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..::The Creed::..

The Creed is a code of mind, a set of guidelines to act as a direction towards achieving a totally conditioned mind allowing one to tackle anything that flows your way. The information in this doctrine is a refined idea of what the mind needs in order to instruct the body to survive, where the research itself pre-dates the recording of history. A conditioned mind is necessary in achieving a conditioned body, both are necessary elements to achieving what it means to be completely in control of self. Most people only achieve a partial conditioning, to be Yulian is to achieve and maintain a full conditioning of body and mind. Many different religions talk of this state of mind and the achievement of it, the most widely known being Nirvana - a state of equanimity brought on by a strong positive composure. Below is all that is needed to actualise the mind and therefore the being.

"We are here to be creators. We are here to infiltrate space with ideas and thoughts. We are here to make something of this life. To acknowledge the quantum self, to acknowledge the place where we really have choice, to acknowledge mind. When that shift of perspective takes place we say that somebody has been enlightened." - Ramsha

The Universe continually Flows, it has always done and always will. As a whole it is one living thing and every living thing in it, from galaxies to microbes, anything that has the ability to effect change within its environment is apart of it. Everything altogether flows, from the traffic of people, insects, animals and birds to directions of rivers and wind, all the way down to the electrons orbiting a nucleus to whole planetary systems orbiting their star. Night and day, for past, present and future it all has flowed. And as a whole, together as one it reflects the Flow of internal universal consciousness.

No matter how big or how small you look the principles are always the same; electrons orbit nuclei, planets orbit stars and stars orbit the centre of their galaxies. All of the conscious objects in our universe, everything that makes up Flow is governed by a set of laws; everything is mathematically proportionate. Scientists and religious leaders talk of exactly this Flow but from two different perspectives. A scientist will tell you that energy is; never created or destroyed so always is, was and will be, constantly moving into form, through form and out of form, which is when the physical can be recorded and proved to exist. A theologian will tell you god; is the architect or creator of the universe so always is, was and will be, constantly moving into form, through form and out of form, where the results are evidence of gods presence and work.

There are always 3 things whenever you consider anyone thing, there is the thing in question, its opposite and the concept which combines the two as a whole. For example with warmth you also have cold and together they make temperature. Therefore Flow is full of symmetry; if something exists its counter part also exists. Science & Religion, night and day, warm and cold, life and death. Every set of opposites in existence today had a beginning and an end, known as a life cycle even the physical universe itself will have a beginning and end. Once a life cycle is complete a new one begins from the debris left behind, the is especially obvious with stars; for out of the debris left behind new stars can be born. No matter where you look everything is at a certain stage of its perpetual cycle. Therefore Flow flows in cycles; if something has a beginning it has an end and repeats.

The life form that is your environment is hard to comprehend as a whole, for a human how the Earth, Galaxy or Universe is alive is hard to work out but every level below us is easy to figure out, such as red blood cells, microbial organisms and atoms. To try work out how the Earth is alive and how we are connected to it is the equivalent of a red blood cell in your body trying to comprehend how you are alive and how it is connected to you. Every above level of life relies on levels of life below to survive; the sun feeds the Earth which feeds the land which feeds the lifeforms that live off of it; we are all connected as one. Flow is a system in balance; everything relies on everything else. Every system must remain in balance to allow every life form within it to grow and prosper.

As the name Flow suggests everything, all levels of life, keeps on flowing and adapting to the individual environment it finds itself in. Flow as a whole with its many individual cycles including the one grand cycle of the universe keeps on flowing no matter what. Because of this Flow is forever flowing and changing and will always find a way. The Flow can not exist without the observer entering into the physical and observing what goes on. When we look, everything is in a certain order, when we aren't

looking it is an infinite sea of potential. The observer exists in all things that can choose to affect the Flow. We, like the cells in our body live inside bigger living organisms. From top down then the environments we find ourselves in are as follows: The Universe itself as a whole which is home to everything including billions of galaxies. Ours is the milky way, home to billions of stars and their planets; ours is known as the solar system, where you find Earth.

At the very centre of our solar system sits our father organism, the mother of our planet; our star, known as the sun or for its better name Amen-Ra. Our star feeds our mother organism the Earth, also known as Gaia, she is our home. Upon Earth is where we build our structures to house not only ourselves but all facets of our society. As humans this is our commonly known and loved environment, our cities, towns and villages. Although we live in our structures there are yet more environments that are still closer to home, closer to us as observers, closer to the location of self. The human self, has three layers made up from two environments. First there is the body, this is everything physical about ourselves, it is also the environment for the mind. Mind is where identity resides, all thoughts and feelings. It is the home environment where the self is found, the spirit, the being observing its own effects of observation. Everything is energy, mind brings forth the focus of self through the energy centres, mind is not just the brain but chakras where energy manifests. Focus is like a lighthouse bringing each part of the universe into state when focused upon. Everything is pure energy, everything is Flow, something we have no direct control over as it is already there, infinite, always present. We merely help mould and shape Flow through our choice in where, what and when to place our focus.

Focus is the observers current choice on what to directly focus on, through the body and mind, it is like watching the most realistic and vivid film from within your own head. Our choice in where to place focus or attention is the only true thing we have direct control over. Even choice itself isn't directly controllable as we can only choose from the choices the Flow currently presents us with. New paths and choices are made from the combination of our previous choices and subsequent actions in combination with the choices of other vessels of Flow and their reactions made through their own choices. Together this unity is what our lives are made of; an endless sea of choices and the subsequent choices from those choices, because of this both free will and fate exist as one. Everything has the free will to choose their own path of fate. Everything in the Universe including the universe itself is doing this on a constant moment to moment basis.

Feelings are the only true guide to the Flow as every change in focus will result in the observer feeling something because of it. This includes both intentional focus, the state of being from within - thinking about carrying out an intention and reactional focus, the state of being from without - thinking about the reaction from ones intention. Thoughts produce feelings and so feelings can produce thoughts. It is all to easy to get caught up in previous or future moments and the feelings they make you feel even before the moment has actually happened. Therefore it is imperative to always view the positives of every situation and in turn feel positive, for the negatives are temporary and everything will eventually return to positivity anyway. Feelings being a guide should remain just that, a guide. Focus will inevitably end up as a feeling vibrating from your centre across the rest of the body, before returning as your choice in focus once again. When focus determines reality and therefore feeling you will be in front of the flowing wave that is your life, feelings don't determine focus; you do, but they do help guide your focus. If you let reality or feelings determine your focus you allow fate to decide your choice - if your focus determines your reality you have choice of your fate. To remain ahead you must always remember to focus on the objective, the situation as a whole, the silver lining, the deeper meaning.

Should you focus on the subjective, be it of yourself or of someone else you give rise to negative thoughts as subjective doesn't really exist and is temporary as all is Flow. When we let go of thoughts and wake up to the reality of the part of life that is working beyond thought, we discover the Self that is living a universal non-dual life (before the separation into two) that pervades all living creatures and all existence. Thinking and thought must therefore not be allowed to confine and blind one, they must remain short, well rounded, positive and always compliment the objective - the Flow as a whole, found only in the truth of the moment. The key is to remain in what you know and in doing so know you will never know everything, it is impossible while in a singular perspective as the Flow is constantly changing and everything is transient. Don't try think that you know, instead just know what you think and you will exist in truth. There are three major areas or environments you must concentrate on, to which when you recognise and live in truth, all environments you exist in will become balanced. Not only will you be living fully in equanimity, but these areas will be amazingly and blissfully positive. The three areas are your spiritual being, your mindful paradigm and your flowing state. This relates straight to the spirit, mind and body. If you are not in equanimity right now it is because one or all of these three states are not aligned and so do not complement each other, instead they may contradict each other.

Spirituality |Spirit |Being is the observer, connected with the one ultimate and infinite. Associated with

mental health, managing substance abuse, marital functioning, parenting, and coping. It has been suggested that spirituality also leads to finding purpose and meaning in life. Giving being the only prosperous way of Flow and with light and direction one goes from a life-taking form to become a lifegiving form.
Mindfulness |Mind |Paradigm is a mindset or the set of truths one lives by, the window into the physical.

