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tfiiulty for many wcvkt to come. He ld thr ern hopci tha 'tactlcnl nurprlm already nnd b?en achieved.

" THOMAS K. BROW* JOHN I. EAKNKK Continued From 1 "Thin VBftt. plan te undoubtedly rtnaj Kit* Brown, PhJ>, of 226 John J. Earner, of 506 McKay avethe most eumpllcuU'd Hiid diJllrult Page One 1 nu*. Boothwyn, a veteran of World Dickinson a v e n u e , Swarthmore. t h n l over ha.\ occurred," he said. War 1. died Monday at 6 p. m. In prominent lexicographer and proa certain time this morning, the "K involve,-; lldcs. wind, wnvi-s. visithe Cimer Hospital, Upland, where fessor of German at the U n i v e r s i t y German air force had flown only !>t) bility from both the air tind Ihc en he had bwn a patient nlxnit a week. of Pennsylvania, died ai 130 p. m. battle area sorties. -shindpoints, and Uie combined emHe had been ailing for rievcrnl Monday at the Urologic Clinic. In Casualties Rpi>rtrd Uthl ilovmrnt ol land, n l r and *ea forces month* before being taken to the Philadelphia, where he had gone for in inn hlKheM, dcKM'f "f InHniHcy. Allied overall casualties applied a routine examination. He was 50. hospital. "We hopp. lo furnish the r-ncmv to hnve been relatively light. HeadMr. Earnw, who wa 46 yean old, Dr. Brown taught German at ouarters announced that they were vi\h a succession ol surprise* . . . I M born In Chester and had re- Haverford before goiiiR to Penn, HP .h.ill not speculate on the battle's fight among Hir-horna troops and sided In Boothttyn /or about fifteen was managing editor of ihe Winston "surprisingly small very smnll" cnurs" bin this I n m v sy th;U years. He hud been employed by Dictionary and editor of the Bullecomplr-M- u n i ' v prevails Umniiih'iul a I sea. the American Viscose Corporation tin of the Friends Historical AssoThe disembarkation went ncrorntontiittm eoiapoion. ihe Allies' iirmie/i. until illness forced him to retire. ciation. He was a member of many infi to plan, Warships sua-eederi in "There in brotherhood In wins When in the armed forces h* served academic societies, and vice presisilencing shore batteries and laying between UK find our friend*, thu oversea*, H wa a member ol the dent of the Haverford Chapter of *mofce screens on schedule. A Uniieci United Staff*, 'ttiert 1* vomplalt Phf Beta Kappa. Church of ttie Holy Saviour. States battleship moved in murh confidence JM the .utpranx! <:mBorn on March 19, 1865, at Weitmandt-r General i D w t K h t n. Ki.sf-nIlin aurvlvors are his wjdow, Mr*. town. Dr. Brown wa.s the son of closer to -shore than scheduled i n , order to silence a troublesome uroupl Meads of nil u n i t s in C 1). .-emr-ps. hower n n d hi* HfulenitntJi and IM> Emma Earner, three sons, John, a ThoniR? Kite. Brown, former princiI I p of fortifications. inrlmin^ mne and sector ^ ; ^ 1 N 1 ,.. ,......,mler of 'he f x,-r d i machinist's mate 3-c. who is .serving pal of Westtown Friends' School. He ( The mincsweepini; was den'nbea a u x i l i a r y fire f o i c m < - n , h i M i t ' - n . m h in the Navy at North Carolina; graduated from Penn charter in ry force. General Montgomery." n c t h A bicepEt and 1 probably mast of a u x i l i a r y police, eme.ruenry i n e r t - , Richard and James, who reside at 1902. and from .Haverford College, d f f CUlt ope-a ion o/ it. kind evPi-iral u n h heads, conin,! center ,,,,-; A n n u l i m - O he,,!.,* ^ the Boothwyn addrea*, and a daugh- in 1902. He received his doctor's de2tin Died Htindreds of .sweepers mumler.s, and others, arc n - f | i i r - s i c d ; p i r K i oMK'inl word thai M>-D-u , ter, Miss Mary Earner, who also re- gree at Harvard. headed tho invasion Herts, clearing to m i e n d nn imporinnl. nicrimi.; at - f i n a l l y had arrived cnmc at, 3 M a. HI side* at tto McKay avenue address. H ii survived by bis wife, Mrs. S? wat and marking channels. 'Chester Moose. Hall, nn Kasi K i f t l i ' ( 3 . : | 2 H. m. KWT) when General A brother, John, who resides at Helen Barnes Brown, and two sons, The Oe?n DNB News A*cnr y jstree., nl 8 p. m. on Thursday. : Follower Announced bhi opening! 