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Kuali Coeus Developer Training

August 22 26, 2011

Geoff McGregor, Technical Consultant

Reinforce and build on Rice basics curriculum, in

the context of KC

KC is heavily dependant on Rice Learn best practices for customizing and enhancing
KC for your institution

Combination of lecture and exercises

Goals for the Week

Dependency resolution, building, etc. handled by


Oracle and MySQL scripts provided, including

installer for various options upgrade, new, bundled, embedded

Startup parameters defined in a set of XML config


Installation and Configuration


Exercise 1: Installation and Setup

Exercise 2: Building and Deploying the WAR

KC has both Unit and Integration tests Integration tests require a test database Web tests are recorded with Selenium IDE and
exported to Java

Running the Maven site goal will produce a report

of passed/failed tests and code coverage

Automated Test Framework

Exercise 3: Run a Unit Test

Application walk-through functional modules and


Review package structure Review pom.xml

KC Functional Modules and Project Structure


Heavily inherited from Rice Business Objects Java POJO; encapsulate domain model OJB ORM tool; map database tables to Business Objects Data dictionary Rice component; describe BO fields and
how to display/validate them at the UI level, and relationships between Bos

JSP/tags Reusable tags from Rice, and custom tags.

JSPs composed of tags

Struts MVC framework Spring IoC container, service bean factory, transaction

KC Architecture

KC Architecture

Exercise 4: Create a new Panel on Institutional Proposal Document


Can be hard stops prevent submission into

routing or warnings

Dont prevent saving needed to support multi-tab


Audit-style Business Rules


Exercise 5: Create a new Audit Rule


Used by institutions to collect data that isnt

already collected, without requiring code changes

Support validations and lookups Manageable at runtime using maintenance


Custom Attributes

Exercise 6: Create new Custom Attributes


Managing implementation customizations can be

difficult but maven can help

War overlays merge dependant war project together Allows certain files to be overrriden enabling

Customizations will be isolated from the Kuali

Coeus application. To put it another way, customizations can be placed in a completely different maven project and source tree. This makes customizations very visible.

A custom overlay project gives an isolated place for

unit/integration tests

Managing Local Customizations


So this is all great but what is the downside? Overlays increase build time Overlays dont work with all IDE tooling/maven plugins it is
getting better though!

Overlays can make it harder to merge in changes coming from

KC since you are not customizing actual KC files in the KC source tree. Even though merging is harder, customizations are more visible. This makes it is easier to see what files need to be considered on upgrade.

See overlays.html for more info.

Managing Local Customizations


Exercise 7: Maven WAR Overlay


Embedded mode allows you to run KC with a central

Rice server. This has the benefit of a central Doc Search, Action List, and KIM maintenance.

It also allows some processing to be offloaded to the

rice server, which provides different scaling characteristics. Embedded mode is currently the preferred deployment model.

Rice Client Embedded Mode


Embedded Architecture


For client applications to consume secured services

hosted from a Rice server, you must generate a keystore. As an initial setup, you can use the keystore provided by Rice. There are three ways to get this keystore:

1.If you are doing a source code build of Rice, it is in

the directory <source root>/security and it has a file name of rice.keystore.


The keystore is also located in the server distribution under the security directory.

3.You can generate the keystore yourself.

Rice Keystore

keystore.file - The location of the keystore keystore.alias - The alias used in creating the
keystore above

keystore.password - This is the password of the alias

AND the keystore. This assumes that the keystore is set up so that these are the same.

Rice Keystore

Exercise 8: Configure KC for Embedded Mode against a Standalone Rice Server


KC ships with a dummy authentication filter New filters can be registered in kc-config.xml Can be integrated with KIM

Adding a New Authentication Filter


Exercise 9: Add a New Authentication Filter


Dynamic set of questions that can display or not

based on response to previous questions

Managed at runtime using Maintenance framework


Exercise 10: Create and Maintain Questionnaire


A KC Person is composed of a Rice Person, and a KC

Person Extended Attributes record which captures person data not available in Rice.

Extended Attributes record is not required. KIM services can be overridden to retrieve person
information from other institutional sources.

Person Management

Exercise 11: Create a new Person Record


Unit Authorize based on the Unit of the entity

being acted upon

UnitHierarchy Authorize based on the Unit or

parent Unit(s) of the entity being acted upon

UnitHierarchy types can have descend flag on or off

KIM: KC Type Services


Out of the box groups are typically workflow groups Derived roles based on project roles defined on the

Administrative roles typically qualified by Unit


A few system-level administrative roles Document-level roles can be assigned within


KIM: KC Roles and Groups


Exercise 12: Create and Maintain Roles and Permissions using KIM Screens


KRIM_ROLE_T Role table.

All Roles must have a Type.

Populating KIM Tables


KRIM_ROLE_PERM_T Grant permissions to a Role

Populating KIM Tables


KRIM_ROLE_MBR_T Assign Roles to Principals.

Member type code could be a Principal, a Group, or another Role.