Defined as actively searching for novelty, is also characterised as non-judging, non-striving, accepting, patient, trusting, open, letting go, gentle, generous, empathetic, grateful, and kind. Its benefits include reduction of stress, anxiety, depression, and chronic pain.
Flow |Body |State is everything physical about you, a reaction from the spirit looking through the mind.

It is transient, changing from moment to moment, but always found in a state of absorption in one's work, is characterised by intense concentration, loss of self-awareness, a feeling of control, and a sense that "time is flying." Flow is an intrinsically rewarding experience, and it can also help one achieve a goal or improve skills. The three levels of your existence - spirit, mind and body become aligned to truth and equanimity through continual discipline of the following functions of self -

function to feel function to think function to act function to connect function to multiply These functions are really the only functions one has control over, especially from an individual perspective, anything else is an indirect control found from direct control of these functions. One must use these tools in a positive way, disregarding any negativity by reframing and only focusing on the positive - go only with what you know. Change specifically what you think, this will directly effect how you act and what you say to a positive state. You will indirectly control how you feel and how your life unfolds multiplying into the present. These functions become disciplined by following the Yulaw, an acronym for the five laws that make up your own Flow. The five laws you can master Yu - law of being Ukno - law of creation Liberte - law of action Almanac - law of communication Wrkx - law of collaboration

Y - Be - Composed by choice in belief and subsequent feelings through U - thoughts, L - actions and A - words
"Self actualise and realise, do what you've got to do, if you can see it, you can be it, if your mind can go there then why can't you."

Be fully aware, open to the divine, embrace the power you hold within you. Be one with the light, become consciousness, your focus is the light, the light is your focus, there is no difference. The light is reflected as the observer and the observer is remembered for where they choose to point focus, regardless if its positive or negative. Always 3 choices does the observer have to choose from in each moment - to be honorable, reflected as acceptance, to be disgraceful, reflected as control or to be passive, reflected as ambivalence. Stay in the side of the spectrum that is positivity and you will create good karma, do not seek to indulge in the negative. If negative should happen embrace it, let it reinforce who you are instead of tear you down - Flow with it, find the positive from it, find appreciation in learning what not to do. Then move on, forget about it, for the moment has passed and can no longer be changed, a mere memory. Do not worry about the future, for the moments are yet to arrive and you can not affect these moments either. Instead you can and only have the ability to affect the present moment, focus on past or future and you may miss the present, never getting to the future, or repeating the past. Knowledge is the past which makes up the present, mystery is the future that the present moves into. Anticipation is the 6 seconds of access we have into the mystery in front of knowledge, this is where your focus should live. It is to act before Flow, especially to prevent an action; to take up or introduce a change prematurely; to know of Flow before it manifests. To achieve this, one must know, not think,

thinking in terms of past or future hinders focus on the present and so Flow will always be ahead of you, while you play catchup, you won't be flowing but following. Anticipate that everything that can happen is happening and that you can never know what the mystery holds until you arrive in the moment. You will be ready for anything when present arrives and collapses on the one, therefore you can appreciate whatever happens. Anticipate and appreciate. Be adaptable to any situation through acceptance of everything for what it is knowing it is only made current through previous moments and choices from yourself and others or Flow as a whole. Be easy, open to all options/opportunities/directions of Flow be it yours or someone else's, but always lead yourself, your own current through the flow, don't let other currents lead your direction, let them only influence you, take what you deem correct from their Flow and add it to your own. Disregard all negativity. If you accept everything as it is, knowing the things that are a mystery are only that because you don't know yet then you become content, you appreciate and if you appreciate you are content. Never allow yourself to fall into any feeling or thought that may lead to being less than content - it is the least positive state you should be. Let go of judgement regardless good or bad, you can never know all the events that led up to the state of what you are currently judging. In doing so you create a look or perception into the way it is either positive or negative and this reflects within yu a positive or negative subjective taint on the way it should be. The Flow is neither, it is objective, is what it is and that is not physical; that is the mere reflection. Atone - judging leads to control. It is always a positive state of mind for a positive person until they decide to allow another's intention to affect their own and allow the rise of the pain body, letting themselves become negative. Always be positive and don't let anyone's subjective perspective shift that focus, it should always remain objective and one is either with the objective or in their own subjective world. Everything is positive until proven to be negative and even if you know it is a negative spiteful action it is temporary, not worth getting worked up over as everything will return to positivity, being negative will only prolong that fact. Until its proven otherwise stay positive, even when it is negative, find the positive. Keep your focus on the current path ahead, do not focus on the past, this can not be changed and has lead yu to where yu currently are so if anything be grateful Don't focus on the far future as you will not get there without living the present. Instead focus on the present moment and you'll be able to anticipate the near future. Know that you only know what is presently happening, you can't possibly know the future and it is easy to forget details of the past. The present is the truth, living in it is knowing truth. Staying in the moment and doing exactly what you need to be doing is the only way to be free. Autonomy - the unattachment from any one moment other than the present will allow one to Flow. Let the above forever increase your awareness as you continually move into the moment of truth.
- Remain Composed

U - Think - Selflessly by choice in thought

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."

What you think effects how you feel, how you feel influences what you think. Be mindful of your thoughts and you will indirectly be mindful of your feelings. To be truly positive one must feel positive all the time, this only comes from thinking positive all the time, stemming from a firm belief in being positive all the time. All things after belief create feelings, thought is the first physical result of any belief. You must observe the positive in everything, find the silver lining to every cloud. Every moment is positive and must been objectively viewed thusly. Positive thoughts are very short well rounded affirmed thoughts, you are sure of them, they make you feel secure about yourself and others. Negative thoughts, especially unproven or speculated ones, require a lot of working out and hang around for ages. They are based off of mystery, not knowledge and make you feel insecure about yourself and others. Reframe your thoughts in a positive way until there is no more need to think positive when viewing each moment, observing and feeling positive will become second nature to you. With successful reading and navigation of the Flow trust your feelings as that is all you need to get by, they are quicker than thoughts and more reliably accurate. Thoughts come from the mystery where there are gaps in your knowledge, instinctive feelings come from within, there is no mystery about them. Seek truth, let go of positive and negative, as both are subjective states that exist only when compared to another state. States stop the objective Flow and as Flow is a continuous potential river of possibility, trying to define it will only prove futile. As soon as you define one state it will be no more as it will change as each moment passes, the state will become less and less like what has been defined. Things constantly change and absolutely nothing is certain as all possibilities are only potential possibilities waiting to happen. Instead it is what you focus on that comes to pass, what you visualise and therefore attract - as well as actively taking the steps towards achieving, that happens. Stop thinking and talking about it just do it, only through practice will you become experienced. Stick with what you know - moments that have happened to you, your path. Know that everything else you can not know, future is a mystery, be comfortable with not knowing, never stray from manifesting your path towards your objective. Once you recognise all this and put it into practice you will notice there will eventually only be belief/intention followed swiftly by action. When there is nothing left to think about or work out, thought and speech are at a minimum only being used when necessary. Action happens exactly how it is visualised and each moment becomes fully known. Visualisation - thinking/pondering/day dreaming is a tool which should be used only when needed to be called upon. It should be used to appreciate the immediate past and also to manifest the coming future, other than this one should be fully focused in the moment. For the past; it should be used to learn from it, to bathe in the appreciation of how it made you feel and to revel in nostalgia with others. For the future it is literally anticipation, you wont know until the present catches up but there are signs/ directions you can see potentially happening before they've happened. Eventually the present catches up and all possibilities break away revealing only one path chosen by both you and the flow in a combined

effort. Visualisation should mostly be used for focusing on your current path and being ahead of knowledge, pioneering your own self knowledge from within the anticipated mystery. By visualising possible future paths you create the feelings one would have while experiencing in a present sense what it is you're visualising. The brain does not know the difference between the two but the circumstances are attracted to you all the same. This process is also known as creation and is used by every artist before they create their art. You can always control feelings, remember they are only a guide to help you, do not let them consume you, do not act directly off of a feeling as it is subjective. To do this would mean becoming attached to a moment and following instead of Flowing. Thoughts are affirmative, each one affects your path in their own way, sometimes profoundly, sometimes subtly, use thoughts to observe a positive perception from each moment and manifest. When you don't need to do either of those things then focus only on the unfocused, the divine, the light, the thought of pure positivity, this will by law attract pure positivity. The warm feeling of flowing positivity that the everything exists in. Keep thinking for only when it is needed as you may very well manifest what you do not want. Stay in the knowledge of truth - what you think, what you feel and what you manifest are all from the same place within. You are in control of you and indirectly control your life, always anticipate, create, accept and be content.
- Remain Confident

L - Act - Smoothly by choice in action

"It's not the daily increase but daily decrease. Hack away at the unessential."

