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Spurring Innovations for Clean Energy and Water

P rotec tion in Ch ina: A n O pportunity to A dvanc e
Sec urity and H arm onious D evelopm ent
By Lü Zhi, Michael Totten, and Philip Chou

China has experienced a phenomenal economic boom over the past 26 years—with an average 9 percent annual
G D P growth—bringing millions out of poverty and establishing the country as a major economic powerhouse in the
world. T his growth, however, has been built on a foundation of environmental degradation. T he ecological problems
in China are numerous, but the two most serious challenges are: ( 1) destruction of water ecosystems from mismanage-
ment and hydropower construction, and ( 2) air pollution stemming mainly from coal burning for energy. China’s
S tate Council has recogniz ed the lack of clean energy and water as two of the six main bottleneck s for the country’s
next fi ve-year development.1 H ow well or how poorly the Chinese government decides to deal with its energy and
water management issues will determine environmental q uality within and well beyond China’s borders. Current
policy and investment trends in China could stimulate stronger clean energy and better water conservation. O f
particular note are some integrated resource planning and technology-promoting policies and pilot projects that
could not only spark more domestically produced pollution control and energy effi ciency products to clean up China,
but also turn the country into a leading exporter of such technologies. Creating clean technologies mark ets could help
promote a truly harmonious development cycle in China.

THE EN ER G Y AN D WATER a n d m a iz e . Citie s a lo n g Ch in a ’s d e n s e ly p o p u la te d

CHAL L EN G ES IN CHIN A s o u th e rn c o a s t fa c e s u b m e rs io n fro m ris in g s e a le v -
e ls a n d s to rm s (P R C, 20 0 4 ).
T h e Ch allenge of Coal I t is e a s ily a rg u a b le th a t th e Ch in e s e le a d e r-

h in a is th e la rg e s t c o n s u m e r o f c o a l— m o s t s h ip fa c e s to o m a n y d o m e s tic e c o n o m ic , s o c ia l a n d
o f it lo w q u a lity — in th e w o r ld . T h u s it is e n v iro n m e n ta l c ris e s to ta k e o n c lim a te p o llu tio n
n o t s u r p ris in g th a t w ith th e la rg e s t p o p u - re s p o n s ib ilitie s a s w e ll. H o w e v e r, Ch in a ’s d o m e s tic
la tio n a n d s ix th la rg e s t G D P , Ch in a is th e w o r ld ’s a ir q u a lity a n d g lo b a l c lim a te c h a n g e p ro b le m s a re
s e c o n d la rg e s t e m itte r o f g re e n h o u s e g a s e m is s io n s in tim a te ly lin k e d . E a c h y e a r, m o re th a n a m illio n
b e h in d th e U n ite d S ta te s . M o re o v e r, Ch in a ’s e c o - Ch in e s e d ie fro m re s p ira to r y d is e a s e s d u e to s e v e re
n o m ic g ro w th m a y d o u b le c a rb o n d io x id e (CO 2) a ir p o llu tio n , c o s tin g th e e q u iv a le n t a n n u a l s a la rie s
e m is s io n s b y 20 20 , o v e r ta k in g th e U n ite d S ta te s o f 5 m illio n p e o p le . Ch in a ’s re g io n a l h a z e , la rg e ly
to b e c o m e th e la rg e s t c lim a te p o llu te r in th e w o r ld c a u s e d b y c o a l c o m b u s tio n a n d b u rn in g a g ric u ltu ra l
(L a n , 20 0 5 ). w a s te s , is d e p re s s in g 7 0 p e rc e n t o f c ro p s b y u p to
Ch in a ’s N ational Communication on Climate 3 0 p e rc e n t (Ch a m e id e s e t a l., 1 9 9 9 ). E ffe c tiv e ly
Change p re s e n te d a t CO P 1 0 in B u e n o s A ire s in 20 0 4 a d d re s s in g th e s e m o re im m e d ia te a ir p o llu tio n
le ft n o d o u b t a s to th e m o n u m e n ta l c lim a te c h a n g e p ro b le m s w o u ld h a v e a m a jo r im p a c t o n d e c re a s in g
th re a ts th e c o u n tr y a n d th e w o r ld fa c e s . W e s te rn Ch in a ’s c o n trib u tio n to g re e n h o u s e g a s e m is s io n s .
Ch in a ’s m o u n ta in g la c ie rs a lre a d y h a v e s h r u n k b y
o n e -fi fth , e n d a n g e rin g w a te r s u p p lie s fo r a q u a r te r Water Wastage and M ism anagem ent
b illio n Ch in e s e . G lo b a l w a rm in g w o u ld m e a n o n e - W h ile a ir q u a lity s ta tis tic s a re g lo o m y, Ch in a a ls o
fo u r th o f Ch in a ’s s in g le c ro p s e a s o n a re a w o u ld b e fa c e s a w a te r c ris is o f e p ic p ro p o r tio n s th a t th re a t-
lo s t, re s u ltin g in a n o v e ra ll d e c re a s e o f w h e a t, ric e , e n s to w e a k e n th e n a tio n ’s e c o n o m ic e n g in e . Ch in a


