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Delinquency TEENS Many reported in the newspapers, television, radio, or other media.

Be an increase in homicide rates and juvenile delinquency cases throughout Indonesia. Very sad. Among such cases are very concerned at all about the "slut" which means woman or virgin perimen Ex. This slut is generally comprised of students who really are not a girl or another girl who sells herself to the father or the wild-om He sold himself by hooky from school, then went straight to prey on the gentlemen who was driving. While pretending to take passengers, on the grounds do not have money to go home. In the car he was diplomatic, seduce, without shame to ask for money to pay tuition, ask buy clothes, shoes, bags, and others. Surely as a man who was, he followed it with the terms of which we can expect it myself. Besides, they operate directly, there is also mediated by the pimps. In the case of juvenile delinquency is very prominent is the fight between the students, such as a brawl between schools with other schools because this slut cases were spread on the students as well. The problem is trivial, this usually occurs due to a fight because of a sense of power or want to control where the ribbing between schools or perhaps to defend his friend because it was treated senono / is not reasonable by other school children. They are actually aware of what he was doing it, but there are causes of the occurrence of such mischief. As the first cause is: Lack of parental approaches to children, because both parents are too busy with affairs outside the home. The father is a busy business, while the mother is very active in the organization of femininity, gymnastics, beauty lessons, tutoring skills, refresher courses, simulations, social gathering, small business and other events to enhance the prestige.

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