 1992, Bistrita) - writer, publicist; Alexandru Vitianu (4 September 1891, Saveni - 5 January 1985, Bucharest) - poet; Gheorghe Zapan (8 March 1897, Dorohoi - 20 July 1977, Bucharest) - psychologist; Panait Zosin (27 June/9 July 1873, Gorbanesti - 1942, Iasi) - doctor, writer.
1. Foto: Elie Radu 2. Foto: Ioan N\dejde 3. Foto: Dimitrie Pompeiu 3

tefan Airinei (4 ianuarie 1920, Cobla, com. {endriceni - 1 noiembrie 1989, Bucure[ti), geofizician; Grigore Antipa (25 nov. 1867- st.v. - 7 dec. 1867, Boto[ani - 9 mart. 1944, Bucure[ti), biolog, ctitor al Muzeului de Istorie Natural\ din Bucure[ti, care-i poart\ numele; Constantin S. Antonescu (19 mart. 1902, {tef\ne[ti, Boto[ani - 12 oct. 1981, Bucure[ti), hidrobiolog; Ion Arapu (24 ian. 1881, Boto[ani - 1939), profesor inginer; Gheorghe Avramescu (26 ian. 1884, Boto[ani - 1945), general de corp de armat\; Anastasie Ba[ot\ (22 ian. 1797 - 30 dec. 1869, Ia[i), mare filantrop; O ctav B\ncil\ (7 ian. 1872, Boto[ani - 4 apr. 1944), pictor; Vasile Bogrea (26 sept. 1881, Trnauca, fostul jude] Dorohoi - 6 sept. 1926, Viena), filolog; Iordache (Gheorghe) Costache Boldur-L\]escu (1798, Hude[tii Mari - febr. 1857, Ia[i), boier L patriot, hatman, filantrop, ctitor de a[ez\minte; Demostene Botez (2 iulie 1893, Hulub, com. Dngeni - 17 mart. 1973, Bucure[ti), poet; Dimitrie Brndz\ (10/22 oct. 1846, Bivol, azi com. Vii[oara - 3 aug. 1895, Sl\nic-Moldova), botanist; Vasile C. Bu]ureanu (25 dec. 1858, Dorohoi - 1 ian. 1941, Ia[i), geolog; Teodor Callimachi (4 ian. 1836, Stnce[ti - 7 apr. 1894, Stnce[ti), unionist, diplomat, c\rturar; Dimitrie C\lug\reanu (6/18 oct. 1868, Hili[eu-Vrnav - 17 dec. 1937, Bucure[ti), medic, naturalist; Emanoil Ciomac (5 febr. 1890, Boto[ani - 13 iun. 1963, Bucure[ti), muzicolog; Mihai Ciuc\ (18 aug. 1883, S\veni - 20 febr. 1969, Bucure[ti), malariolog, profesor universitar; Octavian Cotescu (14 febr. 1931, Dorohoi - 23 aug. 1985, Sinaia), actor; Tiberiu Crudu (22 iun. 1882, Tudora - 25 aug. 1952, Boto[ani), profesor, scriitor; Ludovic Dau[ (19 sept. 1873, Boto[ani - 17 nov. 1954, Bucure[ti), scriitor; Constan]a Dunca-Schiau (16 febr. 1843, Boto[ani -?), prima femeie ziarist din Romnia; Artur S En\[escu (12 ian. 1889, Boto[ani - 1942, Bucure[ti), poet, publicist; Dimitrie Evolceanu (1 oct. 1865, Boto[ani - 28 iun. 1938, Bucure[ti), filolog; Gheorghe Em. Filipescu (28 mart. 1882, Bucecea - 25 nov. 1937, Bucure[ti), inginer, constructor, profesor universitar; 36 <<

Stefan Airinei (born on 4 January 1920 in Cobala, Sendriceni Commune - deceased on 1 November 1989 in Bucharest) geophysicist; Grigore Antipa (25 November 1867 / 7 December 1867, Botosani - 9 March 1944, Bucharest) - biologist, founder of the Natural History Museum in Bucharest, which bears his name; Constantin S. Antonescu (19 March 1902, Stefanesti, Botosani - 12 October 1981, Bucharest) - hydro-biologist; Ion Arapu (24 January 1881, Botosani 1939) - engineer professor; Gheorghe Avramescu (26 January 1884, Botosani - 1945) - general; Anastasie Basota (22 January 1797 - 30 December 1869, Iasi) - great phlianthropist; Octav Bancila (7 January 1872, Botosani - 4 April 1944) - painter; Vasile Bogrea (26 September 1881, Tarnauca, former Dorohoi County - 6 September 1926, Vienna) L - philologist; Iordache (Gheorghe) Costache Boldur-Latescu (1798, Hudestii Mari - February 1857, Iasi) - patriot landlord, hetman, philanthropist, founder of many settlements; Demostene Botez (2 July 1893, Hulub, Dangeni Commune - 17 March 1973, Bucharest) - poet; Dimitrie Brandza (10/22 October 1846, Bivol, today Viisoara Commune - 3 August 1895, Slanic-Moldova) - botanist; Vasile C. Butureanu (25 December 1858, Dorohoi - 1 January 1941, Iasi) - geologist; Teodor Callimachi (4 January 1836, Stancesti - 7 April 1894, Stancesti) unionist, diplomat, scholar; Dimitrie Calugareanu (6/18 October 1868, Hiliseu-Varnav - 17 December 1937, Bucharest) - doctor, naturalist; Emanoil Ciomac (5 February 1890, Botosani - 13 June 1963, Bucharest) - musicologist; Mihai Ciuca (18 August 1883, Saveni - 20 February 1969, Bucharest) - university professor, involved in the study of malaria; Octavian Cotescu (14 February 1931, Dorohoi - 23 August 1985, Sinaia) - actor; Tiberiu Crudu (22 June 1882, Tudora - 25 August 1952, Botosani) - professor, writer; Ludovic Daus (19 September 1873, Botosani - 17 November 1954, Bucharest) - writer; Constanta DuncaSchiau (16 February 1843, Botosani - the date of her death is unknown) - the first woman journalist in Romania; Artur Enasescu (12 January 1889, Botosani - 1942, Bucharest) - poet, publicist; Dimitrie Evolceanu (1 October 1865, Botosani - 28 June 1938, Bucharest) philologist; Gheorghe Em. Filipescu (28 March 1882, Bucecea - 25 November 1937, Bucharest) - engineer, constructor, university professor;
1. Foto: {tefan Luchian - Autoportret 2. Foto: P\storel Teodoreanu 3. Foto: Grigore Antipa 4. Foto: Demostene Botez

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

>> 37

Civilizaia popular botonean

Text: Steliana B|LTU}|, muzeograf - Sec]ia de Etnografie a Muzeului Jude]ean Boto[ani

Considerat deja document pentru evolu]ia uman\ ncepnd cu circa 6000 ani n urm\, ol\ritul exist\ nc\ n zon\ prin dou\ ateliere distincte de me[teri: Sonia Iacinschi la Boto[ani [i Petru Maxim la Dorohoi (care mai are [i gospod\rie de olar la Vama, jude]ul Suceava).

Prelucrarea lemnului
n expozi]ii temporare, Muzeul prezint\ frumoase piese de mobilier cu decor traforat, sculptat, incizat, pictat - unele datate cu anii 1853, 1878 -, dar [i piese de uz casnic, lucrate la strung [i sculptate. Sunt me[teri care continu\ acest me[te[ug, a[a cum este practicat n atelierul existent n satul Hulub, com. Dngeni, n gospod\ria lui Marcel Apalaghiei, participant la trguri cu piese sculptate cu mare m\iestrie n diferite esen]e de lemn.

Arhitectura laic\ [i religioas\


Ca domeniu al culturii materiale, spirituale, dar [i al artei populare, arhitectura reflect\ structura a[ez\rilor [i gospod\riilor (cu locuin]e [i anexe), dar [i a bisericilor de lemn specifice zonei. Ca atrac]ie pentru arhitectura laic\, men]ion\m a[ezarea Ib\ne[ti, unde multe gospod\rii [i p\streaz\ nf\]i[area din secolul al XIX-lea, cu farmecul caselor [i anexelor acoperite cu stuf, alese ca subiect [i pentru film\rile relativ recente la ,,Zestrea romnilor''.

Obiceiurile populare

Boto[aniul, vechi [i important trg la intersec]ie de drumuri comerciale n perioada medieval\ [i apoi centru administrativ al jude]ului cu acela[i nume de mai trziu, a dezvoltat o cultur\ popular\ distinct\ n satele din nord-estul Moldovei, ntre Siret [i Prut. Att cultura material\, ct [i cea spiritual\ s-au cl\dit n func]ie de manifest\rile membrilor comunit\]ilor rurale.

n cadrul manifest\rilor de s\rb\toare, zona Boto[ani p\streaz\ ritualurile principalelor date calendaristice: Cr\ciunul, Anul Nou [i Pa[tele. Accesoriile pentru colindele de Cr\ciun (steaua, luceaf\rul, globul) [i mbr\c\mintea complet\ pentru Anul Nou (costumele de c\iu]i, capre, ur[i, masca]i) creeaz\ un farmec aparte zilelor de 25 decembrie (Na[terea Pruncului Iisus) [i 1 Ianuarie (,,Sfntul Vasile''). Ritualurile practicate de Anul Nou, la care se adaug\ ,, Uratul cu Plugul'', sunt rituri agrare [i de p\storit cu simbol acvatic [i solar, plecnd de la cele str\vechi, referitoare la bel[ugul p\mntului [i turmelor. Turistul ajuns n aceast\ perioad\ din an la Boto[ani poate s\ vad\ la Muzeu expozi]ia cu patrimoniul pentru momentul amintit, dar [i o parad\ a Datinilor [i Obiceiurilor Tradi]ionale, organizat\ n jurul datei de 18 decembrie chiar n ora[, de Casa Crea]iei Populare.

Pottery Already considered a document that certifies human evolution for 6,000 years, pottery still exists in the area through two distinct workshops: Sonia Iacinschi in Botosani and Petru Maxim in Dorohoi (who also has a workroom in Vama, Suceava County). Wood processing In temporary exhibitions, the Museum presents beautiful pieces of furniture with sculpted, incised, painted decorations - some dating from 1853, 1878 but also pieces of domestic use, made at the lathe and sculpted. There are people who continue this craft, as it is practised in the workshop from Hulub village, Dangeni Commune, in the household of Marcel Apalaghiei, who participates in fairs with very skillfully sculpted pieces in various essences of wood. Lay and religious architecture As a field of material and spiritual culture, but also of folk art, the arhitecture reflects the structure of the settlements and households (with dwellings and appurtenances), but also of the wooden churches characteristic of the area. As a sight for lay architecture, we can mention Ibanesti settlement, where many households have preserved their original appearance since the XIX-th century, with the charm of the houses and appurtenances covered with reed, chosen for the shooting of the recent film ''The Dowry of the Romanians''. Folk customs Regarding celebrations, Botosani area preserves the main calendar rituals: Christmas, New Year's Eve and Easter. The accessories for the Christmas carols (the star, the globe) and the costumes for the New Year's Eve (horses, goats, bears, masks) give a special charm to the days of 25 December (the Birth of Baby Jesus) and 1 January (''Saint Vasile''). The rituals practised on New Year's Eve, completed by the procession of the decorated plough, represent agricultural and grazing rituals with aquatic and solar symbols, originating from ancient symbols that referred to the abundance of the earth and of the herds. The tourist who arrives in Botosani in this time of year can see at the Museum an exhibition dedicated to the above mentioned moment, as well as a parade of Traditional Customs, organized around 18 December in the city, by the Centre of Folk Creation. Village exhibitions Urged by the desire to present the local folk art, people who love and cherish village life have organized exhibitions with pieces of patrimonial value for Romanian ethnography, which can be visited directly in the rural space, in certain communes: Ibanesti, Lozna, Concesti, Varfu Campului, Cucorani, Trusesti, Vorona, Corni. The sights that are being presented at these exhibitions, the ethnographic patrimony, the households and workshops of folk craftsmen, the village collections and the folk customs, can create a segment of local tourism as a component of Romanian tourism.

Expozi]ii muzeale s\te[ti

n dorin]a de a pune n lumin\ arta popular\ local\, ntr-o serie de comune, persoane care iubesc [i pre]uiesc via]a satului au organizat expozi]ii cu piese de valoare patrimonial\ pentru etnografia romneasc\ [i care pot fi vizitate direct n spa]iul rural: Ib\ne[ti, Lozna, Conce[ti, Vrfu Cmpului, Cucor\ni, Tru[e[ti, Vorona, Corni. Prin obiectivele prezentate, patrimoniul etnografic, gospod\rii [i ateliere de me[teri populari, colec]iile muzeale s\te[ti [i obiceiurile populare, se poate contura un segment al turismului boto[\nean, ca o component\ a turismului din Romnia.

1. Foto: BOARDMEDIA - Exponat din Muzeul de Etnografie Vorona Mare (R[ni]\ pentru m\cinat boabele de porumb) 2. Foto: BOARDMEDIA - Exponat din Muzeul de Etnografie Vorona Mare (r\zboi de ]esut)

cupa]iile principale, agricultura [i p\storitul, au definit Folk civilization from Botosani caracteristicile zonei, iar me[te[ugurile practicate au pus n valoare o serie de piese de utilitate pentru gospod\ria ]\r\neasc\, dar n acela[i timp realizate artistic, determinate de gustul pentru frumos. Prelucrarea lemnului, ]esutul, cojoc\ritul, ol\ritul sunt domenii `n care me[terii vechi au dat piese deosebite, ce atrag vizitatorii n expozi]iile muzeale. F\cnd parte din via]a spiritual\, obiceiurile populare impresioneaz\ [i ast\zi prin simbolurile pe care le poart\. O serie de vetre folclorice p\streaz\ [i valorific\ an de an manifest\rile str\vechi de spiritualitate boto[\nean\; Tudora, Vorona, Corni, Ungureni, Lozna, Pomrla, Vrfu Cmpului sunt cunoscute n ]ar\ [i unele chiar n comunitatea european\ prin particip\rile unor forma]ii [i ale unor me[teri la diferite programe.

Este unul dintre me[te[ugurile practicate nc\ din perioada neolitic\, dovedit de existen]a fusaiolelor [i greut\]ilor din ceramic\ descoperite, folosite la tors [i pentru ]esut, la sus]inerea firelor de urzeal\. Piesele ]esute aflate n colec]ia Sec]iei de Etnografie contureaz\ diversitatea decorului, cu motive care au semnifica]ii simbolice n arta popular\. Ca preocupare n unele gospod\rii, ]esutul continu\ [i ast\zi, me[terele realiznd scoar]e n nuan]ele lnii naturale, dar p\strnd la decor vechile motive ale satului.
1. Foto: Arhiva Sec]iei de Etnografie a Muzeului Jude]ean Boto[ani - Lad\ de zestre pictat\ din secolul XIX 2. Foto: Arhiva Sec]iei de Etnografie a Muzeului Jude]ean Boto[ani - Muzeul s\tesc din comuna Tru[e[ti 3. Foto: BOARDMEDIA - Art\ tradi]ional\ popular\ specific\ zonei jude]ului Boto[ani

Botosani, ancient and important market town at the junction of commercial roads in the medieval period and after that the administrative centre of the future homonymous county, has developed a special folk culture in the villages from the north-east of Moldavia, between Siret and Prut. Both the material and the spiritual cultures were created based on the manifestations of the members of the rural communities. The main occupations, agriculture and grazing, have defined the characteristics of the area, and the crafts were responsible for the creation of tools useful in the rustic household, and at the same time artistically accomplished, determined by the good taste of the craftsmen. Wood processing, weaving, furrier's trade, pottery are fields in which the old craftsmen have created remarkable pieces, that draw visitors to museum exhibitions. Being part of the spiritual life, the folk crafts impress the visitors today through the symbols they bear. A series of folk settlements still preserve and cherish every year the ancient manifestations of local spirituality: Tudora, Vorona, Corni, Ungureni, Lozna, Pomarla, Varfu Campului are famous in the country and some even in the European community due to the participation of certain ensembles and craftsmen to various programmes. Weaving It is one of the crafts that has been practised here since the Neolithic, fact proven by the existence of fusaroles and ceramic weights, used in the spinning and weaving process for the support of the threads. The weaved objects included in the collection of the Ethnography Section outline the diversity of the dcor, with motifs that have symbolic meanings in folk art. In some households weaving is still practised today, the women making carpets in the colours of natural wool, but using the old motifs for the decorations.

38 <<

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

>> 39

Patrimoniul etnografic
Text: Steliana B|LTU}|, muzeograf - Sec]ia etnografie a Muzeului Jude]ean Boto[ani Foto: BOARDMEDIA

Sec]ia de Etnografie a Muzeului Jude]ean Boto[ani, cu un num\r de 3428 piese n prezent, a avut expozi]ie permanent\, din 1989 pn\ n 2007. A fost organizat\ n cea mai veche locuin]\ (aflat\ pe listele de patrimoniu), ridicat\ n secolul al XVIII-lea (ntre 1760-1770) de c\tre Manolache Iorga (str\bunic al istoricului Nicolae Iorga), bogat negustor [i epitrop al Bisericii ,,Cuvioasa Parascheva", biseric\ aflat\ n apropierea casei, la circa 200 m.

up\ moartea lui Manolache Iorga n 1829, casa a fost vndut\ n The ethnographic patrimony repetate r\nduri, ajungnd pe la 1889-1900 n proprietatea familiei Saint-Georges (tat\l Alexandru, arhitect [ef al ora[ului, plecat ntre stele n 1904, la 50 de ani, a l\sat n urm\ o so]ie cu 7 copii). Restaurat\ ntre anii 1980-1989, casa a fost deschis\ ca Muzeu n 7 octombrie 1989, ad\postind expozi]ia de baz\ referitoare la cultura popular\ a zonei Boto[ani. Cu o tematic\ bine structurat\, expozi]ia a prezentat arhitectura laic\, ocupa]iile principale (agricultura [i p\storitul), secundare (viticultura, albin\ritul, vn\toarea, pescuitul), me[te[ugurile (ol\ritul, ]esutul, prelucrarea lemnului, cojoc\ritul), ]es\turile de interior din cnep\, bumbac, ln\, un interior de locuin]\ de secol XIX (cu vatr\ pentru g\tit [i nc\lzit iarna, mobilierul traforat, sculptat, pictat). Cea mai mare sal\ a Muzeului a fost rezervat\ portului popular boto[\nean, sal\ care n timpul locuirii familiei Saint-Georges era salonul de muzic\ al inginerului Alexandru Saint-Georges (care a condus corul Societ\]ii Muzicale ,,Armonia" la Ateneu) [i al fiicei sale Alexandrina, viitoare pianist\ [i compozitoare. Obiceiurile populare erau locul de atrac]ie al vizitatorilor att pentru Cr\ciun, Anul Nou, ct [i pentru Pa[ti, cu frumoasele ou\ decorate specifice zonei. n aceast\ form\ expozi]ia a fost vizitat\ [i de turi[ti str\ini, dovad\ r\mnnd impresiile din Cartea Sec]iei de Etnografie. Vizitatori din Fran]a, Anglia, Olanda, Germania, Spania, Elve]ia, Italia, Israel, Turcia, Bulgaria, Ucraina, Sco]ia, Belgia, Canada, SUA, Japonia, Egipt, Austria, Suedia [i Danemarca au nscris cuvinte de apreciere pentru exponate [i expozi]ie.

1. Foto: Continuitatea me[te[ugurilor populare la Boto[ani

The Ethnography Section of the County Museum Botosani, comprising 3,428 pieces, had a permanent exhibition from1989 until 2007. It was organized in the oldest building (included on the patrimony lists), raised in the XVIII-th century (between 1760-1770) by Manolache Iorga (the grandfather of the historian Nicolae Iorga), a wealthy merchant and contributor to the "Pious Parasheva" Church, which is located close to the edifice, at approximately 200 m. After the death of Manolache Iorga in 1829, the house was sold many times, being finally bought by Saint-Georges family in 1889-1900 (Alexander Saint-Georges, the father, the town's architect, died in 1904 at the age of 50, leaving behind a wife and 7 children). Restored in 1980-1989, the house was open as a museum on 7 October 1989, sheltering the basic exhibition of the folk culture in Botosani area. With a well-structured theme, the exhibition presented the lay architecture, the main occupations of the locals (agriculture and grazing), as well as the secondary occupations (vine growing, bee-keeping, hunting, fishing), the crafts (pottery, weaving, wood processing, furrier's trade), the interior weavings made of hemp, cotton, wool, the inside of a dwelling dating from the XIXth century (with a hearth for cooking and heating in winter, sculpted and painted furniture). The largest hall of the museum, which used to be the music parlour of Alexander Saint-Georges (who led the choir of the Music Association "Armonia" at the Athenaeum) and of his daughter Alexandrina, pianist and composer, was dedicated to the folk costumes from Botosani. The folk customs represented the main sight for the visitors: Christmas, New Year's Eve and Easter, with the beautiful eggs, with specific decorations. In this form, the exhibition was also visited by foreign tourists, fact proven by the impressions written in the Book of the Ethnography Section. Visitors from France, England, The Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Israel, Turkey, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Scotland, Belgium, Canada, the USA, Japan, Egypt, Austria, Sweden and Denmark have praised the exhibits and the exhibition as a whole.

Foto: Obiceiuri populare de Anul Nou - Vorona

n urma retroced\rii casei n anul 2007, expozi]ia a fost desfiin]at\, pierzndu-se [i un proiect c[tigat, de extindere n aer liber. Din lips\ de resurse financiare, administra]ia jude]ului nu a putut cump\ra cl\direa ca punct de cultur\ [i atrac]ie turistic\. n situa]ia dat\, Sec]ia de Etnografie ilustrnd zona Boto[ani a continuat [i continu\ s\ existe prin cercet\rile f\cute, materialele publicate, colabor\rile muzeale [i expozi]iile temporare. Patrimoniul poate fi v\zut, pus n valoare [i apreciat n continuare n diferite loca]ii potrivite: Galeriile de Art\ ,,{tefan Luchian", Sala Polivalent\ a Muzeului Boto[ani, Memorialul Ipote[ti - Centrul Na]ional de Studii ,,Mihai Eminescu". Astfel, publicul vizitator a fost invitat la expozi]ia ,,Satul romnesc n art\", unde patrimoniul de cultur\ popular\ cuprinznd mobilier, ]es\turi, port, ceramic\ s-a mpletit fericit cu reprezentarea plastic\ din tablouri, crend un dialog att al formelor, ct [i al cromaticii, n general al valorilor. O alt\ expozi]ie tot n cadrul Galeriilor de Art\ a fost programat\ calendaristic, avnd ca subiect ,,Pa[tele n spiritualitatea romneasc\ - Buc\t\ria tradi]ional\ n post". Pe lng\ prezentarea de icoane pictate pe lemn, a fost sus]inut un program al Corului Seminarului Teologic Boto[ani, dup\ care a fost sfin]it\ masa cu preparate dup\ re]ete ale s\tencelor de alt\dat\: sarmale cu crupe, v\rz\ri, alivenci, aluaturi cu morcovi, mere, cozonac de post, ap\ de izvor, turnat\ din ulcior. To]i invita]ii au servit cu pl\cere din bucatele preg\tite dup\ re]ete din b\trni. Expozi]ia itinerant\ la Ipote[ti cu ,,Motive vegetale n arta tradi]ional\ romneasc\" a strnit interesul, ncadrndu-se foarte bine n spa]iul eminescian [i lng\ valorile patrimoniului Muzeului memorial. Motivele decorative simbolice de pe ]es\turi [i ceramic\ au impresionat vizitatorii. n acela[i spa]iu generos a urmat n ianuarie 2009 expozi]ia ,,Vremea Colindelor ...", cu accesoriile pentru Cr\ciun [i Anul Nou, prezentare ce s-a potrivit perfect cu pre]uirea pe care poetul Mihai Eminescu a avut-o pentru folclor [i obiceiurile satului. Sala Polivalent\ a Muzeului Jude]ean a g\zduit o prezentare a rochiilor de mirese [i accesoriilor moderne pentru nunta actuala. n acest cadru, expunerea costumelor tradi]ionale de mire-mireas\, a celor pentru na[i cu [tergare ca semn distinctiv, a celor pentru socri a conturat alaiul, dnd un plus de farmec [i culoare rural\, amintind de vechile ritualuri maritale. Astfel c\ expunerea sub titlul ,,Nun]i de ieri [i de azi" a adus n sal\ mul]i vizitatori.

When the house was given back to its owners in 2007, the exhibition was closed and a project for its extension with an open-air gallery was also lost. Because they lacked financial resources, the county authorities were not able to buy the building and use it as a cultural and tourist sight. In this situation, the Ethnography Section illustrating Botosani area continues to exist through the researches conducted by the specialists, through the published materials, the museum collaborations and the temporary exhibitions. The patrimony can still be admired and appreciated in various locations: "Stefan Luchian" Art Gallery, the Polyvalent Hall of the Museum in Botosani, Ipotesti Memorial - "Mihai Eminescu" National Research Centre. Thus, the public was invited to the exhibition "The Romanian village in art", where the patrimony of folk culture, comprising furniture, weavings, costumes, pottery, was harmoniously combined with the plastic representation from the paintings, creating a dialogue of shapes, colours and values. Another exhibition was scheduled at the Art Gallery, with the theme "Easter in the Romanian spirituality - Traditional cuisine during fast". Besides the presentation of icons painted on wood, the Choir of the Theologic Seminary Botosani also performed and then the traditional meal was consecrated: forcemeat rolls in cabbage/vine leaves, cabbage pies, cakes made of maize flour, butter, milk and cheese, carrot, apple pies, pound cakes and water from the spring, poured from the jug. All the guests tasted the dishes prepared according to ancient recipes. The exhibition from Ipotesti: "Vegetal motifs in the traditional Romanian art" aroused the interest of the visitors, fitting perfectly into the world of Eminescu and next to the values of the patrimony of the Memorial Museum. The symbolic decorative motifs on the weavings and pottery impressed the visitors. The exhibition "The Time of Carols ..." followed in the same generous space in Januray 2009, with accessories for Christmas and the New Year, a presentation that related perfectly to the admiration of the poet Mihai Eminescu for folklore and the customs of the village. The Polyvalent Hall of the County Museum housed a presentation of bridal dresses and modern accessories for weddings. In this context, the presentation of the traditional bride and groom costumes, of the costumes of the god-parents with towels as a distincitve mark, completed the exhibition, giving it a touch of charm and rural colour, reminding us of the old wedding rituals. Thus, the exhibition organized under the title "Traditional and modern weddings" has drawn many visitors to Botosani.

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Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

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Destinaii spirituale

Biserici - ctitorii domneti

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Text: Dana PETRARIU - Direc]ia Jude]ean\ pentru Cultur\, Culte [i Patrimoniul Cultural Na]ional Boto[ani

Text: Dana PETRARIU - Direc]ia Jude]ean\ pentru Cultur\, Culte [i Patrimoniul Cultural Na]ional Boto[ani

Sfini botoneni

Spiritual destinations

Biserica Domneasc\ ''Sf. Gheorghe''

Biserica Domneasc\ ''Sf. Gheorghe" din Boto[ani a fost zidit\ de Elena Doamna, so]ia domnitorului Petru Rare[, n 1551. n construc]ie se resimt influen]ele ctitoriilor lui {tefan cel Mare. Biserica a fost realizat\ din piatr\ [i c\r\mid\, n form\ de cruce, cu un turn la mijloc [i cu intrarea pe latura de nord, printr-o u[\ ncadrat\ de un frumos chenar gotic, deasupra fiind pisania. Pardoseala este din lespezi de piatr\, care au d\inuit pn\ ast\zi. Contrafronturile, dispuse de o parte [i de alta a edificiului, absidele cu firide, ocni]ele care nconjoar\ biserica, turla poligonal\ sprijinit\ de dou\ baze stelare sunt elemente asem\n\toare cu bisericile ''Sf. Nicolae'' Pop\u]i [i Dorohoi. Biserica este renumit\ [i pentru obiectele de o deosebit\ valoare: Sfntul Epitaf adus de la Moscova n 1839, brodat cu fir de argint, strana arhiereasc\ de la 1800, amvonul, Sfntul Potir din aur [i argint de la 1777, Sfnta Evanghelie de la 1845. Biserica, situat\ n inima ora[ului Boto[ani, [i pr\znuie[te n fiecare prim\var\ hramul ''Sf. Gheorghe'', acesta fiind [i patronul spiritual al ora[ului.

Churches raised by princes ''Saint George'' Princely Church ''Saint George" Princely Church in Botosani was raised by Lady Elena, the wife of ruler Petru Rares, in 1551. The construction of the edifice was influenced by the style of Stephen the Great. The church is made of stone and brick in the shape of a cross, with a tower in the middle and the entrance on the northern side, through a door with a beautiful Gothic frame, covered by the rotive. The floor is made of flagstones, still preserved until this day. The abutments, placed on both sides of the edifice, the apses with nooks, the deep pits that surround the church, the polygonal spire supported by two star-shaped bases, resemble the elements of the churches dedicated to ''Saint Nicholas'' from Popauti and Dorohoi. The church is also famous for its valuable objects: the Holy Epitaph brought from Moscow in 1839, embroidered with silver thread, the bishop's lectern dating from 1800, the pulpit, the Holy Chalice made of gold and silver, dating from 1777, the Holy Gospel, dating from 1845. The church, located in the heart of the town of Botosani, commemorates Saint George, the town's spiritual patron, every spring.