3oothwyn, also survives. Funeral Thomas K. Brown, 3d. of New York, laid this afternoon thai Allied land- Plans Will bf rnnde for the , < a n v a s s O f the IOIIR-RWIIIMMI western front in arrangements have not been com- and Arthur B. Brown, of Bowie, Md. insbarges hod pushed into the c s t u - j;o f Iho entire ciiy for t h e .soldier vot- ;1 Communique of only 2fi word*. It ing bargi, . pleted. There will be no funeral services. imp* o( the Orne and Vire rivers i n . m e pln. nnd in'.liiR read: aries nf uaded twice WotU War Burial will be in the Friends' South-Under tlic cu;n:i::;::d of Oncrd the coxstal strcicli between ClierMABEL C. SCIIKLI, western Burial Ground. Eisenhower, Allied H H V i i l forces. unbourg and I-f Havre "in the real of land," The G e r in a n DJ Holy Load; hfodcd SourhtoitMiss Mabel Clemonce Schell, o f j port (Ml by I font! I r force.1;. bc^;< n the Ailanlic Wall" Hie v a u n t e d Agency acknowleticed M i n t i East Glenolden avenue, Glenolden, WILLIAM H. SPAKKS, JR. asf) Command below landing Allied armies thl.s morning defense line that Hltier hoped would Allies had put tarik.s ashore died Friday in the Taylor Hospital, Funeral services for William H. on the norUHTri coa.sf. of France." keep invaders off the soil of Ger- at least one .sector.* after a long Illness. Sparks, Jr., of 501 South ttidgeway Montgomery told ne warn/MI In ft many. Some -six hours n f u r the pre-lnvn.sion Interview thai, ho exOne of the older residents of the avenue, Glenolden, who died SunPenetrate 10 Miles waves of A f n e r l c n n , British pected t h e Oennnn.s lo moot, (he inborough. Miss Schell was active In day night of injuries suffered in an Nflxi broodcnsters also acknowl- cannriinn .'i.v.aiih forrrs l a n d e d by vasion nn the bench In n b a t t l e i.liHl the affairs of the Glenolden Pres- accident, will be held at 2 p. m. edged that Allied tanks had cut sev-L Cft a n f j a i r 0!, )i, P N n r m i u i d y Ponm- would bring h i m once more inlo byterian Church, having been a Thursday at the McCausland Fupral kilometers inland betwnrn the Mlia p r j n u . Mmi-sior Churrhill (old conflict with M a r s h a l K r w i n Rommember of the church lor the last neral Home, 202 South Chester Pike, towns of Caen and Isigny, and ari-jcommom M m t the j n v a s l o n was mel, I'/jmmander of a German A r m y .5 years. Her only immediate sur- Glenolden. Sparks, who was 31, died at Pennrnitted Allied penetratinns ninglns|p|- n n(rdin[: "accordlnM to plan." 'ivor is her sister, Miss Cora Schell, 'rojip. sylvania Hospital of injuries reup 10 10 miles "Obstarle,'; which weir conof the home address. The Gf-lmans reported heavy structed in the .se;i h a v e not proved WiirtiK lli.s Torci-M ceived when the car he wns driving Funeral services will be held this collided with a ROVUP 42 irollev at fighting in the area of Caen, n i n o j so d i f l i n i l ' a.s was sipprehenclcd."'iilif)wcr v.-arnod his forces. !,hat nnd B half miles inland and 115 C h u r r h i l l said. "The. lire of .shore their l.ask would not. bo tin P;LSV on^. "Vour enemy is well iniineo, w''!l mile? from Paris on a direct rail- batteries im.i hecn larKely quelled. wjulppod and buttle-hardened," Ii" road line. "MaAned air-born*- I n n d l t i R K hnvc Gen, Dwight D. Elsenhower's su- bfon .successfully effected behind en- said.' '"He will fight savanely. Bui cussion and shock, and died an hour jyterian Church, will officiate. preme headquarters announced Unit emy lines and i a n d m n s after the accident. t h e this Is the yi-iir 11)44.. Much has casualties had been linht unions b f a f h e s an- proccedhm ; "' . '"' illappeneil since the NHV:! t r i u m p h s A wholesale candy dealer, he was |of H)4I'.-4I . . , ive will accept n o t h air-borne troops spearheading t h o points at l i t e present tune." 1941: Commonded Home t he son of Mr. and Mrs. William Continued From A invasion w i t h landings belilnd the Sparks. 43 East Knowles avenue. Guord. Stickler for fitness, he Obviously enjoying his resumption ing less l.han f u l l victory" German lines. I'agc One T Glenolden. Also surviving are his of the role o[ (he ^roat war reporter. The wave,'! of Allied assault ordered calisthenics daily, t,r<Ki|w pushed ashore at, . jeverel Many air-borne mission* reported the degree* of A.M.. 1921; B.D., 1922; wife, Mrs. Sara T. Sparks; two sons, ronit six-mile rn for oN remarkably lUtle .anti-aircraft, nrp. Churchill added: nnnnol. of course, commit my- poinls nlonij t,)ie Nonnandy and Ph.D,, 1926. He received the de- William, five, and Marshall, three, weekly. ix'twet-n fi and a: IS a. m. ( m i d n i g h t the Nazi batteries apparently hvgree of D.D. from Bucknell in 1939. and a sister, Florence. and 2:15 n, m. EWT> unrlor n pro| Dr. Aubrey has served as asso- Interment will be at Lawn Croft i.ccUvp n f i v n l barrage of rorket,s and | ciate professor of Bible. Union Cemetery. Friends may call Wednes.shells raiiRinK up to Ifi Inches in R I M T A I N ' S CK.N. S I H l l l - ; R N A R n L A W L M O N T f ; O . M R K V . lender of the A l l i e d invasion landing; forces, ITheological Seminary. 