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‫قس م تك نول وجي ا ا لتع ليم‬

‫تحت إشراف‪-:‬‬
‫أ‪ /‬عمرو محمد محمد‬

‫مقدم الى ‪-:‬‬


‫محمد أحمد محمود‬
‫الدليل الببليوجرافى لنظمة إدارة المقررات التعليمية عبر‬
‫الشبكات‪ /‬محمد أحمد محمود‪ ،‬وأخ‪ – . ...‬ط ‪ - . 1‬القاهرة‪ :‬كلية‬
‫التربية بجامعة حلوان‪ 136 ،2008 ،‬صـ ‪.‬‬

‫‪ .١‬رأس الموضوع‪.‬‬
‫‪.2‬عمر عصام عمر‪.‬‬
‫‪.5‬محمد رأفت فتحى‪.‬‬
‫‪.8‬محمد أشرف عبد الرحمن‪.‬‬

‫رقم الصفحة‬ ‫العناوين‬
‫‪5‬‬ ‫مرحلة البحث والنظرية‬
‫‪9‬‬ ‫مرحلة البناء والتكوين‬
‫‪15‬‬ ‫مقدمة المستخدم‬
‫‪22‬‬ ‫قائمة رؤوس الموضوعات‬
‫‪28‬‬ ‫قائمة المختصرات‬
‫‪30‬‬ ‫جسم الببليوجرافيا‬
‫‪107‬‬ ‫كشاف المؤلفين‬
‫‪116‬‬ ‫كشاف العناوين‬
‫‪133‬‬ ‫كشاف الموضوعات‬
‫‪135‬‬ ‫معايير تقييم المشروع‬

‫‪-:‬‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫‪-‬ان تقديم المقررات عبر الشبكات وعملية ادارتها ليقتصر على تحويل النصوص الى صفحات‬
‫على الشبكة بل يجب ان يقدم من خلل بيئة تفاعلية متكاملة على الخط المباشر ولما كانت‬
‫جهود استخدام النترنت فى التعليم تتطلب رؤية واضحة حول التعلم من خلل النترنت وكيفية‬
‫توظيفه فى العملية التعليمية بشكل عام (‪.)1‬‬

‫‪-‬نتيجة لذلك ظهرت نظم ادارة وتقديم المقررات التعليمية عبر الخط المباشر حيث يقوم نظام‬
‫ادارة المحتويات بعدة مهام منها تمكين التعديل والضافة على المحتوى بسهوله وأضفاء شكل‬
‫عام على الموقع من خلل استخدام القوالب ويمكن كذلك من متابعة التغيرات الواقعة على كم‬
‫معين من المحتوى عبر الزمن خلل دورات التحرير المتعاقبة عن طريق تسجيل التغيرات ما‬
‫بين الصدارات المتعاقبة وكذلك ينظم صلحيات المستخدمين المختلفين فى استخدام امكاناته‬
‫المختلفة وهو فى هذا يحجب عن المستخدمين التعقيدات الداخلية المتعلقة بعملية حفظ البيانات‬
‫سواء النصوص او الصور او الوسائط الخرى ويسهل على غير المتخصصين فى تقنيات‬
‫النترنت وادارة المواقع(‪.)2‬‬

‫‪-:‬‬ ‫‪.2‬‬

‫نظم تقديم وادارة المقررات عبر الشبكات‪-:‬‬

‫‪-‬هى مجموعة من النظم التى تعمل على الستفادة من امكانيات شبكة النترنت فى تقديم وادارة‬
‫المقررات التعليمية حيث تعمل على توفير عدد من ادوات النترنت للستفادة منها فى اداء‬
‫الطالب للنشطة التعليمية المختلفة بالشكل الذى يناظر النشطة التعليمية التى يمارسها من‬
‫خلل التعلم التقليدى(‪.)3‬‬

‫‪-‬نظام ادارة المحتوى هو برنامج متخصص يعمل على الويب يستخدم لتطوير ونشر وادارة‬
‫المحتوى اللكترونى على مواقع الويب وخلفة ويمكن المستخدمين ذوى الخبره البسيطة بلغات‬
‫البرمجة الخاصة بالويب او حتى الذين ل يمتلكون معرفة بها من انشاء وتطوير عدد كبير من‬
‫الصفحات والتطبيقات اللكترونية التفاعلية عبر لوحة تحكم بسيطة ودون ان يتدخل المستخدم‬
‫ببرمجة النظام ‪ .‬يستخدم النظام قواعد بيانات لتخزين المحتوى مبرمجة لظهار وعرض‬
‫المحتوى على الويب بطريقة نظامية متخصصة ويدعم النظام استخدام مجموعة من التطبيقات‬
‫الخارجية المتطورة‪.‬‬

‫‪-:‬‬ ‫‪.3‬‬

‫•تقديم منهج اجرائى لتطوير نظم التعلم عبر الشبكات ‪.‬‬
‫•يسـاعد على توظيـف النترنـت فـى ادارة المقررات التعليميـة فـى الجامعات بشكـل‬
‫•تســـهيل مهمـــة عضـــو هيئة التدريـــس عنـــد طرح مقرره على الخـــط المباشـــر‬
‫"النترنت" ‪.‬‬
‫•تقديـم نماذج التدريـس عـبرالشبكات لتحديـد كـل مـن دور المعلم والمتعلم واسـاليب‬
‫( ‪)4‬‬
‫التفاعل والتدريس عبر الشبكات‪.‬‬

‫‪-:‬‬ ‫‪.4‬‬

‫تعددت انظمة تقديم وادارة المقررات التعليمية عبر الشبكات ونذكر منها‪-:‬‬
‫‪-‬نظام ‪.Content Management System‬‬
‫‪-‬نظام ‪.Blackboard‬‬
‫‪-‬نظام ‪.Dokeos‬‬
‫‪-‬نظام ‪.Moodle‬‬
‫‪-‬نظام ‪.WebCT‬‬
‫‪-‬نظام ‪.learning space‬‬
‫‪-‬نظام ‪.Joomla‬‬
‫‪-‬نظام ‪.Desir2learn‬‬

‫‪-:‬‬ ‫‪.5‬‬

‫طلب الجامعات والدراسات العليا واعضاء هيئة التدريس فى التخصصات المرتبطة بتكنولوجيا التعليم‪.‬‬

‫‪-:‬‬ ‫‪.6‬‬

‫لم يتم العثور على اعمال سابقة‪.‬‬

‫‪-:‬‬ ‫‪.7‬‬

‫مكتبة كلية التربيه بجامعة حلوان‪.‬‬

‫مصطفى جودت صالح‪ :‬بناء نظام لتقديم المقررات التعليمية عبر شبكة النترنت واثره على اتجاهات الطلب نحو التعلم (‪)1(&)3(&)4‬‬
‫المبنى على الشبكات‪ ،‬دكتوراه‪ ،‬كلية التربية‪ ،‬جامعة حلوان‪2003 ،‬‬


‫‪-:‬‬ ‫‪.8‬‬
‫•الحدود الموضوعية‪-:‬‬
‫تتضمن المصادر التى تحتوى على انظمة ادارة المقررات التعليمية عبر الشبكات‪.‬‬

‫•الحدود المكانية‪-:‬‬
‫ل توجـد حدود مكانيـة حيـث يمكـن الوصـول الى تلك المصـادر والوعيـة عـن طريـق مواقعهـا على النترنـت‬
‫من اى جهاز متصل بالنترنت من اى موقع وفى اى وقت‪.‬‬

‫•الحدود اللغوية‪-:‬‬
‫اللغة النجليزية‪.‬‬

‫•الحدود الزمنية‪-:‬‬
‫هذا الدليل يغطى الوعية والمصادر التى تم نشرها بداية من عام ‪ 1988‬الى الوقت الحالى‪.‬‬

‫•الحدود الكمية‪-:‬‬
‫عدد الوعية ‪ 159‬وعاء‪.‬‬

‫•الحدود الشكلية‪-:‬‬
‫يحتوى هذا الدليل على الكتب والمقالت والتسجيلت الصوتية والمرئية المتاحة على شبكة النترنت‪.‬‬

‫‪-:‬‬ ‫‪-:‬‬
‫‪-‬رتبت القائمة تحت رؤوس الموضوعات المقننة ترتيبا هجائيا ‪ ,‬ويرد أسفل كل رأس موضوع‬
‫بطاقات بأوعية النتاج الفكرى الخاص بتلك الرؤوس ورتبت هذه البطاقات هجائيا بأسم‬
‫‪-‬ونظراً لحداثة مجال موضوع العمل الذى بين أيديكم فإن رؤوس الموضوعات المستخدمة فى‬
‫هذا الدليل الببليوجرافى وضعت من قبل مجموعة عمل الدليل لعدم إشتمال قائمة رؤوس‬
‫الموضوعات العربية الكبرى على الموضوع نطاق العمل ‪.‬‬

‫‪-:‬‬ ‫‪-:‬‬
‫‪-:‬‬ ‫‪.1‬‬

‫‪.1‬كشاف المؤلفين‪-:‬‬
‫هو عبارة عن كشاف مرتب بأسماء المؤلفين ترتيبا هجائيا ‪،‬وهذا الكشاف يضم أسماء المؤلفين ورقم‬
‫المسلسل للبطاقات الموجودة أسفل كل مؤلف ورقم الصفحة التى تضم أعمال هذا المؤلف‪.‬‬

‫‪81‬‬ ‫‪98‬‬ ‫‪A. Di Iorio‬‬

‫‪.2‬كشاف العنوان‪-:‬‬
‫هو عبارة عن كشاف بعناوين أوعية النتاج الفكرى مرتبة ترتيب هجائى وهذا الكشاف يضم عنوان العمل‬
‫ورقم المسلسل للبطاقات ورقم الصفحة‪.‬‬

‫رقم المسلسل للبطاقات رقم الصفحة‬ ‫العنــــــــــوان‬

‫‪A Proven 7-Step Plan to Help‬‬
‫‪Individuals and Businesses‬‬
‫‪70‬‬ ‫‪77‬‬
‫‪Generate Income through Audio‬‬
‫‪and Video Podcasting‬‬
‫رقم الصفحة‬ ‫رقم المسلسل للبطاقات‬ ‫رأس الموضوع‬
‫‪31-32‬‬ ‫‪1-5‬‬ ‫‪.LRN‬‬
‫‪.5‬كشاف الموضوع‪-:‬‬
‫هو عبارة عن كشاف مرتب برؤوس الموضوعات الخاصة بأوعية النتاج الفكرى ترتيباً هجائياً‪ ،‬ويضم‬
‫هذا الكشاف رأس الموضوع ورقم المسلسل للبطاقات الموجودة أسفل كل رأس موضوع ورقم الصفحة‬
‫التى تضم تلك الرأس‪.‬‬

‫‪:‬‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫هناك نوعين من الحالت هما‪-:‬‬
‫‪.1‬إحالة أنظر‪-:‬‬
‫وهى تستخدم للحالة من رأس موضوع غير مستخدم إلى رأس موضوع مستخدم‪ ،‬ونظراً لحداثة مجال‬
‫موضوع العمل كما ذكرنا فل يوجد استخدام لأحالة أنظر‪.‬‬

‫‪.2‬إحالة أنظر أيضاً‪-:‬‬

‫وهى تستخدم للحالة من رأس موضوع مستخدم إلى رأس موضوع أخر مستخدم أيضاً‪.‬‬

‫انظر ايضا‬
‫‪.LRN, BSCW, E3, Educator, Learning Space, Lono-Capa, Internet‬‬
‫‪Course Assistant.‬‬

‫‪-:‬‬ ‫‪.3‬‬

‫"نظم إدارة ا لمقر رات‬ ‫الصفحة عبارة عن عمود واحد يضم أوعية النتاج الفكرى فى مجال‬
‫ليمية عبر الشبكات" وأمامهم رقم المسلسل الخاص بهم ‪،‬فكل بطاقة من بطاقات أوعية‬ ‫التع‬
‫النتاج الفكرى تأخذ رقم خاص بها‪.‬‬

‫‪-:‬‬ ‫‪.4‬‬

‫تستخدم العناوين الجارية أعلى يسار الصفحة للربط بين صفحات الببليوجرافيا‪.‬‬

‫‪-:‬‬ ‫‪.5‬‬

‫يكون أسلوب الربط بين جسم القائمة والكشافات بالرقم المسلسل الذى تم تحديده لكل بطاقة‪.‬‬

‫‪-:‬‬ ‫‪.6‬‬

‫إلى ثلثة أعم دة بالنسب ة إ لى‪:‬‬ ‫الصفحة مقسمة‬

‫حيث يذكر فى العمود الول إسم المؤلف والعمود الثانى رقم‬ ‫‪-1‬‬
‫المسلسل للبطاقات والعمود الثالث رقم الصفحة‪.‬‬

‫‪53‬‬ ‫‪45‬‬ ‫‪A. K. Goldberg‬‬

‫حيث يذكر فى العمود الول العنوان والعمود الثانى رقم‬ ‫‪-2‬‬

‫المسلسل للبطاقات والعمود الثالث رقم الصفحة‪.‬‬

‫رقم المسلسل للبطاقات رقم الصفحة‬ ‫العنــــــــــوان‬

‫‪67‬‬ ‫‪72‬‬ ‫‪Advanced Web-Based Training‬‬
‫‪Strategies: Unlocking‬‬
‫‪Instructionally Sound Online‬‬
‫رقم الصفحة‬ ‫رقم المسلسل للبطاقات‬ ‫رأس الموضوع‬
‫‪33-35‬‬ ‫‪6-9‬‬ ‫‪Avilar web mentor‬‬
‫حيث يذكر فى العمود الول الموضوع والعمود الثانى رقم‬ ‫‪-3‬‬
‫المسلسل للبطاقات والعمود الثالث رقم الصفحة‪.‬‬

‫‪-:‬‬ ‫‪.7‬‬
‫تتضمـن تلك القائمـة كـل المختصـرات التـى تـم إسـتخدامها فـى بيانات الوصـف الببليوجرافـى وتلك التـى تـم‬
‫إستخدامها فى الكشافات‪.‬‬