Populating KIM Tables



Role-member assignment. Required qualifications are based on the Role Type. If these are missing, the Role assignment wont work!

UnitHierarchy requires a Unit Number and descend


Populating KIM Tables


Exercise 13: Create and Maintain Roles and Permissions using Direct SQL


In KC, business data and processes are encapsulated

within a document (eg Proposal Development Document)

The document workflow routing, approvals, etc.

is implemented using the Rice module Kuali Enterprise Workflow (KEW)

Kuali Identity Management (KIM) also provides

hooks for workflow routing

Leveraging KEW for Routing and Approvals


KC Document

Maintenance Document

PropDev Document

Award Maintenance Document

Compliance Maintenance Document

KC Document Hierarchy

KC leverages Postprocessor hooks to do custom

processing when documents change route levels

Search Attributes document-specific attributes

used for document search

Document policies configure behavior of specific

document types

KEW Features

Route Path The order in which route nodes are

visited during the document workflow

Route Nodes Details about each node Route Path plus Route Nodes is referred to as the
Process Definition

KEW Process Definition


Route nodes The stops on the route path.

Many different types of nodes but we will look at 3: requests, role, dynamic.

Rule Attributes Tell KEW how to find data within

the document used to make routing decisions. For example, heres how to find the lead unit.

Rule Tell KEW what to do when certain

conditions are met. For example, when the lead unit is BL-CHEM, route to this person for approval.

KEW Routing Components


Rule Template Defines the rule attributes needed to evaluate the

node e.g., a Unit Number

Links doc types, rules and rule attributes.

Indirection layer that allows reuse of the various components, ie a rule attribute can be used by multiple document types.

KEW Routing Components


activationType Parallel or Serial. If the node

generates multiple requests, should they all go out at once (parallel) or should they be staggered based on the priority defined in the rule (serial)

mandatoryRoute There should be at least one

recipient at this node; if not, go into exception routing.

finalApproval This should be the last node that

generates approval requests, if not, go into exception routing

forceAction If true, the user should approve

again even if they approved earlier in the routing

Route Node Configuration


Initiator/Aggregator submits into routing

Approval Request

Principal Investigator Approva

Departmental Approvers Delegation Approval Request OSP Office

l Approval Request Request Preaward Specialist Group

Acknowledge for Submission to Sponsor

Proposal Development Example

First, build the route path. Need to keep the split for proposal hierarchy. Will
talk more about split nodes later.

Start at initiated node document is in initialized/

saved state. Initiator will have a complete request.

Define the next nodes until we join back up from the


Proposal Development Example


Initial Node Not yet submitted; places a complete

request in Initiators Action List

See route log screen

<start name="Initiated"> <activationType>P</activationType> <mandatoryRoute>false</mandatoryRoute> <finalApproval>false</finalApproval> </start>

Proposal Development Example


Rule-based requests node Again, we use Xpath to tell KEW how to find the data
it needs to make a routing decision, then specify a rule for that data

All linked by rule template

<requests name="DepartmentApproval"> <ruleTemplate>DepartmentApproval</ruleTemplate> <activationType>S</activationType> <finalApproval>false</finalApproval> </requests>

Departmental Routing

The rule template links to the rule attribute which

provides the unit number <ruleTemplate> <name>DepartmentApproval</name> <description>Department Approval Routing Rule</ description> <attributes> <attribute> <name>DepartmentApprovalAttribute</name> <required>false</required> </attribute> </attributes> </ruleTemplate>

Departmental Routing

<ruleAttribute> <name>DepartmentApprovalAttribute</name> <className>org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.xmlrouting.StandardGenericXMLRuleAttribute</ className> <type>RuleXmlAttribute</type> <serviceNamespace>KC</serviceNamespace> <routingConfig> <fieldDef name="leadUnitNumber" title="Lead Unit" workflowType="RULE"> <display><type>text</type></display> <validation required="false" /> <fieldEvaluation> <xpathexpression>wf:xstreamsafe('//document/developmentProposalList[1]/')= wf:ruledata('leadUnitNumber')</xpathexpression> </ruleAttribute>

Departmental Routing

<rule> <name>DepartmentApprovalRule</name> <documentType>ProposalDevelopmentDocument</documentType> <ruleTemplate>DepartmentApproval</ruleTemplate> <description>Department Approval Routing Rule for IN-CARD</description> <forceAction>false</forceAction> <ruleExtensions> <ruleExtension> <attribute>DepartmentApprovalAttribute</attribute> <ruleTemplate>DepartmentApproval</ruleTemplate> <ruleExtensionValues> <ruleExtensionValue> <key>leadUnitNumber</key> <value>IN-CARD</value> </ruleExtensions> <responsibilities> <responsibility> <principalName>chew</principalName> <actionRequested>A</actionRequested> <priority>1</priority> </responsibility> </rule>

Departmental Routing

You can look at the XML for a specific document

using the Document Operation screen
<documentContent><applicationContent><org.kuali.kra.workflow.KraDocumentXMLMateri alizer> ... <developmentProposalList > <> <proposalNumber>10000</proposalNumber> ... </documentContent>