Text: Eduard SETNIC - muzeograf Muzeul Jude]ean Boto[ani

The Saints of Botosani Blessed by God, the county of Botosani is proud of its illustrious saints: Saint John Jacob from Hozeva or the Pious Onufrie. Saint John Jacob from Hozeva was born in Crainiceni village, Paltinis Commune, on the bank of Prut River, in 1913, in a poor family of ploughmen. After he became an orphan he was raised by his grandmother who taught him to love God and books, to be sensitive, and so he dedicated his life to God, becoming a monk at Neamt Monastery and then a hermit, living in Hozeva Cave. He died at the age of 47 and after twenty years, when he was exhumed, his body had not rotted. This is why the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church made him a Saint in 1992, being commemorated on 5 August. In 2004, at the initiative of the County Department of Culture and National Cultural Patrimony Botosani and with the support of generous people, the childhood home of the Saint was refurbished, its interior being decorated with local traditional objects gathered from his relatives. Another important religious figure who lived and died in the ancient forest that surrounds Vorona Monastery was the Pious Onufrie. A monk originating from Russia, he was born around 1700 in a family of noblemen, becoming the governor of a county. In 1749, feeling drawn to monastic life, he leaves his native country and comes to the monasteries in Moldavia, finding occupation in reading and patiently and diligently copying the Holy Scripture and other religious writings. In 1764 he joined the small community of Sihastria Voronei Hermitage, later on retiring to a cave where he spent the rest of his life in humbleness and prayer, helping many believers with his advice. He passed away on 29 March 1789, being buried by the monks from Sihastria Voronei Hermitage in an orchard, at the root of an apple tree. After many years, the ruler Mihail Sturza, passing through Voronei Forest, reached the orchard of Voronei Hermitage, took a beautiful apple and gave it to his sick daughter, who was miraculously healed. So, the ruler commanded that the hermit should be exhumed and his bones put in a chest in the monastery's altar. The holiness of the Pious Onufrie was also mentioned by Teoctist, the Romanian Patriarch between 1986 and 2007, also born in Tocileni village, Stauceni Commune, Botosani County who remembered that when the was an apprentice at Voronei Hermitage, he used to attend prayers and processions with the holy bones of the Pious Onufrie on the day dedicated to the ''Annunciation''.
1. Foto: Arhiva D.J.C.C.P.C.N. Boto[ani - Pe[tera din malul Bahluiului, unde a dus o via]\ pustniceasc\ Cuviosul Onufrie 2. Foto: BOARDMEDIA - Instantaneu de la canonizarea Sfntului Onofrie 3. Foto: Arhiva D.J.C.C.P.C.N. Boto[ani - sfintele oseminte ale Cuviosului Onufrie 4. Foto: Arhiva D.J.C.C.P.C.N. Boto[ani - Casa `n care a copil\rit Ioan Iacob Hozevitul, reconstituit\ de D.J.C.C.P.C.N. Boto[ani n anul 2004, satul Cr\iniceni, comuna P\ltini[

Biserica Domneasc\ ''Sf. Nicolae'' Dorohoi

Biserica, terminat\ la 1495, este cel mai vechi edificiu care mai p\streaz\ ast\zi amintirea epocii [tefaniene. Ctitorit\ ntr-un spa]iu de mai veche locuire, a[a cum o probeaz\ n vremea din urm\ descoperirile [i cercet\rile arheologice, edificiul pare a fi avut de la nceput rolul de capel\ a re[edin]ei domne[ti, ulterior devenind biseric\ de mir. A fost ridicat\ peste funda]iile altui edificiu eclesial, datat, dup\ descoperitori, n vremea lui Alexandru cel Bun [i ctitorit, se pare, de c\tre marele boier moldovean Mihail de la Dorohoi. Ctitoria [tefanian\, n curs de restaurare acum, se nscrie n categoria bisericilor de ora[ zidite n vremea marelui voievod, reprezentnd, dup\ o serie de autori, tipul deplin evoluat al arhitecturii moldovene[ti, al\turi de bisericile din Hrl\u [i Pop\u]i. Unul din elementele originale, p\strate pn\ n zilele noastre, l constituie zidul desp\r]itor dintre pronaos [i naos, al\turat la mai toate celelalte biserici de ora[ ctitorite de {tefan cel Mare, n urma interven]iilor de restaurare de la nceputul secolului XX. Catapeteasma bisericii a fost executat\ undeva la sfr[itul veacului al XVII-lea, biserica avnd n inventarele nceputului de secol XX, dintre icoanele tmplei, una reprezentndu-l pe Sfntul Vasile, executat\ n 1796. Turnul clopotni]\, amplasat pe latura vestic\ a edificiului, a fost construit n a doua parte a celui de-al XIX-lea veac, piatra folosit\ la edificarea acestuia provenind, probabil, de la nc\ necunoscutele ruine ale cur]ii domne[ti ale lui {tefan cel Mare.

''Saint Nicholas'' Princely Church in Dorohoi The church, completed in 1495, is the oldest edifice which still preserves the memory of the time of Stephen the Great. Built in an ancient space, as it was proven by the archaeological researches and discoveries, the edifice seems to have had the role of chapel of the princely residence, subsequently becoming a chrism church (a church built for the people who did not live inside the monastery). It was built on the foundation of another ecclesiastic edifice, dating, according to the discoveries, from the time of Alexander the Kind and raised by the great Moldavian landowner Mihail from Dorohoi. The edifice, at present undergoing a process of refurbishment, is included in the category of town churches built in the time of the great voievode Stephen the Great, and represents, according to some authors, the type of evolved Moldavian architecture, alongside the churches from Harlau and Popauti. One of its original elements, preserved until today, is the wall that separates the narthex from the nave, now present in almost all the other town churches raised by Stephen the Great, due to the restoration campaigns that took place at the beginning of the XX-th century. The church's iconostasis was made around the end of the XVII-th century, comprising, among other icons, the icon of Saint Vasile, made in 1796. The belfry tower, located on the western side of the church, was built in the second part of the XIX-th century, the stone used for its fortification probably coming from the yet unknown ruins of the princely court of Stephen the Great.
1. Foto: BOARDMEDIA - Turnul Bisericii Domne[ti "Sf. Gheorghe" 2. Foto: Arhiva D.J.C.C.P.C.N. Boto[ani - Biserica Domneasc\ ''Sf. Nicolae'' Dorohoi

inecuvntat de Domnul, ]inutul Boto[anilor se mndre[te cu ilu[tri sfin]i: Sf. Ioan Iacob Hozevitul sau Cuviosul Onufrie. Sf. Ioan Iacob Hozevitul s-a n\scut n satul Cr\iniceni, comuna P\ltini[, pe malul Prutului, n 1913, ntr-o familie nevoia[\ de plugari. Orfan, crescut de bunica sa n dragoste fa]\ de Dumnezeu, sensibil, iubitor de slove, s-a c\lug\rit n ob[tea M\n\stirii Neam], pentru ca apoi s\ ia drumul locurilor sfinte, vie]uind n pe[tera Hozeva. La 47 de ani a trecut la cele ve[nice [i dup\ dou\zeci de ani, cnd a fost dezgropat, trupul s\u era neputrezit. De aceea, Sf. Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe Romne l-a canonizat n anul 1992, pomenirea sa f\cndu-se n ziua de 5 august. n anul 2004, la ini]iativa Direc]iei Jude]ene pentru Cultur\, Culte [i Patrimoniul Cultural Na]ional Boto[ani [i cu sprijinul unor oameni cu suflet nobil, s-a reconstituit casa n care a copil\rit Sfntul, amenajndu-se un interior ]\r\nesc autohton, cu elemente adunate de la rudele sale. O alt\ figur\ luminoas\ care a tr\it [i s-a s\vr[it prin codrii seculari din preajma M\n\stirii Vorona a fost Cuviosul Onufrie. C\lug\r din p\r]ile Rusiei, s-ar fi n\scut n jurul anului 1700, dintr-o familie nobil\, ajungnd guvernatorul unui ]inut. n 1749, sim]indu-se atras de via]a duhovniceasc\, [i p\r\se[te ]ara [i cutreier\ m\n\stirile din Moldova, ndeletnincindu-se cu cititul [i copiatul cu r\bdare [i mult\ sim]ire al Sfintei Scripturi [i al altor scrieri biserice[ti. n 1764 intr\ n ob[tea Schitului Sih\stria Voronei, retr\gndu-se mai apoi ntr-o pe[ter\ [i petrecndu-[i via]a n smerenie [i rug\ciune, ndreptnd cu sfatul s\u mul]i credincio[i. La 29 martie 1789 a trecut la cele ve[nice, fiind ngropat de c\lug\rii de la Sih\stria Voronei n livad\, la r\d\cina unui m\r. Peste ani, domnitorul Mihail Sturza, trecnd prin codrii Voronei, ajunse la livada de la St\re]ia Voronei, lu\ cu sine un m\r frumos, pe care-l d\rui fiicei sale bolnave, [i minunea se mplini. Fata se ns\n\to[i, iar domnitorul porunci ca pustnicul s\ fie dezhumat, osemintele sale fiind a[ezate ntr-o racl\, n altarul m\n\stirii. Despre sfin]enia Cuviosului Onufrie a vorbit [i Teoctist, Patriarhul Romniei ntre anii 1986-2007, [i el n\scut n satul Tocileni, comuna St\uceni, jude]ul Boto[ani care, amintindu-[i de anii cnd [i f\cea ucenicia la Sih\stria Voronei, participa al\turi de al]i c\lug\ri la rug\ciuni [i procesiuni cu sfintele oseminte ale Cuviosului Onufrie de ziua hramului ''Buna Vestire''. 42 <<

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Foto: Direc]ia Jude]ean\ pentru Cultur\, Culte [i Patrimoniul Cultural Na]ional Boto[ani

Text: Dana PETRARIU - Direc]ia Jude]ean\ pentru Cultur\, Culte [i Patrimoniul Cultural Na]ional Boto[ani

Biserica ''Uspenia''
Biserica ''Uspenia'' sau ''biserica alb\'', cum i se mai spune, este o alt\ ctitorie a Elenei Rare[, ce dateaz\ din 1552. Din anul 1793, ntr-o cl\dire al\turat\, a func]ionat o [coal\ domneasc\. Aici a fost botezat poetul Mihai Eminescu, biserica p\strnd vechea cristelni]\. Biserica a fost restaurat\ ntre anii 1724 1725 de c\tre domnitorul Mihail Racovi]\, dup\ cum st\ scris pe o inscrip]ie montat\ deasupra u[ii pronaosului. Pictura interioar\ a fost realizat\ dup\ 1990 de pictorul Petre Achi]enie.

''Uspenia'' Church ''Uspenia'' Church or the ''white church'', as it is also called, is another edifice raised by Elena Rares, dating from 1552. In 1793, an adjoining building was used as princely school. The poet Mihai Eminescu was baptised here, the church still preserving the old font. The church was restored in 1724 - 1725 by the ruler Mihail Racovita, as it appears on an inscription placed above the door of the narthex. The interior painting was made after 1990 by painter Petre Achitenie.

Text: Carmen Cecilia SOLOMONEA - specialist restaurator pictur\ mural\

Biserica Domneasc\ ''Sfntul Nicolae'' Pop\u]i

''Saint Nicholas'' Princely Church Popauti ''Saint Nicholas'' Church Popauti in Botosani was raised on 30 September 1496 by the ruler of Moldavia, Stephen the Great as a chrism church. This edifice was part of a fortified ensemble - besides the princely palace and the belfry tower (recently restored). The church presents elements of the medieval Moldavian style as regards its plan, the partition of the interior space, the architecture of the construction, the decorative concept in its ensemble, and the interior walls of the three rooms - narthex, nave and altar - were entirely covered with mural decorations. In 1751, Constantin Voda Racovita subordinated the church from the old princely estate, together with other properties, to the Patriarchate of Antioch. Thus, Saint Nicholas church, turned into a monastery by the ruler and his mother, receives other properties from the new ruler, Matei Ghica, and the construction of the dwellings for the monks begins. Through this act of devotion, the newly-established monastery was administered by Greek monks who brought several transformations to the church at the level of architecture and painting, some of them causing irreparable losses to the ensemble of paintings. In 1840, the church was in a deplorable state, and in 1863 it received back its initial statute as chrism church, having two priests at that time. The various interventions that were performed in the course of time on the church built by Stephen the Great were motivated either by functional-utilitarian necessities or by aesthetic reasons, commanded by the artistic and stylistic trends of the time. As they had reached a serious state of defacement, the church and the belfry tower were declared historic monuments and an agreement was reached for their restoration starting 1899.
1. Foto: BOARDMEDIA - Turla Bisericii Uspenia 2. Foto: BOARDMEDIA - Pictur\ exterioar\ de pe peretele Bisericii Uspenia 3. [i 4. Foto: BOARDMEDIA - Biserica Domneasc\ ,,Sfntul Nicolae'' Pop\u]i

Biserica ,,Sfntul Nicolae'' Pop\u]i din Boto[ani a fost ridicat\ la 30 septembrie 1496, de c\tre {tefan cel Mare, domn al Moldovei, [i a fost destinat\ a fi biseric\ de mir. Acest edificiu f\cea parte dintr-un ansamblu fortificat - al\turi de palatul domnesc [i turnul clopotni]\ (restaurat recent). Biserica ntrune[te tr\s\turile stilului moldovenesc medieval n ce prive[te planul, mp\r]irea interioar\ a spa]iului, sistemul de construc]ie arhitectural\, conceptul decorativ n ansamblul s\u, iar pere]ii interiori ai celor trei nc\peri - pronaos, naos [i altar - au fost acoperi]i n totalitate cu decora]ie mural\. La 1751, Constantin Vod\ Racovi]\ nchina Patriarhiei Antiohiei biserica de pe vechea mo[ie domneasc\, mpreun\ cu alte propriet\]i. Astfel, biserica Sfntul Nicolae, transformat\ n m\n\stire de c\tre domn [i mama sa, prime[te de asemenea de la noul domn, Matei Ghica, alte propriet\]i [i ini]iaz\ construirea chiliilor. Prin acest act de nchinare, m\n\stirea nfiin]at\ era administrat\ de c\lug\ri greci care au adus diverse transform\ri bisericii la nivelul arhitecturii [i picturii, dintre care unele au provocat pierderi irecuperabile ansamblului pictural. n 1840, biserica ajunsese ntr-o stare deplorabil\, iar din anul 1863 l\ca[ul [i-a redobndit statutul ini]ial care i fusese destinat de c\tre ilustrul s\u ctitor, [i anume biseric\ de mir, avnd la acea dat\ doi preo]i. Interven]iile din diverse epoci asupra bisericii lui {tefan cel Mare, pe ansamblu, au fost motivate fie de o gndire ndreptat\ spre necesit\]i func]ionalutilitare, fie din ra]iuni estetice dictate de tendin]ele artistice [i stilistice ale epocii respective. ntruct ajunseser\ ntr-o stare grav\ de degradare, biserica [i turnul clopotni]\ au fost declarate monumente istorice [i s-a hot\rt restaurarea lor, ncepnd din anul 1899.

Au urmat interven]ii de restaurare desf\[urate ntre 1889 - 1908, cnd s-au ncheiat lucr\rile de restaurare a bisericii, conduse de arhitectul Constantin B\icoianu, care a schimbat radical nf\]i[area monumentului prin placarea zid\riei originale ntr-un parament nou cu forme geometrizate, anulnd de fapt imaginea exterioar\ original\. Interven]iile de conservare [i restaurare actuale, care sunt n curs de desf\[urare la interiorul bisericii Sfntul Nicolae - Pop\u]i, s-au realizat dup\ circa 80 de ani de la ultima re`nnoire, cum a fost denumit\ interven]ia n epoc\. Pn\ n prezent s-au realizat interven]ii urgente [i se continu\ lucr\rile de restaurare a picturii murale interioare. Actualmente, lucr\rile de conservare [i restaurare se desf\[oar\ n pronaosul bisericii, la partea superioar\. n celelalte nc\peri, adic\ altar [i naos, interven]iile au fost realizate pe circa 80% din suprafe]ele decorate, ncepnd cu p\r]ile superioare c\tre baza pere]ilor, urmnd ca decora]iile murale r\mase s\ fie finalizate.

The restoration works that were completed in 1908 were led by the architect Constantin Baicoianu, who radically changed the aspect of the monument by covering the original walls with a new faade with geometrical shapes, destroying the original exterior appearance. The current restoration and preservation interventions, on-going inside Saint Nicholas Church - Popauti, are being accomplished after 80 years since the last refurbishment. Until now only the urgent interventions have been accomplished, the works for the restoration of the interior mural painting still continuing. At present, the restoration and preservation works are taking place in the church's narthex, on its superior part. In the other rooms, namely the nave and the altar, the interventions were accomplished on 80% of the decorated surfaces, starting from the superior parts and advancing towards the base of the walls, the mural decorations being the last to be completed.
1. Foto: Turn clopotni]\ Biserica "Sf. Nicolae Domnesc" - M\n\stirea Pop\u]i - Boto[ani 2.- 4. Foto: Pictur\ mural\ restaurat\ - Biserica "Sf. Nicolae Domnesc" (1496) - ctitorie [tefanian\

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Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

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Bijuterie a arhitecturii medievale romne[ti

Mnstirea Coula
Text: Octavian Liviu {OVAN - Direc]ia Jude]ean\ pentru Cultur\, Culte [i Patrimoniul Cultural Na]ional Boto[ani

Biserici de lemn botonene - tradiie, valoare

Text: Dana PETRARIU - Direc]ia Jude]ean\ pentru Cultur\, Culte [i Patrimoniul Cultural Na]ional Boto[ani Foto: Arhiva D.J.C.C.P.C.N. Boto[ani

Neobositul c\ut\tor Nicolae Iorga f\cea cunoscute lumii n 1908 dou\ descoperiri senza]ionale. Astfel, urcnd n podul bisericii m\n\stirii Co[ula, a avut [ansa s\ descopere manuscrisul unei copii din anul 1816 a unei traduceri romne[ti anonime a ''Istoriilor'' lui Herodot, f\cut\ n Moldova pe la mijlocul secolului al XVII-lea, g\sind, totodat\, [i admirnd n podul pridvorului bisericii resturile unei fresce.
Foto: Arhiva D.J.C.C.P.C.N. Boto[ani - M\n\stirea Co[ula

Printre valorile spirituale [i turistice totodat\ ale jude]ului Boto[ani, se num\r\ cele 27 de biserici de lemn, adev\rate bijuterii din punct de vedere arhitectural, artistic [i etnografic.

l\diri scunde, acoperite cu drani]\, asem\n\toare caselor tradi]ionale ]\r\ne[ti, bisericile de lemn se ntlnesc de regul\ n sate mai izolate [i ridicate de cele mai multe ori de boierii avu]i, pe mo[iile lor. Aceste biserici se individualizeaz\ n primul rnd prin decorarea lor cu pricepere [i m\iestrie de c\tre me[teri populari, predominnd elemente ca: profiluri, frnghii, romburi, motive florale (Biserica ''Adormirea Maicii Domnului'' - Br\e[ti, 1745), ''Adormirea Maicii Domnului'' (Vrgolici - Dorohoi 1779), ''Schimbarea la fa]\'' - sat Or\[eni-Maici, comuna Criste[ti (1762), ''Cuvioasa Parascheva'', sat Corj\u]i, comuna Hili[eu Horia (1802). Decorul apare, de obicei, pe ancadramentul u[ilor de la intrarea n biseric\ sau pe peretele desp\r]itor dintre naos [i pronaos - motive cu rozete [i alte elemente florale (bisericile de lemn din Br\e[ti, B\lu[eni). Interesant\ este [i forma acoperi[ului, dar [i sistemul de dispunere al drani]ei - n ''bot de ra]\'', ''coada rndunicii'', ''solzi de pe[te''. Interiorul bisericilor de lemn se remarc\ prin bog\]ia icoanelor sau prin [tergare prinse la icoane [i scoar]e cu motive tradi]ionale, ]esute n cas\. Toate acestea sporesc frumuse]ea [i specificul acestor biserici de lemn, ntregind peisajul pitoresc [i inedit al jude]ului Boto[ani. 48 <<

Wooden churches from Botosani tradition, value

From among the spiritual and tourist values of Botosani County we can mention the 27 wooden churches, true jewels from an architectural, artistic and ethnographic point of view. Not very tall buildings, covered with shingle, resembling the traditional rustic houses, the wooden churches can be encountered generally in isolated villages, being raised by the rich noblemen on their estates. These churches stand out especially through their decorations, which were accomplished with great skill by folk craftsmen, with dominating elements like: human profiles, ropes, rhombuses, floral motifs (''The Assumption of the Virgin'' Church - Braesti, 1745), ''The Assumption of the Virgin'' Church Vargolici - Dorohoi (1779), ''The Transfiguration'' Church - Oraseni-Maici village, Cristesti Commune (1762), ''The Pious Parascheva'' Church, Corjauti village, Hiliseu Horia Commune (1802). The decorations appear usually on the frames of the entrances or on the wall that separates the nave and the narthex - rosettes and other floral elements (the wooden churches from Braesti, Baluseni). The shape of the roof is also interesting, as well as the way the shingle is placed - in various styles: ''duck beak'', ''swallow tail'' ''fish scales''. The inside of the wooden church stands out through the variety of the icons or through the hand-sewn towels with traditional motifs tied to the icons. All these elements enhance the beauty and specificity of the wooden churches, completing the unique and picturesque landscape of Botosani County.
1. Foto: Biserica din lemn din Corj\u]i, comuna Hili[eu-Horia 2. Foto: Biserica din lemn din Br\e[ti 3. Foto: Biserica din lemn din Br\e[ti - detaliu

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

>> 49

Cosula Monastery

Alte lcauri de cult

Text: Dana PETRARIU - Direc]ia Jude]ean\ pentru Cultur\, Culte [i Patrimoniul Cultural Na]ional Boto[ani


eobositul c\ut\tor Nicolae Iorga f\cea cunoscute lumii n 1908 dou\ descoperiri senza]ionale. Astfel, urcnd n podul bisericii m\n\stirii Co[ula, a avut [ansa s\ descopere manuscrisul unei copii din anul 1816 a unei traduceri romne[ti anonime a ''Istoriilor'' lui Herodot, f\cut\ n Moldova pe la mijlocul secolului al XVII-lea, g\sind, totodat\, [i admirnd n podul pridvorului bisericii resturile unei fresce. Pentru a n]elege importan]a descoperirii, amintim c\ biserica a fost construit\ n anul 1535, reproducnd formele structurale [i de plan ale bisericii ''Sfnta Cruce'' din P\tr\u]i, Bucovina, [i a fost acoperit\ cu fresc\ la interior [i exterior (ntre 1537-1581), aliniindu-se astfel celebrelor biserici pictate din Bucovina. Important de [tiut este faptul c\ asemenea fresce au fost executate la comanda ctitorului, nu numai la bisericile din Bucovina, ci [i n restul teritoriului Moldovei. Biserica a fost construit\ de marele vistiernic Mateia[ Co[olvei, dup\ cum reiese din pisania ce se p\streaz\ deasupra u[ii de intrare, n limba slavon\. Me[terii tocmi]i de ctitor au ridicat o biseric\ cu ziduri trainice din piatr\ [i c\r\mid\, cu planul triconc, cu pronaos [i altar, caracteristici ale arhitecturii moldovene[ti din secolul al XVI-lea. Trapeza [i cuhnea m\n\stirii alc\tuiau o construc]ie cu parter [i pivni]e, ast\zi p\strndu-se doar acestea din urm\. Nu putem s\ nu amintim zidul de incint\ realizat pe trei laturi din c\r\mid\ [i ridicat pe funda]ie de piatr\. ntre 1856-1858, repara]iile executate au ref\cut chiliile, au reacoperit biserica, au ad\ugat [i un pridvor, permi]ndu-se astfel p\strarea, deasupra u[ii de intrare, a unui fragment din fresca exterioar\, cea descoperit\ de Nicolae Iorga. Fresca interioar\ a fost acoperit\, cu prilejul repara]iilor amintite, de o pictur\ n ulei, f\r\ virtu]i artistice deosebite, ceea ce a permis de altminteri conservarea sa. Restaurarea complet\ a acestei m\n\stiri va fi cu siguran]\ n folosul culturii romne, al sufletului celor ce pre]uiesc arta [i, nu n ultim\ instan]\, pentru turismul din aceast\ zon\ a ]\rii. Asta pentru c\ la Co[ula exist\ ocazia, ca prin restaurare, s\ impunem pe firmamentul patrimoniului arhitectonic mondial, al\turi de bisericile Pop\u]i din Boto[ani [i ''Sf. Nicolae Domnesc'' din Dorohoi, un artefact capabil s\ rivalizeze cu celebrele bijuterii arhitectonice bucovinene.

A jewel of Romanian medieval architecture The restless researcher Nicolae Iorga presented to the world two new sensational discoveries in 1908. Thus, climbing into the attic of Cosula Monastery, he had the luck to discover the copies (dating from 1816) of an anonimous Romanian translation of Herodotus' ''Histories'', written in Moldavia around the middle of the XVIIth century, also finding, and admiring in the attic of the church's porch, the last pieces of a fresco. In order to make the reader understand the importance of the discovery, we note that the church was built in 1535, reproducing the structural shapes of the ''Holy Cross'' Church from Patrauti, Bucovina, being covered with frescoes both on the inside and on the outside (1537-1581), thus joining the famous painted churches in Bucovina. It is important to know that these frescoes were made at the order of the church's founder, and not only for the churches in Bucovina, but also throughout the rest of the Moldavian territory. The church was raised by the great treasurer Mateias Cosolvei, according to the rotive written in Slavonic and placed above the entrance door. The craftsmen employed by the founder raised a church with strong stone and brick walls, with a three-apse plan, a narthex and an altar, characteristics of Moldavian architecture from the XVIth century. The monastery's refectory and kitchen were part of a separate edifice with a ground floor and cellars, the latter being the only ones that have been preserved until today. We should also mention the precinct wall built on three sides from brick on a stone foundation. Repair works were performed in 1856-1858, which restored the dwellings of the monks and the church's roof, added a porch, allowing the preservation of a fragment of the exterior fresco (the one discovered by Nicolae Iorga) above the entrance door. The interior fresco was covered during the repair works by an oil painting with no remarkable artistic virtues, which practically allowed its preservation. The complete restoration of this monastery will definitely benefit the Romanian culture, will bring joy to the souls of the people who cherish art and will also boost tourism in this part of the country. All this because in Cosula we have the opportunity, through restoration, to include in the architectural patrimony of the world, besides the churches Popauti from Botosani and ''Saint Nicholas'' from Dorohoi, an artefact capable of competing with the famous architectural jewels from Bucovina.

