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18 of Natures Most Powerful Medicinal Plants | WebEcoist

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18 of Natures Most Powerful Medicinal Plants

By Ecoist in Food & Health, Home & Garden, Nature & Ecosystems

(Part of an Exclusive WebEcoist Series on Amazing Trees, Plants, Forests and Flowers )

From marijuana to catnip, there are hundreds of remarkably common herbs, flowers, berries and plants that serve all kinds of important medicinal and health purposes that might surprise you: anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal , insect repellent, antiseptic, expectorant, antibacterial, detoxification, fever reduction, antihistamine and pain relief. Here are eighteen potent medical plants youre likely to find in the wild or even someones backyard that can help with minor injuries, scrapes, bites and pains.* Marijuana

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18 of Natures Most Powerful Medicinal Plants | WebEcoist

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Images via Current and Street Knowledge

Seriously. Though marijuana is still illegal in the United States , it is legal in 12 states for medicinal purposes, and if a case of poison ivy in the woods isnt a medicinal purpose, what is? Marijuana was *mostly* legal until 1970 when it became classified as a hard drug. No one thought of it as a dangerous or illicit drug until the 20th century; in fact, hemp was George Washingtons primary crop and Thomas Jeffersons secondary crop. The Declaration of Independence is written on it; the Gutenberg Bible was printed on hemp, too. Theres actually an environmental dimension to legalizing marijuana hemp is a remarkable and renewable plant, offering all kinds of foodstuff and product uses that surpass cotton and plastic. But health benefits are well documented, from depression and anxiety relief to reduced blood pressure, pain alleviation and glaucoma treatment. It is not addictive, does not kill brain cells and is not a gateway drug in fact, when pot is more available, studies show that the use of hard drugs like heroin and cocaine actually decreases. The bottom line for hikers: when your leg is broken from a misjudged boulder hopping attempt (pain) and a bear has eaten your friend (depression) and youre lost because you forgot the compass (dumbass), consult the cannabis. Lady Ferns

Image via US Forest Service

If you grew up in the Pacific Northwest you likely know what ferns are good for: treating stinging nettles. One of the worlds oldest plants, there are many varieties of ferns, but if youre lucky enough to spy the soft, delicate lady fern, grab some and roll it up between your palms into a rough mash. The juices released will quickly ease stinging nettle burns and can also ease minor cuts, stings and burns (fresh salt water also works in a pinch for bee stings). Bracken fern are similar to lady fern and will work , as well . The rougher, glossier, stiff sword fern and deer fern won t be as effective, though. (Learn about types of ferns.) Lady ferns actually grow all over North America but are common in areas with high rainfall. California Poppy

Images via Netstate and Mountain Meadow Seeds

The brilliant blooms of the poppy make this opioid plant an iconic one. The plant is an effective nervine (anxiety reliever) and is safe for use on agitated children. Can be made into a a tea for quick relief of nervousness and tension. A stronger decoction will offer pain relief. (A decoction is made by stewing all safe plant parts including stems and roots if possible in water for several hours and ideally soaking overnight ) 12/30/2011 12:55:56 PM

18 of Natures Most Powerful Medicinal Plants | WebEcoist

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Image via Mistifarang

The blood flower (also Mexican butterfly weed) is a type of tropical milkweed with toxic milky sap that is emetic (it makes you hurl). Its also historically favored as a heart stimulant and worm expellent. Pretty useful for a number of potential hiking disasters, if you think about it. (Of course, if youd quit eating those poisonous berries you probably wouldnt need to worry about finding a natural expectorant.) Tansy

Image via Earth Heart Farm

If youve decided to backpack through Europe instead of the mountains of Mexico (but why?), youll want to know about a few helpful medicinal plants. Tansy is an old-world aster and remedy, used for flavoring beer and stews as well as repelling insects . Rubbing the leaves on the skin provides an effective bug repellent, but tansy can also be used to treat worms . It is said to be poisonous when extracted, but a few leaves are not harmful if ingested. Korean Mint (hyssop)

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Image via Herb Gully

Who doesnt want to be minty fresh? Most of the various types of mint or mentha spearmint, Korean mint, applemint, regular old mint offer reported health benefits and medicinal properties. (Avoid pennyroyal, as its poisonous .) Mint is famous for soothing headaches, fighting nausea , calming the stomach and reducing nervousness and fatigue. Korean mint, also called Indian mint and hyssop, is a fairly effective antiviral, making it useful for fighting colds and the flu. Whatever continent youre on, some type of mint is usually to be found. Eat whole, garnish food or make tea to get the all purpose health benefits. Alfalfa