‫‪CMS‬‬ ‫‪Content Management System‬‬

‫‪-:‬‬ ‫‪.8‬‬
‫تتضمن كل رؤوس الموضوعات التى أستخدمت فى القائمة سواء كانت هذه الرؤوس مستخدمة أو غير‬
‫مستخدمة حيث تشمل القائمة على الحالت حيث يرد أسم الموضوع المستخدم والمجرى منه إحالة أنظر‬
‫أيضا لرأس موضوع أخر مستخدم وكل منهما يرد فى ترتيبه الهجائى فى جسم القائمة ‪ ،‬ونظراً لحداثة‬
‫مجال موضوع العمل كما ذكرنا فل يوجد استخدام لأحالة أنظر‪.‬‬

‫‪-:‬‬ ‫*‬
‫انظر ايضا‬

‫‪BSCW, Dokeos, E3, Educator, Lon-Capa, Learning Space, Internet‬‬
‫‪Course Assistant.‬‬

‫‪:‬‬ ‫‪.9‬‬
‫القواعد التى تم العتماد عليها فى الوصف الببليوجرافى هى القواعد النجلو امريكية‪ ،‬وتم استخدام‬
‫المستوى الول فقط الى حقل الوصف المادى الذى نقتصر فيه على رقم الصفحات لنها المعلومات التى‬
‫تهم المستفيد وتم إضافة روابط بالمواقع الموجود بها الكتب من ضمن بيانات الوصف‪.‬‬

‫‪-:‬‬ ‫*‬
‫‪Cole, Jason: Using Moodle teaching with the popular open source course‬‬
‫‪management system, 1st Ed, USA, O'Reilly Media, 2005, 240p.‬‬

‫‪:‬‬ ‫‪.10‬‬
‫الببليوجرافيا فى شكل كتاب يسهل على المستفيد إستخدامها‪.‬‬

‫ن ظم إدارة المحت وى ‪-:‬‬
‫هي نظم معلوماتية تستخدم لتمام عملية النشر اللكتروني‪ ،‬و تسهيل إدارة دورة النشر و التحرير و‬
‫الخراج الفني‪ ،‬و ذلك سواء على الشبكات الخاصة النترانت أو على الإنترنت‪.‬‬

‫يقوم نظام إدارة المحتويات بعدة مهام منها تمكين التعديل و الضافة على المحتوى بسهولة‪ ،‬و إضفاء‬
‫شكل عام على الموقع من خلل استخدام القوالب‪ ،‬و يمكن كذلك من متابعة التغيرات الواقعة على كم معين‬
‫من المحتوى عبر الزمن خلل دورات التحرير المتعاقبة عن طريق تسجيل التغيرات ما بين الصدارات‬
‫المتعاقبة‪ ،‬و كذلك ينظم صلحيات المستخدمين المختلفين في استخدام إمكاناته المختلفة‪ .‬و هو في هذا‬
‫يحجب عن المستخدمين التعقيدات الداخلية المتعلقة بعملية حفظ البيانات‪ ،‬سواء النصوص أو الصور أو‬
‫الوسائط الخرى‪ ،‬و يسهل على غير المتخصصين في تقنيات إنترنت إدارة المواقع‪.‬‬

‫حيث أن نظام إدارة المحتوى هو برنامج متخصص يعمل على الويب يستخدم لتطوير‪ ،‬نشر‪ ،‬و إدارة‬
‫المحتوى اللكتروني على مواقع الويب و خلفه‪ .‬يمكن المستخدمين ذوى الخبرة البسيطة بلغات البرمجة‬
‫الخاصة بالويب أو حتى الذين ل يمتلكون معرفة بها من إنشاء و تطوير عدد كبير من الصفحات‬
‫والتطبيقات اللكترونية التفاعلية عبر لوحة تحكم بسيطة و دون أن يتدخل المستخدم ببرمجة النظام‪.‬‬
‫يستخدم النظام قواعد بيانات لتخزين المحتوي‪ ،‬مبرمجة لظهار وعرض المحتوي على الويب بطريقة‬
‫نظامية متخصصة‪ ،‬و يدعم النظام استخدام مجموعة من التطبيقات الخارجية المتطورة‪ .‬النظام مناسب‬
‫للمواقع الصغيرة الخاصة وكذلك للمواقع الكبيرة و المتطورة ذات الستخدام الكبير و التي تحتوي على‬
‫خدمات متعددة بالضافة للتطبيقات الخارجية‪ .‬يتميز النظام عن برمجيات بناء المواقع (‪Website‬‬
‫‪ )Builders‬مثل فرونت بيج من مايكروسوفت أو دريم ويفر من أدوبي بعدم الحاجة لخبرة أو معرفة‬
‫تقنية أو حتى تدريب لتطوير و إدارة محتوى الصفحات اللكترونية‪ .‬النظام يسهل التحكم‪ ،‬المراقبة‪،‬‬
‫التعديل‪ ،‬و التطوير على الصفحات اللكترونية‪ ،‬من قبل مستخدم أو عدة مستخدمين بصلحيات محددة‬

‫نجد ان نظ ام ادارة الم حتوى ينقسم الى جزئين هما ‪-:‬‬
‫اول‪ :‬أنظمة ادارة المقررات‪-:‬‬
‫•إن أنظمة إدارة المقررات تستخدم في التدرب اللكتروني لتوفير بيئة تدريبية متكاملة بحيث‬
‫يستطيع كل من المتدرب والمدرب استخدام هذا البرنامج من أي مكان وفي أي وقت والدخول‬
‫إلى المادة التدريبية سواء للتفاعل مع المتدربين الخرين أو لتقديم المتحانات أو للوصول‬
‫للحقائب التدريبية الخاصة بالمستخدم‪ ،‬ويمكن أن تستخدم أنظمة إدارة المقررات كوسيلة‬
‫مساعدة للتدرب في القاعة التدريبية أو كبيئة تفاعلية متكاملة للتدريب عن بعد كما يعتبرهذه‬
‫النظمة سهلة الستعمال ومصممة بحيث ل يحتاج المستخدم إلى معرفة واسعة في مجال‬
‫الحاسب اللي‪.‬‬
‫•من الدوات التي توفرها النظمة لزيادة التفاعل بين المتدربين ما يلي‪-:‬‬
‫‪-‬الخطة التدريبية‪.‬‬

‫‪-‬المحتوى التدريبي‪.‬‬

‫‪-‬البريد اللكتروني‪.‬‬


‫•من خلل أنظمة إدارة المقررات يمكن‪-:‬‬
‫‪-‬إضافة الملفات الخاصة بالحقيبة التدريبية حتى يتمكن المتدرب من مراجعتها في أي وقت واي‬
‫‪-‬إضافة ملفات الصوت والفيديو‪.‬‬
‫‪-‬نشر نتائج المتدربين بطريقة سرية وآمنة بحيث يشاهد كل متدرب نتائجه في المادة كما‬
‫يستطيع إجراء‪ .‬مقارنات احصائية على النتائج‪.‬‬
‫‪-‬إضافة الوظائف والواجبات وإتاحة الفرصة للمتدربين لتسليم واجباتهم ‪،‬وضائفهم من خلل‬
‫‪-‬تنمية مهارات التصال من خلل استخدام أدوات الدردشة والحوار والمنتديات التي توفرها‬
‫‪-‬إتاحة الفرصة للمتدربين للمشاركة في العملية التدريبية‪.‬‬

‫•ومنها على سبيل المثال‪-:‬‬

‫‪-‬دروبال ‪.Drupal‬‬
‫‪-‬موودل ‪.Moodle‬‬
‫‪-‬ميدياويكي ‪Media Wiki.‬‬

‫ثانيا‪ :‬أنظمة تصميم المقررات‪-:‬‬

‫•تعتبر أنظمة تصميم المحتوى أداة مساعدة لتحويل المادة التعليمية من ملف نصي إلى مادة‬
‫الكترونية ثرية بالمواد التفاعلية بطريقة سهلة وسريعة دون الحاجة إلى معرفة الكثير عن‬
‫برنامج معالج النصوص أو معرفة لغات البرمجة الخاصة بالنترنت مثل ‪ HTML‬وذلك للتقليل‬
‫من الوقت والجهد اللزمين لنشاء المادة التدريبية‪.‬‬

‫•كما تمكنك هذه النظمة من إنشاء مادة الكترونية كاملة عن طريق برنامج معالج لنصوص‬
‫‪ Microsoft Word‬أو الستفادة من المادة الموجودة أصلً مثل الملحظات والمسودات‬
‫وتحويلها إلى مادة الكترونية وذلك باستخدام مزيج من النماذج الخاصة بالنظمة وصناديق‬
‫•باستخدام النظمة يمكن أن تضيف للمادة التدريبية كل مما يلي‪-:‬‬
‫‪-‬جدول المحتويات‪.‬‬
‫‪-‬الرتباطات التشعبية‪.‬‬
‫‪-‬الشاشات المنبثقة‪.‬‬
‫‪-‬الختبارات الذاتية‪.‬‬
‫‪-‬ملفات الفلش‪.‬‬
‫‪-‬ملفات الصوت والفديو‪.‬‬

‫•كما تقوم النظمة بإنتاج المادة التدريبية على احد الشكال التالية‪-:‬‬
‫‪-‬صفحات ويب ‪. web‬‬
‫‪-‬صفحات ويب خاصة ببرنامج ‪.WebCT‬‬
‫‪-‬ملفات خاصة ببرنامج ‪.Blackboard‬‬
‫‪-‬ملفات خاصة ببرنامج ‪.Moodle‬‬
‫‪-‬ملفات خاصة بجميع إصدارات ‪.ANGEL‬‬
‫‪-‬ملفات خاصة بجميع إصدارات ‪.ATutor‬‬
‫‪-‬ملفات خاصة ببرنامج ‪.Fle3‬‬
‫‪-‬ملفات خاصة ببرنامج ‪.Dokeos‬‬
‫‪-‬ملفات خاصة ببرنامج ‪.E3‬‬
‫‪-‬ملفات خاصة ببرنامج ‪Top class‬‬
‫‪-‬ملفات خاصة ببرنامج ‪.learning space‬‬
‫‪-‬ملفات خاصة ببرنامج ‪.Desire 2 learn‬‬

‫‪1- HTTP://AR.WIKIPEDIA.ORG/WIKI/%D9%86%D8%B8%D8%A7%D9%85_%D8%A5%‬‬


‫‪.1‬كيفية استخدام العمل‪-:‬‬
‫العمل عبارة عن قائمة ببليوجرافية مرتبة تحت رؤوس الموضوعات المقننة وتلك الرؤوس مرتبة‬
‫هجائيا ويرد اسفل كل رأس موضوع بطاقات بأوعية النتاج الفكرى الخاص بتلك الرأس مرتبة تلك‬
‫البطاقات هجائيا بالمؤلف ‪ ،‬وقائمة رؤوس الموضوعات التى استخدمت فى صياغة الرؤوس الخاصة‬
‫بالببليوجرافيا هى قائمة رؤوس الموضوعات العربية الكبرى ‪ ،‬ويمكن استخدام العمل من خلل‬

‫‪.2‬تضم القائمة ثلثة انواع من الكشافات وهى ‪-:‬‬

‫‪.1‬كشاف المؤلفين‪-:‬‬
‫هو عبارة عن كشاف بأسماء المؤلفين مرتبة ترتيبا هجائيا وهذا الكشاف يضم اسم المؤلف ورقم‬
‫المسلسل للبطاقات الموجودة اسفل كل مؤلف ورقم الصفحة التى تضم ذلك المؤلف ‪.‬‬

‫‪.2‬كشاف العنوان ‪-:‬‬

‫هو عبارة عن كشاف بعناوين الوعية التى وردت فى الببليوجرافيا مرتبة ترتيبا هجائيا وهذا الكشاف‬
‫يضم عنوان العمل ‪،‬رقم المسلسل ورقم الصفحة ‪.‬‬

‫‪.3‬كشاف الموضوع ‪-:‬‬

‫هو كشاف مرتب برؤوس الموضوعات الخاصة بأوعية النتاج الفكرى ترتيبا هجائيا وهذا الكشاف يضم‬
‫رأس الموضوع ‪ ،‬رقم المسلسل للبطاقات الموجودة اسفل كل رأس ورقم الصفحة التى تضم رأس‬
‫الموضوع ‪.‬‬

‫‪.3‬أثناء بحثك سوف تجد احالة انظر ايضا ‪ ،‬وهى ‪-:‬‬

‫‪-:‬‬ ‫•‬
‫هى الحالة من رأس موضوع مستخدم الى رأس موضوع آخر مستخدم‪.‬‬
‫انظر ايضا‬

.Blackboard, Dokeos, MOODLE, WebCT

-:‫أما عن بيانات الوصف الببليوجرافى عن كل وعاء‬.4

-: ‫بالنسبة للكتب‬
.‫ عدد الصفحات‬،‫ سنة النشر‬،‫ الناشر‬،‫ مكان النشر‬،‫ الطبعة‬،‫ محقق‬،‫ ترجمة‬،‫ العنوان‬:‫المؤلف‬

Cavus , Nadire : near east university management system based

distant education ,[ s.l ] , n/a , 2005 , 8p.

-: ‫بالنسبة للدوريات‬
،‫ تاريخ‬،‫ العدد‬،‫ المجلد‬،‫ السنة‬،‫ الناشر‬،‫ مكان نشر الدورية‬،‫ عنوان الدورية‬،‫ العنوان‬:‫اسم صاحب المقالة‬
.‫ عددالصفحات‬،‫سنة النشر‬
Di Iorio, A., etal…: Automatically Producing Accessible Learning
Objects, Educational Technology & Society: An International Journal,
International Forum of Educational Technology & Society, 2006, V9, N4,
October, 2006, 3-16p.


