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Resurrecting Your Unviolent Warrior. A Personal Trainer for INSHEs.

A Personal Daily Trainer to Master 108 characteristics of the pre-1970s potent activists. Fast.
A Series of Essays Written on Death Fast by S. Loving
(IHSHE: INSanely HumanE) August 17, 2012 All rights reserved.

Notice: This book is provided to my human family, born, and to be born, at no charge. Read it. Take it to heart. Share with any and all whom you respect. USE IT. DAILY. HURRY.

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Morpheus: "I don't know if you're ready to see what I want to show you, but unfortunately, you and I have run out of time.. This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes... Remember... all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more."


Relevant quotes from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Gandhi .................................................................... 8 Forward: Friends it is 99.99999% a problem of being, a problem of philosophy. Everything else is the symptoms of that. ...................................................................................................................................... 9 I am what I am because of this, and prior versions of Personal Trainers .............................................. 11 Who this book is not for........................................................................................................................... 11 Who this book is for ................................................................................................................................. 11 Redundancy ............................................................................................................................................ 11 The voice of these essays, the Titles in particular .................................................................................. 12 Tolstoy wrote for himself, to escape Death, and find Life; and then shared it. Me too. ......................... 12 Notice: ..................................................................................................................................................... 12 Notice Text vs Audio vs Video: ............................................................................................................ 12 Companion Book: Global Warmings Death. Fast. Till enough are seen dying for it, global warming wont stop: .............................................................................................................................................. 13 Further Reference Material. Crucial ....................................................................................................... 13 Dedication ............................................................................................................................................... 14 Prologue ...................................................................................................................................................... 15 Essay 105. When I'm not blue hot flame, I'm no hope. I can't bring others to that ................................. 15 PRIME DIRECTIVE. 100. No unviolent army, vanguard, no Freedom Rider's 30, no hope ................ 17 104. You're dying for something, dying 'to' all else. We all are. I'm dying for Humanity, Loving, Joy, Creation. And you? ................................................................................................................................ 17 Quick Intro to your Personal Trainer ........................................................................................................... 20 Learning your personal trainer ................................................................................................................ 21 The 108 Characteristics of Historys Potent Unviolent Warriors ................................................................. 25 PRIME DIRECTIVE. 001. Every breath, I'm SQUARE in harm's way, shielding the innocents with my own body. What the Heart does. This is all 'Family' for me .................................................................. 26 002. My theory - the best time to cure a deadly epidemic, mass disease, mass insanity, mass affloholism, is, uh, now, well before it is terminal .................................................................................... 28 003. I'm Being the change the world needs to be - totally giving my life, everything, 'dying for it,' for the Infinite Wealth of Joy that it is ................................................................................................................. 30 004. I'm Living, fighting, worthy, because I'm dying for our neediest family,' MLK paraphrase with license. .................................................................................................................................................... 31 005. I Stand only on Morally perfect Demands. All else is too little, too late ........................................ 33 006. They fill the void - they Become the Facts-on-the-ground of Intolerable Horror, worth the ultimate price to change ........................................................................................................................................ 36 007. I categorically reject the post '60's 'religious' notion that no one, and nothing, is worth my life. All Creation, every human is, if I can save them .......................................................................................... 37 008. I Live the Truth that personal Example is the only power great enough to save anything. Be the change, be the 'way,' or get out of the way. 80% OF ALL COMMUNICATION IS UNVERBAL ............ 38 009. I Deal in the Real Currency of Globally, Morally Important Action; Never, in Counterfeit Media Fluff. This is life and death, paradigm shift, new world view, new status quo not 'let me infotain you' ................................................................................................................................................................ 40 010. I embrace that knowing, separated from doing, is the most murderous of addictions. ................. 41


011. Secret - I Hold myself to what the masses aspire to, morally, wining them over. Yes, the price is, well, everything. The prize? Priceless. Heaven .................................................................................... 42 012. I Avoid No. 1 Fatal Flaw - Hypocrisy - Root of all evil. Root of Activist Impotence. ....................... 44 013. I Beg nothing, Ask nothing. I Joyfully Pay the Price for what is Rightfully ours. I reject 'Charity,' the instead-of Loving, the instead-of-Solidarity. I accept what I need, never what I greed .......................... 45 014. I live in the Real world of Possibility, Probability, where I must make Miracles, a global paradigm shift, likely. It's been done before, by the Potent Activists. It's what's demanded of me, too ............... 46 015. Do you remember the war that didn't temporarily divide bio-families, groups, friends, lovers Oh, never mind............................................................................................................................................... 47 016. Im Antidote to AFFLOHOLISM. It is mass addiction, insanity. I cut through it, for me, for all. ... 49 017. No. 1 Indicator: I'm Entirely Heart Force - Invoking, Inspiring, Modeling the Same. Yes Gandhi, ALL hope is here. All else will follow ...................................................................................................... 50 018. I run toward, I'm One with, the Emergency, Every Breath. This is the source of Power, and Joy, and Life.................................................................................................................................................... 52 019. I'm an Antidote to - Profound Failure of Imagination ..................................................................... 53 020. Im as Stubborn as the Truth Very, very, very Stubborn. The Truth, not 'my' truth. The truth is, NOTHING isn't a Family Matter for me. NOTHING ............................................................................... 54 021. I'm an antidote to the cowardly, insane inaction of the Left, and therefore, an antidote to the Right's hatred of that. 'It is duty to provoke a response.' Gandhi paraphrase ..................................... 55 022. I'm ever Mindful of Major Historical Models including - Iron Jawed Angels, Freedom Riders (both), Tipping Point; Gandhi, MLK Jr, Jesus, Teresa, Bonhoeffer ................................................................ 56 023. I'm Entirely Subordinate to the End Goal, every nano-second; otherwise, no creative tension ..... 58 024. I Speak with my Life, Rejecting Language for being too weak, except to explain my Actions, my Life. 'My Life is my Message,' and, 'be the change,' Gandhi said........................................................... 59 025. In mine, the real world, everything has consequences, personal responsibility, personal accountability. What I do, and don't do, matters. You can't escape that either .................................... 60 026. I'm a 'Leader SERVANT' - holding, spreading, maintaining, and channeling Creative Tension, that INSHE's flock to, and others flee ..................................................................................................... 61 027. Fiercely, Scrupulously selective of with whom I work. Like a surgical team. Less is betrayal of All ................................................................................................................................................................ 63 028. The Living, Objective, Urgent, Moral Truth is the Cornerstone of my every action, breath, and hope. Gandhi's 'Truth Force.' The Cornerstone of Creative Tension' ................................................... 65 029. One word accounts for how we INSHE warriors are centrally different, we unviolent warriors, potent activists - 'Now' ............................................................................................................................ 66 030. I am a 1 in a million chance, messenger, recruiter, though no credit is due to me for this. Just duty, obligation, opportunity, and Joy. I'm 'special forces, for 'special forces' ........................................ 68 031. Need be, I'll row by myself, leave empty oars, till l those equally or more committed arrive .......... 70 032. Tolerates, allows zero distractions from the Focus, Mission .......................................................... 71 033. I allow myself Zero Self-Indulgence. Ever. No Rants, Lapses, Taunts.and I seek to shield all others from these .................................................................................................................................... 72 034. THE PRIME DIRECTIVE: I keep my stated clients 'in the room.' Every, waking nano-second. Fully armed, to blow me away if I fail to serve them. This keeps me alive, and maybe some of them, too ........................................................................................................................................................... 73 035. I 'Sacrifice,' (hah), All, for the Mission, for the greedy Joy of it. Life is only found in the face of the emergency. Creative Tension IS Living, Loving, Meaning, Joy ............................................................. 75


036. What Clinical Sanity I have isn't to my credit, but mine Joyfully, Urgently to Radiate. ................... 76 037. I'm focused on attracting the 1000 Unviolent SEALS, the 1 in a million INSHE Warriors - Alice Paul's 200, Diane Nash's 30, Dharasana 2500. .................................................................................. 77 038. I Make of myself the Antidote, the Cure, the Key, the Solution, the Paradigm-shift Gateway for my fellows ..................................................................................................................................................... 79 039. No. 1 Indicator - I Understand of myself, embrace of myself - I'm an Insanely Humane Unviolent INSHE Warrior ........................................................................................................................................ 80 040. I'm Willing to Die, Im Unwilling to Compromise on the Core Goals, the Mission, the Way of Being. Tactics, Strategy are always open to change, as needed by the goal. .................................................. 81 041. I can least abide, least Tolerate, least Accept above all - Cowardice (inadequate confrontation; recoil from consequences). From myself From anyone ........................................................................ 82 042. Im A Pioneer. Living, embracing the unknown. They waited till they had a perfect map, plan, did Lewis and Clark, right.? Not. Me either .................................................................................................. 83 043. No. 1 Indicator - I avoid the minutia, endless meetings, endless blogging, paralysis by analysis, verbal diarrhea, pointless debating like the Plague, like the Murder they are.................................... 85 044. I'm a 'Marine,' a 'Navy SEAL' of Unviolent Warfare. Only those with similar yearnings should travel with me. The tip of the spear, shatters; paves the way for the rest .............................................. 86 045. I'm Unafraid of death, or dying, except needless, and the needless suffering, death, lifelessness, meaninglessness of others; what Jesus and those like him feared ........................................................ 87 046. I'm Free of, an Antidote to; a vortex away from the Diagnosis Cowardice, Heart-deadness, Imaginationlessness - Chief Characteristics of our age. Zombie-ism. Drone-ism. The Matrix ............ 89 047. I categorically reject the post 60's activism, a 'social club' with a thin veneer of caring about those in need; in deadly, fanatical Denial of Personal Duty to Act, to Risk, to Pay the Price, to joyfully give ALL, ALL, ALL for the Neediest ........................................................................................................... 90 048. I'm here, not to survive at the pleasure-trough, but to serve, for the joy of it; nor to be reckless or suicidal, or to seek martyrdom, ever. One of a tiny band, my life is especially pivotal ........................... 91 049. No. 1 Indicator - I Exist in Total solidarity with, total loving of EVERY human, ALL of Creation, every creature. Loving's Unconditional, or it's not Loving ...................................................................... 92 050. No 1. - I Allow myself ZERO Hostility to the Police, our brothers, our natural allies, who I shield, allowing Zero distraction from my real Opponents. But no free pass Either. .......................................... 93 051. I'm a Tough as nails cheerleader, path breaker, encourager, Servant ........................................... 95 052. Uses time like lives depend on every nanosecond, because they do. Every nano-second ........... 96 053. My Central Work: I Connect folks with their Hearts, with their Consciences; and then stay out of the way of the Divine magic .................................................................................................................... 98 054. Fear of Death, and Living, are incompatible. I Have Ceased Crippling our kids, and others, with such fear. Carelessness, Recklessness, Death-wish... - never .............................................................. 99 055. Test Pilots Fly till they Die, or not. Me too - for the Joy of it, for the Service of it, and the Hope . 100 056. I know my ego well, and I keep it under 24 hour, 7 day per week guard, under lock and key, never to be let out; I exclude egoists like the deadly cancer they are ............................................................ 101 057. No. 1 Indicator - The Mission is Everything, because Lives are at Stake ..................................... 103 058. I leave all 'support' issues to the Creator. No roof? No roof. No funds? No funds. No allies? No allies. Thats all the Creator's business, not mine ............................................................................ 104 059. Im fearful of screwing up my own immortal responsibility. My example will last forever. I must get it right............................................................................................................................................... 106 060. My Family is those waging their Being, their Life, for the Global Neediest. Theyre your Family


too. ........................................................................................................................................................ 108 061. I Scrupulously manage my own business. RELIGIOUSLY AVOIDING managing the business of others. Personal Responsibility's like Personal Breathing - Life Itself .................................................. 110 062. I Live to Trigger Within me, and to Trigger in Others the 'Family Emergency Response.' ........... 111 063. My Agenda is never hidden, never multiple. It is always clear, open, singular; like the leading edge of a razor ...................................................................................................................................... 113 064. According to the Status Quo (rt, ctr and LFT) - I'm Extreme, weird, insane, unreasonable, dangerous, unapproving.... I'm good with all that ................................................................................. 114 065. I find and blaze missions 'to die for,' for myself, for other activists, for the sake of our global neediest, and ourselves; For Joy, for Life, for Love. ............................................................................ 115 066. I Chose the Joy of Service over the Intoxications of Pleasure. Always. ...................................... 116 067. The only activist - one waging their entire being, fully accountable, for the global neediest. ... 118 068. Zero tolerance for excuses. Zero, from myself, from anyone. I run to, not away from, Personal Responsibility ........................................................................................................................................ 119 069. Of the Spirit, Heart, ALWAYS, in charge. Head, Flesh in charge, NEVER ................................. 120 070. With every breath I Respect, Every person, Every Creature (another word for Loving) ............. 121 071. I'm the first accused of tilting at windmills. One of the few not, actually. ..................................... 122 072. Daily I live in front of, NEVER status quo, but the One ultimate judge, Creator - Good, Our Father, Conscience, by whatever name, and his best unviolent warriors in history. Arrogance by me is always unacceptable ......................................................................................................................................... 123 073. Focus is everything for me, and from me, for my clients. ............................................................. 125 074. ZERO hypocrisy, double standards. Uh, ZERO. Hypocrisy is the root of all evil ......................... 126 075. Don't die' - Gandhi, Egyptians, Suffragists weren't Fools. Nor am I. And you? ......................... 128 076. Conscience, Heart (the Creator, the Divine), are my Only Master, ever. I listen to them for wisdom, and throughout all of Creation. Status Quo I NEVER bow to: r, ctr or LEFT .......................... 129 077. I have Meticulous Attention to Detail; failure being the outcome of everything less .................... 130 078. No. 1 Indicator - Im Deeply Spiritual. Pray (this Personal Trainer) extensively, daily, and whenever needed. Rest, profoundly. ................................................................................................... 131 079. I stand alone, forever, when necessary. It is: A. NEVER My responsibility what others do, don't do, won't do...; B. NEVER NOT mine what I do; any second, any breath ........................................... 132 080. I See, I know, no innocents. Our Cowardice, blame, tokenism are Complicity. ......................... 133 081. I'm Profoundly strategic, because failure is certain with less. But too, I live, 'Ready, Fire, Aim,' ad infinitum ................................................................................................................................................. 134 082. I'm Responsible for my own behavior with every breath. Never other's behavior, so I avoid Enabling, or doing their job .................................................................................................................. 135 083. I'm ONLY ever on the True battlefield of the Individual and collective nervous-systems; with the Heart, Heart's engagement - certain victory ......................................................................................... 136 084. Profoundly Trustworthy. Won't work with those not. .................................................................... 137 085. To stand for everything is to stand for nothing, to achieve, nothing. Ever. ................................... 138 086. Zero Blaming, Ever; including blaming self, which is nothing other than abuse, avoidance, denial .............................................................................................................................................................. 139 087. No. 1 Indicator - Every nano-second, EVERYONE is my Sister or Brother; every creature, part of me. Every Second. No matter what. ..................................................................................................... 140 088. I live the truth that my true Strategic Vision, my true Imagination, Living the Art of the Possible, is


everything to our global neediest; NOT living to the status quo - r, ctr OR LEFT ................................ 141 089. I select the best of the world to create myself with, no trash allowed. .......................................... 142 090. My Heart is Always in Charge. I stop Talking, stop Thinking, and Start Loving. Heart in Charge. Always ................................................................................................................................................... 143 091. 'Full effort is Full Success,' Gandhi said. This too is my personal measure, the Toughest of measures. I must NEVER ask more of another, or of me ..................................................................... 144 092. I reject the 'religiously' held cowardice of the impotent, post-60's activism, where 'nonviolence' is used as a shield against personal risk, price, giving all ........................................................................ 146 093. It is always for me to find and call others to the path away from the horror. It is NEVER for me to exhort, to pressure an individual to it. Ever. Asking too much is destructive tension .......................... 147 094. The only Monument I want to me is folks greedily giving every breath for, dying for, the uplift of our global neediest, out of utter Solidarity with them .................................................................................. 148 095. Central to my work is setting the standard, establishing the pace - Gaia's time, Truth's time; Client's time, Never my time, press's time, status quo's time............................................................ 149 096. I reject lip-service from myself, others, for the deadly delusion that it is ...................................... 150 097. Each day I fail, my client's suffer and die; no matter how good I felt attempting; no matter how hard I tried. ............................................................................................................................................ 151 098. If I fight battles, but am not possessed by a campaign, I'm ranting, not helping. No vision of winning, no hope ................................................................................................................................... 152 099. I refuse to not be a True threat to the status quo of needless suffering and death. I reject their Compass, status quo, using Conscience instead ................................................................................. 153 PRIME DIRECTIVE. 100. No unviolent army, vanguard, Freedom Rider's 30, no hope ................... 154 101. All I want is a clear view of the battlefield so I know how to best fight .......................................... 155 102. Im exactly like a fishing lure in a really unpromising stream, fishing for full Heart(s); a sobriety counselor in a bar .................................................................................................................................. 156 103 - Entropy, evil, decay wins by default, every second that I am not, INSHE warriors are not it's defeat. Every second ........................................................................................................................... 157 104. You're dying for something. We all are. I'm giving everything for, dying for Humanity, Loving, Joy, Creation. (And you're Spending your Life, Giving your Life for what? For whom?) ............................. 158 105. When I'm not blue hot flame, I'm no hope. I can't bring others to that .......................................... 159 106. It is my duty to expose the danger, evil, sickness, cancer of the status quo - r, Ctr, LFT; just as MLK and Gandhi demanded ................................................................................................................. 161 107 'Greedily, I'm Deeply Humble. Greedy to see and remedy every shortfall of mine. Whatever the personal price, I must 'be' the new status quo, near-perfectly ............................................................ 162 Meeting your Personal Trainer .................................................................................................................. 164 Your Personal Trainer Now ................................................................................................................... 164 Getting Acquainted ................................................................................................................................ 164


Relevant quotes from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Gandhi

My problem is not the violent racists. My problem is the good people that say, Oh, the cause is so just, but your actions are too harsh, too fast, too uncomfortable, too soon, wont do any good, hurt the image of the movement. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Paraphrase, with License taken Example is not the major thing in influencing people. It is the only thing. Albert Schweitzer The greatest threat to humanity are the Deniers on the Left Pathologically Denying their human duty to put their bodies in the way to shield the innocents. S.Loving Give me a military man to fight alongside any day. Dont give me any cowards. Gandhi Loving, dont die, attempting to give Life to 200 billion. Huh?


Forward: Friends it is 99.99999% a problem of being, a problem of philosophy. Everything else is the symptoms of that. "I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ," said Gandhi. "Be the change you wish to see in the world," he also said. "They will know you by how you love," Jesus said. Except for their stupid philosophies, we adore Jesus, King, Gandhi, Rachel Corrie.... Don't we? We do. Clinically, that's hypocrisy. Clinically, linguistically, academically, radically, meaning, at the root, that's hypocrisy, lip service. Winston Churchill, clearly one of the most effective leaders in human history, said of Americans prior to Americans coming in on the side of Britain in WWII, "Americans can always be depended upon to do the right thing; after they've exhausted every other option." What Churchill did not need to consider, and did not need to address, because the reality of his time was different, what he didn't need to address was that which will be our fatal exception. Churchill didnt need to consider a killer that is physically unseen, and a killer that is physically us, our way of being, our way of being. We ADORE what Jesus taught, except for the core portions of it - laying down our life for our brother, giving all we have to our global neediest the philosophy stuff; the being stuff. We adore Dr. King's teachings and example; everything except for placing and keeping our bodies, including those of our dearest loved ones, those most immediate to us, in harm's way, for the course of our entire lives. We adore Gandhi's teachings. It's the doing it; it's the 'being' the change that the world needs to be. It's the 'doing' it that we find utterly absurd and ridiculous, stupid foolishness. Loving, this isn't time for philosophy! Gandhi's strategy was to 'be.' Jesus strategy was for us to 'be' a certain way. MLK Jr's strategy was for us to 'be' a certain way. All else, for them, was meaningless details, because their faith (well founded, mature Vision) was such, that by being a certain way the fundamental state of being which is what the Creator would have us be - creatures that were purely and simply universal Love, creatures that were purely and simply living out of the part of their nervous system that was the option for love, the heart, as opposed to the head and the flesh; it was so clear to them that if that happened they would get everything else that was required courage, strategy, action, Loving, brilliance, perseverance, vision, unity. If I turn on the PC, I get Word and Excel, I get video processing; that's trivial. It's not trivial if there's not a power source; it's is not trivial if the computer hadn't been created. But it was, so the fundamental task is to turn it on. And by way of furthering the analogy, we just want to use the computer as a paperweight. We want to use it as a doorstop, as a club everything but as a computer. We want to use our bodies, our nervous systems as a drug store; as is an entertainment center; as a bludgeon; as a point of physical force; everything but what our being was designed for - to be the Creator, the Force of Creation, The Force, through us. To be a molecule, an organism, the local piece P I E C E of the Creator, everything but that is what we use ourselves for. This is why humanity is doomed, friends. We are in the final stages of the exception that Churchill didn't have concern with. It wasn't the situation of his time. He knew that the Nazi threat, the Japanese threat, eventually would become sufficiently and concretely manifest that the human species of his day would respond. It was not the issue of his day, what is now the issue of this day - that the threat would be us, would be our very way of being, and that the threat with would be a colorless, odorless gas produced by our way of being.


"Americans can be depended upon to do the right thing, after they've exhausted every other option." And Gaia can no longer give us the luxury of our thick-headedness; our stiff-necked-ness. She's given us all the rope we need to hang ourselves, our children, and we are going to hang ourselves, children first. So to me it's clear that we are no longer fully human. We've de-evolved, mutated into an un-adaptive, unviable species. I've been, and remain profoundly moved by the unspeakable injustice that is the allowing of our sins to crush the next 200 billion children. But it may be true, and it may be a truth that I can learn to face, that there are no more human children. There will be no more human children; only more sub-species children, our children; the blight that the great Ashley Montague and other great intellects and scientists have spoken of; that as early as the 1950s Montague saw we had become and spoke of with great sorrow and anguish and pain. That as early as 1938 the great Rabbi Abraham Heschel saw we had become entirely Godless, Good-less, we westerners. There may be no human species to care about, and the one in 1 million that are the exception, that are always crucified, as Jesus was... they're going to be okay. Yes, they're going to suffer more than most physically because they won't indulge the selfishness to put themselves in gated communities. Quite the opposite, they'll run toward the emergency of others. But that's not where they live, in their own external suffering of flesh. They live in the state of being that's Heaven; and that is the heart; their bodies are incidental to their Life of Service. So the human species, this is why it's doomed. But more to the point, the human species has already ceased to exist. Maybe you can see this, maybe you can't, certainly I can't prove it to you. But when Gandhi said, 'I like your Christ,' the historical record is pretty clear - Jesus, for Gandhi, was the epitome of humanity, the epitome of human health above all other people that had ever existed. Not a superhuman for Gandhi was Jesus, Gandhi was explicit about that. He was the icon of human health, Jesus was, for Gandhi. Gandhi also said, 'If Christians would actually practice their creed there would be no more Hinduism; and Gandhi is known to be a devout Hindu; an ardent Hindu. So again, Gandhi holds up Jesus as being the epitome of human health, the healthy human being; the least toxified by our environment. 'I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians,' I like the health of Jesus, I do not like the sickness, the inhumanity, the subhumanity of those that call themselves Jesus' followers. They are so unlike him, they are so unhealthy, they are so subspecies, de-evolved. This is the problem friends, and it is the central problem that we have made a culture of avoiding and burying, and distorting, and camouflaging for thousands of years. And despite Jesus, and Gandhi, and King, that tried to turn us away from the cliff like they foretold; no, we're headed off the cliff; passionately pushing our children, first. Friends it is 99.99999% a problem of being, a problem of philosophy. Everything else is a symptom of that. The only hope, THE ONLY HOPE is the mass spread of the new way of being, the new philosophy EMBODIED, LIVED as did Gandhi, King, Jesus. How to BE Human, as they were? Rekindle in ourselves the Characteristics that were so clear in them, and Ive counted about 108, and created a Personal Trainer to resurrect them, re-inflame them within myself; and so others could do the same. There is no other way. And those that dont use the Personal Trainer, well, they are not seeing what the true problem is, and they are not on the Path to becoming the Cure.

~ 10 ~

I am what I am because of this, and prior versions of Personal Trainers

Friends, forgive me for not being smart enough to figure out what you need to know. My limitations are such that Im only just smart enough, able enough, to have figured out each day what I, Loving, need to know and do to become what the world needs of me. I learned to ski, largely in the summertime, lying in bed at night, till all hours, doing run, after run after run in my head and body, feeling the errors, feeling my shortcomings, figuring out what I was inadequate in, and plugging those holes, reshaping myself, turn by turn, fall by fall, crash by. About 18 years ago, one unlike me, born and raised in the Rockies You are the best skier Ive ever seen. Since I finally learned that Joy is not on the hill, but in being what our global neediest need us to be, thats where Ive devoted myself, to become that, and Ive refined the process, and developed tools, centrally, this Personal Trainer, to vastly accelerate and improve my learning, reshaping, becoming process. This version is an enhancement of whats been my daily, or many times a day companion.

Who this book is not for

Anyone, everyone, who literally can live with, stand, co-exist even 1 day more, with the status quo. The faint of heart. Those who are satisfied with themselves. Yes, make no mistake. If you are what you need to be in the world, this book is not for you. THIS BOOK IS FOR THE WANNA-BE EVEREST CLIMBER, THAT AINT NEARLY THE ANSWER TO THAT CALL YET, LIKE IVE NOT BEEN THE ANSWER, MOST OF MY YEARS, REALLY, TILL FINALLY 8 WEEKS AGO NOW. Academics, liberal intellectuals - the 99.999% that believe that I know, therefore I am.

Who this book is for

All who literally cant live with, stand, co-exist even 1 day more, with the status quo. Those literally dying (totally giving their life), responding to the Call to give their lives, all that they have, all that they are, enduring any personal price, any pain it takes, any work required, to become what the world needs them to be. To help the world return to what it needs to be, now. This book is your personal trainer. Will you use it, as I have, to become, with daily practice, DAILY PRACTICE, finally, FINALLY, what the world needs you to be? The hope and inspiration to complete this book indeed is some of those that have come to Occupy DC, Occupy Santa Cruz. However, this book, though it has some focus on friends at Occupy, this book is for EVERYONE yearning with every atom to become an INSHE Warrior, a Potent Activist, now; regardless of what it takes, what it costs personally, regardless of personal price. Those dying to live their creed, religion, belief, not to be giving lip service to them; no longer to be like all creeds professing with their lips The Golden Rule, and Professing with their Lives that the Gold Rules. Academics, liberal intellectuals - the .00001% that live I know and courageously ACT, therefore I am.

This tool, of about 108 characteristics, is longer than whats been my Personal Trainer these last 10 months that has massively accelerated my growth for this current mission the Death Fast at the Canadian Embassy. Of course it has occurred to me to shorten the list, and eliminate redundancies that just glare out begging to be cut. But no. A weight trainer needs reps to grow, and so do I. So do you. As a college swim team captain, I really didnt like swimming repetitive laps. But growth required it. The reps from this Trainer I rejoice in, but be that as it may, no reps, no growth. Simple. Also, the Eskimos have 20 words for snow. To others the snows all look the same, the different snow types, but not to Eskimos, the experts, the authorities, and in this case, the potent activists in history.

~ 11 ~

The voice of these essays, the Titles in particular

These essays began as video logs and they and these transcriptions, essays, are this authors sharing of what a lifetime of study has taught him, and incorporation of them has made him. So the voice of most nd st essays, is what, 2 person? But the voice of the titles is 1 person, I. Two reasons: 1. This is a Personal Trainer, a waste of time for everyone except those that are greedily dying to become what the st world needs them to be, and by using the 1 person I, it facilitates what Ive done first, working these great characteristics of these greatest of Insanely Humane Unviolent Warriors into my bone marrow and nd 2 , in truth it brings the great characteristics of these greatest of humans just a little bit closer, nearer, more accessible to us, now.

Tolstoy wrote for himself, to escape Death, and find Life; and then shared it. Me too.
As noted in the companion book to this one, Global Warmings Death. Fast. It too, was not written for you, just as all the great books I value were not written for me, but were written by the author to share what was inside them, just as it is, warts and all, so that others might derive value from what they first had found valuable in their own lives. Also, as your brother, if something (and all I control is me), if something doesnt massively accelerate the resurrection of Insane Humanity among we uber-influential Americans, well, Gaia is going to war on the next 2000 generations as a deadly infection, the cancer weve been, especially in recent decades. Those 2000 generations are me, my body, my Family. I need help to save them. You? The Tolstoy Reference? By 50 hed written the worlds greatest novels, had more money than God, and more fame too, and was headed toward suicide. He read the original Greek texts of the gospels, and spent the next 40 years writing what he found, first, for himself, but he shared what Saved him the nondeistic Truth he found in the writings attributed to Jesus. Do you really want to know what Gandhi thinks you should know? Me neither. I want to know what Gandhi thought HE should know. Im perfectly able to figure the rest out for myself. You too.

This book was written in the 4 -7 week of Death Fast in front of the Canadian Embassy, in DC. The author is satisfied with the content, the ideas, its usefulness. However, it will never make it into final, polished form, despite the help of friends, as time will not allow. If this is a problem for you, this is not a book for you. Im at war for humanity. If you are too, youll ignore the deficiencies. If not, this just isnt for you.
th th

Notice Text vs Audio vs Video:

Some will find the text form of this material preferable. So do vastly prefer the audio and or video. Notice that the link to the audio version of this book is found in the beginning. Throughout this book you will find youtube links to the corresponding video log that in virtually all cases was the source for the transcribed essays herein. In many cases the transcribed text is modified, improved, clarified, expanded from the video.

~ 12 ~

Companion Book: Global Warmings Death. Fast. Till enough are seen dying for it, global warming wont stop:
This 1 book was written along with Resurrecting the Insanely Humane Unviolent Warrior in You a nd Personal Trainer. However, enough material developed that it presented itself as appropriate for a 2 book.

Further Reference Material. Crucial

1. Exhaustive on-line Library of the leading Books, Movies, Documentaries on Unviolent Warfare, and Environmental Armageddon: 2. Start Loving blog: I was called, since a little child, to understand, master, and teach, live the central truths of life, psychology, the human condition, Christ Jesus, and most centrally, the Joyful life. Everything I am, Everything Ive learned, everything Ive used to climb out of the Matrix, back to the Heaven on Earth, back to the Life, the Joy, that we all are born for, designed, for is here, is here on this blog. If soon you dont know all that I know, it is because you just dont care, dont love anyone enough to apply yourself. Ive done my part with this blog. If there is anyone you love, now, do your part, study it. What took me a lifetime to master, you can absorb in months, if you apply yourself to it, now. 3. Tracking Plan B blog: Now, if you say to tomorrows young, Oh, I didnt know, I thought it was unstoppable, I thought we had more time, I thought it would wreck our economy, I thought we didnt have the technology, I thought it was all lies it will be you that is the liar. At this blog is all the Main stream (sorry conspiracy theorists, Alex Jones fans, Faux Spews fans, Koch Industries, Oil/Coal shill fans), all the main stream science, technology economics, ROAD MAP AWAY FROM HELL. All there. 4. Youtube: , , ,

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This book is dedicated to the exceptions to the rule that as a rule weve seen - no True, Potent Activism, no INSHE Warriors these last 40 years. This book is dedicated to Brian and Hope If not you, who? If not now, when? If not here, where? For the Joy of it. This book is dedicated to those that, despite all odds have kept the flame alive Diane Wilson, Col. Ann Wright, some associated with the Palestine Freedom Flotilla, Brian Willson, Daniel McGowan, Dr. David Schindler, Thomas founder of the WH Peace Vigil, Sea Shepherds, Liz Hourican, Tim DeChristopher, Wael Ghonim, An Sang Su Chi, and many others by number that share my horror at how infinitesimal is the percentage of such True, Potent, INSHE Warriors, and how massively inadequate to the challenges that dwarf any in human history, soon to be too far advanced to stop.

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The following three essays, repeated in their respective positions later in the book, occurred within the author, Loving, as indicated by their numbering all three toward the very end. Hmmmm. Were they new thoughts to me? Is water a new thought to the fish? No. And yes. The fish is the last one to discover water, is a wonderful old saying. No, these are not new to me, but often that which is closest to us, is that which we least see, consciously, though it may be that which is most operable, most in control within one. And so it is with me. But I treasure, above most, that the last 3 months (?) in front of the Canadian Embassy, 39 days on Death Fast, and the rest on a hold, finishing this book and Global Warmings Death. Fast. have changed me, Loving, into someone deeper and clearer. These essays, Characteristics 105 and 100, and 104 below, are more prominent in my mind, and hopefully will stay more prominent going forward. These three essays are the forest, in which the 108 essays, Characteristics, take shape.

Essay 105. When I'm not blue hot flame, I'm no hope. I can't bring others to that 'We are all extremists. We are ere extremists for love, or extremists for hate,' to paraphrase Dr. King. To paraphrase Jesus, 'I came to bring a fire and oh how I wish it were blazing already.' This, is what it is to die to head and flesh, and Live in Heart. This, by different words and name, is what Jesus died to give us Life, Burning with LIFE, the Light on the Hill, Blue Hot Flame, LIFE ITSELF, or Death. Those are the only two options. INSHE Warrior, Truly, not in our imaginations, our delusion, but Honestly, Truly measuring up to those that have been most like our Creator on all 108 characteristics. Possibly the hardest to defend academically of all these essays, quite possibly the most important of all these essays, among the most difficult and important of the metaphors, and mixed metaphors. After my second major hunger strike to avert environmental Armageddon ended, just about a year ago, June 2011, 50 days in front of the White House, oh, I realized that I was doing the best I knew how to avert environmental Armageddon, and that I was not doing well enough. I don't remember what hit me first the realization that I finally knew enough to design a tool, a personal trainer to increase the odds I would become what the world needed of me; I don't remember if that came first, or if the notion of burning at blue hot flame came first. Maybe sometime I'll have a chance to retrace that, and I would be able to do so because of the various postings of such ideas on the Start Loving blog. But quickly they became hand-in-hand, and the notion that I needed to burn hotter, I think it came on the

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second to last major hunger strike, the one in the November-December timeframe, 50 days again. I think the notion of burning at blue hot flame came then, and I wasn't, I was smoldering I was anywhere between minus numbers and 3,3.5. And the notion that unless I learned to burn hotter, whatever that meant, but it meant a lot to my nervous system, and I was correct, that I was no hope in igniting others. Profoundly correct. There is a delightful, important expression - the fish are the last to discover water. So after seeing a hundred and four characteristics of history's high impact unviolent warriors, 105 presents itself to me, the last, and the one that most makes sense of them all. Unless I'm burning hot enough, unless you are burning hot enough, you can't bring the fire that Jesus spoke of. You can't be the extremist for Love, you can't bring about extremists like Dr. King spoke of. Water boils at, is it 120, so the flame underneath can be in 119 forever, or for a few seconds it can get to 120 and then drop below, and the water will never boil. It is so immensely tempting, the most promising of us - well I'm doing better than anyone else today. I did well yesterday. I did well last week, it's okay that I'm down now. Well, in some sense it's okay. We can't do better than we can do. But if what matters is giving a decent life to the next 200 billion people - I'm blue hot flame long enough, intense enough, for others to catch fire, or I might as well move on, because all depends on enough people burning at blue hot flame, which is the heart in charge; the heart fully engaged and accountable to the global neediest.

Back in September if you look at this jpg, far right, Loving was smoldering, never conceived of getting to blue hot flame, was sure he could not. And in inventing much of this tool along the way, and in capturing many of the ideas from history's great unviolent warriors, he finally arrived at blue hot flame. It took about 8 months. When I think of the very most promising people I know, they are about where Loving was in September, far right. In each case I see the opportunity to progress as far and as fast as I, or maybe faster. EXCEPT, the desire is missing, in all but maybe one case. Oh, how I pray Im wrong, about the others. Jesus, King, Gandhi, Alice Paul, Loving came for those literally dying for a world better than the status quo. That is why, that is why the gate is narrow, and few shall enter in. They can live with the status quo. They can take, they will kill Truth, God, Hope every time, to stay within the status quo no change, the status quo of the right; no fundamental personal risk, the status quo of the left. And no one dying to be the middle way a world better than the status quo, regardless of personal risk. You don't have that much time. The personal trainer has given you an opportunity to get there more quickly. You cant say you didnt know. Will you be the seed on the path, on the rock, among the thorns, or on good ground?

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The odds, the world, is totally stacked against you. And you, are their only hope.

PRIME DIRECTIVE. 100. No unviolent army, vanguard, no Freedom Rider's 30, no hope Friends I don't think I'm to be faulted for citing titles, and essays that as you hear them, may seem so obvious, because our behavior as activists indicate that they are totally nonobvious. The exception being the one in 1 million potent activists, they intuitively or deliberately operate out of the family emergency response, out of the heart. They don't make the kind of mistakes I'm talking about because the heart doesn't make those kind of mistakes. The Head and the flesh always make these kind of mistakes. Like this one A brutal invader attacks part of the world that you care about. Is there an army in response? Yes. Your son needs a complex operation. Is there a qualified team committed to your son's operation and recovery? Yes. Your daughter plays soccer, or you did; there is a tremendously important match coming up. Is the whole team going to be there on your side? Yes. These are natural questions when we're in complete personal solidarity with the issue. And implicit in all these situations are teams of people in complete solidarity with what they're trying to do. Deep emotional solidarity. But when was the last time you asked that question about environmental Armageddon? Where's the deeply committed, at the cellular level, failure is not an option Army, to go against the army of lobbyists that are totally committed at the cellular level, as hideous as their motivations of greed are? When was the last time you asked that question? I haven't asked it nearly, nearly as frequently as I've needed to; it's escaped me, too often. There's no hope of winning a war without an army. There's no hope of that operation succeeding without a committed team. There's no hope of that game being won without a totally committed, totally in solidarity from the heart team. And yet in the most important issues of all time - ending citizens United, averting environmental Armageddon, ending homelessness, ending poverty... we never ask: "Where is the totally committed, failure is not an option, my life is on the line, I will willingly die for this army? We never ask that question. And never will you or we be a hope until that question becomes something that we ask centrally, every day; and learn to answer, in the affirmative, with our lives.

104. You're dying for something, dying 'to' all else. We all are. I'm dying for Humanity, Loving, Joy, Creation. And you? You know anyone who isn't dying for something? You probably do not. No, you probably haven't thought of it this way. You have an uncle who's dying for the local baseball team to win. You have a young niece that's just dying for a young man to ask her out on a date, a certain young man. You have an aunt who's dying for things to stabilize at work, to get along with her boss, to keep her job. You have an uncle who is dying for it to be time for that golf vacation that he's been dreaming of and working toward every day for a

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year. Gandhi was dying for the liberation of India. Nelson Mandela was dying for the end of apartheid. Jesus was dying for the end of the reign of greed. Alice Paul was dying for her sisters to have equal rights with men. How frequently do we step in, in our own minds, or with words, 'Oh, uncle, you shouldnt be dying for that golf vacation, that's so morbid!' In our culture which caters to the head and the flesh, intoxications, selfishnesses thereof, it's entirely appropriate that we die, that were dying for selfish things. But it's an indictment of our way of life, our way of being, if we're dying for unselfish things. And we can't have that now, can we? But there is more to it than that. Our measured, through studies, our measured amount of working memory, that which holds our 'conscious' thoughts at any second, is immensely small, finite - 1 major, and maybe a 2nd minor thoughts in any second. So quite literally, that conscious thought, goal, thing... we are dying for, is 'killing,' displacing, keeping out of consciousness a virtually infinite number of competing things we could be dying for. Right? Do you think Gandhi was struggling to not be dying for a golf vacation? At the point that he so became that which was dying for justice in India, he died to the golf vacation, the law practice, the business suits.... And, at the point that we die to the values, the sanctioned 'wants' of this sickest of all societies, we 'die' to our global neediest, to Joy, to Peace, to meaningfulness. What are you dying for? What are you dying to? Are you ok with that?

~ 18 ~

Resurrecting Your INSHE Unviolent Warrior. A Personal Trainer.

A Personal Daily Trainer to Master 95 characteristics of the pre-1970s potent activists. Fast.

~ 19 ~

Quick Intro to your Personal Trainer


At the end of this book, at the end of these essays is detailed text to introduce you to the Personal Trainer, and to its use, as well as supporting videos. However, first you should read each of the 95 characteristics, that you can use your Trainer to build into you, more strongly. But to give yourself a context for where this is headed, watch this video, now, first, before going further [note, you must be online]:

~ 20 ~

Learning your personal trainer

IMPORTANT DOWNLOAD YOUR PERSONAL TRAINER (SPREAD SHEET) FROM HERE. IMPORTANT NOTE - YES, WHEN YOU OPEN THE SPREADSHEET SAY - YES, ENABLE THE MACRO. or.%20A%20Personal%20Trianer.%20080412.rar Okay, so if you're an insanely humane warrior or insanely humane warrior want to be by whatever name, if you feel that you need to become the caliber of someone that did the freedom rides, many of the activists in SNCC, southern nonviolent coordinating committee, many in Tahrir square. If you have the guts to realize that you may not be of that caliber yet, but are yearning to become that caliber then that's what this personal trainer is for. I've had that yearning, I still have that yearning, to be better. I've been burning with the desire to become something that could significantly, for one person, stand in the way of environmental Armageddon and by using, in essence, this tool for the last 10 months, I dramatically, dramatically progressed, as the lead video in this book sequence shows you graphically, the progress I made, and at the top of the spreadsheet, the Personal Trainer I'm about to show, there is a link to that initial video, these two live links in column B, the first two live links in blue that you see on your page, the first two entries will take you if you're online, right to those videos. And if you haven't seen them they are the right place to start, now. I hope you've read the book one or several times, trying to drink in deeply the meaning of each of the 95 characteristics. Those 95 characteristics are numbered here in column A. The numbers in column A correspond to the characteristic number in the book, and each of these links in blue in column B will take you to an online site that's been built with each of those essays. So even after you've read the book several times and then begin using this Personal Trainer, you'll undoubtedly come to a title that just doesn't ring a bell, or doesnt ring clear enough, or that you disagree with; click on that link and it will take you directly to the essay. Now a standard feature of Excel is that in a workbook there can be multiple pages, or tabs, along the bottom starting at the left.