1920-22; in- day evening. in n toufjh U l s t e r - b o m man nf n c i i o n . who succeeded where t h r o e ffynurals* had f a i l e d before hini in diafiifii'M'. ! structor in Bible and sociology, Allied fiKhUsr pilot* r e t u r n i n g driving t h e A x i ? f r o m N ' n r l h A f r i c a . The fi5-ypr-old E m p i r e hnster JH a touph d r i l l ma?Ler, a rigid MRS. GAETA.VA KASOXE from fllghU over the beachhend d i s c i p l i n a r i a n . Ha is brusque, even rud: hfi rountenances no i n l e r r u p t i o n K in conference. Like Romel, Carleton College. 1922-23; assistant Mrs. Gaetana Fasone, of 705 Ashprofessor of sociology, Miami Unioff the const of France. F.iirller thty Mont|fomrj' r<*ported (.fiat Allied In/ftni-rymen whom he outfoxed in A f r i c a , he like* (.0 ride a fast tank of squat in a front-line trench. Now he faces versity. 1923-24; chairman of de- land avenue. Secane, died at her reported landings in the Crmnnel IsNn?,i troops nnre i i K f i n . Commiuidor of t h e tinny proup wore :tcrinbltnK 'ip l-he sJmreK n t partment, 1924-26; associate pro- home this mornine. landi west of the Wormnn penin- now stonninK France was revealed;? a. m., apparently without, heavy Mrs. Fasone arrived in this coun-' fessor of Biblical literature. 1926-27 sula. hi be r.rn. Sir Bernard ],. M n i i t ^ o m - 'opposition In the earlv stncrs. ( a n d professor, 1927-29, Yasser Col- try from Italy in 1928. She joined phia 66. Norrlstown S9. Lancaster st The Transocean agency reported rv " M o n t y nf Kl A l a m e i n , " who led One German broadcast reported 30 miles sou hwpj ol Le Havre and First. Italian Presbyterian ,"18. Wilkes-Barre 55. Johnstown 49. lege; professor of Christian Theo- the ml n that a naval battle was tjoinR on ,he famed" British K l p b t h Army n i l r l K h M i i K a 'ch HS 10 miles I n l a n d . Q'n miles I n l a n d . Trenton 37. Reading 33, Scran ton Mogy and Ethics. University of Chi- Church, this city, in 1936, wheiT- ?:i the channel north of Ln Hnvn be- the way from Uie upproarhes Tho principal German npwxsiUon "Here, German troops are injcago since 1929. and a member of was a member of the Mothers' 28, AHoona 26 and Hnzleton 23. tween German units nnd Allied Alexandria, Kfiypt, to soulhein I t a l y . nt sen cnme from torpedo boats and volved in .sharp with Ancommittees of Prayer Group. Local bankers explain the out- I the administrative forces tryliiR to make a Inndlnt;. fonnailon.s His cumin n ml Included American destroyers, , \vhl,hc. however, were glo- Americnn Surviving are five children: Jostanding Increase in bank debits by the University of Chicago Divinity DNB. 'the official Nazi agency. British and Cimacllan troop.s. bumpered by a smoke screen thrown from thp 7 ah' n n d sen," Transocean seph and Jack Fasone, of Chester; I School. citing the population increases in said German counter-thrusts were ii round the invasion i i r n i a t i n by snid. "About 12 ' j niile.s southwest Supreme fcleadfiuarlcrs. Allied Cicniifin news HKcnde.s .said Chester and the siirrounding area, The new president is widely Santo Fasone, Philadelphia; Salvabeing undertaken east nf Cherbourg. shock forces and paratroops landed A l l i e d vessels. Allied [ilanes - - of l,t> Havre, AiiRlo-Amerjcans K\I)cttillon:iry Force, ( I N S ) plus the fact that a number of the known as a theological writer, his tore Fasone, Brooklyn, N. Y,, and but "the enemy krepp throwing t h e along the nofi-h const, of the No Churchill .said Iiliscnrmwer 11,- landed ali'-lxirnc troops sininitiinGen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomlarger companies are paying their work including "Religion and the Mrs. Ida Napoli, of Haly. bulk of hi* troops i n f o the area mandy peninsuln- which ]U!A mil. 000 rii'fit line ones ujton which to ously with sen-liorne forces In the