has some 2,140 m3 of water per capita, one-fourth The global economy is projected to grow tenfold
the world average (Liu & Chen, 2001). These water this century, with an extraordinary level of new low-
resources are spread severely skewed, with 8 0 per- polluting, higher performance products and goods
cent of the total volume located in southern China, to be purchased by developing and industrialized
while north China—where two-thirds of cultivated countries. Using the “ California effect” 2 as a model,
land is located—has only 226 m3 of water per cap- some researchers suggest countries with progressive
ita, nearly tenfold lower than the national average. technology-pushing environmental policies and
Throughout northwestern and northern China, programs can actually enhance their competitive-
drought affects 27 million hectares (ha) of agri- ness in the global market (Porter & van der Linde,
cultural land and desertification affl icts some 300 1995). China’s Eleventh F ive-Y ear Plan (F Y P) and
million ha of grasslands. The decrease in cultivable other recent energy policies have been laying the
land is primarily due to over-exploitation of water foundation for such technology-pushing policies.
resources by farmers, due to both under pricing of
water and wasteful irrigation techniques (Liu & He, The “ F our Effi ciencies”
2001). On many farms, water fl ow per unit of land In preparation for the new Eleventh F Y P, President
is 50 to 150 percent above that optimally needed for Hu and Premier Wen have made striking pro-
the crops, wasting water and reducing land produc- nouncements on the importance of China building
tivity (Ma, 1999). a great, “resource-conserving and innovating soci-
China’s water resources per capita may decline ety.” They are pushing conservation through some
to around 1,700 m3 by 2050, which is the thresh- unprecedented laws that prioritize the “four effi-
old of severe water scarcity. Water shortage already ciencies” (4Es)—efficient use of energy, water, land
has become a critical constraint for socioeconomic use, and natural resources (e.g., metals, minerals,
development in northern China. The Chinese lead- and chemicals). The leadership is ambitiously pro-
ership is responding to the water crisis by simulta- moting conservation and renewable energy to help
neously promoting aggressive water efficiency mea- continue its economic boom, as well as to address
sures, a doubling or tripling of dams, and vast water the growing concerns over pollution and energy
transfers from the south to the north. security. If the leadership is truly committed to the
4Es they may succeed in turning the country into a
China’s Unique Opportunity major clean technology producer both domestically
The Chinese leadership stands at an important and globally.3 The looming question is whether this
crossroads in terms of the country’s development. new spirit for enhancing energy and natural resource
The western growth model, which China has in security will be embraced by the entrenched bureau-
many ways been following, largely fails to address cracies and traditional resource-inefficient indus-
the country’s pressing development challenges. tries or derailed by their lack of transparency, cor-
Historically, China has spent 12 times more on rupt practices, misallocation of investment capital,
expanding energy, water, resources, and land, than and stonewalling of public participation.
on efficiency. Some Chinese experts have estimated This article highlights some innovative energy
that if the country can achieve energy efficiency and water policies and pilot projects that show how
levels comparable to Japan, China would not have the government’s push for a more resource-conserv-
to increase its energy supplies in the next 6 0 years. ing society could work. Such pilots could be cru-
To achieve this goal, China would have to build on cial for showing the entrenched bureaucracies the
some of the country’s more progressive environ- prosperity-generating advantages of being “clean
mental policies that would support stronger pol- and green.” We also discuss some technologies and
lution control and energy efficiency technologies. policies used internationally that could easily be
China is not only capable of producing cutting edge adopted in China. If, as we discuss in the next section,
clean technologies, but also could use the sheer size Chinese policymakers opt to install more solar and
of its domestic market to accelerate manufacturing wind energy—which the 2005 Renewable Energy
experience and learning curves, which would drive Law requires—they can draw from a rich array of
down production costs. Chinese companies would experiences that have been tried internationally and
thus be positioned to capture an increasing percent- promise a high return on investment (De Moor, et al.,
age of the global export market for less polluting and 2003; Ghanahan, 2002; Margolis, 2002; Williams,
energy, water, and resource efficient products. 2002; Elliott, 2001; IEA & OECD, 2000).

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OPPORTU NITIES FOR PROM OTING organizations. Government studies have concluded
ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND that more than 100 GW of new generating capacity
by 2020 can be met faster, cleaner, and at least cost
RENEWAB LE ENERGY through DSM efficiency initiatives (Hu, Moskovitz,
& Z hao, 2005). This would otherwise require 2.5 to
Energy Efficiency 6.6 million railroad cars shipping 250 to 660 mega-
China’s energy intensity has fallen fourfold since the tons of coal per year to power plants.
1980 liberalization of markets. Most strikingly, this Capturing these savings will require rigorous and
reduction in energy intensity led to three gigatons transparent implementation of policies and regula-
less coal emissions in the 1990s; right in the midst tory procedures that, among other things, firmly
of an economic boom that was lifting 400 mil- incorporates IRP as a requirement on decision-
lion citizens out of poverty. While a Chinese citi- making for all grid and power company investments
zen consumes less than half the world average for (Hu & Moskovitz, 2004; RAP, 2004). A well-run
energy, China’s energy intensity per unit of GN P IRP process prioritizes allocations to projects that
is 50 percent more than the world average—five offer the most services per unit of investment and
times more than the United States and up to ten numerous ancillary benefits, while avoiding misal-
times more than Japan. The Eleventh FYP set tar- locations resulting in lost opportunities (OECD &
gets that require per GDP energy consumption to
decrease by 20 percent from 2005 to 2010, while
per capita GDP doubles by 2010. To reach these Wh ile a Ch in e s e c it iz e n
goals, energy efficiency gains must meet or exceed a
3 percent annual energy savings rate through 2050 c o n s u m e s le s s t h a n h a lf
(Hu, 2005). Pursuing energy efficiency and renew- t h e w o r ld a v e r a g e f o r
able power could become the enabling engine for
the nation to leapfrog into a robust, developed
e n e r g y , Ch in a ’s e n e r g y
nation with a cleaner environment. For example, in t e n s it y p e r u n it o f GDP
from 1990 to 2001, the European Union (EU) pro- is 5 0 p e r c e n t m o r e t h a n
duced three times the GDP of China with a net
increase in CO2 of only one-eighth that of China’s t h e w o r ld a v e r a g e .
(Papineau, 2005).

I ntegrated R esource Planning and IPCC, 2000). IRP is indispensable for identifying
E fficiency Power Plants and resolving a myriad of technical, financial, insti-
When evaluating the goals of the Eleventh FYP tutional, and market barriers that threaten resource-
the first question that arises is how China will be conserving laws. For example, the Chinese govern-
able to finance these efforts, as well as the related ment plans to invest $ 30 billion to add 30 GW of
education, training, certification, R&D, manufac- nuclear capacity in the next 15 years. The capital
turing, and enforcement work. In China consid- costs appear unrealistically low by a factor of two or
erable more investment is going into developing more based on nuclear industry cumulative empirical
coal-fired electric power systems (~ $ 60 billion per construction experience and projected best guesses
year until 2030) than into cleaner and cheaper by nuclear advocates for constructing new reactors
energy options (IEA, 2003). (MIT, 2003). Using more reasonable cost estimates
A fundamental tool for securing these savings shows nuclear energy to be uncompetitive with a
and avoiding sub-optimal investments in the energy portfolio of higher value energy efficient purchases.
sector is integrated resource planning (IRP). IRP The $ 30 billion could instead bring online 45 GW
is a well-established, scientifically based method- of wind power, upwards of 100 GW of cogenera-
ology that compares costs, benefits, and risks of tion, and more than 100 GW from DSM and end-
all supply and demand-side management (DSM) use efficiency projects (Lovins, 2005).4
efficiency options (RAP, 2004; Finamore, et al., In 2005, utility experts from Jiangsu Province,
2003). China already has experience with energy Shanghai, Beijing, and elsewhere, began creat-
efficiency programs, many of which were done in ing an inventory of DSM opportunities—such
partnership with international N GOs and bilateral as high-efficiency lighting, industrial motors, and


