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Bilingue - Bilingual

Peridico Bisemanal para el estado de Delaware Delaware Statewide Bi-weeklt Newspaper Delaware Ao 7, No. 08, 18 de mayo de 2012 - Delaware, Year VII, No. 08, May 18, 2012

Lo Mejor de lo Mejor The Best of the Best

El sbado 12 de mayo se llev a cabo el Programa de Reconocimiento a los estudiantes hispanos de Delaware.

Delawares Hispanic Student Recognition Program was held on Saturday May 12th .

Estudiante Excepcional Femenina del Ao Outstanding Hispanic High School Female Student of the Year

Claudia Gonzlez,

Estudiante Excepcional Masculino del Ao Outstanding Hispanic High School Male Student of the Year

Reinaldo Reina,

Homenaje a la Mujer Hispana - Tribute to Hispanic Women


18 de Mayo 2012 Vol 07 No.08

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Muy pronto

Peridico Bilingue Bisemanal para el Estado de Delaware 18 de mayo 2012, Vol. VII No.08 Delaware Statewide Bi-Weekly Bilingual Newspaper May 18, 2012, Vol.VII No.08

El Tiempo Hispano es una Publicacin de Hola Delaware LLC 123 Rosmary Court, Bear, Delaware,19701

302-832 3620 fax 302- 832 3620

El Tiempo Hispano is published by

>Gabriel pilonieta-Blanco

editorial editorial

Tradicionalmente el mes de mayo est dedicado a la mujer, y tambin nosotros nos unimos a la celebracin de la mujer como madre, creadora, compaera, amiga, inspiracin, ngel de la guarda, fuerza, tierra, hermana, musa, hija, abuela, pasin y muchas otras facetas que hacen de ellas seres complejos y fascinantes. Como un homenaje discreto pero sentido, siempre hemos presentado en nuestro peridico conversaciones con diferentes mujeres hispanas en Delaware que vienen de pases y experiencias diferentes y han permitido que compartamos un poco de su intimidad y manera de ver el mundo. Es la punta del iceberg de la gran riqueza cultural y vivencial de la mujer hispana. Hemos escogido personas que no son tan conocidas o que simplemente trabajan atrs de bastidores construyendo un mundo mejor y ms feliz para todos con los que tienen contacto. No son historias de heronas en el sentido clsico de la historia sino en el mundo pequeo de lo cotidiano, y seguramente la pobreza en sus planteamientos se deba a nuestra poca capacidad para contarlas y no a que no sean historias extraordinarias que son en cierta forma tambin la historia de miles de mujeres annimas que nunca se dan a conocer. Ojala tuviramos ms espacio en nuestras pginas para dar a conocer muchas ms mujeres formidables que enriquecen nuestras vidas, a veces con tan solo una sonrisa, una palabra amable o simplemente su presencia. As que muchas gracias, mujeres, por darle sentido a nuestra vida y tambin tanta alegra. Es tambin una extraordinaria ocasin para congratular a esos cientos de jvenes hispanos que la semana pasada fueron reconocidos por sus mritos acadmicos, comunitarios, cientficos, artsticos o deportivos. Cada una de sus experiencias nos llena de orgullo a todos en la comunidad, pero de una manera especial a sus madres y padres que sienten que estn haciendo algo positivo en el futuro de sus hijos. Resulta extraordinario ver tambin a los maestros orgullosos acompaando a estos jvenes en la emotiva ceremonia que rene a tan extraordinarios jvenes hispanos de todo el estado. Una vez ms nos unimos a la celebracin de los xitos que cada vez ms jvenes estn logrando en sus estudios. En sus manos est nuestro maana.
General Manager Mara Vera Rodrguez

Visit us at


Gabriel Pilonieta-Blanco 302- 588 9584

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Cecilia Cardesa Lusardi Karyl Thomas Rattay Carlos Dipres Margaret Reyes Peter Gonzales Keyla Rivero-Rodrguez Annette Merino Miguel Acosta Laura Poppiti Tabatha Castro Lastenia Narvaez Greer Firestone Eric Doroshow Mara Picazo + Samuel Blanco Arizpe Eric Soberanis Mara Velsquez Naranjo Ismael Santos Wanda Lopez Elizabeth Cordeiro-Rowe Allison Burris Christopher Posh Ronaldo Tello Alfredo Lascoutx Vivian L. Rapposelli Nelly Arevalo Jason Keller Alma Villalobos Rafael Guerrero Javier Moreno Antonia Donato Ricardo Diaz Eli Ramos Margie King Michelle Acosta Pierre Smythe Luis Alejandro Vera Antonio Droz Zuleika Cervantes Brenda Palomo Jaime Rivera Nina Qureshi-Ibqal Melissa Skolnick Lilia Estrada Roxanna Valdes Antonio Droz Amy Libonate Tamara Romero Jennifer L. Cohan Jose R. Pacheco

Traditionally the month of May is dedicated to women, and we also join the celebration of women as mother, creator, companion, friend, inspiration, guardian angel, force, soil, sister, muse, daughter, grandmother, passion and many other facets that make them complex and fascinating beings. As a discreet but heartfelt tribute, we have always presented in our newspaper conversations with different Hispanic women in Delaware that come from different countries and experiences and that have allowed us to share a bit of their privacy and way of seeing the world. It is the tip of the iceberg of the great cultural and experiential richness of Hispanic women. We have chosen people who are not well-known or are simply working behind scenes building a better and more happy world for everybody they come into contact. These are not stories of heroines in the classical sense of history but in the small world of everyday life, and surely the poorly manner in their approach is due to our limited capacity for story-telling and not because they are not extraordinary stories that are in some ways also the history of thousands of anonymous women who never made themselves known. We wish we had more space in our pages to publicize many more formidable women who enrich our lives, sometimes with just a smile, a kind word or simply their presence. So thank you, women, for giving meaning to our lives and also so much joy. It is also an extraordinary opportunity to congratulate those hundreds of young Hispanics who last week were recognized for their academic, community, scientific, artistic or sporting merits. Each of their experiences makes all of us in the community very proud, but in a special way their mothers and fathers who feel that they are doing something positive for the future of their children. It is also extraordinary to see the proud teachers accompanying these young people in the emotional ceremony that brings together such extraordinary young Hispanics from all over the state. Once again we join in the celebration of the successes that increasingly more young people are achieving in their studies. Our tomorrow is in their hands.

DISEO GRAFICO / GRAphIC DESIGN Michael Lovett/ William Galindo

Esteban M.P Vera/ Gabriel Pilonieta - Blanco . Magdalena Sierra / Wanda Lopez Jonathan Galindo/ Eli Ramos Nelson Gonzlez / Adrin Abonce. Fernando Hernndez / Pedro Escrcega


Leyes / Laws: La Mujer Hispana en Delaware / Delaware Hispanic Women Locales/ Local: Sptima Graduacin de Aspirantes / Seventh Aspirantes Graduation Estado / State: Programa de Reconocimiento a los estudiantes hispanos de Delaware/ Hispanic Students Recognition Program Y mucho ms / And much more

Valentina P Rodrguez . Mara Picazo + Gabriela Montilva P / Marianella Vera . Michelle Acosta

The opinions expressed in this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors. Any published material might be used or reprinted as long as the source is cited.

123 Rosemary Court, Bear, DE 19701 302-588 9584 email:

Delaware 18 de Mayo 2012 Vol 7 No.08



educacin education

Delaware 18 de Mayo 2012 Vol 7 No.08

Lo importante son los Nios

La nueva directora de la escuela primaria Lewis, Ariadna Castaeda convers con el Tiempo Hispano con el fin de aclarar algunas dudas que han surgido en la comunidad escolar con respecto a su nombramiento.
En esta conversacin Castaeda estuvo acompaada de la futura subdirectora Amy ONeill, quien hasta este momento ha sido maestra en esa escuela por 13 aos. Ariadna Castaeda naci en Panam donde vivi los primeros 29 aos de su vida. Estudi en la Universidad de Panam donde recibi el titulo de maestra de ingls como segundo idioma. Al venir a Los Estados Unidos en 1984, se dedic a la enseanza, primero en el distrito escolar de Milford, luego en el Cesar Rodney (Dover) donde fue la primera maestra en implementar el programa de ESL y ms tarde en Red Clay, todos en Delaware. Durante estos 28 aos Ariadna ha continuado su educacin logrando su maestra y la certificacin en educacin bsica, educacin secundaria y como administradora. En primer lugar preguntamos, por qu el cargo no fue puesto en licitacin u oferta pblica? Ariadna respondi que el cargo ha sido anunciado por amplias vas incluso nacionales y no se consigui nunca una respuesta, y entonces el distrito me pidi que ayudara y yo acept. Todos sabemos que se necesita a alguien que hable espaol en esa escuela. Est claro que solo hecho de hablar espaol no califica a nadie apara dirigir una escuela, as que le pedimos a Castaeda que nos contara sobre sus calificaciones y experiencia para ocupar este cargo. A lo que replic diciendo que, cuento con 28 aos de experiencia tanto de maestra como administradora, me inici trabajando con los muchachos ms difciles del estado en Cesar Rodney y all adquir muy buena experiencia. Nunca hubiera aceptado si no supiera que soy capaz de hacerlo bien, asegura. Haciendo un poco de historia, Castaeda cuenta que cuando surgi una oportunidad para un cargo para el distrito de Red Clay, Ariadna concurs y logr la posicin como supervisora del programa de enseanza de ingls como segundo idioma. Y es en esa posicin, que Ariadna viendo como los nios en Lewis estaban completamente marginados, propone la creacin de un programa de lenguaje dual de enseanza. Yo vengo de un sistema de lenguaje de enseanza dual. En esa poca, 1998, haba muchas dificultades para implementar un programa dual, la gente no era muy receptiva, de all que empezramos como una escuela Foreign language magnet y como no haba el da completo de Knder, lo abrimos y eso aument tremendamente la poblacin, pero claro porque ahora podan tener todo el da a los nios en la escuela y no porque les interesara el segundo lenguaje. Cuando se implementa el programa de lenguaje dual, Ariadna trabajaba con la directora con el fin de ir en la direccin correcta y el programa logra bastante xito. Pero algo sucedi y los resultados se derrumbaron. Qu pas? En parte se debe al cambio en la direccin, y, explica Castaeda, la ley (Neighborhood School Law) de distribucin en la escuelas en el 2005 cambi todo. Muchos estudiantes no pudieron seguir en esa escuela ya que fueron asignados a otras. Adems la falta de comunicacin entre los niveles altos de la administracin con la gente en las trincheras haciendo el trabajo y tratando de arreglar las cosas. Lo que sucedi es que cuando Lewis empez como una escuela magneto, nunca solicitaron tal

Ariadna Castaeda y Amy ONeill

categora al departamento de educacin para tener transporte y cuando lleg la ley no hubo los recursos para facilitar el transporte de los estudiantes que no vivan en los alrededores. Y eso, explica Ariadna, es algo que vamos a hacer ahora para que cualquiera que quiera venir a esta escuela lo pueda hacer, siempre que haya cupo. Pero esa ley fue la que caus todos los problemas? No, definitivamente no. Hay muchas otras cosas. Hemos tenido dificultades para tener un director en los ltimos aos. Un director que tenga no solo las calificaciones, sino lo ms importante, la pasin para sacar este programa adelante. Se hizo un gran esfuerzo de buscarlo a travs, incluso de peridicos como el New York Times o publicaciones especializadas en educacin, y a la gente que les interes finalmente no queran mudarse de otro estado. Y vamos a seguir buscando. Si es cierto que el programa fracasa cmo es que ahora le dan el premio a Ariadna para dirigir la escuela? A lo que responde con otra pregunta, Premio? Quien dice algo as no tiene ni idea del trabajo que implica sacar adelante un proyecto como ste. Es bien sabido que cuando el Departamento de Educacin declara a la escuela Lewis como parte del Partnership Zone le dieron al distrito una serie de alternativas para mejorar el desempeo de la escuela. La parte crtica del asunto es que inicialmente se pens en eliminar el programa dual, pero ante la insistencia de los padres finalmente se decidi mantenerlo y dedicarle recursos para que funcione exitosamente, y aqu es cuando surge la idea de llamar a Ariadna Castaeda, quien ha sido maestra por ms de tres dcadas y cuenta con una amplia experiencia administrando el programa bilinge del distrito para que asuma la direccin. Amy ONeill interviene para aclarar que en Lewis se respeta al nio bilinge y que no es cierto el rumor de que les han prohibido hablar en espaol en la escuela. Por otra parte explica que algunos profesores no van a volver el prximo ao, han sido involuntariamente transferidos, la mayora no son bilinges y no cumplen con el requisito que es fundamental para esta escuela. En todo caso todos los profesores tienen garantizado su trabajo en el distrito. Y los que se quedan tienen que trabajar en resolver los puntos que el Partnership Zone nos exige. Necesitamos a los maestros que sean parte activa para lograr la mejora. Ahora bien, lo que plantea Ariadna para mejorar la situacin bsicamente es lo siguiente, aunque su empleo comienza el 1 de julio, desde ya empezar construir los puentes para: En primer lugar recobrar la confianza de la comunidad: los padres y los maestros. Fortalecer el programa dual de enseanza. Es difcil encontrar maestros bilinges, de all que traigan cuatro de Espaa que van a ensear en espaol, ciencias, artes y matemticas, adems del espaol como idioma. Queremos abrir una nueva pgina con mayor participacin para poder cumplir con las exigencias del PZ. Necesitamos la ayuda de todos. Mantendremos una poltica de puertas abiertas, de comunicacin abierta con las familias y sobre todo mantener a los nios en primer lugar. Vamos a aprovechar otras experiencias exitosas, y usaremos los recursos que nos brinda ahora el estado a travs del programa de inmersin que va a implementar en todo el estado el departamento de educacin, es bueno tener al estado de nuestro lado, dicen. Sabemos que va a ser mucho trabajo, dice Ariadna, solo queremos que nos den la oportunidad de demostrar que podemos lograrlo. En un ao vamos a ser la mejor escuela del distrito, finaliza.