‫•يتم عمل الحالت بين روؤس الموضوعات والروؤس المتفرعة منها ؛ كما يتم‬
‫الربط بين روؤس الموضوعات الرئيسية بينهم وبين بعض ‪،‬ول يتم عمل الحالت‬
‫بين رأس الموضوع الرئيسى باخر فرعى وذلك لتجنب الزيادة فى عدد الحالت‪.‬‬

-:‫• القائمة‬
‫انظر ايضا‬
BSCW, Dokeos, E3, Educator, Lon-Capa, Learning Space, Internet
Course Assistant.
2)Avilar web mentor
‫انظر ايضا‬
Elluminate live, Joomla, MOODLE, SqoolTools, Web2.0.
‫انظر ايضا‬
Desire2Learn, Dokeos, MOODLE, WebCT.
‫انظر ايضا‬
.LRN, Dokeos, E3, Educator, Learning Space, Lon-Capa, Internet
Course Assistant.
‫انظر ايضا‬
Blackboard, Dokeos, MOODLE, WebCT.

‫انظر ايضا‬
‫انظر ايضا‬
.LRN, BSCW, E3, Educator, Learning Space, Lono-Capa, Internet
Course Assistant.
8) E3
‫انظر ايضا‬
.LRN, BSCW, Dokeos, E3, Educator, Learning Space, Lono-Capa,
Internet Course Assistant.
‫انظر ايضا‬
.LRN, BSCW, Dokeos, E3, Learning Space, Lono-Capa, Internet
Course Assistant.
10)Elluminate live
‫انظر ايضا‬
Avilar web mentor, Joomla, MOODLE, SqoolTools, Web2.0.

11) Internet Course Assistant
‫انظر ايضا‬
.LRN, BSCW, Dokeos, E3, Educator, Learning Space, Lon-Capa.

‫انظر ايضا‬
Avilar web mentor, Elluminate live, MOODLE, SqoolTools, Web2.0.
13)Learning Space
‫انظر ايضا‬
.LRN, BSCW, Dokeos, E3, Educator, Lon-Capa, Internet Course
14) Lono-Capa
‫انظر ايضا‬
.LRN, BSCW, Dokeos, E3, Educator, Learning Space, Internet
Course Assistant.

‫انظر ايضا‬
Avilar web mentor, Blackboard, Dokeos, Elluminate live, Joomla,
SqoolTools, Web2.0, WebCT.
16)Sqool Tools

‫انظر ايضا‬
Avilar web mentor, Elluminate live, Joomla, MOODLE, Web2.0.
‫انظر ايضا‬
Avilar web mentor, Elluminate live, Joomla, MOODLE, Sqool Tools.
‫انظر ايضا‬
Blackboard, Dokeos, MOODLE, WebCT Vista.
19)WebCT Vista


Laboratory Response Network
Sine Location
Be Smart - Cooperate Worldwide
Content Management System
Electronic Entertainment Expo
European Conference for Digital Libraries
ternational Conference on Web-base Learning
Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
United Kingdom
United States of America
Web Course Tools


1) .LRN
‫انظر ايضا‬
BSCW, Dokeos, E3, Educator, Lon-Capa, Learning Space, Internet
Course Assistant.
1. Ma, Zongmin: Web-based Intelligent E-learning Systems, 1st Ed,
[s.l], Idea Group, 2006, 388p.
- This book offers a complete understanding of the notions, techniques, and
methods related to the research and developments of web-based e-learning
2. Manjon, Baltasar Fernandez: Computers and Education, 1st Ed,
New York, Springer, 2007, 241p.
- This book contains a selection of contributions presenting the latest research
in the field of Computers in Education and, more specifically, in E-Learning.

3. Medhi, Deepankar: Network Routing, 1st Ed, [s.l], Morgan
Kaufmann, 2007, 788p.
- Network routing can be broadly categorized into Internet routing, PSTN
routing, and telecommunication transport network routing. This book
systematically considers these routing paradigms, as well as their


4. Russell, Travis: Signaling System #7, 5th Ed, New York , McGraw-
Hill Professional, 2006, 702p.
- Control and analyze voice traffic on TDM and VoIP networks using SS7—
the highly reliable, fault-tolerant signaling network. Completely revised and
updated to cover the latest technologies and developments, Signaling
System #7, Fifth Edition includes full details on the signaling network, its
architecture, and protocols.
5. Ryu, Hokyoung: Innovative Mobile Learning, 1st Ed, [s.l], Idea
Group, 2008, 429p.
- Academia and industry have only begun to explore the vast capabilities that
the emerging field of mobile learning has to enrich education. To help
researchers and practitioners drive the realization of the potential benefits of
mobile learning technology to the next level.

Avilar web mentor

2)Avilar web mentor

‫انظر ايضا‬
Elluminate live, Joomla, MOODLE, SqoolTools, Web2.0.
6. Aggarwal, Anil: Web-based Learning and Teaching Technologies:
Opportunities and Challenges, 1st Ed, USA, UK, dea Group Inc
)IGI(, 2000, 372p.
- During the past two decades, telecommunication technologies combined
with Web-enabled technologies have created a new technology-based focus-
Web-based learning and teaching. This new area has changed the concept of
education around the world, creating new challenges and opportunities
offered by this new technology-based concept. Web-Based Learning and
Teaching Technologies: Opportunities and Challenges address many issues,
trends, opportunities and problems facing colleges and universities in the
effective utilization and management of Web-based learning and teaching

7. Billings, Diane M.: Conversations in E-Learning: E-Learning, 1st

Ed, USA, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2003, 264p.
- Conversations in E-Learning cover everything from e-mail to creating and
managing an online community. This book is a useful resource for anyone at
any stage of the e-learning process.


Avilar web mentor

8. Lockwood, Fred : Innovation in Open & Distance Learning , 1st

Ed , New York , Rout ledge, 2001 , 227 p
- Open and distance education is now widespread, not just in the open
universities of the world, but in all education and training sectors, from
traditional campus universities to corporate training centers. With
contributions from some of the world's leading practitioners in the field, this
book draws together contemporary experience in the application of
technology to distributed learning. It will be a valuable guide to all those
implementing web-based learning. It provides a thought provoking appraisal
of the strategies and processes for managing change in open and distance
learning and offers a progressive vision for all those involved in this
widespread discipline.

Avilar web mentor

9. Visser, Yusra Laila: Trends and Issues in Distance Education:

International Perspectives, 1st Ed, USA, IAP, 2005, 315p.
- This book seeks to make a contribution to the discipline of distance
education by presenting international perspectives on the state of the field
and examining and discussing specific current trends and issues faced by the
distance learning community. To this end, 24 authors from five continents
have contributed their viewpoints on a wide array of distance education
themes, including conceptual perspectives, local case studies, interviews,
and "nuts-and-bolts" considerations for the design and implementation of
international distance education programs. The result is a wide-ranging text
that offers insight into the multi-faceted world of international distance


‫انظر ايضا‬
Desire2Learn, Dokeos, MOODLE, WebCT.

10.Adeli, Hojjat: expert systems in construction and structural

engineering, 1st Ed, [s.l], Taylor &Francis, 1988, 330p.
- Expert Systems in Construction and Structural Engineering is a valuable
reference both for researchers interested in the state-of-the-art of civil
engineering expert systems, and practitioners interested in exploring the
practical applications of this new technology.

11.Arockiasamy, M: Expert Systems, 1st Ed, [s.l], CRC press, 1992,
- Expert Systems covers preliminary design of three-dimensional grids, design
systems for low rise industrial buildings, preliminary design of frameworks,
bridge design systems, and retaining wall design - especially the
methodologies for these applications to structural design. The author
presents design standards, typical expert systems for construction
engineering and management applications, and the underlying concepts of
expert systems, emphasizing bridge analysis.



12.Berthold, Michael: Advances in intelligent data analysis, 1st Ed, [s.l],

Springer, 2003, 624p.
- This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th International
Conference on Intelligent Data Analysis, IDA 2003, held in Berlin, Germany
in August 2003. The 56 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed
and selected from 180 submissions. The papers are organized in topical
sections on machine learning, probability and topology, classification and
pattern recognition, clustering, applications, modeling, and data processing.

13.Bhatti, Arif : Using Technology Learning Environment to Overcome
Social and Cultural Limitations in Higher Education, the journal of
issues in informing science and information technology, California,
Informing Science, 2005, V5, 2005, 792p.
- Adoption of internet-based communication and learning technologies could
overcome the limitations caused by the social and cultural values of a
society. Zayed University (ZU) is a female-only university in a modern Arab
country that holds dear its high appreciation to cultural and so-eial values.
This paper explores the impact and effectiveness of the outcome -based
technology- mediated learning environment for the College of Information
systems (CIS) student.



14.Biondo, Samuel J.: Fundamentals of expert systems technology, 1st
Ed, [s.l], intellect books, 1990, 145p.
- This book include expert system, LISP machines, PROLOG, Smalltalk,
Blackboard Systems, depth-first search, object-oriented programming,
knowledge representation, inference engine, breadth-first search, RISC,
backward reasoning, OPS5, Best-first search, heuristic, DENDRAL, CISC,
fuzzy logic, MYCIN, backward chaining .

15.Braymer, Max A.: Research and development in intelligent systems,
1st Ed, [s.l], Springer, 2001, 324p.
- The papers in this volume are the refereed technical papers presented at
ES2001, the Twenty-first SGES International Conference on Knowledge
Based Systems and Applied Artificial Intelligence, held in Cambridge in
December 2001.The papers in this volume present new and innovative
development in the field, divided into sections on Machine Learning,
Constraint Satisfaction, Agents, Knowledge Representation and Knowledge



16.Chen, Edith Wen-Chu: Teaching about Asian Pacific Americans, 1st
Ed, New York, Rowman & Littlefield, 2006, 316 p.
- Teaching about Asian Pacific Americans was created for educators and other
practitioners who want to use interactive activities, assignments, and
strategies in their classrooms or workshops.
17.Craig, I.: Blackboard systems, 1st Ed, [s.l], intellect books, 1995,
- This book include blackboard systems, KSAR, production rules, hash table,
LISP atom, abstraction level, HEARSAY-II, word hypothesis, local
variables, Words, abstraction hierarchy, blackboard architecture, However,
hypotheses, Blackboard Control Architecture, HASP, knowledge scheduling,
Knowledge Source actions, MYCIN, attribute-value pair.

18.Cubban, Larry: the Blackboard and the bottom line, 1st Ed, [s.l],
Harvard University, 2004, 253p.
- In this straight-talking book, one of the most distinguished scholars in
education charts the Gilded Age beginnings of the influential view that
American schools should be organized to meet the needs of American
businesses, and run according to principles of cost-efficiency, bottom-line
thinking, and customer satisfaction.


19.Dorsch, Nina G.: community, collaboration and collegiality in school
reform, 1st Ed, [s.l], suny press, 1998, 238p.
- The Connections journey was marked both by stories of triumph and tales of
crisis. The stories reflected an emerging vision not only of Connections as
an interdisciplinary program, but of the teaching team as a collaborative,
collegial community. By illuminating the real world of Connections, this
book offers insights for teachers and administrators, policy makers and
students, and all who value community, collaboration, and collegiality in

20.Forsyth, Graham F.: Industrial and engineering applications of
artificial intelligence and expert systems, 1st Ed, [s.l], Taylor
&Francis, 1995, 875p.
- In the areas of industry and engineering, AI techniques have become the
norm in sectors including computer-aided design, intelligent manufacturing,
and control. Papers in this volume represent work by both computer
scientists and engineers separately and together. They directly and indirectly
represent a real collaboration between computer science and engineering,
covering a wide variety of fields related to intelligent systems technology
ranging from neural networks, knowledge acquisition and representation,
automated scheduling, machine learning, multimedia.

21.Gibboney, Richard A.: the stone trumpet, 1st Ed, [s.l], Suny press,
1994, 306p.
- This book include criterion-referenced tests, Roberts School District,
competency-based education, Assertive Discipline, B. F. Skinner, Madeline
Hunter, Klausmeier, open classroom, John Dewey, Paideia, Benjamin
Bloom, Outcome-Based Education, ical, behaviorist, Foxfire, E.L.
Thorndike, Robert Slav in, mathematics, techno structure, Democracy and

22.Glazek, Stanislaw: Productive learning, 1st Ed, [s.l], Corwin press,
2006, 269p.
- In this book, Glazek and Sarason collaborated on an extraordinarily daunting
attempt to create and analyze a context of productive learning in which,
simultaneously, Sarason was the student and Glazek the teacher and vice
versa. They attempted what must surely be a 'Mt Everest' example of the
concept: explanation of Einstein's famous formula, E=mc 2. nbsp; The result
should be of intense interest to a broad audience concerned with the present
problems of science education as well as the nature of a context of
productive learning.



23.Hamelin, Frank van: Meta-level inference systems, 1st Ed, [s.l],
Morgan Kaufmann, 1991, 167p.
- In this book we will be concerned with a particular type of architecture for
reasoning system, known as meta-level architectures. The book is divided in
two parts the first part discusses general properties of meta-level systems
whereas the second part concentrates on a particular efficiency problem
associated with meta-level systems.

24.Hopgood, Adrian: Intelligent systems for Engineers and scientists,
1st Ed, [s.l], CRC press, 2001, 467p.
- This updated version of the best-selling Knowledge-Based Systems for
Engineers and Scientists (CRC Press, 1993) embraces both the explicit
knowledge-based models retained and the implicit numerical models
represented by neural networks and optimization algorithms. The title
change to Intelligent Systems for Engineers and Scientists reflects its
broader scope, incorporating knowledge-based systems, computational
25.Jain, L.C.: Advances in intelligent systems for defense, 1st Ed, [s.l],
world scientific, 2002, 478p.
- The book shows the wealth of research on advanced information systems
and on technologies developed for defense purposes. Some of the chapters
may serve as a component of advanced defense training programs. They
provide an important overview of crucial research, which has evolved over
the last ten years.
26.Kandel, Abraham: Fuzzy expert systems, 1st Ed, [s.l], CRC press,
1991, 316p.
- Until recently, fuzzy logic was the intellectual plaything of a handful of
researchers. Now it is being used to enhance the power of intelligent
systems, as well as improve the performance and reduce the cost of
intelligent and "smart" products appearing in the commercial market. Fuzzy
Expert Systems focuses primarily on the theory of fuzzy expert systems and
their applications in science and engineering. In doing so, it provides the
first comprehensive study of "soft" expert systems and applications for those

27.Kendal, Simon L.: An introduction to knowledge engineering, 1st Ed,
[s.l], Springer, 2007, 287p.
- The authors use a refreshing and novel 'workbook' writing style which gives
the book a very practical and easy to use feel. It includes methodologies for
the development of hybrid information systems, covers neural networks;
case based reasoning and genetic algorithms as well as expert systems.
Numerous pointers to web based resources and current research are also



28.Klonsky, Michael: small schools, 1st Ed, [s.l], rout ledge, 2008, 209p.
- When education activists in New York, Chicago, and other urban school
districts in the 1980s began the small-schools movement, they envisioned a
new kind of public school system that was fair and equitable and that
encouraged new relationships between teachers and students. When that
movement for school reform ran head-on into the neo-conservative takeover
of the Department of Education and it’s No Child Left Behind strategy for
school change.