Each of these sheets is of the same format in this trainer. The first three are ones that I prefilled for thinking about each characteristic relative to what I know about Alice Paul, and two groups from the movie Battle in Seattle, and that's what we've been looking at here. If I click on the second, this I went through and thought about what I had seen in the movie Battle in Seattle, the people that I call the

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window smashers, I don't remember seeing them a lot, but there was one brief point. For me it was in stark contrast to the third tab here, which are the WTO Crane hangers, the male and female leads who we see early on dangling from one of the few things that makes me really scared, which is heights, and they are hanging from a really high crane. I and my rating, if by any chance you can see this cursor, I rated it once, I thought of those two characters once and I did a composite rating of them, scale of -5 being, oh my God, just totally on the wrong planet, pulling in the wrong direction, to +5 being, wow, nailed it. Not with any thought of influencing you, except to empower you with my views for the window smashers. Most of my ratings, which are on your sheet if you fire it up, starting in column F, I rated it once, going down through all 95 characteristics, and then I simply copied right to give you a better visualization - black areas are clueless -5,-4,-3 ,the most that I found for the window smashers was, oh, kind of neutral, zero, so it begins to get a lighter color there. The numbers you put in which could be 4, 4.1, 4.2, -4.01... this is a gut rating, you can put in whatever you want and it will it will give you a visual representation from - 'in the dark, black, to 'bright hot blue flame,' which is what you find with a five. The crane hangers again, not to bias you at all friends but I think I owe you a picture of where my head is at. You see quite a bit of blue flame when I think about the crane hangers from the Battle in Seattle movie you must see. Incidentally, in each of these first three, which refers to movies that are available, hopefully you have them, hopefully you've seen them, but if you haven't, let's see, row six or so in the column D,E,F area, here you would see a live link to where you could I get the movie Battle in Seattle, and in a similar place on the page you find the same thing for Iron Jawed Angels. And for the fourth or fifth tab which is Freedom Riders. Now for freedom riders I did not at all go through and do a rating, because I wanted to give you in this case the opportunity to not have my input, to see the movie, and a link to it in row six I believe, column F, watch the movie and then do your own rating for all 95 characteristics. One of the tabs is of course, 'You." Now, if I haven't mentioned it, on each of these, hopefully you can see that in column B, over to the right in row 2, you see a button called "insert new column.' You don't need to do that yet because this first column D, which is in gray will is fresh and ready to begin to take your ratings. So let's say you are rating yourself - the first characteristic is '001. Every breath square in harms way, shielding the innocents with my own body. That's what the heart does.' That's how the first characteristic reads. 'Wow, I'm really there,' you say to yourself. I'm a '4.' It just color-coded your entry, and it so happens that green, not

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black, not brown but green comes up for a '4.' The second characteristic - '002. My theory is that the best time to cure a deadly epidemic, mass disease, mass insanity is now; well before it goes terminal. 'Wow, I'm really on with that. I'm just staying focused and my sense of urgency is huge. That's a 4.6 for me,' and 4.6 it's getting toward blue, hot flame. This tool, and the color coding, is very much biased toward someone that probably like a Gandhi, probably like a King, almost has a binary rating scale for themselves - A. I'm either what the world needs to see, or B. I might as well be clueless. The point isnt to beat oneself up. The point is to save our target clients. So, the difference between a -5 and a zero is not going to get a whole lot of a color change, not much progress indicated; I mean, whats the real difference between a horrible doctor, and a really, really bad doctor? It's going to be pretty dark really up through 3.5, or a 4, a 3 anyway, up through there is not much of a color change but from 3 to 5, is where we begin to be significantly hopeful to the world, then the colors accelerate in how much they change a relatively small improvement. So the third characteristic 003. I'm being the change, I'm dying, totally giving up my life to save the world. By the way, were all dying for something aren't we? A date with that girl, recovery of my marriage, the promotion, the car, the meal.... At least in this society those are the things, but among the potent activists, INSHE warriors, they're dying for the suffering to stop. They're dying for the injustice to stop. They're dying for a future for humanity. Were all dying for something friends. We're literally giving everything we have for something. So hopefully, you'll not be distracted by some sense of morbidness with my frequent use of such words as dying. The twist of this is, the insanely humane, you know what, you know where their bodies are always? Literally or figuratively they're in the way of harm, that's what the heart does. That's what the good mom does, that's what the good dad does. So, you know, if you find my language of dying offensive, or morbid, then you probably are going to know quickly that this material isn't for you. If on the other hand, you'll pay any price, any discomfort to try and do your part of saving the world from the insanity that's in the final stages of dooming us, you're probably going to be okay with the language, and eventually you may be pretty glad someone had the courage to remind us of what humanity does - it puts its body in the way. To die? No. To be reckless? No. To save the innocents, to shield the innocents. So, coming back to the Personal Trainer tool, next characteristic 004. I'm being the change, I'm dying, totally giving up my life to be the change the world needs to see, and needs to be. 'You know, I really don't think, I'm so distracted, I just don't have that mental focus, yet. I think that's a -2 for me now.' So now we are getting down and into the in-the-dark colors. Next characteristic 005. I'm living, I'm fighting, I'm worthy because I'm dying for, every breath, I'm devoted to our neediest family, that's a Martin Luther King paraphrase. 'Wow, that just doesn't apply to me right now. I get it. It just doesn't apply to me right now. I'm about a -4;' giving you an idea what the colors look like for the different numbers in the too. So now we are in dark territory. So that's the process. Let's put in some values as though you had just completed all 95 characteristics for your first time, and now four hours later, you decide, 'you know what? I want to go through this again.' And by the way, that's the way I am in the first weeks of using a tool like this. I don't have time to let slip by, my clients dont need me to try but to win; I need to get fixed in my mind, I needed to become top of mind, top of consciousness with these characteristics, I need to reshape myself so they are part of me. I just clicked the button that says 'insert column,' it just put in a column with today's date; it doesn't have time; I don't know if we should be that anal about things right now. However, you can have it automatically put in the time, just learn a little about Excel. So here, you have a new column - it has pushed your previous rating, it's retained your prior rating, and pushed it off to the right. So if you keep rating and adding columns your earliest ones will be pushed further and further over to the right. Your most current ones will be more toward the left, right next to the black column, which is right next to the 95 characteristics; and it's all ready for you to put in ratings. It's a real good idea that when you save your work the first time you "save as" instead of saving 'to' what I

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sent you, or what you downloaded, 'Aspiring Insanely Humane Personal Trainer,' putting your name at the end of the title, using 'save as,' and save it. So now you'll have the original file in case anything ever corrupts your working sheet, so you could start over again. Hopefully that will never happen. (However, 'Jesus Saves,' and you should too.) I strongly recommend however that every once in a while you do a 'save as.' So every once in a while, every four or five days that you've used this, and again do a 'save as' and create revisions for yourself. So this is the one with your name, let's do a 'save as' on that as though youve been using this for five days and let's do an 'r1,' revision 1. Call it what you want but every four or five days do that, this has a macro in it, you'll start creating a lot of data, and every once in a blue moon a spreadsheet will go corrupt, and you probably just don't want to lose the months worth of visual reference for yourself. And if you follow the steps I just recommended, including doing a 'save as' and adding your name so that you left the original file intact, freely go do some experimenting, some playing, see how this works. See how the various links work. Actually, why don't we do that now, see if we can get lucky, lets pull up the link 'my personal trainer,' I just click on that link, it takes us to an online version of the book, insanely humane, to the 'intro to your personal trainer.' So with that you can go to the YouTube video which hopefully you've reviewed first. But if you haven't, now is the time to do it. It's a good introduction of the version of this, more importantly, to the process that brought me to the point where I could finally see the way to stop environmental Armageddon, this Death Fast. Its why I'm here in front of the Canadian Embassy, with the first weapon we've had that can actually, that can actually stop this. Hunger strike, Self-immolation, too weak. All of this covered in something called, "Global Warming's Death. Fast," a book which can be found on both of the blogs Start Loving and blog Tracking Plan B. So, this is simply to show you that the links are live. This link brought up that introductory video which is interspersed with me, but also graphics interspersed explaining the tool again. Don't struggle with this friends. I have tried to provide you plenty of good material, please go to it, use it. If you're one reviewing this soon and now, then for the next three, four days I expect to be available on email and by all means feel free. If you do your part of the work, and contact me and let me help you through, and then maybe you'll become trainer to others. So 'insert column;' on several of these, you'll see links to movies that by God you need to see. I'm sorry, you just need to see them. Battle in Seattle, Freedom Riders, Iron Jawed Angels, absolute must sees. Limber up by seeing those movies or recalling them if you've seen them, and then giving your own ratings for each criteria, and if you like, look at mine, and if you don't want to look at the ratings I gave, delete mine, but limber up without getting personal to yourself first, by looking at independent references, Alice Paul, Crane Hangers, the window smashers, the Freedom Riders. After you see that movie, using the next tab, think about the environmental movement today. You know, Eisenhower, Allied commander of World War II was known as a consummate planner, and he said, 'Plans are worthless, but planning is everything.' Preparing the mind, shaping the mind, developing the mind, that's what this tool is all about. Godspeed, friends. IMPORTANT DOWNLOAD YOUR PERSONAL TRAINER (SPREAD SHEET) FROM HERE. IMPORTANT NOTE - YES, WHEN YOU OPEN THE SPREADSHEET SAY - YES, ENABLE THE MACRO. or.%20A%20Personal%20Trianer.%20080412.rar

~ 24 ~

The 108 Characteristics of Historys Potent Unviolent Warriors

Note: In some of these essays you will see [GWD.F.] Global Warmings Death. Fast. Book 1, to signify that this essay has been taken in the original, or enhanced form from that book to this. Maybe 15-20% of the essays in this book are from GWD.F. Note: In many of the companion video logs youll see some odd, quite contorted poses with shirts, blankets, whatever, trying to defeat wind noise, rain, and sun. Enjoy.

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PRIME DIRECTIVE. 001. Every breath, I'm SQUARE in harm's way, shielding the innocents with my own body. What the Heart does. This is all 'Family' for me Hopefully from my behavior, and if not from my behavior, maybe from the tattoos on my forehead and face, one might guess that the word love figures pretty prominently in this highly studied psychologist and brother whose interest is not metaphysical, but the physical reduction of suffering, and misery, and needless death, among my current and future brothers, sisters, children, hundreds of billions. Not too many months ago, maybe two, I don't recall why I was pondering - what is the central characteristic of loving, and as opposed lusting, which, 99.99999% of the time is what we mean when we say loving in this sickest of all societies, clinically speaking? What is the central characteristic, what is the common characteristic of loving? What is its central aspect, what most centrally does it do? Now remember, as I define the term, you don't have to, but lust, is things about me, that make me feel good - I love the way she makes me feel. I love the way he makes me feel, I love how I feel on a pretty, sunny day; I love the way this Coca-Cola tastes. I love being married to her; I'm sorry if that sounds harsh; there's almost no love in our society. Love is the opposite of Lust. Love is me about the neediest on the planet that I can possibly reach. The key point is, these are different psychological features, neurologically based, theyre different circuits - love and lust. What is the distinguishing characteristic of the circuits that are the love circuits? They place the body in harm's way; they shield the innocent. They put their bodies, usually literally, sometimes figuratively, they put their very lives, they put their very being, in the way of the harm of the innocents, and the keep them there until all of the harm is gone, and when that harm is gone, they go find the next set of innocents, to shield them. This is the key feature. The key feature of the potent activist, the insanely humane warrior, is that their heart is always in charge. They're always loving, every waking second, and therefore they are the embodiment of the key feature of loving - their bodies are constantly in harm's way. If Diane Wilson isn't shielding women in Texas prison, with everything she has, everything she is, she's in her bay, shielding the fisherman and the fish life from Formosa Plastics, DuPont; or she's in England putting herself between the oceans of the world and BP corporation at their stockholder meeting; or in Congress doing the same thing. Her body is always in harms way, to protect and shield the innocents. Gandhi's body was always in the way of the injustice that the British were doing to the people of India, and prior to that, the injustice that the apartheid regime was doing to his brothers and sisters in South Africa. The key feature of the true potent activist is their body is always in harms way. Did I mention always? Did I mention always in harms way? Always out of guilt? Always out of duty? No. Always out of the joy of serving by being love incarnate; the joy of reducing the suffering and giving joy and life to others who wouldn't have it otherwise; the greatest gratification by far on Earth. The key feature of loving, the key feature of the heart in charge; the way you know if you're loving at the moment, the way you know if your heart's in charge at the moment is - your body is shielding the innocents; it is between the would-be violators body and in the body of the innocents, literally or figuratively. That's where, when you are Loving, you live, because wisely at those moments you know that's the only place where joy and life are to be found; and you know that's the only true way of bringing

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justice and protection to those about whom you care.

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002. My theory - the best time to cure a deadly epidemic, mass disease, mass insanity, mass affloholism, is, uh, now, well before it is terminal My advance degree work includes Masters in Psychology with a concentration in addiction counseling, alcohol addiction. The field is so pitiful that if I recall the numbers correctly, without a good addiction program an alcoholic runs the likelihood of a about 5% chance of recovering on their own, and with a good addiction program that goes up to about 7%, which is almost statistically irrelevant, statistically insignificant. My point is that psychology is something that I know little bit about, and I'm read deeply at the PhD level. When's the best time to cure an alcoholic that is beating his wife and children every night? Now. Right? When would the sane alcoholic, the recovered alcoholic wish that they had been cured? Now, right? Same answer. The 2 million species that our children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren were to inherit are going extinct at a rate that no one can pin down - the ranges that I've seen are between 25 and 250 per day. When would our progeny have wanted us to stop the extinction? Now. Right? So said Severn Suzuki, a young teen, to the UN decades ago. Must see - right side of Tracking Plan B blog. At our current rate of needless emissions it's a near certainty that sea levels will rise six feet by century's end. 20 to 30% of the country's wealth, United States, well it's in our sea-level cities, Houston, Tampa, Miami, Fort Lauderdale, the southern third of Florida, New York, Boston, Washington DC, San Francisco. Every inch rise, every foot rise that we allow by delaying one more year the reduction of warming gas emissions, is hundreds of billions or trillions of dollars that our children will have to earn and spend to keep those sea-level cities from being destroyed. When will your child have wished that we'd stopped the global warming emissions? Now, right? Using entirely needless climate Armageddon as the immediate example of mass insanity, is it not that an example of mass insanity? Is it not likely that 70 to 90% of US citizens, 5 to 10 years after the sane policy of simply transferring the wreckage costs to those who are doing the emissions, same way we transferred cigarette health costs to the smokers, will not 70, 80, 90% of Americans 10 years after that legislation is passed, look back and say, 'my God, why did we wait so long? My God why wasn't I on the Vanguard of that? This was crazy. Is that not what happened within 10 years of the legislation that gave women the right to vote - 'My God, that was crazy, we were treating our daughters as citizens that didn't deserve the right to vote? Is that not what happened with slavery, maybe a bit slower? It's certainly what happened with civil rights legislation. It wasn't a decade before most Americans, before they were saying that was crazy how we treated people that are black. We allow people to be lynched? We allowed people to be in 'whites only' waiting rooms? Yes of course, lunatics are still around, my brothers and sisters all, they'll always be around. The exception proves the rule. So here's the point. Less than any other essays in either of the two books published these last two months, less than any other of these essays, am I able to point to the fairly explicit references from our great Unviolent warriors of the past, that they too view this as a sanity problem. Though it is certain in my mind that they would totally agree with this framing. I don't think it's coincidental that King most frequently cited the psychologist in whom I have the most regard, Alfred Adler, indicating a healthy interest in psychology on Dr. King's part. It's clear to me that the man Jesus, be he, flesh and blood or a collage of ideas, doesn't matter to me, although scholars, the secular scholars are sure that he existed as a man, taught as a man. It's clear to me that Jesus is the greatest psychologist that ever lived, grasping, living and teaching the truth of the DNA given aspects of our psychology better than anyone ever has - How to find a joyful life using the machinery, the bio machinery, that we've been given to inhabit, and reducing the likelihood of exterminating ourselves in the process. As with this whole book you get to reject it, you get to not read it, but it's clear to me that Gandhi, King, Jesus, Alice Paul... Understood our humanity, understood our psychology. At an intuitive level they understood this better than anyone. And even if they didn't articulate it this way, what they were giving

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their life for was to be a mass cure to mass insanity. And whether or not that was their plan, that's what the masses of populations liberated by them said of themselves. 'That was crazy; we enslaved people? I was crazy?' 'We had mass child labor? That was crazy? We let Mubarak brutally dictate to us for 30 years in Egypt? That was crazy?' 'We had apartheid in South Africa?' 'That was crazy.' The masses of people from their hearts articulate this. So when is the best time to cure a mass disease? Now. When is the best time to cure a mass insanity? Now. When is the time that those who will look back 10, 20 years from now will wish we had ended the mass insanity of exterminating the world's species, and thereby impoverishing our children's future forever, killing the oceans, killing half of their rivers, finishing the complete plunder of all fossil fuels and God knows what those might be needed for 100 200 300 years from now. Dooming all future humans to untold economic slavery to try and repair what we can easily correct today. When is the right time to stop our insanity? What if we don't do it on our first shot? What if it takes a second, third, or fourth attempt and those are spread over numerous years? When will we wish we tried the first time to begin to accelerate our learning on how difficult would be? Now. Right? That's the theory on which the death fast, and all of, in this author's assessment, all of the great Unviolent warriors stood. They were not trying to force something that ultimately the populace would find unacceptable. They were seeing that there was mass insanity, and on the other side of what they were trying to bring about, was a relief, a gratitude, a sense of health, a sense of progress. That's what this is all about friend. And what right do we have to leave the masses of our brothers and sisters in the distress, in the agony with the ever increasing number of victims of their uncured disease? We have an obligation to attempt that cure with everything we have and everything we are, a moral obligation to try. And the theory on which we do so is that when one is cured of disease, of the crack addiction, of an alcohol addiction, of addiction to stuff, Affloholism, which is our mass addiction today - One indication that it was a disease is the relief and gratitude of the cured client. Let's get on with it.

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003. I'm Being the change the world needs to be - totally giving my life, everything, 'dying for it,' for the Infinite Wealth of Joy that it is
Same as GWD.F. Real activists be what they want the world to be. "Example is not the major thing in influencing people; it's the only thing," rightly said Schweitzer. 80% or more of communication is visual, nonverbal, one of the few consistently supported tenets of psychology. It's what we do, not what we say, that has influence. To my beloved brother and sister activists: If all that is true, then it would seem that the world you want is one with more taunting, one with more insults, one with more hypocritical self-righteousness, because this is what you do, that's what you be. The exception proves what the rule is. You taunt, you ridicule, you demean others, you disrespect others. I didn't say this is how you think of it. I say this is what you do. So if the world you want to see is more and more and more of that, then you're on the right track. I suspect this is not what you want to see, in which case it's time to reflect on the three must see must-see movies I keep speaking of, Iron Jawed Angels, two Freedom Rider movies, a special , a PBS documentary, and a special by Oprah. There are other examples, but those are just the best, most immediate. Those people clearly wanted a more civil society. They wanted the society with greater humanity, greater respect, greater courage, greater selflessness, peacemaking behavior,, and standing for what's right, Unviolence, that is, not violating the rights of others in any way. Where people earn and pay for what they value, rather than trying to extort it in any variety of cloaked ways from others. For Gods sake, what change do you want to see in the world? What do you want the world to be? That's what you need to be. You need to be the tip of the spear. There's no other way. Anything less will kill the one resource you don't have: time. I wish I could remember the quote, it's a widely known saying. But the essence of it is - those who ignore history repeat the same mistakes over and over again. You need to study friends. You're the ones who will reap the horror of your own ignorance. Good hearts, which to my joy, I see some of you have, are not enough, and really good hearts will not settle for less than every possible advantage in serving their clients, those who they purport to serve, and delivering results for their clients, to whom they're dedicated. You owe yourselves better. It's time to step up, and first and foremost, to get clear, sufficiently clear, not perfectly clear, sufficiently clear as to the world you want to see, and you need to be that. There's nothing else you can do that can make up for not doing that. And if you take on that responsibility and hold yourself to the highest standards in that regard, you will be doing the single most powerful thing by orders of magnitude. Everything else is details. Everything else will follow if now, you do the work of developing huge clarity as to the world that you need to see. I've done what I can to help, by doing what I've outlined above, and leaving a book for you to try and help you accelerate toward the powerful form of activism - "Resurrecting the Powerful Unviolent Warfare Pre1970s."

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004. I'm Living, fighting, worthy, because I'm dying for our neediest family,' MLK paraphrase with license.
Same as GWD.F
The actual quote: A man is not fit to live, until he knows what he would die for. It is clear to me that Dr. King completely would agree with the less elegant, but more revealing unpacking of his sentence into the title, the characteristic, above psychologically, neurologically, physically, Spiritually. Was Jesus out to lunch? Really? Was King flat-out wrong or lying to us? Really? Was Gandhi a stupid model for us to follow? Really? The woman who heard gunfire on the street of New York this year, and placed her body as a shield for a girl I think she didn't know; was she a bad model of what it means to be alive? The cell that faithfully follows the instructions of its DNA instead of succumbing to its own desires and becoming cancer; is that foolish? The heart that for ninety years never misses a beat, selflessly serving the body; is that silliness? There's no evidence to suggest that we're some evolutionary leap away from that. 'Whoever would hold on to their life will lose it. Whoever would give up their life will win it,' Jesus taught, and lived. Who was more alive....Dr. King, standing up and speaking against the Vietnam war, being assassinated a year later, knowing it was putting another crosshairs on his chest, or the millions hiding behind their beloved uncertainty and not speaking up? Who is more alive? To paraphrase Dr. King with liberties, but I'm sure he would approve, "A person is not living, a person is not loving, a person is not fighting, a person's life is worthless who is not dying for, who is not giving their life for, the neediest of our populations,' that right now are the two-thousand generations that our apathy and our cowardice are condemning to hell on Earth. Was he wrong? In that same talk or sermon he said that, he went on to say "Somewhere in our life we're each going to receive a call from that still small voice within, (to use Gandhi's term) to put our life on the line and if we say no to that call we may live another fifty years, we may live until we're ninety, but we died on the day that we said no to that call. If you still have a heart, if you search your heart, you will know that he was correct And what's infinitely more important than your own life, is the fact that you cannot escape leading others with your own life. It's inescapable. The only choice you have is what direction you will lead others and to what degree. If you've been dead, if you've been spending your life, as I spent almost all of my life, turning away from the call, now is the time to turn toward it. Toward Life. Life is found in racing toward the emergency, no place else. It's found in dealing with the emergency of our fellow human beings, no place else. Think of those around you, think of your children. Think of your children's children. Think of your nieces and nephews. Think of your spouse, your partner. Are you going to continue to lead them to living Death? The Death that Jesus gave his life to save us from, to show us how to save ourselves from, teachings we've been ignoring and distorting for 1800 years? Are you really going to continue to embrace that Death and lead everyone you care about toward that same Death? Or are you going to choose a different path? You are not living, you are not fighting, if you are not dying for our global neediest, during a day, spread over forty days, spread over eighty years. Teresa of Calcutta was dying for decades to self (though to her is was Joy) to save her brothers and sisters ... in Calcutta. She was dying for that, every breath, every fiber of her being, everything she had. Will you continue to submit to Death and lead others to it, or will you stand now for Life and lead your loved ones to it? This was the choice that Jesus gave, reminded us

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of, this was the choice that Gandhi and King died to remind us of. This is Life, this is heaven, this is Nirvana, this is total peace of heart, and if you don't lead those around you in that direction, it's very simple, you are leading them away from heaven, the only one there is, the only Nirvana, the only peace of heart, the only joy here, now.

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005. I Stand only on Morally perfect Demands. All else is too little, too late
The point of this essay is not that the Global Warming Death Fast is correct or not, though it is correct. The point of this essay is to illustrate that central, always and completely central to the potent unviolent warriors throughout history is that they choose their battlefield, as every great warrior does, extremely carefully, deliberately, and the essential characteristic of the battlefield they choose is that it is an ultimately unassailable moral high ground what eventually, if stood and fought on long enough, will necessarily be seen, organismically, as unassailably moral: Oh, it is moral that women not have the right to vote? Uh, no. Ultimately this is a DNA given conscience question for which the answer has to finally be, uh, no. And same with really, we should balance our current warming fuels economy on the backs of our kids and grandkids? Uh, no. And I should pay the global warming wreckage costs of the guy next door with the McMansion? Uh, no. And Mubarak should brutally rule 10s of millions of Egyptians, like brutalized children, for how many more years? Uh, no. These are moral arguments, BUT THEY CANT BE WON IN VERBAL ARGUMENT. And they cant be defeated in verbal argument. They are won with the pure and powerful form of unviolent warfare We are simply here to claim what is rightfully ours, and if the price is our lives we will happily pay them. How many does it need? Well pay. So the argument for sanity must be in paying, joyfully, with our lives, few of which are ever accepted, before we win. The argument against might be physical too - prison, torture, death, but again, usually few. And verbal arguments against, cant win against the moral high ground. Oh, really, my children should pay your wreckage costs from burning fossil fuels? Really? Explain that to me again please? They cant win when people unviolently, clearly, are dying for sanity, for what conscience ultimately dictates, and this is where, and only where, the unviolent warrior fights. Finding this clear, unassailable, perfect moral high ground requires enormous vision, insight, study, pondering, Personal Training to imagine beyond eons of status quo thinking and propaganda. This is what the unviolent warrior dedicates themselves to figuring out, and then embodying the morally perfect demands - Most powerful force in the universe. [GWD.F] THE NEAR AND PERFECT FORM of all, powerful, unviolent warfare in history is the following: I am here in to claim what is rightfully ours, and if the cost is my life I will happily pay it. This was the marchers on the salt works in India, some of whom were killed by unviolently approaching the salt works and being clubbed to death, or near death, by soldiers under the control of the British. This was the claim of the freedom riders including Congressman John Lewis, who went on buses and were beaten within an inch of their life to claim a seat in a waiting room that was marked 'White.' I'm here to claim what is rightfully ours, and if the price is our lives we will happily pay it. If you haven't seen the movie, the PBS special 'Freedom Riders,' see it, today. It's online free. Go to either of my blogs Start Loving or Tracking Plan B, look in the library there, you'll find it. Also look at the companion one hour special done by Oprah Winfrey. It's a lesson in humanity like few I've ever seen. It's the form of unviolent warfare that the second wave of freedom riders, college students going to their final exams embraced, in Nashville, who learned that the first wave of the freedom ride busses had been interrupted. Even one of Kennedys senior officials who was in Mississippi, I believe it was Mississippi, had been clubbed, was struggling to get the first wave of freedom riders out alive; no pilot would fly them out from the airport. The students learned that the ride was being interrupted. Instead of going to their college exams, many of them were first generation college students, they then that night signed their last wills, many of them expecting to be killed, and got on buses to claim what was rightfully theirs; a seat at a bus terminal with the label 'Whites Only' above it. Were here to claim what is rightfully ours, and if the price is our lives we will happily pay it. Rachel Corey, blocking an American Caterpillar right-wing Israeli driven bulldozer to destroy the house of

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someone she considered her brother; by the way she considered everyone her brother and sister, Israeli, Palestinian; in this case it was a Palestinian pharmacist and his family. I am here to claim what is rightfully mine, the unmolested house of my brother, and if the price is my life I will gladly pay it. This was the action of the young people in Tahrir Square a year and a half ago: We're here to collect what is rightfully ours, a country not under the brutal rule of a dictator, and if it costs us our lives we will joyfully pay it. The claim of this death fast is morally unassailable. This death fast does not claim the end of burning fossil fuels, it does not claim that anyones lifestyle change, it does not claim the tar sands not be exploited, it does not claim that no more coal is burned, it does not claim that no more oil is burned. It makes two claims and two claims only: exploit your tar sands, the dirtiest energy on the planet, mine your coal, burn your coal-fired electricity, drive your SUVs on oil or tar sands, but I'm not paying the wreckage fee and my children and grandchildren are not paying your wreckage fee. Demand 1. You will pay your wreckage fee. There was no clear moral claim to tell people not to smoke. There is a moral claim to ask people not to smoke, to implore people not to kill themselves with smoking, but theres no clear moral claim to tell people not to smoke. But there is a clear moral claim to say " My children and grandchildren and I are not paying your healthcare costs. You will pay your healthcare costs. And there's now 2, 3, $3.50 dollars a pack added to every pack of cigarettes to pay that healthcare cost. You may burn what fossil fuels you want, you may use corn ethanol. You may de-forest. But my children and I are not paying your wreckage cost, which is four times more than what you're currently paying. A fee of $20 per ton, incrementing by $20 the next 10 years, at the mine, at the well, at the Tar Sands, at the ethanol plant, the corn ethanol plant, at the forest being burned, and at the import depot will be collected from the exploiter, from the miner, from the driller, from the country of origin, if they lack a similar policy. They, in turn will mark that up and pass it on in the price of their product, to the consumer, raising toward true cost the warming gas emitting fuels. So the consumer will pay the fee, and not one nickel of the fee will go to the government, not one nickel of that fee will be decided upon by an all-too-corrupt government, currently destroyed by the lunatics on the right, and the apathetic citizens on the left. For the first time in my life, the Democrats in congress are doing a decent job, but, it's destroyed by the lunatics on the right, my brothers and sisters all. Not one penny will go to them. The wreckage fee that's collected from the deadly fuel suppliers (that they in turn collect from their consumers) will be 100% distributed to every legal resident of this country quarterly, %100. $20/ton added per year, that's $200/ton by year 10. The equivalent of a two-dollar increase per gallon of gas by year ten. I am here to collect what is rightfully mine - the wreckage costs of your burning of coal and oil so that if I want I can put it toward protecting and restoring our children's future and enabling them to pay for your wreckage costs of our cities, of our weather, of our health, our wars, in the future. Perfectly, morally, unassailable. Who can stand up and say "Oh no! no, your children should pay my wreckage costs! Your house is solar, youre getting wind electricity, you're driving a plug-in hybrid, but your children should pay my wreckage cost! Who can make that argument and stand? No one. It's perfectly morally unassailable. And the other part of the demand is - We are not going to pay anymore to destroy our children's future. We are not going to pay 70 billion dollars a year to the coal and gas industry to wreck our children's environment. That money is going to be allocated to Earth-creating, Earthsustaining funds, the first of which are to our heroic fossil fuel workers, coal miners, oil drillers, rig workers, to transition to the green economy, treating them the way our returning soldiers should be treated, and secondarily to any companies or industries that cannot reasonably make the transition fast enough and otherwise become uncompetitive in the international marketplace. By the way, the twenty dollars per ton is collected on all import goods as well, if from countrys not already collecting it. Totally morally unassailable. The lunatics can try to argue against it. Oh boy, they can't win the argument, if with our lives, we get it on the table.. They can't win it "Oh no! We need to continue to

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subsidize the wreckage of our children's future! It can't be won, they can't argue it. So we need to balance the future on the backs of our children. It'll murder our economy today, we need to balance it on the backs of our children. Huh? And few of them, if the argument is made through this death fast, will want to argue it. It will cut through even their insanity, even their denial, many or most of them. Evil, insanity, cannot stand, cannot survive, the direct view of itself. This is the holy grail friends. This is the salvation of humanity on a platter. Are there a thousand people in this country who love humanity, who love their children more than they love their own lives? More than they love their own stupid, wasted lives on pleasure? I highly recommend it, friends. We'll see; and if there are not 1000, we're no longer a viable species.

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006. I fill the void - I Become the Facts-on-the-ground of Intolerable Horror, worth the ultimate price to change What were the facts on the ground that caused, was it millions of iPads to be sold within the first couple of days? It wasn't the iPad. People didn't have their hands on it yet. It wasn't the iPad. The facts on the ground were the iPod, and the history of Apple computer with producing great stuff. It was not the spec sheets, it was not the online demos, it was not newspaper articles, it was not the magazine articles, all of which played a role. It was the fact on the ground of the existence of millions of iPods that been sold and revered. What was the facts on the ground that brought about civil rights - newspaper articles, magazine articles lynchings? No. Black kids, and white kids from colleges, thereby over-privileged kids, putting their bodies on the line, their lives on the line, their freedom on the line from Peterson prison, to bring about civil rights they established for the onlookers that civil rights, now, was worth the ultimate price they established the price in the only way possible by unmistakably, joyfully offering to pay it their lives. Newspaper articles spread those True-facts-on-the-ground, told people those facts, but the facts on the ground were the bodies on the ground that established the price, this is worth my life. Why is Mubarak gone? Because a guy in Tunisia said, this is worth my life to stop; and a friend of Wael Ghonim, the Google exec, said the same with his life, then brutally crushed by Mubaraks thugs, and those 2 establishing the Ultimate Worth, the Ultimate price, established it for the next hundred thousand people who got into Tahrir square and stated with their bodies - this is worth our life those were the facts on the ground, not the news stories, and back room speaking of 30 years of horror of Mubarak's brutal rule, because that had been true, those articles and conversations had been going on for each of the 30 years. Those weren't the facts on the ground. The bodies, putting their lives in harm's way Here, Ill pay for whats rightfully mine with my life!, those were the facts on the ground. That's how it always is; it was the millions of buyers of iPods, that were the facts on the ground that that caused the proliferation, the massive expenditures, on iPads. It was the first thousand people buying a Lexus that were the facts on the ground for the next hundred thousand, and it's that way in everything including and especially True, new social values. Most of our brothers and sisters are tremendously risk-averse, tremendously low imagination, and they don't start by buying, they don't start by buying into an idea, or product, or a movement, or action based on articles, based on theory, based on promise, based on vision, or news, or token payment... they move based on other people acting, and establishing the ultimate worth by joyfully offering to pay it. The masses, our brothers and sisters will always be sheeple. The tip of the spear, the early adapters, the pioneers paying, or offering to pay the ultimate price, with joy, thats what causes it to happen, when it happens. So your choices whether to be a bona fide, genuine fact on the ground, or not. Actually, you can't escape, ever, being a fact on the ground. The only question is what are you a fact on the ground, 'proof' of A. that the status quo is fine. B. That the status quo is intolerable, and worth the price of your life to change. That there is a better way to be, and you are being it.

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007. I categorically reject the post '60's 'religious' notion that no one, and nothing, is worth my life. All Creation, every human is, if I can save them I hardly know what to say about this except that I didn't see it clearly until yesterday afternoon. It's been a source of deep motivation for me for years, as I've been more dumbfounded, month after month, in my experience of the DC activist clubs, and more recently the environmental Armageddon activist club, my brothers and sisters all. But it was only yesterday, afternoon late, that recent experiences caused the clarity for me - that somewhere between the late 60s in the mid-70s a universal decision was made among US activists: Nothing is worth our lives. Nothing is worth our death. Nothing is worth our lives in prison; nothing is worth dying for. No one is worth dying for except of course for immediate family, maybe. Isn't this nice and convenient? It so neatly reduces the risk that we would actually die for something, rank cowardice. No other explanation. We cloaked the decision in a hideous bastardization of the word nonviolence. How did this happen? Who thought of this? The nonviolence where repeatedly Gandhi and others put themselves on selfimposed death threat through hunger strike, that nonviolence? King, that kept he and his biological family under death threat his entire life. That King, that nonviolence? That's where nonviolence came from risk no one's death on any account? Oh my God. What hideous, deadly cowardice. What unilateral disarmament of all hope, of potent unviolent action. I categorically reject that there's no one that's worth my life, and that there's no cause that's worth my life. I reject that as the rank, intellectually, and morally bankrupt cowardice, that it is.

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008. I Live the Truth that personal Example is the only power great enough to save anything. Be the change, be the 'way,' or get out of the way. 80% OF ALL COMMUNICATION IS UNVERBAL Why would anyone be stupid enough to do what I say, and not what I do? Why would anyone be stupid enough to believe what I say not what I do? Why would politicians, corporations, be stupid enough to do what we activists say, and not what we pay the price for, or offer to pay the price for, with our lives? Probably my favorite quotation is Albert Schweitzer, the 1952 Nobel Peace Prize winner, a Renaissance man of so many talents, in demand for so many things around the world, and instead devoted his life as an example of being humane, in the least accessible parts of Africa that had rarely if ever been visited, setting up medical clinics, and running them. He said, this man of infinite talents, music, theology, lecturing, writing, he said - "example is not a major thing in influencing people, it's the only thing." He wasn't kidding. He wasn't being cute. We know Gandhi's words. Was it Gandhi's words that changed the world? It was Gandhi's behavior that changed the world. It was Gandhi's example that changed the world. We know words of people like Wael Ghonim in Egypt, revolutionary of a year and a half ago, Google executive, but why do we know those words? Because their words changed the world? No. Because the action of such people changed the world; their example. Their example that there was something more precious than their own lives, reminded enough of us, awakened enough of us, that we stood in solidarity long enough that Mubarak is now gone. Alice Paul graduated the top of her class at Swarthmore, and graduating top of class, is kind of a career death sentence - high school valedictorians, that category is one of the greatest predictors of life failure. I'm sure Alice's writing and speaking was brilliant, but it was her example, subjecting herself to torture in a prison, 20 miles south of DC, subjecting herself to force-feeding on hunger strike, it was her example, showing that there's something more important than our own selfish pleasures; showing that the rights of their daughters and granddaughters was more important than their own lives, turning the value equation upside down, that changed the world. And so it's always been. My God, what hideous creatures that we continue to pervert and ignore such an obvious fact. Stop your God damn demonstrating; Stop your God damned taunting. Stop your God damned talking. Be what the world needs to be. Be what the world needs to see. Be the change the world needs to see. Nothing less has remotely the power it takes to save your world. And doing so is the only path to joy. It's the only path to meaning. Your nervous system isn't stupid. You're not going to fool it. Talk is cheap. Your nervous system will know that you're cheap. You'll be depressed, you'll be unfocused, unmotivated. Not if you talk with your example. If you keep your mouth shut, and make your example clear. You do that, your life will be full of joy. If you're in prison being force fed, it will be full of joy. If you're ostracized by all your friends, your life will be full of joy, because you'll be living out of the heart, and all the heart knows how to do is to produce the feeling of joy and total peace of heart while it is exercised. Everything less kills the one resource you don't have left - time. Be what the world needs to be. No amount of taunting could have saved my life. No amount of ridicule, and if someone has any humanity in them all, but theyre on the wrong track like I was, you taunt them, you ridicule them, they just

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change the channel from you, man. You're off the list of people that can influence them. You really want to waste the little bit of time you have left to change things on such mental activist masturbation? Really? Come on, you're better than that.

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009. I Deal in the Real Currency of Globally, Morally Important Action; Never, in Counterfeit Media Fluff. This is life and death, paradigm shift, new world view, new status quo not 'let me infotain you' A sailor is mindful of the wind, or that individual is no sailor. Gandhi was mindful of the media, but he was no manipulator, and he didn't believe in the power of the media, he believed in the truth, he believed in the power of the truth, of how it can hack through all but the very most resistant nervous system, to the heart, when truth is embodied, made flesh. It may be that he manipulated the media, it may be that he invested more than nanoseconds in positioning events, in fabricating, fashioning messages to cater to the media. But that's not the Gandhi that I know. That's not the Jesus that I know. It's not the Martin Luther King that I know. So if I want a Lexus, sorry I can't think of a better example, I keep going to that, if I want a Lexus, I suppose I can invest my time in fabricating what's the right message, how do I tell them I want a Lexus, how do I speak to them, how do I get the media involved that will write about me going into the Lexus dealership to ask for a Lexus. I suppose I can invest much of my time and energy in that, I suppose I can invest any of my time and energy in that. But I wouldn't, and neither would you. Instead, what I would focus on is - how much do I want a Lexus, and how much of my life, how much of whatever wealth I have, am I willing to invest in getting that Lexus, or how can I raise the funds. That's what I'd spend my time on. You too, right? That's how the insanely humane people, the insanely humane Unviolent warriors throughout history have devoted their time - deciding what's worth everything, and paying the price for it. What they are after, the priceless stuff, is not going to be gotten with counterfeit actions that are the equivalent of me protesting a Lexus dealership, to give me the car that I want. They didn't have that time to waste, and they had too much moral integrity to want to waste the time, or to try and be such a fake creature. They realized that there are two ways to secure something - one is to go in with force, including money, and the other, when it's something theyre already morally due, is to go in with their life and say, 'If this costs me my life I will happily pay it, for what is rightfully mine.' They don't have time for these counterfeit media events. I'm sorry, there's a difference between four hour post and forfeit and speaking on international TV from Egypt to the 2# guy in Egypt, saying through tears, 'Kill me if you want, disappear me if you want, torture me if you want, we are not going to sit down until Mubarak is gone.' There's a difference between 100 people showing up to protest BP and 1 million people showing up to demand civil rights with Dr. King. They're not the same thing, and any seconds spent ranting to the media, complaining about the media, about why they're not covering those hundred people, or the thousand people, or the 500,000 overprivileged people that came here for a nice weekend and oh, by the way, I'll go to the mall for a two hour demonstration, on environmental Armageddon, and then I'll go through several of the museums, and then I'll go home, and that's the most militant I am for a year; well, the News is not that half 1 million people showed up. The news would be, it would be news if, that half a million people wouldn't go home till they won. The news is that 10 million people didn't show up. I don't chase people down, friends. If you want, if you want to trash your children's future with this selfserving delusion of grandeur and importance of our unimportant so far actions, I'm not gunna hunt you down. But I'll speak the truth as best I can, I'll share the truth as best I can, because most of you are really, essentially good people that have gotten off on a path thats spiritual death for you, and death to the 200 billion people that we could be saving right now. And maybe that's not what you want to do, and maybe you want to step out of faux activism into real activism, and I'm here for you if and when you do.

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010. I embrace that knowing, separated from doing, is the most murderous of addictions. Albert Einstein, "Those with the privilege to know, have a duty to act." I totally embrace that knowing without doing the most deadly, murderous of addictions. The most promising among us should be the devotes of DemocracyNow. But clearly their addiction is - I know therefore I am, I weep over these stories therefore I am; I'm enraged therefore I am; I condemn sanctimoniously those I deem perpetrators, therefore I am. No, I reject that. I embrace that I know and therefore act, commensurate with the horror, and therefore I am. Everything else is the most hideous embrace of hypocrisy, of over privilege. All knowledge that we afford ourselves being tremendous over-privilege versus our global neediest, the majority on the planet. If I know, it's my duty to act with all commensurate, appropriate courage. And I reject everything less, as living death. I reject that for me. I reject that for everyone that I influence. I reject that for everyone that needs my devoted, capable service as a brother or sister. Einstein paraphrase - 'Of she that has been shown much, much is required.'

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011. Secret - I Hold myself to what the masses aspire to, morally, wining them over. Yes, the price is, well, everything. The prize? Priceless. Heaven Secret strategy. The potent activists hold themselves to be the highest kind of human beings, that others involuntarily, want to be themselves. I don't know why my heart's calling it the secret strategy. We'll just leave it at that; I rarely don't listen to what my heart tells me to do. I'm not talking about some silly weak little heart, I'm talking about the massive macro processor, the 80% of our brain Einstein said we don't use. I've told you and over again, there are four movies you have to see. If you continue with this work and you haven't seen them, you really owe it to you to stop and see them now, as I keep on referencing them. The scene in the actual Freedom Rider interview, within the last year I believe, with the Kennedy administration representative, a 70 something fellow now I'd say, recounting with horror, but unfathomable admiration for the courage of Diane Nash, and the other Nashville college students. 'Sir,' Diane said, 'we understand that you're saying that were headed to our deaths. We just signed our last wills. We know what we're doing,' as she led the students going down to the mob in Alabama, that had just stopped the prior flight of freedom rides. They called out his humanity these insanely humane college students, this Kennedy rep not knowing they were doing it, him not understanding they were doing it, they called out his humanity, involuntary to him; he couldn't resist it. Someone suddenly and viciously pokes their finger toward your eye, your eye involuntarily closes. It's an involuntary reflex in him, the Kennedy admin, the Kennedys themselves, the nation, involuntarily, reflexively, our humanity was powerfully engaged, provoked, invoked, brought to bear. We have many such involuntary reflexes, and one is when we see clear, breathtaking, insanely humane behavior, all but the most crippled of us psychologically, have an involuntary reaction. It calls out that behavior from us. It calls forth the heart. This is what's going on friends. This is why when the world read a newspaper story of the row upon row upon row of thousands of people of India, walking simply to collect what was rightfully theirs, salt from their oceans, and being beaten senseless, having their groins aggressively kicked, over and over again, refusing to raise a hand to protect themselves, that the entire world stepped briefly to a higher level of humanity. It's an in involuntary reflex. And it is at the intuitive heart of why the potent activist, the Unviolent warrior, does not shield the below from the police; does not react with anger and hostility to the police; does not react with anger and hostility to the judge sentencing them to prison. These are warriors. Their weapon is their own breathtaking humanity, which is a capacity of us all, and they sense that by heroically exercising it involuntarily, they hack the heart, they hack past the defenses of the head and the flesh of their of their adversaries. It is possible that in 2012 America our shields of head and flesh around our heart are so thick and our hearts so weakened through disuse, there is the remotest possibility that this hacking, this invoking will no longer work. My studied judgment is that there's a 99.99999% chance that it will work, if specifically, 1000 people, soon, show up here in front of the Canadian Embassy, from the place of love, from the place of our highest humanity, from the place of our highest solidarity with all humanity, friend and foe, saying, 'We are simply here to collect a future for our children, through immediate legislation that ends sending them the wreckage costs for fossil warming fuels on to them, and redistributes Earth killing subsidies to future generating subsidies, as described in detail in the book Global Warming's Death. Fast. If 1000 people show up here in front of the Canadian Embassy, soon, and say that's simply what we want, we're not here to cause trouble, and if the price is our lives, you may have as many as you would like, they're happily yours, it will hack through the massive head and flesh defenses shielding the hearts

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of millions of Americans, and success is guaranteed, with the gratitude of todays millions who only years from now would say oh my God, thank you for saving us from our insanity, thank you for jumping us to a higher level of humanity from the depths that we had been sinking to these last 40, 50 years in an ever sicker and sicker America, who otherwise, we all love.