Delaware 18 de Mayo 2012 Vol 7 No.08

educacin education
How Important are the Children
The new Director of Lewis elementary school, Ariadna Castaeda chatted with El Tiempo Hispano to clarify some doubts that have arisen in the school community regarding her appointment.
In this conversation Castaeda was accompanied by the future Deputy Director Amy ONeill, who so far has been that schools teacher for 13 years. Ariadna Castaeda was born in Panama, where she lived the first 29 years of her life. She studied at the University of Panama, where she received the title of teacher of English as a Second Language. When she came to the United States in 1984 she was devoted to teaching, first in the school district of Milford, then in Caesar Rodney (Dover) where she was the first teacher to implement the program of ESL and later in Red Clay, all in Delaware. During these 28 years Ariadna has continued her education obtaining her masters degree and certification in elementary education, secondary education and as an administrator. First of all we ask why was not her position put in bidding or tender? Ariadna replied that the position has been announced by ample even national means and never got an answer, and then the district asked me to help and I accepted. We all know that someone who speaks Spanish is needed at that school. The fact alone of speaking Spanish does not qualify anyone to manage a school, so we ask Castaeda to tell us about her qualifications and experience to undertake this position. To which she replied saying, I have 28 years of experience both as a teacher and an administrator, I started working with the most difficult state boys in Caesar Rodney and there I gained a very good experience. I never would have accepted if I didnt know that I am capable of doing it well, she assures us. Making a bit of history, Castaeda says that when an opportunity arose for a post for Red Clay district, Ariadna competed and won the position as supervisor of the teaching of English as a Second Language program. And it is in that position that Ariadna, seeing how children in Lewis were completely sidelined, proposes the creation of a dual language teaching program. I come from a dual language education system. At that time, 1998, there were many difficulties to implement a dual program, people were not very receptive, reason why we started as a Foreign language magnet school and since there was not a full-day of Kindergarten, we opened it, and that tremendously increased the population, but of course because they could now have the children at school all day and not because they were interested in the second language. When the dual language program was implemented, Ariadna worked with the Director in order to go in the right direction and the program achieved considerable success. But something happened and the results came crashing down. What happened? It was in part due to the change in direction, and Castaeda explains, enforcement of the law of distribution (Neighborhood School Law) in the schools in 2005 changed everything. Many students could not continue in that school because they were assigned to others. In addition the lack of communication between the high levels in the Administration with the people in the trenches doing the job and trying to fix things. What happened is that when Lewis began as a magnet school, they never requested such category to the Department of Education to have transport, and when the law came there were no resources to facilitate the transport of students not living in the surrounding area. And that, explains Ariadna, is something that we are going to do now so that anyone who wants to come to this school can do so, provided there is space. But that law was causing all the problems? No, definitely not. There are many other things. We have had difficulties to have a principal in recent years. A principal who has not just skills, but most importantly, the passion to take this agenda forward. A great effort was made to search for this person through even newspapers such as the New York Times or journals in education, and the people interested finally did not want to move from another state. And we are going to keep looking. If it is true that the program has failed, how come the prize is now given to Ariadna to direct the school? To which she responds with another question: prize? Anyone who says something like that has no idea of the work involved in taking forward a project like this. It is well known that when the Education Department declared the school Lewis as part of the Partnership Zone gave the district a number of alternatives to improve the performance of the school. The critical part of the subject is that it was initially thought to remove the dual program but due to the insistence of parents, it was finally decided to keep it and to dedicate resources to make it work successfully, and here is when the idea of calling Ariadna Castaeda to assume the direction arises, she who has been a teacher for more than three decades and has extensive experience managing the districts bilingual program. Amy ONeill intervenes to clarify that in Lewis the bilingual child is respected and that is not true the rumor that she has banned them to talk in Spanish in the school. On the other hand explains that some teachers will not return next year, they have been involuntarily transferred, most are not bilingual and do not comply with the requirement that is fundamental to this school. In any event all teachers have their jobs guaranteed in the district. And those who remain have to work to resolve the points which the partnership zone requires us to. We need teachers that are an active part to achieve improvement. Now, what Ariadna proposes to improve the situation basically is as follows, although her job starts on July 1st, she will start now building bridges for: First recover the trust of the community: parents and teachers. Strengthen the dual education program. It is difficult to find bilingual teachers, so they will bring four from Spain to teach in Spanish sciences,


arts and mathematics, as well as Spanish as a language. We want to open a new page with the largest participation in order to fulfill the requirements of the PZ. We need the help of everyone. We will maintain a policy of open doors, open communication with families and above all, keep children in the first place. We are going to take advantage of other successful experiences, and use the resources provided to us now by the state through the immersion program that will be implemented by the Department of Education statewide, is good to have the state on our side, they say. We know that it will be hard work, says Ariadna, we just want to be given the opportunity to demonstrate that we can do it. In one year we are going to be the best school in the district, she concludes.

Ariadna Castaeda and Amy ONeill

Bilingual Bi-Weekly Tri-State

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Delaware 18 de Mayo 2012 Vol 7 No.08

opinin opinion

Un Punto de Vista A Matter Of View

| Keyla I. Rivero-Rodriguez

Mam suficiente?
No estoy segura si han tenido la oportunidad de ver la cobertura fotogrfica de la revista Time del 21 de mayo, pero tengo que admitir que algo con respecto a ella no encaj conmigo. Me considero de mentalidad muy abierta y una persona con una actitud marcada de vive y deja vivir, pero a veces tengo que expresar mi opinin cuando algo no parece correcto y en este caso este artculo y la fotografa de la portada no estaban de acuerdo conmigo. Puedo entender que, como en todo, ahora hay una nueva moda pasajera sobre la crianza con apego (attachment parenting). Qu es crianza con apego? Lo que he ledo es que su filosofa, objetivo o visin es criar a hijos que se convertirn en adultos con una capacidad de empata y conexin altamente desarrollada. Elimina la violencia como un medio para criar a los hijos y en ltima instancia ayuda a prevenir la violencia en la sociedad en general. Hasta cierto punto estoy de acuerdo con esa afirmacin, pero en realidad suena a utopa. Como parte de mi investigacin, otra cosa que le al respecto fue que durante los primeros cinco aos de vida de un nio, bsicamente ellos gobiernan la vida de sus padres. Lo que significa que duermen en las camas de sus padres, son amamantados durante sus aos de infancia, sin escuchar una voz en tono elevado o experimentar disciplina a la manera antigua. Por favor, no me malinterpreten al expresar mi opinin, pero yo me considero una madre formidable que ha criado dos seres humanos maravillosos y exitosos. Pero la Crianza con Apego nunca debe verse como una escala en una boleta escolar para calificar el mejor estilo de crianza. Tengamos conciencia con respecto a las diferencias culturas y cmo esta declaracin expuesta en esta portada puede sacudir a algunas personas como me sacudi a m. Si observan la imagen de esta portada, muestra a una mujer con tipo de modelo, quien es delgada o algunos diran que est en forma, rubia y con aires de seguridad. Realmente no veo cmo ella representa la madre promedio o a las mujeres. Luego, este nio de 4 aos est montado en una silla chupando el pecho de su madre. Como madre, yo amamant a mis hijos hasta que tuvieron un ao de edad. Y hasta hoy recuerdo vvidamente el da cuando no necesitaron ms la lactancia materna. Fue en su propio momento y producto de su propia decisin, no la ma. Mi hija tena un ao de edad el da que ella decidi que ya no estaba en necesidad de mi alimentacin. Fue no slo un tiempo para alimentarse, sino un tiempo de conexin ms all de la comprensin, fue sublime en muchas formas. Hoy mi hija tiene 19 aos y est en la universidad y mi hijo tiene casi 22 aos y es un soldado del ejrcito, y ambos son seres humanos exitosos, respetuosos, dedicados, cuidadosos y amorosos. Siempre les habl con la verdad y a veces levant mi voz e incluso les di unas palmadas en el trasero cuando lo sent justificado, pero nunca al punto de abuso. En ese momento, s tuvo un significado importante y tanto ellos como yo aprendimos de ello. As que cuando leo Eres mam suficiente?... no puedo evitar decir, maldita sea, claro que soy! El carcter y los xitos de mis hijos hablan por s mismos. Cualquiera que sea su estilo de crianza, sepan que lo que funciona para algunos no funciona para otros, mantengan su punto y no permitan que los medios determinen cmo debe ser su estilo de crianza. Tengan en cuenta que lo que funciona para ustedes y sus familias es la hechura o el tejido de nuestra herencia y cultura.

Good Enough Mom?

I am not sure if you have had the opportunity to view the photo cover of Time magazine for May 21st, but I have to admit that something about it didnt set well with me. I consider myself very open minded and very much live and let live type attitude person, but at times I have to voice my opinion when something doesnt seem right and in this case this article and cover photo did not agree with me. I can understand that like everything, right now there is a new fad about attachment parenting. What is attachment parenting? What I read is that its philosophy, goal or vision is to raise children who will become adults with a highly developed capacity for empathy and connection. It eliminates violence as a means for raising children, and ultimately helps to prevent violence in society as a whole. To some extend I agree with that statement, but in reality it sounds like utopia. In doing my research, other thing I read in this matter was that for the first five years of a childs life, they basically rule their parents life. Meaning that they sleep in their parents beds, they are breast feed for years into toddlerhood, no voice raising or disciplined the old fashioned way. Please do not get me wrong when I voice my opinion, but I consider myself an awesome mother who has raised two wonderful and successful human beings. But Attachment Parenting should never be viewed as a report card grading scale for the best parenting style practice. Lets be conscious about cultures and how this cover statement can ruffle someones feathers just as it did to me. If you look at the imagery of the cover, it shows a model type woman, who is skinny or some would say fit, blonde with an air about her. I truly dont see how she represents the average mother or women. Then, this 4 year old child is on top of a chair sucking on his mothers breast. As a mother, I breast feed my children until they were a year old. And till this day I vividly remember the day when they were done breast feeding. It was in their own timing and at their own choice, not mine. My daughter was one year old the day she decided she no longer was in need of my nourishment. It was not only a time to feed, but a time to bond beyond comprehension; it was sublime in many ways. T oday, my daughter is 19 and in college and my son is almost 22 and an Army soldier and they are both successful, respectful, dedicated, caring and loving human beings. I always spoke the truth to them and sometimes I raised my voice and even spanked them when I felt warrant, but never ever to the point of abuse. At the time, it did make a point and they and I learned from it all. So when I read Are you Mom enough?... I cant help to say, damn right I am! My kids character and successes speak for themselves. Whatever your parenting style know that what works for some does not work for others, keep at it and dont allow media dictate how your parenting should style should be. Keep in mind that what works for you and your family is the make-up or the fabric of our heritage and culture.

[ cartas al editor / letters to the editor ]

AUstErity, FAMily, AND thE EcONOMy
When the Left takes a strident position on any given issue, thats a clear signal that the policy they dislike is gaining momentum. Take the recent liberal apoplexy over reducing the size and scope of government is often summarized as austerity. People in nations around the world, from Greece to Spain to the U.S., are bearing the brunt of massive over-spending by those they have elected. Reducing this spending and the dependency on government it has created - even by the most passive means, such as reducing the growth rate of government outflows - is giving liberal writers the vapors. Joel Brinkley, formerly of the New York Times and now a journalism prof at Stanford, tells us that imposing austerity now is utterly foolhardy -- in fact, just plain stupid. Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman writes that while Fortunately ... there was some passive fiscal tightening as the Obama stimulus faded out, but no wholesale shift to austerity. And former Secretary of Labor in the Clinton Administration, Robert Reich (now a professor of public policy at UC-Berkeley), calls for rejecting austerity economics for now, while at the same time demanding that corporations and the rich pay their fair share of the cost of keeping everyone else afloat. To summarize, in the words of Stanford economist John Taylor, The proposals called austerity are characterized (by the Left) as going back to the Stone Age, with the connotation of drastic, draconian, sharp, sudden reductions in spending. Why these hysterical and near-panicked characterizations? Because Left-leaning economists recognize, as even Reich admits, America has a long-term budget deficit thats scary. So does Europe. As a result, they know that policymakers and those who elect them are at last grappling with the hard choices needed to rein-in Washingtons spending. The consequences of continued fiscal profligacy are profound. Michael Cembalest, Chairman of Market and Investment Strategy for J.P. Morgan Asset Management, wrote recently in Forbes, Financial markets remain concerned about the ability and willingness of the US and Europe to tackle their respective fiscal challenges ... Downgrades, government shutdown rumors and political impasse on deficit reduction have not lost their ability to negatively affect equity markets, business activity and confidence. In laymans language, this means that unless Western governments - led by our own - take steps to curb the growth rate of spending and reduce outlays in areas where calamitous over-spending is obvious (e.g., archaicly-formulated entitlement programs), any nascent recovery will collapse. Shawn Tully, a senior editor at large at Fortune magazine, argues that lowering spending right now -- as long as the downward slope is gradual -- will do nothing to choke economic growth, and could even enhance it. And the anti-austerity solution, raising spending immediately, then reversing course at some future date, will not lift GDP, even temporarily, and threatens to further hobble deeply indebted nations. As Tully goes on to note, The distinguished crowd that condemns austerity champions more spending instead. Once again, the extra dollars need to come from somewhere else. If theyre borrowed at home, they lower private investment. If theyre borrowed from abroad, they lower exports or raise imports. Increasing federal spending and raising taxes on any person or business doing even modestly well is a sure-fire way of forestalling the growth Americas economy and her families so urgently need. To foster growth, we can lower the rate of federal spending, modernize entitlement programs, provide appropriate tax incentives for firms to expand and hire, and liberate business from undue regulations. Most importantly, we can and must strengthen that single most significant engine of economic productivity, the family. Family dissolution erodes economic growth, and the sharp decline in population growth has a negative affect on productivity. Human capital and labor combined with physical capital each contribute roughly equal parts to growth, write Drs. Pat Fagan and Henry Potrykus of the Marriage and Religion Research Institute. Increasingly it has been hoped by many that physical capital may substitute for any decline in populations and human capitals contribution to growth. However, this has not been attained historically. Elsewhere, they have written, Government revenues come from the taxation of our economy. Our economic growth is and will continue to be a fraction of that of the pre-1960s era because of the breakdown in marriage. All the while, more citizens are pushed into dependency on this government, again because of marriage breakdown. Marriage. Children. Family. Economic growth. Fiscal discipline and spending reduction. All are indispensable ingredients to the professed goal of both Right and Left: Prosperity.