Don't delay, second guess, hesitate or try sit back and work it out; only action can bring a learned experience. Only through continual practice will you achieve a perfection in anything. You can think all you want but if you over think then you will eventually reinforce the idea that you don't know and start feeling anxiety from trying to know without doing. The best thing to do with anything, new or experienced is to go for it once you have grasped a basic understanding of what needs to happen don't hesitate - just do it! Grasping this understanding has traditionally come from watching others, this reinforces the idea in ones head that it is possible. As soon as you know this information go for it, if you then start thinking about it beyond this before trying, you will only become more and more anxious about what you are going for and make it more and more likely that you won't do it at all. Stick with being selfless, if you give you will receive, if you take you will only lose. If you achieve this mindset you create good karma, therefore the Flow will look out for you so going for new things won't be so hard. Through selflessness and good karma you can easily turn responsibility over to the universe and obtain an objective perspective on any situation. This is especially true if something goes wrong because you know you have done what you said and needed or were expected to do, therefore the responsibility for the error of the problem lies elsewhere within the universe, with other people or within the situation itself. More importantly this allows you to tackle the issue rather than get worked

up by it and frustrated over it; these things are only a detriment to solving any issue. Turning responsibility over to the universe ultimately means you can get on without worrying and it will cease the 'what if' thoughts that most people experience with trying new things. We are the result of our beliefs and subsequent thoughts, but only through actions do we make thoughts concrete, gain experience and improve; therefore what really is there to sit back and work out? The less you think and the more you do the faster things are achieved and so the quicker you reach your objective. Always remember that repetition should be of action, not of thought - one belief, its subsequent reinforced positive thoughts and a whole load of practice. You must believe you can achieve, you must visualise the end result and then most importantly you must get on with it. Be positive as explained above in U - Think and then focus on your objectives, every thought that isn't inclusive of these two goals is detrimental to you being you and only holds you back from meeting your full potential. Both thoughts and feelings forever guide the body, even the rebuilding and heeling of it, but only through action, being in the moment; will one ever move forward. Always remember your focus determines your reality regardless of whether it's a focus in belief, thought, action, communication or collaboration. To achieve anything at all, the achievement is only found in the moment itself, but there is a step before and after each moment to allow a more rounded creation cycle. Before the moment think to visualise and give yourself a good grasp of the situation and to start the process of manifesting the objective. It doesn't matter how you get to your objective, so don't visualise the 'how', instead keep your eye on the prize and only visualise your objective, your goal, the end product. Only through action will the path to your goal become clear, therefore don't over think as you won't know until the moment comes and if thought spills over into the moment your focus will become divided which is always detrimental to action. When in the moment; just relax, empty your mind, centre on the objective and focus. Concentrate on the moment; the time for thinking is over, the time for doing is upon you! In doing you should feel not think, use and trust in your instincts - keep your concentration in the here and now where it belongs. Have no outcome in mind, don't worry or think about the future, remember it's always a mystery, concentrate on now and soon the mystery will become clear, why spoil the surprise? If the moment does turn negative it's fine, everyone makes mistakes, they are an integral part of learning. Mistakes are the Flows way of helping you get to your objective; sometimes the path you are on isn't actually the correct one to allow you to get there and so the Flow helps adjust your path. It helps you become unattached to people, situations and things that would otherwise hold you back from achieving your goals. Don't take it personally, it's all objective, all positive - every cloud has a silver lining. Regardless if the moment subjectively turns out positive or negative, objectively it has happened, this is only ever a positive thing - negative is temporary when considering things objectively. Always seek the positives, be in the attitude of gratitude - be appreciative and grateful for everything. This keeps you positive and as you will be thinking positively you will feel positive and therefore continue to attract positive moments into your path. Feeling positive can only come from observing the positive from everything and not getting caught up in the temporary negatives. No matter what moment has just transpired you should always be patient, use the Flow and think in a positive light. Once you practice this enough it will become second nature and you will understand more and more what living life to the full, what reaching your full potential and everything else people try use to describe the good life is really like. Being appreciative and positive allows for nice rounded thoughts that don't linger, it allows for you to let go of each moment after they pass, regardless of whether it was subjectively deemed

positive or negative. You will find the positive in all situations and especially in the negative ones as you learn what not to do. It reinforces you and your path and more importantly it allows you to let go of past moments and focus on the creation cycle of the next moment as the cycle forever continues. The cycle of creation in short Before the moment; focus on the objective, visualise and you materialise, what you resist persists so don't focus on the negative otherwise it will manifest. During the moment; become the moment, focus on the now, empty your mind of all thought to allow you to fully focus on action, use your instincts, go with what feels right + what you know to be right, don't do one without the other. After the moment; be in the attitude of gratitude and seek the positive in everything that happens, learn to learn and appreciate from each and every moment, then let it go. Always concentrate on the now. Flow flows at its own pace, experiencing the path to your objective is what life is about, the doing. Once you reach your objective; its over, done, time to move on to the next, so don't try spoil the surprise of getting there, don't rush it; appreciate it as it only comes once. All things happen as they should. Regardless of what happens learn to become autonomous, love yourself and your path, be able to spend time with yourself and be comfortable or at ease in doing so and others will be able to appreciate you in the same way. Being positive eventually leads you to equanimity and allows you to maintain it - an indescribable state, one where you will feel pure bliss from everything in your life. Be positive but focus on your objective, this is your path - always travel it with Flow, never against it. Don't follow - Flow! This finally leads to the most important concept - balance, you will feel balanced, your life will be balanced, everything will be right with your world and you will be ready and welcoming for anything to happen whatever you and the Flow bring. Navigating your life will become so easy and manifesting will become even easier.
- Remain Disciplined

A - Communicate - Charmingly by choice in communication

"What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for the world will always remain."

Communication is a connection of matching states between the state that is known internally and a reflection from the external, traditionally this is a recognised connection between yourself and another observer. What is not traditionally known is that the connection is happening constantly between yourself and the Flow. The connection between yourself and the Flow never stops; manifestation is based on this principle as you attract the situations you feel strongly about. It is also needed to observe the reaction from your action before you know which choice to choose next. Both these things form the basis of karma; should your action be just, selfless, you will create good Flow and so the Flow reacts in the same way. Should your action be immoral, selfish, you will create bad Flow and so the Flow reacts in the same way

