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Kertas L Nov./Dis.


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Kertas soalan ini adalah dalam dwibahasa' bahasaMelayu' 2. Soalan dalam bahasa Inggeris menclahuluisoalan yang sepadandalam l.


1. Paper1 consistsof50 questions. 50 KertasI mengandungi soalan. 2. Answer all questions. soalan. Jawabsemua

@ 2007 Hak CiPta Kerajaan MalaYsia

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1 Diagram 1 shows the impulse pathway in nervous coordination. Rajah I menunjukkan lintasan impuls dalam koordinasi saraf. Impulse Impuls What is the function of this neurone? Apakahfungsi neuron ini? A Receives impulses from recePtor Menerim.aimPulsdari rese7tor B



l<-l I Gemkbalas

Efektor I
Diagram 1 Raiah I

Receives impulses from central nervous system Menerima impuls dari sistemsaraf pusat C Transmits impulses from motor neurone to effector Menghantar impuls dari neuron motor ke efektor D Transmits impulses from sensory neurone to motor neurone Menghantarimpulsdari neuronderia ke neuron motor

Which of the following representsR? Antara yang berikut, yang manakahmewakili R?

A Eyes
Mata C Glands Keleniar

B Brain Otak D Muscle Otot

Diagram 3 shows an effect of hormone imbalance in the human bodY. Rajah 3 menunjukkan kesan ketidaleseimbangan hormon dalam badan manusia.

What is meant by bodY coordination? Apakah maksudkoordinasi badan? A To coordinate bodY's growth M enyelar as p ertumbuhanbadan B To coordinate position and balance of the body badan dan Menyelaraskedudukan' keseimbangan responsestowards any C To coordinate body's stimuli Menyelaras gerak balas badan terhadap sebarang rangsangan D To coordinate secretion of hormone by endocrine gland Menyelarasperembesanhormon oleh kelenjar endokrin Diagram 2 shows a tyPe of neurone. sejenisneuron. Rajah 2 menuniukkan Diagram 3 Rajah 3 Which of the following endocrine glands causes the effect? Antara kelenjar endokrin berikut, yang manakah kesanitu? menyebabkan A Thyroid Tiroid Pituitary Pituitari

Cell body Badansel

C Adrenal
Nukleus Diagram2 Rajah 2 Adrenal Pancreas Pankreas

@ 2007 Hak Cipta. Keraiaan Malaysia



5 Which of the following pairs of nervous coordination and hormone coordination is correctly matched? Antara padanan koordinasi saraf dan koordinasi hormon berikut, yang manakahbetul?

7 Diagram 5 shows a type of cell division. sejenispembahagiansel. Rajah 5 menunjukkan Parentcell: Sel induk:

Nervous coordination Koordinasisaraf

Long-term effect Kesanjangka panjang Slow response Gerak balas lambat

Hormone coordination Koordinasi hormon

Short-term effect Kesanjangka pendek

t/ Gametes gamet: CE-)



Diagram 5 Rajah 5

Immediate response Gerak balas serta merta Consist of ductless glands Terdiri daripada kelenjar tanpa duktus Limited target area Kawasansasaran terhad

What is the chromosome content in P and in Q? Apakah kandungankromosomdalamP dan dalam QZ

Consist of nerves Terdiri daripada saraf

P 22 +X 22+X C D 44 +XX 44 +XX

22 +X 22 +Y 44 +XX 44+XY

Widespread target area Kawasansasaran yang luas

Diagram 4 shows a cross breeding of two traits of garden peas. Rajah 4 menunjukkankacuk silang bagi dua trait
kacang peaT^rltn:.^^-: ^..,^rtv--s:t

D i agram6show safl ag. A student cannot differentiate the colours of the flag. satu bendera. Rajah 6 menunjukkan Seorang murid tidak dapat merybezakanwarna pada bendera itu.