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012. I Avoid No. 1 Fatal Flaw - Hypocrisy - Root of all evil. Root of Activist Impotence. Of all these essays, of all these characteristics that I've come to know of the potent activists, there are four or five that I've highlighted as 'No., 1's.' That's a rare gift, a rare luxury, that some are such key indicators. Please understand that my daily and sometimes many times a day dashboarding of issues, time with the Personal Trainer, has been 70 such issues, characteristics, on which I reflect daily, deeply, often more, sometimes less. I'd had grown not nearly fast enough to see and embrace the death fast but for this directed "prayer" time daily, for 10 months now. Now for me, the 70 issues/characteristics of my prior tool are replaced by those that were created for this book, but they are a 90% overlap, just different words. So I'm not suggesting there are just four or five of these "No. 1's" that any of us can get by on. We can't, any more than a private pilot on instruments, like I used to be when more of an Affloholic youth, can get by on just 5 or so instruments. It's a luxury one can afford, only with certain, disaster. But it's still useful to have those key indicators. Hypocrisy is the number one killer of true activism in the last 40 years now. Hypocrisy is one of our most important words, that is among those that has been the most bastardized, the most distorted, the most lost in its useful meaning in our society. I'm not talking about a slanderous use of the word - hypocrisy. I'm not talking about a weapon the we hurl at another to hurt them, 'oh, you hypocrite,' I'm talking about a diagnosis - saying one thing and meaning another; of living that one standard applies to someone else, but that standard does not apply to oneself, and one's group. And today's activism, post 1960's activism, there is nothing more that characterizes it so well as - hypocrisy. Tragic. Revolting. Suicide. For example 'Obama, by any objective measure, you have done 99% more than any president possibly could with the lack of support, and animosity that you've received from the opposition, let alone from your supposed base, but there's still 1% that maybe by some miracle you could've got done, so you are a bum, a total failure, a sell-out to the right, in the pocket of wall street, spineless...." Now the honest activist, the real activists, would go on, well, they wouldn't have even started such a sentence, but let's say did, 'now president Obama, you are performing at a higher level on a daily basis than I do cumulatively in any five year period.' It's our hideous, evil religion among so-called activists - Hypocrisy is that religion. It's a drug, it's license because we're 'activists,' I no longer have to hold me or my associates to any standards whatsoever (EXCEPT, to hold no other activists to any standard whatsoever), but I get to hold everyone else to the highest, totally unrealistic, totally unachievable... standards. Is that how a loving mother treats her daughter? Is that how an extreme-tough-loving drill Sgt., in the movie "An Officer and Gentleman," Sgt. Foley, one of our great icons of courage and tough-love and giving, is that how he treats his recruits, holding himself to a lower standard than he holds them? The good coach, is that what they do? King, Gandhi held themselves to lower standards, but others to higher, right? Never. The Freedom Riders signed their last wills, got on the bus, held the police and the mob that was beating them to a higher standard, right? They held themselves to a higher standard, no, they held themselves to the same standard but a higher implementation of it! There are no exceptions friends. There are no potent activists who have brought long-term abiding change that held others to any other standard than they held themselves. EVER. The only 'double' part is they always, always, always... hold themselves to a higher level of compliance, a higher level of performance, to that standard, than they hold others, and the activism for the last 40 years through today, religiously does the opposite, and they wonder why the Right detests them so, and why they've been totally, totally, totally impotent for 40 years. [I take that back. The don't wonder, they just drown in the intoxication of their hateful, self-wallowing hypocrisy.] Madness. Be the end of it. Please. For yourself and for the world.

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013. I Beg nothing, Ask nothing. I Joyfully Pay the Price for what is Rightfully ours. I reject 'Charity,' the instead-of Loving, the instead-of-Solidarity. I accept what I need, never what I greed I'm simply here to collect what is rightfully ours and if the price is our life, our lives, we will happily pay it the pure and powerful form of Unviolent warfare throughout history. The potent activist never begs anything. Why? Do you go in and beg for a new car ?I mean, fine, we outgrow that by 16, don't we? Why? Because it doesn't work. Nothing of value is going to be given to an adult for begging. Shouldn't be given to a child for begging. So it's a waste of time in every other pursuit. Why, in the most important pursuit of all, activism, advocating for the well-being of those without a voice, or without access, why in that most important of pursuits, do we beg, do we whine, do we taunt, do we cajole? No, no. Raise the will among one's fellow humans., Raise the will within oneself, and walk-in willing to pay the ultimate price. It's very simple. Everything else is self-indulgent, activist masturbation, and kills time and killing time is to kill our clients. You don't want that blood on your hands. You don't want to lead others to have similar blood on their hands. Blaze our way back to sanity friends. No, begging no taunting. Raise the will, raise the price within yourself and be willing to pay it.

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014. I live in the Real world of Possibility, Probability, where I must make Miracles, a global paradigm shift, likely. It's been done before, by the Potent Activists. It's what's demanded of me, too Objectively Gandhi was a miracle worker. It was not possible that India was going to come out from underneath British rule that was massively superior militarily Wael Ghonim, and the other souls behind the Egyptian revolutionaries, were miracle workers. So was Steven Jobs; and so was Louis Pasteur. I don't mean to suggest Jobs was a miracle worker in a moral sense. In fact, we might not survive the distractive, addictive bleed by Jobs creations away from our final moments to take on the important issues of humanity. A miracle is the impossible happening, and it was impossible that a guy starting in his garage, would create the most valuable Corporation by financial wealth in the country, if not the world. It was impossible that Gandhi and then those working with him were going to throw off the British. The Egyptians throw off the brutal Mubarak regime. But that all happened. Those who did so never knew how to make it a certainty, but they were devoted to making it a certainty, and we human beings are miraculous creatures that when we set ourselves to achieve the impossible using all of our faculties, led by the heart, heart in charge, the 80% of the brain that Einstein said we didn't use, the few that step up to working miracles, have more than their share of success. The potent warriors of Unviolence are devoted to making the impossible manifest, and they develop within themselves, the capacity for vision; the courage to be willing to fail but unwilling to not try with every neuron, with every fiber of their being. There is no problem today that can't be solved, that anyone with even a small bit of heart is concerned with, that cant be solved in a relative walk, at levels of personal safety that the Egyptian revolutionaries couldn't have conceived of; with a level of technical certainty that those embarking on the moonshot moment back in '61 could've imagined; with a level of effort that is dwarfed by my fathers generation in World War II. If some step up and devote their lives to making the unlikely likely, the impossible, reality, it will happen. But mother Earth, on the most important issue, basic life support for the next 2000 generations, is keeping time; and there no more timeouts, weve use them all, and more, and there's about one second left on the clock.

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015. Do you remember the war that didn't temporarily divide bio-families, groups, friends, lovers Oh, never mind You remember the war, violent or Unviolent, that did not tear apart, families, friends, groups, lovers, organizations, right? Oh, never mind. There's never been such a thing and never will. So if those things aren't happening to you, you can be certain that you are not an Unviolent warrior, that you are not a potent activist. Similarly, if you are not finding yourself coming together with what you experience as true family, those who are devoted to the well-being of the world, every second, every breath, then that too is an indicator to you that you are not yet a potent activist, a hope for the world of any significance, because both happen, when you are a hope. Alice Paul and her sisters in prison. There are no human bonds that are as strong as the family bonds between such non biologically related people totally devoted unviolently to the righteous cause. And which Unviolent war more tore apart biological, and sanctified marriages then the fight for women's suffrage? For Gandhi there was a man who was the epitome of the Unviolent warrior, for me too, the man Jesus. ' If you pick up your cross, if you pick up the needs of our global neediest and put them on your back, it will cost you husband, wife, son, daughter, house, farms, fields, but in this life you will receive a hundredfold. And he certainly did not mean, fields and farms would be received a hundred fold, he meant, true family. This iconic Unviolent warrior, the man Jesus, for Gandhi, for me, for King, for Teresa - 'I came not to bring peace but to divide with a sword,' to divide within each, the coward from the courageous, and to temporarily, at least, divide us one from another - the courageous, those devoted out of universal love to those most in need, and putting their bodies in the way, and the cowards, our brothers and sisters all. And unless that division happens, unless those of hearts are willing to stand apart from their brothers and sisters who are not yet so blessed, who are not yet so healthy, then the potential creative tension that could save those who are not yet creatures of heart is withheld, and what could be more cruel? What could be more un-loving? What could be more deadly? Nothing. Life, the heart in charge, standing on the Truth, no matter what, for the global neediest, for all, is what Jesus devoted his life to and gave his life for, and same with King, and same with Gandhi. If you are not so standing on the truth, and in this sickest of all societies truth is what we most hate, well then, you are neither being pulled apart from your friends, your fellow activists, your biological family, most important people in your life, and nor are you a hope for other than the status quo. The status quo loves that. They'll praise you, up one side and down the other; unless youre neither, and just throwing hopeless tantrums. In his 20s, roughly, Gandhi and his wife were tremendously stressed, tremendous, tremendously pulled apart, and probably would have been fully pulled apart were it not for the customs of the age that husband and wife just did not separate. But the closeness that they had, the unity that they had later in their life could never have come about, had not Gandhi first stood the truth that no man is above his brothers, no casts were acceptable in India, for no one was it not appropriate to do the latrines. 'I came not to bring peace but to divide with a sword,' Jesus said. 'If you pick up your cross, [advocacy for, life on the line for our neediest], and follow me it will cost you husband, wife, son, daughter, houses, fields, farms, and persecutions, but it will give you a hundredfold [true Family] in this lifetime.' And S. Loving here, his life, his path this last 13 years is a 100% testament to all of this. The potent activists were the great healers. In the beginning they divided like a surgeon divides flesh, and by the end of their process they had brought about mass healing. For many wounds there's no mass healing, without a surgical divide, and then the healing begins. Stand on the truth of what's right for humanity in these times. It will divide initially, as a human birth

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divides initially, within the woman, and then the healing begins, for a much greater possibility. Be what the world needs you to be. Pay the enormous price joyfully, and we just might give a future to the next 2000 generations.

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016. Im Antidote to AFFLOHOLISM. It is mass addiction, insanity. I cut through it, for me, for all.
[GWD.F.] It has always been mass insanity that is the source of our mass atrocities. I don't mean in some superficial clich sense. I mean the insanity of addiction. The insanity of Affloholism, the altered mental state where instead of a broad field of view, including humanity, it narrows to deadly, confined, personal interests. Teams of psychologists descended on Germany after the war, expecting to document the ogres, expecting to document the vile, evil, crazy people in Germany, that prior to the war was easily among the world's most of civilized, educated, liberal, devoted to the arts, literate nations. And the results of the studies were clear and consistent - these are normal people, the studies indicated. These were nice, normal people like us. I've known that for decades . What hit me only recently was that we people that are considered nice and normal, in our modern-day society, do horrible atrocious things. It is normal, quote normal, in people considered normal, western societies considered normal, in this modern-day world, to do en masse, incredibly atrocious things; and let's not allow ourselves the intellectual dishonesty of saying, 'well whose doing the Holocaust today?' You, by not standing up and putting your body in the way of the genocidal, global warming, are doing on a scale what Hitler never would've dreamed he could do on such a scale. To stop it requires - shocking, and for a problem of this nature, affloholism, as for alcoholism, it is exposure to such shockingly heroic human health, human love, human selflessness, human giving, human courage that it shocks awake that part of the addicted, otherwise criminally insane, criminally Affloholic, criminally addicted parties. There is no other way. There's no other diagnosis, and you would want there to be? This is to say that the way to cure this, is to become a ragingly healthy human being yourself, to become a Gandhi, King, Jesus an Oscar Romero, a Teresa of Calcutta, a Rachel Corrie, a Diane Wilson. King, Gandhi, Jesus, ignoring the hideous dogma of the so-called church, were emphatic that we were all born to be that sort of person; just like every cell in your body is a heroic entity. 40 billion a day self-terminating, apoptosis it's called, for the well-being of your body. This is what were born to do, this is what life is, this is where joy is. That were lost this in this society does not change our biology. You must be the cure, your example must be the cure, and what a joyful path for you. This is the end time, this is Armageddon. What's unclear about Armageddon is how it turns out. Will it be the death of the evil mass infecting our spirit - our Affloholism? Will it be the beginning of the end of our Affloholism or will our Affloholism finally be the end of the human species, as well as half or more of the species on Earth? You will decide this. If it's to be, it's up to thee. It's always been mass addiction, good people who were mass-addicted to promised material gains, in Germany. What if a thousand people, what if 10,000 what if 100,000 had gone on death strike, death fast, in 1930 and 1932? The lives of tens of millions would have been saved. The misery of 10's of millions would have been saved. Your action or continued cowardly inaction will make more difference now, than any human's behavior in any time up till now, or any human behavior in the future. The point of bifurcation, the turning point, the final destruction or final resurrection from the dead, from Affloholism that has been our religion, and our pursuit, will be determined by you, and me, now. If it's to be, it's up to thee.

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017. No. 1 Indicator: I'm Entirely Heart Force - Invoking, Inspiring, Modeling the Same. Yes Gandhi, ALL hope is here. All else will follow [Added to vid text] Friends, the true, potent activist, the INSHE Warrior, is in the miracle business. Huh? Well, think about it - ousting Mubarak was a miracle, impossible, objectively, truly. As were every major human rights struggle won you or I can think of. Not some metaphysical miracle, an objective, the impossible made to happen, miracle. This is the work that needs to be done, and this is what the True activists throughout history have devoted themselves to. The miracle business. The part of our nervous system, head and flesh, these are so primitive, so weak, they are not the place of miracles. Oh, they have a major role to be sure. But Miracles, when they come, regardless of the field, come not from our Head or Flesh, but from our Heart, the 80% of the nervous system Einstein observed we don't use - the seat of intuition, vision, unity, solidarity, conscience, wisdom, insight, courage... [Vid transcription resumed] All warfare is a psychological, wars of violence, wars of Unviolence. Whoever wins in the psyche wins the war. In wars of violence when the opposing forces in their within their nervous system, decide they've had enough, they 'surrender.' In wars of unviolence, like in the civil rights movement, when the Kennedys, when the citizens the United States, decided they'd witnessed enough undeserved suffering, that they'd seen enough suffering, they didn't surrender, they 'converted' to the new way of being, more in solidarity, brotherhood, sisterhood... than before. Humanity exercised, and expanded. The battle of violence, which is to violate that which is the other's, to bring them to submission. The battle of violence is directed at the head and the flesh of the nervous system of the opponent. It is designed to cause the head and the flesh to submit; the head to see that no more suffering made sense ,no more destruction is acceptable; the flesh to find itself unwilling to bear any more pain. All Unviolent warfare worthy of the name ,with the promise of success, is directed from the heart to the heart. A wonderful line from Gandhi movie Gandhi "I'm asking you to fight, to fight against their anger, not to provoke it." He was all about conversion, being what the world needed to be, and converting people to that view through largely through his example of selflessness, otherishness, giving of self, that is the language of the heart. The heart only knows community; the heart only knows universal solidarity; the heart only knows universal love. And the Potent Activist, being of the heart, those observing, often cannot help but have their own hearts aroused, engaged and exercised and then the battle is two thirds won. The weapons of the Unviolent warriors ,self-immolation, hunger strike , death fast, done from the heart , today it's the death fast, are the bunker busters of the heart, when done from the heart. The heart does not know physical violence. It does not know how to do it. It's only knows that it's wrong. The heart is the highest form of human intelligence, is the only seat of courage, it is only universal, never conditional. The entire focus of the Unviolent warrior is to always have their own heart, in charge, and to be in a way that invokes the heart, which is sanity, the only sanity, in the apparent opponent. And that's not to say that Hitler would've been converted; that's not to say that Canadas Prime Minister, Harper would be converted; or George Bush or Dick Cheney. That doesn't matter. The onlookers are what matter. Converting enough of the onlookers, and some of the opponents. It appears that in apartheid South Africa, was de Klerk, was converted. To some degree, the British in India were converted. To a profoundly degree, racist Americans were converted by the heart directed, heart targeted, Unviolent warfare of the respective Unviolent warriors.

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Unviolent warriors are not people of metal masturbation. They're not people of self-indulgence of the flesh, they don't have time. Because their hearts are engaged, not their head and their flesh, their hearts are devoted every waking breath to the needs of those with whom they are in solidarity -= those who are suffering, those who are tortured, those who are at risk of death. 'Gandhi what is it you're counting on, what is what is it you're trying to leverage?' Heart force. Satyagraha, Soul force, Truth force. 'What do you mean by that Gandhi.' 'I mean the love of mother for her child.' That's the love that engages the Unviolent warrior, and that's the love that the Unviolent warrior attempts to engage in the opponent, and when it's engaged, 99% of the battle is won. The rest is details, and outcomes that just happen when the Hearts are engaged, like spring flowers follow rain.

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018. I run toward, I'm One with, the Emergency, Every Breath. This is the source of Power, and Joy, and Life Let's not be silly. The most powerful force that we know of in the universe is the human being, but not under all circumstances is that power manifest, available, possible. What is the condition under which the maximal power is released? Think of your own life. Is it a. When you're quivering with hunger passing a restaurant you like, b. when you see a male or a female that is everything you ever wanted, or c. when someone that you're connected with emotionally is in life or death health crisis, life or death need, and depends upon you for their help? It's C, correct? By a quantum order of magnitude. So guess what all of the potent activists intuitively know, and or benefit from? That truth - that life is only found in the face of emergency; we are only fully alive, we are only fully brought to bear, we are only fully activated, our hearts only fully engaged and therefore our head and our flesh only fully tasked, when we are in the face of emergency with which our heart is engaged. So intuitively the potent warriors live there, every waking second, and when one emergency they've been drawn to is solved, they're instantly onto the next one, instantly. It's a matter of enlightened greed, for the life, joy, life-giving, and joy-giving of it. And it's a matter of awareness of where their usefulness comes from. Are they going to be off-line, a relatively useless, powerless lump of flesh, or they going to become the most powerful force in the universe, a full agent of the Creator, the Creators Son or Daughter, by being switched on, by being in the face of the most dire human emergency that they can reach in time with skills with which they have a chance of being helpful . Its the latter friends. Do the same, for the enlightened greed of it. And for the hope for humanity, because away from that power source, you can feed your head and your flesh, but away from that power source you'll be nothing but a help to the status quo, evidence of the status quo, a fact on the ground of the status quo is preferable to living for our brothers and sisters. And thats exactly what all of humanity is dying from now. Is that really what you want to be, an agent of the status quo? Because you don't have a choice - you will be one or the other depending upon whether you, as all the INSHE warriors throughout history, live in the face of the emergency. Plant yourself there, shielding the innocents, or allow yourself time away, which the heart doesn't want any more than the flesh wants to be away from the world's the world's greatest free food banquet. You cant escape being an agent for one of the other. But you can make a deliberate choice, and become the fulfillment of that choice.

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019. I'm an Antidote to - Profound Failure of Imagination [GWD.F.] I totally didn't see this until last week. Some kind and relatively good hearts in Occupy have been providing some level of support to this death fast, and as I've gotten to know them, what maybe I thought was the one and only hallmark of true activism, the absence of all cowardice, the presence of all love, came clear to me is not the only issue, to true activism, to activism that is has hope, that has potency. Because in two individuals three, actually, that I can think of, I don't find any significant amount of cowardice, but in recognizing that they're still not grasping the clear need for the death fast, another factor hit me - profound lack of imagination in the people of today. I hesitate to raise his name because such a loose cannon, maybe Alzheimer's now, addle headed, but used to do some important work. James Lovelock, father of the Gaia theory, worked for NASA for years, a Britt. In one of his books spoke of how, the reason we would not overcome global warming, was because we were not mentally capable of responding to such a slow-motion threat. A colorless, odorless gas. That certainly is on the lines of what I'm finding here, a profound lack of imagination. Everything has an effect, and the more that high-tech media, movies, television, handheld media, computers have filled our nervous systems, it has displaced the opportunities for imagination, and our circuits for imagination have dramatically atrophied. These two bright souls at Occupy that I reference, are among our most hopeful in terms of their evident capacities, and even they fundamentally lack the intellectual and moral imagination to see and fully grasp yet this unfolding Armageddon, Armageddon for the youth of today, Armageddon squared each succeeding generation. They're unable to see. I was about to say I'm unable to articulate it, but, there are dozens that have tried. Are there 10 in the world, are there 10 in this country, with the moral and intellectual imagination see this unfolding horror? The evidence that they have, or not, will be in their behavior, they'll come and join the death fast, or not. Yes, maybe they'll invent something better, that is extremely unlikely. They'll come and join. The evidence so far is there are not such, there are not 10. There are those that see it well enough to write about it, but the way you can tell someone actually sees is by their behavior and no one is behaving as though they see the impending horror, maybe Jim Hansen a little bit. The way to overcome a fundamental lack of imagination is to exercise, the way to overcome the inability to climb mount McKinley or mount Everest, is to fundamentally exercise the abilities to do so. So, unless some people choose to deliberately and appropriately exercise their imagination, and do it rapidly, they will not be able to appropriately respond. They will not be able to join the death fast with joy, for the joy of it, for the euphoria of seeing how to avert the horror that they, in their imagination, based on the science, have seen. Everything depends upon some people developing moral imagination. I'll run the risk here of opening myself to even more ridicule and criticism than normally I do. If the Gospels are at all correct, virtually no one had the moral imagination to understand what Jesus was about and what Jesus was doing until after his death. There is the remotest possibility that after my death, among one or three or five, it may, it may spark the beginnings of that imagination. Death fast is the only way to stop global warming in time, and what a wonderful way, what a cheap, inexpensive weapon. A thousand of us with our life on the line will stop it, and most of us won't be allowed to die. The most powerful, most effective, least deadly weapon in history. If there aren't a thousand today, it might be that the number will begin to grow, as the impending doom becomes more evident, and maybe, as my example is one they ponder after my death.

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020. Im as Stubborn as the Truth Very, very, very Stubborn. The Truth, not 'my' truth. The truth is, NOTHING isn't a Family Matter for me. NOTHING Yes, INSHE warriors, the potent activists throughout history, are consummately stubborn. Theyre consummately unreasonable. They're not doing what is considered reasonable in their society, or they wouldn't be agents of change, as we know them, right? They weren't there to be stubborn about keeping the status quo. And they weren't there to change the status quo, except that it was a sick, evil, counter to human health and well-being status quo. But they were exactly as stubborn as the truth of what their fellow humans really needed, no more so, no less so. Just as the good mother is really, really, really stubborn about her bio-kids eating the right foods, getting enough sleep these Truly human health needs. The INSHE Warriors are the world expert momma bears of both physical, psychological, spiritual health of their cubs, all of humanity. Freedom Riders unmistakably spoke through their actions it's true that I should have a seat in this white waiting room. That truth wasnt ever going to go away within them, and therefore they werent ever going to give up, be distracted, dissuaded, intimidated.. That truth was stubborn. That's how stubborn I'm gonna be, they said. That's how stubborn I am, because Ive got my heart in charge. That's the part of the nervous system that, it's all about truth. It doesn't know how, when it sees truth, to not stand against truths violation, and when it doesn't see truth, but senses something is very wrong, it doesnt know how to not go discover the relevant truth, not metaphysical truth, the human Truth, of what's conducive to human, individual, and societal well-being, as best it can be known. Yes, the potent warriors of nonviolence are eminently stubborn, but no more, and no less, than the truth is stubborn. Think about it.

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021. I'm an antidote to the cowardly, insane inaction of the Left, and therefore, an antidote to the Right's hatred of that. 'It is duty to provoke a response.' Gandhi paraphrase The one thing that Gandhi could abide less than anything else was cowardice, inaction. Which is more guilty of that, the left or the right in the United States? The left, hands down. Remember the Tea Party, our brothers and sisters all? The insanely greedy on the right and the corporations they are acting for what they want. Every day. They're not whining, they're not begging, they're not cajoling. They're acting forthrightly to a significant degree. So, trappings of true, potent activism are seen on the right and almost never seen on the left. Writing e-mails for the seventh year in a row, writing articles for the eighth year in a row, is nothing more than activist masturbation that has no trappings of courage. That has no trappings of true, potent activism. Trapping of true, potent activism are seen far more on the right than they are on the left in the last 40 years, and is it any wonder that the right detests the left their cowardice? So would Gandhi. Show us the way out of this insanity; this deadly, soon terminal cowardice.

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022. I'm ever Mindful of Major Historical Models including - Iron Jawed Angels, Freedom Riders (both), Tipping Point; Gandhi, MLK Jr, Jesus, Teresa, Bonhoeffer [GWD.F.] Friends in each of these video logs, in the description, are links to my two primary blogs. When you go to either you will see a tab labeled library, including well over 100 of the world's greatest books, movies, audio books relevant to Unviolent warfare and environmental Armageddon, all the contents of which I've studied, often many times, working the information into my atomic structure, and you need to do the same. Most of them have been studied by me for years. Yet, I was unprepared, as it turns out, to fight this fight until four videos that I saw over the last month or so. Shocking. I wouldn't have guessed there was more crucial stuff to see. They're all listed in that library in no particular order - Tipping Point, on the tar sands in Alberta, World War III''s Auschwitz; Iron Jawed Angels; and then two videos to do with the freedom rides of 1961 - one, a PBS documentary called Freedom Riders, and the other a companion program done by Oprah, a one hour and half series of interviews with the freedom riders that survive today. Shockingly powerful, shockingly insightful. Tipping Point is an hour and a half CBC documentary on the tar sands. Tar sands are a subject I've known well and studied over recent years. I wouldn't have guessed there was more for me to know. James Cameron was involved in this, the infinitely wealthy Canadian creator of the movie "Avatar," and others. Dr. James Schindler, who is the scientist who has been the bane of industry time after time, forcing the exposure of killing, killing toxins that were put in the environment acid rain, phosphates. The indigenous Canadians of Athabasca. Footage of the tar sands. Next to actual footage from Hades this film is the most horrifying, demonic sight. It gave me an experience that nothing else has, quite amazingly, and you need the experience as well. It shows bold face the rank clinical insanity that happens among people when they see the opportunity to make $2 trillion. People can be driven crazy by $100 and kill for it, right? $1000, $10,000. Correct diagnosis is 90, 99% of the cure; I think that's well-known in medical circles. And it's true here as well. We have a mass insanity problem, among the perpetrators like Harper and his government, and the now millionaires and to be billionaires from the tar sands that are funding and supporting him against the wishes of most Canadians, but they haven't found the guts yet to standup and throw out these subhuman, Affloholic creatures, our brothers and sisters all. But among the rest of us as well, they're killing our children and we're standing and watching. Tipping Point is instrumental, you must see it, you cannot fight, you cannot live, you cannot be alive without this monumental view. It must've cost the producers their jobs at CBC. It's a tremendously heroic effort on their part. It must be seen. Iron Jawed Angels was recommended to me by a young perspective Iron Jawed Angel Lizzie, University of Pittsburgh, who I met at the Thomas's White House peace vigil years ago. She more recently contacted me. I noticed on her Facebook page an admiration for Alice Paul, whose name I didn't know. I've long known that I had a blind spot, with one important Unviolent group of warriors - the women suffragists and I've wanted to close gap and with just that movie, which was an HBO special, it obviously was a labor of Love, by the prominent actresses that perform in it. It strikes me as historically correct, but I know that it is psychologically accurate. And I can no longer think even among all the movies that I've treasured and profited from and learned by, I can no longer think of any movie besides freedom riders that so correctly depicts what an activist is, what activism is, what Unviolent warfare is, what it means to be the change that the world needs to be, Gandhi said. And then the final two which are companions, and they are both must see, are the PBS special Freedom

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Riders, based on the book by that name, which if I lived long enough, I would want to study. But the movie is just stunning. It's largely live footage of the time of the freedom rides and its live interviews with the survivors. It's extraordinarily stunning. These are the most magnificent human beings, it is the most magnificent show of Unviolent war that I can think of, live footage - the training, the thinking, the characters, the courage, the impact, the galvanizing effect of near perfect unviolent warfare on the Kennedy administration, it's electrifying to hear a representative of that administration - he was there, he was clubbed, he was beaten. He attempted to rescue, he attempted to stop the second wave - "Young lady," he said to Diane Nash, a leader of the second wave of College students that said, 'no, we're not on going to our final exams, the bus rides will be completed. "Young lady, don't you know you're going to get someone killed?" " Sir," she says to this representatives of the Kennedys, who speaks to us on the film, "we all signed our last wills last night sir, we know exactly what were doing." With that, civil rights went from the bottom of the Kennedys agenda to the top, and to the top of Americas agenda. It was a lightning bolt, and it took it to the top of the national agenda. The near and perfect form, the powerful form of Unviolent warfare - We're here to claim what is rightfully ours, in that case a seat in a whites only waiting room, and if the price is our life, we will happily pay it. There is no other move like this. You have to see it. And what seemed untoppable, still demands that the Oprah special be seen, because there are additional interviews, additional footage. And here. All four are in both blogs, in the library. We just can't be this stupid, this ignorant, anymore friends. We don't have time to reinvent the wheel. This isn't the time for bottom-up originality. This is the time for standing on the shoulders of giants. You can't fight; you can't live, without seeing these four, and then get others to see them.

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023. I'm Entirely Subordinate to the End Goal, every nano-second; otherwise, no creative tension Can you imagine Gandhi executing a tactic without a clear understanding of how it is the best possible path to the goal? I can't. Can you imagine Gandhi doing anything that wasn't explicitly his best understanding of how to achieve the overarching goal he was after? Inconceivable. If you at all studied the civil rights movement, the workers with King, it seems there was never a time when they executed a tactic for the purpose of executing a tactic, or for the purpose of ranting, or for the purpose of expressing their rage. It was always their best, deep understanding of the best way of moving to the goal they were trying to achieve. You can't watch the movie, Iron Jawed Angels and reach a different conclusion. You can't watch Freedom Riders and reach a different conclusion. Can you imagine an activists in the last 40 years, can you imagine activism in the last 40 years, that held themselves to strategies and tactics that had a clear path to the goal? I can't, except Diane Wilson, and a few others I mention, the exceptions to the Rule. The difference couldn't be more stark. So-called activists of the last 40 years act, they to do something. They've really already accepted defeat; they really already accepted that they're not going to win, so they resign themselves to doing something, anything. What? How could we figure out how to put a man on the Moon, but not be able to figure out how to unviolently achieve a goal, when Gandhi did, women suffragists did, when the Egyptian revolutionaries did, when the forces opposed to apartheid in South Africa did? This is suicide. Real activism does nothing except that it is the best, clear path to the goal. If they don't see a clear path to the goal, they dwell deeper. Now, this is not to say that they never act until they see a perfect path to the goal. They never see a perfect path to the goal. Until they win they always realize they probably won't. But they never sacrifice the advantage of not using the highest human capacities of starting with the end in mind, starting with the goal in mind, and holding every breath, every effort, every moment to being the best steps they can imagine toward achieving that goal. And that never happens anymore. If they held themselves to the rigor of real activism, today's activists would never flit from cause to cause to cause. What is that? They'd look at 90% of their actions and say, 'wait a minute, we are being what we want to see in the world? I don't think so. More tirades, more tantrums, more ranting, more laziness, more self-indulgence. really? Thats what we want to see in the world? Really???' Actually those that haven't gone as deep as they might, are stuck right where my generation was, which is what brought on this whole mess; that somehow life should be free. It isn't for the farmer. It wasn't for the indigenous populations in this world. It isn't for your opposition - they work 14, 15, 16 hrs. a day for what they want. Entropy wins by default. The strongest counterforce to the entropy, the hardest working force in the universe, is the Unviolent warrior, never resting, always constructing with great valor, exhaustion, discipline, metal rigor the world they want to see. And every step, every effort is carefully directed toward that end that they have mind. That never happens today. You're doomed, unless you turn that around. You can do it, but you have to do it now, or you're doomed.

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024. I Speak with my Life, Rejecting Language for being too weak, except to explain my Actions, my Life. 'My Life is my Message,' and, 'be the change,' Gandhi said How many books did Gandhi write? How many talks did he give? How many papers? How many articles? Many and many. Yet, the inscription at the base of his magnificent, moving statue in front of the Indian Embassy here in DC on Massachusetts Avenue around about 21st, is, "My life is my message." Language is far too little, far too late, and far too cheap. Real activism, the insanely humane warriors like Gandhi, weren't there to play, they were there to use the strongest weapons, the strongest means of communication, the strongest means of communicating, to hitting the heart, known - that's behavior, that's paying the price with one's life, that's establishing the price with one's life, voting with every breath. Gandhi, et al, explain with words, but they don't make the mistake of thinking that their words have 1/10, 1/100th, the weight of their actions. They know that their words are too little too late. And the activism of the last 40 years is exactly the opposite - devotion to getting the words right, devotion to getting the media coverage, the right message. For what? For what? The news isn't that this past fall, several thousand people showed up, maybe 5000, maybe 10,000 to circle the White House. The news isn't that this fall, thousands of people showed, up hundredths, maybe 1000 over the course of two weeks submitting themselves to a paltry four hour post and forfeit arrest. The news is that it wasn't 10,000 going to prison for life; the news is that it wasn't 1000 on death strike, on death fast in front of the Canadian Embassy. This inflated, ridiculous ahistorical sense that the right words are worthy of news coverage, that the right lip service is worthy of news coverage - this is suicide friends; and it's genocide to the 200 billion people's lives that depend on what we do right now. This is insanity. My generation that caused it isn't gonna suffer the consequences. The young forever will. You've got to learn friends. Throw off our example; we've been giving you nothing but bad example for the last 40 years. Go deeper, look at the Egyptian revolutionaries, the civil rights workers, the women suffragists, the Indian freedom fighters of Gandhi's day. The Unviolent warrior learn from history friends, not recent history (throw that out, its garbage, selfmasturbatory garbage, throw it out. Hurry). The language that has hope is the language of the body which is the visual language, that done out of love, done out of discipline, done unviolently, that is violating no one else's rights, is the only way to hack our problem, which is our cold, dead hearts, and restart them. You can't escape speaking with your life. If you're doing two hours worth of active activism a day and 12 hours of kind of hanging out, don't think that's not what is seen. If you're working a nice comfortable nonprofit job and stepping out to demonstrate a couple times a year, don't think that's not what people see. Your life is what they're seeing, you can't escape that. But you can escape the trap of having your life not be what you want to see in the world. You can have your life be what you want to see in the world. And if it's a tremendous amount of change that constructing a new future requires, then let your life be a show that. That's what speaks to other people. You can't escape speaking to other people with your most powerful weapon, your life. What you can escape is saying the wrong, counterproductive, self-defeating, self-dooming, future-dooming things with it. Make it so.

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025. In mine, the real world, everything has consequences, personal responsibility, personal accountability. What I do, and don't do, matters. You can't escape that either In my world, the real world, there is nothing within my sphere of potential action, which has no consequence, for which I have no responsibility, or accountability. Every breath I'm given, every second I'm given, as a capable being, which as a human I am, I'm accountable to my human body - everyone alive today and everyone in the future. I'm accountable for every second, and the times in my life that I've diverged from that, are the times that I've not been alive. Being alive is not running from that accountability, but embracing it. I matter. I'm a capable individual. What I do has consequences. Can I control outcomes never, ever, that prevailing illusion is not the truth of how life works. Can I control what I attempt? Absolutely if I choose to, if I choose to develop those capabilities to do so. Does everything I do change the probability of outcomes? Everything I do changes the probability of outcomes. I can do nothing to make outcomes certain; I can never avoid changing the probability with what I do or don't do. And I love this friends, this is where life is; we matter to the outcomes. Every breath we do. There are two books that must be read if one wants to understand the best thats understood about our psychology, which is where we live, the only world we ever can touch, our inner world; the easier of the two is Man's Search for Meaning, [Alfred Adlers Individual Psychology, the other], right in the title is another way of saying what I'm saying. Victor Frankel, a survivor of the death camps in World War II made a study of people in the death camps, and he was an inmate, and he saw as maybe no one has before or since, that the single most important thing that the human being needs to be alive is meaning; Human meaning; meaning to the lives of others, vision of an important path to maybe help others. We all have that, so I misspoke the opportunity to help others. What's needed to be alive, is an embrace of that every second, passionate embrace that it matters what I do. It matters what the heart beating in my chest does. If it decides to take a second off, I'm dead. If I is your brother decided to take a second off, 'Oh, I'm not really responsible. There's not really any accountability or consequence for me taking the evening off,' that's simply not true. Everything has a consequence. So did I just imply that there is no second that I should use to relax? Well that's true, if it's true that I don't need to maintain my mental health to serve, that it's all right if I recklessly burn myself out; and that's not true, its not ok. It's not okay if I recklessly burn myself out; it's not okay if the heart beating in my chest goes on some reckless rant and burns itself out. No, there are consequences to that. But consequences, accountability, responsibility, embracing that, friends, that's the only place Life, the feeling of being fully alive, comes from. Think of all of our Unviolent warriors throughout history that were of consequence. They embraced their responsibility, they didn't run from it, as we have the last 40 years. What living death. They had no part of our beloved irresponsibility, and illusion that we can do what we wish with no consequence to others. They had not time for such delusion, and you shouldn't either. And most important you should stop leading others around you to that living death.

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026. I'm a 'Leader SERVANT' - holding, spreading, maintaining, and channeling Creative Tension, that INSHE's flock to, and others flee

Same as GWD.F We're taught to run from tension, in this society, aren't we? Tension is bad! There is such a thing as destructive tension, anxiety, too much stress. But, Dr. King, the first reference I've seen with the notion of creative tension, said nothing positive happens without creative tension. A young doctor is on a country road and she comes over the top of a hill and sees splayed out in front of her a horrific airliner crash, bodies lying all over the field. She's instantly infused with creative tension - a horrible situation on the one hand and the awareness that she has the skills to ameliorate some of that suffering on the other. And were she a coward, she would flee the scene, but she became a doctor to help humanity. So instead, she embraces that creative tension and that's the energy that drives her to sheroic, ceaseless, courageous, effective, brilliant, inspired effort, and results. Rather than turning away from, looking at the horrific treatment by society of people who looked like him, Dr. King and those working with him turned to squarely face the horror of what was being done and in doing so thy caused the creative tension - of the horror, on the one hand, and the remedy - techniques they begin to learn and re-learn from Gandhi, from Jesus, from other sources of wisdom, on the other. They began, they refused to not have an answer, they refused to not be an answer, and by, on the one hand, turning and facing the horror, turning and running toward the emergency, their nervous system mobilized and they began to see how they could stop it, and they became volcanoes of creative tension. And by holding that, and maintaining that tension within themselves, those in their circle with any humanity at all began to be infected by the same creative tension and a level of humanity and creativity and contribution and output and courage and perseverance that the world has rarely seen, was the consequence, was unleashed. And so was the cycle of the young people into Tahrir Square, in Egypt, that unlike their parents who for 30 or 60 years had turned away from the horror, they turned and faced it, and began to develop the other pole of creative tension which is - here's how we can fight it, here's how we could win it, and maintain that creative tension. And the whole world became infected with it to a degree, and came into solidarity. The function of a leader is to cause that creative tension to build and be maintained within themselves, and to channel it, and thereby to help build, maintain it in others and to channel it in others. So says Dr. King. So says MITs Peter Senge, The Fifth Discipline, So says any honest experience you have had of such creative tension, and where it came from. The individual and the group holding within themselves, squarely facing the horror on the one hand of the current circumstance, and the divine joy of, the relief for totally ameliorating horror, they could bring about, in the other. Holding, maintaining, channeling Creative Tension is the stuff of miracles; the stuff of True Leadership, INSHE Warriors. This is the stuff of the divine, this is the stuff of our highest humanity, this is what would save the future of all humanity in a relative walk, effort wise, versus World War II, and a relative 'walk' technological development wise versus the moonshot. Leadership is the creation, first in oneself and then spreading to others and the maintaining and channeling of creative tension. Leadership is not subordination of others, domination of others, exploitation of others. It's what Jesus said - 'The greatest among you is the greatest servant all.' Being the first or among the first to turn and face the horror, the emergency of others, and to begin to figure out the solution is the greatest service that one human being can provide to another. Sometimes it's lonely, no, it's almost always lonely, sometimes you get crucified for it. Sometimes you get abandoned for a long time. But if you align yourself with the truth of the human need, facing the horror, your nervous

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system will begin to figure out what to do. The creative tension in you will build. And if the one in a million in this society that still has substantial human health comes by you, they will begin to be infected. There has never been another way to bring massive change to humanity. Its how the human nervous system, individual and collective works, when it works miracles. That's the path. Get on with it ,for the joy of it. For the life of it. For the life, for the future of 200 billion of our brothers and sisters, including your own children.