and corrects the balance. Karma is the binding force that maintains balance within the Universe, without it the Flow would not be able to maintain a steady rhythm. In conversation the way you choose to deliver and the way you choose to receive are your karma, similarly the way others choose to receive and choose to deliver is theirs - never feel responsible for another persons karma. Karma is a huge part of communication, the more you do for one side of karma the more you accumulate, meaning if you have enough good karma and you accidentally say something bad it won't matter for you will have enough good karma to cancel out the effects. This is seen in people considered 'cool' who never seem to do anything wrong. Traditionally communication is a successful connection of state between two or more observers through the medium of a situation. This means that words and situations become transient to the communication itself, a number of words and combinations of them can be used, but as long as the state that is being communicated (urgent, happy, angry etc) is understood then a connection will be present. The situation is also transient, meaning that no matter what the situation is, it is the state that makes the connection. When it comes to connection the only two things that matter are the state being communicated and the delivery of the communication itself. It is no good trying to get someone to understand your state if you can't deliver it effectively. Therefore speaking clearly, concisely and honestly while making use of, or emphasising on; pauses, vocabulary and the truth are the only skills that matter with conversation. Clear and concise conversation is achieved through taking your time with choosing your words and when delivering them, one should always think before speaking but in doing so; only of what you are going to reply with rather than how you feel as you already know how you feel, no need to think about that. The main reason people get caught up in conversation is by using too many words to explain one state, as states aren't directly explainable, it is situations that are used to connect the states. In giving too many words or describing too many situations you inevitably dilute the message that you are trying to get across. One should focus on communicating only one state per moment and await confirmation/reply the state has been understood or not before proceeding to explain it further. If one thinks about how best to get across the state through a situation the message becomes a lot more concise and therefore clear. Flowing conversation is a steady balance of communication of state from moment to moment with both parties giving and taking from the interaction. It is something that doesn't need much thought, is easy and something one often gets fully into, fully intrigued, experiencing a loss of time and other symptoms being in the Flow brings. Like any flowing action one must make sure to stay autonomous to the conversation, meaning not to get attached to any moment. Should be in equanimity meaning to only ever focus on the positive, this can be hard in conversation as people will often use it to vent negativity and it is all too easy to get drawn into it in the spirit of connection. Stay positive no matter what including in reaction to negative conversation. Understanding is key to the connection of state and is the sole intention of any delivery; questions/answers are used to attain understanding, comments/ replies are used to demonstrate understanding and moment/reflections are used to embrace understanding. Honesty in conversation is to know you do not know but to try and understand anyway while attempting to make that connection. Understanding your own path is key if you want to even begin to understand anyone else's Conversation being in balance is a game of two halves, it requires at least two parties, one to transmit and one to receive, this happens per moment. It is a game of points where once the point of each topic is understood and the state is connected; the whole thing starts again. The roles of transmission and

reception are reversed to keep within the idea of balance. When the roles are reversed it is the end of a round of conversation, this is usually split into three moments, where the first may be the situation itself. Each moment requires a response and there are usually three moments involved as each point being connected on needs to be made relevant before being delivered. This ensures a strong connection between the parties involved.
Transmitting - Initiation (lead in) - Content Delivery - Point Made Receiving - Acknowledgement of Point - Comment/Question into Point - Comment/Question in Points Relevance

The above shows what happens at each stage towards a point, all rounds of conversation can be split into threes, even the most basic conversation model. Each of the above stages needs a response before moving to the next level otherwise people will grow to dislike your communication as it seems dishonest. Once the relevant question is reached, this will be when the other person starts the delivering side to the above picture on the point they will make. The first part sets the stage for the point, sometimes this can be the situation the two parties find themselves in, the second is the body of the content, mainly words which are used to create understanding needed to connect on the point itself. The third part connects the two parties on the point, while one makes the point which will see the other understand and connect to the point, the other person will connect either though comments or questions into the relevance of the point; the persons and the situation. Just like with action there are objective and subjective ways at looking at the points made in conversation. The difference between the two is that objective is a polite way to converse without having to become engaged in meaningful conversation but is still considered a good trait to show. Subjective conversation on the other hand is the definition of real conversation, where two parties talk about a topic and connect to the states surrounding them. It is always better to remain objective and only be subjective when need be, this allows you to avoid topics, questions, realisations (moments) or for the acceptance of miscommunicated information but still with a successful connection of state. Both should come together, but depending which side of the game you are on depends on which comes first. Should you be asking a question it is always better to start with being objective with the lead in and then deliver the question in the subjective. Should you be answering a question it is always better to answer the question subjectively and then relate the subjective point to the objective. This above all else gives others more to expand on and further the conversation. Remember what is interesting to you about you might not be interesting to others, what is not interesting about you may be interesting to others. Being objective and subjective about points gives you more to ask about but also allows conversation to move on. Should you really run out of things to talk about then perhaps it is time to flow on, otherwise use time. For example if you are asking someone what they are doing or how they are feeling you can also bring the future and past into it with what you did or what you will do and the feelings surrounding that. People like talking about themselves and their path, actions and feelings are the only way to describe that to another. Never talk about what you are going to do other than in planning, instead talk about what you are doing and what you have done as you run the risk of never making it happen. As long as you always talk about others in a positive light, especially behind their back, people will want you to talk about them and will love telling you personal things. This ultimately builds trust, the more you seem alike the more of a connection, the more connection the more understanding. This is the basis of rapport. Once you connect, understand, you can then suggest which helps people get to where they are going without telling them to do so, it allows the person to believe that they got there on their own. Telling someone to do something may result in them doing the opposite. Questioning (suggesting)

allows people to understand what is happening without having to put up a front as it by passes pressure. Humour will often provoke a good response, this is because it is the gel to conversation, like the grease in an engine to allow all parts to flow more smoothly. One should always aim to be interesting, exciting and amusing in conversation as it helps gain interest and focus therefore making the state easier to communicate. Interesting - mainly focusing on the other party, relate relevant connective points from your path to theirs. Exciting - creation of intrigue by remaining objective while cementing ideas through action. Amusing - observationally bending reality to what you understand of them to find funny. At the end of each round of conversation it is a pleasant and also an intelligent way to demonstrate understanding and connection by being objectively observant and tangenting from the point on a polite humorous note. All rounds can be summed up amusingly, even if you weren't involved in the beginning of the rounds but in doing so can help the conversation continue to Flow. Being objectively observant and connecting the state of humour or laughter is the state everyone wants to be in, obviously you must use discretion as to when to be humorous and also should know someone well enough so you know what they find funny before doing it. There is nothing worse than a try hard; where they try and get people to find them funny rather being funny for the other peoples benefits. Conciseness, just like in conversation is key, the less but more funny your observations the more people will associate you in the category of funny, the more but less funny your observations the more people will associate you in the category of annoying! Remain in the objective until a reason to be subjective arrives in the moment, being calm and collected as well as content will reflect in ones actions and words. If one is sure of oneself then there is no reason to talk about oneself, you already know you, you should be finding out about what you don't know, which is them. Everyone has favourite topics they want to talk about, all it takes is for you to know who they are and what they like. In general all people love talking about the following in order of preference: 1. Themselves 2. Their own opinions 3. Other People 4. Things 5. You

Using the above will mean you will never run out of things to talk about regardless if you know that person or not. Most people, especially people who aren't very well acquainted will talk to each other out of politeness and not wanting to be rude. Although this is good for conversation as it's better than silence, it is bad for connection as there is no real intention from the other party to connect. Because of this is it also polite to entertain the conversation but one must have proof of more than just a polite conversation before opening up and moving away from the objective - this must be adhered to in order to maintain balance. When you are transmitting they must prove to you that they actually want to know the information they seek, perhaps they are just being polite. For example if someone asks you 'how's work?' its more than likely they are just being polite and that they are interested in you being ok at work rather than what your work is actually like. Therefore when in this position it is best to stay objective and give them a general answer, this well help conversation flow towards more meaningfully shared moments. Should they want to know the subjective they will press for an answer after you have answered objectively. When receiving they must prove to you that they are worth your time in finding out and that instead they may not want to, or be interested in the point you are raising. For example if

you ask someone 'how's work?' they will give you an objective answer as it is an objective question, but judging from their response you will be able to gauge whether it is worth your time to delve deeper and ask a subjective question. Subjective questions are the only way to really connect with someone but they must prove that the connection will be reciprocated if you initiate it. Don't ask people who they are they will tell/show you when they are ready to be asked. Don't tell people who you are - they will ask you when they are ready. Finally remaining objective allows you to stay autonomous.
- Remain Noble

- Collaborate - Dominantly by indirect choice in fate from U - thoughts, L - actions and A - words.

"Use only that which works, and take it from any place you can find it."