Parentcell Sel Induk Gametes Gamet First generation pertama Generasi Key/Kekunci dominan tinggi T - Tall dominant gene/Gen t - Dwarf recessivegenelGenresesif kerdil Diagram 4 Rajah4 What is the ratio of the phenotype in the. first generation? Berapakah nisbahfenotip dalam generasipertama?

Red Merah

Red Merah

Green Hijau

Diagram 6 Rajah 6 What is the student suffering from? Apakah yang dihidapi oleh murid itu? B Thalassemia A Albinism Talasemia Albinisme C Colour blindness Buta warna D Down's syndrome Sindrom Down


Tall I TinSSi I I 1
a J

Dwarf I Kerdil


@ 2007 Hak Cipta Kerajaan Malaysia


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9 Diagram 7 shows the arrangement of particles which undergo process X. susunanzarah yang melalui Rajah 7 menunjukkan proses X.

l0 Diagram 8 shows the nucleus of an atom.
nukleusbagi satu atom. Rajah 8 menuniukkan

ProcessX ProsesX

Key: Kekunci:


n o,o'
Diagram 8 Rajah 8

Diagram 7 Rajah 7 What is processX? Apakahproses X? A Boiling Pendidihan C Sublimation Pemejalwapan Melting Peleburan

How many electrons are in this atom? Berapakahbilangan elektron dalam atom ini? A1 B3 C4 D'I

D Condensation

11 Diagram 9 shows an incomplete Periodic Table. Jadual Berkalayang tidak lengkap. Rajahg menunjukkan I

Diagram 9 Rajah 9 Which of the following is a correct property of Q? Antarayang berikut,yang manakahsifat Qyang betul? A Dull Pudar B Ductile Mulur

C Low melting point Takat lebur rendah D Low tensile strength KekuatanreSanganrendah
@ 2007 Hak Cipta Kerajaan MalaYsia



12 Table 1 shows physical properties of four elements. sifatfizik bagi empatunsur. Jadual I menunjukkan Elements Unsur P key with copper.

L4 Diagram 10 shows the electroplating of an iron
Rajah l0 menunjukkan penyaduran kunci besi dengankuprum.

Properties Stfat
Shiny surface Permukaanberkilat Heat insulator Penebathaba Low tensile strength Kekuatan regangan rendah Ductile Mulur Table I Jadual I


Copper Kuprum

Iron key Kunci besi SolutionX LarutanX Diagram 10 Rajah l0

What is solution X? Apakah larutan X? A Silver nitrate Argentum nitrat C Copper sulphate Kuprum sulfat B Sodium chloride Natrium klorida

Which of the elements in Table 1 are metals? Antara unsur dalam Jadual 1, yang manakah logam? B RandS A Pa n dQ RdanS P d a nQ C Qa ndR Qd az R D Pa n d S Pd a n S

D Potassiumhydroxide Kalium hidroksida

l3 Table 2 shows the observations obtained when

three fypes of metal powder react with oxygen. pemerhatianyang diperoleh Jadual 2 menunjukkan apabila tiga jenis serbuk logam bertindak dengan oksigen. Metal powder Serbuk logam Observation Pemerhatian Bright glow Baraan terang No change Tiada perubahan Dim glow Baraan malap Table 2 Jadual 2 Choose the correct sequenceof the reactivity of the metals in descendingorder. Pilih urutan yang'betul bagi kereaktifanlogam itu dalam tertib menurun. A X,Z,Y B X,Y, Z C Y,X, Z D Z,Y, X
@ 2007 Hak Cipta Kerajaan Malaysia

15 Table 3 shows the advantagesand disadvantages of a type of cell. Jadual 3 menunjukkankelebihan dan kekurangan bagi sejenissel. Advantages Kelebihan . High voltage Voltan tinggi Disadvantages Kekurangan . Heavy Berat