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027. Fiercely, Scrupulously selective of with whom I work. Like a surgical team. Less is betrayal of All Okay so your beloved daughter has made the Olympic relay team and you just found out that the particular coach of her team has just defied all convention and decided (btw, bear in mind that you and her worked her entire a life to get her to this point), I coach a day before the Olympic race is to be run, has singularly decided that inclusiveness is to be a primary goal, and he's going to replace various team members. Your daughter will stay on with those of different ethnicities, religions what not. You're delighted right? No, you're not. Your son needs brain surgery. You selected a crack surgical team. An hour before the surgery, you're told, you know, we just decided that inclusiveness is a really high priority for us, so two thirds of our crack team were replacing with people of lesser capability, so that were more balanced ethnically, religiously, racially. I'm sorry. Please if you can explain to me what is a more critical, crucial function to the survival of the human species, and the avoidance of untold suffering, then the discipline of so-called activism, that it should be, as it used to be practiced prior to the 1970's, and with a few exceptions since then. You can't. This is the discipline of the pure, insanely humane fighters for humanity. There's no more sacred, no more demanding, no more specialized discipline requires as much grasp of the human condition, mastering of the issues with which its concerned, mastering abilities to communicate, and by some irresponsible, amoral self-indulgence, we decided that all gas at the sign same time, will undertake the most critical crucial thing in the world, and not competence, will determine who's on the team, but willingness, interest, if only fleeting, showing up, feeling like it.... This is not a discussion about who's our brother and sister. This is not a discussion about we would fight for or protect. This is a discussion of who will fight alongside for the populations that should be worth our lives given for, who argue from us every possible advantage if we claim to be fighting for their well-being. Yes I have my beloved brothers and sisters. About the only group I have any hope for in Occupy DC in mind. I don't deny your right to place is your highest priority hanging out with a large inclusive group. But I do advise you to be honest with yourselves, and to state that is your goal, and state your goal falsely, first to your selves, because your behavior makes clear it is not eliminating citizens United, not averting climate Armageddon, but hanging together a diverse group. I think that's insanity, because if you don't avert climate Armageddon, these are the last couple of years that inclusiveness will ever be a consideration. Survival be the only consideration for the next 2000 generations. But I don't deny at some level you have the right. But you do not have the right to confuse the issue, to detract from the other groups you purport to be in favor of, you purport to fight for in a way that holds more than zero promise, by saying otherwise with your behavior. If any of you find that you have a goal other than the primary goal being inclusiveness, then you must out of duty and obligation to those you claim to serve and care about, be immensely selective on it up as to whom is on your team. Now deep, yearning desire is about 90% of the qualification of the potent activists, because we're such amazing creatures, when on fire, we quickly figure out the rest. We quickly learn the rest. WHEN ON FIRE. So I'm neither saying they should all be PhD's or none be PhD's. I'm not saying they should all be proven 40-year-old activists or that they shouldn't all be 16-year-olds, that's unclear. But their 100% dedication, clarity, their preparedness to be cohesive in the strategy, is paramount, and you are simply lying to yourself and others if anything besides inclusiveness is your issue, if it is anywhere near the top of your issues. And you are also lying to yourself and others that you're a potent activist if you there is any

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group, if there's any individual the potentially on Earth or in the future, you wouldn't give your life for. Potent activists are unconditionally loving and there is nothing in all the universal so conditional with time, resources team members rules on critical matters..., as unconditional love.

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028. The Living, Objective, Urgent, Moral Truth is the Cornerstone of my every action, breath, and hope. Gandhi's 'Truth Force.' The Cornerstone of Creative Tension' So you're a world-renowned Dr., and someone you think the world of, who you would give your life for, has a disease, and so far it's un-diagnosable, no one knows what it is. What is your every fiber now focused on? Discovering the truth of that disease, correct? What it is, how it functions, how can be stopped, how it can be cured. This is the potent activist, friend. This is the INSHE warrior, just as all hope, all strength, all power, all focus for that Dr. was on the truth, so it is, always, for the potent activist. Knowing the truth of the moral lapse, of the moral breach, that is causing the pain that they are dedicated to bring justice to. Understanding the human dynamics that would allow such a breach to exist, and therefore the truth of how to cure it. And as they learn that truth they become the embodiment of it, the expresser of it, the live instrument of it, the speaker of it, the actor on it. If you find a potent activist, you find a devote to the truth, as truth is the only power source, the only basis on which justice can be brought. It is the entire basis, on which justice, on which remedy, on which what's right can be brought. Become such a person. This is why Gandhi said, as inscribed on his beautiful statue in front of the Indian Embassy, there is one thing, and one thing only for which the person should immediately be willing to sacrifice their life, the truth. And of course he meant, the truth of what brings the well-being of the individual, of the group, and of humanity. Be that change we need to see in the world.

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029. One word accounts for how we INSHE warriors are centrally different, we unviolent warriors, potent activists - 'Now' Just the other day, after speaking with someone to rightly credited among the world's most immense and accomplished in knowledge of the impending environmental Armageddon, who had at no level could grasp the death fast, I reflected upon what I know of the Unviolent warriors throughout history, the Unviolent change agents, that had seemingly brought about miracles of change. And it hit me that there is one word that distinguishes these miracle workers from the others, who often had been working longer on the issues, than they had. 'Now.' Now, is that word. When Alice Paul came on the scene back in 1917 or so, there was a long established women's suffrage group in DC; elite women, women of money, women of some level of education, who had been working the issue, having meetings, having meetings with the president, from long time. Some of them were probably as intelligent as Alice, but they didn't have, in fact they were horrified by, what Alice had; which was, 'now.' No, it's not to be another year that our daughters don't have the right to vote. Yes, I understand that WWI is raging. I understand the opposition that people that would have to raising another issue at a time of War, the violent opposition. "Now," we are not waiting any longer, our daughters are not waiting any longer. We are not going to wait any longer. This was the Egyptian revolutionaries last year - we don't even see how to win! We are not waiting any longer. 'Now.' I handful of people. My problem is not the violent racists. My problem is the good people, that say, yes, your issue is true, is just, is righteous, but not now, not so fast, take time, dont be so aggressive. MLK Jr paraphrase. As far as I know in this country in the 30s, 40s, 50s, a handful of people who were black, stood up as a human being should stand, knowing full well the price that they would likely pay, and they did, getting lynched. 'Now.' I'm not going to wait to be a man. I'm not gunna wait to be a woman. Now. The 30 students in college in Nashville - 'We're not going to our final exams tomorrow. The freedom ride buses were just brutally stopped. No, the freedom rides aren't going to stop; were not waiting for that seat in the bus terminal labeled 'whites only. 'Now.' No, president Kennedy, no, attorney general Robert Kennedy, we're not waiting. 'Now.' Fusion is the type of nuclear power, we don't yet know how to do yet, as I understand it; it's pretty clear that eventually we will, and the notion, as I recall, is that a containment chamber of lasers or super magnets is necessary so that enough pressure can be built within, for the reaction to take place, and they don't know how to do that yet, but they know that that's what's required. Certain temperatures can't be achieved with heat applied to water, as I understand it, unless pressure is applied; a pressure cooker. Miracles don't happen, miracles never happen; miracles are not brought about by human beings, except those human beings that embrace, 'Now,' and embody, 'now,' the living pressure cooker of a fact based, situation based, human needs based now. If you havent, stop now, and watch the immensely troubling, immensely important movie, Denzel Washington, John Q. Now. And conversely, when they do and embrace now,' often miracles are no longer unlikely. It jumps the human nervous system a quantum in terms of its focus, it's courage, it's integration of information, vision, energy, stamina, vision, readiness to appropriately risk, fail, succeed. It's a leap beyond ego, beyond the things that we waste our lives and soul on. It jumps focus a quantum; it jumps desperation for the truth a quantum. We become different beings when we embrace, and are embraced by 'now.' If you can think of a miraculous change agent, Unviolent, throughout history, that has not been in the embrace of 'now,' willingly, aggressively, greedily... I can't. And, if you can think of even one of these situations where the outside forces made now, likely, or th rd th obvious, I cant. It was the 30 , not first, not 3 , the 30 year of Mubaraks brutal reign. It was entirely,

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vehemently NON OBVIOUS to the women of 1918 that now, was, uh, now. The Berlin Wall coming down when it did was entirely non-obvious. A famous case, real life, Kitty Genovese, as I recall, a woman was brutally raped at the base of a massive apartment complex in the NYC area screams of help and hell and horror for hours. No one responded. No one called the police. Why? Subsequent studies indicated everyone thought someone else would. The deadly absence of now. 30 years before any sane legislation science became clear cigarettes cause cancer. Vested interests, the status quo, would have lost trillions if the legislation had passed. They knew (Marshall Institute, Lindzen of MIT, Merchants of Doubt is the authoritative book, I think) that all they had to do was maintain doubt. Grandma was dying an excruciating death from cancer, a 3 pack a day smoker for decades. Mom was dying, uncle was dying lightning strikes, evidence, proof, right in the next room. For 30 years we did nothing. I could have rescued 1000s more, if I could have convinced them that they were slaves, Harriet Tubman.

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030. I am a 1 in a million chance, messenger, recruiter, though no credit is due to me for this. Just duty, obligation, opportunity, and Joy. I'm 'special forces, for 'special forces'
For expediency sake, well use Loving as an example, and environmental Armageddon. Stick with this essay. There is must-see information on Crossing the Chasm why the fatal mistake of the last 40 years activists must end the notion that we can go right from idea to masses, without the cannot avoid steps of pioneers and early adapters. Unless a few individuals, stand, and are willing to stand alone, for a long time, blazing the trail, oh, we will raise millions, sell lots of books, and kill every second that is left to save the next 2000 generations. [GWD.F.] You know that objectively all is lost, right? Objectively, there is no chance we are going to avert environmental Armageddon - zero. That's the only conclusion that anyone watching the history of the last 5, 10, 15, 30... years of dire warnings going back actually to1960 at the UN by the indigenous nations, about our destruction of Mother Earth - the number one threat they announced to the world - the brutal destruction of mother Earth. Nothing but ever-increasing, ever more skillful denial has resulted from these warnings. We're done. Down by three and there are is one second left on the clock. This is objectively a 1 in a million campaign. Loving, is a 1 in a million messenger. I didn't just say good, I could be a bad 1 in million, but it's a 1 in a million messenger. It seems there's no one has the start-up, and turn-around, general leadership and real world management experience, the constantly running toward emergencies that others are running from, that I do, the situation analysis / diagnosis experience, the failure is not an option attitude - in the entire so called environmental movement. A lifetime of turning and facing dire, emergency situations, and turning them around. That's been what I've done for my entire adulthood. And all this happening in the sickest America, the sickest culture, the most Affloholic addicted culture that's ever been, I'm not being derogatory. I'm being clinical, and if you want this disagree, you can disagree on that basis. You want to bet that if a crisis with the apparent moral clarity of Pearl Harbor happened today, you want to bet that America would respond the same way that it did so many decades ago? I don't. We'd happily send poor people's kids in uniform, but would we stand up as a country? Not as fast, not as well, and maybe not all. Our sick, deathly cowardly populace is not my fault, or yours, but that's what the situation is that needs to be dealt with. In my library on my blogs is a book called Crossing the Chasm. It became the bible in silicon valley that averted what was an ongoing bloodbath of promising startups. And the fatal mistake they were making was trying to go from any new, promising concept, right to a message and a product that would appeal to the mass market. It's impossible. It doesn't work that way. And the fundamental reason it doesn't work that way is that the intermediate group, which is only about 2% of the population, early adapters they're called, as I recall, the pioneers being the .01% of the of the Bell curve, the next group being the early adapters - these are not normal people. They're very un-normal people. They're people of enormous courage, enormous vision. When shown an extremely important emerging opportunity or situation, their first question isn't, 'how are we going to do this?,' their first responses is 'we are going to do this. I am going to buy that, I am going to be part of making this work.' They're problem solvers of profound initiative; doers. They have profound energy, extremely high risk curves. This is nothing I made up Crossing the Chasm. If you Google that, the authors name is Geoffrey Moore, you'll find some pretty good graphics and synopses of the same concept. This is how everything starts if it is going to succeed, and in this sick, mass media, meaningless-impotent-

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activism society that has been based on the idiocy of trying to pass that step - not bothering to inspire, attract and harness the early adapters, not even any pioneers taking arrows (sorry for the incorrect pc) the 200 women in prison in 1918 prior to getting Suffrage, for example. Fatally, it has been these last 40 years - Let's see the population we want help, let's go right to the fundraising, let's go right to the messages that attract everyone, that appeal to everyone, and off we go. And, you know what? In years we didn't save anyone in Darfur with that approach, but we raised tons of money, hobnobbed with movie stars, and killed years of time. We haven't eliminated poverty with that approach, or made really a dent. Its idiocy. It's murder. The approach we use, religiously bypassing the immensely courageous, creative, high initiative early adapters, it raises lots of funds, it makes people feel really good, and it accomplishes nothing, except killing time. That's not what I'm about. That's not what the effective activists in history have been about. This is an extremely high-stakes, extremely high risk, extremely low probability venture, these Death Fasts. But you know what? The option is certain Armageddon. Death Fasts ARE the weapon. The question is if folks will rise to use it. So for those of you, my beloved sisters and brothers all, that conclude that messages are too cryptic, messages are too narrow, too long, rambling, they don't appeal to a wide audience - I agree that they don't appeal to a wide audience. There are few people on earth that have taken the time to study the original texts of Gandhi, of the great psychologists, etc, and that's fine, but that's what I do, and that's what I'm presenting; and thats what pioneers and early adapters always insist on doing getting to the root - radical. And the one in a million, the early adapters, or the early pioneers, they actually will flee from anything other than what I'm doing. The early adapters don't want ready answers. They want someone that sees the problem and is living and dying (giving all they are) in the attempt to solve it and that's actually what they're looking for. This is exactly the opposite of what the early majority is looking for - clarity, simplicity, other people doing it, easily digested, clear, safe. That wasn't the established women's suffrage movement; the established women suffragists fled from Alice Paul and her group, far too radical, far too narrow. But Alice and her team, they were the indispensable, missing spark plugs. I'm looking for the spark plugs. How do you come up with messaging that attracts the Navy SEAL? I don't think you do. The Navy SEALs sees other Navy SEALs and says, 'that's what I'm gunna do,' or they don't, and there's no amount of messaging that can get the normal population ever to want to be a Navy SEAL. And there is probably little bad messaging that can discourage the potential recruit. That's what this is about; that's what I'm about - being a Navy SEAL is the only way to attract and join with other Navy SEALS. The rest is pretty much details. A final note: Gandhi had an appeal to millions around the world, but he didnt try to appeal to millions st around the world. He tried to appeal to Conscience 1 his own. The leaders in Tahrir square appealed st to billions around the world, but they didnt Try to appeal to billions, they appealed to, 1 , their own consciences, their own humanity. I cant think of an exception among the INSHE warriors in history. Can st you? These were the Unviolent Special Forces, and they appealed 1 and foremost to their own Conscience, and secondly to the conscience of the 1, 2, 5, 10 in a million. And when those Special Forces ignited a small cadre of Special Forces then, and only then, could the Millions be ignited. And so st it is with every major change of every sort, in history 1 the pioneers, THEN THE VANGUARD/EARLY ADAPTERS/SPECIAL FORCES, then the millions of Sheeple. Alice Pauls 200; Diane Nashs 30.

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031. Need be, I'll row by myself, leave empty oars, till l those equally or more committed arrive 300 million people in his country at the time, and Gandhi up against the world's superpower, Britain, and yet he acted as though if he had to work alone that he was going to work alone. It was clear to him what needed to be done, the level of discipline, the code of Unviolence spelled out in detail, the code requiring Unviolence even when facing the cruelest opposition. By all appearances, if Gandhi had to work alone, without people equally committed to the vision, the goal, the means, that's what he would do; and that's what he did do, at times of new direction and movement startup, and building. And that's how Dr. King was and it's clear that that's how Alice Paul was in the women's suffrage movement. She didn't play. If people showed up to work as she did, to subordinate ego as she did, to devote their lives as she was, as the mission required, they were eagerly welcomed. But if that isn't why they were there, anything less, they were unwelcome; sisters all! But unwelcome. On the river here, the Potomac, as on the Schuylkill, as on the Charles up in Boston, are these overprivileged kids like I was in a sport that I tried in college. I forget exactly what it's called, rowing, I guess. The boats are called shells, I think. It's an awful sport, unless you like pain a lot, but imagine you're in one of those boats and it's desperately important that you get to a destination. It's a four-person boat, the wind isn't bad, you can row it to the destination if you have to. Of course you would like three people that were equally as dependable, as committed, as reliable, as focused as you, in getting to the goal. And you might pay any personal price to get such people in the boat with you. But if what's available is people that, 'Oh, for part of the trip of they'll focus, for part of the trip they'll be de-focused and thinking about other things, not pulling very hard. Later on they might like not like the direction, they might want to argue about the goal, they might row toward a different goal. You're gonna pray like crazy that you have the discipline and good fortune to see such brothers and sisters before they ever get into the boat; and if what's available is the latter, and those who share your vision, commitment, discipline and urgency are not available, youre going to row alone. Right? Is that antisocial? It's common sense. It's common humanity isn't it?

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032. Tolerates, allows zero distractions from the Focus, Mission So the surgical team working on your husband six hours into an arduous 8 hour operation, one of the elite surgeons says, 'It's five o'clock Sunday, turn on the game!' The most godly people on the planet, the true Jews, using their bodies as human shields between the, our brothers and sisters all, between the subhuman Nazi right-wing settlers in Israel, and their would-be Palestinian farmer victims, 'has anybody got a soccer ball? Let's go smoke some weed guys.' Some heroic American soldiers shielding a family compound, women and children, men, against the vicious Taliban attack in retribution for sponsoring a girls school, 'hey guys, what's the concert this weekend at the base?' No friends, there are still serious people on earth doing serious work for humanity and 50, 60, 70 years ago it was not as rare. Most of us have lost sight of it, but it still is there to be seen. These people are the greediest people alive for the joy of making a difference in the lives of others. These are not hair-shirt people. These are not quote self-sacrificial, they are the greediest among us, enlightened greedy. They understand the joy is of giving and serving is infinitely superior to the addictive, intoxicating lust of taking, exploiting, prostituting ourselves for trinkets. They are too greedy to be distracted for a second. Zero distractions. You want to play? Cool. I love you. You're my sister, go be on a different team if you want to 'play.' Go away. You want to waste your life on silly stuff? I'm sorry, I'm not being derogatory. Consider it wasting your life, or using it, you have the right. It's a tragedy. You have the right. But you don't have the right to distract me. You don't have the right to distract any of my time, so you need to make a choice. These people are worth my life, they're worth my attention, they're worth my undivided attention, no less so than if I were a surgeon operating on their brain; so you have a choice - you can step up to the level of focus of the team, or you can indulge your interest in a flitting mind from subject to subject, and distractions; but you can't have both friends. I'm sure, I am near certain, I was born AD/HD. Personally I've had to learn amazing focus so that I didn't go crazy and wouldn't be totally worthless. And my focus is superior now, to most, but not to those of us that have retained our health which, by any other name are the potent activists, the insanely humane warriors. Those who love are those who are waging Unviolent war for humanity. A key characteristic is focus. They have a zero tolerance for allowing themselves distractions, or allowing themselves to be distracted. Zero.

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033. I allow myself Zero Self-Indulgence. Ever. No Rants, Lapses, Taunts.and I seek to shield all others from these Can you imagine Gandhi being self-indulgent. I can't. How about an Olympic decathlete; a Tour de France medalist hopeful; Dr. Kim, who recently took over the World Bank, a globally acclaimed humanitarian; Diane Wilson, who as I recall lives in a $1000 trailer and Texas; and maybe the most illustrative example of all, how about the good parents that have just learned that unless they sell their house and everything they are and have to pay for the operation of their beloved daughter, she'll die, how self-indulgent, do you think they will be? Elsewhere in this series it's been discussed how the potent activist lives and embodies totally the family emergency response. The family emergency response is the antithesis, the opposite of self-indulgence. It is all about giving everything it has and everything it is. Out of some weird, self sacrificial-ness? No, out of total solidarity with the people that they shield. Those people, their pain is immediately and totally the pain of the true activist. The Potent Activist is selfish. They want to stop that pain; they want to stop that suffering, which is their own. And it's been spoken of elsewhere in these essays, the potent activist is extremely selective of who they work with, as should a good surgeon be who loves their patient. So zero, I mean, taunts, rants, oh I got really mad so I whatever, oh he clubbed me, so I whatever. No. Not on Gandhi's team; not on King's team. They love you. They'll fight for you. Not Gandhi's team. The brain surgeon, 'Oh, I just stuck my finger, darn that's why the scalpel slipped.' No, failure is not an option. Self-indulgence with the true, potent activist is not an option. It doesn't happen. And it doesn't happen with you in anything you really care about in your life. Right?

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034. THE PRIME DIRECTIVE: I keep my stated clients 'in the room.' Every, waking nano-second. Fully armed, to blow me away if I fail to serve them. This keeps me alive, and maybe some of them, too
[Probably the toughest, most difficult, most challenging, most important essay in this book. Rough language and imagery ahead.] Friends, this is a silly, true story that comes to me and I use by way of introduction. When I was a youngster I was enamored of something that I now really, I'm fairly appalled by, that's the Olympics, more distraction from the 26,000 children that die every day from easily preventable causes of poverty, and every other important issue of our global neediest. But I sure had what I thought was an appropriate admiration. An event I never liked much, but I still paid attention to it, was the high jump; seemed so awkward. Sometime during my youth, an unimaginable change took place, a new invention. This guy's name was Fosbury. Instead of diving over the bar as had always done, in his last plant right in front of the bar, he turned his back to the bar and leapt over backwards which I think is still the predominant way to high jump today. In any case, it was for long-time. The Fosbury Flop. Youre going to reinvent how the high jump is done? Really? Yes. For all time. Was Gandhi fooling us when he told us, 'there must never be a Gandhi-ism, I've just scratched the surface on Unviolent warfare. You must take it way beyond.' Jesus said, similarly, 'if you love me you will do greater works than these, because I go on to the Father, you remain.' Well, that suggests we're supposed to be constantly figuring out how to do this better, and that's been true of me, lifelong believing that it could be done better, more importantly, knowing I wasn't good enough yet, I wasn't powerful enough yet, I wasn't effective enough yet, I wasn't the key yet, and trying to figure out how to invent ways to improve my shape so that I could become the key in the lock. Gandhi was not some static dogmatist, he was constantly studying, famously saying, 'learn as though you're going to live forever, live as though you're going to die tomorrow. Learning was central to him. I'm not suggesting that this the for the title of this video, talking about keeping others in the room with you at all times, your clients, I'm not suggesting that's ever been the exact thought of other activists, though the good ones would applaud me for inventing something new and they would use it. It was only about three months ago as I was in a desperate struggle to figure out how to become the key to averting climate Armageddon, because no one else was even trying to figure out how to do so, that the following came to me. My focus of the time was very high, very intense and powerful, but it was not perfect or close enough to perfect. My intensity was extremely high, but not high enough. My clarity, my sense of reality my moral imagination were very advanced but not advanced enough. Then, the following gift was presented to me by the 80% of my brain that I understand to be the Heart, others understand to be God, as follows keep the client population that you have in the room with you, or their parents at all times, every waking second, is you go to sleep, as you get up in the morning, as you eat, as you party, as you are thinking of going to a party, as you're thinking of diverting your gaze to the scantily clad girl, or boy or man or woman; as you're on hunger strike and you're thinking of devoting half an hour to the idea of eating. Keep the potential victims you to care for, in the room with you, and arm them with AK-47s so that if you divert your attention from saving them to your own self-indulgent rants, pleasures, intoxications...they will blow you away in righteous rage. In the beginning, I kept in the room with me, the parents of the 26,000 children that will die exactly 30 days from today from easily preventable causes of poverty, largely dirty water, because we don't care enough to stop it. So, I'm thinking of, 'oh boy, I just want to go and a enjoy hamburger someplace?!!?!?' They're not going to punish me for that, they're going to frickin blow me away. 'Pal, you have allowed yourself the over-privilege, the time, the skills, the place of the most powerful country in the world, and you're going to indulge in a hamburger, while my children are going to die in three months, if you dont get them salvation?

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I want these armed parents with me there, friends. I NEED THEM WITH ME. I don't want to be that person that's so small that I'd rather get a hamburger, than be the creature that out of love, out of greed for joy, is devoting every second to saving those children. [NO, my point is NOT that a hamburger should never be eaten.] And now the population that I keep in the room with me, or I bring into the room those rare times now where I feel myself drifting - with the greatest gratitude and joy I will reach to the year 2050 and I will pull in with me, the children of today the five-year-olds of so today, the children of today's 20-year-olds, I will pull them into the room with me, and I will keep them there, every second armed with AK-47s. They know what I know; they can't talk to me; they can't tell me what to do; but they can hold those weapons, cocked and armed. This is such a beloved, blessed, godsend of a device for me to stay the joyful path, rather than waste my life as I did for 40 years on the garbage trivia of the head and the flesh, nothing but a different form of addiction. The infinite flow of 'stuff' in this culture, just a different form of crack. It's a different form of heroin. It's a different form of alcohol. If that's really what you want to spend your life, do it. But if you want joy, if you want the quality of life of a Gandhi, or a King, or a Loving, you put your and keep your population in the room with you, armed with AK-47's, joyful, that if you forget, they will blow your ass away with righteous anger. Hatred? No. Righteous rage. It'll keep you alive friend. If nothing else it'll keep you alive, and joyful, and loving, and it just might save them, and a future for your kids.

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035. I 'Sacrifice,' (hah), All, for the Mission, for the greedy Joy of it. Life is only found in the face of the emergency. Creative Tension IS Living, Loving, Meaning, Joy So the surgical team working on your husband six hours into an arduous 8 hour operation, one of the elite surgeons says, 'It's five o'clock Sunday, turn on the game!' The most godly people on the planet, the true Jews, using their bodies as human shields between the, our brothers and sisters all, between the subhuman Nazi right-wing settlers in Israel, and their would-be Palestinian farmer victims, 'has anybody got a soccer ball? Let's go smoke some weed guys.' Some heroic American soldiers shielding a family compound, women and children, men, against the vicious Taliban attack in retribution for sponsoring a girls school, 'hey guys, what's the concert this weekend at the base?' No friends, there are still serious people on earth doing serious work for humanity and 50, 60, 70 years ago it was not as rare. Most of us have lost sight of it, but it still is there to be seen. These people are the greediest people alive for the joy of making a difference in the lives of others. These are not hair-shirt people. These are not quote self-sacrificial, end quote, they are the greediest among us, enlightened greedy. They understand the joy of giving and serving is infinitely superior to the addictive, intoxicating lust of taking, exploiting, prostituting ourselves for trinkets. They are too greedy to be distracted for a second. Zero distractions. You want to play? Cool. I love you. You're my sister, go be on a different team if you want to 'play.' Go away. You want to waste your life on silly stuff? I'm sorry, I'm not being derogatory. Consider it wasting your life, or using it, you have the right. It's a tragedy. You have the right. But you don't have the right to distract the serious, potent, true activists. You don't have the right to distract any of their time from helping those that really, REALLY need it; so you need to make a choice. These prospective global neediest are worth my life, they're worth my attention, they're worth my undivided attention, no less so than if I were a surgeon operating on their brain; so you have a choice - you can step up to the level of focus of the team, or you can indulge your interest in a flitting mind from subject to subject, cause to cause and distractions; but you can't have both friends. I'm sure, I am near certain, I was born AD/HD. Personally I've had to learn amazing focus so that I didn't go crazy and wouldn't be totally worthless. And my focus is superior now, to most, but not to those of us that have retained our health which, by any other name are the potent activists, the insanely humane warriors. Those who love are those who are waging all-out Unviolent war for humanity. A key characteristic is focus. They have a zero tolerance for allowing themselves distractions, or allowing themselves to be distracted. Zero.

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036. What Clinical Sanity I have isn't to my credit, but mine Joyfully, Urgently to Radiate. Einstein where did your theory come from? I don't know? Da Vinci, why did you paint the painting this way? I don't know. Mozart, that magnificent musical phrase in your piece, where did that come from? I don't know. Probably I'll never fully understand why this is true, that at every moment, at every second we inescapably do the best that we can; and at the same time that's true, that we each, every second, do the best that we can, that's not to say that in the very next second we can't do better. Both statements are true. I haven't figured out why they're both true; they seem to contradict one another, but they don't. The INSHE warriors throughout history, the insanely humane human beings, take no credit for what they are; but they feel the most joyful of obligations to radiate what they are, to embody what they are, to thereby offer, to share that health, that sanity with others. Are they accused of self-righteousness, a sense of superiority, a holier than thou attitude? Of course they are. The good psychologist is unlikely to take seriously criticism from those in the psycho ward, who belong in the psycho ward. In this sickest of all societies, the presence of criticism, more often it is a badge of honor, a hallmark of mental health, then it is a worthy assertion of deficit.

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037. I'm focused on attracting the 1000 Unviolent SEALS, the 1 in a million INSHE Warriors - Alice Paul's 200, Diane Nash's 30, Dharasana 2500. Suffragists? Equivalent of Navy SEALs; So too Steve Biko, anti-Apartheid; Birmingham Marchers; Tahrir Square revolutionaries; Harriet Tubman. Same as GWD.F below If I recall correctly from the recent Navy SEAL activity covered in the news, the Seals are explicitly and particularly ready to sacrifice their own life for the sake of the mission. Quite distinguished in that regard, except maybe for the Secret Service. If there are 1000 Unviolent SEALs, that will come in front of the Canadian Embassy then 200 billion people will be spared hell on earth. Otherwise they can be assured of it. How does one attract Navy SEALs? Visibility is certainly important, that they know the SEALs exist. But it's not like advertising Coca-Cola. Actually, in the case of SEALs, were it promoted too much, in the wrong way, they would be convinced it wasn't what they were looking for. A SEAL recruit, is looking for an elite force, to be part of an elite force, not one that advertises itself like Coca-Cola, or tries to be all things to all people. If the SEALs were the only force, the only military force, then presumably no significant or large military battle would be won, the army is essential, for example, but the rolls are different. But without the SEALs, without the Marines, as the tip of the spear, the other forces can't succeed; the much larger forces can't succeed. Artillery can pave the way for forces. Aircraft can do that, but before the large forces can land the Marines and the SEALs need to do their part. They're largely self-selected. When a recruit sees that the SEALs exist, they just know that they want to be a SEAL. I don't think it's a matter of genes, although that may be part of it, but it's something in their upbringing, it's something in the way they've interpreted life. It's something about what the way they want to live. Its something that some of them have made of themselves. And when they see the SEALs, they see the lock that they as a key were designed to fit; very organic. So the key elements to joining the SEALs is the SEALs existing in the first place. Being what they should be. Far and away this is the most important. And the second is simple visibility. Does the SEAL recruit need then hours or days of convincing? Very unlikely. Maybe there are a few details that need to be covered. But it's like a key in the lock and when the key can find the lock that it was designed for it's done. That's what Start Loving is about in this death fast. That's what the death fast is about. The question is, are there potential Unviolent SEALs out there dying to save all of humanity? And just not seeing how to do it, as I didn't, for so long. That's the question. It's not a sales job. It's not an explaining job. It's not a job of ,explaining the climate science, by way of analogy, to the recruit. Having said that, once the SEAL joins, is there an immense amount of training, are they tremendously responsible for getting up to speed the right way? Of course they are. And hence all this work on finalizing a book (GWD.F) which in significant part, not totally, but in significant part is for the potential SEALS, that come and join this death fast in front of Canadian Embassy Global Warmings Death. Fast. Do the Seals go and recruit aggressively in the general population? Of course not. It has to be a selfselection process. They provide low level of visibility, they do their job, they're potentially inspiring the potentially predisposed recruit. But they don't go and try and attract the masses. They try and be a magnet for the needle in the haystack, and that's what the death fast is about. That's the role Start Loving is playing. The question is, are there a thousand Unviolent SEALs, who value the life of 200 billion

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people more than they value their own. That's the question, and will the potential be provided visibility of the death fast. There's been no press so far, will they get press, on this day 24 of death fast.

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038. I Make of myself the Antidote, the Cure, the Key, the Solution, the Paradigm-shift Gateway for my fellows We always turn the greatest wisdom into meaningless platitudes don't we? It's a constant struggle for me, but a joyful one, to try and unpack the wisdom that has moved beyond platitudes for me. Right now, Im thinking of "Be the change you wish to see in the world." Seems easy, doesn't it? Be a competent climber of Mt. Everest. Somehow that doesn't seem so easy. Being a potent activist, being the change we need to be in the world is more difficult still. Gandhi's calling us to re-create ourselves, to heal ourselves, to go through the arduous physical therapy, and self-building to regain the humanity we were born with. Nothing less will do. Loving, here - for the last 13 years I've quote, sacrificed, unquote, everything so that I could become exactly what is exactly sitting here today. No, I didn't know it would be in front of the Canadian Embassy no I didn't know that it would be to avert climate Armageddon, but I knew the world was in deep trouble and I knew I needed to begin the process of becoming what the world needed me to be, and it was going to take everything I had and everything I was. This just comes with the territory of being a brother or sister. Some become medical doctors for the right reason, few anymore, but some do. Joyful, but what an arduous process, to become what the world needs them to be. To be the potent activist is the most demanding of human pursuits. They become world authorities in their subjects, Vandana Shiva, for example, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Alice Paul, top of her class from the uber-elite Swarthmore. These are the world experts in their fields. They become the moral icons not by moralizing, but by creating themselves into the truth, into the solution, into one willing to pay with their life for the solution. These people are constantly making of themselves the antidote, making of themselves the cure to the disease of their suffering global neediest; and it's the most joyful life, and it's the only hope. So be a potent activist or go. Stop fooling yourself and people around you. But choose choice a. Become what the world needs you to be.

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039. No. 1 Indicator - I Understand of myself, embrace of myself - I'm an Insanely Humane Unviolent INSHE Warrior 'I consider myself a soldier, though a soldier of peace,' Gandhi. 'You are an extremist, an extremist of love or an extremist hate,' Martin Luther King, Jr. paraphrase. Phil Berrigan, former priest, antiwar activist, many, many years in prison. His wife too. The title of one of his books , 'The Lambs War.' 'Give me a military man to fight alongside any day, don't give me any cowards,' Gandhi. For 40 years, the so-called peace movement, so-called activists, have unilaterally disarmed themselves, have relegated themselves to an ally of the status quo, through some god-awful, disgustingly self-serving, historically reprehensible notion that the language of war is anathema, is violence itself. This is intellectual and moral rubbish, bankruptcy. "War," is the only language we have to talk about total mobilization, and if what I'm saying is reprehensible to you, stop wasting your time with this material from me, and go continue to be part of protecting the status quo. Enjoy. It's time to grow up friends. You have a daughter, she's just been hit by car, you hear the surgical team saying, 'what a magnificent child. We are at war for her life.' Now you jump to your feet, screaming, 'Say, wait a minute, no, war is bad, that's bad language... You're not going to be at war for my child's life!' Get real. Stop protecting yourself from being alive. Stop protecting yourself from your humanity. Be at all out Unviolent war, all out Unviolent war for the least of these our global neediest, our brothers and sisters all. Go there, be there, lead everyone else there. Don't keep leading them to this kumbaya nonsense that true peace activists are not at war; because the behavior, and often language, of the real ones, says they are.. You know what? What was another one? A.J Muste, the great peace activist. To paraphrase, 'whoever is not as recklessly applying life, limb treasure, resources, as courageously does a warrior of violence, is no practitioner of peacemaking, is no practitioner of nonviolence, and is of no hope for humanity. I've taken liberties there. But AJ would be in total agreement. Stop this self-protective, cowardly, deadly blather. When you call yourself an activist, you've hung out a shingle, like putting out it a sign saying Dr. You've told people to depend upon you. Step up or step out of the way. What we need you do now, what everyone, every youth in your life for the next 2000 generations needs, is for you to step up, now, and lead others, and if they ostracize you, think, that's creative tension friends. You're giving them an opportunity to feel, and wonder about their choice. If you pick up your cross they will persecute you but it will bring all hope. Do it. You love people that much. Find that love, find the courage, pay the price for what your heart desires. For the infinite, ultimate joy of it.

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040. I'm Willing to Die, Im Unwilling to Compromise on the Core Goals, the Mission, the Way of Being. Tactics, Strategy are always open to change, as needed by the goal. For the potent, effective Unviolent change agents throughout history, in every realm, they been referred to as maniacal champions, by Tom Peters, the unrivaled organizational development consultant, coined that phrase years ago, maniacal champion, maniacal, maniac-al; crazy by normal standards. Steven Jobs, for example. But so the Unviolent warriors throughout history. They'll pay any personal price that they have the right to pay. Death is an option. Failure is not an option. Sacrifice of their ego, is a given, well, maybe not in Jobs case. Willingness to be wrong, and to change direction is a given. These are not people that are married to prior decisions. They think things through, they don't think things casually, so it's rare that theyre to be found wrong in an approach, but when they are, okay, that's out a here, what's a better path now; everything is flexible with these people, these impactful Unviolent warriors throughout history; everything except the goal, because the goal is peoples lives saved, torture, saved. We are going to get the right to vote, said Alice Paul and the sisters working with her. We're going to be righteous, we're going to act on our rights, we're going to find the morally perfect platform to stand on, be that what it may. What we are not going to compromise on is the end goal - our daughters aren't going to maybe get the right to vote in a year or five years or 10 years or 20 years or 50 years or 100 years. No. They're going to get the right to vote now. We're here to claim that, and if the price is our lives, let's see, how many lives it takes and that's how many we will sacrifice to this, joyfully. It doesn't seem to them like sacrifice. Does it.

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041. I can least abide, least Tolerate, least Accept above all - Cowardice (inadequate confrontation; recoil from consequences). From myself From anyone Without question based on his writings and actions, there was one thing and one thing above all that Gandhi could not abide, could not tolerate, could not stand. Do you know what it is? Most people who know him casually would say, violence, and they would mistakenly mean physical violence; whereas properly understood violence is understood to be violating what's right. Shooting someone that is about to crush a baby's skill is not violating what's right. That's not violence. Whether or not the action is physical force has little to do with whether it's violence. But in the case of Gandhi it would be incorrect to say that violence was the one thing he could least abide. No. Gandhi could tolerate violence, over this other thing. What he could not tolerate was cowardice, inaction in the face of violence; that was what he could not abide, that was his bottom line. If to stop your brother from beating his child, the only way you can do it is physical violence, you do that. What is totally unacceptable, what is intolerable for you to do, is nothing. That was the cardinal sin for Gandhi, and you'll probably find no potent activist, no INSHE warrior, insanely humane warrior, throughout history, that has been other than that. And youll find near zero activists in the last 40 years that comply with that. By whatever words in other essays, and centrally right down to the tattoo on my forehead, and what I'm called, Loving, that human capacity of Loving, that set of human neurological circuits, is the 100% being, the 100% realm of the insanely humane Unviolent warriors throughout history. Loving's what they are. Everything else is details. Everything else is outgrowth, consequence, manifestation of Loving, Heart in charge. As is their courage. Inseparable. Courage is what loving looks like to the onlooker, to the one not totally of that being of love, and therefore the bystander doesn't get it, why you are putting your body on the line. Why are you shielding that child, why are you taking those blows without response? Only the fully alive heart can understand that. So we use the word courage which means heart, but we western crippled beings of head and flesh, we don't get it. Courage is what loving looks like to the onlooker, who doesn't fully get it, who isn't fully in the same state of mind, in the same understanding, the same situation psychologically. So if loving is the very essence of hope for the world and for a joyful life, then of course the one thing that a Gandhi or any potent activist throughout history, can least abide, it's cowardice, the absence of love, the absence of courage. The importance of this? You need to develop, I need to develop eyes, a sensitivity within yourself, first of all, am I of hope to the world, REAL hope, and therefore am I headed in the direction of courage? The only true great psychologists have ever been of the heart, Alfred Adler, and Victor Frankel. In Adler's theory, very dense, very powerful, very humane, to him the central feature of human health was courage, and in an empowering, enlightening way, he said - 'the right choice for a person is typically in the direction of courage." The direction you'll see any of the potent, true, insanely humane, Unviolent warriors throughout history move? Is in the direction of courage. While others are running from the terror, they're running into it. Eyes open, not reckless, not suicidal, not would-be martyrs, but unwilling to be other than human shields, if they can possibly help. And you must find the same path, and you must hurry.

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042. Im A Pioneer. Living, embracing the unknown. They waited till they had a perfect map, plan, did Lewis and Clark, right.? Not. Me either [GWD.F] Friends, true now, as was true through most of my adulthood, if the fate of the world depended upon Loving speaking for 5 min. accurately and intelligently about the entire world of sports, of the entire world of entertainment, what Fox news has to say, what new cars are coming out, the latest or a year ago saga of reality TV, then the world would be forfeit. I am the most focused individual you'll ever meet. Long ago I learned that when we choose to do something, when we choose to know something, when we choose to pay attention to something, we've chosen many things not to know, because we're finite creatures, we only have so much time. What I've chosen to know throughout my life, is how to develop new things, develop new businesses, develop new products, bring new concepts to market, turn around failing situations, organizations, win against impossible odds, NOW. This is what I've done my entire life, with significant success. My point is that there are few people that know this, and it's vital that on some significant aspects, others get up to speed immediately, because we don't have time to keep going through the same learning curve over and over again. And we don't have time to make the mistakes that otherwise will occur. It seems to me this is the way to introduce the subject - Lewis and Clark waited until they had a perfect map before they embarked on their journey west, right? They knew how to get there, they had a perfect plan on what to bring, how long it would take, what to pack, how to get back, what they would find.... And of course, they had none of those things, did they? No new venture ever does, especially - Averting climate Armageddon, stopping global warming, now, using 21st century Unviolent warfare techniques. These are all new things. Anyone looking for perfection, anyone looking for clarity, anyone looking for arguments and knowledge that's bullet proof, please wake up, or please get out-of-the-way. I love you. You're my brothers and sisters all, these are times for people of courage. To speak of those without courage, it's not derogatory to say so of them; someone without a healthy body, it's not derogatory to say so. It's a fact that can be verified our otherwise. From a standing start, in less than 12 months for WWII, the entire US economy had switched from peacetime manufacturing to wartime manufacturing producing something like a quarter million planes, tanks, vehicles, ships. It was messy folks. It was constant inventing, it was constant errors, and it was constant learning, fast enough so that the job got done. And it got done well. It was not for the faint of heart. This is new venture development. Anyone that's going to embark on saving the future of the next 2000 generations, 200 billion people, this is not for the faint of heart. This is for the Lewis and Clark's, and their first, second and third waves of joiners. This kind of creativity is necessary. This kind of vision is necessary. Finding the effective truths of how to get this done, not the esoterics, but what's it going to take to get the job done. There's never been such an opportunity to be alive. There's never been such an important human opportunity. This is a banquet friends, but it is not for the faint of heart. And for God sakes, if you find yourself in conversation with someone, and you're trying and someone is nit picking with you about, 'Oh, you don't know this part right, you dont know that part right,' immediately try to discern if there's a shred of humanity in them. If there's a shred of truth seeking in them. In all likelihood there's not. If there is, give it a quick shot but otherwise you just have to move on. We've gotta find the people of courage like the ones that in less than a year, totally redirected the US economy in World War II.

