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‘) ee ete) J = Mum, come quickly, "ve knocked aver tthe lieder in the s garden. He knows. He's been hanging from) _ the root for the past five minutes. the tenses, then m_with the correct tion. 4 Hevruns a large travel agency. |@ actions taking place at or around the moment of 2 The thief enters the room and opens the sale. ‘Speaking: temporary situations 3 Skill comes with practice b emphasis on duratton of an action which bepan in 4 She's been practising that song for hours. the past and continues up to the present 5 He's working hard these days. © revi ‘commentaries/dramatic 6 He's gained a lot of weight recently. 1d actions started at a stated time in the past and 7 Tom’s picking me up at 7 o'clock tonight. continuing up to the present She's staying with a frend in London at present. ¢ fixed arrangements in the near future 9 The ferry arrives at 10.05 am. { timetables/programmes (luture meaning) 10. They've been talking on the phone since 9. permanent situations or states 9 o'clock this morning. hh permanent truths oF laws of nature | personal experiences or changes which have happened ge B. 4. Bana Oanns T Succaseane Bioas WO (Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present forms. Dear Sir/Madam, 11) writing... (write) on behalf of Midfield School. Every year, our students 2) viv (choose) a project an an environmental problem. Then, they 3) .- (work) to raise m to help solve this problem. Wea} ..2....0...... (recently/see) your advertisements about protecting dolphins, so, far the last few weeks, we 5) . (try) to learn about the dolphins TRE BD ne won live) in the sea near . falready/be) on two boat trips and 8 sos (persuade) local, Nae to change their fishing. nets because the ones they VD ... (use) at.the moment can trap dolphins. Fass Bae send the children some World Wildlife Fund posters to add to the work that they 10)... ~ (do) so far? ‘Yours ft ful 4, Hopkins (Teacher) + ered meme WE) Ask your partner questions using the following time expressions: 8g overy moming A: What time do you get up every morning? B: | get up at 7.30 every morning. 1 forthe pastien minutes 4 usually 7 tonight already 2 tight now 5 every Sunday 8 yet 141 ever 3 since 11 o'clock 6 twice this week 9 stil 12 for tour years: [Identity the tenses, then match them with the correct description, 1 Oh nol Someone's bean reading my diary again, actions which happened at an unstated past 2 You feel dizzy because you've been lying in the time and are connected to the present sun for toa long! 'b changing or developing situations. ‘3 He has Just cleared out the garage. ‘© expressing anger, irritation, annoyance 4 He's such a boring man, who's always or eriticism making a fuss about nothing. d_ recently completed actions 5 With the help of a good teacher, Gary's @ repeated/habitual actions becoming a very good pianist, {past actions of certain duration having 6 We've been out four times this week, ‘visible regults/effects in the present 7 He has lunch af the Plaza Hotel every day. 9 oxclamatory sentences @ Thay have sold their house and gone ana tour —-h_ emphasis on number; frequency of the world. | frequently repeated actions with “always” 9 Here comes the train! ‘expressing the speaker's annoyance or criticism Diane Bouanacll 4 Titicaca Maa ED puth in brackets into the correct present forms. Dear Sal, You'll never guess where | 1)....0m writing... (write) from. 1 2)... (sit) on a bench the shore of Lake Windermere! The air 3) (smell) wonderful - so clean and fresh. 14) : (stay) here for nearly a 15) fexpect) ll stay (begin) to fall in love wi ir smvnmeevnee (Get Up) at ? o'clock and 8)... dareakfast. The owner the afternoon. This hi .. go) for a swim in the lake before wie "eet ns faethe (become) better and better as the days ga by. Weil, f chink 111)... sevvvees Crit) enough. [ 12)... oon USit) here for half an hour and now it's time for my boat trip. See you, mary , nail tt —meeeeeiccmemend 1) Which of the present forms in the letter above are used to express: 1 actions happening at or around the time of speaking/writing 1.2 4 recently completed actions 2 repeated/habitual actions 5 permanent states (stative vertys) 2 actions started in the past 6 changing or developing and continuing up to the present situations

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