ery, deputy Invasion commander The funeral will bo held Friday Next, Generation"; "Present Theoloworker! by bank checks. between Cherbourg and Oul.strn- from P'ranci! .votm; Hf) Ui 1 1(1 mill's draw-- ruled Mie skies virtually un- coastal strip between the Orne and in charge of ground troops, togical Tendencies," "Living the at 9 a. m. from the funeral estabThe Sim Shipbuilding and Dry Christian Faith." and "Man's Search lishment of A. Raymond Moore, below the EiiRlifih south coasl all challenged. Vlre Estiwrlps." d a y expressed overwhelming con; The German DNB fluency n r k i h o way from the Ctu-rbourR area viction the present attack, wii! Dork Company switched completely For Himself." He is editor-elect of 14^1 Potter street- Services will bo ---^Tlir l sual I*ropas:iiithi DNH told of (Tii.selcfiR'nir bomfrom cash payroll payments to the the Journal of Religion. succeed. held at 10.30 a. m. at the First ItalThe Twcni.y-elfihth and 101st at the norMiei'n lip of l,e H a v r n nt, iwk'dRed t h i t t . one of their ve^seh hufdmenl.s by .slroiiK Allied air had been s u n k In "violent, h i R h t h v . 1 ' , . , v| r ( , M i m r y pn S0]nf) { VI "1 personally have absolute check system in 1943. Other large Mrs. Aubrey, a graduate of Vas- ian Presbyterian Church. Third and American Parnchutp Division!; drop- the m o u t h of the Seine, 110 mllej Heine esuiary, but c h n n i e c l l ^K M)llUl( .a.m, of Cherbourg. iiorthweM. ol' Purls. ]]} and complete confidence In the firms which pay their employes by sar, received her M.A. from the Fulton streets, in charge of the pasped In the Normandy nren, DNB id a| s check are Congoleum-Nairn, Gen- University of Chicago. She is a for- tor, Rev. Dario Tedesco. l)iUtlf,'sl]||)K also wi'iT said reported. addinR t h e usual propa- Hipi concentration.*; of landh^ dso that dang Allied cruiser outcome." lie said. vewol loaded 1,0 IK- sIicllliiK t h f uoiist to cover eral Steel Castings Corporation, Interment will be at Chester ganda claim that many were cap- )ai'K( s were observed off botl !ire l a n i n "The pnrly is in first-class Penn Steel Castings Company, and mer national board secretary of the and I*Havic-. "wlili:!; troops had bcyn sen!, to i.ha bot- I n n d l n u s Iroin HO to 40 bonls. tured. shape io win Hie match. We are Baldt, Anchor, Chain and Forging YWCA. a trustee of the Baptist Rural Cemetery. Friends may call .'idt'ntly have been sele.cled us the torn off the Normandy peninsula. Missionary Training- School and Thursday evening. Even whila t h e Beilin radio was SMTOif? J'onimMom of Allinrl bomba Krral Allied teama terrific Company. blaring repealed reports of Allied ninin invasion port.s. Mil! Trans- PiintlroopK Limited Francis Shimer Junior College and ,.,. n l t a c k c d the Calnls and D u n k i r k Allied t e a m . This is the integraEven though the check from these president of the Woman's Society ADAM KESSLKR, JR. landliiR^, it quoted Nazi m i l i t a r y "9n"n Asency Mild. V'eiy DNB Kiiid Amcrioin pnriit.roopsi n r ( , a s snmr ;)(l m n r s ncniss t h e r,h:uition of Uie British Empire and companies are cashed outside of of Hyde Park Baptist Church. ChiAdam Kes.slcr, Jr.. mayor of quarters as forecastinK still more. nir-bonif! lamtliixs l"k 'plart' Inndcd near Barfleur, Ifi miles PS!- ncl from soutlH'iisi. Kn^land. but no America going out to battle to- Chester, they are written on local "especially in St. Malo Bay." St. both sides of Chcrljoiiry. 'I'l'Hn.sot f , ChcrbourB at l,h<- 'ii)rt.tioiistri-]i|| i l | U , | M ^ W l ( s n n.,, m ,,u. t i there immi-ne.ihcr. I don't think any other bank checks.' so t h a t they show up cago. She has been active in the Longport, N. J., and a former offiLeague of Women Voters and the cial of the Philadelphia advertising Up of the N o r m n n d y peninsula, diately, DNB .snid. Main, ancient walled dly w i t h rani- sniri. The HRi'iicy nl^o MI let 1 .two nations could have done it. on the Chester debit account, the hiul liindccl on American Association of University f i r m of N. W. Ayer and Son., Inc.. while a niiissed sea-borne operat.inn parts BO feel, hifih. Is on the Ranoe. of Out-rnsfy nnd Ji-r.scy, wrsl "f don't know when the war is bunkers report. Women, died suddenly of apoplexy yesterwas heinp carreld out neni' H t . Watchcr.s on the Km;li.sli coast River. .said I hi! air offensive