appliances—that could be brought “online” more in buildings with new LEED-certified construc-
rapidly and cheaply than coal plants. Developed in tion ranging from $400 to $700 per m2 (K ats, et al.,
collaboration with the Natural Resources Defense 2003). If the Chinese government does opt to pro-
Council (NRDC) over a 48- to 72-month period, mote LEED building certification, it will demand
the study effort has resulted in opportunities for ongoing leadership and investment in many areas—
1.7 GW of what are technically referred to as training, R&D, resource tools, monitoring and
“Efficiency Power Plants” (EPPs). The EPPs have benchmarking, market transformation initiatives,
a lifetime delivered cost of $0.01 per kWh saved, and incentives to spur superior results (Goldstein &
five times less than coal plants (Niederberger & Watson, 2002; ACEEE & CEE, 2005).
Finamore, 2005).5 Standards and incentives for high-performance
China also is implementing building, appliance appliances and equipment accrue similarly large
and industrial efficiency standards, which could returns on investments (Nadel & deLaski, 2005).
eliminate the need for 140 giant power plants, pre- China’s eight new minimum energy-performance
vent the release of 2.8 gigatons of CO2, and accrue standards and nine energy-efficiency endorsement
multi-billion dollar net savings by 2020 (Energy labels implemented between 1999 and 2004 will
Foundation, 2004). In 2005, the government issued save 200 billion kWh and 250 megatons of CO2 in
a procurement policy requiring government agen- the first decade of implementation. This is equiva-
cies to utilize energy efficient products. Nearly lent to all of China’s residential electricity consump-
1,500 product models from 84 manufacturers are tion in 2002 (Wiel & McMahon, 2005).
included in the first list, encompassing eight prod- Since 1999, China’s Certification Center for
uct categories (CECP, 2005). Energy Conservation Products (CECP) has been
partnering with Energy Star, the U.S. Environmental
Energy Efficient Building and Appliances Protection Agency’s (EPA) energy efficiency label-
Standards, IRP, R&D efforts, and market trans- ing program, leveraging the lessons learned through
forming incentives are critical tools for ensuring Energy Star to increase the success of CECP’s own
top-of-the-line construction and operation of green marketing programs (McNeil & Hathaway, 2005).
buildings. China’s building sector absorbs 40 to 45 Beginning in 2003, a number of owners and manag-
percent of the nation’s total energy consumption ers of large commercial buildings in Shanghai have
(Goldstein & Watson, 2002). By 2015 the World been working directly with eeBuildings, an EPA vol-
Bank estimates that half of the world’s new build- untary market transformation initiative that helps
ing construction will take place in China (Langer & managers identify low-cost and no-cost efficiency
Watson, 2004). measures to immediately reduce building energy
Laws passed in 2005 call for all of China’s cit- use, operating costs, and greenhouse gas emissions.
ies to cut building energy consumption in half by Within the first year, the program trained 130
2010, and achieve two-third reductions by 2020. building owners and managers responsible for 135
In addition, one-fourth of existing residential and large commercial buildings in Shanghai (Hathaway
public buildings in the country’s large cities will be & McNeil, 2005).
retrofitted to be greener by 2010. Over 80 million
m2 of building space will be powered by renewables High-Efficiency Co-, Tri- and
(PRC, 2005). These are impressive goals, although Q uad-generation Systems
a review by green building experts finds they still Instead of targeting massive investments into large-
fall short of international standards (Goldstein & scale, central coal, nuclear, and hydroelectric gener-
Watson, 2002). To help raise these standards, cities ating stations, China could opt to develop economi-
like Beijing are reaching out to international orga- cally competitive green and efficient technologies.
nizations and businesses to help them retrofit build- One technology to more efficiently use coal for
ings with the most efficient technologies.6 electricity would be decentralized combined heat
In order to achieve these goals the government and power (CHP). Whereas central thermal power
would have to require the equivalent of Leadership plants vent 50 to 70 percent of the energy when
in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) generating electricity, CHP systems capture this
certification, which is an economically compelling waste heat to co-generate two, three or four differ-
option for this energy-starved country. The State of ent energy services. Moreover, in being sited close to
California is accruing impressive financial savings the point of use, CHP systems require significantly

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less transmission and distribution (T&D) invest- were included. The global export market growth
ment than centralized power plants, and avoid the opportunities in wind technologies and services for
15 percent T&D line losses (WADE, 2004). China are massive; a recent assessment indicates
Recent assessments indicate if China moved to 100 12 percent of the world’s electricity by 2020 can be
percent high-efficiency decentralized CHP systems by wind powered.
2021, retail and capital cost savings could reach $400 Such high growth rates over 25 years are not
billion. At no extra cost, new emissions of CO2 would unprecedented. Between 1956 and 1980, global
drop 56 percent, avoiding 400 megatons of CO2 emis- installed nuclear capacity grew at an average rate
sions per year, and declines in NOx and SOx emissions of 40 percent per year. But, like nuclear power in its
by 90 percent. But these results are possible only if the heyday, wind (and solar) will need supportive public
Chinese government adopts key policies enabling a policies to overcome barriers and market failures for
faster rate of implementation than the current annual sustaining such high growth rates.
CHP addition of 3 GW. Some 100 GW of CHP Environmental and social issues related to rapid
could be online by 2010 if a number of important wind growth also need to be addressed at the outset.
power sector reforms occur (WADE, 2004).7 Wind farms can cause avian and bat mortality, par-
ticularly when poorly sited. At the same time, wind
Renewable Energy will displace many coal plants, thereby helping to
Accelerating Wind Farms—Cash Cows reduce another source of bird mortality (AWEA,
of the 21st Century 2005). The Chinese wind industry can prevent many
New estimates of global wind power claim tur- problems by taking advantage of the considerable
bines at 80 meters (the average height of modern research and best management practices undertaken
multi-MW wind turbines) could generate 72 TW. in Europe and North America. Land tenure issues
The analysts concluded that capturing 20 per- must also be addressed in an equitable and trans-
cent of this power could satisfy 100 percent of the parent manner; situating wind turbines by seizing
world’s energy demand and even produce five times land from local communities, as recently happened
the world’s electricity needs [ ~3 TW] (Archer & in southern China, leads to serious conflicts that are
Jacobson, 2005). Wind power is cost competitive preventable by implementing standards and permit-
(about $0.04/kWh) with new coal, natural gas or ting guidelines (NWCC, 2002).
nuclear power plants in North America and other A large percentage of China’s wind resources are
parts of the world. Ongoing R&D innovations are located in sparsely populated parts, remote from
expected to reduce wind costs below $0.03/kWh large population centers (e.g., Inner Mongolia and
this decade and $0.02/kWh the following decade. islands off of the southern coast). While this pres-
China’s terrestrial and near offshore wind ents critical transmission issues, it also represents an
potential at 80 meters height is estimated at 2,000 excellent opportunity to foster economic growth in
GW—among the largest in the world. China’s total these regions that are among the poorest in China
installed electricity generating capacity in 2005 was (Brennand, 2000; Ni, Yin & Guo, 2000; Jaccard &
430 GW, of which just 0.7 GW was wind. Currently Lott, 2000; PRC, 2002).
the Chinese government has a wind power goal of To the extent that remote wind farms are concen-
30 GW by 2020, a recent estimate by wind experts trated in farming and ranching regions, the income
puts China’s installed potential at 400 GW before from wind royalties could be a major supplement
2050 (“China Exclusive,” 2005). to income for impoverished communities.8 Besides
New wind farms in China are selling energy at helping poorer farmer communities, wind turbines
$0.04 to $0.06 per kWh, compared to coal-pow- also require several orders of magnitude less water
ered plants at $0.035 per kWh at the busbar prior per TWh than fossil or nuclear power plants, a criti-
to transmission. However, given that most coal is cal benefit for China’s water-stressed regions.
located in the north, the price rises as high as $0.13/
kWh when delivered to southern Chinese cities like L arge-Scale Solar Photovoltaic Power Systems
Shanghai. In contrast, there are less transmission The single largest sustainable energy source on
costs for the near offshore wind resources located earth is the 125 million GW of sunlight continu-
in south China. Wind power also avoids the serious ously shining upon the planet. Most areas of China
health and environmental damages that would, at have high levels of solar radiation, 1,670 kWh/m2
a minimum, double coal costs if these externalities per year, equivalent to 1,700 billion tons of coal


