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Social Politics

Group G

Sanaa Hamid communication, curation Monta Dedele theme and venue Julia Lagerstrom architect, model Aaron Price - marketing Marie Hanrahan theme and venue Chel Negus marketing Farah Sadiq - curation

Chel Negus

Farah Sadiq

Julia Lagerstrom

Monta Dedele

Sanaa Hamid

Marie Hanrahan

Aaron Price

Social politics For our exhibition we aim to turn a mirror to our lives and the way we live and ask the viewer to re-evaluate and interrogate themselves, even question the way they live and the opinions they have. The topic we are focusing on is waste within our lives, cultural identity, money and consumption and the way society sees it.

The Nucleus Arts Gallery Chatham

We have chosen The Nucleus Arts Gallery as the venue for our exhibition. A large factor of our decision was the location. The gallery is located in Chatham high street. The audience we are trying to attract are not necessarily art enthusiasts, but the general public as we are trying to encourage self reflection on their attitudes concerning each of our topics. By having the exhibition in such a regular and busy public area it will draw in our intended audience.

Floor Plan

Yayoi Kusama

Reflective concept

Richard Wilson

Josiah McElheny



Guerilla Art

Commonly seen guerilla art in rochester and chatham is the clothing brand "WHYME London" by the first year student Charlie Whyme on fashion promotion who uses stickers to promote his clothing brand.

Our audience is quite broad, inclusive of the general public from local areas as we aim to draw awareness and self-reflection to those who dont regularly look at art. By including mirrors and including work with political sentiments, were forcing those who dont regularly look at the world in an argumentative and cynical way to do so, to question normality.

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