29.Loveless, Tom: Conflicting missions, 1st Ed, [s.l], brooking
institution press, 2000, 328p.
- Although teachers unions were first organized in the nineteenth century, and
collective bargaining has been a fact of life in most communities since the
1960s, the body of literature evaluating the impact of teachers unions on
American education is surprisingly small. Conflicting Missions? Helps close
the knowledge gap by providing a clear, balanced analysis of the role of
teachers unions in education reform. The volume emerges from a 1998
conference organized by the Program on Education Policy and Governance
at Harvard University.



30.Marcus, Alan S.: Celluloid Blackboard, 1st Ed, [s.l], IAP, 2007, 275p.
- This book includes three parts. In part one the essays explore three
frameworks for the analysis of film by secondary students. Part two fills a
void in the scholarship, reporting on four recent studies that explore how the
use of film may encourage the development of students' historical
understanding. Finally, part three describes the results from two secondary
teachers incorporating film into their history classrooms.

31.Pokojski, Jerzy: IPA-concepts and applications in engineering, 1st
Ed, [s.l], Springer, 2003, 171p.
- The work of design engineers is very individual, using personal approaches
and methods, designers have an individual way of seeing a problem. In
practice personal notes are used by every designer, often general comment
about technical problems and situations. There are a variety of personal
methods of supporting the design process and computer tools can make the
whole design process more efficient. In professional practice you continually
add to your existing knowledge base (notes).



32.Rada, Roy: Understanding virtual university, 1st Ed, [s.l], intellect
books, 2001, 122p.
- All those involved in Higher Education are under pressure to familiarize
themselves with the newest developments in Information Technology, and to
understand the ways in which they can make use of these resources. This
book will help academics from all disciplines take full advantage of IT.
Anticipating a future in which distance learning and virtual reality tutoring
systems play a central role in university teaching, Roy Rada provides
guidelines for making best use of the technological opportunities.

33.Ramani, S.: Knowledge based computer systems, 1st Ed, [s.l],
Springer, 1999, 546p.
- This volume presents selected papers from KBCS '89, which is the second in
a series of annual conferences hosted by the Knowledge Based Computer
Systems Project funded by the Government of India with United Nations
assistance. The papers are grouped into sections including: - AI applications
- computer architecture and parallel processing - expert systems - intelligent
tutoring systems - knowledge representation - logic programming - natural
language understanding - pattern recognition - reasoning - search - activities
at the KBCS Nodal Centers.



34.South worth, Howie: Blackboard for Dummies, 1st Ed, [s.l], for
Dummies, 2006, 356p.
- Use the quick-start guide to create your course in a flash Post course
materials, give quizzes, facilitate discussions, and handle grades You're an
educator, not a psychic, so how would you know how to use Blackboard
with no instructions? These step-by-step examples show you how to set up a
Blackboard classroom, put your materials on the Internet, communicate
online with students, and even evaluate their performance.

35.Tasso, Carlo: Development of Knowledge-based Systems for
Engineering, 1st Ed, [s.l], Springer, 1998, 238p.
- he goal of the volume is twofold: to help engineers to understand the design
and development process and the specific techniques utilized for
constructing expert systems in engineering and, secondly, to introduce
computer specialists to significant applications of knowledge-based
techniques in engineering. Among the authors are world famous experts of
engineering and knowledge-based systems development.



‫انظر ايضا‬
.LRN, Dokeos, E3, Educator, Learning Space, Lon-Capa, Internet
Course Assistant.
36.Bentley, Richard: Groupware and the World Wide Web, 1st Ed,
New York, Springer, 1997, 152p.
- The advent of the World Wide Web has changed the perspectives of
groupware systems. The interest and deployment of Internet and intranet
groupware solutions is growing rapidly, not just in academic circles but also
in the commercial arena.
37.Hughes, John A.: Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on
Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 1st Ed, New York,
Springer, 1997, 377p.
- The emergence of network facilities and the increased availability of
personal computer systems over the last decade have seen the development
of interest in the use of computers to support cooperative work.



38.Pavelka, Jan: SOFSEM ‘99, 1st Ed, New York, Springer, 1999, 498p.
- This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 26th Conference on
Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Informatics, SOFSEM'99, held in
Milovy, Czech Republic, in November/December 1999.



‫انظر ايضا‬
Blackboard, Dokeos, MOODLE, WebCT.
39.Al-Jarf, Reima Sado: Using Three Online Course Management
Systems in EFL Instruction, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting
of the Asia Association of Computer Assisted Language Learning,
Geongju, South Korea, 2005, V4, Nov 10-12, 2005, 13p.
- A brief narrative description of the journal article, document, or resource.
Nice net, WebCT and Moodle were used to teach grammar to freshman
students at the College of Languages and Translation, King Saud University
in Saudi Arabia. The subjects were divided into three groups and were
randomly assigned to the three online courses. The same questions,
discussion threads, grammar websites, daily grammar lesson, exercises and
quizzes were posted in the three online courses.

40.Bersin, Josh: Facts Practical Analysis Trends and Vendor
Profiles[audio record], 1st Ed, [s.l], Bersin & Associates, 2007, 2 min.
- This report contains a detailed review of the learning management systems
(LMS) market, including market trends, vendor profiles and our proprietary
Market Maps.



41.Bersin, Josh: The High-Impact Learning Organization [audio

record], Bersin, Josh, [s.l], Bersin & Associates, 2008, 31.07 min.
- This presentation reviews findings of Bersin & Associates best practices for
modern corporate learning organizations, programs, and staff.


42.Cavus, Nadire: Near East University Learning Management System

Based Distant Education, [s.l], N/A, 2005, 8p.
- A brief narrative description of the journal article, document, or resource. In
order to establish a distant education system, it is first required to create a
virtual learning system environment. A detailed literature search has
revealed the existence of some "Open-Source" systems such as "Caroline,
Moodle etc." Each system has been investigated in detail and it was found
that "Moodle" is the one closest to the NEU education system. A study has
shown that the instructor-learner relationship is poor in existing systems.
The "Grew tool" collaborative editor has been used to create various
additional features in order to satisfy the group work requirements.



43.Delgado, Carlos: EDUTECH: Computer-aided Design Meets

Computer-aided Learning, 1st Ed, USA, Springer, 2004, 227p.
- Computation and communication technologies underpin work and
development in many different areas. Among them, Computer-Aided Design
of electronic systems and eLearning technologies are two areas which,
though different, in fact share many concerns. The design of CAD and
eLearning systems already touches on a number of parallels, such as system
interoperability, user interfaces, standardization, XML-based formats,
reusability aspects, etc.

44.Felix, Uschi: Language Learning Online: Towards Best Practice, 1st
Ed, Netherlands, Rutledge, 2003, 214p.
- This important and accessible book identifies the key elements in the quest
for best practice in online language teaching. The authors, all of them
international experts who have made significant contributions to the debate
about how to exploit the new technologies, consider online language
teaching from three crucial perspectives: design, tools and pedagogy. Their
recommendations are such that they can actually be realized in spite of the
limitations of today's educational environments.



45.Goldberg, A. K.: All aboard - Destination Unknown: A Sociological

Discussion of Online Learning, Educational Technology & Society:
An International Journal, International Forum of Educational
Technology & Society, 2006, V9, N4, October, 2006, 166 -172p.
- This paper is an attempt to describe the emergence and growing popularity
of online distance education over the past 30 years through changing
sociological lenses. Examining the re-casting of the electronic classroom
through the euphoria of techno-positivism, the power-embedded analysis of
Critical Theory of Technology (CTT), and the critique of postmodernism,
the paper addresses the implications suggested by each theoretical


46.ICT Hub: Choosing and Using Content Management Systems

Guide, 1st Ed, online, Richard Roth well, 2007, 12p.
- Choosing and Using a Content Management System (CMS) Guidance for
Managers in the Third Sector. This work identifies CMS and what CMS is,
It help you to choose A CMS and How strategic use of it.



47.Kinshuk: Educational Technology & Society: An International

Journal, International Forum of Educational Technology & Society,
V9, N4, October, 2006, 251p.
- Educational Technology & Society is abstracted/ indexed in Social Science
Citation Index, Current Contents/Social & Behavioral Sciences, ISI Alerting
Services, Social Scisearch, and ACM Guide to Computing Literature,
Australian DEST Register of Refereed Journals, Computing Reviews,
DBLP, Educational Administration Abstracts, Educational Research
Abstracts, Educational Technology Abstracts, Elsevier Bibliographic
Databases, ERIC, in spec, Technical Education & Training Abstracts, and


48.Neumann, Shawn: Finding the perfect Content Management

System, 1st Ed, domain7, 2008, 15p.
- Principles that will help guide decisions when looking for appropriate CMS
solutions , Main groupings of CMS options - where they excel and what
they are appropriate for Not going to go into:-
[technical specs , how-to no one size “magical” solution Principles ,
Consider Content - blogs - photos - events - e-commerce - etc , Consider
Structure - related data - search-ability - data use (example - Galapagos)].



49.Oberstein, Sophie: beyond Free Coffee & Donuts: Marketing

Training and Development, 1st Ed, USA, American Society for
Training and Development, 2003, 197p.
- Beyond Free Coffee and Donuts provides today's training and development
professional with creative and effective ways to capture the attention of an
increasingly overtaxed learner audience. This is not just a book of quick tips
and techniques to help trainers fill empty seats, but offers a more valuable
brand of advice on how to get the right learner in those seats.

50.Rockley, Ann: Managing Enterprise Content: a Unified Content
Strategy, 1st Ed, USA, New Riders, 2003, 565p.
- Today's businesses are overwhelmed with the need to create more content,
faster, customized for more customers, and for more media than ever before.
Managing Enterprise Content: A Unified Content Strategy provides the
concepts, strategies, guidelines, processes, and technological options that
will prepare enterprise content managers and authors to meet the increasing
demands of creating, managing, and distributing content.



51.Smith, David: Teaching English with Information Technology: How
to Teach English Using the Internet, Software, and Email - For the
Professional English Language Teacher, 1st Ed, London, Modern
English Publishing, 2005, 208p.
- How to teach English with the internet and information technology - for the
professional English language teacher. This book provides a comprehensive
overview of the problems, solutions and products available to teachers; from
the internet, websites and email through to audio-visual conferencing,
teaching software, learning management systems (LMS) and the latest
trends in blogs.

52.Tree Works: Content Management Systems, 1st Ed, Romania, Tree
Works White Paper, 2007, 15p.
- Content Management Systems A CMS can encompass an organization's
entire content creation and organization system. It provides a content
repository where information can be edited independently from the web
design element, and, most importantly, it can produce websites or any other
publications from the stored content.



53.Uzunboylu, Huseyin: An Evaluation of Open Source Learning
Management Systems According to Learners Tools, Current
Developments in Technology-Assisted Education, Spain, N/A, 2006,
V1, 2006, 6p.
- A brief narrative description of the journal article, document, or resource.
Learning Management System (LMS) is the main element of internet-based
education. In parallel to this, studies in this area are increasing. The aim of
this research is to evaluate the current existing Open Source Learning
Management Systems in the market. For this, seventy-two Open Source
Learning Management Systems have been subjected to a general evaluation.



‫انظر ايضا‬
54.Corrigan, Ray: Digital decision making, 1st Ed, [s.l], Springer, 2007,
- Since the general public began to use the Internet in the mid 1990s, there has
been a vast amount of investment by governments and commerce in digital
communications technologies. There has also been a fair degree of
confusion and sometimes controversy about the purpose and effectiveness of
such technologies, for example the proposed UK identity card system.

55.Friedman, Yali: Best practices in biotechnology education, 1st Ed,
[s.l], logos press, 2008, 356p.
- Best Practices in Biotechnology Education describes a wide variety of
programs from high school through Ph.D. programs. Some are in their first
years, whereas others are quite mature and have diversified to offer myriad
degree and certificate options. There is also strong international
representation, with programs from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South
Africa, and the United States. Best Practices in Biotechnology Education is
directed at faculty seeking to start or expand biotechnology education


56.Hebert, Amber daily: Service E–learning, 1st Ed, [s.l], IAP, 2008,
- The first of its kind, marries the two fastest-growing movements in higher
education: service-learning and eLearning. While these two innovative
pedagogies are widely assumed to be incompatible, this collection highlights
their complementary approaches as a new teaching method for 21st Century
learners. The collection offers a new pedagogical model-service-eLearning-
defined as an integrative pedagogy that engages learners through technology
in civic inquiry, service, reflection, and action.

57.Mendes, Francisco: Advances in computer – supported learning, 1st
Ed, [s.l], IDEN group INC, 2007, 376p.
- This book clarifies the new technologies, applications, and research in
computer-supported learning. It helps students, teachers, and researchers
gain a larger understanding of this field and the trends that are driving
computer-supported learning forward.



58.Miller, William: Improving internet reference services to distance
learners, 1st Ed, [s.l], Haworth press, 2005, 219p.
- In their efforts to provide distance learners with the most effective services
possible, librarians and information specialists are working more and more
with faculty in academic departments, IT departments, and other librarians at
cooperating institutions.

59.Nixon, Thomas: complete guide to online high schools, 1st Ed, [s.l],
Degree press, 2007, 156p.
- Complete Guide to Online High Schools: Distance learning options for teens
& adults brings together the latest information on online high schools as
well as school listings. This latest book by Thomas Nixon is the first book
that focuses solely on online programs for high school students. Nixon is a
national expert on nontraditional learning and the author of four college and
high school guides.