nationwide (Gu & Liu, 2000). China already is that is generated from rural families cooking and
the world leader in using solar thermal energy for heating over coal or wood fires in homes. Black
hot water heaters, with 60 percent of the world’s carbon (BC) aerosols are the active ingredient in
installed systems. The government has set a national this smoke and haze. BC emissions are concen-
target for 300 million m2 of thermal energy systems trated in a curving west-to-east swath across the
by 2020, a 500 percent increase, annually replacing agricultural heartland of China, between Sichuan
40 megatons of coal (Li, 2005; Wang, 2004). and Hebei provinces.
China has 0.05 GW of solar electric photovoltaic The bulk of BC particles are less than one
(PV ) power systems, with projections of 8 GW by micron in diameter and in China they are the cause
2020 (UNDP, TWAS, & TWNSO, 2003). Notably, of hundreds of thousands of premature deaths each
economic-engineering analysis of building-inte- year from respiratory illnesses. BC blocks sunlight,
grated photovoltaic (BIPV ) systems in China indi- which may be responsible for a 30 percent reduc-
cates BIPV may already be economical. By using tion in China’s crop yields for both wheat and rice
PV panels as faç ade-cladding components on build- (Chameides et al., 1999). Additionally, the increased
ings, the material savings combined with the energy summer floods in the south and droughts in the
generation greatly reduces the investment payback north—thought to be the largest changes in precip-
period by three to four years (Byrne, Alleng, & itation trends since 950 A.D.—may be explained
Zhou, 2001). in part by BC soot (Q un, 2001). Moreover, some
Faster growth rates could result from an innova- prominent climate scientists believe BC to be the
tive application for achieving highly competitive PV second most important global warming gas after CO2
systems, according to recent engineering assessments (Hansen & Sato, 2001; Jacobson, 2002). The largest
(i.e., $1 per Watt fully installed, $0.05 per kWh emitting country in the world is China, releasing 17
delivered). This new application involves employing percent of global BC emissions (Streets, 2004).
a similar cluster production process used in achieving Assessments and demonstration projects initiated
breakthrough cost reductions and productivity gains by the China Council on International Cooperation
in liquid crystal display manufacturing. Known as for Environment and Development (CCICED)
“solar city factories,” these large-scale PV manufac- have identified one promising solution to the BC
turing systems—can produce low-cost solar cells that problem. Instead of burning biomass, small village-
could become an extraordinary domestic and global scale gasifiers could turn the residues into clean
export growth market for China. There are technical energy. The available residues are enough to meet
challenges in creating cluster PV production plants all rural cooking needs and generate 135 TWh per
that demand focused and sustained R&D invest- year of electricity—20 percent more capacity than
ments (Keshner & Arya, 2004). the Three Gorges Dam (CCICED, 2000). V illage-
Like wind farms, PV systems require less water scale gasifiers are being installed in four provinces
than fossil fuel or nuclear power plants, an immense (Henan, Hubei, Jiangxi, and Shanxi) as part of the
benefit given the utility sector consumes 10 percent $77 million Efficient Utilization of Agricultural
of the nation’s water. The versatility of PV systems Wastes Project launched in 2002 with support from
to be sited at or near the point of use enables cap- the Asian Development Bank (ADB, 2002). For the
turing a range of utility system benefits and savings, most part, however, the current technology focus is
and risk reduction and management opportunities in using direct combustion rather than gasification
(Lovins, et al., 2002). power plants. The China Energy Conservation
Investment Corporation is planning to construct 30
BIOLOGICAL FOOD, FIBER, FOREST, plants (each 24 MW in size) as part of the “Straws
FEED, AND FUEL FEEDSTOCK S and Stalks” program, with longer term plans to con-
struct 100 plants totaling 2.4 GW. Combustion of
Black Carbon Soot—Turning 20 million tons of crop straws and stalks will displace
a Problem into Progress 10 million tons of coal and increase farm incomes by
China is the world’s largest consumer of biomass an estimated 6 billion Yuan (Zhou, 2006).
energy, accounting for 20 percent of total global
use. Burning crop residues—a common, although Biogasification of L ivestock Wastes for Energy
officially banned, practice in China—blankets China’s animal excrement exceeds 2 gigatons per
rural villages in a gray fog, exacerbating smoke year (Sun et al., 2004). The livestock pollutants—

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particularly from the growing number of mega- increase to 100 million by 2020. China’s adop-
farms—impose heavy burdens on ecosystems, and tion of vehicle fuel efficiency standards (higher
are a major cause of non-point source water pollu- than current U.S. standards, but less strict than
tion in China (Zhu, 2000). Biogasification of live- European semi-voluntary standards) will displace
stock wastes could help reduce these serious health more than 210 million barrels of oil (Bradsher,
and environmental problems and provide energy to 2005a, 2005b). Expanding the standards to trucks
rural communities (Editor’s Note: See Commentary by and motorcycles is expected to double the savings
Ben Greenhouse in this issue for an example). (Energy Foundation, 2004). China now consumes
8 percent of world oil, and by some projections
Biogasification and Perennial Feedstocks could triple consumption by 2020, absent efficiency
for Protein Food and Flex i- Fuels standards (Wan, 2004). Growing oil demand has
Regeneration of China’s grasslands and pasturelands already caused concern internationally (fears of
may offer new opportunities for applications of China’s impact) and domestically (overdepen-
perennial prairie grasses for simultaneously growing dence as a security threat). Replacing oil with bio-
protein for animal feed and cellulosic feedstocks energy could provide a modest fraction of the fuel
for fuel production. This double-value scenario is consumed by vehicles, given the large land, water,
being promoted in North America through the use and agrichemical inputs required (Lynd et al.,
of deep-rooting Switchgrass. 2002). Thus, China will not only need to continue
Experts estimate an aggressive plan to develop pushing high fuel efficiency, but also take advan-
cellulosic biofuels between now and 2015 could tage of smart transport planning and transit-ori-
enable the United States to produce the equivalent ented development (Litman, 2006). (Editor’s Note:
of roughly 8 million barrels of oil per day by 2025 See Hongyan He Oliver feature article in this issue for
(Greene et al., 2004). Farmers would gain $5 bil- more discussion of clean vehicle policy options).
lion in increased profits per year, consumers would
save $20 billion per year in fuel costs, and society Smart G rowth for China’s Urban Society—
would benefit from 80 percent reductions in U.S. Strategic Reserves at Point- of- N eed
transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions. Improving vehicle fuel efficiency is a necessary,
No new land would be required for production of but not sufficient action. There are similarly large
this substantial quantity of fuel feedstock, while still savings that could accrue from applying “smart
producing the amount of animal feed protein cur- growth” design practices to cities and communities
rently generated by this land now. (Newman & Kenworthy, 1989; Muro et al., 2004).
Further research on China’s 400 million hectares “Smart growth” encompasses all the quality-of-life
of grassland and pasturelands—three times more services, amenities, security, aesthetics, health, and
than its arable lands—will determine if comparable clean environment that citizens want in their com-
opportunities exist as experts have identified for the munities, improving mobility and access for all, but
United States. If so, this could play a key role in without the sprawl, auto congestion, pollution, and
addressing two colossal growth trends looming in fuel costs (Litman, 2006).
China—the need for more animal protein feed as Some cities are pursuing smart growth oppor-
the population consumes more meat, and the need tunities, like Kunming in Yunnan Province, which
for secure fuels for the expanding vehicle market. has been working with its sister city, Zurich,
China’s world-class leadership in agricultural genet- Switzerland, over the past decade. The goal of the
ics research and breeding innovations are promis- joint effort is to develop an economically, ecologi-
ing indicators for taking advantage of this potential cally, and socially beneficial development process.
grasslands-based opportunity.9 Comparing the more successful cities in the world,
Kunming officials recognized that cities with strong
public transport tend to be among the better off
DRIVING CHINA’S VEHICLE cities, while those investing mostly in road con-
FLEET TOWARDS EFFICIENCY struction are less well off (Kunming, 2001). Given
China’s immense urban growth over the next gen-
N ew Materials for Car Construction eration, there are massive energy efficiency benefits
Vehicle production has been doubling every 24 to be gained from promoting smart growth policies,
months, and vehicle ownership is projected to incentives, and regulations (Litman, 2006).