. Expensive . Rechargeable Mahal Boleh dicas semula . Long lasting Tahan lama . Electrolyte spills easily Elektrolit mudah tumpah Table 3 Jadual 3 What is the cell? Apakah sel itu? A Dry cell Sel kering B Lead-acidaccumulator Akumulator asid plumbum


C Nickel-cadmiumbattery . Bateri nikel kadmium D Silver oxide-mercury battery Bateri argentumoksida merkuri


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16 Which of the l'followins is a radioactive substance? Antara yang berikut, yang manakah bahan radioaktif? A Cobalr60 B Carbon-12 Kobalt-6O Karbon-72 C Oxygen-16 Oksigen-16 D Hydrogen-l Hidrogen-l

19 Which of the following is an effect of light dispersion? Antara yang berikut, yang manakah kesan penyebaran cahaya? A The red sky Kemerahanlangit B The blue sky Kebiruan langit

17 Why are radioactive substanceskept in a thick lead box? Mengapakah bahan radioaktif disimpan di dalam kotak plumbum yang tebal? A To produce nuclear fusion pelakuran nukear Untuk menghasilkan B To produce nuclear fission pembelahannuklear Untuk menghasilkan

C The formation of white light Pembentukan cahayaputih D The formation of a rainbow pelangi Pembentukan 20 Diagram 12 showsthe overlapping of two primary colours of light. Rajah 12 menunjukkanpertindihan dua cahaya berwarnaprimer. Blue light Green light Cahayabiru Cahayahijau

C To prevent the emission of heat energy to the environment pembebasan tenagahaba ke Untuk menghalang persekitaran D To prevent radiation being released to the environment Untuk menghalang sinaran terbebas ke persekitaran 18 Diagram 11 shows an image formed by a convex lens. Rajah ll menunjukkanimej yang dibentuk oleh sebuahknnta cembung.

,rouwu @rvo Kawasan berlorek Diagram 12 Rajah 12

White surface putih Permukaan

Diaeram 11

niian t
Where is the position of the object? Di manakahkedudukanobjek tersebut? A Twice the focal length Dua kali panjangfokus B LesS than the focal length Kurang daripada panjang fokus

What is the colour of the light seenat the shaded area? Apakah warna cahaya yang kelihatan di kawasan berlorek? B Cyan A Black Hitam Sian C Red Merah D Yellow Kuning

2l Which of the following mixture of pigments will

produce green colour? Antara campuran pigmen berikut, yang manakah akan menghasilkan warna hijau? B Yellow and cyan A Red and cyan Kuning dan sian Merah dan sian C Red and magenta D Yellow and magenta Merah dan magenta Kuning dan magenta

C The same as the focal length Sama dengan panjang fokus D More than twice the focal length Lebih daripada dua kali panjangfokus
@ 2007 Hak Cipta Kerajaan Malaysia



22 Why does a male peacock have colourful and attractive feathers? bulu Mengapaknhburung merakjantan mempunyai yang berwarna-warnidan menarik? A As protection Sebagaiperlindungan B For camouflage Untuk penyamaran


What is the optimum temperature for the growth of the bacteria? Berapakahsuhu optima bagi pertumbuhanbakteria itu? A O" C B 3O" C

c 35'C D 6O"C
26 Diagram 14 shows the apparatus set-up for an
experiment. Rajah 14 menunjukkansusunan radas bagi satu eksperimen.

C To attract a mate Untuk menarikpasangan D As a warning sign Sebagaitanda amaran 23 A student wants to build a model of an aeroplane which is light and strong. Which of the following is substances the most suitable to be used? Seorangmuri.dingin membinamodelknpal terbang yapg ringan dan kuat. Antara bahan berikut, yang manakahpaling sesuaidigunakan?

