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Biogeochemical cycles.

Perla Patricia Ontiveros Moreno. Jorge Emmanuel Herrera Muoz

Biogeochemical cycles.
Biogeochemical cycle is called the movement of massive amounts of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, calcium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus and other elements between the living and nonliving components of the environment through a series of production processes and decomposition of the Sun. The term is derived biogeochemical cycle of the cyclic movement of the elements that make biological organisms (bio) and the geological environment (geo) and are involved in a chemical change.

Sedimentary nutrient cycles.

The nutrients circulate mainly in the crust the hydrosphere and living organisms. The elements in these cycles are generally recycled much more slowly than in the gas cycle, plus the element becomes so with chemical and biological contribution in the same place. The elements are retained in sedimentary rocks over a long period of time with frequencies of thousands to millions of years. Examples of such cycles are phosphorus and sulfur.

Carbon cycle.

Nitrogen Cycle.


Atmospheric: by the influence of lightning or electrical shock that convert atmospheric nitrogen inert forms of the type of nitrite and nitrate. Industrial: and that through the HaberBosch process N from the atmosphere can be transformed into ammonia. Biological: As this stage, the agencies involved are only the kingdom Monera, bacteria and actinomycetes. Among the bacteria may exist in nature symbiotic or free-living, aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. For aerobic symbiotic we have the case of the genus Rhizobium, which are usually associated with many types of legumes.

Phosphorus cycle.
Phosphate mining Fertilizer Phosphate rocks.

Animals Plants

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