60.Preziosi, Robert C.: Adult Education in Academia, 1st Ed, USA, IAP,
2006, 340p.
- Adult Education in Academia provides educators with simple to implement
tools to make learning more fruitful for students while assessing and
enhancing the process for documentation and accreditation. Each of these
real world practical facilitation techniques offers opportunities for becoming
and being an extraordinary educator.


61.Thirunarayanan, M.O.: Integration technology in higher education,
1st Ed, [s.l], university press, 2005, 349p.
- Integrating Technology in Higher Education contains 20 chapters that
provide technology integration experiences of authors from four continents
and a diversity of disciplines in higher education settings. The utilization of
various hardware and software tools to facilitate teaching and learning is
discussed in the chapters of this edited book.



‫انظر ايضا‬
.LRN, BSCW, E3, Educator, Learning Space, Lono-Capa, Internet
Course Assistant.
62.Cohen, Eli: Information and Beyond, 1st Ed, California, Informing
Science, 2007, 444p.
- Research papers on Collaborative Work / Working Together / Teams,
Control, Audit, and Security, Curriculum Issues, Decision Making / Business
Intelligence (DM/BI), Distance Education & e-Learning, Doctoral Studies,
Economic Aspects, Education / Training, Educational Assessment &
Evaluation, Ethical, and Social, & Cultural Issues.

63.O'Dowd, Robert: Online Intercultural Exchange, 1st Ed, [s.l],
Multilingual Matters, 2007, 312p.
- This volume provides an introduction to online intercultural exchange, the
activity of engaging language learners in collaborative project work with
partners from other cultures through the use of online communication
technology. The chapters look at how online collaboration can be
successfully integrated into the foreign language classroom and how it can
contribute to the development of students intercultural communicative


64.Santy, Julie Liz Smith: Being an E-learner in Health and Social
Care, 1st Ed, New York, Rout ledge, 2007, 182p.
- E-learning is a new, exciting and increasingly popular way of learning for
health and social care professionals, both in the pre- and post-qualification
stages. However, many people are apprehensive about what it involves and
whether they will be able to study effectively in this way.

65.Wynants, Marleen: How Open is the Future?, 1st Ed, California,
ASP / VUBPRESS Brussels, 2005, 534p.
- With the rise of the internet and the growing concern over intellectual
property, this study provides an open, constructive platform for a wide range
of lawyers, artists, journalists, and activists to discuss their views on the
future of free and open-source software. By exchanging both
complementary and conflicting opinions, the contributors look ahead to the
evolution, prospects, and issues of sharing knowledge and ideas through



‫انظر ايضا‬
.LRN, BSCW, Dokeos, E3, Educator, Learning Space, Lono-Capa,
Internet Course Assistant.
66.Conradi, Reidar: Software Process Technology, 1st Ed, Austria,
Springer, 1780, 248p.
- This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th European
Workshop on Software Process Technology, EWSPT 2000, held in Kaprun,
Austria in February 2000 in conjunction with a meeting of the European
ESPRIT IV Project for Process Instance Evolution (PIE). The 21 revised
papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 44 submissions.

67.Evjen, Bill: Professional ASP.NET 3.5, 1st Ed, [s.l], Wiley Default,
2008, 1673p.
- Professional ASP.NET 3.5 continues to set the standard for ASP.NET
established by the earlier 2.0 version of this book. Updated for the latest
release of Visual Studio, the author team of Bill Evjen (INETA Founder and
former president), Scott Hansel man.

Educa tor

‫انظر ايضا‬
.LRN, BSCW, Dokeos, E3, Learning Space, Lono-Capa, Internet
Course Assistant.
68.Cohen, Adir: The Gate of Light, 1st Ed, London, Fairleigh
Dickinson Univ Press, 1994, 360p.
- Among those who have shaped education, the Jewish-Polish author, teacher,
and social worker Janusz Korczak stands out. The Gate of Light constitutes
an attempt to re-examine Korczak's life, philosophy, literature, and
accomplishments, and their relevance to education everywhere.
69.McVay, Marguarita: the Online Educator, 1st Ed, New York, Rout
ledge, 2002, 170p.
- The book provides much needed straightforward advice on how to create a
web-base education system. From administrative planning and selecting
resources to individual course development, it offers clear, novice-friendly
information on the entire process of online learning.

Educa tor

70.Rodriguez, Eleanor Renee: What is it about Me You Can't Teach, 2nd

Ed, London, Corwin Press, 2007, 237p.
- This resource provides ‘real' application of theory into practice. The
strategies help enrich learning through student-friendly approaches that
strengthen students' skills and promote self-direction.


Elluminate live

10)Elluminate live
‫انظر ايضا‬
Avilar web mentor, Joomla, MOODLE, SqoolTools, Web2.0.
71.Brown, M. Katherine: Managing Virtual Teams: Getting the Most
from Wikis, Blogs, and Other Collaborative Tools, 1st Ed, USA,
Word ware Publishing, Inc., 2007, 385p.
- Virtual collaborative team environments face unique challenges because
their communication is not face-to-face. Managing Virtual Teams: Getting
the Most from Wikis, Blogs, and Other Collaborative Tools provides
practical advice for managers of distributed teams who must design the
internal systems and meet deadlines with a diverse team, and for team
members who want to develop and maintain professional relationships.

72.Driscoll, Margaret: Advanced Web-Based Training Strategies:
Unlocking Instructionally Sound Online Learning, 1st Ed, USA,
Wiley Default, 2005, 500p.
- Written by Margaret Driscoll and Saul Carliner-internationally acclaimed
experts on e-learning and information design-Advanced Web-Based
Training Strategies provides instructional designers, e-learning developers,
technical communicators, students, and others with strategies for addressing
common challenges that arise when designing e-learning.

Elluminate live

73.Negash, Solomon: Handbook of Distance Learning for Real-Time

and Asynchronous Information Technology Education, 1st Ed, USA,
Group Inc )IGI(, 2008, 381p.
- In information technology, unlike many other fields, the need to support the
unique perspective of technologically advanced students and deliver
technology-rich content presents unique challenges. Today's IT students
need the ability to interact with their instructor in near-real time, interact
with their peers and project team members, and access and manipulate
technology tools in the pursuit of their educational objectives.

74.Phelps, Renata: Organizing and Managing Your Research: a
Practical Guide for Postgraduates, 1st Ed, USA, SAGE, 2007, 290p.
- As research guides go, this is probably the best, most readable and
encouraging books for nurses It is an excellent read' - Nursing Standard
Organizing and Managing Your Research: A Practical Guide for
Postgraduates deals with the practical, day-to-day aspects of managing and
organizing research. Its focus is on strategies, skills, and systems that
increase the efficiency and effectiveness of research practice across all
research disciplines.


Internet Course Assistant

11)Internet Course Assistant

‫انظر ايضا‬
.LRN, BSCW, Dokeos, E3, Educator, Learning Space, Lon-Capa.
75.Criscito, Pat: Barron's Guide to Distance Learning, 2nd Ed, USA,
Barron's Educational Series, 2002, 560p.
- Distance learning is an increasingly popular and practical alternative to
standard classroom training for students seeking to launch careers or make
career changes. This book will get them started. Updated with the latest
information on educational facilities and the distance learning programs they
offer, the Guide to Distance Learning lists.

76.Pittinsky, Matthew Serbin: The Wired Tower, 1st Ed, New York,
FT Press, 2003, 231p.
- Everyone agrees that the Internet is profoundly changing higher education --
but how? Which impacts are long-term and fundamental; which are transient
and soon to be forgotten? In The Wired Tower, academics, leading
government education figures, business thinkers and investment
professionals come together to assess the realities of the Internet in higher



‫انظر ايضا‬
Avilar web mentor, Elluminate live, MOODLE, SqoolTools, Web2.0.
77.Barnes, Leesa: Podcasting for Profit: A Proven 7-Step Plan to Help
Individuals and Businesses Generate Income through Audio and
Video Podcasting, 1st Ed, Canada, Maximum Press, 2007, 300p.

This book will help you:-

- See if podcasting is right for you using a 20-point questionnaire.

- Sell more products and services without sounding like a late-night
- Learn how to secure advertising and sponsorships even if you hate cold
- Offer premium content and memberships to create passive income.
- Build a podcasting consulting business using a proven model.
- Promote your expertise through podcasting without bragging.
- Measure your return on investment using simple tools.
- Learn by reviewing actual case studies.
- Stay up-to-date via the companion Web site.
- Get your free podcasting starter kit complete with software, services, music,
and more.
- See what other readers have to say.



78.Cesar, Jackley: Building Web 2.0 Business Websites: Business

Process Innovation with Web 2.0 and Joomla!: Business Process
Innovation with Web 2.0 and Joomla!, 1st Ed, [s.l], Web 2.0 Business
Websites, 2008, 81p.
- Modern organizations use the web as a platform to foster innovation in
product development, marketing campaigns, recruiting, fundraisers, sales,
and support. Web strategists call that trend web 2.0. This book is about web
2.0 business websites. It provides a step-by-step procedure to build a web
2.0 business or organization website that generates results in the value chain
of a company. You can use it to:-

1- Define web 2.0, and its business rules.

2- Choose components, and features for a web 2.0 website.
3- Create navigation, pages, and contents for a web 2.0 website.
4- Implement the backend of a web 2.0 website.
5- Create a web 2.0 User interface.
6- Create, and organize contents in Joomla!
7- Add features to web 2.0 websites.
8- Configure web 2.0 websites to let users add values in Product Development,
Marketing, and Sales and Support.


79.Jowers, Tim: Open Source Pro: Joomla, 1st Ed, USA, Lulu press,
2007, 136p.
- Explore how Joomla! Can help you. Joomla! Reigns as the leading Open
Source Content Management System in the world and "Open Source Pro:
Joomla!" clearly reveals all Joomla! Has to offer. Cover topics from building
a complete website in a few hours to leveraging powerful add-in
components. Customize the templates and styles for your website. Program
your own module or component. Components are exposed for implementing
Document Management, for Search Engine Optimization, for Discussion
Forums, for creating web-based forms, for website statistics, for
ecommerce/online storefronts, for Google Ad Sense integration, and for
much, much more.
xbgC&printsec=frontcover&dq =joomla&as_brr=3#PPA9,M1)
80.Marshman, John Clark: the History of India, from the Earliest
Period to the Close of Lord Dalhousie’s Administration, 1st Ed,
London, Longmans, Green, 1867, 438p.
- The compilation of this work was undertaken at the request of the University
of Calcutta, to assist the studies of those who were desirous of competing for
its honors.



81.Rahmel, Dan: Beginning Joomla! , 1st Ed, USA, A Press, 2007, 475p.

- Do you want the ability to manage documents, photos, and other content
over the Web but don’t want to shell out thousands of dollars in proprietary
solutions? Want to create an online community for your hobby or user
group? You’re not alone. For thousands of like-minded around the globe, the
answer is Joomla!, an open source content management system used to
manage all sorts of data over the Web.


82.Rahmel, Dan: Professional Joomla! , 1st Ed, Canada, Wiley Default,

2007, 457p.
- What you will learn from this book
1. How each server of a Joomla! System can be installed and configured for
maximum performance.
2. The process of creating a module from scratch.
3. Ways to use Ajax to add dynamic data retrieval to Joomla!.
4. Techniques for using design patterns to solve common programming

83.Ryals, Kody: SEO 100 Success Secrets - Search Engine
Optimization 100 Most Asked Questions: The Missing SEO Tools
Handbook and Guide to Ranking Factors, 1st Ed, [s.l],,
2008, 164p.


- There has never been an SEO Guide like this. 100 Success Secrets is not
about the ins and outs of SEO. Instead, it answers the top 100 questions that
we are asked and those we come across in forums, our consultancy and
education programs. It tells you exactly how to deal with those questions,
with tips that have never before been offered in print.

84.Wyke, R. Allen: up and Running with Joomla, 1st Ed, [s.l], O'Reilly,
2007, 81p.
- Need to launch a feature-rich web site quickly where you have one or more
people authoring the content? Want to use a powerful Content Management
System (CMS)? This Short Cut will get you up and running with Joomla, a
freely available open source CMS.

Learning Space

13) Learning Space

‫انظر ايضا‬

.LRN, BSCW, Dokeos, E3, Educator, Lon-Capa, Internet Course
85.Paechter, Carrie F.: Learning, Space and Identity, 1st Ed, California,
SAGE, 2001, 192p.
- Enormous changes are taking place regarding how people learn. The
introduction of new technologies and in particular the resulting possibilities
for our virtual presence in virtual spaces, highlights some comparatively
neglected aspects of learning. This book seeks to redress the balance by
presenting a collection of papers, which view learners as embodied actors in
both real and virtual spaces.
86.Brandes, Gabriella Minnes: Eportfolios, International Review of
Research in Open and Distance Learning, Canada, Athabasca
University, 2008, v9, n2, Jun 2008, 17 p
- In recent years, different professional and academic settings have been
increasingly utilizing e-Portfolios to serve multiple purposes from
recruitment to evaluation. This paper analyzes e-Portfolios created by
graduate students at a Canadian university. Demonstrated is how students'
constructions can, and should, be more than a simple compilation of


14) Lono-Capa
‫انظر ايضا‬
.LRN, BSCW, Dokeos, E3, Educator, Learning Space, Internet
Course Assistant.
87.Centre for Educational Research and Innovation: E-learning in
Tertiary Education, 1st Ed, [s.l], OECD Publishing, 2005, 289p.
- E-learning is becoming increasingly prominent in tertiary education.
Rationales for its growth are wide-ranging, complex and contested,
including widening access, on-campus pedagogic innovation.

88.Esnault, Liliane: Web-Based Education and Pedagogical

Technologies, 1st Ed, [s.l], Idea Group Inc )IGI(, 2007, 339 p.
- This book presents cutting-edge research on such topics as network learning,
e-learning, managing Web-based learning and teaching technologies, and
building Web-based learning communities.