Rob Schwarzwalder Senior Vice-President Family Research Council

sENAtOr cArPEr: i AM A cONcErNED AMEricAN VEtErAN. As Commander of American Legion Post 28 in Oak Orchard, DE, I requested an interview with Senator Tom Carper for the Delaware Legionnaire Newspaper. With 3200 veterans and 5500 total members, our Post 28 is the third largest in the nation. The interview, requested a month in advance, was scheduled for 3:30 pm on April 6. Close to 4:00 pm I received a call saying that the Senator was running late but was en route to his office so we would begin the interview by phone. The connection was poor, so we had to wait until he arrived. I was told I would have 5 minutes with the Senator. I opened the discussion with questions about Veterans cuts and benefits. I soon sensed that this wasnt something the Senator wanted to discuss. Even though he is a veteran, Sen. Carper does not support the Flag Desecration Amendment and did not want to discuss that either. He and his aides exhibited frustration with me. After five minutes I was dismissed and given a stack of papers with basic public information and shown the door. Before I left, Senator Carper asked where my tape recorder was that a real reporter would have a recording device. I reminded him that I was a Veteran looking for answers, not a professional reporter. I came to his office to address some issues of concern to the Veterans of Delaware. Since I wasnt able to ask all my questions, I will list them here: 1. Where do you stand on the reduction of forces to 400,000while concurrently the federal governments budget (or lack of one) is growing at an alarming rate? 2. Why hasnt the Senate proposed a solution to rising gasoline prices, especially as we enter tourism seasonone of the few businesses still thriving in Delaware? 3. Do you support the northern connection of the Keystone XL pipeline? If not, why not? 4. You and Senator Coons voted yes on a bill that will allow the federal government to imprison American citizens without due process. Why do you support this violation of our Constitutional rights? Senator Carper: I am a concerned American Veteran. If you dont consider me due respect as one of your constituentsand I represent many of my fellow veteranswhy should we support you? James H. Gallagher American Legion Post 28 Commander

Abogada de Inmigracin


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Para mi es darse, el sentirse plena, realizada en la vocacin que sea. Saber que la vida vale la pena, que hay quererse a s misma. La mujer latina es muy luchadora, fuerte y depende mucho de ella el funcionamiento de la familia, la fe. Las mujeres latinas tienen mucha fortaleza para entregarse al trabajo, a ayudar al esposo y a la familia. Por eso son admirables. Para mi venir a Delaware ha sido abrirme a un mundo nuevo, una cosa hermosa el conocer otra lengua, me encanta el ingls , me ha abierto a otro mundo completamente, me siento como si hubiese venido como una rosa en botn y aqu me hubiese abierto, sa ha sido mi experiencia personal, finaliza la hermana Carmen.

Nina Qureshi

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Life is devotion
At the heart of Wilmington, near the financial district, live 7 sisters dedicated to prayer and meditation, following the example of their orders founder.
Sister Carmen, without abandoning her permanent smile, greets us in a cozy room in the house of the Order of Saint Clare of this city. This order had its origins in the 13th century with Saint Clare of Assisi, a contemporary of Francis of Assisi, who being of noble birth renounced all of her possessions and marriage to devote her life to Christ, leaving her home one night to never return. The experience of Carmen, who is part of a family of fifteen siblings, has some similarities with that of the saint when she went to the convent where her older sister had already retired and decided to become a nun and never returned to her parents home. It has been too many years since then, she says with a sly smile. What led her to the decision to become a nun? We asked and she answered, I come from a very humble family, peasants from Michoacn and one day I saw a nun dressed as I am now, and I was very shocked. I said to myself, she looks so beautiful; I want to be like her. I never saw her again, she continues, I did not know where did she come from, or where she had gone, but at that moment I realized that that life called me, ever since I went with other girls to take flowers to the Virgin in the month of May, after the first communion and dressed in white. What happened next? When I was 12 my sister went to the convent and I visited her often, although from the outside it seemed a dark and scary place, I would die here, I thought. Then one day I was invited to a vocational meeting and upon entering the convent I was impressed about how beautiful it was, with its halls, its gardens, it was very nice. Carmen tells us that experience made her very happy, and seeing the faces of tranquility and joy of the sisters who were there made her decide to be like them, to look for their secret. It was not an easy decision for her family, but there she stayed, with her 16 years and all of her life ahead. The Capuchin Poor Clares in Mexico in 1986 received a visit from a cappuccino from Wilmington, Delaware, Brother Ronald Giannone, who went there to invite them to come and be the strength of his ministry with the poor, Without the power of prayer we are social workers and nothing else the cappuccino told them with great conviction, so after some hesitation eight sisters decided to come and have stayed here ever since. And how is your life now? Very quiet, I am happy and most of all we live a life of dedication to God and prayer for the salvation of souls. Our mission is to praise God day and night, going seven times to the chapel to pray. The day begins at 4:45 and from there the prayer, personal meditation and work fill the day. They cook for the poor, who are served in different ministries shelters, sew the habits of Capuchin friars, wash and iron the tablecloths used at a charity center. Our contact with the world, says the Sister, is with people who come to visit and those who call asking for prayers for the needs they have, problems in marriage, the children on drugs and so on. What is for you the main problem of young ladies today? The personal void and not having a meaning in their lives; the lack of self-esteem. They have lost their values and spiritual life; that is why they encounter problems, find no support and fall into drugs. Everything comes from the functioning of families that would not provide the necessary spiritual foundations. What is most important thing for you of being a woman? For me is to be able to give myself, feeling full, fulfilled in any vocation. Knowing that life is worth living, knowing one must love oneself. The Latina woman is a fighter, strong and a lot of the functioning of the family depends on her, faith. Latina women have a lot of strength to devote to work, to help the husband and family. Because of that, they are admirable. For me to come to Delaware has been to open up to new world; it was a beautiful thing to learn another language, I love English, I have opened myself to another world completely, I feel like Id come as a pink button and here I had opened, that has been my personal experience, concludes Sister Carmen.

La Vida es entrega
En el corazn de Wilmington, muy cerca del distrito financiero, viven 7 hermanas dedicadas a la oracin y el recogimiento, siguiendo el ejemplo de la fundadora de su congregacin religiosa.
La hermana Carmen, sin desprenderse de su permanente sonrisa, nos atiende en una acogedora habitacin de la casa de las religiosas clarisas capuchinas de esta ciudad. Esta orden tuvo sus orgenes en el siglo 13 con santa Clara de Ass, una contempornea de Francisco de Ass, que siendo de origen noble renunci a todas sus pertenencias y al matrimonio para dedicar su vida a Cristo y se fue una noche de su casa para nunca ms volver. La experiencia de Carmen, quien es parte de una familia de quince hermanos, tiene algunas semejanzas con la de la santa, cuando ella fue al convento donde su hermana mayor ya se haba retirado y decidi tomar los hbitos y nunca ms volvi a casa de sus padres. De eso han pasado ya muchos aos, cuenta con una pcara sonrisa. Qu la llev a tomar la decisin de ser monja? Le preguntamos y respondi, Yo vengo de una familia muy humilde, campesinos de Michoacn, y un da vi a una religiosa vestida como lo estoy yo ahora, y me impact mucho. Me deca a m misma, qu hermosa se ve, quiero ser como ella. No la vi nunca mas, contina, no supe ni de dnde haba venido, ni dnde se haba ido, pero en ese momento me di cuenta que me llamaba esa vida, desde que iba con otras nias a llevarle flores a la Virgen en el mes de mayo, despus de la primera comunin y vestidas de blanco. Y qu pas despus? Cuando tena 12 aos mi hermana se fue al convento y yo la visitaba con frecuencia, aunque por fuera me pareca un lugar tenebroso y oscuro, aqu yo me muero, pensaba. Hasta que un da me invitaron a un encuentro vocacional, y al entrar al convento me impresion lo hermoso que era, con sus pasillos, sus huertos; era muy bonito. Carmen cuenta que esa experiencia la hizo sentir muy feliz y el ver la cara de tranquilidad y alegra de las hermanas que estaban all le hizo decidir ser como ellas, buscar su secreto. No fue una decisin fcil para su familia, pero all se qued con sus 16 aos y toda la vida por delante. Las hermanas Clarisas capuchinas en Mxico recibieron en el ao 1986 la visita de un capuchino de Wilmington, Delaware, el hermano Ronald Giannone, quien fue a invitarlas a venir a ser la fuerza de su ministerio con los pobres, Sin la fuerza de la oracin somos trabajadores sociales y nada ms les dijo con convencimiento el capuchino, as que tras algunas dudas, ocho hermanas se decidieron a venir y se han quedado ac desde entonces. Y cmo es su vida ahora? Muy tranquila, soy feliz y sobre todo vivimos una vida de entrega a Dios y de oracin por la salvacin de las almas. Nuestra misin es alabar a Dios de da y de noche, vamos siete veces a la capilla a orar. El da comienza a la 4 y 45 y de all la oracin, la meditacin personal y el trabajo llenan el da. Cocinan para los pobres que son atendidos en los diferentes albergues de los ministerios, cosen los hbitos de los hermanos capuchinos, lavan y planchan los manteles que se usan en un centro de beneficencia. Nuestro contacto con el mundo, dice la hermana, es con las personas que vienen a visitarnos y aquellas que llaman por telfono pidiendo oraciones por las necesidades que tienen, los problemas en el matrimonio, los hijos en la drogas, etc.. Cul es para usted el principal problema de las jvenes de ahora? El vaco personal y no tener un sentido en su vida, la falta de autoestima. Han perdido sus valores y su vida espiritual, por eso encuentran problemas y no encuentran apoyo y caen en la drogas. Todo viene del funcionamiento de las familias que no sientan las bases espirituales necesarias. Qu es lo ms importante para usted de ser mujer?

Delaware 18 de Mayo 2012 Vol 7 No.08



educacin education

Delaware 18 de Mayo 2012 Vol 7 No.08

Hay que encontrarse a s misma

Para Zenaida Otero 1966 es el punto de partida de su alegra y tambin de su aoranza, ya que con solo 9 aos tuvo que abandonar, con muy pocas cosas materiales pero con su familia completa, la isla de Cuba.

Una cuantas dcadas ms tarde se siente afortunada. Tanto, que a veces conversando con mis hijos les digo que tengo que pellizcarme para darme cuenta que es verdad que le puedan pasar a uno cosas tan buenas, dice sonriente en esta maana de mayo. Por ejemplo, al conseguir una beca para estudiar en la universidad Northwestern (una universidad privada de investigacin) en Evanston, Illinois, cuando se fue por primera vez de su casa para estudiar ingeniera qumica. Al finalizar se vino a la universidad de Delaware donde exista el primer centro de catlisis de los Estados Unidos. Algo que de verdad me interesaba mucho y tiene que ver con la manera de lograr que un proceso se haga mas rpido. Zenaida es una destacada ingeniero qumico que ha dedicado cinco aos de su vida a la investigacin de nuevos materiales con la empresa Dupont, y ms tarde a la docencia. En Dupont se especializ en el tema de la transferencia de masa, calor y momento que tiene que ver con los diseos para intercambiar el calor y los procesos para hacerlos ms eficientes. Tambin trabaj en el desarrollo de la Licra que tantas aplicaciones tiene en la vida actual, sobre todo en la ropa femenina. Oh, qu sera de la moda sin la licra!!! En esa poca Zenaida era la nica mujer en la estacin experimental; de hecho, la primera en ser empleada all. Era un territorio masculino, sin lugar a dudas, pero ella se abri paso con empeo en un mundo diferente, haciendo uso del talento por las ciencias. Luego de casarse decidi dedicarse a otro trabajo para poder brindarles ms tiempo a sus hijos, y de all que se enfocara en la enseanza y a la consultora en ingeniera, lo que le dio mucha flexibilidad para dedicarse a sus dos hijos. La mayor es abogada en New York y el menor es especialista en arquitectura de software para IBM en Washington. Le toc asumir un gran reto en 1992, cuando Henry Rowan y su esposa Betty Rowan donaron $100 millones a Glassboro State College, el cual fue rebautizado Rowan University en su honor, de disear la escuela de ingeniera, su currculo y su edificio concebido especialmente para adaptarse a la enseanza de esa materia. Fue una gran oportunidad, recuerda. Se considera afortunada de conocer gente valiosa que la ha nutrido, enseado e inspirado. De all que dedique un buen tiempo a ser voluntaria, por ejemplo con el Latinoamerican and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions abriendo las puertas de los estudiantes de Amrica Latina para que logren su acreditacin en Estados Unidos y Europa. Si hay algo que llena profundamente a Zenaida es colaborar con Girls Inc. Cuando veo a esas nias, me veo a m misma hace 40 aos, con el mismo deseo de superarse, de aprender, de tener a alguien que te muestre el potencial que tienes para lograr lo que quieres hacer. Girls Inc. les da la capacidad de soar un mundo diferente, y eso es muy importante. No olvidemos que las jvenes en general tienen grandes retos, y el ms importante es identificarse a s mismas en un mar de mensajes contradictorios, positivos y negativos, en todo caso confusos y en bombardeo permanente. La joven hispana suma adems la lengua y las diferencias culturales, por eso queremos trabajar con las familias, explica Zenaida, para que les llegue la ayuda a estas nias. Yo veo el futuro con ilusin de que la tecnologa estar al servicio de una mejor calidad de vida y donde cada persona pueda llegar a lo mximo que quiera y pueda alcanzar sin lmites de sexo u origen. Veo a la mujer jugando un papel fundamental, porque se consigue a si misma. Creo en la diversidad que enriquece y que todos traemos algo a la mesa.