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As to the masses, we sheeple, you actually don't want them involved, you don't want to engage them, yet. They frighten easily and when they get frightened, they nay say, and they bash, and they try to kill, and almost always do so, because otherwise their self-image is at stake. I'm not being derogatory. This is how works. Don't try to include everyone. Have an eye toward the courageous, and until there is such a core of pioneers and early adapters, DONT PASS GO. I don't know what the population was at the time of Lewis and Clark. But it was a miniscule amount of people that followed them on the second and third waves out to California, that followed their path. But they became the path-blazers. They became the evidence, the facts-on-the-ground that then unleashed the masses, and so it was with the women suffragists. So too with the ultimately 400, only 400 freedom riders, first just 30, and that unleashed 400, and that was the match that ignited millions . Don't go for the masses, you don't want the masses early on, they'll kill this. You don't want them early. You're looking for the one million, the Lewis and Clark, the pioneer, early adapter, someone with courage, the ones with vision. They're the spark plug, they're the initial ignition, they're the match. Get that going, and then begin to add those with less vision and courage. Don't get sucked into arguments within your own head, or with others - Oh, this isn't perfect, Oh, you're not ready. You know what? This is World War III. We've been waging it, our lower angels have been waging it on our children, unopposed, for 30 years now. It may be too late to turn it around now. There's not a second to be wasted on people that don't summon the courage, don't summon the vision, don't summon the wisdom, don't summon the sanity to realize where we are and that perfection is irrelevant. Being ready is irrelevant. Getting the job done is relevant. Lewis and Clark didn't wait until they had a map. They didn't wait till they knew what to bring, how long it would take, what to wear. They saw an opportunity, and they went. That's how all new opportunities develop. And saving 200 billion people, starting with our children, is a new opportunity, no one's been here before. Don't harbor the illusion that they have. Embrace the banquet that's this, the most important opportunity in all human history

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043. No. 1 Indicator - I avoid the minutia, endless meetings, endless blogging, paralysis by analysis, verbal diarrhea, pointless debating like the Plague, like the Murder they are Friends, activists of the last 40 years, my brothers and sisters all, what you live on - endless meetings, verbal masturbation, verbal diarrhea, paralysis by analysis, every, every effective person in history has avoided these more than they would avoid having their teeth pulled, or bamboo shoots put up their fingernails. This so central that, if you ever want to tell whether you or anyone is a true activist, look if their, or your reaction to meetings. If you don't get hives, if you don't get agony at even just one second wasted in a meeting, agony at 1 second wasted on an academic, disengaged question about some issue you're working on, you don't have to wonder whether you're a true activist. Anyone not driven mad by time wasted in meetings, even seconds, is not a potent activist; you are not about the needs of your clients you say care about, not centrally; not in any way that will help. I'm not condemning such folks, friend. I'm not asking them to condemn themselves, but all hope lies in the truth of self-understanding, first. True activists are merged at the cellular level with the needs of their client populations. They're in agony when a second is wasted. They won't do it. This is a key indicator, a leading indicator. And, lets say the heart beating in your chest, had the ability to decide, uh, Im not going to beat for a little while. What would that be? Well, it would be the equivalent of murder. Well, the INSHE warriors live as though they are here for one reason, and one reason only to fight for the life of the human body, the human family, just as does your healthy, beating heart. And any second they decide to not be that, it is murder. By some weird evolutionary leap, are we really here for anything less than to give life? No. If one is fake and they want to stay that way, I just made it little harder for them. If one would actually like to become a potent activist, a real human being, what everyone is born to be, I've just made it a whole lot easier - the true activist knows that each wasted second is a life at risk or lost, and they live embracing that, for the joy of it, for the life of it, because they can't stand the idea of being anything less, which would be to be a subhuman creature. Join them.

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044. I'm a 'Marine,' a 'Navy SEAL' of Unviolent Warfare. Only those with similar yearnings should travel with me. The tip of the spear, shatters; paves the way for the rest
Note: I wish I had the time to depersonalize the following essay, but I dont and Ill let it stand. It is a universal truth of historys potent unviolent warriors thru one persons experience. [GWD.F.] I have huge admiration for Navy SEALs, but I don't think I'd want to travel with them. I'd get crushed, I'd get killed. It's not what I am; its not what Ive made of myself. Maybe I should've been. But it's not what I am, and it's the wrong crowd for me to hang with. It's the wrong individual for me to hang with. So, is there something wrong with the Navy SEALs, that actually almost none of us would be wise to hang with them? I don't think so. I thank God for them. To provide a unique service, they're different. I don't want them to change so they'd be easier for me to be around. I don't want them to change, so I can feel safe, and similarly competent around them. I want them to be what they are and if I were at a different time in life and I wanted to be with them I wouldn't want them to come to my level of competence, I would want to come to theirs. I have aspired to, because it's needed of me, the equivalent of a Navy SEAL, or Marine, of Unviolent warfare. It was clear to me I had the aptitude; it was clear to me that if I set my heart to it, I should be able to achieve it, and I have. It makes a lot of people uncomfortable. The DC activist club has been delighted to show that discomfort in totally ostracizing Loving, totally banning him, and now the environmental movement is doing the same. With few exceptions - hopeless cowards, protecting their club rather than protecting their clients. Hopeless cowards, my brothers and sisters all. Many would tolerate me if I would change, and be like them, like the others in their club. I do not have the competence of a Marine or of a Navy seal. I don't want them to come to my level. I want to go to theirs. And if I wanted them to come to my level of competence they would ignore me, they would keep on, as a duty to me, as a duty to us, as a duty to humankind, as a duty to themselves, and so it is with me now, and unviolent warrior. Now, I wonder if there's been a time, there probably has been an occasion where the SEALs thoughtlessly or cruelly asked people to associate with them that weren't up to it, and they got hurt, they got crushed. There've probably been times when they've been needlessly careless, and produced avoidable collateral damage, but with few exceptions they aspire to not create the collateral damage. For a variety of reasons they don't beckon in those who don't want to rise to their level of performance, and so it is with me. I've seen people that I thought might want to and be able to rise to the level of worldclass activism. And I've been willing to attempt to act as a catalyst for that. But I've not imposed it, I've not chased anyone down. And some have been brave enough to try, and so far none have made the leap. And when I recognize that they've reached their limit in terms of the stress that they can bear, even though I've not imposed myself, I withdraw myself and I respect their decision. But I'll not change, God damn me if I did. I have the aptitude for a role, I have an appetite for a role, the tip of the spear. It's what Loving has done his entire life, saving hundreds or thousands of jobs and careers, and now piloting the only weapon that can save humanity, and any decent prospects within humanity, the death fast. Hell not step away from it. Hell not apologize for it. Hell not water it down, package it for the masses that shouldn't be any part of it to begin with, any more than Alice Paul watered down her efforts. She was brutal. Navy SEALs are brutal. Marines are brutal, they're tough on each other. Tough Love. If it isnt tough, it isnt Love. And so it is with me.

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045. I'm Unafraid of death, or dying, except needless, and the needless suffering, death, lifelessness, meaninglessness of others; what Jesus and those like him feared [GWD.F.] Another video log essay in GWD.F. speaks about the incompatibility of fearing death, and living. S. Loving, has lived that for 12, 13 years now, it seems . But that video on the incompatibility of fear of death and living, fighting unviolently, represents an evolution in my understanding - I've been aware of Gandhi's obsession with eliminating all fear from himself of death but I didn't fully grasp it, and in that video, essay I shared, I get it now. I get it now. There is an incompatibility - the degree to which we fear death is the degree to which we cannot love, and loving, is living, and warring unviolently, from a neurological standpoint. Another evolution in my understanding is this clarity which stems from what I just discussed, which stems from that other video, essay. In this sickest of all societies, clinically, as hostile to the healthy human nervous system as is the Matrix, if not more so, it's so natural to fear death, isn't it? It's so central, our fear, so right, so normal. We're moving toward 20% of GNP being spent on healthcare, just to avoid death. Sick. But we're confronted with a choice. It's a choice that we have been dodging for forever. Jesus died to make us confront the choice. Jesus died to save us, to give us the opportunity to make the choice. Gandhi did the same, King did the same. They clearly didn't fear death. This isn't about a pure academic argument, was there any cell in their body that had a fear death? Of course. Was there the capacity within them to fear death? Of course. But that doesn't mean they lived it. We choose to live it, they chose to not live it. Fearing death is absolutely central to our being in this society. By no stretch was it central to their being Kings, Gandhis, the other potent activists. The fear of other people suffering and dying was central to their being. This is the same way of the cells in your body, this is the way of every organ in your body. It isn't the way of cancer; it is exactly the opposite of the way cancer which it seems, fears its own death, and has no concerns for the body, except to consume it; to rape and plunder it, not out of malice, but out of not caring about the body. Was Jesus a fool? Was he trying to lead us someplace that we really shouldn't go? We wouldn't be more joyful to go? He called it heaven. Gandhi beckoned us all there. King beckoned us all there. Was it really just for liberation of India in Gandhi's case, and civil rights in Dr. King's case? Not unless they were lying to us. No, their objective was much higher than that. Gandhi ended his life feeling a great failure because he liberated India and did not liberate India from the fear of death. It can be said different ways, but that's what he considered to be his essential failure. King, was clear that his life was dedicated to the Dream. Is this some empty principle that Gandhi felt or was it at the heart of a brother that hated to see the living death of his brothers and sisters, because fearing death is to live death, to be lived by death, is to be a slave to death, is to be a slave to death, is to be the servant of death. To center one's life around a big enough house, a big enough bank account, a big enough separation from one's neighbors, big enough weapons, big enough police force.... And this is how we spend our lives, this is how I spent my life from the time I was born in filthy overprivileged till I left the filthy overprivileged 14 years ago. Clinically filthy in way too much alcohol as clinically filthy, the way any amount of crack is clinically filthy. These weren't fools friends. These were the few people that have retained human health and joy that goes with it. It so happens that if what Jesus might have called the second coming of Christ, the mass

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coming of love to our hearts, Christ being the spirit of love; if that doesn't happen now, we are not gunna stop global warming. And Gaia, the Creator, mother Earth, will exterminate us. That's the choice. Will you kill your kids, your grandkids and great grandkids with denial, out of fear, or is it time to embrace what virtually every great, even mediocre - author, moviemaker, painter, religious leader of repute, of sanity, the few of them, and the few great psychologists - Frankel, and Adler most notably, secondarily Maslow, Rogers and Csikszentmihalyi, - have all tried to tell us? It's no longer a personal choice. The choice you make on this will decide the fate of the next 2000 generations. The fate of hundreds of billions of people. What are you going to do?

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046. I'm Free of, an Antidote to; a vortex away from the Diagnosis Cowardice, Heart-deadness, Imaginationlessness - Chief Characteristics of our age. Zombie-ism. Drone-ism. The Matrix [GWD.F.] Cowardice, heart-deadness, lack of imagination, these are the central characteristics of our age. Yes this is a bit redundant with some other essays, video logs, but it's so striking, so horribly forecast by James Lovelock; by Einstein who back in the 50s said, paraphrase If there is no further scientific or technological advance, it doesn't matter, but if morality does not catch up our technology, it will be the end of humanity; and we are aggressively regressing, not progressing, every decade since. Every year students, college students I believe, for decades now, have been studied for their level of empathy, and for the last 30 or more years it's gone down every year. We are becoming less human, less adaptive less viable as a species, and unless a few of us rediscover, rekindle, re-exercise our humanity, the complexity and the power of what we've unleashed on ourselves with the burning of fossil fuels will result in our hellacious, over many generations, torture, death and possible extinction. We're less than human. We're less than we were born to be. We're less than the indigenous we've exterminated from this nation, from the world, by far. We're the people that were seen in Hunger Games, in that Emerald City, the walking, hideous, dead people. That's us friends. You think that's not what the author was saying? Really? Are you going to give (totally devote) your life to lead us out of this? Or are you just going to wash your hands of it, and leave the rest of humanity to the hell and high water we've unleashed?

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047. I categorically reject the post 60's activism, a 'social club' with a thin veneer of caring about those in need; in deadly, fanatical Denial of Personal Duty to Act, to Risk, to Pay the Price, to joyfully give ALL, ALL, ALL for the Neediest 'I fear that the church has become little more than a social club, with a thin veneer of religiosity,' mourned Dr. King in his utterly divine Letter from a Birmingham Jail. That's activism for the last 40 years. I categorically reject activism as a mere social club, with a thin veneer of caring about our global neediest. Activism for the last 40 years, my brothers and sisters all, we will do what ever it takes to stop the genocide in Darfur - as long as we can do it from the comfort of a computer screen, sacrificing no more than a days worth of luxuries per year, sacrificing no more than a few pennies and donations, of course not putting our bodies on the line, in the way of the harm; of course not risking, months, years life in prison. I reject activism that is nothing more than a social club, with a thin veneer of caring about the global neediest. That's unilateral disarmament; thats surrendering the next 2000 generations to an existence of trying to survive the fruits of our inhumane, subhuman, cowardice. I categorically reject that.

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048. I'm here, not to survive at the pleasure-trough, but to serve, for the joy of it; nor to be reckless or suicidal, or to seek martyrdom, ever. One of a tiny band, my life is especially pivotal Friends, I'm probably not the only one in this country that was born and raised to the prevailing idea that we're here to survive, and more than that, we're here to have as much enjoyment as we possibly can, right? As opposed to, were here to serve, whether we survive or not. So the title of this video, that the insanely humane human beings throughout history, the INSHE warriors, the potent activists, if we look at their lives and think about it, it's obvious - they're here to serve, they're not here to survive. So, okay, maybe that's just a personal choice and that's all it is, so be it. There's an important, deeper question, and that's about ourselves, and about what our DNA has predisposed us to be, and what capacities it's given us for optimal experience. It has given us as part of our nervous system, the two of the three major components - the head and the flesh, is what I understand them best to be called and thought of, and they are is all about survival, and pleasure. So without question, there's a part of our nervous system whose design is to encourage us to focus on its own survival, and pleasure, for itself in its me and mine. What's gotten lost, in every succeeding year for who knows how long in this country, and in the West too, and with the export of Western values, now in the East as well, is the other part of our nervous system, which is not here to survive, it's here to serve the Heart. The woman in New York City within the last four months heard gunfire, saw a young girl she didn't know, shielded the young girl with her body, and died. That was not species abnormal, that was species normal. That was a person, that rather than being ruled by head and flesh in that moment, had her Heart in charge, that 80%, that divine part of our nervous system. That too is species normal. What's not species normal is our environment 2012 western environment. What's not species normal is our culture, that has become one which worships survival and denigrates loving service, except in nicely contained parts of our society that touch not 99% of us - the military service, nursing maybe, one or two others, church, Sunday morning. Everyone else's here for their survival, and selfish pleasure, to shop. What? No. No. That's, true, but crazy. The potent activist throughout history, if we look at their lives it's clear, whether they articulate it or not, whether they articulate it to themselves or not, theyve decided they are creatures of the Heart; they're here to serve, not to be reckless, not to be suicidal, but they're here to serve, and if that compromises their survival, that's a price that they're happy to pay. So your choice is, which kind of being, which part of your nervous system do you want to reign? Do you want to be a Teresa of Calcutta, Alice Paul, Gandhi, do you want to be like a King, do you want their quality of life, or do you want existence in The Matrix? There's multi-trillion dollars a year that are going to convince you to be in The Matrix. That's the easy choice. It's also no hope, it's also doom for humanity now. That's not what we were designed to have in charge, the head and flesh that totally yearn for The Matrix - the heart is what we are designed have in charge. Had that not been so, lions and tigers would have gobbled up nd all the tribes 10s of thousands of years ago, and no woman would ever have born the pain of a 2 child, having learned of it with her first birth. We've lost the environment that optimizes that, the Heart in charge. Your choice is whether to become part of being what the world needs to see people of the Heart, people here to serve, willing to compromise their survival if necessary, for the Joy, Life, Peace of Heart, and Humanity of it. And you now?

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049. No. 1 Indicator - I Exist in Total solidarity with, total loving of EVERY human, ALL of Creation, every creature. Loving's Unconditional, or it's not Loving Why is there a song, 'We are the world,' that was wildly popular? Why was a silly Coke commercial decades ago, 'I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony,' why was that wildly successful? Why do many of our movies feature heroes whose life is devoted to saving the stranger? Because that circuitry is the most gratifying to exercise within us, in our entire nervous system. Yet it exists in a culture that reviles it, because the culture, and we mutated by it, would rather sell stuff to our head and flesh, and buy the intoxications the stuff offers. It's not the type of environment we were created for, the tribes of 30 to 40 people of many thousand years ago where everyone we saw was part of us, and all of creation we saw as part of us. The INSHE warrior, the potent activists, their nervous system is the world, they are the world. I didn't say they think they are the world. I didn't say they wonder about the world. I said they are the world, they experience themselves as the world. Do you remember Obi-Wan Kenobi and Star Wars when, was it, Tatooine, was destroyed by the Death Star. Obi-Wan was, we can guess, thousands of light-years away, and felt it instantly as a crushing blow. He was the universe, and the universe was him. Very adaptive, when the culture fosters, rather than eviscerates such unity, such solidarity. The INSHE warrior has returned to their sanity, to their health, to the proper functioning of the nervous system. They are the world, the pain of the world is their pain, the potential joy of the world is their joy, that's how big they are friends. That's how big Gandhi was. That's a big Jesus was. That's how big King was. Something I always wanted to be, too. It's as big as my dad was, and with years of work, hours a day of focused prayer, which this work book, this Personal Trainer book can be for you as it has been for me, and years of practice, exercise, failure and success I too have returned to normalcy, health. If you find in yourself the yearning to be the universe, to be the world, to be brother or sister to all humanity, universal family, use this Personal Trainer, and it will happen for you. It's often said to Loving here, 'Take care of yourself,' as I'm here on death fast with less than a month of pulse left. 'I am taking care of myself, exactly. I am those 200 billion people, that we're condemning to hell on earth. What's sitting here is just one of the cells in my body, most of the rest have yet come into existence.' That's how it is. Friend, the INSHE warrior is the most enviable creature on earth. Get past the lies that are spread by our head and flesh culture ,that the INSHE warriors are to be respected. but you sure don't want to live like that. You can only, only, only Live, like that. Everything else is The Matrix. What will it be for you? The blue pill or the red pill? And so you lead, to the same health or lack thereof, everyone you influence. You can't escape that. Where are you going to continue to lead your life, and to lead them?

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050. No 1. - I Allow myself ZERO Hostility to the Police, our brothers, our natural allies, who I shield, allowing Zero distraction from my real Opponents. But no free pass Either. This essay is not about giving anyone a pass. Not about enabling anyones violent behavior, such enabling itself is an immense disservice and violence. I am horrified at the possibility of significant police brutality in Chicago at the NATO summit, either unbridled sadism, or a state, or more likely national policy to start squashing dissent. But I've spoken just today with the most promising emerging activist I've met in nine years, and he was there, was brutally beaten, and he aggressively and quickly jumped in with 'Loving, we were disobeying a lawful police order. We significantly brought the brutality upon ourselves.' But I'll allow that police brutality occurs. I'll allow that states like Texas are brutal, fascist states. This is clear to me from inside accounts from the activist most worthy of the name, today. But virtually nothing can change the fact, the truth as I understand it, that almost all men and women in uniform, including our police, take the job to beat up on people? No. To victimize people? No. To beat up on protesters? No. They're among our most selfless people, at least, as they start out, and that's important. They take the job because they can't stand injustice, or threats to innocents. Many of them rise to levels of selflessness I can't dream of, putting their bodies in harms way. That's why Gandhi said, I'll paraphrase, 'give me a man or woman in uniform to fight alongside any day, don't give me any cowards.' The potent activist is a person of unimaginable, ferocious, courage. Our men and women in uniform, are the people left in our country, most of them at least, who started out at least, not to prostitute themselves for money as all other sectors of US society now always do, whether were talking today's nonprofits or corporations or even small mom and pops. That's why we go to work for these companies or organizations to prostitute ourselves for money, not because we find such work the best thing for the world. That's not what our men and women in uniform have done, for the most part. They decided to put their bodies in harms way for a cause. That's 90% of the way there folks, to being the INSHE Warrior, the Potent Activist. These are our natural allies. One of the great man of peace, one of the few in the last 40 years in this country is my brother Thomas, who started what's now the 32 year peace vigil at the White House, taken over by his antithesis, the nasty, witch, my sister, Concepcion, as anti-Peace as any creature ever has been - a sad example of becoming what one hates. The activist that Thomas most admired was Dave Dellinger, the most intimate of advisors and co-warriors with Martin Luther King. A Yale student, a seminarian, who left Yale to live among the poor, and fought for the needy and disenfranchised brilliantly his entire life. Among Dellinger's proudest moments, spoken of in his book, "From Yale to Jail," as I recall, an important read, he spoke with enormous pride of how at an antiwar action at the Pentagon the police clubs began to swing, began to fly, and just as his head was about to be smashed an officer shouted, "That's Dellinger, don't hit him." Dellinger was no pansy, he hadn't bribed the police. This guy was all tough-love, mostly tough on himself, tough as nails, hard as nails. Dellinger was a man of great courage. Our brothers and sisters in uniform, almost all started out as people of courage, and courage is a key indicator of the heart, of loving. These are our most natural Allies, we aspiring INSHE Warriors. Secondarily, please tell me one of our top-level opposition groups, the Republicans, the oil companies, the coal companies, the banks, Wall Street, pharmaceuticals... Please tell me which of them aren't praying for activist violence against the police, for this to become an issue, about police against activists, instead of an issue about a Republican Congress, and a Supreme Court passing citizens United, Wall Street greed.... Please tell me one that doesn't pray for this distraction from themselves, to police confrontation, as I can't think of it. And neither can you.

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To allow ourselves anything but the most scrupulous humanity and tough love brotherhood, every nanosecond, as the club is coming down from our fellow police, anything less than that is the height of stupidity, and irresponsibility, an explicit statement that we really don't care about our selected brothers and sisters in need who we're trying to help, it's really about indulging our self-righteousness and our tantrums. Since my very first serious activism approaching 10 years ago now there's been one group in DC that has been protective of, respectful of, relentlessly kind to, solicitous of, supportive of this fellow sitting here with the cross of Jesus, a man I revere, on my forehead, and frequently seen on hunger strikes and finally now, death fast. That's the Secret Service, and secondarily the Park police. Have we been buddies? Never. Do we share stories? Not really. They're professionals with a job to do. I'm a professional with a job to do. They're all business, I'm all business. They're people of courage. I'm a person of courage. They get that. Voluntarily or involuntarily they get that. As quickly as the so-called activists flee from my courage, from my personal responsibility, that's how quickly the Secret Service come toward it. My most sacred possession is the belt I wear, from K. on Secret Service, on the 10 pm to 6 a.m. shift at the White House. He and his family have been immensely kind to me; the belt I wear he wore on tours of duty in the Middle East. My other proudest possession, boots I wear are from Matt, daytime patrol of the embassy; who was horrified weeks ago that I had only socks in plastic bags in the rain. Are we pals? Do they 'like' me? They love me. They love courage. I'm a person of courage. I love them. They're people of courage. For any true, potent activist throughout history, the police are our first and most likely converts to brotherhood and unity, solidarity; with the sometimes overwhelming exception of fascist places like Texas. Anyone calling themselves activist, with the self-indulgence to show, and allow themselves a nano-second of hostility to the police as the club is coming down, to initiate hostilities, disrespectful behavior to the police, under any circumstances, is the witting or unwitting agent of the powers of the status quo, it is their dream come true, because it totally deflects the issue from where it should be, to a stupid, meaningless war against our most natural allies. Is Loving, this writer here, is he INSHE Warrior enough to live up to the standards as outlined here, the club coming down, and still a brother? We may never know. But Courage is a word often grudgingly or generously used to describe him, so maybe

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051. I'm a Tough as nails cheerleader, path breaker, encourager, Servant I'm thinking of an old, silly movie about an ocean liner that capsizes and all are doomed, but a group of a half dozen with the usual range of characters, from the courageous to the helpless, to the evil... trying to find a way out. Let's say you're in such a situation, and you're feeling pretty rattled. There is a gap to be leapt. What's the best encouragement that you would hope for: a. people on the sidelines saying 'you can do it, go on, it can be done!' Or b. someone leaping the gap before you, showing you that can be done, and how? The latter, b, of course. And so it is with the potent activists, the insanely humane warriors of Unviolence. These are tough as nails cheerleaders. These are the ultimate encouragers - givers of courage, by using their bodies to find, figure out, blaze and mark the trail. No encouragement is so powerful. No encouragement is so uplifting, and empowering. No encouragement is so potent, and the potent activists, the true activists, have time for no causes, that require anything less. These are the ultimate servants, to leap that breach in that sinking ship, first. What greater service could be provided? And of course it puts their lives at risk. They do what they do because lives, part of themselves, are already at risk. Do you want to be less than such a person? Do you want to provide less of a service? You're listening to this video, or you're reading this essay. You probably want to become more. So take the pill that gets you out of The Matrix. Use this Personal Trainer to rebuild yourself, as I have over years, and particularly the last 10 months, to become what the world needed me to be. Do that. You will maybe for the first time in your life, you will be giving yourself life, and you will thereby be offering it to the world, and to all future generations.

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052. Uses time like lives depend on every nanosecond, because they do. Every nano-second Who says you should want to be a potent activist? That's up to you. I'll tell you if you're not, you're probably done, just like, if my fathers generation hadnt put on uniforms by the millions, DC would be covered in Nazi flags. If it's to be, it's up to thee. If you don't do it, why would anyone else? We haven't seen any real activism in 40 years now - Diane Wilson, Rachel Corrie, some of the people working on the Palestinian issues - occasionally some sheroism out of Green Peace, often out of Sea Shepherds... but they are by far the exception, whereas in the 60s, to my shame I had nothing to do it, but there was real activism. If you can think of a real activist, someone that's brought major change throughout history, that didn't value every second, as though it was someone's live, I can't. I can't think of such a person. Gandhi didn't hang out. If you find Diane Wilson at a party, you'll find her over in a corner sitting by herself thinking, planning, or working with people on a campaign. Alice Paul declined marriage to someone she was passionate about, because she knew the lives were depending upon her work, and was unwilling to sacrifice those lives. Who should say that you should be a potent activist? But if you're in denial, if you're in delusion, and think you are one, and you're not, you're depriving yourself of the choice of saving your world, or squandering it for a few months or a few years of activist masturbation, pseudo-activist masturbation, and hence I share this essay, this Personal Trainer with you. Do with it what you want . I'll not chase you down. Soon I may not be around the chase you down, but I wouldn't anyway. But if you're, huh, understandably, equating activism to what you see around you, what we've seen in the last 40 years - the worst parts of the antiwar movement, the worst parts of the civil rights movement; if you're following the lost leaders that are trampling on every historical precedent of what's worked, and you're doing it by accident, this material is for you. Gandhi hanging out with the guys was incomprehensible; he understood what was at stake. He was at war; he was a total, all out, Unviolent war. Guys and gals in and a fire fight in Afghanistan, they're not hanging out, they're acting like every second life depends on it, because it does. Your opposition, they are serious, working 12, 14, 18 hour days, 7 days per week if necessary to be sure you stay defeated. What calls itself activism in this country is so joyless, becomes it holds itself to no account. When it fails, it goes home. Failure is an option for it. Failure is death, torture, hell for the clients it ALWAYS fails. Failure was not an option for people that they were supposedly fighting for, they die, they get sick, they get killed, in this case, your children, regardless of your age. You'll be able to lie your way out of it I suppose. And if your conscience isn't awake enough to find the guts to step up to standards like this, holding yourself accountable for each second you have, not as though it is your second, but it's a second you owe to those who you represent, if you don't find the guts to stand up like that now, you're humanity, all of ours, tends to ebb away quickly in this sick society; so if you don't do it now, you'll never get it figured out. Real activism realizes that every second is someone's life. A device I develop to keep myself honest, many, but one recently that is among the most powerful - I take the population I'm concerned with, in this case people of 2050 Earth, and I summon them back in time to

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stand alongside me, and I arm them with AK-47s - they are living the hell that is the current plan, and I want to feel their righteous rage; and if I waste a second of the time that I could use to give them a life worth living, it's joy man, its life. If you want to waste your life go ahead. If you want to use it for what you are put here for, to help our global neediest, then listen up.

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053. My Central Work: I Connect folks with their Hearts, with their Consciences; and then stay out of the way of the Divine magic 99.9999% of what calls itself the christian church is not. Jesus was real clear, he said, 'you say Lord, Lord, your lips are close to me, your heart is far from me. I don't know you,' His and my brothers and sisters all. That's the church. Gandhi was a Hindu and yet he was such a loving man he'd go wherever he had to for examples of how he needed to be, and or him, the man Jesus was the greatest example of what it mean to be a human being in Gandhi's eyes. Mine too. In my many decade re-acquaintance with and detailed study of Jesus including the historical scholarly work from the so-called Jesus Seminar, nonsectarian scholars from around the world, trying to decipher from a rigorous historical perspective who Jesus was, did he exist, what did he say, concluded that central to his beliefs, and teachings, and efforts, was to get anything and everything from out between a person and their heart, a person and their conscience; to get dogma out the way, to get the scribes outof-the-way, to get the Pharisees out-of-the-way, to get the Rabbis out-of-the-way, to get the Torah out-ofthe-way, to get anything and everything out-of-the-way from between a person and their heart, their conscience, which Jesus understood to be the Divine, and that today is best understood as the uncontrollable 80% of the brain we normally don't use, the Heart. Anyone that's truly experienced the heart, the conscience, can scarcely find a different word than the divine to describe them. I think it's psychology, I think it's a set of circuits, the Heart, the 80% of our brain Einstein said we didn't use. Whatever it is, it's so amazing, so bright, so pure, so knowledgeable, so courageous, so humane, so, uh, Divine. The entire work of the potent activist, the insanely humane warrior, is to connect first themselves, and in doing so, increase the odds that they connect others with their own hearts. That can take a lot of work, it can a lot of example, it can take a fair amount of explaining, but 98% of the work is example, is showing, by doing it oneself, and then acting in accordance. That's the work. Brothers and sisters in Occupy DC, there's a grain of health, a grain of sanity, to what I think I've seen among you, this yearning that there be no leaders, but you're throwing the baby out with the bathwater. It's not that you don't want leaders. I'm not telling you what to think. I'm telling you what's clear to me that I think you should consider, and think. It's not leaders that you don't want, its bosses, it's dictators, it's power mongers, it's people who pressure, it's people trying to interfere with, subordinate the conscience. A surgical team operating on your mate, you don't want there to be a team leader? What you don't want is that leader to be there to be a bully, a tyrant. You want their leadership to be because of competence. Alice Paul did heart surgery on the psychologist that was sent by the president, I believe Wilson, to certify her insane, to dispose of her from her time on hunger strike and being force-fed, to dispose of her politically. She did heart surgery on this guy. He came in all intellect, and she tapped into his heart. She didn't tell him what to think, she didn't try to browbeat him, she didn't taunt him, she didn't disrespect him, she didn't get into a war of words; she did the work of being a person of heart, invoking the conscience in herself, and thereby him, and the heart and humanity and conscience of this psychologist; and he went back to Wilson and he said, 'I cannot tell you she's insane, because she's not.' This is our work friends. To tap into ours, then the hearts of others, for the sanity of it. For the hope.

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054. Fear of Death, and Living, are incompatible. I Have Ceased Crippling our kids, and others, with such fear. Carelessness, Recklessness, Death-wish... never
[GWD.F.] We are so obsessed with pulse in this society. We're moving toward 20% of our income to protect our pulse with Health Care (Wealth Care). What kind of insanity is that? Which cell in your body places its own life at such a premium? A cancer cell, but not a healthy cell. And likewise, we waste our lives obsessively avoiding death - our big houses, fences, over-education, clubs designed to protect us, SUV's so the other family in a smaller car dies.... If I recall correctly, there's a phenomenon called apoptosis, well known in biology. In your body and mine, something like 40 billion cells will essentially self-terminate today for the well-being of the body. I didn't understand it until recently, but Gandhi was obsessed with rooting out any fear of death in his life. The man, the soldier, presumably a father, that pushed an Afghan child out of the path of an oncoming vehicle and lost his own life in the process, did he fear death? The marine that dives on a grenade to save his buddies, did he fear death? The young woman who on 9/11 was one of the pilots scrambled, apparently it was not possible to load armaments on their jets, so she and the others were told that if they could find one of the hijacked planes they and their plane was to become the missile, a mom I'll guess she was, Was fully onboard with executing the mission. Did she fear death? Our fear of death is pathological friends. (laughter). I've often wondered - I was such a hideous child all the way up through the age of 18, such a wasted, over-privileged, pampered little parasite - I've often wondered if my parents hoped I'd kill myself. They'd let me climb the highest trees and say nothing about it. They bought me a trampoline which are wonderful for breaking necks. They'd let me do all sorts of crazy things and never say anything about it. But I just figured it out. It wasn't that they hoped I'd die. They didn't fear death. They loved living. They weren't reckless, but they didn't fear death, and they never made the mistake of teaching me to fear death. I love life too much to throw it away. I love humanity, I love life, all life, but if I'm one of those cells that through apoptosis self-terminates so that the body lives on, OF COURSE! This is joy friends. This is ultimate greed. This is enlightened greed. Stop fearing death. Stop it. Unless you want to lead your children and those around you to the same insanity. Did King fear for his life? Is your life as big and joyful as his? Did Jesus fear for his life? Is your life as big and loving and joyful as his? Stop this mania friends. For your own joy, Stop it. And stop where you're leading those around you.

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055. Test Pilots Fly till they Die, or not. Me too - for the Joy of it, for the Service of it, and the Hope
You know, it really is something we understand, that mountain climbers radically risk their lives, extreme skiers, sky divers, scuba divers, round the world sailors in small boats circumnavigating. So, specieswise, we understand that, easily, right? So whats going on here is that our insanely Affloholic, me, me, me, pleasure, intoxication culture WANTS there to be a big bright line, barrier, taboo around self-sacrifice, FOR OTHERS, NON BIO-FAM. Why? So the Heart, their Conscience remains effectively black-sited, and their Head/Flesh Selfishness remains safe. The only price is our Real Life, Joy, and now, our Home Earth, Democracy. Uh, other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play? [GWD.F.] Vid and Txt from Death Fast picks up here: It becomes more and more incomprehensible to me the difficulty that people have in understanding and embracing this death strike. Test pilots fly until they die ,or until they don't die. We know this. Fire fighters fight fires until they die or don't die. Soldiers fight protecting what they think is important until they die or don't die. Extreme climbers climb mountains until they die or don't die. Police officers protect the public until they die or don't die. It isn't that dying for a cause is so unusual, it is a civilian dying for others, voluntarily, placing oneself in the way of the general harm, that is considered incomprehensible. Thank you, you frickin church, for perverting and obscuring, for 1800 years what Jesus died to teach us. The death of civilization is at your feet, on your hands. The death of all life worth living is your feet. We want not to have that line crossed, the one I'm crossing, where a civilian puts their life on the line for humanity, a civilian right here in DC, the center of world power. We want not to have that line crossed, because then we might have to cross it ourselves. Now of course, all joy is on the path that I'm on. The daily bread that the Lord's Prayer speaks of? That's clarity of a mission worth dying for. That's the only place life comes from. See other essays in this book and this playlist on the subject, unless our society is correct and the greats like King and Gandhi and Jesus are wrong. No, we're each here for the most radical service possible, of the rest of the human body. And we're designed to find joy there, and only there, running toward the emergency. Okay, I'll continue to open myself up here friends. A young associate said on numerous occasions, this is the first sane action I've seen regarding environmental Armageddon. I agree. This is the first sanity among mass insanity on the planet, in a long, long time. The very first? I don't know, but if there are others, they won't object to me saying it, because they too have the same sense. It's insane not to put our bodies in the way, it's insane for us not to go on death fast; profound lack of moral imagination, profound lack of love and compassion, profound death of empathy. It's time to change, friends, for yourself, for those you influence, for the next 2000 generations.

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056. I know my ego well, and I keep it under 24 hour, 7 day per week guard, under lock and key, never to be let out; I exclude egoists like the deadly cancer they are To introduce this I'll take the easy route, initially at least. And that is to go to my youth, when I have no problem spotting ego in me, that part of the nervous system that desperately wants attention, desperately wants to be highly regarded, an addictive sort of yearning, totally divorced from any truth as to whether such regard, that desperately sought conveyed sense of importance, is due, has been earned. Oh, I was like - someone's created a great art project in class, not me, but I eagerly jumped to the fore to explain how wonderful it is. Huh? In high school, being on the track team and quite good, but not the best, inserting myself with some authority with someone I wanted to impress to explain how good so-and-so was, sorry Billy B, in the hopes that some of their work, some of their prominence, some of their excellence, would be associated with me; fully undeservedly so; theft, by whatever name. Ego. Bill Clinton, if was anyone on the planet didn't need to have an ego at play it was that grotesquely gifted, unfairly gifted individual, intellect, social skills, and maybe at times even some tiny measure of heart, or extraordinary ability to mimic heart. And yet you can rarely if ever see a picture of Bill Clinton, or clips of him, where he's not so tangibly aware of, so painfully aware of how he is viewed, how he is thought of. Pitiful. Hideous. Deadly selfish. And when that yearning is allowed out, is not kept totally under lock and key, and guarded 24/7, sedated, it will exert its influence, not maybe; if it's on the stage it will influence our behavior, and to that degree that the individual is not acting out of heart, is not acting for the well-being of the individual clients, or the alleged purpose of their efforts, those allegedly being advocated for, being fought for - no, it's about satisfying that part of our circuitry, that addictive part of our circuitry that desperately wants attention, desperately wants to be thought well of, desperately wants power and influence, no matter what the cost. Ego. Our resident crack addict. It's death friends. Those who would argue that ego can never be overcome are legion. Those who never become Navy SEALs or Marines or Olympic athletes, are legion. There are few that choose, in this case regarding mastering ego, that choose to achieve the health that our DNA influences us to achieve zero ego free to wreck. But we all could, and in prior, healthier times, did so to a much greater degree. So I'll not waste time on the naysayers, and they should not waste time on me, or these books, or video logs. Unquestionably there are those in whom the ego is never seen; is never allowed out; is never unlocked from the prison, is never empowered, is never given an ounce of power. The great Unviolent warriors throughout history. And if one wants to see them unravel, tragically unravel, typically toward the end of their life, that's when their egos begin to show. I can't dream of having the influence that Ralph Nader has had in his life. Whether ego was never a prominent feature within him, his characteristics, or whether it was always a prominent feature as it is now, based on my recent encounters, he's had a tremendous impact. But if his ego was in evidence in his most productive years, that's extraordinary, because rarely does anyone of ego have an impact, other than, destroying all hope of productive work. If you're the potent, pre 60's like activist, ego is nowhere to be found, of you, or in you. Maybe you were lucky, maybe you grew up in an environment where it was never an issue, in which case, you are at significant risk, because it is likely to rear its head and you won't know what you are dealing with. Much more likely, if you are a potent activist, or yearning to become one, you are acutely aware of your ego. It doesn't escape your gaze, it doesn't escape your guard. And you keep it where it belongs, totally disempowered under lock and key. If not, you need to know that if you associate with potent, serious activists that don't quickly enough

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recognize your ego, you'll in all likelihood, summarily destroy much or all of the hope that otherwise they could have brought to humanity. King, Gandhi, Jesus, Diane Wilson, probably Tim DeChristopher, Rachel Corrie, Diane Nash of the freedom riders, Alice Paul, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Wael Ghonim are all examples of people that chose life without ego. I think they are folks to be envied, and copied, and followed, and their shoulders stood on. I hope you think so too. I hope you think about it.

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057. No. 1 Indicator - The Mission is Everything, because Lives are at Stake A classic, pathological, defensive mechanism of todays activists: 'See, that activist doesnt care about people, all they care about is the mission.' 'The surgical team doesn't care about patients; all they do is care about succeeding in the operation.' 'Martin Luther King doesn't care about people, all he wants is civil rights in the nation.' Huh? The Mission is people's lives! That's what potent activism, true activism, is about high stakes, do or die, life or death missions to drastically improve people's lives. The mission, and people's lives is inseparable for them they are the same thing. Exactly. You can't be a potent activist and not be on a mission that isn't worth your life, worth your friendships, worth being shunned, worth any and every personal price. And if everyone in your circle likes you, approves of what you are doing, thinks you are a great guy or gal, you almost certainly aren't a potent activist. It's either fake activism, and missions that are not truly about people's lives but are about activist masturbation, or the mission is everything because the mission is people's lives, exactly. You can't have it both ways. If the mission isn't worth stepping on people's toes for, if the mission isn't worth dispensing with pleasantries for, if the mission isn't worth hard, harsh words, bold behavior, allowing some feelings to be hurt, those easily bruised, and concerned about avoiding bruises, shouldn't be in there in the first place, or, it's not a worthy mission. And if someone is complaining about it, by definition they are not true activists, because true activists live for the most crucial, dire, life and death situations in the world. This is really a wonderful point friends, this is a leading indicator. If you can think of a time when your feelings have been an issue, God love you. You are not a true activist. Now, hurt feelings, that you just move past, shrug off, move on - that's a different issue. Brava. A true activist is someone in the foxhole, in the firefight, life on the line, with those that are attempting to serve; and when someone fighting alongside them just swung around and mistakenly hit them in the head with a figurative rifle butt, their feelings are going to be hurt? That person probably was fighting to save their life. This is a wonderful issue friends. There is scarcely a clearer indicator, for yourself, for others. Oh, so-and-so was so harsh. Oh, they hurt my feelings. Oh, they hurt the feelings of a coworker. INSHE warriors friend, true activists are INSHE warriors. Effectively, their global feelings are the most intense among us and their feelings on personal issues, well, they virtually dont exist irrelevant. And God love you, if you're not such a Warrior, but get off the battlefield, get out-of-the-way. You are gunna get people killed. Youre going to distract the true warriors, they're going to fail in saving their prospective clients, and youll get some of them killed. Better yet, rather than get off of the battlefield look in the mirror, find your higher angels, step up your contribution, and join the battle, renewed. Final comment: This essay is NOT about taking license to be callous, mean, cruel, thoughtless, arrogant, heartless, insensitive, self-centered. NO. INSHE warriors do what they do EXACTLY because they are the most sensitive, most Loving among us. Re-watch An Officer and a Gentleman, Sgt. Foley.

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058. I leave all 'support' issues to the Creator. No roof? No roof. No funds? No funds. No allies? No allies. Thats all the Creator's business, not mine I'll start with a footnote - if a life worthy of the Bible has been lived within the last hundred years it's that of Thomas, who started the peace vigil at the White House quickly marginalized and ultimately killed in large part by the paranoid, schizophrenic with persecution complex Connie. But before Thomas, just before Thomas ever hit DC and started the vigil, he went on a biblical leap of faith, a walk across northern, Muslim Africa, a place immensely feared by Westerners; without a cent in his pocket. I believe the Scripture he cited was about the lilies of the field, but certainly about no worry for tomorrow. No need for money - relying on the Creator for today, and the Creator to worry about tomorrow. It's a must read. If you go to Thomas's site,, Thomas is a link that you should find on the main page, and on the page you should then get it should talk about "Life, Liberty, and the Hot Pursuit." It's a must read, this series of linked stories, essays, drawings, graphics. End of footnote. The potent, INSHE warriors, insanely humane warriors of Unviolence throughout history. These are the antithesis of reckless people. These are in the antithesis of thoughtless people. And these are the antithesis of fundamentalist, religious wackos who have rejected the truths of science, have rejected the truths of responsibly using our intellect and our senses. These are, these are solidly grounded people. They may have strong mystical tendencies, they are absolutely people of the uncontrollable 80% of our nervous system that's the heart, but their feet are on the ground. So the fact that they wind up in prison. The fact that their bodies are frequently at legal or physical risk or both, could easily be misconstrued as irresponsibility, recklessness, suicidal tendencies, masochism. It's none of those. Several times last year, as I recall, within the last several years anyway, there have been two living recipients of the medal of honor, MOH, people that had repeatedly risked their lives in an incident to save comrades in arms. There's nothing that I see that suggests they were reckless, looking for martyrdom. Casual with their own lives, without a tendency to think about tomorrow, but in the situation where so much was at stake, all tendencies that we consider normal in this sickest of all societies - to be prudent, to layaway for tomorrow, to avoid taking risks, to look out for number one, were all squeezed to the sidelines. And I don't find those people crazy; I find them admirable and ones that I want to learn from and emulate. Some of you do too. So what's going on there? In certain circumstances, times of great peril, it is pathological, it is not adaptive, for the species to be laying up for tomorrow, to be thinking about tomorrow. We have months to secure a future, other than hell on earth for the next 2000 generations, 200 billion people. This is the time to be putting money into our life insurance plans? This is the time to be worrying if we're going to spend the rest of our lives in prison, if the best way to stop the impending doom is to put our bodies unviolently in the way of such a thing? This is the time to worry about whether were going to die on death fast? If so, then those medal of honor recipients were fools. These are these are fathers, and mothers, and they didn't just decide they don't care about the people around them, their dependents. They decided that being a human being, caring about all human beings was part of what they owed to humanity, including their dependents, driven by their sense of responsibility, not instead of it. I suspect this all sounds like duh, like really obvious, but if you're going to be fair, such thoughts are not those that stay prominent in our thinking, as we meander through this sickest of all societies; were distracted from such really obvious thoughts. If we're living as brother and sister to the 4 billion people on this planet, living on four dollars a day, as a brother and sister to the 26,000 children that will die tomorrow, that will die today, that will die day after tomorrow, from lack of clean water; if we're living as brother and sister to the next 2000 generations, were laying up stores for tomorrow? Really? 'No, I can't take the job. I can't take that job, role, life-choice - it doesn't pay anything, I can't take that. I'd have to live on the street, on homeless food. Really? Thats sufficient

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reason to keep your body out of harms way? And our founding fathers, great ancestors thing what?