Other places of prayer

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

Foto: Arhiva D.J.C.C.P.C.N. Boto[ani - Arhanghelul zugr\vit n biserica M\n\stirii Co[ula

inutul Boto[anilor, acoperit de codri seculari, a nsemnat un loc prielnic pentru construirea unor importante comunit\]i monahale. n preajma anului 1749, un grup de c\lug\ri ru[i ntemeiaz\ un schit n satul Icu[eni, mutndu-se mai trziu n Poiana Vorona. Aici, n timpul lui Rafail (1820-1853), schitul este ridicat la rang de m\n\stire, dezvoltndu-se n anii urm\tori prin construirea unor corpuri de chilii, turn-clopotni]\, trapez, Biserica ''Na[terea Maicii Domnului'' (1835) [i ''Sf. Nicolae'' (1835), ad\ugndu-se deja existentei biserici ''Adormirea Maicii Domnului'' (1793-1883) [i constituind un complex monahal. n 1859, M\n\stirea Vorona, ca [i alte asemenea, se desfiin]eaz\, renfiin]ndu-se n 1968 [i ajungnd n zilele noastre un loc de pelerinaj, sprijinit ndeaproape de Patriarhul Teoctist. Ast\zi, Complexul monahal Vorona g\zduie[te o bogat\ colec]ie de c\r]i vechi [i un muzeu, devenind un punct de referin]\ pe harta jude]ului [i a ]\rii. La doar 10 km de Boto[ani, tot ntr-o zon\ mirific\, ntre anii 1729-1740, pustnicul Agafton ridic\ biserica de lemn ''Sf. Voievozi'', confec]ionat\ din brne de stejar, devenind o ob[te de c\lug\ri. n 1814 se transform\ n m\n\stire de c\lug\ri, construinduse apoi ntre anii 1838-1843 o biseric\ de zid, ''Pogorrea Sf. Duh''. M\n\stirea Agafton a cunoscut o ampl\ dezvoltare, fiind renumit\ pentru atelierele de ]es\torie, covoare, broderie, croitorie. Tot aici poposea deseori Mihai Eminescu, care venea s\-[i vad\ m\tu[ile Sofia, Fevronia [i Olimpiada. ntre anii 1959 - 1991, aici fiin]eaz\ un c\min de b\trni. Repus\ n drepturi dup\ 1991, M\n\stirea Agafton cunoa[te azi prefaceri, ncete ce-i drept, dar care ncearc\ s\-i redea prestan]a [i nsemn\tatea care i se cuvin. M\n\stirea Gorovei este situat\ pe drumul de la Dorohoi spre Suceava. Biserica ''Sf. Ioan Botez\torul'', construit\ n 1834, cu alte ad\ugiri [i repara]ii n 1894, este acum n proces de restaurare, dup\ ce n 2006 s-a n\l]at o impun\toare clopotni]\. Schitul Zosin, aflat pe drumul Boto[ani - Ia[i, la doar 15 km de ora[ul Boto[ani, cuprinde o biseric\ de lemn (1740), o biseric\ de zid (1779), iar n zilele noastre se ridic\ o biseric\ nou\, toate ntregind imaginea unei vie]i monahale active, ntr-un cadru pitoresc [i care se bucur\ de numero[i pelerini [i turi[ti. n jude] mai fiin]eaz\ m\n\stirile Cozancea [i Guranda, precum [i schiturile Bal[, Oneaga, care ofer\ pl\cute momente de recreere [i reculegere, ntregind peisajul cultural, spiritual [i turistic al zonei. De o valoare inestimabil\ la Boto[ani sunt [i bisericile armene[ti ''Sf. Treime'' (sec. XVI) [i ''Adormirea Maicii Domnului'' (1782), renumite pentru bogata colec]ie de icoane [i obiecte de cult armene[ti, dar [i mormintele funerare - adev\rate bijuterii din cimitirul armenesc, Biserica ''Sf. Ilie'' sau ''Biserica bl\narilor'' (1778), Biserica ''Cuvioasa Parascheva'' (1816), Biserica ''Sf. Ioan Botez\torul'' (1765-1777), Biserica Romano-Catolic\, construit\ n stil neogotic, Biserica lipoveneasc\ C ''Na[terea Maicii Domnului'' (1853).
5 6

The county of Botosani, covered by ancient forests, was a favourable spot for the establishment of important monastic communities. Around 1749, a group of Russian monks founded a hermitage in Icuseni village, later on moving to Vorona Glade. There, during the time of Rafail (1820-1853), the hermitage becomes a monastery, developing in the following years through the construction of dwellings for the monks, a belfry-tower, a refectory, two churches: ''The Birth of Virgin Mary'' Church (1835) and ''Saint Nicholas'' Church (1835), which were added to the existing church dedicated to ''The Assumption of Virgin Mary'' (1793-1883), forming a monastic complex. In 1859, Vorona Monastery, as others like it, were put out of use, being reestablished in 1968 and becoming today a pilgrimage place, closely supported by the Patriarch Teoctist. Today, the Monastic complex Vorona shelters a vast collection of old books and a museum, becoming a landmark on the county (and country) map. At just 10 km from Botosani, in a mirifc area, the hermit Agafton raised the ''Holy Voivodes'' wooden church between 1729 and 1740, made of oak beams, a community of monks being formed around it. In 1814 it became a monastery, a stone church being built close to it in 1838-1843, dedicated to ''The Descent of the Holy Spirit''. Agafton Monastery witnessed a big development, being famous for its weaving and tailoring workshops, where carpets and embroideries were made, besides other beautiful objects. Mihai Eminescu used to come to these places often, to visit his aunts Sofia, Fevronia and Olimpiada. A home for the elderly functioned here in 1959 - 1991. Reinstated after 1991, Agafton Monastery is undergoing repair works, which are trying to restore its rightful impressive appearance and importance, even though they are progressing quite slowly. Gorovei Monastery is situated on the road from Dorohoi to Suceava. ''Saint John the Baptist'' Church, raised in 1834, repaired in 1894, is undergoing a restoration process, after an imposing steeple was built in 2006. Zosin Hermitage, located on the road from Botosani to Iasi, at just 15 km from the City of Botosani, comprises a wooden church (1740), a stone church (1779) and a new church is being raised today, all creating an image of an active monastic life in a picturesque background that attracts many pilgrims and tourists. The county also shelters Cozancea and Guranda Monasteries, as well as Bals and Oneaga Hermitages, which offer pleasant moments of recreation and meditation, completing the area's cultural, spiritual and tourist landscape. Of inestimable value in Botosani are also the Armenian churches ''The Holy Trinity'' (the XVIth century) and ''The Assumption of the Virgin'' (1782), famous for their vast collection of icons and Armenian religious objects, as well as the tombs - true jewels of the Armenian cemetery, ''Saint Ilie'' Church or ''The Furriers' Church'' (1778), ''The Pious Parascheva'' Church (1816), ''Saint John the Baptist'' Church C (1765-1777), The Roman-Catholic Church, built in a Neogothic style, ''The Birth of Virgin Mary'' Lippovan church (1853).
1. Foto: Biserica armeneasc\ 2. Foto: M\n\stirea Gorovei 3. Foto: Biserica lipoveneasc\ ''Na[terea Maicii Domnului'' 4. Foto: Biserica Sf. Ilie 5. Foto: M\n\stirea Agafton 6. Foto: Icoana Fecioarei Maria de la M\n\stirea Agafton 7. Foto: M\n\stirea Vorona 7

50 <<

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

>> 51

Muzeul Judeean de Istorie Botoani

Text: Gheorghe MEDIAN - Muzeul Jude]ean Boto[ani Foto: BOARDMEDIA - Muzeul Jude]ean Boto[ani

Amenajat n cl\direa fostei Prefecturi a jude]ului, de pe strada Unirii nr. 15 (monument de arhitectur\ construit la nceputul secolului al XX-lea dup\ planurile marelui arhitect Petre Antonescu), Muzeul Jude]ean de Istorie este cea mai important\ institu]ie muzeal\ din jude].

The County History Museum Botosani

Another interesting part of the museum is represented by the halls dedicated to the Neolithic and especially to Cucuteni Culture, which comprised the nowadays territory of Botosani County. The pottery, of exceptional fineness, handmade, decorated with geometrical motifs painted with two or three colours (white, red, black), incised or excised, with a wide variety of shapes and sizes, the anthropomorphic and zoomorphic figurines relating to the culture of fertility, the hearths and the altars, the tools made of polished stone and bone discovered in Trusesti, Stefanesti Draguseni and Cucorani are the proof of an advanced civilization, comparable to the most famous civilizations of that time. The exceptional value of the pottery belonging to Cucuteni Culture from the patrimony of the County History Museum was recently confirmed by the fact that a large number of vases have been selected and included in a great exhibition opened in the fall of 2008 at the Vatican, as well as in exhibitions in Switzerland and Poland. The Age of Metals (when the Geto-Dacians broke away from the Thracian people and set up their first state, led by King Burebista - I century B.C.) is presented in the basic exhibition of the County History Museum through a great number of objects, the most remarkable being the ones from the Thracian-Getic citadel from Stancesti (the middle of the I millennium B.C.) like: tools, weapons and bronze jewelery, local and imported pottery, household utensils, as well as two golden pieces (a fantastic animal and a rough human figurine) and secondly, other impressive objects are the ones from Lozna (Dersca Commune): approximately 70 iron tools and weapons, dating from the last century of the I millennium B.C. The periods relating to the existence of the Roman province Dacia and to the completion of the process of formation of the Romanian people (the II-VIII centuries) are illustrated through many Thracian and Roman objects - that penetrated the extra-Carpathian space through exchanges (supply vases, amphorae, goblets, rushlights), vases for offerings and jewelery discovered in tombs dating from the III-IV centuries, coins and agricultural tools. The Feudal Age (when the three Romanian states are founded) is also illustrated, the themes obviously aiming at highlighting the historic development of Moldavia and in this context, the evolution of Botosani County. The princely documents, the thesaurus with silver coins and objects discovered in Stauceni and Lunca (the XIV - XVth centuries), the tools discovered in Hudum (the XIVth century), the foundations of Stephen the Great (''Saint Nicholas'' Church Dorohoi - 1495 and ''Saint Nicholas'' Popauti - 1496) and the ones of Lady Elena Despot, the wife of the ruler Petru Rares (''Saint George'' Church - 1551 and ''Uspenia'' Church - 1552 from Botosani), presented through eloquent photographic images, prove an active economic, political and social life in this area and also the special role played by Botosani in the history of Moldavia. The Modern Age brings us an important number of numismatic pieces, weapons and decorations, press documents and photographs, which prove the involvement of the inhabitants of Botosani in the most important events of their history: the Union in 1859, the Independence War in 1877 - 1878, the Rebellion in 1907 and World War I in 1914 - 1918, which ended in the formation of the united national state on 1 December 1918. In this context, the museum presents the participation of the people of Botosani in the great battles from Marasti, Marasesti and Oituz alongside the armies of the Central Powers in the summer of 1917 and the echo of the Great Union in Botosani. The evolution of Botosani County in the inter-war period at an economic, social, cultural and political level completed the museum's presentation of its history. What draws the attention of the visitors in the last section of the museum is the gallery of notable figures from Botosani, important to Romanian and universal spirituality, such as Mihai Eminescu, George Enescu, Nicolae Iorga, personalities that stand ahead an impressive number of men of letters, scientists and artists whose names, next to the name of Botosani, have transcended the borders long ago. Their portraits and a series of personal objects that belonged to George Enescu, Stefan Luchian, to the mathematician Octav Onicescu and to the doctor Iacob Iacobovici give substance to a space that makes one relfect and puts a halo of light above Botosani, certainly the most spiritual corner of Romanian ground.
1. - 3. Foto: - Ceramic\ de Cucuteni din Muzeul Jude]ean Boto[ani

atrimoniul s\u, cuprinznd cteva zeci de mii de piese, pune n valoare istoria unui ]inut n care civiliza]ia uman\ a nceput n urm\ cu treizeci de milenii [i s-a desf\[urat, f\r\ ntrerupere, de-a lungul tuturor epocilor istorice. Ca institu]ie, muzeul dateaz\ din anul 1955, dar expozi]ia pe care vizitatorii o pot vedea, oglind\ a evolu]iei societ\]ii umane pe contururile actualului jude], este ceva mai nou\, inaugurarea ei avnd loc n decembrie 1977. O important\ parte a muzeului este destinat\ prezent\rii epocii de piatr\. Bog\]ia materialului ilustrativ pentru aceast\ epoc\ permite ca prima sal\ de expozi]ie s\ fie dedicat\ exclusiv paleoliticului. Cercet\rile ntreprinse de arheologii institu]iei, mpreun\ cu speciali[ti ai institutelor de arheologie din Bucure[ti [i Ia[i, la Ripiceni-Izvor, Mitoc-Valea Izvorului [i Prul lui Istrati, au scos la iveal\ un impresionant num\r de obiecte datnd din paleoliticul superior, din urm\ cu aproximativ treizeci de mii de ani, cele mai reprezentative fiind expuse n vitrinele muzeului. Aici, al\turi de unelte [i arme din piatr\ cioplit\ [i din os, de resturi fosilizate ale unor animale preistorice (cerb, cal, mamut), sunt expuse un ad\post uman (par]ial reconstituit, descoperit la Ripiceni - cel mai vechi ad\post uman din Europa de S-E) [i un ''atelier'' pentru prelucrarea silexului, unul dintre pu]inele de acest fel g\site n Romnia, descoperit la Mitoc. 52 <<

Organized in the building of the former Prefect's office, on No. 15 Unirii Street (an architectural monument built at the beginning of the XX-th century according to the plans of the great architect Petre Antonescu), the County History Museum is the most important institution of this kind in the county. Its patrimony, comprising tens of thousands of pieces, presents the history of a county where the human civilization began to take shape thirty millennia ago and continued to evolve throughout all historic periods. As an institution, the museum dates from 1955, but the current exhibition, a mirror of the evolution of human society on the territory of the nowadays county, is newer, being inaugurated in December 1977. A significant part of the museum is dedicated to the presentation of the Stone Age. The first hall is dedicated entirely to the Palaeolithic, fact allowed by the abundance of illustrative material for this period. The researches undertaken by the instution's archaeologists, together with specialists of the archaeology institutes in Bucharest and Iasi, at Ripiceni-Izvor, Mitoc-Valea Izvorului and Istrati's Brook, have brought to light an impressive number of objects dating from the superior Palaeolithic, approximately thirty thousand years ago, the most representative being exhibited in the museum's showcases. There, besides tools, weapons made of cut stone and bone, fossilized remainders of pre-historic animals (deer, horse, mammoth), the visitors can admire a human shelter (partially reconstituted, discovered in Ripiceni - the oldest human shelter in south-eastern Europe) and a ''workshop'' for the processing of silex, one of the few of its kind found in Romania, discovered in Mitoc.

Un alt punct de mare interes al muzeului l constituie s\lile dedicate neoliticului [i n mod special Culturii Cucuteni, n al c\rei areal a fost cuprins [i teritoriul de ast\zi al jude]ului Boto[ani. Ceramica, de o excep]ional\ fine]e a pastei, lucrat\ manual, decorat\ cu motive geometrice, pictate n dou\ sau trei culori (alb, ro[u, negru), incizate sau excizate, extrem de variat\ n privin]a dimensiunilor, dar mai ales a formelor, figurinele antropomorfe [i zoomorfe legate de cultul fecundit\]ii [i fertilit\]ii, vetrele [i altarele, uneltele din piatr\ [lefuit\ [i os descoperite la Tru[e[ti, {tef\ne[ti Dr\gu[eni [i Cucor\ni fac dovada unei civiliza]ii avansate, comparabile cu cele mai cunoscute civiliza]ii ale timpului. Valoarea excep]ional\ a ceramicii cucuteniene din patrimoniul Muzeului Jude]ean de Istorie a fost recent confirmat\ de faptul c\ un mare num\r de vase au fost selec]ionate [i incluse ntr-o mare expozi]ie deschis\ n toamna anului 2008 la Vatican, precum [i n expozi]ii din Elve]ia [i Polonia. Epoca metalelor (n care geto-dacii se individualizeaz\ din masa tracilor [i [i f\uresc prima organiza]ie statal\, sub regele Burebista - sec. I `.Hr.) este ilustrat\ n expozi]ia de baz\ a Muzeului Jude]ean de Istorie printr-un mare num\r de obiecte, din rndul c\rora se deta[eaz\, `n primul rnd, cele provenind din cetatea traco-getic\ de la Stnce[ti (mijlocul mileniului I `.Hr.) cum ar fi: unelte, arme [i podoabe din bronz, ceramic\ autohton\ [i de import, ustensile casnice, precum [i dou\ piese din aur (un animal fantastic [i o figurin\ uman\ schematizat\) [i `n al doilea rnd, cele din depozitul de la Lozna (comuna Dersca): circa 70 de unelte [i arme din fier, datnd din ultimul secol al mileniului I `.Hr. Perioadele corespunz\toare existen]ei provinciei romane Dacia [i des\vr[irii procesului de formare a poporului romn (sec. II-VIII) sunt ilustrate prin numeroase obiecte de factur\ carpic\ [i roman\ - p\trunse n spa]iul extracarpatic pe calea schimbului (vase de provizii, amfore, cupe, opai]e), vase pentru ofrande [i obiecte de podoab\ descoperite n morminte de nhuma]ie din secolele III-IV, monede [i unelte agricole. Bogat ilustrat\ este epoca feudal\, n care iau fiin]\ cele trei state romne[ti, tematica muzeului urm\rind, n mod firesc, reliefarea dezvolt\rii istorice a Moldovei [i n acest context a ]inutului Boto[anilor. Hrisoavele domne[ti, tezaurele cu obiecte [i monede de argint descoperite la St\uceni [i Lunca (sec. XIV - XV), uneltele descoperite la Hudum (sec. XIV), ctitoriile lui {tefan cel Mare (Biserica ''Sf. Nicolae'' Dorohoi - 1495 [i ''Sf. Nicolae'' Pop\u]i 1496) [i cele ale Elenei Despot Doamna, so]ia domnitorului Petru Rare[ (''Sf. Gheorghe'' - 1551 [i ''Uspenia'' - 1552 din Boto[ani), prezentate prin expresive imagini fotografice, fac dovada unei active vie]i economice, politice [i sociale desf\[urate aici [i a rolului deosebit pe care Boto[anii l-au jucat n istoria Moldovei. Din epoca modern\ dateaz\ un important num\r de piese numismatice, arme [i decora]ii, documente de pres\ [i fotografii, care probeaz\ implicarea boto[\nenilor n cele mai importante evenimente care au marcat-o, ntre care Unirea din anul 1859, R\zboiul pentru cucerirea independen]ei de stat din anii 1877 - 1878, R\scoala din anul 1907 [i Primul R\zboi Mondial dintre anii 1914 - 1918, a c\rui urmare a constituit-o f\urirea statului na]ional unitar la 1 Decembrie 1918. n acest context este reliefat\ participarea boto[\nenilor la marile b\t\lii cu armatele Puterilor Centrale de la M\r\[ti, M\r\[e[ti [i Oituz din vara anului 1917 [i ecoul Marii Uniri la Boto[ani. Evolu]ia jude]ului Boto[ani n perioada interbelic\ pe plan economic, social, cultural [i politic ncheie prezentarea pe care muzeul o face istoriei acestuia. Ceea ce re]ine n mod deosebit aten]ia n ultimul segment al muzeului este galeria personalit\]ilor pe care Boto[anii le-au dat spiritualit\]ii romne[ti [i universale, printre care amintim pe Mihai Eminescu, George Enescu, Nicolae Iorga, personalit\]i care se a[az\ n fruntea unui impresionant num\r de litera]i, oameni de [tiin]\ [i arti[ti al c\ror nume, al\turat de cel al Boto[anilor, a trecut de mult dincolo de grani]ele ]\rii. Portretele lor [i o serie de obiecte personale care au apar]inut lui George Enescu, {tefan Luchian, matematicianului Octav Onicescu [i medicului Iacob Iacobovici dau consisten]\ unui spa]iu care ndeamn\ la reflec]ie [i arunc\ un nimb de lumin\ asupra Boto[anilor, cu siguran]\ cel mai fertil n spirite col] de p\mnt romnesc.

Contact: Str. Unirii nr. 15, Boto[ani, jud. Boto[ani Telefon: + 40231 513 446; Fax: + 40231 536 989 E-mail: >> 53

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

Secia de Art
Text: Gheorghe MEDIAN - Muzeul Jude]ean Boto[ani

Galeriile de Art "tefan Luchian"

Pe strada 1 Decembrie nr. 27 din Boto[ani, ntr-o cl\dire din imediata apropiere a locului pe care s-a aflat casa c\minarului Gheorghe Eminovici, unde s-a n\scut [i a copil\rit pn\ la vrsta de patru ani Mihai Eminescu, se afl\ Sec]ia de Art\ a Muzeului Jude]ean Boto[ani.
Text: Gheorghe MEDIAN - Muzeul Jude]ean Boto[ani Foto:

Foto: Exponate din sec]ia de art\ a Muzeului Jude]ean Boto[ani

"Stefan Luchian" Art Galleries In the civic centre of Botosani, alongside ''Mihai Eminescu'' Theatre we find one of the most famous cultural sights in town, ''Stefan Luchian" Art Galleries. Organized in a generous space, at the ground floor of an imposing apartment building, the galleries are a reference in the field of Moldavian plastic art, occupying a top position in the artistic biographies of many Romanian artists. Opened over two decades ago with the purpose of promoting the contemporary plastic art in Botosani, they represented the perfect place where the artists - both plastic artists from Botosani and other artists from the country's large cultural centres could exhibit their creations - painting, graphics, sculpture, tapestry, photography. The great number of exhibitions, their variety and the value of the artists who exhibited their works there have given the connoisseur public a chance to be permanently informed about the latest trends, currents and orientations in the plastic art field, to know and appreciate some of the greatest personalities of Romanian art and their creations, a situation not frequently encountered in other Romanian towns. Considering an honour to be accepted by the famous galleries from Botosani, big names of contemporary Romanian art have exhibited here, such as Viorel Marginean, Horea Pastina, Ion Grigore, Costin Neamtu and many others, whose creations are present in the collections of national and foreign museums. The cymae of ''Stefan Luchian" Art Galleries have exhibited the works of the most famous contemporary artists from Botosani - Victor Hreniuc, Gheorghe Stanciu, Teodor Valenciuc, Constantin Doroftei, Mihai Bejenaru, as well as the works of young artists - Manuel Manastireanu, Alexandru Hreniuc, George Spaiuc, Marius Vatamanu, Robert Cobuz. The exhibitions of the painting camps from Agafton and Ipotesti are also organized here, traditional artistic manifestations, being attended also by plastic artists from Ukraine since 2008. The galleries have also given the public the chance to find delight in photographic art, sheltering several exhibitions individual or in collaboration with photographers from abroad - of the famous photographer Dusa Ozolin, as well as exhibitions of the less famous, but talented nonetheless, Ghenadie Prisacaru and Cristina Venedict. We must also mention that because of the lack of a space for the Art Section (until now), the galleries have organized theme exhibitions which presented the vast art patrimony of the County Museum, as well as very successful retrospective exhibitions, such as the ones dedicated to Stefan Luchian, Corneliu Baba, Nicolae Vermont and Constantin Piliuta. With a large variety of exhibitions, with a remarkable dynamics, ''Stefan Luchian" Art Galleries represent a mustsee, an accessible and not easily forgotten sight.

1. Foto: Galeria de Art\ ''{tefan Luchian" 2. [i 3. Foto: Picturi din portofoliul pictorului George SPAIUC expuse la Galeria de Art\ ''{tefan Luchian"

ntr-un spa]iu generos de la etajul cl\dirii, sunt expuse peste 130 de opere de art\ - pictur\, acuarel\, grafic\, desen, gravur\, sculptur\, tapiserie -, semnate de un num\r nsemnat de arti[ti plastici, de la clasici la tineri afla]i n plin\ afirmare. Ele reprezint\ o mic\ parte din patrimoniul de peste 2300 de opere de art\ al pinacotecii, patrimoniu constituit n cei aproape cincizeci de ani de existen]\ ai acesteia. Expozi]ia de baz\, structurat\ pe dona]iile ctorva colec]ionari [i arti[ti plastici consacra]i, cuprinde lucr\ri reprezentative pentru arta plastic\ romneasc\ de la sfr[itul secolului al XIX-lea, pn\ la nceputul secolului al XXI-lea. Cea mai important\ dona]ie, care ocup\ integral una din s\lile de expozi]ie, este cea f\cut\ n anul 1977 de profesorul universitar Vasile Filip de la Conservatorul ''George Enescu'' din Bucure[ti. Din aceast\ dona]ie constnd n 47 de tablouri, sunt expuse 24 de lucr\ri semnate de Eusta]iu Stoenescu (naturi statice [i portrete - ntre care cel al profesorului [i violonistului Vasile Filip), Rudolf Schwaitzer-Cump\na (peisaje din Paris [i Vene]ia), Theodor Pallady (un excep]ional nud [i un portret al profesorului Vasile Filip), Gh. Vn\toru (autoportret), Gheorghe Petra[cu [i C. Mih\ilescu. O alt\ dona]ie important\, c\reia i este de asemenea dedicat\ o ntreag\ sal\, este cea a pictorului Petre Achi]enie, originar ca [i Vasile Filip din ]inutul Boto[anilor, cel care [i-a legat numele de Boto[ani [i prin faptul c\ a pictat cel mai important edificiu religios al ora[ului, Biserica ''Uspenia''. ntre cele aproximativ 30 de lucr\ri semnate de maestrul Petre Achi]enie, aflate pe simezele pinacotecii, lucrate n tehnici diferite, se reg\sesc numeroase portrete [i peisaje, unele dintre cele din urm\ inspirate din c\l\toriile de documentare n Fran]a. Dona]ia Eugen Ispir - pictor c\ruia i se datoreaz\ nfiin]area Sec]iei de Art\ a Muzeului Jude]ean Boto[ani n anul 1960 - cuprinde mai multe lucr\ri nf\]i[nd cu prec\dere peisaje. Cea care poart\ numele pictorului Vasile {tefan se constituie din pnze cu peisaje [i natur\ moart\, iar dona]ia pictorului Costin Neam]u - din pasteluri [i colaje. Deosebit de interesant\ este dona]ia artistului plastic Costel Badea, compus\ din mai multe desene n c\rbune, ntre care se num\r\ cele nf\]i[ndu-i pe maestrul Corneliu Baba [i pe pictorii boto[\neni Constantin Piliu]\ [i Petre Achi]enie. Mai re]inem, din rndul dona]iilor, pe cele ale Olg\i Constantinescu Pelimon, cu mai multe lucr\ri de grafic\ semnate de {tefan Constantinescu. Din pinacoteca boto[\nean\ nu puteau lipsi arti[tii plastici boto[\neni. Ei sunt reuni]i ntr-o sal\ de expozi]ie n care, al\turi de {tefan Luchian - cu dou\ remarcabile peisaje -, i ntlnim pe Paul Verona, Octav B\ncil\ (''Cap de ]iganc\''), C. Piliu]\ (''Cas\ din Boto[ani''), Ion Murariu (''Iarna pe iaz'' - acuarel\), Marcel Olinescu - gravur\ [i A. M. Agripa. De asemenea, sunt expuse trei sculpturi mici n bronz ale Iuliei Oni]a, ntre care un ginga[ cap de feti]\. Expozi]ia cuprinde [i lucr\ri ale ctorva pictori boto[\neni contemporani - Corneliu Dumitriu, Marcel Chi]ac [i Mihai Bejenaru, f\cnd prin aceasta o deschidere spre viitorul frumos ce se ntrevede pentru arta plastic\ boto[\nean\, viitor pe m\sura unui spa]iu n care cultura se constituie ntr-o adev\rat\ carte de vizit\. 54 <<

The Art Section The Art Section of the County Museum Botosani is located on No. 27 1 Decembrie Street in Botosani, in an edifice situated in the proximity of the former house of the exciseman Gheorghe Eminovici, where Mihai Eminescu was born and lived until the age of four. The first floor shelters, in a generous space, 130 works of art - paintings in water colour, graphics, drawings, engravings, sculpture, tapestry - signed by a large number of plastic artists, from classics to the rising stars of today. They represent just a small part of the patrimony of the picture gallery which comprises over 2,300 works of art, a patrimony formed in the almost fifty years of the gallery's existence. The basic exhibition, structured on the donations of a few collectors and famous plastic artists, comprises representative works of Romanian plastic art from the end of the XIXth century until the beginning of the XXIst century. The most important donation, which occupies entirely one of the exhibition halls, is the one made in 1977 by the university professor Vasile Filip from ''George Enescu'' Academy of Music in Bucharest. The donation consists of 47 paintings, but only 24 works are exhibited, signed by Eustatiu Stoenescu (still life and portraits - one of the portraits presenting the professor and violinist Vasile Filip), Rudolf Schwaitzer-Cumpana (landscapes from Paris and Venice), Theodor Pallady (an exceptional nude and a portrait of professor Vasile Filip), Gh. Vanatoru (self-portrait), Gheorghe Petrascu and C. Mihailescu. Another important donation, occupying an entire hall as well, is the one made by painter Petre Achitenie, born (as well as Vasile Filip) in the county of Botosani, connecting his name to Botosani by painting the city's most important religious edifice, ''Uspenia'' Church. From among the 30 works signed by Petre Achitenie, placed on the gallery's cymae, made with different techniques, we find many portraits and landscapes, some of them inspired by the painter's travels to France. The donation of Eugen Ispir - a painter to whom we owe the establishment of the Art Section of the County Museum Botosani in 1960 - comprises several works consisting mostly of landscapes. The donation that bears the name of painter Vasile Stefan includes canvases with landscapes and still life, and the donation of painter Costin Neamtu presents pictures in crayon and collages. Extremely interesting is the donation of the plastic artist Costel Badea, consisting of several drawings in charcoal, some depicting Corneliu Baba and the painters from Botosani Constantin Piliuta and Petre Achitenie. We can also mention the donation of Olga Constantinescu Pelimon, comprising several works of graphics signed by Stefan Constantinescu. The picture gallery in Botosani could not leave out the local plastic artists. They are reunited in an exhibition hall, where we encounter, alongside Stefan Luchian - with two remarkable landscapes - Paul Verona, Octav Bancila (''Head of a Gipsy Woman''), C. Piliuta (''House from Botosani''), Ion Murariu (''Rush to the pond'' - water colour), Marcel Olinescu - engravings and A. M. Agripa. Three small bronze sculptures made by Iulia Onita (one of them presenting the delicate head of a little girl) are also exhibited. The exhibition includes works of a few contemporary painters from Botosani Corneliu Dumitriu, Marcel Chitac and Mihai Bejenaru, thus presenting the bright future that lies ahead for the local plastic art, a future suited for a space where culture is a true presentation card.

n centrul civic al Boto[anilor, al\turi de Teatrul ''Mihai Eminescu'' se afl\ unul dintre cele mai cunoscute obiective culturale ale ora[ului, Galeriile de Art\ ''{tefan Luchian''. Amenajate ntr-un spa]iu generos, la parterul unui impozant bloc de locuin]e, acestea reprezint\ un nume de referin]\ n peisajul artelor plastice din Moldova, nscris la loc de cinste n biografia artistic\ a multor arti[ti plastici romni. Deschise n urm\ cu peste dou\ decenii n scopul promov\rii artei plastice contemporane boto[\nene, ele au constituit locul ideal unde [i-au putut expune crea]iile - pictur\, grafic\, sculptur\, tapiserie, fotografie - att arti[tii plastici boto[\neni, ct [i creatori din marile centre culturale ale ]\rii. Num\rul mare de expozi]ii, diversitatea acestora [i valoarea expozan]ilor au oferit avizatului public boto[\nean [ansa de a fi continuu la curent cu cele mai noi tendin]e, curente [i orient\ri ale artei plastice, de a cunoa[te [i aprecia unele dintre cele mai importante personalit\]i ale artei romne[ti [i crea]iile acestora, fapt cu care locuitorii nu multor ora[e ale ]\rii se pot l\uda. Considernd o onoare de a fi g\zdui]i de renumitele galerii boto[\nene, au expus aici nume sonore ale picturii romne[ti contemporane, precum Viorel M\rginean, Horea Pa[tina, Ion Grigore, Costin Neam]u [i mul]i al]i arti[ti ale c\ror crea]ii figureaz\ n colec]iile muzeelor din ]ar\ [i str\in\tate. Simezele Galeriilor de Art\ ''{tefan Luchian'' au g\zduit lucr\rile celor mai renumi]i arti[ti plastici boto[\neni contemporani - Victor Hreniuc, Gheorghe Stanciu, Teodor Valenciuc, Constantin Doroftei, Mihai Bejenaru, precum [i ale tinerilor n plin\ afirmare - Manuel M\n\stireanu, Alexandru Hreniuc, George Spaiuc, Marius Vatamanu, Robert Cobuz. Tot aici se organizeaz\ expozi]iile taberelor de pictur\ de la Agafton [i Ipote[ti, manifest\ri artistice de tradi]ie, la care din anul 2008 au nceput s\ participe [i arti[ti plastici din Republica Ucraina. Galeriile au prilejuit publicului amator de frumos [i ntlnirea cu arta fotografic\, ele g\zduind mai multe expozi]ii - personale sau n colaborare cu arti[ti fotografi de peste hotare - ale renumitului artist fotograf Du[a Ozolin, precum [i ale mai pu]in cunoscu]ilor, dar talenta]ilor Ghenadie Prisacaru [i Cristina Venedict. Trebuie amintit faptul c\ n lipsa, pn\ de curnd, a unui spa]iu pentru Sec]ia de Art\, galeriile au g\zduit expozi]ii tematice care au prezentat publicului bogatul patrimoniu de art\ al Muzeului Jude]ean, precum [i retrospective de mare succes, cum au fost cele dedicate lui {tefan Luchian, Corneliu Baba, Nicolae Vermont [i Constantin Piliu]\. Cu expozi]ii variate, ntr-o dinamic\ remarcabil\, Galeriile de Art\ ''{tefan Luchian'' constituie o destina]ie care nu ar trebui ocolit\, un obiectiv lesne de atins [i greu de uitat.