One must find oneself

For Zenaida Otero 1966 is the point of departure of her joy and also her longing, as with only 9 years she had to leave, with very few material things but with her entire family, the island of Cuba.
A few decades later she feels lucky. So lucky that sometimes conversing with my kids I tell them that I have to pinch myself to realize that it is true that so many good things can really happen to us, says smiling this morning of May. For example, to get a scholarship to study at the private research University of Northwestern in Evanston, Illinois, when she left home for the first time to study chemical engineering. When finished, she came to the University of Delaware, where the first Center of catalysis of the United States was. . Something that really interested me very much and has to do with how to make a process more fast. Zenaida is an outstanding chemical engineer who has devoted five years of her life to the research of new materials with the DuPont Company, and later teaching. In DuPont she specialized in the subject of mass, heat and movement transfer related to the designs to exchange heat and processes to make them more efficient. She also worked on the development of Lycra which has so many applications in life today, especially in female clothing. Oh, what would be the fashion without Lycra!! At the time Zenaida was the only woman at the experimental station; in fact, the first to be employed there. It was a male territory, without a doubt, but she made her way with determination in a different world, making use of her talent in science. After marrying she decided to work on something else in order to provide more time to her children, therefore focusing on education and engineering consultancy, which gave her flexibility to devote herself to her two kids. The oldest is a lawyer in New York and the youngest is a specialist in software architecture for IBM in Washington. She had to assume a great challenge in 1992, when Henry Rowan and his wife Betty Rowan pledged $100 million to Glassboro State College, which was renamed Rowan University in their honor, to design the engineering school, its curriculum and its building specifically conceived to adapt to the teaching of this subject matter. It was a great opportunity, she recalls. She considers herself lucky to have met valuable people that has nurtured, taught and inspired her. That is why she devotes a deal of her time to volunteering, for example with the Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions, opening the doors to Latin American students so that they achieve their accreditation in the United States and Europe. If there is something that fills deeply to Zenaida is collaborating with Girls Inc. When I see these girls, I see myself 40 years ago, with the same desire to overcome, to learn, to have someone to show you the potential you have to achieve what you want. Girls Inc. gives them the ability to dream of a different world, and that is very important. Let us not forget that young women in general have great challenges, and the most important one is to identify themselves in a sea of conflicting, positive and negative messages always confusing and in permanent bombing. The Hispanic young also adds the language and cultural differences, that is why want to work with families, explains Zenaida, so help reach to these girls. I see the future with enthusiasm, thinking that technology will be at the service of a better quality of life and where every person can reach the maximum that they want and can do it without limits on sex or origin. I see women play a fundamental role, because she finds herself. I believe in the enriching diversity and that we all bring something to the table.


Delaware 18 de Mayo 2012 Vol 7 No.08

eventos events


apoyando el tipo de programacin que realiza ASPIRA en las escuelas. Esto tambin es un problema en otros estados. Pero AOD contina trabajando arduamente para asegurar el financiamiento necesario para ejecutar estos programas. ASPIRA de Delaware, Inc. es una organizacin sin fines de lucro dedicada exclusivamente al desarrollo de la educacin y el liderazgo de la juventud latina. ASPIRA ha proporcionado a medio milln de jvenes los recursos personales que necesitan para permanecer en la escuela y contribuir con su comunidad. ASPIRA de Delaware es miembro de ASPIRA Association, la organizacin latina nacional ms grande de los Estados Unidos, sirviendo a la comunidad latina desde 1961 trabajando a nivel de las bases para proveer programas que estimulen a los estudiantes hispanos a permanecer en la escuela, prepararlos para que tengan xito en el campo educativo, desarrollar sus habilidades de liderazgo y servir a su comunidad. Margaret Rivera presidenta de la junta directiva de ASPIRA Delaware, coment que Estos Aspirantes son los lderes del futuro, y ya han demostrado la madurez, liderazgo y sabidura para liderar. Los entrenadores de ASPIRA y consejeros de club son el corazn del movimiento y siempre dicen presente. Su capacidad para marcar la diferencia y estar involucrados dice mucho del xito de nuestros programas.

Sptima Graduacin de Aspirantes

La sptima graduacin de estudiantes aspirantes de las academias de ASPIRA Delaware, de los sbados, se llev a cabo el pasado 5 de mayo en la Universidad de Delaware.
Este ao los clubes de ASPIRA en los diferentes colegios suman ya los 150 estudiantes trabajando activamente para mantener a estos jvenes en los colegios y buscar seguir sus estudios superiores, mientras que 39 estudiantes participaron de las academias de los sbados para prepararse para entrar en la universidad. Nos hemos convertido jvenes adultos responsables que van a lograr grandes cosas en la vida. Cada uno de nosotros tiene un plan para convertirse en algo ms grande en un futuro. Este crecimiento personal es un hito transcendental en nuestras vidas. Los entrenadores y voluntarios de ASPIRA nos han ayudado a alcanzar nuevos niveles de altura para el futuro. Mis compaeros aspiran convertirse en ingenieros, enfermeros y otros profesionales. Todos hemos esperado 12 aos para dar el siguiente paso en nuestras vidas para convertirnos en estudiantes universitarios, acercndonos un paso ms a nuestra meta ltima, dijo Tiana McKim de Pencader Charter School & ASPIRA clase de 2012. ASPIRA se ha convertido en una excelente herramienta para m como estudiante para prepararme para la vida universitaria. ASPIRA nos ha ayudado a imaginarnos la grandeza que podemos alcanzar en el futuro. Soy un Aspirante muy orgulloso y deseo felicitar a mis compaeros Aspirantes por todos sus logros. Yo espero que todos continen imaginando su futuro exitoso y que siempre aspiren a alcanzar ms all de sus expectativas, dijo Tiana McKim, me siento parte de una gran familia. El Dr. Jaime Rivera, Presidente de la Junta de la Academia Las Amricas de ASPIRA coment para el Tiempo Hispano que est muy orgulloso de la labor que est realizando ASPIRA con los estudiantes de secundaria y de todos los estudiantes y entrenadores que han participado en el programa este ao pasado. Como pueden ver, hay una enorme necesidad en nuestra comunidad por el trabajo hecho tanto en las escuelas a travs de los clubes ASPIRA y los Asesores, como en la Academia de los Sbados de ASPIRA DE. Yo predigo que dentro de los prximos cinco aos, la Academia tendr un lugar dentro de la escuela. Es una lstima, sin embargo, que pocos patrocinadores estn

Seventh Aspirantes Graduation

The seventh graduation of Aspirantes students of the Saturday ASPIRA Academy DE was held last May 5th at the University of Delaware.
This year, the ASPIRA clubs in the different schools already add up to 150 students actively working to maintain these young people in the schools and help them continue with their higher education, while 39 students participated in the Saturday academy to prepare for entering the university. We have grown to become responsible young adults that will go on to achieve great things in life. Each of us has a plan to become something greater in the future. This personal growth is a momentous milestone in our lives. The coaches and volunteers of ASPIRA have assisted us in reaching new heights for the future. My peers aspire to become engineers, nurses, and other professions. We have all waited twelve years to take the next step in our lives to become college students bringing us one step closer to our ultimate goal, said Tiana McKim from Pencader Charter School & ASPIRA class of 2012. ASPIRA has become an excellent tool for me as a student to prepare for college life. ASPIRA has helped us imagine the greatness that we can achieve in the future. I am a proud Aspirante and I wish to congratulate my fellow Aspirantes on all of their accomplishments. I hope that you all continue to imagine your successful future and always aspire to achieve above your expectations said Tiana McKim, I feel part of a great family. Dr. Jaime Rivera, President of the Board ASPIRA Las Americas Academy told El Tiempo Hispano that he is very proud of the work that ASPIRA is doing with high school students and all of the students and coaches that have taken part in the program this past year. As you can see, there is a tremendous need in our community for the work both in schools through ASPIRA Clubs and Advisors and the Saturday Academy that ASPIRA DE is doing. I predict that within five years, the Academy will have a home in the school. It is a shame however that few funders are supporting the kinds of programing that ASPIRA does in schools. It is a problem in other states as well. But AOD continues to work hard to secure the funding needed to run these programs. ASPIRA of Delaware, Inc. is a nonprofit organization devoted solely to the education and leadership development of Latino youth. ASPIRA has provided half of a million youth with the personal resources they need to remain in school and contribute to their community. ASPIRA of Delaware is a member of the ASPIRA Association, the largest national Latino organization in the USA, serving the Latino community since 1961 working at the grass-roots level to provide programs that encourage Hispanic students to stay in school, prepare them to succeed in the educational arena, develop their leadership skills, and to serve their community. Margaret Rivera, President of the Board of ASPIRA DE said that These Aspirantes are the future leaders and already demonstrate the maturity, leadership and wisdom to lead. The ASPIRA coaches and club advisors are at the heart of the movement and always say presente. Their ability to make a difference and to care speaks volumes to the success of our programs.

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10 Lo Mejor de lo Mejor El sbado 12 de mayo se llev a cabo el Programa de Reconocimiento a los estudiantes hispanos de Delaware con la asistencia de ms de 250 personas.

Delaware 18 de Mayo 2012 Vol 6 No.08 / May 18, 2012


Est CARGAND un hbi O to que no pued manten e er?

