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Development of the Tongue 2011

Brachial Arches involved: 1, 2, 3, 4

Oral Part/ Anterior 2/3

Brachial arch 1 2 lateral swellings and 1 median swelling o Lateral swelling will overgrow median swelling GSA from CN5c, Special Sensory from Chorda Tympani of CN7

Pharyngeal Tongue/ Posterior 1/3

2 major midline swellings o 2nd brachial arch o 3rd and bit of 4th brachial arch 3rd brachial swelling will overgrow the 2nd brachial swelling GSA and Special Sensory from CN9 (hitchhike on greater petrosal nerve?)

Muscles of the Tongue

Migration of paraxial mesoderm from occipital somites Innervation by CN12

Touch: lingual nerve from CN5- mandibular branch Taste: Facial nerve Chorda Tympani Touch and Taste: Glossopharyngeal nerve

Developmental abnormalities of the tongue

Macroglossia o Macrosomia (one side of face larger than other) o Amyloidosis o Trisomy 21 Scalloping (due to it hugging the teeth), cover all the floor Microglossia Aglossia (not formed) Ankyloglossis (fixed to the floor)

Glossitis o Painful o Median Rhomboid Glossitis (inflammation on the dorsum, rhomboid shape, unknown duration, hyperplasia, some dysplasia. Fungal infection) o Benign Migratory Glossitis Patches that move about on the tongue loss of filiform papillae and regrowth at different areas

Development of the Tongue 2011

o Vitamin Deficiency Red raw beefy looking, slightly enlarged tongue

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