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Time to Act!

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Help Convince KFC that turning tiger home into trash for packaging paper and palm oil is a bad idea. Give a missed call to 080 4931 1734

The Golden Tiger

A golden tiger, golden tabby tiger or strawberry tiger is one with an extremely rare color variation caused by a recessive gene and is currently only found in captive tigers. Like the white tiger, it is a color form and not a separate species. In the case of the golden tiger, this is the wide band gene; while the white tiger is due to the color inhibitor (chinchilla) gene. There are currently believed to be fewer than 30 of these rare tigers in the world While no official name has been designated for the color, it is sometimes referred to as the strawberry tiger due to the strawberry blonde coloration. The golden tiger's white coat and gold patches make it stand out from the norm. Their striping is much paler than usual and may fade into spots or large prominent patches. Golden tigers also Less than 30 of these Tigers are found in the world.

The Golden Tiger Junking the Jungle Windows 8

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tend to be larger and, due to the effect of the gene on the hair shaft, have softer fur than their orange relatives.

Source: Wikipedia

Venus Transit 3 2012 SudoKu

go green is here...
Go green is our effort to bring out several issues concerning people for the first time in such an innovative format. We have green talks, green issues, technology, reviews, humanitarian issues, then well start getting it much better as we invite articles, artworks, puzzles and anything that youd like to share with us for Just a Corner . As of now well be bringing out more web editions and try to give it out to you. This summer end edition is the first edition and Wish Us Luck Ahead! We could look at getting this a print one in the near future. You can support us and help us make it a printed edition. Mail us @

Mind-Bogglers 4 FO.


Revolting Packaging!

Junking the Jungle

The Colonels been
At last the Colonels secret recipe is out of the bucket !

In India, KFC uses palm oil, which is also a leading cause for rainforest destruction. Yet, KFC has not made any commitment to source palm oil sustainably. KFC thinks turning the tigers home into trash is timber rippin good but rainforest makes revolting packaging. Greenpeace International research has revealed that KFC is sourcing paper for its packaging products from rainforests. This has been confirmed in China, the UK and Indonesia. Products found to contain rainforest fibre include cups, food boxes, French fries holders, napkins and the famous chicken buckets.

keeping his chicken fresh with packaging made from rainforests. Despite the impact on Sumatran tigers KFC have been using rainforest packaging made by Asia Pulp and Paper, a company also exposed for using illegal timber.

A Greenpeace Campaign







Microsoft releases Windows 8 Preview

Venus Transit, Green Gang in action !

Technology is your best friend when it comes to turning green

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Your GreenLetter.

Greenpeace India.

Just another Corner...

Facts, Mind Boggling!

Recycling one ton of paper saves 17 trees, 2 barrels of oil, 4,100 kilowatts of energy, 3.2 cubic yards of landfill space and 60 pounds of air pollution. At least 50 million acres of rainforest are lost every year, totaling an area the size of England, Wales and Scotland combined. One in four mammals is at risk of extinction. The human population on earth has grown more in the last 50 years than it did in the previous 4 million years.

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