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AIDS stand for acquired immunity deficiency syndrome.

AIDS is cause by a virus called HIV. When HIV enter the blood a person may become infected with it. AIDS is the result of HIV infection.

In united states more than one million people are living with HIV and more than half million have died after developing AIDS.

In Africa 22.4 million people are living with HIV/AIDS and 14 million children are orphaned are result of HIV/AIDS

most men and women who have been infected have no sign that they have HIV. There is early stage called HIV syndrome it include. Fever,headeche, feeling tired, swollen lymph glands, sore throat, skin rash.

There is an oral test for HIV. It detect HIV antibodies in mouth fluid taken from a scraping inside the cheek.

When HIV enter the body a blood test cannot give you a diagnosis because there are not enough HIV antibody to measure.

Safe sex.
The only safe sex is no sex or you can use condom, but condom cannot prevent HIV/AIDS 100% because it may break.

Safe Razor and Blade.

Never share your shaving blade with anyone. Ask your barber to use properly cleaned razor and blade during shaving or hair cut.

Safe needles.
Insist your doctor and nurses to use sterile or disposable needle and instrument.

Anybody can be infected by HIV/AIDS no matter how rich or poor your, Aids doesnt care if youre young or old, it attacked everybody white people black people Asian , Hispanic all of them

There is no cure for HIV/Aids but there is a vaccine which can make infected people feel stronger but its not a cure. The vaccine that are recommended are Pneumonia Hepatitis virus flu shot are recommended for all people with HIV/aids

The different between HIV and AIDS is that HIV is virus and Aids is a condition brought about by the virus HIV. You can have HIV without having AIDS. HIV can be transmitted through blood semen, vaginal secretions, breast milk but blood contain the highest concentration of the virus.

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