A handful of international initiatives are ongo- IRP process will ensure all costs and risks are
ing to help municipalities begin smart growth. For accounted for, so the coal gasification initiatives that
example, the Energy Foundation has been working do go forward are done cost-effectively, are environ-
with municipal officials in Beijing, Kunming, X ian, mentally sound, and do not exclude other lower-cost
Shanghai, and Chengdu to implement bus rapid energy service options. Applying the IRP process as
transit systems, with plans to expand to 15 more cit- swiftly as possible to electricity expansion is espe-
ies. In this program, high capacity hybrid buses run cially important given the large number of proposed
in express lanes. While they cost about $0.12 to $0.19 power plants that will burn pulverized coal, not gas-
more to ride than other buses they are much faster ified coal with CCS.
and more fuel-efficient (Turner & Ellis, 2005). IRP can also ensure a rigorous and continuous
These initiatives can strengthen national secu- process for assessing the viability of government
rity by combining smart growth development with plans to increase coal consumption by 225 percent
super-efficient vehicles. These two measures guar- from 2005 to 2050 (Ni, 2005). Each 0.6 GW coal
antee their equivalent of secure, widely distributed plant competitively displaced by a comparable
strategic petroleum reserves (SPRs) (Lovins & energy efficiency “power plant” program, wind
Lovins, 1981). The opportunity to displace sev- farm, or solar factory replaces 1.5 to 4 megatons
eral billion barrels of oil per year with these gains per year of bituminous or brown coal, respectively,
is equivalent to maintaining nearly seven cost-free which are shipped in 15,000 to 40,000 railroad
dispersed SPRs (Goldwyn & Billig, 2005), thereby cars (WCI, 2005).
helping to strengthen national energy security by
making China more resilient to foreign oil disrup- HYDRO SERVICES
tions and volatile price hikes.
The Potential of Integrated Resource
COAL GASIFICATION WITH Planning for Hydro Services in China
CARBON CAPTURE & STORAGE In April 2005, China’s National Development
and Reform Commission (NDRC) and four min-
China’s policy and research communities are already istries issued a joint announcement—the China
immersed in assessing the economic and environ- Water Conservation Technology Policy—a codifica-
mental costs and benefits of technologically leap- tion to promote a water conservation society. This
frogging the country’s massive coal-dependent document notes that developed countries generate
economy into one of the cleanest, state-of-the-art, some 10 times more economic value per unit of
coal conversion systems on the planet—coal gas- water than China. Moreover, 55 percent of irriga-
ification with carbon capture and storage (CCS) tion water in China never makes it to the fields.
(CCICED, 2003; Ni et al., 2003; NDRC, 2003). Thus, there is “a great potential for water conserva-
Gasification allows for: tion” (NDRC, 2005).
The announcement embraces many components
(1) Effective and relatively cheap cleaning of coal; constituting an integrated resource planning (IRP)
(2) Use of advanced gas turbines and combined process for delivering cost-effective, efficient water
cycles for greater energy efficiency; services. These include full water pricing mecha-
(3) Power production and fuel synthesis to be eco- nisms, requiring water conservation and efficiency
nomically combined in a polygeneration plants, be actively implemented in all water-related proj-
enabling synergistic efficiencies; ects, setting water conservation targets, and putting
(4) The starting point for the synthesis of high water management systems in place that all levels of
quality liquid fuels; and, government must adopt. However, the announce-
(5) Using oxygen-blown gasification and advanced ment ultimately falls short of actually establishing
membrane separation of exhaust gases that an IRP requirement since it fails to include: (1)
produce a very clean stream of CO2 that could a thorough and regular comparison of the costs,
be geologically sequestered at an economically benefits, and risks of water supply expansion proj-
acceptable cost.10 ects; (2) a full range of demand-side conservation
methods; and (3) highly efficient techniques for
Applying the government’s vast coal expansion delivering water services. Without these measures,
plans to the scrutiny of a rigorous and transparent water use will remain unbalanced, investments for

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Recovery and Use of Methane from Coal Mines in China