89.Fred, Ana: Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern

Recognition, 1st Ed, New York, Springer, 2004, 1168p.
- This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 10th International
Workshop on Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition, SSPR 2004 and
the 5th International Workshop on Statistical Techniques in Pattern
Recognition, SPR 2004, held jointly in Lisbon, Portugal, in August 2004.
The 59 revised full papers and 64 revised poster papers presented together
with 4 invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 219
90.Looi, Chee-Kit: Towards Sustainable and Scalable Educational
Innovations Informed, 1st Ed, New York, IOS Press, 2005, 985p.
- We describe an instructional design and present empirical data to show how
two learning technologies: an online teaching and research tool.
-The online homework questions covering the reading material were
delivered by LON-CAPA (Learning Online Network-Computer Assisted
Personalized Approach).


‫انظر ايضا‬
Avilar web mentor, Blackboard, Dokeos, Elluminate live, Joomla,
SqoolTools, Web2.0, WebCT.
91.Antonenko, Pavlo: Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning
Environment: What Open Source Has to Offer, Association for
Educational Communications and Technology, Chicago, N/A, 2004,
October 19-23, 2004, 9p.
- Open source online learning environments have emerged and developed
over the past 10 years. In this paper we will analyze the underlying
philosophy and features of MOODLE based on the theoretical framework
developed by Hanna fin and Land (2000). Psychological, pedagogical,
technological, cultural, and pragmatic foundations comprise the framework
and represent the major points of our analysis.

92.Amant, Kirk St: Handbook of Research on Open Source Software:
Technological, Economic, and Social Perspectives, 1st Ed, USA, UK,
Idea Group Inc )IGI(, 2007, 728p.
- This book examines how use of open source software (OSS) is affecting
society, business, government, education, and law, including an overview of
the culture from which OSS emerged and the process though which OSS is
created and modified. Readers will gain an understanding of the
complexities and the nuances related to OSS adoption and the range of its


93.Baggaley, Jon: Technical Evaluation Report: 60. The World-Wide

Inaccessible Web, Part 1: Browsing, International Review of
Research in Open and Distance Learning, [s.l], Publisher name and
contact information, as provided by the publisher; updated only if
notified by the publisher. Athabasca University, 2007, V6, N2, June,
2007, 10p.
- A brief narrative description of the journal article, document, or resource.
Two studies are reported, comparing the browser loading times of WebPages
created using common Web development techniques. The loading speeds
were estimated in 12 Asian countries by members of the "Pandora" network,
funded by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) to
conduct collaborative research in the development of effective distance
education (DE) practices.

94.Bridges, Brian: Creating Interactive Classrooms with Moodle,
California educational technology professionals association,
California, 2006, V46, N3, August, 2006, 2p.
- Moodle is a free online course management system designed to help you
create online courses and web sites. Teachers can create class home pages,
build projects around a rubric, and develop quizzes in multiple formats that
include sounds and pictures. They can also add and grade class assignments,
utilize built-in chat software, and create online surveys. Moodle is open
source software installed on the district’s server.


95.Camison, Cesar: Connectivity and Knowledge Management in

Virtual Organizations, 1st Ed, New York, Idea Group Inc )IGI(,
2008, 423p.
- Advances in computing technology and internet-worked environments have
driven profound realignments not only in the dynamics of technologically
mediated interpersonal interactions but also in the way organizations engage
with consumers, producers, and other businesses. Connectivity and
Knowledge Management in Virtual Organizations: Networking and
Interactive Communications provides managers and academicians with a
comprehensive review of innovations and trends in virtual organizations.
Covering topics such as knowledge creation and management, virtual
customer networks, e-commerce, and virtual communities this reference
book offers incisive analysis of the full spectrum of technologies,
applications, practices, and outcomes within this growing field.
96.Cole, Jason: Using Moodle teaching with the popular open source
course management system, 1st Ed, USA, O'Reilly Media, 2005,
- Developed by an extremely active open source community, Moodle is a
sophisticated course management system that's ideal for creating dynamic
online learning communities and for supplementing face-to-face learning.
Used in more than 115 countries and supporting over 60 languages, Moodle
can scale from a single-teacher site to a 40,000- student university.



97.Dieng, Rose: Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management

Methods, Models, and Tools: 12th International Conference, 1st Ed,
New York, Springerm, 2000, 527p.
- This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 12th International
Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management,
EKAW 2000, held in Juan-les-Pins, France in October 2000. The book offers
topical sections on knowledge modeling languages and tools, ontologies,
knowledge acquisition from texts, machine learning, knowledge
management and electronic commerce, problem solving methods,
knowledge representation, validation, evaluation and certification.

98.Di Iorio, A.: Automatically Producing Accessible Learning Objects,
Educational Technology & Society: An International Journal,
International Forum of Educational Technology & Society, 2006, V9,
N4, October, 2006, 3-16p.
- The “Anywhere, Anytime, Anyway” slogan is frequently associated to e-
learning with the aim to emphasize the wide access offered by on-line
education. Otherwise, learning materials are currently created to be used
with a specific technology or configuration, leaving out from the virtual
classroom students who have limited access capabilities and, in particular,
students with special needs. On the contrary, accessibility of learning
materials is a key issue to ensure a whole inclusion of people with disability
in instructional process, and, consequently, to prevent risks of “digital



99.Iiyoshi, Toru: Opening Up Education, 1st Ed, New York, MIT Press,
2008, 320p.
- These essays by leaders in open education describe successes, challenges,
and opportunities they have found in a range of open education initiatives.

100.Inoue, Yukiko: Teaching with Educational Technology in the 21st
Century: The Case of the Asia Pacific Region, 1st Ed, USA, UK, Idea
Group Inc, 2006, 321p.
- This book explores how education is no longer confined to a geographical
space and reaches out as a model to all interested in promoting quality
higher education across geographical and cultural borders"--Provided by

101.Kok: An Online Social Constructivist Tool: Secondary School
Experience in the Developing World, Turkish Online Journal of
Distance Education, Turkish, N/A, 2008, V9, N7, Jul 2008, 12p.
- With the rapid advances in technology, several online learning tools come
onto the stage. Being an online learning delivery tool to support a full range
of teaching and learning activities conducted by educational institutions
Moodle facilitates online content creation and collaboration by entailing

various social and communication tools that support teacher-student,
student-student, and teacher-teacher interactions.


MOODLE Marking work directly within Moodle

[video],, online,, 2008,
1video )1:17min(.
- Correcting students' work online with the online text assignment by this
103.N/A: CoSN K12 Open Technologies Implementation
Study#3Moodle: an Open Learning Content Management System
for Schools, 1st Ed, Consortium for School Networking, 2008, 16p.
- This report introduces educators to Moodle, an open-source software
program for managing courses online. It briefly defines what Moodle is,
what it can do, and gives specific examples of how it is being implemented.
An appendix contains brief profiles of five school organizations that are
using Moodle.
104.Pan, Guohua; Bonk, Curtis J.: The Emergence of Open-Source
Software in North America, International Review of Research in
Open and Distance Learning, [s.l], Athabasca University, 2007, V8,
N3, Nov, 2007, 17p.
- Unlike conventional models of software development, the open source
model is based on the collaborative efforts of users who are also co-
developers of the software. Interest in open source software has grown
exponentially in recent years. This paper discusses the origin of the term
open source and the key tenets of the open source software development
model. In addition, it analyzes the merits and drawbacks of using this model
and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of applying the model in
higher education.

105.Ridden, Julian: Turbo Charging Moodle[video], Julian Ridden,

online, Mood leman podcast, 2008, 1 video)4:07min(
- In This presentation, The Author identifies this points:-
1. Introduce users to the concepts of Moodle contrib. code.
2. Provide users within links of where to find good code.
3. Show users to install code into their own models.
4. What Moodle is what Moodle is used by and What Moodle can grow.


106.Spector, J. Michael: Finding Your Online Voice: Stories Told by

Experienced Online Educators, 1st Ed, [s.l], Rout ledge, 2007, 206p.
- Finding Your Online Voice offers a thought-provoking discussion of
innovative approaches to technology-based distance education. Editor J.
Michael Spector focuses on how highly experienced teachers conceptualize
and organize online classes. Best practices and guidelines for effective
online teaching as well as a set of instructor skills specific to online learning
environments are featured in the volume.


107.Spencer-Oatey, Helen: E-Learning Initiatives in China: Pedagogy,

Policy and Culture, 1st Ed, Hong Kong, Hong Kong University Press,
2007, 290p.
- Provides research and application insights into e-learning in China, in the
light of two drives by the Chinese Ministry of Education: to implement
curriculum reform and to promote quality and innovation in e-learning

108.Suziz, aliga: Moodle Presentation [video], aliga Suziz, online,, 2007, 1 video )1:55min(.
- This presentation of Moodle identifies what is Moodle? , what does it
support? , what is Moodle used by? And the video was made for the first
Slovenian Moodle Moot (


109.The Moodle man Blog: Advanced FLV Moodle Filter [video], The
Moodle man Blog, online,, [s.d], 1 video )4:02min(.
- This video view what The Moodle man Blog added to Moodle an advanced
FLV filter that provides a series of customizations not available in the
standard release.



110.Ticformacion: Moodle Qué es Moodle [Video], Ticformacion,

online,, 2007, 1 video )5:21min(.
- Principal’s characteristic’s uses Este software de creation de cursors
bravados en web.

111.Tsinakos, Avgoustos A.: Empowering the Employment of Case

Based Reasoning in VLE: The Case Where SYIM Meets Moodle,
Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE, [s.l], N/A,
2004, V5, N4, October, 2004, 8p.
- A brief narrative description of the journal article, document, or resource.
The current paper describes a new feature called the "Question Module"
incorporated in Moodle VLE. The Question Module is an improvement
version of the "Process of Identification of Similar Question using CBR"
originally developed in the SYIM VLE. The QM automates the process of
replying to student's queries using newly developed detection algorithms.



112.Weippl, Edgar R.: Security in E-learning, 1st Ed, USA, Springer,

2005, 185p.
- Security in E-Learning is organized in three parts, First, author raises
awareness that security is an important issue in the context of education. The
second part of the book emphasize that security is mainly an organizational
and management issue. The third goal highlights improving security
fundamentals (buzz words), examples and case studies covering each of
these three topics.


Sqool Tools

16)Sqool Tools
‫انظر ايضا‬
Avilar web mentor, Elluminate live, Joomla, MOODLE, Web2.0.
113.Fairmount: Virtual Classroom [video], Fairmount, online,
Fairmount, 2008, 1 video )2:30min(.
- This video describe what virtual classrooms are containing from High
Resolution Document Presents, Wireless Laptop Computer, LCD Projector,
Mimio, Wireless Color Printer, Sympodium, Built-in Surround Sound
System and Digital Camcorder/Digital Still Camera.


114.Shepherd, Clive: Welcome to the virtual classroom [video], Clive

Shepherd, online, [s.b], 2007, 1 video )9:36min(.
- A presentation by Clive Shepherd describing what virtual classrooms are
and they role they play in blended learning.


115.Sqool Techs: Introducing SqoolTools [video], Sqool Techs, online,

Sqool Techs, 2007, 1 video )3:05 min(.
- This video identifies the key elements in SqoolTools for best virtual learning
by free tools to make technology integration simple, easily create a secure
virtual learning environment without being a technology wizard, Use only
the tools you need and you are in complete control of your virtual


Sqool Tools

116.Sqool Techs: SqoolTools: Enrolling Students into Virtual

Classrooms [video], Sqool Techs, online,, 2008, 1
video )2:35min(.
- This video provides the steps for enrolling your students into your virtual
classroom in SqoolTools.


117.Sqool Techs: SqoolTools Quick Start Guide [video], Sqool Techs,

online,, 2008, 3 videos )12:54min(.
- The first in a series of three videos entitled the SqoolTools Quick Start
Guide. SqoolTools is a Moodle-based virtual learning environment
maintained by Sqool Techs, Teachers may request a free, Virtual Classroom
Layout at


- The second video in a series of videos entitled the SqoolTools Quick Start
Guide. SqoolTools is a Moodle-based virtual learning environment
maintained by Sqool Techs, teachers may request a free, virtual classroom

- The third video in a series of videos entitled the SqoolTools Quick Start
Guide. SqoolTools is a Moodle-based virtual learning environment
maintained by Sqool Techs, teachers may request a free, creating a Virtual
Classroom at


Sqool Tools

118.WiZiQ: Free Virtual Classroom on the Web [video],,

online, WiZiQ, 2007, 1 video )2:38min(.
- Brief overview of WiZiQ, the free Web2.0 education
platform for teaching and learning online. WiZiQ includes a virtual
classroom for real-time online collaboration and interaction using
whiteboard, video and audio chat, and document sharing including PDF, and
Microsoft PowerPoint, Word and Excel. The Virtual Classroom on WiZiQ
works similar to commercial options like Adobe Connect, WebEx,
Elluminate, Marratech etc. and WiZiQ is much focused on further
developing the web-based tool with intuitive controls and perfect usability
options for education users.



‫انظر ايضا‬
Avilar web mentor, Elluminate live, Joomla, MOODLE, Sqool Tools.
119.Gutmans, Andi: What is Web 2.0? [Video], Andi Gutmans, online,
flex beta, 2006, 1vedio )3:00min(.
- It’s one of the biggest buzzwords out there, but what exactly does it mean?
Andy Gutmans of Zend defines Web 2.0 and explains how it's changing the
face of the Internet.


120.Mahemoff, Michael: Ajax Design Patterns, 1st Ed, [s.l], O'Reilly,

2006, 635p.
- Ajax, or Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, exploded onto the scene in the
spring of 2005 and remains the hottest story among web developers. With its
rich combination of technologies, Ajax provides a strong foundation for
creating interactive web applications with XML or JSON-based web
services by using JavaScript in the browser to process the web server



121.Solomon, Gwen: Web 2.0, 1st Ed, [s.l], ISTE )Interntl Soc Tech
Educ, 2007, 270p.
- A comprehensive overview of the emerging Web 2.0 technologies and their
use in the classroom and in professional development.

122.U tech tips: web 2.0 [video], u tech tips, online, U techt, 2006,
1video )5:18min(.
- Using the Web 2.0 write up in Wikipedia this video is to help teach
educators about Web 2.0 tools.


123.Vickery, Graham: OECD Information Technology Outlook 2006,

1st Ed, [s.l], OECD Publishing, 2006, 311p.
- Information technology (IT) and broadband are major drivers of economic
change, restructuring businesses, affecting skills and employment, and
contributing to growth and consumer benefits.