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

>> 54

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

>> 55

Muzee dorohoiene
Text: Gheorghe MEDIAN - Muzeul Jude]ean Boto[ani Foto: Muzeul de {tiin]ele Naturii
1 2

Muzeul de Arheologie Sveni

Text: Gheorghe MEDIAN - Muzeul Jude]ean Boto[ani

Foto: Arhiva Muzeului de Arheologie S\veni - Vas de provizii, Cultura Cucuteni, descoperit la Dr\gu[eni

Muzeul de {tiin]ele Naturii

l\direa care g\zduie[te acest l\ca[ cultural este monument de arhitectur\ (secolul al XIX-lea) [i este situat\ pe strada 1 Decembrie 1918 nr. 40. Muzeul de Arheologie S\veni [i ''Colec]ia Memorial\ Mihai [i Alexandru Ciuc\'' fiin]eaz\ din anul 1965. Muzeul de Arheologie valorific\ o serie de vestigii de mare interes [tiin]ific, rezultate n urma s\p\turilor arheologice efectuate n zona S\venilor - Ripiceni, Mitoc, Co]u[ca, Dr\gu[eni, H\ne[ti [i Vorniceni. Cele mai vechi exponate, cu care de altfel se deschide circuitul expozi]ional, dateaz\ din paleolitic. Din rndul acestora, pe lng\ numeroasele unelte [i arme din piatr\ cioplit\, se remarc\ ''atelierul'' de confec]ionat unelte din silex, descoperit la Mitoc, [i dou\ complexe cu oase de mamut, ntre care un col] care impresioneaz\ prin dimensiuni: lungimea de trei metri [i diametrul maxim de 0,28 cm. n s\lile destinate neoliticului, re]in aten]ia topoarele de piatr\ [lefuit\, o r[ni]\ [i mai ales minunatele exemplare de ceramic\ cucutenian\ pictat\ bi- [i tricrom, ntr-o impresionant\ varietate de forme [i m\rimi. Li se al\tur\ idolii antropomorfi [i zoomorfi simboliznd cultul fertilit\]ii [i fecundit\]ii [i numeroase piese de cult, care pun n valoare componen]a spiritual\ a Culturii Cucuteni. n s\lile de expozi]ie, pot fi v\zute, de asemenea, obiecte din epoca bronzului, apar]innd Culturii Noua (topoare cu gaur\ de nm\nu[are, greut\]i de lut ars pentru plasa de pescuit [i pentru r\zboiul de ]esut vertical, ceramic\ ornamentat\ cu [nur), obiecte din secolele II-III ale erei cre[tine (vase de factur\ roman\) [i din secolele III-IV apar]innd Culturii Sntana de Mure[-Cerneahov (obiecte de podoab\ [i vase ceramice). Exponatele, deosebit de bine conservate, se constituie n dovezi revelatoare ale evolu]iei societ\]ii omene[ti n acest col] de ]ar\, iar muzeul care le expune constituie un obiectiv care merit\ s\ fie nscris pe itinerarul oric\rui turist ajuns n jude]ul Boto[ani.

Colecia Memorial Mihai i Alexandru Ciuc

Municipiul Dorohoi dispune de o valoroas\ zestre cultural\, ale c\rei elemente de baz\ sunt cteva edificii de cult - cel mai vechi datnd din secolul al XV-lea, mai multe construc]ii, consacrate ca monumente de arhitectur\, de la sfr[itul secolului al XIX-lea [i nceputul secolului al XX-lea, [i trei unit\]i muzeale. Dou\ dintre muzeele dorohoiene - Muzeul de {tiin]ele Naturii [i Galeriile de Art\ Modern\ - sunt amenajate n cl\direa fostei prefecturi a jude]ului Dorohoi, monument de arhitectur\, una dintre cele mai frumoase construc]ii ale ora[ului, situat\ pe strada Al. I. Cuza, nr. 43. Muzeul de {tiin]ele Naturii a luat fiin]\ n anul 1953, avnd ini]ial colec]ii de arheologie, istorie, [tiin]ele naturii [i art\. Dup\ formarea jude]ului Boto[ani, n anul 1968, colec]iile de istorie, arheologie [i art\ au fost transferate la Boto[ani, men]inndu-se aici doar colec]ia de [tiin]ele naturii, care a cunoscut o continu\ extindere, devenind una dintre cele mai importante din ]ar\. Patrimoniul muzeal (istorie natural\), format din 352 piese [i 41 plan[e n anul 1968, a ajuns n prezent la 276.000 exemplare din toate grupele sistematice, ob]inute din achizi]ii [i dona]ii de la diver[i colec]ionari [i ca rezultat al cercet\rii de teren f\cute de personalul de specialitate al institu]iei. Printre achizi]iile cele mai importante se num\r\ ''Colec]ia entomologic\ prof. Ioan Neme['', catalogat\ ca fiind a treia din ]ar\ din punctul de vedere al valorii [tiin]ifice, ''Colec]ia de lepidoptere exotice - Wilhelm Weber'' [i ''Colec]ia de p\s\ri exotice (Zair, Africa)'', prof. C\t\lin Rang. Muzeul dispune de un mic spa]iu cu p\s\ri [i pe[ti exotici, ce completeaz\ cu o not\ vie caracterul naturist al acestuia.

The Archaeology Museum in Saveni The edifice that shelters this cultural sight is an architectural monument (dating from the XIXth century), situated on No. 40 1 Decembrie 1918 Street. The Archaeology Museum in Saveni and the ''Memorial Collection Mihai and Alexandru Ciuca'' were established in 1965. The Archaeology Museum exhibits a series of vestiges of great scientific interest, discovered during the archaeological diggings performed in Saveni - Ripiceni, Mitoc, Cotusca, Draguseni, Hanesti and Vorniceni area. The oldest exhibits, which actually open the visiting circuit, date from the Paleolithic. From among them, besides many tools and weapons cut in stone, the most remarkable pieces are the ''workroom'' where the silex tools were made, discovered in Mitoc, and two sections with mammoth bones, a tusk impressing through its size: length of three meters and a maximum diameter of 0.28 cm. The halls dedicated to the Neolithic exhibit axes made of polished stone, a grinding mill and most of all the beautiful ceramic objects from Cucuteni, painted with two or three colours, in an impressive variety of shapes and sizes. This section is completed by anthropomorphic and zoomorphic gods symbolising fertility and many objects of worship, presenting the spiritual side of Cucuteni Culture. The halls also exhibit objects from the Bronze Age, belonging to Noua Culture (axes, terracotta weights for the fishing nets and for the vertical weaving loom, decorated pottery), objects dating from the II-III centuries of the Christian era (Roman vases) and also from the III-IV centuries belonging to Santana de Mures-Cerneahov Culture (jewellery and ceramic vases). The well-preserved exhibits represent irrefutable proofs of the evolution of mankind in this part of the country and the museum which presents them is a sight worth visiting by any tourist who comes to Botosani County.

Galeriile de Art\ Modern\

La parterul muzeului au fost amenajate ''Galeriile de Art\ Modern\'', n cadrul Popescu Rusu, Iulia Onita, Dionisie Popa, Dan Bancila, Ioana Setrot, Ileana c\rora sunt expuse peste 700 de piese de art\ decorativ\ din sticl\ [i por]elan. Setran, Maria and Aurelian Antal and Mihai Debeli. Ele sunt realizate de arti[tii sticlari [i cerami[ti participan]i la taberele de crea]ie de la Dorohoi din anii 1985 -1989, printre care se num\r\ Cristina Popescu Rusu, 1. Foto: Homar - homarus gammarus Iulia Oni]\, Dionisie Popa, Dan B\ncil\, Ioana Setrot, Ileana {etran, Maria [i 2. Foto: Diorama - ecosistem de balt\ 3. Foto: Diorama - ecosistem p\dure de conifere Aurelian Antal [i Mihai Debeli. 4. Foto: Dropia - pas\re pe cale de dispari]ie 56 <<

Museums in Dorohoi The Sciences of Nature Museum The City of Dorohoi has a valuable cultural dowry, whose basic elements are represented by a few cultural edifices - the oldest dating from the XVth century - several constructions, acknowledged as architectural monuments, dating from the end of the XIXth century and beginning of the XXth century, and three museums. Two of the museums from Dorohoi - the Sciences of Nature Museum and the Modern Art Galleries - have been established in the building of the former Prefect's office in Dorohoi County, an architectural monument, one of the most beautiful edifices in town, situated on No. 43 Al. I. Cuza Street. The Sciences of Nature Museum was founded in 1953, initially comprising collections of archaeology, history, sciences of nature and art. After the establishment of Botosani County, in 1968, the collections of history, archaeology and art were transfered to Botosani, the only collection that remained being the sciences of nature collection, which has been continuously expanded, becoming one of the most important in the country. The museum patrimony (natural history), consisting of 352 pieces and 41 boards in 1968, has 276,000 exhibits today from all systematic groups, obtained through acquisitions and donations from various collectors as a result of the field research conducted by the experts of the institution. From among the most important acquisitions we can mention the ''Entomologic collection of prof. Ioan Nemes'', considered the third in the country as scientific value, the ''Exotic Lepidopterae collection - Wilhelm Weber'' and the ''Exotic birds collection (Zair, Africa)'', prof. Catalin Rang. The museum has a small space with exotic birds and fish, which give life to the museum. The Modern Art Galleries The ''Modern Art Galleries'' have been set up at the ground floor, exhibiting over 700 pieces of decorative art made of glass and porcelain. They were accomplished by artists who participated in the creation camps from Dorohoi (1985 -1989), from among whom we can mention Cristina

n dou\ din nc\perile muzeului din S\veni, este deschis\ expozi]ia memorial\ dedicat\ fra]ilor Mihai [i Alexandru Ciuc\, dou\ dintre personalit\]ile de marc\ ale [tiin]ei romne[ti, fii ai acestui ora[. Mihai Ciuc\ (1883-1969), medic epidemiolog, academician, profesor la Facultatea de Medicin\ din Bucure[ti, a fost expert n cadrul Comisiei de malarie de pe lng\ Societatea Na]iunilor, a organizat [i condus numeroase expedi]ii de studii [i ajutor tehnic pentru combaterea malariei n Orientul Apropiat [i Extremul Orient [i a publicat peste 350 de lucr\ri [tiin]ifice. Alexandru Ciuc\ (1880-1972) a fost profesor la Facultatea de Medicin\ Veterinar\ Bucure[ti, director general adjunct al Institutului ''Dr. I.Cantacuzino'', membru n Consiliul Sanitar [i delegat al Romniei la Oficiul Interna]ional de Epizootii cu sediul la Paris. Autor a peste 150 de lucr\ri [tiin]ifice, el a fost inclus de Robert Wuillaume ntre cele 29 de personalit\]i din domeniul medicinii veterinare care au f\cut descoperiri notabile n acest domeniu, n ultima sut\ de ani. Dintre numeroasele obiecte [i documente expuse, re]in aten]ia, pe lng\ numeroase documente originale, fotografii nf\]i[ndu-i pe cei doi oameni de [tiin]\ n momente diferite ale vie]ii, ordine [i medalii cu care au fost recompensa]i, marele num\r de manuscrise [i lucr\ri [tiin]ifice ap\rute n ]ar\ [i str\in\tate care pun n valoare nalta lor ]inut\ intelectual\ [i marele prestigiu de care s-au bucurat n lumea [tiin]ific\ romneasc\ [i interna]ional\.

The Memorial Collection Mihai and Alexandru Ciuca Two of the rooms of the museum from Saveni shelter the memorial exhibition dedicated to the brothers Mihai and Alexandru Ciuca, two of the notable figures of Romanian science, born in this town. Mihai Ciuca (18831969), a doctor specialized in epidemiology, academician, professor at the Medical School in Bucharest, a member of the Malaria Commission, a division of the Society of Nations, organized and led many study and assistance expeditions for the control of malaria in the Near and Far East and published over 350 scientific works. Alexandru Ciuca (1880-1972) was a professor at the Veterinary School in Bucharest, deputy manager of ''Dr. I. Cantacuzino'' Institute, a member of the Sanitary Council and Romanian delegate at the International Office of Epizooty in Paris. Author of over 150 scientific works, he was included by Robert Wuillaume among the 29 personalities who made important discoveries in the field of veterinary medicine in the last century. From among the numerous objects and original documents, the attention of the visitor is caught by photographs of the two scientists in different moments of their lives, the orders and medals they received, many manuscripts and scientific works which were published both in the country and abroad, proving their intellectual value and their great prestige in the Romanian and international scientific field.

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

>> 57

Muzee i case memoriale

Text: Ionel BEJENARU - Muzeul Jude]ean Boto[ani
1 2

Casa Memorial\ ''Nicolae Iorga'' Boto[ani

Construit\ n stilul unei arhitecturi populare, n secolul al XIX-lea, cl\direa reprezint\ una din multele n care a stat cu chirie familia Iorga [i, implicit, copilul Nicolae Iorga, viitorul mare istoric. Devenit\ Casa Memorial\ ''Nicolae Iorga'', modesta cl\dire, cu sediul n strada care poart\ numele istoricului (str. N. Iorga nr. 14), nu departe de Liceul ''A.T. Laurian'', la care a nv\]at, ad\poste[te m\rturii familiale, care recompun (prin documente, fotografii, obiecte, anii copil\riei [i studiilor) anii de zbucium creator, de atitudine [i fapt\ n serviciul cauzei Neamului Romnesc. O valoroas\ bibliotec\ din opera savantului ntrege[te patrimoniul Casei Memoriale.

Muzeul Memorial ''George Enescu'' Dorohoi

Este organizat (1957) n casa lui Costache Enescu, tat\l marelui muzician, popasurile, vacan]ele lui George Enescu nsemnnd numeroase prezen]e aici, ncununate cu cteva din crea]iile sale. Reorganizat recent, Muzeul Memorial prezint\ vizitatorilor s\i m\rturii - piese originale legate de familie, locuri [i crea]ie, care recompun atmosfera vie]ii marelui Enescu, ascensiunea pe naltele culmi ale m\iestriei, recunoscut\ na]ional [i universal. Institu]ia muzeal\ include [i un salon muzical permanent, propice concertelor [i festivalurilor muzicale, cadru fericit pentru afirmarea unor tineri muzicieni din jude] [i din ]ar\.

Casa Memorial\ ''George Enescu'' Liveni

Museums and memorial houses ''Nicolae Iorga'' Memorial House Botosani Raised in the style of folk architecture in the XIXth century, the building is one of the many edifices rented by Iorga family and, implicitly, by Nicolae Iorga, the great historian. The modest building, today ''Nicolae Iorga'' Memorial House, located on the street that bears the historian's name (No. 14 N. Iorga Street), not far from ''A.T. Laurian'' High-school, shelters family testimonies which recreate (through documents, photographs and objects, the childhood and school years of Nicolae Iorga), his great efforts that led to attitudes and deeds in the service of the cause of the Romanian people. A valuable library containing the works of the scholar completesd the patrimony of the Memorial House. ''George Enescu'' Memorial Museum Dorohoi The museum is organized (1957) in the house of Costache Enescu, the father of the great musician, the latter spending many holidays there, which resulted in some of his creations. Recently refurbished, the Memorial Museum presents testimonies - original pieces connected to the family, the places and the musician's creations, recreating the life of the great Enescu, his rise on the peaks of art, acknowledged at both national and international level. The museum also includes a permanent music hall, propitious to concerts and music festivals, a great place for young musicians from the county and from the rest of the country to show their skills. ''George Enescu'' Memorial House Liveni Liveni, a village belonging to the commune that bears the name of the great musician, shelters the house where the musician was born and where he spent a part of his childhood - ''George Enescu'' Memorial House, an old, rustic house with typical furniture, recreating the world of Enescu the child, of Jurjac. It is a house with a courtyard and a garden, with flowers, walnut trees, apple trees and pear trees, symbols of Enescu's ''childhood impressions''. Also recently refurbished, the museum represents a necessary and comforting sight for the visitors love who George Enescu and his music, part of a traditional tourist circuit in Botosani. The Antipa Houses Situated on Eminescu Boulevard, Antipa Houses are connected to the childhood of brothers Grigore Antipa (1867 - 1944), a biologist, founder of the Museum of Natural History in Bucharest, which is named after him, and Nicolae Leon (1862 - 1931), a biologist and parasitologist. The houses have a beautiful architecture, in an Eclectic style of French inspiration, with Rococo motifs, dating from around 1900 (the front building, facing the Boulevard). Unfortunately, the houses have been used to shelter the Military Centre for a long time, without being preserved as memorial

Text & Foto: Centrul Na]ional de Studii "Mihai Eminescu"

Livenii, sat apar]in\tor comunei care poart\ numele marelui muzician, houses, as their character commanded. Today, the houses were given back to their former owners, but even so, they remain an architectural ad\postesc, n virtutea locului natal, casa n care a v\zut lumina zilei [i a petrecut beauty of Botosani, inviting the tourists to stop and admire them. o parte a copil\riei - Casa Memorial\ ''George Enescu'', o cas\ veche, ]\r\neasc\, care red\ mobilier ]\r\nesc, modul de via]\ ]\r\nesc [i recompune lumea copilului Enescu, a lui Jurjac. Este o cas\ cu curte [i gr\din\, cu flori, nuci, meri [i peri, trimi]\toare la ''impresiile din copil\rie'' enesciene. Reorganizat\ muzeistic, tot recent, ofer\ vizitatorului, ndr\gostit de George Enescu [i muzica sa, un popas necesar [i reconfortant, ntr-un traseu turistic boto[\nean.

Casa memorial\ ''Mihai Eminescu''

Casele Antipa

Situate pe Bulevardul Eminescu, Casele Antipa sunt legate de copil\ria fra]ilor Grigore Antipa (1867 - 1944), biolog, ctitor al Muzeului de Istorie Natural\ din Bucure[ti, care-i poart\ numele, [i Nicolae Leon (1862 - 1931), biolog, parazitolog. Casele beneficiaz\ de o frumoas\ arhitectur\, ntr-un eclectism de [coal\ francez\, cu factur\ rococo, datnd din jurul anului 1900 (corpul din fa]\, de la Bulevard). Din p\cate, au g\zduit mult timp Centrul Militar, neputnd fi valorificate drept case memoriale, cum s-ar fi impus. Acum nici att, Casele Antipa fiind retrocedate unor fo[ti proprietari. Chiar [i a[a, acestea r\mn o frumuse]e arhitectonic\ a Boto[anilor, invitnd turistul la popas [i admira]ie.
1. Foto: BOARDMEDIA - Casa Memorial\ ''Nicolae Iorga'' 2. Foto: BOARDMEDIA - Bustul lui Nicolae Iorga 3. Foto: - Muzeul Memorial ''George Enescu'' 4. Foto: - Pianul lui George Enescu

"Locuin]a p\rinteasc\ nu era palat boieresc, ci o cas\ modest\ de ]ar\, dar nc\p\toare [i gospod\reasc\, nu lipsit\ de anume elegan]\ rustic\. Era o construc]ie geometric\, pu]in ridicat\ asupra solului, cu cte dou\ ferestre mari n l\turi. Un pridvor nalt n fa]\, la care suiai vreo [apte trepte de lemn, un acoper\mnt al tindei, n chip de fronton grec sprijinit pe dou\ coloane svelte, d\deau albei cl\diri acoperite cu tabl\ un vag stil neoclasic". (G. C\linescu - Via]a lui Mihai Eminescu). n 1925, casa copil\riei poetului Mihai Eminescu, nelocuit\ de ani de zile, ajunsese o ruin\. n 1940 este inaugurat la Ipote[ti primul muzeu memorial, nfiin]at n casa reconstruit\ n 1934 pe acela[i loc. ntruct nu respecta structura originalului, casa-muzeu a fost d\rmat\, iar n 1979 s-a inaugurat o alta, reconstruit\ pe vechea funda]ie a casei Eminovice[tilor. ncepnd cu anul 2000, finisajul exterior [i interior al casei, precum [i mobilierul expus renvie atmosfera celor treizeci de ani (1848-1878) n care familia poetului a locuit la Ipote[ti n casa construit\ de c\minar odat\ cu mutarea definitiv\ la mo[ia din sat.

Mihai Eminescu Memorial house ''The parent's house was not a palace, but a modest cottage, although spacious and homelike, not without a touch of rustic elegance. It was a geometric construction, a little elevated above the ground, with two large windows on its sides. A tall porch out front, with seven wooden steps and the porch's roof, similar to a Greek gable supported by two slender columns, gave the impression that the white building with a metallic roof was built in Neo-classical style". (G. Calinescu - The Life of Mihai Eminescu). In 1925, the childhood home of the poet Mihai Eminescu, uninhabited for years, was in ruins. In 1940 the first memorial museum, established in the house that had been rebuilt in 1934 on the same spot, was inaugurated in Ipotesti. As it didn't follow the exact structure of the original, the museum-house was demolished and another house was inaugurated in 1979, reconstructed on the old foundation of the Eminovici family house. Since 2000, the house's exterior and interior finishings as well as the exhibited furniture bring to life the atmosphere of the thirty years (1848-1878) in the course of which the poet's family lived in Ipotesti, in the house built by the exciseman when he settled at his country estate.
1. Foto: Casa memorial\ ''Mihai Eminescu'' 2. Foto: Casa memorial\ ''Mihai Eminescu'' - interior camer\ 3. Foto: Bisericu]a familiei Eminovici

58 <<

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

>> 59

Monumente arhitecturale i istorice

Text: Ionel BEJENARU - Muzeul Jude]ean Boto[ani Foto: BOARDMEDIA

Casa Ciomac-Cantemir
Exprim\ o arhitectur\ tipic moldoveneasc\, caracteristic\ zonei pentru sec. XVIIIXIX, situat\ fiind ntr-un terminal al vechii Mahalale Armene[ti din Boto[ani. A fost salvat\ de la demolare fizic\, de dat\ recent\. Restaurat\ aproape din temelii, Casa Ciomac-Cantemir ad\poste[te ast\zi colec]ia-expozi]ie ''{tefan Luchian'' [i una etnografic\, precum [i sediul Funda]iei Culturale ''{tefan Luchian''.

Casele Sommer

Case vechi, din prima jum\tate a secolului al XIX-lea, situate vizavi de NordProiect, au fost, totodat\, gazd\ bun\ activit\]ii teatrale la Boto[ani, spectacolelor sus]inute de companii teatrale vestite ale epocii [i, mai ales, exprim\rii n teatru a marelui nostru poet Mihai Eminescu, care a spus aici adio trupei Pascaly [i teatrului nsu[i, n 1869, nu f\r\ a r\mne cu iubirea pentru teatru o via]\. Casele Sommer sunt nc\ un motiv de popas eminescian pentru orice oaspete al municipiului Boto[ani.

Centrul Vechi Boto[ani

Casa Bolfosu

Cl\dire veche, datat\ `n jurul anului 1800, era casa unui important negustor armean din vechii Boto[ani, legat\ fiind de dezvoltarea nego]ului la Boto[ani, ca [i de via]a comunit\]ii armene[ti de aici. Ast\zi este sediul societ\]ii comerciale ''Panda''.

Cl\direa Funda]iei Sofian

Este compus\ din dou\ corpuri: cas\ cu portic clasicist, cca. 1800, [i cl\direa principal\, cu arhitectur\ Secession, cca 1900, ncadrate de zona vechiului parc. Este, de departe, cea mai monumental\ cl\dire veche din municipiul Boto[ani, din p\cate supus\ degrad\rii fizice [i n c\utare de solu]ii b\ne[ti pentru restaurare [i nscriere n poten]ialul cultural [i turistic al Boto[anilor.

Architectural and historic monuments

Marele incendiu din 3 iunie 1887, izbucnit n vecin\tatea Bisericii Catedrale ''Uspenia'', a afectat puternic vechea Strad\ Mare din Boto[ani. Ulterior, vechile case [i dugheni de lemn au l\sat loc, n procesul refacerii, celor de zid [i piatr\, baz\ [i ast\zi a Centrului Vechi al municipiului, cu o voca]ie comercial\ predilect\. n configura]ia sa de dup\ refacere (sfr[it de sec. XIX - nceput de sec. XX) se p\streaz\ [i ast\zi. Includea [i Pia]a Carol, cu magazinele, tarabele, magaziile [i beciurile negustorilor romni, armeni [i evrei, ntr-o n[iruire aproape compact\ de cl\diri etajate, cu ornamenta]ii de arhitectur\ specifice, pe gustul vechilor proprietari [i edili.

Casa Manolache Iorga

Datnd din sec. al XIX-lea, cca. 1800 - 1820, construit\ ntr-o arhitectur\ medieval\, aceast\ cas\ l f\cea pe marele istoric N. Iorga s\ consemneze: ''E aceea care a fost cl\dit\ de bunul meu Manolachi Iorga (n.n. str\bunicul lui N. Iorga). Ea a apar]inut familiei Stroici [i azi e a doamnei Senjorj. Domnia Sa se mut\ din ora[ [i casa se vinde. Va ajunge pe mini str\ine [i va fi d\rmat\ ori pref\cut\. Pentru prima oar\ n via]a mea mi pare r\u c\ nu sunt bogat.'' ntre 1989 - 2008 a func]ionat n cl\dire Muzeul de Etnografie, cl\direa fiind retrocedat\ mo[tenitorilor.

Sediul Prim\riei Municipiului Boto[ani

Ini]ial, a fost casa stolnicului Enachi Codrescu, apoi, prin testament (1806) a nepotului s\u, Gheorghe Loiz, fiul acestuia, Ioan Loiz, vnznd-o hatmanului [i boierului filantrop Anastasie Ba[ot\. De la acesta a cump\rat-o Grigore Alexandru Ghica (1804 - 1857), ultimul Domn al Moldovei [i n\scut n Boto[ani, care, din dragoste [i recuno[tin]\ pentru meleagurile natale, a oferit-o ob[tii ora[ului. Primari notabili ai Boto[anilor s-au perindat pe aici: T. Boyan, Gh. Hasna[, Al. Enacovici, N. Sofian, Ed. Ull, T. Silion, I. V\sescu, D. Ursian, D.D. Hangan, R. Savinescu, I. Iacovlov, I. Missir [.a.
3 4

Casa Alexandru V\sescu

Dateaz\ de dinainte de 1891, avnd o arhitectur\ eclectic\, n tradi]ia clasicismului moldovenesc, ctitorul s\u fiind Alexandru (Alecu) Grigoriu V\sescu, proprietarul mo[iei Co]u[ca, secretar al Adun\rii Elective a Moldovei la alegerea domnitorului Cuza (1859). Ulterior, cl\direa a r\mas mo[tenire fiilor s\i. Era gazd\ bun\ pentru familia regal\ a Romniei, la vizitele sale la Boto[ani. Ast\zi este sediul Direc]iei pentru Cultur\, Culte [i Patrimoniul Cultural Na]ional a jude]ului Boto[ani.

Casa Moscovici
Este datat\ `nainte de 1872, fiind ref\cut\ dup\ 1888 [i avnd arhitectur\ eclectic\, de factur\ baroc palladian. ~n 1926, a fost cump\rat\ de la Federiga (Floreta) Coppo, n\scut\ Moscowitz, pentru a fi sediul Camerei de Comer] [i Industrie Boto[ani, important\ institu]ie cu rol n prop\[irea comercial\ [i economic\ a fostelor jude]e Boto[ani, Dorohoi [i Suceava. Actualmente, cl\direa ad\poste[te sediul Nord-Proiect Boto[ani [i sec]ii ale Bibliotecii Jude]ene ''Mihai Eminescu'' Boto[ani.