Proposal Development Example


The rule says that if the unit number is IN-CARD,

send an action request to Inez Chew

Could also be a group or role See rules editor screen

Departmental Routing

Exercise 14: Configure a New Basic Workflow


Route based on responsibilities, which are tied to Roles In KC we use derived and assigned Roles for routing

KEW Review: Responsibility-based Routing


Route to PI / CO-PIs / Key Investigators Based on KIM Role, not rules Will send to Roles with ProposalPersons responsibility for this Proposal See responsibility screen

<routeNodes> <role name="ProposalPersons"> <qualifierResolver>ProposalPersonsXPathQualifierResolver</qualifierResolver> <activationType>P</activationType> <finalApproval>false</finalApproval> </role> </routeNodes>

Proposal Persons Routing


To resolve the role, KIM needs a proposal number


XPathQualifierResolver Tell KEW how to find

data in document XML.

<ruleAttribute> <name>ProposalPersons-XPathQualifierResolver</name> <className>org.kuali.rice.kew.role.XPathQualifierResolver</className> <resolverConfig> <qualifier name="proposal"> <xPathExpression>//document/developmentProposalList[1]/[1]/proposalNumber[1] </xPathExpression> </qualifier> </resolverConfig> </ruleAttribute>

Proposal Persons Routing


Role-based routing Specify NullQualifierResolver because this is not

based on rules or document roles based on KIM responsibility

See Preaward Specialist role screen

<role name="PreawardSpecialistInitial"> <qualifierResolverClass>org.kuali.rice.kew.role.NullQualifierResolver </qualifierResolverClass> <activationType>P</activationType> <finalApproval>false</finalApproval> </role>

Preaward Specialist Routing


Same as preaward specialist group, except here we

have a delegation

See Role screen

<role name="OSPOffice"> <qualifierResolverClass>org.kuali.rice.kew.role.NullQualifierResolver</ qualifierResolverClass> <activationType>P</activationType> <finalApproval>false</finalApproval> </role>


Exercise 15: Responsibility-based Routing


For unit hierarchy routing build an approval chain

dynamically based on your KC unit hierarchy

Implement the KEW HierarchyProvider interface

tell KEW how to build a DOM tree

Replace the Department node with a dynamic node

KEW Hierarchy Provider Node


<routeNodes> <dynamic name="hierarchy"> <activationType>P</activationType> <type>edu.iu.uits.kra.workflow.engine.node.hierarchyrouting.SimpleHierarchyRoutingNode</ type> <ruleSelector>HierarchicalNamed</ruleSelector> </dynamic> </routeNodes>

Hierarchy Routing Node


Indiana University BL-BLApprover BL-ARSCApprover BL-CHEMApprover BL-BIApprover UA-UAApprover UA-VPITApprover

N-Depth Unit Hierarchy

University Unit Hierarchy Tree

Proposal Approval Units

edu.iu.uits.kra.workflow.engin.node.hierarchyrouting.SimpleHierarchyProvid er

Hierarchy Approval Tree

NamedRuleSelector: Pick the rule for the given

Unit based on a string matching pattern

<rule> <name>hierarchy-UA-VPIT-Approver</name> <documentType>ProposalDevelopmentDocument</documentType> <description>Unit Approver for UA-VPIT</description> <forceAction>true</forceAction> <responsibilities> <responsibility> <principalName>lsalander</principalName> <actionRequested>A</actionRequested> <priority>1</priority> </responsibility> </responsibilities> </rule>

Hierarchy Provider

Exercise 16: Dynamic Routing using the KEW Hierarchy Provider


Split, Branch and Join nodes can be used to

accomplish parallel/conditional routing

Split nodes are composed of Branches Every split must have a corresponding Join Splits within splits are supported

Advanced KEW: Split and Join Nodes


<split name = "isHierarchyChild"> <branch name = "False"> <requests name="OSPInitial" nextNode="ProposalPersons" /> .. </branch> <branch name = "True"> <!-- The document is a child in a hierarchy. This node will have the system user as an approver. If the parent moves to final approval, is rejected, or cancelled the system user will take the same action on the children. --> <requests name = "WaitForHierarchyDisposition" nextNode="Join"/> </branch> </split> <join name="Join"/>

Proposal Development Example


<routeNodes> <split name="isHierarchyChild"> <type>org.kuali.kra.kew.SimpleBooleanSplitNode</type> </split> <requests name="WaitForHierarchyDisposition"> <activationType>S</activationType> <ruleTemplate>HierarchyParentDispositionApproval</ruleTemplate> <mandatoryRoute>true</mandatoryRoute> <ignorePrevious>true</ignorePrevious> <finalApproval>false</finalApproval> </requests> <join name="Join"/>

Proposal Development Example


Exercise 17: Workflow Branching using Split and Join Nodes


Lots of good Rice documentation here:

Further Learning

Exercise 18: Class-Driven Advanced Exploration


Exercise 19: Build a New Complex Workflow



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