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L 7 Town of Franklin Board of Aldermen Agenda June 11, 2012 7:00 p.m. Call to order -Mayor Collins Approval of the May 7, May 21 and May 29, 2012 meeting minutes ‘A) Public hearing 7:05 p.m. on the proposed Budget for FY 2012-2013 B,) Consider adoption of the proposed Budget for FY 2012-2013 Public session Presentation on Ten-Year Solid Waste Management Plan Update- Chris Stahl A) Appoimentnt of Vicki Springer to fill vacancy on Tourism Development Authority B,) Appointment of Mike Grubermann to fill vacancy on Tourism Development Authority Budget amendments-Janet Anderson A.) ABC reimbursement resolution- John Henning Jr B,) Installment Purchase Contract- John Henning Sr CC.) Basements- John Henning Jr Adjourn DRAFT May 7, 2012 The regular meeting of the Town of Franklin Board of Aldermen was held on Monday, May 7, 2012 at 7:00 P.M. in the Town Hall Board Room. Mayor Joe Collins presided. Aldermen Joyce Handley, Farrell Jamison, Billy Mashburn, Carolyn Pattillo and Bob Scott were present. Alderman Verlin Curtis was absent, Board member absence Motion was made by Pattillo, seconded by Jamison to excuse Alderman Verlin Curtis from the meeting. Motion carried. Vote: 5 to 0. Approval of the minutes Motion was made by Handley, seconded by Pattillo to approve the minutes for the April 2, 2012 and April 19, 2012 meetings as presented. Motion carried. Vote: 5 to 0. Agenda change “Mayor Collins said I want to add David Linn’s street closing request to the agenda. Motion was made by Pattillo, seconded by Scott to add the following item to the agenda: David Linn’s street closing request. Motion carried. Vote: 5 to 0. Public hearing — rezoning for Garrett & RIW Mayor Collins opened the public hearing on the rezoning petition for Garrett & RIW at 7:05 P.M. The following persons spoke at the public hearing. Derek Roland ~ Land Use Administrator ~ James Garrett has requested his property located on Depot Street be rezone from Medical, Institutional, Cultural, Residential (MICR) to Secondary Commercial (C-2). The surrounding properties are zoned (C-2). By changing the zoning they will be able to continue to operate their business. The Planning Board's recommendation is to rezone the property to C-2, Mayor Collins closed the public hearing at 7:07 P.M. Rezoning petition for Garrett & RJW Motion was made by Pattillo, seconded by Jamison to rezone the Garrett & RJW located ‘on Depot Street from Medical, Institutional, Cultural, Residential (MICR) to Secondary Commercial (C-2). Motion carried. Vote: 5 to 0. DRAFT May 7, 2012 meeting continued, Mayor Collins opened the public hearing on the special use application for Westgate Terrace at 7:10 P.M. The following persons spoke at the hearing. Derek Roland — Land Use Administrator — We have received an application for a special use permit from Fitch Development Group, Inc. to develop a 60-unit affordable housing complex located behind the Westgate Ingles. The parcels involved are part of the Westgate Center and 4.48 acres will be utilized for the development. The site fronts on Roller Mill Road and that will be their access. Utilities are available. It is a requirement that the housing development be within a half mile of a food store and drug store. The Planning Board met on March 27, 2012 and voted to recommend approval of the special use application for Westgate Terrace. Thaddeus Green — I am concerned about traffic, police protection and increased crime. I have major traffic concems especially with speeding. Patty Wall ~ My property adjoins the proposed complex. I am concerned about the traffic and the increased amount of people living in the neighborhood. ‘Vance Wall ~ There will be a lot of people in a small space. The UDO requires no more than 10 units per acte. This is too crowded, How would you feel if this was going in next to you? Mayor Collins closed the public hearing at 7:23 P.M. ‘Special use application for Westgate Terrace Board Discussion — Alderman Handley — I am concerned about traffic. I spoke with Hollis Fitch and he will be doing traffic impact study. Hollis Fitch — Yes, we will do a traffic study. Alderman Jamison — Is all of Roller Mill Road inside the town limits? Sam Greenwood ~ No. Alderman Jamison ~ The apartments will be inside town limits? Sam Greenwood — Yes. Alderman Pattillo - Does it have to be sixty units?

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