The Old Centre of Botosani The Great Fire of 3 June 1887, that broke out close to ''Uspenia'' Church, seriously affected the Main Street of Botosani. Subsequently, the old houses and wooden shops were replaced by the houses made of brick and stone, which represent the basis of the city's Old Centre, mainly oriented towards trade. It has been preserved until today in the configuration that followed the restoration (end of the XIXth century - beginning of the XXth century). The area also included Carol Square, with the shops, stands and cellars of Romanian, Armenian and Jewish merchants, in a compact row of one-storeyed buildings, with specific architectural ornaments, to the liking of the former owners and municipal authorities. Manolache Iorga House Dating from the XIXth century, around 1800 - 1820, with Medieval architecture, this house made the great historian N. Iorga write: ''It is the house that had been built by my great grandfather Manolachi Iorga. It belonged to Stroici family and today it belongs to Lady Senjorj. She is moving out of town and the house is being sold. It will end up in the hands of unknown people and it will be torn down or transformed. For the first time in my life I regret not being rich.'' Between 1989 and 2008 the Ethnography Museum carried out its activity inside this building, the latter being given back to its heirs. Alexandru Vasescu House The house dates from before 1891, having an eclectic architecture, in the tradition of Moldavian classicism, its founder being Alexander (Alecu) Grigoriu Vasescu, the owner of Cotusca estate, the secretary of the Elective Assembly of Moldavia when Cuza was elected ruler (1859). Subsequently, the building was inherited by his sons. It used to be a fine host for the royal family in its visits to Botosani. Today, it is the headquarters of the Department for Culture and National Cultural Patrimony in Botosani County. Moscovici House The house is dated prior to 1872, being restored after 1888 and having an eclectic architecture, with Baroque Palladian influences. In 1926, it was bought from Federiga (Floreta) Coppo, born Moscowitz, in order to serve as headquarters to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Botosani, an important institution with a part in the commercial prosperity of the former counties Botosani, Dorohoi and Suceava. At present, the edifice shelters the headquarters of Nord-Proiect Botosani and sections of ''Mihai Eminescu'' County Library Botosani.
1.- 4. Foto: Centrul vechi al municipiului Boto[ani

Ciomac-Cantemir House C The house expresses a typical Moldavian architecture, characteristic of the XVIII-XIXth centuries, being situated in a part of the old Armenian Suburbs in Botosani. It was recently salvaged from physical depreciation. Almost entirely restored, Ciomac-Cantemir House shelters today the collectionexhibition ''Stefan Luchian'' and also an ethnographic exhibition, as well as the headquarters of the Cultural Foundation ''Stefan Luchian''. Sommer Houses Old houses, dating from the first half of the XIX-th century, situated across the North-Project, they were hosts to the theatrical activity in Botosani, to the performances of the famous theatre companies of that time and, especially to the theatrical expression of our great poet Mihai Eminescu, who bid goodbye to his troupe Pascaly and to theatre itself in 1869, without relinquishing though his love for the stage. Sommer Houses are another reason to stop for anyone who visits the City of Botosani. Bolfosu House An old building, dating from 1800, used to be the house of an important Armenian merchant from the old town, connected to the development of trade in Botosani, as well as to the life of the Armenian community from this place. Today it is the headquarters of ''Panda'' company. The Building of Sofian Foundation It consists of two parts: a house with a classic portico, dating from 1800, and the main building, raised in Secession style, dating from 1900, surrounded by the old park. It is, by far, the most monumental of the old buildings in the City of Botosani, unfortunately a victim of physical depreciation and in need of monetary support for restoration and registration in the cultural and tourist potential of Botosani. The Headquarters of Botosani City Hall Initially, the house belonged to the High Steward Enachi Codrescu, and then, through testament (1806) to his nephew, Gheorghe Loiz, whose son, Ioan Loiz, sold it to the hetman and philanthropist landowner Anastasie Basota. The latter sold it to Grigore Alexandru Ghica (1804 - 1857), the last ruler of Moldavia, born in Botosani, who, out of love and gratitude to his birthplace, offered the house to the city's community. The notable mayors of Botosani served their citizens from this house: T. Boyan, Gh. Hasnas, Al. Enacovici, N. Sofian, Ed. Ull, T. Silion, I. Vasescu, D. Ursian, D.D. Hangan, R. Savinescu, I. Iacovlov, I. Missir etc.
1. Foto: Arhiva Muzeului Jude]ean Boto[ani - Casa V\sescu 2. Foto: Arhiva Muzeului Jude]ean Boto[ani - Casa Moscovici 3. [i 4. Foto: BOARDMEDIA - Prim\ria municipiului Boto[ani

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

>> 61


Teatrul pentru Copii i Tineret ''Vasilache''

Text & Foto: Teatrul pentru Copii [i Tineret ''Vasilache''

Teatrul "Mihai Eminescu"

"Mihai Eminescu" Theatre

Foto: BOARDMEDIA - Teatrul "Mihai Eminescu"

restigioasa institu]ie de cultur\ ''Teatrul pentru Copii [i Tineret Vasilache'' din Boto[ani a fost nfiin]at\ la 1 mai 1953 (primul director fiind regretatul Max Weber), iar cea dinti premier\ a avut loc `n acela[i an cu spectacolul ''Micul gsc\nel'', n regia Floric\i Teodoru [i scenografia lui Tache Dobrescu. n cei 55 de ani de activitate, repertoriul a inclus lucr\ri originale, dar [i multe adapt\ri dup\ basme [i opere literare romne[ti sau str\ine. Astfel, se reg\sesc prelucr\ri dup\ Creang\, Eminescu, Sadoveanu, Cezar Petrescu, Victor Eftimiu, Gellu Naum, apoi Swift, Pu[kin, Kipling, Oscar Wilde, chiar Shakespeare, Homer, Aristofan, f\r\ s\ lipseasc\ Fra]ii Grimm, Andersen, Charles Perrault [i mul]i al]ii. La realizarea spectacolelor teatrului boto[\nean au contribuit Vasilache Children and regizori [i scenografi binecunoscu]i n perimetrul artei p\pu[\re[ti din Romnia. Despre Youth Theatre Botosani calitatea presta]iilor p\pu[arilor Teatrului ''Vasilache'' aduc m\rturie num\rul impresionant de spectacole [i spectatori, turneele din ]ar\ [i zece state europene, premiile c[tigate la festivalurile organizate de teatre de profil, romne[ti sau de peste hotare. Teatrul ''Vasilache'' g\zduie[te Gala Interna]ional\ a Recitalurilor P\pu[\re[ti, manifestare bienal\, ajuns\ la cea de-a IX-a edi]ie. Din 1992 ncoace, la acest eveniment au fost prezente, al\turi de trupe din ]ar\, teatre din Bulgaria, Cehia, Croa]ia, Elve]ia, Fran]a, Italia, Republica Moldova, Rusia, Spania, Ucraina. n ultimii ani activeaz\ ca regizori cu rezultate notabile Valentin Dobrescu (secondat de talentatul scenograf Mihai Pastramagiu) [i Marius Rogojinschi [i se constat\ preocuparea colectivului pentru mnuire. Ca o dovad\ cert\ a acestui lucru, Teatrul de p\pu[i ''Vasilache'', mpreun\ cu Prim\ria municipiului Boto[ani, Consiliul Local al municipiului Boto[ani [i UNITER au demarat proiectul ''Din nou n luminile rampei'', proiect anual de crea]ie teatral\, dedicat dezvolt\rii artistice a creatorilor vrstnici [i stabilirea unor pun]i de leg\tur\ ntre comunitatea artistic\ [i comunit\]ile unde exist\ teatre partenere.

Apart from the places where many important figures of Romanian culture have left significant marks of their existence - Eminescu in Ipotesti, Enescu in Liveni and Dorohoi, Iorga in Botosani, Luchian in Stefanesti and Botosani - no tourist itinierary structured on cultural sights in Botosani could leave out "Mihai Eminescu" Theatre. The theatre has a long and rich tradition in Botosani. Two remarkable anniversaries were celebrated there last fall, with a significant display of luxury: 170 years of theatre in the Romanian language in Botosani and 50 years of activity in the nowadays headquarters of "Mihai Eminescu" Theatre. In Botosani, the first theatrical performance in Romanian took place in 1838, being the fruit of the collaboration between Nicolini, the headmaster of the Princely School and Costachi Caragiali. The first theatre hall in Botosani was built in 1860, being called "Petrache Cristea Theatre", Botosani being among the first cities in the country which had such a hall, designed and equipped according to the model of the Western halls. In this context, Botosani had an educated public and the foreign troups that entered the country through Burdujeni frontier on their way to Bucharest and then Constantinople, would give a few performances in Botosani as well. In 1864, Mihai Eminescu, the unmatched poet, was employed as prompter and roleplay writer at the theatre in Botosani. Due to various reasons, the theatre has changed locations in the course of time, passing through the "Craftsmen Hall" and "Popovici Theatre". Still, constantly, important names were present on the theatre's posters: Vladicescu-Tardini troup, Adelina Patti, the famous star of the Opera in Paris around 1860, the great tragedian Agatha Barsescu, Constantin Tanase. As during that time Botosani was the fourth town as size in the country, after Bucharest, Iasi and Galati, the construction of a theatre became necessary. The jointstock company "Eminescu Theatre" was established in January 1912 and the first stone of the future "temple of art" was laid on the 23 September, the construction being inaugurated - what a performance! - after just two years, on 21 December 1914, with the play "Lorica noastra", of the National Theatre in Bucharest. The voice of Nicolae Iorga was heard for the last time in his home town on the stage of this theatre, when the great man attended the Congress of the Cultural League - the conference "How we should understand Eminescu". On 8 April 1944, the beautiful edifice of "Mihai Eminescu" Theatre was partially destroyed by a bomb of the German aviation. The theatre was restored between 1956 and 1958, but in the Soviet style of that period, without anything of what had given the building its initial sumptuousness. The 50 years of theatrical activity carried out since the reopening of the Theatre have meant many seasons that have pleased the public, and have also granted national and even international acknowledgement to the theatre in Botosani. The theatre hosts a few performances a week - in the big hall, with 500 seats and in "Atelier" Hall with 100 seats - but it was conceived also as a "Cultural Centre", housing concerts, exhibitions, book launchings, festivals for children and young people, and starting this year, even a Theatre Festival for teenagers, between 3 and 8 May. The "Days of Mihai Eminescu Theatre" have already become a tradition, taking place at the beginning of October, having reached the IVth edition. The theatre's ensemble has toured in France, Egypt, Turkey, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova. Last fall, "Eminescu" Theatre, in collaboration with the Children and Youth Theatre "Vasilache", initiated a project of cultural-religious tourism, performing in adequate spaces, the trilogy written by Delavrancea being presented to the public in the first three years of the project, in special sceneries - Suceava Citadel and the churches built by Stephen the Great. On demand, "Eminescu" Theatre can be visited by groups or individually, the great hall and the marble hall representing beautiful and imposing cultural spaces.

Spectacole de referin]\
"SOARELE FURAT" - de Maxim Asenov, scenografia Mircea Nicolau, regia Ion Puiu Stoicescu, muzica de Cornel Fugaru, (1981); o adev\rat\ oper\ cu p\pu[i; "AVENTURILE UNEI MICI VR|JITOARE" - de Ottfired Preussler, regia Liviu Steciuc, scenografia Simo Eniko (1983); "POVESTIRI DE BUZUNAR" - regia Liviu Steciuc (1985); "LUCEAF|RUL" de Mihai Eminescu, regia [i scenografia Dan Fr\ticiu (1989) - un poem n imagini de o mare expresivitate, care a dus la ob]inerea de numeroase premii de c\tre realizatorii s\i; "OAMENI {I COPII" - regia Marius Rogojinschi, scenografia Valentin Dobrescu [i Mihai Pastramagiu, mi[care scenic\ Delia Olteanu (1992); "ADAM {I EVA" - regia Valentin Dobrescu, scenografia Mihai Pastramagiu [i Valentin Dobrescu (1994); "PRIN}ESA VR|JIT|" - de Ladislau Dvorschi, regia Valentin Dobrescu, scenografia Mihai Pastramagiu (1997); "JAZZ FANTASY" - regia [i ilustra]ia muzical\ (teme clasice de jazz) Marius Rogojinschi, scenografia Mihai Pastramagiu, mi[care scenic\ Delia Olteanu (1998); "DESEN ANIMAT" - regia [i scenografia Valentin Dobrescu (2000); "VISUL UNEI NOP}I DE VAR|" - de William Shakespeare, adaptare de Ion Sapdaru, regia artistic\ [i ilustra]ia muzical\ Ion Sapdaru, scenografia [i costumele Mihai Pastramagiu (2004); "PINOCCHIO R|MNE LA {COAL|?" - de Ibica Leonte, Mihaela Nistoric\, Marius Rusu, muzica: Constantin Panaite; scenografia: Marius Rogojinschi [i Mihai Pastramagiu, Regia: Marius U Rogojinschi (2006); "O MINUNE NTR-UN LAN DE SOARE" - de Ion Sapdaru; scenografia: Gelu R[ca; compila]ia muzical\: Ion Sapdaru; consultant artistic: Marius Rogojinschi; (2007); "GHIOCELUL {I OMUL DE Z|PAD|" - regia, adaptarea textului [i ilustra]ia muzical\: Marius Rogojinschi, scenografia: Mihai Pastramagiu [i Marius Rogojinschi (2008).

The prestigious cultural institution ''Vasilache Children and Youth Theatre'' in Botosani was established on 1 May 1953 (its first manager being the late Max Weber), and the first play was staged in the same year: ''The goosling'', directed by Florica Teodoru, scenographer Tache Dobrescu. In its 55 years of activity, the repertory included original works, but also many adaptations of fairy tales and Romanian and foreign literary works. Thus, the theatre has staged adaptations of Creanga, Eminescu, Sadoveanu, Cezar Petrescu, Victor Eftimiu, Gellu Naum, as well as Swift, Puskin, Kipling, Oscar Wilde, even Shakespeare, Homer, Aristophanes, and of course the Grimm Brothers, Andersen, Charles Perrault and many others. Many directors and scenographers, famous in the field of puppetry, have contributed to the accomplishment of the theatre's performances. The quality of the puppetteers' performance is proven by the impressive number of shows, the large audiences, the tours in the country and in ten European states, the awards won at the festivals organized by Romanian and foreign theatres. ''Vasilache'' Theatre hosts the International Gala of Puppet Recitals, a manifestation that takes place twice a year, reaching its IXth edition. Since 1992 this event has been attended by theatre ensembles from Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Switzerland, France, Italy, the Republic of Moldova, Russia, Spain and Ukraine, besides Romanian groups. The present directors are Valentin Dobrescu (assisted by the talented scenographer Mihai Pastramagiu) and Marius Rogojinschi and one can notice the concern of the collective for their work. As a certain proof of this fact, ''Vasilache'' Puppet Theatre, together with Botosani City Hall, Botosani Local Council and UNITER, have initiated the project ''In the spotlight once again'', an annual project of theatrical creation, dedicated to the artistic development of the elderly creators and to the establishment of bridges between the artistic community and the communities of the partner theatres. Reference performances: "THE STOLEN SUN" - by Maxim Asenov, scenographer: Mircea Nicolau, director: Ion Puiu Stoicescu, music by Cornel Fugaru, (1981); a true puppet play; "THE ADVENTURES OF A LITTLE WITCH" - by Ottfired Preussler, director: Liviu Steciuc, scenographer: Simo Eniko (1983); "POCKET STORIES" - director: Liviu Steciuc (1985); "THE MORNING STAR" - by Mihai Eminescu, director and scenographer Dan Fraticiu (1989) - a poem in images of great expressiveness, which brought many awards to its producers; "MEN AND CHILDREN" - director: Marius Rogojinschi, scenographers: Valentin Dobrescu and Mihai Pastramagiu, stage movement: Delia Olteanu (1992); "ADAM AND EVE" - director: Valentin Dobrescu, scenographer: Mihai Pastramagiu and Valentin Dobrescu (1994); "THE BEWITCHED PRINCESS" - by Ladislau Dvorschi, director: Valentin Dobrescu, scenographer: Mihai Pastramagiu (1997); "JAZZ FANTASY" - director and musical illustration (classic jazz themes): Marius Rogojinschi, scenographer: Mihai Pastramagiu, stage movement: Delia Olteanu (1998); "CARTOON" - director and scenographer Valentin Dobrescu (2000); "A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM" - by William Shakespeare, adapted by Ion Sapdaru, artistic direction and musical illustration Ion Sapdaru, scenography and costumes by Mihai Pastramagiu (2004); "PINOCCHIO STAYS IN SCHOOL?" - by Ibica Leonte, Mihaela Nistorica, Marius Rusu, music by: Constantin Panaite; scenographers: Marius Rogojinschi and Mihai Pastramagiu, director: Marius Rogojinschi (2006); "A MIRACLE IN A FIELD OF SUN" - by Ion Sapdaru; scenographer: Gelu Risca, music by: Ion Sapdaru; artistic consultant: Marius Rogojinschi (2007); "THE SNOWDROP AND THE SNOWMAN" - director, text adaptation and music illustration: Marius Rogojinschi, scenographer: Mihai Pastramagiu and Marius Rogojinschi (2008).

e lng\ locurile `n care numeroase personalit\]i ilustre ale culturii romne[ti au l\sat semne consistente ale vie]uirii lor - Eminescu la Ipote[ti, Enescu la Liveni [i Dorohoi, Iorga n Boto[ani, Luchian la {tef\ne[ti [i Boto[ani -, niciun itinerar turistic structurat pe domeniul culturii din Boto[ani nu va putea ocoli Teatrul "Mihai Eminescu". Institu]ia se bucur\ n Boto[ani de o tradi]ie bogat\ [i ndelungat\ n timp. n toamna anului trecut, cu un fast deosebit [i prin manifest\ri de amploare, aici s-au desf\[urat dou\ anivers\ri remarcabile: 170 de ani de teatru n limba romn\ la Boto[ani [i 50 de ani de func]ionare n actualul sediu al Teatrului "Mihai Eminescu". La Boto[ani, prima reprezenta]ie teatral\ n limba romn\ a avut loc n 1838 [i a fost rodul colabor\rii dintre Nicolini, directorul {colii Domne[ti din ora[, [i Costachi Caragiali. Prima sal\ de teatru din Boto[ani a fost construit\ n 1860 [i purta denumirea de "Teatrul Petrache Cristea", n acest fel Boto[anii fiind printre primele ora[e din ]ar\ care a avut o astfel de sal\ de reprezenta]ii, conceput\ [i dotat\ dup\ modelul amenaj\rilor cu aceea[i destina]ie din Occident. n acest context, Boto[anii aveau un public avizat n domeniu, trupele str\ine de teatru care intrau n ]ar\ prin punctul de frontier\ Burdujeni fiind n drum spre Bucure[ti [i apoi Constantinopol, z\bovind pentru cteva reprezenta]ii [i la Boto[ani. n 1864, teatrul din Boto[ani l avea angajat ca sufleur [i scriitor de roluri pe Mihai Eminescu, poetul nepereche de mai trziu. Din felurite motive, n timp teatrul [i-a schimbat loca]iile, trecnd prin "Sala meseria[ilor" [i "Teatrul Popovici". Dar, constant, pe afi[ele spectacolelor au figurat nume ilustre: trupa Vl\dicescu-Tardini, Adelina Patti, celebr\ stea la Opera din Paris n jurul anilor 1860, marea tragedian\ Agatha Brsescu, Constantin T\nase. Cum n acea perioad\ Boto[anii erau al patrulea ora[ ca m\rime, dup\ Bucure[ti, Ia[i [i Gala]i, s-a pus imperios problema construirii unui teatru. n ianuarie 1912 a fost constituit\ "Societatea pe ac]iuni Teatrul Eminescu", la 23 septembrie n acela[i an punndu-se piatra de temelie pentru viitorul "templu al artei", construc]ia fiind inaugurat\ - ce performan]\! - doar dup\ doi ani, la 21 decembrie 1914, cu piesa "Lorica noastr\", a Na]ionalului bucure[tean. Pe scena acestui teatru a r\sunat pentru ultima oar\ n ora[ul s\u natal glasul lui Nicolae Iorga, prezent la Congresul Ligii Culturale cu conferin]a "Cum trebuie n]eles Eminescu". La 8 aprilie 1944, frumoasa cl\dire a Teatrului "Mihai Eminescu" a fost par]ial distrus\ de c\derea unei bombe a avia]iei germane. Teatrul a fost ref\cut ntre anii 1956-1958, doar c\ n stilul sovietic al epocii, f\r\ nimic din ceea ce-i asigura cl\dirii somptuozitatea ini]ial\. Cei mai bine de 50 de ani de activitate teatral\ desf\[urat\ de la redeschiderea Teatrului au nsemnat pentru actorii boto[\neni zeci de stagiuni care au bucurat publicul urbei, dar care au [i creat teatrului boto[\nean o recunoa[tere na]ional\ [i chiar interna]ional\. Teatrul ofer\ cteva reprezenta]ii pe s\pt\mn\ - n sala mare, cu 500 de locuri [i n sala "Atelier", cu 100 de locuri -, dar este conceput [i ca un "Centru cultural", g\zduind concerte, expozi]ii, lans\ri de carte, festivaluri ale copiilor [i tinerilor, ncepnd din acest an chiar [i un Festival de teatru pentru liceeni, n perioada 3-8 mai. Au devenit deja tradi]ie "Zilele Teatrului Mihai Eminescu", manifestare care se desf\[oar\ la nceputul lunii octombrie [i care a ajuns la edi]ia a IV-a. Trupa Teatrului a ntreprins turnee n Fran]a, Egipt, Turcia, Georgia, Republica Moldova. Din toamna anului trecut, Teatrul "Eminescu", n colaborare cu Teatrul pentru copii [i tineret "Vasilache", au ini]iat un proiect de turism cultural-religios, oferind reprezenta]ii n spa]ii adecvate, n primii trei ani de derulare ai proiectului aducndu-se n fa]a publicului trilogia lui Delavrancea, jucat\ n cadrul unor ctitorii [tefaniene - Cetatea Sucevei, biserici ctitorite de {tefan cel Mare [i Sfnt. La cerere, Teatrul "Eminescu" poate fi vizitat de grupuri sau individual, sala mare de spectacole [i sala de marmur\ fiind spa]ii culturale deosebit de frumoase [i impozante.

Foto: Arhiva Teatrului de Stat "Mihai Eminescu" - spectacolul "So]ul Akulinei"

62 <<

Contact: Str. Teatrului nr. 5, Boto[ani, jud. Boto[ani Tel/Fax: +40231 512 184 e-mail: web:

Contact: Str. Victoriei 13, Boto[ani, jud Boto[ani Tel: +40231 514 353; Fax: +40231 514 353 E-mail: Web:

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

>> 63

Filarmonica de Stat Botoani

Text & Foto: Filarmonica de Stat Boto[ani

Biblioteca Judeean "Mihai Eminescu" Botoani

Text & Foto: Biblioteca Jude]ean\ "Mihai Eminescu"
"Mihai Eminescu" County Library Botosani

The State Philharmonic Ochestra in Botosani

The State Philharmonic Orchestra was established in 1953, continuing the long and important musical activity of the Music Association ''ARMONIA'', which had been founded by Alexandre Saint Georges in 1883. The present orchestra of the State Phliharmonic Botosani consists of instrumentalists with real artistic value and a sustained professional training. The concerts of the Phiharmonic Orchestra are held either by the entire orchestra or by small groups, such as: ''ARMONIA'' Brass band, with 25 instrumentalists, the chamber-music group ''ARS MOLDAVIAE'', with 20 instrumentalists, ''MAESTOSO'' Quartet and the trio of wind instrumentalists ''BREVIS''. Ever since 1979 these groups have performed in artistic tours in Italy, France, Germany, Russia, Spain, Switzerland etc. Over one hundred symphonic works were recorded for radio broadcasts and six records were edited. Fortunately, a few young members have recently joined the orchestra, offering the guarantee that in the future the Philharmonic Orchestra in Botosani (conducted by Mihai Secikin and managed by director Mircea Constantin) will shine in the cultural and spiritual landscape of Romania.

n anul 1953 lua fiin]\ Orchestra Filarmonicii de Stat Boto[ani, care, de fapt, continua o `ndelungat\ [i important\ activitate muzical\ a meleagurilor boto[\nene, desf\[urat\ de Societatea Muzical\ ''ARMONIA'', ce fusese fondat\ de Alexandre Saint Georges, `n 1883. Actuala orchestr\ a Filarmonicii de Stat Boto[ani este alc\tuit\ din instrumenti[ti de o real\ valoare artistic\ [i de o sus]inut\ preg\tire profesional\. Concertele Filarmonicii sunt oferite fie de `ntreaga orchestr\, fie de forma]ii orchestrale camerale, cum ar fi: Fanfara ''ARMONIA'', alc\tuit\ din 25 de instrumenti[ti, orchestra de camer\ ''ARS MOLDAVIAE'', format\ din 20 de instrumenti[ti, cvartetul ''MAESTOSO'' [i trio-ul de sufl\tori ''BREVIS''. ~nc\ din anul 1979 aceste forma]ii orchestrale au concertat `n cadrul unor turnee artistice `n Italia, Fran]a, Germania, Rusia, Spania, Elve]ia etc. Peste o sut\ de lucr\ri simfonice au fost `nregistrate pentru emisiunile radiofonice [i au fost editate [ase discuri. Din fericire, `n ultimii ani, orchestra a primit `n rndurile sale c]iva membri tineri, care ofer\ garan]ia c\ [i `n viitor orchestra Filarmonicii din Boto[ani (sub bagheta dirijorului Mihai Secikin [i conducerea directorului Mircea Constantin) va str\luci `n peisajul cultural [i spiritual al Romniei.

Contact: Str. Marchian nr. 5, Boto[ani, jud. Boto[ani Tel./Fax: 0231 516 510 E-mail:

Orchestra Popular "Rapsozii Botoanilor"

Text & Foto: Orchestra Popular\ ''Rapsozii Boto[anilor''
"The Bards of Botosani" Folk Orchestra

There are over 200 public libraries in Botosani County (town, communal, school, university libraries), the most famous being "Mihai Eminescu" County Library. The first edifice that housed it belonged to No. 1 Boys School Marchian, and the first librarian was a teacher named V. Nadejde, who was also the founding member of the Athenaeum from Botosani. The public library was established in 1882, at the initiative of one of the most enterprising mayors in the history of Botosani, Th. Boian. Its current name dates from November 1982, when the library celebrated 100 years of existence, name awarded through a presidential decree. The content of books represents another tangible proof of the library's value. Its patrimony includes almost half a million library items, which can be studied by those who are interested in a modern space, consisting of many sections: the reading room, the children's section, four local branches, two abroad (the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine), the regular lending section. Moreover, there are also ten specialized branches: the Foreign Languages Library, the Art and Audiovisual Library, the Media Section, the Periodical Section, the Ethnic Library, the IT Library, the Community Information Centre, the Tourist Information Centre and the Games Section. There is also the Special Collections Section: The Traditional Content, The Documentary Content Mihai donated by Ion C. Rogojanu and The Documentary Content Nicolae donated by Ion C. Rogojanu. The visitors who are interested in coins, stamps, postcards can admire the exhibits of the Numismatics and Philately Cabinet. The Documentary Content Mihai Eminescu - donated by Ion C. Rogojanu, inaugurated on 19 December 1997, holds the most complete collections of Eminescu's works, volumes of literary exegesis, Romanian and foreign documents referring to the time of the poet. Through its current acquisitions, acheived due to the efforts and generosity of the donator, this unique content has reached approximately 8,000 library items (bibliophile editions, patrimony furniture, maps, medals, postcards etc.). In order to turn these objects to account, the County Library has concluded a Collaboration Protocol with "Al. I. Cuza" University in Iasi - the Compared Literature, Literature Theory and Aesthetics Department, with the purpose of creating a Research Laboratory dedicated to Eminescu's works. The result of this collaboration is the annual magazine called "Studii eminescologice. Etudes sur Eminescu. Eminescu Studies. Eminescu Studien", awarded by the Academic Association "Titu Maiorescu", being also requested at the Romanian Cultural Centre in Berlin, Augsburg University (Germany) and the Univeristy in Tel-Aviv (Israel). The capitalization and promotion of the library's patrimony is accomplished through many activities that draw the public to reading, studying and also to some quality leisure time. Some of the most important activities are: "The Days of Eminescu", "The Day of Europe", "The Ethnic Festival", the National Symposium "Eminescu Books: Culture - Civilization", the annual "Library Awards", book launchings, theme exhibitions, cultural anniversaries etc. The public's dynamic desire for study and reading makes "Mihai Eminescu" County Library Botosani an important landmark in the spiritual life of the community, completing its mission. This is yet another proof that Botosani is preserving its tradition as cultural town.
1. Foto: Fondul documentar "Mihai Eminescu" - dona]ia Ion C. Rogojanu 2. Foto: Sala de lectur\ 3. Foto: Mihai Eminescu - Poesii. Editura Socec. Bucure[ti, (1884-1911) edi]ii `ngrijite de Titu Maiorescu 4. Foto: Publica]ii editate de biblioteca jude]ean\. (Studii Eminescologice - 10 nr.; Catalogul Fondului documentar "Mihai Eminescu" - 2 vol.; 120 de ani de lectur\ public\: monografie). 3 4

rchestra Popular\ ''Rapsozii Boto[anilor'' a fost nfiin]at\ n anul 1970 ca forma]ie a Consiliului Jude]ean al Sindicatelor, n prezent fiind n subordinea Consiliului Jude]ean Boto[ani. ~n cele aproape patru decenii de activitate, orchestra a devenit reprezentativ\ n perimetrul promov\rii folclorului muzical romnesc n jude], n ]ar\ [i str\in\tate, fiind [i unul dintre colectivele artistice cele mai apreciate din municipiul Boto[ani. Sub ndrumarea dirijorului Ioan Cobl\, care din 1974 a venit la pupitrul orchestrei, iar dup\ 1990 a devenit [i directorul institu]iei, orchestra profesionist\ boto[\nean\ a evitat [ocurile tranzi]iei, reu[ind s\-[i p\streze standardul profesional [i artistic. Are sediul n Boto[ani, Pietonalul Unirii nr. 10, unde se afl\ birourile, sala de repeti]ii [i studioul de nregistr\ri audio. F\r\ a fi o forma]ie supradimensionat\, orchestra are n structura ansamblului 20 instrumenti[ti [i 7 soli[ti vocali, cu precizarea c\ to]i cei n cauz\ au studii superioare de specialitate. Printre cei mai cunoscu]i [i aprecia]i instrumenti[ti se num\r\: Ciprian Potoroac\ [i Doru Farca[ - vioar\, Constantin Mndri[teanu [i Vasile Vi]alaru - trompet\, Costel Burcea [i Dorel Cr[m\reanu - ]ambal, Mitic\ {tefan - fluier, Ion Oloieru - acordeon, Relu Palade - clarinet; n prezent soli[ti vocali ai orchestrei sunt: Sofia Vicoveanca, Laura {tef\nescu, Cornelia Ciobanu, Elena Mndrescu,. Dan Dobo[, Petronela Rusu; n anii preceden]i au mai figurat ca angaja]i ai orchestrei Daniela Condurache, Laura Lavric, Anton Achi]ei, Mina Pslaru, Mihaela Vasiliu, Brndu[a Covalciuc, Vasile Ursache, Aurel Amarandei. Orchestra popular\ ''Rapsozii Boto[anilor'' a participat practic la toate marile concursuri [i festivaluri de muzic\ popular\ romneasc\, avnd caracter interjude]ean, regional, na]ional sau interna]ional. Anual, orchestra sus]ine 80-100 concerte urm\rite n medie de peste jum\tate de milion de spectatori.