A Iron Besi C Copper Kuprum

B Steel Keluli D Duralumin Duralumin

Glucosesolution + MicroorganismX lnrutan glukosa+ X Mikroorg.anisma

24 Which of the following is the effect of excessive disposal of organic waste? ke Antara yang berikut,yang mrtnaknh sanpelupusan sisaorganik yang berlebihan? A Acid rain Hujan asid B Greenhouse effect Kesan rumah hiiau

Lime water turns chalkY Air kapur menjadikeruh Diagram 14 Rajah 14 What is microorganism X? Apakah mikroorganisma X? A Yeast Yis B Euglena .

C Depletion of the ozone laYer Penipisanlapisan ozon D Destruction of aquatic life hidupan akuatik Kemusnahan 25 Diagram 13 is a graph showing the relationship between the number of bacteria colonies and temperature. Rajah 13 ialah graf yang menunjukkanhubungan antara bilangan koloni bakteria dan suhu. Number of bacteriacolonies Bilangan koloni bakteria

C Amoeba Ameba D Paramecium Paramesium

27 Which of the following solutions is the most

suitable to be applied to a wound? paling sesuai Antara larutan berikut,yang manakah pada luka? disapu A Iodine Iodin B Ethanol Etanol Klorin Formalin Formalin


C Chlorine . 0102030405060 13 Diagram

Rajah 13

@ 2007 Hak Cipta Keraiaan MalaYsia


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28 Table 4 shows the calorific values of different classesof food. nilai kalori bagi kelas makananyang berbeza' Jadual 4 menunjukkan Class of food Kelas makanan Protein Protein Carbohydrate Karbohidrat Fat Lemak Table 4 Jadual 4 g of fat A piece of cake contains 5 g of protein, 10 g of carbohydrate and 3 the cake' Calculate the total calorific value of 5 Sekepingkek mengandungi g protein, l0 g karbohidrat dan 3 g lemak' Calorific value (kJig) Nilai kalori (kJlg)

16.1 t6.1 31.6

Hitungjumlah nilai kalori kekitu. A 3.9 kJ kJ c 363.3

B 71.0kJ kJ D I 2'78.0 P A B C D
Decomposition Penguraian Nitrification Penitritan Denitrification Pendenitritan Absorption Penyerapan

29 Dbficiency of which class of food causes kwashiorkor?

kelas makanan yang Kekurangan menyebabkan peny akit louasyiorkor ? manakah

Nitrification Penitritan Decomposition Penguraian Absorption Penyerapan Denitrification Pendenitritan

A Fat Lemak C Protein Protein

B Vitamin Vitamin D Carbohidrat Karbohidrat

30 Diagram 15 shows part of the nitrogen cycle' Rajah 15 menuniukkansebahagiandaripada kitar nitropen.

3l A farmer finds that his land is infertile.

Animal protein Protein haiwan Which natural method can be used to overcome this problem? Seorangpetani mendapatitanahnyatidak subur' Apakah kaedahsemulaiadi yang dapat digunakan untuk mengatasimasalah ini? A Add chemical fertilizer Menambahbaja kimia' B Diagram15 Rajah15 What are the Processesat P and Q? ApakahprosesdiP dan Q?
@ 2007 Hak CiPtd Keraiaan MalaYsia

Plant leguminous Plants M enanam tumbuhan kekacang

C Cultivate terraced Planting Menanamtanamanberteres D Build a good drainage system Membina sistemsaliran Yang baik



32 Which of the following gases contributes to the depletion of the ozone layer? Antara gas berikut, yang manakah menyumbang kepadapenipisan lapisan ozon? A Nitrogen oxide Nitrogen oksida B Sulphur dioxide Sulfur dioksida fat?

