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kk about the layout looks good, but too much use of gradient and glowy stuff..

you have to keep in mind if you use images for everything like in the design it will increase teh loading time for user right? abut the top drop down for login etc. . i lik it but agian the glowy issue.. and one more thing with that icon you are using on the drop down button. only we . who know its a login panel area can und erstand that [22:04:22] Ayaz Malik: oh and yeah navigation is actually good .......................................................................... ok ill say it in parts :P [22:21:48] Jakub Arnold: in general, most of the shadows are imho too big, which looks good if u look at it from far away, but wont look as good when it's on live website, now to specifics - login form looks good, though i'd make the shadow either smaller, or add little stroke to the whole dropdown thing and make the shadow even more transparent, or add very very little inner glow, to make it pop a little bit - same for the shadown button that shows the login form - those stripes on buttons in login form could probably be little more transpare nt, they imho stand out too much - same for the shadow in the footer, where it doesn't feel so balanced when u compare how the dark blue part meets with the copyright, maybe little str oke or sth would be cool [22:22:39] Jakub Arnold: little things about the menu - i like those icons, but they seem imho too gray, maybe add a little white cont rast or sth, cuz the "artwork" or "blast groups" look a little dead [22:22:54] Jakub Arnold: which also applies to the like/dislike icons [22:23:01] Jakub Arnold: but otherwise they look great [22:23:18] Jakub Arnold: i like the top user bar [22:23:19] Jakub Arnold: fonts look balanced [22:23:47] Jakub Arnold: and yeh, the "go search" button has those little thingi es on the left that extend on top and bottom, which make it look a little weird, i' d mask them out [22:24:30] Jakub Arnold: but it looks like a kind of website i'd use :D ................................................................................ . - get rid of "fallow un fallow" icons it will have a friend loged in, commented on a certain artwork/psot etc [21:34:04] Anister Ayako: there will be just stuff that artists made recently [21:34:08] Anister Ayako: like [21:34:46] Anister Ayako: Aprylius commented on Anister Ayako's artwork "Gay Fis h is Gay" [21:35:07] Anister Ayako: and aprylius anister ayako and the title of the work w ill be clickable of course also i would request one imaeg or psd where uw e this color will be text color, links color, [21:45:40] Ayaz Malik: so i can put it in code [21:45:49] Ayaz Malik: or better color numbers ill make color patches. telling m on mouse over link color etc accurately like link color : #000000; etc.

[22:11:22] Ayaz Malik: lets not put ads on homepage [22:11:26] Ayaz Malik: lets kepe it clean [22:11:35] Ayaz Malik: we will put one commercial/ad on post pages

....................................................................... 1. remove the bids, winner etc. text. and put there like total profile views, number of new notifications waiting. [22:03:48] Ayaz Malik: 2. below that make better layout of the options like sett ings , make new post etc. [22:04:00] Ayaz Malik: 3. the two orange panels you made for recent activity mer ge it into 1 [22:04:09] Ayaz Malik: and use better color to keep in the site layout [22:04:16] Ayaz Malik: like homepage has very much less orange shades but accoun t page has alot ................................................................................ . [21:51:07] Ayaz Malik: hmm i think ideal would be 100% width artwork/post view.. below that 50% left side would be for comments, 50% right side would be for a commercial/ad . [21:51:27] Ayaz Malik: maybe aboev the post.. could be a little detail of upload er/artists,, as name.. main tags. mabe ................................................................................ ' [22:01:27] Anister Ayako: 1. Move the description under the images [22:01:51] Anister Ayako: on the upper bar put the statistics and title near the icon [22:02:20] Anister Ayako: then on the side bar , above the advertisments , make a small panel where to put links to share [22:02:34] Anister Ayako: remove the how large image can be thingy [22:03:12] Anister Ayako: and put the second comment panel to all other users ................................................................................ ' ................................................................................ ' ................................................................................ ' ................................................................................ ' [21:07:43] Anister Ayako: ok [21:07:45] Anister Ayako: so [21:07:48] Anister Ayako: on the profile [21:07:50] Anister Ayako: we mainly have [21:08:03] Anister Ayako: a bar for subscribed user [21:08:17] Anister Ayako: it will be for profile personalization [21:08:20] Anister Ayako: the icon [21:08:43] Anister Ayako: the mail artist [21:08:49] Anister Ayako: and follow optioons [21:08:53] Anister Ayako: and a post [21:09:08] Anister Ayako: with arrows on it's right and left [21:09:21] Anister Ayako: to browse through other posts ............................................................................... ............................................................................... ............................................................................... [21:53:46] Anister Ayako: 2. aligne the options [21:53:52] Octav: alined* [21:54:11] Anister Ayako: 3. under the options add 2 new areas , one is liked po sts with view all button [21:54:28] Anister Ayako: and the second is the Artists I Follow

[21:54:33] Anister Ayako: with a view all button [21:55:06] Anister Ayako: 4. under the latest post , add a slide bar as you did for the featured artists on the home page [21:55:14] Anister Ayako: and remove the arrows from the latest post [21:55:17] Ayaz Malik: k guys i am leaving now. so tomrow same time >>>>>>>>>>>.................................................................. [21:25:33] Jakub Arnold: - the big shadow is nice, adds some depth, but imho it could be little smaller, or add little transparency - arrows have nice white glow thingy around them, kind of like the search box on the top right corner, but it could be little "sharper", cuz the whole area seems a bit dark imho [21:26:05] Jakub Arnold: im not sure if it's jpeg compression artifact or your i ntention, but the "hover" effect on the artists looks kinda nice too :D let me explain [21:19:25] Ayaz Malik: octav if you have uploaded 5 images/posts.. the latest on e will be shown as big in your design, and below that area will show 4 more as thumbnails [21:19:27] Ayaz Malik: got it ? ............................................................................. la iddei pentru pagina de binevenire si de iesire adica cand faci log in o sa fie o pagina eu m'am gandit cu un design ft ft simplu si cu welcome scris cu font frumos si o pagina cand iesi cu Come back soon ok? sa faci vre'o 2 exemple ................................................... We have to make a super easy to use messaging system. When you click on the mail on the top bar , you are redirected to a new page, an d there we should have like a simple to use mailing system. So to achieve that we ned to get rid of things like. 1.Friendship ! (there will no be friends on the new site , there will be only ar tists you follow and being followed by) 2.Event Invites ( until we will not have a event creator , or even notification system , we'll get rid of it) 3.Outbox 4.Group Invites (I don't think there even will be groups in the near future , so let's delte all about groups from BA) We need to make a very nice design for the mailing system , so therefore octav i sn't so free from his duty :D SO for the enxt meeting he will be presenting Mailing page design. What it will mainly contain is : Option it it's right (With icons , and very nic e and simple designed) (I'm being inspired by yahoo) -Inbox -Sent Mail -Drafts -Trash

(sub option) Folders ( with a + to add new ones) ( that's a total yahoo rip off , but who car es) -folder 1 (with a - to delete the folder) -folder 2 -folder etc There won't be any Menagement for folders , just add and delete folders (nice an d clean!) And also removing Mailing options. We'll remove the auto reply too , so it will be spam free the site!

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