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A.Presen tense : A. Kalimat Aktif : I meet my students every day. Kalimat Pasif : My students are met by me every day.

B.Past tense : B. Kalimat Aktif : I met my students last week Kalimat Pasif : My students were met by me last week.

C.Perfect Present Tense : C. Kalimat Aktif : I have met my students since 7 a.m Kalimat Pasif : My students have been met by me since 7 a.m. D.Perfect Past Tens : D. Kalimat Aktif : I had met my students for 2 hours when the bell rang. Kalimat Pasif : My students had been met by me for 2 hours when the bell rang.

Hukum di Indonesia terbentuk dengan mengadopsi sebagian besar hukum Belanda. Hukum Belanda sendiri mengadopsi dari hukum di negara Perancis. Hukum Perancis menjiplak Hukum yang berlaku di zaman Romawi. Hal ini tidak bisa dilepaskan dari faktor penjajahan oleh negara lain, yakni berlakulah azas konkordasi. Azas konkordasi adalah azas yang menyatakan bahwa ketentuan perundang-undangan negara penjajah berlaku pula di negara yang dijajahnya.

The law in Indonesia is formed by adopting most of the Dutch law. Dutch law adopts the state law in France. French law plagiarized law applicable in roman times. It cannot be separated from the factors of occupation by another country, which shall apply the principle of concordance. The principle of concordance is the principle which states that the statutory provisions shall also apply in colonial countries are occupied countries.

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