Collaboration is the ultimate achievement of the Flow, it is the ability for living things within the universe; the physical created from the spiritual, to interact with each other and further their own objectives. The whole universe, everything in it relies on everything else to maintain itself, everything is in balance. This is the same for any observer including yourself, therefore selfless collaboration should be the goal of any individual. Collaboration is the effects of a group of individuals personal actions; the thought - action communication from a group of individuals viewed subjectively as one thing. It isn't really something you can't control as the realisation of collaboration exists in the immediate past, instead what you can control is your own actions. As long as they move in the direction of the objective as a whole then regardless if any other individual falls out of line you can rest in the fact that you will be accepted for your effort. An easier way to explain it is in rowing a boat of nine men - you can not control the boat as a whole but you can control your own individual action. This means that by yourself you could not win a boat race if the other eight men are not rowing but in working together you can all win. Collaboration is the physical result of thoughts, actions and words which all started from a believe. It is the physical realisation of that intention or belief. Even if it is just concerning one persons actions, the end result is still a collaborative effort between many individual observers as everyone of your cells form a collaborative design known as the human body. Even if it is one cell that is concerned, its net result is still a collaborative effort as it requires its environment to interact with in order to do what it wants; this is a collaborative effort between the cell and the Flow. Everything is in collaboration. Because of this thinking is mainly irrelevant as to think before actually going out and finding out what the reactions are, how the world actually works within that particular concept will only create models in your head that aren't justified. By doing this you are trying to jump the gun, one must act then reflect, not reflect then act. The word thinking is probably the worst word to use as its term is so broad - one must definitely visualise before action, but one must also learn through experience. What this shows is one does not know until in the moment so therefore thinking about it is irrelevant, similarly talking about it is also pretty irrelevant. Only in action will collaboration happen, will the Flow move and will you move forward along your path. Know that you do not know and that that is the key - knowing is something you gain after the event has happened, it is something you learn in the moment, only when doing.

Trying to work out anything before hand is futile as it's never ending and the formula will always be riddled with holes. Collaboration is the most important thing objectively, subjectively it is in fact belief that is the most important thing. Only in working together is the way the Universe works, giving will see you will receive as the Universe remains in balance, taking will only see that you lose as again the Universe remains in balance. It is extremely important then that one stays selfless and in initiating actions make sure they are for a selfless cause. In reacting to reactions which you will find happens a lot more than initiating them it is forever important that you do not get attached to the moment or seduced into desire for whatever reason as both lead to selfish action at the expense of others. Being selfless in initiating your actions is easy to stay unattached to anything, in reacting there are more people and more variables already present which can knock your selfless state. To remain heroic which is to remain selfless, unattached - balanced, autonomous and equanimic one must always Decide How to React. It is not in what happens to you that counts, it is how you choose to react to what happens to you, especially when you have unexpected problems of any kind. The following points are four pillars to a powerful strategy one can use to keep oneself thinking and acting positively and creatively. Four things you can do to assure that your attitude is the very best it can be, under all circumstances. Focus on your Current Path - First, whatever challenges you face, focus on the present and where it is going rather than on the past. Instead of worrying about who did what and who is to blame, focus on where you want to be and what you want to do. Constantly visualise a clear mental image of your ideal successful immanent future (never far future), then take every action you can to begin moving in that direction. Get your mind, your thoughts, and your mental images on your path to come. Think About the Solution - Second, whenever youre faced with a difficulty, focus on the solution rather than on the problem. Think and talk about the ideal solution to the obstacle or setback, rather than wasting time rehashing and reflecting on the problem. Solutions are inherently positive, whereas problems are inherently negative. The instant that you begin thinking in terms of solutions, you become a positive and constructive human being. Look for the Positive - Third, know that something good is hidden within each difficulty or challenge. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, a major proponent of positive thinking, once said, "Whenever God wants to give us a gift, he wraps it up in a problem." The bigger the gift you have coming, the bigger the problem you will receive. But the wonderful thing is that if you look for the gift, you will always find it. Seek the Valuable Lesson - Fourth, know that whatever situation you are facing right now is exactly the right situation you need to be in to ultimately be successful. You may not know why or even understand how but the current situation has been sent to you to help you learn something, to help you become better; to help you expand and grow. Sticking to the four pillars is the only way to remain constantly in the Flow, it is the only things you need to think of in terms of reacting to and action. The more you practice the better you will get and the more you will realise there isn't really that much to think about. Once this concept is understood you will have a lot more time, energy and focus to put into the reaction you take. This allows you to become and fully control the concept of being positive. When you have done this for long enough and proven to enough people time and time again that you are everything a hero is, you will in their minds become associated with the concept of heroic and will indeed become a hero. This will be proof that the

Flow has in fact acknowledged your actions as heroic, from here all you must do is keep it up no matter what. As an agent of Flow, moving along the positive path that you and Flow create from every moment, there are responsibilities you have to maintain should you want to remain in positivity, not just by your own personal standards but by the standards of the Flow as a whole

Your Responsibility to Self: Understands that the self is the centre of your universe, with a call to learn about one's inner nature. Constantly moves towards the development of every faculty of self in a balanced way, establish one's autonomy, and to devote oneself to the service of the Flow, therefore to the rest of the universe and in doing so - self. Your Responsibility to Other Beings: Understands and eliminates the illusion of separateness between oneself and all others, fights whenever necessary, to avoid interfering with the paths of others, to enlighten others through personal action and to see the reflection of divine nature you find within yourself from within all other beings. Your Responsibility to Purpose: Understands that everything has purpose no matter how insignificant, upholds the laws of Flow and utilises them in everything one does having only one objective in mind - positivity; the aim of securing freedom firstly for themselves and then for all other individuals. Willing to sacrifice oneself for the freedom of many. Your Responsibility to Flow: Understands that Flow works because the Flow works, one will only understand its entirety by understanding that the entirety is unknowable. Has faith in the Flow regardless of what comes to pass, uses Yulaw for all problems and to decide every ethical question. Understands to go against the direction of Flow will result in karmic backlash and that from that backlash positivity remains as Flow is only getting you on your righteous path once again.

One must always adhere to their responsibilities or suffer karmic backlash, violations will always be corrected, even if the correction is not immediate or obvious. Balance and unity is all that the Flow is. Autonomy allows you to make your own choice from fate, to allow you to somewhat control your own experience - it is up to you then whether you make it an equanimic one or an apathetic one. Use your focus to control you, accept everything else for what it is no matter what and finally know this - You can never know exactly what the Flow is, its unknowable, but you can know faith in the fact the Flow is perfect. It is working just as it is meant to, as it should do and for the benefit of everything as a whole. You can either choose to go with this and step constantly into the unknown using only your knowledge of your path just gone and faith in your path to come or you can choose to go against it, to try control it, to try know what is to come and forget what has happened. To ultimately be pushed out of existence by Flow as you are no longer needed, no longer helping everything as a whole but detrimenting it. The Flow works because the Flow works, that is all you as the microscopic organism that you are when compared to the grandness of the Universe or the macroscopic organism when compared to the smallness of atoms, is all you need to know. Everything exists in truth, it is forever, everything is true, that which is not is short lived and rooted out very quickly. All subjective phrases are correct and incorrect at the same time, nothing is instinctly right or wrong but true and objective in its own way. You either know truth or deny it, regardless it will always be there, it is up to you to step with it or against it.
- Remain Magnanimous