Durante la ceremonia de premiacin a los estudiantes, el Representante Joe Miro fue el orador de orden quien dijo a la audiencia que sta es apenas una pequea muestra de la excelente calidad de los estudiantes hispanos en nuestro estado ya que hay muchos ms que no atendieron a esta convocatoria por diversas razones, pero la verdad es que hay muchos ms estudiantes de excelencia acadmica que debemos celebrar hoy aqu. Los ganadores en las diferentes categoras fueron: ACADEMIA El premio por Academia es otorgado al estudiante que ha demostrado el ms alto nivel acadmico basado en su GPA (promedio de notas), honores y premios acadmicos, clases AP (de currculo universitario) y puntuacin SAT. La ganadora del Premio de Academia por el condado Kent, Sara Hernndez, es una estudiante de segundo ao de Lake Forest High School, pero ya ha hecho grandes progresos hacia una carrera en ingeniera. La ganadora del Premio de Academia por el condado New Castle, Ana Gabriela Jackson Chvez, es una estudiante del penltimo ao de Alexis I. Dupont High School, quien demuestra mrito en su impresionante expediente acadmico a travs de una serie de clases AP (de currculo universitario). El Ganador del Premio de Academia por el condado Sussex, Brentdy Chvez, es un estudiante del penltimo ao en Seaford Senior High School quien realmente entiende el valor del trabajo arduo. ARTE El premio de Arte se le otorga al estudiante que se ha destacado en las artes visuales, msica, danza y/o teatro. Los ganadores son seleccionados en base a sus honores y premios, creatividad y talento. El ganador este ao del Premio de Arte por el condado New Castle es un estudiante de onceavo grado descendiente de mexicanos de Cab Calloway School of the Arts, Juan Manuel vila. La ganadora del Premio de Arte por el condado Sussex este ao, Allison Bamaca, es una estudiante del ltimo ao de Sussex Central High School. Esta consumada artista multimedia est en la bsqueda de su pasin. ATLETISMO El premio de Atletismo es otorgado a atletas de bachillerato cuyos logros dentro y fuera del campo ejemplifica las mejores caractersticas de deportividad. La puntuacin est basada en logros acadmicos, talento, pasin y galardones. Recibi este ao el Premio de Atletismo por el condado de New Castle, Virginia Flores, una estudiante de dcimo grado de McKean High School. El ganador del Premio de Atletismo por el condado Sussex este ao, Julio Csar Ramrez, es un estudiante de ltimo ao de ascendencia guatemalteca de Seaford Senior High School. VIVE UNIDO (LIVE UNITED) Este premio por servicios a la escuela y la comunidad es patrocinado por United Way y otorgado al estudiante que ha demostrado involucramiento constante y activo en servicio comunitario. La puntuacin se basa en el tipo de servicio comunitario, el significado de servicio comunitario, la cantidad de tiempo comprometido con el proyecto y los premios recibidos por servicios comunitarios. El ganador del Premio de Servicio Comunitario y de Voluntariado de Vive Unido por el condado Kent es un estudiante de ltimo ao en Polytech High School, Jeremy Reynoso. El ganador del Premio de Servicio Comunitario y de Voluntariado de Vive Unido por el condado New Castle este ao es una estudiante de onceavo ao de ascendencia puertorriquea de Alexis I. DuPont High School, Jackeline Sez-Rosario. Recibi este ao el Premio de Servicio Comunitario y de Voluntariado de Vive Unido por el condado Sussex, Jos A. Santos, un estudiante del penltimo ao de Seaford Senior High School. CIENCIAS, MATEMTICAS & TECNOLOGA Este premio se le otorga a un estudiante de bachillerato que se ha destacado en el campo de las ciencias (biologa, qumica, matemticas y fsica) y/o tecnologa (ciencias de la computacin, audiovisual y sistemas de informacin). La ganadora de este ao del Premio de Ciencias, Matemticas y Tecnologa por el condado New Castle es una estudiante del ltimo ao de Delcastle Technical High School quien ha demostrado capacidad sobresaliente: Jacquelyn Gmez. El ganador de este ao del Premio de Ciencias, Matemticas y Tecnologa por el condado Sussex es un estudiante del ltimo ao de Seaford Senior High School, Osbaldo Cruz Alcntara. ESTUDIANTE DEL AO Este premio es otorgado a estudiantes de educacin media y secundaria de excelencia integral y alto desempeo acadmico, caractersticas de liderazgo, orgullo por su ascendencia, iniciativa, creatividad, talento y logros importantes en todas las cinco categoras del programa. La ganadora de este ao del Premio en Educacin Media, Estudiante Excepcional Femenina del Ao disfruta viajando, equitacin, canotaje, kayak y gimnasia. En la escuela, ella es miembro activa de la Liga de Matemticas, Profesionales de Negocios de Amrica y es uno de los editores del anuario escolar, todo esto manteniendo las ms altas calificaciones (A): Jordan Montalvo. El ganador de este ao del Premio en Educacin Media, Estudiante Excepcional Masculino del Ao est involucrado en bisbol y Boy Scouts manteniendo todas sus calificaciones en A en la escuela. Incluso ha hecho presentaciones a los profesores de ESL sobre cmo mejorar sus mtodos de enseanza hacia los estudiantes hispanos: Jos Chacn. La ganadora de este ao del Premio en Educacin Secundaria, Estudiante Excepcional Femenina del Ao dedica la mayora de su tiempo libre a otros, participando en el programa Best Buddies y organizando talleres extraescolares de arte para estudiantes de grados inferiores al 12. Adems de ser una artista muy talentosa, es miembro de la Sociedad Nacional de Honor y Presidente de la Sociedad de Honor Nacional de Arte: Claudia Gonzlez. El ganador de este ao del Premio en Educacin Secundaria, Estudiante Excepcional Masculino del Ao ha prestado ms de 100 horas de servicio comunitario, est involucrado en la banda de marcha y concierto y participa en numerosos clubes y tres deportes de su escuela. Incluso lleg de cuarto lugar en el torneo de campeonato de lucha libre del estado de Delaware: Reinaldo Reina.

Are yo a habi u carrying a t you c ant af round ford?

The Best of the Best

Delawares Hispanic Student Recognition Program was held on Saturday May 12th with the attendance of more than 250 people.
During the students awards ceremony, honorary speaker Rep. Joe Miro said to the audience that this is but a small sample of the excellent quality of the Hispanic students of our state, for there are many more that could not attend this gathering for many reasons, but truth to be told there are many more academic excellence students that we must celebrate here today. The winners in the different categories were: ACADEMICS The Academics award is bestowed upon a student who has demonstrated the highest level of academic performance, based on their GPA, academic honors and awards, advanced placement classes, and SAT scores. The Academics Award recipient for Kent County Sara Hernandez is a sophomore at Lake Forest High School, but has already made great strides towards a career in Engineering. The recipient of the Academics Award for New Castle County, Ana Gabriela Jackson Chavez, is a junior at Alexis I. Dupont High School, who demonstrates merit, in her impressive academic record across an array of advanced placement courses. The winner of the Academics Award for Sussex County, Brentdy Chavez, is a junior at Seaford Senior High School who truly understands the value of hard work. ART The Arts award is bestowed upon a student who has distinguished himself or herself in the visual arts, music, dance, and/or theater. Winners are selected based on their honors and awards, creativity and talent This years recipient of the Arts Award for New Castle County is an eleventh grader of Mexican descent at Cab Calloway School of the Arts, Juan Manuel Avila. The winner in the Arts for Sussex County this year Allison Bamaca is a senior at Sussex Central High School. This accomplished multimedia artist pursues her passion. ATHLETICS The Athletics award is bestowed upon a high school athlete whose achievements on and off the field exemplify the best qualities of sportsmanship. Rating is based on academic achievement, talent, leadership, passion, and accolades. This years recipient of the award in Athletics for New Castle County, Virginia Flores is a tenth grader from McKean High School. The winner of the Athletics Award for Sussex County this year, Julio Cesar Ramirez is a senior of Guatemalan descent from Seaford Senior High School. LIVE UNITED This award for school and community service is sponsored by United Way and bestowed upon a student who has demonstrated consistent and ongoing involvement in community service. The rating is based on the type of community service, meaning of community service, length of commitment, and service awards received. The recipient of the Live United Community Service and Volunteerism Award for Kent County is a senior at Polytech High School, Jeremy Reynoso. The winner of the Live United Community Service and Volunteerism Award for New Castle County this year is an eleventh grader of Puerto Rican descent from Alexis I. Dupont High School, Jackeline Saez-Rosario.

No es slo el precio de los cigarrillos lo que constituye una carga. Es malo para su salud y la de su familia. Puede causar enfermedades del corazn y pulmones en los adultos, junto con infecciones del odo y asma en sus nios. No es el momento de dejar de fumar? La lnea para dejar de fumar puede ayudarle. Recibir consejera por telfono o en persona y podra incluso recibir parches de nicotina gratuitos, chicles u otros medicamentos que le ayudarn a dejar de fumar para siempre. Este servicio es gratuito para cualquier persona mayor de 18 aos de edad y que viva en Delaware.
Its not just the cost of cigarettes thats becoming a burden. Its bad for your healthand your familys. It can cause heart and lung disease in adults along with ear infections and asthma in your children. Isnt it time for you to quit? The Delaware Quitline can help. Youll get counseling on the phone or in person and you may even be able to get free nicotine patches, gum and other medications to help you stop smoking for good. The service is free for anyone 18 years of age and older living in Delaware.

Llame a la lnea gratuita Delaware Quitline para dejar de fumar

To quit smoking, call the Delaware Quitline toll-free at 1-866-409-1858.
DELAWARE HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES Division of Public Health Tobacco Prevention and Control Program

Hablamos espaol. Mantenemos su informacin personal privada y confidencial.

We speak Spanish. We keep your personal information private and confidential.

This years recipient of the Live United Community Service and Volunteerism Award for Sussex County, Jose A. Santos, is a junior from Seaford Senior High School. SCIENCE, MATH & TECHNOLOGY This award is bestowed upon a high school student who has distinguished themselves in the field of science (biology, chemistry mathematics and physics) and/or technology (computer science, audiovisual and information systems). This years recipient of the Science and/or Technology Award for New Castle County is a senior at Delcastle Technical High School who has demonstrated outstanding ability: Jacquelyn Gomez. This years recipient of the Science and/or Technology Award for Sussex County is a senior at Seaford Senior High School, Osbaldo Cruz Alcantara. STUDENT OF THE YEAR This award is presented to a male and female middle school and high school student who is well-rounded and has high academic performance, leadership qualities, pride in heritage, initiative, creativity, talent, and substantial overall achievement in all five categories. This years winner of the Outstanding Hispanic Middle School Female Student of the Year award enjoys traveling, horseback riding, hanggliding, kayaking, and gymnastics. In school, she is active in Math League, Business Professionals of America, and is one of the Editors of the School Yearbook, all while maintaining Straight As: Jordan Montalvo. This years winner of the Outstanding Hispanic Middle School Male Student of the Year award is involved in Boy Scouts and Baseball while maintaining straight As in school. He has even presented to ESL teachers about how to improve their teaching methods toward Hispanic students: Jose Chacn This years winner of the Outstanding Hispanic High School Female Student of the Year award dedicates a majority of her free time to others, participating in the Best Buddies Program and organizing after-school art workshops for middle schoolers and underclassmen. On top of being an extremely talented artist, she is a member of the National Honor Society and President of the National Art Honor society: Claudia Gonzalez. This years winner of the Outstanding Hispanic High School Male Student of the Year award has done well over 100 hours of community service, is involved in marching and concert band and participates in numerous clubs and three varsity sports. He even placed 4th in the Delawares State Wrestling Championship Tournament: Reinaldo Reina.


Delaware 18 de Mayo 2012 Vol 7 No.08

Fotografa Profesional
Gustavo Grajales

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salud health
La Tecnologa de Audio Personal
Segn los padres, la educacin sobre el uso seguro de la tecnologa de audio debe ser una prioridad importante de salud.
Una encuesta de ASHA muestra la gran preocupacin de los padres sobre la manera en que los jvenes escuchan la tecnologa de audio personal Setenta y cinco por ciento de los padres indican que ensear a los nios la manera segura de escuchar la tecnologa de audio personal debera ser una prioridad importante de salud, segn una nueva encuesta en lnea encargada por la Asociacin Americana del Habla, Lenguaje y Audicin (ASHA-American Speech-Language-Hearing Association). Mil padres con hijos de 18 aos de edad o menores en el hogar participaron en la encuesta el pasado mes de marzo. Se defini en la encuesta la tecnologa de audio personal como aparatos con los que se usan audfonos o mini auriculares (reproductores IPod, otros reproductores MP3, telfonos celulares, computadoras y artefactos similares). Crux Research cre el contenido de la encuesta con la asesora de ASHA y la compaa de sondeos Toluna administr la encuesta. Los resultados completos de la encuesta se encuentran en El llamado de los padres para que se d prioridad en el campo de la salud a la educacin sobre el uso seguro de la tecnologa de audio aparentemente surge de otros resultados de la encuesta, como los siguientes: El 42% de todos los padres que participaron en la encuesta opina que sus hijos usan la tecnologa de audio personal a un volumen que podra ser nocivo para la salud auditiva. Ms de la mitad de los padres que tienen hijos entre 13 y 18 aos de edad y casi la mitad de los padres que tienen hijas de las mismas edades comparten esta preocupacin. El 43% de los padres que tienen hijos entre 13 y 18 aos de edad y el 42% de los padres que tienen hijas de las mismas edades indican que sus hijos usan la tecnologa de audio personal con ms frecuencia de lo que sus padres preferiran. El 84% de todos los padres que participaron en la encuesta indica que les preocupa que el mal uso de la tecnologa de audio personal est perjudicando la audicin de los nios en general. De este porcentaje, casi el 50% indica hallarse muy preocupado o en extremo preocupado por ello. Mientras tanto, y por la misma razn, ms de la mitad de los padres procedentes de minoras que participaron en la encuesta indica hallarse muy preocupado o en extreme preocupado por la salud auditiva de sus hijos (este resultado es ms marcado entre los padres hispanos con un 63% y le siguen los padres afroamericanos con un 50%). En promedio, los padres opinan que los nios deben tener alrededor de once aos antes de poder usar sin supervisin la tecnologa de audio personal. Hace tiempo que sabemos que es posible sufrir prdida de audicin debido al ruido, causada por el uso frecuente, prolongado y a excesivo volumen de los aparatos de audio, indica la presidenta de ASHA Shelly Chabon, PhD, CCC-SLP. Sin embargo, es muy escasa la documentacin que se concentra en las opiniones de mam y pap sobre los malos hbitos de escucha. Nuestra encuesta indica claramente que los padres no slo se preocupan sino que, adems, opinan que la educacin sobre el uso seguro de la tecnologa de audio debe ser una prioridad importante de salud. Se darn a conocer los resultados de la encuesta la vspera de los conciertos sobre los buenos hbitos de escucha que se celebrarn en la escuela primaria P.S. 003 Charrette Elementary, en la ciudad de Nueva York, el viernes 4 de mayo como parte de la campaa de difusin de ASHA Escucha a los Taponcitos Amistosos ( La campaa de los Taponcitos Amistosos ha encabezado con originalidad los esfuerzos por crear conciencia sobre el uso seguro de la tecnologa de audio personal para proteger la audicin. Esta campaa ha visitado escuelas de costa a costa con msicos que emplean medios entretenidos y divertidos para hacer llegar a los estudiantes mensajes sencillos, como baja el volumen, que son muy importantes para la salud auditiva. Bongiovi Acoustics, una compaa de audio de vanguardia dedicada a la salud auditiva de los jvenes, es el patrocinador ms reciente de la campaa Escucha a los Taponcitos Amistosos. Entre otros patrocinadores, se encuentran: Califone International, Consumer Electronics Association, Educational Audiology Association, Music Teachers National Association, National Association

for Music Education, National Hispanic Foundation for the Arts, National Institute On Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, Parents Choice Foundation, Recording Industry Association of America y Tune-A-Fish Records. Adems, ms de una docena de miembros del Congreso, tanto demcratas como republicanos, participan como copresidentes honorarios de la campaa.