124.Vickery, Graham: Participative Web and User-created Content, 1st

Ed, [s.l], OECD Publishing, 2007, 124p.
- Drawing on an expanding array of intelligent web services and applications,
more and more people are creating, distributing and exploiting user-created
content (UCC). This study describes the rapid growth of UCC, its increasing
role in worldwide communication, and discusses policy implications.
125.Wesch, Michael: web 2.0 The Machine is Using us [video], Michael
Wesch, online, Michael Wesch, 2007, 1 video )4:32min(.
- A couple of people have noted that the statement, "XML was created to do
just that" (separate form from content) is misleading because CSS enables
the same effect with HTML. I tried to integrate CSS into the video, but it
ruined the flow. Perhaps in the next draft.



‫انظر ايضا‬
Blackboard, Dokeos, MOODLE, WebCT Vista.
126.Agosti, Maristella: Research and Advanced Technology for Digital
Libraries, 6th European Conference )ECDL(, 1st Ed, [s.l], Springer,
2002, 664p.
- This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th European
Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries,
ECDL 2002, held in Rome, Italy, in September 2002. The revised 42 full and
6 short papers presented together with 6 posters and demo descriptions were
carefully reviewed and selected from 145 submissions.

127.Andersen, Deborah Lines: Digital Scholarship in the Tenure,
Promotion and Review Process, 1st Ed, NY, M.E. Sharpe, 2004, 288p.
- The emergence of digital scholarship has revolutionized the college tenure,
promotion, and review process as new electronic media have enabled
scholars to communicate material in innovative formats such as websites,
PowerPoint presentations, CD-ROMs, and virtual reality "tours." This
collection of cutting edge articles marks the first effort to set standards,
define basic issues and concepts, and integrate electronic scholarship into
the tenure debate.

=webct&lr=#PPA137, M1)


128.Babb, Danielle: Make Money Teaching Online, How to Land Your

First Academic Job Build Credibility and Earn a Six-Figure Salary,
1st Ed, [s.l], Wiley-Interscience, 2007, 288p.
- Did you know you could teach from home and earn a six-figure salary?
Thousands of people make a great living teaching online courses from
home, and the more classes they teach the more they earn! If you want into
this exciting profession, this guide will show you how to get started, find
great jobs, and earn more than you thought possible.

=webct&lr=#PPA160, M1)
129.Centre for Educational Research and Innovation, Organization for
Economic Co-operation and Development: E-learning in Tertiary
Education, Where Do We Stand, 1st Ed, [s.l], OECD Publishing,
2005, 289p.
- E-learning is becoming increasingly prominent in tertiary education.
Rationales for its growth are wide-ranging, complex and contested,
including widening access, on-campus pedagogic innovation, enhancement
of distance learning, organizational change, knowledge-sharing and revenue

=webct&lr=#PPA124, M1)
130.Cobanoglu: WebCT Tutorial for HRIM 450[video], USA,
Cobanoglu, 2007, )10:36min(.
- This tutorial will show the students how to use WebCT.



131.Cohen, Eli: Issues in Informing Science and Information

Technology, 2nd Ed, California, Informing Science, 2005, 744p.
- Over the past decade, the New Zealand government has instituted radical
changes to the tertiary sector financial infrastructure .As their traditional
benchmarks of student ability and aptitude have been eroded, the
consequence for employers and their recruiting practices have been largely

PA435&dq=webct&lr=#PRA1-PA435, M1)
132.Commonwealth Secretariat: Commonwealth Education
Partnerships, Stephen A. Maltin, 1st Ed, [London], Commonwealth
Secretariat, 2004, 374p.
- An overview of education and research collaboration in the Commonwealth,
between member countries themselves, and between the education, private
and NGO sectors. This publication includes key-notes from leading
commentators and experts on issues such as Millennium Development
Goals, HIV/AIDS and Distance Learning, directory of education and
research resources in Commonwealth countries.

A5Ys17FYC&printsec=frontcover#PPA142, M1)
133.Dunlop, Judith M.: Information Technology and Evidence-based
Social Work Practice, V3, NY, Haworth Press, 2007, 242p.
- Chapters include questions for practitioners and for clients to illuminate the
current and future issues surrounding technology and evidence-based

webct&lr=#PPA188, M1)


134.Farkas, Meredith G.: Social Software in Libraries, building

Collaboration, Communication, and Community Online, 1st Ed, [s.l],
Information Today, Inc., 2007,320p.
- Here is the first book to explore the growing phenomenon of social software
and how these technologies can be applied in libraries. Social software lets
libraries show a human face online, helping them communicate, educate,
and interact with their communities.

=WebCT&lr=#PPA54, M1)
135.Howell, Scott L.: Online Assessment and Measurement, 1st Ed, [s.l],
Idea Group, 2006, 280p.
- This book features case studies detailing online applications and uses of
assessment and measurement methodologies, systems, and practices across
three broad educational or training areas.
136.iProfHawaii: sing WebCT and the Course Website [video],
Honolulu, iProfHawaii, 2007, 1video )5:28min(.
- This tutorial illustrates how to log into WebCT.


137.Iyer, Hemalata: Distance Learning, 1st Ed, NY, Haworth Press,

[2002], 151p.
- This volume centers broadly on information support services for distance
education. As educators, librarian is faced with the challenge of providing
dq=webct&lr=#PPA103, M1)
138.Keegan, Desmond: Distance Training, 1st Ed, [s.l], Rout ledge, 2000,
- There are a range of commercials kernels on the market including first class,
the WebCT kernel developed by Goldberger the University of British
Columbia in Vancouver.
q=WebCT#PPA108, M1)
139.Ketteridge, Steve: the Effective Academic, A Handbook for
Enhanced Academic Practice, 1st Ed, [s.l], Rout ledge, 2002, 292p.
=WebCT&lr=#PPA243, M1)
140.Kwan, Reggie: Web-based Learning: Men & Machines,
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Web-Based
Learning in China, ICWL, 1st Ed, World Scientific, Hong Kong,
2002, 225p.
- This book provides an up-to-date study of technical, pedagogical and
managerial issues in Web-based learning. The successful application of
Web-based learning provides enhancements in workforce performance,
helps to lower costs, and encourages innovation for Web-based and distance
&dq=webct&lr=#PPA242, M1)
141.Lloyd, Robert Mitcheal: Civil Engineering Learning Technology,
1st Ed, [s.l], Thomas Telford, 1999, 264p.
- The field of civil engineering offers specific challenges to the higher
education sector. Civil engineering's blend of management design and
analysis requires people with a combination of academic and experimental
knowledge and skill-based abilities. This volume brings together papers by
leading practitioners in the field of learning technology, within the discipline
of civil engineering, to facilitate the sharing of experience, knowledge and
142.Lynch, Maggie McVay: Learning Online, a Guide to Success in the
Virtual Classroom, 1st Ed, Rout ledge, London, 2004, 220p.
- This book provides realistic guidelines to ensure success in the virtual
learning environment. From detailing tools like WebCT and Blackboard, to
overcoming personal barriers to success, this handy text deals with issues
that readers of any age, stage, or situation are likely to encounter.

=webct&lr=#PPA64, M1)

143.M.Husain: Encyclopedia of Non Formal Education, 1st Ed, New
Delhi, A mol Publications PVT. LTD, 2004, 1130p.
- This book include so many paragraphs about most important fields in
education like distance education, videoconferencing, online learning,
WebCT, e-learning and more fields .It's also talk about The hi-tech computer
webct&lr=#PPA26, M1)
144.Mabry, Hales: Cooperative Reference, 1st Ed, New York, Haworth
Press, 2004, 290p.
- This book explores the various means of developing social professionalism,
collaborating on projects, and combining forces with other libraries to
remain on the cutting edge of information services in this new century.
Using this guide, you will learn from the first-hand experiences of on-the-
job reference librarians. This book will give you-as a reference librarian,
administrator, library science student, or educator-ideas to support
cooperative efforts in the library and beyond.
WebCT&lr=#PPA178, M1)
145.Maddux, Cleborne D.: Type II Uses of Technology in Education,
Projects, Case Studies and Software Applications, 1st Ed, [s.l],
Haworth Press, 2006, 207p.
- Explores teaching methods that give students a creative learning experience
through the use of technology, illustrating ways o generate classroom
interest through case studies, projects, and software applications.

webct&lr=#PPA51, M1)

146.Mann,Bruce Leslie: Selected Styles in Web-based Educational
Research, 1st Ed, [s.l], Idea Group Inc )IGI(, 2006, 490p.
- This book is intended for prospective web teachers and trainers interested in
conducting Web-based educational research.

q=webct&lr=#PPA285, M1)
147.McConnell, David: Implementing Computer Supported Cooperative
Learning, 2nd Ed, London, Rout ledge, 2000, 265p.
- His fully revised edition of a groundbreaking book, looking at how
computers facilitate learning among groups of individuals, is written by a
leading academic and practitioner in this now established field.

webct&lr=#PPA55, M1)
148.Miltonmayfield:POM 3310 WebCT Introduction [video], USA,
Miltonmayfield, 2007, 1 video )6.50min(.
- A tutorial and introduction for the POM 3310 online.
Vasile: Knowledge-based Intelligent Information and
Engineering Systems, 1st Ed, New York, Springer, 2003, 1443p.
- The two volumes LNAI 2773 and LNAI 2774 constitute the refereed
proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Knowledge-Based
Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, KES 2003, held in

Oxford, UK in September 2003.The 390 revised papers and poster papers
presented were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions.


Lisa Ann: Case Studies on Information Technology in
Higher Education, Implications for Policy and Practice, 1st Ed, [s.l],
Idea Group, 2000, 257p.
- Case Studies on Information Technology in Higher Education: Implications
for Policy and Practice is a collection of cases by researchers and
practitioners that investigates examples of integrating IT in higher education,
examining both successes and failures in college and university settings.

q=webct&lr=#PPA69, M1)
151.Reisman, Sorel: Electronic Learning Communities, 1st Ed, [s.l], IAP,
2003, 565p.
- At this book the Author want to tell us that is E- learning isn't new ,and the
same thing at multimedia-enhanced electronic learning .At chapter 7 the
author talking about the role of Mooney.

q=webct&lr=#PPA271, M1)
152.Remenyi, Dan: Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on e-
Learning, 1st Ed, Dublin, Academic Conferences Limited, 2005, 595p.
- In meeting the challenges, which the new technologies offer in education
(Collis & Moonen, 2001), the senior management of Napier University
adopted a highly proactive strategy. Electing to use WebCT Campus Edition
(WebCT) as the virtual learning environment (VLE) platform within an
integrated managed learning environment (MLE).

q=WebCT+Vista+2.1#PPA237, M1)


Virginia Kaye: an Administrator's Guide to Online
Education, 1st Ed, [s.l], IAP, 2005, 195p.
- This book encompasses the issues and provides information on how to
accomplish one specific task: successful online educational administration.

=WebCT&lr=#PPA124, M1)
154.Stephenson, John: Teaching & Learning Online, Pedagogies for New
Technologies, 1st Ed, Rout ledge, London, 2001, 228p.
- This book is the first to present a wide range of experience and research
findings from leading practitioners and organizations around the world and
will be invaluable for researchers, developers and teachers, as well as
anyone with a critical interest in developing successful online teaching and


155.Tsang,Philip: Enhancing Learning through Technology,1st Ed,

Reggie Kwan, Robert Fox, Hong Kong, World Scientific, 2007, 281p.
- This volume provides an up-to-date study of theory and practice on the
importance of technology in teaching and learning. The contributions are
carefully peer-reviewed from over 100 submissions to the International
Conference on Teaching and learning 2006, held in Hong Kong.

=webct&lr=#PPA219, M1)

Barbara B.: Designing for Change in Networked Learning
Environments, 1st Ed, New York, Springer, 2003, 560p.
- Designing for Learning in Networked Learning Environments is of interest
to researchers and students, designers, educators, and industrial trainers
across various disciplines including education, cognitive, social and
educational psychology, didactics, computer science, linguistics and
semiotics, speech communication, anthropology, sociology and design.

Jan M: Interactive Distance Learning in PreK-12 Settings, a
Handbook of Possibilities, 1st Ed, [s.l], Libraries Unlimited, 2003,
- This book will help educators make the transition from technology-based
learning modalities and integrate elements of distance learning into the

=WebCT&lr=#PPA80, M1)

WebCT Vista

19)WebCT Vista

158.Mokmcdaniel:WebCT vista assessments tool training [videos], USA,
Mokmcdaniel, 2007, 3videos )16:19min(.
- How to use the WebCT Vista Assessments Tool.

159.Sharma, Ramesh C.: Cases on Global E-learning Practices,
Successes and Pitfalls, 1st Ed, Idea Group, [s.b], 2007, 356p.
- E-learning has assumed a significant role in the educational sector in both
face-to-face learning and distance learning forms. Universities all over the
globe have adopted e-learning methodology, or are planning to implement it
in the near future.