Image via In Advance

Alfalfa is fodder for livestock for a reason: its incredibly rich in minerals and health-promoting nutrients and compounds. With roots that grow 20 to 30 feet deep, alfalfa is considered the father of all plants . (It also contains a high amount of protein for a green .) Alfalfa originally grew in the Mediterranean and Middle East but has now spread to most of Europe and the Americans. It can treat morning sickness, nausea , kidney stones, kidney pain and urinary discomfort. It is a powerful diuretic and has a bit of stimulant power, helping to energize after a bout with illness. Its a liver and bowel cleanser and longterm can help reduce cholesterol . You can purchase seeds and sprouts, but its fine to eat the leaves straight from the earth. Catnip

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18 of Natures Most Powerful Medicinal Plants | WebEcoist cold symptoms (helpful if youre on a camping trip and dont have access to Nyquil). Its useful in breaking a fever as it promotes sweating. Catnip also helps stop excessive bleeding and swelling when applied rather than ingested. This mint plant (yep, another one) is also reportedly helpful in treating gas, stomach aches, and migraines. Catnip can stimulate uterine contractions, so it should not be consumed by pregnant women. It grows in the Northern Hemisphere. Sage

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Image via Palestine Shop

Sage is an incredibly useful herb, widely considered to be perhaps the most valuable herb. It is anti-flammatory, anti-oxidant, and antifungal . In fact, according to the noted resource Worlds Healthiest Foods , Its reputation as a panacea is even represented in its scientific name, Salvia officinalis, derived from the Latin word, salvere, which means to be saved. It was used as a preservative for meat before the advent of refrigeration (eminently useful: you never know when youll be forced to hunt in the wild). Sage aids digestion, relieves cramps, reduces diarrhea, dries up phlegm, fights colds, reduces inflammation and swelling , acts as a salve for cuts and burns , and kills bacteria. Sage apparently even brings color back to gray hair. A definite concern when lost in the woods. Blackberries

Image via Old Ice Works

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18 of Natures Most Powerful Medicinal Plants | WebEcoist and astringent. Ideal for treating cuts and inflammation in the mouth. Wild Quinine

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Image via Stone Silo Prairie Gardens

According to Alternative Nature Online, wild quinine is a potent herb that is used as an antiperiodic, emmenagogue, kidney, lithontripic, poultice. It has traditionally been used in alternative medicine to treat debility, fatigue, respiratory infection , gastrointestinal infection, and venereal disease. Whatever the ailment, quinine is famously helpful in treating it. Only the root and flowers are edible; avoid the plant. Navajo Tea

Image via Birds n Garden

Also called greenthread , Plains Tea or Coyote Plant, this plant has been used for centuries by Native Americans to quickly relieve that most brutal and irritating of infections: the UTI (urinary tract infection). Best when made into a tea or decoction. Red Clover

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Image via Foxy Island

Native to Europe, Northern Africa and Western Asia, red clover is now ubiquitous worldwide. The plants reddish pink blossoms can be used for coughs and colds, but they are an excellent detoxifier and blood cleanser as well . Sweet Marjoram

Images via Tasteful Garden and Veseys

Marjoram and oregano are often used interchangeably, but the aromatic sweet marjoram is slightly different. The Greeks called it the Joy of the Mountain and it was revered throughout the Mediterranean for its fragrance, flavor and medicinal value. The famous French herbs de provence and Middle Eastern zaatar both use sweet marjoram. Marjoram has many uses (its a famous digestive aid ) but it is effective as an antifungal , antibacterial and disinfectant treatment in a pinch . Burdock Herb

Images via Norman Allen and Ontario Wildflowers

Burdock, or cocklebur, is a prickly, thistle-like plant that grows commonly in many parts of the world. It can get fairly big and its leaves resemble the elephant ear plant. Though the burs often get caught in pets and livestocks fur, dont think of it only as an annoying plant. It is a highly effective treatment against poison ivy and poison oak (claims that it cures cancer are slightly *less* substantiated). Feverfew

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Image via Earth Heart Farm

Feverfew is a plant that has well-known and documented health properties and medicinal benefits. This anti-inflammatory can treat rheumatism, arthritis and, most famously, migraine headaches and tension headaches. Its also good for alleviating tension and general anxiety (it is a natural serotonin inhibitor). It also helps to reduce swelling and bruising. Though feverfew is most effective when taken daily, it can be a helpful pain reliever when no Advil is on hand. Sweet Violet

Image via Firefly Forest

Native to Europe and Asia, sweet violet is cultivated around the world and is a pleasant, delicate purple color . When brewed into a syrup the plant is effective as a treatment for colds, flu and coughs or sore throat. However, when made as a tea, it is wonderfully effective for relieving headaches and muscle and body pain . Winter Savory

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Image via CGNA

Winter savory is your savior against insect bites and stings. One of the most effective natural plant treatments for bug bites is originally from Europe and the Mediterranean but often shows up elsewhere thanks to global trade. In addition to being an antiseptic, it is delicious used for flavoring meats and stews and all parts are edible. With so many amazing medicinal plants on the planet, be sure to look for future posts covering more . Feel free to submit your own request or share your botanical knowledge in the comments.
* Disclaimer : the content of this post is for informational and entertainment purposes only and should not be considered qualified medical advice. Always consult an expert before consuming or applying any foreign substance or material . Also, don t do drugs.