niiiiinst ( i n Roinp to end but J don't believe Fnr more than a year Chester has The Aubrey's, who have two ehil- day in Atlantic City Hospital. He isl-I.n Honue. a few -miles lo Ihc About 200 amphibian unita apInvasion belt had risen to 11 new (he Germans can KO on much been I he leading "High Spot City" VrenNiincy'and Donaldhave been wns 61. proached the coast, oil ArromanlotiRcr w i t h this business. on Sales Management magazine's active in community projects. Mr. Kessler, who will be buried - ches, norlhwpjjt, of Caen, around Ot her Invasion forces were n'our- pilch of Intensity. DtiyUght. bomb"The German soldier Is ter- list of booming retail markets. For Dr. Aubrey is president of the Un- on Thursday following .services at noon, the Na/.i;; wild, but there w n s j :f-: ashore at Oareliin on Uie Orne ers roared,out In ^reat strength following HA I'1 n i^ hi. nils on an ribly yood but I don't, think the t h e current month Chester ranks iversity of Chicago settlement and 2 p. m. at 1820 Chestnut, street. no report nf n landint;. \ e s l u a r y norlhflasl. of Caen and be- unpriM-edcnled .senIf. fourth In the nation In percentage Is a member of the executive comGerman general is as pood as he Philadelphia, was a brother of tween ihe Orne nnd Seine p.Hlufirk.s, Piivlnn the wny ior the a.ssaull used to be. He has been on the gains In retail trade, with an index mittee of the Hyde Park Baptist Wilbur Kessler, of Newtown Square; DNB said. Al least six but.flesl'lp.s Amorlciui nnd H n l i n s h bonibers of Ml.2. It Is lead by Knoxville. Tenn. Church. defensive a very IOIIR time mid I Percy Kessler. of Yeadon, and Mrs. were supporting the l a t t e r !amlim;.s. dropped more ( h i m tons ol When the present war began, he Eli/abeth Cciiinell. pf Glenokten. HP believe it must affect his men- w i t h an indox of 150.1; Miami. Fin.. phibious opt1!1!!! ion m a y be <'xpert-ed A ( i e n n i i n hl^h command com- it. s.iid. 1-12.8. and Evansville. Ind.. with 141.5. was scheduled to speak In occupied Is also survived by a n o t h e r sister, taliiy." to be i-lie e^ie.^i.. \ \ n l i . i h e .sliow- munique reporled " l ) l ! t c r t l t i h l i i i f ; " :\rlier roport of para troop explosives ori t i n * French' invasion and free China to various .student Mrs. Katherine Spraguc, of Trendown cominR dny.s or weeks l a l c r ; and inn nor I h of LeHnrve proved coast. In t h e last f o u r days and In t h e a t t a c k a i i ' i i s n i g h t s . Other forma lions had cut !. S. T K E A S U H Y BALANCE groups, but hostilities halted 'he ton, and by his widow, Mrs. Flowhen t.he lftn(| cblmf,tt 1-hn n ml ire p n r n - 1 ncorrect, HNB snid. Insleiul, the nt least, temponirily r n e i n y r a i l w a y Wushlngrinn,. i INS) Treasury tour. His activities in the wider rence MacMlllan Kessler. to 'inaw their foi"'o.e. wiped out at j agency explnlned. t h e Allies had llnc.s and highways to a dejith of bnlancp SS.2Sl.494.72fi.18; Internal world-wide aspects of the Christian Allied control of Mie n i r over i-lie i dropped unifornicd dummies which iore t l t n n 100 miles from the beache.s wa.i oil'.sei to some extent revenue $23.950.852.37; customs re- movement include: theological con- JULIUS C. FIIIXGS Hilri the heiivlest !'' x l llod( ' (t "'hen touched. h coasl. bv the f.Ti'! t h a i the wen (her sericrlpls. $1.859.147.02; receipts. S39,- sultant at the Oxford Conference j1 Funeral services are beinp con! m ( l i e urea of! A''' ' r:i ' sl ^ n i i r A n n l o - A m c r i c a n nlrously imiX'fieri In* 1 eirerLlvetii'Ss of f'apji. on tJic JIHI i c]ifrl)nu(V-p;irU ' )rtni(l divisions b n v e been observed 281 319.871: e x p e n d i t u r e s . in 1937. chairman of the Chicago ducted this afternoon for Julius C. 1 *% Ecumenical study Group since 1939. ,'Pring.s. member of the wholcsnlf )ot h e air .support sziven to the inva- railway .some n i n i mil i n l a n d from ^''W' 1 *'" '-''Harve and CherhonrK. $85.892.279.401. C ' o u f i n u u d From I.o.i AuRi'les Several "Roosevelt. rounding member of the Conference 'bncco firm of Frincs Brothers Comsion force;-. iiiioilier ONB broadens!, s:ud. I he Uie m o u t h of On , K i v r r 1'a^o One for Fourth TiM'in" buttons nnd o t h e r S j on Science. Philosophy and Re- pany in Philadelphia, who died Inst The inien.