By Casey Delhotal and Barbora Jemelkova

ethane is the primary component of
natural gas and is an important clean
energy resource. With a global warm-
ing potential 23 times greater than carbon dioxide
and a relatively short atmospheric lifetime, it is also
a potent greenhouse gas (GHG) that accounts for
16 percent of all global, human-induced GHG
emissions. A reduction in methane emissions
would have a rapid and significant effect on the
atmosphere’s warming potential.
About 8 percent of all human-induced meth-
ane emissions around the world are emitted from
coalmines, making coalmine methane (CMM)
recovery and utilization an attractive and effective
climate change mitigation opportunity. In addi-
tion to benefiting the global environment, such CMM Project Construction at Jincheng Mine in S hanx i Province.
projects also increase mine safety and productiv- © U .S . E nvironmental Protection A g ency
ity, reduce operational downtime, mitigate local
air pollution, and make available a local, clean CMM Projects in China
energy resource. China, the world’s leading emit- Thirty projects that utilize CMM are reported
ter of CMM, is well suited to host CMM projects to be operating or in development in China. The
for a number of reasons: methane captured at project sites is currently used
for electricity generation, thermal power produc-
n The estimated 26,000 active coal mines in China tion, town gas distribution, vehicle fuel, chemical
emitted approximately 13.5 billion cubic meters industry feedstock, and boiler fuel. These projects
of methane in 2004, making the coal mining collectively generate over 100 MW of power and
industry China’s primary source of methane reduce methane emissions by over 630 million cubic
emissions. meters annually, equivalent to 1 million metric ton
n Projects that drain explosive methane from of carbon equivalent (MMTCE). The largest oper-
underground mines can help decrease China’s ating project drains 126 million cubic meters per
staggering miner fatality rate—at least 7,000 year from Laohutai mine in Fushun, of which 59
deaths are reported each year, the most of any million cubic meters is delivered to the Shenyang
country. gas pipeline network for residential distribution.
n As China’s economy continues to grow, its Once the second stage of the project is completed,
demand for new sources of clean and unconven- coalbed methane (CBM) from nearby virgin coal
tional energy grows as well. seams will be blended with methane from mining


operations to increase gas production by more than government has reached a general agreement with
3 million cubic meters per year. the World Bank’s Prototype Carbon Fund to sell
emission reductions that will be generated under
Barriers to CMM Projects the Jincheng project.
CMM recovery and utilization projects around
the world, especially in developing countries, face Methane to Markets Partnership
a number of barriers to development. For example, To help overcome financial—as well as regulatory,
project developers may find it difficult to identify legal, and technical—barriers to methane proj-
and secure a sufficient mix and quantity of debt and ect development, the United States launched the
equity to finance what are typically capital-inten- Methane to Markets Partnership in 2004. Eighteen
sive endeavors. For example, the capital costs of a national governments, including China, Japan,
power generation project—the most common type Australia, and nearly 200 private sector organiza-
of CMM project in China—can be about $1 million tions are working collaboratively to advance the
per installed MW. cost-effective recovery and use of methane from
A project in Jincheng (Shanxi Province), slated four major sources: landfills, underground coal
for completion in 2008, is considered a success mines, natural gas and oil systems, and livestock
story when it comes to addressing this financial waste. With the help of this initiative, additional
barrier. The project will use engines to generate viable methane recovery opportunities will be iden-
120 MW of power at the Sihe mine, reducing tified and developed around the world, and coun-
GHG emissions by an expected 2.86 MMTCE per tries like China will have the opportunity to make a
year. When completed it will be the largest single noticeable impact on their climate footprint.
CMM project in the world. The portfolio includes
a $117.4 million loan from the Asian Development To learn more, visit the Methane to Markets website
Bank, a $20 million loan from the Japan Bank for at http:/ / or the website
International Cooperation, a $37.86 million loan of the Coalbed Methane Outreach Program of the U .S.
from the Industrial Bank of China, and equity Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) at www.epa.
capital from the Jincheng municipal government gov/ cmop. Barbora J emelkova currently works in the
and two mining industrial groups totaling $61.24 Office of Air in EPA and she can be reached at jemelkova.
million. Technical assistance was provided early on barbora@ Casey Delhotal, a former EPA
from the U.S. Trade and Development Agency in employee, is currently working for RTI International
the form of a $500,000 grant to conduct project in Beijing on Methane to Markets activities in China;
design and data analysis. In addition, the Chinese she can be reached at: cdelhotal@

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water projects will be misallocated, and cost-saving of water and energy efficiency options. Worldwide,
opportunities will be missed (Gleick, 2003a). some 1,500 km3 (1,500 trillion liters) of irrigation
An IRP strategy for water examines the least- water is wasted annually (Gleick, 2003b). In China,
cost means and lowest risk of providing the water such waste is driven by: (1) inadequate investments,
service at the point of use. Therein arises a host excessive subsidies, and artificially low water prices
of opportunities for securing considerable savings, (70 to 80 percent below prices in other countries)
such as dramatically reducing storage requirements that create disincentives for conservation; (2) bal-
and distribution losses. The State of California, kanized government decision-making that hinders
a pioneer in IRP for electricity, has expanded the cross-sectoral cooperation on water conservation;
process into energy and water (CEC, 2005; CPUC, and (3) broad-scale failure to inventory and capture
2005). Extensive research found that 20 percent of lost water savings opportunities (Butler, 2005).
the state’s total electricity and one-third of total Dam building in China has increasingly caused
natural gas use were consumed in pumping, dis- conflicts among communities refusing to be resettled
tributing, heating and disposing of the state’s water and environmentalists demanding more transpar-
(Wilkinson, 2000). The assessments also found that ency in the decision-making process. These prob-
the energy intensive end uses of water (e.g., clothes lems also underscore one of the finest attributes of
washing and showers) consume more energy than the IRP process—its capacity for establishing confi-
any other part of the urban water conveyance and dence among all stakeholders. The transparent pro-
treatment cycle. Employing demand-side man- cess of fairly evaluating all supply and demand-side
agement programs to increase water efficiency can options for delivering services at the least cost and
reduce significant amounts of water, energy, and risk performs a vital role in resolving heated con-
air pollution, while accruing substantial monetary flicts. Equally valuable is the IRP process of expand-
savings (Cohen, Wolff, & Nelson, 2004; Gleick, ing the portfolio of viable options relative to tradi-
Cooley, & Groves, 2005). tional approaches. This enables greater flexibility in
selecting dams sites, as well as deferring or foregoing
Potential IRP Water Applications in China projects that will fragment or destroy biodiversity
Construction has already begun on China’s ambitious habitats of global significance or risk resettlement
south-to-north water project that will take water in of large numbers of resistant communities.
three canals from the Yangtze Basin and carry it 3,000
km to the Yellow, Huai and Hai river basins in the Drip-by-Drip—Super Efficient Irrigation
north (GWP, 2005). The $60 billion price tag for the One measure of water efficiency is the water effec-
mega-scale water transfer scheme has been criticized tive utilization index (EUI), which is the ratio of the
for using outdated and inaccurate assumptions, exag- amount of water required by crops divided by the
gerating water consumption predictions, and neglect- amount of water actually consumed in irrigation.
ing to perform an integrated resource plan that com- Across China, the EUI is about 40 percent, with
pares the full costs, benefits and risks of the scheme canals at 30 to 40 percent. By comparison, EUIs in
and evaluates various demand-side management most developed countries are 60 to 70 percent and
options (Postel, 2005a). For example, rectifying the over 90 percent in Israel (Li & Zuo, 1997).11
negative affects of black carbon on China’s national Drip irrigation, embraced in the Chinese gov-
water crisis has not been factored into the many stud- ernment’s 2005 water conservation announcement,
ies affirming the need for the south-to-north water holds great promise for improving the water pro-
transfer scheme. Nor has comprehensive application ductivity of the agricultural sector by two to three-
of super-efficient drip and micro-irrigation systems fold. Worldwide, researchers have made steady
been factored into water needs assessments. progress in designing drip irrigation systems for
Obviously, hydroelectric dams and reservoirs will water intensive crops that can translate into water
continue to develop across China, where rivers are savings between 30 to 70 percent compared to con-
abundant, large populations are without adequate ventional flood irrigation systems, while increasing
power and water access, and growth rates for elec- crop yields by 20 to 90 percent (Postel, 2005b;
tricity demand and agriculture expansion are high. Postel & Richter, 2003). Drip-irrigation techniques
Notably, nearly half of the proposed new dams world- also can integrate and more precisely distribute
wide are probably not cost-effective or necessary chemical fertilizer and pesticide applications, cut-
when evaluated against a large and expanding pool ting unnecessary applications by more than half