=WebCT&lr=#PPA13, M1)

81 98 A. Di Iorio
53 45 A. K. Goldberg
43 26 Abraham Kandel
65 68 Adir Cohen
42 24 Adrian Hopgood
45 30 Alan S. Marcus
85 108 Aliga Suziz
59 56 Amber daily Hebert
77 89 Ana Fred
91 119 Andi Gutmans
33 6 Anil Aggarwal
55 50 Ann Rockley
37 13 Arif Bhatti
86 111 Avgoustos A. Tsinakos
31 2 Baltasar Fernandez Manjon
104 156 Barbara B.Wasson
64 67 Bill Evjen
79 94 Brian Bridges
101 146 Bruce Leslie Mann
47 35 Carlo Tasso
52 43 Carlos Delgado

75 85 Carrie F. Paechter
Centre for Educational
76 87 Research and Innovation
Centre for Educational
Research and Innovation,
95 129 Organization for Economic
Co-operation and
80 95 Cesar Camison
77 90 Chee-Kit Looi
100 145 Cleborne D.Maddux
88 114 Clive Shepherd
95 130 Cobanoglu
96 132 Commonwealth Secretariat
73 81 Dan Rahmel
73 82
102 152 Dan Remenyi
95 128 Danielle Babb
101 147 David McConnell
56 51 David Smith
94 127 Deborah Lines Andersen
31 3 Deepankar Medhi
98 138 Desmond Keegan
33 7 Diane M. Billings
87 112 Edgar R. Weippl
39 16 Edith Wen-Chu Chen
66 70 Eleanor Renee Rodriguez

62 62 Eli Cohen
96 131
88 113 Fairmount
59 57 Francisco Mendes
42 23 Frank van Hamelin
34 8 Fred Lockwood
75 86 Gabriella Minnes Brandes
40 20 Graham F. Forsyth
92 123 Graham Vickery
92 124
83 104 Guohua Pan
91 121 Gwen Solomon
100 144 Hales Mabry
98 137 Hemalata Iyer
36 10 Hojjat Adeli
32 5 Hokyoung Ryu
47 34 Howie South worth
100 143 Husain M.
57 53 Huseyin Uzunboylu
39 17 I. Craig
53 46 ICT Hub
97 136 iProfHawaii
84 106 J. Michael Spector
71 78 Jackley Cesar
104 157 Jan M. Yates
49 38 Jan Pavelka

80 96 Jason Cole
45 31 Jerzy Pokojski
48 37 John A. Hughes
72 80 John Clark Marshman
103 154 John Stephenson
79 93 Jon Baggaley
50 40 Josh Bersin
51 41
96 133 Judith M. Dunlop
84 105 Julian Ridden
63 64 Julie Liz Smith Santy
54 47 Kinshuk
78 92 Kirk St Amant
73 83 Kody Ryals
82 101 Kok
42 25 L.c. Jain
39 18 Larry Cubban
83 102
70 77 Leesa Barnes
76 88 Liliane Esnault
102 150 Lisa Ann Petrides
36 11 M. Arockiasamy
67 71 M. Katherine Brown
61 61 M. O. Thirunarayanan
99 142 Maggie McVay Lynch
67 72 Margaret Driscoll

65 69 Marguarita McVay
94 126 Maristella Agosti
63 65 Marleen Wynants
69 76 Matthew Serbin Pittinsky
38 15 Max A. Braymer
97 134 Meredith G. Farkas
37 12 Michael Berthold
44 28 Michael Klonsky
91 120 Michael Mahemoff
93 125 Michael Wesch
101 148 Miltonmayfield
105 158 Mokmcdaniel
83 103 N/A
51 42 Nadire Cavus
40 19 Nina G. Dorsch
69 75 Pat Criscito
78 91 Pavlo Antonenko
103 155 Philip Tsang
74 84 R. Allen Wyke
105 159 Ramesh C. Sharma
58 54 Ray Corrigan
98 140 Reggie Kwan
64 66 Reidar Conradi
50 39 Reima Sado Al-Jarf
68 74 Renata Phelps
41 21 Richard A. Gibboney

48 36 Richard Bentley
60 60 Robert C. Preziosi
99 141 Robert Mitcheal Lloyd
62 63 Robert O'Dowd
81 97 Rose Dieng
46 32 Roy Rada
46 33 S. Ramani
38 14 Samuel J. Biondo
54 48 Shawn Neumann
43 27 Simon L. Kendal
68 73 Solomon Negash
55 49 Sophie Oberstein
102 151 Sorel Reisman
85 107 Spector Spencer-Oatey
88 115 Sqool Techs
89 116
89 117
41 22 Stanislaw Glazek
98 139 Steve Ketteridge
85 109 The Moodle man Blog
60 59 Thomas Nixon
86 110 Ticformacion
72 79 Tim Jowers
44 29 Tom Loveless
82 99 Toru Iiyoshi
32 4 Travis Russell

56 52 Tree Works
92 122 U tech tips
52 44 Uschi Felix
101 149 Vasile Palade
103 153 Virginia Kaye Shelton
60 58 William Miller
90 118 WiZiQ
58 55 Yali Friedman
82 100 Yukiko Inoue
35 9 Yusra Laila Visser
31 1 Zongmin Ma

‫رقم الصفحة‬ ‫رقم المسلسل‬ ‫العنــــــــــوان‬
A Proven 7-Step Plan to Help
Individuals and Businesses Generate
70 77
Income through Audio and Video

60 60 Adult Education in Academia

85 109 Advanced FLV Moodle Filter

Advanced Web-Based Training

67 72 Strategies: Unlocking Instructionally
Sound Online Learning
Advances in computer – supported
59 57

37 12 Advances in intelligent data analysis

Advances in intelligent systems for

42 25

91 120 Ajax Design Patterns

All aboard - Destination Unknown: A

53 45 Sociological Discussion of Online
An administrator's guide to online
103 153
An Evaluation of Open Source
Learning Management Systems
57 53
According to Learners Tools
An introduction to knowledge
43 27
An Online Social Constructivist Tool:
82 101 Secondary School Experience in the
Developing World
Automatically Producing Accessible
81 98
Learning Objects

69 75 Barron's Guide to Distance Learning

73 81 Beginning Joomla!

Being an E-learner in Health and

63 64
Social Care

Best practices in biotechnology

58 55

Beyond Free Coffee & Donuts:

55 49
Marketing Training and Development

47 34 Blackboard for Dummies

39 17 Blackboard systems

Building Web 2.0 Business Websites:
Business Process Innovation with Web
71 78
2.0 and Joomla! : Business Process
Innovation with Web 2.0 and Joomla!
Case Studies on Information
102 150 Technology in Higher Education,
Implications for Policy and Practice
Cases on Global E-learning Practices,
105 159
Successes and Pitfalls

45 30 Celluloid Blackboard

Choosing and Using Content

53 46
Management Systems Guide

99 141 Civil Engineering Learning Technology

Commonwealth Education
96 132
Partnerships, Stephen A. Maltin

Community, collaboration and

40 19
collegiality in school reform

60 59 Complete guide to online high schools

Computer-aided Design Meets

52 43
Computer-aided Learning

31 2 Computers and Education

44 29 Conflicting missions

Connectivity and Knowledge

80 95
Management in Virtual Organizations

57 52 Content Management Systems

Conversations in E-Learning: E-
33 7

100 144 Cooperative Reference

CoSN K12 Open Technologies

Implementation Study#3Moodle: an
83 103
Open Learning Content Management
System for Schools,
Creating Interactive Classrooms with
79 94

Designing for Change in Networked

104 156
Learning Environments

Development of Knowledge-based
47 35
Systems for Engineering

58 54 Digital decision making

Digital Scholarship in the Tenure,

94 127
Promotion and Review Process

98 137 Distance Learning

98 138 Distance Training

Educational Technology & Society: An

54 47
International Journal

76 87 E-learning in Tertiary Education

E-learning in Tertiary Education,

95 129
Where Do We Stand

E-Learning Initiatives in China:

85 107
Pedagogy, Policy and Culture

102 151 Electronic Learning Communities

Empowering the Employment of Case

86 111 Based Reasoning in VLE: The Case
Where SYIM Meets Moodle
Encyclopedia of Non Formal
100 143

Enhancing Learning through

103 155
Eportfolios, International Review of
75 86 Research in Open and Distance

36 11 Expert Systems

Expert systems in construction and

36 10
structural engineering

Facts Practical Analysis Trends and

50 40
Vendor Profiles

Finding the perfect Content

54 48
Management System

Finding Your Online Voice: Stories

84 106
Told by Experienced Online Educators

90 118 Free Virtual Classroom on the Web

Fundamentals of expert systems

38 14

43 26 Fuzzy expert systems

48 36 Groupware and the World Wide Web

Handbook of Distance Learning for

68 73 Real-Time and Asynchronous
Information Technology Education
Handbook of Research on Open
78 92 Source Software: Technological,
Economic, and Social Perspectives

63 65 How Open is the Future?

Implementing Computer Supported

101 147
Cooperative Learning

Improving internet reference services

60 58
to distance learners
Industrial and engineering applications
40 20 of artificial intelligence and expert

62 62 Information and Beyond

Information Technology and Evidence-

96 133
based Social Work Practice

Innovation in Open & Distance

34 8

32 5 Innovative Mobile Learning

Integration technology in higher

61 61

Intelligent systems for Engineers and

42 24

Interactive Distance Learning in PreK-

104 157
12 Settings, a Handbook of Possibilities

88 115 Introducing SqoolTools

IPA-concepts and applications in
45 31

Issues in Informing Science and

96 131
Information Technology

Josh: The High-Impact Learning

51 41

46 33 Knowledge based computer systems

Knowledge Engineering and

Knowledge Management Methods,
81 97
Models, and Tools: 12th International
Knowledge-based Intelligent
101 149
Information and Engineering Systems

Language Learning Online: Towards

52 44
Best Practice

Learning Online, a Guide to Success in

99 142
the Virtual Classroom

75 85 Learning, Space and Identity

Make Money Teaching Online, How to

Land Your First Academic Job Build
95 128
Credibility and Earn a Six-Figure
Managing Enterprise Content: a
55 50
Unified Content Strategy

Managing Virtual Teams: Getting the
67 71 Most from Wikis, Blogs, and Other
Collaborative Tools

83 102 Marking work directly within Moodle

42 23 Meta-level inference systems

Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic

78 91 Learning Environment: What Open
Source Has to Offer

85 108 Moodle Presentation

86 110 Moodle Qué es Moodle

Near East University Learning

51 42 Management System Based Distant

31 3 Network Routing

OECD Information Technology

92 123
Outlook 2006

97 135 Online Assessment and Measurement

62 63 Online Intercultural Exchange

72 79 Open Source Pro: Joomla

82 99 Opening Up Education

Organizing and Managing Your

68 74 Research: a Practical Guide for
Participative Web and User-created
93 124

101 148 POM 3310 WebCT Introduction

Proceedings of the 5th European

102 152
Conference on e-Learning
Proceedings of the Fifth European
48 37 Conference on Computer Supported
Cooperative Work

41 22 Productive learning

64 67 Professional ASP.NET 3.5

73 82 Professional Joomla!

Research and Advanced Technology

94 126 for Digital Libraries, 6th European
Conference )ECDL(

Research and development in
38 15
intelligent systems

87 112 Security in E-learning

Selected Styles in Web-based

101 146
Educational Research
SEO 100 Success Secrets - Search
Engine Optimization 100 Most Asked
73 83 Questions: The Missing SEO Tools
Handbook and Guide to Ranking

59 56 Service E–learning

32 4 Signaling System #7

97 136 Sing WebCT and the Course Website

44 28 Small schools

Social Software in Libraries, building

97 134 Collaboration, Communication, and
Community Online

49 38 SOFSEM ‘99

64 66 Software Process Technology

89 117 SqoolTools Quick Start Guide

SqoolTools: Enrolling Students into

89 116
Virtual Classrooms

Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical

77 89
Pattern Recognition

Teaching & Learning Online,

103 154
Pedagogies for New Technologies

Teaching about Asian Pacific

39 16
Teaching English with Information
Technology: How to Teach English
56 51 Using the Internet, Software, and
Email - For the Professional English
Language Teacher
Teaching with Educational Technology
82 100 in the 21st Century: The Case of the
Asia Pacific Region
Technical Evaluation Report: 60. The
79 93
World-Wide Inaccessible Web

39 18 The Blackboard and the bottom line

98 139 The Effective Academic

The Emergence of Open-Source

83 104
Software in North America

65 68 The Gate of Light

The History of India, from the Earliest

72 80 Period to the Close of Lord Dalhousie’s

65 69 The Online Educator

41 21 The stone trumpet

69 76 The Wired Tower

Towards Sustainable and Scalable

77 90
Educational Innovations Informed

Trends and Issues in Distance

35 9
Education: International Perspectives

84 105 Turbo Charging Moodle

Type II Uses of Technology in Education,

100 145 Projects, Case Studies and Software

46 32 Understanding virtual university

74 84 Up and Running with Joomla

80 96 Using Moodle teaching with the

popular open source course
management system

Using Technology Learning

Environment to Overcome Social and
37 13
Cultural Limitations in Higher
Using Three Online Course
Management Systems in EFL
50 39

88 113 Virtual Classroom

92 121 Web 2.0

92 122 Web 2.0

93 125 Web 2.0 The Machine is Using us

Web-Based Education and Pedagogical

76 88

Web-based Intelligent E-learning

31 1
Web-based Learning and Teaching
33 6 Technologies: Opportunities and
Web-based Learning: Men &
Machines, Proceedings of the First
98 140
International Conference on Web-
Based Learning in China, ICWL
95 130 WebCT Tutorial, for HRIM 450

105 158 WebCT vista assessments tool training

88 114 Welcome to the virtual classroom

66 70 What is it about Me You Can't Teach

91 119 What is Web 2.0?

‫رقم الصفحة‬ ‫رقم المسلسل للبطاقات‬ ‫رأس الموضوع‬
31-32 1-5 .LRN
33-35 6-9 Avilar web mentor
36-47 10-35 Blackboard
48-49 36-38 BSCW
50-57 39-53 CMS
58-61 54-61 Desire2learn
62-63 62-65 Dokeos
64 66-67 E3
65-66 68-70 Educator
67-68 71-74 Elluminate live
69 75-76 Internet Course Assistant
70-74 77-84 Joomla
75 85-86 Learning Space
76-77 87-90 Lono-Capa
78-87 91-112 MOODLE
88-90 113-118 Sqool Tools
91-93 119-125 Web2.0
104-94 157-126 WebCT
105 159-158 WebCT Vista

‫المشكلت‬ ‫التكلفة‬ ‫الوقت المستغرق‬ ‫المرحلة‬
‫عدم وجود‬ ‫‪55‬‬ ‫ايام ‪6‬‬
‫اى مصادر‬
‫مرحلة البحث والنظرية‬
‫‪-‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫ايام ‪6‬‬ ‫مرحلة البناء والتكوين‬

‫قلة المصادر‬ ‫‪50‬‬ ‫يوما ‪46‬‬

‫مرحلة التجميع‬
‫المتاحة كاملة‬
‫ضيق الوقت‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫ايام ‪8‬‬
‫مرحلة الكتابة والتنظيم‬
‫إرتفاع أسعار‬ ‫‪70‬‬ ‫يومين‬
‫الورق والطبع‬
‫مرحلة النتاج النهائى‬


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