^e ;>;<-inV;IMOH c a m Air-borne I ITU is were laiuiiiiK'^ 1 1 s 1 ' |lil1 ' '** ""' ' l i n f i t ' ( l I1111"11 ligion and chairman of the Chicago Thursday. Interment will be in paign apainsi the Gennan nir force deep Inland on lie peiiiiisuiii t h e : l i n' "'"''' t s| 1 f'i'illy the RrlHsh, nin be live tn freedom, reaping the JUM re- ( indorsing t.he CIO were found to' wards o! t h e i r honest toil. Thy \villlriny in n .shipment of lapel pins sent linter-faitht Institute for Religious Westminster Cemetery. paid olt today. Tin* U i M u i i t T c hart o l l l c i a l Na/.i I)N 'ron.sldered a n n i h l l n l e d . DNH said. to promote the I-'ifth Wnr Loan Mr. Frinpp, who wa.s fi7. made his Studies. He is a consultant on renot nrcepicri ihe Aihe^l c h u l l c i m c in an e f f o r t to sd/e Allied headquarters announced be done, Almighty God." drive, nnd i t n m e d i n t p l y nn "it-isthe Jirsi. hour;; of i h r bni:le [or lei:ir i i l r f l ligious trends to the national YWCA home at 15 Bailey road. Yea don.- He that some Allied mine.swoepers 'Ut nil t l i c Nomiiitidv I'niyc-r Ours ARO n l l - i i - n i l s t a k e , " ex]ilnnution wns board and a member of Federal is survived by his widow. Mrs, Euro]ie. Observer.-- bclicvcii K.t.'jfii.-imanned by 10.000 olllcors and men e House secivtai'y Str-phen T. Council commissions on a just and Phoebe McCoy Frinss; t w o daughmari-hal .Hermann Ooennt; \v:t.s nni- ol t h e n\-o tiKi'in port.s fnr Paris !u'''n' ( "'''ai'ln t i n smd Mr. Roosevelt bc^an! riobert H. Aloulton. Wur Lonn durable peace end on "Churches and ters. Mrs, Lena F. Humphrey and holding hl^ honrdrcl nlnue.s u n i i l V i s - t i m l l v t'verv !'/p- n( A t n - T i c a n : 1IU llsin " hcacho Mr.s. Mary T. Anulo. n n d t w o prayer .several days :|-! C o n i m m C ( l r h a i r n i a n . said -four or ilie irend of iiie invn.-ion had bc^n l u i v i t l e r a l t . from b : i t i l f s h ] | ) lo moioi ! l l l p U l l i l 1 '^"inher of .ships involved the War." H .inpletrd n. _ Karly said, last (JV(1 .. R OOSCVP. buttons, beiiring the ;1 I(I(I Following the commencement ad- brothers, Gc-orse and Victor Frinps. torpcfin boat, toinrd U r i t l s h \V)i.r.slii|is ; ' '" . ' ^nul 1000 ^renter I l i n n An Allied Damp Somewhere in dress delivered by Dr. Kenneth A -solid cloud cover InuiR over nnd t h o u s a n d s nf Allied p i n n r s In j p a r l t c i p a l e d in |he. invasion of Sic- night a!'!er he delivered President's, picture, nnd "one In tlresidc dial." He wa.s siitin the channol a;l t.he way acrasj, t h e in iiddilinn. C h u r c h i l l said, his bedroom nt Unit, time receiving two" CIO pins were f o u n d in n ship- England, t I N S I G e n . Dwight D Brown, president of Dennison UniBrest Peninsula this' mormsic. I t tboi. of smaller cral'l wei i a k - (.elt-phonic. rt'port.s on pi-oflivs.s of ment ol 200.000 Bond b u t t o n s s r n t i E i s e n h o w e r pressed the button for versity, in which he discussed "In forced Marauder medium boinber.s here from a Rochester, N. Y., f a c - l A l l i e d invasion of Europe early to- Days Like These." H luncheon on j u i K purl irl-tht- Ktiropenn Inndtn^.s. the invasion Karly .saicl. t-o fl>: ]owvr ili.ur nonn;il, :inri nid ' " i t i a l I'b.isc oir Nort nlv lorv idiiy from this tented camp in the the campus concluded the exercises, j The invasion ciinic only one day The prayer was made public, During the program, a resolution the Nazi wrc^u-i ,of HIP A m e r i r ^ n Alihou^h (In- iiuilal of I h e . i i f i e r the f a l l of Rome to Allied hours in advance of t h e President/;. Mr. Moulton c o m m u n i c a t e d with depth of the slcc-ping English counwas read by Samuel A. Crozer, presheavy bombers. i i n \ a si on iippan'nl'ly ondnrd armies tn I l n l y iuui marked t h e srr- loins hi i'1 order t h a t it W. J. Heinrleh, local n g e n t for t h e tryside.. Here in a motor t'-ailer he Is dl- ident of the board of trustees, hon(The HritLsh radi.i \a;d t h a t io the. Nonnainl 1 it l-'nnu c^ond phase of the niasicr phin (o niik'hi be p r i n t i x l in ncw.spaper rtur-'^'^.v. elepnoned t who rectlnK the tirst phase of history's oring Miss Sara Ogdcn, who is reat two bctirlmcads had a n Allied l i e i i d q i m i l r t s k i ' s m a n ^ i n n j - h Nail f i f n1i i i i n y i n t o u n c o n d l - ins 'he d;iy so Ihe people would k B' 'hen most HiR^ntic amphibious operation tiring after