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Questions for the New Year

2008 (time past) if you were to give a title to 2008:

the most fun times you can remember: 2009 (time future)
your greatest flashes of creativity: what apprehensions do you have about
memorable things you heard people say: the coming year?
people you came to appreciate in a new what journeys would you like to take?
way: what daring and potentially thrilling
times that music touched you deeply: things would you like to do?
in what ways did you change? what would you like to change about
movies that impacted you: yourself?
things that books taught you: who do you want to get to know better
people you found especially interesting: this year?
the most compelling philosophical if 2009 is to have a title, what do you
insights you encountered: want it to be?
times when you entered a place of what major things do you want to
mystery: accomplish this coming year?
terms you would use to describe yourself who do you want to get to know better
in 2008: this coming year?
your most significant accomplishments:
people who came through for you:
ways you messed up:
times that God took you by surprise:
The following questions are to get us thinking about this past year and prepare us for “The Best Year Ever.” How
am I doing in the major areas of my LIFE, MARRIAGE, FAMILY, WORK and CHURCH?

A. Spirit
1) Do I love God, my Father with all my heart, soul, mind and strength?
2) Am I growing in my intimate relationship with Jesus Christ?
3) Am I living and walking by the Holy Spirit?
4) How is my time in the Scriptures? Am I delighting in and meditating on God’s Word day and
5) Do I find myself praying more or less about all things?
6) What 3 spiritual practices generated the greatest benefit?

B. Soul (Mind, Will and Emotions)

1) What am I doing to daily renew my mind?
2) Are my thoughts pure, lovely, noble, truthful, and full of praise?
3) What are the best three books I read last year?
4) What kind of choices did I make last year?
5) Did I choose the way of life versus death? Did I choose the way of the Spirit versus the way of
the flesh? Did I choose to walk by faith versus walk by sight?
6) Was I full of love, joy, peace, patience and self-control?
7) Was there any anger, guilt, greed or jealousy that needs to be resolved?

C. Body
1) Am I drinking enough water?
2) Am I exercising 3-5 times a week?
3) Am I getting 7-8 hours of sleep?
4) What three ways will I take better care of myself this next year?

A. Intimacy
1) Does my wife know she is the #1 priority relationship on the planet?
2) Am I loving my wife as Christ loves the church?
3) Are we praying together on a regular basis?
4) Are we regularly sharing what we are learning from our own relationship with Jesus Christ?
5) Am I washing and cleansing her with the Word of God?
6) Am I carefully listening to her thoughts, feelings and desires?
7) Are we enjoying many sexual and non-sexual touches?
8) Are we enjoying romance and physical intimacy on a regular basis?
9) Did we have an awesome anniversary celebration?
10) Have we enjoyed quarterly getaways?
11) Did we have our monthly MSM, Marriage Staff Meetings?
12) How was our “Weekly Focus” time?
13) Did I provide her the structure or spontaneity she needs and desires?
14) Did I give her the full and focused attention she deserves?
15) On a scale of 1-10, how would my wife rate our marriage?
16) What needs to be done to get it to a 10?

B. Finances
1) Did we honor the Lord with the first fruit of all our increase?
2) Did we give generously and cheerfully?
3) Did we save appropriately?
4) Did we invest for the future proportionately?
5) Did we spend moderately?
6) What financial adjustments must we make for this next year?

A. Father
1) How am I doing as a Dad?
2) Am I walking humbly before my children?
3) Am I showing them unconditional love
4) What did I teach them this past year? What do they need to know?
5) Am I a model to follow? Can I say, “Follow me as I follow Christ?”
6) Am I spending the quality and quantity of time my children need?
7) Am I praying for them on a daily basis?
8) What “Etched Memories” did I create this past year?
9) What home activities tend to generate the greatest pay back?

B. Son
1) How am I doing as a son?
2) How did I honor my Father and Mother this past year?

C. Brother
1) How am I doing as a brother?
2) How did I love and care for my brothers and sisters?

A. Did I see my work as a gift from God?
B. Did I do my work as unto the Lord?
C. Am I living as a man under authority showing respect, gratefulness, a servant and quiet spirit?
D. Am I showing excellence and diligence in my work?
E. Am I taking the low place and trusting God for His invitations, appointments and exaltation in His time?
F. Am I “choosing to cheat”?
G. What three work relationships need more time?

A. Am I living in community with other believers?
B. Am I investing, influencing and inviting other outsiders?
C. Where did I strategically serve in my local church?

6. In reviewing last year, what areas reveal the most progress? The least progress?

7. What is the wildest, most unconventional thing I could do this next year to live with more passion? What out of the
box thinking could we do?

8. Who will hold me accountable to be my best self this next?

9. The most significant way I will influence others is…

10. List 3-5 of your best achievements this past year

11. Strengths and Successes - Identify what has worked well this past year

12. Struggles and Stresses - What has not been working so well?

13. Habits - What are the most purposeful daily habits you could develop/upgrade over the next 12 months? Develop 1
habit at a time, not 2, not 5.

14. Clutter - Identify 3 messes or clutter projects you’d like to clean up in the next 12 months? Clutter can be anything
that is taking up room in my mind…for example we have 1000 AU’s (Attention Units) and anything from a sick
relative, to way ward child, to troublesome marriage, to bitterness can all take up mental and emotional capacity. We
must un clutter our minds so that we can reach full potential.

21. Character - Proverbs 22:1 says A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or
gold. Identify 3 qualities you’d like to see associated with your name as well as how you’d define each quality. I wrote the
following for me.

1. Loving – That I fully received the love of God into my life and loved Him and people in return

- Matthew 22:37-39 - Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and
with all your mind.' [38] This is the first and greatest commandment. [39] And the second is like it: 'Love
your neighbor as yourself.'

2. Humility – Taking the low place before God and others

- Luke 14:7 When he noticed how the guests picked the places of honor at the table, he told them this parable:
8 “When someone invites you to a wedding feast, do not take the place of honor, for a person more
distinguished than you may have been invited. 9 If so, the host who invited both of you will come and say to
you, ‘Give this man your seat.’ Then, humiliated, you will have to take the least important place. 10 But when
you are invited, take the lowest place, so that when your host comes, he will say to you, ‘Friend, move up to a
better place.’ Then you will be honored in the presence of all your fellow guests. 11 For everyone who exalts
himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”

3. Servant – That I was more interested in the needs of others than myself.
- Mark 10:43-44 - Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant,
[44] and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all.

7 Questions for the New Year

1. What are your top 10 lifetime goals?

2. What has to happen in 2009 for you to label it “your best year yet?” (Life, Marriage, Family, Work, church...)

3. What one change could you make in your behavior that would help you to live in greater alignment with your

4. In what ways is your life congested with messes, incompletions, complexity and other clutter?

5. If you knew now that 2009 would be your last year on earth, what would you do more of? Less of?

6. Describe “your most productively-satisfying work day” from waking up to falling asleep (at night).

7. Who are the top ten relationships you intend to influence in 2009 and how will you be more effective with these
people than in 2008?

2009 Goals
In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps. Proverbs 16:9
Life :: be fully alive
Marriage :: pursue oneness
Family :: lead and love
Work ::
Personal Ministry :: prioritize others
Purpose—What am I going to do?
Mission—Who am I going to become?
Strategy—How am I going to do this?
To live on purpose in balance.

6 essentials
Authentic- Am I showing others the “real me”?

Encouraging-Am I building others up with my words?

Faithful -Am I trusting God more than myself?

Generous-Am I holding onto “stuff” loosely?

Joyful-Am I enjoyable to be around?

Selfless-Am I putting others before myself?

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