(OECD, 2005). Currently drip irrigation accounts factor of six—from 45,000 m3 per million dollars of
for only 3 percent of China’s irrigated area. GDP in 1960 to 7,500 m3 in 2000. In addition, reuse
Since the 1990s, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous of treated effluents by Israeli farmers is 75 percent of
Region has made exceptional progress implement- total domestic, commercial, and industrial sewerage
ing water-efficient agriculture, such as drip irriga- flows (Arlosoroff, 2002).
tion and other water-saving methods on 1.3 million
hectares of farmland. This has resulted in reducing Desalination of Wastewater
irrigation per hectare fifteen-fold. According to The Chinese government expects desalination of
northwest China’s regional agricultural bureau, 5 waste and seawater to play a more important role
km3 of water per year have been freed up and used in resolving China’s water crisis, and recently initi-
to plant trees to improve local ecology (“Xinjiang,” ated a $7 billion project that will build new plants
2000). Water-stressed Shandong Province also beyond the country’s ten existing desalination
took an early lead in disseminating conservation plants. Treated seawater is expected to make up
techniques on three-fourths of its farmland, which 37 percent of the water supply in coastal areas by
accounts for one-third of China’s total farmland 2020. China’s desalinization capacity may increase
(U.S. Embassy, 1996). 100-fold by 2020 according to the report, “China
Seawater Utilisation Special Topic Programme,”
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Water jointly formulated by the NDRC, State Oceanic
In 2005, six Chinese ministries, led by the Ministry Administration, and Ministry of Finance. The city
of Water Resources, jointly confirmed a ten-year goal of Qingdao will be a national-level seawater desali-
for saving water in industrial companies. The rate of nization and comprehensive demonstration city,
recycled water is targeted to increase to 65 percent with seven desalinization plants built by the end of
by 2010 (although Shanghai has reportedly already 2006 with a capacity of 200,000 m3 per day.
reached 80 percent). China’s leaders recognize that Desalination costs vary by a factor of seven or
charging the full economic cost of providing water more, depending on the: (1) type of feedwater
and wastewater services is important for spurring (brackish, waste, or seawater); (2) available con-
water conservation and efficiency measures. centrate disposal options; (3) proximity to distribu-
Increasing water charges requires a delicate bal- tion systems; and (4) availability and cost of power.
ance of differentiating prices that ensure poor fami- Desalination’s primary operation cost is for power—
lies can afford sufficient access while large water one km3 (1 trillion liters) of seawater desalination
consumers pay higher rates. The country’s average requires about 500 MW of power. The reduction
urban water price rose nine-fold between 1998 and in unit energy use by desalinization plants has been
2004 (“Cities,” 2004). Beijing has proposed rais- among the most dramatic improvements in recent
ing the average water price another threefold to 6 years due to enhanced energy recovery systems.
Yuan ($0.73) per m3 (“Beijing,” 2004). While half Estimates considered valid for China today range
of China’s 660 cities have imposed wastewater treat- from a cost of $0.60 per m3 for brackish and waste-
ment fees, most rates capture only a small fraction water desalination to $1 per m3 for seawater desali-
of the full processing costs (SEPA, 2004). Moving nation by reverse osmosis (Zhou & Tol, 2003).12
to full pricing of water and wastewater services is Desalination of wastewater has double bene-
essential, but insufficient if not complemented with fits—it reduces contaminated discharges into rivers
an IRP process. The IRP methodology helps pre- and expands the city’s freshwater supplies at lower
vent resource allocation failures, such as expanding cost than importing remote water resources. China’s
more expensive water supply when a lower level of total wastewater discharges annually exceed 60
incentives can deliver a comparable level of water km3, and as of the late 1990s less than one-seventh
services through efficiency improvements. of this was treated. Close to 600 million Chinese
While cultural, economic, and educational condi- people have water supplies that are contaminated
tions are dramatically different between China and by animal and human waste. Harnessing 30 GW
other water-stressed nations like Israel, there is much of cogeneration available in cities and industrial
to be gleaned from close study and assiduous adoption facilities potentially could operate reverse osmo-
of best practices that are transferable. For example, sis technologies to purify these wastewaters, while
Israel has used full pricing of water along with other also providing ancillary energy services like space
policy measures to steadily drive down water use by a and water heating and cooling.

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Hydroelectricity Services While the Ministry of Water Resources now
China generates 280 TWh per year from nearly 100 acknowledges the importance of ecological flows,
GW of hydropower. By some estimates, between flow levels alone are insufficient for sustaining or
200 and 300 GW may be constructed in the coming restoring healthy freshwater ecosystems. Flow mod-
decades. Adoption of a rigorous IRP process could ifications that disrupt the magnitude, frequency,
stimulate a many highly competitive energy service duration, timing, and rate of change of hydrologic
options capable of being delivered at lower cost and conditions also disrupt habitats to which the myriad
risk than hydroelectric dams. varieties of life in and along the river have become
A growing body of Chinese scientists are cau- adapted (Postel, 2005b).
tioning against over construction of large hydro-
power projects in southwest China—particularly Watershed Forest Protection and Regeneration
in the Yangtze River Basin (Chen, 2005). Experts China’s water crisis has been a long time coming,
on China’s endemic ancient Chinese sturgeon and from centuries of human impact, especially from
paddlefish are warning about the irreversible loss of wide-scale deforestation and conversion of wetlands
these incredibly large species (up to 7 meters) that and grasslands to agriculture. The past half-century
travel for 3,000 km from the sea up the Yangtze has witnessed an incredible explosion in the pace of
River. These and other aquatic species are threat- these actions with the effect of: (1) a steady increase
ened with extinction because dams will block their in the ferocity and frequency of devastating flood and
migration routes.13 drought cycles; (2) immense sedimentation run-off
The threat of massive loss of China’s freshwater that is causing more terrestrial landscapes to desert-
biodiversity, due to a range of causes in addition to ify, and more reservoirs to fill with silt that shorten
hydropower systems, was reviewed by CCICED, the lifespan of dams; and (3) feedback effects from
which concluded that China’s aquatic ecosystems these diverse impacts reducing precipitation, that in
have received much less attention in comparison turn trigger declining river flows (Ma, 1999).
with terrestrial ecosystems, with only a handful of To reverse these water degradation trends, the
major surveys on fish. The marked decline in fish Chinese government undertook one of the largest
species combined with the inadequate knowledge reforestation efforts in the world, planting some 50
of freshwater ecosystems underscores the great need billion pine, eucalyptus, and poplar trees since the
for stronger conservation of China’s aquatic systems 1950s. Unfortunately, this sea of monoculture trees
(Ping & Chen, 1998). has suffered devastating setbacks over the past several
decades from severe pest attacks, making the trees
more vulnerable to drought and wildfires, resulting
A growing b ody of in hundreds of millions of dollars in annual losses.
Chinese scientists are The monoculture of trees also has not regenerated
important ecosystem service benefits like prevention
cautioning against over of floodwaters and soil erosion, let alone regeneration
construction of large of water tables or soil fertility. Yet another example of
how IRP could have been applied to evaluate the full
hydropower projects costs of a major investment initiative.
in southwest China. In 2005, China’s State Forestry Administration
(SFA) began testing the recently developed Climate,
Community, and Biodiversity (CCB) standards.
Given the pace and scale of proposed dam proj- The standards help in the design and evaluation of
ects in southwest China, it is vital to undertake more resilient, multiple-benefit, native forest resto-
and complete rapid assessments of the freshwater ration projects. SFA is beginning such projects in
biodiversity in China’s river basins. This will help Yunnan and Sichuan provinces, and is considering
inform the decision-making process as to the risks incorporating the standards into national reforesta-
and costs associated with biodiversity loss from tion criteria to develop projects that concurrently
specific proposed projects. In addition to species fight global warming, conserve biodiversity, and
assessments, another critical factor to assess is a help local communities (CCBA, 2005).
river’s carrying capacity, or necessary flows to sus- Funds for watershed forest protection and regen-
tain ecological health. eration have been abundant, but also erratic over time.