35 Which of the following oils is rich in saturated
Antara minyak berikut,yang manakahkaya dengan lemnk tepu? A Ghee Minyak sapi B Palm oil Minyak sawit

C Carbon dioxide Karbon dioksida D Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) Kl or ofl uor okarbon (CFC) 33 Which is the best practice of environmental conservation? Apakah amalan yang terbaik untuk pemuliharaan alam sekitar? A Using bacteria to threat sewage - Menggunakan bakteria untuk merawat kumbahan B Using pesticide to destroYPest Menggunakan pestisi.d untuk memusnahkan makhlukperosak C Storing industrial waste in a tightly closed container Menyimpan bahan buangan industri dalam bekasyang tertutuPraPat D Collecting and burning rubbish sarap Mengumpuldan membakarsampah34 The information shows the effect on health due to the excessive consumPtion of X. Maklumat menuniukkankesan terhadap kesihatan akibat pengambilanX secara berlebihan. Cirrhosis of the liver Sirosishati . High blood pressure Tekanandarah tinggi . Hearth disease Penyakitjantung What is X? Apakah X7 A Heroin Heroin B Alcohol Alkohol

C Olive oil Minyak zaitun D Corn oil Minyak jagung

36 Which of the follqwing substancesis contained

in palm oil? Antara bahan berikut,yang manakahterkandungdi dalam minyak sawit? A Ethanol Etanol B Vitamin C Vitamin C

C Cholesterol Kolesterol D Beta-carotene Beta-karotena

37 The information shows a word equation for the

process of making soap. X + Sodium hydroxide ------> Sodium salt of fatfv acid + Glvcerol
Maklumat menuniukkan persamaan perkataan bagi proses pembualan sabun.

X + Natrium hidroksida -----* Garam natrium asid lemak + Gliserol

What is X? Apakah X? A Fat Lemak B Acid Asid

C. Cannabis Gania . D Cigarette Rokok

C Water Air D Alcohol Alkohol

@ 2007 Hak Cipta Kemjaan Malaysia


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38 Which of the following solutions can coagulate latex? Antara bahan berikut, yang manakah boleh lateks? menggumpalkan A Sulphur SulJur B Ammonia Ammonia I nistance I

What is the speedof the car in the 2 seconds?



Berapakahlaju kereta itu dalam masa 2 saat? Jarak I l l tti u = -l


C Acetic acid Asid asetik D Sodium chloride Natrium klorida 39 Which of the following sequencesis correct for the four stroke petrol engine? Antara urutan berikut, yang manakah betul bagi enjin petrol empat leiang? A Intake stroke --> Compression stroke -> Exhaust stroke -> Power stroke Lejang pengambilan -+ Lejang mampatan -+ Lejang ekzos-+ Lejang kuasa B Intake stroke -+ Power stroke -+ Compression stroke -+ Exhaust stroke Lejang pengambilan -+ Lejang kuasa -+ Leiang mampatan -+ I'ejang ekzos C Power stroke -> Compression stroke -+ Intake stroke -+ Exhaust stroke Lejang kuasa -+ Leiang mampatan -+ Leiang pengambilan --sI'ejang ekzos D Intake stroke -+ Compression stroke -> Power stroke -+ Exhaust stroke Lejang pengambilan -+ Leiang mampatan -) Lejang kuasa -+ Lejang ekzos

A 0.4 m s-1 C 3.0 m s-r

B 2.5 m s-1 D 10.0m s-r

4l Diagram 17 shows a trolley moving with a

vel oci tyof2ms-' . troli yang sedang Rajah l7 menunjukkansebuah, bergerakdenganhalaiu 2 m s-'. Mass = 1 kg
tlisim = | kg

Direction of movement Arah pergerakan

Diagram 17 Rajah l7 What is the momentum of the trolley? [Momentum = Mass x VelocitY] toli tersebut? Berapakahmomentum = Jisim x Halajul fMomentum B l kgms-l A 3kgms-r D 0.5 kg m s-r C 2kgms-l

42 Diagrarn18 showsa prism. prisma. sebuah Rajah18menuniukkan

t\ \ R 2cm S cm 3cm Diagram 18 Rajah L8 Which of the following surfaces produces the highest pressure? Antara permukaan berikut, yang manakah memberikantekananpaling tinggi? B PQRX A PQWU D LTWST C XRST T.