''The Bards of Botosani'' Folk Orchestra was established in 1970 as the ensemble of the County Council of Unions, today being subordinated to Botosani County Council. In the almost four decades of activity, the orchestra has become representative in the promotion of Romanian musical folklore in the county, in the country and abroad, being also one of the most famous sights in the City of Botosani. Under the guidance of the conductor Ioan Cobala, who joined the ensemble in 1974, and after 1990 became the director of the institution, the orchestra from Botosani has managed to avoid the shocks of tranzition, maintaining its professional and artistic standard. Its headquarters are located in Botosani, on No. 10 Unirii Lane, sheltering the offices, the rehearsal room and the recording studio. Without exceeding any limits of common sense, the orchestra has 20 instrumentalists and 7 singers, all having university educations in this field. From among the most famous and most appreciated instrumentalists we can mention: Ciprian Potoroaca and Doru Farcas - violin, Constantin Mandristeanu and Vasile Vitalaru - trumpet, Costel Burcea and Dorel Crasmareanu - cembalo, Mitica Stefan - flute, Ion Oloieru - accordion, Relu Palade - clarinet; at present, the singers are: Sofia Vicoveanca, Laura Stefanescu, Cornelia Ciobanu, Elena Mandrescu, Dan Dobos and Petronela Rusu; from among the former members of the orchestra we can mention Daniela Condurache, Laura Lavric, Anton Achitei, Mina Paslaru, Mihaela Vasiliu, Brandusa Covalciuc, Vasile Ursache, Aurel Amarandei. ''The Bards of Botosani'' Folk Orchestra has participated in all the great contests and festivals of Romanian folk music, organized at county, regional, national or international level. Every year, the orchestra has 80-100 concerts, watched by over half a million people.

Contact: Str. Unirii nr. 10, Boto[ani, jud. Boto[ani Telefon: 0231 511 002

n jude]ul Boto[ani exist\ peste 200 de biblioteci publice (or\[ene[ti, comunale, [colare, universitare), ntre care se distinge Biblioteca Jude]ean\ "Mihai Eminescu". Prima cl\dire care a g\zduit-o a fost cea apar]innd {colii Num\rul 1 de b\ie]i Marchian, iar primul bibliotecar a fost un nv\]\tor pe numele s\u V. N\dejde, care avea s\ devin\ membru fondator al Ateneului boto[\nean. Biblioteca public\ a fost nfiin]at\ `n anul 1882, la ini]iativa unuia dintre cei mai ntreprinz\tori primari pe care i-a avut vreodat\ ora[ul Boto[ani, Th. Boian. Denumirea actual\ dateaz\ din noiembrie 1982, atunci cnd biblioteca [i-a serbat centenarul, denumire acordat\ prin decret preziden]ial. Fondul de carte constituie o alt\ dovad\, ct se poate de palpabil\, a valorii acestei biblioteci. Patrimoniul ei num\r\ aproape o jum\tate de milion de unit\]i de bibliotec\. Acestea pot fi consultate de c\tre cei interesa]i ntr-un spa]iu modern, compus din numeroase sec]ii: sala de lectur\, sec]ia de mprumut pentru copii, patru filiale de cartier, dou\ n str\in\tate (Republica Moldova [i Ucraina), sec]ia de mprumut pentru adul]i. n plus, exist\ [i zece filiale specializate: Biblioteca de limbi str\ine, Biblioteca de Art\ [i Audiovizual, Mediateca, Sec]ia de periodice, Biblioteca Etniilor, Biblioteca de Informatic\, Centrul de Informare Comunitar\, Centrul de Informare Turistic\, Ludoteca. De asemenea, exist\ [i o sec]ie de Colec]ii Speciale: Fondul Tradi]ional, Fondul documentar "Mihai Eminescu" - dona]ia Ion C. Rogojanu [i Fondul documentar "Nicolae Iorga" - dona]ia Ion C. Rogojanu. Cei pasiona]i de monede, timbre, cartofilie pot admira exponatele de la Cabinetul de Numismatic\ [i Filatelie. Fondul documentar "Mihai Eminescu" - dona]ia Ion C. Rogojanu, inaugurat la 19 decembrie 1997, de]ine cea mai complet\ colec]ie de edi]ii Eminescu, volume de exegez\ eminescian\, documente romne[ti [i str\ine referitoare la perioada n care a tr\it poetul. Prin achizi]iile curente, realizate tot datorit\ str\duin]ei [i generozit\]ii donatorului, acest fond unic n ]ar\ a ajuns la aproximativ 8.000 unit\]i de bibliotec\ (edi]ii bibliofile, mobilier de patrimoniu, h\r]i, medalii, c\r]i po[tale etc.). Pentru punerea lor n valoare, Biblioteca Jude]ean\ a ncheiat un Protocol de colaborare cu Universitatea "Al. I. Cuza" din Ia[i, Catedra de Literatur\ Comparat\, Teoria Literaturii [i Estetic\, avnd drept scop realizarea unui Laborator de Cercetare Eminescologic\. Rezultatul acestei colabor\ri l reprezint\ Revista de eminescologie "Studii eminescologice. Etudes sur Eminescu. Eminescu Studies. Eminescu Studien", cu apari]ie anual\, distins\ de c\tre Asocia]ia Academic\ "Titu Maiorescu" [i a c\rei prezentare a fost solicitat\ la Centrul Cultural Romn de la Berlin, Universitatea din Augsburg (Germania) [i Universitatea din Tel-Aviv (Israel). Punerea `n valoare [i promovarea patrimoniului bibliotecii se realizeaz\ prin numeroase activit\]i ce atrag publicul spre lectur\, studiu, dar [i spre petrecerea pl\cut\ a timpului liber. Printre cele mai importante se num\r\: "Zilele Eminescu", "Ziua Europei", "Festivalul etniilor", Simpozionul Na]ional "Eminescu: Carte Cultur\ - Civiliza]ie", decernarea "Premiilor anuale" ale bibliotecii, lans\ri de carte, expozi]ii tematice, anivers\ri culturale [.a. Dorin]a de studiu [i lectur\ n continu\ dinamic\ face din Biblioteca Jude]ean\ "Mihai Eminescu" Boto[ani un reper important n via]a spiritual\ a comunit\]ii, des\vr[indu-[i menirea. Aceasta este nc\ o dovad\ c\ Boto[aniul [i p\streaz\ tradi]ia de ora[ cultural.

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Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

Contact: Calea Na]ional\ nr. 64, Boto[ani - 710028, jud. Boto[ani Tel.: 0231 514 686; Fax: 0231 513 334 E-mail: web:

Memorialul Ipoteti - Centrul Naional de Studii "Mihai Eminescu"

Text & Foto: Centrul Na]ional de Studii "Mihai Eminescu"

nfiin]at n anul 1992, Memorialul Ipote[ti are drept for tutelar Ministerul Culturii [i Cultelor din Romnia. P n\ n 1989, la Ipote[ti exista o Cas\ Memorial\, filial\ a Muzeului de Istorie [i Arheologie din Boto[ani.

Casa ]\r\neasc\ de Epoc\, construit\ n stil moldovenesc, proprietate a ultimului de]in\tor al mo[iei Ipote[ti - doctorul Papadopol, ad\poste[te n prezent Muzeul Etnografic al Centrului Na]ional de Studii de la Ipote[ti, fiind un spa]iu adecvat de expunere pentru obiectele provenind din vechile gospod\rii ]\r\ne[ti ale spa]iului moldav. n acest fel circuitul muzeal propus celor ce viziteaz\ Ipote[tii acoper\ [i aria valorilor tradi]ionale. Muzeul Tematic Mihai Eminescu a fost gndit ca punct de convergen]\ ntre spa]iul ca atare al Ipote[tilor - loc mirific al copil\riei, spa]iul familial - conturat [i ntre]inut de atmosfera casei memoriale [i biografia poetului v\zut\ dintr-o dubl\ perspectiv\: cea a vrstelor creatorului [i cea a etapelor crea]iei. Unicitatea muzeului va fi dat\ nu doar de calitatea exponatelor, ct mai ales de discursul muzeal bazat pe sugestii [i simboluri ce vor presupune o interactivitate creativ\. Biblioteca Na]ional\ de Poezie (concretizare a unei idei faste a lui Lauren]iu Ulici, fost pre[edinte al Uniunii Scriitorilor din Romnia) dispune de dou\ depozite de carte, o sal\ de lectur\ [i o sal\ amfiteatru amenajat\ [i dotat\ cu aparatura necesar\ pentru a g\zdui att spectacole, ct [i seminare, colocvii, proiec]ii multimedia. Colec]ia de baz\ a Bibliotecii este constituit\ din edi]iile operei eminesciene din secolol al XIX-lea [i pn\ n prezent, fotocopii a 32 din manuscrisele eminesciene, fotografii [i scrisori autografe ale poetului [i ale Veronic\i Micle, la care se adaug\ colec]iile de documente, de critic\ [i istorie literar\, de poezie romn\ [i universal\, precum [i cea de art\ [i, nu n ultimul rnd, dona]iile Lauren]iu Ulici, Petru Cre]ia, Aurel Dorcu, Florin Zamfirescu, Mircia Dumitrescu, Alex {tef\nescu [i Valentin Co[ereanu. Acestor cinci obiective de interes cultural li se adaug\ amfiteatrul n aer liber, cu o capacitate de 600 de locuri, [i Pensiunea Floare albastr\, ce cuprinde 7 vile cu mansard\ dotate la cele mai nalte standarde. Credem c\ numai n felul acesta Ipote[tii nu vor fi doar loc al unei memorii n]epenite n timp, ci o modalitate de a valoriza universul de valori intrinsec crea]iei eminesciene, care s-a perpetuat n spiritul genera]iilor ce i-au succedat, un spa]iu deschis att comunic\rii ntre domenii diferite ale culturii romne, ct [i dialogului acesteia cu celelalte culturi europene.
1. Foto: Biblioteca Na]ional\ de Poezie 2. Foto: Amfiteatrul Laurentiu Ulici 3. Foto: C\su]e de vacan]\

The period cottage, built in Moldavian style, property of the last owner of Ipotesti estate - the doctor Papadopol, houses today the Ethnographic Museum of the National Research Centre from Ipotesti, being an adequate exhibition space for the objects of the old Moldavian households. Thus, the museum circuit open to the tourists who visit Ipotesti covers also the field of traditional values. Mihai Eminescu Museum was designed as a convergence point between the space of Ipotesti village - a mirific place of childhood and family life - shaped and supported by the atmosphere of the memorial house and the poet's biography - seen from a double perspective: the poet's age and his creative stages. The unique character of the museum will be given not only by the quality of the exhibits, but also by the museum discourse, which will be based on suggestions and symbols that will imply creative interactivity. The National Library of Poetry (materialization of a fruitful idea of Laurentiu Ulici, the former president of the Writers Association in Romania) shelters two stacks of books, a reading room and an amphitheatre, endowed with the necessary equipment for performances, seminars, scientific debates, multi-media projections. The Library's basic collection consists of the editions of the poet's works from the XIXth century until the present day, photocopies of 32 of his manuscripts, photographs and letters which belonged to the poet and to Veronica Micle, being completed by collections of documents, literary criticism and history, Romanian and universal poetry, as well as art and, last but not least, the donations of Laurentiu Ulici, Petru Cretia, Aurel Dorcu, Florin Zamfirescu, Mircia Dumitrescu, Alex Stefanescu and Valentin Cosereanu. Alongside these cultural sights we also find the open-air theatre with a capacity of 600 seats and Floare albastra Board and lodging, a small complex with 7 villas, equipped at the highest standards. We believe that in this way, Ipotesti village will not be just a place of memory stuck in time, but a way to turn to account the universe of values belonging to Eminescu's creation, which continued to live in the spirit of the subsequent generations, a space open for communication between the different fields of Romanian culture, as well as to the dialogue of the latter with the other European cultures.

Foto: Muzeul Ipote[ti

Ipotesti Memorial - "Mihai Eminescu" National Research Centre

recnd n subordinea direct\ a Ministerului Culturii, Ipote[tii s-au dorit a fi un Weimar al Romniei, un centru na]ional de cercetare care s\ evolueze pe dou\ c\i distincte, dar n leg\tur\ intrinsec\: muzeografia [i cercetarea. Ministerul Culturii [i-a asumat [i sus]inut proiectele noastre privind strategia coerent\ de dezvoltare a Centrului de la Ipote[ti, alocnd fondurile necesare constituirii unei baze materiale consistente. Se cuvine remarcat\ perioada 1996 - 2000, n care Ion Caramitru a fost ministru al Culturii, perioad\ care a nsemnat pentru Centru edificarea a circa 80% din ceea ce exist\ actualmente la Ipote[ti. n acest fel, institu]ia noastr\ poart\ acum nsemnele [i structura unui a[ez\mnt unic n spa]iul cultural romnesc. ntr-un spa]iu relativ restrns, Centrul Na]ional de Studii ''Mihai Eminescu'' reune[te cinci obiective culturale cu specific propriu - Casa Memorial\, Bisericu]a familiei Eminovici, Casa ]\r\neasc\ de Epoc\, Biblioteca Na]ional\ de Poezie, noul muzeu Eminescu. Particularitatea spa]iului ipote[tean este dat\ de mbinarea armonioas\ a obiectivelor muzeale tradi]ionale cu modernele spa]ii ale Bibliotecii [i Muzeului nou. Bisericu]a familiei Eminovici, datnd de la nceputul secolului al XIX-lea, a fost cump\rat\ de Raluca Eminovici, mama poetului, devenind astfel l\ca[ul de rug\ciune al familiei. Bisericu]a ad\poste[te obiecte de cult din acea perioad\, iar n spatele ei se afl\ [i ast\zi mormintele a patru dintre Eminovice[ti: Raluca [i Gheorghe, p\rin]ii poetului, [i Iorgu [i Nicolae, doi dintre fra]ii poetului. Biserica satului Ipote[ti, construit\ prin colect\ public\ n perioada interbelic\ din ini]iativa lui Nicolae Iorga [i Cezar Petrescu, poart\ hramul Sfin]ilor Arhangheli Mihail [i Gavril [i constituie o atrac]ie pentru turi[ti pentru cteva motive rarisime: aureolele ndoliate (negre) ale sfin]ilor din pictura mural\ interioar\, chipul lui Carol al II-lea [i cel al Arhanghelului Mihail [i o pictur\ mural\ care p\streaz\ tr\s\turile fe]ei poetului la tinere]e. 66 <<

Established in 1992, Ipotesti Memorial is in the care of the Ministry of Culture in Romania. A Memorial House existed in Ipotesti until 1989, as a branch of the History and Archaeology Museum in Botosani. Passing under the direct coordination of the Ministry of Culture, the desire was to transform Ipotesti into a Romanian Weimar, a national research centre that would evolve in two distinct, but connected, fields: museography and research. The Ministry of Culture has assumed and supported our projects regarding the coherent development strategy of the Centre from Ipotesti, providing the necessary funds for the creation of a substantial material basis. We should mention the period 1996 2000, when Ion Caramitru was Minister of Culture, a period which meant the establishment of 80% of what exists today in the Centre from Ipotesti. Thus, today, the institution bears the marks and has the structure of a unique settlement in the Romanian cultural space. In a relatively limited area, ''Mihai Eminescu'' National Research Centre reunites five cultural sights, each with its own characteristics - the Memorial House, the small church of Eminovici family, the period cottage, the National Library of Poetry and the new Eminescu Museum. This space draws its particularities from the harmonious combination of traditional museum sights and the modern styles of the library and of the new museum. The small church of Eminovici family, dating from the beginning of the XIXth century, was bought by Raluca Eminovici, the poet's mother, becoming the family's place of prayer. The church shelters religious objects from that period, and four of the Eminovici family members are buried behind it: Raluca and Gheorghe, the poet's parents, and Iorgu and Nicolae, two of the poet's brothers. The church of Ipotesti village, built through public donations in the inter-war period on the initiative of Nicolae Iorga and Cezar Petrescu, is dedicated to the Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel and represents a sight for tourists due to its unique characteristics: the black halos of the saints presented in the interior mural painting, the face of Carol the II and the face of the Archangel Michael, as well as a mural painting which depicts the outline of the poet's face from his young days.

Contact: sat Ipote[ti, comuna Mihai Eminescu, jude] Boto[ani Tel./fax: 0231 517 602; 0231 517 404 E-mail: Web:

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

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Vestigii istorice
Text & Foto: Octavian Liviu {OVAN - arheolog Direc]ia Jude]ean\ pentru Cultur\, Culte [i Patrimoniul Cultural Na]ional Boto[ani

Foto: A[ezarea getic\ fortificat\ de la Cotu-Cop\l\u (vedere dinspre est)

A[ezarea getic\ fortificat\ de la Cotu-Cop\l\u

Civiliza]ia getic\ [i ndeosebi a[ez\rile fortificate au constituit, n ultimele decenii, obiectul a numeroase cercet\ri sistematice, mai cu seam\ n spa]iul carpato-nistrean. Investiga]iile au generat o consistent\ literatur\ de specialitate, concretizat\ prin rapoarte de s\p\turi, studii [i chiar monografii. Pe aceast\ linie se nscrie [i monografia a[ez\rii fortificate de la Cotu Cop\l\u. Locuit\ `ntre sec V-III `.Hr., a[ezarea `nt\rit\ de la Cotu-Copal\u are o form\ triunghiular\, cu vrful `ndreptat spre nord [i este situat\ pe un platou (Jorovlea), fortificat cu val [i [an] de ap\rare, construite `n dou\ etape. S\p\turile `ntreprinse `n 5 campanii au identificat [i 15 locuin]e getice, `n care, al\turi de obiecte [i ceramic\ de factur\ local\, au fost descoperite [i fragmente de amfore grece[ti din Thasos, Sinope, Chios, Mende, Heracleea Pontic\, Rhodos [i Cnidos. Au mai fost descoperite [i 4 locuin]e apar]innd culturii Cucuteni. A[ezarea fortificat\ a fost identificat\ n anul 1973, iar s\p\turile sistematice s-au ncheiat n anul 2004.

Cet\]ile traco-getice de la Stnce[ti-Boto[ani

Historic vestiges

Cercet\rile efectuate n cet\]ile traco-getice din sec VI-III `.Hr. de la Stnce[ti-Boto[ani se `nscriu `ntr-o sfer\ larg\ de preocup\ri, menite s\ scoat\ la lumin\ cele mai semnificative aspecte ale vie]ii materiale [i spirituale specifice grupurilor de popula]ie care au locuit `n cea de-a doua jum\tate a mileniului I `.Hr. `n provincia de la r\s\rit de Carpa]i. Sistemul de cet\]i traco-getice, situate n marginea de SV a localit\]ii Stnce[ti, comuna Mihai Eminescu, reprezint\ un monument arheologic de importan]\ na]ional\ [i este cuprins n Lista Monumentelor Istorice [i n cadrul Legii nr. 5/2000 la capitolul Zone protejate. S\p\turile arheologice `ntreprinse `n aceast\ zon\ `n anii 1960-1970 de c\tre Adrian Florescu [i Marilena Florescu au identificat 82 de complexe de locuire `n interiorul celor dou\ cet\]i de mari dimensiuni (Cetatea I Bobeica [i Cetatea II - P\durea din {an]) cu o suprafa]\ interioar\ de 45 de ha, cu [an]uri [i valuri puternice de p\mnt, datate `n sec VI-III `.Hr. Aici s-au descoperit [i un tezaur cu piese de harna[ament lucrate din aur, bronz [i fier, dar [i obiecte de factur\ greceasc\. Cele dou\ cet\]i [i-au `ncheiat existen]a c\tre mijlocul sec III `.Hr, odat\ cu trecerea la noi forme de organizare teritorial-tribal\.

A[ezarea paleolitic\ de la Mitoc-Malu Galben

Cetatea traco-getic\ de la Dersca-Berezna

De[i nu au fost executate s\p\turi arheologice, cetatea de la Dersca se `nscrie, prin caracteristicile sale, `n seria cet\]ilor cu incinte foarte mari, avnd o suprafa]\ de circa 70-80 ha, o parte fiind situat\ peste grani]\. Ea a fost `ntemeiat\, se pare, la `nceputul perioadei hallstattiene `n Moldova [i locuit\ pn\ prin sec. V-IV `.Hr, fiind, prin dimensiunile sale uria[e, unic\ `n Moldova.

The Thracian-Getic citadels from Stancesti-Botosani G B The researches made at the Thracian-Getic citadels from StancestiBotosani (the VI-III centuries B.C.) are part of a wide range of activities, meant to bring to light the most significant aspects of the material and spiritual life of the people who lived in the province located east of the Carpathians in the second half of the I millenium B. C. The complex of Thracian-Getic citadels, situated at the south-western end of Stancesti locality, Mihai Eminescu Commune, is an archaeologic monument of national importance, included in the List of Historic Monuments and also in Law no. 5/2000 - Protected Areas. The archaeological diggings performed in the area in 1960-1970 by Adrian Florescu and Marilena Florescu identified 82 habitation complexes inside the two large citadels (Citadel I - Bobeica and Citadel II - The Forest in the Moat) with an interior surface of 45 hectares, with moats and strong earthwork walls, dating from the VI-III centuries B.C. A thesaurus with harnesses made of gold, bronze and iron was also discovered here, as well as Greek objects. The two citadels ceased their existence towards the middle of the IIIrd century B.C., when the society moved on to other forms of territorial-tribal organization. The Thracian-Getic Citadel from Dersca-Berezna G B Although no archaeological diggings were made, the Citadel from Dersca is included, due to its characteristics, in the series of citadels with very large precincts, having a surface of around 70-80 hectares, a part of which is situated across the border. The citadel was apparently established at the beginning of the Hallstatt period in Moldavia and inhabited until the V-IVth centuries B.C., being unique in Moldavia through its size.
1. Foto: A[ezarea paleolitic\ de la Mitoc Malul Galben 2. Foto: Cet\]ile traco-getice de la Stnce[ti 3. Foto: Fortifica]ia a[ez\rii getice de la Cotu-Cop\l\u 4. Foto: Poarta de intrare a a[ez\rii fortificate de la Dersca

Din punct de vedere cultural [i cronologic, sta]iunea pluristratificat\ de la Mitoc-Malu Galben reprezint\ unul dintre cele mai importante puncte de referin]\ ale Paleoliticului superior din spatiul est- [i central european. Locuirile paleolitice de la Mitoc-Malu Galben se caracterizeaz\ [i printr-o bogat\ [i variat\ gam\ de resturi faunistice. Tot aici au fost descoperite numeroase structuri de locuire: ateliere de cioplire, vetre de foc, ad\posturi special amenajate. La Mitoc-Malu Galben au fost descoperite [i 10 morminte sarmatice, de femei, b\rba]i [i inclusiv al unui copil. Dou\ din scheletele de femei descoperite aveau m\rgele, cte un colier [i diadem\, din m\rgele de sticl\, dar [i din obiecte cruciforme (de tipul crucii grece[ti, combinat\ cu crucea Sf. Andrei), depuse ritual pe piept [i pe frunte.

The fortified Getic settlement from Cotu-Copalau C The Getic civilization and especially the fortified settlements have represented, during the last decades, the object of many systematic researches, mostly in the space between the Carpathians and Nistru River. The investigations have led to many writings and reports on the diggings, studies and even monographs. One of these writings is the monograph of the fortified settlement from Cotu Copalau. Inhabited between the Vth and the IIIrd centuries B.C., the fortified settlement from Cotu-Copalau has a triangular shape, with its tower facing north, situated on a plateau (Jorovlea) and fortified with earthwork walls and a defence moat, built in two stages. The diggings performed in the course of 5 campaigns have also identified 15 Getic dwellings, with fragments of Greek amphorae from Thasos, Sinope, Chios, Mende, Pontic Heracleea, Rhodos and Cnidos, besides other objects and local pottery. Four dwellings that belonged to Cucuteni Culture were also discovered. The fortified settlement was identified in 1973 and the systematic diggings ended in 2004. The Paleaolithic settlement from Mitoc-Malu Galben M From a cultural and chronological point of view, the pluri-stratified resort from Mitoc-Malu Galben is one of the most important points of reference of superior Palaeolithic from the eastern-central European space. The settlement discovered in Mitoc-Malu Galben is characterized through a vast and varied range of fauna remainders. Many habitation structures were also discovered here: carving workshops, hearths, special shelters. Ten Sarmatian tombs of men, women and even a child were also discovered at Mitoc-Malu Galben. Two of the skeletons of women that were discovered had jewellery: a necklace and a tiara, made of glass beads, but also cross-shaped objects (a Greek cross combined with Saint Andrew's cross), placed on the chest and forehead as signs of a ritual.

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Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

>> 69

Trasee turistice botonene


Drumul voievozilor
Ia[i - Trgu Frumos (DN 28 B) - Frumu[ica - R\deni - Flam`nzi (DJ 208 H) - Co[ula Sih\strie - Vorona (DJ 208 C) - Tudora - Curte[ti (DN 28 B) - Boto[ani (DN 29) - Agafton - Baisa - Suceava - R\deni Drumul dintre Suceava - Cetatea de Scaun a Moldovei istorice [i Ia[i - capitala cultural\ a Romniei a fost b\tut `n lung [i `n lat de voievozii Moldovei, [i nu numai, `n timpuri de Tourist routes in Botosani restri[te, dar [i pentru `ncntarea sufletului [i a privirii la vederea mndrelor domni]e [i a frumoaselor boieroaice [i hangi]e [i pentru delectarea cu vestitele bucate moldovene[ti [i vinuri alese din podgoriile noastre. Pentru cei interesa]i s\ retr\iasc\ adev\rate pagini de istorie, le recomand\m acest traseu, numit generic ''Drumul voievozilor''. Din DN 28 B, `n localitatea Buda, traseul urmeaz\ DJ 208 H pentru a ajunge la M\n\stirea Co[ula. Tot aici exist\ un pod (monument istoric), construit `n sec. XVIII pe rul Miletin, odat\ cu stabilirea c\lug\rilor greci la M\n\stirea Co[ula. ~n vecin\tate exist\ o frumoas\ p\dure de stejari seculari. Turi[tii care doresc s\ poposeasc\ pn\ a doua zi vor fi caza]i `n cele 20 de locuri oferite de stare]ul m\n\stirii. Parcurgnd traseul spre comuna Vorona, dup\ cca. 10 km de la M\n\stirea Co[ula, `n mijlocul p\durii de stejari, fagi, ulmi [i frasini, ajungem la M\n\stirea Sih\stria Voronei. {i aici pelerinii pot poposi, pn\ a doua zi, ei fiind caza]i `n cele 10 locuri oferite de stare]ul m\n\stirii. Mergnd `n continuare pe acest drum jude]ean, dup\ 6 km, se ajunge la Complexul M\n\stiresc Vorona, situat la marginea unui frumos codru `n suprafa]\ de 150 ha [i care cuprinde 3 biserici, o bibliotec\ cu fond de carte religios datnd din sec. XVIII-XIX [i spa]ii de cazare pentru pelerini. ~n imediata apropiere a m\n\stirii este situat lacul. De asemenea, un alt punct de atrac]ie este stejarul multisecular cunoscut sub denumirea de ''Stejarul lui Cuza'', la umbra c\ruia a poposit Al. I. Cuza, primul domn al Principatelor Romne Unite. Fiind situat\ `ntr-o str\veche zon\ de tradi]ie cultural\ popular\ [i me[te[ug\reasc\, la Vorona pute]i admira portul popular local, pictur\ religioas\, sculptur\ `n lemn, ]es\turi tradi]ionale, goblenuri, m\[ti populare, `mpletituri din nuiele. Turi[tii str\ini [i romni [i colec]ionarii de art\ popular\ care viziteaz\ zona pot g\si o diversificat\ ofert\ de produse turistice de acest gen. Gama larg\ a acestora `ncnt\ sufletul [i inima privitorului care poate [i lua cu el acas\ o p\rticic\ din sufletul ]\ranului boto[\nean. La o distan]\ de 15 km de Vorona, se afl\ situat\ localitatea Tudora, atestat\ documentar `n anul 1400 [i care reprezint\ o bogat\ zon\ folcloric\ [i etnografic\. Zona mai ofer\ pentru iubitorii de natur\ [i drume]ii o rezerva]ie botanic\ de tisa situat\ `n localitatea Dealu-Mare (5 km) - Tudora, la o altitudine de peste 550 m, ocupnd o suprafa]\ de 117 ha. Traversnd municipiul Boto[ani [i urmnd DN 29, traseul nostru v\ `ndreapt\ pa[ii spre un cadru feeric, un peisaj specific acestor locuri: codrii de aram\ ai localit\]ii Agafton, unde, `ntr-o a[ezare splendid\, pute]i s\ poposi]i pentru momente de lini[te [i deplin\ relaxare `n blocuri cu apartamente [i c\su]e. La finalul traseului v\ recomand\m s\ vizita]i podgoria R\deni, situat\ la intrarea pe teritoriul jude]ului Boto[ani, la numai 2 km abatere de la DN 28 B, `ntr-un cadru natural remarcabil, `nconjurat de vii [i livezi. Aceasta este o continuare a vestitelor podgorii Cotnari din jude]ul Ia[i.