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059. Im fearful of screwing up my own immortal responsibility. My example will last forever. I must get it right
Hasnt your notion of immortality been about an afterlife, life after death, where somehow one is conscious, alive, but in a different state of being? Well, whereas in my teens, and since, Ive rejected that, totally, it certainly has been my idea of the prevailing notion among folks. But Im now convinced, without the data to submit to you, that central to historys great activists has been a fear of their immortality, but of a different sort. They, as do I now, realize that in the most important sense possible, how we, our influence, lives on in others, this is how ALL OF US are immortal. None of us cease to exist as influence. Ever. Impossible. The only variables are direction and degree. My sense of the great, potent activists is that their Love of Humanity is so great, they fear that they wont leave the most powerful, constructive, potent, hopeful influence possible. But that if they do, they are at total peace with their lives, and whatever happens. The INSHE warriors centrally ARE the future of humanity. Thats their very Life while they exist mortally preoccupation with the joy or needless suffering of the future. So, when they get it right, and know that their ongoing influence after mortality, will help, will keep serving, uh, whats the big deal about physical mortality? Death is nothing to be sad about. The only thing to be sad about is to know that you are not a saint. Teresa of Calcutta. [GWD.F.] Over tens of thousands of hours Lovings worked and worked and worked, to be sure that everything I am, everything I have been given, everything I value, everything I've seen by standing on the shoulders of giants, with everything I have, and everything I am, is in the blog 'Start Loving, and secondarily, reflected in Tracking Plan B blog, primarily Start Loving blog. Is it easy, that blog? One of the two great books on psychology, Alfred Adler's Individual psychology is only 600 pages, but it took me weeks to read, the slowest read I've ever had, because it is at the same time so elegantly simple, and so infinitely deep. It wasn't easy, but in weeks, I was able to get the essence of a lifelong brilliant learning, Adler's. My mastery of Gandhi, my mastery of King, were they easy? Not easy enough that there are more than 1 in a million who have done the same reading, so deeply, that it becomes part of their DNA. No the Start Loving blog is not easy, but if lightning struck me, I have been aware of this for a long time, if lightning struck me and wiped out everything I know, I could spend another 30, 40 years reconstructing myself, with all the reading, all the study, all the experience... or, I could reboot myself in months at the Start Loving blog. But Loving, you'll be dead. Really? Gandhi's not dead, he's alive in me. Martin Luther King's not dead, he's alive in me. Jesus isn't dead, he's alive in me. And not to suggest I'm the only one in whom they're alive, but there aren't more than 1 in a million of us in whom they are really alive, because there aren't more than 1 million of us who turn off the TV, the parties, the distractions, the intoxicationsand other garbage long enough, to devote themselves to working these great wisdoms and learnings into their cellular structure. Not as robots, not as scripts, but as deep, empowering, essential understanding of who these people were, what they learned, profiting from what they knew, and what they had chosen to become. So if Lovings dead, Gandhi, King, Jesus are dead, if their voice is silent, that's your choice, you chose that. Because Jesus didn't go silent when crucified. King didn't go dead when shot. Gandhi didn't go dead. We are all immortal. It's inescapable. We all live on. It's inescapable, as has just been described of King, Gandhi and Jesus. The question is, whether what lives on is constructive for humanity or

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destructive. Is it of the Creator, or is it of the destroyer. Does it serve the Creator, or does it serve the Destroyer. Loving serves the Creator. Credit be mine? Credit to the Creator. The only credit I deserve is to be reviled for taking to so long to have my gifts blossom. But I am near unique in being a Gandhi-esque, a King-esque, a Jesus-esque repository today. There may be many others. I hope there are millions. I don't see any, my brothers and sisters all, excepting Diane, Hope, and maybe the emerging, Brian, and I hope, John.... So if you let my voice stay dead, because it's been dead, I've been so marginalized, so ignored. It's been dead. Now that I've announced my death, some people are starting to listen, it's for the first time a tiny bit hopeful. But if you let my voice die, if you let me die, you've made a terrible choice for yourself. You've made a terrible choice for humanity. For God sakes don't make that choice. No credit to me what was given to me. Condemnation to you if you let it die, and more importantly condemnation will be the consequence to you and children, and grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, on your hands. Blogs: SL Blg and TPB .

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060. My Family is those waging their Being, their Life, for the Global Neediest. Theyre your Family too. [GWD.F.] My family is those waging their lives, waging their very being, for humanity, the Rachel Corey's, the Christ Jesus' the Gandhis, the Kings, the Dianne Wilsons... some of the Jews, the real Jews, using their bodies as human shields between the vile, hideous, subhuman Israeli settlers, my brothers and sisters all, and the Palestinian farmers whose orchards theyre trying to destroy and steal, and whose bodies they're trying to kill. That's my family. I'm brother and sister to all, I love all, but my Family, those with whom I am kin, are those waging their lives for our global neediest, that's with whom I identify, that's with whom I feel a kinship, that's with whom I feel a common bond of species. I love all, but my family is those waging their lives, their very being, their every breath, for the well-being of humanity. For Loving, I have two, and probably three, maybe four in my life immediately. My sister SC wages a much more private war for humanity, but it includes being the one person since my radical rebirth that has been an unshakable rock and support since the beginning, literally saving my life on one or more occasions. And my sister in Christ, Hope, who though hearing a very different kind of call than I, more and more completely is a fearless warrior for the victory of global Love over the greed, the fear, the hatred that is in the final stages of killing us. Diane Wilson, who through my abrasiveness, orneriness, stubbornness, aggressiveness I push away from time to time, but even were our relationship to end, shed still be my family because the entire world is her family. Brian, of Occupy DC, the brightest hope Ive seen in DC these long 8 years or so. And John, and Louise with Occupy DC. Will they make it? I pray, for them, for us all. Im deeply admiring of their efforts, and full of prayer that they prevail. And others in Occupy DC Johnny, Jesse. And maybe, hopefully, there are others emerging, but it is far from clear to me. But I pray, and use my final hours to be a prayer that they make it. Were doomed unless they and those like them make it. And these people that are my Family, my Kin are your true Family. They wage their lives, they wage their very being, for you. That's family. As a youth, the man Jesus who Loving has always loved, my brain exploded with his speaking to those who said 'Your Mother and your brothers outside are outside', to which Jesus responded ,"My mother and my brothers are those who do the Creator's will." But he was right, of course. Jesus was virtually always correct. Our family, yours and mine, are those that truly love us and love is seen nowhere except in what we do, and those who truly love us are waging every breath, their entire being, their entire life against the needless suffering, against the horrors, and in this case against the impending environmental Armageddon for the next 2,000 generations. The one, longest and clearest member in my family, in my life, is my beloved sister SC who has been unfailingly supportive of my work, agreeing with it sometimes disagreeing, but unfailingly, courageously supportive of my work these last 13 years and has literally nourished me back to life on at least one and maybe multiple occasions. What a gift she is, what a joy

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she is. My long lost fianc, who now fights as best she knows for decency and sanity in the world. The numbers may grow. Jesus' Family was zero, except for Mary as near as we can tell, while he lived; there was no one standing with Jesus, there was no one waging their life for the wellbeing of humanity. That happened after his death. Since the beginning of this death fast, for the first time in Lovings eight years or so in DC, I've begun to see some people possibly moving in the direction of waging their being for the well-being of humanity, and if and when that happens, although they're my brothers and sisters all, the size of my Family may increase. That's not my goal, but that would be a joy, and the greatest possible Hope for humanity. In a way it is my goal, because waging one's life for the well-being of others, which is such a rarity in this society, it's not a rarity among the cells in your body. It's not a rarity among the organs in your body, it's what life does. We're so corrupt, and so fallen that we've stopped being family to one another. We have become subhuman. Our religion is to be sub-human, less than human predators, well dressed beasts. So in a way our salvation will only come as we start to become really Family to one another, but in my life, although I see those hovering, I see those wondering, it remains to be seen whether they're the seed on the path, on the stone, among the thorns, or on good Earth. Time will tell. My love doesn't change whether someone's my Family or not. My love for them doesn't change. But what they are changes. And those who are Family are fully alive. Those who are not are fully dead, first to themselves, and then to others. And Jesus gave his life to bring us to Life. And he told us to love as he loved, and that's been my choice, to learn to do that. And thank the Creator I've listened to Him, and thank the Creator I've made progress, because if you're wise you will envy every aspect of my life, you will envy every aspect of my joy, just as I always embraced and envied that of Jesus and King and Gandhi, and my dad, and I was right. And I moved myself in that direction, and I'm now in heaven on Earth. I believe in none other. And now the Personal Trainer is yours. Use it? And of you love your children, or your nieces and nephews, and your grandkids, you'll move yourself in the same direction and you'll do it now. And the creator has given us one last set of heart-paddles to restart our cold, dead hearts. And that's the Truth of the Armageddon were about to make unstoppable; that in 2012 we will decide whether the next 2,000 generations are living in hell or moving in the direction of heaven. It's time to become Family to us all; for yourself, and for all creation.

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061. I Scrupulously manage my own business. RELIGIOUSLY AVOIDING managing the business of others. Personal Responsibility's like Personal Breathing - Life Itself 'Oh, we don't want leaders. No not in our Occupy movement.' Okay, so then you don't want leaders on your surgical team operating on your loved one, right? One of these is crazy, friends, and its the idea of having no leaders. What is death to hope, what is death to humanity, is having bosses. Everyone needs to be a leader; everyone is needed as a leader, not less than that; everyone is the only one that has their vantage point, their knowledge. Within their sphere, they need to lead, which is the ultimate service. But never be a boss! To boss is to subordinate the highest resources of others, the Heart and Conscience. We need to draw out the higher resources of others. The heart in ourselves and others, is what we need to draw on. It will not be subordinated; only the head and the flesh will be subordinated, and when they are, now you've lost the strongest part of what's needed, the heart. The potent unviolent warriors are scrupulous about minding their own business, and telling other people what to do, pressuring them, expressing your dissatisfaction, expressing how disappointed you are... are different forms of minding other people's business. Why don't the potent warriors mind the business of others? Because they are consummate leaders. Their whole business is drawing the best out of others, and minding the business of others is consummate enabling of cowardice, enabling of un- responsibility, enabling of the head and the flesh. INSHE warriors are not that stupid. Potent unviolent warriors are too greedy to allow themselves such counterproductive behavior. They need the heart of those working with them, or they need those people to go away, though they still are brothers and sisters, they need to get them out of the way, if the heart wont come forth. They will not fall into the trap of enabling head and flesh, telling people what to do, watching over their shoulder. They're Alice Paul. The senator's wife comes into the office. 'I wonder what I can do?' Alice puts a piece of paper in the senator's wife's hands. 'This needs to be typed.' ' I've never typed,' the Senators wife replies in muted terror. 'The keys have letters...' Alice replies, and moves on. Alice didn't tell the senator's wife what to do. She told the senator's wife what needed to be done. She brought creative tension to bear and left it for the senator's wife to decide how to respond. And then she gave her more clarity as to what the opportunity was. She didn't tell her what to do. She didn't say whether she'd be proud or disappointed. It was all between the senator's wife and the senator's wife's heart and conscience. All that Alice Paul did was facilitate the connection of the two, and be certain not to empower the avoidance mechanism of responsibility - engaging the head and the flesh from arguments over Oh, you're trying to be the leader, Oh, you're trying to boss me, Oh, you're trying to tell me what to do, Oh, you're getting into my business. No. They're such stupid traps to fall into, though I will grant, they are endemic in our culture. Climb out of The Matrix friends and thereby lead others out of the Matrix. Or, you are leading them in, and soon it will be inescapable, and soon Earth, decent existence, will be destroyed by our lack of humanity. Don't allow that. Mind your own business, and thereby create the ultimate likelihood that others will begin to do likewise.

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062. I Live to Trigger Within me, and to Trigger in Others the 'Family Emergency Response.' [GWD.F.] Have you ever thought of it? And if you haven't, and you think about it now, you'll see for yourself - We have what acts like special circuitry within us that, when someone in our circle who we dearly love is in an emergency, we move to a whole new level, don't we? The dad, his daughter has just gone onto convulsions. He is frantic but focused at the same time. He calls 911 I'm sorry, officers are out now, not sure I can get anyone there now.' He goes to a whole new level, doesn't he? He finds a way to get her to the hospital, really starting to work miracles, whatever ones he has to. We are designed with capacity to work the unimaginable, the impossible, when those Family Emergency circuits are triggered. I understand it to be that part of our nervous system associated with the Heart, which we are taught to fear, which we are taught to stay out of, which we are taught to relegate to a psychological prison so that our cool, rational, head can be in charge; the Head, the part that easily can be duplicated by computer, the Heart is un-copyable for decades, if not centuries. It's complexity, it's the 80% of the brain, the 80% of the nervous system that Einstein said we didn't use. That's the stuff of miracles. That's the stuff of insight, the stuff of vision, revelation, courage, strength, herculean strength, impossible physical acts - the mother whose child is pinned under a car, she lifts the car off him - the family emergency response. It turns out the great psychologists like Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi, University of Chicago, cites studies that found that there's actually not a psychological limit to how many people can fall within that family emergency circle; that people like Dr. King and Gandhi, for them, it included everyone on the planet. For Jesus, everyone on the Planet. Everyone's emergency was their emergency; that's where their vision came from, that's where their courage came from. That's where their relentlessness came from. If you can think of a great activist, that has moved the world, that has not lived out of that family emergency response, that has not had zero time, and zero tolerance for potential co-workers that would not or could not move into that emergency response, I can't. Great activists don't suffer fools. They don't have time. Spoken of in another essay, another video log, they understand that every second, is life. If they screw up, if they don't perform, if they don't get the job done in time, people die, people suffer, people are tortured, and whether or not they know it, they've developed and expanded their circuitry for the family emergency response to encompass those they serve. And there's no other way they can achieve the brilliance, the power, the penetration, the speed, the transformation that they achieve, without those circuits being activated. When they're activated, it's vision or akin to vision, and they make it available to others by embodying it themselves; they make it available; we're contagious to one another, and when we exercise the family emergency response those around them, with any humanity left, vicariously get their own family emergency response circuits exercised, and what we use grows in strength. There is no serious activist that does not live out of the family emergency response, serially, from one emergency to the next, to the next. You can't think of a great activist, who has moved the world, that hasn't lived there, and insisted upon working only with people that live there. The family emergency response does not get paralysis by analysis, does not get verbal diarrhea, does not engage in mental and spiritual masturbation. Lives are on the line, and these are the people that are alive. Life only happens, your nervous system is only fully engaged, in the emergency.

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Real activists run toward the emergency, using their body as a shield to the innocents. And when they solve that one, they run to the next one, because that's the only place that life is to be found, and to be given, and they have a taste for life and for joy, and for peace of heart, and the ultimate joy of service, and you should too. You must too.

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063. My Agenda is never hidden, never multiple. It is always clear, open, singular; like the leading edge of a razor About halfway through the must-see Iron Jawed Angels a Sen.'s wife, who has been drawn to the suffrage movement is in the most difficult emotional spot - a young daughter or two, a husband who's a Sen. in 1918, all the social pressures. One day she comes into Alice Paul's, and the other serious women suffragists office. Alice Paul know perfectly well who this woman is. The woman is 10 years older than Alice whose recently graduated from Swarthmore College, the Senator's wife is her senior. 'Oh, hello, I was wondering if I could help.' Alice happens to be holding a letter in her hand that needs to be typed, and without making eye contact as I recall, puts the letter in the Sen.'s wife's hand and says, 'this needs to be typed,' cold as ice. The Sen.'s wife is nonplussed. 'Well I've never typed before;' a typewriter is on a desk at their side. Still without making eye contact, 'the keys have letters on them,' and Alice goes elsewhere on further business, leaving the Sen.'s wife standing, and then sitting, and then starting to type. Alice was an INSHE warrior, insanely humane warrior of Unviolence. She wasn't there to play. She wasn't there to mince words, she wasn't there to dialogue with people who didn't want to be serious, but she provided the ultimate service that one human being can provide to another - To blaze the trail on what needs to be done, to find what needs to be done, best understood by some as the 'daily bread.' That's what we need, is a cause worth giving our lives for, today, worth sacrificing all our selfish, stupid, hideous intoxications of the head and the flesh for, today. And in handing that letter, putting that into the Sen.'s wife's hand, Alice gave her daily bread she needed, to be taken or to be rejected. There was no hidden agenda. There was no political threat correctness. There was no undue harshness, there was no undue meanness. The harshness was that the next hundred generations of girls would look forward to second-class citizenship - that was the harshness. Alice neither amplified that, nor allowed herself distraction from that, or to distract others by irrelevant, inappropriate, pleasantries; and thereby she gave life to that Sen.'s wife. And you need to be about the business of giving that life to the 200 billion people we are about to condemn to an existence without it, and to everyone laterally around you that you influence at all, because what you are is what they will tend to. Be what the world needs to be. Be clear. Stand on the truth, only, make that your true agenda. I'm sorry, political correctness why? Couching things in multiple agendas, why? You want to generate mistrust, really, as an INSHE warrior? I don't think so. Trustworthiness is everything. Transparency is a necessity of trustworthiness, openness, even to the police, as were Gandhi and King. If you're standing on the truth, why would you hide anything? And the truth is the only place to find the power you need. Find the right, true, moral agenda, and stand on it. Ultimate power.

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064. According to the Status Quo (rt, ctr and LFT) - I'm Extreme, weird, insane, unreasonable, dangerous, unapproving.... I'm good with all that

Note: Text is well expanded over video. Uh, Gandhi wore a loin cloth Churchill considered him a nut, and the Indian upper casts were scandalized. Alice Paul never married, to my knowledge, very weird for her day. Diane Wilsons book: An Unreasonable Woman, inspired by George Bernard Shaws words: The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man. MLK Jr: Kept he and his bio-family on death threat for the duration of his activist career. No. No. Extreme is people living normal lives in the final months, when environmental Armageddon, for their children, grandchildren, and the next 2000 generations could be averted, the greatest horror in human history could be averted, without of the risk that the Egyptian revolutionaries took, without a fraction of the cost of winning WWII, without a fraction of the technical requirements of putting a man on the moon. That level of apathy, inhumanity, insanity, deadness... that's extreme. That's weird. Have you seen "Hunger Games?" What did you think of the people in the city? Weren't they like horrible? Weren't they like skeletons? Weren't they like, walking-dead? That's you, friend. That's me, for most of my years. That's we 300 million Americans, or at least the adult population thereof. That's weird. That's extreme. I'm one of 1000 people, that for the joy of it, the sanity of it, the 'normalcy' of it, that needs to jump on their portion of the global warming grenade, that if we don't, will be the torture and death of roughly 200 million people each, in the next 2000 generations. It's a lot for each one of us. 1000 can save 200 billion, from hell on earth. Friends, extreme is allowing those driven insane by the prospects of $20-60 trillion in coal, oil, and tar sands reserves, to destroy our children's future. And more extreme, is the rest of us sitting and watching, rather than putting everything we have, everything we are, failure-is-not-an-option, in the way, until we win! That's weird. That's what's extreme.

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065. I find and blaze missions 'to die for,' for myself, for other activists, for the sake of our global neediest, and ourselves; For Joy, for Life, for Love. What's the most important, unexplored universe? The most unexplored territory? Some could contend it is the oceans, space, human biology, the rain forests. Maybe not said this way, but I think that the insanely humane, unviolent warriors, the INSHE warriors, the potent activists, have understood they were explorers at some other level, so infinitely more important, infinitely more joyful level. Their territory could reasonably be described as the territory of human morality. Abstract? No. What a time waste abstract is now. Rooted in our epigenetic, DNA given predispositions, as manifest and as called forth, in a specific historical context. Gandhi's quest, was to explore the unknown territory to bring a mass population of hundreds of millions of people to a moral clarity and a moral response, that would wind up with the British no longer victimizing the Indian People, no longer exploiting and subjecting them. No one knew how to do that. No one how to get there. No one knew what questions to ask. Almost no one knew the inside of themselves well enough, to do any of that. No one knew how to get from the east coast to the west coast until Lewis and Clark took on themselves that virgin exploration. The Potent activist throughout history, is the pioneer of finding what is right, what is most adaptive, what is most health producing for the human species, or at least a large population thereof. That's what they do, that's what we do. How could someone 'act' like Lewis and Clark without being like Lewis and Clark? How could they look like explorers without actually being explorers? And yet that's what we've done for the last 40 years, rather than be the potent activists. This book, this Personal Trainer, is designed, to help people achieve, in a matter of weeks, substantially, rather than the many decades it has taken the author. If you are following your friends, if you are following a cut and dried path of the status quo, you aren't what they need, you're not what you need, and you are not what history needs from you, and the future needs from you. Did I just say 'independence,' did I just say 'working alone?' No. But no one else was given your set of eyes, no one else was given your capacity for vision, no one else was given your particular knowledge of yourself, humanity, and the human condition. You have to do your part of working this out. If you don't you will know, that you lack one of the central characteristics of history's potent, effective, activists - Insanely Humane Unviolent Warriors. They find, blaze, pioneer missions worth our lives.

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066. I Chose the Joy of Service over the Intoxications of Pleasure. Always. Our 2012 Western society could not exist if we didn't pervert and distort and burry the joy of exercising the heart as inferior to the pleasures of exercising the head and flesh - endless planning, endless talking, endless cowardice, endless desire for entertainment, food, infotainment endless lusting; everything but loving. Now, if this society of head and flesh continues to exist there will be no future. If this direction doesn't change there will be no future worth living, for the next 2000 generations. But it exists because it has found how to relegate, to virtual non-existence, the 80% of our circuitry associated with our heart, loving, solidarity, unity, humanity - we ridicule it, right? When it is serious, the heart, we ridicule it to keep it at bay. We engage the heart in kind of a faux way, on Sunday morning, and in doing so, we emphasize how fanciful, how irresponsible, how juvenile , how irrelevant, weak, like a pet, it is. So peripheral to real life. We take it out a little bit when we go to our movies, and read our books, because they're all about exercising the heart. But our culture has managed to keep the heart so contained, so drugged, so belittled by implication, so entirely devoid of living models, that mass loving never, never breaks out. People like Teresa of Calcutta, and I'm thinking of her specifically, because I know the quote, "I don't want to be dismissed as a Saint." Along a similar line King said, 'Everyone can be great, because everyone can serve." What Jesus words and behavior say is, we are all made in the creators image. What could be more great in potential, what could be more divine, in potential than being like the Creator? A part of the Creator itself, a full Daughter, or Son? So what have we done? We've turned these Potent Activists into non-human beings, we've turned them into saints, we've turned them into unreachable sons of God, we've turned them into these unreachable things to protect, 'hey, if that's the son of God,- I might as well stay head and flesh, cuz hey, I'm not the son of God, I can't be him,' even though Jesus said we could, we're all Our Father's children, we're all born in Our Father's image, we simply then select head and flesh, over Heart, heart being Our Father's kingdom, by whatever name, by whatever concept, or at least that part of the Kingdom we can know. I've probably not come across a more important intellect than Pitirim Sorokin, founder of the field of sociology, while at Harvard. Was much revered at the time, has been much maligned since, and by this sick society I'd say that's a badge of honor. His seminal study was called Social and Cultural Dynamics, but I was blessed by years ago reading the 600 page synopsis of this multi-volume, many thousand page set. He took his intellect and the best resources at the time, the first half of the 1900's, and asked the question, have all cultures been the same, or have there been patterns and cycles, that tend to be gone through sequentially, I don't remember the sequence, sensate, of the senses like our culture; ideational as I recall, very cerebral; the Athenians of ancient Greece maybe; and then another, a synthesis of the two, Idealistic, I think, a merger of the two, senses and ideas, the whole human being Heart being the place of synthesis. From that he derives a sense of psychology, even though he was a sociologist, it is far and away the best model I've seen. We can best understand our nervous systems and ourselves as three major components, head, flesh and heart. And we have a culture today, uber-sensate, with a touch of Ideational, that reviles Heart, that is built entirely on disabling it, so that the head and the flesh, those entirely, by nature, selfish entities, they simply don't have the circuits for solidarity, unity, sense of humanity they think they do, they have the words, but it is like a color blind person may have the name for a color they can't see, that doesn't mean they can see it. What gets used grows. So, we exercise in this society, this is one big gymnasium for the head and the flesh, and nothing to exercise the Heart, except the probes that jab it when it shows itself, and shock it and punish it when it shows itself. Don't be a Pollyanna. Don't be a Don Quixote. Get realistic. You can't save the world. Be responsible, Yada, yada, yada. So guess what we are? Our nervous systems are very plastic until we die, more so as children, but until

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we die, what gets used grows, what doesn't get used atrophies. Yes, all the potent activists, the insanely humane warriors of unviolence, have all been creatures of the heart. When the heart is exercised, it generates a chemical cocktail continuously as long, every second it is exercised, for days, years, lifetime on end, and we call the feeling of this cocktail, is called joy, is called peace of heart. Understood as joy, and peace of heart and Life. The head and the flesh, have their own very potent, very mind wiping, drugs as well, called pleasure, sense of intoxication. And when we exercise our capacity to take care of just me and mine, those chemicals flow, and they wipe out virtually all memory of the heart, all memory of how to get back. I was much a creature of the heart when I was 20, like most of us. I lost it through a series of events I partly understand, like near all of us. My memory was wiped by hormones, the tidal wave of temptations, expectations, pressures that come with entering college, the job market, the marriage marketexcept I knew I had lost the divine, and I spent 25 years in this sick culture, trying to find my way back, and the last 13 years I've been there. If you are a creature of the head and the flesh, God bless you, I love you. You are not a hope for humanity. You are a hope for the status quo, whether you wear activist clothes, whether you smoke pot in an activist house, weather you go to marches, it doesn't matter. You are the change that's already in place, the status quo. If you become a creature of the heart, by more and more refusing to exercise the head and flesh in charge, and more and more exercise the heart in charge, then you are joining those that have been the proven potent, demonstrated ,insanely humane, inspiration and sources of health and growth and reconstructive direction for humanity. Choose the Heart. I've done both friends. I was more addicted to the sanctioned pleasures of the head and the flesh than anyone you'll ever meet. It's garbage. It's the crack addict in the corner, thinking he's in heaven, and you see him and you know he's in hell. And that's where I see my brothers and sisters, who are creatures of the head and the flesh. Stop it, and love someone in your life enough, to find life as I did, and lead them toward it. They may or may not follow, but by God, you can do your part of blazing the trail. All hope lies with that. Unless there is a mass awakening of the heart, Einstein was clear, mid 1950's, and I paraphrase with liberties hed approve, 'if we develop no more technology, humanity will be ok. But if our morality, if our hearts don't grow, to the size of our intellect and our science, we will destroy ourselves.

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067. The only activist - one waging their entire being, fully accountable, for the global neediest. [GWD.F] The definition of activist, in the eyes of our Creator, in the eyes of truth, is one, and only one, thing - The person waging their very being, their life, everything they have and everything they are, with total accountability for the global neediest that they've selected. Rachel Corey, Egyptian revolutionaries, Alice Paul and her sisters. Living today, the one that I know for sure, Dianne Wilson, the only one that I know for sure. Our sister Hope, I think. Brian, maybe. The marchers on the salt works in India, Steven Biko and the dozens like them who totally waged their lives against the violence of the apartheid regime in S Africa. The Jews that are placing their bodies between massively sub-human Israeli settlers, rapers and plunderers all, thieves, thugs, and their brothers and sisters the Palestinian farmers, the targets of the thugs. The Buddhist monks in Tibet self-immolating, the Buddhist Monks who so heroically stood up for their population about a year and a half ago in Myanmar. The revolutionaries in Tahrir square who said 'kill me if you want, torture me if you want imprison me if you want, but Im not sitting down." Those are activists; nothing less is. "But Loving, there are thousands of activists in this country, there are thousands, certainly hundreds in this city, DC"- NO; there are, my brothers and sisters all, hacktivists, yacktivists, activists, whacktivists.. They're accountable to who? History? Those in history that through unviolent warfare have achieved things? No. They're not accountable to the greats in history, and in no way do they measure themselves to them. Those icons were accountable for results, today's hacktivists that call themselves activists? No, the fastest way to either clear a room or make yourself entirely totally unwelcome among today's 'activists' is to talk about accountability. How are we actually going to win this? How are we actually going to take personal responsibility for this stopping? You want to make yourself totally persona non grata in Republican circle? Tell them you think that global warming is real. Want to make yourself totally persona non grata among 'activists' in 2012? Tell them that you want to take personal responsibility, not for opposing environmental genocide, but for actually stopping it in 2012. That's the last that you'll actually see anyone, once they realize that you're serious. Youve just cleared the room, and you are no longer welcome. No, there are no 'activists,' virtually no activists today, they're activists, like virtually all these last 40 years in the US. I think it's said that - is it religion or democracy is the 'last refuge of scoundrels?' No. Activism is the last refuge of scoundrels. That is the place where people go that want to escape any and all accountability for, personal responsibility to their clients, to history, to responsibility, to method, to personal accountability, personal measurement. These last 40 years 'activism' is a club, where the only responsibility to is to hold everyone outside of your circle to the most unattainable, unachievable, cruel, unrealistic requirements and expectations, and yourself and your colleagues to absolutely none. It's the last refuge of scoundrels. These are my brothers and sisters all, some of whom I've come to personally love dearly. If anything ever brings them alive they will be among the most happy on Earth, it's a living death that they're in but there are no 'activists,' Diane Wilson is the one I know personally and by name, and I've named others above, living and dead, whose names I don't know. Those are activists. And then there are a few that may be emerging in Occupy DC, and theres Hope, but it is too soon to be sure. We know what a Marine looks like, we know what a brain surgeon looks like, we know what an Olympic runner looks like. I've reminded you what a real, potent activist looks like. If you want to stay in your denial, live it up. If you think these times are too serious to continue to indulge denial, I've just shown you how to wake up, and what to wake up to become. Hurry, for the Joy of it; for the Life and future of it.

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068. Zero tolerance for excuses. Zero, from myself, from anyone. I run to, not away from, Personal Responsibility Can you imagine Gandhi making excuses? Can you imagine Alice Paul making excuses? Can you imagine anyone making excuses to Gandhi, Alice Paul? Can you imagine Steve Biko, or Rachel Corrie making excuses? Can you imagine Diane Wilson making excuses? Unimaginable in all those cases. They don't make excuses, they don't accept excuses. Failure is not an option for these people. They don't play to play. They don't play to feel good. They don't play to do something. They play to win. Can you imagine an activist in the last 40 years that doesn't accept excuses from their co, so-called activists? I can't, with the few exceptions like Diane Wilson, Rachel Corrie, the anti-apartheid activists in South Africa, and some of the activists associated with the Palestinian cause. But excuses are the way of life for activism in the last 40 years ,and unimaginable among the great activists throughout history. Unimaginable. You want to play our you want to win? You want to be an activist or do you want 'act' like an activist? You want a future, or do you want excuses? That's your choice. Fortunately for you, it's a clear choice. We see what happens when people hold themselves to the highest moral standards, the highest standards of performance, failure is not as an option, excuses therefore are irrelevant and intolerable. We have example after example after example the power of that, and we have 40 years of seeing the impotence of excuses as lifestyle. You have a clear choice friends and yet very little time to make that choice.

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069. Of the Spirit, Heart, ALWAYS, in charge. Head, Flesh in charge, NEVER I can't suggest to you that history's potent activists had the advantage I have of Harvards Pitirim Sorokin's implied model of psychology; that we best understand ourselves, our nervous system in terms of head, flesh and heart; that we live in a culture optimized for head and flesh, and optimized to destroy our hearts, which pretty much by the end of high school has now happened to our American students, studies of empathy suggest. My generation at least made it through the first couple years college, with heart intact. But though they didn't have the language or the benefit of Sorokins model, they still were the best we've ever seen in terms of understanding their own nervous systems, how we're shaped by our DNAs predispositions, how we're predisposed and therefore how others are genetically pre-disposed, but I'll switch to speaking explicitly from my own behavior and experience, which I now experience as being extremely similar to theirs. We are all born creatures of the heart; were born loving creatures; and in this culture, we then have that punished, and we're turned into creatures of the head and flesh. The great Ashley Montague said, this highly degreed, PhD man, who taught at Yale, Princeton and elsewhere - 'we die by degrees in this country, bachelors degree, Masters degree, PhD degree. He wasn't kidding. There are people that escape it, just like there are people that escape an epidemic, just like there are people that escape our spiritually eviscerating main religions, but they're the exception not the rule. We swim in a multitrillion dollar economy that is entirely directed at inflaming and intoxicating and selling intoxicants to the head and the flesh - he house, the car, the girl, the boy, the wife, the husband, the glamorous job, the CocaCola, the expensive meal, the vacation, and they're all intoxicants for the head and the flesh. I didn't just condemn them, though I don't want them in my life any more than I want crack cocaine in my life. I want the joy of serving our global neediest that I can stretch and reach in my life. I want my universal family to entirely fill my life, but that's different than saying the lusts of the head and flesh are bad, just experientially grossly inferior to the joy of serving from the heart, and this, intuitively or through study, the great activists know, and live. That's the core reason why you find a Diane Wilson planning an action in her own mind, or talking to serious activists about doing so, rather than off at the movies or off a party, or off dancing. I'm not speaking for her. She might disagree. But that's my take on it. They would not have said that these other things are bad, intoxications of the head and the flesh. They showed by their lives that they preferred loving, over lusting and the intoxications and pleasures that come from lusting for stuff, head and flesh in charge. Im with them on this, now. I never I guessed, I always knew it as possible, most of my life, I didn't believe it would ever happen to me. I wasn't sure it was real. It's absolutely real. And it's heaven, living Heart in charge for the joy of serving, Loving. I look at all the lusts I wasted my life on and I hate every second that I did. I'd trade every single second, for another second for what I'm doing right now; out of love of giving my life for our brothers and sisters, which some of us should do over 90 years, and some of us, depending upon a more appropriate mission for us at the time, over 90 seconds, or 90 days. Depends entirely on what our human Family needs from us. If you're not a creature of the heart, as I was not creature the heart, you can do it. Use this personal trainer, invest your time, every day, hours a day at the beginning, and as your nervous system becomes grooved you can do it less and less, that's how it is with me. It becomes part of your cell structure, it becomes part of your atomic structure. But there are always temptations. They come at the worst times, they come in the most unrecognizable ways, and there may be no more important tool than this Personal Trainer to recover in time - 'Am I operating out of the head and the flesh in charge, or am I operating out of the heart in charge? There may be more no more important compass for staying on the path in difficult situations, than this question, one that I had to learn and develop and use for myself to my great profit and gratitude.

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070. With every breath I Respect, Every person, Every Creature (another word for Loving) I know of two synonyms for the word love. Do you? Pause and think for a moment. Mind you I'm not speaking of lust, I'm speaking of Love, that which is me about the well-being of the global neediest. One synonym I mentioned in another video log, another essay solidarity, that's the one I realized recently. I don't know if anyone else has seen it as a synonym for love. The other I learned more than a decade ago, it seems to me, Ashley Montague's writing as I recall, that respect and love are virtually indistinguishable. With 'respect' he's not talking about some formal code of conduct. He's talking about the neurological capacity we have to look at something so carefully that we all but merge with it, and effectively we do merge with it. As I understand it, whether it's Latin or Greek origin, respect means, to look again. What human being is not worthy of respect? What creature is not worthy of respect? At what times are a human being, what behaviors, make it correct not respect the individual even for a second? Maybe when a baton is coming down on your head, right? Not according to the potent activists as seen in their behavior throughout history. They allow nothing to interfere with their respect for an individual as an individual, ever. It's a luxury they don't afford themselves. It's an inhumanity they don't allow for themselves, in part because, it instantly kills themselves the 'person of hope' that they the activist were, or were becoming, until the lapse in respect. The insanely humane Unviolent warrior is love incarnate; love is respect. It's impossible to be loving without respecting. We are not talking about respecting behavior here! That's a whole different thing. Respectable behavior, loving behavior, courageous behavior... is to be respected. Everything else is to be disrespected, a duty of communication, of Truth; tho always with the humility of realizing weve all failed in our behavior, tho if we Love, less and less with every hour. But the individual? There is no time, no circumstance, no way, no instance, no nanosecond... when anything less than full respect for the individual, is acceptable, for the INSHE warrior. Now in this most dangerous, most dire of all times, if it's not tough love, it is neither love, nor respect.

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071. I'm the first accused of tilting at windmills. One of the few not, actually. [GWD.F.] Potent Activists would be the first to be accused of tilting at windmills like Don Quixote, Pollyanna, unless truth is to be considered, unless reason is to be considered, in which case I'm the last that should be accused tilting at windmills. The addle headed, the right wing in the US today, the left wing in the US today, goes out of line with science, goes out of line with reason, goes out of line with the facts on the ground, as do virtually all of our brothers and sisters. The Potent Activist is the one that's acting on firm ground. Shes the one that's acting on science, the one that's acting on fact, Hes the one that's acting on the historical record of the powerful and successful unviolent actions throughout history, to bring change. Rank defensiveness, rank denial, would label them the Don Quixote. Rank cowardice.

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072. Daily I live in front of, NEVER status quo, but the One ultimate judge, Creator - Good, Our Father, Conscience, by whatever name, and his best unviolent warriors in history. Arrogance by me is always unacceptable
I dont know of a great, potent activist that didnt hold themselves in front of, above all, a notion of the Almighty, the Creator, God, the Divine, the great Unity. ALSO, I dont know of one that was or acted like a zealot. Maybe Im wrong on this later point, but Im sure not. Even a Teresa of Calcutta, a devout Catholic, was relatively indifferent as to the religious beliefs of others, except that she felt hers delivered the ultimate in joy that she wanted for all. The notion of compass, N, S, E, W does not, NOT exist in nature. Yet, we live as though it does, quite effectively. Same with math, but we live as though it exists in nature, and it helps us a lot. Same with the idea of the Creator, a Father/Parent/Mother of us all. To the Potent Activists, forever, this is central to their ability to navigate to the part of themselves they wish to inhabit, have in charge, keep strong, keep focused the Heart, the Conscience. And, whereas the Potent Activists are the most understanding, the most considerate, the most respectful of all humans, they, like Gandhi, always, ALWAYS, are subordinate to one thing, and one thing only, that notion of God, Creator, Conscience, Heart that they keep alive within themselves, and in charge, always I will allow just one tyrant in my life, the still, small voice within, Gandhi.

[GWD.F] Sister Louise Thundercloud describes herself as a Heinz 57. She describes herself as African American, and maybe a dozen different Indigenous American tribes- Blackfoot, I think she said, Lakota, I think she said. She's kindly visited me several times in the last 17 days, including praying over me the other day, an indigenous prayer. And during that prayer she spoke of the Creator. My life has been reformed these last 13 years, I've come back to life after many decades living the Spiritual Death that our society says we're to live. And bringing the notion of "Our Father," our common Father of all humanity to my mind has been central to that, praying the "Our Father" as Leo Tolstoy helped me to learn in his book 'The Gospel of Brief,' was instrumental in my regaining my humanity. But when sister Thundercloud spoke of the Creator the other day it was a massive step forward for me. Life is inseparable from Mother Earth, Gaia. And as I just said, the notion of Our Father unites me with all humanity, but it doesn't naturally unite me with our Mother Earth, and I would say nor does it unite all socalled Christians with Mother Earth, because look what theyve done to her. But 'The Creator,' same entity, different word, is much clearer language. For me, it much more powerfully brought me into the proper view of humans in the cycle with Earth. For some nice, Kumbaya metaphorical reason? No! We're dying because we've forgotten that inseparable linkage. We're dying because we're killing our Mother, as it was said by Jake in the movie Avatar. So now more centrally in my prayer life is the notion of Creator, and it's opening up whole avenues of clarity as to what we are to be, as directed by our DNA, and what we are not to be. Are we to be rapers and plunderers of the Creator's creation? I don't think so. Are we to be worshipping our own buildings, our own sculpture, our own painting, our own sexual enhancements, our own entertainment, our own form, as opposed to worshipping, reveling in, all the work of the Creator? I don't think so. Jesus didn't think so. The few of the sane prophets in the Old Testament, didn't think so. So I offer to you the power that I have found in the word 'Creator,' for what the word Jehovah meant in Jesus' day, 'the almighty power that everyone feels and no one will be able to name.' I suggest to you the word Creator brings us much closer, much faster to a grasp, as crude as it may be, of what that Creator is

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and what we are to value above all. Gandhi said that God is the rules; God is the ruler, clearly something is ruling the planet, some being, some entity, some force. I believe it's a force. But by whatever name, it is The Creator. I suggest to you that I've found, and you may too, that the word Creator is a tremendously fruitful concept to pray on, to meditate on, to focus on.

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073. Focus is everything for me, and from me, for my clients. [GWD.F.] A year and a half ago? You remember the long, long list of demands from the Egyptian revolutionaries, long and complex, and multitudinous, policy requirements? There may have been, but my recollection of it is that there were on two demands Mubarak goes, and we democratically elect a replacement, and I followed the entire revolution dawn till bed throughout. In the absolute must-see, [if you're not going to bother with it, don't bother with anything I have to say,] Iron Jawed Angels, go to either of my blogs and select the Library tab; it's what I know of the women suffragists movement, but it seems like an incredible gift of a documentary, and has a massive ring of truth. I'm sure this detail is true - Alice Paul as portrayed in the movie says, regarding a suitor that she is passionate for, 'I can't marry; I can't have the distraction from the mission, we can't afford it.' Do you remember the long laundry list of issues that the civil right workers had, flitting from one to another the time? I don't either. Their demands were very simple and straightforward. The Freedom Riders, two of the four must-see documentaries, a PBS special, and the Oprah Winfrey additional interviews; just stunning; must-see; do you remember all the long list of demands of Freedom Riders, the long list they were willing to die for? There was no long list. 'We're not here to cause trouble. We're here to claim what is rightfully ours, a seat in the waiting room labeled white.' And you remember all the Olympic athletes? Most as you'll recall, they compete in many varied events, right? Remember? I don't either. There is the decathlon-triathlon, but you don't find in it an Olympic single event medalist. Also track stars, not to say there isn't the rare exception, and if you want to delay focused, profound, world changing action, delay stopping the Russian roulette being played with your children's heads, and that of the next 2000 generation's, then let yourself be distracted by the exceptions. Otherwise, in all walks of life, nothing happens without maniacal focus. Achieving anything difficult, anything world changing, averting climate Armageddon, Indigenous rights, destroying Citizens United, ending corporate personhood, ending homelessness... these are hard, folks. These are winning the 200 meter Olympic butterfly. These are winning World Cup Soccer. Who do you think you are ,flitting from issue to issue the issue? What kind of arrogance, what kind of ignorance, what kind of denial of your own limitations? And you know what, you're the ones that are going to pay; just you, and those who you claim to care about. We perpetrators, people Lovings age, that have wrecked your world, your future, we're going to be fine. You're the ones that are going to pay by your self-indulgent, flitting from issue to issue, not holding yourselves accountable for making the hard decisions of - what do we need to do, what do we need to do first, what are the strategic precedents here, how are we going to be sure to win? You're the ones that are going to pay the price, your children are going to pay the price. Stop this selfindulgent masturbation. Focus. Remember the long, long, long list of demands that Gandhi and his co-workers had? Never! Get out of India!, He said to the British, through their behavior, not so much their words. You're out of time folks. It's time to stop playing. Focus, or go and enjoy the little bit of time you have left before mother nature starts grinding up you and your kids, for good.