Personal Audio Technology

Safe Listening Education Needs to Be a Major Health Priority, Parents Say
ASHA Poll Shows Great Parental Concern About How The Young Are Listening to Personal Audio Technology. Seventy-five percent of parents say teaching children how to use personal audio technology safely should be a major health priority, according to results of a new online poll commissioned by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). One thousand parents with children age 18 and under at home took the poll this past March. It defined personal audio technology as devices where headphones or ear buds are used (iPods, other MP3 players, cell phones, computers, and the like). Crux Research created the poll content in consultation with ASHA, while the survey firm Toluna fielded the poll. Complete poll results are available at The parental call to make safe listening education a major health priority apparently stems from other poll findings like these: 42% of all parents polled feel their children use personal audio technology at volume levels that could potentially harm their hearing; the same worry is shared by more than half of the parents of boys ages 13-18 and nearly of half of the parents of girls the same ages. 43% of parents of boys ages 13-18 and 42% of parents of girls the same ages say their children use personal audio technology more often than they like. 84% of all parents polled say they are concerned that misuse of personal audio technology is damaging the hearing of children in general; within that group of parents, nearly 50% say they are extremely or very concerned; meanwhile, for the same reason, more than half of all minority parents polled say they are extremely or very concerned for the hearing of their children (this finding is most pronounced among Hispanic parents, 63%; African American are next, 50%). On average, parents think children should be about age 11 before they have unsupervised use of personal audio technology. We have long been aware of the potential for noise-induced hearing loss caused by the use of excessive volume and frequent and prolonged listening time, ASHA President Shelly Chabon, PhD, CCC-SLP says. However, there is a dearth of documentation focused on moms and dads opinions about poor listening habits. Our poll indicates clearly that parents are not only concerned but, further, believe safe listening should be a major health education priority. The poll results are being released on the eve of safe-listening concerts that will be held at P.S. 003 Charrette Elementary in New York City on Friday, May 4, as part of the outreach of ASHAs Listen To Your Buds campaign ( An original leader raising the importance of using personal audio technology safely to ensure hearing protection, ASHA has brought its Buds campaign to schools coast-to-coast. Buds concerts feature musicians who employ entertaining and engaging ways to deliver simple, but important, hearing health messages like keep the volume down. Bongiovi Acoustics, a cutting edge audio company dedicated to the hearing health of the young, is the newest sponsor of the Listen To Your Buds campaign. Other sponsors include Califone International, Consumer Electronics Association, Educational Audiology Association, Music Teachers National Association, National Association for Music Education, National Hispanic Foundation for the Arts, National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, Parents Choice Foundation, Recording Industry Association of America, and Tune-A-Fish Records. In addition, more than a dozen members of Congress, Democrats and Republicans, serve as honorary campaign co-chairs.

Delaware 18 de Mayo 2012 Vol 7 No.08



Delaware 18 de Mayo 2012 Vol 7 No.08

perfil profile

La vida es una Aventura

Imposible sonrer ms y transmitir ms alegra por la vida, siente uno cuando comparte con Balbina Ventura, la Secretaria Ejecutiva del programa de ELL del distrito escolar de Red Clay en Wilmington.
Balbina naci en Cotu, uno de los pueblos ms antiguos de la Amrica en la Repblica Dominicana, y se vino a Delaware siguiendo a su familia. Delaware fue un cambio radical, saludable, importante en mi vida cuenta sonriendo como siempre, vine de New York en el 95 despus de una separacin marital, y ya en un ao pude comprar mi casita, algo que no hubiese podido lograr en New York, cuenta. Delaware me brind un nuevo inicio fresco, de acuerdo a mis ingresos, he estado muy bien aqu. Delaware es un lugar tranquilo para criar a la familia, y adems hay oportunidades, dice Balbina. Despus de 14 aos me encanta lo que hago y tengo la idea de que tengo una comunicacin con mi raza hispana, eso es muy valioso para m. Balbina tambin forma parte activa de su parroquia San Pablo, donde es mi ministra de la palabra y la eucarista. No es extrao verla en las misas en espaol leyendo los evangelios. Creo en la fe que le da vida al espritu, creo en la felicidad, para m es poder despertar cada maana y saber que hice algo bueno el da anterior. Entiende Balbina la vida como la suma de las cosas pequeas que te dan alegra. Creo que toda mujer debe seguir luchando y enriquecer la aventura de su vida. Creo que todos podemos ver cambios y hacer algo diferente con nuestras vidas. No hay nada que una mujer no pueda lograr si se lo propone, dice a manera de despedida.
Balbina Ventura, la Secretaria Ejecutiva del programa de ELL del distrito escolar de Red Clay

omida? esitas C Nec yudar! uede A SNAP P

Life is an Adventure
Impossible to smile more and convey more joy for life, feels one when sharing with Balbina Ventura, the Executive Secretary of the program of ELL of Red Clays school district in Wilmington.
Balbina was born in Cotu, one of the more ancient towns of the Americas in the Dominican Republic, and she came to Delaware following her family. Delaware was a radical, healthy, major change in my life says smiling as always, I came from New York in 1995 after a marital separation and in one year I could buy my house, something that I could have not achieved in New York, she says. Delaware offered me a new fresh start, according to my means; Ive been very well here. Delaware is a quiet place to raise a family, and there are also opportunities, said Balbina. After 14 years I love what I do and I have the feeling that I communicate with my Hispanic race, which is very valuable for me. Balbina is also very active in her parish, San Pablo, where she is Minister of the Word and the Eucharist; it is not strange to see her in the Spanish mass reading the Gospels. I believe in the faith that gives life to the spirit, I believe in happiness, to me is to wake up every morning knowing that I did something good the day before. Balbina understands life as the sum of the little things that give you happiness. I think that every woman should keep fighting and enrich the adventure that is her life. I think that we all can see changes and do something different with our lives, there is nothing that a woman cannot achieve if she commits to it, she said by way of farewell.

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USDA es un proveedor y empleador que ofrece oportunidad igual para todos.

Delaware 18 de Mayo 2012 Vol 7 No.08

79 Festival Anual Dover Days

informacin information


Durante 79 aos, el evento anual celebra la historia y el patrimonio de la capital del estado de Delaware.
Dover Days (Festival de Dover), la atraccin primaria de la ciudad capital del Primer Estado, parece crecer ms y ms cada ao. Asistieron ms de 38.000 personas en un perodo de 3 das. Tuvimos diversos grupos desde artistas intrpretes a recreadores histricos y demostradores, incluyendo el boliviano Tinkus Tiataco USA de Silver Spring, MD, la Guerra Revolucionaria, la Guerra Civil y la II Guerra Mundial, e inclusive tuvimos equipos de beisbol de la poca de la guerra civil. Cada ao, residentes locales y miembros de la comunidad del condado Kent acuden en masa al centro de Dover a uno de los eventos de la ciudad ms grandes del ao. La celebracin comenz la noche del viernes en el Legislative Mall con un concierto musical de parte de la US Navy Sea Chanters, salto en bungee, un espectculo de entretenimiento en bicicletas, escalada en roca y una feria ambulante para el disfrute de nios de todas las edades. Un espectculo de fuegos artificiales sobre el Legislative Mall fue un final espectacular para la primera noche. El evento del da sbado fue el baile Maypole (danza de cintas en palo), as como el desfile ms grande que jams se haya visto en la ciudad de Dover. Los artistas y artesanos locales se podan localizar en el Legislative Mall y The Green Saturday dando demostraciones en costura, carpintera y cestera. El domingo por la tarde se podan ubicar artistas del condado Kent plasmando algunos de los monumentos histricos de la ciudad sobre lienzo con pinturas al leo, pasteles y acuarelas durante la competencia Plein Air Paint Out (Pintura al Aire Libre). La exhibicin anual de vehculos Dover Days tambin atrajo a muchos amantes de automviles al Legislative Mall el domingo para echarle un vistazo a los blidos. El juego de beisbol de la poca de la Guerra civil, el cual se jug con reglas del ao 1864, entre el Diamond State Base Ball Club y el Fair Play Base Ball Club del condado Talbot, MD, fue un jonrn el domingo por la tarde con los fanticos de Dover Days. La Directora de Turismo del condado Kent Cindy Small dijo que la asistencia de este ao ha sido la mayor en los 79 aos de historia del festival, y desde ya se ha comenzado a planificar un festival Dover Days an mayor para su 80 cumpleaos el prximo mes de mayo.

79th Annual Dover Days

For 79 years, the annual event celebrates the history and heritage of Delawares state capital.
>Photos: Keyla Rivero-Rodriguez Dover Days, the capital city of the First States premier attraction, just seems to get bigger and bigger each and every year. We had 38,000 attendees over the 3-day period. Lots of diverse groups from performers to re-enactors and demonstrators, including the Bolivian Tinkus Tiataco USA of Silver Spring, MD, Revolutionary War, Civil War and WWII, even had Civil War-era baseball teams Each year, local residents and Kent County community members flock to downtown Dover for one of the citys largest events of the year. The celebration began Friday evening on Legislative Mall with a musical concert from the U.S. Navy Sea Chanters, bungee jumping, a bicycle entertainment show, rock climbing and a carnival for children of all ages to enjoy. A fireworks show over Legislative Hall was a spectacular finale to the first night. Maypole dancing was the event of the day for Saturday, as well as the largest parade ever in the city of Dover. Local artisans and craftspeople could be found on Legislative Mall and The Green Saturday giving demonstrations in sewing, woodworking and basket weaving. Kent County artists could be found in Dover Sunday afternoon capturing some of the citys historic landmarks on canvas with oil paints, pastels and watercolors during the Plein Air Paint Out competition. The annual Dover Days car show also delivered many car lovers to Legislative Mall Sunday to check out the hot rods. The Civil War-era baseball game, played with rules from the year 1864, between the Diamond State Base Ball Club and the Fair Play Base Ball Club of Talbot County, MD was a home run Sunday afternoon with Dover Days fans. Kent County Tourism director Cindy Small said this years attendance is the largest in the festivals 79 year history and work has already begun planning an even bigger Dover Days for its 80th birthday next May.


informacin information

Delaware 18 de Mayo 2012 Vol 7 No.08

Iniciativa Latina
Girls Incorporated de Delaware lanz Iniciativa Latina en los condados de Sussex y Kent el martes 8 de mayo en la Biblioteca y Centro Cultural de Seaford.
La reunin fue organizada por la Directora Ejecutiva de Girls Inc. de Delaware Brenda Algar y la Co-presidenta de Iniciativa Latina Dra. Zenaida Otero-Gephardt. La iniciativa se apoya en parte por subvenciones del Fondo Arsht Cannon y el Fondo para la Mujer de Delaware. Nancy Santiago Negrn, Directora Adjunta interina de la Oficina de la Mujer del Departamento del Trabajo de Estados Unidos examin el enfoque del Departamento del Trabajo (DOL por sus siglas en ingls) y de la Oficina de la Mujer sobre oportunidades de carrera en ciencias, ingeniera, tecnologa y matemticas, carreras verdes y la importancia de la educacin en la vida de latinas. La Dra. Damary Bonilla, Gerente del Programa de la Iniciativa Latina de la organizacin nacional Girls Inc., present la investigacin y la estrategia detrs de la iniciativa. Tambin comparti su historia personal como una ex chica Girls Inc. en Nueva York, sus retos como una latina y su trayectoria educativa. La Dra. Bonilla reconoce a Girls Inc. como la organizacin que le dio las herramientas y recursos para tener xito y le brind un lugar que sinti como su casa. La iniciativa consiste en utilizar los programas de Girls Inc., y la investigacin ha determinado que las latinas en edad de escuela secundaria constituyen el grupo crtico de edad en necesidad. Este ser el primer grupo a servir a comienzos de este otoo. Los programas se llevarn a cabo en una variedad de lugares tales como escuelas, centros comunitarios, bibliotecas e iglesias, y son dirigidos por personal capacitado de Girls Inc. El siguiente paso es formar un grupo consultivo. La responsabilidad primordial de este grupo es para ayudar a Girls Inc. de Delaware a llegar a las nias a travs de las escuelas, grupos comunitarios e iglesias. Si alguien est interesado en servir en esta capacidad, enve un correo electrnico a Despus de que se contrate a un coordinador de programa y se localice una oficina, se programar una reunin.

Te preocupa comenzar la escuela secundaria? Ests nervioso pensando a quin conocers, a dnde deberas ir y cmo ser tu primer ao? No te preocupes el Programa Summer Bridge te ayudar! Todos los nuevos estudiantes de noveno grado participarn en el Programa Summer Bridge de Glasgow High School, diseado para proporcionar una orientacin para la escuela secundaria a la vez que desarrollas destrezas en lectura, escritura y matemticas. Aprenders a sacarle el mejor provecho a los prximos cuatro aos y a prepararte para la vida luego de graduarte de bachiller. Mejorars tus habilidades de estudio, de pensamiento crtico y de comunicacin. Tendrs la oportunidad de conocer a otros estudiantes y a profesores de tu Academia mientras que realizas actividades especficas de tu Academia. Los estudiantes en el Programa Summer Bridge: Establecern conexiones con Glasgow High School. Estudiantes y personal docente actuales proveern orientacin y actividades educativas as como tambin divertidas competencias entre Academias. Aprendern cmo son las clases de educacin secundaria. Las actividades incluirn estrategias tales como tomar apuntes con el mtodo Cornell, proyectos de grupo, colaboracin y pensamiento crtico. Participarn en un Campamento para escritores y en actividades de matemticas con la tecnologa Nspire. Los estudiantes mejorarn su escritura, aprendern a utilizar la calculadora TI-Nspire al resolver problemas de matemticas del mundo real, y utilizarn el programa Movie Maker para sus presentaciones finales. Completarn un proyecto mayor. Los estudiantes realizarn por lo menos un viaje de campo relacionado con el tema de su Academia para recolectar ms informacin para su proyecto. Las instrucciones de clase incluirn presentacin, discusin, investigacin, redaccin, resolucin de problemas y revisin de pares. Los estudiantes presentarn su proyecto mayor durante un recorrido en el ltimo da del programa. Academia de Artes & Humanidades: Disear y crear un mural y una representacin Academia de Negocios & Empresas: Crear un Plan de Medios Sociales para Glasgow High Academia STEM: Desarrollar un mapa de datos de estudiantes de Glasgow High

Para nuevos estudiantes de 9no grado!

