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Tartaros - Xigmatek Elysium for Gamescom Booth

This time we modify a Xigmatek Elysium for the Gamescom Booth of Caseking (a big german distributor). Later after the Show, they want to take the System as a Part of their Shop Decoration. After a few hours of brainstorming we thought, that we will set on an eyecatching Airbrush (dark biomech/ giger inspired) over the complete Case, combined with a big custom Window (which perfectly fits into the airbrush). Naturally we will add a few lights, a custom top and a few other details.....(maybe watercooling)but more to that later.... here comes the first bunch of pics and the first Video of the unboxing...and the window cutout process.... The Base Chassis

the first drawings on the case...(just to help us)

and the cutout process....
time for a small update we started the airbrushing process, but before we could start, we first had to change the case color from black to white ...

beside that we already started to modify the top of the case, we removed the outer mesh with the embossed X and also the plastic honeycomb mesh which is under that we have only the frame left (for the moment)

thx m8s!!

today its time for an update again After starting the airbrushing process...we couldnt wait to here we go with a new video and a nearly finished first sidepanel....

beside that the next parts already get their base coat so that we continue with them....

In the last days we continued the airbrush process with the first layers of laquer on the front and Top of the Case....

beside that we also started to work on the 2nd Sidepanel....

today its time for an update again In the last days we continued the work on the top part of the case... We already prepared the original top piece earlier, so that we could continue with a new center piece for it....after cutting it out we had to fit it into the frame from the original part so that we can attach it to the case like before... (without screws)

Then we started the painting process of it, so that it will look like the rest of the case....

and we also continued the airbrushing process on the second sidepanel.....

Today the Hardware for this beast arrives

in the last days we started to assemble the Hardware. Motherboard/CPU/CPU Coolers/PSU & GFX Cards are already inside the case....the first cables & tubes are also in for the first tests...

Then we started the painting process of the reservoir and the Pump....

Beside that, we made a few cover for the inside...

And as small detail, we cutted out a plexiglas crown (which is part of the logo of the case owner) will be painted and lighted with some leds....

Time for an update

in the last days we finished the airbrushed Process on the second Sidepanel and the Front....

Beside that the last Hardware Parts that we can continue with the assembling....

in the last days we continued the airbrushing process of the last that we can hopefully assemble everything in the next days....

beside that we also started the airbrush on the SSDs

in the last days we finished the last parts (only a layer of clear coat was missing) so that we could continue and finish the Assembling....

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