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074. ZERO hypocrisy, double standards. Uh, ZERO. Hypocrisy is the root of all evil What is the Golden Rule of all religions, though it's said different ways in different religions? 'Do unto others, all you would have them do unto you.' Said a different way * Never do less unto others, than you would have done unto yourself. * Never expect more of others than you expect of yourself. * Never accept less for others in you accept for yourself. * Never treat others except in the way you want to be treated. There's hardly been an activist in 40 years that hasn't been a flagrant violation of that, absolutely living as religion the double standard, with arrogant pride! The code of the 'activists' club the last 40 years is - hold everyone outside of your circle, outside of what could be described as an activist circle, or 'club' - to the highest, most unreasonable, most unattainable, cruel standards, and hold yourself and other so-called activists to absolutely none; no time frames, no accountability to historical precedent, no plan, no outcomes, no deliverable, no results, no level of effort, no standards for the activists. The highest, cruelest, most unreasonable, most unattainable standards for those that they wish to change. This is abuse, clinical abuse. This is the height of moral bankruptcy done, because activism purports to be the paragon of moral virtue. Those who have practiced it properly, those who have brought change, have been the paragon of moral virtue, and they've been the antithesis of what we've seen for the last 40 years. They have only code of standards, no double standards, but they hold themselves to a higher level of executing those standards then they hold anyone else. And for the last 40 years it's been exactly the opposite. And we wonder why there has been nothing but social decline. We wonder why there has been nothing but erosion of human rights, social rights, political rights. Absolute moral bankruptcy. The man whom Gandhi held in the highest regard throughout history was the man Jesus, not the deity Jesus which I don't think ever existed, and neither did Gandhi think him a deity. But the man Jesus, Gandhi revered him above all others, for the same reason I do. What was Jesus most horrified about, what was he most alarmed about, what did he most warn about? Hypocrisy, double standards. Hypocrisy is not a useful word as a slander, which is how we use it; doing so is one of the ways we disarm it. It's a diagnosis. It's an assessment of double standards, of holding oneself and one's circle to one set of standards, and others to invariably higher level of standards, and occasionally an even lower level of standards, in the case of bigotry, discrimination against women. for example. Hypocrisy is the root of all evil. It is the explicit violation of the golden rule - Do onto others, all you would have them do unto you. Was Gandhi guilty of hypocrisy? The women suffragists? Egyptian revolutionaries? The anti-apartheid forces? The civil rights workers? I don't think so. They were the antithesis of that hypocrisy; they held themselves, and everyone, to the same standards, and they held themselves to execute those standards more religiously, more scrupulously, more surely, more sheroically than anyone else. If you want to continue to party, today's activists, there will be no one more responsible than you for the destruction of your children because you purport to be the Unviolent storm troops to bring about human rights. And yet you violate every major historical code demonstrated by those that have brought change. I love you. You're my brothers and sisters all, but what disgusting orgy of self-indulgence. The historical

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precedent is so clear. How are you going to find, hmmm, you are going to have to bring up really stupid children, because they'll have the historical records, it'll be very clear, that all this was there for you to fix, and instead you decided on your orgy of hypocrisy, your orgy of underserved self-righteousness, your orgy of blaming and taunting, rather than standing up and being what the world needs to be; being the example, blazing the path out of this. Stop it.

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075. Don't die' - Gandhi, Egyptians, Suffragists weren't Fools. Nor am I. And you?
Ok, so once again, where did the notion, the hideous, deadly, cowardly notion come from that regular citizens arent supposed to die, stand up, put themselves by avocation, in harms way? The four essays central to Gandhis becoming Gandhi, Unto This Last, by John Ruskin, centrally extolled ALL segments of British society, mid 1800s, for their willingness to die when other citizens needed that doctors, lawyers, pastors and soldiers; and it excoriated the merchant class as the one that never would do that. Were those times less healthy than these? Uh, no. Weve regressed every day since. [GWD.F] Loving don't die. So Stephen Biko was a fool? Rachel Corrie was a fool? Gandhi was a fool for offering his life, so many times? Those standing straight as humans are to do, and getting lynched in the American south in the 30s, 40s, 50s were fools? King was a fool for keeping himself under death threat through his adulthood? Jesus was a fool? No friends, I love you. You're my brothers and sisters. There is a world of fools now, but not these Ive just named. Stop it. We are not here to survive, we're here to serve. What we hideous sub humanized value in this society is there because there were in the past, people that saw something more important than themselves, to put their lives on the line for. We have to wake up. Were they who risked all for us in the past, were these the sub humans? If not, we don't measure up. We are the sub humans. We have been so dehumanized by this culture that we think down is up and up is down. We think that putting our lives on the line for humanity is crazy, and cowering on the sidelines, and wasting our lives on stupid, selfish pleasures, and mental masturbation, is sanity, is humanity. We are already dead, friends. We're already the adults in Hunger Games, in that Emerald City. Were those walking, vacuous, dead, empty, skeletons. Those dead people. Stop it. For God sake, for your children's sake, and your grandchildren's sake, for your great grandchildren's sake, for 200 billion people's sake. Stop it.

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076. Conscience, Heart (the Creator, the Divine), are my Only Master, ever. I listen to them for wisdom, and throughout all of Creation. Status Quo I NEVER bow to: r, ctr or LEFT "I will allow just one tyrant in my life, the still small voice within," said Gandhi. Dietrich Bonheoffer, the world acclaimed Lutheran minister, who in the final year of the war was executed by Hitler for making an attempt on Hitler's life. His writings are a must study and there are some excellent documentaries on him. I've dedicated a blog to the best excerpts of his writings I could find. I highly recommend it. He speaks in the most extraordinary way about the Unviolent SEALs, my words not his, the Unviolent Marines, my words not his, for these people who are those who stand fast? Why do they stand? Theyre unwilling to be irrelevant. They're unwilling to not respond to the needs of history. They're unwilling to be relegated to the sidelines. And using Gandhi's words, Bonheoffer didn't, I will, they refuse to kowtow, they refuse to submit to anything except their own conscience, except for their own heart, except to their own best understanding of what God, Soul, the Creator-inside, wants of them. They consider everything, they're respectful of everything, but always their dictator, always their arbiter is their heart, their conscience, their soul, the highest, hardest to reach, uncontrollable, part of themselves. By way of a not a perfect analogy, who would you expect a great painter to submit to - the critics, the other artists? No. The still small voice within, their muse. Well, 1000, that must come to the Canadian Embassy, are the pinnacle of humanity. Who are they going to listen to, take orders from, direction from... their peers? They have few if any peers, sadly.

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077. I have Meticulous Attention to Detail; failure being the outcome of everything less We're within months is condemning hundreds of billions of people, to life on Earth in the midst of ever more violent death throes. This is time to quibble over the second, third fourth order priority stuff, such as my deep admiration of the Marines, the Navy SEALs, and my use for them in references??? If you find such things a distraction, I just have nothing to offer you. Real activism has meticulous attention to detail. Theres much detail I don't know about the revolution in Egypt a year and half ago, but I've heard enough times that they were rigorous in their study of Unviolent revolutions in Eastern Europe; meticulous students of Harvards Gene Sharp's writings on unviolent warfare. Wael Ghonim, one of the de facto leaders, was a leading executive in the Middle East for Google; you don't get to work at Google by making mistakes; by lacking attention to detail. Gandhi is often dismissed as just an excellent tactician, an excellent strategist. That's like dismissing da Vinci for having technically great brushstrokes. Of course, he had technically great brushstrokes, course Gandhi was a brilliant strategist tactician, because he held himself to rigorous attention to detail, leaving nothing to chance. One didn't just show up and become part of the actions that he was involved with. There were written, clearly established codes of conduct. There were clearly established standards of behavior. There was rigorous training in unviolence; almost all of which is been lost, the puffery, the nonsense that's taught today on unviolence in these supposedly important actions is just appalling, and insult to the unviolent warriors that have gone before. A desecration. Watch Freedom Riders, look at the live footage of the training work before - getting slapped by the coaches, hit by their coaches, yelled at by the coaches. It was not acceptable that failure in behavior happen in the confrontations. So the training was then accurate simulation of what they could expect to encounter. The book "The Lambs War," written by Phil Berrigan at one point a priest, one of the great antiwar, antiVietnam War protesters, many years in prison, speaks of their training, Unviolent training, where he was brutal, as the coach, on others with him. Watch Iron Jawed Angels, the HBO special in my blog library. Watch their rigor, look at the excellence, look at the professionalism, the attention to detail, nothing left to chance. Navy SEALs of nonviolence don't play. Marines of Unviolent don't play. Failure is not an option. They prepare, they simulate, they think all the way through, they leave nothing to chance, because they live for the results. They live for the rescue of their target clientele. They're not here to play, not here to playact, not here to do stuff. Theyre here to win. You have tremendous attention to detail?

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078. No. 1 Indicator - Im Deeply Spiritual. Pray (this Personal Trainer) extensively, daily, and whenever needed. Rest, profoundly. Having studied King, Gandhi, Teresa on and off throughout my life, quite extensively, two things strike me - one, how eminently practical, feet on the ground, self-reliant, yet open to every bit of help they could be given, but going to act no matter what. And on the other hand, how adamant they were in their own ways that there would be nothing that they could do without prayer. Huh? Self-reliant, and praying? It's clear to me what was going on. They understood the one proper use of prayer, and that's to change oneself. That conceivably can be done, by - realizing at the same time that, A. I'm praying for some deity to do something, but B. the purpose of praying that way is to so focus every part of my being, particularly the heart, on that issue, so that it's my own resources that are mobilized to the highest degree on that important issue to me at the time. And that's not a bad way of getting the most out of our heart, the 80% of our nervous system that we otherwise don't use. These were not people that lived their lives asking some external being to do stuff for them. Yet, Teresa I recall the most clearly, was emphatic - 'without hours of prayer every day, without hours of prayer every day I could not do what I do.' She was emphatic. Gandhi was just as emphatic - 'without prayer I could not do it.' My recollection of Hinduism may be inaccurate, you may know much better - but I don't recall an intervening 'God' as central to their beliefs. It certainly didn't seem to me that Gandhi, in any way, shape or form was looking for anyone or anything to intervene, except Heart Force. Speaking for myself, S. Loving, I've not found this in the records of the great insanely humane warriors throughout history; aside from prayer, focused reshaping of one's own nervous system, constantly, hours a day, often; what's needed is rest. The insanely humane warriors are people of immense mental and spiritual strength - that's the muscle that they most use, and it fatigues. Used properly it doesn't get tired of what it's doing, it just gets fatigued by doing what it's doing. And the heart, the 80% of the nervous system we can't control, needs down time to digest what was learned in the prior day, what was experienced in the prior day, data that came to it in the prior day. Certainly the profoundly impactful Unviolent warriors throughout history, at times they got little rest and little prayer. But on prayer, they didn't allow much time to go by, many days to go by, before they got into their prayer routine to keep their heart straight, in charge, and to get straighter and deeper. Speaking for myself, it was many decades before I could see how spiritually depleted and ineffective I would get without sufficient rest, and with few exceptions now I have the wisdom, if my body says rest, I rest. It becomes priority number one. Whether it's sleeping 14, 15, 16 hours a day when the Heart says to, or just getting off for hours and hours or days of quiet. I'm extremely sensitive now to whether it's my head and flesh just saying it wants to recreate, no time for that, but I listen intently to the needs of the heart, of the spirit, of the soul, and if sense my sharpness going, I generally have the wisdom to look first, at what kind of rest I've been getting. Secondarily, at how my prayer life, life meditation life, Personal Training... life has been going. And when I sense I've not been getting the rest that I need, that becomes priority number one, and it should yours as well in your life. Same, when I sense a lack of sufficient prayer, meditation, Personal Training.

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079. I stand alone, forever, when necessary. It is: A. NEVER My responsibility what others do, don't do, won't do...; B. NEVER NOT mine what I do; any second, any breath Dr. King felt alone. And the potent activists, the insanely humane warrior of Unviolence, generally feels alone because they're out in front, they're constantly paving the way. At the same time they are the least alone people alive because they are the world, they are every creature, as has been discussed elsewhere. Their nervous system is in such solidarity, and so united with all creation, that they are the least alone among us. But King felt alone. He felt he was standing alone out in front, and he was. And he just dealt with it. He just kept on. Franz Jagerstadder was the only Austrian, or the only Austrian in his region, to refuse the enlistment in the Third Reich and as he as he knew would happen, shortly thereafter he was executed. He stood alone. Stephen Biko in 1977, was brutally slaughtered in an apartheid prison. There were people that listened to him at rallies, but he stood alone. 30 students, instead of their final exams in Nashville, expecting to die, signed living wills, and then headed on a bus to beatings, in Mississippi in the Freedom Rides. They stood alone, and presumably would stand alone as long as they needed to. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a Lutheran minister of world-renown in Germany, population about 50 million or so as I recall, he and a handful of conspirators stood alone, attempting to assassinate Hitler. There's no personal price that the heart won't pay. The potent warrior is a creature of heart. If there's a price you won't pay you are not a creature of heart, our brother or sister to all. But you are not a potent activist, you are not an INSHE warrior, and you need to become one; for the Joy of it, for the Hope of it. And when you see that, you will use this Personal Trainer, and rapidly you'll become one. Seek and it shall be granted unto you, knock and it will be opened to you. Our hearts open to us when we work at it, and when we ignore it, for head and flesh, it's closed, atrophied. The kingdom of God is within you, be like an insistent child and find it, and enter in. And you will stand with conscience, you will stand with your heart, you will stand with humanity, and you may lead us out of the darkness.

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080. I See, I know, no innocents. Our Cowardice, blame, tokenism are Complicity. [GWD.F.] To my knowledge, Gandhi never blamed the British. To my knowledge Martin Luther King and those working with him never blamed anyone. It would seem that they saw everyone besides themselves, the so-called perpetrators, as irrelevant to getting out of their plight. In the debates between McCain and Pres. Obama, they were both asked the question - if Dr. King were alive today who would he be campaigning for? I don't know McCain's answer, who cares what he says on anything? But Pr. Obama said - Dr. King wouldn't be campaigning for anyone. He would be out mobilizing the grassroots. Einstein said, this is a paraphrase - 'the problem is not the bad people. There will always be bad people. The problem is people that don't stand up and stop the evil ones.' Dr. King said something near identical my problem is not the violent racists. My problem is the good people that will not stand up and fight long enough, hard enough, courageously enough, unviolently to bring about whats right. And yet the left in this country religiously treats one group in this country as though it is irrelevant, as blameless, not worth pointing a finger at, inappropriate to inspire, and rise up. When the left looks back in history, it's quite different, but today, they say Obama has the power, Congress has the power, the corporations have the power, those on the political right have the power. This is suicide. This is total, unilateral surrender. And now with global Armageddon, environmental Armageddon, it's Genocide. It's so morally and intellectually bankrupt, it defies comprehension, but it doesn't succeed in defying the rules of nature, denying the rules of nature, the laws of nature in this country. 300 billion people can't be made to do anything that they don't want, they can't be made to accept anything that they don't want. All hope is lost until this criminal cowardice, insanity on the left, changes. All hope is lost until those who would bring change see the power looking back at them in the mirror each morning, and no place else, because that's where it is. And when a small group of catalysts begins to do that, then others will begin to wake up. There are no innocents here. The lunatics on the right, our brothers and sisters, the most addicted to, in the case of environmental Armageddon, the expected $20-80 trillion in killing, fuel reserves, will soon finish the job of destroying life earth. They're sick, friends, they're Affloholic, they are clinically sick. So if you would go and argue with your alcoholic uncle for the 15th time, to try and get him to stop drinking, or stop beating his children, you're a fool, the word that Dietrich Bonhoeffer used to describe the insanity in his 1943 Germany. Addiction doesn't work that way, conversation after conversation only kills time, and people. Recovering sanity requires shocking intervention. Required is mustering evidence so shocking to the nervous system. This is your work. Everything else is intellectual masturbation, killing time, with no hope of producing anything except now certain environmental Armageddon. There are no innocents here. Most complicit are the in the same way insane, left and center. Particularly the center, the most sane of us all - pain, honest, hardworking folks. This is discussed elsewhere. The left is even more insane, more culpable, than the right. Yes, the right is playing Russian Roulette with their children with 5 bullets in the chamber. The left is more insane. They understand and they are sitting down watching. And it's their children that the gun is pointed at. There are no innocents here, and the most guilty, the most to blame, per Einstein, per Dr. King, is the Left that religiously holds themselves blameless, irresponsible, blaming everyone but the one group that can and must lead the charge, the left, themselves, looking back in the mirror every morning.

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081. I'm Profoundly strategic, because failure is certain with less. But too, I live, 'Ready, Fire, Aim,' ad infinitum There is an absolute must-catch train leaving in an hour and you, you are a half hour late. What are you going leave to chance? Nothing. Your mind will instantly mobilize and grasp the best truth, the best route, the best mode of transportation, the best speed at which to travel, the best metal preparations for how to deal with your luggage, what to do with the car, what to do with your transportation to make that train. That's strategy friends. So please explain to yourself why you're working on that which unworthy of you being strategic every nanosecond. You can't explain it. Your head and your flesh can explain it, your heart can't. There's no middle ground. Either you're a potent activist and profoundly strategic, emerged at the cellular level with the needs of your clients, and living the emergency, and profoundly strategic, or your fake.

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082. I'm Responsible for my own behavior with every breath. Never other's behavior, so I avoid Enabling, or doing their job Real activism for a variety of reasons is relentless, brutal in a way, in taking responsibility for its own actions, and scrupulous in avoiding taking responsibility for other's actions, be they coworkers or the opponents. Why? They understand that the only thing they can control is themselves, nothing else, ever. But in fully controlling themselves, to be what they want to see in the world, nothing around them can remain the same. The change in things around them, might be miniscule, it might be never seen, but it has to be there. And they're so focused on their own behavior, they're so focused on being the change that the world needs to be, that they make huge changes within themselves, they make, and invent, and create of themselves what a human being should in their time. And it causes, often, tremendous change in those around them in an ever broadening sphere. Theyre the tip of the spear. The spear tip begins to form behind them, and gets larger and larger and larger, and soon there's something that can penetrate the hearts of others in great mass. Not always, but often. They also understand an extremely counterintuitive reason for never taking responsibility for the behavior of others. We are trained it to want others to take responsibility for our behavior because it sets up a whole stream of opportunities to not take responsibility for our own. It is the very essence of codependency; of enabling. I need someone to take care of me. I need someone to tell me what to do. I don't want someone to tell me what to do. So instead of focusing on what my responsibility is, I can focus on fighting with the person that's trying to control me; wonderful excuse for avoiding personal responsibility. It sets up the opportunity to talk. We like to talk. We're taught in this sick culture that actually standing, up putting our bodies in the way of harm, is nave, foolish, irresponsible, reckless, not be done, futile. So when we take responsibility for the behavior of others, we massively enable their ability to not take responsibility for themselves. And the Unviolent warrior, the insanely humane warrior, the Marines and Navy SEALs of Unviolent warfare is all about, 1st, taking Sheroic responsibility herself, and thereby inspiring others to do the same. They don't make the mistake of, with any breath, of not taking responsibility for their own behavior, because that's their weapon, that's their hope. All of it. And in doing so they create what Dr. King called creative-tension, to the maximum, avoiding falling into the trap of dissipating that tension by taking responsibility for others, for the reasons I just mentioned, and thereby leaving that vacuum of creative tension, an ongoing pull on those who would avoid their responsibility, to pull them into that space of responsibility. It's brilliant. It's counterintuitive. And unless a bunch of folks step up to it, it doesn't matter, because all the major doors, all the major windows are closing now. But if these lessons are learned by few, they might be learned by many. There's still time to work a miracle, but not much.

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083. I'm ONLY ever on the True battlefield of the Individual and collective nervous-systems; with the Heart, Heart's engagement - certain victory If one were to go to any war college and ask the question, 'Where always is the only true battlefield?' The answer would be: in the mind, in the nervous system, in the collective nervous system of the group. The purpose of violent war is to subjugate the head and the flesh through death and torture into submission and acquiescence. The purpose of the Unviolent warrior, the INSHE warrior, is to so call out the heart of the opposition, that the head and the flesh become disempowered, and the heart, which is always just, always humane, only knows solidarity, yields the resolution, and converts the individual(s) to the cause of justice. INSHE warriors throughout history have had various levels of mental clarity on this, but their intuitive clarity has been virtually perfect. Their goal is to convert the nervous system of the opponent from head and flesh in charge, which is always selfish, always evil, to the heart in charge, which is always good, which is always loving (and which is tough as nails), which is universally loving, always. There is only one battlefield on which the Unviolent potent warrior ever fights. It's the battlefield of the individual and the collective nervous system, and always their own, first.

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084. Profoundly Trustworthy. Won't work with those not. Potent activists, the insanely humane Unviolent warriors, INSHE warriors, these are our great heart surgeons, practicing a much more difficult type of heart surgery than those we generally think of by that name. They're reaching first into their own heart, and then with all of their skill, into the heart of others to try and pull to the fore their own, and then our humanity. Much more difficult than regular heart surgery because there are no visual references. It's all imagination, empathy, compassion, wisdom, intuition, vision, understanding, clarity...Heart; probing inside oneself and inside others for that all-important heart, how to get it engaged, to bring alive, get it in charge. So, a heart surgeon is going to allow a co-worker that might not show up on time, that might have a lapse of attention, that might say they are handing a scalpel but they actually hand something else? No, it's not going to happen, not if they love the patient that they're trying to save. Not if they're a caring human being. And yet post-60s activism? Oh, I mean excuses are the stock in trade. Oh, I forgot, Oh I didn't make it on time. What is implicit in this endemic lack of trustworthiness is - this isn't important work. What's important is my comfort, my self-image, my convenience, my self-indulgences, that you forgive me. But the work, it's not important. The work we're doing is not important, the people we're trying to help are not important, that's the unspoken but lived truth of activism for the last 40 years. Is that the truth you want to see go forward? Is that the truth you are comfortable with? I don't think you are. That's not being alive. That's activist masturbation. Really, really? Is that what you aspire to? Is that what you want be? I don't think so. Do better.

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085. To stand for everything is to stand for nothing, to achieve, nothing. Ever. [Salty language ahead]. Real activism is ever aware that to stand for everything is to stand for nothing. This is significantly redundant with the video along the lines of, essay along the lines - focus is everything to real activism. But it's a trap that is virtually never avoided in activism the last 40 years, through today. So it's repeated again here. An Olympic athlete focuses. A military bigger than all the rest of the country's combined, the US, focuses. Apple Computer focuses, the largest company in America by value as I recall. A degreed medical doctor focuses. Gandhi focused. King focused. Alice Paul focused. Stephen Biko focused. And focus hasn't hardly been seen in 40 years in US activism, with hardly an exception. Flit, flit, flit, from one cause to another to another.... Deadly arrogance, deadly irresponsibility, a big activist circle-jerk. Really, is that what you will look back on 10 years from now 20 years from now? We had a really good circle-jerk. We didn't get anything done, there was never any prayer of that, due to our lack of focus. So we had a really good circle-jerk. That's where you're headed for certain, unless you turn around now. You can do it. Do it.

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086. Zero Blaming, Ever; including blaming self, which is nothing other than abuse, avoidance, denial So Alice Paul could've been the spark plug all by herself that brought about the final legislation for women's right to vote, right? No, there were 200 I believe in prison with her when she was being forcefed, when they learned of her hunger strike, they all went on hunger strike. Gandhi could've liberated India all by himself right? No, and we know that he was unbending on his demand for discipline, disciplined behavior, among those working with him. So he not only attracted millions ,but acted in a way that caused tremendously disciplined, appropriately uniform, Unviolent behavior. The ultimate of partnership. The ultimate of teamwork. The ultimate of solidarity. If you know anything that destroys high levels of teamwork, high levels of group productivity, high levels of group solidarity, if you know any way faster to destroy that than blame? I don't. Blame is the implicit statement by the team member that what's more important to them than the goal, is to make themselves look good, or to make others look bad. The potent true activists throughout history has zero tolerance for blame because they know that they're useless if ultimately they don't attract, common partners, and that blame is anathema to partnership. Zero. Zero tolerance. They never do it; when they see it in others; there are a couple attempts to correct, and then that person's not on the team anymore because they love that individual, enough to hold them to proper standards, and more importantly they love the global neediest they are trying to serve, and blame will faster than anything destroy those efforts. Zero-tolerance friends. Zero. Zero. 'Oh, she was late. Oh, hes just not trying hard enough. Oh, he just didn't think. Oh, so and so is soooo careless. Get serious. Are all historys great INSHE Warriors really better than you? No. They just care more, so far. You'll let that stand?

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087. No. 1 Indicator - Every nano-second, EVERYONE is my Sister or Brother; every creature, part of me. Every Second. No matter what. You saw the movie Gandhi, right? See it now, if you didn't. It's one of the great pictures for us of what the INSHE warriors, the insanely humane warriors, the true, potent activist throughout history looks like. In an early scene Gandhi's been engaged, first is a lawyer in South Africa by the people from India living there who are being terribly persecuted, and then in early activism for them, he conducts what in the movie at least is his first Unviolent action. There's been a bill to pass a license, I don't remember just for what, to certify that your wife is legitimate, or something, but it is blatant discrimination, it's only on the Indian population, it's rank discrimination. And in a town square, a small receptacle is created and these licenses are put in the receptacle to be burned, which is an express violation of apartheid law; and Gandhi walks forward when the police walk forward, after this has started, threatening Gandhi with their brutal batons. Knowing exactly what will happen, he places a license in the fire, and the first, or second or third time he does this, he's crushed to the ground by a brutal blow and it stuns him, but not fully. And he barely musters enough strength to grab another one and put it in the fire. Do you remember the outrage that Gandhi showed that officer that crushed him to the ground? The anger, hostility the righteous hatred was so understandable, remember? I don't remember it either because it didn't happen; not in the movie, and not in real life. When one devotes their entire being to a cause, if they're truly doing that, as opposed to agenda items that they aren't really devoting themselves to, when they're purely devoting their lives to a simple, single righteous agenda item, they become pretty aware of anything that's gonna pull them in the wrong direction, that's gonna move them, all that hard work ,away from achieving their goal. Gandhi believed, as in their own way does every true, potent activist, INSHE warrior, Gandhi believed that the only permanent solution, the only permanent solution to any problem was converting the opposition to be brother and sister, to converting them from unhuman, to passionately humane and that any nanosecond of un-brotherly behavior would defeat, and maybe destroy those attempts. So practically speaking, never does the potent activist allow themselves a nanosecond of viewing the other is not brother or sister. I don't know about you, but if I saw my most beloved brother across the field in a craze, about to smash and the head of an infant, and I had a rifle, the only way to stop him was to shoot him, I'd do it. Nothing is off the table when the purest love sees their loving brother, except for hateful behavior. I don't hate my brother when I shoot him. And you know what? Human beings are extremely good at discerning such things. Did I just kill my brother out of hatred? Did I just put my body in the way out of hatred? Did I just challenge his unrighteous laws out of hatred, or did I do it as a loving brother? The remotely salvageable human being never has trouble discerning between the two, not for long, so this isn't some metaphysical, some self-righteous assessment, some rule. This is pragmatism. But the other issue is, the true, potent activist is a creature of the heart, as discussed in other essays, video logs. Period. A loving creature. Period. Love is unconditional or isn't love. So on both scores the true, potent activist never for selfish reasons, or for reasons of their very being, never allows a sliver of viewing the other as not full brother, not immediate family, sister, and when they feel that demon in them they see it, and they do whatever mental work, whatever spiritual work they have to, to root it out before it poisons and destroys everything. And you?

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088. I live the truth that my true Strategic Vision, my true Imagination, Living the Art of the Possible, is everything to our global neediest; NOT living to the status quo - r, ctr OR LEFT

What more characterizes the true activists, the activists that have brought great change throughout history, then their powers of vision, their powers of imagination, their power see things a different way, thereby, not only mobilizing themselves, but gaining the potential of causing that vision in others? What more characterizes them? We love to diminish and dismiss people like Dr. King, as great orators, as though somehow it's there language skills that differentiates them. Was it language skills that differentiated Einstein? For Einstein, and for Dr. King, it was is their power of vision, imagination. It was King's power of reimagining, not the status quo way of looking at discrimination, as a necessary evil, but reimagining, and seeing it as intolerable, and then able to communicate that to others, or at least having the potential to do so, and some did share in the vision. Hearing that across town, there's an elementary school where the roof fell in, and there are children that need help, is one thing; It's another thing being across the street when that happens, and seeing that their help is needed, is entirely different . Vision. Seeing - it's easiest understood as a physical thing, but even the physical thing requires an active imagining. If you can think of a great effective activist in history that is not characterized by profound capacity for vision, profound capacity for imagining a new way of seeing an evil system, in a way that makes it unacceptable to let stand; if you can think of such an activist, I can't. These were the great seers, the great imaginers, the seers of how things are, the seers of how they could be, not some abstract, unimplementable plan, but the whole, the real deal. The thing that could be, should be, can be. So, if you're serious about activism, if you're serious about changing the world, then you need to hold yourself up to a high standard of the real deal vision, the one that can work, really, the one that's accurate in its view of reality, and how things can be. The one that is truly implementable; that's not to say not Herculean, it was Herculean to put a man on the moon, but it didn't happen by accident. It happened by people exercising their most responsible powers of imagination and seeing how it could be done. If you don't have or develop these powers you may be a 'hactivist,' but you're not an activist, not one that will do other than kill the little time you left to save yourself a decent country, and the world, a decent planet. Stop fooling yourself. Stop being so easy on yourself, because Gaia, mother Earth, is not going to be easy on you, if you don't turn things around. If I were you, I'd rather have you tough on you, I'd rather have me tough on you, than Gaia. You're much more flexible. I'm much more flexible. Gaia no longer is. Gaia's just about at the point of deciding that we are an alien invader, that must be exterminated. You don't want to walk into that. Get tough with yourself, you won't break. If it doesn't kill you, you grow. No vision, no real activist. No great powers of imagination that work in the real world, that apply to the real world that are responsible accurate, accountable - no real activism. And it'll hack your future to death if you stay with it much longer.

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089. I select the best of the world to create myself with, no trash allowed. Is it every day that you allow someone else to put something in your mouth? The answer is no. We are rightly protective of what goes into our mouth, and who puts it there. Only the most intimate, trusted, individuals would ever be allowed to do that. Our minds, souls, hearts, spirits are infinitely more important, are infinitely more who we are than our mouth is. And yet most of us virtually never restrict anyone from putting something in our nervous systems. People put ads in the paper for us. We look at them. They put billboards, we look at them. They design cars we think are pretty, or ugly, we look at them. We're listening to the radio, we listen to the ads, just as they want. Not so, the insanely humane, Unviolent warriors, the potent activist throughout history. They select the best from the world and often every minute of every day, they are selecting from that best, paying their attention to it, and thereby constructing themselves out of that. We are what we eat. We are what we pay attention to. You are what you've paid attention to. I am what I've paid attention to. It's cumulative. There's some undoing, there's some canceling out that can go on. But essentially, you and I are sponges, psychologically, spiritually. We are what we assimilate from the environment. Most of us are cumulatively of the status quo - what the teachers, the mass advertising, the corporations... want us to be, because they've placed in the environment that which they want us to absorb and become. And we go for it. It's not a plot, they think it's healthy, and so do we by implication, because we go for it, and never stop to think whats happening others, not we, are making us, constructing us, putting stuff in our, uh, mouths. Really? But not the potent activist throughout history. Whether they articulate it or not, they are painfully aware that they are not yet what they need to be, and they are profoundly strategic and responsible as to what they study, and that they study only that which they want to become, they attend to only that to which they want become, and direct their attention away from that which they want not to be. And you? If you're an activist of the last 40 years, you've thrown all that out the window, Oh, I need to be inclusive, I need to be available to whoever wants my attention, whoever wants to talk to me, I need to be available, no standards other than that, I need to be available. I need to be on call, which is to say, other people are going to determine what I am, what I become, other people are going to, are going to determine how my time is used, and therefore, what I cumulatively pay my attention to. I am not going to make that decision, they are. No, they are not at liberty to put anything in my mouth, but as to my nervous system? It's theirs, a blank slate for them to write on. You either let everybody put anything they want your mouth or stop letting anyone but you decide what's going to go into your mind, your spirit, your heart, because you will be that. You are that from yesterday, and your prior life. Invariably the potent activists have surrounded themselves, have filled themselves to the brim, with the prior great activists, the prior great religious ideas, the prior great philosophies, and then of course they build on that, within themselves and their own thoughts, then they select from and get built into themselves. But they're lifelong creators of themselves, through a highly selective grabbing what they want to be, and scrupulous keeping out what they want not to be. Tough love, friends. If it's not tough love, it's not true activism, it's not the potent activist. It's not what the insanely humane Unviolent warriors do. Because anything less has no chance of helping those in the greatest need. Become who you want to be, become what world needs you to be, by building yourself, incorporating that which you select as the best, and keeping out of your mind, your nervous system, your attention, your focus... that which is not the best, because if you don't, that's what you will be, less than what you need to be, less than what the world needs you to be.

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090. My Heart is Always in Charge. I stop Talking, stop Thinking, and Start Loving. Heart in Charge. Always Like everyone, I have the ability to have my head in charge. I have the ability to have my flesh in charge it's hunger, it's desires; my head's desire to show how smart it is, to comfortably and pleasurably analyze problems, ad infinitum, talk about solutions ad infinitum. The world isn't going to be saved without miracles. It would be a miracle to stop the continued exploitation of indigenous around the globe. It will take a miracle to give the next 2000 generations a planet other than in death throws. Objectively, it will take a miracle. The head does not produce a miracles. It plays a role. The flesh does not produce miracles. It plays a role. The 80% of our brain Einstein said we didn't use, the heart, the seat of wisdom, intuition, vision, conscience, humanity, solidarity, courage and inspiration, creativity, ingenuity that 80% is where miracles come from and it's only when we keep that in charge despite what ridicule is heaped on us, despite what labels of crazy and irresponsible and unrealistic are heaped on us, miracles only come from the heart in charge, so I refuse to no longer be conscious of what's in charge. I embrace the responsibility of knowing when my head tries to take over with its infinite planning diarrhea, verbal diarrhea; when the flash and it's hunger pains and desires for safety and unnecessary rest, relaxation, entertainment, diversions at the wrong times, in the wrong amounts, takes over. I refuse not to know then that I'm of no hope except when I keep my heart in charge. I refuse to be a talker. I refuse to be a thinker. I refuse to be a leach, a slug, a bum, a partier. They're insufficient. I'm a creature of heart. The heart uses every neuron - it's infinitely greedy, uses every neuron in the head. Our great Unviolent change agents are the masters of the information, the issues, the strategy, the tactics. These are consummate people of thought. But it's not their head that they allow in charge. It's a much more brilliant, demanding, taskmaster of the heart. The heart uses every ounce of strength. It is not abusive of its own body, any more than that of another, but it pushes the body to the limits, and sometimes more. And so you must be - Heart in charge, always, if there's to be any hope for the next 2000 generations, and for every other issue that we profess to care about.

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091. 'Full effort is Full Success,' Gandhi said. This too is my personal measure, the Toughest of measures. I must NEVER ask more of another, or of me Full effort is full success, huh, what silliness right? As Gandhi emphasized. How unrealistic, right? I mean successes is when you achieve something, right? Only if we insist upon being delusional and complying with the delusions of this the sickest of all cultures and societies. In fact if you were speaking to someone right now you couldn't control whether you finished the sentence, because maybe your heart would stop. By probably any measure of achievement, due to my over privilege in so many ways, no credit to me, I'm certainly in the top 1%, probably in the top 1/100 of a percent of global achievement, and what all that has taught me, as the Creator is my witness is, that I control nothing except my attempt. Attempts, influence things, they change probabilities of other things happening, but the only thing I or you ever control is the attempt. Therefore, Gandhi was correct. Full effort is full success. A person can do no better than that, and few of us ever try to do that. Yes, in this sickest of all cultures, full effort is full success is a copout, right? What a wimp! No, you have to hold yourself to the standard of the outcome!... The heart in charge is unable to NOT hold itself to the standard of the outcome, if the outcome is important to human beings. That's what it does, that's what lives for. It knows nothing else, except truth. So it's able to hold in mind two things - 1. if I don't succeed people are going to suffer, die or both; and 2. I can control nothing except my attempt. The excuse that many use for cowardly activism, fake activism, faux activism, 'oh I burned out,' 'oh I'll burn out.' Uh, okay, if you climb mount Everest and you don't do it properly, you'll die, so therefore, necessarily, is the answer to stay off of mount Everest, or to fake, to lie about climbing it? No, get good enough, work at it, be ready, able, know how to do it, then climb. The most understandable, mistaken, but most understandable reason for burnout is the lack of understanding of what was just spoken here full effort is full success. If in any pursuit, but certainly in the true, potent activism, if one holds one's self to the standard of 'achievement,' they will burnout. It's impossible to take the risks, to pioneer the new ground, to be the new change in the world, all of which constitute huge risks, while at the same time holding oneself ultimately accountable for successful outcome, as opposed to full effort. It's guaranteed burnout. It's guaranteed reckless self-destruction. But just holding oneself to one's full effort is too nebulous right? It will not generate the internal energy needed, right? Incorrect. Holding oneself to outcomes is the thing of the part of our nervous system we can best understand as head, an infinitely weaker set of circuitry, particularly in terms of motivation, than the heart. The mother is on a country road with her child, the car flips, the child is under the car, there's no one to help. The mother's going to try and get that car off her child; because she held herself to the standard of achievement? Because she held herself to the standard of the heart, full effort. The head would've said you can't do it. Don't even bother. Survive for your other kids. The heart says, 'try and I'll try and give you some extra strength.' Among my favorite quotes is a Buddhist quote - 'Live as though the entire universe depends upon what you do, and realize that what you do probably will make no difference at all.' A version from the so-called Christian church says, no actually, I understand more recently it is a quote from Teresa of Calcutta, one of our sheroes, 'We are called to be faithful, we are not called to be successful.' If you don't hold yourself in front of at least an imagined creator of us all, for the ultimate compass to conscience and heart that that provides, you probably will never be a particularly useful activist. 'Oh,' you may say, 'I don't believe that such a being as the Creator exists.' Well, I don't believe that math exists in

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nature, but I use both the Creator, and Math as though they did, as though they were total reality, to the benefit of everything I attempt, most importantly, I imagine and live as though there were Creator of us all, for the power and direction of moral imagination that unleashes. There's no way that equates to that, to focusing our moral imagination, and all our other higher powers, to find where we should serve how, than the proper notion of The Creator, Our Father, the Almighty Power. It's the ultimate compass for harnessing the heart. Teresa of Calcutta said, 'we are called to be faithful, we are not called to be successful.' Now, she lived as though her results mattered, as few people ever have. The heart is ultimately, profoundly committed to the results, but it holds itself to the standard of full effort, knowing that all else is a snare and a delusion. The toughest, most relentless, live in taskmaster, available to the human being, the heart and full effort is full success. Nothing less that I know of can tap into one's own heart, or the all-important hearts of others so well.

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092. I reject the 'religiously' held cowardice of the impotent, post-60's activism, where 'nonviolence' is used as a shield against personal risk, price, giving all I categorically reject the cowardice of the post-60s activism. Who made the decision that from the 70s onwards, no longer were causes or people worth our lives, worth our lives in prison, worth dying on hunger strike or death fast for? Who made that decision? It absolutely was not made in light of history, because all history of Unviolent change is exactly the opposite. There are only two ways to bring radical, immediate change - physical force - I'm here to kill you unless you do what I want; or ultimate, Unviolent force - I'm here to pay the price of my life until I get what's rightfully mine; we're here to pay the price of our lives till we get what's rightfully ours. So-called activists post-60s have unilaterally disarmed themselves of the only weapon that can bring radical change. This is rank cowardice. This is a flagrant desecration of the history of those that have brought Unviolent change. I categorically reject that.

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093. It is always for me to find and call others to the path away from the horror. It is NEVER for me to exhort, to pressure an individual to it. Ever. Asking too much is destructive tension I don't know that I'll ever fully figure this out, that I'll be able to reconcile that on the one hand, it is absolutely the central function, as it's the central function of a Dr. or research pharmacologists, to find the cure that they're after, it's central to the potent activist, the insanely humane Unviolent warrior, to figure out the moral disease, and to become the embodiment of the antidote, as has been fully explored in other essays. But as with that pharmacologists also Dr., upon discovering and creating the cure, the antidote, they are not at liberty to force the consumption of that cure on anyone. In much the same way, and more so, the Unviolent warrior, the Dr. of sanity in the midst of mass insanity, upon finding the cure, such as the cure for global Armageddon has found Loving, here (see Global Warming's Death. Fast.), it is for Loving, and those who come alongside him, to widely promote that cure, to widely extol the virtues of taking that cure, to implore, to a point, that all individuals should become that antidote, should become that cure, and thereby be cured themselves, but never to cross the line of applying the slightest pressure to any individual to take that cure. They cannot go as far as the medical doctor in pressuring, in imploring, because it's only the heart. it's only the conscience that can take the cure, that can become the cure, that can join a death fast, or go to prison as Tim Christopher or Daniel (?) McGowan have (ELF, "If a Tree Falls). It's only the heart that can do that, and the heart is only engaged when it is totally empowered. And when it is fighting external pressure, head and flesh are also empowered, so the cure of becoming the antidote, of joining the death fast, or other similarly selfdevotional, paying the price with one's life for one's life for the salvation of one's brothers; it's only possible to take, and at the same time be that cure, when it's totally one's heart that has made the decision; completely pure of external pressure. Wouldn't it be widely agreed that it makes perfect sense for a suitor to implore the beloved - Please marry me, We really should get married, We must get married, We have to get married, We have to be a couple, We have to be a partnership.... Makes perfect sense doesn't it? Does it not also make sense that when the other agrees, Uh, Oh, This is wonderful! I'm so glad you agree! But we need to think about this, correct? By way of backing off or of timidity? No. By way of creating the space and time, for the heart, to be sure. And so it is with the Unviolent warrior - entirely about discovering the moral cure, the cure to the mass insanity, becoming the antidote, which is to become cured themselves. If a cancer cell can be cured, and become healthy again, it goes from profoundly neglecting its duty to the body, to a complete re-devotion to the wellbeing of the body. And this is the heart of what the Unviolent warrior first cures themselves of, and then becomes a mass cure, or potential mass cure for. Any amount of pressure, any amount of forcing, aside from crossing a moral boundary that should not be crossed, is self-defeating. Only the heart, all by itself, completely alone in the space it needs, can find in itself, whether or not it's true for that individual, that they should marry another specific individual. It is only the heart, finally, alone, finally free of any external pressure, that can decide whether a death fast should be joined to save humanity. So the Unviolent warrior has two roles - bringing the marriage partner right to the point of yes, and then allowing complete uninterrupted space, that the one that's been brought to the altar, has the complete freedom to find the truth within themselves, as to whether that marriage should take place.