The Road of Voivodes Iasi - Targu Frumos (DN 28 B) - Frumusica - Radeni - Flamanzi (DJ 208 H) - Cosula - Sihastrie - Vorona (DJ 208 C) - Tudora - Curtesti (DN 28 B) - Botosani (DN 29) - Agafton - Baisa - Suceava - Radeni The road between Suceava - the Residence Citadel of historic Moldavia and Iasi - the cultural capital of Romania was crossed by the voivodes of Moldavia in times of distress, but also in times of peace for the delight of the soul and eyes at the sight of the beautiful princesses, landowners and innkeepers and also to taste the famous Moldavian dishes and wines from our vineyards. For the people who are interested in experiencing true pages of history, we recommend this route, called ''The Road of Voivodes''. From the national road DN 28 B, in Buda locality, the route continues on the county road DJ 208 H and reaches Cosula Monastery. Close to the monastery there is a bridge (historical monument), built in the XVIIIth century on Miletin River, when the Greek monks settled at Cosula Monastery. In the proximity of the monastery there is also a beautiful forest with ancient oak trees. The tourists who wish to stop for the night can find accommodation in the 20 places offered by the abbot of the monastery. Following the route towards Vorona Commune, at approx. 10 km from Cosula Monastery, in the middle of the oak, beech, elm and ash forest we reach Sihastria Voronei Monastery. The pilgrims can also stop for the night here, being accommodated in the 10 places offered by the abbot of the monastery. Continuing on this county road, after 6 km, we reach the Monastery Complex Vorona, situated at the edge of a beautiful landscape, with a surface of 150 hectares, comprising 3 churches, a library with religious books dating from the XVIII-XIXth centuries and accommodation spaces for pilgrims. In the vicinity of the monastery we find the lake. Another sight in the area is the ancient oak known as ''Cuza's Oak'', where Al. I. Cuza, the first ruler of the United Romanian Principalities stopped to rest. Being situated in an area with ancient folk and craft cultural traditions, at Vorona the tourists can admire the local costumes, religious painting, sculpture in wood, traditional weavings, gobelins, folk masks, baskets etc. The foreign and Romanian tourists, as well as the collectors of folk art who visit the area can find a diversified offer of tourist products of this kind. Their wide range pleases the heart and soul of the visitor who can take home a part of the soul of the peasants from Botosani. At a distance of 15 km from Vorona, we find Tudora locality, documentary certified in 1400, representing a rich folk and ethnographic area. The area also offers to the tourists who love nature the possibility to hike and to visit a botanical reservation of yew trees, situated in Dealu-Mare (5 km) - Tudora locality, at an altitude of over 550 m, occupying a surface of 117 hectares. Crossing the City of Botosani on the national road DN 29, our route takes you to a mirific place, a landscape typical of these places: the copper forest of Agafton locality, where, in a beautiful settlement, you can spend moments of quietness and complete relaxation in apartment blocks and cottages. At the end of the route we recommend a visit to Radeni vineyard, situated at the entrance on the territory of Botosani County, at just 2 km from the national road DN 28 B, in a remarkable landscape, surrounded by vineyards and orchards. It is a continuation of the famous Cotnari vineyard from Iasi County.

1. Foto: BOARDMEDIA - Bifurca]ie: stnga - M\n\stirea Sih\stria Voronei [i dreapta - spre Pe[tera Siha[trilor 2. Foto: Pe[tera Siha[trilor Foto: BOARDMEDIA - P\durea Vorona

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Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

>> 71

Arcu[ul [i peni]a

Localitate veche atestat\ documentar `n 1435, ora[ul {tef\ne[ti a fost, de-a lungul timpului, centru comercial, economic [i cultural al v\ii Prutului. {tef\ne[ti, locul copil\riei lui {tefan Luchian, mai poate oferi turistului pl\cerea vizit\rii unei vechi biserici, a c\rei construc]ie a fost atribuit\ lui {tefan cel Mare. Alte atrac]ii oferite de comun\ sunt posibilit\]ile de practicare a pescuitului, `notului, canotajului, c\l\riei etc. De la {tef\ne[ti, pe DJ 294 C (3 km), vechi loc de trecere peste apa Prutului este barajul de la Stnca-Coste[ti, baraj ce realizeaz\ o acumulare de ap\ pe o lungime de 70 km [i o suprafa]\ de 7.000 ha.

Boto[ani - Tudora
Foto: Arhiva Prim\riei Tudora - P\durea Tudora

Suceava (DN 29) - Baisa - Ipote[ti (DN 29 B) - Cucorani - V\cule[ti - Dorohoi - Liveni Racov\] - Ucraina (Her]a, Noua Suli]\, Cern\u]i) Cnd roste[ti Boto[ani, gndul `]i zboar\ spre Eminescu [i Enescu. Urma]i-ne [i ve]i sim]i fo[netul p\durii [i ve]i auzi picurndu-v\ `n ureche doine str\bune sau minunatele ''Rapsodii'' enesciene. Primul popas venind dinspre jude]ul Suceava se poate face `n localitatea Baisa, apoi se ajunge `n Ipote[ti, unde pute]i vizita aici Casa Memorial\ a poetului nostru na]ional, Centrul de studii eminesciene sau Biblioteca na]ional\ ''Mihai Eminescu''. Peisajul mirific invit\ la visare [i ofer\ turistului sensibil clipe neuitate de lini[te [i reverie. Situat `ntr-un lumini[ al p\durii, `ntr-un loc la care nu po]i ajunge dect cu piciorul, lacul `]i aduce aminte de clipele copil\riei `n care ''Fiind b\iet p\duri cutreieram ...''. Nic\ieri nu po]i `n]elege mai bine ce l-a `ndemnat pe poet s\ descrie att de frumos sentimente ce umplu cu siguran]\ sufletele fiec\rui romn iubitor al naturii [i nu numai. Aceast\ zon\ ofer\ [i o gam\ larg\ de produse turistice, dintre care cele mai reprezentative [i de renume sunt produsele din ceramic\ tradi]ional\. Revenind pe DN 29 B, dup\ parcurgerea a cca. 3 km, v\ pute]i opri la Popasul Cucorani. Atrac]ia culinar\ a acestui loc este puiul la rotisor cu mujdei [i m\m\ligu]\. De la Dorohoi, pe DN 29 A [i apoi pe DJ 208 ajunge]i `n localitatea Liveni, unde a copil\rit genialul muzician George Enescu [i a c\rui cas\ ofer\ turi[tilor momente de aleas\ reverie. Aici pute]i admira obiecte [i mobilier care au fost martori t\cu]i [i au creat totodat\ spa]iul copil\riei muzicianului.

Spre Moldova de peste Prut

Suceava (DN 29) - Baisa - Boto[ani - Rediu - Suli]a - {tef\ne[ti - Stnca - Republica Moldova (B\l]i - Chi[in\u) Venind dinspre Suceava [i Ardeal, propunem turistului care ar vrea s\ ajung\ `n Republica Moldova s\ viziteze atrac]iile cinegetice [i culturale de pe acest traseu. Primul popas venind dinspre jude]ul Suceava se poate face `n localitatea Baisa. La Suli]a se poate ajunge pe DN 29 D [i apoi pe DJ 297. Comuna Suli]a prezint\ un interes deosebit prin iazul Drac[ani, numit a[a dup\ denumirea satului din apropiere. Acest iaz are o suprafa]\ de cca. 500 ha, permi]nd practicarea pescuitului, canotajului, `notului. ~n zilele de duminic\ se organizeaz\ trguri pentru prezentare [i vnzare produse artizanat [i agricole (comuna este cunoscut\ ca trg `nc\ din perioada anilor 1817-1819). Exist\ o frumoas\ biseric\: ''Sfntul Nicolae''. Pe DN 29, la km 3, se afl\ cabana turistic\ Rediu, care v\ ofer\ momente pl\cute de petrecere a timpului liber `n mijlocul naturii. Revenind la DN 29 D [i parcurgnd cca. 45 km, vom ajunge `n ora[ul {tef\ne[ti.
Foto: Centrul Na]ional de Studii "Mihai Eminescu" - Lac p\dure Baisa

The bow and the pen Suceava (DN 29) - Baisa - Ipotesti (DN 29 B) - Cucorani - Vaculesti Dorohoi - Liveni - Racovat - Ukraine (Herta, Noua Sulita, Cernauti) When you say Botosani, your thought wanders to Eminescu and Enescu. Follow us and you will feel the rustle of the forest and you will hear ancient folk songs or the wonderful ''Rhapsodies''. The first stop coming from Suceava County can be made in Baisa locality, and from there in Ipotesti, where you can visit the Memorial House of our national poet, the Research Centre or "Mihai Eminescu" National Library. The mirific landscape invites the tourists to dream and offers them unforgettable moments of quietness and reverie. Situated in a forest glade, in a place you can get to only on foot, the lake brings back memories from the childhood years when ''Fiind baiet paduri cutreieram ...'' ("As a boy I used to roam the forests..."). There is no other place where one can better understand what urged the poet to describe in such a beautiful way the feelings that fill the hearts of each Romanian. This area offers a wide range of tourist products, the most famous and most representative being the traditional pottery. Returning to the national road DN 29 B, after approx. 3 km, you can stop at Cucorani. The culinary attraction of this place is fried chicken with garlic sauce and maize porridge. From Dorohoi, on the national road DN 29 A and then on the county road DJ 208 you get to Liveni locality, where the brilliant musician George Enescu spent his childhood years and whose house can offer the tourists moments of reverie. Here you can admire objects and furniture that were silent witnesses to the master's creation and have formed at the same time the childhood space of the musician. Over Prut River towards Moldova Suceava (DN 29) - Baisa - Botosani - Rediu - Suil]a - Stefanesti Stanca - Republic of Moldova (Balti - Chisinau) Coming from Suceava and Transylvania, we suggest to the tourists who want to go to the Republic of Moldova to visit the hunting and cultural sights on the route. The first stop coming from Suceava County can be made in Baisa locality. The tourists can reach Sulita on the national road DN 29 D and then on the county road DJ 297. Sulita Commune is very interesting due to Dracsani Pond, named after the nearby village. The pond has a surface of around 500 hectares, fishing, canoeing and swimming being allowed. On Sundays, fairs are organized here for the presentation and sale of handmade and agricultural products (the commune has been known as a borough since 1817-1819). There is also a beautiful church: ''Saint Nicholas''. On the national road DN 29, at a distance of 3 km, we find Rediu tourist lodge, offering pleasant moments in the heart of nature. Returning to DN 29 D, after approx. 45 km, we reach Stefanesti City.

Boto[ani (DN 29) - Or\[eni Deal (DJ 208) - Vorona (DJ 208) - Vorona Mare (DJ 208) Tudora (DJ 208 I). Plecnd din municipiul Boto[ani, conform indicatorilor de circula]ie rutier\, spre municipiul Ia[i, dup\ ie[irea din zona urban\, la prima intersec]ie se vireaz\ la dreapta spre localitatea Or\[eni Deal [i se urm\re[te indicatorul de circula]ie spre localitatea Vorona. Din localitatea Vorona se urm\re[te indicatorul de circula]ie spre Tudora, iar n localitatea Vorona Mare se vireaz\ la stnga pe drumul jude]ean DJ 208 I spre localitatea Tudora, un centru etnografic cu elemente de art\ popular\, tradi]ii [i obiceiuri bine p\strate, cu un renumit ansamblu de dansuri populare. n localitate se p\streaz\ vestigii ale unei cur]i boiere[ti din sec. XV-XVI, casa Cantacuzino-Pa[canu, n\l]at\ n 1842, monument de arhitectur\. Tot bine p\strat este monumentul eroilor din R\zboiul de Independen]\ [i din Primul R\zboi Mondial. Manifest\rile culturalartistice organizate n aceast\ localitate sunt Festivalul de folclor ''Holda de aur'' (luna iunie) [i Festivalul datinilor [i obiceiurilor de iarn\ (luna decembrie). Din centrul localit\]ii Tudora se continu\ deplasarea pe drumul DJ 208 H pn\ la cantonul silvic amplasat la limita p\durii. Se continu\ deplasarea dup\ marcajul turistic (triunghi) pn\ la cantonul Ple[a n rezerva]ie (cca 45 min.). Rezerva]ia Tisa este cuprins\ ntre Prul Racului [i Prul Tisa, circuitul acesteia durnd cca. 60 minute. Rezerva]ia de la Tudora este cunoscut\ [i pus\ sub protec]ie pentru exemplarele de tisa. Acest arbore de origine central-european\, cu longevitate mare (cca. 3000 ani), cu lemn foarte pre]ios, a fost mult exploatat n trecut, nct a necesitat s\ fie declarat ca specie ocrotit\ [i monument al naturii. Pe lng\ prezen]a speciei de tisa, arbore ocrotit prin lege, un interes [tiin]ific l reprezint\ p\durea de fag cu gorun [i carpen, cu multe exemplare seculare. n rezerva]ia de la Tudora, pe valea prului Tisa, exist\ un canion care este s\pat n calcare [i gresii biogene prin eroziune pe vertical\ [i datorit\ apelor curg\toare.

Alte trasee
Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani a propus, pe lng\ aceste trasee turistice, s\ nfiin]eze [i altele, care s\ aib\ ca direc]ie de ie[ire sau de intrare n ]ar\ punctele de trecere a frontierei spre sau dinspre Regiunea Cern\u]i - Ucraina. n acest context s-a suplimentat traseul turistic Suceava - Baisa - Ipote[ti - Cucor\ni - V\cule[ti - Dorohoi Liveni - Cristine[ti - Racov\], prin crearea unei ramifica]ii de la Dorohoi spre {endriceni - Dersca - Mih\ileni - Vama Siret, care asigur\ trecerea frontierei tot spre Regiunea Cern\u]i - Ucraina. ~n plus, a ap\rut traseul nr. 4 (intrarea n jude]ul Boto[ani dinspre Diakivi]chi - Ucraina - Racov\] - Cristine[ti - Dumeni - Havrna - Dorohoi - R\d\u]i Prut - Mitoc - Manoleasa - Ripiceni - {tef\ne[ti - Tru[e[ti - St\uceni - Boto[ani) [i traseul nr. 5 (intrarea n jude]ul Boto[ani dinspre Diakivi]chi - Ucraina - Racov\] - Cristine[ti Ib\ne[ti - Pomrla - Hili[eu Horia - Dorohoi - Vrvu Cmpului - Bucecea - Vl\deni Agafton - Boto[ani). Ar\t\m, totodat\, c\ o serie de localit\]i importante, cu poten]ial turistic, [i-au exprimat dorin]a de a figura pe traseele turistice propuse de noi, respectiv prim\riile comunelor Pomrla, Cristine[ti, R\d\u]i Prut, St\uceni [i prim\ria ora[ului {tef\ne[ti. Prin statuarea acestor trasee turistice se va putea valorifica mai bine poten]ialul turistic al localit\]ilor de pe linia respectivelor trasee. n plus, aceste trasee vor putea fi cunoscute [i valorificate [i de turi[tii sosi]i din alte ora[e, regiuni sau ]\ri dect Regiunea Cern\u]i sau jude]ul Boto[ani.

An old settlement, documentary certified in 1435, Stefanesti City has been the commercial, economic and cultural centre of Prut Valley. Stefanesti, the childhood universe of Stefan Luchian, can also offer the tourists the pleasure of visiting an old church, whose construction was attributed to Stephen the Great. Other sights are represented by the possibilities to practise fishing, swimming, canoeing, horseback riding etc. From Stefanesti, on the county road DJ 294 C (3 km), we find the dam from Stanca-Costesti, an old crossing over Prut River, a dam which created a lake with a length of 70 km and a surface of 7,000 hectares. Boto[ani - Tudora Botosani (DN 29) - Oraseni Deal (DJ 208) - Vorona (DJ 208) - Vorona Mare (DJ 208) - Tudora (DJ 208 I) Starting from the City of Botosani and following the signs towards the City of Iasi, after leaving the urban area, at the first junction the road turns right towards Oraseni Deal locality, and from there to Vorona locality. After Vorona, the road continues to Tudora, and from Vorona Mare locality the county road DJ 208 I turns left towards Tudora locality, an ethnographic centre with elements of folk art, well preserved traditions and customs, with a famous folk dance ensemble. The locality also preserves vestiges of an aristocratic mansion from the XV-XVIth centuries, Cantacuzino-Pascanu house, raised in 1842, an architectural monument. Well preserved is also the monument of the heroes of the War of Independence and World War I. The cultural-artistic manifestations organized in this locality are the Folk Festival ''The Golden Field'' (in June) and the Festival of winter traditions and customs (in December). From the centre of Tudora locality, the route continues on the county road DJ 208 H up to the forest canton located at the edge of the forest. The path continues following the tourist mark (triangle) up to Plesa canton inside the reservation (approx. 45 min.). Tisa Reservation spreads between Racului Brook and Tisa Brook and it can be crossed in about 60 minutes. The reservation from Tudora is famous and placed under protection for its exemplars of yew tree. This tree of Central-European origin, with a long life span (approx. 3,000 years), with a very precious wood, has been largely exploited in the past, so that today it is considered a protected species and natural monument. Apart from the presence of the yew tree, which is protected by law, the beech forest with common oaks and hornbeams (many ancient exemplars) presents also an increased scientific interest. In the reservation from Tudora, on the valley of Tisa Brook, there is a canyon which has been dug in limestone and sandstone through vertical erosion by the flowing waters. Other routes Botosani County Council wants to establish other routes besides the existing ones, which would include the frontier points to and from Cernauti Region - Ukraine. In this context, the tourist route Suceava Baisa - Ipotesti - Cucorani - Vaculesti - Dorohoi - Liveni - Cristinesti Racovat was extended through the creation of a branch from Dorohoi to Sendriceni - Dersca - Mihaileni - Vama Siret, which provides the crossing of the border towards Cernauti Region - Ukraine. Moreover, a fourth route was created (entrance to Botosani County towards Diakivitchi - Ukraine - Racovat - Cristinesti - Dumeni - Havarna Dorohoi - Radauti Prut - Mitoc - Manoleasa - Ripiceni - Stefanesti Trusesti - Stauceni - Botosani) and also a fifth route (entrance to Botosani County from Diakivitchi - Ukraine - Racovat - Cristinesti Ibanesti - Pomarla - Hiliseu Horia - Dorohoi - Varvu Campului Bucecea - Vladeni - Agafton - Botosani). We also mention that a series of important localities, with a high tourist potential, have expressed their desire to be included in the suggested routes, namely the town halls of Pomarla, Cristinesti, Radauti Prut, Stauceni localities and also Stefanesti Town Hall. The approval of these tourist routes, will give the possibility to turn to account the tourist potential of the localities crossed by the respective routes. Moreover, these routes will also be traversed by tourists from other towns, regions or countries besides Cernauti Region or Botosani County.

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Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

>> 73

Rezervaii naturale i monumente

Text: Rocsana GAFENCU - Agen]ia pentru Protec]ia Mediului Boto[ani - compartimentul "Protec]ia naturii"

ale naturii din judeul Botoani

La nivelul jude]ului Boto[ani sunt declarate nou\ arii naturale protejate incluse n Re]eaua Na]ional\ de Arii Protejate: P\durea Tudora, P\durea Ciornohal, Arini[ul de la Horl\ceni, F\getul Secular de la Stuhoasa, Rezerva]ia floristic\ Stnca{tef\ne[ti, Rezerva]ia floristic\ Ripiceni-Manoleasa, Bucecea B\l]ile Siretului, Turb\ria de la Lozna [i Lac Stnca-Coste[ti.

Foto: Arhiva Agen]iei pentru Protec]ia Mediului Boto[ani - P\durea Tudora - Taxus baccata - tisa

Natural reservations and monuments in Botosani County

Pdurea Tudora
\durea Tudora constituie una dintre cele mai vizitate arii naturale protejate din jude], datorit\ existen]ei arboretului de Taxus baccata (tisa), specie declarat\ monument al naturii, [i legendei haiducului Coroi, figur\ mitic\ ce mai r\scole[te [i ast\zi amintirile b\trnilor din comun\. Haiducul Coroi se ascundea `n p\durile din zon\, pndind convoaiele de boieri care tranzitau drumurile locale, jefuindu-i [i `mp\r]ind s\racilor prada confiscat\. Cu o suprafa]\ de 119 ha, rezerva]ia natural\ de tisa de la Tudora a fost semnalat\ `nc\ din anul 1937 ca o vegeta]ie spontan\ [i compact\. ~n rezerva]ie exist\ circa 850 de exemplare de tisa dispersate pe pantele rurilor [i din care pu]ine se mai `ncadreaz\ `n vrstele de 300-350 de ani. 74 <<

Botosani County has nine natural protected areas included in the National Network of Protected Areas: Tudora Forest, Ciornohal Forest, the Alder forest from Horlaceni, the Ancient Beech Forest from Stuhoasa, the Flower Reservation Stanca-Stefanesti, the Flower Reservation Ripiceni-Manoleasa, Bucecea Baltile Siretului, the Peat Bog from Lozna and Stanca-Costesti Lake. Tudora Forest Tudora Forest is one of the most visited natural protected areas in the county, due to the existence of Taxus baccata (yew) mast, a species declared natural monument, and also due to the legend of Coroi outlaw, a mythical figure that still haunts the memories of the old men. The outlaw used to hide in the forests in the area, waiting for the convoys of landlords that crossed the local roads, robbing them and giving the loot to the poor. With a surface of 119 hectares, the natural reservation of yew tree from Tudora was discovered in 1937 as a spontaneous and compact vegetation. There are approx. 850 exemplars of yew tree in the reservation, scattered on the banks of the rivers, few exemplars remaining with ages of 300-350 years.

Acest arbore de origine central-european\, cu longevitate mare (circa 3000 ani), cu lemn foarte pre]ios, a fost mult exploatat n trecut, nct a necesitat s\ fie declarat ca specie ocrotit\ [i monument al naturii. Pe lng\ prezen]a speciei de tisa, arbore ocrotit prin lege, un interes [tiin]ific prezint\ p\durea de fag cu gorun [i carpen cu multe exemplare seculare. n rezerva]ia de la Tudora, pe valea prului Tisa, exist\ un canion care este s\pat n calcare [i gresii biogene prin eroziune pe vertical\ [i datorit\ apelor curg\toare. Num\rul redus de arbori de tisa cu vrste seculare se explic\ prin defri[area abuziv\ a acestora din motivul c\ frunzele acestei specii erau toxice pentru animale. De asemenea, lemnul acestora era folosit la confec]ionarea cuielor folosite `n trecut la construc]iile locale [i erau comercializate `n toate jude]ele Moldovei. ~n prezent, rezerva]ia se afl\ `n custodia Direc]iei Silvice Boto[ani, are paza asigurat\, evitnd astfel defri[area sau transferul puie]ilor `n diferile localit\]i. Actuala suprafa]\ a ariei naturale protejate ''P\durea Tudora'' a constituit `nc\ din cele mai vechi timpuri o surs\ de existen]\ [i de venituri pentru popula]ia local\, prin desf\[urarea unor activit\]i tradi]ionale, de exemplu colectarea plantelor medicinale, recoltarea ciupercilor. Dup\ declararea zonei ca rezerva]ie natural\, aceste activit\]i se desf\[oar\ conform legisla]iei `n domeniu; situl a devenit [i o atrac]ie turistic\, an de an tot mai mul]i turi[ti tranzitnd rezerva]ia pentru a admira frumuse]ea peisajului [i a cunoa[te locurile unde se ascundea odinioar\ legendarul haiduc Coroi. Rezerva]ia Tudora a atras aten]ia unor ONG-uri locale care, `mpreun\ cu APM Boto[ani [i Direc]ia Silvic\ Boto[ani, au marcat traseele turistice, au igienizat cursurile de ap\ din rezerva]ie (Prul Tisei, Racului [i Ocup), au evaluat numeric exemplarele de Taxus baccata [i, nu `n ultimul rnd, au desf\[urat ac]iuni de con[tientizare public\ a popula]iei [i autorit\]ilor locale privind importan]a conserv\rii habitatului [i a speciilor de flor\/faun\ salbatic\.

This central-European tree, with a long life span (approx. 3,000 years), with a very precious wood, has been widely exploited in the past, today being considered a protected species and natural monument. Besides the presence of the yew tree, the beech, common oak and hornbeam forest is also of scientific interest, comprising many ancient exemplars. In the reservation from Tudora, on the valley of Tisa Brook, there is a canyon dug in limestone and sandstone through vertical erosion by the flowing waters. The low number of centennial yew trees is explained by their abusive clearing, the reason being that the leaves of this species are toxic to animals. Moreover, the wood was used for the production of the nails used in the local construction sector, being also sold in all the counties of Moldavia. At present, the reservation is in the custody of Botosani Forest Department and it is protected, the clearing or the transfer of seedlings to other localities being thus avoided. The present surface of the protected natural area ''Tudora Forest'' has been since ancient times a source of life and income for the local population, through traditional activities, such as the collection of medicinal herbs, mushrooms etc. After the area was declared a natural reservation, these activities were performed according to the legislation in the field; the site has also become a tourist sight, every year more and more tourists coming to the reservation in order to admire the beauty of the landscape and to see the places where the legendary outlaw Coroi used to hide. Tudora Reservation has drawn the attention of some NGOs which, together with APM Botosani and Botosani Forest Department, have marked the tourist routes, have cleaned the water streams from the reservation (Tisa, Racului and Ocup Brooks), have counted the exemplars of Taxus baccata and have initiated public awareness campaigns for the population and local authorities regarding the importance of preserving the habitat and the wild species of flora/fauna.

1. Foto: Arhiva Agen]iei pentru Protec]ia Mediului Boto[ani - Rezerva]ia P\durea Tudora 2. Foto: Arhiva Agen]iei pentru Protec]ia Mediului Boto[ani - Stejar secular din P\durea Tudora

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

>> 75

Pdurea Ciornohal

Turbria Lozna Dersca

1. Foto: Arhiva Agen]iei pentru Protec]ia Mediului Boto[ani - Turb\ria Lozna Dersca

eritoriul pe care se afl\ situl apar]ine Miocenului, reprezentat prin depozite sarmatice, iar din punct de vedere petrografic predomin\ marnele argiloase, apoi argilele [i mai pu]in loess-ul, iar tipul de habitat identificat este cel al p\durilor dacice de stejar [i carpen. P\durea Ciornohal apar]ine provinciei balcano-meossiace [i este sta]iunea cea mai nordic\ cu Cotinus coggygria, element pontic-submediteranean de mare nsemn\tate fitogeografic\. Aici se ntlnesc [i numeroase elemente continentale [i sudice specifice stepei. Elementul daco-balcanic este reprezentat numai prin specia Rhinanthus rumelicus. P\durea Ciornohal este un e[antion al ecosistemului relictar de silvostep\ disjunct din nordul ]\rii, constituit din numeroase elemente xerofite, aflate la limita nordic\ a arealului: Cotinus coggygria, element ponticosubmediteranean. Aici se ntlnesc [i numeroase elemente continentale [i sudice specifice stepei. n sit s-au identificat 424 specii de plante vasculare, grupate `n 56 de familii. Pe lng\ flora bogat\ [i puternicul caracter conservativ, rezerva]ia forestier\ Ciornohal prezint\ un interes deosebit [i sub aspectul vegeta]iei. Fitocenozele ntlnite aici, cu toate perturb\rile suferite, se men]in nc\ ntr-o stare cvasinatural\, cu particularit\]i evidente [i de mare nsemn\tate fitogeografic\. Raritatea unor att de autentice crmpee de silvostep\, n special n Moldova, justific\ propunerea de a fi supus\ regimului de ocrotire a ntregii suprafe]e ocupate de p\durea Ciornohal. Ea constituie [i un important element de peisaj care se rennoie[te n func]ie de anotimp. Institu]ia responsabil\ pentru managementul sitului este Direc]ia Silvic\ Boto[ani (Ocolul Silvic Tru[e[ti).

Foto: Arhiva Agen]iei pentru Protec]ia Mediului Boto[ani - P\durea Ciornohal

Lozna Dersca Peat Bog The identified types of community habitats are the ''Natural eutrophic lakes and peat bogs capable of natural regeneration''. The site is located in the western part of Botosani County. From a geological point of view, the Lozna-Dersca perimeter is included in the Moldavian Platform, which has sediments with a thickness of 1,000-5,000 m. The crystalline basis consists of mica-schist, amphibolic schist mesometamorphic rocks, epimetamorphic rocks (chlorite - sericite slate) and carbonate rocks in the superior part. The block of sediments deposited on the crystalline basis belongs to the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Neozoic eras. Due to the high capillarity of the plants that form the peat bog layer, the water can accumulate in these deposits (deposit water). The waters have the aspect of swamps due to the location of the deposits on an impermeable clay bed, the peat bog from Dersca being an eutrophic swamp. The flower species of community interest Angelica palustris was also identified at the site. It is a rare habitat in Romania through the thickness of the eutrophic to neutral peat layer (1.5-6 m). Rare species of plants from the vascular flora can be found here. The peat layer consists of bryophytes, the dominating species being Drepanocladus aduncus, Chrysohypnum sommerfeltii, C.chrysophyllum, Callergon giganteum and Marchanthia polymorfa.