Mastering these laws is the only way to become fully balanced, to realise equanimity and remain autonomous. This allows you to be fully in the Flow, to recognise and work with it and for no matter what circumstance or situation you should arrive at, you will accept and positively benefit from it. Being in the Flow is what every life form should aspire to do, the opposite is a life of suffering, of instability and apathy as well as being completely hopelessly dependant on others. Your life is everything you've experienced so far in being an observer, a memory of the pleasure creating moments which helped shape who you are today and of lessons learnt from the painful destructive moments where they to would go on to shape oneself. The majority of moments will be insignificant and so will not be remembered as you wouldn't be focused on what was going on. Instead the focus would be elsewhere in thought and while key moments go on to pass, the ever more objective positive ideas that one has had would dim just that little bit more. All one needs to know to make all ideas shine brightly is to recognise that although the experience has led to this moment, it is this moment matters. Today is the first day of the rest of your life! Where you are and where you always will be is at the forefront of the concept known as your life. You are in control of your own Flow, manifesting everything that is happening in your life through visualisation and action. Everyone and everything has its own unique connection to everything as a whole, to the Universe, to the Flow. In Flowing down your path you will constantly be adapting, learning and evolving into a more streamlined productive way of being. One will forever be creating or destroying the connections between other concepts found within the current moment. Connections that bridge internal spiritual through external physical and back into internal spiritual again will either be fortified and made stronger or detrimented and made weaker. This is all connections with things, people, animals, the world, anything external to the spirit including our minds and bodies, thoughts and ideas. So long as you remain objective and keep your Flow moving in a positive giving manner it should remain positive and objective. This is achieved only through the control of the five functions of the body - Yulaw, mastered by focusing on only what is necessary to entertain in thought. Once this is achieved the remainder of focus can be used on the moment itself allowing the function to be concentrated on almost completely.
Yu - law of being with the function to feel - mastered by remaining Composed Ukno - law of creation - with the function to think - mastered by remaining Confident Liberte - law of action - with the function to act - mastered by remaining Disciplined Almanac - law of communication - with the function to connect - mastered by remaining Noble Wrkx - law of collaboration - with the function to multiply - mastered by remaining Magnanimous

Every living thing has this ability, every person their own Flow and own unique path and connection to Flow as a whole. These functions are really the only functions one has control over, especially from an individual perspective, anything else is an indirect control found from direct control of these functions. One must use these tools in a positive way, disregard any negativity by reframing and only focusing on the positive - go only with what you know not what you think. Change specifically what you think and the way you think it, this will directly effect how you act and what you say to a positive state. You will indirectly control how you feel and how your life unfolds multiplying into the present. These functions become disciplined by following the Yulaw, an acronym for the five laws that make up your own Flow.

The five laws can be called anything, the name does not matter - it is the concept that is important. If they are mastered your Flow will be fully positive, you will know truth and know what being awake really means. Life will have direction and blossom in the exact way you have visualised. Your mind will be clear and your resolve precise, you will know what you have to do and how to do it. Fear and shyness will evaporate becoming distant ideas not relevant to your current paradigm. All connections will be beautiful and the most negative you will feel is a content acceptance of the moment at hand.

Both desire and temptation are set to detriment your Flow, they aim to reward you with a short lived fulfilment which is ultimately followed by a karmic backlash. It is a selfish subjective flow at the expense of others and often the expense of yourself. This is the dark side of the Flow. In Buddhism this is personified as the entity Mara who always follows anything that Flow brings, at every turn. He is there to test your devotion to what you have just received or are receiving, to make sure that you are 100% committed into what you are doing and ultimately to keep you righteous Without Mara one would never be able to recognise this. Every chakra in your body, every function in your Flow has a desire or temptation attached to it, for example the desire to over eat, the desire to over think, the desire to over explain, all sexual desire. All these desires eventually arrive you at the thought of over satisfaction from a thought of under satisfaction. Satisfaction instead is based in the mind, when you decide you are satisfied that's when you are, no physical action can change your mind without you allowing it; you change it. No matter what it is, Mara will be present and aims to create instability at every turn. It is imperative if you want to stay in the Flow that you recognise this and act in the correct manner. Keep to your responsibilities, do not entertain over or under satisfaction and you will remain in Flow. Should you manage to control thought to the point where you focus only on that which is necessary you will have risen above Mara and will have reached equanimity. Unfortunately bad will often follow good if good isn't constantly maintained. If you fall from equanimity don't despair, don't focus on the negative, though you maybe surrounded by it and don't quit. Instead focus on the positives and keep moving down your path. No matter how far you fall you can always come back, bad may follow good in order to maintain balance but good will always follow bad under the same pretence - the Flow does not stop and you always have the option to keep on flowing with it. Transformation into the higher state of truth beyond right or wrong starts with a recognition of two states. The first is subjective, this is a focus on the subject at hand, where most people will be stuck and caught up. All one must do with subjective states is see the positive no matter what. This state is a mere temporary distraction from the state that is happening constantly regardless of your involved which is the objective. Most people are unaware of this state as they are so attached to and blinded by the minor details of the subjective. If the subjective is your own personal state the objective is everyone and every thing's state - the Flows state. The objective state is attained by 'taking a step back from the situation' or 'thinking outside the box' or always 'seeing the bigger picture', there are many ways to obtain the objective view. The important part is obtaining it, sticking with it and making all thoughts actions and communications based off of it.

The subjective leaves an individual echo after every moment, this is popularly known as an ego - the echo of self. Many people will become attached to their ego as they believe this is the real them, the echo they leave in their wake, from where others base their beliefs and opinions on you. Because the majority of people are not happy with what they have left behind as an echo they constantly strive to change what has just happened. This is futile as they will always end up basing their present on their immediate past; to the point where one focuses so much time on their echo that they become their echo. When one does not focus on the objective truth and instead on the subjective they become individual, selfish. Mara evokes the desire of wants regardless of consequence or reaction, this gives rise to the pain body, dipping in negative emotions and finding comfort from them - this will only lead to instability, apathy and dependence Instead focus on the moment, be positive with the subjective when it is called upon and always follow this with a return to the objective truth. This is where one should remain. Through discipline of Yulaw remove all obstacles that hold you back, whether this be stopping actions, completing actions or finding the courage in starting new ones. The objective is forever happening and Flows along regardless of what you believe your current state and perspective on the subjective is. One can either choose to Flow with this or against this but no matter what the choice the objective will always be there long after we are all gone. When you meet other people they will either be in their own subjective sometimes even make believe world or they will be with the objective, it is the objective ones that seem cool, that know what they are doing and are made out to be an example to follow. Following is never the answer as one must lead their own Flow, but one can be influenced; take traits from everywhere else and adapt their own model of how to be; this is the nature of creativity and evolution. Everyone has the right to change their mind, survival of the adaptable. Staying in the objective and going with the Universe's Flow allows you to become clear minded, where your life becomes a perfect reflection externally to what is happening internally. You will find that you never lose an argument as to be losing one is to be the person who is heated and uncomposed. You will never become humiliated as to make people laugh is the greatest gift of all. You will never be shy for you want to know the things you don't know about people and are always happy and proud to be who you are. Finally you will never be afraid for the Flow is always with you and when you are with the Flow there is nothing to be afraid of. The positive objective perspective is within your reach, all it needs is your dedication to it. Practice will make perfect. Believe in yourself and reinforce that through thought, action, speech and watch it manifest through the collaboration. Focus on the moment, become yourself allowing a calm, content and accepting mind to reflect what shines internally into the world around you. Give and you shall receive - lead the echo, don't be the echo, don't get caught up in it taking and loosing it doesn't help you and when you can't help you - you can't help anyone else. The echo is not you, only the ripples left after your moment. Accept the moment, remain content at the very least. When you achieve and maintain a positive objective perspective, you will find it aligned with the true collective perspective - your life will become one of balance, equanimity and autonomy constantly flowing with the direction of the Flow.

The collective perspective may sometimes be hard to recognise as you may find yourself so swamped under the foggy thoughts of the subjective. When you find it and find it you will, it is Nirvana, it is bliss and it is always with you. Swaroop translates from Sanskrit as your own true self. Swa means 'self' and roop means 'form.' While it might seem that this term points to your own physical form as an individual body, on a subtler level, it means your true essence as a being. The form of your essential self is more subtle and vast than your individual body. Your existence extends far beyond the limits of your skin. Your physical body is one with the elements of the whole earth. Your personal experience of your body is a connection to the collective experience of all humans all over the world. Through the experience of our form, we can know the sensation of living of all humanity. None of us are having simply isolated experiences; we all share the knowledge, the pains and joys, of living. We all share the experience of breathing. We share the wonders of thinking and knowing. And most essentially, we share the spark of life that awakens our awareness and moves our hearts. Sit for a moment and breathe with awareness. Remember that every person is breathing. Let your mind think and know that every person is thinking. Rather than expect your meditation to be motionless, just allow yourself to sit in comfort and let these natural movements of life remind you that you are a part of a whole humanity. Every movement and every thought can be a reminder to you that you and every other person is able to perceive life like this. Remember that we all share this wonderful power of awareness together. This power of awareness is our most essential being.