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094. The only Monument I want to me is folks greedily giving every breath for, dying for, the uplift of our global neediest, out of utter Solidarity with them For Gandhi for King, for me, for Teresa of Calcutta, for many of our greatest Unviolent warriors, Oscar Romero... Jesus was the epitome of the Unviolent warrior. Do you remember how he said, 'they will know you by the monuments you build to me? They will know you by the churches you erect to me. Remember how he said, they will know you by how you have services to adore me.' Oh, wait, he said none of those things. 'They will know you by how you love. They will know you by how you love.' That's the Monument that Jesus wanted. Now, to Dr. King said that he wanted to be remembered as he tried to help someone in need. 'You tell them - I tried to clothe the naked, I tried to visit the sick. I tried to help the needy....' Gandhi was emphatic - here must never be a Gandhi-ism. I'm just scratching the surface; you need to go beyond. Teresa, I don't want my Monument to be sainthood. 'I don't want to be dismissed so easily.' Can you really conceive of any of the effective Unviolent warriors, the potent activists, can you really conceive of any of them wanting a statue? Of wanting people praising them? Can you imagine Lester - what would his choice be? A monument to himself, or surgeons forever sterilizing their scalpels before they use them on the next patient? The Monument that the Unviolent warrior wants is more Unviolent warriors, which are other words for Loving, not lusting; but what we never do today, Loving, dying to uplift those who are suffering, dying to uplift those who are starving, physically. What about the spiritual, S. Loving? Loving uplifts physically or it's not loving. So, the mother that sacrifices her life for her child is not loving? You can't have both. The spiritual = living the truth that we are not here to survive, we're here to serve. That's the Monument this each and every true, potent activist, true INSHE warrior of Unviolence, that's the Monument they want. True Loving. Loving is unconditional, or it's not loving. Loving universal, or it's not loving. Loving is total devotion to the least of these, every human being, and secondarily all of creation, or it's not loving. Loving is physically or truly figuratively shielding the most vulnerable innocents that it can find, using it's very life, all its resources, everything it has, everything it is... as a shield for the innocent body in harms way, or it's not Loving. That's the Monument that each and every insanely humane, INSHE warrior, throughout history has wanted and lived and died for and you to become, for your Infinite Joy, and as the only possible way to prevent our otherwise sure, certain self-destruction, now in its final phases, now, our last seconds to repent, and Save humanity. Be the monument, to Gandhi, Jesus, King, Teresa, Oscar Romero, Rachel Corrie, Stephen Biko, Alice Paul.... Hurry.

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095. Central to my work is setting the standard, establishing the pace - Gaia's time, Truth's time; Client's time, Never my time, press's time, status quo's time. Many of you are too young to remember that there was a time when the 4 min. mile had not been broken, and it's my recollection that for many, many years, it was the unbroken standard. Many doubted that it could ever be broken. And then in the year, I don't remember which, Roger Bannister broke the 4 min. mile. And in that year, or the year after, many people broke the 4 min. mile. We all know that's how works, don't we? Gandhi established a standard and then the US civil rights movement followed on that standard. A man in Tunisia self-immolated, the Tunisian revolution followed, then Egyptians, the Libyans. Does it always happen? Of course not, but when major social change, when major change of any sort happens, it happens when a new standard, the clear, courageous possibility of a new standard is proven; it happens when the possibility of a new pace is established. That's the job of the Unviolent warrior, the potent activists. That's what they do - they blaze a new trail, they establish a new speed, and invariably they move history in a new direction. Sometimes we know their names. Sometimes we don't. We don't know the names of hundreds or thousands of activists in South Africa who were brutally murdered for setting a new direction, standard, pace in 1960 1970 1980 apartheid South Africa; dying anonymous, cruel deaths. But not anonymous to everyone. They became shoulders that others began to stand on. And that's our job. Fast.

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096. I reject lip-service from myself, others, for the deadly delusion that it is I don't grasp what it is about lip service, the enormous seduction that it is. I should grasp it. My goodness I've personally fallen victim to its call, a lot in my early years; and watched people victimized by it in industry for decades. But because the work that I did was so high-stakes, so failure is not an option, throughout my adulthood, I have neither personally partaken of, nor worked with much, people of lip service. Hence I don't have the grasp I would like to of what's at work there. Activism is the last refuge of scoundrels, my brothers and sisters all. Is it a malicious plot, is it a conscious plot? No. With few exceptions the answer is 'no.' But that makes it more deadly, not less deadly. More deadly because it's so unrecognized, so accepted, like scurvy and other diseases of old, and what's unrecognized goes untreated, undiagnosed, accepted, along with the resulting carnage. Lip service is a tonic for the ego, and often cloaks itself as a necessary statement of intentions for oneself, and for one's audience; as necessary and meaningful direction. But it's all an illusion; it's all delusion. The potent unviolent warriors throughout history, they're people of deeds. They're people of deeds because they know words to be too little too late, by a factor of 4 or 40. The potent warriors are people living the family emergency response. Words aren't going to save their family from the suffering and death. Actions are. The heart knows that words tend to beget words; action tends to beget action. Our society is so sick, that those that farther than most; those that get as far as aggressively articulating their noble desires and good intentions, are understandably so impressed with themselves, and so encouraged. It feels so good to state what is needed, to state what is right, that with few exceptions they get stuck there, and stuck, and stuck, and contentedly never do the world any good. They substitute the words and the good feeling of articulating the words for the accomplishment, or the committed, unrelenting, unceasing commitment in action to accomplishment. This is so understandable. This is so totally deadly - to our global neediest, which is now the entire future of humanity as we're faced with near certain environmental Armageddon. Lip service in this day and age more than ever is immensely understandable friends, and it is totally deadly, to your personal hopefulness, helpfulness, to your personal joy, to your chance at giving humanity a future. And, it is epidemic.

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097. Each day I fail, my client's suffer and die; no matter how good I felt attempting; no matter how hard I tried. Yes friends, this is somewhat redundant, as were the thousands of laps that I swam as a college swim team captain. As were the hundreds of falls I took on hundreds or thousands of ski runs, as are the hundreds of times that I've used personal trainers, and these most recent personal trainers to reshape my nervous system in radically different directions as needed by the situations; as were the 120 or so minutes that Teresa of Calcutta spent every day, every day in what she called prayer, to be what the world needed her to be; and same with Gandhi, and King? Everything, all hundred and five characteristics come as a result of engaging the family emergency response absolute solidarity; all come immediately, or over time as the one in family emergency response applies themselves. Without family emergency response the characteristics can be mimicked, counterfeit versions manifest, imitation versions (by counterfeit I didn't mean derogatory) practiced, imitation versions are fashioned by the head and the flesh. Oh yes. They're not the equivalent. They're not the same, they're not remotely the same. They don't have the courage, the vision, the inclusiveness, the wisdom, the power, the reach, these faux characteristics. History's enormously potent and effective unviolent warriors - were they a product of deliberate action to create themselves? Were they a product of circumstance, of upbringing? Some combination of all three. But whoever we've known as an insanely humane warrior throughout history, has been in complete solidarity with those they serve; as in complete solidarity as I am with my leg if it is about to be run over by a car; I'm in complete solidarity with that leg. When we have seen activists that were potent, that were world changing on a small or large scale, they were in complete solidarity with those that were serving, because there's no other way to trigger the nervous system to that level of performance. And this is almost never seen, this is almost never understood, this is virtually never understood, by activists in the last 40 years, by most so called activists ever. And everything depends upon, and everything comes with this utter and complete solidarity. And disconnected from this, that every second I fail, every day I fail, every month I fail, every year I fail, every decade I fail, my clients suffer and die.... When we disconnect from this absolute solidarity, or when we fail to establish it within ourselves, we get decades of failure, and our clients get decades of needless, unjust, criminally negligent suffering and death. And do we, less than in 100%, immediate family solidarity, feel badly about that? Yes. And, as long as we stay disconnected from this truth, this solidarity, with their suffering and death being exactly like it were our own, will we ever jump to the level where we make the miracle likely, of changing the status quo, which is what's causing the suffering, and what's causing the death? As long as we stay disconnected, not in complete solidarity, will we ever jump to the level of miracle worker? Impossible. But we will happily collect the gratification from being a nice person, from trying, probably collect a paycheck from some nice nonprofit, applause from our friends. But unless the cycle is broken now friend, we've so bankrupt our mother Earth that it's curtains on a livable future for 200 billion starting with every young person today.

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098. If I fight battles, but am not possessed by a campaign, I'm ranting, not helping. No vision of winning, no hope So the end of this year there'll be on hunger strike. Tomorrow there will be a demonstration at BP. Six months from now there will be attempts of legislation in the halls of Congress.... To look at this from a different angle - so my daughter's had a temperature of 106 for five days; so tonight I'll try some different medicine; tomorrow I'll call the doctor; the next they'll call a nurse, the following day, oh, maybe I'll drive my daughter to the emergency room, except she probably won't still be alive. In this second case maybe some of the absurdity is apparent. In situations that we understand are personal to us, of emergency, we don't do tactics. We don't do things. We do a plan. We do a vision. Yes, it might be a situation we've never been in before, but we still hold ourselves to the best possible plan, the best comprehensive vision, as inadequate as it might be, and then we select our tactics within that plan, within that vision, and we adjust, adjust, but always within a plan, a failure is not an option plan. So, we are going to have the Rio conference to avert environmental Armageddon. I mean that's what we did. That's what we had. An attempt. An action. An event. Earlier, we had an attempt at Graham Lieberman legislation a couple of years ago. If we treated our sick children this way they wouldn't survive. That would be so obvious to us. But when we are being 'nice people,' being activists and failure is an option, well, failure IS an option! Pressure is off! I mean, it isnt like anyone is going to die if we f*ck up! Oh. Never mind. But when failure is not an option, when we are living out of the family emergency response, what we do as activists is the height of absurdity, and we see it instantly, in ourselves, in others. Right? I don't want to do tactics, actions like - take my daughter the hospital, give her a different medicine, get her a nurse.... I want to get her well!!!!! And by God, I will! Well everything backs up to that, and when that part of the nervous system is involved, it doesn't let us make this deadly mistake of, oh, let's do tactics. Huh? The 'family emergency response circuits' catches such let's-do-tactics insanity, automatically. And when were not operating out of the family emergency response, our nervous system will let us go on forever killing the time of the clients that we are purporting to want to serve and save. The non-family emergency response doesn't differentiate between isolated tactics that go on and fail for decades, and tactics that are part of a vision. Different circuits friends. Everything depends upon operating out of the heart, the family emergency response. It automatically catches this stuff. And with the head and the flesh in charge it never gets caught. We feel good about ourselves, we overprivileged people, we collect our paychecks, we collect your kudos, and the Grim Reaper collects our clients. How much longer will you live, and kill by, failure-is-an-option?

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099. I refuse to not be a True threat to the status quo of needless suffering and death. I reject their Compass, status quo, using Conscience instead Am I a true threat to the status quo? Presumably the status quo, that anyone listening to this, would bring to their own mind - the status quo of citizens united and saving democracy; the status quo of environmental Armageddon, the status quo of an ever widening gap between the Uber rich and the rest, trying to barely eke out their middle-class overprivilege. Do we ever ask ourselves the question; do we frequently ask our self the question, am I an existential threat to the status quo? We don't, do we? We don't. Not deeply, not seriously. Not even superficially! We don't ask that question. Then, what are we doing friends? I see smoke coming out of my bedroom window. Uh, I guess I'll do something. Huh? That's not what we do, that's not what we say. I guess I'll do something?!?! What might be an existential threat to the smoke and presumed fire coming out of my bedroom window?!?! What might be an existential threat to the hundred and 6 degree temperature that my daughter has had for six days now? What might be an existential threat to my looming unemployment that terrifies me, gives me night sweats? This is what the heart asks. This is what the nervous system asks, when it feels in complete, atomic level, neurological, solidarity with that which is at risk. It automatically, subconsciously asks the question - what do I have to do to become an existential threat to the problem which is the status quo? And without that solidarity we're murder friends. You don't want to be that. Use this information. Hold yourself to a higher standard. That's what you want. Our society is so devoid of potent activist models. We're so distracted from studying those who have been the great models in history. It's not your fault that you didn't know. But it will be going forward, if you don't heed.

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PRIME DIRECTIVE. 100. No unviolent army, vanguard, Freedom Rider's 30, no hope Friends I don't think I'm to be faulted for citing titles, and essays that as you hear them, may seem so obvious, because our behavior as activists indicate that they are totally nonobvious. The exception being the one in 1 million potent activists, they intuitively or deliberately operate out of the family emergency response, out of the heart. They don't make the kind of mistakes I'm talking about because the heart doesn't make those kind of mistakes. The Head and the flesh always make these kind of mistakes. Like this one A brutal invader attacks part of the world that you care about. Is there an army in response? Yes. Your son needs a complex operation. Is there a qualified team committed to your son's operation and recovery? Yes. Your daughter plays soccer, or you did; there is a tremendously important match coming up. Is the whole team going to be there on your side? Yes. These are natural questions when we're in complete personal solidarity with the issue. And implicit in all these situations are teams of people in complete solidarity with what they're trying to do. Deep emotional solidarity. But when was the last time you asked that question about environmental Armageddon? Where's the deeply committed, at the cellular level, failure is not an option Army, to go against the army of lobbyists that are totally committed at the cellular level, as hideous as their motivations of greed are? When was the last time you asked that question? I haven't asked it nearly, nearly as frequently as I've needed to; it's escaped me, too often. There's no hope of winning a war without an army. There's no hope of that operation succeeding without a committed team. There's no hope of that game being won without a totally committed, totally in solidarity from the heart team. And yet in the most important issues of all time - ending citizens United, averting environmental Armageddon, ending homelessness, ending poverty... we never ask: "Where is the totally committed, failure is not an option, my life is on the line, I will willingly die for this army? We never ask that question. And never will you or we be a hope until that question becomes something that we ask centrally, every day; and learn to answer, in the affirmative, with our lives.

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101. All I want is a clear view of the battlefield so I know how to best fight A healthy mother sees her son surrounded by an angry mob about to attack him. What does that healthy mom want to know - how to escape, herself, to avoid being hurt herself? She wants to know the battlefield, including what resources are available, how many attackers are around her son, what avenues of attack she has, what avenues of escape he might have. She wants to know the battlefield. It's not about her. It's about him - what help she might call - that's part of the battlefield. To protect herself? To protect her son. If you want to know whether youre an unviolent warrior of hope to the world, or just hope to your own gratification, my brothers and sisters all, if you want to know, then look at yourself. Are you looking for the way that's safe for you? Are you looking for the way that your buddies will want to go along with? Is there anything that is rivaling your interest in simply knowing all aspects, all salient critical aspects of the battlefield - what's the best chance of winning; what's the best chance of winning now; what resources are available; what strategy seems the most promising...? If you're like 99.9999% of the activists, then those are not your key questions. What can we raise funds for? What do I like to do? What would be fun? Who will go along with it? Will enough people go along with it? What messaging is popular these days? What messaging is in vogue? What will the press think? As secondary topics these are not inappropriate questions. But in the 'activism' of the last 40 years these are never secondary. They are the central, the only questions. And what the unviolent warrior throughout history that has been of any hope has wanted to know - tell me about battlefield, I'll figure everything else from there. I want to know about the battlefield. I want appropriate intelligence on what's going on - who's on our side; who is the opposition; who's committed; who's just 'talking;' what resources might we acquire; how much time do we have left; and on, and on, and....

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102. Im exactly like a fishing lure in a really unpromising stream, fishing for full Heart(s); a sobriety counselor in a bar Creating the largest company in the country by wealth, Apple, was year-by-year, month by month as much a matter of finding the 1 million right employees as it was anything else. Fortunes were made during the gold rush, some for noble reasons - the child needed an expensive operation, the family refugees in Europe needed funds so that they could come and join their loved ones in the United States; loved ones living in blighted cities and funds needed to bring them to a cleaner better place. And hour after hour, day after day, realization of those dreams depended upon painstaking, agonizing, second after second, minute after minute, day after day, month after month... sifting through sand for the glint of gold; with few, if ever, moments of success. If there's to be a future worth living for the next 2000 generations, that dream will happen the same way. This dream looks really bad, really low prospects. The stream of opportunity has been sifted through for the easy stuff, and there is no easy stuff. There are no obvious glimmers of heart. Oh, occasional kindness. 'Fools gold,' not to be derogatory; 'fools gold;' not, not the family emergency response. But the claim, the stretch of river, of the stream, that the prospector has access to, is what it is. There's the prospect of giving up, but that's giving up on the prospect of the operation for their child. And, if they're human, if they're humane, that's probably not going to happen; theyll just keep on trying.

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103 - Entropy, evil, decay wins by default, every second that I am not, INSHE warriors are not it's defeat. Every second Have you ever thought about this? I had not till a couple years ago. I'm no physicist, sadly, but the second law of thermodynamics, the law of entropy, is that everything breaks down over time unless an equal or greater amount of energy is expended to prevent that, or to create beyond what's already been created. A tree will eventually succumb to entropy; the sidewalks and buildings in DC are every second, victims of entropy. In some cases the buildings and sidewalks, it's very clear that no efforts, no sufficient efforts have gone toward their upkeep, maintenance, or enhancement, and the unopposed ravages of entropy are clear. And, with some it's very evident that loving care to overcome the ever present entropy has been at work. You know, an activist including yourself, faces this on a daily basis. A True Activist, is, exactly, the counter to entropy, evil, destruction, exploitation of the global neediest. Well, I get tired, I get burned out. I tried, I did an action last month, I wrote a really important blog last week, I undertake a really important project next week.... The true, effective unviolent warriors throughout history were humans. They were not super-humans, but relative to most of us that are so deformed, so crippled psychologically and spiritually, they appeared super-human; but they're not. And for years, or decades, or their entire life, they don't burnout. For most people their hearts, that literally beat in their chest, don't burnout for 60, 70, 80, 90 years; nor do their kidneys; nor do their livers; nor does their skin. These persist and succeed because at some level the understanding is in them that if they falter, in the case of the beating heart, for a second, it's over. So, for 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 years - no faltering, constantly and successfully overcoming entropy, and creating anew. The skin does what it has to including something like 40 billion cells self-terminating per day so that the, I guess trillions of skin cells stay healthy, the body of skin cells stays healthy. Healthy tissue, healthy organisms are 24/7 devoted to defeating entropy. If you're reading, or listening to this you probably consider yourself an activist. Is this a correct assessment of you? Are you a 24/7 counter to entropy? Were the potent activists throughout history of 24/7 counter to entropy? Seems to me Gandhi was. Seems to me King was. 'Oh, but he womanized.' What, 16 hours a day? I don't think so. 16 hours a year maybe. An 80-year-old can have a heart with an occasional arrhythmia imperfection and live effectively. Perfection is not the issue. Excellence is.

~ 157 ~

104. You're dying for something. We all are. I'm giving everything for, dying for Humanity, Loving, Joy, Creation. (And you're Spending your Life, Giving your Life for what? For whom?) You know anyone who isn't dying for something? You probably do not. No, you probably haven't thought of it this way. You have an uncle who's dying for the local baseball team to win. You have a young niece that's just dying for a young man to ask her out on a date, a certain young man. You have an aunt who's dying for things to stabilize at work, to get along with her boss, to keep her job. You have an uncle who is dying for it to be time for that golf vacation that he's been dreaming of and working toward every day for a year. Gandhi was dying for the liberation of India. Nelson Mandela was dying for the end of apartheid. Jesus was dying for the end of the reign of greed. Alice Paul was dying for her sisters to have equal rights with men. How frequently do we step in, in our own minds, or with words, 'Oh, uncle, you shouldnt be dying for that golf vacation, that's so morbid!' In our culture which caters to the head and the flesh, intoxications, selfishnesses thereof, it's entirely appropriate that we die, that were dying for selfish things. But it's an indictment of our way of life, our way of being, if we're dying for unselfish things. And we can't have that now, can we? But there is more to it than that. Our measured, through studies, our measured amount of working memory, that which holds our 'conscious' thoughts at any second, is immensely small, finite - 1 major, and maybe a 2nd minor thoughts in any second. So quite literally, that conscious thought, goal, thing... we are dying for, is 'killing,' displacing, keeping out of consciousness a virtually infinite number of competing things we could be dying for. Right? Do you think Gandhi was struggling to not be dying for a golf vacation? At the point that he so became that which was dying for justice in India, he died to the golf vacation, the law practice, the business suits.... And, at the point that we die to the values, the sanctioned 'wants' of this sickest of all societies, we 'die' to our global neediest, to Joy, to Peace, to meaningfulness. What are you dying for? What are you dying to? Are you ok with that?

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105. When I'm not blue hot flame, I'm no hope. I can't bring others to that

'We are all extremists. We are ere extremists for love, or extremists for hate,' to paraphrase Dr. King. To paraphrase Jesus, 'I came to bring a fire and oh how I wish it were blazing already.' This, is what it is to die to head and flesh, and Live in Heart. This, by different words and name, is what Jesus died to give us Life, Burning with LIFE, the Light on the Hill, Blue Hot Flame, LIFE ITSELF, or Death. Those are the only two options. INSHE Warrior, Truly, not in our imaginations, our delusion, but Honestly, Truly measuring up to those that have been most like our Creator on all 108 characteristics. Possibly the hardest to defend academically of all these essays, quite possibly the most important of all these essays, among the most difficult and important of the metaphors, and mixed metaphors. After my second major hunger strike to avert environmental Armageddon ended, just about a year ago, June 2011, 50 days in front of the White House, oh, I realized that I was doing the best I knew how to avert environmental Armageddon, and that I was not doing well enough. I don't remember what hit me first the realization that I finally knew enough to design a tool, a personal trainer to increase the odds I would become what the world needed of me; I don't remember if that came first, or if the notion of burning at blue hot flame came first. Maybe sometime I'll have a chance to retrace that, and I would be able to do so because of the various postings of such ideas on the Start Loving blog. But quickly they became hand-in-hand, and the notion that I needed to burn hotter, I think it came on the second to last major hunger strike, the one in the November-December timeframe, 50 days again. I think the notion of burning at blue hot flame came then, and I wasn't, I was smoldering I was anywhere between minus numbers and 3,3.5. And the notion that unless I learned to burn hotter, whatever that meant, but it meant a lot to my nervous system, and I was correct, that I was no hope in igniting others. Profoundly correct. There is a delightful, important expression - the fish are the last to discover water. So after seeing a hundred and four characteristics of history's high impact unviolent warriors, 105 presents itself to me, the last, and the one that most makes sense of them all. Unless I'm burning hot enough, unless you are burning hot enough, you can't bring the fire that Jesus spoke of. You can't be the extremist for Love, you can't bring about extremists like Dr. King spoke of. Water boils at, is it 120, so the flame underneath can be in 119 forever, or for a few seconds it can get to 120 and then drop below, and the water will never boil. It is so immensely tempting, the most promising of us - well I'm doing better than anyone else today. I did well yesterday. I did well last week, it's okay that I'm down now. Well, in some sense it's okay. We can't do better than we can do. But if what matters is giving a decent life to the next 200 billion people - I'm

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blue hot flame long enough, intense enough, for others to catch fire, or I might as well move on, because all depends on enough people burning at blue hot flame, which is the heart in charge; the heart fully engaged and accountable to the global neediest.

Back in September if you look at this jpg, far right, Loving was smoldering, never conceived of getting to blue hot flame, was sure he could not. And in inventing much of this tool along the way, and in capturing many of the ideas from history's great unviolent warriors, he finally arrived at blue hot flame. It took about 8 months. When I think of the very most promising people I know, they are about where Loving was in September, far right. In each case I see the opportunity to progress as far and as fast as I, or maybe faster. EXCEPT, the desire is missing, in all but maybe one case. Oh, how I pray Im wrong, about the others. Jesus, King, Gandhi, Alice Paul, Loving came for those literally dying for a world better than the status quo. That is why, that is why the gate is narrow, and few shall enter in. They can live with the status quo. They can take, they will kill Truth, God, Hope every time, to stay within the status quo no change, the status quo of the right; no fundamental personal risk, the status quo of the left. And no one dying to be the middle way a world better than the status quo, regardless of personal risk. You don't have that much time. The personal trainer has given you an opportunity to get there more quickly. You cant say you didnt know. Will you be the seed on the path, on the rock, among the thorns, or on good ground? The odds, the world, is totally stacked against you. And you, are their only hope.

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106. It is my duty to expose the danger, evil, sickness, cancer of the status quo - r, Ctr, LFT; just as MLK and Gandhi demanded

What use is a vaccine that does not make the body sick? What use is a vaccine that the body does not try to kill? Does not try to crucify? I don't know that the medical science is as straightforward as that, but that's the prevailing wisdom, or certainly it used to be. I can only loosely paraphrase Dr. King who being criticized for 'upsetting things' said that 'the purpose of unviolence was not to create tension, was not to upset people, but that it was to reveal the hidden tension, to reveal that people, and the way of good, were already upset. I've shared often, and for decades it's been clear to me that if those who can't abide the status quo of needless suffering and needless death, if in the sick body of today's humanity they're not getting crucified, they're not doing the job. They're of no hope. If they are getting crucified, that doesn't mean they're doing the job; they may be needlessly bastards, abusive, arrogant, hypocrites, taunters, ranters. But if in a sick body the vaccine is not getting crucified, attacked; if the body's not attempting to kill it, not hostile to it, bearing it in ridicule, slander, deliberately perverting its message, and dismissing, diminishing... if the vaccine is not provoking such responses it is not doing its job; it's of no hope. Gandhi said, 'I'm asking you to fight, not to provoke their anger; I'm asking you to fight against their anger.' He further said, 'The duty of the unviolent warrior,' and Im giving him words that I think he might like better, 'the duty of the unviolent warrior is to provoke a response. The duty of the vaccine is to provoke a response. This is NOT license for the unviolent warrior, but rather, a grave duty and responsibility to do wisely, constructively, responsibly with never a spec of selfindulgence or animosity, but courageous service of each and ALL.

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107 'Greedily, I'm Deeply Humble. Greedy to see and remedy every shortfall of mine. Whatever the personal price, I must 'be' the new status quo, nearperfectly

Do we think about this much? I don't think we do. But if we think about the people of the greatest intellect, greatest moral force and we ask ourselves - were these people humble? Did these people avoid seeing their important shortfalls, or did they sprint to see those important shortfalls so they would have as much time, and be as likely as possible, to see them and to fix them? It's clear to me that these were immensely humble people. Humble was a problematic word and concept for me earlier on because such people, our insanely humane throughout history, these are not timid people, they're not shy people, they can be enormously forceful. When I thought of the humble person I mistakenly thought of someone with their eyes down all the time, meek and mild all the time. No, it would be a matter of time and place. So, because of their acute humility, their intense horror at their shortfalls, because of how those shortfalls limited their ability to serve the needy, our brothers and sisters; because of that acute humility the greats learn faster and deeper and more completely than the rest of us. And because they know, and they're not here to play games or put on airs, in what they've learned, they're masterful. They speak with authority, they act with authority, and would be communicating false, misleading modesty or inadequacy that didnt exist, if they did not. But within themselves, and at times evident to others, they were the most acutely aware among us of what they didn't know, what they couldn't do, what was needed of them, where they fell short. Humility is a deep yearning to be everything that is required of one, by one's neediest brothers and sisters. It's deeply painful. It's deeply uncomfortable. But pain, brothers and sisters, is adaptive. You and I would not exist as part of the species if it were not for pain. Pain is designed to be an early warning system, to enable action to be taken before more dire consequences manifest. And the insanely humane unviolent warriors embrace that adaptive capacity. They don't wallow in it. They don't make a fetish of it. But they use it as intended. 'Oh my God, I feel how short I fall in this area.' It's not obvious from Gandhi's saying but it comes to mind - "Learn as though you were going to live forever; live as though you are going to die tomorrow." Humility is our word for pointing to the neurological capacity for internal creative tension as it relates to building ourselves further; seeing, on the one hand, the strengths that are required of us by the neediest of our human family and at the same time bearing a desire to rectify that and awareness that one can if one applies oneself. It's a glorious thing. Painful, but glorious. And the insanely humane warriors throughout history embrace it. The fakes? Quite a different matter, my brothers and sisters all. But the real ones? They embrace the pain, and the wonder of Humility, like air, like Love itself.

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108. Destructive and Creative Tension, the only 2 ways for change. I channel Creative Tension, near unbearable, with every breath, for All Creation, and Every Person
As I've before written and said, there are two ways to bring radical change - show up with enough guns and kill or threaten to kill until you get what you want, or show up with enough loving bodies and die until you so evoke the humanity of onlookers that pressure comes to bear from them and you get what is rightfully yours. Violence and unviolent action; 1. Destructive Tension, and 2. Creative Tension. It is essential to understand these the two ways of creating tension, and it was with Dr. King that I first saw that the concept of creative tension (actually I first saw the concept from MIT's Peter Senge in his book The Fifth Discipline, but the earliest reference I've seen is Dr. King), that all advance for humanity comes from, not the absence of tension, but the near unbearable creative tension: seeing on the one hand an impending horror and seeing on the other hand the slimmest chance of averting that horror, particularly for dearest loved ones; tho for the INSHE warriors, ALL are their dearest loved ones. This is really at the bottom of what Gandhi spoke of - truth force the emotive truth of how things should/could be and the truth of the horror of how they are now or are about to become; unless prevented, stopped, averted, replaced. We are not bricks, were not trees, were not cats, were not birds. Our DNA would have us be human beings and as humans we are motivated by, moved by, tension. Were driven away from something by the tension of fear, by threat of force, by actual force. Were drawn to something by the tension of passion, sense of solidarity, desire to alleviate someone else's pain, or threatened pain, and thereby alleviate our own which we feel vicariously, empathically. Gandhi on hunger strike was a tsunami of creative tension for ultimately millions, maybe billions around the world. It was excruciating, it was e-motive, that is, moving, was e-motional, motional. Wave after wave of people in India marching simply to get salt that had been taken from their oceans that was rightfully theirs, clubbed unrelentingly, kicked in the groin over and over, but did not raise a hand to protect themselves, channeling creative tension to millions around the world via vicarious learning, empathy, the royal road to hacking our defenses and awakening the heart. Alice Paul and her sisters in prison 30 miles South of here on hunger strike, being force-fed simply for demanding what was rightfully theirs, the right to vote as full human beings. This channeled immense creative tension. And that's what I seek to do, every breath, to bear near unbearable creative tension and thereby channel it into the world to be available for others to take it on, and if others do take it on, and too begin channeling it thought every moment of action, and thereby spread the fire, then, and only then will there be hope. Unless others succeed where Ive failed, which I pray, but dont see happening, or even tried. There are only two ways to bring radical change and only one brings radical change to the world permanently, that is life. They both can lead to permanent radical change. Much more of the violent kind, destructive tension, the violent tension, will conclude Armageddon, environmental Armageddon and in the Middle East it may spark global Armageddon, nuclear war. Creative tension is the one that adds to the complexity of life, which is to say it expands, it enriches human life, possibly forever. That's the direction of evolution. That is loving. That is the force of loving. That is the truth force Gandhi spoke of, the soul force. And that is what I seek to be in every cell, every atom, every molecule of my body, with every breath, because therein lies all hope. And you?

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Meeting your Personal Trainer

Your Personal Trainer Now
[Note: In this June 10, 2012 1 draft this item is a repeat from early in the book. Next draft, this week, it will be the same as the video, below, but transcribed text and interspersed graphics]. At the end of this book, at the end of these essays is detailed text to introduce you to the Personal Trainer, and to its use, as well as supporting videos. However, first you should read each of the 95 characteristics, that you can use your Trainer to build into you, more strongly. But to give yourself a context for where this is headed, watch this video, now, first, before going further [note, you must be online]:

Getting Acquainted
[This will be a new video, transcription, interspersed graphics, and your spreadsheet for many times a day self-rating, shaping, praying, meditating. It is likely to be done by Wednesday evening, giving you enough time to read the Characteristics, Essays and view selected videos.] IMPORTANT DOWNLOAD YOUR PERSONAL TRAINER (SPREAD SHEET) FROM HERE. IMPORTANT NOTE - YES, WHEN YOU OPEN THE SPREADSHEET SAY - YES, ENABLE THE MACRO. or.%20A%20Personal%20Trianer.%20080412.rarLearning your personal trainer

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IMPORTANT DOWNLOAD YOUR PERSONAL TRAINER (SPREAD SHEET) FROM HERE. IMPORTANT NOTE - YES, WHEN YOU OPEN THE SPREADSHEET SAY - YES, ENABLE THE MACRO. or.%20A%20Personal%20Trianer.%20080412.rar Okay, so if you're an insanely humane warrior or insanely humane warrior want to be by whatever name, if you feel that you need to become the caliber of someone that did the freedom rides, many of the activists in SNCC, southern nonviolent coordinating committee, many in Tahrir square. If you have the guts to realize that you may not be of that caliber yet, but are yearning to become that caliber then that's what this personal trainer is for. I've had that yearning, I still have that yearning, to be better. I've been burning with the desire to become something that could significantly, for one person, stand in the way of environmental Armageddon and by using, in essence, this tool for the last 10 months, I dramatically, dramatically progressed, as the lead video in this book sequence shows you graphically, the progress I made, and at the top of the spreadsheet, the Personal Trainer I'm about to show, there is a link to that initial video, these two live links in column B, the first two live links in blue that you see on your page, the first two entries will take you if you're online, right to those videos. And if you haven't seen them they are the right place to start, now. I hope you've read the book one or several times, trying to drink in deeply the meaning of each of the 95 characteristics. Those 95 characteristics are numbered here in column A, the numbers in column A correspond to the characteristic number in the book, and each of these links in blue in column B will take you to an online site that's been built with each of those essays. So even after you've read the book several times and then begin using this Personal Trainer, you'll undoubtedly come to a title that just doesn't ring a bell, or don't ring clear enough, or that you disagree with; click on that link and it will take you directly to the essay. IMPORTANT DOWNLOAD YOUR PERSONAL TRAINER (SPREAD SHEET) FROM HERE. IMPORTANT NOTE - YES, WHEN YOU OPEN THE SPREADSHEET SAY - YES, ENABLE THE MACRO. or.%20A%20Personal%20Trianer.%20080412.rar Now a standard feature of Excel is that in a workbook there can be multiple pages, or tabs, along the bottom starting at the left.

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Each of these sheets is of the same format in this trainer. The first three are ones that I prefilled for thinking about each characteristic relative to what I know about Alice Paul, and two groups from the movie Battle in Seattle, and that's what we've been looking at here. If I click on the second, this I went through and thought about what I had seen in the movie Battle in Seattle, the people that I call the window smashers, I don't remember seeing them a lot, but there was one brief point. For me it was in stark contrast to the third tab here, which are the WTO Crane hangers, the male and female leads who we see early on dangling from one of the few things that makes me really scared, which is heights, and they are hanging from a really high crane. I and my rating, if by any chance you can see this cursor, I rated it once, I thought of those two characters once and I did a composite rating of them, scale of -5 being, oh my God, just totally on the wrong planet, pulling in the wrong direction, to +5 being, wow, nailed it. Not with any thought of influencing you, except to empower you with my views for the window smashers. Most of my ratings, which are on your sheet if you fire it up, starting in column F, I rated it once, going down through all 95 characteristics, and then I simply copied right to give you a better visualization - black areas are clueless -5,-4,-3 ,the most that I found for the window smashers was, oh, kind of neutral, zero, so it begins to get a lighter color there. The numbers you put in which could be 4, 4.1, 4.2, -4.01... this is a gut rating, you can put in whatever you want and it will it will give you a visual representation from - 'in the dark, black, to 'bright hot blue flame,' which is what you find with a five. The crane hangers again, not to bias you at all friends but I think I owe you a picture of where my head is at. You see quite a bit of blue flame when I think about the crane hangers from the Battle in Seattle movie you must see. Incidentally, in each of these first three, which refers to movies that are available, hopefully you have them, hopefully you've seen them, but if you haven't, let's see, row six or so in the column D,E,F area, here you would see a live link to where you could I get the movie Battle in Seattle, and in a similar place on the page you find the same thing for Iron Jawed Angels. And for the fourth or fifth tab which is Freedom Riders. Now for freedom riders I did not at all go through and do a rating, because I wanted to give you in this case the opportunity to not have my input, to see the movie, and a link to it in row six I believe, column F, watch the movie and then do your own rating for all 95 characteristics. One of the tabs is of course, 'You."

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Now, if I haven't mentioned it, on each of these, hopefully you can see that in column B, over to the right in row 2, you see a button called "insert new column.' You don't need to do that yet because this first column D, which is in gray will is fresh and ready to begin to take your ratings. So let's say you are rating yourself - the first characteristic is '001. Every breath square in harms way, shielding the innocents with my own body. That's what the heart does.' That's how the first characteristic reads. 'Wow, I'm really there,' you say to yourself. I'm a '4.' It just color-coded your entry, and it so happens that green, not black, not brown but green comes up for a '4.' The second characteristic - '002. My theory is that the best time to cure a deadly epidemic, mass disease, mass insanity is now; well before it goes terminal. 'Wow, I'm really on with that. I'm just staying focused and my sense of urgency is huge. That's a 4.6 for me,' and 4.6 it's getting toward blue, hot flame. This tool, and the color coding, is very much biased toward someone that probably like a Gandhi, probably like a King, almost has a binary rating scale for themselves - A. I'm either what the world needs to see, or B. I might as well be clueless. The point isnt to beat oneself up. The point is to save our target clients. So, the difference between a -5 and a zero is not going to get a whole lot of a color change, not much progress indicated; I mean, whats the real difference between a horrible doctor, and a really, really bad doctor? It's going to be pretty dark really up through 3.5, or a 4, a 3 anyway, up through there is not much of a color change but from 3 to 5, is where we begin to be significantly hopeful to the world, then the colors accelerate in how much they change a relatively small improvement. So the third characteristic 003. I'm being the change, I'm dying, totally giving up my life to save the world. By the way, were all dying for something aren't we? A date with that girl, recovery of my marriage, the promotion, the car, the meal.... At least in this society those are the things, but among the potent activists, INSHE warriors, they're dying for the suffering to stop. They're dying for the injustice to stop. They're dying for a future for humanity. Were all dying for something friends. We're literally giving everything we have for something. So hopefully, you'll not be distracted by some sense of morbidness with my frequent use of such words as dying. The twist of this is, the insanely humane, you know what, you know where their bodies are always? Literally or figuratively they're in the way of harm, that's what the heart does. That's what the good mom does, that's what the good dad does. So, you know, if you find my language of dying offensive, or morbid, then you probably are going to know really quick that this material isn't for you. If on the other hand, you'll pay any price, any discomfort to try and do your part of saving the world from the insanity that's in the final stages of dooming us, you're probably going to be okay with the language, and eventually you may be pretty glad someone had the courage to remind us of what humanity does - it puts its body in the way. To die? No. To be reckless? No. To save the innocents, to shield the innocents. So, coming back to the Personal Trainer tool, next characteristic 004. I'm being the change, I'm dying, totally giving up my life to be the change the world needs to see, and needs to be. 'You know, I really don't think, I'm so distracted, I just don't have that mental focus, yet. I think that's a -2 for me now.' So now we are getting down and into the in-the-dark colors. Next characteristic 005. I'm living, I'm fighting, I'm worthy because I'm dying for, every breath, I'm devoted to our neediest family, that's a Martin Luther King paraphrase. 'Wow, that just doesn't apply to me right now. I get it. It just doesn't apply to me right now. I'm about a -4;' giving you an idea what the colors look like for the different numbers in the too. So now we are in dark territory. So that's the process. Let's put in some values as though you had just completed all 95 characteristics for your first time, and now four hours later, you decide, 'you know what? I want to go through this again.' And by the way, that's the way I am in the first weeks of using a tool like this. I don't have time to let slip by, my clients dont need me to try but to win; I need to get fixed in my mind, I needed to become top of mind, top of consciousness with these characteristics, I need to reshape myself so they are part of me. I

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just clicked the button that says 'insert column,' it just put in a column with today's date; it doesn't have time; I don't know if we should be that anal about things right now. However, you can have it automatically put in the time, just learn a little about Excel. So here, you have a new column - it has pushed your previous rating, it's retained your prior rating, and pushed it off to the right. So if you keep rating and adding columns your earliest ones will be pushed further and further over to the right. Your most current ones will be more toward the left, right next to the black column, which is right next to the 95 characteristics; and it's all ready for you to put in ratings. It's a real good idea that when you save your work the first time you "save as" instead of saving 'to' what I sent you, or what you downloaded, 'Aspiring Insanely Humane Personal Trainer,' putting your name at the end of the title, using 'save as,' and save it. So now you'll have the original file in case anything ever corrupts your working sheet, so you could start over again. Hopefully that will never happen. (However, 'Jesus Saves,' and you should too.) I strongly recommend however that every once in a while you do a 'save as.' So every once in a while, every four or five days that you've used this, and again do a 'save as' and create revisions for yourself. So this is the one with your name, let's do a 'save as' on that as though youve been using this for five days and let's do an 'r1,' revision 1. Call it what you want but every four or five days do that, this has a macro in it, you'll start creating a lot of data, and every once in a blue moon a spreadsheet will go corrupt, and you probably just don't want to lose the months worth of visual reference for yourself. And if you follow the steps I just recommended, including doing a 'save as' and adding your name so that you left the original file intact, freely go do some experimenting, some playing, see how this works. See how the various links work. Actually, why don't we do that now, see if we can get lucky, lets pull up the link 'my personal trainer,' I just click on that link, it takes us to an online version of the book, insanely humane, to the 'intro to your personal trainer.' So with that you can go to the YouTube video which hopefully you've reviewed first. But if you haven't, now is the time to do it. It's a good introduction of the version of this, more importantly, to the process that brought me to the point where I could finally see this way to stop environmental Armageddon, this death fast, why I'm here in front of the Canadian Embassy, with the first weapon we've had that can actually, that can actually stop this. Hunger strike, Self-immolation, too weak. All of this covered in something called, "Global Warming's Death. Fast," a book which can be found on both of the blogs Start Loving and blog Tracking Plan B. So, this is simply to show you that the links are live. This link brought up that introductory video which is interspersed with me, but also graphics interspersed explaining the tool again. Don't struggle with this friends. I have tried to provide you plenty of good material, please go to it, use it. If you're one of the ones reviewing this soon and now, then for the next three, four days I expect to be available on e-mail and by all means feel free. If you do your part of the work, and contact me and let me help you through, and then maybe you'll become trainer to others. So 'insert column;' on several of these, you'll see links to movies that by God you need to see. I'm sorry, you just need to see them. Battle in Seattle, Freedom Riders, Iron Jawed Angels, absolute must sees. Limber up by seeing those movies or recalling them if you've seen them, and then giving your own ratings for each criteria, and if you like, look at mine, and if you don't want to look at the ratings I gave, delete mine, but limber up without getting personal to yourself first, by looking at independent references, Alice Paul, Crane Hangers, the window smashers, the Freedom Riders. After you see that movie, using the next tab, think about the environmental movement today. You know, Eisenhower, Allied commander of World War II was known as a consummate planner, and he said, 'Plans are worthless, but planning is everything.' Preparing the mind, shaping the mind, developing the mind, that's what this tool is all about. Godspeed friends.

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