servinR on the clerical bf"-n secured atui t h a t "AKii'd l i i n t t x i t h f i t optM'niidtis M m a v h c ' t t o n a l surn.'iuliM . possibly t h i s year. it w i t h [hcjlssucd this s t a t e m e n t : know i t tuid could i far from his preat base headquarters staff for 34 years. formations are arivaucitv inf x ' e n d e d 10 H o l l a n d i t n d , - i h l y in ' I ' l l - - I h i r i i a n i l f i n a l phase will be President in l;ic:r homes tonight. j "He n r o w n told H is a i | _ f t | i i n f j sum >imdrd by only a nucleus o i h c r cnuriti'ies t r Kcd A t n i v otlcnsivt 1 from t h e cast. >me gin j (- j^,. flpj^ rotumanders and f'hp Prc-Aiden; will ^'o on ,(-he a i r l j j u . s i j i k e nnd WH.S di The .'(>dkrMiiixn Ki.scnhower pcrsonnllv hroadcast over nl! American networks and packer n-achinR in t h e wronp bin n n ( O Ills staff officers. ..Min ,,,,,3 , ,:. DENTAL PLATES mis of 1 ( t ih peoples of occupied Kuropt his fiMiow Amoric:ins to join i n '!,. |,,,,.l,,ns. We have been m a k i n g f o r buttons. We It. was lit. n i R h t that the supreme See families of the new (ilaslt ,,,, , i ; i,si to message I h u t t h e "hour of your hb- - ;. . . , , , ,s p MR ,, ; m. hour" for i b u u o n s for a.ivbodv who w a n t s them commander, pink, serene and conplstrsthat m.ilrh your sums. t'di.-ilcly ci'atlon Is approaching". He called !. or , >f ,,,,.. who ! ro ,. ,,, ,.,sl ;, yrars . W e are not fident made his (treat, decision. a i l w i i v s on oi'KanUcd groups lo ; \wve ^ ,, m i R |, l y ; ,,,,.,,,, , promoting anybody. Final weather forecasts determined DR. H. SHORE follow his previous I n s t r u c t i o n s , but endeavor, a s i r i i R u l r t o preserve o u r ; ..\y , | - - ( U1VC, nt] ];lnc.;5 n r orders a n d . the choice and next, morning Eisennr.NTlsT b i i t M l e S ; t l t l in*' n-nuiindcr of t h e people republic. our rclision. nnd our , n,,.,!,,!;^ w n s n ,ade In t h e pack- ihowcr held another conference to 701 H'ULSII ST. 11 " w i l l should c o n t i n u e , their passive re- c.iviliration. nnd to set free n sufTer- t j l t ,., : jn[; \ V e will replace n i l of connnn It. nii m- i'-i^t'ince " u n t i l I ^ h c you the signal ins h m n n n i i y . " ' t h e m w i t h Trcnsilrv Department . Sl.lll the wrnllipr wns Ihe com-; u p and si-rike Ihe enemy." "They will noed thy blcs.--jiiKs. ^ the b u | l o n ,... prlllng flcklp master of Ihc s i t u a - : ,.,,...,.. lion. Reports were (avornble n n d i No comment wan forthcoming ll11 ' decision stood again when the' from War \,.>\\ or TrcuMirv Derail vast Inncl. sea, nir forces were s h n p - j inent o f f i c i a l s . inc for the nssEiull. thi 1 commanders' met w i t h General Eisenhower to. t ' o n l i n u o f ! From sturiy the decisive anxious faclorsj I of sun. wind find visibility. j free worlc I'ajtr One will t r i u m p h . ThrmiKliout D-mlnns-one, t h e : U//MT "Vour will not. be. an be MHV t r i e d , by nii;ht supervising f e m a l e and N'ecro work- suci e.^s of phase one. of the second; 1ERIC* i\nd hy day, w i t h o u t ivsi- t i l l t h e c r s " par! wns poised on Ihe slender n p e x ; cinv is we!! tr.nned. well equipped \ i c i o r \ l.s won. The d a r k n e s s will I I Is nlso pointed on! t h a t '''^' the meterolOf;ical machinecomNAVAL OFFICER ,md b a t t l e hardened. He w i l l l i n h : be rent hy noit-e and tl;iinc. Men's lamp p l a n t s in ihe di.sirict have of j,"t"j n"" of t h e finest specialist iij n n BUILT .-.lU'aia'ly. H u t t h i s is t h e year l!M4. sou l.s will be shaken w i t h the Y I P - a b j i i . i o n e d i h r e c - s i u t ! . operation In OF the Allied nations. To n r ! l j n s Of Much hnfi happened since the Nn/.i Irnce >f u . r " il.-nor of IH-O .sbi/T.s of somewhat t j infi( -. tt -|, 0 ) iaV f wntched General HIS SHIPS t r i u m p h s of lO-iO-4! . , , Wo will acAt t h e request, of. .Speaker Eisenhower durtnp these tense 24 2O DAYS FROM ccpl n o t h i n g less t h u n f u l l victory." K n y b u r n , the prayer \v:is rend inS u m ' l o n n e r avenge l e n c l h . the "When increased efficiency or re- hours his characteristic gesture h n s Air-borne forces also landed in House uf Ki'i^'i'scnlnlives wlu.