"The world is like a ride in an amusement park, and when you choose to go on it you think it's real because that's how powerful our minds are. The ride goes up and down, around and around, it has thrills and chills, and it's very brightly coloured, and it's very loud, and it's fun for a while. Many people have been on the ride a long time, and they begin to wonder, "Hey, is this real, or is this just a ride?" And other people have remembered, and they come back to us and say, "Hey, don't worry; don't be afraid, ever, because this is just a ride." And we kill those people. "Shut him up! I've got a lot invested in this ride, shut him up! Look at my furrows of worry, look at my big bank account, and my family. This has to be real." It's just a ride. But we always kill the good guys who try and tell us that, you ever notice that? And let the demons run amok But it doesn't matter, because it's just a ride. And we can change it any time we want. It's only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings of money. Just a simple choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love instead see all of us as one. Here's what we can do to change the world, right now, to a better ride. Take all that money we spend on weapons and defences each year and instead spend it feeding and clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would pay for many times over, not one human being excluded, and we could explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace." - Bill Hicks

What we know is what we believe in, what we believe in is what we know. We only remember the experiences that we believe in and take to heart, the ones that really move us, that we gain and learn from no matter good or bad. From what we remember is what we know, information stored in our identity that we hold to who we are. What we know is then where we draw our beliefs from and this is what we choose to believe in to decide all action. As we go into a moment we can only use what we believe in to help us choose between the choices we face brought forth through the Flow. This is simply known as the physical as life, what is recordable by science and that we experience subjectively. We can only choose what is in front of us and so we can easily find ourselves caught up with our individual subjective life, believing that individually we have no control what so ever over what life may bring. This can easily become what we know and so what we believe in. When this happens one can become selfish setting in motion a path to apathy. Knowledge and believe are the two things that encompass every moment, belief being at the fore front and knowledge found after the effects; the facts from each moment. The two are very much connected and are one and the same, the world that we experience out there is really happening from the inside out from the inside of all things deemed living. Really, all things are living as all things are in a state of flux. If you have dead skin cells attached to your body they are still apart of you, if they drop off they become a part of Gaia. The Universe itself is living, vibrating into existence, all matter, no matter how hard or soft is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration and we are all part of it. We are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. As energy can not be destroyed or created there is no such thing as real death, all things go on to become something else, physically and spiritually. The mind being the bridge between both, is the only thing that will disappear. It leaves behind an echo in existence, that which we have changed within the Universe, changes that are sometimes felt for generations to come. Simply put our mind is the imagination of ourself and everyone has their own. That being the truth it really does not come down to what it is, as although knowing this will change your actions as a result it is the way in which you choose to change them that counts.
Either we are living in a foggy conscious, caught up in the subjective flow of the individual, selfishly choosing the path of fear towards dependence, apathy and instability trying to be someone - working it all out. Or we are living in a clear conscious, being in the objective flow of the collective, selflessly choosing the path of love towards autonomy, equanimity and balance doing to be - where you know you are someone already.

The first path, that of selfishness will only lead you down a path towards instability, apathy and dependence, where if one is strong minded enough can inflict great suffering and pain on others to fulfil their dependence This is shown today by 1st and 3rd world countries. The second path, that of selflessness will only lead you up towards a path of balance, equanimity and autonomy. This is something you choose between in every moment of your life, continually choosing between the selfish and the selfless. You will either be moving backwards or forwards, with the direction of Flow or against it; for the perverted good of one from the good of all - immoral and corrupt or for the good of all and of one - moral and just. This is the nature of the villain and hero, the two names are only reserved for those who have a hugely profound effect on other people from one or the other. Sometimes its not always clear what the selfless choice is but rest assured that there is always a path of selflessness in every moment, even if it is obscured by the sometimes many paths of selfishness. Take the hero route every time, don't let Mara or anyone else sway you from your path, stay true to it and you will reap the benefits - equanimity, autonomy and above all balance.
Once there you will be clear - you will know exactly what you have to do and how to do it.

This is the truth, where each moment always starts from a place of internal passiveness reflecting ambivalence, from there you can either choose to stay in that state and put off making a choice. From this point as you move into the moment you can either choose to disgrace your name or honor it, this is reflected externally as manipulation (control of others) or acceptance (control of your self). Which ever path you decide to take is ultimately up to you. Every living thing has these three choices. Selfless dominance from being the example and the art of suggestion known ultimately as the hero should forever be your goal.
Passion + Reason = Action. This is the essence of emotional competency. Mental Flow + Selfish Reason = Deconstructive Action. This is the essence of negative emotional competency or

bad flow, hoarding energy and taking.

Mental Flow + Selfless Reason = Constructive Action. This is the essence of positive emotional competency or

good flow, creating energy and giving. As you learn to control your focus, therefore your reality, the net result is an indirect control over your feelings. In doing this, your emotional competency increases, you will experience a variety of positive transformations in your life. Destructive behaviour patterns of the past will transform into more constructive behaviour as you begin to solve the mysterious puzzle of human interactions and gain a quiet and confident understanding of them. Anxiety will yield to more peaceful, tranquil, and contented feelings as your understanding increases. You will become less isolated as you learn authentic expression and become more engaged with others you now enjoy relating to them and the situation you

all find yourselves in. You will feel more confident and powerful, and less confused, frustrated, and powerless. Overall you can transform from confused to confident; from clueless to comprehending and enlightened, from fragmented to coherent, from shallow to deep, from cold to passionate, and from oppressed to liberated as you become your authentic self. This is the combination of your belief and knowledge.

To activate this all it takes is a choice, no money, thoughts or persuasion, a choice manifesting from the internal to the external. It is known as a divine trigger, where you go from trying to work it all out to knowing. From sitting back and observing the Flow to fully engaging it and leading it into existence The Flow itself is unknowable but it is constantly present - find comfort in it and it will never leave you. Should you feel as though you have lost it remember that all you need to do is take a step back, a deep breath and embrace, appreciate and accept the moment at hand. Look for the signs of the Flow and you will find it.
Flow is governed by a set of laws; everything is mathematically proportionate Flow is full of symmetry; if something exists its counter part also exists Flow flows in cycles; if something has a beginning it has an end and repeats Flow is a system in balance; everything relies on everything else Flow is forever flowing and changing and will always find a way

To start this process right now do what it is you believe you need to do in order to get there and make it happen. No matter what it is - do it now! Continual self discipline, responsibility and public service will make sure you give back to the Flow which in turn will forever give back to you. Base your decision on information rather than scare tactics and superstition, in every moment there is a choice - choose love. Always focus on and control your own Yulaw, forever remaining composed, confident, disciplined, noble and magnanimous Every thought positive and every perspective objective.
Yu - law of being with the function to feel - mastered by remaining Composed Ukno - law of creation - with the function to think - mastered by remaining Confident Liberte - law of action - with the function to act - mastered by remaining Disciplined Almanac - law of communication - with the function to connect - mastered by remaining Noble Wrkx - law of collaboration - with the function to multiply - mastered by remaining Magnanimous Learn to recognize when speed is not important. Race when being first is important; move at your own pace at all other times. It is not necessary to always strike the first blow, to provide the first solution, or to reach a goal before anyone else does. In fact, it is sometimes vital to strike the last blow, to give the final answer, or to arrive after everyone else.