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Dylan Thomas Brooks

Subscribe Boulder, Colorado

I have a comment not related to any previous comment . It is on the effects of burdock on poison ivy and how poison ivy and oak and have had to suffer with getting 3-4 month long reactions every summer which culminat hospital after it spread all over my body . The steroids they gave me stopped it , but I still had months of pain. natural foods store) , and ingest a few droppers full if I know I came into contact with poison ivy, I have not h Note that it will not cure poison ivy outbreaks if you are already starting to show symptoms, it will only help it you know you have come into contact and it works to completely prevent any breakout. I hope this helps, it Reply
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1 Like Follow Post November 19 at 12:43 pm

sensi September 30th, 2008 at 1:36 pm love the new ECO site, awesome info and the same great information that im used to over at URBANIST. thanks and keep up the good work ! Parris October 8th, 2008 at 12:48 am What a delightful column! And written with a wicked sense of humor. Today, in the midst of some senior citizens, I confessed that as a hippie I smoked lots of marijuana. I also told them that I have carefully compared the over-65 populations of straight folk and hippie folk and found practically no differences. None of them have a short-term memory worth much! And the old hippies are no crazier than ex-mayors, retired cops. or graduated school teachers. And they live just as long. Its just that in those middle years, they misbehaved and wandered outside of the strictures of propriety. Marijuana is the white mans Medicine. tiramealasaraas October 11th, 2008 at 9:42 am I just love thi site! Great article and great sense of humor too Dr . P October 13th, 2008 at 1:15 pm Are you serious? Do you really believe that drugs like those extracted from poppies are safe for use on agitated children?! As a physician, I have seen professional adults become life-threateningly toxic on supplements that they and their chiropractor or naturopath believed were safe and harmless because they were natural. What a bunch of crap! The authors of this site should be ashamed. What if someone reads this info and kills their child! Take this down now ! Nick October 14th, 2008 at 9:21 pm

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Greets! Really interesting. Big ups ! Tnx! Saw ! Answer My Health Question November 10th, 2008 at 6:21 am marijuana can be classified as the best medical plants but over indulgence of usage could harm your mental activity. Addiction maybe acquire from this plant.. Its better to intensity the prohibition of this because of its bad effect to human.. Tsu November 24th, 2008 at 6:00 pm Once again you have a physician chiming in with no tolerance for anything he didnt learn in his medical school books , and a brainwashed antimarijuana person giving his self-proclaimed professional opinion . Its a shame to see the level of control the pharmas exert with their misinformation campaigns. There was a time when Nature held a cure for every complaint of ill health. Now we are expected to find relief in tablets of chemicals that simply mask the symptoms rather than cure the disease. Ms.M December 2nd, 2008 at 6:26 am Hey. Interesting website. Useful information. However I must point out that the picture that you are currently using for Blood FLowers is wrong. Those are without a doubt in fact Ixoras. Id recognise them anywhere Theyre all over SIngapore. These guzhengman/2281261297/ are the real Blood Flowers. Speaking of which I must agree with Dr. P, the usage of Poppies sounds rather dubious. Please double check your information. Disko December 6th, 2008 at 10:57 am Nice article. However, the stub on California Poppy being a source for opioids is mistaken. Though called a poppy, its not related to the proper opium poppy. Though it has minor effect that are somewhat similar to opium poppies, if only just. In the end, this mistake might be a good thing . Opium poppies can be very potent, and if not careful one can easily overdose drinking tea. Though adults should be able to choose what they put into their own bodies, I dont think giving a child opium is very good idea. john December 10th, 2008 at 5:22 pm there is absolutely no way you could conclusively say that marijuana is not a gateway drug. Don t say things that have no factual basis behind them. It is entirely rational to assume that an individual willing to take marijuana would be more inclined to use a harder drug than one who has never used drugs. SomeoneElse December 11th, 2008 at 7:27 pm @Parris: Marijuana is the white man s Medicine. I thought medicine was the white man s medicine. adam February 28th, 2009 at 8:05 pm Tsu: Once again you have a physician chiming in with no tolerance for anything he didnt learn in his medical school books, and a brainwashed antimarijuana person giving his self-proclaimed professional opinion . Its a shame to see the level of control the pharmas exert with their misinformation campaigns. I feel that I should comment on this attitude. I am a pharmacy student, and contrary to a lot of suspicion and wild assumptions, physicians and pharmacists are not instructed by drug companies. There is no money in producing text books , nor would a respectable med school utilize such a text as a primary source of information. We get our information from medicinal chemists and physiologists mostlysome who may work for a drug company, but the majority of whom are PhDs, post-docs, and professors that work for a University. I cant speak for medical school students, but in pharmacy school drug information is presented as objectively as possible, with consideration given to non-western medicine. As a general conclusion, herbal medicines have their use, but when treating life altering illnesses , evidence based medicine practices are the best route. Unfortunately this usually implies using western medicines because the FDA doesnt evaluate safety or efficacy of herbal drugshence there is very little research done in this area. Ms E M h 2 d 2009

