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PS- Leed's scores your PS based on these four factors - Motivation and Insight into Medicine, Social Awareness,

Responsibility and Non-academic interests (outside interests); reflective and not only what you have done Liverpool, Bristol, Kings and still undecided about the last one. Probably East Anglia/Leeds . Got quite a bad ukcat (avg 630)

Glasgow interview all meeting min. requirements on UKCAT; high intake (250) Newcastle interview solely on UKCAT, high min UKCAT score Warwick high UKCAT cutoff Bristol non UKCAT uni; tend to have lower requirements (require science deg) Liverpool non UKCAT (require science deg) Birmingham exp, very high academic requirement; many intl places ~40; NO UKCAT REQUIREMENT Sheffied intl cutoff requirement lower, look at PS more, high UKCAT cutoff Low UKCAT (580)- Soton, Leeds, Aberdeen Aberdeen UKCAT only 8% of admission criteria Keele not much emphasis on UKCAT Nottingham high intl intake Manchester + Barts-PBL Edinburgh work experience: Disabled, Diseased and Disadvantaged Leicester UKCAT only part of admission, other factors could give interview; look at ind question scores
Swansea, UCL, Liverpool, Bristol, Cambridge and Birmingham dont use UKCAT

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