"All that we are is a result of what we believe" - Buddha

#1 - Realise You Can. The realisation into insight itself. Just as a journey of a thousand miles starts with one small step, this step is an awakening to the knowledge you are in control and can do whatever you focus your attention on. It is the desire to move from a place of apathy towards a place of Flow and the ability to action that desire. Pay attention to those seemingly "Chance Coincidences" - strange occurrences that feel like they were meant to happen. All moments are synchronised with the collective perspective, following them will start you on your path to spiritual truth. #2 - Realise Flow. The realisation into a sense of universal Flow in all things. The ability to perceive the speed and timing into which all things cycle, developing an intuitive sense of recognition into the Universe as it unfolds into the present moment. Naturally everything in the Universe including the Universe itself flows at its most optimum timing to amplify its energy and effect. Start to get acquainted with the feelings you feel from the subtle energy that infuses all things. #3 - Realise Patience. The realisation of good natured tolerance, to allow things in your life to Flow naturally and to seize the moment when the time is right decided between both you and your Universe. It is the ability to develop excellent timing, to foresee all choices and action the golden ones - brief moments of maximum opportunity with minimal effort to which lead to great success and balance. We will discover that everything around us, all matter, consists of and stems from a divine energy that we are beginning to see and understand. #4 - Realise Surrender. The realisation that the attempt to control things is temperamental and only leads to a fear of loss in self control. Everything has its place in the Universe, here to do what it is meant to do and doing it perfectly, so let go and accept this. Acceptance is the first step towards contentment which is a path to joy, love and Flow. From this perspective, we can see that humans have always felt insecure and disconnected from the Flow and have tried to take energy by dominating each other. This struggle is responsible for all human conflict. #5 - Realise Cultivation. The realisation that with a strong foundation in Flow your greatest efforts will withstand the many challenges you will inevitably face in achieving your goals. Cultivation is what you use to support and nourish yourself in what you want to achieve adding to the repertoire of who you are while making you a stronger person. Cultivating a personal reconnection with the Flow is a transformation of being that fills us with unlimited energy and love, extends our perception of beauty, and lifts us into a Higher-Self Awareness.

#6 - Realise Balance. The realisation that without balance one feels volatile and out of sync with their Universe, while with balance one feels centred and in harmony with it. Life is a fine balancing act of which when balanced right the Universe rises up to become your ally rather then when unbalanced; becoming your foe. In the harmony of Flow, we can realise and release our own pattern of controlling, discovering and accepting truth, allowing one to give that which helps evolve humanity toward the new level of reality. #7 - Realise Growth. The realisation that when one gives one grows as a person, a human, a form of life. Giving inevitably comes back to us as by giving to your Universe you add to it. Empowering yourself with the first six realisations leads to constant emergent action with learning being at its core. In pursuit of this mission, we can discover an inner objective intuition that shows us where to go and what to do, if we focus only on positive interpretations one brings a flow of coincidences to attention that opens the doors for our chosen destiny to unfold. #8 - Realise Evolution. The realisation that when one grows one evolves unfolding powerful visions of ones life as they move into the Flow state. You become your Universe as it becomes you, fully moving out of any form of subjective apathy and negativity into a blissful existence of effortless objective positivity that others literally feel radiating off you. Resolve becomes effortlessly simple. When enough of us enter this evolutionary flow state, always giving to the higher-self of everyone we meet, we will build a new culture of light and peace. #9 - Realise Transformation. The realisation that your original seed of insight has become a great tree of knowledge with many branches of accomplishment. You no longer need to think as in perfecting any new skill you now know and what you know is that Flow is unknowable. You become ready for something far greater than achieving for your own personal gain; you the student become the example, the teacher, the mentor, the leader. You know by leading your own high path it allows you to free your focus from yourself, this ultimately leads you to helping others do the same; purely through example and suggestion not control or persuasion. You transform into a balanced, wealthy and fulfilled form of life, raising above right and wrong into truth, fully centred, composed and at one with the rest of the Universe. This allows you to merge with your experience - at one with the Flow.

Equanimity is effortlessly simple, you just do, that's it. It can't be explained any easier. To achieve it you need to let go of your perceived control and all things you fear to lose. Accept the Universe, open up to it and Flow with it. No thinking, no planning, no effort, its not necessary, your Universe can do all that for you when you learn to fully Flow with it. Be in the moment - past and future only exist when we sit back and think about them. There is only ever now. Give back all you can to your Universe and you add to it thus allowing you to receive from it, this is the simple nature of good karma. Centre your energy on the light that is deep within you as you literally feel yourself become higher as you embrace your higher authentic form. You'll know when you have achieved this as you'll notice all thoughts of control, shyness, fear, sadness, anger and hate have dissolved away leaving only the true feelings within you; acceptance, contemplation, enjoyment, love and Flow. You physically feel lifted, feel high and clear; the activation of the last and subsequently all chakras, full connection to Flow. You begin to fully appreciate everything; the beauty of all living things, seeing the light that you have found within you within them as you become one with the objective universal conscious. Finally there is no one way to true transformation that works for every single person. Not one religion, ideology, scientific method, philosophy, book, movie, experience or scenario that works for one and is guaranteed to work for all. We are all on our own unique path, but what is common about every individuals transformation is that it always comes from within, triggered by an external event. What you must do to find your own trigger is listen to you and your Universe as a whole and not any one preacher - be your own guide, get into the frame of mind of finding from listening to the Flow. If you continue in the frame of mind of searching you will never find what you are looking for, you get lazy and look for the quick fix and fall under such helpless pretences like a belief that transformation can be bought. The trigger itself like everything else is transient, meaning that it doesn't matter what it is, so long as it is truth and most importantly - it happens. This can only be found from within and activated from without. Internally you know you have found it when it harmonises perfectly with your external. Truth is the only real thing in the universe that prevails and the one divine solemn truth that ultimately sets you free is as follows:
Whatever it is the individual believes they need to do to be able to let go of prethought control over that individual's universe is their divine trigger. It is only for the individual to decide. Once it is known and the choice of trigger made, the path of action is known. Only then can it be walked and completed. This allows the individual to finally let go of fear, while at the same time embracing love. For most it is found in the moments before their anticipated death; allowing them to let go. Regardless of when the trigger happens it allows the individual to fully open up to their own Universe and shared Flow. Finally it grants the individual constant content and allows them to simply be.

Whatever you feel is the right thing for you to let go of your false sense of control over your external do it. Accepting your universe for what it is, while constantly content is what your divine trigger brings. This can be absolutely anything. Allow yourself to let go and become one with your Flow. Always keep your perception positive and your perspective objective. Honor yourself and everything around you. Let go of everything you think and instead start doing - just Be.

The Yu Law - Every form of life has the right to do as it chooses so long as it doesn't impede on another's right to do the same. Take and all shall lose. Give and all shall receive.

Control your self, live in temperance, move towards balance. Always honor yourself firstly and everything else following that. Let your emotions and feelings guide you down your path, but do not let them become you for you are always in control, they are merely there to help you. Thoughts become things, so make sure you always focus on the positive; a positive perception will make sure you never go wrong. Remain in the objective perspective, stay autonomous to all people, places, feelings, states and situations. Collect your thoughts, all that you should focus on is the path ahead and the positive perception you have of it, nothing else. Thoughts can be explored when in conversation, all other times it is time to act. Focus on the path ahead, put your thoughts and words behind you as they take a back seat when action is involved. Learn to do first and anything else second. Must feel good no matter what, this can only come from a positive perception. Act, don't think, forever focus on the positives, only you can allow yourself to become negative, no matter what others try to do to you. Leave the how to the universe, watch your path for signs and act on them, do not delay, hesitate or procrastinate. Trust and act on all inspired thought. The time for working out is over, the time for knowing is now. Think as little as possible. Do as much as possible. Whether you think you can or you can't you are correct as your focus on what you think and therefore feel reinforces your belief which in turn becomes your reality. The only thought that is necessary other than the positives that reinforce the situation and your belief in it is the divine thought of light. A thought of bliss, warmth, companionship and of Flow. Become one with your Flow, lead your path and leave all the how's to the Flow, follow all positive divine inspired thought and focus on only reframing and the path ahead. Do not worry or think about past, learn from your mistakes, always Flow onwards. Be in the moment. Be comfortable with yourself, learn to love yourself. Let go of everything you fear to lose. Find balance and equanimity. It does not matter how it is described, it is everything and nothing at the same time, it is happening all the time and is yet to be, it is unknowable until the moment has passed, it is the light, it is everything, it is truth, so Flow with it.

Be Positive. Be Objective. Be Flow.

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