Fechas: Junio 20-Julio 3 Hora: 8:00 a. m. -11:30 a. m. Costo: GRATIS

Se provee desayuno Se provee transporte

Pauline Hurst, Coordinadora Programas de Verano 302-631-5600, ext. 15617

Para ms informacin, por favor contacte:

Latina Initiative
Girls Incorporated of Delaware launched the Latina Initiative in Kent and Sussex Counties on Tuesday, May 8 at the Seaford Library and Cultural Center.
The meeting was hosted by Girls Inc. of Delaware Executive Director Brenda Algar and Latina Initiative Co-chair Dr. Zenaida Otero-Gephardt. The initiative is being supported in part by grants from the Arsht-Cannon Fund and the Delaware Womens Fund. Nancy Santiago Negron, Acting Deputy Director of the Womens Bureau for the United States Department of Labor discussed the DOL and the Womens Bureau focus on career opportunities in science, engineering, technology and math, green careers and the importance of education in Latinas lives. Dr. Damary Bonilla, Program Manager of the Latina Initiative for the national Girls Inc. organization, presented the research and strategy behind the initiative. She also shared her personal story as a former Girls Inc. girl in New York, her challenges as a Latina and her educational path. Dr. Bonilla credits Girls Inc. with giving her the tools and resources to succeed and a place that felt like home. The initiative consists of utilizing the Girls Inc. programs, and research has determined that middle school aged Latinas are the critical age group in need. They will be the first group served beginning this fall. Programs will take place in a variety of locations such as schools, community centers, libraries, churches and are led by the trained Girls Inc. staff. The next step is to form an advisory group. This groups primary responsibility is to aid Girls Inc. of Delaware in reaching girls through schools, community groups, and churches. If anyone is interested in serving in this capacity, please send an email to After a program coordinator is hired and an office location is secured, a meeting will be scheduled.

Girls Incorporated of Delaware launched the Latina Initiative in Kent and Sussex Counties

Growing GREAT Girls

Se pregunta cmo ayudar a su adolescente con las presiones en la escuela? Cmo hablar con ella acerca de la toma de decisiones en las relaciones? Hablar con ella de las opciones de buena salud? Growing Great Girls es un programa despus de clases slo para las jvenes adolescentes. Est diseado para hablar de diferentes temas en un ambiente creado para las jvenes hispanas de 14 a 18 aos. Para obtener ms informacin o inscribirse, favor de llamar al Centro Comunitario La Esperanza al 302-854-9262. Do you wonder how to help your teen girl deal with pressures at school? How to talk to her about making smart relationship decisions? How to talk to her about good health choices? Growing GREAT Girls is an afterschool program just for teen girls. It is designed to discuss those topics and more in an environment for Hispanic girls ages 14-18. For more information or to register, please call La Esperanza Community Center at 302-854-9262

West Chester, Pennsylvania BIENVENIDOS NUESTROS AMIGOS HISPANOS Y SUS FAMILIAS Brandywine Garden Apartments 215 North Everhart Avenue West Chester, PA 19380 Amplios Apartamentos con Balcn A distancia de caminar de la ciudad, centros comerciales y el Bus SEPTA Comenzando desde solo $675 mensuales mas utilidades Apartamentos Estudio y de dos y una Habitacin Disponibles Llame al : (610) 918-1694 Horario: L-V: 10.00A- 4.00P Sab: 10.00A-12.00P
The City of Newark, Delaware, a professionally managed, growing university community, is accepting applications from qualified individuals for the position of police officer from April 30 through May 25, 2012. Applicants must be at least 21 years of age, possess an Associates degree or its equivalent, have a valid drivers license with no recent suspension, have no felony convictions, meet physical requirements and be a U.S. citizen. This is a rewarding career opportunity which offers an excellent salary and fringe benefit program. Salary range for this position is $46,341 to $60,348 with possibility for rapid advancement. Applicants will undergo an extensive screening process which includes a written test, oral interview, physical agility test, background investigation, physical examination and psychological evaluation. Application packets may be picked up at the City Managers Office, City of Newark Municipal Building, 220 Elkton Road, Newark, DE 19711. If you would like a packet sent to you, e-mail your name and address to EOE CAREGIVER Assisted Living Facility in Grasonville MD. Help bathe, dress, cleaning. Speak some English. Housing available. 310-494-1904, (1-1) WANTED LABORERS IN DOVER, DE. Full-Time/Seasonal Positions available. Average of 50 hours per week. OT at time and a half. Starting at $8 per hour. Please call Freddie at 302222-9111. (1-3) HOJALATERO Busco Hojalatero para trabajar en Wilmington Llamar a Abel 951-254 5773 ACCOUNT REp/SALES MANAGER Account Rep/Sales Manager position available. Flexible 30 hour Monday thru Friday work week. An excellent opportunity for advancement for the right person. send your resume to SE BUSCA OpERADOR Asphalt Paving Paver Operator.Must have 5 years experience operating Leeboy Paving Machine or equal. Please apply to Richards Paving Inc. 9 Bellecor Drive New Castle De 19720.Call Richard at 302- 218-4453 RECEpTIONISTposition available at established construction Management/ real estate development firm. Flexible 30 hour Monday thru Friday work week. An excellent opportunity for advancement for the right person. Please send your resume to

SI BUSCA TRABAJO Llame al 302-832 3620 Lunes a Viernes de 9 a 5 pm. para publicar un aviso gratis.

empleos jobs


CUIDO NIOS Necesito trabajo como niera, hablo un poco de ingles, soy muy dedicada y responsable. Favor llamar al 302-293-1225 con Jessica. BUSCO pERSONA pARA CORTAR CABELLO. Para trabajar en Salisbury MD llamar al 443859 2532 Juanita CARpINTERO SE OFRECE Tengo mucha experiencia, tengo todas las herramientas y trabajo a domicilo Cesar 512-634 7097 BUSCO TRABAJO En jardinera en Delaware o Maryland tel. 443- 880 8597 Jose Sena BUSCO TRABAJO en la tardes en Kennett, yarda o restaurante Tel. 484-908 2314 Clemente Gonzalez COCINERO Experiencia en comida gourmet e hispana en el area de Rehobooth, cualquier turno 302- 259 8796 Daniel Huertas. CORTO ARBOLES Y hago trabajos de mecnica. Miguel Aguila Tel. 803-622 8627 BUSCO TRABAJO Chofer o construccin en Newark. 302- 981 8954 Jose Quiroz BUSCO EMpLEO en restaurant o yarda En Wilmington. Telfono 323-973 6478 Cecilio Vergara- Jose Luis Morales COSTURERO BUSCO TRABAJO DE COSTURERO, tengo experiencia y ganas de trabajar. 302- 761 3098 Humberto Chavez. COSMETOLOGA Hago limpiezas faciales, tratamientos de piel, manicures, pedicuras. Servicios a domicilio en el norte de Delaware. Irma (302) 743-9920 pAYASO El payaso Teterete esta disponible para animar fiestas infantiles. Diversin Garantizada. Llame al 302 444 7661 BUSCO TRABAJO Limpieza o restuarante, por las tardes. Por favor llamar a Angel Hernandez 302- 358 7874 BUSCO TRABAJO En plomera Jose Sanchez 240- 216 2553 BUSCO TRABAJO En jardinera en Delaware vivo en New Castle telfono 302- 983 3592 Agustin Vasquez BUSCO TRABAJO De costurero. Tengo experiencia en mquinas industriales, hablo ingls. 302- 563 5847 BUSCO TRABAJO EN CONS-

TRUCCIN Tengo experiencia en drywall, pisos etc. Newark 302- 981 8954 Miguel Dorantes BUSCO TRABAJO como chofer o farm los sbados y domingos en el condado de Chester, llame al 215-260-2021 Mario Ayala pINTOR Tengo experiencia en trabajos de pintura de casas, todas las herramientas, para trabajar en Delaware. Rigoberto Sanchez 302- 727 9486 CONSTRUCCIN Wilmington-Dover 302- 443 510 6811 pLOMERA DELAWARE Jose Sanchez 240- 216 2553 COSTURA- ALTERACIONES Todo en confeccin Lucy Romero 610- 888 8463 West Grove AIRE ACONDICIONADO/CALEFACCION Hago trabajos profesionales a domicilio, tenga 14 aos de experiencia. Delaware 561-420 7363 BUSCO TRABAJO Limpieza o jardinera Wilmington o New Castle Pedro Rivera 302- 256 3212 BUSCO TRABAJO En construccin o jardinera. Javier Vega 302- 553 8564 Kennett HOUSE MAID Familia busca House Maid Para trabajos de limpieza de 2 a 3 veces por semana durante 2 hrs. al dia (Hockessin Area) 610-274-2059 LANDSCApING Y pATIOS proyectos para patios. Wilmington o Newark 302- 444 1574 Rogelio Dominguez.


LA IGLESIA SAN pABLO en la calle Van Buren y la calle 4 en Wilmington ofrece clases de Ingles gratis los domingos de 12 a 1:30. Para mas informacin llame a 302-655-6596. GRATIS-GRATIS! CLASES DE INGLES! Los domingos 11:15 am y miercoles de 6:30 a 7:55 pm 140 Airport Rd...New Castle, DE Ignacio (302) 328 3800 ex 94 pARROqUIA SAN JOSE 321 East Main Street en Middletown,Los Mircoles de 7:00 a 8:30 PM mas informacin llamar a Antonia al 302- 378 5805 ESL CLASES GRATIS Casa San Francisco, 125 Broad St.,Milton, (302) 684-8694.Lunes y Mircoles de 7:00 a 9:00 pm. Todos los niveles.

LACC En la calle 4 y Van Buren, Wilmington. para informacion llamar al tel 302- 655 7338 qUIERE MEJORAR SU INGLES? La iglesia Presbiteriana de la Gracia en Dover ofrece cursos desde principiantes, intermedios y avanzados. Los cursos son los jueves de 6:30-8:45 pm. Inscripcin en la Iglesia: 350 McKee Road, Dover, DE. Se facilita cuidado de los nios. Mas informacin:(302) 734-8150. THE SUSSEX TECH Divisin de adultos Ofrece ingles como segunda lengua Los mircoles y jueves de 7:15 - 9:15 p.m. Cualquiera que quiera aprender ingles puede asistir.En la ruta 9 carretera LaurelGeorgetown.Mas informacin: (302) 856-9035 CLASES DE INGLES Ingles basico por las maanas de Enero 23 a Marzo 8 Lunes y Miercoles de 9 a 11:30 am y por las tardes desde el 9 de enero a el 4 de abril, Lunes y miercoles de 7 a 9:00 pm. Tambien ofrecemos clases de ingles avanzado, Cecil College, 107 Railroad Avenue, Elkton, MD 21921 Salon 328 Para mas informacion, 410-392-3366 LINCOLN: Lincoln United Methodist Church ESL martes/jueves 9am-1pm 4-7pm information Laurie Holubik 398-8945 x30 Administered by Lake Forest School Early Childhood Center GEORGETOWN: Georgetown Middle School (intermedia) ESL 301Market St (luz intermitente) Lunes a jueves 6-8pm (cuidan nios) 856-1900 Administered by Indian River School District La Esperanza ESL/Ciudadania 216 north Race St. Georgetown, DE 19947 302 854-9262 Sussex Tech ESl 856-9035 SELBYVILLE: Selbyville Middle School ESL 80 Bethany Beach 302 436-1020 llame para dias y horas administered by Indian River School District BRIDGEVILLE ESL Phyllis Wheatley Middle School ESL Bridgeville, De 19933 (302) 337-3469 Administered by Sussex Tech H.S. HARBESON: CoolSpring Presbyterian Church ESL 288843 Log Cabin Hill Rd.Lewes, De 19958 (302 )249-5073 Lunes y Miercoles 6:30 -8:00pm SERVICIOS DE INMIGRACION Leila Borrero Krouse. La Casita 411 Wicomico Street, Suite A, Salisbury MD 21801

SUDOKU y cmo se juega

El objetivo es insertar los nmeros en las cajas con solo una condicin: cada fila, columna, y caja de 9 x 9 debe contener los nmeros del 1 al 9 nicamente una vez. Qu puede ser mas simple? Dicen que resolverlo requiere entre 10 y 30 minutos, segn seas de hbil con los nmeros y la lgica. Te invitamos a intentarlo y a pasar un rato entretenido que al mismo tiempo desarrolle tu capacidad de razonamiento. Disfrtalo!