-u it TK5 HEARS* .strength nt t h e mouMi of t h e .Seine. convened today. The Ilrst copy of duci'd contract.s h a v e p e r m i t t e d H been to stand hcnd cocked at the A LAKE Transocean said. Le H a v r e , on ihe the iiraycr. n f i o r it was transcrilu ivn'.uMion in personnel." it Is staled, sky. "the n:>t lo go have, of course, been: ~^,, north shore of t h e Seine CM nary SHORE Hie least productive workers in * and mio of t h e most i m p o r t a n t Al- ten copy, \\n< W1HTZ >eni by .special m o t o r - [ , n a n y instances one mijfht siiy 'nonlied l a n d i n g points in t i e last w,,r. 1 1, tm! m , , . . t, n,c c ,o , . FUNERAL HOME was .sairi to l,n u n d e r n a v a l bomb-; -" ' "- ^< n "" ''I'""'! productiv a r d m e n l . D N H said slrong i ruiser Confors- \ V l l h Itayluirii ! I'hc coinplcie 17-city t a b l e of Ihr Tops in q u a l i t y J a n t r e n ' l id destroyer formations were o p - i R n y bu rr n s-,w the Presi(ii-nt t o daa\\ - biink ilcbi; iMU-ccntagc increase for y u e res(i-n SUC C SOI r r a l i n c noar Le H n v r e . '' , ln(1 ;, s k,-d if he w a n t e d to nddress WM-43 is .1., lollows , ^ L .. ( famous fun-in-the-sun shorts Transoccnn said H Itirge Allied n^, Coligrt'ss H a t h - cxplanuMi to a - Chester L'08, Wllhamspor; 97. York J Jrd nd NorrlsOneiwr t t warsl:lp hud ben set nbliue in the ; i,ews conlcri'ncc II wns i n l t i h a l ' 3 ' . Camdon 76, W i l m i n g t o n 7-4, A l - i ! PHONE J10J ( and trunks! To swim in, fo Seine estuary. .there wns no necessity for such ,r'<'ntown 7L'. HalTisblllg fifl. rhlladel-1 tii u,*^...-'~^inin"^-' A "consjdenible part" of at least.pi-r.mdentiii! a p p e a r a n c e now. lounge in, to play in. They're (Answer Next Tursdiiy) one nlv-horne force WK wiped out The Prrsldcni will h;ivr \w tirst and Ihe British First PnrMrnop"T)i-'opportunity io discuss the invasion trim and athletic they're vision wns nmonti u n i t s w h i c h could publicly when he uicel.s at -1 p. in. Our husinpss is h u i l l on f a i r and squaro methods. You bo considered "badly mauled," ONF3 iKWII'i w i t h his r e g u l a r press u n i i Jantzen-taiiored for perfect know in advance the exact, cost, of Ihe loan ;vou make, .reported. nu ho conference. I n one urea e.nst of Ihe Orne. A c t i n g Serrcinry of State Kdwurd comfort and ftf. (here are no "extras." And you'll f i n d our rales reasonGerman defense forces were d e - ' K . s t e t t i n i u s . Jr.. m e . u i U m c . :.uii ceived at first by diopjiing of d u m - ^ h n t Is not Ihe t i m e for rejotcinri nb/e. mn-s while <i I-PH! linidtHK was injidr.Vmt. the t i m e for c \ r r y o n e a t home elsewhere, the ii^ency nckno\vlc(b:cd i";o pui e\c:-v:':i;nr hi 1 Ii:"- ' M : . > his I t said "numerous" B r i t i s h a n t i t j o h |o speed tlic d a y of victory. AVSWEH TO LAST TljrsnAV'S Qt'I/.i American prisoners had been t u k n i j KUM :ol,i rep > ; ; ':- \.\.,\ t h e CJei ";ii!tn , News Agency di.spnU'hc-.s j Preside n! 's [Ires me C'M.U. d: ^.Mission .aid I IK; Allies landed by sea and last n i u h ! attiiu! ihe nip in re Massjichii.sclts r a t i f i e d (he bill of Iti^hls in 11M1. air siloMK the n o r t h! of the Koine had the efn-et of a psyrhn 1 Nonnandy Peninsula between C h e r - . ^ u - a l d l \ t M i s u n i Hir G e r m a n s a bourn nnd Le Havre, the l a t t e r or.'y olln-rs u n d o u b t e d l y listened t o 110 miles norUuvcsi ot Pans, : o ; w i : h i n t r r e s L h r ' s n i d . and repMoii j, ,i ihrt'jiU'ri "ihe most important a i r - ] t h i n k you mijrh' call H t h a t " ; ( ] ' ' ] fields on the N o r m a n d y Peninsula, j w h e n n reporter uxked if It was (Jerrnnn const A! bfltterien cngn^cd nl six heavy warships and 20 destroyMr. Roosevelt. In his talk l m ers lyiiiK off Le Havre nnd the nteht, had warned t h a t victory o\-r>r j.rr---;'. ver r Normandy ronM. DNIJ said, as w e U ' o e n n a n y "will be t o u n h nnd cosily." lL1.' KIKiMONT A V K . as numeroii.'. l a n d n i R r r n l l . iVnple in t!ie c;.ip!!r.! rdMiird I ,V2.r, J I A R K C T ST. 'Hie. G o r m a n Tran.vx'efln Aftcncv sonibei w.r : ntni: \vhrn t h r v aw;i IT. M. Mr^OV d j it1 r e n t e r of tlie fiRhtuiR np- enrd t o d:: C"ver !li.i' :\\c. loilj; LjL WE6DAY-, J U N E , CHFSTEH U'A.) T1MBB


/Votes About Civilian Defense

Montgomery In D-Day Message


Eisenhower In Motor Trailer For Drive Start

Best Friend

under the Sun

&r^ 0 k

E. Rairddn)


pi I


from 2.50

h McGovern's Men's Shop




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