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Power and Politics

A Definition of Power
Power It is the ability to get someone else to do something you want done or the ability to make things happen in the way you want. Influence It is a behavioral response to the exercise of power.

Bases of Power: Formal Power

Formal Power Is established by an individuals position in an organization; conveys the ability to coerce or reward, from formal authority, or from control of information.
Coercive Power A power base dependent on fear.
Reward Power Compliance achieved based on the ability to distribute rewards that others view as valuable. Legitimate Power The power a person receives as a result of his or her position in the formal hierarchy of an organization.

Bases of Power: Personal Power Expert Power

Influence based on special skills or knowledge. Referent Power Influence based on possession by an individual of desirable resources or personal traits.

Power and authority

Managerial perspectives on power and influence

Downward influence Upward influence Lateral influence

Acquiring managerial power

Building on position power Centrality Criticality Flexibility Visibility Relevance Building on personal power Knowledge and information Personal attractiveness Effort

Strategies of managerial influence

Organizational politics defined

The management of influence to obtain ends not sanctioned by the organization or to obtain sanctioned ends through non sanctioned influence means.

Functions served by power

Overcome personal inadequacies Cope with change Channel personal contacts

Substitute for formal authority

Politics: Power in Action

Political Behavior Activities that are not required as part of ones formal role in the organization, but that influence, or attempt to influence, the distribution of advantages or disadvantages within the organization. Legitimate Political Behavior Normal everyday politics. Illegitimate Political Behavior Extreme political behavior that violates the implied rules of the game.

Factors contributing to political behaviour

Individual factors High self monitors Possess an internal locus of control High mach personality Perceived job alternatives Expectations of success
Political behaviour Organizational factors Reallocation of resources Promotion opportunities Low trust Role ambiguity Unclear performance Zero sum rewards High performance pressures

Favorable Outcomes Rewards Averted punishments



How do people respond to organizational politics?

Perceiving the politics Defensive behaviours Avoiding the action Avoiding the blame Avoiding the change Impression management

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