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Delaware 18 de Mayo 2012 Vol 7 No.08


Delaware 04 de Mayo 2012 Vol 7 No.04

calendario calendar
Job Center @ Delaware Libraries, WILMINGTON Location
loS SeoreS Del TieMPo El Penn Museum de Filadelfia explora los orgenes de las predicciones del fin del mundo en 2012 con la nueva e importante exhibicin MAYA 2012: Los Seores del Tiempo, una exhibicin de estreno mundial que se inaugura el 5 de mayo, el Penn Museum confronta la fascinacin actual con el ao 2012 y compara las predicciones de un apocalipsis que transformara el mundo con sus supuestos orgenes en la antigua civilizacin maya. La exhibicin se presentar hasta el 13 de enero de 2013. Las entradas de admisin ncluyen la admisin al resto del museo Las entradas especiales para la exhibicin pueden adquirirse por Internet: maya2012,
OPEN HOURS FOR JOB SEARCHING ASSISTANCE: Monday: 5pm to 7:30 pm Tuesday: 11am to 2pm Wednesday: 5pm to 7:30 pm Friday: 9:30am to 2pm

SerVicioS a la coMuNiDaD
NEW CASTLE Centro Comunitario LatinoameriCano

ST. aNTHoNyS iTaliaN FeSTiVal June 1017, 2012 Sunday, 6/10: 2:0010:30 PM MondayFriday: 5:3010:30 PM Saturday: 2:0010:30 PM Sunday, 6/17: 2:00-8:30PM St. Anthony of Padua, 901 N. DuPont Street, Wilmington, DE 19805

DelaWare ceNTer For HorTiculTure Family Fun: Grow Your Own Pizza. Saturday, May 19, 10 11:30 a.m. $20/member family, $30/non-member family. NEW! Nature Nights: Monarchs & Marigolds Monday, May 21, 5:30 6:30 p.m. $5/family Learn about the plants and animals that come out in the evening! Pre-registration required.

aNNual PHoTograPHic arT exHibiT The Coastal Camera Club will again present to the public its annual photographic art exhibit and sale at the Nassau Valley Vineyards in Lewes, June 2-28, 2012. The Vineyard is open daily Monday through Saturday, 11 am5pm and Sundays, noon to 5 pm. Over 30 participating artists will be displaying their art photography in this unique local vineyard setting. In addition to enjoying the hanging art, visitors can observe the wine cellar through long glass viewing stations, a delightful backdrop to the art images. An Artists Reception will be held on June 10th, 2-4pm where visitors will be able to interact with the artists, ask questions, and learn more about the many different styles and techniques used by the represented artists. For additional information visit CCCs website at The show will come down on the morning of June 29th.

PeacH FeSTiVal The 2012 Middletown Peach Festival will be held Saturday August 18, 2012 beginning at 9am with the annual parade on Broad Street and will conclude at 4pm. Many activities are centered on Main Street. Main Street and a portion of adjoining N Cass Street will be closed to traffic for the event. Entertainment is scheduled throughout the day around town. There are activities for children, a local artist exhibit, historical exhibits, a peach pie contest, crafts, music, food, games, and of course peaches! The Peach Festival is a rain-orshine event! Last years attendance was about 27,000 people. For more details, visit

WilMiNgToN graND Prix This years Grand Prix is set for this weekend, May 18-20, and will feature three days of racing. The action opens on Friday, May 18, with the return of the Monkey Hill Time Trial, a 3.2-mile race against the clock through Wilmingtons Brandywine Park, a course made famous by the Tour DuPont. The evening will also include barbecue, beer and family fun. The events continue on Saturday with a series of mens and womens figure-eight criterium races along a more than one-mile course in Downtown Wilmington. Youth races will also take place with Cadence Cycling Foundation riders as well as youth from the City of Wilmington. In addition to the racing action, the Grand Prix Street Festival returns, offering free family entertainment along Market Street from the 5th Street to Rodney Square. Activities include live music, sidewalk sales, course-side cafes and a variety of family games and activities including moon bounces, rock climbing, bungee jumping, fitness challenges, bike expos and more. The day will also include the Parade to Fight Hunger at noon. The display of community spirit will begin at 5th and Market Streets and process towards Rodney Square. The three days of cycling concludes on Sunday with the return of the Governors Ride, a 15-mile trek through world class attractions with the start/finish at the Delaware Art Museum. In addition this year, the Wilmington Grand Prix will bring Italian-style racing to Wilmington with the Gran Fondo. The 62-mile ride will begin at 8 a.m. at the Delaware Art Museum and take cyclists through 13 cultural attractions in Wilmington. For more information, to register for a ride, or to volunteer, visit

During these open hours, drop in to receive one-on-one help with: ** Resumes & Cover Letters ** Interview Preparation ** Online Job Applications ** Email Account set-up ** Job Searching (including job leads, Internet job site navigation) ** Printers and scanners available; computers with Internet available ** Spanish-speaking job coach available Tuesday and Friday open hours ** Referrals to partner agencies providing GED preparation or job searching assistance for those with barriers to employment ** Classes in Computer Use, Linked In, Small Business and more Wilmington Public Library Job Center 10th and Market Streets (3rd Floor) 302-222-8507

Job Center @ Delaware Libraries, WILMINGTON Location

OPEN HOURS FOR JOB SEARCHING ASSISTANCE: Monday: 5pm to 7:30 pm Tuesday: 11am to 2pm Wednesday: 5pm to 7:30 pm Friday: 9:30am to 2pm During these open hours, drop in to receive one-on-one help with: ** Resumes & Cover Letters ** Interview Preparation ** Online Job Applications ** Email Account set-up ** Job Searching (including job leads, Internet job site navigation) ** Printers and scanners available; computers with Internet available ** Spanish-speaking job coach available Tuesday and Friday open hours ** Referrals to partner agencies providing GED preparation or job searching assistance for those with barriers to employment ** Classes in Computer Use, Linked In, Small Business and more Wilmington Public Library Job Center DaNce exTraVagaNza 10th and Market Streets (3rd Floor) The Kennett Area Senior Center sponsors a Dance Extravaganza 302-222-8507 on Sunday, June 10 and 24 from 5:30 8:30 p.m. Dance lessons for Cha-Cha, Salsa, Merengue, and Bachata will be from 5:30 6:30 and Dancing from 6:30 8:30. The cost is $7/person. Soda and water will be available @$.50/each. For more information, please contact the KASC @610-444-4819. The Kennett Area Senior Center sponsors an afternoon Tea Party on Tuesday, June 12 from 2:30 4:00 p.m. In addition to a variety of fine teas, delicacies are served. The theme of Junes Tea Party is Big Daddy Celebration. The cost is $6/member and $8/non-member. The Kennett Area Senior Center sponsors an afternoon Sunday Dinner with Friends on Sunday, June 24 from 1:00 3:00 p.m. The theme is Here Comes Summer. Dinner will be from 1:00 2:00 and Music and Dancing from 2:00 3:00. The cost is $6/person. Everyone is welcome, regardless of age. Please contact the KASC @610-444-4819 a week in advance for reservations.

4 0 2 N. V a N B u r e N S t r e e t , W ilmiNgtoN , De 19085. t el . 655-7338 La ofiCina nios y famiLia 301 N. HariSoN Street, WilmiNgtoN De 19805. tel.302- 655-6486 ameriCan CanCer soCiety 92 reaDS Way Suite 205, NeW CaStle Corporate CoNmoNS, NeW C aStle , De 19720. t el . 3244227 OPEN HOURS FO VoCes sin fronteras Monday: parroquia SaN paBlo, 1010Tuesday: WeSt Wednesd 4tH St. WilmiNgtoN, De 19805 Friday: 9 tel. 576-4120 Caridad CatLiCa During these open h 260 W. 4 tH. Street, WilmiNgtoN, ** Resumes & Cover L De 19805. 655-9624 ** Online Job Applicat ChiLd inC. ** Job Searching (inclu 507 pHilaDelpHia pike, Printers and scanne ** De 19809, ** Spanish-speaking jo tel.762-8989 Westside heaLth ** Referrals to partner or job searching 1802 WeSt4 Street,WilmiNgtoN, ** Classes in Compute De, 19805. tel. 655-5822 ayuda LegaL inmigrantes Wilmington Publi C o m m u N i t y S e r V i C e B u i l D i Market 10th and N g , 302-222-8507 100 WetS teHt Street, Suite 801, W ilmiNgtoN , De, 19801, t el . 575-0660. Westend neighborhood 710 N. liNColN, De, 19805 tel. 658-4171 h enrietta J ohnson m. 601 NeW CaStle aVe.WilmiNgtoN, De FO OPEN HOURS 19801tel 302.655.6187 Monday: diVisin de mantenimiento de Tuesday: Wednesd Los nios Friday: CHurCHmaNS Corporate CeNter 84 9 a CHriStiaNa roaD, NeW CaStle, During these open h De 19702 ** Resumes & Cover L VCtimas de VioLaCin sexuaL ** Online Job Applicat C oNDaDo De N eW ** Job Searching (inclu C aStle 302** Printers and scanne 761-9100 ** Spanish-speaking jo cancer care connection Referrals to partner One Innovation**Way, Suite or job searching 300, Newark, Delaware 19711. ** Classes in Compute 302- 294-8551 or 866-2667008 (toll-free). Wilmington Publi http://www. Market 10th and

Job Center WILMING

Job Center WILMING

CONDADO DE KENT deLmarVa ruraL ministries 26 W yomiNg a Ve . D oVer , De, 19904. tel. 678-2000 ChiLd inC. 2089 DupoNt HigHWay, DoVer diVision de mantenimiento de Los nios CarrolS plaza, 114 S. DupoNt HWy. DoVer, De 19901 CONDADO DE SUSSEX Centro La esperanza 216 NortH raCe Street, georgetoWN, De, 19947 Tel.302854-9262 Fax 854-9277 diVision de mantenimiento de Los nios 9 aCaDemy St. georgetoWN, De 19947 a b r i e n d o p u e r ta s a yu Da
para mujereS VCtimaS De VioleNCia DomeStiCa. tel. 745-9874 Centro de informaCin para padres 1 0 9 N. B e D F o r D S t r e e t , g eorgetoWN , De, 19947, t el . 302-856- 9880 La Casita 308 N.railDroaD aVe. georgetoWN 856 9660 Centro de saLud La red 505-a W e S t m a r k e t S t r e e t , g eorgetoWN , De, 19947. t el . 855-1233 teLamon Corp. StoCkley CeNter W-3. georgetoWN, De, 19947. tel. 934-1642 Lnea de apoyo para VCtimas de VioLaCin sexuaL CoNDaDo De SuSSex y keNt 1-800262-9800

Dcca SuMMer caMP PrograMS 2012

Imagine, Explore, CreateSix Sessions: June 25 - August 10 REGISTER NOW! Space is limited! Ages 4 - 15

brigHT ligHTS, big arT On Sunday, May 20, the Delaware Center for Contemporary Arts (DCC) will hold Bright Lights, Big ART from noon to 3 p.m. The free event will inspire participants through the sights and sounds of the big city. Using geometric forms children will work with a DCCA Teaching Artist to make a city of their own, and then make a BOOM with other families as we make your world come to life with sound. For more information, visit www.

WaTercolor WeDNeSDayS at Dover, Del.s Old State House during June 2012 Historical vantage-points within Dover, Del.s Old State House will serve as subjects for Watercolor Wednesdays, a weekly program in which visitors can paint scenes inside one of the oldest statehouse buildings in the United States. Led by the museums interpretive staff, Watercolor Wednesdays will take place between 10 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. on June 6, 13, 20 and 27, 2012.

arT MuSeuM Day The Delaware Art Museum will offer free admission on Friday, May 18 as part of the Association of Art Museum Directors (AAMD) Art Museum Day, which coincides with International Museum Day. Focusing on the theme Museums in a changing world. New Challenges, new inspirations. Art Museum Day encourages museums and their visitors to reflect on the role museums play in our society and communities. The Museum will be open during regular hours, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., on Friday, May 18. Admission will be free for all visitors. In 2011, the Museum participated in Art Museum Day along with 100 other museums across North America.

The DCCA will offer six separate weekly camps from June 25 through August 10, 2012 for ages 4 - 15. Children will work with professionally trained Teaching Artists and have full access to DCCA galleries. Campers will explore contemporary takes on a number of art themes, including technology, language, and innovative materials. Campers must bring their own lunch, snacks, and beverages. In addition to regular camp hours (listed below) optional weekly pre-camp (8 - 10 am) and post-camp (4 - 6 pm) sessions are available for an additional fee. On Fridays at 3:30 pm there will be an art exhibition of the campers work for friends and family. Need-based scholarships are available for all camp sessions. Additionally the DCCA has launched a highly successful program, now in its second year, called the Future Teaching Artists Program (FTA). This program is geared towards older teens ages 16 - 18 who are interested in gaining valuable career experience by assisting our Summer Camp programs and shadowing museum jobs. This is a great opportunity for students who need experience for college or job applications. Visit the DCCA website for more information or to register online: For more information regarding camps or scholarships for these programs please contact DCCAs Curator of Education Jane Chesson at or 302-656-6466 x7101.

CONDADO DE CHESTER PA La Comunidad hispana 314 e. State St. keNNett Square, pa, 19348 telFoNo: 610-388 72 59 misin santa mara 37 S peNNSylVaNia aVe, aVoNDale, pa 19311, telFoNo 610-268 3365 programa madrina oxForD - (610) 444-4002 keNNett Square,(610) 444-4002 (610) 917-1360
DelaWare HelPliNe 1-800-464 4357 Mara para espaol

Delaware 18 de Mayo 2012 Vol 7 No.08

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Tiene dolor y necesita ver a un mdico? Tiene el auto daado? No puede trabajar debido a sus lesiones? La Lnea Hispana de Accidentes puede ayudarle a obtener cuidado mdico aunque no tenga seguro y todo es estrictamente confidencial. Adems usted puede tener derecho a recibir compensacin por dolor y sufrimiento.

Anuncio por parte de los doctores en medicina quiroprctica Nikki Patel DC, Trisha Mangano DC, Kent Messer DC


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