40 Diagram 16 shows a car moving from rest. Rajah 16 menuniukkan sebuah kereta bergerak daripada keadaanp egun.




Diagram 16 Rajah 16

@ 2007 Hak Cipta Kerajaan Malaysia



43 Diagram 19 shows an experiment to show Bemoulli's principle. Rajah 19 menunjukkansatu eksperimenmengenai prinsip Bernoulli. avoid bacterial growth in food?

44 Which of the following substancesis used to
Antara bahan berikut, yang manakah digunakan pertumbuhanbakteria di dalam untuk menghalang makanan? A Stabilizer Penstabil Emulsifier Pengemulsi Flavouring Bahanperisa ----Water A ir Diagram 19 Rajah 19

D Preservative
Bahan awet 45 Diagram 20 shows labels on a chocolate bar wrapper. D

Which of the following water levels P, Q and R are corTect? Antara aras airP, QdanP. berikut, yang manakah betul? A Ai rfl o wH
Aliran udara

l:-1fi:i:tt---:-*-LnABC Air flow

Aliran udara

Diagram 20 Rajah 20 menunjukkan label pada sekeping pembalut coklat. : : : :: ----Water j:-:-:{' : : : :i ;--4ir- - -------:*--:-:.

Ai rfl owY
Aliran udara

Rajah 20

D Air flow
Aliran udara

Aminah bought the chocolate in October 2007. Which label A, B, C or D on the wrapper has she overlooked? Aminah telah membeli coklat itu pada Oktober 2007. Antara label L, B, C dan D, pada pembalut itu, yang manakahbeliau terlepaspandang?

@ 2007 Hak Cipta Kerajaan Malaysia


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46 Which of the following pairs of monomer and polymer is correctly matched? Antara padanan monomer dan polimer berikut, yang manakahbetul? Monomer Monomer A Protein Protein Isoprene Isoprena Polythene Politena Carbohydrate Karbohidrat

48 Diagram 22 shows a graph of displacement
against distance of a wave. Which of the following A, B, C or D represents the wavelength of the wave? jarak graf sesaranmelawan Rajah 22 menunjukkan bagi suatu gelombang. Antara A, B, C dan D, yang manakah mewakili panjang gelombangbagi gelombangitu? Displacement Sesaran

Polymer Polimer
Amino acid Asid amino Natural rubber Getah asli Ethene Etena Glucose Glukosa


47 Diagram 21 shows the structure of a type of

plastic. struktur sejenis plastik. Rajah 2l menunjukkan Cross linkage Rangkai silang Polymer chain Rantai polimer Dragram2l Rajah21 What is the characteristic of the plastic? Apakah ciri plastik itu? A Can be recycled Boleh dikitar semula B Not heat resistant Tidak tahan haba Diagram22 Rajah22

49 Which of the following electronic components

allows current to flow in one direction only? Antara komponen elektronikberikut,yang manakah membenarkan arus mengalir dalam satu arah



50 A



radio could not receive a broadcast clearly. Which part of the radio receiver should be modified?

Sebuah radio tidak dapat menerima siaran dengan jelas. Bahagian manakah pada penerima radio itu yang mesti diubahsuai?

C Can be remoulded Boleh diacu semula D Hard and strong Keras dan kuat

Diode Diod

B Aerial Aerial D Transistor Transistor

C Speaker Pembesarsuarct


@ 2007 Hak Cipta Kerajaan Malaysia



IB 6A 11 B 16A 21 B 26A 31 B 36D 41, C 468 2C 78 l2D r7D 22C 27A 32D 37A 42C 47D 3D 8C 13A 18B 23D 28C 33A 38C 438 48A 4A 9C 14C 19D 24D 29C 34B 39D 44D 49C 5C 1OB 158 208 2sC 30A 35A 40B 45A 508

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