Pdurea Vorona
abitatul identificat este de tipul ''p\duri dacice de stejar [i carpen''. Substratul geologic de vrst\ sarma]ian\ al sitului este reprezentat prin roci alc\tuite din conglomerate, alternnd cu gresii, nisipuri [i argile vinete. Solul predominant este cel brun de p\dure, iar pe alocuri apare podzolul. Flora rezerva]iei Vorona prezint\ un remarcabil interes sub aspect fitogeografic. Elementele floristice predominante sunt cele eurasiatice, europene [i circumpolare. Se `ntlnesc `ns\ [i elemente alpinocarpatice, alpino-boreale [i atlantice, precum [i o serie de specii dacice [i balcanice. Importan]\ deosebit\ au [i speciile de origine continental\ [i sudic\. Cercet\rile asupra florei [i vegeta]iei din sit reliefeaz\ bog\]ia genofondului existent [i `nsemn\tatea fitogeografic\ a covorului vegetal. Covorul vegetal este variat [i

Ciornohal Forest The territory of the forest belongs to the Miocene era, represented by sarmatian deposits, and from a petrographic point of view we find clay marl, clay and not so much loess, the identified type of habitat being the one of Dacian forests of oak and hornbeam. Ciornohal Forest is part of the Balkan-Meossian province, being the most northern location with Cotinus coggygria, a Pontic-sub-Mediterranean element of great phytogeographical significance. Many continental and southern elements (steppe) can also be encountered here. The Dacian-Balkan element is represented only through the species Rhinanthus rumelicus. Ciornohal Forest is a sample of the relic ecosystem of forest steppe, uncommon in the north of the country, consisting of many xerophyte elements, located at the northern limit of the area: Cotinus coggygria, a Pontic-sub-Mediterranean element. 424 species of vascular plants, grouped in 56 families were discovered at this site. Besides the rich flora and the powerful conservative character, the forest reservation Ciornohal presents a special interest also as regards the vegetation. The phytocenosis encountered here, with all the alterations suffered, is still maintained in a semi-natural state, with obvious particularities of great phytogeographical significance. The scarceness of such genuine glimpses of forest steppe, especially in Moldavia, justifies the proposal for inclusion of the entire surface of Cionohal Forest under protection. It is also an important landscape element that changes according to season. The institution responsible for the management of the site is Botosani Forest Department (Trusesti Administrative Unit).

n acest caz identific\m un habitat comunitar tip ''Lacuri eutrofe naturale [i The peat bog can regenerate on its own in less than 30 years. Turb\rii capabile de o regenerare natural\''. Situl este situat n partea de vest 2.-4. Foto: Arhiva Agen]iei pentru Protec]ia Mediului Boto[ani Rezerva]ia floristic\ Stnca-{tef\ne[ti a jude]ului Boto[ani. Din punct de vedere geologic, perimetrul Lozna-Dersca se 2 ncadreaz\ n Platforma Moldoveneasc\, ce posed\ un pachet de sedimente n grosime de 1000-5000 m. Fundamentul cristalin este alc\tuit din mica[isturi, [isturi amfibolice-roci mezometamorfice, iar n partea superioar\ de roci epimetamorfice de tipul [isturilor sercito-cloritoase, roci carbonatice, roci porfirogene. Stiva de sedimente dispuse peste fundamentul cristalin apar]in paleozoicului, mezozoicului [i neozoicului. Datorit\ capilarit\]ii ridicate a plantelor ce alc\tuiesc stratul turbifer, apa [i g\se[te un bun loca[ de acumulare n aceste z\c\minte (apa de z\c\mnt). Apele au un aspect de mla[tin\ datorit\ dispunerii z\c\mintelor pe un pat argilos impermeabil, turb\ria de la Dersca fiind o mla[tin\ eutrof\. ~n sit s-a identificat [i specia floristic\ de interes comunitar Angelica palustris. Este habitat rar n Romnia prin grosimea stratului de turb\ eutrof\ pn\ la neutr\ (1,5-6 m grosime). 3 Aici vegeteaz\ specii de plante rare din flora vascular\ a Romniei. Stratul de turb\ este format n special din briofite, printre care dominante sunt specia Drepanocladus aduncus [i specii ca Chrysohypnum sommerfeltii, C.chrysophyllum, Callergon giganteum [i Marchanthia polymorfa. Turb\ria se poate reface natural, `n mai pu]in de 30 de ani.

prezint\ un interes [tiin]ific deosebit, cu o expresivitate remarcabil\ pentru aceast\ Vorona Forest zon\ colinar\. P\durea este proprietate privat\ a M\n\stirii Vorona [i fond forestier The identified type of habitat is ''Dacian forest of oak and hornbeam''. The geological sub-layer of the site of sarmatian age is represented by proprietate public\ a statului. rocks (conglomerates), alternating with sandstone, sand and purple clay. The dominating soil is forest brown, intersperse with podsol. The Foto: BOARDMEDIA - P\durea Vorona flora of Vorona Reservation is very interesting as regards the phytogeographical aspects. The dominating flower elements are the Eurasian, European and circumpolar elements, but the AlpineCarpathian, Alpine-Boreal and Atlantic elements can also be encountered, as well as a series of Dacian and Balkan species. The species of continental and southern origin are very important as well. The researches performed on the flora and vegetation reveal the wealth of the existing genetic content and the phytogeographical significance of the vegetal layer. The latter is varied and presents an increased scientific interest, with a remarkable expressiveness for this hill area. The forest is the private property of Vorona Monastery and the forest content is in the property of the state.

Rezervaia floristic Stnca-tefneti

ceast\ rezerva]ie apar]ine tipului de habitat comunitar ''Comunit\]i rupicole calcifile sau paji[ti bazifile din Alysso-sedion albi''. Este singura loca]ie din ]ar\ unde vegeteaz\ planta Schivereckia podolica, specie cu o ecologie interesant\, legat\ de substratul calcaros constituit din calcare recifale de vrst\ buglovian\, numite Toltry. Cercet\rile efectuate de D. Mititelu [i colaboratorii asupra florei rezerva]iei Stnca{tef\ne[ti men]ioneaz\ 416 specii cormofite [i 17 specii briofite, subliniind nuan]a ponto-sarmatic\ a florei din aceast\ zon\. Referindu-se la vegeta]ie, D. Mititelu [i colab. eviden]iaz\ c\ specia s-a men]inut `ntr-o ambian]\ cenotic\ tipic\ stnc\riilor calcaroase, cu predominarea speciilor xerofile. Pe baza acestor criterii, si au descris Asplenio-Schivereckietum ca nou\ pentru [tiin]\. Existen]a ini]ial\ `n Romnia numai `ntr-o singur\ sta]iune (Rezerva]ia Stnca-{tef\ne[ti) a speciei Schivereckia podolica, la limita vestic\ a arealului, al\turi de o flor\ bogat\ [i variat\, precum [i valoarea geologic\ a zonei au constituit criteriile declar\rii acestei loca]ii ca rezerva]ie [tiin]ific\. Se constat\ c\ raritatea floristic\ este `nso]it\ de unele endemisme ca: urechelni]a, cosaciul, [oprli]a, trnjoaica [i de unele specii de briofite saxicole.

The flower reservation Stanca-Stefanesti S The identified type of community habitat is called ''Rupicole communities with plants that grow on calcareous soils or grasslands with plants that prefer alkaline soils from the Alysso-sedion albi habitat''. This is the only location in the country where we can find the plant Schivereckia podolica, a species with an interesting ecology, connected to the limestone sub-layer consisting of reef limestone of Buglovian age, called Toltry. The investigations performed by D. Mititelu and his collaborators on the flora of Stanca-Stefanesti reservation mention 416 cormophyte species and 17 bryophyte species, underlining the Pontic-Sarmatian character of the flora in this area. Referring to the vegetation, D. Mititelu and his collaborators show that the species was preserved in a cenotic ambiance typical of the calcareous rocks, dominated by xerophile species. On the basis of these criteria, they describe the species Asplenio-Schivereckietum as new to science. The existence of the species Schivereckia podolica in Romania initially in one place (Stanca-Stefanesti Reservation), at the western limit of the area, alongside a rich and varied flora, as well as the geological value of the area represented the criteria for the declaring of the location as scientific reservation. It was noticed that the rare flowers are accompanied by species that only grow here such as: the houseleek, the bream, the germander speedwell, the illyric cowfoot and some species of bryophytes that grow among rocks.

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

>> 77

Alte rezervaii
Arini[ul de la Horl\ceni F\getul secular Stuhoasa
Este o rezerva]ie forestier\ cu suprafa]\ de 60,5 ha, `n care specia Fagus sylvatica se g\se[te la limita estic\ a arealului na]ional, motivul care a stat la baza declar\rii ariei naturale protejate.
Other Reservations The alder forest from Horlaceni Aceast\ rezerva]ie are suprafa]a de 5 ha [i conserv\ specia de arboret Alnus glutinosa This reservation has a surface of 5 hectares and preserves the species of mast Alnus glutinosa (the black alder tree). (arinul negru). The ancient beech forest Stuhoasa It is a forest with a surface of 60.5 hectares, where the species Fagus sylvatica is encountered at the eastern limit of the national area, being the reason why the forest was declared natural protected area. Bucecea Baltile Siretului It is a complex flower reservation, with a surface of 2 hectares, which shelters species of flora that live in moist areas.

Bucecea - B\l]ile Siretului

Este o rezerva]ie floristic\ complex\, cu suprafa]a de 2 ha, `n care sunt protejate specii de flor\ specifice zonelor umede.
Foto: Arhiva Agen]iei pentru Protec]ia Mediului Boto[ani - Rezerva]ia natural\ Bucecea - B\l]ile Siretului

Lucr\rile de amenajare a rului Prut, prin construc]ia barajului [i a lacului de acumulare Stnca-Coste[ti, au afectat integritatea acestei rezerva]ii, efectivele plantei fiind `n continuu declin. ~nc\ din faza de `nceput a lucr\rilor s-a pus problema salv\rii speciei Schivereckia podolica. Din anul 1971, Subcomisia Monumentelor Naturii Ia[i a `nceput cercetarea condi]iilor ecologice `n care planta cohabit\ [i a `ncercat g\sirea unei sta]iuni similare. ~n urma cercet\rilor efectuate s-a ales pentru transplantare o zon\ la cca 25 km nord de Stnca, [i anume la Ripiceni (actualmente comuna Manoleasa, `n urma solu]ion\rii unui litigiu privind limita dintre cele dou\ comune). Aici apari]ia la zi a calcarelor recifale are loc `n cteva puncte. O parte din aceste iviri au fost exploatate, men]inndu-se cteva stnc\rii pe malul rului Prut, cu o orientare NE. Dup\ `ncerc\ri `n ani succesivi, s-a recurs la transplantarea numai a plantelor aflate pe grohoti[, deoarece tehnica desprinderii blocurilor de stnc\ cu plante nu a dat rezultate (roca era foarte friabil\ [i alterat\ `n profunzime pn\ la peste 100 de cm). Astfel s-a constituit [i declarat legal a doua rezerva]ie floristic\ localizat\ pe malul Prutului, `n com. Ripiceni. Din anul 1971 supravie]uiesc cca 50 de exemplare. Acela[i procedeu s-a utilizat cu rezultate bune [i `n Gr\dina Botanic\ Ia[i. Urm\rinduse evolu]ia an de an, s-a constatat c\ plantele au `nflorit, fructificat, formnd l\stari vegetativi [i rozete puternice.

The works on Prut River (the construction of the dam and of StancaCostesti lake), have affected the integrity of this reservation, reducing the number of plants. Since the start of the works, the main issue has been the salvation of the species Schivereckia podolica. Since 1971, the Sub-commission of the Natural Monuments in Iasi has begun to investigate the ecologic conditions where the plants live, in order to find a similar location. After the investigations, an area was chosen at approximately 25 km north of Stanca - Ripiceni (today Manoleasa Commune, after the settlement of a lawsuit regarding the limit between the two communes). Here, the reef limestone appears to the surface in some parts. Some of these points are exploited, a few rocky regions existing on the bank of Prut River, oriented towards north-east. After several attempts, only the plants that grow on the debris were transferred to another location, as the technique of detaching the blocks of rocks together with the plants was not efficient (the rock was very brittle and deeply altered - over 100 cm). Thus, the second flower reservation was established and legally declared, located on the bank of Prut River, in Ripiceni Commune. Since 1971, around 50 exemplars have been growing in this area. The same procedure was used with good results also in the Botanical Garden in Iasi. Observing their evolution from year to year, the specialists discovered that the plants blossomed and produced fruit, forming vegetative sprouts and strong rosettes.

Aria de Protecie Special Avifaunistic "Lac Stnca-Costeti"

n lunca Prutului se deosebesc urm\toarele tipuri de habitate: z\voi natural, unde domin\ vegeta]ia natural\ autohton\, cu arbori seculari [i unde influen]a omului este aproape minim\; por]iuni destul de nsemnate acoperite cu tuf\ri[uri provenite din z\voaiele originale defri[ate sau tuf\ri[uri formate din specii autohtone, prin invadarea prundi[urilor; paji[ti hidrofile care periodic sunt acoperite de ap\; aceste terenuri sunt folosite `n parte ca fne]e [i p\[uni, suprafe]e `nsemnate sunt transformate `n terenuri agricole folosite pentru cultura porumbului, ov\zului, cartofului, legumelor [i plantelor ale c\ror produse se folosesc `n gospod\riile proprii sau ajung `n pie]ele agroalimentare Aceste terenuri agricole din lunca Prutului se extind `n defavoarea celorlalte zone naturale. ~n zona de lunc\, vechile p\duri naturale au fost alc\tuite majoritar din z\voaie de plop alb [i negru [i z\voaie de salcie, iar n partea mai nalt\ a luncii din plcuri de lunc\ cu stejar peduncular. Dup\ anul 1950, s-au introdus pe scar\ larg\ plopii euroamericani, nlocuind de regul\ z\voaiele naturale [i p\durile de lunc\ cu stejar, acestea avnd o redus\ stabilitate [i func]ionalitate.
Foto: Arhiva Agen]iei pentru Protec]ia Mediului Boto[ani - Lac Stnca-Coste[ti

The bird-fauna with special protection''Stanca-Costesti Lake'' f C The following habitats can be distinguished in the meadow of Prut River: a natural riverside coppice, dominated by the native natural vegetation, with ancient trees, where the human influence is minimum; significant areas covered by shrubberies from the original cleared riverside coppices or shrubberies consisting of native species, through the invasion of gravel; hydrophilic grasslands which are periodically covered with water; these lands are used partly as hayfields and pastures and significant surfaces are transformed into agricultural lands used for growing corn, oat, potatoes, vegetables and plants, which are consumed in the private households or sold in the markets. These lands from the meadow of Prut River extend in the detriment of the other natural areas. The old natural forests from the area consisted mainly of riverside coppices with white and black poplars, riverside coppices with willows and also clumps of pedunculate oaks in the higher parts. After 1950, the Euro-American poplars were widely introduced, replacing the natural riverside coppices and the meadow forests with oaks, the latter having low stability and functionality.

Obiective protejate n zona ecologic

riile naturale protejate r\spndite insular `n cadrul Luncii Prutului au ca scop protejarea [i conservarea speciilor valoroase de flor\ [i faun\, reprezentnd e[antioane de peisaj deosebit. Dintre acestea, doar dou\ rezerva]ii naturale sunt nominalizate `n Legea nr. 5/2000, fiind incluse `n Re]eaua Na]ional\ de Arii Protejate: Rezerva]ia floristic\ de la Stnca-{tef\ne[ti [i Rezerva]ia floristic\ de la Ripiceni, ambele cu { suprafa]a de 1 ha. Aceste arii protejate reprezint\ singurele loca]ii din ]ar\ unde vegeteaz\ planta Schivereckia podolica, specie cu o ecologie interesant\, legat\ de substratul calcaros constituit din calcare recifale de vrst\ buglovian\, numite Toltry. Cercet\rile efectuate de D. Mititelu [i colab. asupra florei rezerva]iei Stnca{tef\ne[ti men]ioneaz\ 416 specii cormofite [i 17 specii briofite, subliniind nuan]a ponto-sarmatic\ a florei din aceast\ zon\. Lucr\rile de amenajare a rului Prut, prin construc]ia barajului [i a lacului de acumulare Stnca-Coste[ti, au afectat integritatea acestei rezerva]ii, efectivele plantei fiind `n continuu declin. Un alt obiectiv de interes conservativ situat `n zona ecologic\ studiat\ este P\durea Z\voi Prut, perimetru forestier pentru protec]ia solului [i consolid\ri versan]i. n zona de interes s-au identificat arborete cu caracter natural, precum [i arborete cu caracter artificial, provenite n special din planta]iile executate dup\ anul 1950. Arboretele de provenien]\ natural\ ocup\ o suprafa]\ de 83,5 ha, avnd vrste de 10-30 ani, fiind amplasate n imediata vecin\tate a cursului de ap\, la altitudini de 50-150 m.

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

Protected sights in the ecologic area The protected natural areas scattered like islands in the meadow of Prut River have the purpose of protecting and preserving the valuable species of flora and fauna, representing wonderful landscape elements. From among them, only two natural reservations are mentioned by name in Law no. 5/2000, being included in the National Network of Protected S Areas: the flora reservation from Stanca-Stefanesti and the flora reservation from Ripiceni, both with a surface of 1 hectare. These protected areas are the only locations in the country where we find the plant Schivereckia podolica, a species with an interesting ecology, connected to the calcareous sub-layer consisting of reef limestone of Buglovian age, called Toltry. The investigations performed by D. Mititelu and his collaborators on the flora of the reservation from StancaStefanesti mention 416 cormophyte species and 17 bryophyte species, underlining the Pontic-Sarmatian character of the flora in this area. The works on Prut River (the construction of the dam and of Stanca-Costesti lake), have affected the integrity of this reservation, reducing the number of plants. Another sight located in the studied ecologic area is Prut Forest, a perimeter for the protection of the soil and consolidation of the slopes. Natural masts were identified in the area, as well as artificial mast, resulted mostly from the plantations cultivated after 1950. The natural mast occupies a surface of 83.5 hectares, with ages of 10-30 years, being placed in the proximity of the water stream, at altitudes of 50-150 m.

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

>> 79

Foto: BOARDMEDIA - Lac Ib\neasa

Lacul codrilor albastru

Lacul lui Mihai Eminescu



e]eaua hidrografic\ a jude]ului Boto[ani este format\ `n principal de bazinul rului Prut [i afluen]iii acestuia [i `ntr-o mic\ m\sur\ de bazinul rului Siret, `n nord-vestul jude]ului. Bazinul rului Prut ocup\ 88% din suprafa]a jude]ului, iar 12% este ocupat de bazinul rului Siret, situat `n partea vestic\ a jude]ului. Pe teritoriul jude]ului Boto[ani exist\ un num\r de 156 lacuri de acumulare, iazuri, pepiniere piscicole [i hele[teie, din care 152 apar]in bazinului hidrografic Prut, iar 4 - bazinului hidrografic Siret. ~n ceea ce prive[te ora[ul Boto[ani, acesta este `ncadrat de dou\ ruri principale: Sitna (principalul afluent al Jijiei - 65 km) [i Dresleuca, un afluent al Sitnei. Din cauza acumul\rii de la C\t\m\re[ti, rul Sitna are un debit mic `n dreptul ora[ului Boto[ani. ~n apropierea ora[ului mai sunt cteva acumul\ri mai mari de ap\ (sub form\ de lacuri) [i mai multe acumul\ri mici (gen iazuri). Printre cele mai reprezentative men]ion\m urm\toarele lacuri naturale: Lacul Ib\neasa (loc de pelerinaj pentru turi[ti), Lacul m\n\stirii Vorona [i Lacul lui Mihai Eminescu (mult invocat `n poezia sa). Ca lacuri de acumulare men]ion\m: Lacul C\t\m\r\[ti (pe rul Sitna, `n suprafa]\ de 164 ha, folosit att pentru iriga]ii, ct si pentru pescuit) [i B Lacul Stnca-Coste[ti-Bucecea. ~n zona localit\]ii Stnca-Coste[ti a fost construit un C important nod hidrotehnic, realizndu-se una din cele mai mari acumul\ri din ]ar\, cu un volum de 1,5 miliarde mc ap\, cu o suprafa]\ de 1600 ha [i o lungime de 70 km. Alte lacuri mai sunt: Lacul Curte[ti (pe rul Dresleuca, `n suprafa]\ de 39 ha, avnd aceea[i `ntrebuin]are); Lacul Drac[ani (pe rul Sitna, `n suprafa]\ de 574 ha, ideal pentru pescuit); Lacul St\uceni; Lacul Negreni; Lacul Cal Alb; Lacul H\ne[ti; Lacul Mileanca; Lacul Havrna; Lacul St\uceni.

The hydrographical network of Botosani County is represented by Prut River Basin and its tributaries and to a smaller extent by Siret River Basin, in the north-west of the county. Prut River Basin covers 88% of the county's surface and the rest of 12% is covered by Siret River Basin, situated in the western part of the county. On the territory of Botosani County there are 156 water storage basins, pools, fish farms and ponds, out of which 152 belong to Prut Basin and 4 to Siret Basin. Regarding the City of Botosani, it is framed by two main rivers: Sitna (the main tributary of Jijia River - 65 km) and Dresleuca, a tributary of Sitna River. Because of the water storage basin from Catamaresti, Sitna River has a reduced flow when it reaches the City of Botosani. Close to the town there are also a few large water storage basins and several small water storage basins (ponds). We can mention some of the most representative natural lakes: Ibaneasa Lake (a pilgrimage place for tourists), the lake of Vorona Monastery and Mihai Eminescu's Lake (evoked on many occasions in his creation). As water storage basins we can mention: Catamarasti Lake (on Sitna River, with a surface of 164 C hectares, used for both irrigations and for fishing) and Stanca-CostestiBucecea Lake. An important hydrographical hub was built in the area of Stanca-Costesti locality, resulting one of the largest water storage basins in the country, with a volume of 1.5 billion m3 of water, a surface of 1,600 hectares and a length of 70 km. Other lakes are: Curtesti Lake (on Dresleuca River, with a surface of 39 hectares, having the same use); Dracsani Lake (on Sitna River, with a surface of 574 hectares, ideal for fishing); Stauceni Lake; Negreni Lake; Cal Alb Lake; Hanesti Lake; Mileanca Lake; Havarna Lake; Stauceni Lake.

mplasat `ntr-un peisaj mirific care invit\ la visare [i ofer\ turistului sensibil clipe de neuitat, de lini[te [i reverie, lacul lui Mihai Eminescu este situat `ntr-un lumini[ al p\durii, aducnd aminte de clipele copil\riei poetului Mihai Eminescu. Lacul este `nc\rcat cu nuferi galbeni, socoti]i de indieni ca cele mai des\vr[ite dintre flori. Aceast\ floare ginga[\ are un miros exotic, tulbur\tor [i poate fi admirat\ `n lunile iunie-iulie ale anului.

The blue lake in the forest Mihai Eminescu's Lake Located in a mirific landscape which invites to reverie and offers unforgettable moments of quietness to the sensitive tourists, Mihai Eminescu's lake can be found in a forest glade, reminding us of the poet's childhood. The lake is covered with yellow water lilies, considered the most beautiful flowers by the Indians. This delicate flower has an exotic, thrilling scent and it can be admired in June-July.

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Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

Advertorial Consiliul Jude]ean Boto[ani

>> 81

O companie n plin\ ascensiune:

A company in full rise: ELSACO

re[terea f\r\ precedent a cererii pentru energie, cre[terea accelerat\ a cercet\rilor referitoare la efectele produc]iei [i consumului de energie asupra mediului `nconjur\tor, investi]iile mari de capital necesare `n industrie, orientarea c\tre noi surse de energie alternativ\, costurile [i pre]urile care nu mai sunt de mult o certitudine sunt doar cteva din tendin]ele macroeconomice care redefinesc n acest moment industria de utilit\]i la nivel mondial. ~n]elegnd natura acestor for]e, compania ELSACO a avut de f\cut de-a lungul anilor alegeri dificile `n ceea ce prive[te strategia, opera]iunile [i tehnologia pe care o folose[te n acest moment, ajungnd dup\ mai bine de un deceniu de activitate s\ fie una din cele mai serioase firme din domeniile sale de activitate, oferind siguran]a unui partener competent. ELSACO ofer\ servicii complete care satisfac nevoile pie]ei, executnd lucr\ri [i asigurnd exploatarea instala]iilor cu scopul de a eficientiza consumurile energetice [i de a cre[te gradul de confort prin dezvoltarea serviciilor [i solu]iilor dedicate `n domenii conexe: lucr\ri de reabilitare [i modernizare a instala]iilor termoenergetice; gestiunea consumurilor energetice [i service-ul echipamentelor de m\sur\; furnizarea de echipamente [i servicii de contorizare pentru regiile de ap\ [i canalizare; furnizarea de echipamente [i servicii pentru exploatarea surselor de energie neconventional\; lucr\ri de reabilitare energetic\ a cl\dirilor: audituri [i bilan]uri energetice, lucr\ri de construc]ii; furnizarea de echipamente de calcul [i servicii asociate; proiectarea [i producerea de calculatoare [i notebook-uri; producerea de echipamente electronice specializate. Unul din scopurile principale ale companiei este de a oferi servicii complete de contorizare, incluznd [i solu]ii software dedicate pentru ap\ [i nc\lzire. Cunoscnd necesit\]ile companiilor de utilit\]i, Elsaco a dezvoltat `n timp solu]ii dedicate pentru citirea contoarelor [i facturarea consumurilor, bazate pe produse ale companiei franceze ITRON, lider `n solu]ii software pentru ap\, energie termic\, gaz, electricitate [i produse proprii. Ca urmare a unui efort de echip\ considerabil, speciali[tii ELSACO au dezvoltat o solu]ie integrat\ de contorizare adresat\ companiilor de utilit\]i nsemnnd: m\surarea consumurilor; stocarea datelor citite [i analiza acestora; management; facturare. Succesul companiei pe pia]a interna]ional\ a fost posibil datorit\ unor contracte cu importante companii romne[ti care au dus la implementarea unor solu]ii de contorizare marca ELSACO: RADET Bucure[ti, RAJAC Ia[i, COLTERM Timi[oara, RAM Buz\u, APA NOVA Bucure[ti etc. Drumul nu a fost u[or, ELSACO investind progresiv `n capacit\]ile sale tehnice [i organizatorice, ajungnd ast\zi s\ implementeze proiecte software `n ]\ri din Europa [i Asia precum: DAR AL RABIEH Medina - Arabia Saudit\, Fela Elve]ia, Ecoinvest Bosnia, Feneks Serbia, Manas Turcia, Kinetic, QIT Qatar, IBL Mauritius, Power Flow Engineering Dubai EAU, V&V Int'l Serbia. Speciali[tii ELSACO implementeaz\ cu succes un sistem software de citire a contoarelor de ap\ [i climatizare `n cadrul proiectului ''The Pearl Qatar'', unde achizitorul este Qatar International Trade, cu termen de finalizare anul 2011. Produsele livrate pentru acest proiect, [i anume echipamentele pentru conectarea `n re]ea a 30.000 de contoare, softul [i echipamentele de citire a contoarelor, sunt produse de ELSACO. Astfel, ELSACO `[i face intrarea pe o pia]\ concuren]ial\ puternic\, cea a exportului de software, demonstrnd c\ poate derula cu profesionalism proiecte de mare calibru [i `n afara grani]elor ]\rii.

The unprecedented growth of the energy demand, the accelerated growth of research regarding the effects of energy production and consumption on the environment, the large capital investments necessary in the industrial sector, the orientation towards new sources of alternative energy, the costs and prices which have been uncertain for a long time are just a few of the macro-economic trends that redefine today the worldwide utility industry. Understanding the nature of these forces, ELSACO has had difficult choices to make in the course of time regarding the strategy, operations and technology it uses today, becoming (after over a decade of activity) one of the most upstanding companies in its field, providing the security of a competent partner. ELSACO provides complete services which satisfy the demands of the market, performing works and ensuring the exploitation of the facilties in order to reduce the energy consumption and increase the level of comfort through the development of dedicated services and solutions in connected fields: works for the rehabilitation and modernization of the thermal-energy facilities; the management of energy consumption and the service of measure equipment; the supply of metering equipment and services to the water companies; the supply of equipment and services for the exploitation of unconventional energy sources; works for the rehabilitation of buildings: audits and energy reports, construction works; the supply of calculation equipment and associated services; the design and production of computers and notebooks; the production of specialized electronic equipment. One of the main purposes of the company is to provide complete metering services, including also dedicated software solutions for water and heating. Knowing the necessities of the utilities companies, Elsaco has developed dedicated solutions for meter reading and consumption billing, based on the products of the French company ITRON, a leader in software solutions for water, thermal energy, gas, electricity etc. Following a significant team effort, the ELSACO experts have developed an integrated solution for metering, dedicated to the utilities companies: the measuring of consumption; the saving of the readings and their analysis; management; billing. The success of the company on the international market was possible due to contracts with important Romanian companies that have led to the implementation of metering solutions from ELSACO: RADET Bucharest, RAJAC Iasi, COLTERM Timisoara, RAM Buzau, APA NOVA Bucharest etc. The journey has not been easy, ELSACO investing progressively in its technical and organizational capacities, at present implementing software projects in European and Asian countries, such as: DAR AL RABIEH Medina - Saudi Arabia, Fela - Switzerland, Ecoinvest - Bosnia, Feneks - Serbia, Manas Turkey, Kinetic - QIT Qatar, IBL - Mauritius, Power Flow Engineering Dubai UAE, V&V Int'l - Serbia. The ELSACO experts are successfully implementing a software system for meter reading in the water and heating field, as part of the project ''The Pearl Qatar'' (completion 2011) the buyer being Qatar International Trade. The products delivered for this project, namely 30,000 meters, the software and reading equipment, are produced by ELSACO. Thus, ELSACO enters on a strong market dominated by competition - the software export market - proving that it can handle with great professionalism large projects across the border.

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