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The only place to start is with YAHWEH, because that is the beginning. In that, we are made in the image of YAHWEH. In such, our aspirations or design must follow that of which we were created. Just as we, now as humans have sons and daughters born to us, likewise we are birthed into this dimension the same. As a father or mother is to train a child in the way in which it is to grow, similarly YAHWEH requires the same. As we, in the physical expect our children to take the path that would lead them to our state of being, so to is man required to reach the station of YAHWEH being. How is this so? The first principle is that There is only YAHWEH. We know this because in the beginning, which is the eternity, there was only YAHWEH. Which leads to the next progression that YAHWEH is everything. Yes, the good, and the evil. It has always been that way, and that encompasses all things, even that which is in the between. This is our only purpose and our perfection is YAHWEH perfection, As we are to perfect ourselves as YAHWEH has done the same. The condemnation, or Hell is a matter of imperfection. It is our refusal to perfect ourselves and thus it is the Anti-Vote. For in this living that we are subjected to we have to make a choice, to vote as it were, between that which is Good, and that which is Evil. In this, the heavens are at war Until this day. As the war in heaven is reflected to those on earth. This has been accomplished and is iterated in the term: the beast Satan was cast down. That which was cast down, was not that which was invented. It was that which was separated. It was in fact, the YAHWEH separation from YAHWEH. To better understand, it is the same technique used by Satan in the vote, as we see in present time. No matter if one votes for the democrat or the republican, one is in fact voting for the same ideology as both the democrat and republican are of the same. They are the same master. Likewise, no matter the choice to be good or bad, it is YAHWEH and the guarantee there of. Consider how else is life and death, or heaven and hell perfected. Heaven is complete with joy as Hell is complete with pain for YAHWEH is. This is why one should not vote in any election, or choose any leader by the vote. When one votes, he chooses that evil which is before him. The deception is the illusion of choice and in both choices is evil. Therefore, man must abstain from this, for good is not in the vote, only evil. Thus, you choose in your vote YAHWEH evil which was cast down and away from YAHWEH heaven or good. The best example of this being the New World, which was considered America. In this we see the duplicity of the evil emerge, as Satan created a New H(e)aven on which was considered a new earth or world. We know this to be true as within its creation we have all of the characteristics of (e)vil. We affirmatively state this as the making of such was through slavery and the destruction of lives which symbolizes this evil. Can anyone deny the trappings of the U.S. Constitution was evil in its creation. Destruction accompanies Satan wherever it goes. In this creation of the New World we have the laws of the New world, inculcated in the constitution. Within this constitution, we observe the destruction of a people. There is no destruction in the YAHWEH heaven, only in the YAHWEH referred to as

hell. As the constitution is stated for the White or European, we can identify the lineage of Satan itself. For in the principles of this New H(e)aven in the new world we see the very same separation as YAHWEH established in the first Heaven. And that was the separation. our father whom art in heaven on earth as it is in heaven.thy will be done. The Will of YAHWEH in Heaven, not the New World Haven. As YAHWEH has divided to conquer the souls in heaven, Satan through the creation of Catholicism and Judaism has likewise divided on earth to conquer the souls of man. Just as where good seeks to strive on earth, there is evil. Likewise, when this evil was established, good was to certainly follow. This is why the New world proposed through the constitution failed. It was then modified or amended in the year 1964 with what is known as the Civil Rights Act as an attempt to adjust. However, it is exposed. I certainly know this to be true as I was that which was conceived in bondage, and came into the New World a free spirit in the New Haven were the New World was created. As it is not of the keepers of this world to bond that which is not of it. It is within this that Justice has come into the world. Not for the sake of vanity, but for the sake of the season. This season is that which reflects in Heaven. For the season in heaven is that of the end time on earth. It is that which announces the Winter or the End. This is the only purpose for AWTUHM. AWTUHM does not reconciles. It announces the coming of the reconciliation. It announces the time in which things are in the last time of coming into to order. It is the time to gather yourselves and prepare for the Winter, after which the New. October 29th was only the manifestation of that which is in heaven that had to manifest itself on earth and not the symbol of the snow. It manifests the evil of which exists. In this we know, as in the law on earth in the separation from good and evil which must occur, as it is the principle of YAHWEH. Therefore we know it to be not of heaven. If the New World was Good, and the snow came which was of heaven, and the law states in the Connecticut General Statute 5-173 that: the Governor of the land had the opportunity to choose good on that day set aside in law. This is the perfection of evil, because evil cannot do good, or that which is Just no matter the snow or not. I will conclude this chapter by stating that Justice is the balance which came forth into the world. When that time is at hand, BEHOLD! For the Keys of Justice has come forth and within it is Truth, and Peace. It was necessary to explain this in the usage of so many words as it must be fed to you in this manner. Although the same representation is established through { U>2|c|<U }, few are chosen to receive this. Let them that read this pray for understanding so that those will not parish. For many will. I humble myself for the blessings that YAHWEH has bestowed upon me. I have no deserving within myself. I praise YAHWEH in heaven, for the worthiness of my station was granted even before the coming of the world. Peace and Blessings to All in the name of the Almighty. Those whom find comfort in this world have already received their rewards for it was giving to them by their father Satan, and his kingdom is Hell. As they have chosen not to perfect themselves as YAHWEH. Their imperfect bodies will accompany their imperfected souls, as they Vote not to be like the creator. So, they are giving that which was cast away. People only cast away the bad, and keep the good, and in this realm we are obligated in this realm to be as our father, and giving

the Free Will to choose one. YAHWEH is ALPHA eternity-OMEGA eternity. How ignorant is mankind in their own being.

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