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Educating Childern

By Taufik

Childrens students



Example : Eating

Good people
At home, keep the clean. etc

Bad People
Every where, at road,etc

The Meaning of Educating

Educating is the process of humanizing mankind (humanization), which it raised process of level of human to human (Ki Hajar Dewantara)

steps to educate students

1. Recognize the Child Development Know your child's abilities, both cognitive abilities, physical skills, emotional development, how to interact with others 2. Spending Quality Time Parents should be want to open themselves to know their students

3. Giving Support and Praising Support and praise are way to drive but do not force your child, plus a way to give spirit to bounce back when he was dropped. 4. Being a good model With a good example, you also once encouraged him to become a good child

5. Provide Logical Consequences 6. You do not restrain children too 7. Focus on Positive Behavior 8. be Decisive 9. Instill values 10.Do the discussions and negotiations 11.Create an Effective Communication

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