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Generation of continuous time sinusoidal signal

Source Codes: t=-pi:0.01:pi x=sin(t) plot(t,x,'k') grid on title('sinusoidal signal') xlabel('time') ylabel('x(t)=sin(t)')

Generation of Discrete time sinusoidal signal

Source Codes: t=-pi:1:pi x=cos(t) stem(t,x,'k') grid on title('Discrete Time sinusoidal signal') xlabel('n') ylabel('x[n]=cos(t)')

Generation of continuous time unit step signal

Source Codes: hold on for(t=-10:0.01:10) if(t<0) plot(t,0,'k') else plot(t,1,'k') end end title('Unit Step') xlabel('t') ylabel('u(t)') grid on; hold off;

Generation of Discrete time unit step signal

Source Codes: hold on for(n=-10:1:10) if(n<0) stem(n,0,'k') else stem(n,1,'k') end end title('Unit Step') xlabel('n') ylabel('u[n]') grid on; hold off;

Generation of continuous ramp signal

Source Codes: hold on for(t=-10:0.01:10) if(t<0) plot(t,0,'k') else plot(t,t,'k') end end title('Ramp Signal') xlabel('t') ylabel('r(t)') grid on; hold off;

Generation of Discrete time unit impulse signal

Source Codes: hold on for(n=-10:1:10) if(n==0) stem(n,1,'k') else stem(n,0,'k') end end title('Unit Inpulse Signal') xlabel('n') ylabel('delta[n]') grid on; hold off;

Generation of continuous complex exponential signal

Source Codes: t=-10:0.01:10 c=2 w=4 r1=0.1 y=c*exp(r1*t).*(cos(w*t)+j*sin(w*t)) subplot(321) plot(t,real(y)) xlabel('t') ylabel('y(t)') title('Real part of complex exponential for r>0') subplot(322) plot(t,imag(y)) xlabel('t') ylabel('y(t)') title('Imag. part of complex exponential for r>0') r2=-0.1 y=c*exp(r2*t).*(cos(w*t)+j*sin(w*t)) subplot(323) plot(t,real(y)) xlabel('t') ylabel('y(t)') title('Real part of complex exponential for r<0') subplot(324) plot(t,imag(y)) xlabel('t') ylabel('y(t)') title('Imag. part of complex exponential for r<0') r3=0 y=c*exp(r3*t).*(cos(w*t)+j*sin(w*t)) subplot(325) plot(t,real(y)) xlabel('t') ylabel('y(t)') title('Real part of complex exponential for r=0') subplot(326) plot(t,imag(y)) xlabel('t') ylabel('y(t)') title('Imag. part of complex exponential for r=0')


Convolution of x[n]={1,2,3} and h[n]={3,4,5}

Source Codes: x=[1,2,3]; h=[3,4,5]; y=conv(x,h); subplot(311) stem(x,'k') title('x[n]') grid on subplot(312) stem(h,'k') title('h[n]') grid on subplot(313) stem(y,'k') title('y[n][convoluted output]') grid on


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