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This is a great article and is only information. Whatever people do with information is up to them. It is like TV Shows, they entertain. But if some goofball takes it into thier hands to duplicate the show and reek havic that is a stupid person. I think we are all grown ups and can live responsibally. Or Not. Dont ask someone to take down an artical that is interesting , you are surpressing their freedom of speech. I find the rants to bring more attention to the artical rather than the opposite. So there. Dan E. March 4th, 2009 at 2:13 pm California poppies are not a source of opium, having almost none of the effects you claim. Looks like most of these plants have a calming or buzz factor. How about digitalis or aloe? Alejo March 7th, 2009 at 7:19 am @Answer My Health Question marijuana[...]Its better to intensity the prohibition of this because of its bad effect to human.. Yeah, cause prohibition works like a charm, amirite? Theres no positive outcome if you investigate marijuana health benefits amirite? Its better to just ban the damn thing , even though the thing is growing everywhere. If you want to stay ignorant and disinformated do not drag us with you, thank you. @everyone: sorry for the crappy english, that was my best try. Beverly Hunter March 7th, 2009 at 11:04 am Well, whoever wrote this column certainly did NOT do their research before writing the marijuana article. The hemp plant that George Washington and others grew and Marijuana, although related are two entirely different varietals . This misinformation is part what has prompted the uneducated DEA to outlaw the growing of hemp in the US. Industrial hemp, also comes in several varieties and is used to make fabric, string, rope used to for everything from clothing, sails, rope, tents (WW I & II) and today has been developed for food use. In Canada it is legally grown and the hemp nut is extremely nutritious providing highly digestible protein, Omegas 3 6 & 9 great energy food. Check out for more information. PT March 11th, 2009 at 11:40 am I heard once that Romaine lettuce was the natural equivalent to Valium. A botanist once exposed it on American tv (J. Carson presumably) and was quickly reprimanded by the FDA. I heard it. I believe it. Pussycat March 26th, 2009 at 10:57 pm On pot, what a way to go, people use tabet medication to releax and keep the daily stresses away, which is just as habit forming e.g.: prozak etc. Smoke a joint, then feel how you relax. Pot is a natural form of medication. Tony Holiday April 8th, 2009 at 9:33 am THANKS for this article and link. Im always looking for healthful herbs that I can grow in the small space I have. I use them in daily smoothies . I find it especially very easy to grow catnip. Andy Miles April 10th, 2009 at 11:07 pm I work in Chinese Medicine Research and study the medicinal benefits of plants. There are life saving, cancer fighting plants that didnt make the list . The list may have better been called , the top ten, sort of beneficial plants . San qi is a life saving herb which has been used in war for thousands of years. It can stop fatal bleeding. Bai Hua she she cao can attack peritoneal cancers. Huang Qi can boost the immune system and prevent replication of HIV while at the same time making insulin more available for diabetics. There are truly powerful herbs which can take out life threatening diseases, including the top three killers in North America. Marijuana is crap for treating any disease . The Chinese had it for thousands of years and only used the seeds for constipation. There are far superior herbs which have been studied extensively for depression according to the Hamilton Scale of d i It i f t diti l Chi di l i i t 12/30/2011 12:55:56 PM

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Carole Greer June 24th, 2009 at 8:52 pm This is a fantastic collection of knowledge. Too bad the Scientific Society is loading our bodies with non-essential drugs that do more harm than good. Diane Davis October 23rd, 2009 at 6:55 pm In your article on medicinal herbs, you mention marijuana and hemp interchangeably. This is a misnomer, since hemp grown for paper , rope, edible seeds and oil does not contain the hallucinogenic THC Please keep us accurately informed so we can continue to benefit from the hemp grown for food and fiber ! see: http :// Thank you!

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