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Case: 1:11-cv-08540 Document #: 1030 Filed: 06/13/12 Page 1 of 1 PageID #:91490



APPLEINC.andNeXTSOFTWARE ) INC.(f/k/aNeXTCOMPUTER,INC.), ) ) Plaintiffs, ) No.1:11cv08540 ) v.) ) JudgeRichardA.Posner. MOTOROLA,INC.andMOTOROLA ) MOBILITY,INC., ) ) Defendants. ) ORDEROFJUNE13,2012 I have decided to grant Apples request, made at the June 7 hearing, for a hearing at whichthepartiescouldattempttosatisfytheeBayfactorsanddoatraditionalinjunction hearing.ThehearingwillbeheldnextWednesday,June20,inacourtroom,tobean nounced, of the Dirksen Federal Courthouse, at 10 a.m. Each party may argue that it would be entitled to injunctive relief as to its patent or patents were the other party found to haveinfringed.The partiesmay submitbriefs,if they wish,nolaterthan the close of business on Monday, June 18. The parties should be prepared to address the possibilityofsubstitutionforaninjunctionofanequitabledecreeforareasonableroy altygoingforward.Theyshouldindicateanyevidenceintheexistingrecord(foritistoo lateto supplement therecord)bearing onthequestionof injunctiveorotherequitable relief.AndifMotorolameanstoargueforinjunctivereliefitshouldbepreparedtoad dressthebearingofFRANDontheinjunctionanalysis.

UnitedStatesCircuitJudge June13,2012

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