A funding mechanism proving to be quite effective largest exporters of economically attractive energy
and durable in many parts of the world is the alloca- efficiency, solar, wind, and bioenergy technologies
tion of water rights that can be traded. This has been (Porter, 1991; CCICED, 2005; “Wind,” 2005).
proposed for restoration of the Yellow River, given By taking on global leadership in the use, manu-
that downstream water users can produce far more facture, and export of products that promote effi-
per unit of water consumed than upstream users. cient use of energy and water, China could promote
While currently “illegal” in China since all water sustainable prosperity and security, as well as con-
rights reside with the state, some small experimental servation of irreplaceable biodiversity—within and
water trades have occurred. beyond China—for generations to come.
Important water trade covenants can be con-
tractually agreed upon, whereby some of the pay- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
ments go towards maintaining and regenerating the
upper watershed’s forests, wetlands, and grasslands Many thanks to Jennifer Turner for excellent edits,
in order to sustain the quality and quantity of water and Barbara Finamore, David Goldstein, David
flows (Appleton, 2002). Hydroelectric dam opera- Moskovitz, Sandra Postel, and anonymous reviewers
tors can obtain significant economic benefit from for their cogent comments.
promoting such protection of watershed ecosystems
in that reducing sedimentation—a major problem Lü Z hi is professor of conservation biology at Peking
for many of China’s dams—can significantly expand University, author of Giant Pandas in the Wild,
the lifespan of dams (Ma, 1999). and country director of Conservation International’s
China office in Beijing. She can be reached at:
ENERGY AND WATER Michael Totten is senior director of Climate, Water
OPPORTUNITIES and Ecosystem Services, Center for Environmental
Leadership in Business at Conservation International.
China stands at a crossroad—environmental poli- He can be reached at:
cies and investments begun today will determine
the country’s ability to stem the growing ecologi- Philip Chou is program officer for the China Program
cal and human health threats from air pollution at Conservation International’s Washington, DC office.
and watershed damage. In terms of air pollution He can be reached at:
threats, China could leverage the “four efficiencies”
along with solar and wind power to cost-effectively REFERENCES
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to 332 coal plants each of 300 MW—with net savings of 8. In the United States, for example, Class 4 winds
$10 billion per year on electricity bills. generating power at an average of $0.04 per kWh
5. EPPs represent the capacity for “delivering elec- produce 20 kWh per m2 per year. With a royalty rate to
tricity services” through the installation of an aggregated the landowner of 2.5 percent of revenues generated, the
number of high-efficiency motors, pumps, compressors, wind royalty amounts to about $200 per ha per year. For
lights, electronic ballasts, and other electricity consum- comparison, net farm income in the United States was
ing devices located in myriad factories and buildings. approximately $125 per ha, half of which were direct
Just as a 300-MW coal power plant will generate 1.8 government payments ($60/ha) (Williams, 2001).
billion kWh per year, a 300-MW EPP will effectively 9. Since 2004, Chinese experts have been engaged
provide 1.8 billion kWh of electricity services through with the German government in a $3 million joint
the design improvements embedded in high-perfor- project they believe will lay a solid theoretical ground for
mance equipment and devices. For a technical discussion improving scientific understanding of China’s pas-
see Koomey, Rosenfeld, & Gadgil (1990). tureland ecosystem, and its protection and restoration
6. For example, in April 2006, the Beijing (MOST, 2004).
Development and Reform Commission visited 10. China has considerable experience in modern
Washington, DC to secure agreements with the U.S. oxygen-blown coal gasification, operating 9 GW for
Department of Energy, energy NGOs (such as the nitrogen fertilizer production in the chemical industry
Alliance to Save Energy), and businesses that will (Farinelli, 2003).
undertake building retrofits to help the city reach new 11. Beginning in the 1950s, the Chinese government
energy efficiency goals. established some 400 experimental irrigation stations
7. Important power sector reforms identified by throughout the nation. The data gathered enabled
WADE include: (1) distributed energy (DE) generators scientists to set baselines for major crops under varying
should be permitted grid access on transparent and non- ecological conditions.
discriminatory terms; (2) the locational benefits of DE 12. Extrapolating from technological trends, and the
should be recognized in system charging; (3) emerging promise of ongoing innovations in lower-cost, higher
industry structures should not entrench market control performance membranes, seawater desalination costs
in the hands of incumbent utilities; (4) the transmission will continue to fall. The average cost may decline to
and distribution costs associated with central generation $0.30 per m3 in 2025 (Zhou & Tol, 2003). For compari-
should be fully taken into account in any system plan- son, China’s average water prices were about $0.20 to
ning; (5) fuel and power pricing should be determined $0.25 per m3 for domestic and industrial use, and $0.34
by markets; (6) private and foreign DE investors should per m3 for commercial use, to a high of $0.60/m3 in
face no undue commercial, legal or regulatory barriers Tianjin and Dalian (Water China, 2006).
in carrying out their business; and (7) the overall output 13. Professor Wei Qiwei, at the Yangtze River
efficiency (including usable heat) of utility plants should Fisheries Research Institute calls the continued dam-
be rewarded. ming of the river the “ecological desertification of the
Yangtze” (Haggart, 2005).



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